fy.3frJff?1Tc'',- - iVftHi'fT'" T" .-yyvTwjw' ".,.. r.ftV i'i'v.,i5H;,j ,. a- rw., "v ' )WT.:S1SWW MVi, t? B-V 1 .. EVEIKQ PUBLIC L1EDGER PHTdAt)ELlJHrA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1910 -, i- 10 h I' Ac I ft I y. J" FITZGERALD & CO. Setter Pipe. Flue I.lnime I Wall Cnplne I rntn and l'lre Brick I aii m av nnniiiirpo ' ALL CLAY PRODUCTS Mam Offices anil Wartboiiu , SECOND & BUTLER St., fill LA., PA. IMPACO CEMENT AND BRICK COATING FOR STUCCO-CEMENT OR DRICK ALSO CEMENT FLOORS Will Realit Water, Oils and Great IMPERIAL PAINT CO. 1518 Snrwom Street Philadelphia HYDRAULIC KflCHIHEKY DD1lfK We are equipped to do the work at your plant and lave you the expenae of long tie-up. I'linn. Wat. 1RU and Mnln 31 14 Greer Join Interallied Trade A (I'otnimiiiltjr of Interests lms been rstnblMicil between Me'srn. II, unci AV. (deer, l.tl,, nnd the Interallied Trade mid Hanking Corporation. Ltd., of Lon don. The tiieer roni-ern W Inereanlnn Its eaiiital to 000,000, of Thlfh part will be Mibcrlbed by the Interallied Tnule and Hunklng Corporation. On the other linnil, the (ireer company win iicnnlrc from present holders n "lib- atantial block of stock In the Interallied Corporation. The two companies will continue as separate concerns, but K. L, Walter, of the flreer Company, will net as man nsliiB direetor of both organizations, Sir .lohn Field Henle will be thairman of the Interallied corporation, while I C. (initios and L"on HnelT will Join fflc board of dlrertors of the tiieer Com pany. Harry (ireer will be rhalrmnn of the latter. W. .1. (Jrecr and I.coji Hiicff. of Sellginan Hiotheis, London, A Permanent Income of $88 Annually on an Investment of $1,120. Our Folder No. 350 describes the Preferred stock of an old-line New England Company established in 1856, which has been .doing a consistently profitable business for 63 years. ' Let us show you how an investment of $1,120 will return an annual income of $88, or a yield of will Join the board .of the Interallied corporation. Liverpool Cotton Mterpool, Oct. 21. There was a good demand for spot cotton today, with prlres steady on the basis of an oii Mtiiro of 21 points for middling, at J'.'.'Jlld. The sales were 10,000 bales, including 7000 bnles American. The receipts were 0000 bales, none Ameri can. Spot prices were; Amerlculi middling, fnlr, 25.41(1 : good middling. 2.'i.00d; fully middling, IKi.OOd: low middling, '.10.41(1; good ordinary, 18.40d, and ordinary, 17.40rl. GOVERNMENT BONDS tllrt Auk ransma coupon Vs. ln.lfl nil f'annma realetered 2 III3H . OH1 .. J'anntna resleterM Sa. IMS . niH lanamn coupon 8a. mm. JP'1"1 realnterert Ba 19'tl '! Wine a 1034. I'h Ippine in, loai j'hllippino 4f' WSU !! 2 '?'" coupnn-L', 1030 (Inn rcmetcred S 10: L N (ill,, .!... J- .n , u ... ' "".'"11 IX, l,'.l lll'tVA in., V. """"ri-A in ISM lnni. I'll of CnlumlilH 1M1.V 11124 H7 Hit Ml II'.' .' inn 030 inn ion v. nt in mi pn in mow 1(10. tun LIVE8T0CK QUOTATIONS Chicago, Oct. SI 1IOOS i:tlmntei re ceipts, 311.000 heart Irffi iner BSlia heart. Openlnr ery slow Few early trnde, nr.flp BOe l,oner. AerKe cot yistenlsy $14 nil CA.TTI.B Kntlmate.1 receipts, in. 000 heart. Hecker & Go. Bankers nnd Brokers Member ot Philadelphia and New Tor It Stock nxrhana. N. K. COR. Mil AND rilF.STNt.tT RT1. mmrmwnmmmm miiiiiimi'iiiihiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiWj I B IJp Kn'neewtMaehlnJelf jTtt if I , IP- 610 CHESTNUT STREET ' nwr tJHBagBIMMHilaHnBBHMaiHaH III , 7THE WHITE ' . FOR W00D-METAL0R PLASTER ' 7,86 I 1 dTAII Jtorra f or III ' Thomson Vfeod pniahing Co. sd for Folder PPL-1.10. ' 1 ; ..,.., .,.,,., .......... w...... v.