Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 21, 1919, Postscript, Page 10, Image 10

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    J- f
Jcuentitg public fficbct
CMUH ir K. rTJlTIfl rnrsii. t
Tlinrl n 1! I.mllnrlon Vice rnilil.'tit I ' '
JVInrlln See. tnr nml Trpumirrr I'little H Cn'lln
John II, WMMntnn, John J Spurgfoi, Director!"
i.n.Timi i. 1 oi'.i
c'ttii 11 1 (' T.xtfl, Oh ifrniiin
tAV 11) I". KMILI-.Y . .
(1 iTnl liilrui M
'ubl li .1 ill Iv i
lutl o nili-ln
ATI VVTti I 11
Nrw V mm
Hr, l,i t if
l't into T.nmrii Uul.U! i r
8 iu ire Phlliuli 'lilita
. . I'l f 1 I 111 1 1 1 UlTfUMK
"(Ml M troiioUtin Tower
701 Font nulMIn-
. . i 10 is rt'Mrrloti ltllllilltlK
IS02 rrlbiine nultdirs
NI3V .1 UlT.UAtT
N c'or. ''cniavlvin'ri Av. nml 1 'Hi HI.
Nrw Yoiil Vi niuf . . Thu m I'd Minir
I.unoon 1 i i ri Londo i Time
srnaci'ipriov TEitMrf
Th P immi l'i nl to t.M'iFn I sTverf to mi
frrlliera hi l'lillndelph'n nT.1 mirounilliii; ,ora
flt tho r-ii of tlvclvg 1-V o its p r vvofIc pu ubl
to tho irlpr,
V m it to noliti o'i'lrti o' P"i"ni1rliihlii li
the I'tiit 1 Ptntrn. (.'anion or I'nltfd Ptntcii r"
r' lo ioitfiee f--. tl'tv (Vol i cntn per rtmith
fctlx Hi ' ili.'lnr pe- Sopc Pi h'o H llilvnrirfl,
To all fnrelsn countries ni (1) ito'lnr p.
No n uh-( rtlirr whtilij unurneii chiiT"'
Jnu t g . nil ii well n row ft dross.
tl'It -""(in U M.MT
K'-.Y.TOM-.. MMN 3030
Crr UWi r'l oonimioifrn'foitt to f-'i'iunp r 1 i'
j j I V tiK i i Sq'iarr, Via "f fii'i i
'lom,:l of the Associated Press
rirr rsncrriw I'Ttrss u cxh-
alrr u in'illnl to 11 c iiir foi rrpithU"ntltii)
nt o I m u i (Hinn'rhc9 rrni ted to It or i nt
olh, 'i , i ntitrd ill thii prpn: anil aiio
the b i 1 a i publlil cii thricln
Ml ii 1 's nl tfitiihllmtlnn rt 'in In' till'
pal lu hiir n fir alio iwu -i'
I'll lit I hia. Illfiln', Oflnbrr Jl. 1111
,'i it of Ponnsyhania. thlnki th.it
Phil.ulo phi i nlumni of nthoi col!a;?s
oiifh' to Bip ns murh to the lo?al Uni
ov it ,1-, to tno coi'dft" at which th"y
weic rdiH.itod. In other word"!, hr th ilk-
that din' loyalty to the city of their
lesiJtTno and to it,-, institutions ought
to bo as ci rat as their loyalty ta institution-
n other plncca.
Much i.i.i he --aid in support of thus
theoiv with -nil convinc riR any on" who
dors nm with to lie cominced.
It is uiitortunnto that such a p.eu
should hao to H tnatle in hrha'f of th"
gieat luiM'i-ity hcie. We ore inclined
to bcli o that a plea addiessnd to the
nch nvii if this end of the state wh.i
neei wtiit to colleRc would be mote pio
tliut'M There aie many such who aie
conMiiced r the excellent woik that the
Un.vei-it' ir doinp;. If they can be
reached it would nt take Ions to raise
the ?10.()00,00f) which Provost Smith
faid befoie the war was needed to put
the institution on it feet.
AVOMAN trained in home eecnom:C3
once remarked that her neighbor
threw m."e out of the ha-k dooi with a
teaspoi n ceiy wrek than hei husband
could br ng in the firnt ('ooi with a
Th s was b--r graphic way cf describ
ing wastefulness in the use cf food.
The ford fair which began in the First
Reg mrnt Aimory last night is intra led
to give lwins in the economical lue of
food. It has frequently been said that
a Fvritih woman could feed h"i family
on what fie Ameiican woman throw's
away. Theie is exaggeration in tlvs
statement, but there is enough tiut'n in it
to excuse the man who fiist made it
The ha' go bf extravagance does not
rest aga'tit the American woman alone.
Hei husband ih jtut as wasteful. He it,
ashamed to appear economical. Ho
wants to be known as a libcial speivlei.
as though that were an enviable distinc
tion Extiaaganco is a national wee.
It is in sumo degiee lesponsible for the
present high cost of living.
If the per'ons who hae o,gani.d the
food fair can succeed in demonstiat ng
how money can be saved by the use of
unpopulat cuts of meat, and by a more
frequent use of vegetables and ceteals,
and by the substitution of sirups, for ic
fined sugar in cooking, they will deserve
well of the community.
