Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 21, 1919, Postscript, Page 17, Image 17

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ppPfPSSkJ-V - wfJ-fTOT" -. 'JclflBR",: ,-"- --v.,. .-fs- -'-'"??( m .-r '"-' cntf'wjipswfVT,,
7 h "n
'"Wx tiWO 77,TIRTrf TTPu"inUFV' ',rrf - nrvr- ttv '
Americanized French Play
Melodrama of the Artistic
Vlrlini Hunt, t ho piyjtnl , ;ut in
Thp Woman of Iliouze," ir-etcuc
Mnrgnrr-t AiirIIii to tin- ri-nlm of the
rmotlnnnl ilrnum In n lole Unit Ii fltti'd
through lirr rrcntlvr- artistry to tnml
nH n cnuntPipnit of li?r Ituth In "Tim
(irr-at Divide" ami Iiit lielctia in "Tim
Awakenlns of llrli-iin lUclilc" Her
trliimtilinnt iccfitlon nt tin- llrhnel last
night should so far to cnnfliiu lior In tlic
view tliat the pinotlunnl drama It lirr
metier, nftor lior pxpcdltioiiH Into com
edy hud ( J reck tiaRcdj-, liiti'ii'itlug aH
these; ycro as iliiiiln.viiiK tin varied
ratiRe and depth of her ait
Ilfr hew offering, which lias been
JhoroiiKhly and heliivablj Amoiiiaii-
lred fiutu the I'roncli of I.'iiKcue Delnnl
and Ilrlirl Klstennaecker. tlioiiRh the
ndavter and translator is not eiedlted
by name on the" program, is ically a
melodrama of the aitistie tempera
ment! Situations which have been
crudely put b l.auia .lean l.ihbey and
AiiKittn Kvans Wilson in tile diamatl
zations of their lid tic novels, tnke on
the colol mill e Intruder of life In the
posture of eiieitinslances an adroitly
diHPtnlli.il in tlie Klsterniaciker-Uelard
plot. Out of Midi elemental j material
as a somewhat pliilaudcihiK sciilptoi's
transient passion for the impecunious
lelatlve of his wife's, to whom she has
(then a home, the wife's io;;ninme of
bis indisdctious, and her determina
tion ro save his line for hciself and his
jtenius for the woild. the auinors linve
develdped a W'lj poweiful dralii'i of
emotion, wlili-ri moves swiftly, ileatl.v
and inevltahl.v 'Iheie is mole motion,
more dinniatie m.tion and less depend
ence on clash of moods thioiiRh dia
logue in this pln.v than in iiuv we have
seen 'In recent seasons. The m ulptor
ejiRnged in a louipetitlon foi n statue
of rii'tni. gets into it onl.v the fuitive.
slinking, mean aspiet of his elu.ip tin
nailty. It takes his wite'sforgiveiuss
to envisage his eonieptiou with tin mill,
without which his woman in bronze,
the Ciown of the malposition, hen in not
the impicss of genius ami inspiiation
for tlje woild, but onl.v the leionl of
bis sin.
.Miss Anglin in teil with dignity ami
distinction as the wi'i of the iiitist
In tlie inrliei m cues hcfoie knowledge
of hi fall fioni iil'eglunei' lilteis into
ber consiiousness, ami then with mii
Mnnllj mounting poignancy and elo
qui wo in lier ,(iiomelits of stoim and
Ktiess A mnxiill'iit'iit tNpnsUinu of
ncling virtuosity was hei telling of her
heuitlncak to a fiieud against the hnik
grouiiil of n stiidin tea uriouudcd liy
the enemies of her happiness and by
fociilj gossips untitling her iindei tlie
tnitlo-topc of moiliid m iosit , the
while she plays gallantly at being caie
fic anil i el tain of lier litish.ind'ti love.
Ilijr disti aught wife Is a leinnikable
lierloiiiiaute'fiom even point of view
Ficd Kric, ii'iiiciulieiiil iiiaiuly ,for his
Memitio and I.aeites, played Hpleiididlr
opposite the stm as the ening and ulti
mately forgiven husband.
"Faith" the Background of Metro,
polltan Opera House Production
MirrnoPOUTN "The Miracle Man." Ilj , '
IV.vnk I.. I'aikard illrcetnl bv iltorifil .
latino Tucker. Special rul. Artcratt Stars Ot Stage aild StudlO An
tllHV - I
N'rinly iverjbody will, want to see
this photoplay again, betause it is about
jHio only million plctuie which has yet
had the Indefinable Minu-thlng about It
which summons to the soul the sphlt
of ipvereuti. Religion plays no pint
In the lilni. eviept to tiling forth the
faltli without rrgnrd to
message' of
( reed,
Kriiuk I,, I'acKnrd's inngnine stoiy
inspired tieiiige M, Cohan's stage play,
both under the same title under which,
the plot. lcapiH'.u lu the tanned diamn.
