r-TK$itfrk -- Pi J 4.TJ TV 'fylfh- fjjrf v i t -, i nlT f j; f I '?! , if if i, k'V Wi l f i t ( !' T t,IT ' i I . 'I !J m V" KTKAMHir NOTICES I'nufctngrr mid 1'rrlsltt Services NW YORK to LIVERPOOL, Vatari y Oct. 27 Orduna . . . i Nov, 1 , Dec. 6 Cnrmaniu Nov, 8, Dec. ) NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG and SOUTHAMPTON Mauretania Oct. 28, Nov. 22, Dec. 16 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH HAVRE and SOUTHAMPTON Royal George Nov, 5, Dec. 3 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH -CHERBOURG and LONDON Caronia Nov. I, Dec. 6 NEW YORK- to PLYMOUTH HAVRE and LONDON Saxonia Oct. 25, Nuv. '26 NEW YORK to PIRAEUS Pannonia Nov. 1 2 NEW YORK L'DERY GLASGOW Columbia Nov. 8, Dec. 6 PHILADELPHIA to LIVERPOOL Verbanin Nov, 6 PHILADELPHIA to LONDON Vennonia ,.,. . . . Nov. 1 0 Philadelphia-Bristol ( v,r,,,,,T"h) Copenhagen Nov. 7 Pier 1G South i.mo n.vi.M'T t,. rim. iki. nil State Bank of Philadelphia Fifth and Bainbridoje Sts. STEAMSHIP TICKETS ASNC-LINES MONTHLY FREIGHT SERVICE TO MEDITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA PORTS Marseilles Barcelona S S Susquehanna 'HUM. MUM I I). Kllii.K Alexandria-Constantinople Piiaeus (ialaU SS Oncknma mh.i.Mi aiioi i mim.uiih; i Steamers sail from Pier 9. Chrrrv St. IOIt -l' . AM) Kills M'l'l.l AMERICAN STEAMSII1V NAVIGATION COMPANY RKU, KSTITII TKUhT HUH I1IMI Tl. llillnut 31)11 I'lill itlrlnliU Daily Freight Service lll.Tlll.l-N Haltimoie. Aid. Norfolk, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Newport News, Va. BALTIMORE SOUTHERN NAVIGATION CO. Municipal Pier 9, North Wltfii ve.; Delaware Aie. I. F. C. LINES rim. M)i:i.i'iii.i south .iviutici llurmifi Alrrn unci lliter I'lale I'urts N. M M.uellh" . . Oct B. S. 'Muosehauale' Nov. 1J iiu.iii.iiN minis B. S 'ParkorsvUI" Oct "(1 l'ltl.M'll ITI.I.NTIC I'llllls S. S. "Salvation. I,a&s" Oct il S. S "Cnspcr" , Oct 3d TIIi10U(,II IIII.I.S OF I.IDI.NC lssil.li Tor Spnfe unci Kutrs .lnply In INTERNATIONAL FREIGHTING CORPORATION 170 HroicdvMij Lnfmrtle llulldlnr .New nrk riillaclelnlclii Th. Corlliinilt 1i0 suiburil 3C33 3(j3i EARN LINE Philadelphia Havana GENERAL CARGO U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers S. S. "LAKE FLUVANNA". .Oct. 21 Si S. "COQUINA" Nov! 7 For rates and particulars apply to Earn Line Steamship Co. ' ; llollitt llldf. rblliIelohU Merchants Miners Trans Co. Opcrntlnj; Frptsht irul UNttenKfr SteamtthlpH In rrsnlur service Itftweeti K Iloston and INilIadrlplita ( lluhtnu Htid Norfolk 9 ItnNtnn and llalttmorf I'ro idrnce and Norfolk I'rmtdriue and Il'iltlmnrr Philadelphia, Hnvaminh and lnrkHonilllo ' llaltlmore and Norfolk Baltimore and Ronton Haltlmorr and Troildpnt'o Baltimore, Haiannnh nnil .larknotn Ulf Full Information Genrrul Affent each Port Java - Pacific Line lUrert hrrhp Sun lVanrUro to NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES l'uttt Cnrffo I.tno J, I. SpreckfU &. HroM. iCo Crn, Aftw. 3 rine ct., nan rranriHCo w York Oniff. 