- ........!.:.: : v; B H 1 I BUILDERS' I HollisteiWliite & Co. I 8 MILL WORK MCOOSTa I VKR SIO.000.000 nBI-OMTS j iji; :::: I North American Building II 13 :-: n n i i it' j:;: PHILADELPHIA I BiilliMM I K; - 1 P, S BOSTON PROVIDENCE SPRINGFIELD I I Columns, Etc. g JJJ I Lh KEYSTONE ELECTRIC CO. I THE HANEY-WK1TE CO. f -, Jl ZT :: " :,: I I'hone! Malnut. 4083 ;i 17th and Glenwood Ave. :: i Office & Warehouse :! :': 21st and Glenwood Ave. !: :: Lists From Plans and :;ij 1 Estimates Given WHEN, AS AND IF ISSUED ' Kmtwmmm!im $1,200,000 i i iuoiTq'uai .ity quick SERVICE J E Motor Truck Delivery 1 1 lansdale FoundryCo. H 1 nn.ilnle. Tn. Phone Laneda'e 4.0 II ' ' ' 1 'TO those who believe that a bank "should be known by the de positors it keeps" the Continental - Equitable Title & Trust Company is best described as an institution having; 10,000 active, desirable clients whose present deposits aggregate over $10,000,000. CONTTNENTAL- EQUITABLE Title . Trust Company 12th Street Above Chestnut Philadelphia $1,000,000 Capital $1,000,000 Surplus United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation Offers for sale, surplus IRON. STEEL AND METALS in the form of SHEETS PLATES SHAPES-BARS which is available for inspection at Hajs Station, Pn. Haltimorc, Mel. Hrooklyn, N. Y. Hog Island, Pa. n,'a?0,' "V, Metuchen, N. .1. W Orleans L Xcon. --"; ao. Bethlehem, Pn. Plattsburc, N, Y. Arvcne, IS. . Althcnlu, N. J. Sparrows I't.. Md. FitchlnirK, Mass. Port Huron, N. Y. Providence, K. I. Hrunswick, Gn. Bristol. Pa. (Juantico, Va. Camden. X. .1. Xewark, N. J. St. Louis. Mo. Sellers PL, Md. The material consists of approximately 3000 Tons Sheets 20;000 Tons Plates 7000 Tons Shapes 2500 Tons Bars Arrangements to inspect this material may be made, and detail inventory can be had on application to Head. Sales Section, Supply and Sales Division, 1'nited States Shipping Bourd Emergency Fleet Coiporation, MO Xorth Bioad Street, Philadelphia, or at the follow ing district ofliccs of the Supply and Sales Division: 115 Broadwaj, New York City; 140 X'. Broad Street, I'liiladel piiia, Pa.; Hibernla Bank Bldg., Xew Orleans, La.; 922 Edison BIdg., Chicago, III. Custom House, Boston, Mass. 1). S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation 140 North Broad Street, Philadelphia 23 of Our Men are needed in the New "York Curb Market every business day, to execute swiftly and accurately the orders of our thousands of customers, and to se cure and send a continu ous stream of quotations to our board rooms in seven cities. NEW OIL GUIDE SENT FREE Gives UD-to-date review of entire oil situation and condensed reports on 27 going independent com panies whose shares are worth studying market wise right now. Ask for No. T. U-G35 JONES & BAKER SECURITIES Widener Bldg., Philadelphia I'itnci Bill, H'al-nt G065 A'f ) -lint, Race 2290 Plrttt Friuli H'trtt Uc Yelk Dtlrolt Plittburtk CVeajo Hiltlmorr Boiton DRAV0-D0YLE TURBIW-PlJfWEllGIW-BoiLffi ' VULCANITE Portland Cement Philadelphia New York Botoa Chas. J.Webb & Co. Wool and Cotton Yarns 116 Chestnut SL. Philadelphia. Pa. NAGLE STEEL COMPANY STEEL PLATES AND SHEETS Pottstown, Pa. Pliila. Office, 1411 Morris Building JULIAN S. SIMSOHN Art Organization oi I CHEMICAL ENGINEERS for Technical Operation of Power Planli Water Purification