What we need just row is to make
economy popular and fashionable. If.
this can be done the dol.ai in the pay
envelope will go fuither than it has been
going in leccnt eau, and tho women
will learn piactical lessons in saving
which will relieve them fio,n many wor
ries that di&tutb their peace of mind.
QINCE Colonel Roosevelt died and
ceased to mouse the antagonism .f
those who disagreed with him he has
begun to find his proper place in Ameri
can histoiy as one of the greatest per
bonal foucs of our time
Tho--o who opposed him aie now be
ginning to admit his claim to dittmction.
Without any doubt they will join with his
admireis in the woik of raising the fund
for a mi moi ud work on which special
emphasis i-, placed this week. The cam
paign will culminate next Monday on the
anniversary of his birth. That day has
alicady been tot apait by the governor
of New Y'ork as Roosevelt Day, and he
has urged all citizens to observe it in
some manner.
Theie is no agreement yet on the foim
the proposed memorial is to take. Men
aie contributing money for it, not bo
cause they like this or that kind of a
monument, but because they believe that
there should be some tangible and visible
evidence of the appieciation in which tho
man was held by his contemporaries. A
large sum will doubtless be raised, and
the memorial association which will
spend it will use its best judgment in
selecting the mo3t fitting monument to
a great Ameiican who was both a man of
action and a man of thought.
A PERSONALITY so responsive as
King Albert's may be assumed to
possess a sense of historic parallels. It
is incumbent, therefore, upon the com
pilers of the program of the valiant mon
arch's forthcoming visit to this commu
nity to see that an excursion to Valley
Forge is on no account omitted.
The king, of couise, will be deeply in
terested in the Liberty Boll. As a potent
factor in alleviating the tragic plight of
lj8 countrymen, Philadelphia as a civic
qntity should bo strongly appealing. But
Valley Forgo will strike a vibrant per
sonal note, for there it was that Wash-
laateimiaj?ft.Tflfi: ',i' aawyM
li 'Or
,' A.
infiton played the role so atrik'ngly sllnl
1m- to that enacted by Albeit In the
w.imp.s of I'landem. In both instants
th" capital of the nation had been Iom
Paliioti.sm and incct'tiRuishable devo
tion lo libet ty stood llitn on the Schuyl
kill and on the Ywr, The sulfei inna of
the wintei of 1777-17711 and of the whi
te! 8 of 1!)14, l'.HC, 11(10 and 1017
take on the natuie o. the noblest spii
itutil beauty. Dixmude will be a shiine
son'u tlay as Valley Foiko h now.
Uy all means the kiliR should he taken
to the scene of Amciica's maityrdom on
which th" structuie of victory was
reared. It is a pnvilejie that we have a
Valley Koiro to show him, and eMiccmlly
so at this season, when n.ituio casts hei
.spell cf loveliness oor the rettiiiK of so
heroic an act in the lotip; diama of hunii.n
Future Peace Deperds Largely Upoi th:
Vcrk of the Tratlo Conference
at Atlantis City
ALL the dark supo' -titions sus
tained by the Eoap-bo aid baibei-
shop schools of econcnicsi, the wildest is
the belief that buinefs and l-nancial in
tercst.s nrnneu lly wink at wai ami profit
by it. The (inanciers or Ku; ope did fai
more than statesmen in the nai-t twenty
yen ir, to maintain peice nimitiK kitiK'.
Nest to the plain peop.e, v ho fought the
wai, the bar im'Ks men of th" Old Woi'd
w"ie the ffictest "ufFciflM
Th-y weic in charjp' of the intricate
s,s.i v by vhith food, th" product cf
rnn and ciedit , i. distiibuted in vast
reiipiocatinfc t'des to iialnr.ee eiviliza
t en and Rive nition the means of life.
Their delicate inechaniem was smashed
to flinr'er?. A t"w i-alated Kioups
piofited inordinately but th" general
woild of nidustiy was devastated.
The do! ar-maiked ilothes in which
cartoonists used to diess t'len villains
weie appropnate to a malt minmity in
the Anglican llnanvial ..tem. liusiuebs
irrn i -d bankei- in nat'rral, and es
peeu lly in international, gioup, seek
rbove a"l things, pence an! a untrnted
F nantiers of the able. oil were
thinking in terms rf piogic-nve and
fnmdly internationalism long befoie a
league cf nations ever 'va, h"aid of.
They knew it woul.l pay 'I hey knew the
eno mouo destructive povvei rf int"ina
tirnal fiiction. As men who wihel to
conseive then own resource thev ha I to
be opposed to war. I
The international trade t'uference
that has just opened at Atlantic Citv
rcpiesents tho first oigaimrd effoit of
bus nes' to lehui'd its devast it -d a'cas
and to icvive piocessen of d' tnbution,
without which nations must swiftly dn
integia'e The conferees face a difficult
task, because few people undei stand the
natuie of their aims art! pu-pone- o
tealiae how definitely tho peace of tlu
world depends upon them.
Pi of. Simon Patten, of th-j University
of Pennsylvania, may lack a cer,se of
humor. As a poet he is no success. But
while he was advcntuiing destiuctively
as a levisei of American gospel hymns
ho icmair.ed to tho initiated one of the
ablest and most brilliant pionecis cf
modem iccncmic theoiy.
