v .- EVENING PUBLIV !LEt)(XKR PHILADELPHIA, frKIDAt", 'OdTOBJfclt'' It, lillb t ." ,1 'iM CUs-i r kv Wf- i- i IpNV'i iiirii frf n niiiiiiift'l J ,48: 1 Uncommonly Attractive Combination Yielding 8 AVc have carefully selected .1 combination of three preferred fttockR cmbodylnR uncominonly nttractlvo features, one of which Include.! bonus of dividend pnylnc common stock. rtuslneBsea In all Instances successfully onoi ated for many jcars. Combination yield about 8o Combination earnings three to twelve times preferred dividend re quirements. Combination assets largely in excess of preferred stock issues. Combination price 96 1-3 and accrued dividend. Spccwl Description Hcqucat t'u 1 ular nn iNEWS OF FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK QUOTATIOM MONEY CONDITIONS REMAIN ' RESTRAINING INFLUENCE , j Many Inactive Specialties Benefit From Slowing Doivn of Speculation in Recent Active Favorites NfiW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS mU. Oct. 1". Today's slock was Inrcely a repetition ot tile H riv muikel ' two immediate preceding session-1. The ! tvvn-slded character of tlie market was I iiEnlu elcnrl.v defined. Mnnc.v condl ijtlons routinueil the dominntiiig factor ; I I 1 0 per cent call money and creatlv curtailed Mock inatket accommodations I and Iliiscli Magneto at gains ot 1 uj me jonning institutions once more point pinreii tin cncciivo restraint strength was also displayed l.v tho food ihnres and American Woolen. Mnn iiinctlvo specialties enme for ward on the broader movement of the fir.it hour. Chief among llieve were I'ullniiui. Cnllfnrnln Packing, Clulf States Steel in Fairman & Company DREXEL BLDG., PHILA. Established 1902 j JJLLUI B yH ." L'JLL Jt" J 1111 effective restraint upon speculative nctivit.v. ' As in the preceding pes'inns. despite , the lagged surface nppenrance. the 1 market retained an undertone of decided 1 strength. While some storks were j offered freelj In the icni'tlonory pe riods, there was little evidence of what ' may be termed urgent liquidation. I There 11m vonic -.oiling of wealth- mar- j gined speculative accounts, hut no I I more than would icasonablj be expected 1 In the process of speculative ndjusl- inents now under vvnj In the market. The icactionarj part was disposed to take nilvantage of everj little open In the meantime the oils, motors and equipment retained the actual leader fihlp. On the other hand the steels were in fair demand for 11 lime, but reacted wodcrntcl.v toward nild-da.v un der moderate pressure. There was n general disposition to regaid the news developments overnight as of 11 favorable character. The news received during the forenoon of the fall of I'etrngrnil, indicating nn end to Ilolshevist domination, had additional influence in causing greater confidence in the general situation. The defeat of Shantung amendment wu without effect, as this action had been gen ing. nut pressure from this ounrter np- 1 orally exported In financial circles. I,it- , pnrrntl.v dislodged little long stock, or ' tic nttentlon, likewise, was paid to con- I influenced nny considerable amount of I Hiding reports from the Industrial eon- 1 selling. On the contrnr-.. the general ference. ' llt showed 11 distinct tendency toward! Trading became dull at middlij. bill niinoHiiess and contraction of dealings leaders, excepting steels, showed little i on each of the various dips, none of 1 disposition to vicld. Other minor spe-I wliirh reached serious proportions. Ir- , cialtles were added to the list of the I! I Three Conservative Preferred Stocks Invest in tlic&c recommend ed securities, ofFcrinK at tractive incomes. Dividends exempt from present noi mal Federal Income Tax. Procter & Gamble Co., 6 Standard Oil Co., 7 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 7 t ,it iturr 1'itK 1 (.irrulir on rciuext fur t'l J ,7 The National City Company Correspondent Offic in ft ".u 1 itiev Phlladtlphia 1421 Chestnut St. Atlantic City Chalfonte Block 122S Boardwalk I icgtiliiritv, therefore, would perhaps be fairer description of the dn.'s move ments than anything else. Most of the representative itocks 'showed little trace at the active opening of the ilepris-ion which vesterdin's late dealings. ulative favorites as the motors and oils were 1 to U points higher Notable morning, and leather, tobarfo and chemicu! shares also improved, oils and motois meanwhile extending their gains. Call money eased to 0 per cent, the accompanied 1 week's lowest rate in tlie Inst hour and Such spei - 1 standard snares, including steels, equip ment anil rails were more lespoimirr, icgnlning most of the eailier teiessmns MARKET E NT1RELY GOOD GAINS MADE SPECIALTY AFFAIR CURB MARKET Trading Contingent Confronted Heavy Demand for Many Issues. Again With Shortage of Funds New High Records Are for Speculative Purposes Reached FRESH CROP OF LEADERS BUSIEST DAY OF THE WEEK Equipment Bonds K From 5.373 to 6.15' t Townsend Whelen & Co. 505 Chestnut St. American Gas Co. 5 s, 1920 Penna. Water & Pr. 5s, 1940 Lehigh Power Sec. 6s, 1927 Georgia Ry. & Pr. 5s, 1954 TEmpire Gas & Fuel 6s, J 924-26 j Duquesne Light 6s, 1949 j Sun Company 6s, 1929 i Shaffer Oil & Ref. 6s, 1929 j Cities Service Com., Pf. & Deb. was r.s'.. to MrCown&Co. Alftmbers rhilailelplim stociw IIxUianKe l.ocut 8ti Land Title Bide. K"" ' l b'tw VoW; Tel. Connection Hanover 5161 'Houston till sold at llill to l.'s. .tt. Inc., lauged from "9 to ,'!