Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 21, 1919, Postscript, Page 2, Image 2

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Congressman and Organization
Candidates Speak at Mass
Meeting Tonight
ritiKrriiiiflii Mmiri', Iti'iiiililli'iin
nomliipi" fur Mnnr, will npi'ti n "iit-itU
lltp fiimiuiiicii fur clcftlmi nf tin1 Hi'
ItiiblU'flli Hrfci't nl n nintv-iuiTlliiit t
niclil in Scnttixli Itili' Hall. Iti-witl urn!
Itnrc Klici'tx
Itn-fti-fli'i- of Ui-ntN lliu-Vtt. Cinniini
Ktiicht nnil ('niiutv fimnil,lonpr
Holmes anil Kiiewsrl lime nn-i-titi-il hi
vitntlnnx In xprnl; nl tln tiiiwtlm: Mini
at ullii'ro In In' lii'til tliis nnil iii'Sl vvi-ifc
Tniitalit nii'i'lliiir l fur tin' voti'i
of llif 'I'lnnl Sriinlin-iiil ilMibt. Wil
limn Itimi'n. n ini'lilbi'i' nf Hii' ttnillil nf
Kiliii'iitliin mill n frli'inl nf Mr. .Monin,
will lirpiiilc, AiMii"--!"" will 11N11 In'
Hrliveiril bv Clerk of tin' Cum I f
Qlinrfpi Si-siimis Ciiiinili'.'linin mill Unit
fit K l..inibi'il(iii. iiniiiiiii't' fur ilii'illl
Tin- int'i'tiiiK will "lull I hi' .Munli'
I'nllrd lli'piiliHi'iiii i'.'Iiiiii.'iikii iinniiiilli'i'
Oil till- III t llll 11 T Mil' r.lrl' t" I'lli'llnll
on Nmi'inbi-r -I
Stuart mill V.irr tit IHircl Mi-i-llins
Tomoiimv niclil- iiii'i'luif! will In
lirbl in Mubiil I'miil Mali. Ibublli
n ml 1,iiiiI -tii'i't" PiHtm-i' liiiM'iiiui
Stunt t will im'iiili'
Till' South l'liilniii'liliiii ini'i'tini: tu
be lirbl mi TIiiiiI.iv niiilit l Si-vfiitb
street nnil Snjiler iivi-niif mil be pie
filled ntn In (,uirii"iiriii Vine Tills
ineetint; will be ntlenileil In the Vnre
rnilillil.-ltci fin Cniiiiell fiuin (he I'll t
litriet Willlnni V, Kinli-j . IMvvin It
t'ux nnil .Inscpli I (inffncv
State ulliei bolileri re-iilliij; in till"
city lime lereivctl letleix friilii Senator
Crow, chairman uf the Itepuhllinn -tnle
committee, 'ailing uu tbem tu -enil theii
political ns-i-ssim-iits tu the xt.ite i-mii-
tnlttce benilinimteiN un Smith Itiuail!
Ktreet It i helieteil thnl
Crow seeks b, tliis inemis
olh'te bolilet's uf the neiexsji
ins n bunt mutt Hinting In the
In lelleie
i uf think
trnlleil rit enuiluittee
While thele is un -tllte I'leetinu this
year, the -title i niiiinilteemeii s'ii the
funds me needed fur Hie tii.iinli'iiiinee uf
tilt? ln':idiimilers ami fur the pulilieil
Di'inocrats Han C.iuip.tign
J he Ui'iiioi'iati. nt; .minuittee met (.1i,1 , ,., mmi mK,iniiilimi.
1ot lilRlit nnJ in ..'ii mil ii -eiie- uf , ,,,, j.' ,j Iin.s,leul nf the I'mnii
tlieetlliBs at whieh uddie-es will be ,e- Ts (,,., f CheiiK IMwm.l
livered I the lV'inni rati. iiiiininees. A rl(.n f u,,.,,,,,, 1U, , ..,,.11 i-il n
Jieaded li.l llnrrj I) Ue-mtt. .an, itlale .,,,, fl. ,,,., ., ipliiialin n
for Mil in; Ihe i hediile N ns fulliiws: j , , ...,.,.,1,,.,., f the Ti eneli deliT.itlun
rirt ilistmt. i eilne-ilai . llctnlieri
2L', Sixteenth mid Wolf street-. Seeoiul.
'J Imi'Mla.i Oelubei' L':i, Hi nail and Cath
arine -fleets; Tlilnl. Wedue-d.u. Oetu
ber 1'!). Knst Cud lleniucralii Club. I.e
hicb nml Thoinp-uu : I'ihiiIIi. 'l'hin-da .
October ".'t. Fiftj -emnil mid S.iu-nui
itreetM Fifth. Wedne-diM . (Miiher '.'!).
iidntyler'N Hull, (ierinmiluw u iiM'iiue
nml Diamniid street, SiMh. Tuesdii.
Oetober IS. Anieriemi Hull. Main
J-treet, Mann.iunk. and Chelten Hull.
Ka-t Cbclteii aeuue. (Jennmilnwn .
Seventb, Muudil. (h tuber 1'7. Twent-
fiBlith Ward Deniiieialie Club. Twciit-
itlh nml Cimihinliinil si,. ...is .,,ti..-. i. i ., .1 ..i.i..... ..t ii...
EWitl.. Tl..irMhVi. Ociniier 'f.i. (iibl.iu-
Hall, Krmtkfurd avenue nnd Clem liel.l
yi j. ' w n I
t-t i . ci, j , .
vaie at diaxe j oaayi.
