EVENING PUBLIC (LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1910 11 b JUS.T GOSSIP AB0UT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Talks of the Barclay Tea This Afternoon. Dinner for Miss McMichael Art Alliance Dinner RKA1.M il lines not seem possible that more than lialf of October is a thins of the past nlrcntlj'. anil that twenty -ci jilt debutantes have already been formally introduced. Good uiclit! 'And that nin't the half of it, dearie." for there r.re moro and more ncoming mtt. Today's tea will be very pretty. I think. Mr. and Mrs. 'William I.yttlc tol Ttarchij will introduce Caroline, their eldest daughter, who, by the way, is named for her grandmother, the tlrst Mrx. .Tones 'Wlster. Mrs. Ilnrclay. .miii remember, was Miss Anne Wlster mid is n f-lster of Mrs. Arthur Mason Chichester, who was lltliel Wlster. Mrs. Chichester, by the way, is coming up from Virginia to leceivo with Mrs. liarelny. In fact, Mrs. Geoigc Wil ling, Jr . is the only one of those who will assist Mrs. llarclay in receiving wlio is not a Winter. Hut she is a cou sin of Mr. Ilnrclay through the hyttlc Imi and Savage side of the family. Mrs. Willing was Miss Evelyn I low ell mill her mother was a Miss Savage. Mrs. Charles Penrose Keith, who was Ml.ss Edith AVIster, will receive mid Mrs. Charles Stewart Wurts, who was Miss llcssic Wister, Miss Frances Wisler and Mrs. .lones Wister, who is I 'arnllne's step-grandmother. Marlon Savage, Dickie Xewbold and Maigaict Taylor, of Ealtimore, will icccive wuii tup ucmiiaiucs. wno win w nuoiit of course, twenty in number and will, nclude t lie two Wister cou- Mns. Marina and Fanny. 'Hip ten will lip given at the Itnrclny home on (Jravers lane, Chcttnut Hill. THERE'S nothing else doing in the debutonte llnp today, but the Emory McMichaels are giving a dinner out at their home. Knoll House, which is be tween Wanc and Devon, for Elisa beth McMichael. who.is to be married the first of next ninrFh. I do find it w hard to realize tj.t November 1 is less than tvn weeks off. I was think ing, well, what mi earth nie they giving u farewell dinner to Elisabeth for, when she's not going to bo married till Nncmbcr; and bless jour heart, it's mil n week from next Saturday. There arc to bo sixteen girls nt the diuner, nil of them intimate friends of Elisabeth's, and I think that's nn nwfiillj nice kind of an affair to givr. 'Hie McMichaels hao ulvvays been per fectly sweet to brother Clayton. r.liv,.l,nt I, ,,,,,1 W who have lived with i tlipiu ever Mtito their parents tiled. Mr.s. MeAIielmel is not giving any blgjtlons on tlie birth ofrin daughter, Vunn affair for Llisabetli because she is iuiVnnuxon W'urtR. lmrn on October 17 deep mourning for her bister. Mrs. Ld- 1 Mrs. AVurts was Miss Dorothy Iiariet ward K. Itowland. who died last spring. Williams. -".inci Ily the way.tlid jou know that Lsther ! , and Dorothy are to live with their, "', nni1 Mm. Casto and Airs. r. aunt Dorothy AVood. who was left as " Mtinn aud AIiss Plorencp Munn are their guardian.' Airs. AVood is the .voiiugcst ot tlie Harrisons nun lives 111 Jloosh'U Palls. N. A'. Esther nnd Dor otlij are now twelve nnd fourteen jears of age. They are sweet rhildren and have had uch sad things in their lives. P.oth parents died suddenly, sou know, wlthiu two jenrs of each other. T Till J- unci THINK the dinner at the Alt Alli- ce will be very interesting this pv oiling. Its liemg given lor. .tir. itnti Alrn Wnlti-r IlnniDilcn. Mr. Ilnnmtli'u. yon Know, ainicnrs in 11 nicrinl miitinpc iif "llnmlot" toilav. Tliotlrnmii fonimit tco of tlio Art AUlnurp is ROttim: lip the illiiiier, vvliieli is to lio Riven for mem bors of tlio Ait Alliance onlj'. lint stlinso mpinbprs nrp to lip nTlovvcil ono Kiipsl ouch for tlio rrrpptlnn vvhioli U to follow tlio ilinnor. Tlip ilrnma com mittce of tlio Art Allianoo inclinlfs Sirs. Otis Sklnnrr. Mrs. (!cori;o Dallus Dixon. Mrs. .Inippr Yralos l'rinton. Dr. Horace llovviinl rnrnt-ss, Jr., nml Mrs. tirlip KtPvenson, who will prciiile ut tlie tlinncr. ANIJW YORK debutante wns tellin;: me tlie otlier ilay bow the girls who nro onKageil before they oome out mnn nzv to have a Rood time. Tlie man anil the Rirl have nu tintlertnnilini;. but she mines out anil lie pa.vs attention to otlier girls. If slie is ".stuck" lie comes to tlio lescuo, but no oiiKiiKcmont is ofli ciallv nnnoiincril till lifter the i-onson. n miii'ii better s.vslem than the olil-fash-ioneil win- of nnnnunciiiR the enKiiKe ment before Oic Rirl even bail her tea. It really useil tn ipoil her Rood time, as it were. However, these ilays .vou tlance with liny anil everjbody, wbetlier jou're eiigageil or not. F, UTIILII was shaving reccntl.v, anil Mice, who will lie as much as four whole j ears n'tl U".t December, came in to watch. Somehow she liked to see iiiii with his face alt covered with soap uds. He looked so fiinn ! However, when bj mistake he switched a bit of Hie stills off the end of his brush on to her fresh pink frock she did not like it iiuite so much and, frowning severelj , temarked. "Poor boob! How om got 'at way?" NANCY WYNNH. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ii.. ...,.i ml ItnliVil Is. Ciissatt. of t' i)'tn.r,( ill entertain at illiuier in Sntiirdii' evening in honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. John It. Drexel of .ft Vni'k" Cards have been received from Dr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Mikle Fov. of thp Dell, Tonesdave. to introduce their daugh ter. Miss Sarah Valentine I ox, on Wetlnesdav. November TJ. from 1 until fi o dock,' at 400 Locust street. Mr .mil Mis, C. F.uiory JIcMichael wi.l inttrtnin nt dinner this evening in honor of their niece. Miss l.lisnheth Mi Michael, whose marriage to Lieu tomtit Stuait I'.eiison Clark. 1", S. N., ill lie so'en"ii.ed iu O'd St. Davids Church, St. Davids, on Saturday. No vember 1 Among the guests will be Mi's. J, Somei's Smith. Jr.. Miss I'lizabetli Trotter, Miss Mary F. (ilen ilinnlug. Miss Until llnbnrt. Miss Lu ile Ciirter. Miss Cecily llaines. Miss ICntlinrliie M. Lea and Miss Klleii McMichael. Mr. and Mrs. Ldcar I'. Knrle, o Chestnut Mill, will give n small dinner i." 'I'linrsda.v evening for their daughter. Miss Margaret Knrle, before the dance which will be- given that evening b Mr nnd Mrs. J. Rutherford McAllis ter of Chestnut Hill, at the Huntingdon alle.v Country Club for Miss Mar-i-niel llosit, daughter of Mr. nml Mrs. Witlloi 1.. ltoss, Mr, and Mrs. Me Vliisler will also entertain nt dinner that evening for n number of debu tantes. Al the theatre party to lie given bj Mrs. Oswald J. tie llousse, of the Latham. Seventeenth and Walnut I'pfto for her debutante daughter. Aliss Jeanne tie Rousse. tin Thui'tdaj evening, the guests will include Miss Margaret Unl-tnu (lest. Miss Carolyn Nivon. Miss Mario Louise Hepburn, Miss Kossalie Volliatli. Mr. Jack Whit ing. Mr. Thomas Uohb. Jr.. Mr. Rich ard W Mwi'n. Mr. llarrv Curtis. Mr, S. Louis Robinson and Ml'. Percy II. Wilson. Jf. Mi's, (leorge Dalles Dixon will ohnperoup the party. After the theatre u supper nnd dancing lit the Ritz-Cnrltnii. Mrs. Jnsiuli llirmai', fornieily of Chestnut 1111. but now n resident nf Trenton, will give a luncheon nn Oc tober ,'!0, in honor of Mls Celesllne P. Wnrder, daughter of Mr. nnd Mis. (leorge llueltley Winder, of Chestnut Hill, niul Miss Rovnleiio DicMusou, daughter of Mr. nnd Airs. W. Meredith Dickinson, of Sll Kdgevvood avenue, Ticulou. Mis Dickinson will be pic sehted to society at a tr.i to be Riven by her parents at their home on No vember 11, Miss Mary Primrose Reeves, deb utante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ilutlcr Reeves. Jr., will he the guest of honor tit u theatre party and supper, to bo given by Mr. nnd Mrs. i Arthur llaines, fiiMi.i .Aicivrnn avenue, I (lerniantowii, on Tuesday, November -1, at the Rttz-Carlton. Mrs. Woodward, of London. Eng land, is viiting Mr. and Mrs. Anthony h. Ocvelin, nt Ur.vn Mawr. Mr. and I Mi's. Stanley (i. Flngg entertained at i dinner in honor of Mrs. Woodward, on I Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dcnekla Mills, of Woodcrest Lodge. St. Dim Ids, spent the week-end in New lork. I Mrs. (lurnee Miinn and her itf, Mr. At turn I)c Herrcn. who I Vmw.ii vioi,lnL their father. Mr. "Rod man Wnnamaker, in New York, will I return to Radnor this evening. i Mrs. Gilbert Mather, who has been lofcupving the Oswald Chew house in IRaduor for the spring and summer, will I move into their own house iu Wynne I wood on T.'.firsday. I Dr. nnd Mrs. .1. Leslie Davis, of Ilnverfurd. arc spending n few weeks ,at White Suphur Spriug. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence It. Wilber iiui! spending n Mjort time witli .Mr. nnd vlrs. Edwin C. Donnglij, of llrjn .Alnvvr. wliile tneir own nousc in navcr- fcrd is being renovated Mrs Chailes Wheeler, of Pembroke, llrjn Mawr, has issued caids for n tea on Tuesday. October 12S, from 1 until 0:110 o'clock, in honor of Miss Susan Norris. and Miss Rutli Hobart. Mis. Du Hois Miller has sold her hoMii at PeViim and is spending the v. intci at the Lincoln. Mrs. Eli K. Price and Miss Rachel Price, of Hethlehcm pike. Chestnut Hill. hap been stajlng in Washington for seernl dnjs, and arc expected home to day. Miss Price will be presented at n tea to be given by her parents on No v ember 2. nt their town house, 1701) Walnut street. Mi. nnd Mrs, Frederick A. Richie nnd Miss Caroline A. Richie have re turned to their home. 2"0." Do Inccr t.i . e. - .i .....' " xircci, lor mc winter. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wurts. nf (Jermantown. are recemnir nunnini. jNieninng rnc wceii-cnd nt Asheville, N. ('. ALONG THE READING Colonel Louis J. Kolb nnd his family have closed their country home n't Spi'inghoiiHo mid have gone to (iernian lown fur the winter. .Air, and Afr.s. Harry Sparklin, who ."iiiMiu uieir coriuge at Mea Isle Citv tiiirmg the summer, bic returned their home at Ambler. to Mrs. Collier, who lias been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Samuel flarre, of Lindenvvold Terrace. Ambler, Iish re turned to her home iu ltrooklyn. -Afr.s. Henry V, Tincliman. of Jeuklii town, has returned fiom Atlantic Citv, where she spent a few weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. William 1 Dencgrc have returned to Soroden, their home nt H;vtlnl, after spending several months nt Uise, their camp nt Kust W.vndham, CHESTNUT HILL ,, .... -- Alrs. Louis Lpwis. who b9 )mi V1S. iting in I.nglnnd since before the war. retlirneil to tilts COUUtr.V llboilt n wrab ..,". ... i..,.,iil nn,- is .sinking vviin tier son and daughter. Mr. and Mrs, Henry (.eorgc Lewis, Crchheim road, Mount A Irj. ...... t. , . -. . . ." .m?,!,1'' ,an(1 yirh- rra,B Jr'- 'att, of Ul.f.t drcene street, (Jermantown. have bought the residence of Mrs. A. H. Lane, on Hex avenue. Chestnut Hill, and itcentlv moved into it. GERMANTOWN -Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Ilnllnv ,.( C.irpentir lane, announce the marriage oi uieir tiaugliter, Aliss .Mnrjorie Haller, nnd Mr. (ieorgo Neville liolton, of Toronto, Canada, on Friday, October ii. . uiiii .uf. i.ouon wii niaKe tiint,. !,... .. ooi r .- ,.,i. iiuixv. mi M.i i vajviittuii uhuui.1 i joronto. Mr.nnd Mrs. L". r.tirk ICstubrook, of .",48 West Johnson btrcct, have been en tertaining Mrs. Kstabrook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Perkins, and Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Stewart, wlio mo tored to tlermnntovvn from their home in Newark. Among tlie delegates to tlie I'enn s.vlvnnin rederation of Women's Clubs, held in Scrantou during the lust week who have relumed to (Sermnntown are All's. Kdvvin 15. (Sarrigues, president, of Wissnliiokon Apartment" who repre sented the AIntinee Musical Club; Airs, llnrry II. Skerrett. of St.'t:! AVcst Fpsol street, who represented the Child's Wel fare Association ; Airs, Robert T. Michel, 4SM) West Stafford street, who was a delegate from the AVotu.in's Club of (iermanlown, as was Airs, (leorge Wheeler, ticasurer, of 2'JO AVest John son street, and Airs. Kdward V. Mc- Caiilley. of .112 AVest Hortter street, who lenre.scnted the Philadelphia Jlotli-ei-s' Club. Alts. Alabel L. Speese and her daugli ter, vAliss Ilnrbiirn S. Speese, of J'.iS llast Chelten avenue, spent the week end visiting friends in Haniinonton. NORTH PHILADELPHIA e members of the Queen Kstlier Tl I Chcle ot the Cookman Aietbodlst Kpls. ' frey Lomas. Jlr. Robert .Marks, Mr. 'copal Church. Twelfth 'treet an.l Le- ! I,!r- V."dri GeorS' ,?Io.,fcr',;M1 , . , ,, i i .i ' poster rcff, Jlr. James Neil, Mr. M1- ! high avenue, will give u dramatic en- llnm xehtori Mri Jultl(, VaM.yi Air. tcitainu;ent on Thursday eveuing iu the , Harold Parent, Air. Willlnm Pember lectiuc loom of the church, Two humor- ' ton, Mr. Frank Pharoah, Air. Wnlter ! ens sl.nl,.lw.s will lie tuvsenteil under the, . direction of Aliss Florence Keuningtou ml Air. Ralph Rosenberger. "Too Aliich Robbie" and "Our Aunt From Cali fornia." In the former the characters w'll be Impersonated by Aliss Adelaide D . Aliss Winifred Ilnll, Aliss Helen P Aliss Ilurriet Shepheid. Miss ' l. Heath and Aliss Mas-el A'ier ''ii. Tlie cast in "Our Aunt From California'' will include Aliss Alalia u Kcuuluglou. Aliss Mildred Davidson, AJiss Florence Kennington. Aliss (Srace Collins. Aliss Laura Clyde nnd AIIhs Ruth Kircher, Mr. and Airs. Julius Peifer announce tlie marriage of their sister. Airs. Fan nie Peifer De AVolf, to Air. John 11. Lipinan, on Sunday nfternoon, by the Rev. Dr. Kttlesohn. Air. and Airs. Lip man left for n trip up the Hudson, and upon their return will be at home at 'Jl'JT North Twentieth street. The Rev, John A". Kllson was given a surprise reception last week nt bis home, "Tin North Park avenue. In cele bration of his. birthday anniversary. The affair was in charge of Airs. David Spencer., Airs. Fiost, Mr, J. AL Knrrr Mini Alls. Marry Sinister, BRIDE OF THIS MONTH "T5jr -, - r "W ."