()' t. 'i'heie vns heavy trailing again in Initod States Steamship, which --old ul (r's to T'i. llc.vdeu Chcrnkdl ranged 'from ll' toll. I IM)LhTRIlS D11 Ve dos .Vik (sale! ill 10 Robf.Glendinning&Co. Investment Securities Special Attention Given to Orders on Pittsburgh Stock Exchange by direct wire connections fVew otW Mrinbcrg ' I'lilln. Stock i:ihancn I I'lllbljurth 100 Chestnut St., Phila. WE ARE PREPARED TO SELL "CALLS" ON FRANCS hpt k on Iii t ITALIAN LIRE C lie.ks on Milan GERMAN MARKS Checks on lit rim nunntn&r thnc to six montli! m th alon Forelam Ilxctiaiis1 "t prellinff low rates Write nr rnll for rarllcularH Newburger, Henderson & Loeb 1110 CHESTNUTS!'. Mnnbew N Y A I'hila Hto'k r hanjoj New my. tht IT The New YoiK New York. Oct. 17. (ireuter sinnglli 1 Kvening Sun's tinauuiil review today was shown in the trading on the Iiroiid x sa.vs: i street urb than at nny previous dtij ' t'onfrontcd again vmiIi a shoilage of of the week, a number of stocks -elling i money for speculative piiipo-cs, the) at new high records, and many i-sues stock market made some further head- weie in demand on n large scale at jvvny this morning, although the alter- substantial advances. I nate shifting from stiengtli to weak- A new high rci m-il was, nude in ! uess reflected uneasiness on the part of l.oews, Inc. which advanced to .'!" traders over the immediate outlook for, shortly after noon. Otis Steel ranged 'quoted values. from :i!)ni to 421;;. a ne,vv high lecord. In a geneial way. controlling market Vanadium Steel, which sold at (ifi a ifac'tois were tinalleied, and tlie mar-i few days ago, was in supply, and ! ket mted very much as it has right i traded in on a large fectile at i along. The first half of the session was '''',- ,,,,., , , , l . , , i dcneral Asphalt also showed weak- given over to operations for the al-, ness in the forenoon, declining to lllHj vance in a number of misiellaucous in-' after opening sales nt 141. American diivtiiais. Ituying of manv of thec is- Tobacco Smirities sold down to 7.1 and sues proceeded confident!' and artiveh ,'l,cl' rallie(1 !" " "i'mnrh'c Iloat was , ., , . " I liriner. moving up fioni liN to li1.,. ...'. hill.' HI." I1I.I1IVL-I Mil (lflt-UI ,1 III ' III i onsiderahle buoyancy at times. Stocks which linve not kept pace with the rest of the market were singled out ,and mail.ed np readily enough. In this lonnection Pullman, .Middle Slates Oil, California Packing, Pond Creek. Trail- sue .V. lllinms. Ilosh Magneto. May i Department Store and Kndicott Join- Anna. Knrlosive on were prominent, advances here Allied Pucks ranging from '1 to 10 points nt the top ."Jrconi' ' figures ?-pcorded. ; Amor Hafeiy llninr '. i Many of the tecent leaders, on the ' AFlf;r, Wrlllr.e Taper other hand, were sluggish and on occa- I at "'c"c! . ' " sions rather heav.v . I'uiled States Steel f'nnmllan Car Co .. and other steel shares moved nurrovvlv ' S01". ,'a, pf,i ion both sides of the previous closing I rKn,n Tool . ' price. Rails and coppers were virtu- Oialmem Moiow I nljy untouched b.v the trading element VriTi Mot.or.8 . i nTLi-iirrow ieuiureci tue motor groti t.Tjmn b.v selling up four points or so to a new I Aeroplane . IhVIi fii.iire Rmeraon rhononraph V.I K , ' - ,, ., I General Asphalt With the $.i dividend subtracted I J!"11 signal from its price, Mercantile Marine pre- "uVn'MMo "' "" ferred held around 11(1. The common ' IniSr i'ro"uct '. ".' was fairly strong, and American Ship ' 'nter Rubber.. . . and Commerce rose a couple ot points I mripom "".lU ' under unusually active buying. The li-ffby -McN t Ubbv market was entirely a specialty affair, i Unl" '"" As soon as one stock had been pushed , ,'J.., up it was quickly deserted for some I N i siupbiiiiainir.. other issue. The greater part of the ' -N,,r Amer t'ap Puis , session was given over to tins irregu- oti- .?iL'iv"tor ' lnr upward moyemont. Owen Ilottling I'orrl'ei. .Mntoi.'" nt it was up six points: Cuban Amer- Perfection T l It I .n Sugar it :i0(i was p twenty-tive rhnPM0rriam ' ' points, and American Unseed at SO", Poole Kntfn.erln I wns up more than two points. p Tire . .. Call money renewed at the same rate SgJif".8.'' rl " as esterda.v. namely. 