Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 21, 1919, Postscript, Page 7, Image 7

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    j-' r- "P - - HIMfljnt ff W V ?
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' rBan SoV1' U:55 WANAMAKER'S Stare Opens at 0 I WANAMAKER'S I Store Closes at 5 WANAMAKER'S I T"
Chlmei t noon UlUUUU
There's an Engaging Freshness About These New Autumn Stocks
As if It Were Its Bridal
the Autumn
puts on its most gorgeous apparel and lays lovingly
its leaves and somp of its seeds and acorns upon the
bosom of Mother Earth to warm the beds of the wild
flowers and to preserve the keys to the forests of the
coming years. -
So do the valleys and hills and mossy banks
of streams with their forests beyond become
transformed into schoolhouscs that mankind may
learn that everything is going on with a careful and
conscientious purpose and in arithmetical order. ,
No one knows all that is hidden in this old earth
and in the sky over our heads, nor has any man as yet
fully measured the capacities of man.
We are endeavoring to reconstruct the
organization of our schools of training and restore
the quality of service that the exigencies of war and
its sudden necessities tore down when so many of our
people were obliged to go.
Oct. si, low.
Those Pile Fabric Coats
Are Here at Last
as women who has'c been waiting
for them will be glad to know.
They are scaicc and hard to get,
but we have about fifty in for to
morrow, v.
The plush coats aie unusually
long-piled a good seal color, and ,
.are made exactly like fur coats i
(I'lrnt I lour,
long and full with high collars ami
hip belts and linings of printed silk.
Prices arc $115 and $125.
The caracul cloth coats aie in
two styles, one long, full and belted;
the other a decided dolman wfth a
double cape effect in the back, $1:15
and $1 15.
New Dark Blue Serge Dresses
for Younger Girls
Some of the clever dicssmakers
for little girls have made' suipris
ingly interesting and different new
diesses of dark blue sergo for Win
ter use.
One-dicss, at $22.50 has enough '
hand embroidery in bright color to ,
make it paiticularly pietty, and a
colored linen collar by way of finish. ,
H'he skirt is gathered on a yoke i
with little tucks. i
(riuiiil I'luur,
Mothers will approve the good
serge in the $27,130 dress, which has
a straight, long waist and little col
lar and cuffs of frilly white
And at $28.30, another blue serge
dress has wool embroidery defining
the waist line with gold ribbon run
through, round neck and gathered
skii t.
Other drej-t.es, $2.,:S.5! to ?37.5,
all in G to 1 1 year sizes.
, ChrMlnilt)
I wv 1
Lacy Designs and
Sparkling Stones
' Make the New
Rhinestone Jewelry
Lovely ' '
More lace-like than ever in
their delicately wrought designs
are the new rhinestone pins and
ornaments. In most instances
the rhinestones, set in sterling
silver, are used alone to secuic
the best effects, but sometimes
the rich blue imitation sapphires
are introduced with charming
The new bar pins are $7.50 to
Rings, $2 to $11.
Veil pins, $1.25 to $7.50.
Pendant sautoirs, $9 to $30.
Sautoirs with rhinestone lock
ets, $20 to $33.
Bracelets, $7 to $24.
(.lentlry Ntorr, CliMtnul anil
Evening Slippers
The Exclusive Little Hoot Shop
has the favorite kinds for this sea
son. Black and white satin slippers at
$12 and $1.'!.
Black velvet at $15.
. Silver and gold at $15.
Besides black and white satin
with low French heels, at $13.
first I'lnor, .Miirl.cn
Dark Waists of
are greatly in request to wear with
, dark tailored suits. Biowns and
, navies naturally predominate
among the colors, but there is a
long list of styles with trimmings
of beads, of braiding and hand em-
broidery, of. real filet and of Geor
gette of contrasting color. Necks
are V, square and round, the few
plainly 'tailored sorts having high
Prices ate $8.50 to $38.50.
(Thlril I'lnor. (Viilrnl)
Treo Elastic
Hip Confiners
Women like them for lcgular
wear and they are comfortable for
dancing or negligee. They clasp in
front and are closed in Back,
$1. Treo clastic hip confiner,
twelve-inch length, medium hip and
back. In pink or white.
$5.50, Treo models, 14-inch
length, clastic hip, confiner for
glender or average figures. Pink
$5.50 model ,for tall figures,
'Jong; skirt, elastic hip confiner
finished in front with white coutil.
( PV ww ...J VW...,V i-.i.n.
