it if 1 A T"? vrtm . Jiprow . ywwjgi .ppfjr., -, tr1-" -'"" 'yyayifwrr vEVENINff PUBLIC LEDGER PmEADELlHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, ION COURSE AVIAT! ATP.M.C.ATIRACTS Twenty Students Join Class and Will Receive Actual Fly ing Instruction . m,w',$ ARMY ' FLIER IN CHARGE Twenty students tnilny jjUicd a new course In oointnereinl nvintlon hmiisur flteil nt Ponnnylvnniii Military College, Chester, Pn. This course includes nctunl flylrj; in n Curtiss blplnne. This is the first college in the United Stales to include the science rtf lljiiiR I" its curriculum. A landing field has been secured two miles north ot Chester, near the Spring Haven Country Club. The biplane is one of the latest tpes used for training purposes, The cotire w 111 be conducted by Lieutenant Theodore II. Cowee, of. the nlu service, I'nited Stairs army. Many Itciitoiis for Course Hensons for giving the course nr summed up as follows by the o!legc officials: That the world has entered upon a genuine era of air transportation, both freight and passenger, and that the science of acronuutlcs can no longer be neglected by the higher Institutions of learning. That, if America hopes to compete Jn the world -air commerce of the almost-immediate future, she must train a host of men to become iiitimutely ni'ouainted with conditions aloft. I That the great explorations of the near future lie along the air i-hnnnelo riielrt-llne the clobe. and that no col lege can afford to be behind in this field, TJAt in a comparatively short time aerial passenger service will demand n lnrgn number of trained (I'ipis. That in a brief time Europe and America will be connected byt several swift lines of planes and airships. That airplane-shipped goods will be common enough In two or three years hence. Careful Fliers Needed That the recent war trained a num ber of good tilers, but not a sufficient number to meet the demand of the near future. Also, these men trained under war conditions. The demand now is for careful fliers, who can meet the commercial need of the pence era. In the course students will be given practical work on the machine, as well as observation. The study will include the nomenclature, care, operation, construction and repair of the modem airplane. Kach will reccic two hours' actual flying time. Later in the jear a course in pilot ing the machine will be instituted. Then students will be given a thorough train ing in the control ot the airplane, milking flights in company with Lieu tenant Cowee. This training will mean study of aerial navigation, meteorology and the actual functioning of the ma chine. Roth courses will be conducted in a conservative 'manner, thereby en tailing a minimum risk for students. Lieutenant Cowee will personally serve as pilot for all flying in the pri mary course. I .. THHIte MlGf i i aVHHMIBb WW. M1M -M . ... V . i MKrT. TIIKO. II. COWKH Air Serlce, l S. A. lie is the first Instructor in an American college of aerial observa tion, a course of study Introduced nt J'ennyltanln .Military College, Chester, Pn. CURTIS CO. OFFICIALS DINE EDWARD BOK Honor Retiring Head of Ladies' Home Journal After Thirty Years as Editor SEEK WAR STUDENTS In University of Virginia Alumni Nation-Wide Campaign University of Virginia nlumni met hero yesterday as part of a nationwide campaign to find former students "lost" during the world war. Arthur 11. Kinsolving, a baseball star and brother of Charles M. Kin solvinc, former Philadelphia aviator, was elected chairman of the local, com mittee. The committee met at the home of Philip U. Pejton, :tS04 Locust street, where another meeting will he held October LI), at 7:30 p. in., to reorganize the Eastern Pennsylvania chapter. Nearly .1000 or one-third of the uni versity's alumni served in the war. Associates of Hihrnril link, in the Curtis Publishing Comijnny, dined him last night on the. occasion of bis thir tieth jrar as editor of the Ladles' IIimuc Journal. Mr. llok will retlie fioin the editorship at the close of the jear Representatives of every department of the Cmtis Publishing Company and of the company's branch offices in other cities, about fifty men in nil. attended the dinner. The only woman present was Mrs. Bolt. Mr. and Mrs. link's oldest son, Curtis link, who vvns a lieu tenant in the navy during the war and now is studying law in n southern uni versity, came to Philadelphia for the event. Cyrus II. I. Curtis, president of the company, presided and introduced John (Iribbcl, who made the priuclpal speech of the evening, sketching