Kalthr which plays a great part in
the make-up of nearly eveiy one, should
be lespouslhle fur huge, popular np
peal for this story, -which tells of the
machliiations of five t rooks who plan
to make money through fommci chili
ing the healing povveis of tin old man
who is blind and dent and jet who pos
sesses some unknown means of null. lug
people well and happy. Our- of them
pietends to be a clippie, and he goes
pear in Interesting
tntois may be skeptical of the" daring
way In which iniiny of the (nr'n stunts
nie performed, hut It Is said In fairness
to Mm that they are genuine.
The plot Is of the detective variety
and vviltten hv nn expert. It shows
a reportir"s plan of a fake muii,er to
get a sensation, When he goes to the
house ef the supposed victim he finds
the man h is rcnllv hern killed. The
leal dol is then exposed, with Just
enough love inleiest to bleak the
monotony of (lime.
Many llouillni was one of those
plavcis who stood upon a platform
during the chivs when Diluiolit's tnlii
stiel house was known as Uiadeiii
buig's Dime .Museum, lie cannot es-
npe fiom the movie fans, because he
Is making another pictme to follow
(his one.
UnOKNT "llmne," with Mlltlnsl Harris
I'liaplln Storv .mil Olrert lull b UiH
Wc-hef I'hlvl'rinl JrHVtM pll
"Home, Sweet Home," is tlie em
broideied motlo wlileli li'angs over
mniiv a door in liumlreds of homes, and
no doubt theje will be n greater ine.iu
ing to those words nfiVi tin' lilni fans
liml this pln.v deals with the uonili'i fill
iilli.ut cms of that em c-nieil place. .
STVM.KY -" "IVmnrr unmlul Ifr '
1'nn.lnm. rMmn,lH SteirV l,
Inn" nml tuhn Kmcrran Dire" Im1
ITvvlcl Klrklnnd I'lrs' Natlonicl I'Ihv
Heelie for successful light coiuedv
In the movies; Take one -third of John
Kmer'oii and Anita l.oos's crisp sntire,
one-third of Constance Tnlmndgc'R bub
bliug spirits mid picpiant moiiih ami
nne-thiiil of David Kirklnnd's skill as
a director, llcrtt Into si reels of fiothv
liiimor. and serve, "A Teinpeiameiital
Wife" explains why revleweis vviint to
murder ntnpltes. and liften fninl wleii
villains pull guns out of desks We nie
n'l fed up on melodiamn lleie, then,
is a dellirhfltil antldole for invv
tbeatiles. There Isn't a single tlnill in
the hew Stnnlev fcntilte. Its plot is'
notlilng. Yet the combined Inlcnts of
lli sine.' author and director put -It
neioss us one of tlie most amusing pio- i K Kl,s fnrth to wed lilies and falls
.In, (Inns of months
Miss l.oos. for one thin
h'ls writ ti'n
the f'llinlest leadeis (dliie she caught
tlie nubile fnuev with "His rieture In
illi to the line oefore a gieat eiowd of( p,.,s," Mss Tiilmiidge has got
i.. . i .. it.,c. ,i.ii. i .....n l.. , ., t.' ..I.!.. .. i l t....
people, and a little child, ically a nip
ple, goes up to the pntiiaich mill is
lienled. This throws the faker off his
plan for a minute, hut it woiks out well,
for the crooks, bes'ause people ciowd to
the healer, lu the end the iiiiulmils
are all brought to see the power of the
mull whom they have attempted to
iapltali.e. A love motif inns thiough
out the piny.
.1. .1. howling is the "miiiule man."
His work will lummaud attention.
Thomas .Meighau is the mastei cmok,
who plans the swindle. In Hetty Cnmp
son is found a wholcoinc type of gill,
whose woik, both as ihainitii plavii
in tlie opening of the play and l.ittct
as tlie nv.iil "fake1" ndulive of tlie
bid muu, is ee client I .on Chanev
piesents a c haiaelci in the sueeti vvhUh
will live long in meimry. while the dope,
tieud is ably i baiai lerled bv .1. M.
under the mmlc skin of her heiolii
a Iteinnid Shaw young lady-with ill
telligenii' and ebarni, Mr Kiikbuid
has cut n nil assembled benutlfiillv And
the lameiamnu has aided and abetted
them all with some line' photography,
cspcciullv a shot of a gieen stream
Now to entih and hung the fellow wbo
did the tinting One woiel more: Wvnd
ham Staniliug. hithcilo an nvv fully
seiloiis pel Mill, now eineiges ns a
llnishid, suave, delightful e oiuediaii.