It Would be
Difficult to Say
Which, Furs Are
Most Fashionable
this Winter because the lit
would be so long! Fiom the
golden brown beaver to the lus
ta'ous black seal, almost every
good fur is included in the list,
which means that every woman
may wear the fur which appeals
mot to her taste and is most
becoming, which is a most satis
factory arrangement, to say the
v And what with' almost every
day bringing some new piece?
and the already excellent stock
now heie, the Fur Salons aie
full of all sorts of new and fash
ionable and interesting piece.
Handsome coats and wraps,
smart novelties, capo, stoles,
collars, scarfs and muffs are all
here. tflfli
And you are absolutely sutc
of all the furs which 'come fiom
the Wanamaker Salons.
(seronit rioor, Clif htntit )
Why Do People Rave Over Old
Cupboards and Things?
A S a rule they KNOW
fy why, although some
times they find it hard to
explain. As well ask, why
do people read history, or
why do they like to read
novels of old times in
which never a locomotive,
to say nothing of a motor
or an airship, has any
There is good reason for
liking "old cupboards and
things" because they are
beautiful, if one has the
vision, and also they are a
part of history. Of course,
not everybody has the vis
ion, so that for them old
times and old-time things
hold neither charm nor in
struction. But always
there are lots of people
who have the feeling for down to late Georgian. All
such things and usually the pieces are individual
they are very interesting things of unmistakable
people. distinction, most of them
We wish we had more suitable for hall s, li-
rare and beautiful old- braries, living rooms or
time things to show them, d'ens, such, for instance, as
but at least we are glad quaint fireside benches
we secured this large col- with carvings in relief,
lection of rare old furni
ture reproductions of
which we are now dispos
ing at a very unusual re
duction from the prices
they were originally in
tended to sell for.
reproductions of old-time
carved" oaken chests; fine
chairs, among tlfein some
of the high-backed type of
the Queen Anne period
with handsome carvings
and pierced work; also
Each of these pieces is some finely lacquered and
a replica of a rare old orig- decorated pieces. It is a
inal seen in some Euro
pean collection.
The c o 1 1 e e t i o n as a
whole is typical of many
decorative epochs,' from
the Italian renaissance
(I'lfth I'ltiiir, ( liFMimt i
rare opportunity to be able
to choose from such a col
lection at one-third less
than these pieces were in
tended by the maker to be
sold for.
' 6
ill Jit -
Iwf n ''ill ill! Lphpp
Superb Evening Gowns Betoken
a Season of Great Gaiety
For the past two yeais many women scarcely thought of buying
an eening gown, thcie were so few occasions at which to wear it.
Now all that is changed, a great many new f locks will be needed
and the loveliest frocks to be found. Aftci looking at some of the
beautiful things in the Gray Salons we aie ure women will say
they are here.
Among the handsomest of all aie the draped velvet evening
gowns in such exquisite shades as ceri-c, magenta, peach and
others. Occasionally one is seen with a train.
There aie gorgcou beaded and sequin dre.-se.-, others of cloth
of gold and gold lace, still others of tinsel brocades, magnificent
satins and other fine silks.
Debutantes and the younger mntions will probably piefei such
pietty, youthful frocks as these of chiffon (one of apricot chiffon
has ostrich feather trimming) and the delightful chiffon taffetas
with their old-fashioned quilling and scalloped ruffles.
They are truly lovely, every one of them, and they arc priced
from $77.50 to $450.
(I'lr-I I'luur, (rnlriil)
Real Laces Are Used
on Some New Vestees
Crepe de Chine
Bloomers !
A very simple good sort with
tiny self-frills and no trimming at
all is $4.50.
Another with lace and tucks is
All of them are pink.i
(Third I'luur, Cell Ira I)
Silk Chemises
and Nightgowns
Some charming ones have just
been received, in the French Itoom.
Materials aie pink crepes de
chine and wash ?atins, with laces
and stitchcry for ornament. The
cn elope chemises are $5.75 to
$14.50; and the nightgowns, $12.75
to $35.
(Tlilril rimir, ClirMiiul)
They are baby Irish, thcjieaie'
Irish and real Valenciennes laces
and they make the prettiest c.stee
' you can well think of.
i The vestecs themselves aie of
fine net and have collais attached.
They would fit almost any dress
and they would certainly add.gjjjat
ly to its attiactivenc.-s. Prices $15,
$18 and $20.
(Main I lour, ( rnlrul)
New Silks for New Gowns
Arrive at the Right Time
They are the silks we .lie telling so many of thcae days for
the smartest gowns for afternoon, theatre and evening affairs,
and they are in beautiful qualities and colorings.