Doctor Patten is without rffection foi
bankei s, vvhem he view, in the abstiact
foi tlieii scientific meaning alone. To
him financiers who have uitc-national
scope are a gioup u' on whcri a con
servative and moral philosophy is im
posed by haul necessitj. They have a
purely selfish and defensivr plirpos" ty
serve by the maintenancc-of pence.
"Long experience hai, tsught th6m,"
fays Doctor Patten of banku-,, "that,
while a war may tempo' duly incieaso
their profits, they lose by the destiuction
of capital and the lower late ef profits
that follows that destruction. They may
be a patriotic and as dcsirou of t'm
porarv gams as aie othe e tizcns, and
yet the foice of sociali.'.cd banking opin
ion causes them to conserve public wel
faie. The bankets leally foim the one
effective international group, nd then
action is based on the woild's welfaio and
not upon that of individual nations or
classes, Banking molality u th" highest
molality, because it lacks th" limits that
nnt'nnnl, local or cietd molality poi
sess s."
This view may seem too generous. Yet
the history of the last two genetations
in Euiope shows that banking gioups
pi -ented moie than one wai by the re
fusal of loans to excitable governments.
The Gel man bankers weie exceptional,
largely because banking m Geimany was
fiom the fir t an impo taut government
What dispassionate economists say of
the modern bankei s must be said, of
course, of the modem business man.
When the distributive and pioductive
system of Europe was destioycd tho chief
safeguard of futuie world pcaeo was
The conftence called at Atlantic City
has not only to rebuild a vast and intri
cate stiucture; it has to rebuild the
foundations. The very means gf eco
nomic communication between European
states and between the United States and
Europe weie wiped out.
All of the European peoples aie now
in need of raw mateiials and tho means
of production. They need food and they
need credit. But they have no 'money.
They have no visible guarantees of
credit. The world is willing to lend to
them upon one condition. They must
piomise to pay later thiough the fruits
of productive eltoit.
But the radical agitators in all of the
European countries are making even this
arrangement impossible by systemat
ically teaching unrest and idleness and
a "disregaid of moral law. The conse
quence is that England, France and Italy
are now consuming far more than they
pioduce, Where tho exce.is is to come
ft cm no one knows. It is up to theusi
ness men of the world to find a way out
of the dilemma.
Men like Lenine, Trofsky and Foster,
and those like Marfjolis, who, testified
yesterday before a Me committee, arc
violent haters of h sa and financial
-.-.. ., r- , TfQyjjgn
organizations of any sort, since they afc
thally seek to foice the world backwaid
into puinitive impliclty. There is in
their philosophy no sot ions desire foi
tallioad sji-tems, foi large cities, for e
trnshe pioduction. Tliey assume that all
people would be luppicr if they lived
much as the cave men used to live. They
would dhpose foievei of intlicate indus
trial s stems. Tho foi get nieiely that
to disnose of motlein social and indus
tiial oiganixntions thej would have first
to dispose of about niiietecn-twentieths
of the woild's population.
The pimple life that the Uolshevists i
i eek might have been all well enough
when the human race wa a small familv.
It is the immense men use in the world's
population, as well as the 'evolution and
refinement of human desiie, that have
J made th" modem nicinl oiganiation nee
i es.saiy. Without the fac'l'lies provided
by govo'timeiit- and In high'y organiKCd
itldustiial and linanc al systems a gloat
pait of the woild would starve and teert
to smago'V end die in pest'lence.
Thete fncilitic aie now in a state of
aemipaialysis nil ovei Euroie. It ij
through the co-operation of tho United
States and the people of Europe that
thoy may be icstored.
Arid as mcthodh foi that sort of co
operation a e might at tho At'antic City
confVl'rnce, it mi. comfoit eveiybody to
know that tin " iie inticst of bus'ness
men of one mitit i in th- nlTairs of nil
other must in the ftit.ne be accepted as
a dependable u muilee against war.
OENAIOR TSON has said out loud
what many mm have been saying in a
wliispoi nbnii' the ladicalicni of the Fed
eial Tiade ( "mnnssion and it employes.
Many if th" icport-. of this body have
lead like st n ip poet lies in tend of like
the conclusi n of a judicial body m
ti listed with bci'kmg out the tititli. This
has been note I i'i the public pi hit-, but
little has been said of the pi Ivate opin
ions of the men who Irivc piepaicd the
lcpoits. s
Now ceme- Su'iitoi Witson with the
ainiouiicrment that 'oveinl of the com
mission's investigate! s aie exticme
Sjoc'nlists, oppesid to all foims of capi
tal, and that th. have gone so far as
to instuiit tin timinnssion's accountant?,
in the packing- ase elimination to in
flate the 'Inwmg of the packets' piofits.
This is a p'rtty uious chaige. It is
bad enough to haw in the employ of gov
ernmental commissions men opposed to
the prcent social older and the piesent
industrial oigumzition Such men can
sometimes be honest m dealing with
facts., But when theie is suspicion that
they have distorted th ' facts to cieate a
hostile feeling ega i t anj industiy it is
time that there wis a "eiious investiga
tion into the l.'rd of piopaganda which
the buieaus cf tin-, administration arc
I titting fm tli m oi del to discover
vvhetho' the ladicals aie acting on their
own init'at've or whether they have been
employed with dolibeiate intent to spiead
theii doctiines.