It's a miking film
ainonc fi lends who move shnllow She
sees the iiiliul of social life mid re
t it i ii-s home to help her mother and to
(mil happiness lu liei faithful lovci ami
hei domicile, ,
The motivation' Is not new. but it
has been well diii'ctcel bv I.clis We lier
Mlhliid Hun Is Chaplin has n follow
ing hv leuson of her good wink, unci
iibo for the fait that people want to
sec the wife of the noted come dian. In
her suppoii tbeic nppetir Claiiss'i Scl
wynne. I vdia Knott, A I Hay ami .lolin
I'vi.vc r
rriicrii I,
'ItnlicH e f line"'
.sleir ov 1 .nils
li lleKlnnlil linker
Typical Entertainment at Caclno,
Trocadero, Bijou and People's
Hilly Watson, one of Hie most pnpu
lar burlesque comedians on the stage,
pleased Casino p.itions in the initial
perfoimani'e of "The I'aiisiau Whirl."
In a burletta setting laid in gay l'aiee,
Billy and Ins able assisting tnmpauv
put neioss something new lu the w.iv of
burlesque eiiteitniiiiui.nl Tin- big se'eiic
Is called "At the Cate Cliaiitnnt "
Hilly Spent er, known to builesqne
patrons as "the niigimil (Jiogan"; Kd-
xvaru isixiey. ine tramp commicue, ami
a chorus which lucks neither looks nor
vivacity aie in the miupnny.
TKOCAIIKKO "The (ilils I'Mm,
.Tnyland" an- even better tliiin up to
the minute, anil are beyonel it bv a cou
ple of months, for tlie 1112(1 edition is
on view Vccellcss to say, this show of
Sim Williams' devising it, catehv
music by (Sill llaikci, is full of snap
anil tunefulness. Ida Mcholai, Hilly
Gilbert. Ilillie Dawes ami other lust
class builesiiuers are prominent in the
burletta and olio,
III.IOU V. V. CernioW, "(VI. r
I.n!" full of song and nonsense, is the
feHture of "The Mischief .Makeus." It
is an eutcitainiug show, with a cast
xvliieh iniliules sucli clever idayeis as
Mabel Clink, Ami Itavnor, .Ine- Treed
and Jtounie l-lovcl. Theie is luuslitt-r
and netlou fiom start to tinish.
PEOI'LK'S -AU of the latest fi ills in
eostuming and the newest ideas in fun
are Included in "(iirls n In Puma n,,
nr-l the playeis is Jlartha 1'ijor, a nevv-
t miner 10 mis city s biiilesepic stage.
Another enteitaiuer is .Mi 0 Cough-
lin. i'hey nie suppoitccl by a big iom
pauy in the extinvagauza, ".Manhat
tan, I'leasc."
New York Mayor Wants Legal
Opinion Following Last
Night's Riots
Mystery and Comedy Characterize
Play at the Walnut
M.vsteiy. tin ills and (oincclv, a gen
emus supply of the hist, make up " I'he
Revelations of a Wife." pu'siuted at
the Walnut Stiecl Tbeatie last night.
A capacity house li'dil the pei fen malic e
juelgiug f inm the ficepient iipilaiisii ami
outbiiists of lnughtcr. It sat bieathless
dining the tense momi'iits unci thiough
out the evening followed the' ilitllenili's
ot the plot, a somewhat ingenious
tiling, with an absolhiug inteiest
Theie was. peihaps. a little disip
iieiiotmciit in mil lilidiug the "ii'vehl
lions" as tnitlliig as sennl might bine jmppilv
I'MIICICII IIOIII nil" line, mil li may lie
said that il was an igmable fniluie
oi their hopes. Ilveiv one seemed
highly pleased with the play -a ml piob
a'lly toed, home tlie lis.nn the ofleiitig
meant to eemvi-.v that it i best at all
times to be holiest and iibovebnaid
cspei'iallv for a weimaii with
mist entcc l llir mall imouv
Kvcry one of the cast met with ap
pioval I.. Ilrooks, as the deieWnl
hushanil. vviiei tin lis out in the enec In
be most magnanimous, and (iweudolil)
Williams, as the wife who is culled
iiiion for some trying emotional acting,
weie well leeelvi'el, r.loyel Sabine, ill the
lole of a haul. cold, frosty anil iloubh
dealing individual, was all thai the
iniilieMice fxncitcil hi villain to be. 'I'he
bin deu of the fiiumuking ami uu sninlll
shine (if the iiiiraeltjiK.j)t. tlittMavsiery.
"fell'to'Hicriaid'Afilik nail Mifp' Kcogb.
tsaia KMes rargenl aim .nnee i oni
mills as two eiceutiic iiiaieleu Indie.1
elievv niimeious laughs.
