Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 21, 1919, Postscript, Page 13, Image 13

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77te 7Wm? of Julia, Grant
CopurlpM, Hit, bv ruWt httotr Co.
In Fn'c Grate Merritt Shows Fighting Blood
After n girl has been jilted by n
mnn who in turn is jilted by an
otlicr woman, will there be happiness
for her If he. take him bnek Into
lier life? Tliii Is the problem .lulln
Grant fneeil when l)nn Carson told
x her he loved her no longer, yet when
he ra me bnek to her and told her
thnt he hr.d been mistaken, she took
him linck. Hut .Tillln bnd rlinnReil.
Iter hospital work hnil enlled out new
force's In htr. nnd she bnd met other
people, renl workers, who were in
fliiencinj: her life. Anions these
workers was Doctor Norvllle, the head
surgeon on the lioxpltnl start.
"TT1TH tills curious new interest that
' Doctor Norvllle could not account
for. he took to watching .lulln (irnnt
It was r.lmoil ns though knowing the
girl had awakened his Interest in the
personal drama that goes to make up the
workaday world. He saw now the little
drama that linked the lives of flrace
Merritt and Dick Nugent, nnd he taw,
too that Grace Merritt was making a
cennlne effort to overcome this weak-
inWif-BH that she had for n man who ap
parently cared noining lor ner.
And Gnire Merritt was struggling
hard with this foolish feeling. I'licon
sclously. although she would not have
admitted it for the world, .lulla wn
influencing her attitude. She would
come into Julia's room tired-ejed and
wesry and although the conversation
began In n desultory fashion sooner or
later it would veer around to Dick Nu
gent, (irnec was beginning to trust
Julia. She believed now that Julia had
no intention of tring to attract anv
one to her, that she entertained no
thought nt nil of Dick Nugent nor any
one eNe. Julia never spoke of her
own effnirs.
Dr. Dick Nugent began to feel some
what piqued around the hospital. lie
had enjoyed his little flirtations with
Oracc Merritt more than he had realized
at the time. Thcv had served to while
nway many n dull moment, nnd these
days sjie was surprisingly business-like
nl mnltm. nt fnM If llPr llPOTt aCUCd
m-hnn the (rented him Impersonally, if
sho longed to smile at his foolishness,
!, Cr.l,n,l,.,l lierself tiv thinking that her
slightest wenkness woiild lose for her
this strange new interest that he seemed
to have, nnd that she would once more
place herself in his power, for she loved
film nnd she knew now that he did not
We her. There wns no slightest vestige
of hope in her heart that she might
ever awaken any feeling in his heart
for her. , ,, ,
Julia in these dajs was strengthening
nnd broadening, and she was not happy.
u. nnnninn with Dnu. his riemnna
upon her each time they met left hcr
puzzled nnd wondering. Dan wns try
ing to icgnin his old influence over
Julia, lie lesented this new Julia who
could not be won over to his way of
thinking with n kiss. He tried in eery
way possible to bend her to his will,
but. although she was always sweet anil
willing, she was determined to hnisli
her hospital training. Dan tried being
nngrv. One night he stormed nt her.
"You know I won't marry you and
let you go on working,' he said finally,
"and Hint's settled."
"Then we'll wait," Julia suggested.
Hut Itan did not want to wait. He
wanted to have his cake nnd eat it,
too. He had helped to make the Julia
that existed In the present, and yet he
was nngrv because she had changed.
When he fnuud that anger did no good
nnd Hint he could get uonheie with
Julia by bullying her. he tried pel sua
sion. "Denies!, I need joil. Surely jou're
not going to Keep me waiting for neurit
two years after nil we've gone through."
That one eyebrow of Julia'", that
expressive e.ieluow thnt always stilled
Itself when she talked animatedly,
"After all we've gone through." Dan
then wns considering his suffering ns on
n par with hers. Julia had not con
sidered herself n ninrtr, she was not
given to self-thought enough for that;
she was not nnd never would be nn
egoist, but she had suffered terribly, nnd
through no fault of her own, nnd to
have Dnu class his suffering, every bit
of which he hnd brought on himself,
with hers, sounded selfish in the ex
treme. He wns thinking only of him
self nt this very moment: nil of his
I nrgiinients were selfish. He wns not
Willing to give in to uer in any way. ne
could not see that his course should of
necessity be based on personal sacrifice
of any kind, thnt Julia deserved a point
of view.. Hint she had become nn Indi
vidual through the course he had taken.