Coal Analj'M Combustion S. E. Gor. Broad and Girard Ave. Ltr O. W. KTCHAM Mannfactnrrr of Architectural Terra Cotta, Bricks Hollow Tile, Etc. RODDY & GAMBLE - Sanitary Engineer Industrial Plant Sanitation Clinical & Analytical Laboratory Water Treatment &. Purification Medical Arts Building, Pklla. r- 1HE BALDWi T ocomotive Works Steam and Gasoline LOCbMOTIVES Philadelphia, Pa. There are openings in ne.arly all branches for skilled mechanics; Steady work; good wages; excel lent working conditions. A large number of the ways are covered. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION CAMDEN. N. J. APPly M Employment Department Choate Oil Corporation (Incorporated Vndtr thr Iaw of Dflawarr) Three Year 7 Sinking Fund Convertible Gold Bonds Dated November 1, 1919 Due November 1, 1922 Callable in whole or in part, or for Sinking Fund, at 102V2 and interest on interest dates Interest Payable May 1st and November 1st Coupon Bonds of $1000 denomination, registerable as to principal The Land Title and Trust Co. of Philadelphia, Trustee Pennsylvania State Tax refunded. Free of Normal Federal Income Tax up to and including two per cent under present construction of the law CAPITALIZATION Author! md 8 Year 7 Sinking Fund Convertible ' Gold Bonds $1,200,000 Capital Stock (no par value) 500,000 To Be rrwtntlr Isiutd $1,200,000 200,000 shs. 60,000 of the 300,000 unissued shares are reserved for conversion of bonds. The Board of Directors is empowered to issue the remaining shares in its discretion. From a letter addressed to us by Mr. John W. Choate, President of the Corporation, wc summarize the following: Business : The Corporation (under the name of "Sammies Oil Corpor ation") was organized in 1917 and is engaged in every phase of the oil business, producing, refining, transporting and marketing petroleum and its products. It owns and operates, a 2000 barrel per day refinery, tank cars, loading racks, steel storage tanks, gas plant and mains and many retail filling stations. It owns leases on approximately . 30,000 acres of oil lands in Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana, with a daily production of about 5000 barrels from 28 wells. In addition, it has many proven locations for wells. Earnings: The Corporation's earnings at the present rate are approxi mately $720,000 per year. This is more than eight times the interest requirements on the entire issue of these bonds. Valuation : J- P- Cappeau, Esq., Petroleum Engineer, Pittsburgh, Pa., has valued the Corporation's holdings, exclusive of the proceeds of this financing, at $4,125,000. He estimates that with the expenditure of this money the property will earn at least $1,500,000 per year, or more than the principal of this issue. Security: These bonds, besides being a direct obligation of the Cor poration, are further secured by a Collateral Trust Agreement under which will be deposited certain securities of underlying companies. No mortgage may be placed on the property during the life of these bonds. Conversion: At the option of the holders, bonds may be converted ' into shares of stock: after May 1, 1920, and on or before November 1 1920, 50 shares for each $1000 bond; on or before November I, 1921, 40 shares for each $1000 bond; on or before November I, 1922 (maturity), 33 shares for each $1000 bond; any bonds called on May I, 1920, may be converted into 50 shares for each $1000 bond. Sinking Fund: A sinking fund, operating every six months, is