.....j, s-,ir.. r.. & t v-Mzmwimm&wwimrmMMnmsnmimm"-Ti "mi SSd'q-er xhilidelphia; Tuesday, obcmer. 21; ;lw v Y.-'-'i 1 Evening ptjblio , IT'S ALL RIGHT TO TACKLE THE DUMMY, BUT TOO MANY ABSORB ITS MENTAL ATTITUDE ft u TW'r ";? 'ftqwjw t k h- t T E w y. DRESS REHEARSALS DAILY AT COLGATE FOR BIG TIGER ACT Bill Roper Has Tough Job at Princeton, but Has Great, Improvement in Jersey Hay Bankart's Eleven May Show Over confidence t WONDER WHAT A DOG WITH A FANCY KNIT BLANKET ON THINKS ABOUT XT' ' 1.11. I KOltl-'UT V. Al.VXWI'U. sports lldlltir livening I'tiliHe I eilfirr t'oiturtfjltl IWfl. by Public l.rrlner f v. Ill the tovvu of llnmiltun. V . u imtnbor uf .iuiiiik ;;oiitlnne.ii mo busily etiKneeil in putting " lrr--s lehe.UMils evet.v ila fur big nthletle vent to be In-Ill in I'lim-etuii li.'M Siitnnlnj. Tim utlifill members-of the cast nrc takins nothing for grntitnl nnil will be prulieieiit in their lines when the curtain arises for the tirt net. The .(liiiimnRo lino is their piinelp.il worry, but no one is expected to full 'linn when tin- biff Mum Is Mnsed. Hamilton is tlic home uf Colgate rnlversity nnil Colgate has n great foot ball team this venr. Some erltles liolillj tis.setl It is the best in this Ititiil of the free ami the home of the brine, but that leimiiin to l .seen. I'.efoie this week parses into hi-tmj we "hull have 11 partial answer, for the Ilunill toulans aie bool.eil to aigue the ipiest'tiii of football "iipremapj with the I'rineeton Tiger in I'almer Stadium Sntmda nfteinoon. And. tnhe It fioui ns, it will be SO.MH game. Colgate has gone tliioilgh the n-aviu without n de feat, administering knockout ill ops to ISrovvu and Cornell, and is nil loaded to hand the same dose to the Tiger. Princeton hud one elo-e game with l.atiijcttc and because of thai, mine of the wise persons c.pct Colgate to have a walk-over. I'.ut don't li" luisl.v in drawing rpiieliisions. riineetou miglit have been in bad fduipe against Lafayette but that was two weeks ago ami a lot run happen lu fourteen das. Also, jou neer ran tell, in football. Sometimes the worm turns Into a boa constrictor and it Jou don't lllee It. perue the eore of the Sjrtieuve Pitt and Uoston College - ale games last 8.itutdu. ltill Uoper has the toughest job in the lountry on his hands, but Is get ting results. Onl one varsit.v man returned to lollege and It was up to him to discover ten otheis to m.c on the llrst team. Consldeial.le cMieilmeiilliiB had to be done, and all of this took time. Now he has a line on the vu.rk of all the candidates and will be icad to get his team lu shape for Hie Harvard battle on November '. Princeton will not hae an eusj lime of it from now on. Hiilj lour le.im remaiu to be plajcd. but they ate not eas.v ones. b.v imj means. After Col gate next Saturdaj . West Virginia comes next and will be followed bv Harvard and Yule. That's a pietty strenuous sehediile for nuj team and wc have to udmire Piiucetyn's nere in lijiug It. H! B li'l Ml ft ami ) ale mi nut trying uititliiui like Hint. I lie trim- . . . ' .1 .....I l'..f' . ...iln T..I...I ,,,.. ! .J-llf, .'.-.i...,. VUII SlllCultie IS 11 jui.e linn it.tt 3 nuy .i-.r.i ;,.... . ,,..., ...u.w. 011 avcmhci S. Uvurconfiduncc Feared x t'T to rctilin 10 Colgate. That team appears lb be the goods this j 'mill will nut ill .1 good, haul li.illle agaiiisl I'linreioii 11 ine men nie 1101 overeoutldenl. The easj lieton oer Cornell hisl wuk and the 1 l-to-ll triumph over P.rown two weeks ago might cm-e the oung athletes to over (ktimatc their own importance ami when that happens good night '. There ate innn high-class plajers on the ehwen. Captain West standing out among the otheis like the Woolwoilh ISiiililiug. lliis one of tin- best tackles in the count r aud was the unaniinoiis cholie for the all-Aniericau team in 1011). lie plajs a good