New satins, $2.50 to $1 a yard.
New crepes Georgette, $2.25 to $U.50 a yaid. . .
New printed pussy-willow taffetas, $5.50 a yaul.
New printed radiums, $4 a yard.
New plain and paon velvets, $3.50 a yard. v
And there is a large assortment of Japanese habutaia for
linings and foundations for these fiowns unil to use in making
lampshades, 30 inches wide and $1.50 a yard,
- l'lr I'liwr. I IikIiiiiI)
irochc and elastic, Hpngsskf it, for
L' tjtiill figures. . n '
Splendid Shoes in the $10 t
, Group for Women
Itight in fashion, with their long vamps, narrow toes, slender
lines and tall, laced tops. All new styles this season.
Dull black calfskin with straight tin and Cuban heel.
Dull black calfskin with indicated wing tip and military heel.
Tan calfskin with tan cloth top and Cuban heel.
Dull black calfskin with gray cloth top and military heel.
Patent leather with light gtay cloth top and Louis heel.
$10 a pair for any of them.
(Urst rtor, Markft)
Soft Leather Pillows
for Travelers
Or useful to have around den or
living room at home.
Some ar plain, with maga.ine
pockets and handle; others have
leather fringe.
In dark brown, blue or green,
P and-$10.T "vTX"
If You Want Wilton Rugs
Better Buy Them Now
The best factories hac not yet
been able to speed up pioduction
to meet the demand. Of certain
grades, wo could sell moie than we
get. The only leason theic is ever
any surplus of them is because
(ome people aie not willing to wait
for the new lots, but take something
.fust now theic happen to he a
good selection.
9x12 ft., $75. $!)2.5(l, SI 12.5(1, $123
and $105,
8JxlO.G ft., SSG.50, $102. $108.50
and $112.
I 6x9 ft., $18.50, S77.50 and $102.
Axminstcr Rugs
' U.12 ft., $ 18.50, S52.50, SO 1.50 and
8.3xl0.G ft.. 1 12.5U, $52.50 and
' Cj ft., $23.50, $30 and $34.50.
llody Brussels Riiys
il.12 ft., $72.50 and $75.
' 8.3x10.0 ft., $15 and S52.
("fviilh I Innr, flimlniil )
Five New Books
"The Kaincoat Girl," by Jenncttc '
l.ee, $1.60. The girl is another fig- ,
lire to add to Mrs. Lee's gioup of i
wholesome and lovable women.
".loj in the Morning," by Maiy
Knymond Shipman -Andrews, $1.7.".
A collection of shoit stories deal
ing with the Kuropean War, and in
the same exalted mood which lead-,
cis associate with the writer's
"Perfect Tribute."
(MhIii I'liMtr.
"I'rce Air," by Sinclair Lewis,
$1.75. A good American love slorj.
"The Kelts of San Juan," by
Jackson Gregory, $1.75. A stoiy of
the Southuc-t with a heioine worth
"The Law of the Gun," by Uulg
well Cullum, $1.60. A dramatic
talc laid in a Western mining camp.
'I hlrlrnilh)
200 Dozen Fine Linen Napkins
at $10.75 a Dozen
Tor good looks and good service these are napkins of the most de
sirable kind and really exceptional at the price as linen-, go today. They
come from an Irish maker who puts real quality into his good.
A fine assortment of patterns, 22x22 inches to select from.
lir( I'lunr, Clirstuul)
. With Long Gloves So Much
in Demand
white em
it H gnoil new-, to be able to tell of
llie.-o new duplex cotton gloves,
with chamoU finish, in the popular
They arc all in snowy white, with
(MhIm I'loor, ('cit(rnl)
Women's Silk Stockings at
Less Than Today's Mill Price
First-quality, puie-dyc, full-fashioned thread -ilK liop with mci
cciized cotton top. The kind that wears so well.
In hlacU, white, coulovan, navy, bronze and dnik gin
Price $1.75 a pair, which is less than the mill will sell tliim lor now,
(11 rut Allf)
Chilly Mornings
Suggest Making
Warm Bathrobes
Double-faced eiderdown is so
soft and co.y that most people like
it better than an thing else. The
price is 75c a yaid.
ISlanket lobes of the same matc
lial with coid and tassels and frogs
complete in a box, $5.50. . These
aie often given as Christmas
(I lrt 1 li"r, rlirftliiul I
Kewpie Pumpkins
Are New
Gicat, golden yellow pumpkins,
with a beaming kowpie on tho lid
uso them for table decorations and
r to hold fruit and nuts, $1.50 and $3.