- - -. " "j AIUS. HKNKKU'LS CRAWKOKD .Mrs. Crawford wns Miss drrtrhen Cla.v. daughter of Mr. and Airs, lfrctl O. Clay. Mr. and .Airs, ('ran ford spent p.irt of their hone moon nl White Sulphur Springs, W. Vn. The.v villi return home nct montli SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Aliss M. Dougherty, of Eighteenth and Morris streets, uud AUss Alice Hickey, of .1211 South Fifty-seventh street, will motor to Atlantic City to spend this week with friends. Air. nnd Mrs. John Sm.vthe, of 2,1 111 South Fifteenth street, (iirnrd estate, are entertaining Airs. Sm.vtlie's rela tives. Mr. (irahnm nnd Aliss Orahain, of Connecticut. Aliss Mary K. Toner, daughter of Air. and Mrs. John Toner, of 1!).., Hit- I ner street, has returned home after a visit with friends in Newark. Knsign diaries MoGiicUn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCtiicKin, of V.VM South Keventeentir street, Iiiih recently receiveil his honornble dischnrgc from the navy, where he has been serving the last two years. Mr. nnd Sirs, lltlar 'Wanting will oc cupy their new home, -70." South llcu lnh street. Mrn. Wanting will be re membered an Miss Helen Josephine Denneral. The Anlentes Club of South I'liila dclphia is arranging its entertain ment t-cliedulc for the benelit of its members nnd friends. The first of the merles of entcrtiiiuments will be held on rntiay evening, uctowr --1, at lie Heed House, 714 Ueed .stnet. Mr. ,la- s,.pll xeff nnd his Icings of jnziiipntion will entertain. Other features will be n lnnl.-v nnmhor ilnnro nml nrim fr ! 1 .-. ........ ..... ...... ....' ... trot. The dance will be (haperoned by Miss J. A. Henk nnd Mlts II. Knlconer. I The committee in charge are: Mr. K.I Zcussiu, chairman; Mr. .. never, .vlr. J. Carson. Mr. A. Ncff, Mr. It. l-'or-man nnd Mr. M. Levy. The next nf fnir will be held nt the home of Mr. It. Zeussis, 210 (Ireenvvieh street, in the form of a mnsi',ierade party. The Ar dentes Club is making preparation for its coming lug nance, to be held on Tridny evening, December 111, at the Lu Lu Temple, llrond and Spring (inr U den streets. Mrs. Hose Mone, of 'Ml South Clarion street, announces tlie engage ment of her daughter, Miss Hetty Mone to Mr. Edward Chambeis, of 1032 ,.,,n, t ;,,j,..,,,i .. fcoutu Liudenvvoott street. WEST PHILADELPHIA Alr. nnd Mrs. C.eorge W. Hall, 'Si South Forty-ninth street, announce f )in finer II trnnmn nf tlm!c ilnitnli(ai f!tn I Mildred K. Hall, to Air. J. Nelson Nor ris, of Colwyn, Pa. tv, uAun until vft unit viuiiiiitri ( ,tim TIOGA A welcome-home reception will be given this evening in tlie Nieetowu Unptist Church, (Serninntown avenue below Eighteenth street, for the young men of the church who huve leturned from valorous service iu the army and navy. The Rev. Samuel 1$. Williams will preside and will make the address of welcome. The Rev. Carter Helm Jones, I). D,, pastor of tho First Unp tist Church, Seventeenth street above J Walnut street, will also inuke an ad dress and Aliss Kmily Robinou and Air, Frederick Anne will sing. The guests of honor include Air. John Philip Aikins, Air. Frank Ashiniin, Mr. John Hardens, Air. Richard Ilurton, Mr. Henry Anderson. Mr. Howard II. Carle. Mr. Karl R. Collmer, Air, Rob ert Cuininiiigs, Mr. John Forrest, Mr Normnii Jones, Air. Harry K. Ander son, Air. Arthur Anderson, Air, Klmer Kniveton, Mr. Albet Lomas. Air. tioil U1JJ0'- '"r' "niter Ueiissner, Air, V II liam Rtussner, Air. AVilliam Itoberts, Air. Charles Senseman, Air. Robert J. Thompson, Air, Krnest Williams, Air. AValter Yottcrs and Mr. George Zicglcr. A gold star'contalning three names will be unveiled in memory of Mr. AVilliam Pautley, Mr. AVilliam llurtou and Mr. AVilliam Tustin, who wcru killed in battle. The affair is in charge of the board of trustees of tho church. Mr William Parent, Air. S. T, Senseman, Air, Karl CMImer, Air. James Law rente, Mr. Alfred Mugslcworth, Air. 