ivwjr t i , 14 ' ;' '' 0 r 1- (.1 , . ' 4' " ' ! X' ' ' i' A. v k '""'Wr lEtaettfita Itobfic fefcget PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER , 17, 1919 lp Mtiking the Rounds With the Doctor Among the Indisposed" at the Zoological Gardens HiraV-JrXi .arSMS'SK ia.rSr Photo service UKmdHBra. !. .' 'V;I. ??" -.Y V !;! .K l!FBraBK w""-Sf y jaHT (Hm f Idffer Photo Seric THE SPIDER MONKEY has taken something that didn't agree with him at the Simian Fraternity banquet. But ho is deter mined to get well, so he takes his medicine like a little man. COLONEL JOHN C. GROOME. organizer and chief of the Pennsyl vania rate constabulary, who returned to his summer home in Bryn Mawr after twenty months' service overseas in France, Russia and 1 the- Baltic. The colonel's name has been suggested as director of public safety in the nev mayoralty cabinet. fcP W&$m8y - 4:iJ' . feMn WEBB 1 IJI1& ' vhj W? - JH11 idiPw4K F "--' HHkKJ WaiBflM &SMHtr ,AHBl liTC; ,,- I! y vJHnffBI HE3nKll9wHnBIHflBraslHHHKwr)9!tf!Siill vrnJLfKBHHlH i;MK wwl . , , f mw s ' (c) Intsrnatlonal, DOCTOR COOK who thought he had made a famous polar discovery once upon a time, now thinks his new oil well is a tremendous gusher. He says he wouldn't think of selling out for any amount of money, because he will be. a millionaire real soon he 'thipks. THE BEAUTY CORNER ?s i.v.. y "' ? '' ky$hWU vi'v .''.' r iy ::;-j''-V' M htv , A -' -!;-; ? -, m-h ' . KiMmti2tiV"' ': ,- - .'',.. XI My.VaK . J . x-'T-.s- msammMsasmmmmBBtmjg mwmmt. UHwmHi' - l IWHWUmWIH ll Mill Willi1 III! iWl '-- :i:: , ' "'i ttlfS &K Ati . the steamer the. deck nre THotm n , I :f l 1? ASI