Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 20, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Image 1

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    9 nyc
" f
f .
iaientita public mb$zx
Washington, Oct.V 20. Fair tonight
nml Tuesday, continued cool.
8 I 0 110
11 112 1 2 .') 1 14 r.
4(1 14(1 I4S
nUB8 102
VOL. VI. NO. 31
Entered o Seconil-CIaM Matter nt the l'ostofflco, at Philadelphia, Ta.
Under the Act of Marcli 8. 18J0.
Published Dally Tieept SunSay. Hubscrtptlon Price 10 ft Tear by Hall.
Copyright. 1919. uy Publlo Ledjrtr Company.
Boot Product Refiners Notified
10 Cents a Pound Is Fair
Charge Wholesale
ftny Additional Charges Will Be
tyeld Violation of Food
Control Act
Strikers in Baseball Plant Fol-'
lowed' Workers Into Cars
and r)1ade Speeches
1 llllililllll.lllilLlll.
, MuuonnunoiHui
' ' 'Steps to prevent nn nbuormnl vin
r.rease in the price of sugar, because
' of the, existing "shortage, were taken
today by the department of justice.
Attorney General rainier notified
i.-f ,nr refineries, who have been
withholding their product from market, , cC(jni. street.
That tbo United States sugar equaliza
tion board bad determined that ten
oenta was ft fair price to be charged
the wholesaler and that any chnrgo in
ices of that amount would be re
gaMcd in violation of the food con
trol act.
TtofiiiPr,. were asked to telegraph
their concurrence in this price, which
means" they would put their supply on
the market immediately, thereby re
lievlng the present stringency.
The price to tho wholesaler here-'
tofore has been nino cents so that the
jiew price means nn increase orotic
cent n pound. v Y
'ElexoirCent Cliargn Sanctioned
Iletailers have bent allowed to churgc
fclcvcn cents a pound for controlled
migar under the old prices.
While tho Department of Justice and
the sugar board did not state what the
jiew retail price would be, it wits nb-
1 mimed that thcinereuse would be not
greater than tho wholcsalo aduineo.
' Attorney General Palmer made pub
llo the following telegram sent to beet
sugar refiners: , , .
'After thorough investigation by tin
recognized authorities on sugar the
tho United States sugar equalization
board has notified the Department of
Justice of tho following facts: ,
" 'An n considernblo pari, tit the
i-ountry generally, supplied at this time
of the year wlffi1 beer sugar may be
embarrassed becnuse of the beet sugui
factories failure to bell beet sugar iw
produced,- nnd this couditioti, ill turn,
is due to tbo uncertainty regarding
price, our judgment H thut no higher
lirlco than" ten cents cash, less -per
cent seaboard basis, is, Justified.
"We hope that you will decide at
onco to begin marketing jour sugar on
this basis and relievo the -.cry serious
situation. Tho price of tenand tuic
balf cents net cash f. o. b. plant, which
lias been offered by the sugar cqunlizu-
tlon board for sugars in excess of re
quirements in your territory as shown
by "your 1017 deliveries as a "minimum
up to 50,000 tons for November and
December shipments to relieve an acute
bhortage among tho manufacturers east,
is not to be considered u precedent of
basis for loeal prices.
"I ask you to make jour announce
ment of prices based on tho above. The
Department of Justice will Jreat,us an
unjust charge any price in excess of
this and consider such a. charge a viola
tion of Section 4 of tho'Lcvcr food con
trol act, as amended.
Candy Ulakcrs Short
Confectioners in various Motions of
the city have been f6rced to slop mak
iug candy because of the acute sugar
shortage. The shortage is'beripusly af
fecting the prescription druggists also,
who say many prescriptions call for
Ice, cream manufacturers arc "crip
pling along on a hnnd-to-mouth ba
sis," according to Robert Crane, man
ager of the Crane Company. And
housewives find it virtually impossible
to get sugar.
James It. Walker, secretary of the
Retail Confectioners' Association, said
, sonic confectioners have been forced to
close their shops, and that others will
be forced out of business if their sup
ply is cut two-thirds, as has been pro
posed. -
Sir thousand tons of raw suenr.
which arrived in port last night from
Cuba, will be ready for market within
n few days and may stave off the threat
ened famine, dealers say.
Tliree former soldiers of the Twentv
eightb Division who, nri on strike for
I higher wages were held under ."5400
bail to keep the pence today because
I they persisted in giving public lectures
! attacking girls who, they declare, have
taken their jobs in n bnscball manufac
turing plant. .
Five girls brought tho "barges after
the men hnd follmsjd them on a trolley
car, ami had given me passengers u
detailed account of the way in which the
girls had "taken the Jobs (if returned
soldleis who deserved better of their
, The prisoners were Arthur Dwell,
thirtv-threc years old, Hast Hunting
don "s-trect ; William Shane, twenty
seven years old. East lloston avenue;
and Paul Lenox, nineteen years old,
East Livingston street.
Their accusers were Margaret Foley,
P.S20 Talethorp street, and her sister,
Anna: Mary O'Malfcy, 2S4(5 North
Taylor street; Jennie Miller. 2018 East
Herts street, ana mary l-iviii, jui
Three Vital RaUroad Lines Cut.
Fall of Mighty Fortress
Officially Announced
Fall of Former Capital Immi
nent Pskov Bombarded by
.Esthonian Troops
I .!.,
I v 1
rf ' 'vf' ' M
I 'I-IIP 1
Runaway Boy Is Tied in Bed
While Parents Await Police
Returns After Jaunt to Cleveland and Balti
more Manta for Leaving Home Blamed
on Injuries Sustained 7 Years Afo
X .