'Ultimas Van Osten, Air. William T. Yncek, Air. J. Jordou and Air. Norman Jones. Refreshments will be served by the young women of the congregation. Two of the honor men huve re-entered the army, Mr. Robert Alarks, who has enlisted In the Canadian army for serv ice In Russia, and Lieutenant Frunk Pharoah, who has enlisted in the United States nrmy. Air. and Mrs. James A. (Jihb have returned from an automobile tour to tho Pocono mountains, where they fpent their honeymoon, and will bn nt home nt a.130 North Fifteenth street. Air?. Gibb was Aliss Ruth (Jroejicvcld. riioto bv rhoto-Cr.ifi" LANSDOWNE Airs, fieorge L. Ilcnn will have 1 harge of the Twentieth Centuf Club inecliug on Tuesthi (ho 21t. Her subjei t will he current events. Aliss Frames Hagy, of South Lans dovviip iivenue, is siientling 11 wetl, in Wiisliington i.s thp guest of Lieuteiiaiif Commander and Airs. Pat l.tilliuger. Alia. Wnllncp Itoberts aud her son. Air. ISillv Itoberts. are at the Chel ea Hotel for a few weeks. Mrs Trcil tl. Daniel, of North l.ans is visiting her sister at her liome in Chelsea downe nvt'iiiip, -Mrs. Cliiipmati, .Mrs. .Julian Keenan is isihug her sister, Mrs. I'aton Thompson, in York for a week. OLNEY Mr. iitnl Mrs. Clifford Law son Klliott have arrived from their wedding tlip to Mountain Home, l'ocouo Mountains, mid nro at Lome at -1-t Tabur 10, id. Jlrs. Klliott was Miss Louise IS.iiu.irn Wtntlt before her ninrriiige in St. James's Methodist Kpiscopal Chimh, Olney, on October H, DELAWARE COUNTY The wedding of Aliss Kditli Teirevianu Airs. Joseph 'loland, Air. and Mrs. Dion, daugliter of Air. nnd Mis. James 'Clarence Wardlc. Air. and Airs. il ll. F. Divon. nf Ridlej Park, nnd Mr. I Ham Cornell. Air. nnd Airs, 'lliomas AY. Krncst Hetzel. son of Mr. nnd Airs. 1 1 lew ins, Air. and Airs. Thomas Kgan. William K. llet.el. will take place to- Mr. an.l Mrs. Albert (Jrcen. Air. and nicbt in Ciiilst Knisconnl Cliurch. Rid-IMrs. llurrv Haines, Air. and Airs. ley Pari;. Air. William Watt, of Colwyn, will entertain the ineinbi'is of the Presbj -tcrir.n 1'shers' Association at his home on Friday evening. Mr-. Fred LoelHer hns returned to her home in Logan after n visit of several days with her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Ma Priessing. of Prospect Park. Miss Dorothy (Sallow ur has leturned to her home in West Philadelphia after a week-end visit with Aliss Marian Haines, of l'rnspeil Park. The Fortnight!) Club of Prospect Park celebrated its tenth anuiversarj Saturday night nt the home of Air. nnd Mrs. William II. Dowdy. The occasion wns also the tenth wedding auniversar.v of Air. and Mrs. Dowdy. The oflicers of the club are : President. Aliss Knth- i rn (Snllouny; secretary, Airs. William ' Xormuii ; treasurer, Aliss Alary North. Aliss Alargaret McClure and Air. Robert Krskinc, Jr., both formerly of Prospect Park, will be married on Sat urday evening in Olivet Prcsbjteriun Church, Piospect Park. Airs. Jacob Y. AlcConnell, Airs. John AEetrilV MS i in Hi Of a Jhe Harper Shoe Go. WALK-OVER SHOPS 1 '022 CHESTNUT ST. 'Sii:SS:::: C. Wolfendcn. Mrs. Charles 11. Ver lenden nnd Mrs. Anna Taylor, who have been representing the Darby . C. T. I at the state convention of the organisation at Easton, will return Home tomorrow. Mrs. Adam Rose, of Sharon Hill, has bceu visiting friends In Pittsburgh. Miss Edith Dourney. of Sharon Hill, will entertain the members of the oung Ladles' (Sulld of Tully Memorial Presbjteilan Church at her home to night, Mrs Emma J. flrubb, of Media, has been spending several days with her niece, .Mrs. David V. Cobb, in llrook- The annual meeting of the Wnlling ford Chapter of the American Red Cross will be held tomorrow. The officers of Hie chapter are: Mrs. James Watts Mercur, chairman; Mrs. Andrew M. 1 astwlck, vice chairman: Miss Mary 1!. Large, secretaty, and Miss Caroline I.arkin, treasurer. Miss Elsie 1). Chew entertained n number of young women at her home. 0 West Tenth street, Chester, Thursday evening, when Miss Chew's engagement to John M. Stnufl'er, of Ilershey, Pa., was announced. Mr. John MclSelh. of l.inwood Heights, has returned from Panama, whero Iip has been in the government service for several jeurs. ROXBOROUGH V surprise party wns given on Satur day evening in honor of Miss Elinor II. Dixon nt her houm on East Manatawuii avenue, iu celebration of her blrthilaj aniiiversnrv. The gucts included Miss Anna Wallace. Mr. Richard Righter, Miss Lois Anderson. Mr. W. Sisson. Miss