det'enMe game and also docs well on the offense. He goes down the Held with li is ends on every kick aud is a sine tackier. Anderson, the ipiarterback. uln is a star. His strong point is iiiuiiiug the bull through a broken field and he has s, red nianj touchdowns this year. lie handles the forwaul pass well, beiug an accurate tlirower. lu the Cornell game he tried eighteen aeiinl pla andill weie suisessful. His generalship in running the team has been coninieiitul upou fuvoiablj and to sum up ull of his good points, he looks like a pretty fair player. (Jillo. till" fullback, is another vcteian and doer, all of Ihe line pluufing. Laird, a new nun. plays haltbail. and those who haw ien him in aitiou say he lits in well with Anderson and (Jillo. lie receives most of the forward passes and also does the punting when West stays on the line. Watkins, the other halfback, is the weak member of the backlicld. According to the conversation spilled iu Syracuse last S.ituidaj night' Woodman, the center, is one of the best linemen playing the game, lie is all over the Held on defense and opens holes on the offense, linrtoti, 'the light luard, played a great game against Hi own and looks good. "With several old men back in the line-up and Larry Hankait as coach." said a football scout the othei night. "Colgate can't help but bine n g eat team. Larry is a driver and gets results if his men fan stand the g.iff. His teams always are well coached and the playei- have a thoiotigh knowledge . f the rules. Prinictouis iu tor a haul battle." M i (iAI 'ST I'uiuell. t'lilyiitc nils mil Jul nil In t.rlunl hi lit innf illil not uttCMpt tu rush the hull. I'uraniil pusses neie used must uf the tunc anil jiuui n spevial funniit'iun. The hnlfhiichi line hji on the outside of the eml on the s'ule the formation is iiilleil anil' thl outs'nle man runs iliuijouultu iinnis tu ijet Ihe K. I.ninl is thr lr Mflii in this pmj. Brains Against Speed guy who coiuid the ''lace, is not always to the switt- would haw seen rpm: a living example of his adage on l'rankliii I'iehl S.ituiday If ho hail ogled the Penu-Swarthuiore battle. It wus a case of uiatihitig trigger-thought against speed and trigger-thought won. Aud Itay Miller was the young mm ho used his brains when he uotked that his feet weieu't inoUiig fust enough. Along near the close of the game. Itay dioppcd back from end and at tempted a drop-kick. Captain I.arkiu. the best football player on the (iuruet eleven, .'.lipped through the stmdy l'euu line and blocked the effoit. The rebound sent the ball lolling with cnusideiable spied toward the I!ed-aud-Blue goal usts and Larkiu and Hay .Miller st;n t'.l to une after it. Laikiu had about a stiide lead and he was holding it. liven, if anything. he was making the gap wider, lu buik of this pair tiailed Heiife Miller and Shorty llrauu aud a Swaithnioie man, liaj .Miller could see that he didn't have a chance to get that bull aud be 1l.4id.tl Laikiu wasn't going to get it either. He clipped the tiarnet captain and they both went tumbling out of the iae. Heine, taking a tip from his brother, tlucw himself at another Mercer imiuer and Shoity IJrauu had the line to himself. ntillllAl'H some mil myue Unit Millei's piny uasn'l unytliiny In lave about, hut theic me fir. yea reiy fciv. fontlmll players ichu think on the IriyOer lil.c that, TYUD HOI'l'KU is wearing a black eye, but it's not lnterfetlng with hi "sight, as Swarthnioic- backs will testify. Hud has a habit of not only wreck ing interference, but also of gettiug the uiiiuei. "TF I'EXX tuns iii auy more leully high si-oies it will be surprising, for the Quakers now haw to fate five of the toughest teams iu the Last. Lafayette Is here Saturday aud Penu State follows. Dartmouth will be jdayed on Xo Tember S on the Polo (Jrounds iu New York and the following