created " which should be ample to retire all the bonds at maturity. Surety Bonds in a Hurry LNSUIANCE AKL ou rnllrd nn t( Rhf n surety bond fur nn rtur- Mi ret j bnniU of the lilffheftt t undine Mnhe Indemnltv Conipum- nre 1 1 aunt bv ui In nn,i amount. In Hildltlon, f offer mmi the rent mlt nntiifre of being nttle to sot (dene bond? Ht mire, nlnre we lime heen Htithorlreil in pnftfi on ImiitN without referring them t the home nftlre. H arris J.L atta PENNSYLVANIA BLDO. PHILADKLPHIA. l.ieut ft?8 Rnrr 343: LC--sssE8Z!ESSi& Sani-Seaf Kteam Bathroom Ptrfccthn Glistening while pyialm. unitary at glass, durable at steel, will not crack, craze nor rp. Write (or copy of the boollet "The Influence of the Home." Insist upon a Sam-Seat. WOODWARD-WANCER CO. 1 100-08 SprlnrGnrdm St.. Phll.d.lphi. All trtalltiM will t paaaed upon bj limn, Dorian, Lewis & llofalus, Philadelphia, for the Hankara. t When, A and If Issued and Received by Us Price 99 and Interest, yielding about 7.37 65 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Frazier & (h. Broad and Santom SU., Philadelphia, Pa. 19 South St., Baltimore Md. THt abate ttatemenf are baled upon norwuitton oololned rm official tourcet or from Ihone which tee retard a reliable NEW ISSUE 75,000 Shares Stanwood Rubber Company Common Stock CAPITALIZATION 8 Cumulative Convertible 1st Preferred ($100) 8 Cumulative Convertible 2nd Preferred ($100) Common Stock (without par value) TRANSFER AGENT Inrinff Truit Corapnnr, New York Authorized Outstanding $2,500,000 $ 13,000 $500,000 $275,000 500,000 shares 295,000 shares ' (including present oflering) REGISTRAR Irving National Bank, New York Upon completion of the company's financing, the company will have no mortgage or bonded debt of any kind and a substantial proportion of all three classes of slock will be left in the treasury, thereby enabling the company to provide for future enlargement of the scope of operations. Upon the conclusion of the present offering, the common stock of the company will be dealt in on the New York Curb. A letter has been received from C E. Barker, President of the company, regarding the company's business. We summarize as follows the salient features oi this letter: The Stanwood Rubber Company owns a large, modern, fireproof factory located on the dividing line between Elizabeth and Newark, N. J., which, when fully equipped, will have a capacity of 1000 automobile tires and 2000 tubes per day. The company has acquired the rights to use a special process in the manufacture of tires, which process is said to produce a tougher and more wear-resisting tire than any made by any other method. Gross business of this plant for the first full production year is estimated in excess of $6,000,000. The company has just acquired nearly all of the preferred and common stock of the Hardman Rubber Corporation of New Brunswick, N. J. This company has been established for many years and has a reputation for making especially high grade tires. Through the acquisition of this controlling interest by Stanwood Rubber Company, the Hardman Rubber Corporation will be provided with ample working capital and suffi cient additional equipment to bring its production immediately to 500 tires and 1 500 tubes per day. This will mean an additional gross business of about $3,500,000 per ear. Arrangements have been made whereby a tire distributing organization which has distributing branches in twelve different cities, and twenty-four other retail distributors, will take a large part of the Stanwood Rubber Company's initial output. Particular features ol strength with reference to the common stock of this company are as follows: 1. Net earnings of the company for the first full production year of the Elizabeth-Newark plants are estimated as over $4 per share on the amount of common stock outstanding. 