Cong ess ought to call foi a show
TN THE co"icspondcncc of Nicholas
, Biddle, famous picsMcnt of the United
States Bank, theie is a lettei on the
nomination rf William Homy Hani-on
for the pirsidrncv which indicates that
the distinguished Phdadelphian knew as
much about politics as about finance
He wiote that if (icncial Hamsun
vvcie to be nominated it would be on ac
count of his past. Therefoie. said Bid
die, "Let him rel entiicl.v on his past.
Let him say not a single woid about his
piinciples oi his cieed let him say
nothing piomise nothing let no com
mittee, no convention, no town meeting
ever extiact fiom him a single woid
about what he thinks now m what he
will do heieaftei "
This is ptetty good political advice for
the friends of some men whose names aie
now mentioned in connection with the
presidential nomination If a man is to
lun on his lecord, Ins iccoid is his best
'I Wi II I f II W ! V III e II
( .iinhod on Hie nul
lum; hiiuid of mi 1111
lassim in i;i;lllciills
Iiuiiohili. 111 Clnuus
In Cilv. N .1 nml iIciihiiiiIim tlie valualiles
of th iiipants tiitliii and sou I'.ul falhcr
pill nil Mil I'll mill lulled nm nt the IIH'll ilff.
il'iil mi:i mnhhiil the uthei. pumiucled linn
mid hi'hl linn unlil tin poliie stutmu wiis
11.11I111I. This kind nl tn utmeiil is pliimli
illsiiiilliiKUC In hi'.'hwiiviiinn If Hie pun
lue Iik nuns t'lmuil wi nnv In ik foi n
falling oft in liiimliti 1
'I hut mini vvhn
V null inn lll-ltiiieil tliniieii weiks
in a
hospitnl with 11 liiokeu
is nml Hun In nk' 11 iisniin nt the s,nm.
uiilinad iinssiuc; whii'e tlie til'ft uecident
01 ciii ml tinds life ils men j ns u cruleli.
Ilis next visii should he for twelve 01 fuui -teen
I'resiiiuuhlv theie is a
Mai!. 1 1" 11 H11I hu. hliinki't vvuiinnt out
Kt'fllse tn I -if In It for Hu1 seven com ids
v who exeapul fiom 11
Hen nil mil In i,iii uf il Inddi'i made uf
iplilts I'liv would ilnulllh'ss piefi 1 11 1 lean
1'i'siiiini i!-un's inilieniiin isi.ium'iI
Ii.v Hie in 1 miiis -into in which he liniK hlia
silf Mm tin iiiiliEcstiou final which t In
woild is siifluine, is due lo tlie attempt of
vai ions pel sous tn fmie ilmvii its thioat
in 1 hunks 11 Ini of HliliKS vvldili liuve to ho
taken sliovlv mid 111 small poitious If tlie.v
mi1 not In 1 iiiiso tiniililo
link Tin pin mid the ucslcia holdeis
up nl 1 in III ailwood com Ii 1110 lank iiuuteiiis
mi 1 111 1 1 .1 In (ho iiiotot bandits of loiluv , ami
it 1 In-' up of 0110 nml nil, ancient nml moil -1
rn vvniilil show thoin to bo lomiiioiiplace
ami sonhd , I
I In II weie tlibt. -sevdi students in Hie
I nuir-itv of I'l'niis.vlvnnin in lS"Js mid the
ti I.i i.'s nf instriu tors laugi i fiom StOtl fur
ti i.iloi tn Sl.'itKI for the piovost Tliere are
liMliin pupils now and the siilaiie mum'
11.1 indeed.', tiollllllg like In piopoi tion.
' Svvodi to the sweet" is a mottu tlie
viiiiii'; man mil huvc to ixnnic if (ho Miliar
shoriaKP folios tho (iiuilv makcis to hiiKpcnil
The Mteol strike in l'ittsbuiRli soenH to
be htrickcu. ,
"'f,- ?" r "1T"i'F 'Ii' fW.vWrv -rvw.-
,fi,, !'(!.. I i . .f 1 '.' jfL. ' '
The Historic Hill at Green Street
Entrance Is Not to Vanish, but
to Be a Fitting Climax
to the Parkway
"1IT pliiiiiiiiii; lump In n
win nml iKciisliiiuillj Hi" pi 'li
mjsli'l lulls
UlllltlllH I1IC IllHIIIlillK. Tllill " "J"' "'"'
it'speil tn tlie iii lentlons imiKw.H iipriii-
IImii 'I lie IntioiliirloiA slices nl llnlt liil
inliiilili' work Kino tlie ilsiiili tiliK ini
ini's-lnn nf n ti Unite to tin' iliil "f i lino.
Kill in time the 0r1111111r11t.il mid nui'li
iimiIimI' slnnt-t ut In tlie I'm It ii viitimlli
I lllllll till. I'llilllllolplllllllV III! pHHlcl I'f till'
iiit( inns incline tiiin nii mi ens' I I" I11""
I Itlllll IN llll'l its.