"Oh. 1 know what you're thinking."
lie went on bitterly, "but 1 tell you 1
did suffer. 1 though 1 had lot you.
and I knew if 1 hnd there wouldn't be
nny happiness left for me in the world."
Dan hnd forgotten Nnney, Nnncj of
the provoking laugh, Nnncv who had
meant more to him nt one time than
Julia's love nnd fidelity. Dnn had con
vinced himself by now thnt there never
hnd been another woman In his lire.
Itn nr wntltpil .1 llllfl tO kllOW that
he hadn't wanted her back until nfter
Nnncy hnd refused to have nnj thing to
do with hlin.
"Vou do Jove me then, Dun?"
"You know I do."
"Well, then, enn't you trv to re
my point of view? Can't you see my
side of it ns well ns your own? I
don't ask you to see it all from mv
viewpoint, but won't jou meet me half
And Dan, grumbling, was forced to
surrender, although he knew ns well ns
Julia, that the matter wns not settled.
sltlon' time ion could tart with, ohd
work tip from to something bigger.
Why don't rott try one of the publish
ing houses In the city? You will find
(hem listed lu the business directory
of the telephone book. With jour ed
ucation nnd evident talent jou ought
to be able to make n success of nnv
thing lu this line. Apply nt the
Woman's Division of the Federal I'm.
plo.tment Hurenii, L'. South Twelfth
street, if jou fail lu jour pcnoiuil ap
plications. I hope jou will he able to
tiud u good position.
WanU Old Records
To llir 'rfllor of ll'oninn' Pagr
infonnatlou wlnre I could Ki tlip
records that enme out last 'spring?
have tried nt severnl department stores
nhd they do not seem to have old rcc
ords. Would jou also give me liniues of
good classical music to lime for the
tnlklug machine? 15. It.
Have yon tried n music store where
they sell nothing else hut lecords nnd
sheet music? I nln suie n place of that i
kind would have the lecords jou men
tion, for thcv nie not so very old. oii
might be nble to get them lit u icconl
exchange If jou manor rind them nt
the store. If jou buy n catalogue of
lecords jou will find a list of lecords
Hint lire classical music nnd lire lib"'
Dear Madam Could you give me any to have lu jour collection.
(Tomorrow Dan takes hl problem
to l.ucy, and she promises alil.)(
The Woman's
For Evelyn M.
A girl of jour nge would not lie nble
to get nn editorinl position on n long
nzinc or paper, but there are other po-
The Question Comer
Today's Inquiries
1. What is the "lilv pond" costume
for the Hnllowe'eu party?
. Is the coiffure for eveiiiug low or
3. What affoids an attractive way
to finish the neck nnd armliolcs
of baby's flannel -shirt?
4. How nre some of the very new
boudoir pillows made?
5. Describe an exercise that will help
reduce the flesh about the hips and
0. What will remove callous from
the hands?
Yesterday's Answers
1. Since the beginning of the war
1 women have been installed as cow
testers in the dairies nnd have
been very successful.
2. White spots on the finger nails
can be remedied by bathing the
fingers in tepid olive oil or almond
nil seveinl nights a week.
8, Hcforo laundering a baby's coat
rip the lining from the bottom of
the coat to prevent its hanging
4. A pretty suit appropriate for
dressv occasions is of dark blue
duvetyn with n wide fur collar
and cuffs, u double panel in front
nnd back nnd a belt nt the sides
joining tho panels.
5. A practical washbag can be made
from heavy canvas ns used for
fl. A ragged tear in n cloth dress can
be fastened neatly together with n
wide piece of court plaster on the
under side,
Ladies' Tailored Suits
Made toj
with your own cloth
with your cliolro of our
new nnil evclnftlT
ninrim v
will maintain the
very highest stand
nrcl or tailoring ins
connection with moil-1
iMfttn nrlces. ?
rrtmitr rvi i 117m Room a
rrvrtnrv ui luj,iu K,rn,i n.i
.l..ft lAtt !
W.lnxt St. Walnut 7471
Fonnrrlu Hi!'" I.i'lal H'.rntl"
tf?CM '42? WALNUT SI XikflK
Wffifl newvork; wPl
, TlMa Wcsl of "elleiue-Stratford VW&O
Of a Wf
If TfWI w I
it afflV.i j
II It " N HBF i 1111
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IB JJvbJ)i6hlcuJd,cuejijCw
II MMieabedt
I i Gowns Tflillenrc;
II U. C.. 1
II i iaib i urs mm
TO. n.i.: W II
fLytaLiirifc? vv. raps B
m and French H
oSk. rS.ln'O-slfiac &
The Guardians of Children's Teeth
All Statements Approved by High Dental Authorities
You Must- End the Film
To Save Them
MUlions of mothers know that children's teeth decay
and discolor, despite the daily brushing. So do adults'
teeth. But saving children's teeth is of supreme importance.