Cftntiniieil (Yum I'ltve One
cnlploy eis are now at nihls aiming
Two Dlstlnit Ciullniis
ll i-
Theie iiie two ilistinet faetiuu-. those
In favoi uf making eourriuii- ami the
so-called ii'recoilciblbles liilliieutial !
members of the people's parly teganl
this as a most hopeful sign. They -ay
that it pre-nges a split m then innk
which will give a majority uf one ni
twit votes tu the lllndetme-
Ho -rent is Hie tension that Hie live
Members of the gioup who lepie-entl
It on tin- -teei'tug mmmittee an- nut
permitted to vote nt the gioup eun-
forences The iuf ice i- that lliev
Jiossibl.v might have been iiillnenced by
arguments cm tied uu nt meetings uf
the i-iiiniTiittee uf fifteen
Menntime the labor group meets -es-
nioii after -e inn. imrle- mi di-eu ions
In undertones and adjouin- ll i- e-
pectant. yet lpiietly detel milled lltti-
tilde of thn-e win, have delivered nn
tiltiniatiini ami awult the uutiiime.
There i-. neveilhele-s, a i hunge vi--
lble in the gruiip. Then- is less uf t lie i
ka""w.k,,t "i-;."'.'": "oumpv !!"'!
ply to Judge (im-v-- statement can led'
n note that was judicial and n-gietfiil I
rather than antagonistic.
t'Apect rreslileut tu Alt
(;f coiir-c the patmnuuut iptesiiuu
Is the null nun- in cn-e of fuilure o
agree There me two (uiit-e- apparent-
Kxn utile inlerveutinn or ilisin
tegrattuii Kilher the I'resiilent will
interfeie or the confeience will go
There is every lensun to believe, ns
indicated yesteulny. that Hie i'le-iilent
will, in some fashion, intervene. This
intcrventinii will come lliioitgh Score
tnry IiUite or Iteinanl Itaiuch. The
unbject nf liiterventiou has been imi-vns-ed
and the cnuclu-iuii ha- been
reached Hint -miner than see the inn
fereiue a failme i'le-ident Wil-on will
Interpose, but jn-t how is the problem.
It baa been intimated that -liiuild auv
set of delegates fiuil themselves so out
of liarinony that le-ignation is Hie only
alternative, new delegate- will be ap
pointed to fill the vninucii-H nnd the
work be nri'iid to a loui'liision Hint
will be sati-factory to the American
Hampden In "Hamlet" Today
"Walter llmnpden. vvho-e poetic nnil re
tnnrktiltly successful versinn nf "Hnin
let" was show n liere at special mati
nees la-t spring, will begin a new series
of matinee poi fiiriiiiiuci's at the llroad
(bis afternoon. He will play also on
Thursday mid Friday of tins week and
Monday and Tuesday of next week.
Mudslingers to Keep Tabs
P.-iiiUhoro. X. .1.. Oil. 21. A club to
Jr known as the '.Mud-lingers" i
fcelng organized here Members, of the
rlub say that the object of the club is i
to keep a close watch on public nfliciiil.
who shirk their duties and expose them. ,
The club will also demand the closing1
cf business places which arc now al
lowed to leninin open on Sundays.
Breckenrldge Gets New Post
Hugh II. ltreckenriilge. bend of the,
faculty of the Pennsylvania Academy
of the Kino Arts, has been elected headj
of tin- tine arts department of tlie
.Maryland Institute ot Art ami ucstgii,
at llaUimnri'. This appointment will
Jiot interfere with .Mr. Ilrcckenridge'a
duties at the Pcunsylvnnl& institution.
Inquest In Railroad Death
Coroner Xevllle will hold an inipiest
today Into the death of William Xi.
JIcCuo, nlxty four ycurs old, of Pa nil.
K Pennsylvania Knilroad flagman, who
-was killed nte .vestirilsy by a train
at Ardmorc, ;ileCue i urvlved by a
i.i i!i;i) cor ion iiKDHiiii)
(hall man uf the exrriitlvi-
( mu
ll aile
N. .1.
mltlce uf
(be inli t nallimal
:it Ml.iulh' Cllj.
Belgium Wants U. S.
as IJusiihvss Partner
1 I milliiiiril I rum 1'iiui line
her ii ll. . but i' Iiii- mill ii fnie
Iiiiii uf it- funnel piiiflwi-iiiK iuwer.
The mi lull lepollH ei utlulllle iullili
I linns in Uelpum cieiitli h.-t (ci ill -ime
the iiiiin-lii i Al Hint lime their
were villi mill men mil uf wink- Ihi
lins -liiiinl. tu b-s (dun .'lllll.llllll. 'i'heie
is uu iudu-tiinl iinie-t null bul-lieiMsnv
is IlllkllUW n
, The whulesntiv l:lle uf ltelcliini's
eimiiiuiii' lienllb i n-enhed In iiii'inbei
uf tin' mi inn In the iipeintiun uf the
iiiitiutinl -nvlnc bank, wbieh loans nut
inutii'j to the wnikinK mini lit ens
, lei m nnil Inn nites nf inteie-t Tliliuiitli i
Ihi- bmik. in wlin ii "lie half uf l"'l
" i 1 1 1 n ' - T. (Kill (KM) pnpiibitiiiii ill ' di
pnsitiit-. the w inker inn huiinw iiinnei
In liuilil hi- hiime m limiin e hi- fniui
i The te-iill. tin' mission inenibeis -n.
