Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 20, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 9, Image 9

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Cabrlelo D'Amuinzio Proclumu
la Citta' una Fortozza Mili-
taro In Tempo dl Guorra
FublUhm nnrl n'.'-lbi'iH Under
Authorli.il bv the nrt r.f Orlntwr '
'MT. on flic nt the rostoMca of Phila
delphia Ta.
,. P. nt'UMWON. ,
foslmist-r Clrnernl.
Mllano. 111 nttnbro OnMe'c D'An
nunzio ha pubb'IrHto uii nroelnma ill-
chlarnmlo clip Flume ilevc cssere ri-.
tenuta una fortrazu nil'ltarc in tempo i
ill Rucrra c clic cliiunoup profrssi Feiitl-
tnento nstill alia causa dl Flume Jovra'
cssere consldcralo come neinico e pas
mibile della pena ill mortc. Cou ilctto
proclama dirhinrn clic la statu il'ns
sedlo e' in vlgorc per la citta'.
Roma, 10 ottobre Un attito srnmbio
dl telegramml tra i govern! ill Wash
ington c Homa si notu da qualclic
glorno, in rcluzionc all'iiltimo nrogrcttu
dell'On. Tittonl rlgminlo alio iiuestioui
dl Fiume o dcll'Adriatico.
L'lntcra stampu mantlcnc u'n'nttitu
dlno dl gran ri.serbo, lu atlcsa ilcllc
decisionl del governo dl AVnsliln"tou.
II giornalc "La Tributia" in niio
articolo dice che 11 progrctto ili .ton!
o' II minimi) chc la uuzicuc c' iiroutu ad
accettarc c tipera cosl cho pos.su csscrvi
una ilDfinitlva soluzione del problema.
L'Idea Nazionalc chiama 11 progctto
una mostruoslta la quale uou tienc
conto df.lla diterminaziouc del popoln
dl Fiume, che c' fermamentc deciso a
Eostqnere D'Annunzlo. II giornalc ng
siunge che se 11 progetto sara' accettuto,
il fato della Dalmazia sara' quello ill
eeeere abbandonata al Jugoslav!, con
soltanto una protezione problematic!!
per Zara.
II Baronc Sonuino, cx-ministro per
gll Affari Esteri, ha annunzlato di riti
rarsl ' deflnitivamcuto dalla politica,
dichiarando di rinuuziare a quiilstuni
candidatura per le prossiuio elezioui
In una lettcra ai suoi sostenitoH 11
Barone Sonnino insiste nel dire che il
programma italiano lusogna che m
cluda prima la sicurczza dcll'ltatia
no I'AH'i'itH'o, aecomlo l'ltalinnltn' d!
Fiume, Zara c Sebcnico. Egll rlleva
dal discorso del Prcsideute Wilson in
Los Angeles chc Francia cd Iugliilterra
Eromiscro al Giapponc la peuisola di
hantung, per indurlo ad eutrare in
guerra, od e' impossible negarc Khau
'tung al Giapponc so non si e' proutl n
eostenere con qucsto una guerra. Ed
, agglunge :
"Come si mantcngono gli accord!
riguardo Shantung, bisogna che egual
mente'siano mantenute le promesse eon
tenutc nel patto di Loudra rigunrdo
Fiume, 10 ottobre. I trunne vego
larl, presentcmente a disposizioue dl
D'Annunzlo in Fiume, comprendono 1
segucnti conting'nti:
II 202mo. Regg. Ftmteria ; il oecondo
battagllone del secondo reg"imcnto Gra
natieri; 11 22mo. Reparto d'Assnlto;
l'ottavo Reparto d'Assalto ; 1 2flmo,
gruppo d'nrtislieria pesante campalc; il
16mo. Reggimentd Artiglinrin al com-
Sleto: truppe del Genlo e Riparti di
Inoltre vl c' la Brignta Reginn che
trovasi n Siissak, ma che, virtunlmcnts
c' agli nrdiql di D'Annunzio. Oltro a
dette truppe rgolari vi sono moltissimi
Tolontari cd 11 battagllone' Fiumano.
CONNAUGHT for king
Hungarian Monarchists Favor Duke
for Throne
Paris, Oct, 20. The interallied
commission at Budapest, according to
the Intransigcant, recently received
delegates of the Monarchial party, who
demanded the right' to elect a Hungarian
sovereign. They declared they were not
advocating tne return of one of the
Hapsburg house and would not oppose
selection of an English prince, particu
larly the Duke of Connnught.
The Intransigeant adds that the Duke
of Connaught'i candidacy has not been
officially confirmed.
Washington's Decision on Tittonl
Proposal Awaited With Interest
Rome, Oct. 20. There is an active
exchnngo of, cablegrams between the
nomnu iinu v aBUiogion guverunieins
concerning the last project of Slguor
Tittonl with regard to tho Flu mo nnd
Adriatic questions. ,
Tho entire press maititalns nil atti
tude of great recrvc while awaiting the
decision of the Washington government.
