Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 21, 1919, Postscript, Page 8, Image 8

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fir' . " iwJ'lWl,T7TTr
. mn JUL. , , .ay
MuxiMi Public lhjijuk-
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IPWiPP " rMiMPipWWVfll
jAihliMMiiifiii l I in i i mrnkM
Halian Ambassador Dies Sud
denly as Surgeons Prepare
to Operate
Washington, Oct. 21 -Diplomatic
urn! official Washington to.lav motinicil
the, death of Count V. Macchl ll V1
leie. Italian ambiiRa.hir to the I nilcd
States for the last i jears The inn
ba?ador's death occurred late last night
as he was about to undergo an opera
tion at a hospital lino
The dentil of Count ill Cellere was n
shock to government official and mem
bers of Hip diplmuntle coips. few ofi
whom were auurc that In via 111
Hi death u ascribed to nit cntirti' ,
thrombosis formation of n blood dot.
In the tissues of llir mrcntery.
Arrangements for t ho funrial erv-,
4lecs here had not been iiiiiiIp parly today, j
Following diplomatic i-n-tom. tin- I'nlted
States will nslg- u battleship to convey I
the bodj to ItaM
Tlie ambassador linil not been in thp
best of health for miiiii' time, lie had I
been active, however, and List Saturday!
went to Hip Laurel races, where he
caught a slight cold, which increased iu
intensity and added to orr. bi ought
about n griicial breakdown. While lui
physicians did not diagnose his cnndi-
tlon as serious and nn alarm felt fori
his recover, lie became siiddenh worse1
at 0 o'clock last night. The ih.Meiatis,
rushed him to the hospital, but it was'
too Into I
Mnnv diplomats attribute his death
to a broken heait following his ic.ull
last week Less than a eai ago Sir
Cecil Snritic Hice. the British ambassa
dor, died in Canada, after lie had been
recalled, and it is belicw.l 1)1 Cell ic's
disappointment undermined his health i
and led to his sudden and unexpected1
end. Diplomatic circles have never
fully undei stood wh Di Celleie -h.iuhl
have been locnllcd at this time and mail '
stories are told in diplomatic gossip
as to the cause. ,
Recall I'sual I'rocedure
Count di Ccllere. who wns lift -tlnee
vearn old, was expected soon to depart
lor Ital), n successor. Huron Romano'
Ateanno, having been npiointed in ac
cordance with the diplomatic piecedent
that nn ambassador who has served
creditabl during a war at the capital
of an allied nation should be relieved
when peace was ic established and be
permitted to retire from the diplomatic j
service or to accept a higher position '
In the home foreign office
Count di Ccllere was bum in Koine
October UH. 1NIMI, the son of Count
Giuseppe March! ill Ccllere and Mar-
chioness Giulla Cnpranica.
mother's side the famllv descends from
Tope .lullnn II. the famous prelate of I
the period of the Italian Hennissaiicc.
The count studied at Sinigaglia. and
later at the 1'nivcrsity of Home In
addition to him other accomplishments
he was a laureate in .jurisprudence. ,
It was in IS1!) that he entered the
diplomatic service. In 1S0I he was,
private secretary to the 'under secret a r
of state for foreign affairs, then lie
was secretar at the international con
ference of the Red Cross and an inter
national conference on sanitation at
Rome and Venice in 1S!)'J.
He came to Washington f'11' the lirst
-'Mr "SF 'I
immmMk. i
ni Sforco e' Fatto per Rag
giungere un Accordo Ri
guardo a Fiumo
I'ulillshM nd Distributed I ikIpt
uthnrlr1 lis IU' it of Oftolt J;
HUT "n ale t the I'listofflcp "f fhlla-
' "h ' 1'" a h nrm.i:sos ,
Vositnssttr Ocnorai
time in I'.Hl.'l to assume the regenc of
tlie Italian einbass . Then duty rnllcd
liiiii to I'etrograd. His "sevpn league"
hoots then took liim home to Italy.
In lHOS he leturned to his second
Inline Argentina as ministeit pleui
potentinr, and spent five enrs iu that
position before his appointment as am
bassador to the Culled States.
The Countess Dolores di Ccllere is
not an Itulian She is a native of Ar
gentina and met her husband when he
held his lirst diplomatic po-t at lluenos
I'arlgl. '-!! ottohie. I.'opera hoIIb
.IhIIUii Tittonl dal sno rlli.rii..
semi alia ennferenzn della pine e statu
delle pin' laboriose.
Sernbra die la Delegation.- Au.eneana
l.ersista ill un nttegglamento ostile cli i --n
la nma proposta "-"!; , ''
ri.oHere il probleina riguanlo a Hume.