"Itonds bl I.ove" nie lilted very hlijh
lu the Hint market, and in the fanji'
speculative interests it might lie Vupl
that (lie seal coupons which aie i lippiul
hv the elooimnn at (he I'alnce nie uiK
woilh their listing All of wbleli II. (o
s.i) (hat 1'aiillne I'lceleiick's new iief
tuie is a good one ' , '
So many people told I.nuls Sheivvlii
In slop i litie i,ug hlms and vviitc one
Unit he look (heir advice, ami the le
suit is tins picluic, wliieli iiiaiks bs
luiliiil oft'eiing. It had the very able eli
iccting of Itegloalil I'aikc"- md is a
veiv line piece of woik, ultboiigb theie
were plan's wheie it dill not show un
so we'll The scene's on the Cnlillili.1
i-k'Uid walcis and on (lie laud wei'e
picltv lo see,
ivliloweel fntber falls in love with
aueitlier vviminu ami mnnics herj in
older Heat his hov may Imve a mutlui's
ca I e The macliiiuitions of his formei
wife's lelalivcs h)ivva .shore in cleclel
ing Ills new course, vvlinli lesulls
as (he love of the- MvpmoNier
llcm.lliilng I'holopl.i.vs "The Life
Line" is lo be found slietehcd niiiiss
the sne-ens of tlie Cnpllnl, Alhiiiubiu
and the Locust, while "Itiokcn I'.los
iili I'sniiiie ' sums" fall to tlie gai' of the Colonial
ii.,"iV.". ' ' "iivviN "His .Majesty . the Amcin an,
ic'Mwjii N n t(i Snml ,1I1( J,,,,., I'iiKfnid in
'The lloeiillnm ' is at tin- Impel ml.
is genuine, aniUthe Iplav ends' in.il int
uitu ton vva) - '
As an I'lliollcti'ial -aertless theie ale
ve iv few plavcis who can .ipluoaiji
l'liullne I'ledertik for leal c eimpelling
scenes 1'eicv Standing lias a lole which
vlies him a lot to do. and Ccnikie. Lee
"''"' 1 is the kid. r.etlv Seli.lde. Leslie Stiiml.
ol Iiit impoitnul plavi
Fun and Lavish 3cenlc Effects at
Chestnut Street Opera House
The' Shuhi'il (ialeliis of lilllt" ai
lived In (lie e ilv last night at Ine Chest
mil St I Opeia House and proved lo
be veiv welcome ami vei) ewtei tabling
guests Thev might to he welcome.
Lvi'iv tiling fiom (hi" "shiiniiiv" In
(he populai bed loom fnice icceive
utlialieiu at the bamN of the hug"
cast ot pel foiiueis, who strive' Iheii
utnieist in imik" a success of this new
est ii viii' And. he il known, thev
Mies I ailmiiablv
Who sinned in the- long aiiav. it
would he haul to av : every one Inn I
a moine i I en Iwo in the glare of the
calcium of populai it) . Cla.vtou ami
While- again dam id their win iulo
the) be ,u ts of the audience and the
Cilmnis, uuothe'i dniiie team, hill not
so well known, piovi'd (o be W hiilvviuils
of imiiveluits aleilni's's. ItiU Willi'ilns
vvein applause' In her agility" ami the
linvellv of leer "d'lur.) liuilt" act ai-
pealcil stiouglv1
Discovery of 5000-Year-O I d
Flask Creates Havoc in
Dry Territory
A Hunk of niXKI-year old '.
That's what llvetiS'Up the stiong hill
nl Ke-ith's this week.
I'rohibition has no teirors for .lack
ralrbmiks utter he dlscoveis that prime
cold ll.isk hhlilen in nn Kgvptinn niuminv
Ami (he things that it makes him see,
and the songs it makes him sing' All
of I'gvptiau trend, of course, but if
Ihe it in ii- A t Pharaohs ever had auvthitig
in the snme class with the levelatlons
of Unit one Mask. Caesar himself was
einv for not making (lie land along
(In' Nile his, peruilUK nt home.
I'uiibanks's best song wis a num
ber nit it ltd "The.v Never Wiote About
That" (Jertlilde Mudge's ill Intel -pielalloii
of "PnildcrruffsM's Minuet"
liml I ve (lot Something on nu" weie
exe ellent
Sea lions and good looking gills
swimming In the same tank provided
an unusual number Winston's Diving
vinplis ami Water Linns pioveil one
of the strong fealtiris of the bill
.lack Hi van liml l.il llei.lv. in iiiusi
ml novi'llies; Millie Noiilstrom's ing
Inne sketch. "(In the ltaggeel IMge"
Lillian ritzgeinld ami Chuei Senna
in liurlesiitie impeisiiniKions , The Kios,
n Itnpize lie t : Adeline ltoothbv, novelty
songs .lack 'I'ovvle, n "nut" mmeilian,
ami Mine. Hen maun. miiKicuiu. mm
phle the bill "
(iLOIIK Comedy i l e d o m 1 n a t e s
lliiougliout the bill, (he mniorllv of thi
ne ts producing an almndame of
laughter. A tabloid musical ruined v.