The trouble lies in a film in that ever-present, slimy
film. It clings to the teeth, enters crevices and stays.
The ordinary tooth paste does not dissolve it. The tooth
brush leaves much of it intact. And that film causes most
of our tooth troubles.
1309 Arch Street
Originators of Styles
Quality Furs at Lowest
Sprrtal Attention to Flttlni
Store Orders Accented
Corset Talk No. 35
be u "Perfect S." but
every woman can be per
fectly proportioned. This
I M-romplUbecl only by
linvln the corset con
form to thi Hrure, and
ai The Laurel Comet U
uIhqh expertly f lee ted
and Kcientlftrully fitted It
In Invariably nuccenful
In utcoinpllflhlnsr the de
hlred result lontr uep-
lrtnTnir ,nff l,nfH ,nai 'pona to
AKUiUU mvTY movement of th
XJVViTUVnWj fodr. Klrlnc eae, grace
.iWiGHrsr "l """I rortet com-
f fort,"
Prices $1 to $25
Tomorrow We Feature
Back lace model In a heavr quality
white cautll. well booed and verr lonv
eklrt for a large thlfb line. All $Q An
tltes nt the exreptlonal vrlee ot OilU
Am'rlea'i Largitt Corttt Shop
wfcBf 5921 Market St. 8?'"
jLjHtunr Stout' Women flur JDelUht
That film is what discolors not the teeth. It is the
basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments
and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the
teeth to cause decay.
Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are
the chief cause of pyorrhea.
Science Finds a Way
Dentists know the danger of this film. They call it
"bacterial plaque." Dental science has for years sought
a way to end it.
That way has now been found. Convincing tests made
by able authorities have amply proved its efficiency. Now
it is embodied for home use in a dentifrice called Pepso
dent. And the makers supply a 10-Day Tube free to any
one who asks.
A 10-Day Tube of
Pepsodent. It will
change all your
ideas on teeth cleaning.
Ten Days Will Tell
Pepsodent is based on pepsin, the digestant of albumin.
The film is albuminous matter. The object of Pepsodent
is,to dissolve it, then to constantly combat it.
Pepsin was not used before because it must be activated.
And the usual agent is an acid harmful to the teeth. But
science has discovered a harmless activating method. And
now this ideal film destroyer can be constantly applied.
Send us this coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean
thft teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the slimy
film. See how the teeth whiten the children's teeth or
your teeth as the fixed film disappears.
Then you will know that Pepsodent does what was never
done before. No mother who once does this will return
to old-time methods. For the children s sake cut out the
coupon now.
They Brush Teeth
but they do not save them.
They leave the film and
that wrecks them.
REG. U.S. mmmmmafmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
The New-Day Dentifrice
Approved by authoritiea after year of clinical and laboratory
. ail I. f I It I . I. taliMlBti
teitl. now aaviico or uany uo oy icauiug .v..n. fw;yio,n,
Ten-Day Tube Free
Drpt. n tit. 1101 M. Wabotli, t'hliuio, 111.
Mall 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to
Waeainnker9s. Down
Good Cdwhide Traveling Bags
Special at $10.50
Two kind? of fine, .stronc Humble bans nip in tin- special
One is of plain tan or cordovan or of piainpil black cowhide.
It is in the 18-inch size, leather lined throughout and piotected
with sewn leather coiners.
The other is of hcawnr cowhide, in tan only, lined with cot
ton material. It is in tlnee sizes 10, 17 and 18 inches. Some
f these have Might imperfections in the innei fiame bindings.
Hothaieseniceable. sturdy bags with good locks and catches
and leather handles. Hags that nny man or woman can depend
upon. And thete is a clear snving of several dollais on each.
(( rnlrnll
The OiniBy SOc Neckties We Kmiow
off T.flnat Are ReaflBy OoodlLookninig
A new shipment has just al rived!
These ale sill; nih'Utres in plain colors, stiipes and liguics (in
nlmost every Imaginable color combination. All arc open-end four-in-liands
of good, geneious cut.
A splendid collection of tie. at this low pi ice.
1 (Meii'n (liilli-r.i Mnre
Plmd Sknrts Are at Their Best
these fresh Autumn days. You'll see women wearing them on the golf
links, on walking expeditions thtough the woods and at all the smart
outdoor sports fenU. Generally the skirts are pleated, as nre these,
new arrivals of flannel-finished seige. In rich, delightful minglings of
brown, blue, green or led, at $lC..r0.