Satuiday the big Pitt game will be stuged. Cornell, as usual, closes the season 011 Thanks giving Day j Susquehanna Only 'leant to Scare tut Colgate SL'SQUKIIANXA University, which is located at Selinsgrove. Pa., hus stepped into the limelight this year. The football team has the distinction of being the only cloen to score ou Colgate uud of giving the Xeiv Yorkers a harder battle thau Oberlin or Cornell. Siibquehanna played at Ilamiltou ou October 4 and put up u good game. The score was made in a sensational manner. Anderson, of Colgate, at tempted a forward pass, iu the last thirty seconds of play and Swartz, right lialfback ou Huwiucuiiunu, intercepted it. He rau to the !!-jnrd lluo before he was downed and ou the uext play carried it over for a touchdown. Susquehanna seems to haw a pretty good tram this year, .Mount Carmel ad Crnou Long Institute were defeated by big scores ami Lebanou Valley was 5ed. to a ucoreieii tie lat SnturcUy. Vjllauova Muhlenberg. Plitlnson, WMAT Do You Think op a wonm Thm-'ll Go To Work rND wish A Thing v LIK This on me" ?M Me- Yes mf &&& SiB'l MV ISYE5 OUT -WHAT DIP I FVCR PO To i?E5ep-ve This VzGRrCr. QA-0O-" I'WAS NEVER MORE M0RriR6t IN MY LIFE WHAT P MY LAXY FRIEMO Should see me im This makeup- SHE'D Think ag. 61SSY ?i ) tS "V E rfoM 7 sMto m VAOW -ooo What vuilu my Pals Think- THGY WON'T vaimsJT To '8l .3LT0H WITH ME? , fR EvtSFs-Pvcn. j hce--1 "Think "hear JlMNVV CoMlrslG -J I VOU'T WANT HIM' TO SE ME - I KrOOW he'll Des-Pin ME ND NEVER. TaKH ME ALOrsJG VAJlTHllM ArsY. MORE. I KtstOvAj WHftT i'll do- i'll hide, myself Go iroro oJiCLUSlOfO AM U MEvGR. BE SECSM AGAiiv- -v I JSED To BE HAPPV ANJD (3AV fUOWJ LOOK AJ Mffp' MAye-A.Looif; OH The, Pity of DteSRAce- ' ; raft sTu ATHLETE SHOULD BE GOOD LOSER, BUT NOT TOO SOFT ABOUT IT 1 Good Winner Has to Watch Against Being Too Patroniz ing or Too Sympathetic Toward His Beaten Op ponent Roper Has Big Battle IX TUG SFOKTLIGIIT II V GRANTLANI1 KICK Copurlvht, into. All nights Reserved I TRANSLATING the ideal conduct on the -field of sportive competition is no easy nssignmcut. A man should be a good loser, but he shouldn't be too soft and pliable about it. There is no particular thrill iu beating an opponent who seems 'to enjoy it. A good winner has to watch against being too patronizing or too sym pathetic toward his beaten opponent. When ihe Reds trimmed the White Sox, Kid Glcason was quoted as saying: "The best team didn't win." 1 Hut the team that played the better ball in that scries won, which after all, was the main idea. ' In the way of ideal conduct, very few have improved nnnn Ate Tri,,... round-up ! "In the fell clutch of circumstance ., . I have not icinced nor cried aloud. ' ci Beneath the hludgeoningn of chance. ' ' ' My head is bloody, hut itftooiccd." ' 43" TlUUli: isn't iciy much in the nay of a sijuuuk, ulihi, yuibbtc plaintive outcry attached to this. Answering a Why WHY. is it that so many of you sporting writers picked L'ddic' Collins to star in the recent (.cries when he was outplayed by Rath of the Reds?'' fs one of several queries that havo drifted in unent the rcceut furore. ' Collins was a vcterau of five world series. He hnd starred in four of , these and had nlways been n telling factor except the scries against the Boston I P.raves, Ills five-year world-series average had been nrouud or above ,"00. ' He has nhvnys been known ns n great "money player," at his best on the I big occasions. j Through the campaign just closed he had batted .320 and had known one of his best years. Taking these facts into consideration, on just what grounds should sporting writer have said: "Collins will be a bust iu the coming scries. He won't bat ,2;t0, and will be outplayed by Rath." I r.Y THE main you (an only read the future in sport by the past per- formancc chart, plus present form as it