"Heir I'or n N'lght." Is entitled to -i
leading place judging from the gener
ems applause, and the ski'tcb. "Which
line Should I Mum''" featuring
1 1 ii 1 1 li Ketteiing. was I'qiiallv populai.
although making n illffeieul apiieal
llniiv Cooper, eoniedliiii : Hinry ( liv
Inn. mysdc, Lillian ami Twins,
eoineilv . Torielll's ("Ileus imil Keniiedv
I ami Kramer, comedy , are the, other good
C'HOSS KKYS- Musical comedies on
the vnilety stage are proving mole pop
ular this year than evei befote ami
"The Spider." which Is (lie feature
ml, proves no exe eiition A novel act
was "put amiss" In a novel wav liv
, the Five Auieiii (Jirls. who ling (be
'songs ih tlu'ii icpcrtoiie in a wav. that
.Is ileclcledl) ii'freslilni- I ,,x ami III III',
Itohlnson, MiCahe ami Koblusoii,
comcdlnus; Conioy and (I'Donuell and
.the Sterling Hose Trio complete an en
terlalulng progism
IIKOAIM'AY An old favmlte. "Sen
ator" Ciiuals Jliiipin, won a host of
I iauglis with his discussion of "Topics
of the Day " 'I'he nit is c oiisidcrnhh
I frrshenecl. Aliotbei evielliut net is that
of .7. It. KnhlitMin and Ids ,lu?.z 1 ivc
who keep things humming 1 1n iniclioiit
their time on tlie stage Hell and Itawn
also picsent an up lo dale net hound
to please. "Hroken lllossums," 1) W
(JriiTith's newest, ami. hv Mime, ion
siek'ied his best phutuplnv featuii'
.shales honors with Ihe vaculevllle.
WILLIAM I'KNN - Novel acts, pie
ti utiiiiisly staged, nie the mi", ami
1 1 here Is baldly u weak line' em the pio
Slam living NewliolT and lloile I'heliis
buve an tiiiustial ail whicli delighted
'last night's audience The l.'il .lapis
iKevui' is iiiinther pleasing sketch, with
ipiettv gitls ami spurkling humor
(noige M. Itosenei. the coniecllun
l.Taivis and Haiiisou. niiil I'uul Nolan
tiilso, ionic in foi hniitv npiilaiise
Anita Slewait in "llei Kingdom of
Dt i inns" is a tblii;ht foi movie loveis ,
lvM('lvi:itlt(('KKK -Sir latlling
Igeoil vaudeville ails and I wo eipi.elh
i'iileitniiiiug motnui pietuies nniKe up'
an ivtieniily intciestiug hill Music
inlerspeised with e ouieilv feiituied the
'woik of (lie vaiiclevillians William
1 1 "n t ii 1 1 in slurred in the c ineiiiii veisum
of "Wolves of (lee Nigh!." n diamatli
story of life in the gieul norlhvvit ami
the eei poiular Chill lie Chaplin nuiile
a hit lu "The I'loeirwalkii "
(lltAM) llohhy He.ilhs Hushfill '
Itnthiug lleauties evoked waves of
hiugliti'l' which eugiilfeil on uppnehi
live nudicui'c This net is just eeiie
puttv gill and m- lug laugh nfu-r nn
othei Maxim Jtiollieis and Itohhv
weie among other good m ts mi tlie bill
Mickey." the comielv lilni sinning
Mabel Norplant! , Is a whole show Ju
NIXON "The Ten Thousand-Dollar
Ankle,',' which heads the bill, proved to
hi n noutop lomed). The stor) over
Hows vvitli funny sltuntlons Will II.
Armstioug, well known lu miisbal com
edy, ami also n l'hlladelphlnn, carries
tlie lonuily honors. Hasll i.vnn offers
some new Ideas in coiiieelv. Ilthers well
rneived wen "Noodle" I'nguii anil
I -lie (lie Vim Dieinan Tiotipe, daring
in lohal. ami Togati and (ieuevn. ' Love.
Honor mid--?" Is (he unique tide of
(he pholoplnv attraction which holels
iuteiiM inte rest
Youth In Woman's Garb a Suicide
Mushing. N ., Oct 'Jl .lohn W
l.eenpke, the- yoiilh whose body dressed
In woman's ilothes, was found in a mo
loilio.it. stningleel himself, the medkal
cMiiuliiei uiiuoimciil after an autopsy
"Angel Face" Pleatet 8horo ,
Atlantic City, Uct. 21. A largo-fet) '
ilieuec at the Apollo Theatre UstalcM'
lienrd n new three-act musical comedy,
"Angel Face," presented -by George IV
I.ederer, which begins nn engagement
at tlie Forrest In Philadelphia next
Monduy The music bv Victor Herbert
is in his happiest vein and in certain
to gain marked popularity. Harry B.