Helen Farr, Mr. Robert Yoabsley, I Miss Doris Watson. Miss Willa Hen- I dren, Mr. Louis Robinson, Miss Mildred i Uighter, Mr. Iturton Littlevvood. Miss Dorothy King, Miss Marian Roberts llcndren, Mr. William (illbert. Miss' Florence Ilrooks, Mr. Sidney Loot and i I ieutenant V. A. Cilbert lliamond. Miss , in.,' nnMci.inent tn I.lpnteniiiit Din- tnond, of Itarreu Hill, was announced , Welninr. Mr. rii.irlM Silverthoi ne Mr. carl in the jear. j " liroug hton. Air A illinm lto.vs. , , !Jlr, Louis erltlc.v . Jr. Mr. John M Mr, nnd Mrs. James 'lav lor have been i sililov. Air. (Jcnrge Werhltv . Air. I'retl spending purt ol the ntitumn visiting rrj,.u' Miller. Air. l'lfied "van 11.ss.mi. the Lurny caves in Virginia. A pure-food demonstration supper will be given by the Ladies' Aid Socio! of the ltldge Avenue Methodist Kplnco pal Church, Itidgo mid Shnwuinnt ave nue!!, on Saturdaj evening, tletober -.1, nt tl o'clock. Tickets, thirtj-fivp cents, can be had from any of the following: Mrs. It. Mooney, Airs. It. Ilamni. All's. L. Uisburg, Airs. J. M auger. Mrs. J. lirearlcy, Airs. (Jeorge (JeWer, Alls. J. Itumsey, Mrs. J. Aletlee. Mrs. J. (Untitl ing. Airs. A. AVilbon, Airs. S. Kviins, Mrs. AV. 1'rey. AIr. V. liin.v. Miss A. Pulton, Airs. V. Devitt. Airs. (i. Culp, the Itev. William Alaj and Lloanor A. Wilson. WISSAHICKON 1 Tlie llcv. and Airs. .1. T llackett gave a reception and dinner mi Thurs day evening nt their home on Alanayunl; avenue for tlie young mci. of the Wisn hickou Prcsbterinn Church who have leturned from service in tlie late war. Professor Huntington assisted the host in an interesting program fur the en tertainment f the honor guests, wno ii.i'iiiiieii .ir. iiiin'iii ,.'. .... I...... ...,, , II.. 1.1 I. I.. Mm I '1, ..!. pence. .ur. i.iiwooii i.,-iiuj, .11.. ' Charles .aim, Mr. Horace r. I illinmi. Mr. Walter Cantle.t. Mr. rrederick I'.evan. Mr. A erner Harold and Mr. Itnj Clavlon. Mrs. D. S. rillman. of 4,"(l Seville V , ' 1 street, anil her son, Mr. William Kill ' man, who have b-en spending some time in Wiishingtoii. have returned to their i home in Wissaliii kon. FRANKFORD Mis, Pntilii Smvlcr. ot r'oiilkrud street, is visiting in New York for a forlnig.V. At the twenty-fifth wedding anniver snrj , celebrated by Air. and .lr. Thomas Quirk nt tlieir home, 114." Ar inlt stieel. the following guests were tii'iscnt: Mr. and Alls. Frank Mitchell, .Mr. niul Airs. Samuel Letterhoiise, Mr. John A. Qiiiun, Air. and Airs. Anti'tmy 1't.vvcs. Mr. mid Airs. Kdvvin ( 'raven. Air. ami Mrs. Jnmes Clahbr, Airs. AV. Cnntiell. Mis. Jnmes Lawler. Dr. nml i Alls. John V. Allen. Dr. John V. Allen. Jr.. Mr. mid Airs. John Diginnn, Dr. and Airs. Joseph Tolnnd, Air and Airs, Frank llciiolt. Air. ami Airs. Samuel lllnilliiav. Air. and Jlrs. fieorge Slater, i Mrs. Charles Dignnni, Air. and Airs. Thomas (Jiiiiin. All's. Frank Sinter, AIis. Kdwnid Ormsbv. Mis. A. Atkin- snn. Mr. n mi Alts. William McCreury. Ahs. . I Heiser, Aliss Kdim Clabby. Aliss Alice Clabbj, Aliss Margaret iRnwes. Aliss Nevada Ilenoit, Aliss Cntheune Tolnnd, Aliss Aliune Shields. 'Aliss S.illv Shields, Aliss Klimilictli Coyne, .Miss Alargaret Dignnni, Aliss Alame Dunpspy, Aliss Anna Dignnni, AJiss Nellie Cassidy, Aliss Alary Toland, Aliss Nellie Dempsey, Aliss Kli.abeth Dignam. Miss Julia Quinn, AIis Sarah Quinn, Air. Leon Dublick, Air. Frnncls Allen. Air. James Nulty, Air. James Cassidy, Mr. Frank Mullen, Air. Frank Ilenilcison. Mrs. John Clahbv , Air. Lawrence Coj lie, Air. Josej.'t (Snffney, Air. AVilli.im Dignam and Air. Harry Demp-ej . Exquisite Dress Boot: 5 c de DlacK oue $16 Bronze kid, with hand Avorked eyelets. $18 of dress series models of the finest materials throughout. Most Moderately Priced. Silve,; gold, hrome. flesh, ivhile uud black satin slippers are $3 to $11. 1228 MARKET ST i ya AUTUMN WEDDINGS Miis E. L. Rellina Becomes Bride of Mr. Joseph M. Kelly Miss E. L. Helling became tlie bride of Mr. Joseph xt. Kflly this morning at St. Stephen's Catholic Church. Mis (Jpiieva K. Fiurel was maid of honor and Mr. John A. Kelly, brother of thp biidegroom. was best man. Mr. Kellj. during the war. was a member of the ilh'th lnfantr.v. Company K. After n wedding trip Mr. and Xlrs. Hell ing will make tlnir home at It'.'l North Ninth street, Logan. JACOllS-.MORRIS .Mr. and Xlrs. David Xlorris. of (UK! .lurksnii strert. niinouuce the mairlage of their daugliter, XIIss Ida XIorrK and Ir. Rernard Jacobs, on Sunday eve ning. October 111, nt the home of the litide. Tlio cen monj wns performed 1 Icabbl Nathan The bride and bride groom will spend their hone.vmooii in New York. SH.Ml Kl.F.ll -AlUl'ST The wedding of Mls Rop August. and XIr. Albert S. Shmukler. took place on Htindnj, ntthe luuiie of Rabbi II. L. Levinthnl. 