Tin iini.iKlncss willi ulilih I ho ln'ciiiiiliiK
nl ii iiH'iiKiinbli' iiiiiiiii'i,il iininiiM nii'iil weie
Ml M (I lllls HUH , llnwi'M'l', III I'll iriiiisfi'in'd
In lllliitlll'l ItppllKMIIIc lll'itllll'tIV' piH'I's
ilisinliiii!j in die lii'inl nf ilic soiillnii'iilnl
illioti Si I'liiitmh Hie "nlil ii'sci'Mili' lilll"
nl Tc'iil liflli mil Sii'ln' (iiitiloii "Iriel
is In iiu ' nil i h i H In pic o ' riiliiiinillit
I'.uk Miilinut il Tub mount i n pnliiftil
i nm I'ptinii Aie i. to lose the pii'tiiii'silHi1
nnliil uliiili inspiiul tlie fntlii'i of "in
fnnuiiis pli'Asuii' Kiiiiiiuls In pursue their
lii'iiclii out i flints?
-- th.
AI'I'IIA tlie niistti'i Is eiiiplintiiitllv In
neKiltivo, I'liiiiiiinilit I" lit I"
uiisi Inn in Ii' tiatisliirini'il Ail i' 'If'1'
ll"li ti nssisi nut in mill llio iii'injMiipliii'itl
iliiiiuv lo tin1 i i.i k w ii v i lo In rtinllij of
llint u Ii 'inn' tlimoiiKlifiiie
rii'ihii.k liiafl. iiicin'iiliilii"l in stnlii'
mill iiiiifulh biiiikIpiI In rIuss Ii-i-S 'di'i'iil'
iiliil fm iiulii.v n jenr (lie iiiiiint littli1
shill nl until nml imk stiUM'!iil lii'twun tin1
ii'seiuui lull tlie Miitei wml h III' Slnnl
hill mi'i ntiil tin' Cillouhill sliu'l hi nisi'
lie fins inuiiid the mi'i Wen Hint uui
veillinlllllli'il mid ih'i illi dlj lllllii'lllltlllll host
nl tin' iiiBini'i'l of tlii ptini'iiiiK stiitiiui
imiitiuilh uiiliiwi'd with Miiisi loii'ii'ss mid
thi' iilulih to till n the nihil win it wiuilil
be sin pi sn Ami ii .cif,. o uii i tint
it would In iiiiTlilih ploiisi'd
I'm tin lull Hint nil I'liil'iili'lphi.tus ho'il
in iiitisiili iiihlr irtulliri cut fniulin'ss is to lip-
mill mi minpolb nml a 1:1111 h iiimi' iilliin
tin1 liiiiilni'iik thmii'KM hcfoK1. 'I lii shiiiiililr
Willi ll II IMISll'lll Side HOW pil'SI'llts Is ill's
I11111I In hi' Klopiil lit nil I'M Ilium: UK bin'
Tin 1 ( will lie leu. ice nml pic 11111; wi'i'p
of kii 1 iiswniil t'poii tin- suininit will tmi(l
t'n in w nil iiiiisenm. 1 0111 i'ii il 111 Hip 1 lassie
s' ' appiopi tiitc to ils 1 u 11 0111111 nl
rpll T tin1 ( oiiti'inpniiii vieiii" 1 iniiliis
-- iiik is 011K' n.itiiial. Tlie ainliiliiuis woih
of 11 iiuikiiu the pioniiiiitoi 1 hut iine
1 h n I . ' ulh 1 uiuplnlul. When it 1 lililslnvl
tin nisi si. tiiins;i.ipli will he ninti'i i illj
IiiiiismI iiiiiI nitisliuillv lietl 1 1 oil
n iilli'inliuti 1111 1 lii wi'sIimii ili'diMH is
1 miti inplnli'd The lime liallnwi'd ulnilhiK
will!. will ii'iiiiiin and ct pussllih the 111
ii iiIi'i mcw tnwi'l. with it' hint nf Uui inese
nl ('linn si1 mi hill 1 lure. In wlmli. ut tin
spul. I'hihiih Iphimis mc so tlioiinn;lih 110-
I iistoniiMl t'oiiu'iuililv Hint (minus slim
tun iiiiu'hl piizlc 11 siiiui'i, hut om niitici1
sniisinuhl 1111 mine sumo it th'in tlun ( mild
tin1 iniletiiialili' Hlc nf Ilortii 11II11111I Hull
Tin I'm k is well bulttissul with liuiil.
tmn The tower which ovcilnnks Ilic
w'ltoi'wniks is us inih Ii 11 p.nt of them ns
the 11 1 iv inc: ('iutiiitii.il liuililniRs Anil in
Hie viimitv of Hie miiuil I'liii inmint
ft inilniilieil .issiii i.itiiin an- pot to he
trilled Willi immi In evpnliiiils nf nitistie
( IllI'll'IK v
Tin- upheaval at the Cm 11 sic( entimue
will 111.11 iiotliini; whntiMi nf (lie eMstinu
sieiiii fi line of lln1 wntiiwiuk. Tlie hill
011 the Silnnlkdl side is to tetmn ils 01 initial
lieiKht It is tn the urn Hi ami cast that
the iiimn ti.unfoi null 1011 is umlci win,
P10111 Hie main l'nik lo.ul pnssinc; in the
WashiliKtiiii inoniiiiient 11 ihiniutiM' drive
win Is tn wind up tlie hill tn tlie museum.