Smith hns provided the libretto, and
the lyrhs arc by Hobert Smith. Promi
nent In the company nre Adcle Rowland,
.lob n II. Younir. Mareiierlte Zend!--,
Tvler Hiooke, Surah JlcVlcker, flcorge
Schuller, Mary Mllbum, Jack Dona-'
hue, Ann Warrington, Marguerite Bt
Clair, Ulihnrd I'jle, Margery "Wet,
Minerva (irc.v, Hernard Thornton, Wil
liam Cameron, Howard Johnson and1
.lohn Kclnharil Mr. Herbert will con
' duct the orchestra ut the ForreBtmext
IS the winter temperaturcia
your factory about 90 at
the ceiling and about 40 near
the floor? Do you control the
temperature so that your em
ployees can give you their
maximum amount of effort?
These are big questions in
this day of greater production.
A Sturtevant air expert can
tell you all about them. Just;
call for him.
Multivanc Wheel
Curreci'ane'S enable Sturte
vant Mult ivnn Fana tit
deliver lartleit volume o( air
at imiliut coat. Ideal lor
alt htnd of drymf, cooltnf.
heating, enci vvntilattni
A. L. HUCKMAN, District Manager
35 North 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Telephone Alsrkrt 14-30
Fans Ulaicers Engines
Ami ii would not In' fair to omit
j liieiituin of Crank Davis ami lieeuge
I Jessel eeinii'diaiis of novel methods .mil
Claiv and Kale Lest,., ,,- Ihe "f ' " . " T.'. i i... .". ' ..iT
' Il I, I'll 1,1 , , Oil l I, (III , III, in..-,, Illll,,..-. ...
.the pine Aifd mi oh. clown the long
".III I)IV- "SeiHIr leilf." wllh RI1IU HilfUi'
No Gloom Discernible in New Weber
Production With Music
Theie is nothing blue about "'Hie
Little Itlui Devil" except the title
Itnielv litis a musical show stalled off
on its two houiH of mil Unlinking with
lllt-,,.le.1 l.l .l.ltm S lliihrlw,... I;'.....
plnv by Avery lloinv.w.l nirumevlmt uleev ,
Thev movie tlifiitlcsnie revievliig plnvs
which in spoki'ii veisloii'ilid not, ciente
inneli of. a sensation, .Often IhchC pl.iv's
suffer by lcusoii of theil lui'k'Ol the
voice. but in this case (he pl.iy is we'll
handled. 1' - ' t
i nillle'lltiilre'lias a 'husl of ncTiiiiicis.
and her vviirk wears well. Site h:i n
vvimome pcisonality, which seems to
make itself fell whenever she hits the
i enler of the stage. Stiauge that Ihe
ml is sjmihir to that she h:ul in "Tlie
Misleadiiig Widow " also made fioni a
stage play. Her leading man, .lames
L Ciane. Iili-r tbijuv a lot of good vvoi),
hcfoie 'tlie camura, and hei othei
able assistant, .led 1'ioutv, m ec'.s mi in
tiodtii tiou lor.JliH vv'oik befote liHIMi.ll
coiiiedy midieiiii'ipf '
The motivation'' com ei us tin- luloits
of a very ydiing -ujfc who gets into n
lilllt lllty and , then extincts hei self
list, evi'iv one cltel his or h'T itut, with
or vvilhoill "The I'lol. whiih .lessel
del hire el hull gone Up tc the' Slllllit'l I
Tlii'iitte some time dining .he cv'eiiiug
Ciilela (iiav won the' liiugi".t and inosl
heuitv applause, especi illv wllh Ihe aid
of hi'l liuuil in Ihe seconil act.
As for scriieiy, tew of t))e White!
(linden shows have evel' suipiissfd
"The (Inieties." The e Inn ns was largo
and pie Led with an eve foi beauty
such speed us that evidenced last - ( IIiioukIi tiiitvliVt-'i methods. Ilelng rn
ning at the Lviic, wheie .loe 'bf r s ou, jt, e) yulli" is n ,!!,(,
new pioehution made its l'liila iUllt w,,, tlint mate's wife appeals on
cieipitiii oovv. run 01 pep icieei kiuKvi. j M. scene, well tilings begin to le.ip
Willi a lew grams 01 llic cjey coiie en Kne
i piopei seasoning.
Ilaioltl Atteiidge lias supplied Ihe
lyiies and the adaptation for the music
of Hairy Chi nil. Oscai .Lagh' staged
the piece and the niimheis weie ur
inugeil liy Hert Freni'h. Tlie piesence
of these collaborators added somewhat
to the gayety of the evening's opening.