The Tribuna thinks the project of
Signer Tittonl is the minimum the nn
ion is ready to accept and expresses
io hope that there will bo a definite
olution of the problem. The Idea
xazionale calls the project a mon
trosity which does not take into ac
count the will of the people of Flume,
who are firmly supporting D'Annunzio.
It adds that the fate of Ualmatia if
the project Is accepted would be aban
donment to Jugo-Hlavla with only the
problematical protection of Zara.
Baron Sonniuo, former forelgu min
ister, definitely announces that lie de
clines to be a candidate for a scat in
Parliament at the coining elections.
In a letter to lib constituency Baron
Sonuino insists that the Italian program
must include, first, Italy'u safety in th
Adriatic, and, second, the Itallanity uf
riuinc, Zara and Sebenlco.
lie quotes from President Wilson's
address at Los Angeles to the effect that
France and Great Britain promised
Shuutung to Japan to ineluco Japan to
enter the war. nnd It would be impos
sible to deny Slinntung to Japan with
out being ready to go to wor with those
powers, niid adds :
"What holds for accords regarding
Shantung must equally hold for pledges
contained iu tho pact of London regard
ing Italy." .
! I " " '
Idjourna Amid Cheers After Voting
Memorial to America
Paris Oct. 20. (Bv A. P.) The
eurtnin wai rung dowu last night on the
nn of Parliament which sat unin
terruptedly through the grenteit nn
'nnnl effort In French history. Premier
Clcmeno'eau was the lending nctor in
Un-' final drama. Little ceremony
tnrrked the conclusion of business.
Pirn' Desfhntiel, president of the
Ojhnniber of Denuties. deeplv moved,
'nlosized the war session of Prlia
'I'ent. paid homage to the hemic sol
'Uers of Franco nnd the g'orious 'load,
..M. .)... .l tn tneb nninnmllnhnil I.T T'nf.
Mntnc'nt and exnressed the hope that the I
now chamber would work tn rai.e
Kronop frntn ''" ruins of tho war. '
Before the amiUuise had subsiibd M.
riemcncemi nro'e nnd in n 'oml oleiif
voice read the decree closing the ses
sion. Deputies, chceriug and shouting "Vive
'a Romibllquc!" crowded around the
ni-eniier to congratulate him. Then
Mildlng one another good-by fliey left
the chamber. Alot of them will leave
for thoir ronstitiiencies tomorrow to
beein the work of the campaign prelimi
nary to the election of a new Chamber
nf Doputics which will meet in De
cember. The chamber last night voted i
credit of 1,000.000 francs for national
participation in the erection of the
monument at Pointc de Grave, at the
mouth of ,the Gironde river, in com
memoration of American intervention
iu the great' wnr.
Producers Appeal to Americans.
in Protest Against Arbitrary
Price Restriction
Hy the Asvirlatcil 1'reM
IIaana. Oct. 20. A manlfento is
ued bv the organizing cnminlttoo o'
ho recently formed Cubnti Hucar
ianufacturers' and Planters' Associa
tion, addressed to the American pfople
and press. nsl;s an opeu market for its
The association protests against an
-ittempt arbitrarily to restrict sugar
prices, nnd declares that If Cuba can
not obtain adequate prices or Is not
given "nn ample margin of protection"
decreased production of sugar auto
matically will take place, thus present
ing a serious danger to all tiattons.
"Wc protest before the American
people lu the friendliest spirit, but with
of the firmness which the. possibility of
such an iujuslice calls for, willing that
our claims be adjudged by the great
nation which came to our rescue in n
cause of justice and liberty, and to
whotn wc arc bound by ties of gratitude
and nffection," the manifesto says,
"The Cuban producers willingly
igreed during tin? war to the regulations
suggested by the United States, whlli
realising thut they were giving up nn
opportunity to obtain double prices In
un open market, even though general
conditions were unfavorable, with un
certain wage conditions, scnrclt.v of lu
bor and increasing cost of com
modities." The manifesto complains that the
Cuban producers did not participate in
the $30,000,000 reserve accumulated hi
the sugar equalization board and points
out that the Increase in tlie price of
sugar is not in proportion to the in-
crcaso In tho cost of general articles of
consumption imported iulo Cubu.
Cuba, the document continues, was
d sBppiilntid iu Its hope of huld'og the
allli-d Uiiropcun market nnd should ob
tain compensation in the open market
to offset the excessive high cost of com
modities purchased ill the United States.
"The scarcity of labor has had an
important bearing on sugar produc
tion " the stutouieut eajs, "ns consid
erable en no was left standing during
the lust hardest because of lack of
hands, this shortage bringing about a
continuous riso lu wages. A consider
able number of laborers rauio to Cuba
expressly to work duriug the sugar crop
seusou, leaving the country immediately
thereafter, their object being to ob
tain immediate cash returns.