ii- Ki'ueinl i onti'iil uii'til. In'erv man
in ISelciiiiu has a "slake" in hi- on ti
111. Dlltillli the war IM'l mil the rtulk
men uf llelfilim depu-iled ll llillinll nml
I ii iiuittei uf liiines ill till- bunk
At Id u'l'hiek tlllv inolllilli; ll I
lllillee nil llliuent ill Ki.lli.'ll H'l
luihlii'li in the Tin.Mituie I hi ri A
H'l .1 ..I. ..I .... y.litii if i.f till'
in,.. mi .,, , ,,f il,e emifei
euee will lie upeneii inniniinw ineuiiiK
In Allied C r.eilfmil. mi e pie-idinl
nf Ihe Cliiiiiibei uf Cmnincice nf Hie
I T'nited Slates, and ihnitman uf lite e
eiiltive t llillli fsJhe piesent II-
fereui'e .Spiilkei- antiiuiiieeil "will he
lliiiner I. reifiii-nii. piesldent nf the
Cliambei' uf Cmiiuieiee uf the' I'nlleil
Slate-: Uri'ikiniiilae l.iuii!. ii-sl-lani
i -ii'tiii of -late: M llankar. heail nf
I the I'elcinn ml Ion ; M. KiiKeiie
i Seliiieidei . piesidcnl uf the I-'leiieb mi-
islmi; Sir Arthur Shtrlej I'.eillt. elniir-
mil if nf the Iliiti-h iiiisslmi, nml (mint
,X , -mn '
! ,
f the
Episcopal Clergy Here Urge
fragan to Remain at post
I'olliinlllg I- a lelegl.llil -eul tu
I Iti-hop Tbuiii.iv -I. i:it'laml. stiuingau
uf the I'l'iinsjlrailin'dlplsiupnl illoiese.
i In clelg.vmeii luie niglng Hie bishop
'to "he-itate'-' b.'foi'e iiieepting np
I nuiiitiiii'iit a- lu ail nl the dince-e uf
I'l.lh. to vvliji'll he li.li jll-t been
elei'led :
i "While leiugiiling Hie seiluii-neHs uf
.vour cull lo 1'tnli. i' believe that jou
i mi serve the ihuieli tu gt enter purpose
in vour pre-eut iiusitiuii. ur lu n mule
lletltlilel.v ulglllii7.i d illoeese We beg
thai .villi hesllllte befuie .liieplllig
Ihe -Iglllltllle- III, Ille ti'leglnni
i lulled tin- fullnwing 1 1 1 n I 1 - :
' I'url K ilrununei
i '' .'.'"l?"", ''"""
I i,,VB',.'iT t,
' ,io. i-ullen vr
i ltul rt .lnhii-nii
I " .- .'"..""''r n
I ': VHhur"".ii!"i
.inm-K V Miiiiiinn
J'" I'ullliis
I (S'i"rr ,1,," "
' t k Vrrki-x
I it .i. n lluir
.Ins. eh Mmiiui-1
ll-luv (In nsoliie
L .lntn-s Vil'inli u
liihti V liutii'rtlnc
ll-urn W Hninen
ileortfH U Krnnu
Willi nil T Jin;
Wllll.ir.1 II IIukm
I H-i l.ert VI IVik
WlllUm .VIH'lellinil
lli-cirKe I'lipehinil
t'hm ff - l.veint
I'hirli-s M Uitui
i'Ii triup A Itant
.Uitui II ItimK-iiM
Begin Friday and Will Take Care of
William Penn Overflow
Cue in-.li in linn 111 lip leading fm
the adult deaf will begin nt the Spi b
(tending Club uf IMiiladi'lplihi. HUlli
l.niu-t -li'i'il I'tiilny evening.
Tlli-e Ises will tie slllttlll In lake
imiik nf tin. met Hnw- fi'inn the William
!" I I'i'iiii evening -ehool and piovide in
-triu tiuii foi any uieit ur vvuiiieu wliu
'annul alTnid tu pay fm les-mi-, and
wliu me ingir tu cumpete vvltli hearing
pel -no- in the liiisine ami -m-inl win Id
Aiiaugemeiiti. will lie inaile. tun. fm
limd of-hemiiig petMiii- who wi-h to
pay a -iiiall sum fur Ie on-, and who
i annul atlm-il the legular fee The In
strucHuu will be individual and stilted
to each Jieison.
The 1 1 ii tli policemen who attend
semiiphuics in Ihe eenter uf the city
will in future be pinvidcil with nil)
brellas fur -tin my weather. The urn
India is ultnched tn the si-mnphurc
stand ami the aims with "Stop" mid
"(In" have been changed tu small
'.linden di-1-s u lllili offer little wind
I icsistaiii-e. Tlie first vvav in-tnlled al
Ilrutid and Anb stieels.
' 55 Seek Police Lieutenancies
i I'lfty-tive police sergeants took a
i civil seivlce examination today fur the
, position of police lieutenant. The
higher inting can ies n salatv of S11I00
1 ami a 10 tier cent bonus. This i- al.
I exceptionally large ibis- and indicates
that the sergeants look for changes in
,1iie force during Hie next adinlnistrii
' Hon
Market St.
Near 13th
fi baitment, itcond and
third floors of a prominent
1 Call or 'write to
Bauer's, 2 N. 13th St.
Here's a Fella Goes to'Bergdoll
Home Hoping for Fusillade
and Is Disappointed
rinlip Itellkme i iire until link
He trleil to linvo biinelf lmi n
bnlitlnr. but tberr win iiiiIhhIv minimi
wliu hail n nnil liiimh nml well. Hell-
liiivt- will ellt
l'eitli Ainbn.v,
' .nre ' bt i-hIIm1
linek In bi lintne in
S. .1.. ileleelrd mill
lllllll'l wuik lift
Ins litis.