71(! Pine strict. Among thoo present were XIr. ami .Mrs, l.vnns T. PcnnocK anil Mr. niul .Mrs. vviiiinni Peniiock, After n dinner at (he Relic vile-Stratford the bride and Inideginom left for New York win re the) will spend their hone.vinooii. MANAYUNK The members of Camp No. III. Pain otie Order Suns of Aniericii. gave n large reception followed b.v n biiiniuet last evening at the rump headquarter". 4 1,1 1 --Wrill Main street, for the .voiing men of the amp who have rcturniil from service in the woild war. Tliej included Mr. Joseph Aldinger. Mr. Louis Trautvvein. Mr. Wilbur Long, ;r. .losepn on in, vir. in rrj i aiirej. Mr. Harvey 1 leniing. Mr. V illinm Air. Leonard mui I'ossim, Mr. Willin,,. ,, ., 1.. ,.. MM ,,'..., 1' I. i.OKie. .,11. iii.Miiiis 1 (iiiiiiiisiiii nun 1 Air. .vsii .1. 1, ire. ur. 1 .1. 1 avis is I president nf Camp N'e. Ill: Air John Jackson, vice president : M". William 1 llansell. master of feims: All Clnreiiie , F. AInlden, soi-retar : Air. lleber I.. 1 Christiniin, nssistan, ecietar,v : Air. , Kmnininiel AVcimar, liuaiicial sceretnr : , Air. Joseph !riw, tuasiirer; Air. A'il -ilium La Porte, conductor, and Mr. George Nice, inspector. The nception committee Included Air. John !. Win ner, Air. T. L. .Iinkius, Air. Alniden. Air. AVcimar and Mr. La Porte. The entertainment included moving pieturis and a vaudeville program. The tump will entertain tlie l.niies' iiiiilinr.v to , morrow evening. FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL Tin1 1'nlls Jlnlo ('liorut. iliri'i'toil li Mr. .losrpli Smith, riivo 1111 iutrrpstiiiK niii.sirnlo in tlie W'iss.idi, h,, IVoslijte rinn Clinrili mi IViilnj r(.ning. TIip ofliipr.s of tho rlmriis itii'lmlo Arr. 'I'h..- 1 . I. Mai-Kiwir. in-.siilpnt ; Mr. lirovvn, vii'f iiri'siilcnt : Mr. Wil- iiiim-.. nuni (iressrns. sei n tarv j i.avloi . ticnsmor ' Alr. .hunt's ('. ORPHEUM M)r,.!iAv. --.. :.. s,Ar,.Irli1?!ONO "HAPPINESS" cvt L-T "nn: sToin or Titr. iuismiv DUMONT'S - ,:"''"t J wuii vm". sir. ' ,rii iiiii hi i s,rp, iui iiuriwiu. ' he North Benn Bank BONWIT TELLER :&, CO. Specialty SicpOrtawaliona CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET WEDNESDAY SPECIALS Misses' Suits, Coats and Frocks MISSES' Suits developed in Velour and Sil vertone, in plain tailored, flare and new collar and belt effects. In col ors of Brown, Henna, Navy, Pekin and Reindeer. ( 1 4 to 18 years.) 59.50 MISSES' Coats fashioned on plain velour, at tractive model, lined throughout with peau de cygne, convertible col lar, in colors of Navy, Henna, Brown, Taupe and Pekin. An ex ceptional value. ( 1 4 to 18 years.) 55.00 MISSES' VELVETEEN FROCKS Specially Priced Misses' frocks for everyday and straight-line effects and tight-fitting bodice, embroidery and chain stitch ing, batiste collar and cuffs, taffeta fluting: In colors of Navy, Black Brown. (14 or 75.00 Misses' Department ith Floor PHILA. RETAIL GROCERS' FOOD FAIR 1ST. REGIMENT ARMORY llllflAH ASJIl ( At.t.OVVllll.t, STS NOW OPEN, 2 TO 1 0 P. M. PI'IH'TAI. ki: VTflin- BETTER BABY CONTEST Uallv nt -' .10 i n i1rr lllnll Clroi'ri, street. Vor Mitry lilahk nd Ansof liillon. " Walnut A.lmtyMon '.'..( nml VVnr Tax. Partli I'nltl Tlrlcftn IJHn 1 re Now l, Ornrer I Chestnut St oika iiotsr y.mi i v-ncsmui ot. Ww, ft j,nL Tonight (. .'M. i RitFtn:iiT nAiirni:s or nun IJ.". SclnltllulliiB siar 125 HIUIIV OI1AV anl Her ll SVNCOl'ATOrtS ' Sam S. Shubcrt T?'h.BJ, . AL JOLSON ,n "Sinbad" ADELPHI r:Vlls- ttt S!M "Wl-Ijl ' " Mam Thur. A fiat '. ttarht! iro!lir' fomariv htir, '-'0, 0 Knst ,"1' Henry Hull k I'nnaUnen j j L.1101 lnney. ,.rl)(J vvorl.l s l.lol Loersl LYRIC ,iVCH ot ''' , , Mat" VV r, A Sa' .' I,, Ih Olrl) Mutlial IVm Hit "Little Blue Devil" ':o"l"r'1 ,'"""!1" THE CHORAL SOCIEr Will lnc THE REDEMPTION SOLOfST.s rinrrni c HinUlA MrhoLtf I ru Kntharliirt M' mil IjUhIii I fn JfinM IM. l 1 n.'ff. l-ti 111 Mn m i rul r'omiiiPt PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA Vmrrp,) tn i:n.lownirnt I'tltnl vt rnii.AHhi.rniA mu hi:sii:a S'.it- ,pi,n - inn I'hektmit .j, II t.O -Jl .'ill I!n ,s,.i(, J'" it,. TONIGHT ACADEMY AT 8:15 OF MUSIC AMERICA'S CRISIS IN THE NEAR EAST V U 1 "ri. 1 nml. nt ' 1,p- ri n. -! tn William 1 . n.1 us. LL. D. IMr-, Hun nf Vi.r-.l "til Mill ' " ". '" 'I'll "'" itknn ', I ntlieht E I T H ' S MVMVlllfll Mfs, , CnVtl.lV "EXTRA DRY ?? v vrnii 1 ions ,t iuvim; i mimi.s t.M.i.iAs- nrxci.it vt.i 1 mi A. II. il loo 'Vnw le . ' Ml the UnR Kt.l ll;-e' i, I11I1I1 Iliiinuinii, 1.0 Academy of Music A f .vrT 01 t .", .it 2 "0 1 1, 1. ! 