2. The management of the company is in the hands of men who have achieved a striking success in the rubber industry, and who have made a large personal investment in the common stock of the company. 3. The assured sale of a large part of its initial output at a satisfactory profit. 4. The outlook for the rubber industry has never been more promising, the probability being that the demand for tires in 1919 and 1920 will be materially in excess of the supply. As members ol the syndicate which has underwritten nnd sold a large part of the present Issue of common stock ot Stanwood Rubber Co., we recommend this security as one ol unusual ln estment merits and marked possibilities for an Increase In value. Subject to prior sale and adtance In price, we otter a limited number of shares tor public subscription at $17.00 Per Share Subscription books will close at 3 P. M. on October 24th. Trading will begin on the New York Curb at 10 A.' M. October 27th. ForeignExchange ' The feature of our October Circular is an explanation ol the methods of dealing in For eign Exchange covering Puts and Calls Drafts Deposits abroad and Transactions in Bonds In addition, the circular lists our investment recommenda tions, the income from which ranges from 5.20 to 8 Copies will be furnished on'request Edward B.Smith & Co bankers IXTAHI.IHIIUI) MI Uevibera .ir York and Philadelphia Stock Exchange! I'lllLADKI.l'IlIA It 11 Chestnut Nt. NEW 10B.K IIASTON NEW LONDON' AI.I.L'NTOfV.V Hlr IwRssHsfli fBtarilRCTHiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaal jHiIS ' Federal Tax Reports A foui-Ho n organlzls-if; material and vrorlu lntf out nil forma rnulrn1 for ImJIildiiiil Income Tm fnrnorntloii Tax Kxccm ProMts Tax. Actual reports will bo mad and blank flllPd out ImlMdual problems dlBcuaied nnd naljTird Men In Accounting Offices Banki, Trait Compnnlpn and Commercial nnd Industrial Orjcanl7.itlon who hao ItIerol Tax Ile nnrtH to mnkp out will And thl rouraa nt I creat alue Mr John O Herndon, Jr., of tn ifiinrnmy iruni rompany or New York w II fondurt the couraa. ill or write fur full rurtloularf YMCA Central Branch, 1421 AixhStrceJ WE ARE PREPARED TO SELL "CALLS" ON FRANCS hcrlcH on Parla, ITALIAN LIRE ( hecks on Milap, GERMAN MARKS Checks on Berlin Kurininx three to Fix months In the above Foreign Enhance at prevailing low ralea Write or mil for Particulars Newburger, Henderson & Loeb 1410 CHESTNUT ST. Members NT I'hlla Slock Exchange Your Office If not efllrlentb niannjrel is u profit menace. An nrisiinizHtinn of capable men con templates Mpeclnlizlng In the Improve ment nf office jut em nnd nccountlDf. Service fee commensurate with re sult obtained for you. o oOtcft Is too small to liave n rood tm. A 301, Ledger Office Reading Co. Equip. 4lz Illinois Central Equip. 4V2S Canadian Northern Equip. 6s N. Y. Central Lines Equip. 