17 lottery Mure I'HOTOMxAYI THEATRES Owned and Managed by Membera of Tb United Kihlbltora' AhkkIaUqo BROAD ST. AUDITORIUM iSSSJS QUV KMl'BY in TIIK UNDKIlCUnUE.VT" CFDAR U0TI1 CEDAU AVBNUB HKMHl'l: HAYAKAWV In Tljn DltAllO.V I'AINTKll" hr IC17I tI mahki:t butvvucn UULclStcUlVi OUTII AND bOTII I'll. I.IK IIUItKB In "TIIK MIHI.KAIJINU WIDOW" h,V't:'rv MATINnC DAILY ' HKSHHK II1VAKAWA In "TUB UIlAr HOKIZIN" PRANKFORD ns ASonD lllillteti fa,, V. W (IHIKFITirS fe.'' "IIIIOKKN HIXJKSOMS" IFFERSONItS c ' VIIialNIA HAH J "IIHH vnv OTH and dauphin MAT. DA1L.T AMMON'I) In niTHOH" ,11)1' KIDOB AVK, 1 DADPHtK ST. ArvlV Mn,5!i'-.. Me canton. .fflvlfti A11J "U LI,BRUSS14'', BERIMSTORFF WITNESS IN WAR-BLAME. PROBE German Committee to Place Re sponsibility for Conflict Made Scant Room for Press Itrrlln. Del. lit. (Hy A. I'.t The fomnilttro which will ImrstiKUtr r" KH)iisibillty of mrloiiH (Iihiimii nflieliiN for tin- inr will meet tniucirrnw. and it is unitd stood tlmt Count Von Horn storff. former Herman nnibnnsnilor nt WiiKhitiRtou. will he the lirst witnecn to he examined mill will eililniii some of-Ills experlenees In Amerlen. Admissions for nress r(iiriMiitiitlii nre limited to twenty-two. ulthotiRli hunilieds of mipllenttnui were teteliedi Kneh foreign ncenrj leielies ii sent, thus rediiriui; the iiuinher of (terninnl enfresiinndetiN iilni (im lie admitted. This iiiintiK'-ment is intiileiiiiied hj tin p ess, which, although ailmittlliK tin1 I hilt of forelRii HReneieH to he present, iittaekri Hie piieriimetit for not i lioos. MIX a hi I ;;('! hall I CHAMPIONS UNWED MOTHER French Woman Physician Tells of Steps to Increase Birth Rate New York, Oct. 'Jl. A plea fori motheiliood on of wu'loek was made Mesterdaj lit I)r Aniin Mmitrt, , of Pi nine, nt the Intel national lunfeiemi' of minimi nliiMeiaiis "In n i oiiutri the piiimlntioii of wlilfli is deeitasiiiR." she said, "it Is iui poititnt. n bin c all. to favor I he lute of lii'.lli In e mi mi-., and to lo ma 1 with nil nhil teles in the piotectlon of all ihiliheu InclKciiiniiiiitrh. "Motheiliood outside of in utilise i must no louver he held us a lis;iaic in a Inn den. The Kill must he llftnl The liicjuili'i whiih nialu's hei im nli iect of feudal engine must he im liiitted. and if lui"tiiliir 1Iitli is no hmi; er u di-Riaie to the ihihl. neither miit it he a dishonor to the mother., "She must llml in socieH foi liei-ilf and fur her diild the -iiimoit ulikh in i the past was lefused liei." I Ue-ciiliiiiR what i'lanee lias ilnne In I this mutter, lint tin Moutet said "The lui has assuied the piulei lum I of the diild horn 'out of wedloiK. lust in enatiiiR u Iionil of ilglil hitween lihn and his paients wlien that is pnssilile: then in assistitiR the iiintllei' when she is nlone and without ieoiiiees, and liuaih. in tiiVMii full lesponsihilitj m 11 111 itiR the lnM ncfi rM ci - wa Just as it comes from the. Cow Natural j j J Clean Extra value in milk shows itself EXCEPTIONALLY clean- milk, like Walker-J-J Gordon JMilU. stays sweet for an unusually long time. It always has that clean, fresh milk llavor, a smooth creamy consistency, and can be depended upon from day to day. We know from observation that exceptional cleanliness is practiced on the Walker-Gordon Fai ms. It covers the cows from the time they are born. It makes