appears to he. This system ;i ATLANTIC CilY GOLF I HURSDAY GERMANTO WN FRIENDS i STRONG ON GRIDIRON E Biggest Session in Fall Tourney Expected Over Sea shore Links loach Kolb's Eleven lias Scored .52 Points 10 'J in Three Games Played to Date NEW YORK STILL BUSY W'lS Till-: .ILMOli TEAM ISy ANIY MrMllLKK ii..',l..li,liin rolfi'l's eoninieii'C lh ....11 I .. nvmlllS tOlOW I 111" .MUIUIH fit-., whire the play W"'" ' '"T day' at the Country Club iu the woppinc, hie fall to.irney. ... Many of the best players of Sew Wk as well us here will be in the Ciitg The mutest will lie between A 1 e Uisley. loi.l of the links there. 1 he field, with the two-time-ii- ear rbampioii there bavi.g the edge over the field of about 1..0 players .- ,peeed to en.el. The gates are open it the seashore stretch todav and to mnnow for practice ion nils and it takes Ue n bit of l'"'-'-l"l!,nK1,r(,,,.t,i" befoie a feller can get used to the lies, the traps, the winds and the other "rnusunlly glistening piiws will peieh on the long table befoie the booming h!g lire in the clubhouse to attract the frantic llnksnien. there being sih-r things with writing on their sides tor winners in all (lights and beaten eights as well as souvenirs for runners-up and In the handicap play the last day. Ihe entries for the play must be in the hands of the committee hetore tonioirow Xoiioih much carl niie to state that this is poor golf weather except that perhaps frosted buezos do nip the slnns a little encaseii soiciy ui uon r"" "!- . Vew York realizes that golf is still on. and likes it. Tor install, o the New York Athletic Club gets together tin week for its seenth annual tourney over the Vox Hills i nurse anil looks for at least 200 participants, despite the fact the golf is limited to members of that ilub. This is the famous tourney where members shooting around l'.'."i. come in for medals and thing". Another one of the Mime will be by the I'niversity , Club over two different and distinct I golf courses. Cherry Valley's tourney will lie played ' at (iarden City net week for three1 days, when there will also be a one-day tourney with the Wykagyl Club as yei hots. ' St. Alhau's tourniy lor M-teruu gulfeis gets u second sitting tomotrow.1 making one mine tourney for the metro- ' politan distiict. which is swinging along ' in regular suinuier-tuue toiin. ' The one mid only t Iiiti-r that aimear- i to icmain to clinch the inteicity match between Philadelphia and New- York is for tin locals to pick a i.iptuin, name the date and the links. ' Otherwise Philadelphia is set. So is New York. Roth have picked their tennis and await tlio advances of the other. An oihcial word or a ietems whistle or. something Aould start this noud and lovely links pluy. Kin men from heie aie In play ie, men from there in single, and the i same number of women likewise in i New York, supposedh this coming Sat- i urday. Then theic are to be fouisomci , in Philadelphia the following Saturday. X'cw York nw aits Faller, Hiking A. E. F. Champ, There! llrooUltn. N. ., Oa 1 Keprcsentatle ' fields will start 'li tbp en-mllf vulk ami ten-mile run. natton I hHrnulunKhlim. whttli , ' nlll be heM by the llruolilMi Athletic Aso I rUttotl nn Hronl.lMi I W,l hrttunlay atler nooti. The uffitftl uli IEmL wan anununted i last nlKhl Vred p.ilii f Kail ltlver, th I Interallied champion l .pKle.l to nturt lu the run Sam Langford Draws Tulsa. OMa., c ' .'1 sain T.anvfor.l nr ttojtou, and Jk I. Tliomp-ion. of St. Joweph .Mo. neicru hPaU vvetahtH, iHixetl tl'teen rouuilH to a tlran horo taut nlirht ISy 1'Al'L PRIOP Tpil'T.TWO points to nine -- iri is the gridiron record of Cerninntown I'rieuils' School this season to date. After passing up tootball last year be- , cause nf the "llu" epidemic. Coach An drew Kolb has brought together viitu nlly the same eleven that played