Senator Says Trade Commis
sion in Particular Has Mem
bers Hostile to Government
t'ouileen-jenr old I'leiidle Sykes was
tied in, bed today His clothes hung in
I the kitchen of hi liom' at 1207 Lemon
Hi rej.ui in i lui wiling from a
I ruimwiij 1 1 i wlin i. tnok. Iiim to .'Iee-
i land and lliillimun Mis parents ve
ArntrUfrntu fnmnhell cave the men a
lecture btfore he held thcroiindcr bond.
- -
Man Said to Be Wanted
Many Cities Caught After
Long Chase
A trail of bad checks leading over a
dozen Btutes euded In this city today
with the arrest of Thurbcr A. 1'arker,
who is accused of pnslug worthless pa
per. with u fuce value of many thou
sands of dollars.
; Indiana senator who sajs radii. il
Uy tbo Associated l'ies a.re Intienelied In United .State
t 1'ho Bolshevik hold on I'etrog.ad 3. BjS,wTi1mfiSin
fast weakening nnd the fall of the city I the l-flfral Irade i.ommission
CCI11D lUlIlllUL'Uv. UIUUMUUI I1U l..ll-
tulated and there is nothing to prevent
tho advance, of tho Esthonian troops
along the shore towaTd IVtrograd, which
the fortress guns had thus far held up
Anti-Bolshevik cavalry, in a wide
circling laid, have swept around the
city, starting apparently from the gen
ernl ".icinity of Gatchcna, and have
cut all three bt the remaining rail
roads connecting Pctrogrnd with the
rest ot Jtussla. i
Bolshevist re-cnforccmcuts, winch European Delegates to i raae
Trotzky announced were being rushtd "
to the defense of the city, now nuiM Congress Urged to Give
n .lAfen.nml n full ilnv'a tYinr.li frnin - .
Pctrogrnd and, if approaching from the
south, must fight their way Into I'etro
grad through serious opposition, as is
shown by the destruction of a Bol
shevlst division in the vicinity of Krns
noe-Selo. ,
Nothing is known of the fate of the
Baltic fleet, the remnants of which
have been lurking in the shelter of
Kronstndt. Tho fall ot Kronstadt
I vastly important not only
lint also for Its ellect on
morale. It has been considered im , 'iirunc ns n necessnry preliininar;
pregnable tonttaelc iron.-sen or lauu, .. ? 111Ptho.l of financial re
AflMIRP jnVIFT MflW'sortiil to tin ilmd ot holding him
w,..-. ..,.. until iiiuisi- i.l lii tuition iiiitlinritlr
Denying Sympathy for Packers,
He Demands Federal
occasion, and brought downstairs by
Ids falllW. he was docile and all was
thought well. But when Freddie's
father tinned to pick up his cat a dnor
sliitiinteil. Freddie was gone
He tells little nf his ri,iy. but this
much is known: He "hopped' a freight
to Cleveland. Not finding work there,
he concealed himself on another freight
i ml went ti Baltimore. Here he got
shnll nirive to l.u.i him Into custody. a job In a glass factor,', wlo-n- he was
Freddie's manlu for running awaj is to lime begun work todaj.
not without a cause Seven years ago .,.., , ,- n
his father was transferred to Pittsburgh Mde I'Hends h.isilj
'and Freddie, without the knowMedgP" of lint 1 'riddle makes friends too easilj,
his nnrcnts. btenme a newsboy theie he believes. He let the fact drop to u
He had been stationed at one of the newlj innde acquaintance that he was
busiest corners but a halt nour wncn a runawaj. xne iiiipiainiancp was tin
come one across the street whistled fur "on ul a policeman. A" a lcsinr r reddle
' Hie Assotlated Pros n naper. nirivtd unncciunpiitiied, at his home
Wasliinetoii. (let "0 Sensational In hts cr.geuie.ss to cioss tne street. "si earning in ,i ocioii. nun reiuseu
ehnrges that Socialists. Beds nnd other
ladieals are "intreneiied" in the gov-'al),i taken to the Allrghenj General
ernment departments, nnd particulaily ( llospitril.
that the investigating forces of the There phjslcians found n clot of blood
i--i i rr.i ,- ii iln, "i' brain .and an operation was
(t!411 J litlll llll I III 1 1-" H'll VIMIVIIIU
Reaffirms Refusal to Negotiate
With Labor Representatives
Not Steel Employes
Labor Congress Deadlocked and
May Blow Up Unless Presi
dent Intervenes
Vrmi.llii .llil not ee mi nniiriineliinif rtnl- to give more details of his exnerience,
,k ".... " -.'. r- --- ,-,- ,, , , r, , V. , , . .
.virs. rreu it. nyacs, r renuic h
mother, declared todaj , although the lad
riAtfsimrfl Slnep then, l'reilille him
ostile to the government and American repeatedly' been running awav
nstitutions were made In the Sennt", lti,L. .Hrpm,ui'. Si.n
today b Senntor Watson, Bepublican. rmllit. bInInr, ,, iwnt bctraHl
Indiana, who introduced a resolution , nI1 (i,c baseness of a ilultimore police-
man s son. Previous escnpinles, lnclml
inc trins to Atlantic City, Baltimore
and small towns in Pejuiisjlvnnia hnd
had alwajs refused to go to school,
"-tan" CoiTfupondcnt of the Ktrnlnr FaMI-i
Covirloht. 1119 fcir Public I.edoer Co.