10 per cent. This , SnnmpSrKm I i- ..in., nn- maui nine w limn ten years i r,IHn,Ia"n .oiora that the renewal nite has been as high ns this. TIip rate dropped under this figure later in the day. but there are no figns that genuine improvement will .occur for some weeks. Although somewhat less lomplatent than it has been over the money sit nation, the street refused to lie se- I riously disturbed over thp outlook. 17'. l.v. 3 7i IMI 110 :i l 3'i0 . au't 1,10 . 14 7 7'- 13S 13H ' 17'n 101, Ds. ion Jls Il'l 400 :int tin 17 Steel Alloys Submarine . . Snlft Internatlunl SneetB of AmerlcM Tnbocco Troducts Todd Hhlphulldlng Trlanele Film Unld Candj Tnlled ,Motor I'nlted Pictures United Prollt Shurlna c a -.iiamsnip " . la'i . snij . n no .in i j !1 M an't za .. no . :i9 11', sn 3S l" L'4", 4 111 S2 1'7 :io' Mil! 5H ISO l-."l r.ii I 7i1 ia'i SB 1 Sale 600 .1700 .Ml) 400 100 MOO IC00 100 too .ioo 10900 ;oo 1S90 too 100 .100 ton x;oo .ri30 soo iOO S700 i V200 4S00 HI700 VI 00 .'00 (1400 '.M00 o'lOO ROO 4S00 10300 100 200 iOO 3300 .voo .voo ttoo 1000 350 '.'00 100 ' 6090 rooo too 400 .'00 1030 1 300 too "1B700 KiOOO 0100 300 400 300 I.10O 100 too 3S0O KOI) 179)0 0600 300 100 700 dOO lUCOU 1MB 4310 010 100 fiOO 400 .',90 1000 700 3)0 :O0 i;idd .110 300 too 1000 3110 4UII 7830 100 30)0 400 1090 3011 iiuo 100 1300 3500 3911 100 311) 1100 .100 13110 mo 4700 3J0 300 6)0 3,130 1100 ;03 lilt r.io ;oo 190 I 3J0 100 MHO 100 090 13)0 too ; 3630 i 7490 100 3J0 1)00 300 3600 , 100 13100 3400 G000 . 1300 100 100 I 390 7700 ono Dlv. In clams ""xpreiM . Advttnco ttutnely . . . 6 Advance Itumcly pt. AJnx rtubber . Alashii Oold Mlno . . Aluslc.-i Juneau G M. Allls-Clmlmeis Tilts Air Agrla Chem . . . Am Hank Note Am Beet Sugar . . . . Am koscli Maeneto Am Can Am car A Koundry High T.ow 35 i 34 Toilav Net l none cni;r. 41Ji . 13!. St 40 tit! 4S .I34H Amer Car Koundrv pf. 1114 4 Am Cotton Oil 7!4 .80 Am Druggist S.vnd .. 11 !4, Am Uxprets . . . . Am Hide & l.-atner . 3JJ, 7 Am Illda & boa pf . .140'i Am Ic 47 6 Am Ice pf . !i SO Am Inteniat Corn ...tM?t Am I.lnsccd Co . ... S0; Am Iocomotlvo . ..lflai .. Am Ship & Commerce . 48! 4 Am Smelt A rtef 1H J Am Smelt & Tlef pf..!03 3 Am Steel Foundries 4SM 1 Am Sugar Itcf . ...143 10 Am Sumatra Tob ....108H 8 Am Tcrl & Tel ""!' 30 Am Tobacco 307T' J Am Woolen ..I30H 7 Am Woolen pf ... l"fl! .. Am Writing Paper pf. 'S . Am Zlno Lead &, Sm. 33 U 4 Anaconda Copper .... 0SB . Adets Iteallsitlon . 3U Afro Dry Goods fi!4 u ABKOdated Oil Co . . . 121 i tch Top k K.inli Ve 91 U 5 Atcil Top i S I'V pf . eO'-i Atlanta II nn & Atl 9 7 Atlantic Co.tst Line . 10 tl Gulf & W I S S .101 '4 D.ildwln Ioco Works 144!j 7 Baldvv In loco Wks nf 104 'a naltlmoro & Ohio . . 40W 4 rsaltlmoro . Ohio pf. to'i Barrett Co 'S'-"4 7 Darrett Companv lf 11 Ilatopllas Mining l'i . Bethlehem .Motors ... t3 ft Kethleheni Steel . .I0S 4 Rcthtehcm Htee: IS ..10S Booth disherits . ..IS Brookl.vn Ilaplil Tran. 30U Hkn It T ctf oT clep. 16?s Hrovvn Shoe . ... 1081.2 Bums Bios Pf IH'i Butie A- Sun Conner . 2014 Butte Copper & Zinc. 13!'2 Caddo Central O & It. 37 Calif Packing Co SI California Potroleum . S2',i Calif Peiroleum pf .. SPi Calumet & Arlznnj 72?4 Canadian Paclflo .. .151 Central Koundrv 3S Central Leather . ...10338 Cerro de Pasco Cop.. 50 5i Chandler Motors ....138 Chesapeake & Oh.o . Si2 . C & K III pf 1'a T cti. li Chicago Gt Western . 34 7 Chi & Northwestern . 81 7a . . Chi Mil & St Paul .. 43Ta Chi Mil & St Paul pr. 6',4 Oil Pneumatic Tool .10414 . . cm rtocl: lsl & I'ac . a!4 0 Chi RU Pao S"c pr. Chllo Copper 33 i 3 Clilno Copper 43 3 tolorado Kuel & Iron. U'A Colorado South pf 4U 4 Columbia Gas & Kite. COi 7 Consolidated Gas . 84 ?a 7 Continental Can . . S3J-2 Continental Candy . . 14 ( '0111111 Candy its ... ' Con Interstate) Cal 31. It , Consolidated Cigar .. 71'i . Corn Products Ref .. 90'i 1 Coin Pi od P.et pf . .107 '4 13 Ciuclblo Steel Co . .238 Crucible Steel pt 103 7 Cuban-Amci Sub pf. 315 Cuba Cano Sugar .... 43 7 Cuba. Cano Sugar pf.. 83U 1'eluwaie . Hudson ,104'j 10 Del Lack A: Western. 180 . . Den & P.lo Grando pf. IGTi Dome Mines ". ... (4 3 171k Horn Coal Coip.. SB'S .50 laiiorfon-BrantinB 3 iO Hndlcott-Jolmson ..138 . T'e. 'T i:rlo 1st pf " . Fairbanks Co 90 !3 s Kam l'lajera-Lasky .'09 Fisher Bodv Corp . ..152 l'ls P.ubber 81 3 1'ieeporl Texas .. .. 4S 'a ! Gaston Wins & WIS . 31 sa n General Cigar Co ... 5U 8 General Llectrlc Co..l6S'i 2 Gen Motors Corp ... Slfi'j fi Gen Motors Corp deb. 87 4 Goodrich B F M'a i;ranb Consol M & S. fi8',i 7 Great Northern pf . . 8 4 Gt Northern Ore ctfs. 44 . Greene Cananea Cop, . 43 Gulf States Steel .... 