ns the junior team two yeats ago. when this aggregation scored a total of 122 points I to its opponents zero, .lust now tier- innntown rriends' looms up as tin stellar academic eleycn iu Philadelphia j anil district. The onh change iu ('cimanlowni rriends' line-up fiom that of 1!M7 Is the absence of "Hob" Cowing, iu Ihe biickfiejd. Robert has lift school and his Micaucy is being filled by hwiu Cinunerling. but the latter is not pln ing behind the line. On the oilier wing, Irwin is putting up a sensational game at right end The backlicld is composed of a spenly quaitet; a line-picicing full-' back in llraineid lucss. a pair of hard- ! to-stoii halfbacks in Jimmy Xicholas I and Dudley Saul, while Jack Simons. I captain, is proving his worth at quar- ' terbuck. in sprints around end, and he al-o is showing wonilerlul anility as smsisssmmmis (API'ALN JACK SIMONS Jeems has licin downing all efl'oils ou the p.ut of opposing b.ill-can icrs in getting aiound his wing. Oilier men on the line arc putting up game, gritty, stonewall games. Thr tackles me Stiwe Woolftoii aud cither Richard Riigel and Lee Palton. who bine been alter nating, 1 1. u ill Ariiet ami Alfred lliilm, guards, and Hugh lloggo, center. I'l lends' Cential was crushed by (eriiinnt'iwii I'liends in the hitter's l,is ,;iune Coach Kolb's pioteges rolled up a total ot -IJ iioiuls. (i. I, s other mantowii 1'riends most hitter rival. d this annual contest is considered be the biggest game on the schedule. Ridley Park -High School was !er- itown 1'riends first vis-a-vis of the on. ('erninntown 1 riends finished icoiul. but only after a terrific tussle, the final score being 11-7. I'or two periods the elevens played each other to an (l-ll standstill. Jn tlie tlilril quarter Nicholas got through and away for a touchdown. Innes kicking the goal. Later Ridley Park was credited with a field goal Vlth (icrinantown Tricnds leading, 7-", near the end of the gruelling battle. Lafl'erty, one of Ridley Park's ends, lccelved the ball and tore down the field for the touch down that defeated Coach Kolb's youngsters. Xet 1'iiiluy is an open date on ('erninntown friends' schedule, but it . is probable that a game with Havcrford trcsh will be played. The next bjg game is scheduled for October .11, when Darby High School w'ill be the party of the second part. Soccer football is another sport that is going awfully big at ("ermantown 1'riends'. Conch Smith has two teams i out virtually daily in an effort to se lect u winning eleven. There arc only - two regulars, 1'ritz aud Truitt, iu uni- . i form now. (James scheduled for this I I season have been limited entirely to In- i teracademie League matches. ! Hnerford School has le-entered the, I league this year, and Peun Charter is1 to make its first attempt to annex the i cup. (iernuiutown M-icnils team ue fenils the trophy.' which has only to be held through this season for permanent possession. The (lirinautowu Kriouila' i School .schedule follows: Wilmington rrlen'lx. at hom". November 7. rrleuili Select, at home, Noember 10, llavortiml Scjiool, away, November 1. I'enn I'harter. Ht Inline, Nnvtmber IS, Wllmlnit ton Vrlendn. nwav, November '21: Friends' SVlect, HW.il, .Nowmlier -l; Haverfortl Hchool, at home, November -d; Penn c'hnr ur. aw as, llecember '2 ' itill not aluays briny you a icinner, but ichat other systems have yout Bill Roper's Baltic , COACH RILL ROPER, of Princeton, faces one of the roughest tests of the football country from now on to the end. "With only two veteran pin) era he is culled upon to meet Colgate, West Virginia, Harvard nnd Vale in turn. Lach of his rivals carries a stout nucleus of experienced tulent, men who have starred before. Aud experience, iu football ns well as a few other. wants ot existence, is a tcrrinc asset. situation that a I'i'inc ritlb is piobably the toughest situation that a I'i'inccton coach ever faced. There isn't a breaking spot left from now on. And not the lanrst of the lot irill he thr Colgate gumr on Saturday, ir'iru Larry Iiankart escorts his powerful machine to the Xassau battlefield. a n 0 TIILRI' is a deserved amount of acclaim and lenown in flying from Xew York to Sun I'rancisco nnil from f;flii Francisco to Xew York, but the trains are still fast enough for us. Aud very likely will be for the next two or three months. " .