Washington, Oct. 'JO. Judge Elbert
and the member ot ; garrison t road in which tin, .ot...
have been from the outset ot tlie rcvo , ,.,. ,.., ,-
lutioit the gtoutcst supporters of the "AD Vj. IMford, chairman of the .
",i'Sv,.?.t..c?.",'e,- ..,.....- -,.-u .l. eeutive .ommittee of the in.ern.Jio
..i . t i i.: ,.
i.l l n!.i : i .i., ....nrmip rnnirrcnrp. k.hi imn him.mmi
1' "e" : '!' : ., "'" ","V?, oVn-nUy ,,r. tho foreign representatives
for an investigation by the interstate
commerce committee
niselnlinine any defense of the treat
meat packers
that the open
commission H f
nation showed them outspoken nn-
uichists, participants in Bed parades. I
I iirn.rierniiin. nilmlrers of Lenine and
NEW CREDIT BASIS NEEDED TroUky nnd avowed exponents of soviet
einu uun-lit.
Of Stuart Chase, who hnd Kcnrrnl
Staff C.rrponot , Imw -of "'l.'""'.. ..f the meat
charged. (hat beside being a known
i nnsc
of the
founded for the express purpose of
.. .. , !... - I..1I...,
ing out a metnoii ot ntiaiicuii - turtiiering tne uoctrines oi miciuh-ih.
Surrounded bj Soelallsls
'('Jrouiied about him in bis orlices at
Ru a
AtUntlc Clly, N. J.. Oct. 20
Sena or W ntwn ilocfiwd' '''lucnth l'U""1 V,mip !" fJ,eu
:nSrectlOoffttsome,,of,B he! ;! hool nnd the House of
,mpte "".t1!"'. !"Vi' Onicers'of Hi. Utt.r institution.
sUatecicnllv I 'can bunkers want to know whether the exponent. f socialistic doctrines,
, Bolshevist . lungers ot bolshevism have passed in was p. csi. lent ami organ, r
sldered im , i:r,,i.e m n necessarv nrellininary to J"D. 41, -. ,,.".,' ,.ft,
armed with two subpoenas, were sched
ujeil to come for Freddie lust Tuesdnj
at 1 n't lock Alter ioiiiing the town
on Milniln.v night for the youth, his
parents found him in a store In West
Philadelphia lie was brought home
after midnight and pul to bed. He
was kept theie until about noon
he was willing to work. His employers If. Onry. chairman of the hnnr.l Af M
if,Ufa1'st''endy ono""" K ""' ' I If tors of thp States Steel Cor
While- the Sykes fnmilv resided in , l,ornl'''. appeared today at the nn
Pittsburgh Freddie was found living in ' tionnl industrial conference. For half
a dog kenneland one time in the bogs an hour in the eorridor he held a head
on the outskirts of town. He is the to-hend conference with Chairman
eldest of five children. His father is , Lane. Then Fiank Mortisou, tsecrc
now employed by the Emergency Fleet I tnrj of the American Federation ot
Corporation nnd will sail tomorrow for. Labor, came up the staircase There
Bottcrdnm. was a cordial handshake all round and
I for fifteen minutes longer the throe held
.. iiiiufuiiiu tniK in low tones.
, ii f?r tIlt', ,""1 finished their
iaiK it was aimoiinced thai. .Tiulrro nam
After Freddie was dressed for the I vided.
An impressive demonstration against
blasphemy was staged yesterday in dif
ferent sections rif the eity by the Holy
Name Society. More than 2:5,000 Cath
olic men took part In the public serv
ices. Parudes and meetings were held
in ench of the eleven divisions into
wnien tne enj nnu saourus wero, (it-
.i ;
? '
Now that Us formidable guns tro sl-
can puss further
at the opening meeting of the conference
Federal Trade t'ouinilssion headquar
ters," declared. Senator Wnlsoii, "Were I
Victor Bergcr, Irving SI .lolin Tucker,
nml iinui nlher extreme socialists. His
office became the rende.v oils of men (
l'it..i,..iiil ulMMit lu-nnfl till pa IIUIIV.
. .,: ... n. .,i:..n ..mil, i . " ' . .. .. ,. . . ....'ill llie rrlilnore. f
rncuer, accoruuigio in; i""'si '"' aim can suppori me auvuuci- oi irouns --,;v ,, ., i..,pi :.i m ti,i idevoled to the destruction oi prupenj,.
tain,s a llnclj . funiishci Home on nuina. tlU,nB ,-,e cost . to. points directly, in 1 - ll'"..'1",'"; f, " 'J "J" V, ' ' ' ' " I the ov erthrow ot government and con- ;
street, Wlssninchon, wuero ms "" " ' ,e rear oE Bolshevist torces dcicnuiug , .'.."""'V .", ... r i. i,.. summation of tho deals ot socialism,
shits. Since February, U18, detwl ves, ,,,., rn(1 frmil tll0 B0U, hlng of the point of Mew of the Amei- )' ton ' " ' w ,.ou furthcr
of tho American Itunkiug Asiocatlon I lean business man. (.h"-i lndped orgutilre it Chicago ' -
have been searching for liitn. hut he ,tv 4ln Associated Press "America was late in entering tho 1 ie(,tilr). Ht which Bcrger and other I
iilum.i Kent oiii- jiinm ahead of thci ....,.. t ., -i.., ,.i :.:.. Inar. but when we did enter we sought j:....i. .....,i i(in,m.itnrv sneeches.