Mr. Bolt's edi torial career and offering him the wishes of the assemblage for a happy future. A feature of the cVcnt was the play ing of .lospf Hofmanu. the pianist, who for j ears has been associated with Mr. l?ok throne h the Philadcln nil Orches tra as well as through the Ladies' Home Journal, of which the great musician's contributions have formed n notable part. Foreign War Veterans to Meet General K. II. Lisciim Post No. 47 of Foreign 'Wars, will hold a smoker and entertainment tonight at 1802 South Hioad street. This post was formed after tnc hpamxii-American War. Jfanscom's Prices on Fancy Groceries are worth your while You do not have to make your self a pack horse by carry ing your purchases home. Operf an account and let us serve you regularly. - 1233 Market Street H ami nranclies PLAN 20,000.000 DRIVE FOR PENN is overcrowded, the library facilities are Inadequate and because of the large classes it is impossible to give even the proper examinations and rlasswurk, in structors mi v. Wharton students must walk Koicinl blocks to attend classes lu the medical, architectural, zoological, engineering aim law buililings. Prominent Alumni Urge Nation wide Campaign to Supply University's Needs BUILDINGS OVERCROWDED, The tenderest, sorest bunioas can be re lieved and corrected! No matter how sore and tender your bun ion is even if it is one of very long stand ing you can relieve it today and begin to give it the care that will correct it ! To restore the distorted great toe to its " straight line, use Dr; Scholl's soft rubber Toe-Flex. It soon brings back normal muscular action and thus corrects the trouble. v To protect the tender bunion from all pressure and irritation, place one of Dr. Scholl's Bunion Reducers over the en largement. This soft rubber shield, moulded to fit snugly, gradually reduces the' bunion. It also fills out the hollow places and preserves the shape of the shoe. Your shoe dealer can show you the Dr. Scholl Foot Comfort Appliances that you need. Go to him today. Dr. Scholl's. Bunion Reducers, 60c each. Dr. Scholl's Toe-Flexes, 50c each. DsScholls Foot Comfort Jlpplfances ana,renfdiee relieve and correct every foot trouble the Scholl Atfg, Company, 339 Broadway, New York City uopyr(iit JUJ, T6 scholl Mir. co.v A nallon-wlde campaign In raise n $20,000,000 endowment fund for the rnliersity of Pcnnsjlwi.iin Is meeting general approval of the alumni. This plan, which has ben mh united for mm crnl years, but irtardcil iif Its progress because of differences of opinion, is now being urged by mHny prominent nlumni, The success of Ilarvnid. Princeton nml Cornell, each already he:illj en (lowed, is causing IVnn nluuini to agi tate once again :i campaign fur funds, Alexander Vau Itenssehier, regional diiector for Princeton In Philadelphia, Is in charge of funds for the Piiiicetnn campaign in this district. Ilnnard yesterday leached the half wny mark in its $15,000,000 i-iiiupatgu. Princeton seeks Sl-l.iiOO.OOO. Cornell .".000.000 and llryn Mawr would lum SI .000.000. Twentj million dollars Is nece-saij to give the 1'nlversity of IViiiisjIviniii an adequate endowment fund. At pros, cut the endowment fund is but S,"i.(MlO, 000. and in addition n little more than $5(10.000 state aid is received. Yale has u S20.000.000 endow meiit f 1. Sl.S.OOO.OOO hnvins been left ii bj the Steillng estate last jear. Itut tM caiiipngli.i h.ive been i uti ducted by the I'nlxersitj of IVnnsjl vniiiii. one for S120.000 two jenrs ago for the provost's home, while SlIOO.OOO of a SI. 000,000 fund for the I'niwrsltj Hospital has been raised dining the last two weeks. The needs of the I'nhcisitj this vem nie considered piessing. Every building '. rnvWNM "7?' Mj ij 1019 ' g ' ' . ,. i i . . jJ he Sale of Wimei s DRESSES i At Strawhridge i Clef tier's ; 1 i Built for Speed as well as Qgiet Tlie Noiseless Typewriter is more than merely noiseless. It isone of the speediest machines on the market. Years of use tes tify to its endurance. The work it does proves its efficiency in turn ing out batter letters. The Noiseless is The Typewriter Hits because it makes- little ado about much, instead of much ado about nothing. NOISELESS TYPEWRITER The Noiseless Typewriter Companj, 83a Chestnut St., Philadelphia 'Phone Walnut 3601 WAor llooUtt'ttnd Imprtialre List of Uftr$ w BONWIT TELLER & CO. CHESTNUT AT 13th STREET FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY 7 omens Fur Coats Specially Priced Two very charming models have been spe cially priced for Wednesday (only), and will be marked back to