78 4 Hakell & Barker Car. 5- 6 Ilomestnke Mlnlnc ..60 ' Inspiration Con Cop . 11 . Interboro Con Corp .. 5'z Interbor Con Corp pt. 17i4 Int Harv Co new ....143?i 7 Int Harv Co pi new .115 Hit Mcr Marine 13 li s Int Mer Marine p ..1I7U International Nickel .. 39s International Taper . .level Tea 22j 3 .lones Bros Tea Ja4 Kansas City Southern. 18" 4 Kelly-Springlleld T . .T.V Is'el'ey Wheel Co .... 101 44 ; 1.1 04'i VA t 47a 051s 48 on?i 130 (3 133U 11514 47 14 11 88 3B'4 136 46 ecu 121 H " 110)4 4414 73 H 1C2 42 1414 I0534 00 li 302 13614 10614 6t 22 08i 2H 57 Ti 110 00 o4 so 01 185 14214 104 J, 40H 50 Vz 127 114 114 3!2 103 1C3 174 201 i lOHs 105 111'4 2014 I2?i TM 76 51:a NO 72 K 14?a 3.1 10314 50 1:53; tx II 9?4 tl3 43 3 103',, ?8'a C5)4 3!4 43 4414 49U (i'i fi4H 93 14 131', 's 20 5, 709, tola tOJ 234 103 292 42 4 83 I039 ISO ton 13 H 33'; 37 1 38 ' a I5' 3 90 100 ltd 50'2 47'2 31 1,4 f-4'a 1C8'4 SOI'2 87 83 68 ' 86 43 43 74 63 60 ton !j I7'4 137 'i 115 61 'a 115 28 '4 14 32 .-5 18)2 I47'a 93 34 47)4 73 - 05 .i . lil 114 t)lv. Sales In 0O 2 Ken.iccott Copper . . 4400 1.20 Keystone Tire & It.. ;i i.i ci !ji 49 9514 18 07 126H 7 0.1's-H 132T4-I 115)4- 57)4 11)4 88 -3714 4- 1.1994 46 -6014 i 122H 7J'g 1I1U 4494 74 -1 163 42M- 14?K 99'a 13891 106)4 C0S.4 32)4 68)4- 3'4 S8 12ft J- g; - sou u 3.50 ft 7 4 1 1 394 i 1 i ) 191 H 3)4 394 '4 114 114 D. 1: 3)4 Hi t HI Us 2'i l'4 '4 I i'4 1 91 187)4 -143Ja r 104IJ .40 m 5014- 131 . 115 ' t'i 41 104'j -103H - 17 2'l 16)2 105 lllli 26)4 13 - C6 -81 51Tb -l l!i t 7294- 151 I 38 - 104 5ft 1352 58 ('2 If 9 91 43?a- 05)4 103 !'e- at'i - C614 53'2- 4.1 44 ',j 49 - 169a 94 15 13- !'a 21 1054- S)4 107 - U 2.15)4 U 103 '.i 315 33 )a 42- 83 - '4 104 ISO 164 14 .rri'i 37 - Kt3'4- 15Ti J- 26 -r 90'4 r 107).- 1J0 - 0)4 305 87 S3 68! a 80 43H 43 -,-1514-1-13)4-1-1,0 tl 5 '4 t-i'l- 143 I 115 - i3!a 115 - '! -65 - I8X:- I4I-101 c 3 1.50 7 10 S 2)i I 14 1 114 10?i ITi 4 I 3'S !i li 194 1 )4 6', I 19a 1 990 490 1700 600 300 100 100 400 3200 100 000 4300 13000 400 8700 2000 800 3100 700 1700 2800 300 too 200 100 400 1300 2300 500 500 6300 2100 600 1600 200 200 1700 14600 401) 4100 3300 300 14200 2000 300 200 6100 100 201 300 33300 500 900 3400 1300 11500 1A0I) 3000 8411 2500 200 1300 600 1400 100 4990 100 7600 100 2100 10900 8. 300 600 100 1900 1200 100 300 800 0409 35490 500 45100 500 100 100 300 3300 3950) 090 3700 1500 100 1300 700 3690 200 5390 11090 96)0 300 100 11300 1200 6390 1400 1030 30090 1400 400 100 4390 II. TOO 1700 5700 too 100 3. 74800 1100 590 600 100 500' 400 100 300 50 109 1100 800 I S3 JO .100 11590 300 100 33 on Lackawanna Steel Leo Itubbcr & Tiro . Lehlsh Valley Loose-Wiles Bis .... Lorlllard I' Tobacco Louisville & Nashville Mackay Cos pf Mathleson Alkali Wks. Maxwell Motor MaXvvell Mot 1st pf . . Maxwell Motor 2d pf HUH 3394 C!4 8394 3614 48 )i 70J, 231 14 108 64 43 toH 79 4214 May Dent Stores ...'.12414 10 Mexican Pctroloum ..254 .Miami Copper 27 Middle Stale Oil Corp. lli'A Mldvale Steel & Ord.. 517a .. .Missouri Kan & Tex.. 13 . Missouri Paclflo .... 29 Vi . Missouri Paclflo pf .. 48 ja 3 IXatlonal Acme Co .. 38J4 .. Nat Anlllno & Chem . 6314 7 Nat Aniline & ch pf.. 90)4 National Biscuit pf..ll Nat Cloak & Suit ... 84 Nat Cloak & Suit pt 10614 Nnt Conduit & Cable. 15)4 Nat Knam & Stamp.. f.1)a National Lead Co ... 8714 Nevada Con Copper . 17(4 New- Or Tex & Max.. 49 New York Air Brake. 133 New York Central ,. 73 94 New York Dock .... 5SU . New York N H & II. 3214 New York Ont & W.. 1994 7 Norfolk & Western ,.1018 7 Northern Pacific .... 86)4 4 Ohio Cities Gas 56 94 . Ontario Sliver MlninK. S 4 Oklahoma Prod & Ref. 10 3 Owens Bottling Mach. 74 5 Pacific Gas & Elec. 63)4 0 Pan-Amer Petrol & T. 134)4 3 Pennsylvania R R . . 43)4 . Penn Seaboard Steel. 40)4 Peoples Gas Chicago. 44 Pcre Marquette '3 3 Pere Marq prior pf.. 05)4 Pero Marquette pf . 47 - Philadelphia' Co . . . 35"2 . Plcrce-Arrow Motor . J894 8 Pierce-Arrow Mot pf.. 107)4 . Plerco Oil Corp 33 5 Pittsburgh Coal of Pa. 65U Pittsburgh & W Va . 33 1 Pond Creek Coal .. 20)4 8 -Pressed Steel Car ... 88 ,7 Pressed Steel Car pf. fO 8 Pullman Co 130 . Puntu Alegre Sugar . 73?8 . Punta Alegre Sug rts. 0 2 Ray Consol Cop .... 23 )4 5 Railway Steel Spiing. 09 4 Reading 82)4 Reading 1st pf . . 35 8 Republic Iron & Steel. 0094 7 Rep Iron & Steel pt.-lOllj . Remington Tynew ... 1)9)4 Remington Typ 2d pf 100 Republic Mot Truck . 03 !4 10 Royal Dutch N Y ..104(4 , St Louis & San Fran. 19 1 St Joseph Lead 1S14 St L Southwestern pf. 38'4 G Savage Arms Corp .. 94)2 . . Saxon Motors 25 Seaboard Air Line pf. 18)4 8 Sears-Roebuck Co ...20914 1 Shattuck Ariz Corp.. 14 . . Sinclair Consol OH .. 10 . . Sinclair Contol OH its. '4 6 Sloss-Shedleld S i I. U ,110'b 26 13 '2 10 .118 ..164)4 ..131 .102 ..139V4 . . 