To have a boss who falla in love with
his clerks' wives and glv-en the husbands
good positions so lis to keep on tlie
good Hide of them is the big idea baik
of the play. One clerk, in order to keep
hia loving wife away from tlie gay boss,
hires nn actress, known as "The Little
pen lu the end, however, she IiiiiIh
out that the love of her own husband
is best, ami air cnts happily '
The bcautifiii'llglitings showed i.ite.
fill study, whlles.the diessing of tin
loles fcliov.i'd'lnittijjfill selection
VK'TOniA "The (.rim (ieuiir," with lleiiri
Houillnl SWrj. Is rArlliur II Keeve mid
.lohn W ry. I-fre-ctnl bj Irvln Ulllot.
1'aratnnunt play.
New Yoili. Oct'. 111. (Hv A. P.)
Decision whether the city gnveinmeiit
has the right to suppiens opcrn sung
In ticrman in Xevv York until after
ratification by the I'lilted Stales of the
peace tieaty li-sted today with Cor
poration Counsel Hurr. after llotoua
nceues last night, when fotmer service
meu tried uuNiiecesSfullv t pi event the
prcsejitutiou of "Die Melstersinger" at
tlie Lexington Theater. Mavor Hvlnn
snitglit hu opinion from Mr. Hurr after.
leverslng an earlier decision lianning
the opeia. I
Ooineident with the JIayor'a 'move
the mnuagemetit of the opcrn uhuoiiuced
that steps would be takeu through the
courts, if neiessary, tiiasure the con
tinued piesentntiou nt Herman opera,
The mnpagement stated last night's
program was in the nature of a con
cert and that the leal opening of the
German opera season was to be to
night. Mounted police and patiolineii with'
drawn night sticks battled lust night
wltb more than 300 men w raring army
nnd navy uniforms when they at
tempted to gain access to the theatre
and stop, the performance. Several
heaela weie hit and numerous list tights
occurred but no one, whh reported
ciiouslv injured. Tint polce protected
tjivi audience us it Jelt me blinding.
Ulue Devil." lo impersonate his spouse
Misunderstandings occur ami. with the
aid of eloois and a funuv unction sale,
tilings liven up (o poinl vvlieie it is
neiessaiy for the salary of tlie uiaiil In
the house to be increased many times
because she has si en things.
When the audience was not luugliing
with the show it was npnlumling the In
dividual am, collective efforts of tlie
veiy competent caKt assembled. A three ,
minute round of applause for the repe
titiou of n song and dame, "Cuckoo
Town." executed vvitli raie skill ami
clexteiity bv ISeruard (irauville ami
Katbeiine Hatfield, was only equalled
iu reception by tlie excellence of .lack I
.Mcfiowan's singing of "I'm So Sjm
pathetic." which pinniises, to become!,
the whistlenble piece of the show, nlong ,
with "Peter Pan." A splendid torches
tra gave the necessary impetus to all
tlie numbers,
The hiirpiisoH of the evening was the
anility display eel iy lillllan Lorraine in
the title role. Not only has this gill
improved her voice, but she enacts the
part with ull the snap and dash that
11 lt'tllires.
Laurette Taylor Play at Orpheum
.1. Hartley Jlanners's ''Happiness,"
the comedy drama in which Laurette
Taylor was seen iu a dovvutowu theatie
last season, was presented by Mao Des- I
mond nnd her players at the Oinheum.
The story concerns the little errand gill
of a dressmnker. She is cheerful unci
optimistic mid getH n lot of good out of
life by being hopeful and satisfied,' Of
i,ourn .there's ove story and.Teiiiiy,
this-little Kii, chuimingly played by
Mish Desmond, 'falls in love vvitli uu
Irish lad nuil marries him.
Mr. Fielder es6as the bcion of 'the
Hmerald Isle with real humor niid sen
timent. The other, members of the com
pany have congeniul roles. During, the
action Mr. Fielder i'ang "O, Proratoe.
Me" and "Klllarney." Ue played "He
lleve Me If Ajl Those Fndenring
Yontig Charms" on the 'cello and "The-.
Last llose of Summer" as a vloln'(.olo,
Minstrels In New Skits
The'funuy side ot a bank crash con
tinues to amuse minstrel patrons U
Dumont'fl. '.Iee, Franklin, Ashwood
and AVard nre. assembled in a funny
skit' galled "Schooldays." and "In
Wrong at the Oolf Club" brought round
after round of laughter and applause.
New and pleasing songs are Interspersed
throu(hout the worth-while entertainment.
1 This is not n seiinl nlav but
plete production, in whicli Unity
ilinl, exponent of.tlie- tut of peiloiining
'nii,,n" tftflru iiiii, u,,r ,iw ll.u 1,....
