ff 't w J Filjwf5'Tvr5rn?",?' I I: J; 10' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1G, 1919 f BIG FIVE" AGAIN B r UNULK HhAVY HKh; Milting discrimination not nlutic lu serv ice, lint nlo in rntrs. tTntil the packers lire Miurn of tho tratinnorlntluu mlvmitiiRrH grunted them I., kl.L. 1 ...... U Mn..t lm.j "tlmfn I y uic itirrici n imu n'jui rijo. "nn ' .. i . ! t...i.. i .! :. la no yny 01 uipmuriuK mtu nuu u clustriitl L'fllcieury." rl TRAIN WITH ARMOR lifts ..., DKIVtSUrr MIINtKS Tederal Commission Accuses Packers of Seeking to Dom inate Grocery Trade . (lint tlm ftrco niickcrs bid fnir (o itom Inntc tlic vliolrsiilo Rroiory trnilc. rj t- I'n .'a mips nf croui-rv liroil iimoiiut tn only u little more (linn 1 nor tout of the total wlioloinlo Rincrj ltillni'. The live lnrfie liaoKoin to- Kotlior liitmlle no more than II per (out ,, . , Tlio trade rnmml'wlon'i tljtiirrx Unioil EXDedltlOII Forced . t it -........,.... f ......1.,., lint I ' SWIFT CALLS CHA ROES , oK LmY., tW iw W-k ABSURD AND FALSElZ &XA- ' iiiiilnirtit or AcriiMilliire iCi.utN show '. . .. . .. f , . 1 11-u mill Ing tluit mvim iv vii. iiHiiui- iiliinit ' for rent of the tuliil ijimnlltJ .if thee uroilui't!' Mild ill the I tilteil Back by Armed Men at Logan, W. Va. &WIFT MAKES HOT DENIAL Denies blntemenl That er.s ire Combined lu r rices I'ach. If. IllllltlllCtoll. i'. i Kirt W. Va.. Oil. It!. union organizers Illy went riince i Ity the ssmlateil I'itss WasliliiKlnii, Oct. Kl.-Ki'ilorntion pt the claim Hint the Iho Iiib parkins tympanies of Oik-hrii bid fair to dom inate the vvliolisule croiciv (rude mid nlreadr haiulle more I linn -0(1 iinrclatcd to the moat imcMnir industry. Jnnny of them iliii'rll.v rompotitive as ,7nent substitiitrs Is nuulo in I'nrl IV of the i'cilcrnl Tnule ('.uuniKsion's report bn the lndtislrv, puhlilioil today. "The extern to vvliirli Hie pn.'kor Wiould lie pormilted In enter unrelated Jfood llnrs i even nuinlns lrsltlmitle rompetitlvr tnelhixNi" the report sni.l, "ls a matter uhirli the public interrl tolone should determine. "Two questions, primal ih e. onomie. arc Involved- "Does tln widening if it.ttiilv ie suit in additional rciiintiiii's f prodin tlon and illsirililitmii? "D0c. it result nod will il rotitiliue ti result to the imlilie m lower price nrnl bettor iti:ititv of product mill erviee? "A third question not heir iliriissil Tclatcs to the ullinialc efl'ecl 'if such vast and powerful orsnnial ions .m the political and wnil fnliri. "T Amen, mi institution 1'nclirrs Handle l.nt.rrlrs Slntex. i into l.nsnii ronnty jcstenlay iu it ti at 'I'heie is no comlnunnou or ni ,,,,,, , unnzo ,.,! minors of the iiietit with other packers in the inniimi. (ijnn ,nlCJ., t stioiflj before mill , f these products or n illude irmioij l( ,f ,pJ r,,, ,,., t HuntiiiRton anil i in their pur. ha-e or sate. icported that they had been stopped t liiiMco. Oct l(! - (Hi A IM "I helioo that the pub lie "rf: !' nonr I.okiiu by nrmrd men, and that I ouis r Swift nresldrnt of Swlfl iv ' iilnz In earn that It citlinot ieij on .... ntrr , t:o" lo'ln, ilV n "men. deylK! piejudiced and, Mtl"-l hrf ... d o, ml , Ihe Ho 1,1k packer DJ I lie ,i "'"." " u VT" Vl , ,- """r" of their liusi- that tins ",""" ;, "V " i.,U , ,lw. ' r ro'nlenl and misunderstanding Ihe rliarcos thai In enlnri?ltii? the scolir ness tin eaten to control the wholesale' BMeerj trade of the country, which foods' arc .ontalncd