Moiinvei. tn obviate 1111 ovlinustiiif, ilinib on
II hot dij. Kiilleiies me to be diivcn iindci
the hill lo its lentei. win me elcvntoi will
usiind to the top of the iiiiopolis
The woik of mailing mid Hie lespeclful
1111 tiimoi pilosis of tin hill will (list MtOII, (10(1
and is to hi. tinisl.il in one vun liven if
Hie 1 nnsti 111 linu of Hie must urn is dckucil
tin Jim n slopes nml effutivi contnuis nf
the hisli Kioiind should s;ive uuui' and iliiltin
m Hie I'.uk cnlimii e vvliu h lias s(l tmg he, 1,
mi luipnfut intiodui tmn tn the licnutics
within It is slinikiiiK. fm iiistnnie, to 10
i ill lion the Ite.ulim; Itmlwiiv used to ds
liKine the fust view nf I'uiimouut. o
vvondei Hie hill was (heiishcil 111 the midst
of sin Ii oflcmluiK ugltiii ss
(IKltlS hill wa its nm 11 nt name in Ihc
davs when Ciaff 1 0111 eivnl the notion of
iitilj1111,' its "altitude" for 11 iimiuiii' in) -ioiinti';
the pioicitod wuKtwoiks nt Its foot,
'I lie fiist piiuliaso of Kioiind nt Pairiiuiiiiit,
,is the disti'iit vvns cilli-d, wus nmde in
IslH, and the building nf Hie liver pumping
station was bitjiiii in AiiKiist nf Hint jenr.
Tlie I'm k is .1 limit nutjunwth of the
watei'vvoiks idea Mollis lull lose mi steoplv
fiiun the mil that tlnie was bin eh spate
1 nousli bitwioii its vi"Re anil Hie Si lnij Ikill
for Hie inline housi Wlirn it vvns doi idod
to Sllhslitlltl VV.lKlpllVVl 1 fill stllllll hum Ii
blastln;; hud to he (lone mi the 101'kv fi unt
il p to make an oiitianie lo tTio Kiounds and
to make loom foi Hie fiiiih.iv, whin1 the
sialf now dispoit Iheinsi Ives
('mini lis, with somewhat astonislunj; poi -leptioii
icalicil Hie nppiulunit.v foi la.viiiK
out and 1 iiltivatuis a public cunlon. 'l'lio
tosiilt vvns the oii;iiial and iliiiiinutive Pnii'
iiioiint I 'in I-. vvliu Ii lias ii'iuiiiuid virtiiiillv
11111 liuiiRi'd HiroiiKlioiil all the ilevolopmonl nf
the SM'nt pliiisiue an a
Soulptois wile 1 niiimissiouei o kmho the
si one III iik vv ilks woio laid out and 11
lialustiaile on the livoi'- nine i nniploli'd (In1
pntuie. Tin Miinliii bust of Ciaff I'voiituullj
"adorned" the icntei of the inilnsiue
For soveial koikmiUioiis the oii;inul Fail -mount
shelf between the din" and the liver
has boon pel Imps the most inifieipionli il spot
in the I'.uk Viitms to the vvatorwmk
iisuiillv 111111 viii the (in en shoot ontiame
instead of the ilepiessJnK Callow hill street
unite, ami the sumo pinioduio piovail todiiv
vvitli the liipiuiiiliu p.iliun-
FT Hie bill itself has nlvvavs bicn liugely
niovod. It Kiint dnv vui Hint on
vvliiih tlie i nslniiKtnii iniuiuinont was doili
intod. when thousands of puson ciowdod
upon its slopes to I10111 ntid'see Williaiii Ie
Klnle.v. then Piesident of he Fnileil States.
Onvs of lovivul pioiniiie ,,, eniniiiK
Mouis hill is to be iniirh inm,. Iiiaiitiful
tluili it over vas The piosom ostensible
lonfiiKion is a piiilusue to a must pmisp
w 111 tli and iirtiHtlinllv dovisod noiforniiiiii p.
Ton billhm bucks 111 e
,lust One I-Ittle Item moded build the
IllilKll ImillPs of
Finnic mid BoIkIiuu, mi.vs an expeit dis
(iissini; the fortlnoinlni; inteuiutlniial iinlus
tiinl lonfoi oiko nt Atlantic Citv This Is
but one nf toll billion li-.ts lha( fi,.. ,,,,..
liiK down for four .'i It is time to build
It took Now Voik a IhiiK wliilo f,. t
to soak In. but the town now tonliis that
the "soak" is. (loliaitoh "mil " The bievv
eis have quit oven tho iunkinK of 275 boor.
Xew Year resolutions eoiiiouiing liquor
won't b lord (0 keep la 1020.
.LL .
i .. - L.. - J - J,l
s , , sSgSfisdJfS
f " '- .- ' V - W- m&&x 7- K
,f , V-' ' i-j -i K.& -- 't ' - - - 'X -t
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-- 'l C 'f .K2.,. s, V
? 'v
Nursery Rhymes for the Tender-Hearted
SCFTTLF, s, little, little ninth
How .vou 11111 when I uppiuudi
l'p above the ptintiv -lii'lf.
IlnsleniiiK to suiote jimrsolf
Most ndicuttnoiis id vet nun.
How I wisli I 1 mild dot. inline
How vou spend jour limns of uiso,
l'l'tlmps 1 rn lining on the 1 hoi'so.