He ciums his loutlnu of during stunt?
i lino a iuikc L'omuieie iciuuie inciuie
1 With the possibility of using tlie I. orl
stop motion photogiaphy , some spec
were supcrwise they bought
their apples by the box and
ibtgot their nectar.
A call from Mount Olympus
to Mount Hood, Mount Ranter
and other siltfnt sentinels over
tho world's greatest apple or
chards. Buy a box of delicious
Jonathan apples and fill your
homo with happiness health
v-from Washington,
Oregon, Idaho.
"Delight in every bite"
Order a Hox from your retailer
Kflnllcrs Orelcr from .uetr JuMier of the
fulleilnr eurleit rcccKersi .lohn It. Cun
celcnei. K. i stfurirt A Co.t -lismrA
llwvrrt s. i ii.i ll. iiiikti ti I eltHTinan,
Hill UU - c' HBSl 1 1 !i M sJiiHhIi
RIlEI iiiLw i siHiw C in jpwVrcHMHHBiB
1111 lH IS, ltfi WtlafWmZaWi
Illi iH urA Kti Avwlf' wlrii e JHI
an Engine
Stay Sold
, NoroDH
i MV Hon'
Fl D
3HJ2sDisAti$A j"il -
A good salesman can
sell any engine. No sales
man can make an engine
stay sold. Thntdcmands
Reliability in the pro
duct, Service in the organization
that 3tands back of it.
We begin "to show you what Novo
Service means by consulting with you
about your power needs. Then we tell
you what Novo Reliable Power will do
for you. Then we see that it does it.
Novo Engine!, ljjto Uli. P. Kurntaheel to
operate on taollnj keroaene, dlitillate
natural or artificial ca. Outfits for Pump
Ing, tlolitlnic. Air Cocnprcaulng, Cawtoc.
Apply '' 'u'l information.
danoce E.BetWnt.Werea LOn.K(rj
Factory and Main Offtcei Lsnilnr. Mich.
J. Jacob Shannon &. Co.
1744 Mantet Street
PhilaJoIphia ,
cait guarantee better worlt
with Upson Board
Test Upton Board!
Prove iff superiority
1 Whittle er saw
It I It looki, frell
and work Kit
7 limit ftt lit
ncarl) t"lci ai
tlrontf other
3. Faint Iti One
toat on t J p u
IluftrU doe tlie
woik of tKO oo
ether U4rds.
4 O.TicUl Corern
menl telling ma
chine provet uMoti
Hoard tthitandt
rrfakloif teat ot
neatly iOQ tmundt
tu theaquari Inch
i Approved
Uirtchlnt mai.liin0
how Uuion Bsr4
hai nearly twice th
tensile Mrrnrth ef
vcrae ttfatd,
WI 1ETHER I am building
a new home, factory or
office, or simply a Job of
repairing or remodeling, I alw a s
recommend Upson PRO
"It Is the modern lining It ia
quickly and easily applied
"It is permanent can never
crack, chip or fall.
"It is washable sanitary
wonderfully attractive.
Nearly Twice at Strong
"Official Government Testing
Machines prove that Upson
Board stands nearly 400 pound!
pressure to the square inch.
Most fibre boards only stand
200 to 240 pounds.
"A strong board like Upson
Board won't pull from the nails
when the building settles as
toft, spongy boards tometimesdo.
Tlie saving in time and labor in
applying Upson Board is a big
item for the owner.
"For oii can saw, cut and han
dle Upson Board just like wood.
Upson Board JS Different
"The KILN CURING takes out
the excess moisture and pre-
shrinks the panels. Dampness
and moisture have little effect.
"It is the fine, strong wood fibres
in Upson Board plus the tre- ;
mendous pressure under which '
they are built up into panels ?
that makes Upson Board hard
and wood! ike.
The board of 100 utet in
1000 placet
In ihe home. In ilia factory
On the ferm, tntheofiice
Tor Manufactured Product.
really envelops the panels in a
protective coat or film. That is
why Upson Board 'stays put' on
walls and ceilings.
Cufa Painting Cotts in Two j
"Painters tell me Upson Board
always saves the cost of a
priming coat and at least one
coat of paint as compared with
other wall boards a saving of $5
to $15 per thousand square feet.
"The oils and gums used in
priming or sizing the surface of
Upson Board are much like those
used in high-grade varnish.
"As the makers say, iTlie little
difference in price does not
measure the big difference in
quality.' "
IVrifa today for sample panelt of
Upson Board and a booklet of
beautiful interlort.
by IM
sAiade b
Hall Bros. & Wood, 54th and Lancaster Ave.
Smedley Brothers Co., Church and Tacony Sts.
Distributors for Philadelphia District
Qlte Upson.
Telephone Belmont 376S
Telephone Frankford 1120
IV '-'