in the latest icpnrt of Hie Federal Trade Commission. Mr. Swift's statement rnids in pait : The piiekinc industry is iicaiti put in a wrong- light b.) Ihe latest install ment nf the scries of attempts on the I part of the l'doml Trade Commission to scare the American p. ople into the belief (hat the large packers are getting control nf the f.iod supph of the . -.11111 rj "In the I'tl'sl ln e tile pa. kors do not enntrol uii.ilhing Swift Co. is in active compel ition with all other packers in the puichase and sale nf eiery product bought anil sold "The ihnrge that Ihe live packers linxe divided Ihe Held, each speciiill.lng on certain lines, is absurd Swlfl Co. handles only such products as lngi cnll result Irnm Icing I lie packing business and such other pioducts as can bo handled ofliciontlj through Its sales rgain..ition and icfrw;. luting equipment The nel reull is Ihe lower ing nf selliu" ensts, nmie dire. I niaikeli ing Irntu pioduccr In .nnsiitiior and Inter an nrinorrd train with several hun- ruied men and machine guns on had followed their tram back across the Logan county line to a point near this city. The orgnfiUcrs said the nrmed foreo was mnde tip of compatly officials, coun ty oflitctsniid miner. They denied assertionsof Don Challu, Logan county clerk, that when searched by deputies at I .neon (went) -six pistols were found on members of the parly. The band reported the ense todnv to district headquarters of the United Mine Workcis of America at Charleston. It is expected that the uniou officers will take steps immediately to secure com plete details of the Inrtilng hack of the orgunizers and place the facts before state officials with n request for an in cbtlgJilion. Freighter Strand on Sandbar Orleans, Mass., Oct. 1(. A steamer believed to be a freighter from ova Scotia bound for New York became stranded on a sand bar near United States coast cuiml station No, 40 last nigni. am ntution crew, niter reach ing tho vessel In the heavy fog, lcmalncd aboard. ' Woman legion member Ventnor City Post Makes rmy Nurse Active Member Atlantic Clly, Oct. 10. Because she Is a "good fellow" who showed licr mettle very close to tho Tiring line, Miss I.ucy Pqrker, army 11.11 sc corps, with a record for heroism and efficiency in France, has been elected to active membership in, 'James Harvey I'qst. American Legion, of Ventnor City. Miss Parker is to liavo the same rights as If she had carried a gun and wetit over the top. Stic is the llrst woman in New Jersey to enjoy full membership in the American Legion. -i,j Included in Hie 1 1 I of niiinin.lilics, . .. . ., 1 1., 'hivetnt, ir . paid to be falling uudor .ontrol nf "Big I'ne nic poullrv anil game ' dairy product-, lard mid bultcr -oh stitulcs, canned auil dried vcgetahl.s and fruit cautie.l. cured and fm.i fish, cocoa enlTcc, mnla-.sc- and ,in corn and maple sir::p In uildiiim. Armour & ( nno nf Ihe lm 1 -ml lo be haudlmg . tcnsivch -n.l.i fmiut .m preparation' ami uteusii- "TIlC exteur 'f p.ilkil .cillllr.l 1 1 uith the iniaht, uud . ,M,niifi.Jii v m.i the dealer w lin-c luismes- 1 In mj; .l. eorbed,' the repnrl a imi- "Ovving to the ma, ami -c 1 ei ..1 packers' methods of e.iii.lin ting tun. h m their business it j n , 1 - imt -tnh-tics on man'' of the.c . iinnnnilitt. - are not available fur Hie . minliv 1- . "Whole, which will shnw i. -t hnw lii tli, Jiackcrs' control has icnlml "lan.v enmpaiite- ui.uiiit.n 1 imu; m bandliug these ..untnn.liii' - n , , n trolled b lincl,er mteie-l- ,, Inn nt TrbJch is disclosed bv tin n.iiin 1 i. f which thej operate and .v.n 1 1 P -ough going n u tiiiiin t ion in.i in i.. uncover the pa kei cnuin . n.m tn 1 .t case." ' Four of the pjtkei' wiii 1 n Armour and Cudaln the m 1 it. - through their suhsidinrics ami nut m I rluding foinilv contrnll.il ioinpani baudled 111 101S -I!).,", per .enl .t ilr estimated total of shipped dres-e.1 piul try and .'J.T per cent of shipped eg-.