sure of the employe's health by daily examination, imposes strict conditions on the care, feeding and milking of the cows and on the bottling of the milk. We get Walker-Gordon Milk by fast express and deliver from our own wagons. Telephone your first order today. PIIUTOl'UWS PHOTO PtAYS THRU 's&H&n&iA r COMPANY Sr .OFlMERICA Al'.nmU -ll' Morris X. Puunk Ave. TOURNEUlfS Tl... i.li l. l.l.Ni:' A pr I C O-'D TIIOMI'bU.N SXl5 ANITV. STr.WAHT In IIUAIA UUSIUU " ADPAnlA CHESTNUT Below 101 LrrL'Ir 10 A m. to 11:151'. ii 10T1I ini.i.n: IUIRKK In "HADIi; l.UK' BELMONT S'JD AUOVK .MAHKKT VIVIAN' MAIITIN' In "THI1 Tlllltl) KISS ' DT I ICRIPn BOAD STUCHT AND Hl-.Ut.DirS.U' BI-bQUEHANNA AVK (lERAI.DINl: KAItKAn In "THE WOULD AND ITH WOJIAN" BROADWAY B2nd. SnSd tr i) v imiPFiTirs "IIItOKEN llX)SSO.MS" - A OlTrM '-- MARKET STREET 10 A. M. tcyllllSlMi TUUKMiUII'H THE LIFE LINE" COLONIAL QtV!,!ft n w nnirKiTH's "IfROKBN IILOSSOMS" CTNIDDrrQQ MAIN ST- MANAYUNK blVlrKlliJiJ MATINEE UAIL'Y TOM MIX In "THE WILDERNESS TRAIL" FAIRMOUNT -,flT.GnDDA.ALVY HEHHUB HAYAKAWA In "'IHE DWAOO.V VAINTER" CAR1TI V THEATRE 1311 Market St. t AlVULiI II A M to Mlclnllht. GLADYS I1ROCKWELL In "L'HAHINU RAINUOWS" tTU CT THEATRE llelow Spruce. DO 1 H O A M'TIVEE DAILY ' jlARV I'lruroim In riii; Motirjj.uM1' FRANKLIN milJlJn MAI1EL NORMA ND In "UPSTAIRS" GREAT NORTHERN "mg1' ANITA STEWART In I "HER KINUDOM OF DREAMS" IMPERIAL i'.I.8T2-0 MARY PICKFOIID 111 "THE HOODLUM" TIIMtin cVKONT BT. A- OIRARD AVE. JUIVIDVJ .lumhn Jcinc-tlon on KmnkforJ "L" ' NORMA TM.MAD0E III "TUB NPW MOON" I CAnKD 413T LANOABTER A Ln.AUlsliL.r matinee pailt ClcXllLns RAY In V" I'U.KJIAT, YJ'AblAll-" JS VISAING PUBLIC ! tJK- v I.IH tMP WH i 001 NT SHIKI TKICAl CHI I'leld inaishal and former premier of Japan, who died ,irsterd,i, .COUNT TERAUCH! DEAD Former Premier of Japan Ivlade Korean Annexation Complete Tiihlo. (lit. 'Jl. III.- A. 1' i- Kiel.i .Muishal Count SriKI Ternuilii. f niu piemier of .liipiiu, died ,estenl.l vCount '1'erniu lil'h Rreatest nehieie inept was in i oniici (lull with the an iieiation of Komi. Appointed romiiioi Keiiernl in tllltl. he i uled the Koieiuis witli .1 lii in hand anil made the woiK oi iiiiui Mil ion complete in a few otoliths hj ledueliiR tile empeior of .Koie.i to the rani, of piim e. lie was piinie uiiiiister of .Inpnii fioio Oitohci 1111(1 lolsTpPiTrtier ISMS wliiu Hie i iihlnet ulileh lie headed itsiRniil ThifoieiRii poliej of the minisli, had heen under attack for .oine time and in the sinner of 11)18 (he lire lints luoiiKht to tiie ft out tlie dun Re that tin riii eminent was lespimOhle The Tei.iuihj iiiliiuet was sui i eeded hj the piesent miiilstr,i with Tal..shi llat.i as pieinii i A. a '-.-fl- vjuruijii SUPPLEE- WILLS-JONES MILK COMPANY' Distributing Afjents fur I'liiladclpliia, Atlantic City and Vicin'ty Trlriitiocif. I'upliir 3.U1 riimui'i.ws The following theatres 'obtain their pictuies through the STANLEY Company of Amei ica, which is n guaiantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the thcatie in your locality obtaining pictures thiough the Stanley .Company of America. 