"""" ... . ,i -.,!. ..... ,..!,.. tuuilj isolated, mo war ouice uu
j,u-u ul i....r.. '''"" virrpt nounces today, nnti-l!olshevil..cavnir
opiratis H'rcdl rooms w ere railroad leading frorr
Packer wiih biipposc t. .bo ';. ""W Pdrograd to Vitebsk, Moscow nml
find a sultcusei cunlainnig nothing but., v, ,
i..:..i- ..in, "lliini-" mnrked in chalk. touuran.
u brick, villi "Alung" mnrked in chalK.
Had PrlnUiig Press, Charge
Tho accused man, the detectives
eland, had it private printing press,
which turned out checks of banks found
to be fictitious. Well-printed letter
heads of firms also found nonexistent
were used 'bj Packer to hid bis check
swindles, according to the police.
'acker, who is said to have used
about fifteen aliases, was nrrcsted
February J, 10t, on it churgc of pass
ing a bogus check on a FottsUUu hotel.
He was captured then by Detective
Creedon, o. this city, who nindo the
urrcst at Packer's Wissahickou home.
Henl to l'ottsville. Packer, il is suid,
paid the hotel claim and managed to
have the. charge against him dropped.
Meantime word came from twenty
scion cities in this und other states,
itsking that Packer be held.
When tho messages wero l played (n
rottsvillo Packer had been released.
Since that time ho has led detectives a
merry chase through Missouri, Tennes
see, Mississippi, West Virginia and
other states,
Ieuled in Pittsburgh
James JdcLaughliu, representing the
bankers,' association, oue of tho sleuths
tracking tho alleged check passer, saw
him Rt Pittsburgh, boarding an express
bound for this city. MeLiiughliu wired
ahead to tills city and Detective Oec
don toot Packer into custory at V est
Philadelphia station.
AVilkes-ltnrrc Is said to have the
first claim of the accused man who is
not wanted in this city. Ho will no
held for the authorities there.
Packer made no protests today when
taken to City Hall. Creedon said the
man's hair originally was blonde, but
that ho had- dyed it an auburn tint.
He had also shaved off his moustache.
Tho police say before the l'ottsville
check incident last year Packer had
been prominent in church work.
tTwo Famous British Medical Men
Attend New York Session
New York, Oct. 20. (By A. P.)
'Wartime developments in surgery and
the possibility of their adaptation to
industrial and civil practice are the
principal topics for discussion nt the
ninth annual conve'ntion of the Amcri
ran Congrcss.of Surgeons, which opened
pere today.
More than 2000 surgeons were present
from all parts of the United States, nnd
two of the most famous of Brifisli sur
geons attended ns special guests of the
congress. They were Major General
Blr Anthony Bowlby, surgeon-in-ori-liary
to King George, nnd who served ns
consulting surgeon to the British forces
In France, nnd Sir Robert Jones, chief
Consulting surgeon und specialist in
restoration ofinjur?d limbs at the army
hospitals in, France. England and Ire-
The convention was'opyicd by an ad
Hress by Dr. J. S. Hill, of Bellows
S'alls, Vt., president of tiio congress,
'he remainder of the day's) session was
given over to technical discussions.
Dr. William J. Mnyo, df Rochester,
JUinn., will deliver the inaugural ad
Iress tonight. The couvention will con
tinue throughout the week.
The Pefrocrud-Vilebsk road is cut
at Vlrllzu uud tho l'etrngrud Moscow
railroad ill Tosnu, eolith and south
east of Pitrogrnd respectively. The
lines at Vologda arc synth of T.nku
The war office also announces that
the white Hag was hoisted over the
great Russian fortress of Krotr-tadt,
which defended the old .capital from
the seaside, bv (lie Bolshiviki on I'li
day night. No details as to the cir
cumstanccs linvo been received.
A Bolshevik division, which was being
rushed to Polrogrud from I he interior
to defend the city ngnin-lt the threut
onlng advance of General udenitch,
took thnt outpost to Pctrogrnd, ueeonl
ing to war office advices. I .V Moscow
wireless report that the Beds had re
captured Krusnoe Selo appears to have
been incorrect.)
The war office further announces ttynt
Pskov, the important rnilwnj junction
town about 1H0 miles south of Petro
grad, is under bombardment by the
Ksthoniun troops.
Pctrogrnd is reported to be preparing
for a siege. Machine guns are posted
to command the principal streets mid
supplies ot food arc being brought into
the city. (Pskov was reported captured
several days ngo.)
A. IM The
rttlcal, ac
to bear our full share ot responsibility.
Now, the responsibilities of lictor.v rest
upon mir shoulders iiuite as much as
did the responsibilities of war
and also organized It meeting at "which
Lincoln Steffens spoke.
"That anarchist.''' said Sennto-
Watsoii referring to Steffens, "nnd just
'ue reiili.e the nccessitv of inter .... , r.. i,t,, m.,i i,i. ml, res
national co-opcrution among business i 1o i(I . (. recognition of Lenine
men. c want to work out these prob-1 , -,o1bU ,) mlr sorcrnnienl."
lems with joii im friends am eolaborers. i ' ,, , , ,i, ,'..,n,.in
I (base lalci wrpte a tiiugariuc nitiele,
IsKstabllsliwrOrdrr in natigri'! Senator Watson said, assailing Iho
"Von -will have lnueji to tell us of
conditions in jour countries and of
how we can aid each other, Itut on
certain points we shall be peculiarly
interested to hnve information.