-. The same four Handled IM pet cent 1 if all factory made cheese in Klls the report sa.vs. and adds. "That tho big five 1110 m n nn-inon to control Tt to Ml p.-r t.'in .if the 1 cheese of the state 1 Wisconsin 1 1- - e, crallv conceded " Libby, McNeill & Liubv. a Swift concern, alone handled 10 I tier ."lit of all evaporated and condensed milk tn 1018, according to the report Cereal Profit 200 Per Cent ThrArmour drain Companv a fin-ioi in the cereal acrt breakf.ist food husi ifss, reportr.l surplus unrlniiled profiU for the year l!)l of ..-. -iLMi.s, atter rtcdiicting 7S per .out dn idond on capital stock the report satI adding 'The year . net enruing- amounted tn ' 52,f)08,f)ll'. or 'On per cent on the capital stock and O" poi . etit on the pet worth of the companv . including . upitul purplus and undivided profit- a- ao nounced at the close f the u-, ai year 1910 ' ( Production of anl rtun pound- and Substitutes by the five packer' during the first six months of lill" was place. at 40.4 per cent of (he total, and olon juargarine at Til per cent Complete figures to show th packet interest in canned foods, such n- fruit nnd fish, were not uvailable, the report days, but thebusiness of the "Hi-; no was Bhowu to be large and grow-tug 'Xhe Libby Companv s raiim.l fon.l -ale-Hlone showed 0 '-."i per .out tm reuse m 191S over lflir, Libby sales of canned ealmon increased from I c, pet ,ent of the world pack 111 101.1 to ti 7 prr .cut in. 1018, the report suows. So complete has heroine the control. Especially by Libbv. McNeill .1 Libhv. jver the pineapple supplv. the report t-eads, "that one of the laigost whole Mle grocers in the fountrv wus unable in the summer of 101S to scrtirS anv (upply whatever -' ', Big FIvo Dividing l'leltl There is biiCfirlent f vidonce, ithe re Jiort ccntinues. that tiie "big live" are dividing the field among themselves "If Armour's grocer.v specialties are concentrated along such Hues as rice cereals, certain kluds of canoed goods and cheese, and each of the other of the five great packers concentrates his spe rialties aloug a few well -chosen linos. the profitable fields become pretty well rovercd and prettv well ruled bv the five." The report declares the meat packers 'aro large bpeculntors," and that their Control of capital and credit enables them to buy in such a waj ah to resell "upon a market iu which their pur chases have forced up the price." It also asserts that the packers "have extraordinary nu.viug au.t marketing :.... . power, due to certain aduiiitages, per- jiaps not uiwuys uniawiui. ttiit certumi.v often' unjustifiable." Among these advantages are enumer ated packer coutrol of 14. S jier cent bf nil cold storage facilities, their lefrig erator car service, the "highly fuvnrahle routes" obtained In the pa. kors for mixed carloads of fresh moats and pack ing house products permitting them to jnclude a great variety of goods foreign to