- 0XL of the outstanding facts about any argument is that both sides are lucky if they can finish wit'i n draw. Did you ever hear one that didn't go into extra inniugsV e WHY not dash abruptly to the ultimate conclusion and strike for u uo-hour day and all the money you can spend? Who Can Start a Strike of 1. After-Dinner Speakcis. ''. Hat-Check Pirates. ;!. Ten -Spot Itorrowcis. . I. dolf Confessions. ., Winter-League Wrangles. ti "S. HO are the six greatest ends of football history?' itikey, Shevlin nnd Kilpatrick, of Yale; Campbell and Hnrdwick. o d Neil Snow, of Michigan, will do very well for an olf-liam inquiies a lender. f ml "Wi1, Harvard, au stab THR Sox may get into another world series next fall, aud gosh, how Claude Williams dreads it, general of the team. The four men , l tun to dale was Chestnut Hill play well together and thus far theic uulemy. l.'i-0. and this v ictory caused ha- baldly been n slip-up in signals, i li enthusiasm mining the student Jimmy Downs is the other end, ami bdv. Chestnut Hill has (ecu lier- Tlgers In Harrier Meet I'rluietnil, N. 3 clot 21 1-lni ''s' harriers are preparing for a bu crom eountry "eaion tills tail The Hirer om tance men will start at the Invitation eol leelate r rofs-iuuntry rtta at Hjraeuse next Satuidd, - , n- ,M -I - rr mH& C?ra AiSiJrJMiMkmfmirsiKmSBr mS H HT mf (MtteSi a-aalfeSSV rSSSm flSUwKV T59K R, ROSE TREE RACEJ TOMORROW AND SATURDAY "Hu f i ittnv flat and croHcuuntr ruv.es each daj Vnr pirlclni rpacsn, eti? . uJ drBii Oto W Orton BW South 40J St Phlladelplila &k Most Beautiful Carwbnerica Satisfaction is one of the bi&&est words. in the English lnnfeua&e. It is the ultimate &oal of all human aspiration. Without it there can be no such thinfc as Happiness with it, every moment oflife is counted as worth while. Buying a Paie car is nothing more or less than an in vestment.in Satisfaction. It means the ability to come and &o at will. It means freedom from mile posts and con fining influences. It means intense pride in a thoroughly hi&H &rade mechanical product" that is worthy of respect and confidence. i Phila. Jack O'Uricn's !1 'MdiiIIim' Hostile ('otirfti-i liiroll for 'lournnmrnt Ii'-mlr 2l a. II. Cor, IfiTII & CIIKHTMIT Ith Tloor eiaiiH .tiioh pusr zui riionr nook r 8.1 -' r'nmThirin A P Iluru i l'teiiry, Slfr. I'lllIlW r.VKNI.Nr,. IMT. TH .jiv iiuiinh t. vili.ii: iiAVJUJ PAIGE.DETROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROIT. MICHIGAN GUY A. WILLEY, President -. ., I'atfe Distributor 304 North Broad Street, Philadelphia ,? Here it is! LITTLE BOBBIE (Exact Size) " 7c (3 for 20 c) Buy if thi ttx SoorSj'S PERHAPS you've been look ing for a cigar at a moderate price that suits your taste. But you smoke rattier frequently and find that cigars that suit you are expensive; If you arc in this predicament, try Little Bobbie. This cigar is handsomely made, has a long, carefully chosen filler and a fine Sumatra wrapper. With Little Bobbies you can smoke as often as your impulse dictates without feeling the cost. ' That cost, by the way, is 3 for 20c or Jc for one. Better give them a trial. LITTLE BOBBIE Distributing Branch 1147 No, 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. mniiiiniiiniiHiiHiHnniiitii 1 l 'it 1 1 WlpWs.l&W! remain jo be plajed, jraur uiner Mar bouh I, - V . 1 , t l F'M $ p tf- &, '.