season price at the close of the day. ' Taupe Nutria Coat: A i . i i l very chic, thirty-inch-long, full ripple model, as illustrated. Large shawl collar. Special Price cuffs border of self fur. Season Price 245.00 anc 195.00 Special Price .00 Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat) f comprises a J very youthful, long full ripple coat, trimmed with Natural Squirrel, Opossum or Taupe Nutria. Season Price 325.00 Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat) has been used to fashion a diminutive thirty-inch-long, full ripple jacket. Its well-designed lines lend that graceful appearance so much sought by the well-dressed-woman. Season Price 295.00 Fur Department it h Floor Ami m m Special Price 225.00 rti 1 f , . l i LOST HERITAGES HERITAGES are often imperiled and somelimos lost because of neglect to majee a will. Philadelphians of today should not neglect this duty, and we" have, therefore, prepared a Digest of the Pennsylvania Law of Wills for the information undiuidance of those who have not already drawn their wills. : J' A copy will be mailed upon request. r Philadelphia Trust Company 415 Chestnut Street : : 1415 Chestnut Street Attractive Assortments Remaining Five groujjs at five different prices, each group delightfully varied and each price much below the real value. Every woman who needs a Dress should see these. For to-morrow: Some Very Smart Satin Dresses, 517.50 Smart Satin Diessos-, made with the snappy short tunic, tho quaint round neckline which is becoming to so many, and finished with belt of the material. In black, navy blue and taupe. Fine Variety of Silk Dresses, $22.50 v V All IWPPrv v, r 1 ' If Of crepe de chine, tafTeta, and ciepe CeorKette and tnffeta com bined, made in various attractive tunic and straight-line s-tyles. In black, navy blue, taupe and French blue, all very good looking. Silk, Satin and Serge Dresses, $30.00 Dresses of seiirc. satin, creno niptror. rimm rinoitrnHi. nml i . i ... . ; ' , . ' . . . '. ---i' ---".r,vw crepe ue cninc in lovely draped, tunic and straight-line styles; many with lace collais. Itlack, navy blue and taupe, from which to choose. eh Fine Silk and Cloth Dresses, $35.00 these aie all high-class models,, woith much morn than then plaint pi tee. Of ttieotine, .-ergo, satin and iepe nieteoi in thp lew autumn sluides, with embioideiy and braiding foi trimming Beautiful Afternoon Dresses, $40.00 Ueautiful Headed Ciepe Geoigette Dresses and lovelv models of I'auiette, tiicolette and satin; also some fine Tiicotine'Diessos Di apod, tunic anil straight-line styles. In new autumn shades. Worth very much more. -,-- Stiowbrltliin (luihiM s..,n.l rioor Kind yj The Ask Mr. Foster Travel Information Service Thin service help-, plan jour trip, writex jour itinerary, bujs your ticket, reserves Pullman and hotel accommo dations, supplies definite and complete' information about all deta.'ls, and no fees. .IsA: Mr. Foster at Straw bridge & Clothier's. First Floor, Filbert Street Silk Umbrellas Exceptional at $7.00 The woman who is appiopii ately diessed, no matter what the weather, piefer.s to carry just such a sinait-looking Umbrella as these of IJlack Taffeta Silk. Made on strong frames with shoit tipped white fori tile. Fitted with wrist coids in the bakelite-top handles $7.01). SI Ih hi ulue d I lull '-! Alsl 7 Malk I St, .,-t AMONG THE SUITS AT $50.00 IS THIS SMART MODEL -TO it is si iv pi tone, stuctly tadoied on semi-fitting lines. Otlieis of full wool, smait woisteds, wool ;elour, siherlone. valama and broadcloth, all belted in partly belted, and having all the newest features in the wa.v of plaits and tucks. Some have the mannish collais. others the collais that close up snugly. Kight dillVient models in all, and black, navy blue, various .shades of In own, led, plum color, Huigundj, leindeer and taupe fiom which to choose. 4 Women Who Require Extra Sizes are Finding Entire Satisfaction Here We ale making a special feature of Suits in Kxtr.i Sizes, cspeeiallv designed foi full figures, modeled on full fiirmes, and tanging in price from $12.30 to $120.00. Uf buiella. .valama. tricotme, wool velour, duvet melange, silvertone and bioadcloth; on close-fitting and semi-fitting lines, beautifully tailoied; others plaited and tucked and finished with mi row belts, some models flaiing slightly from Some emwonieiea, .some tur-u mimed, lllack. 1 the wa'st-line. blue .ami fashionable autumn shades. . Sir.iwI'flU & rii.ih. navy r-Snun.l Flooi Street WOMEN INTERESTED IN PRACTICAL COATS SHOULD SEE THESE They ail' smait, puutkal, consei valivc, in style.