"Tlieieforc, unless they arc attracted
hero by higher wages than arc obtain
r.ble in recoust ruction work In tho reg
ions devastated by the war, tills year's
crop may bo seriously interfered with.
Methodists Burn $700 Note
A 5100 note was burned last night i
at bpecial services iu the Frnukfonl
Axriiuc Methodist Episcopal Church, of I
which the Rev. Howard E. Hand is
pastor. On October ft the congregation I
celebrated tho lifting of a 57100 debt I
Mrs. Denjamln Daelares There Will
Do No reconciliation
New Yorh, Oct. 20. As u result of
the mrirriage of Mrs. Beatrice M. Ben
janilu Prott to Prestou Gibson on Fri
day, Mrs. William E. Beiijamiu, the
bride's mother, litis broken down und
is confined to hor bed iu tho Hotel
Plaza. She said jesterday:
"I am so sick and so thoroughly
disturbed over the disgusting nffolr that
I have just broken down. My husband
is also confined tn his bed as a result
uf this nffuir.
"They did not ask our blessing or
our permission. Ttiey knew full well
how wc felt about it. They kucw that
we condemned it. There can be no rec
onciliation or forgiveness. I will not
ugaiu receive my daughter."
From other sources it was learned
thut Mrs. Gibson and her husband left
on their liuneymoon very suddenly on
Goinperc, Jr., Carved Sister's btune
New York, Oct. 2(J. Samuel Gom-
pcrs, president of the American Feder-
ation of Labor, yesterday attended the
unvel'tn? of a monument carved by his
sou, lieury, anu erecteu over me grave
In Brooklyn of his daughter, Sadie,
died last year.
h -m
A DltltnguiAtJ Slrvici LtlK
Munsingwear garments arc made to
wear a long time, as well as to fit and
cover the form perfectly. Because of
their durability and washability, it's
true economy to buy them.
Correct sizes for men, women and children.
Every wanted style and quality.
The satisfaction lasts.
ft Ul
"always fresh"
French Salad
Sold Everywhere
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small Rand visible control l r 1 "' ' "
shows the facts at a glance dtS . z Tfjj lh -'
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Franklin Blmon& Co., N.Y.,ia one of fp f P-ftw 1 CS ML JKmK W N i S. if',
the many Big Stores that have found i hfJif'ie M Z " ,Wk. ImWtfiWW 111'1 . Xk k
RAND Systems make for greater ef. f-'tf r if ) J V m VOkW JPlfllL I 1 L I lik ..... 1'ii
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I I " '
Dissolve the Partnership Between Public' Service
Corporation and the Republican Organisation
You ffave Walked Now Think, Register and You Will
Vote for PERMANENT Five-Cent Carfares
United States Shining Boa
Fleet Corporation
Will Sell by Closed Iiid
Located at 94th & Tinicum Ave., Philadelphia
Erected In 1918 for tho purpose field, which is supplemented by
of caring for Hop; Island em- ?" , amusement hall, containing
ployees, the development con-if .8'P' In,ftttr :
sists of sixteen buifdinEs, each l,KSSj LTh 1, ,fefonn
containing 125 rooms. Besides ""S&iJ? M L gS e
which Will bo found four main a. c, ."l1, WHCW " ?f
dining rooms, a general office vXnl rZ&a
heating plant. B(fld but bida wiu bQ recovede
A capacious grandstand and ' any time for whatever equipment
vbleachers overlook an athletic still remains.
This tale will not In-cludc any of the land on which these buildings are
ereotcd. The Emergencp Fleet Corporation will negotiate for Ha tale at not
lets than appralttd value. Arrangements can be made for the sucoessul
bidder to secure the land If he fleslres to operate the hotel at the present
location. '
TEHJIS OF HAI.15 1. Bids aro to be addressed to Supply and' Sales
Division, United States Shipping Board, limersenoy Fleet Corporation. 140
North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Penna.. and inarlted "Sealed Bid for Tint,
cum A,vo. Hotel, to be opened Nov. 17, 1819." '
2. Each bid must be accompanied by iv certified check for 10 of the
total bid. made payable to United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet
Corporation. "M-filch amount will be applied to tho purchaue prlco of the sue."
caosful bidder and returned tn the case of the unsuccessful bidden.
3. ,B!da are to be based on taking delivery within 90 daya F. o' n.
present Ibcatton, 4. The right Is reserved to reject any .or all bida.
U. S. Shipping Roard Emergency Fleet Corporation
How visible records speed service and cut overhead
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In Personnel Records it gives an instant grasp on the detail of
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Write the Home Office to show you how RAND can help your busi
ness by placing your card-records, complete, at your finger-tips.
RAND wilt
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Branch Officei: New York, Chicago, Boston, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Detroit,
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Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, St. Louis, Dallas, Minneapolis, Portland and Denver
Among the users of
RAND Systems of
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Most of these concerns
started using RAND in a
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On request we will gladly
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Send for this book today.
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