Velveteen Skirts, $0.50
They'ic eer so pretty with Georgette blousc.i, as many a woman
will tell you. In blown, navy or black, they have button-trimmed inset
I UrUm
Little For Neckpieces
TBnat Express
So Muclh off Sniartiniess
Caught close about the throat, topping a suit, a
tailoied frock or a coat, the glistening fur of a
small animal is ery fashionable this season. You
need not spend a lot of money to get an attractive
neckpiece of this soil, for there is un inteiesting
selection for women anil young girls in the Down
Stairs Fur Stove,
At $13..ri0 natural opossum and dyed black
At $18 natuial squinel and dyed sable opos
sum. At $20 natural racoon.
At $2." kolinsky.
At $32.50 mink.
I (MnrUrl)
Two Corset Models
at $11.50
The first, of pink coutil, is for aveiage figures
and has n low bust. The other is of white eoutil,
for slight figures, nnd is topless, with clastic finish
ing it.
At S2, theic is an excellent model for aveiage
to medium-stout figuies. It is of figured pink pop
lin with a low bust and a long back.
A New, Well-Cut Model
of figured pale pink broche is for slight figures. It
has a deep band of elastic in the front and sides to
give perfect ease and expansion in Incathing. $2.25.
Wanner Sleeping
Garni emits Are
now that colder weather is icaily
line, and theie nie piles and piles
i'f flunnellet nightgowns, paja
mas and such waiting for women.
White flantiellet nightgown'',
prettily trimmed and cut good
nnd full h.ne rather high V necks
and long sleeves. $2.5(1 and
irwo-poece Pajamas
of white tlnnnellet tiimnied
with pink or blue flogs aie $15.50.
i" stiipeil flnnnellct trimmed
with In aid, ?,).
Quilts arid Blankets
at Low Prices
At S.1.50,
Kxtta heavy, winter weight
cotton-lilled comfoi tables covered
with floral patterns in blue, pink
anil yellow tones.
At $8.50
Wnim wool mixed white blank
ets with holders and bindings of
pink or blue. 70x80 inches.
At $3.50
White cotton sheet blankets,
double bed size, $)!.5().
Wool-Mixed Cri
Blankets, $3 to $6
Doth .single nnd double crib
blankets are included in these
prices. Of course, those at SO
have more wool in them than
those at ?:l. but all nre warm,
soft blankets, and pink or blue
hildcis give a touch of color.
air !i ' !.? v ,' i
. '. 'IV ,, , 1 -i
.. ." t.
'"iste''" "rJ,
1 ;r&$ l" V
Dairnty Net Bfloinses ffor
the New Syits
Fotmr Models at $Bo75
Two styles aie sketched. One hus frills at the
neck and sleeves trimmed with Valenciennes lace
and n little black ribbon. The other has the front
and sleeves delightfully uccoidion pleated and frills
of Valenciennes lace around the collailcss neck.
Two other models are equally ns pretty and
frilly and all arc $5.75.
OSd-Fasihiiosiiedl Qui
ChaJlis Is 23 Inches Wide
fl 5c a Yard
Jackets for Womrneini
aie in gieat demand just now to
wear with suit coats that have
been found too light in weight
for cold weather.
There aie part-wool jackets in
black nnd gray at $2.50.
And soft brushed wool jackets
in heather, black and giay nt
Kitchen Toweling;
- 19c to B0c a Yard
Cotton toweling in a crash
weave is finished with blue hol
ders. It is Hi inches wide at 19c
a yaid.
Cream - bleached half - linen
crash toweling is 17 inches wide
nt 30c a yaid.
Linen toweling in a heavy, ab
sorbent ciash weave, plain or
with coloied boideis, is 17 inches
wide at 40c, -15c and 50c a yaid.
( hrxluut)
Pflemity off
u --' 7
tM -r
11 :
I !
Oood amid Faslhooiniablle
ffor SmalD WoDtsem
There is fine selection in 14
and 20 sizes between $15 and
$185 in the Downstairs Store.
The $15 coat is a good-looking model of
pompom, lined throughout, with a pluh collar.
And theic aie many otheis of velour, suc
dtne, .-dlveitone, polo and pompom. $10.5(1 to
An unusually nice coat at $"ii),50 is of ;.ue
dene. beautifully hand tailored nnd entiiely
lined with silk. In leindeer, l'ekin, brown and
Two atti active silveitone coats with cape
iollais of sealene ars lined thiougliout with
silk. One is sketched. In taupe, blown and
reindeer. S 10.5(1.