ItelikuM' limn nl I
nttliiet n bullet uf
intu the liuuie uf
I'elltllull. Ullturilltli
be mil oi t vu.v to
two vvn to btenk
Ofuiei I'li'vebinil
dnift ile'lC'i. i
Wjimeliehl. lie leii-nneil ll mil Ibis
1 w a :
"Cilhei I will be 'plin!K"d' In Him"
blm-elf, when lie lllid" tit"' fuitiK
ntuiiiid bt- hi I'll he -iiineil In
nne uf thu-e fedeial URi'iit- mi Ihe IimiI
uill fui- lli'iniloH." '
S ti Saluiday niclil last, he (lied
mil Hie plan, lie -went intu Hie lleifc
ilull liuii-e. made hiiit-eir nl luiuu' ami
liied his iiiiiude-1 tu atliiiet the alien
t ion uf a Run.
A wail nf a few hum- and thele
was IllllhillK lloillK. Vliell llellkllM'. ills
justed, went In bed.
Iliiglit nml call) tii'xi iiioriiliii: he
Rot on the Job njjHln ami matle all soils
uf rnekel as he fu ed itiounil mid tue
piireil him-elf -iimi'iliimr to eat. No
-linl jet.
lie -nuntereil "roiiiul Ihe cround- of
the Itertfdoll lioiue, inakiHK known Jii"
pie-eiiec a- much a- he iniihl Still
uu -hut. Apiniiently. tin one wn- in
the lea-t inteiested in him He wn
1,'eltilii; tliseonraced.
Hope at last ! Out m a hnli Ii nf
-hlliblier snuuti'ieil Mnliii the inic
Inker. Silli-h. I'.elikoiH Ihuuchl. hi
hnin bad cmue. jp
M til till appinaelieil tin' ii-ilm The
'in I'tuki'l ' sputted Itellkme a- a fed
eial agent uu a bunt fm- flnnii I'.eli
kme I'lKiued .Mil i tin -tilth liiul the tun
Hint would ilu the tilik nml Hint -aid
null was Ib.ble tu be pulled mn minute
Ib'Mkme nit ll i'il. ,
"Wlint ale j nir iloiiii! lieteV" Mar
tin ilenianiled.
"Oh. I'm just sln.iltiK lieic" lleli
kme ii'idieil.
"lint what's the idea?" Martin In
llliled "I don't knuw." the intruder ie
plleij r
"Well. )uli belter Ret nut, then."
M ll 1 1 i ll nldered.
"Well, I won't anil un bellei- nut
11 and put me 11111," Ilelikme iiii
sweied Iii'HIkpi'i'iiII). '
Martin ngniu felt Hine thai the i-itui
was an nsent t 1'uele Sum. lie pun
deled the matter at limiilli and liu.ilU
nut mi idea. He lulled up Cnplain llnl
ll'M'.v.l head uf the lliiM'tfuid Inwn--llip
poliee force, and the ehief went
OUT to -ee the "fediinl ttKl'lll."
V Iii-it tin Iiiti'iulei invited llnllissev
' '"'"' l'"' '"" ""V" ''i'1 k"' ","1
, the -ttanger ptnved -nipt i-ingl.v liaeta-
ble Aflet he hud been tu Hie Q.ikninul
pnii.e -,,!. howeve,. i. wen ..n a
silence -tlli.e i rum paint- in in- puch-
ets and tiuin Hie man - uu u uiluil inu
tile ptil'ue ill-i uvei-ed he was a pios
perutis liusiiii-s man uf l'eitli Anibny.
"I went thele In gel -hut." Itelikove
"You went tluie lo gel -hut, did
jonV" Ilnlli ey n-knl "Well, you
ialkvlike a 'iml' I bul in puking
thai piiitiiulnr huii-e In bleak into vvltli
that purpu-e you disiilayed a tieiueiidoiis
aiiinuiit of sanity. Out nf all the liou-e
in the CniK'd Slntes, I iimigine Hint
Iteigiloll bnii-e vvuiild have been about
the ensiest for you to uppioneli lo have
Villi desite- amply fultilleil. if llnie
iiail been any nieuibeis uf tin- lieig
iloll fnmilv abnut;"
"li.lt llubnilv would -hoot me. Iti'll
kove iiintinutd. "I'm ju-t until link
that's all." '
Details Keep Crowds In Line at
Four Government Dispensaries
Details of police weie iiece in v lu
keep t)ie crowds in line at the fuur
stoic- Avheie government -in plus fund!
is being -old a( cut rales today ,
Tin' biggest crowd giitlieied al the
1 (Umbels' stoic. Ninth mil Che-tuut
stieet- Hundreds of men. women nml'
I cliildien. each carrying n ba-kel or otlu i
1 ciiiitaiuei- for their piirolnisos. -tietched
In a lung line from the Chestnut -tieet
leutiance out Chestnut street nnil up,
Ninth street.
Thlee tboiisnnd tans nf n-suilrd jinn- i
at Ivvc'ntJ -two cents a can. i iiineil peas.
I tnmatni's, 'asparagus, pmk and beans.1
! miiied beef, inast beef, tiiiliuegs nnd!
I i lines were offered fur sole
I Virtually the same conilitioii- jue
ivnlleil at thi" other three stole-, which
me lit the Tlilul Kegimi-nt Aimory.
llioad ami Wbat-ton -lieets, at the
I Schuylkill Aisenal, 'JCi'Jll (nnv - Kerry
1 inntl, and at Sixteenth nml Vnh -lieets
Tlie same articles an- .ifl.inl fur suit-
at ul 1be sfoies,
lllllllli'il llMHI
. it a continual source of Wonder. I bJ( 'Ii l
M . Of (oursr Uiu stws have hoi wat'r lots of It. f S" 1 'Jdj IB
for Ulhf laundry Lalhl but ll'a the roat ot operation we I ttJffrt
I partieularly want lo dwell an. May we call and no Into ( B!h M
drlalla with iou' Html for booklet I j; . M
39 Laurel Street Philadelphlo, P.. I fe1
- , ,
Laura M. lioarii jet) Teaches Schoolboys and Girh Ilow to Take
Care of Themselves on City Streets
"Mis Safel KlrKt" N responsible
fur must nf the stuppiiiK, tanking nil
llstcniiiK that cues on in thli city.