Tale atteggiamtnto e' iinclie douito ai
fatto chc l'On. Tittonl ha "
i plant a Clemencr... c.l al il'"'"
ti inglcsi. e poscla lie ha infori into la
delegaxlone Americana. poiclu- '
Govenio Italian., ha Inln... at., ..a t.
live .llrettamente con il (.n"'"". n
zlone di nn monumento naxlnnate alta
nipinorla dell' cr-l'rexldente degH Slntl
Cnltl Teodoro Roosevelt.
II presidente del comltato centralc
di tpiesta cltta'. dal qutle dlpenderanno
tuttl I "ottoromitatl die si formeranno,
e' Henry Nelson (Say ill Huston, lo
Vcl lomnienlnic il movlmento unn del
pin' iniportnuti giomall dlrei
'Mr. Roosevelt fu il plu' grande e
iintille tra i modem! ameiicanl e fu la
lieisonilicar.ione del coragglo, dell'onorc
e della cavallerin amrrlcana. '
Roma. Ltl otlobre -l)unnt prima
partira' la spedi.Ioiie orgauizzata dal
Un. a degll Abniwsl nelln speranzn di
iioter scrpriie It- soigenli del llunu- Webi
Shebeli nelln Somalia Italiana, Tutto
II materiale neecssarlo c' ora a bordo
del wipore "Coma," ancornto uel porto
di Nn poll.
Alia spedi.ione prendeia parte 11
I'liiuipe Amedeo di Snvoia.
I'arlgl. -1 uttnbre. I .a Delegazlonc
.lugoslava alia Conferenza della l'ace,
ion a inpo rex-pritno mlnistro l'aeli
itch, e' arrivata in I'arlgl .piesta
niattlna da Ilelgrado. l.a Delegazlone
recn istruzioni dal suo governo con
leriienti la sitemazione della iiestione
di Klmne
. . . ri!. . itrmir
II procedere Hen nn. '" - . "
,1 la delegazlone Americana ' "
1M fnlto i-he e nssoliiiam. in.
In.po.nll.lP tjatta.e ""'""cmhiS
iletta delegaz one. la .piale '" '
abbla il niandnto dl HIm'"'"' K"
i...ii.i.. snlle ouest oni i-he nil ess. i l
"""" . . .... ii. itei.eie
e cic i" '
Jugo-Slav Envoys Reach Pari
Paris. Oct. -Jl.--(Hy A. P.)-Tlie
.lugo-Slav delegation to the I'eace t'on-
r .....!.. . I I... fnt...K lUnml...
lcmicc. uci.ucu .. ...inn. ...iiii.-i report'.. .- "" -' . - , ; ,: '..rti, " i
I'achitcli. arried In l'ri toda' from pamphlcta and a fund of .J.i.llOl marks.
Helginde. The delegation bronglit with I The revolt was to he called on the day
il instructions from the home govern-1 that a Communist uprising in der
ment .oiiceiiiing tlie l-'iiime settlement mnny is said lo bp planned.
Committees Formed to Receive Con
tribution! to Memorial
Rome. Det. UI. (Hy A, 1'.) Com
mlttces are being formed throughout
Itnly to receive contributions from
Americans for (lie national memorial to
i... nrnciml in former President Theo
dore Roosevelt. Tlie chairman of the
central committee or tills city, iron
which all the others have emanated. H
Henry Velsou tiny, of Hoston, the ma
in commenting on tlie nunement one
of the leading newspapers says: Mr.
Roosevelt was the greatest and noblest
among modern Americana aVd wa 1 the
pcfsnnlllrati.m of American courage,
honor and ihivalry."
Arrests Reveal Alleged Conspiracy
for Uprising on November 9
Paris. Oct. 21.-(y A. J'--f,an'
for a revolt in Alsace on November II
have been discovered at Strasbourg, a. -cording
to the Krh.i de Paris. The
alleged arch. ..aspirator, an engli r
named Koessler. has been arrested, witli
two accomplices, and it s said that a
leader of ii Socialist union, a former
Alsatian depntj and a r rench Socialist
are implicated
.1 ,i,.i, nf Koessler s residence is
reported lo haw' reiealed piopaganda
Canadians, With Women Voting,.
Swamp Conservative Government '
Tiuoiito. Oct. -Jl. illy A. P. 1 111
.oliiplele leturns from ester.la's elec-I
tion. in which Sir William Hearst, pte- ,
micr of the province, anil the Consera- 1
live g.nei mneiit hine been swamped, in
diinle that Ontario lias gone ".11-" b
an overwUelmiug tmijui it j . I
Through. ml the prniiue. especially
in the 1 mill distnits tlie pinliihitiou
ae has tolled high. The otlng w;ns
llnee lo one 111 fiiior of it iu some dis
'I'll, laigest single part in the new
house will he the fanners Hy alliance
with cither of the old paitics aud the
Labor partv it should command a go.nl
w 01 king ma iont .lust what will lie
the new gineiiiiiienl in Oiitaiio will re
main doubtful until the new Legislatuie
an.fnll rtll eiltlO
"u"l. ; ., . .1.!..lnn
stitizionl a uiisoumw... ,
Tale condizioni ill '"-''; ",),le-
abbiauo stan.at m s.dta I" '
gnti italianl. ma nnche gli ""
fiancesi. ..