4Vfci Prices td'Net 'S ' to 6 I Townsend WJielen & Co. 805 fllKSTVI'T STBKBT LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT and SOLD Any Denomination Samuel K. Phillips & Co. 807 CHESTNUT HTKKET Memhern Philadelphia HtorL Kxchnnrc Bolster & Company l-orty Wall Street , New Yoric Chamber of Commerce Bide. Third National Bunk BIdff. New Haven, Conn. Springfiold, Ma. Tht data herein contained hat been ttmfiled rem official and other re liable lources and vilule not guaranteed, vie feel astured of ill accuracy. $50 $100 LIBERTY BONDS 1'O'VIHT AND OLD Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH STREET Uemnera Philadelphia Stoclc Bxcnaru Atlantic Refining Co. Pfd. Charles Fearon & Co. 3.3 CHESTNUT STREET Lawrence E. Brown & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1015 REAL FSTATrt TRUST III UO. Insentient nnd nrlj.i. pnrtnerMilp as4 corporation Hrcounta. ila. prepare V. a. income lax ifciurp :r- NOTII K 1 HICK Kill tlK THAT i tin iinsiPrslimM han mad ft annlffa Mon for th lenewHl of rerMfltatt No IW7203 for HTinrew of io k of the rennsUanl IUilion.1 Co Ijiniicrl to KPa P Patch nnd ii-tri thf 31m uf Mhv 1013 the turn h.tv ii(? !fpn !o' or .'(at ood LEE, HtGGINSON & CO. 44 State St., Boston rroportla m i JVM m - VH H fW Mnil'K TO CONTRACTOK9 ltORUWt.I. SEASIDE 1RK, OCEAN L'OUNTV. N. J. Sealed proposal kddrnsed to Aaron "Wil hur. lloroueh Clerk, for ih lonntructlnn nf I about MOO feet or Hoard walk and for th 1 furnishing Of about SSO 000 feet 13 M. of l lumber 'JxO In. 2xS In. and 3x12 In., will ne rrcrieu ov hih norousn l ouncii ol tn norouuh of NpHRldp ParK nt e Council Chamber on Saturday, th flrwt (I117 of No vember, 181D. at 12:00 n'rtotk noon, jnd onftiod Immediately thereafter I Each propoul a to b 'ubcled "Proposal 1 for.Uoardwalk Construction Uach bid la to te accompir1d by a reitifled chck for ten per cent Ct0 of th rontrftct prlc bid mule navablt to Holmfl Van Note, Dor .ihrIi TrrHBiirer without ordltion or In- I doretnnnt I Plan nnd iDecin,allonii may b obtained from the Honuh Clerk ut Scaaldt Parle and at tie oTice of Ileinlncton ft Vosburr, 1 Conpultln Hnglnfera, 1101 Market atre-wt, I Camden N J . upon the deposit of 110 0', nf which sum JVOo will lie tem'tted u. n the return of thi plana and apotlflLUttona l cood (ondltlon Thft Borough reserves the r.jht to r?Jwct 1 any or all hid and to deitde a to thd da 1 slrab'Uty of tha blddr. ; aaron wir.mjn Homunh Clerk. PRtiri)HAI.S WIIJ.MKTTi: VAI.M?V TOUPANY 1 riHST MIHITHHK 1'IVK I'KR CENT M-ni.imi rt .mi inn 11 i,(iim I)TK1 DKCKMIIKR I, 1003, Nolle Is h'Teby shen, pursuant to th provisions o( the tnortxaae to German town Trukt Company, dated Det ember 1, 1805, t)tt the undendgned Company us Trustea will recent sealed proposals up to twelr oV'ofU noon on haturday. October Sffth, . 1U10, for the aalo to it of bonds, an da i ecrlhed ahoe, at a price not exceeding on hiinf1rs1 nnd ta ntr i nt MnSr i nnrl . crud Interest, suttlclent to exhaust at itfiS nearly ns posaime the auni or 991C0.74. now "V In tha HlnfvlnsT Fund Pivferencft ta be g.vt l by tho Trustee to bonds otTerad at ths low 'aRMANTOWN TRL'HT CO, Truster, Qermanttmn PhUadetphla, Pa. vi Octol-rr nth, in 10 "- ijjj PKOI'OKAI.S Pint COTTON HHKIttlM.. Ottlcs of Quartermaster General of tha Army lOtothlmc t Kuulpatcs pt vision), Muni-1 llona Bulldlna, Washington. l C fltalM prunosai. tn aupncate. wm ne reeivea m here until lliOO k. so,, Nntrmlier to, till. i' l" or. turnlhlni: lv rn Jinr.si.rl lKd'S.lli.Ofii', J'O rarda cotton ahiietlrur, usithist)sW4. 1'ronoial - ' fii ui j are Vi. J t ':j 'Vv ,JV tr T 3 T Giaeio inv jniormaiwn Mm vu rn,t ;r s,. t. jf . '' f "V jtisaWB. '-X. i .C'T . . . . .: K.4altBIK-i.,. .-j ' ,. i