1 IRPRTY HUUAD .i COM Mill. V AV. IlDEiAl I MTINi:E DAILY ANITA STEWART In human Dicaini:1 inn 1ST r'-'D A'Nt LOUlhT MTHUCTt. LULUJl Slat" 1 -SO 'I.3CI Vgs .au toll . v.,iiv cull r 'Tim urn line" 333 MARKET ABS!70 Silitf ' TIIRTU r,AT,Al "la helm: nussK" MODF1 4M S'OUTII ST Orch-tn HUSHUAV-anrt nAVNR In "DARR.O HKAIITS" NIXON 5JD AND MARKET STS niAun o.ir, T n j 0 STUART HOLMES In "LOVE HONOR AND " OVERBROOK aM "vertord v- V llXOIXWyrs. Matinee Dallj MARY Mncl.AREN In THE PETAL ON THE CURRENT PAI ACF 1-1 MARKET .STRLeT" r -M-ZV Vl, m A , in, it. is i. ii PAULINE FRRDERirK in "UONDS OF LOVE" PRINCESS ""MARKET BTUCET r IllTwlJ-J H-nciA M. to 11-15 ! M JACK PUMCTOnn In 'Hll.I, Al'PUHHON'H lioy. REGENTH'nnm., 11II.DKKD MAnRIR.iCHAIuVf in RIAI TO acMAifl'OWN AVE. l-ONSTANC'E TAI.MADOB In "HAPIMNnSH A I.A MODk" RIVOl I B2D AND 8ANSOM STs" WVUL1 ,,,-v- .MATINBB DAILY H1IV ltt.-Ar.iiiu Tin: si'onJnnH" RI !RY MAUKET ST. UEI.OW 7TH IX UQ, in A M tnllitsp M . 8TKM..V TAI.HOT In -I'ltu'B uk innoct..n"-i; CAOV l-'tl MARKET STREET J-V - a M TO MIDNIGHT COIIINNI3 C1RIKKITH Hi . "TIIK OU.MIIERS" STANLEY M,lfe-' Yf.tf!, ' "--j(cii u uii' OTO A Vir OEHMAXTmvv ivi- 3 I I-lll-' AT VE.VANCO DOUOLAS FAIRUANIvS 1r'-ai"u "HIH MAJKftrY THE AMERICAN- VICTORIA MAR.K,E?t -J, Aft "H KAIUtr HOUniNI In tlTHBKIHm a amis" "THI3 VALLES o TUB 3lANTS" LEDGEK PHILADELPniA', a SMUGGLERS USE TUNNEL Leads From Ancient Abbey Under Swiss-Austrian Border (ienciii. net. lit (Hy A. 1'.) A smiiRRlers' tunnel 7(K) yiirdft'lnng under Jhe Swlss-Austiiaii horder hus hecn found, It is reported, liy the police nt Kieitsllii'.rn, u small (own at the lower end of l.nl.e Constance. A shorter tun nel under the holder wan teeently found llicie. Tlio newlj dlseoMTed tunnel lends! from an ancient Augustine nhhey, in wlileli tlie smiiRRlers made nu Aladdin's' cne. They nre supposed to lime heen opeintitiR lieie for several jears, The VniURRleis found a forgotten under Eround jinssaRe eitenditiR from the nhhej, whieli, thej pioloilRed to well he Mind the Aitstilnn fiontler. ARMIES TO FIX PEACE DATE Allied Military Authorities to Decide Time for Treaty'9 Effectiveness furls. Del 'Jl -tltv A. 1.- Tin siipieme eoiimll of tlie 1'eaee Confei (lire lias decided to inliust to the mill taij autlioiities of the allied poweis the ilutv of tivliiR a date for depositing liitilhntioiis of the Ireatj of penie with (!eiiiiau. wliiih date ul'l iiiiiiL tin i oiniiig Into fo'e of tlie iveutlon, in loiditig to tlie Keho desl'aris. Anoint Irritations With Soothing Cnticura t list bathe with Cuticura Soap ami hut water. These supcr creiwnj emollients not only Miothi', but in most cases heal annoying irritations and other skin tioubles. They nre also ideal for daily toilet uses. After bathing with Cuticura Soap dust on a few grains of the exquisite ly scented Cuticuia Talcuni. sciiiii i'.c. Ointment !Z unci .10(, Tnlcuni 2"c. II llituuitho.it the Norlcl Por mini t ti h fnp ad Ire ''Ciillricru 1 nli crictcirlp. Ilfiit. M, Maldfn. Ihwh. W i c'tirnrii Soup hhuirN ulthmit iniiur. si W3 Malepkin Coat With Squirrel Collar mul Cuffs $395.00 Wl su s vBSk mm. in A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase Very