Cook lias Rime, and nil is dnik
Then the kltohon is jour pink :
In the mil bilge lienp Hint she leaves
Do vou Inovvso animiK the tea biivi?
Iiovv ilelulitful to snspist
All the places .vou hnvo tiekkod:
Dm s Mini ImiK iintonun whisk its
Contle tip 111 loss the biscuits.'
Do vou linger, lime soul,
Iliovvsing in 0111 sugar bow 1 V
Or, abandonment most uttei,
Shake a sliiiuni on the liuttoi '.'
Do ou i limit jour simple tunes
Swimming in the babj's pt lines?
Then, when dawn ionics, do joii slink
Iloniewnid to the kitchen sink?
Timid 10111I1, whv be so sin '
We aie liiotheis. thou and I
In the midnight, like jouiseif,
1 oxploie the piuitrj xsliolf '.
TIIFlti: was n gaj lionioaih, nml wlint do
vou think.
She lived in a iianiiv behind the old ink
Fggsholls nml gie.iso weie the diiof of hei
diet :
She went for a sttoll when tho kttdion was
Slic walked In the pantry and sninphd tho
lu cud,
Hut whoa slip came back lior old husband
was dead :
Long had hi li !. fr hi legs thev woio
lllst' ...
Hut the kltohon maid caught linu ami
sipuislud him at last.
T KNF.W a blink beetle, who lived down a
diilin. ,, ...
And fiiondl h was though Ills ninnnois
wore plain:
When I took a bath ho would mine up Hie
And together we'd wnh nml together we'd
Though niothei would sometime piotos
with 11 super
That ni.' elniico of a tub-mate vvns wanton
and queer,
nil or lompnnion 1 ucvoi hnvo soon:
lie bathed every nlsh. " I"' m'"i have
In on clean.
Whenever ho hcnid the tap splash in the tub
llPd dash up tho diainpipo mid wait for 11
sei ub, . , , ,
Vnil often, so fond of ablution vvns he,
I'd hud him then' floating and waiting for
Hut ni nuise ha done something that seems
'n gioat slianio.
She saw him theie. waiting, piopiuod foi a
111110 !
She turned oil the hot and she sinldul him
soie . .1 1 1,1
And he'll ,',M" '"""' '"ltlli"'' "'"' ""' "",
1,-0. e. f t ,
TOCKAHYi:. insect, lie low hi tli don,
TV Fnthor's n cnekioach. niothor's n he,,.
Anil Ih'ttv, the iiinid, doesn t (Jeun up H,p
jnu shall have pieiu.y -"i m 10
llnsluibvo inspit, belilnd Hip inline pies:
"tt .ook sees you her anger Hlrlsp;
She'll scittor some poison, ns bit or ns ga ,
bpatl. to poor cockroach, hen, bah and all.
Somebody's Steuog calls our attention to
an ad. which she sa.vs i a wodol of con,
menial ou.dur. It inns thus:
Hot. water bottles, seven J-Ave out,.
Won't Inst long at this price.
It Has All Happened Before
was Impressed with the disappointment
about the effects o the peaco at the ead oi
'JMJ41 - J
- ..J - l, ...
own yi;yft$ -i - trr "" " -!-"( v"",',sjps-'-j''
! ' .J . J
..J,-. ,;!v,iiT
the first jc.ir of It The uiunhv was ovei-
run with dlsbandiil soldiers, and lohbot.v
nml lnurdet woio frlRhtfull frequciu and
despoiato The Worldiouse Ho.uds woio
under 11 pressure of puupei Ism and nmj of
inv panics was that Hu cuunti.v wouio
become liaiiki upt I remember what inv
fatliLTH faie was like when he told inv
niothei nf the iiuroasp of the Income tu to
'a per .on! Anothoi pinlc vvns
about levoluljon (lui pustoi was ,1 git.it
uullcul, and he used to show us the caiica-
tutcs of the daj, and oviiy Kundaj nlglit
wh.n ho and two or throt' othei bac'neloi
filonds woio vvitli us tho talk was of the
absolute certalntj of 11 dlio uvulutlmi.
,oTHnlllct -kiillnoau's Vutobiogtaplij,
1 alt.
Be Strong, Caliph!
We four that Philadelphia nmv liave n
linul hino to hold its genial .lohnsonian A.
.(Ivvnid Xewlon. Foi we iimlei stand that
lloswoll s old homo ut Auihinloik, Ajr
sluie. is f,u sale. All I'hiludclpliiniis v'vill
hold their i oaths while the Caliph wustlos
with toniptution.
Translations From the Chinese
-'-, I leave a fiieud
1 think of something I wanted to sa
And foi got.
This will also happen
At the Final I'm ting.
"jyrV .MIND is an apa
iVJ- When it is all daik
And I am about to sleep,
Who is it that walks
On the floor ovei head?
"TVTY svvootheait
'-- (The laik gill on Hie hill near the
Is tin nutliologj
Containing evei.v kind of poem.
Whatever mv mood
She ih nios vvitli me lompletilj,
John Cavendish.
This Is Atrocious
Apiopos of Hie news f,om the Fnlilii. wo
would suggest that whoa ho tiles of a
Shafling Dish of apple saiiie, .vou .might
give him a Clinin or of bund and' milk.