lu !"". """ " .... j,,.. . 1
slalica in ni'--" ;
stamiin Italiana
silllllliit nuiiti.i" tp nn
per uiianto segue prexnlei m 1
lategglnmento riservato ulhi iucstim.e
di Fiume. ,
Roma. 1 ottobre (..m.tai
faimati attrav.Tso l'ltulia 1-r 1 .y ' ,
t niuriimiimii uuku
- Cuickesb
in. heating
response. :
rj imSatiTOrnSt-Phila. q
ansQom s
f) North 52d Street
There's a Plate on for
Assuming I can put Into afflimntiNe
praillre concentration of effuii
square ilpallnB, eM-cutive fori. 11
tlioioiiKh letfanl for the opinion nf
others, a full consideration of eiii
Dlover employe and customei en
thusiasm anil an optimistic ilesirp to
he of service CAN A'Of XOT flK
MB" 1 am thirty, technically edu
cated and experienced In the mill
sales and directional ends of manu
facturing 1 hae been trained In
large huslnesi and In dealing wl'h
big men nnd thimrs. M leferences
will pnne this Ketutle work Is
my forte though not necessarlh at
1 innlmganA desk
.1. r.. r o. nn Ki. riiiin.
Special Purchase
Values up to $12.50
THERE are 200 Hats in this group. They" are prac
tically all different. Swagger modes for the younger
women and quieter styles for matrons.
Shown for the FiHt Time!
in smart new velvets, novelty cloths and combina
tions, featuring tinsel cloths and brocades.
Wp Accept Purchasing Agents' 0rder8z
Natives Here Shocked at Sudden
Death of Count dl Cellere
Italians In this city expressed grief
today at the midden death of Count dl
Cellere, the Italian ambassador.
AtnbaAsador di Cellere was In this
city eleven dnya ago wdien he upoke
nt a testimonial ,bannuet nndyreceptlon
given for Admiral' Ugo Com. com
mander of the Italian battleship t'nntc
dl favour, at the Ilellevi-Htratford.
The ambassador then spoke n few words
which might well bi applied to his
own life of unselfish patriotic endeavor.
He said:
"We must sacrifice our short lives
to thejiatlon, The lives of Midlers on.
the other side of the water and the
great deeds of nil who served in the
causa arc testimonials to that spirit
of unselfish service."
Asks pardon for LENOift
Former British 8allor Leaves Eng
land to Win Government Prize
London, Oct. 21. (Ily A. I)
Captain Oeorge Matthews, a former
sailor, turned aviator, set off from
Ilounslow today for an nirplanc flight
to Australia, lu an effort to win the
prize of 10,000 offered by the Aus-
trallan tlovcrnment for tlie feat.
I Counsel for Corivlcted Frhrteh. TpaKbi
i '
. Appeals to President Polneare
I l'nrls, Oct. 21. Illy A, 1'.) Coun-
hcI for I'ierre Lenoir, sentenced to death
I nn charges of Intelligence with the cn
lemy, have sent to President rothcoro
a new nppeal for a pardon.
The cominlssloh of levlsion, to which
wns referred Lenoir's nppcnl for n new
trial, reported yesterday that it fohrid
no ground for tlie granting of a rehenr
ing iu the case.
The Cadillac automobiles
made today are better than
those made yesterday. And
every tomorrow will see a still
better Cadillac. We have pleas
ure in transmitting this pledge
of the Cadillac , Motor Car
Company to our '"customers,1
whose allegiance we value as our
most precious .business asset.
142 North Broad Street
For the fourteenth con
secutive year the Interna
tional Typewriter Contest
for the Thousand Dollar
Trophy Cup has been won on
an Underwood Typewriter
feb. HsBl fe-, jm
jk Mm w.
'X W
I , II J ; .
W Pf ". 'I-
W I I ill - -
1' ; N ,-.
J -' K T-
I , . '
Supremacy in a1 typewriter is
judged by its Speed Accuracy
To test this and the skill of the
operator contests are held an
nually in New York City.
The first International Contest was in
1906'. It was won on an Underwood.
Since then, although the world's cham
pion typist has changed, it has always been
the Underwood upon which the world's
record was established.
On Monday, October 20th, 1919, this
contest for the Thousand Dollar Silver cup
was held at the Annual Business Show J a
New York City. Again and for die
fourteenth time the Underwood proved
its supremacy.
Operator Williani ,F. Oswald
132 accurate words per minute.
Best records are always
Underwood records.
Underwood Typewriter Company, Inc.
Underwood Building New York City.
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