"What are the nienacch to social
order and htabilitj in the different
countries it Furopc todaj ? Iluvo (he
dangers of socialism mid bolsheviJin
passed. Is there nnj dunger anywhere
of the conliscntlon of private propertj.
the nonrei'ognitioii of the rights lit
ownership and business managements,
or the annulment of the law ?
"The sin cess and pernimiency of I'u
rope, jes, its very life, is dependent
upon the slabililj of government. With
refeienee lo these points, inv nun eon.
fidence is nerfectlv secure u'Hli ,-,.r..m,,,.n
to the nutions represented here. But In I ' coiihst ntcd bj the government
I'nltrd States Government for not ree
ognizing 'be "Russian ieds." (In
(Jhiise's specific instructions, Seuutor
AvatHim f Hither churged, the conunis
Mini iiccuiintants inflated the showing
t i-ohtg of the packing companies.
"Admirer of Hiissian Soviet"
Samuel XV. Tnlor, who with Chase
had general charge of the invcstigii
tiou, Semilor Watson charged, was
"an' iivownl ndmiier ot Lenine and
Trotskv and freiiuenllj expressed big
ndniiuitioii ot the soviet government off
"lie was pronounced! against the
Allies in the world war." continued
the senator, "and frupiently made the
' ...-I. .(. ,1..., .ill l.tl. I1I.I(I1U.U uli.tl.lil
nitlLl IIK'IIL IIIIH Ull IMf, liu-IIII-3 miulllU
Congressman Vnre agreed today to preside at a campaign
meeting Thursday night to boost the candidacy of Congiessman
Moore, Republican mayoralty nominee. The meeting will be
held at Seventh street nnd Snyder avenue, in the Vaie.controlled
First Ward. ,
,TiUe Ptesbytorian Ministerial Association today rfeused to
reconsider Its resolution adopted last week criticising Dr. Prank
P. Pailtin, secretary of tho Pennsylvania Bible Society, because
of n statement DocWr Parkin made favoring Sunday baseball in
Poirmount Park.
I "
nml informed Secretary Lane and Mr
uorrison that he would not recede frortv
ins .firm stand for the open shop. He
reumrine.1 his rofuKiil to deal with rep
icientn ives of unions wlio are not em
ploved in the Steel Corporation plants
Judge (,arj'.s declaration of his In ot
ilexible purpose to stand pnt follows his
return from New Tnrlc after a three
lajs visit where he is said to hare
consulted Steel Corporation officiuls, '
Conference Hopelessly Deadlocked
The national industrial conference Is
hopelessly deadloi-kcd. Repeutcd con
ferences of the variinis groups since Fri
day have failed to bring a solution to
He perplexing question of collective1
. 'I is apparent now that linlci.s there
is an unlookeil for change of altitude
on the purt of the employers or the labor
group (he President will hnt I-. I.,,
fere or lh conference will blow up like
a haiid-grennde.
Tlie steering committee reiuclnnth;
confessed that it had beui unable to
iigree upon an definite proposition, nlr
iiiiiiiBii h was prepared to offer the old
substitute resolution, in n ne,i ,.nlu,.
Instead of euibodjing the prolxusal In sb
one resolution they hud subdivided It. '-Jg
tinner live heads, giving an explicit YS
lull..., Inn ..f .....1. ..1..1 i - Li
yruuinuu in I'm II 1IUIIH. - a
i lie right of employers to dcelrV O
jviieiueroc uoi iney Hunt treat, tit itirr
negolialioii affecting viagcs, Jyiirsttaft
shop conditions, with olits-MerM 'Heleclfil
by their emplojes tn represent tliemilt'J
iii.. -,.,i,,i r,,.;..i .,, ;..,,. -' 5
in' i ill iui j.'iui fii. 113111,
T'p to the present labor insists thill
thej shall meet nny such labor repre
sentatlves and the eniplojcrs stubbornly
oppose it. The cniplo.vcrs do not ob
jecl to the grade union organizations'
j shop committees or the right of em
I plojes to select their own representntivCK
i to negotiate for them. They insist
however, upon the light of declining to
meet nil) such outside representatives
who lull) be obnoxious to them.
these iiilfstinns the business men of, A. S lCiuviU, ci edited in the com- RobillSOH Orders Protection
America are very deeply interested." mission's teporl with "Important aid".
j lie speaker said mat another questioii in the investigation, t-eiintor Watson Against StriKing I eaillSters.
Ameiican buslnessmeii would like to chuigdl, vva "a Russian from Riga, nu
have answered was the relation'between I iiilelleeliinl Socialist of the most nro'- I Charo-es I. W. W. Influence
goverunient ami nusiness in the Kuro-1 nouneid t)P"'. and througliout the wr.T
penn countries. He asked if F.uropenn Intense) pio-tieuuun."
t. 20-(By
Paris, Oct. 20 A- (Bj
situation nt Jtiga is
governments would endeavor to stabilize
business. -
"What will be the attitude of the
various governments toward American
industry and commerce,' Will it be
cording to news reaching the Petit ' accorded freedom of trade and equal
Parisien The Lettish army hns insuffi- ' piivilege und opportunity, or will it be
cicni ciicciivcs to resisi luc uiiacKS or
forces commanded by Colonel Avaloff
Bermondt, nnd also lacks arWUery and
inateriabrof war, tho newspaper says.