their slaughtering business with re- .1 iml reinh to pi .ire ti 1 1 llnitt ll anv on g in. I t.. 111' READING BOOSTS LIGGETT Wants Native Son Elevated to Rnnk of Fuji General Beading. P.... Oct. 10. A movement to soculie advaucemcut in the military service of Lieutenant-fieiioial Hunter Liggett, native of Heading, was begun bv the board of dirctnrs of Ihe Head ing Chamber nt Commerce last evening. In siipp.ut of this position letters wore sent tn Senators Penrose and Knox, and Congressman Dewiilt. urging that tlon oral Liggoil be advanced to the lull grade of general in the porninucnl tnili tarv nrgiinialion If the proposed advancement of (!en oral Liggolt should be incompatible with the policy of the inilitai.v anlliorilics which lotl in the appointment of (iou er.il Pershing to his itrcsonl perinaiieul l.ink. Ihe Chambci urged that (ietieral Liggett be kept nt his present lauk nf Lioutenanl-tieneiiil t)icriii.ilienllv It is understood that Ins present rank is oitlj a war lime grade. At liresenl (iencial l.tggoli 1- tho romiiianding gonoiiil of the llep'it imenl 1 nf the csi with headqiiaii.i- .n 'hn Presidio nt San r'innci-on The only piano that brings no regrets JuiIrp pianos as you may, Steinway will alaa plant! out. dear-cut, first of all. Purity of Tor The sjhery purity of a perfect human voice, without limit to control or necessary volume, is an exclusive Steinway qualit. Perfection of Construction Each Steinway developed under the eyes of eight membors of the Steinway famil. perfection in every detail jealous pride of name fixed in every part. Case Design Tho very elegance of simplicity ; the finish of a jewel, .ludge then by the dealer every Steinway is sold from a real piano store representing the highest ideals of the trade. Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph Supreme in flawless re productions; convenience of unchanging diamond point ; elegance of cas ing; greatest variety nf artistic records. tm rife Stein-pJa Duo-Art Pianos Sterling Pianos Sterling Player Pianos N. Stetson I Co?1 Itil CHESTNUT ST. Only Philadelphia. Representative Of Steinway & Sons riHniiri.us I'lHITOI'I.XII PHOTO PIAYS THRU COMPANY r OFlMERICA All,-,-,,!,.... l-Hl. Murrls . l'Dnryuuk Av. rtinaniura v Daiunt j.iiveb.uus&u. rJAiir r. w ili.iams in tin; vvdli The following; theatres obtain their pictuies through the STANLEY Company of Amor ica, which is a guarantees of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through tho Stanley Company of America. 1 IQI7DTV UltOAlJ fc COLCMHIA AV. l-,lDU,r. 1 I MATINi:C IJAII.V run ai.tci: .lUM'L WlNl'IIK-STMl WOMAN APOLLO wv & "SMS him mix he v 1i.1u.nM:- LOCUST r.sn -:-'i iadimim Mats 1 .10 1 'Ml l.'vei llli.1.11.. liLt.lsf. 111 TJli; MIM.RAIJtNCi WllliiW pi r. 1 i 1) ;,ii In ARCADIA C'llUSTNl'T Hlnw trll 'lOJHHItr W AFl 1' K IN MC.ZHI tl V ' BELMONT .VJU A ll' IV IJ MAHKUT I'ANNtr. WARD In ' OMMON TLA 1 BLUEBIRD DKOAD SlUEEr ANU SfSQUCHANNA AVE. rtitaiit imt.Mi:s HE UTllLlt MAN M ITE'1 BROADWAY ",d Tl biuem: 1) nmr.N in Tin; pEiin:rT i.ovr.rt" r A DITPlI "" MAUKUT STREET LA" 1 I sJL. 10 A M to 11:15 P. M. MRS HAULER CHAT'I.IN In "FORI1IDDE.N ' THEATRES Owntd atlfl ifanasd by Membfri ut The Vnltrd Kihlhttori)' Aioorliiilou sst nmi AI Ctn i. Maplewooa Av. CULUrNlAL. 21.