Special liiniiiiiiiiiniaiiiiiiiiiiiiw j Hudson Seal Coats -Sf B Shoit Vian Kffects. Thiee-Ouuiter and W I " 5 HI m Spoit Models H $185.00 $245.00 $295.00 J Some with contrasting fur collars and cuffs 1 Win" IllllllllllllllIllllllllllNI'lllllll ililllll !illll!tllll'l!Wlf!1,!,lilliil!ll,lllP iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiii!ii"iifiiK ery Specialmsmmma'v Natural Muskrat Coats j Made fiom full dark Skins 1 $145.00 $165.00 $195.00 j Many with Raccoon Collar and Cuffs. j HIIPlHElllliBlE.ia'Mlffl S SetSi ui'Biiii iiiiiiii Dim. Natnrul Raccoon. Taupe Nutria', . , Heaver Hudson Seal Wolf (all colors) , Taupe Fox Taupe Lynx , . . . Kamchatka Fox . Taupe Fox Black Lynx . $3V.50 . $i8.50 , $,0.50 . $51.50 . $50.50 . $60.50 . $95.00 .$110.00 .$125.00 .$135.00 mil T7,.w, C.w., K A illllllllllllllllUllilllllllllllllllllllllir ci u yjj ouiutiiiiliiiBi g Fox and Wolf Solid and Lined Animul H CQiKft CQK fin g P-.UV fUUlUU tpiU.UU I i In Taupe, Brown, Kamchatka and Georgette j; imniiiiiunHtiimiminiiMiuHatiiiiiiiumiiiiiiiiiiiunHunuEiutiiininmuiinuifiitiiiiiuiiiiiitiu iiiiiiiiriiiunmiitmiiF'iufMii im- Very Specia' llllllilllllllllllllMIIM!l!UIIIIII Fur Stoles " I Hudson Seal, Mink, Moleskin, Natural Squirrel and Australian Seal fegjl ii $47.50 $65.00 Fancy Pockets iiiuiniiiiuiiiiiiiMiiiBiuiiiiiii We Accept Eiberty Bondaand Purchasing TUESDAY, ' GERMAN COLONY iNiVIEXICO Covernor of State of Slnaloa to Sell 494,200 Acres of Fertile' Land Mevlco City, Oct lil.-dty A. I ) ( oneiete evidence of (irrimui colonial thin plutis for Mexico wits revealed here Jesteidn) witli the fliinoiimement of nil enterprise for the Iriigntlon of '.'l.HI.UOO hectares ( 4P4.1HIO acres) of land in tlie l'uerte Itiver vnlle.v, in tlie state of Si tui Ion, wiiere thousands of tier tiinn einigtnnts are expected to huj uniill pnicels of land on a tvvuit.v -jear pitviiient iihin. Tlie (oiporation is l(.iig (lonted hv lose Meiikmii, ii .Mexico City eaiitallst Willi the suppott of (leneral Itninon Itiithe. governor of Simtloii. It is pro pnsccl to construct a dam nt Saint Bias, securing from tlie government a eon icssion foe the Use of enough water fioin the l'licitc liver for tlie proposed 'olcinv Thhuid Is declined to he c tieuielj feitile and tlie plan is heing hacked hi tiermau hanks heie rt, hA i"(i 'i 'Ifl W ! 'J I'VicP 'M mW; V,";'1'' .,? , .',:IA ' ! Hi'wtiHE mKxmaem 't 'il-i V i! 1' Ti j'J ' ' ;l"! Ii fl I'sl-Ki Sii M WSMMM&iJi 1115 CHESTNUT ST. (OPPOSITE KEITH'S) HI rdmary elected FOR Specials For Tomorrow I If you would save considerably onthe Furs you will buy this winter, then come to Forbes tomorrow, for the Golden Opportunity is presented in a host of alluring values and beautiful styles. " ' These Specials are dictated by our desire to still fur ther centralize this great Fur Store in your affections and to offer you price advantages that are largely possible thru our extensive purchases of raw skins and our system of direct manufacturing. g Self Holder g Cuffs $95.00 Coctteesi WlillllUllllll uiiiiiiHiiiiiinii Auslralutn Seal . Taupe Nutria ... Australian Seal . Hudson Seal . . . Mink Natural Squiirel .$110.00 .