12)4 .. 4G .. 13 . .285 . . 34 .. 183, ..116)4 ffl'o Southern Pacific Southern Railway .. Southern Railway pt Standaid Milling ltt Stewart W Speed .. Stromberg Carb .... Studebaker Corp . . Studebaker Corp pf Stutv. Motor Stutr. Motor rts ... Superior Steel Corp . Tenn Cop & Chem Texas Co . Texas &. Pacific Third Avenue .. .. 0 Tobacco Products . Transcontinental OH .1 Transue & Wins Steel. 71) 8 Underwood Typewrit, 181 0 Union Bag & Paper. . 91 Union Oil 43 10 Union Pacific If 4 4 United Alloy Steel ... S4'j 7 United Drug Co ...166 0 United Fruit Co ....U4)2 . United Retail Stores. lis . U S C I Pipe & Fdry. 31 ?t 5 U S C I Pipe & V pf. U S Epress U S Food Prod Corp. U S Ind Alcohol . U S Ind Alcohol its.. . U S Rubber lli'S Smelting It & 31 0 U S Smelt It & 31 pt. 3 U S Steel 7 U S Steel pf 6 Utah Copper 4 Va-Cnrollna Client . . 8 Va-Carollna. Chem pf. , Wabash pf A . Wabash pf B . . . . . Western Pacific . . . Western 3Iaryland . , Western Union Tel . . Westlngh A Brake Westlnghouso H & 11. Wlieeiing a jaue r... White Motor Wilson & Co Willys-Overland . .. Willys-Overland pf , WoolwortU V W Worthlngton Pump 16 (14 '1 36 88 163)4 '094 '24 7 3 '4 9)4 109 MS -74 84(4 80 115(4 0 20 1214 84 114 55 15 1414 .1.1 04 127 ill) l.ovr 33 rsli 83 35 47?a 79(4 330 108 64 40 49!a 79 42 1199a 250)4 20 36 . 51 129s 2894 48?. 38 58)4 9094 116 84 100)4 15)4 82 84 ! 17'i. 48)4 13094 1294 55 3294 1994 101(4 86 ir,H 7 0 10 63 132 43 40)4 43)4 21 li 651, 47 33 80 106 21 63)4 3314 20)4 07)4 SO 132 73 6 23' a 99 81 3.1 M' 1041? 0.1 1 2 100 82 10314 19 14 28 12 91 "4 '2 18)4 309 1 4, 39 17 107 .5 62 1 2 146 101U 128(2. 102 133 46 ' I2J4 283" JM 1814 IC4 f4'4 63! 4 ISO 91 42?a 133)4 51 160 191 112 29 1 i 63' 1 36 8?, 167 44'j 110' 2 72 9U If 6 115'e S3'4 79'4 1151; 30 "a 19a 1 13 (4 81 114 551a 15)4 73 86 T5 83 137'. i.68 To lay's Net Close sngr, 14 94 y i 14 V VA 1 35)4- C894 834 73 -47?4-19)4-231(4 108 -64 . 43 40J4 79 43 153 J4 25194 27 4 on MJ. 13 - 2874 -4854-3894 0'! 90)4-1 116 . 84 106)4 t- 1S',4 82 86)4 133 7394 A3 -32J4 10 101 H sou se 8 1 10 73V4 65 -13214 43 9a 'o;4 43)4 53 ?4 65(4 47 35 87 107(4 r 21 -(13 33)4 - 1814 r 3 7?.- )4 98 10 129IJ BH 7314 1 V 2314 - V 9994 14 R394 94 14 I 7J4 194 '394 ?4 14 4 li 1(4 2(4 li 5'4 i 1 1 I 8 t 1)4 Ex dividend. tKx rlshte. 90l2 104(4 95)4 190 Hl'a-1- K3 19 -'.4T4 . 18(4 . '209 -1314-3094- 17 -1 109J4 S?B ' 13)4 9 146 -K214 130 94 102 137 1 1)4 - 46 l'!Ta 384 ; 1894 If 5(4 T.!a 70 181 91 43 It 3 ;3'4 165 i II 4 '4 ' 114 31 C4 "IB SS M9 9 '41? 12)2 72)4- '914 108 115)4 M'4 79'4 115 '4 soi-1994- 22 !2' 84 -114 , 65 1 i 139a 72 94 87 3512 03?a -127'4 JIS'4 I LIQUIDATING PRESSURE SENDS U. G. L TO NEW LOW Street Puzzled by Constant Pouring Out of the Stock Smart Advances in American Ship and Rapid Transit The continued weakness of United York Ons 1 Improvement, with n decline of M , easily t(r8. was the overshadowing feature of the locril market. The Rtoek. for SOme OCCtllt rensnn. wnu iinilai, nnn.lniil lifnvy pressure from the outset, while the demand wan found to be exceedingly limited. At any rate, most of the Mock absorbed on the recessions was taken by Interests who naturally were disposed (o get It as cheaply nH possible. At the low mark made today, the stock depreciation In market value of -11 "" ,n1 '1,K,) nr'CC C ,l10 i'C,tr' -Vi. This is an unnreccdented riro; for a stock of the heretofore semi investment chnracter of the Tultcd Oas Imnrovement share. , Ihe liquldatiaft, while not urgent, was persistit, and still puzzled some of the slirowdest tradorM on tlie street. Many observers stated that even If a reduc tion in dividend was contemplated, such action was already discounted in the present ptice, Man' still adhere to the belief that no rhange will be made. Despite the disturbing sentimental in fluence of the continued shrinkage in the market value of the stock, the movement was relatively ignored by the rest of the market. It naturally put n dumper upon market enthusiasm in the other utility shares. This wns strik ingly illustrated in the case of Phila delphia Itopid Transit. The local financial community were fuvornbly im pressed hy the new proposition made I15 the Stotesbury-Mitteii inanngemetit to improve tlie car service, and this was directly reflected in the pronounced strength of the stock in the early deal ings. On unusual active trading tlie price was advanced SIJ to -'fV.. The f. (i. I. sllimil Infllienpeil nrnflf .tnMnn I which in turn caused 11 reaction to 12.S78. In contrast to the weakness of I'. O. I.. American Ship developed pronounced btiength and during Ihe morning wns carried to 11 new high record of -l.Tti. an overnight gain of $?,. I!.". The stock attained higher quotation in the New market. Tlie movement was explained in the announcement i '4 Tffl made jesterday of the election ot (Sen ernl Goethnls to the presidency of the company and the optimistic statements of the management concerning the aggressive business policy adopted. .Most of the other local stocks only showed fractional changes. Lake .Superior Corporation had better support and was held fairly steady In the neighborhood of 22. Philadelphia Illecter shaded to 2.