Newspapers here announce that Gen
eral Maugin, of the French army, has
been nominated as chief of the inter-
nlllwl inieoinn (a en rvosfitn tlm nv tinild
uiiiv,i iiiiaiuii i- iUivi imu .iiv v. ims.su. .
lion of the Bullic provinces by German r
threatened with restriction of imports
und the menace ot government control
or monopoly V"
.Must Know .Before Investing
Mr. Bedford suggested that Ameri
inn business enterprise would gladly
invest its money in foreign cntcr-
IJ" Time for ttxecut
L , The point has been ri
I eeutive interference in
. , lie looked for as a lust
I'rotzkv, and claims lo be a personal
I I ;.. I'mininliril Im l,n.i I
Siineiiuteiideiit nf Polite Itobinson to-, jv l0 .1,soilated Pres
day detniled piitrolnien to ride with, Washington, Oct. 20. Resuming its
drivers of delivei) wagons carrying food I investigation of the steel strike, the
nnd coal 'supplies for householders here. , Senate labor Committee todnv examined
Attacks on de'ivei) wagons bv striking, tnf.0b inrB0iSi of Pittsburgh, who
teamsters led to this netior wlj(1 ll(l was nn attorney for the I. W
ratroimen on vi union mm "VV W. nnd a "svnd en st anarchist. " Ife
frlind of I. euine. Picqueutl) ho bus
stated he was heart and soul fur the
Geimiiii euie," said the seuutor,.
Sii)s L-Prenlier Waved Red Flag
Rn'phaii Mullen, a statistician. Sen-
The Mystery of the
Red Flame
Ever so many people are going to
read this new serial and watch
eagerly for it day after day.
Be one of tlie number.
It begins on Wednesday In thct
Suen.ns public STebgcc
Former Pastor of Passyunk Baptist
Church Succumbs
The Rev. Franklin J. Jones, formerly
pastor of the Passyunk Baptist Church,
died last night at Kvergreen Mansion,
Chestnut Hill, nfter an illness of ubout
four years. Death was caused by n com
plication of diseases. He vvaa sixty-si-jears
Mr. Jones was born.u Lebanon, Me.,
nnd was a graduato of Colby University
and Newton Theological Seminary. Be
fore coming to Philadelphia twenty-tivo
years ago he held several important
pastorates in Rhode Island 'and Mnssa
ehHsetts. For several years be occu
pied tho pulpit of the Pussyunk Avenue
Baptist Church. Nrcsigning four jeurs
ago because of ill health.
Ho later became an agent for the
Provident Life and Trust Company.
Two years ngo he was forced to give up
this work and. enter the Evergreen
Mansion. Besides his widow, a daugh
ter, Mrs. O. H. Brennan, of Detroit,
survives. He lived at 4341 Baltimore
Supreme Court Sustains Confiscation
of Cold-Storage Stocks
Washington. Oct. 0. (By A. P.)
Authority- o Ohio state officials to con
fiscate and, sell food held in cold storage
longer than authorized under a state
law was in cuecc sustained touay uy
tho Supremo Court, which refused to
revlow nppeais in proceedings growing
out of tho seizure of 125.000 pounds of
pork of the Columbus Packing Com
pany. Supreme Court to Recess Oct. 27
Washington, Oct. SO. The Supreme
Court today announced a recess rr
,ro sovaiurav7
,!.! ! r...i1... r
r,.n,. 111,.. 1.11 In 1IQ- ivoek.were limler ".StlUS ' ."Ulll iroin our
the commund of General von der GolU. ,,ntlnuel onFni.eTfntirne Column rim
They declare, however, thnt the nomi I
nation has not been continued, but tmtl .orii rv ctriktr "I " dm i ad
,i .....-. ..i,m i,,f !.!., a-:,.... sini I TROLLEY 1 Kirs-si U flULAR
b DVt,o yri uuiliMV, luu. .ui w-. nui"' ...- ,
ilar post hns been offered to him. (Jen ,
eral Mnngin is understood not to have
madeknown his decision as yet. ,
Steals Overcoats From Lines
An overcoat thief is operating in the
northenstern part of the city, the police
say, his. hobby being to tako garments
placed on lines In back yards The
latest victim was John Wldinan, .'ilr.Vi
North Eighth street.. He reported the
theft of a $40 overcoat.
A passenger s right nrm was frnn
tuied today when n trolley car, east
bound on Market street, jumped a
switch at Twenty-ninth street. ,Tho
rent of the car struck an "I," pillar.
The injured man was Marcelio Web
ber, Morton, Pa. Police say lie was
thrown violently to the floor of the
car. A girl passenger, Viola' Wire
burgs. Mortotj, Ph.. became hysterical.
Both were tnken o tlie. Presbyterian
Hospital. Miss Wireburg wns not injured.
Evening Public Ledger Expert Will Demonstrate Use of Simp
as Substitute at Food Fair Reverts td War Methods
ator Watson ciinrgen, wns u uuinei
preuehei' ousted fiom his church for
socialistic tendencies and also had been
lonfined to a military prison in 1017
as a "i'iiiisi lentious objector."
"lie fmiueiith waved a led flag at
the mtetiugs of his eniploves ot the
Federal Ttade ('inimisioii," declined
the senator ''and alw'us cariied the
led embliiii m bis pocket, lie openlv
stated that his home had been raided.
He stored his socialistic writings in
Chase's office and boasted that the
package holding them contained 'gov
ernment ilvniiiiiite.' "
7t N' Itmk. credited in the commis
sions' repoit with "valuable assist
ance ' Scuaioi- Watson charged, was
the author of attacks on the rights of
property and American institutions, and
Basil Minilv. who assisted in the in
vestigations' the senator described as a
member of the Fabian Club and a con
feree with other Socialists at Chase's
Served In Duma. Admires I-enlne
Tohnnn (J Ohosol, credited in the
commission's report vrtth "important
llid, Selllllur nine"" luatftvu, """ "
I'inie for lixecuthe Hand
renehid xvhen ex
lome shape may
last resort. A plan
Is under consideration ninotiB certain of
the people's group with tills in viesv,
Jacob Margolis, Who Wouldn't ' tijf,i' p"1;- , , ,r
ith capital end labor uiisliaken in
Protect His Own Wife, (their renpn-tive attitudes, the people's
group feels that it is in a position.