A blouse-bad: coat of suedone lined with
silk and adoined with an Austialian opossum
cape collar is in brown, Pekin, leindcer and
black. $57.50.
Many handsome evening winps aie to be
found among them.
They have elastic at tho waist
and knees and aie generously
Black Sfflteem Blooinniers
Kull gathered bloomers of
good sateen are $1.50 and $2.
Gymnasium bloomcis of black
sateen are $2.50.
These Vests Don't
Hide Their Light
but will do' a great deal toward
brightening a dark Winter suit or
lroclc. New ones of a wool
material much like bioadcloth
nie in taupe, Copenhagen blue
and tan; some with voll collars,
Minio with very smart high col
lars. $2.25 to $9.50.
Kven more effective is a vest
of coi ded taupe velour. lined with
oianpe satin, or of Copenhagen
blue lined with tan. The silk but
tons match the lining. $14.75.
YoMinig Womemi's WooD Jersey
Frocks, $25
Simple, little .-traight-line flocks are piettily made and trimmed
with braid or buttons. They are in brown, reindeer, navy and l'ekin.
Checked Velour Frocks, $25
This is a new material that is hei aided as highly fashionable. In
shades of blue with tan bunhed wool forming the collar, cuffs and
pocket-tops it is immensely effective.
New Velveteens
in black and taupe are made with a perfectly plain bodice and a nanow
collar of eciu Geoigette outlining the square neck. The skill is gath
ered in at the feet, but since the cold is elastic you can take as long
!i step as you please. $45.
Jolfly New Frocks ffor Youngsters
A pietty little striped gingham flock ih fresh coloiings shows
cioss-wise stripes in the empire bodice and up-and-down stripes in the
full gatheied skiit. Tho collar is of unbleached muslin with hand
stitchery in a color to match Uip stripes. 6 to 14 year sizes at $1.50,
In 8 to 14 year sizes there is a plaid gingham frock in blue, brown
or tan with a white pique collar and little vestce. The skiit is gath
ered onto the bodice below the hips and a belt of gingham marks the
normal waistline. Pi ice $4.
Plain Cadet Blue
Three Tlhiiinigs Worth ThSk5ng
Alboot In the UphoBstery Store
Pillows first nnd foicmost, pillows! Gorgeous affairs in vivid
Oriental patterns, or nitistic neutinl pillows of mulberry velour, or
but the "or" would go indefinitely if we weie to tell you all the differ
ent kinds, You know, the right pillow, rightly placed, can make a
loom! $,'1.50 to $0.50.
Terry Cloth at Sfl .35 a Yard
One can do quite a lot of thinking about terry cloth, for it makes
such satisfactory draperies, being the same on both sides. We have
many lovely patterns- and color combinations, all 11(5 inches wide.
Cedar Chests $9.75 to $27.50
That is a range of prices to be proud of, and ench individual'dicst
is one to be proud of, too, for they aie all made of beautifully marked,
fragrant red cedar.
( rnlrul)
-" S'V
s XI t
it - .A. ,o oxy.i 1
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I' i
'F I.
!' - I '"
x I
: 1 i
SV li i ' i us
is used in a two-piece dress
that is sketched. -The band
aiound the hem of the
io bodice, the collar
SStee are of un-
Pa muslin with hand-
effluroiiiereii vingR done in
thread to match the blue of
I the frock. 8 to 16 year sizes
'at $8.75.
Challis Dresses
come with cold weather.
They are in tan and Copen
hagen with colored wool
embroidery and black velvet
girdles. 8 to 14 year sizes
at $15.
Women's High Shoes
to Walk the Autumn Road
That Leads to Winter
Women buying shoes now arc wisely taking thought for the
Winter needs, too. Theie is nothing more adaptable and serv
iceable than high black shoes of good, dull leather, especially
when sluidily welted soles and medium heels make them just
right for long walks. $7.50 a pair.
Brown Kidskin Shoes al $6.90 a Pair
They lace high, have welted soles and are finished with
high, curved heels that give graceful lines to the shoes. $0,90
a pair.
Girls' Shoes
At $0.50 a pair, shoes of dark tan calfskin in high, lace style
are fine for school as they have strong, welted soles and sensible
low heels. Sizes 2 to 8.
Dull black leather ghoes In the same style aie $6.90 a pair.
A--"""iv '. ' ,,. M1
1 A Jl'