WI10 snvs I'liilailelphia isn't lovul to the
adininishiiiimi'' Fvoiv time Hie I, takes us
past Tlditj ninth and Iuiko(, nnd we see
that sign LAN'SINC IIOFSi:, we fool like
uttering a pi ivate 1 licet .
Speaking us a fnniilv man, we have often
thought that no invention bus boon of moie"
pinitical vnlue to the woild than the safety
pin. It seems snd that the name of the
Inventor is lost to mankind.
Please note. THF' CIIAFFl.(i DISH
does NOT asp'ue to
Dovdop oiu ppisonallt.v
Build eliaindoi
Stioiigtlion imlividualitj
Train jour memory
I ik ronso ollicionoj
Haise .voiir sulnrv
If wo I1111I Hint it lias aliis othd on any
one wo shall quit immediately.
Suigoons in imigies in Now Yoik aie
seeking to adapt to civil and inilushiul pi tie
the the wartime ilovolopmontK of siirgprj.
Tlie want to cut for a now deal.
'Would it not bo a vorj delightful vvn.v
of solving the pioblem if tlif Kohllor vvoulil
many the gill who took hi job?
The enthusiasm of Ids filends Hid tho
viiulenee of hi enemies alike tostltied to the
gioatnoss of Theodore Roosevelt. Roose
velt Week Is evident p that he was tinng,
The trouble vvitli the Aineiienn Hods is
Hint they are inono-eolnilKts. If they but
iiieluilod the white and the blue they would
be good patriots.
Isn't a budget sjKtom a simile, too
businesslike for a politician? It is,jfiat
Is what commends it.
sjtatf f czrmw "" '
F'Ui: going lishiiig, Dad and I, tomor-
uiw afti lllunll.
111st uiii't liuullv wait, I wih tomor-
low M cd lieu soon ;
For Dad i like a kid ou know when wc
go off alone
You wouldn't think lie over had an office
and a phono.
Ho knows the plui e to dig for bait, we got
the fattest wot ins
And iievii lose the biggest one no matter
how it sipuinis.
Wo ti iimp foi miles to lench (ho stream,
Dad knows win 10 li-.li will bite,
I ulwiivs heli Mm hold his pole when big
ones aie in sight ;
We talk and talk like ev'rjthing when we
have fished our till,
OI ionise, joti know until wo quit we
have to keep as still
I.k.uiso lisli mo such sun tilings vvp'il
never got a one
If we made nti.v noise ut all, thej'd turn
111 i,uu I and 1 1111.
Tin dink roinos down aiming Hip ttco, I'm
never 'fund Willi Dad,
He's sine the biavost father that a kid
'most evoi hail
We take our tish and stmt fm home, Uad
s.,js: "You're timl, son,
We'll (tit aeioss and catch a oar for
walking is no fun ;"
The intei 111 ban pu ks us up, I noail fall
Hut Dad keep joking mo and snvs that
"napping time will keep;"
And so at last vvo'te homo again and mother
sajs, ".lust see!
I'm ptnuil of inv (wo lisheiincn," and
klses Dad nnd me
.Mis. IJ. A. D.. in Kansas Citj star.
Peilmps we'll have mi plane bandits in
the fuliue, but the one sine tiling is Hint
never a passenger aiiplnne will he "held
up" on mute.
Tlnee government-bonded vvaiohoiisps
weie lobbtd leoenth of whisky. Fneio Ham
uui now sjinpathize vvitli And.v (Jump,
."Mis. Mixing hopes that when the pen
ologists moot in Now Yoik tlip.v'll find some
vvn.v of milking the ink s(i,,v iu 'em. '
What Do You Know?
1. What is the louoct pionuni iation qf
"C10W do (iuoiie"?
1!. What decisive event iu American hls-
tor occiiried on October 1)1, I7S1?
.!. What state in the Fnioii produios the
most sugni ?
I. Wlint is the moaning of Hip woid lush?
.1. WIipio was the land nf Canuau?
(I. Wlint is a calor.v ?
7. Who was Thomas Xnst?
S, What is a ealeudoi ?
!. What mc the colois in the flag of
( ! 1 coco ?
1(1. WI10 is Hie Secretin' of Commerce?
, Answers to Yesterday's Quiz
I. It. W. Ma.vunid is the winner of the
amn's tianscoiitineiital air nice.
''. Do Moines is the enpitnl of Iowa,
Ii, Texas is the state which produces' the
iuot cotton.
I, A qunggu Is a South Afiicnn qundiupod
i luted to the ass and the zebra, loss
stiiped than the latter.
,1, Ileal I (iiutiou licit rum! accompanied
Nupoloou to St. Helena and iu 1811)
took his body back fiom the island
to I'm is. He vvns a general in the
Fiench in my nml iu 181,'! he was
made giand marshal of the court,
ti. The .composer Mc.verbper was prigiually
iuiniid Jakob I.Iobmniiu Kcer,
7. Zoologists (Ilciiunn Melville, to the con
hai, notwithstanding) do not tute
Hie whale as a tish. It is a nominal.
The phrase "got the mitten" is based
upon Hie l.utiu "mltto," the infini
tive of which means to send, hence to
send away or dismiss. (
A philippic is a bitter Invective,
Tlie Hi itltili, fleet commanded by Iord
Nolson wou 'its greqt victory of,
Trafalgar 011 October 21, 1805.
! f.