Scorns Government , and, Indeed, it is mandatory upon it, to
take any steps to proven, a luuure uu
tlie purposes of the conference and to
bring, if not harmony, nt least concilia
tion and a better tcenng an iirounu.
I of the exhibit excepting when I make
P crullers.
Cook without sugar?
There are plenty of substitutes for
sugar and cooking may go on as usual,
according to Mrs. Mary Wilson, food
expert of the Evening Public
IjEnUbK. ..... N J,, of no catlafoWnrv nu li m...1i. t
A the rationing that is being um- ij'"-" ""i"'"V," """" """
. totir n,i i, nofnnrnnts should 'sugar-cooking.
V. vafntlaro ml liv vnofniirnntS sllOllul
not iSi treated as a hardship, for the
substitutes ore just as palatable ana
produce just as good pastry, says Mrs,
Wilson. , , , .
"No Philadelphia woman should bfc
worried about a sugar shortage. sa)s
Mrs. Wilson and lays upon her desk, a
list of recipes -which-she issued during
the war. "All the women need to do
is to use the syrups that were used as
substitutes n year and more ago when
we had n previous shortage,
"At tho food fair in the First Regi
ment Armory this week and next, l
shall follow my original BChedule" every
afternoon una
member of the force, if necessary, to
gunantee food and coal deliveries.
Shortly before tlie ouhr wus issued,
a crowd of striking teamsters stopped
eleven delivery wagons of the Frank -ford
Grocery Company nt Frankford
and Girard avenues, and prevented the
drivers fiom proceiding to a waie
house to get supplies.
"We will prevent the strikers from
interferring with the distribution of
fpod." Superintendent Robinson de
clared, "Fnless theie i distribution
among 'the retail stoics the people of
Philadelphia will be without food in
ten dais!" . .
The superintendent explained that if
there are not enough patrolmen to place
one on each wagon, two mm will be
detniled to seyeral wagons thut will pro
ceed together.
I. V. XV. Influence Chargid
n ember ot he Russlnn Duma, exiled to , "Investigation has shown that ..
stllmria from which he escaped and a per cent of the teanistcis in Philndel
nronoumed Socialist of the most vim- ,,hia are "loyal to their employes.'
I' '. .. .lm never failed to cxnrcss ' Kniwintpiulent Rnhinson said. "The
the cr'eatest admiration for Lenine and I others arc being influenced b) 1 W. W.
Trotzk) , ..,. , . and labor agitators. Flft) per cent ot
IIW1V iv-
ni? lileier vvaces and nave iieucr
hours thnnt the union wants
At Union hendniinrters, L'05 North-
Front street.1 it was said by leaders
that between 2000 and 11000 drivers are
on Btrikc. The few hundred wlnj'hnvc
. " . . 11 , 't !." CMHUUIII.'l .lll.lt illlf-l, in
who were granted leave vveie tecalled ref,,s,.,l to take oath, but made affirma-
to duty. Superintenileut Robinon nn- ,mn llfi (o tlie truth of what he would
nounced he is prepared to use every e j1P ,.nmmittee
it is no narusiiiii to use ovrnn !"".. -y -- . .,nti.n emtn-ro .- ---- ,, .... 1 i
rii'T SenKtt
thnt the lesults of Vh ,vr,,?.:Z:V; nnd avowed in m '- -" " ; " tho new wage scale.
which I shall do nt the food fair will bo PiJiL" "Sanda."
Earl S. Hal
In'the list of bnking which Mrs. Wil
son scheduled some time ago w hen tiere
was no thought of a sugar shortage are
annle cake. 'snongc cake, cinnamon Wnc
L crumb cake, fancy fruit roll, hyer cake
and njney paur. ,
' Tills schedule will go forward as ori
ginally planned w ith tho substitution of
syrups for sugnr The demonstrations
will he accoinnauied by exnlniinil.mo ir.
piilliflelphia housewives of how to over
come tne sugar suuriuge witn n mini
mum of xvorry.
The food fair demonstrations will be
made everv afternoon and evenlne wlih
Martin 1- noruer, anoiuer vm iu)-, the teamsters in the its "N" "
the senator charged, was a irienu uu i ,.eiving higher wages and nave
admirer of Bcrger nnu i ucacr unii im ,
the pay
e on
'gnnizer of radical propaganda. I
.r Senator Watson charged, whil
' ,.ii nf Tucker, was also
povclby the trad commission.
Daniel A. Kemper, another employe, ' '
nntor Wktson declared, "was open "
ennlol ", ... .,iuiu ,iit.n, so
Margolis said he had been nnnnsn to
war; that he would not iidvomte lesis
tanie to-au ariuv Invading the Fnited
Stntes and that he did not believe
in government. Pressed as to personal
application of hjs views, lie told sena
tors ho would not resist the action of
a marauder who wanted to take his
coat or attack his wife.
"The I., W. XV. have a slightlv dif
ferent plan of orgnni-'itioii from labor
unions," he said. "Their object is to
create a new societv within the shell of
the old The) are (oncerned with the
daily struggle for better hours and
wages, that also have the nevv'orientn
tion toward social and economic
change " r
Margolis said he had been secretary
of a radical club in Pittsburgh, which
had been broken up during the war by
some persons unknown.