$155.00 .$185.00 .$195.00 .$195.00 JS,5.00 .$250.00 Mink . . . Mole ,.$250.00 Taupe Nutria .... $295.00 Natuial Squtrt el .$375.00 mmmamwnuui I r Scarfs' Effects qaz nn Fine i g 1 Beaver, Hudson I i and IIIIII'M Ml a p W4 50 S39.50 $55.00 jSIllinil!l!ni!ll!W:!flllllllB!lllllll!il'll!ll!!l!IIIIL B iffliiwiimiMiiii Very SpecitdmrnmammmtQ rairaiiraiiiiraMJiiiiWV Fox $97.50 $59.50 Handsomely Lined &5ii0MiiiEiiiii!i;iiici:!iiiMi!i;rai:mwiiii:i OCTOBER' 21, 1919 A Full Size Pea Coal Too often Itin p oohI offorrd In .tenlors In but Hn ip iK-iier ihan "arrcn-i-Iji." Oum Is run wiro unci free from flirt ''Follow the Flag" ATCANTIO FUELVCO' v FRANK F. MATHERS AZd ft. hfl llulllmor Air. S. W. Cer. 10th A llanhlniton Air. I'lionta: Woodl d 4T8. Dlrklnnon 1416 t ii i iifi' f II V fata Very Specialmm Marmot Coats and Flare Models. Collar of Raccoon and Mai mot and a $125.00 $165.00 vVery Speciah Australian Seal Coats i In Smait Border and Flare Effects, tiimmed ' with Squin el, Austialian Opossum, I v Taupe, Nutria and Plain i $127.50 $165.00 $195.00 j iiiiaiiiiMitiiH'ittiHiiimiiiiiHHUiitjmirHHmjmjiuiUfirainminiiuimmiiuaiiunniriiiumj.ii'r i ,r iiiiiiiiivBiiiiiiiHiipScaj'stiiiiiBiuiijiiB 1 h'nneha'lea Wolf i Taupe Wolf .... I Dearer p mi pe Fox I Moleskin ........ I Hudson Seal ..... $2L50 $24.50 $24.50 $,i2.50 $35.00 $J5.0U Situ (in Taupe Lynx Mink 55.(10 Kamchatka Wolf . $45.00 Kamchatka Fox , $37,50 Mil i.. c,;i ci y ofewufuiji, Fur Scarfs Seal, Mink, Taupe, Nutria i tone Maiten ' g and Wolf Sets 1 Large Animal Scarfs, Large Muffs With I Heads, -Tails and Paws- ,- " $69.50 $89.50 I IWffllSICWIUIlllllllllllllltWllllCKIlllij Agents? Orders jL H ,BhH Ml jBkk" tfHfi Makes a big difference in your busi ness, doesn't it, whether you're a month behind or a month ahead of the other fellow in working out a new idea? SYSTEM, the Magazine of Business, will keep you always a step ahead of your community, or your trade. SYS TEM watches everywhere for the latest ideas in sales, collections, cutting costs for fresh and stimulating methods for handling labor, financing, getting your work done quicker. Be the first to utilize these new ideas that have paid so well for other men. Ask your newsdealer for November SYSTEM. You will find ideas like these: The "Blackboard Cure" for Labor Troubles ARE workers altogether at fault becaute they don't appreciate management problems? H. C. Osborn, President, American Multi graph Sales Company, stood before his men with crayon and black board to show why Capital must be paid liberally as well as Labor. His seven unique diagrams brought home to the workers, as never before, the true relation of wages to their work. Production in creased. Spoilage was less. Mr. Osborn tells how he interpreted his business to his men In Novem ber SYSTEM. Why They're Never "Rushed" in Europe fHY Is it that executives abroad manage to dispose of such a surprising amount of work without the typical American fluster? Samuel Crowther was com missioned by SYSTEM to secure the personal efficiency methods of the leading business men of Eng land, France, Germany and Hol land. He had many interesting experiences. In