-, tolors and cloths -just what is most dcsiiable in a Coat to be worn on many occasions. Fancy Mixed Tweed Top Coats Made on geneious lines, sinaitly belted and fin ished with deep lonveitible collar, $25.00. Olhi" -with body and sleeves lined, $:!.".()( and ?S7..')0. Coats of Jersey and Mixtures Jersev cloth and heather mixtures, lit: lluoiighout and warmly interlined, $55. 00. Coals of Poplin and Velour Coats of heavy-weight poplin, in black and blu", lined throughout. Othis of velour, some silver tipped, body ami sleeves lined, $25.00. Coals of Woffl Velour One paiticulaily good model , of velour. made with Tilmel back and front, body and sleeves lined, $27.50. Others of plain and silver-toned velour-!, and nearly all lined thioughotit, $o5.()0 to :"55.0(l. . I I1SI1I.T ml NX) M IV , The Thousand Ques tions Children Ask Are answered in the "Hook of Wonders" a G03-page vol ume telling in simple words of the wonders of nntuie and in ventions of man. Bound in cloth and with 1200 illustra tions $2.50. Can Your Children Recognize the Birds? Tho. "Burgess Bird Book" is an authoritative woik on this subject, so written ns to arouse the youngsters' interest in mil feathered friends. With 57 il lustrations in full color $2.50. Tltrawhrliljre & t'lutlii. r Seounil rioor, Filbert Striet Wen! New Arrivals in Our Comprehensive Library c Player-Piano Rolls (with words) at $1 Dreamv Alabama Oh! What a Pal Was Mary I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles vTulip Time ... .... Broken Blossoms Carolina Sunshine Btrawbridus k t'lothUr Hflh Fogr. Vt't lu'mi ruiui iv Dress Aprons to Protect Good Frocks A( S1.7o Sttipoil I'eionle Dress Apions that piotect fiom neck to hem. A piactii-al stvle. witli belt and two huge pockets. Dress Aprons, other stvlc $1.25 to S.-1.U0. AMOXC l'KACTICAI. AI'HOXS, are I'rincess Apions, of gingham or percale S1.25; fJingham 'Bungalow A pi on.,, $1.50; ningham Hand Apion-, 50c to' 05c, and Percale Apions with bib or without -:'.Fe to 85c. Plain and Fanctj Aprons to meet ever need struwi ihi ,i i 'MM i TV. i ri.,ui. vvvt &tz sSlK3sJ When You Get a Puncture A Tire Repair Prier (50c), to temporal ily distend the puncture I on the inner tube so that the in- i side patch can bo readily ap plied, i Peimaloc Self - Vulcanizing Patches ($1.00) are easily ap- SenZvt. i !H:itr?3v:aCTC33 I 5. TttWvSSW -V- Use of Certain "Hair "I Restorers " Mai) Cause Lead Poisoning Among the nianj prepara tions intended to restore the color of hair turning grav are Mime which cont-iiii a compound ol lead. Noiie of these will be found in our Toilet (loods Stoi v. We luve eminent medical and chemical counsel, to whose sc-utinj ill preparations lor hair mid s!dn are submitted, dud thev reieel a number of iTliclcs containing lead, i)0. cause of Hie dinger Ihrt lead poisoninu inaj follow their use. As the harmful elfects of lead in the sjMent are low of develoiiment and not alwajs readilv traceable to the real cause, it is important that the public lie given the f.uts as known to the medical pro fession. SajimV Analjtic Cvclo pedia of Practical Midicine sajs: "Slow alorption or lead, w heller due to inclus t ial or accidental causes, mainlj nITects tliv muscles, the peripheral nerves, the liver and l!-e l.idncjs. The svmptnms varj consider iiblj in ililferent cases." Prominent among the sjmptoniN, which mav be caused bj "lead poisoning, accoiding to thi uor'i, are iineini:!, colic, various lorms ot paraljsis, head ache, sometimes convul sions or delirium. We ure detfrin'ned thai this shall lie an absolutelv SAFE TOII.CT ROODS STOHE. and therelore none of (he hair or skin pr'piirations Fr,;i jlfr(, contain lead compounds. Strawhridge & Clothier m A Truly Matchless Stock of Men's Correct Neckwear Every desirable pattern stripes, figures and Keif noVeia Ellen anil will ellectively heal tno ' in an almost endless variety of reak in the inner tube, colors and cdinbinatlons. An Anthony Foot Pump ($3.10) speedily inflates tho repaired tire with surprisingly little effort on your part. And you're on your way again. HtraHhrldirei & Clothier Automobile Supply siorc, Fourth Fluor Practically any price vou care ! -- -T . : - i to pay boc, jpi.uu. Sl.OU, S2.00, $2.50, $3 00, $3.60, $4,00 and $5.00 with scores of different patterns in each assortment, A Clothier AUIe I MurUet HtrVt Strawbridge&Clothierj MARKET STREET EIGHTH STREET I y ! i I . , m m i m ii 'i .9 '! a t 'j i i vr ni M S FILBERT STKIiBT . -V.n'.il V.iJ..,,,.fi j ; j- - ' t. i ft i i " f V: H L -i'