-, while Union Traction woh unchanged. Klectric Storage llattery continued relatively firm, although at one time the price was .$1 under yesterday's closing level. Most of this lost ground was re trieved easily. Wide changes were made in several of the Inactive issues. .1. 11. Ilrlll on a .. iimiMii-uniiH vieiueti ,fi trom the. MCawvr his-iiuiij. D.iie, vviiiio iv.cstone Telephone preferred dropped .$!. There was h snwll transaction in Cramps at 170, tlio same price as the previous sale. vfl 1S S01 r 11 use BUTTER, EQGS AND CHEESE Neve York. Oct 17. HfTTKIl was high PoP? ,!Joccl't8' t'70l) '"l"". lUh ecorlnu. SOW P 70c; extras, 00c oulaldc; tlista. 32 0SC' "ecowle' &HiS(ll.'c, aluto dairy, 1, r t EGOS were atcndi Itece ptp csaea. I'revh itathered extras. nrsia. G08f(i2c, fresh ovtra. ,(lrst, otOoiic. Ileah rattierpu aecunda. 04frvt.lii. iirtMM vn I 4THc; .No S. 4H'45c: chcclia. No. I. U1 Jr43c; undercradea. nsiH.V, tliKls. SO', i I JlWCi aeconda. 40Sf41)Vf, atate and nearby hcnneir Mhlte, SsftOuc: irnthered whlta. I llillSHSci weattrn whites. 70(ih7e; Pacific 1 eoj't, SOBOOc: vestcrn unci aouthern Bath-1 v.... nni.cr, u.iv.1 nvc; aiaie ana nearDy li"li nery browns, 7073oi sathered brown and mixed. n7if)f.l)ci fair to prime, OOWRflo: retrlgeralor. No. 1. r.0J31i,c. Xo. 3, 40 CHEESE was firm. Itc-cuuta, 5372 boxes, li?. ',!;i!rient make, colored. nceraKe mn SO'KfsO'.ei nat. current mal.e, white, ev-erH-e run. OVKe309.ci eoloied aoclals, 31 ffai'.c, whites, specials 31?j31c DIVIDENDS DECLARED (irert Northern Paper Coinniinv qu.nterh 1 r.n in preferred. lml,lo Xnveniher 1 I. Irani Mre and Marine lnaurnnre Com panv, quarterly of 3 per .out, najable Oc tolml 1, li" ri'Slatered Orlober 10 I'alrlianl.'a cjompanv, ni.it terlv of J pet cent on drat preferred, pacalile Vox ember t to stock of lecord Octobei 20 CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS .nt.!l-''.,,?0 U 1T "v'TTnit-ltecelpts inVr "r';'..-Va"'-et nrr Kxtr.T, 114'iic. flrats. r.403'je; second 30 W 32c FCJOS Itecelnlp. 407.-. ,na..u -m-i .. 1 .teldv rim's. ,18G.19 : r.-,llnar 'llreti '.-,lV 1 ,1.' : lnlacellnneoua. r,o$rr,So. THE FIRST PENNY SAVINGS BANK OF PHILADELPHIA 21st and Bainbridge Sts. Branch Offlcc: Broad and Chestnut Sts. Liberty Building, Entrance on Che3lnut St. John Wanamaker Founder and President Allows 4 Interest on Deposits Deposits accepted up to ?5000.Q0 on any one account. We wish to take this opportunity to thank our friends and the public generally for the very gen erous support given our Branch Qfticc since the opening day, October 0, 1919. If our branch is more convenient open your account there. Save and watch it grow DEPOSITORS OVER 30,000 Deposits, over $3,000,000.00, 4" I raWBIPnrT l,1i,ill)mJJiiiiiiii!ifniiiiiiniimiiiiiiui,iyiiiHiimiiiii Vi i a i 4'? ' a Ui '4 154 M's Va W I. i'i IV, 17 IS 1.1', sr. :m .IS I in 'c i 2M, 21 vi r.- 11 an ). S'4 i Ilacker, b.v refnsin-; t4 aid reckless up- U",",'11,in,,,m- ". " hiddinj; of Mocks tI.rouKh u generous Wrliht-Minln Air A ' .' 1 supply of credit, are undoubtedly work- vr.v,,,,.,. n., , " 1 inp for the best interest of the market. ., , "TAMi urn on, stocks Nt ... , . Illinois . it? hi ews from N aslunctnn was without Ohio . AtA -. li , Pralrla T'Idb t'tand Oil Callt Maud Oil X .7 , Stand Oil N Y . Allen Oil A GRAPHIC CHART OF LIBERTY BONDS TELLS AT A GLANCE THE PRINCI. PAL FEATURES OF THE SEVERAL LIBERTY LOAN ISSUES". AN IN VALUABLE AID IN MAKING OUT INCOME AND SURTAX REPORTS. SENT FREE ON REQUEST. BAKER, AYLING & YOUNG LAND TITLE BUILDING BOSTON PHILADELPHIA PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPALS Tree Pennsylvania Tax t Government Taxes noufjht Sold Quoted MARTIN & CO. 1411 WALNUT ST. direct henrinc on securities. Proceed incs at the industrial conference were i followed closely nml the helief is that a better undcrstandinc between capital , and la hnrwill result from the eonven- ! turn of these interests which have hcc.