November SYS TEM, he describes six European ideas in efficiency. You will osk: "Won't it pay me to do that?" When is a Customer a Good Risk? "MOW, wi'h conditions good, and prices advancing, is the very time for more than ordinary knowl edge of your customers," warns Henry S. Blum in November SYSTEM. And he tells of ways to read between the lines of credit statements how to get at hidden symptoms and tell tale facts Ideas from his wide credit experience should be a sure aid in holding a large volume of charge accounts. Where Every Man Helps in Management PICTURE u meeting, alter work ing hours, of men picked from every department discussing prob lems of their business far beyond their daily work. All come pre ' pared. Each acts in turn as leader. Seems as though that business was sure to go ahead by leaps and bounds, doesn't it? Such is the story of the Gates Rubber Com pany as told by Louis Herzog in November SYSTEM. At All Newsstands 25c If your dealer has already sold his supply, ask him to order copy for you, or write direct to the publishers A. W. Shaw Company at either Wabash Ave. and MadisonSt.ChicagOr. or 299 Madison Ave., New York, and ask to receive SYSTEM regularly. It will be billed you at 25c a copy, or $3 for a year. " - ' ' ' VJ . ". 0c Marshall Field's Methods MARSHALL FIELD died IS years ago, but hli unusuat policies keep justifying themselvet more and more as the years go by. People have marvelled at Mr. Field's uncanny knowledge of men and markets. November SYSTEM takes you behind the scenes into 54 years of Field strategy, showing just how sales and customers were developed by the greatest merchant the world has ever known. Giving a Business a Personality pORTY years ago ail Eastern concern controlled 90 of the total business in its territory. Today the buU of the trade hat gravitated to a rival concern. They won over customers through louse personality. This excep tional experience told by Wylie F. Tuttle in November SYSTEM. Population 1400 Sales $350,000! JF you, too, are faced with keen competition, read how H. E. Hart weathered three commercial storms. His advertising plans, his price policies and his unusual service to customers extended his business far beyond his natural territory. November SYSTEM. Do Your Letters Cost Too Much? T)0 they cost $1.12 each to mall? Louis Balsam tells of a con cern that has reduced this cost to forty cents, often less. And out of an investigation in many firms he has drawn 12 fundamental plans that save money and short-cut routine in everyday correspond' ence. Get these ready - to - use methods in November SYSTEM. Common Sense in Records "VES, that's wonderful, but it doesn't mean anything!" is a famous cartoonist's slogan that ought to be applied to every busi ness record. E. R. Miner hat brought together many interesting experiences where common sense in records has saved time and pre vented worry, tf If records are a problem in your business, see page 868 and 869 November SYSTEM I it .1 1 1 Wl 1 M vn ' i m i 4 t& I 1 . ;n ' . ;Hi lfar,"fl a n ?-v.. Sit -. "X m,i ei. ? v 'I i1 J J r M. ,. 'CTi .A.-ewSf ;-i bMZi.Kf . ' .. . IT ' -' . "".. r- .