This tnndein ouiir wnmmi. wliu is of
fill nun c Milne to her coinniiimly than
"''r'' "" "f ""' "''' "I,'S',' '"I'l"". Ii
the mu-t impnitaiit member of the snfety
but can of the P. It. T.
She has n Renins for makliic elilldren
lake erne of thein-elies in tne city's
streets. And to the children of the
public schools she bus become the roiI
dess of -nfety Hist, cniatiion scum' mid
a iiumbei' nf other ilisii'Riirilcil (rails
Hint shniild be eiicmirnneil in Ihe yi.tniR.
"Miss Snfetj KiiM" cnmbities in her
wntk all the best qualities uf a Kitanllan
niip'l ami n 1 1 attic pnliieiiimi She has
a deep affection for rier.ibod.i'n ehll
ilii'ii nml the greatest oppoitunity In Ihe
win Id to help keep them out of hnrtn'n
win And as a le-ult -he has bit on
the only way of iweoinpli-hinR lier
wntk She has giwii a fie-lt coat of
llmuiiii; iiaint to the old. old wniiN.
"-lop, look and listen.' because in Hie
child's uiluil -be has iniitle the safe
llilnc the desirable and ndmiinble thitiK
tu do.
Her eiiil) wuik as a leader lo cbil
iliett al Hull Hmise. in I'hieutpi. and bet
-Huh and ftilther wntk In Ihe smnc
held ill New York. Riue Mi-s hanr.l
M Itiiadtfer u clear undei -liinding uf
jiiMiiile mental pioce'-e- She -nun de-
M'hipcil the ll ly that In iitniiiiii; in n
-lot' iliteie-t ur a Mi'iiitriu tuueb the
le-s' iuteiestiu); fact- uf -eieuce and
KenRiaphy mi Id be giii'ii i'iiiiiirIi color
In iuli little the .Miuthful fatuities.
And -n. when the futitte .Mi-s aety
Kit -I" been n her wuik in thli city in
.lime. I!II7. -he hail behind her a hiic
icssful eareer as a stmj teller and a
teller of tales that in oilier i Ircles Minn
those uf youthful idmaHon would be
lulled "propngaiula."
"Hiin't" Not In Her mabulary
Miss llondifer stinted to woik with
the knowledge of the titter fully of get
Various Educational Topics to I
Be Discussed Saturday Aft
ernoons, Beginning Nov. 8
A -cries nf Iweut time lei tines, all' Waslilu:
open to the public. iinnnuneed to- l'le-iibnl
da In I'ruvn-I Smith, uf the Culver- ; formed n--itv
of I'eiiiisvlvnuiii The lectin es will bitumiiiuu
be uiveii uu Salunhn afteinuuiis nt !1
'..I. 1 VI... tu. I' AI.I...I1 tii
, iii.iiin ., irAiiiiii' ' ... ... '"'i..
npcn the -et ie-
..., ...,. N ,. I i I
iin address un "Cnilnis In Kpideinics."
Auioiig other leituiet- will be Dr. " po-iuu "ii" i eive wiiu.-u
lbuurv l. .Inliii-iin. new ili'iiu uf the lepolts fiuin Seiielui.v I innillty uu
Whartnu Sel I. un "The Itallwa.v tb'e-e ami other pre-tiig pinjileins.
I'u-sle." and Dr. Almru K. Tujlor. ' Aibniial (iia.v-m ii t nutted Hie Vri's
who plaved ii.li a inii-plcilnn- pint in ' ident to have a leltei .vesteidb.v fiuin
olving Ihe piublems fm f ling !: Senium llili In m k. of Nebrn-ka. nil
duriiiL' the war. mi "The Uela-
nf I'uod
In Industry."
full i ulll-e
fnllnws :
'IVvtori in KeiilHinii k.
Sui.intn-i s "IVvtori' in KplitHiuii k. ' I r
I I- Allien
Nmeinliei IS 'TlinllliHl lli-iirrn-lll
ttuns in Spnin iii ihi- seMMitpfiilli I'snltirv
tr Mumi HfllliiTl
'llMlltlH '.'J -'III- Vll llllfl lute of
Julian" illlustriiteill Prof VV 1' l,Hlri
IliitlilliiT it --I'.llllrltuli.in uf T'-HitiPrs
in IIih .Vdll'llllsllHlioii uf SiImimIn." 1)1 Hhi
lan I'liilfRriiff
lfietntir 111 Tie- Natuial Hl-lurv uf
llrisunii." Ill r ll l-hlli!
Ilpisiiltifr -u "Jufihu tltf .lewlsli Ills
lurldii,' Ilr .1 A .Vlonlsoiiii-r'
Inlliia r :l - TIip K.iihM l'llle," II-hii
II II luhllSllll
.iHiiiiKrv lu ' I'he Si'eiiiiuit oT Stmki.sii.iii -an
I'ritli'lsiu " In J-" i: Silivtlliui
Jsiuiar 17 'Suiii Plnsnilal I'l nl.lems uf
VVuiiit llei ontrtictlun. ' Ilr 'Hkiiiihm i'un
.Ihiiimm 1--I "('loBri-si'." Ilr K A
.Isnuiirv :lt ' Heei ti urn Anlcln, ' l)r I
VV (ioudrpf-il
hVlinmrv 7 "Aiiuvi-rn as l'niiuii.n lal
iilir," Pr W. K l.liielbaeh
IVIiruaiv H "Sonn Ti liimphs nf Mutli-ril
i h-nilstiv." I)r, T P MiCutihon ,
IVIiruar i;- -"IIih Knlutlun uf Harden
riuweis anil Trulls lu the Past I'eullilv '
Ilr John Mnefarlaii' v
Vlai.li (I "The Wurk nf the Ufalt ' Ilr I
A V Rleknrds
Manli I.I "l h (-'hatialnx Mw." Prof ll
VV A in ram
llanh i'll The llslatlons of Hie Kmni
-ui'lilv lo ltnliiatr " Ilr A K. Tavior
.Manh J7 "lllril l.urs of Ihe AlKonkinui
lluliall. ' Ur K tl SpeeU
Vpril 3 ' (lolnif tu Churth In Am iciil
Hums ' lillintrMed). l)r G l. Iladrslls
liutl 10 "l'iirr-cUnr Speech tWert.'