-n l ;"ton Wso'dil opposing each other too strenuously for Rik Ba.ln. tlie cqmmon good. Inter Petroleum i rn. i. .. .i. c.i . . . Invlnc Oil mr vein- un mc aininiiin'r amend- Inland Oil fc menl was of no market importance i cilenroek on i oi ner innn lie inrieniinii n nn m iimt . i'.u(,."" .v'' ! tlie treat.v will probably be pushed nlonu j without much furtlier delay. Its lati- fication will be welcomed becnti.c of t the avenues o f business expunsion which will thereby be opened up. The movement on foot to extend rov eminent control of the railroads for n few months into next jear until such time as remedial legislation can be enacted received favorable notice. I'll) HlK) .711" 4 y :v an-, 717 TJ5 lNDKrKMlKNT OU.S. T Merrill Oil Met Petroleum Midweat Oil Ohio Tuel Hapulpa lUllnln. heciuoyah Hlnclalr Oulf . . Southweat Oil . United Oil Woodburn Oil 11 . Hi, W, s 3 1(1 1 Kid M1MNO .STOths n i- m u. $505100 LIBERTY BONDS HOirCIIT ANP SOhV v II O YT M isidaie nenry 104 SOVH FIFTH STR1 KmhriiJliWW Wk t In the lute iiflernoon call loans were made ns low oh (1 per cent, but Ihe ruliiijt licure was hiRlier. This easlnc of the money rale caused renewed buy ins in the last half hour, I'nited States steel sellins up to the best figure of the day, about 10!). Southern Pacific moved up to 110 for a gain of more than two points, while I'ierec-Arrow at fi" was up about seven points. The tinal tone of the market was btronjf. TODAY'S. RANflK IV MIIIUI TV noMIS l in ItlRb t n p. rn Lib Hone .T2s ..101.00 K'O.fiO 100.SO Lib Uond 1st Is . fl.VJO 0.1.20 0.-.20 Lib Bond I'd -Is. O.l.-fi 0."i.70 IKI.7(I Lib iiond 1st -tUs. o.-.no fis.-io n5.no Lib liond 2d ls. In.02 0.'!.7fl 01.84 Lib Bondo Sd 4'4s 1)5,10 115,30 05.40 Lib Bond 4tb 44S OHJIi W1.B0 03.00 Vic Note fls... Hfl.70 00.74 00.7G Vic Note iJis... 00.70 00.70 00.70 Alaaka nir l.eiir Ilulto New VorL lloalon Mont V V S & Jerome t'on Arizona Klret Notional T'ortuna Cona Ooliinelrl Cone Oolrlfleld Florence Goldfleld Kewanai (Joldfleld Merger . Oreen Monater Hecla Mlulni . Howe Sound Independence j.ead Jerome Verde . Jim (fuller . . . Jumho Cxtemlon McKlnley Darrarh vtasma Copper Mother Lode Mlnea Co of America. Nlplaelnr Hay Ilerculea San Toy Tonopah Kxtenston I'nlted Verde Weat End Con Whlta C'p 1 l'a :n is t 4 i 4'i 25 S 70 44 00 16 Coaden Oil (Is . , Coaden k Co . , Iluaalan (7ov fltaa Kuesun Gov 6'i noxns ... 101 ..10V . 40 l. 40 II SI'j S'l A l(i.1 an !!5 ' il'4 80 i l'a 1 .10 in et is B A n in-i 7S 4T II in 4R 104 104 i 4& I HEAVIER DEMAND FOR YARNS Higher Grades Reported Scarce, With an Upward Trend In Prices 1 Dealers in yarns report a much heavi iei demand tlinii for some time past, accordion to the weekly vevievv of trade or the local district by 11. !. Dun I Co. There are a number of bikers in the market and a good inquiry, espe cially for combed yarns. Ihcsc and i other high.Rradr yarns arc reported .scarce and there is an upward trcnil in prices. The textile mills report they are well supplied with orders and antjei i pate a good seaton. I Jobbers of cotton and woolen goods 'say. while prices are high, sales have 1 fallen off somewhat. The leview. continuing, goes on to say : . I "Mnnufactuters of cloaks and Milts 'and ill oses report business having i dropped off somewhat in this line and MONEY-LENDING RATES NEW YORK Money on call, both mixed collateral and all industrial col lateral, opened today at 10 per cent for lending and renewing. The market for time money ib quoted today nt from 7'i to 8 per cent bid for sixty and ninety days. Bunkers, referring to the present con dition of the money market, pointed out that a much larger amount ct money than ever before is required now to carry on general business and the stock market requirements owing to tlie high er priies of commodities mid of stocks, So long as money is high it is pretty clear that powerful interests are carrj -Ing securities. Ii ime bank acceptances rule slow at unchanged rates. Tall loans on oc ceptances stand nt 41'. per cent. The situation is unchanged in prime mercantile pi'pei', witli fi',-: per cent the minimum discount figure. rillLAriKLl'IllA fall. .", (JtO per Philadelphia Stocks IlUh 230(1 Am Sirs.. .'!S"4 B Am St pf 00 200 Am S&C l.-,i., 100 Am Mill. II 15 tA II&L :(!! . 150 Brill .1 ; .7.M". 1501 El Htor..M7 " 12.1 fil Asn pttJIO 45 I O N A 111 70 fKenne (' .'!51k (15 Key T pf 4(! r,n.MMi,m,. linn leonine a little tanl.v. I cenl : time. ."i-!'. rTTO ner cent: commcr "Shirt manufacturers and lnanufnc- dnl tiaper, three to six months, riUfii liners of men's and boys' clothing tire -,i por ,001, nlu six months. 