1 N 1. FARRARcoVt COMPANY rill"ls J.' .0 .' Hi) tl SO 1 ll" "f nn ml.- sou Al IIKl'lv: S 1111" h. mnuf VtAH. mini. Us WITH I'MKl'KH 'In n r 1IAI.V lllr.iti.in I' V lJI.I.II. - -I Miu u IM.ilio KNICKERBOCKED vmi;ki:t AT I0TI1 STIIKI.I l NICKERBOCKED 1 UN I isi-iii-v Nmin Till II r WM. FARNUM ' VVoI.V I'v nl Tin. Mi.nr' 'II VIII. li: 1 IIAI'I.IN' In "'h .'li,rn,,lk r 6 ';.; VAUDEVILLE 0 CASINO VV VI. M T MltlV i: sill 1..VIHKS MAT mini BILLY WATSON ,iii J II I A I I. M!V MHW PEOPLES K'Mi. Air nnl f'niiil t-rlanJ Al.l. v i.i:k v ith GIRLS A LA CARTE' i ' rouehlln iin.l Murtlin 1'nir TROCADFRO TIII: ni.h itio.i 1 IsJs,MLL.rVJ JOVI.AND ..0 of Hin :, SUITS COATS afternoon, dance wear, featuring to 18 years.) W&Mfb Jlarkn at all If.ili 'I A ,M toll.15f.il. Constance Talmadge In 1 il si rrcsontnllgii nf "A Temperamental Wife ' ( Hronil W'-U if the t'nll llrand Opra Vtf thai S anlpi ilivhentrn & Oruan Hololsts M 'k r.einl,iinll.1.td " with Hert Lytclt I .V n N s - - COLONIAL .si .vr.i:v DinncTio.v - 'li:ilMA.NTllVVN AVi; i,p t'llKInSN AVK All U rrk Vxi lnle ilentmn nun Hhowlns D. W. Griffith's "Broken Blossoms" .m w.,i( iiiin.i.vs l'vtanANKfl m MIX VIA.ll.hTT Till: AMKItll'AN P A LA C R IH MAIIMT STIU.lr -i 11 A M TO 11 .",11 1 M Pauline Frederick in a s kvv pin ii 11 1 rins "BONDS OF LOVE" riu.sr siiiivviM, a vvriniiu AR C A D I A 10 a vi u j , i-, -, r, ; if,. H-ao v. ja BILLIE BURKE l'i AVI'ltV lliirwilflH I ilMRDT "SADIE LOVE" 1'arinniun Vrtmifi Tifiure VT"cf"o R f A ' t.vr.Ki;T sTin:irr Arciv 1 sitii' !i v. it to ti 1.-, r -u A l''ir ,m..,int Vrlmf' I' , nrt HOUDINI ' ".M?" V 1 ninjilwie rro'JuMlnn 1 1 hi Slionlne N". l an k Win ik I'r. , ni 1 Hh.lvl.f.Ss .s'l'VM.I.V Dllll.i 1 lus C A P I T 0 T v' '-i muim 1 sn.i 1 r -i M VI III 1 i.ii-i.v 1 p p .., "THIi LIFE LINE" UHllMiVV 1 lill.W i "MlltnAT .Mini. lMim.l- ,1, stn Hi , nuililenlial" 'GREAT" NORTHERN iiitovi) s. 1 i,m,, AV1. AINU A STEWART In lll'U UIMilJiiM ii IMtEAMs rni.i V MAIIV In I.A iiri li: IIUBHE" N.M V,k- HltiiKKN- IIUJ.sHfiMS" REGENT "ffl?- HI ST llnw 1TTH I VIII, ti: CHAPLIN - .' " '"' Kl'.NM I)V M:itlAr. n tl iHSeKunMS .. vt jii.s-ipnrt V TT 4fl CONTINUOUS JW mw VAUDEVILLE "HEIR FOR A NIGHT i'"i'i i,.u ititit coornit oTitEns BROADWAY 1Jroaa .":', "Senator" Murphy ?w AT I) vv "Broken Blossoms' 1111 riTii CROSS KEYS MAri')TiST. - ai? CUKE rOK BLUES MUSICAI, I'OjrEDV riiii.Ai)i:i.i'iii v s. rui;i:.vtoT th!:athi:s rroah N"'s"M s i. LJlA.V-'-L M ToMOIttOW IltiVV All! i III l.l. iYwnf AKKSLHKI . . In Hit (trpatPKt I'n THE WOMAN OF BRONZE Special Mat. TODAYt 2:15 , WALTER HAMPDEN' "HAMLET" Olliri ll.iml t M.it'i 1 1 hi weel 1 Thursday I rlila) hi. i ., i .Vlmidtiv ,i Tunadajr. GARRICKLastSEv-JT m vt loiionnow No Seat Over $2 at Mat. Tomoi. IVAMIi IU I.AM'O 1'wsentK DAVID WARFIELD "THE AUCTIONEER" 1 m;xt vvki:k- skats thiiisdat I -VIAIll' KI.AVV I'r s, ill!, AV M l, Vli:iMrN I'i'VIPDT PETROLEUM P R IN C E louis 'bennison Sii MrillDII Jl VII 1 1 Pill VM I JUT. rT . j. M'.llT.i ai s 1 , Toil CSC Mhis VV .-d i. .sat at 2:1S. Positively Last Week I'OI'.MAT. No Seat Over $1.50 1'OMOK. isnui i w.('ony ft.oo , li I iu llt.ttli! H I i t I Music NOW I'lIM IM li. I III. AMl .N'l;T VVl.KU JM V METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Mm VII AMI Pol'I vu Mrs GEORGE LOANE TUCKER'S PRODUCTION I'ioiu tlie I'lay by OUOIll.lI M COHAN i.avoi in tin Story by riiANK r,. PACKARD 4 7'iiiin ..ii. I Iriri-nff J'lclure Willi iui Vmalus Soul! ' VsK Hie M.HI VV'ho'H eell it' .Mallncs I1.1II) i I". Vll Sran 2:. Uifiilnff 7 nml M. L"i and oOc. viiii'iii'.itka or ;5 I. v rilliv s viii!isi,i: . eoprano Soloist. DoiMittmn TUKet Olllco 11 US Chestnut Sllect IMione Walnut 4424 W1 . AVALNUT 8T AT OTH a mil 1 -A'"' To.lay. 2.V. r.O. 73a. U111UI Tonight. 8 in, 2rs to 11.00, Or.atprt of MHlerv I'lan jTHE REVELATIONS OF A WIFE Vcvt Uroniluy' lllKXert IucUtcr Kit ii r i A H'VVoodV Original N, V. Productloa K Parlor, Bedroom & Bath i Tliura. I Tlrst Tlma at 1'upulor I'ricts' BIJOU 8th Above lLic- MT TOUAT MISCHIEF MAKERS sfflCsgia? m r vv i i i s.i-, , risinvA' :& It. i ! 1 !i 1 HI 1 -I - rtf. j.&e&S&lfc WUKSwjfS i tt(fLAn