In 't' H Twitnner
I'tll 17 "llabnatla ami Adjaieul l.amN
of ih- Juao-Slma " Dean II. V. Allien
erll -Jl '"rhe Arllstlc Anatonn uf
TieeH " Ur J W. Il.irnhbeiser
Ma 1 "Rufidan l.tterature aa a full 1 1
ial Force-,-' Ur K Kdgerton.
City Appointments Announced
Cit.v appointments announced tndav
were: Joseph It. Sinner, 1501 Iteitm
stieer, draftsman, Ilutcauv uf Water
SI2IK1: Floyd H. Krilckson. 204:! We-I
Cleiiientiiie stieet, inspector, Itiiieau
uf Health. S0O a month: William
Woeilz, l."4 1 Cnlty street, titeman
lluieau of Pnlbe. $11(M); Hichard Hen
ley, 1S2.1 Kast Albeit street, lodman
Iliireau of Surveys, $000; Heury I,
Iniies, .ri027 Willow street, draftsman
Unreal! of Surveys. $1(100: William
Tnvlor. 1522 Htinu stieet, engineer, Uu
lean of Water, $1300: William D
Hoffman. 1420 Spark street, assistast
Huri'ttii uf Surveys, $1200, anil Coniiui
C Hoss, 2SI08 Kast Thompson stieet
I clerk, Iliireau of Health, $(50 a mouth
Is wholesome and efficient
always gives good results is
uniform in value and inexpensive.
., .... Editor of American Cookery
ting lesulls by Haying "don't" to chit
(lieu. She visited all the ocImhIh In the eltj
and told the children -toties'that caught
Ibelr Inteiest fioin the start. After the
chililteu bad become thoroughly Intel-e-ted
in the subject, snfety patrols were
oigani.eil. They were composed of boy i
between the ages of eleven mid lifteen
who ai led in the capacity of trafllc
Kiiaiil- in the neiglibiiilioud of xclioot
holl-e- Tin waichril bad dossing",
stopped ii-eh'ss lisKj un Hie stieet ami
tunk especial Hire nf smaller elilldren.
.Iinenlle I'liltiiliurii Meet
Twn hiitidied of these "patrolmen"
meet evert month in the Cbairtber of
Coininetic to diteitss their vvoik mill
bear n linielv ntlilress from some prion
liienl riillailelpblati. Almost every
mnntli nine dangeioiis -pot without a
pioper vviiiuing sign, or a needed Itu
piuveiiKtit is called to Hie attention of
Director of I'ublic Safet Wllsnn. nnil
the suggest ions are almost invnrlubly
hi ted on.
Siiue "Mis- Safety l-'it-t lias (nine
in town then' hits been ll decieiiM' of
.".T'-j pel lent in the number uf cbil
dteu bull In Irnllej cats. Hveiy eur
she -peaks uu two or tlnee occasiniis
lo inure than li.iO.IMMI clillilrru III the
siliuuls uf the cit.v.
Slie lias uigunlzed a Safety Mrsl
bnglte nulling the older scbuiil children
who pledge Ibeiu-elves tu nb-ervc the
lilies uf inutioii-oti the stieels, with
..,.,,1,1 linth lo cars mid automobiles,
and to leach the lounger (hltdien the.
safelv I'll -I wit, ,'1'bc rblladeliliia
Itapiil Tianslt gives a liuttou lu every
f member nf Ihe leagiii'.
Tlllll Hie imullimiweailll appiei'lllies
the Impiirtaui e of the woik of Miss
Uondifer i- -hnwii b.v Hie iiassagc of n
inling giving bet ieiiuls-ion to speak
in all the -i IiooIh of the city, nnd mnk
ing it impossible for any one to Inter
fere in one of the gieatest movements
in the 1'oiiuti.v fur the coii-ervntion of
youthful life
Acquainted With Situation Af-
fecting Miners' Treaty and
Industrial Conference
Ion. Oil. 111. - (ll A. r 1
Wii-nii I- being kept in
tu Hie tlueutened -dike uf
in.il miiieis, the treat -itu
ntion in
the Senate and the national
iudu-tiinl iiiiifeietici'.
i It w ii- a ti nun in ed tuibiv nt the
11011-e tlllll tin piuveiiieiil III lli-
, ,i i
urn iluiiiig iiie asi icw oas iinu iniiiie
iiislinlloii leiuiei in me iiemy ngin
iltliuiug prn-pect- fur latilicatiou uf Ihe
The I'lesiilent. unless bin cunililluli
-linvv's a decided inipi'iivement, will not
I In peiiniltid lo accoid even an iiifuriiiul
teceptinu tu King Albeit and Queen
Dlialielli uf Kelgium when they al -live
hen' Muliday. Tin- decisinii bn-bei-n
icacheil by Hear Adinitnl (!iny--uii,
Mr, Wil-unl- pei-uual pliv-ician,
it was lemui'il tuibty .
The blilleliu i lied la-t night by I )
lul' liiny-uu. said the I'le-idenl yes
leidav had "a iH'lter day Hum usual."