Pumpkin lanterns for decoration,
15c to $1.50 a piece.
And nut candies of all kinds, to
grace the Hallowe'en feast B0e to
$2 a pound.
l)i) H Sitnlr, l, CinnulJ
ill w Mzxn.
The' Men's New Winter
have a look of manliness and comfort.
All of these coats have the good, wide, con
vertible collars. They are made single and double
breasted, mostly with belted backs, cuffed sleeves
and many show novel touches in the style of the'
There is a good selection of the really desir
able overcoat colors greens, browns, grays in the
standard dark shades as well as in striking and
unusual tones. The assortment is most attractive
and includes all sizes. Prices begin at $38 and
go to $100.
I I hlnl I lixir, .Miirkrt)
Men's Woolen House Gowns
From London
Their waimth is very agreeable, these cool evenings,' and their
stylo is good at any time.
Chiefly in plain colors, though a few have faint htripes.
Price $25. ,
(Miiin I'luur. MurkH) .
. .T
p.Jv u, iywei HiiM
This .shipment, just in, is cntnely of the'se good,, practical extra-'
size handkerchiefs. Thoy arc in plain hemstitched .style with U or
inch hems, and you may look the town over befoie you find their
equal at their prices, 65c apiece S7.50 a dozen.
(llel ilo
A Really Wonderful Stock of
Small Boys' Overcoats
Small hoy means an chap of
tluec to ten jear. The ocrcuats
we. have to show this season for
lads in that clas are simply fino.
In quality they begin with the
good, sound, warm gaiments and go
up to the finest and most luxurious
fur-collared one.-. Made in double
and single biea-ted style-, with
belts, and all well lined with warm
woolen linings.
Collars aro of the good button
u;', conveitiblc kind that keep a
little chap well protected in the
woist weather. -
Full selection of colors, all in ex
cellent woolen overcoats, fancy
niKed goods and plain blues. $16.5p
to S40.
(-eimiil I Innr, (rnlrul)
combination black and
broidery on the backs.
Kight-hutton length, 5i' a pair;
10-button length, $2.25.
Wash them with soap and water
when they arc soiled.
2000 Pair Filet Net Curtains
at Last Season's Prices
Nevertheless they aie all new this Fall, and they arc in the
most attractive .small patterns.
Filet net is one of the few kinds of cut tains that look well
throughout the house, and they are among the most satisfactory
of all.
In white or beige, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $:!, $:).25, SiJ.50 and $-1.50
a pair.
(I'lrih I'luur. Mnrki-ll
Small Boys' New Suits
in Oliver Twist Style
Shetland Wool
Jackets ' ti
Useful round the hou.-r on chilh 1
days, and equally'u.-el'ul inside one'.? I
coat when the latter isn't hca
enough. In pale blue, io-c, maize,
lavender and deep blue. ,s;i.50 each. I
(Hum IMrl
It is such a becoming -th', and
one that peimits of so many varia
tions, its popularity' is quite readily
Some of these new suit- aie all in
white, pome hae white waists with
coloied trouseis, some aro all in ,
colois. I
( I hlnl I'luur,
Theic is pique, chambray and
poplin for choice of cottons, some
have hand stitching, some are
unocked, some have sailor collars,
some are scalloped, some have
frilled collars and cuffs.
AH white, blue, tan, brown, rose
and gieen shades.
$U to $7.75 uto 5 j car sizes.
, ( hc-llllll)
The Time Is Now
and the Blankets Are Here
If you are at all likely to need new blankets this Winter you" should buy
them when selections are at their best.
You will gain nothing by waiting and you might possibly be disappointed.
Wejiave a large stock of blankets of the -most trustworthy kind, beginning at
$7.50 a pair for blankets containing a small percentage of wool and ranging up
to $45 a pair for blankets of the superfine kind, between these we have as
ample a variety at various prices as anybody can desire. We give preference,
to blankets that are made essentially for comfort and serviceableness, also for.
sightliness, believing these to be the fundamentals of good quality in such
goods. If these things, coupled with the lowest prices practically possible,
appeal to you, this is the Store to come to for blankets.
Being quilt-makers, we have a stock of these goods with which, we are
assured, no other stock compares in size and variety and desirability at the
prices. Wool-filled, quilts, $10 to $67.50 ; down-filled quilts, $12 to $45.
(suth i'luur. ccnlr.l) - tj
j (MMn.iluoi'. CliejiHuOl
- i-JklJit (C. .rf V
i"J -ji
Uffi. . '