0 per well sold up. and in the clothing line eent. inniiiif.nctiiievK stnte the.V Have Dei'll lO'i klnrl,.i1 in .lilK ni-leS . OVVlUIT tO IllUOr troubles among the tnilors. and also, have not been able to get sufficient quan- J tilies to fill what orders they have mi i hand. Tn most instance!! orders placed have been rut down materiall by the mills. "Hosiery and underwear jobbers also Dtate that sales have fallen off some- what during the Inst month ; collections are slow and tlie retailers well stocked i and have, not been able to move the iiiorMm nrllo nn linnH. "The hardware line remains active in i all its branches, with a noticeable in crease in the demand for builders hard ware, and it is tiellevea mm mr ," . of buslnei-s being done, will equal, if not exceed, that for several corresponding previous aseasops. Prices remain hrm and collections good. ; "The electrical trade reports a good demand in household specialties and a t-o considerable business in connection with building operation work, though con tinued strikes in that line cause eomo holding up of contracts. Jobbers and retailers arc well employed and mauu faeturers arc busy. Price, ore repotted firm and collections show an improve ment , v LONDON Money is quoted at -'Ts per cent. Discount rates: Short bills. l!is per cent; three-month bills, 4";s per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE ' New York. Oct. 17. The foreign ex change market opened weak, figures in dicating a further severe break in sterling exchange, which was quoted at 4.15 and cables at 4.101,4. Finne cables were R.72 and check's 8.71. Other quotations were: Lire cables 10.12, checks 10.14; Swiss cables 5.01. checks 5,03; guilder cables iiSij,. checks 38: pesetas cables ni.iii, cheeks 10. QS: Stockholm cables 24.45, checks ,24.00; Chrlstianla cobles 21.05, checks 22.00; Open bagen cables 21.05, checks 21.50; Bel gian cables S,f8, checks 8.70; marks 3.08; Austrian kronen .00. In the second hour of business the market was steads' for sterling, it being quoted at 5.15g for demand and 4.10i for cables, Francs und lire were alto Steady, with franc cables being rated at 8.72M, and checks at 8.74. Marks were 3,82 and Austrian kronen ytete uuvnnuj,;ci. 27.'!tl Lk S for 100 Leh Nav 1 Leh Val. 3.12 Pa It U. 0 Pa Salt. 5 Phila Co cum nf. 7S3 Phil I'.lec 4101 P It T to 20 Ph Tract 700 Tn Tract 4070 I O I... 310 tr S Htl.KISt ::o twest .r. & M.. 55L, 120WarI&S R 2 W ,T & S 42 10 West C. 74 -j 75 W Crap.I70 25 York Hy. II 20 do pref. 311 t 07-5, 481 J3i)' SOL. 31 L. 2.-. i; 201.. III! Od-! I.OV 37 'i 00 -II", II 30 1 j, 57 115 205 "-0-5, '' s II! 221 4 07 Lj 48U 13 SOL. 34 L. 25I 27 llll 3SS r.s 107 Ts 55 L, 71L. 170 1) 31 li Net Clom chre 3SL.. , 00 5 45L..31, 0 - ', 3llLj- li, r,nu2 l, no Vj 210 5 3094 I, li li Young BaiikingAccounts In. a recent issue of Collier's Weekly, Bruce Barton gives sound advice to young men. He says it pays to keep in friendly touch with a bank, to know its principal employees and officials. The .Continental-Equitable Title & Trust Company is a bank after Mr. Barton's stand ards an institution suited to the young man and friendly to his needs and desires. At tin's bank we help young accounts to become mature and successful. Continental- Equitable Title aw Trust Company Twelfth Above Chestnut, Philadelphia $1,000,000 Capital $1,000,000 Surplus Over $10,000,000 Deposits m ..lH- 40 0 i n 07 li- 481, i 43')s.. SOL. -4- 1 .ML.,.. 25 ft.. 2R-5,l', 01! . . 38 Lj.. 58 3 108-1,, 55V.. :!i-. 12 .. 741.- 170 ., 0 1 3.11C-114 L', t''et chnse mile hv mmnnrlion tn lant tale oi Nw lorn Stock nichvce. Sales In IlOMis Nel I00. r. , 1,lIh '-ow done chse. 1 Am Cias & Elec fis.. SOU SO!', S0U li 1 Italil Loco 1st 5s ...lOOLj lOOli J0014 li ICity 4h '13 IW4 004i 009?.. i. Lib Bonds " 4th 4 15 s. 03.04 0,'i.Ol 0.1.01 .12 1 Pa sen 5i. 0,1-7', 03'K 03?',.. 2.1Pliil Kt Is. 75 75 75 '. 10 do 1st 5s 05 flt f)5 .1. a'1 .ISpan-Ainer ' . I On 100 100 100 .. BANK CLEARINGS Iiinltyj!','..t,''?!L.y comt"rel with cor reipondln day latt two vro: . if 0 1018 mi7 Ttoaten . S2-227--J13 Jf'P??"'1'' OO.00Q.BT1) - m ...I. nil HH 1 MIIU ) BftA Ana f?.'.T?i?'S8SS5 "i-J-I'i:!!?! tiVb7:t4 ?;W " """, JW A Group of Active Stocks Twenty-five leading active stoc's show an average appreciation in price of 150 from their low points this year. Twelve of them have registered an aver age gain of 210. ...,,,. l.ow for Uimcnt s'0(''' Yenr 1' live Around 1 Cruciblo Steel 52l'8 235 2 Chandler Motor 103 ' 380 3 Stutr Motor 42 142 4 Associated Dry Good.. 17', 57 ;8 5 Keliey Wherl 34 103 G Int. Mercantile Marine. . 21 Va 62 7 American Woolen 45'4 130 8 Studebaker ....' 45'', 130 9 Amor. Hide & Leather. . 13', 37 10 Slromberit Carburetor. '. 36',4 103 1 1 General Motors 1 18 304 12 California Petroleum... 20?$ 51'; (Jam 330 268 236 235 202 196 187 184 182 180 156 152 Our forthcoming MARKET OPINION tabulates the gains of the 25 issues and dis cusses the market and, technical position of the individual stocks. SUNT OUATIS ON nKCIUI'aT. ASK run M-JS. R. H. MacMasters & Co. Mtmbert Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York 69 Wall Street New York -h fj ., '( ,.Viifi . -1 Vt Hj n ii -i -, i -i- r f j a 4 ' $ u r' , ilV ' i 1 1?A 1.-. ) V i. .AM f- riii ft J ir . i.A