Al-n it wa- -aid lliat uu new rumplica-
tinu- had ctilcieil intu the I'resiilent -Illness.
Home Fired, Flee In
Ori'iipaiits uf the liimii'
of Mrs, rior-
enie Mu-ky. Illi I arpenter stieet, weie
foiced In llee into Hie street lu their
nlghtcliilhes eaily today . when they
ili-ciiveieil the lir-t lluor of their liome
in llnnies. 'I'be hlae was cxtiuguished
lii.fiiii' much dmiiage lu.il been dune.
S. R.
n7ilLm 'mill I) mmtlCm9ExJ
At 'noon on that date the
next issue of the
goes to press
The Bell
Capture Pulkova and Approach
Last Defenses Fall of
Kronstadt Denied
ly the. Associated Vren
I.niubiii. Oct. 21. Korces of the Ilus"
slim soviet government are being slowly
driven back to their last defenses lu
front of I'etrogrnd. (lenernl Yiidenitcli
hascaptuied I'nlknva, nbout seven miles
south of the city, nnd ldgovn. le-s thnn
eight tulles to the southwest, according
lo unofficial, reports. Pulkova is the
site of the famous Imperial observatory
which overlooks I'etrograd.
Itolshevik tumps arc apparently
formed along the I'etrogrnd I.uga
l'skov railroad, vvbeie they me stub
bornly contesting eneh nttempt of the
Yiidenitcli fmces to iliive enstwiiid I'et
logiad is isobitnl, and its full up
pmcntly Is u mailer of u shmt time,
IteiKirt lied- al Kronstadt
The fortress uf Kion-tndt wn- still
lu the' hands of the Ilolshevlki Sunday,
accurdiiig to a dispatch to the Daily .
Mail fiutu Terjlukl, I-'inlaiid, fiuin
which place Hie ltd Hag was then vi-1- I
ble at Hie ma-theiiil of the liallle-bip
I'etropnvlovsli. which ts leported to
have been lai-cd since she was tor
pedoed by the lliitlsh in August and
iiuvv is lying in the Ktuiisladt barbur.
The di'spnli-h tu the Mail states that
seaplanes which bunibed the fort I ess
Sunday wen- hied on by unll-aircraft
guns. The icpoitcd ini-lng of the white
ling nt Kiuiistndt I'ridii.v is as yet uu
Kovlet forces seem still to be holding
the coHslal region west of I'etrograd. n
Helsingfots ili-pntib telling of a ijuel
between an initl-Ilnlshevlk fleet and
the fort nt Krasnala (iorka. A great
Hip, nccompiiiiied by an explosion, was
observed after the battle, but It Is said
it may have been at Oranienbnuni. n
village about twelve miles east of Kras
ninu (iuika.
Heport Orel Itiiaptuied
Oiel has been lelaken by the Ilulshe
V'lki, wliu also have defeated nineteen
leuiuients uf (ieneial Mainoiilnfr's aruiv
Siutslde uf Vuioneh. nci-oiillng to a
witeb-s dispnlih -ent nut liy tile suviet
goverutnent in .Miisiow.
lOtel is INI miles -milli uf Moscow
mid wits held by (lenetal Denikine'-
fnices. Voiuue.li is KiS miles soulbeast
of Oiel.l
Dispntches fiom other souices admit
that the suviet lia- es-ayed a counter
offensive near the center of DenlkineV
line, bul decline that an attack at
liioiili. seventeen miles southwest of
Oiel, was completely defeated.
Iteds Itratru on Khoper
Southeast of Orel (be Holsbeiikl have
suffered a disastrous defent. an ufllclal
lepmt says. Thi- battle took place west
of the Khoper ilver, the most luiportatit
tributmy of the Don.
Kiev has been nltaeked by Denikine's
Cns-ncks, who have fun-ell the Iteds nut
.f mu-t uf the cit.
Knlchak tiuups un the Sibeiiau front
me -aid to have met with a iever-e,
losing unite heavily, in lighting neat'
Woman Strangles on Street
Mis. Mmgaiet Killeu. -Kill Not Hi I
ICiglith street, was seized with a stiange.
malaily at Tenth and Itiittonwood
stieet- and died of stimigulntion a
i short tiiue after she was admitted to
i the llnhiieiuniiu Hospital. Mrs. Killen
was standing uu the street i-urner when
pedestrian- noticed she whs stiiiggliug
fm- hiy.ith. Ilu-pltul physicians are
linnhle tu explain the onil-e nf dentb.
i Fire Damages Chinese Laundry
! A tin- binning all night in the dryiug
i room of h Chini'-e laundry operated by
'Sing l.ee, at fiTl.'l Arch street, was
1 the cause of a blaze in the establish
i incut today which did $11100 damage,
l.ee. who slept in a louui nil minim.'.
awoke to bud the place tilled with
smoke. After dying in vain tn put nut
the blaze, he turned in an alarm.
There are quite a number of owners today
who are driving their eishth, ninth anil -tenth
Stutz cars; men who are able to
buy any car they desire.
Arrange now for
listing changes or
advertising space.
Telephone Company
V i i
& sii 'tS7SwflaS. SiHHi i
SMPJ'! ''Si
II has been .suggrsled in England
thai the wife of the new Vlscounl
Astoi- itllght be asbi-d to conies) for
Die I'm-liaiiieul seat Iter Husband
will Micalc on -ii reeding to the
lieei iige.