It is unlikely that President Wilson
from his sick bed will issue an appeal
lor ii wnrnlnir that will briit the irrc
ooncilnbltH on either side to it sense
of their duty and i expansibility.
Retess Now Proposed
A plan has been formulated bv nn
cither conspicuous member of till
people's group which contemplates a.
complete overturning of pieseut methods;
nf procedure. It would go buck ancj
begin nil over again, possibl with
lecess of a week or two, to formulate a
definite pingtnm.
The basis of the plan is the Idea that
the coiiferenie. like the builders of n
modern steel framed skj scraper, has
started to lay the brick and set flic
stone from a point two or tnree stories
above the foundation.
The thing to do is to go back nnd
build up from the foundation, taking
up seriatim the position of labor, its
rights und responsibilities, the right to.
organize and tlie character of the or-,
ganiz.ition. nnd following this with
questions of strike ptivllcges, arbitra
tion, wages, etc.
The conference nt its beginning
plunged headlong into the center of
things, the settlement of the steel
strike, the immediate determination of
collective bnriraitiinc nnd its revelani
1 issues the open shop and union rcp-
, nsniil n tm 11
foster Not In I' till Sin)path) The present crisis hns been precipl-
"Did XV. '.. Fostir. secretary of the tnted by the irreconcilable ciement in
steel strikers' committee, attend vour both groups. Labor hns its share of
mwtingH?" asked Chairman Kenvou them us well as the employers.
up with us." If the emplo)crs can bring pressure
The witness said he had discussed " Dt'ap "l0" tlll'se aul ",c ,abr Eroup
scattering social -
Fnfl S. Haines, nnomer cuinioje
mentioned for "important aid." he na
tor Watson said, "openly asserted that
the Soviet Government of Russin was
" greatest government in the world
omi that he would never bo satisfied
Until vi"' had one like it in America."
Pjradwl With Anarchists
"Mv information," said Senator
Watson, "is that a Mrs. Baldwin, an
accountant at headquarters of the trade
commission in Chicago, was an anarch,
ist of tlie most pronounced type. W hen
the bomb was exploded nt the con
clusion of tho I. W. W. trials before
Judge Landis she exclaimed In the
presence qi ner co-euuuojcn. ii.rn.-iT-.
evening, an.U shall notijectures at 3 o'clock andagain at 7.30..,rwncfl "' n" vuu,ll
' during the two WCeke"o',clQck. ,, V&tFS. ContlBttea on l'nio 1, Column rr
Wnterfront Dcserttsl
The Philadelphia waterfront todaj
became a scene-of disorder and chaos
when the strike of heavy dray drivers
became a reality. Beginning m the
curly hours of the morning, the striking
drmeii attempted to effect a complete
tie -'up in the hauling of merchandise
throughout the, warehouse district.
This afternoon the situation had re-cnK-eil
Itself iuto this:
Delaware avenue from Collovvhlll
street to Pine street vvas virtually free
of all large trucks and nroduce wagons.
In place ot tho customary lines ot
vehicles mere wus an occasional auto
CortlouMl en fate Two, Column Two
S3P W-ft-MSf:.
his beliefs with Foster Revernl tlmo.
and that thej had "considerable dif
"Foster believed that he could still
retain his integrity as a syndicalist
while going 'into the American Federa
tion ot linbor and being n 'borer with
in. as he. put it," said Margolis. "I
didn't think he could."
"His idea was to retain his views.
was it not. and get leadership in the
wut-iiKiii v i-iiriuiivu ul i.liuor Willi
which to forward them?" asked Senator
"Something like that," Margolis re
turned "Do vou'cpnsiderFoRter an anarchist
or syndicalist?" asked Senator Sterling,
Republican, South Dakota.
"I- think he's a good trade unionist
now," was the reply. "He has been
forced to abandon his old views."
Margolis said the Amcrieau Federa
tion ot Labor was "in a state of tiux
"Out of the last seventy strikes in
this, pountry," he said, "sixty. two were
will modify whut seems to be certain
immaterial points, some conclusion will
bi leached.
. Jte?i
On Friday lnsiHnrryA. Wheeler, in " v
a two-minute talk Just before adjourn
ment, expressed whut wns regurded ak
conciliatory sentiments. Among other
Continued on racevientr-onf Column Four
Yaquita Arrives In Boston From:
namuui y- -oivwrtwajr round j
Boston, Oct. 20. (By A. P.') The &j
first vessel to come to tins port troM
rn.AH rtl... ,l,n .. V. Il.nn , I. n .1.1.".3
licllunii; niuvu lug nui hub luc u.p.
ninir board refrigerator steamsliln Ts
quinn, which arrived from Hamburf
yesterday in ballast. The Ynquina ",!
rled a cargo of noieu beet from ?Wif
York to Hamburg. '
A German stowa,way discovered tt ' ;
the vessel's arrival cave his nam
Christian Nlssen, twenty'-two .years' oWJ- ;
jje vras turntu over towe intmiinj
.. 'contlftunt on raroTweutr-noC.luran"l tion authoritlee, "" K
5 3 ..i..'.?.. 13-. 1 r "
. Kfti
-.' iX&i
is.faii.nri i.
F-JTKi-a- -.'
-. i,t?
t'fi.HlK.J rjt trt.1: t ... t1
H r ST.
' - nu i. ti v .iniinA
v. n