I I rvAriorw nnwrvrr-rvv
l LniWL I iVI I O I Ll I
Hammonton Citizens Plan
Induce Man to Write
Another Note
Plnus to Inilitce the liersun who winle
the letter boasting of having kidnapped
Hilly Hansci. two ami h half len'is
old. who lias been iniing from Hani-
million. N. .1.. since October .N. to
writ,; again to Mrs. He,.- s Dm.e, .
n oi net- l tlic cl.iltl. were set on f,, . ; I1Bionallv is between ?10,
lotlliy 111 Hmilmulllutl. ;.,. U,.!r i rnr nnn Mil
iiieie arc Iwo motive- lu this elTnit
... . ...
to get in .,., with the letter writer. nf' ;eo,.nittce Vn .lit eel the cam
(.ie t- i, obtain luii-uluiuii fur he , , 1" .iit.. ci.l (lie .nm.
mi with a new nssurm,,.- Hint the l,n " .,1 s '.,,s.tl "'.. f"r.r?,11l:
Lbny is nnhainiinlnnd the otbe,- is the
nope tluil Hie Kliliuipper. if he iciilly
has the child, mny be Induced tu letur'n
A number of titien- of Haminoutiin I Adler said, vvoultl be employed to ins
hnve stibsciibed to a fund with which tribute food and clothing In lieu of
advertisements will be planed in news- I railroads, on which transportation was
paper-in Peniisvlvmiia. i-w .leisev aniP seriously hampered b.v destruction
New Yoik. urging that the nivslcrioiis ! wrouglit by tlie war. In addition to
letter writer get in touch with Mis.J the purcha-c of supplies. Doctor Adler
Dau-ey or with the leaders in the senrcb added, money would be loaned from the
Tor Hie hild. fund raised to the European peoples to
The letter writer appaiently vvintc I obtain raw materials with which to
f con i N'ewaik. as the envejone bnie the. reopen their industries.,
-tamp of that po-tollii e. He said that1 Ilesides Doctor Adler, otticcis of Hie
be -tide the Dan-ey cbilil, mistaking campaign committee here are Jules
1.!... if.... ii 1 ! i l...il.nin.i tinnan-rn" .lfifinll 11. I. it.
II. White, nf nnminmiton. nnd ocIilodJ
lt..ii 1,,. :.,i 1...I .. !..,., l.rt !...
i ntii in- i u i Tiiiicii hi tvri'ji iiie !,
J. E Caldwell & Co.
Jeweler .SlllerninlUn Stnt loners
C'liettiuit and Juniper turrets
Add To a
An exhibition of lamps
which it is hoped will
clearly indicate the im
portant utility of the
lamp in the development
of decorative effects in the
modern entrance hall, the
dining room, the library,
the living room and- the
Chestnut and Juniper Streets
v w iim ' . mm.weMmmmmmMMm-emr-z: .
ThiH winter uho a Nevcroiit
Motor and Oarage Heater, nun
your car all winter. Don't mUs
all the fun on the really fine
days. W'th l""e cost ou cun
start easily any mornintJ with
. Smwti
Heats your Radiator and Motor First, THEN your garage Uses kero
sene. Approvea oy leuamK insurance companies. Tenth succpmb.
' tll ctnnn.... A aafM ..tlVMlinciM
iui Dcnnuii. omv imivinwc
represented or your money
Dent. K. Heater Dlr.
910 Arch
Waldorf, Succeeding to Peerago
on Father's Death, Must
Quit Commons
London. Oct. 21, "It U suggested
the new I.ody Astor might be asked to
contest for the sent in Parliament for
Plymouth In succession to her liiibnnd. Ji
Waldoif Astor. who now becomes Ms- ,'
count Astor." says the Daily Mnil. J
The newspaper adds that "apparently Y
there Is 'liutbing to prevent n peeress 'j
from being letnrned In the House of ,!
Cnminoiis, where wumen now are ell- .
Bible "
tf.ndy A-tor is one of the famous i
I.nitghortie sisters, of Virginia. She T
nnd Iter bilsbanil are immensely popu- ,
lar Hi Plymouth, the constituency JB
there bavins returned hi in to Purlin- H
incut 'Inst Dece'mlier by the remark-
able majority of 12,000 over the Labor
candidate. '.
Although women arc eligible to the ' J
House "of Commons, only Countess Kg
Mfirlf ti.i.te liuu ln.i.ti i.leeteil fin fnt.
and she, with the other Sinn Fein
members, lias not taken her seat in
New York. Oct. 21. The state of
New Yolk will attempt to collect au in
heritance tux amounting to ir.llltans of.
dollars from the e-tnte of Lord Astor,
Tlie attempt will be fought b.v Charles
A. I'eabody. nKotnev for the Astor lu-
"'n-t. " "lli'1 Vismunt Astor bnd
I tnlllMfom,( ,js entlie properly here to
a trust company, as trustee for his two
JEWS. SEEK $2,000,000 HERE
Dr. Adler to Lead Campaign for War
Relief Fun
Jews In this city hnve orgnnhed to
rai-e $2,000,000 here for war relief work
ilin-inir the week beginning Xovcm--
her 17.
-s ... i i i... ..ill k. nf
14 " " i ' glial of the
I II II J I II 11 I llllll .-..J.IIII..'.MI.
r," . .n.... .i. i ,.i,otnun.
One hundred auto trucks. Doctor
Dr. M. H. T-rof nnd Hnms J. Cohn, ,
.,:,.,. . I.oirmivii
vice iliairmen.
'(t Installation
Ilr qui red .
mill, n,... ....nHn..4n W i .
w.n. uut ,uai uiiitrc ;V1USL DC 88
bacK. see demonstration.
Street, Phila.
.ktteW InHmWJPl Cntuvl,
iia. PHRP'Ti, Others
K9 y5.v -l"BJv
? w-t
' ' t -
4 V l
. J'.'
J i
. -'f
:i. r Hf .. . w ii . a. i. . . .!--. i - . fk
s' b j u j ' . A.t r' " av f at . i'ki ,
..'-i . '&.f Wr ' --., i :