-, unit 8:15 I'. M. nonKrtT WARWH i m 'TOLD IN the hills CIlDDirCls3 MAIN ST, MANAYUNK WILLIAM TARM.M In LOME-STAR HANdER" FAlRMOUNT: BROAD ST. AUDITORIUM ,K,i , Mth 4 nlllAItU AV. MATINEE DAILY ROBERT WARWICK In TOLD IN Tilt; llll.l.M' 1'AN.NIE WARD In "TUB I'ltOH'IEERf" ' r-A ftIll V THi:A1RK- LIU Market St. rAlVlll-.I A M tn Mldnllht. .V CEDAR ORA i-AIlKW ' LOO I O0TH & CUUAJt AVENUE SESSLE IfAYAKAVVA In THE .VAN HENEArH" n-U CT THEA'IRE Below Sprtlc. 3D 1 rl O I MATIVKI3 DAILY 'THE ONE WOMAN" THE OHEAT OAMI1LE" 333 MARKET SVWlUVt'S , MARY PIl-KrORD In "DADDY LO.NO 1 EiT- MODEL "" ' rontlnnniia On lm..lra. 1 to 11. MADELA1NE TRAVERbL nt "THE M'LENDID SIN NIXON 55D AND MARKET 51 f 2-l'i 7 ami n HERRERT RAWLIV.SON n "THE CARTER CASE OVERBROOK 0M &', MADELAINE TRAVTRSR "WHEN I'ATK DECIDES mew Dally r-M-.r-vI-' 10 A M to 11.15 u M "BROKEN 11LOSSOMS PRINCEsSSI0R,fnnMAA1'i,!2'1sIT1Pu DIXIE-LEE in """ "WHERE BONDS ARE LOOSED REGENT "ct t ,,., 1TrlI VIVIAN MARTIN j loil'-. "HIS OI'TICIAl. I'lASi II D 1 A I TO OKHMANTOWN A E K1M-. IU AT TI'I I'EIIOI'KLN bt OLIVE THOMAS In UTl "UPSTAIRS AND DOWN' D 101 I r,'-'D ANU SANSOM STS ir.nuciii linn l.l.N.s.1-,- , "A DANOEROLS AFFAIR' DAILY --l IC171 IN1 MARKET BETWEEN I WLilOCvJlVl OHTH AND (JUTJI , KINO W V IDOR I'l.AY TUB OTHER 1IAI.I-" , RUBY MARKET ST HELOW 7T1I 10 A M tn 11,15 v ALL-STAR I AST In ' CHOOSING A WIFE ' .EUREKA FRANKLIN TnSJlg i FRANK MAH1 in I "LITTLE BROTHER OF THE RICH 40-ni W'V"4"" nRp at NORTHERN 'W.1;"' JVS.fk,l,M,'!T' '" " JACK PICKFORD 'in ' '' 'OH BOl "RILL Al'PERSON'S HOY ' FRANKFORD ,s Ai;!iAvNuKiJ,UI,D ! CHARLES RAY tn , "TIIE KUO-CRATE WALLOP I. JEFFERSON" Riyi ...,.,, y, .,,.-. i" VTltt . . IAH II I Alllll III ," TI1H ACE OF TUB SADDLE" njAW? RIlKJli V-L" f. DAt'I'IlIK ST ,' r,Arft. Jlut ' ir,, Kvw H3 tq It, k 1A' WIS VUlJIJIJHIl K III -) ' iiiii l'B'is siv uo,uuxu n wi" lAIDCDI AI n0T A WALNUT STS. IMrt-rvlAL, Mt a.so evsi 70. BEATRIX MICHELENA In ' THE PRICE A WOMAN MUST IY" SlITir AND UAVPH1N t II initDH FRONT ST OIRARD AVE. STW. JIAT DAILY jumuu Jumbo Junction on KranViford "L" t '' .'II ATfT.KSl I1AV In "IIAYFOOT STRAWKOOT" I rTAnCR 1ST IANCA8TER AVE. LCVLCrV MATINEE DAILY IAK Mt RHAY in "TWIN PAWNS" AllUVUvLU In "tUv-'K JtrAaB" CArV 12" MARKET STREET J-. V 8 A M TO MIDNIUHT EVELYN OREELEY n"uiyJUT t "THE OAKDALE AFFAIR'' STANLEY J'AHIjnT ABOVE 1UTII 3 1 -l"til.l-i I 11 1. A M loll lis I'M JIIRIAM COOPER ,4,,,1-M' "EVANGELINE" STR AND af'MANTowN ave, Oirvrvnu AT VENANGO MARGUERITE CLARK t n""At, "WIDOW BY PROXY" VICTORIA MARKET, AB DTH DOROTHY PHILLIPU .' "THE- RIGHT TO HAPPINESS" yEST ALLEGHENY S&s- v "WITNESS slR TUB WEFKN4E" w. E, are trying to run a factory so nearly ideal that always more people will want to work in it than we can hire. We are trying to build an auto mobile so nearly perfect that always more people will want to buy it than we can supply. R. H. Collins. OlHCL OF THE PlJLMPLM. CADILLAC MolOK CAR COMPANY How Much Profit Do You Pay Us? The United States Department of Agriculture informs us that you as an average American Citizen, eat about one hundred and eighty-two pounds of meat (181.83 lbs.) in a year. Based on these figures, if you had purchased all of your meat foods from us, Swift & Company would have profited to the extent of 48Vfe cents during the first eight months of our present fiscal year. In that eight months we averaged to make two fifths of a cent on each pound of meat and all other products sold. This profit you paid us equals or just about one street car fare. 6 cents a month- More than 30,000 shareholders looking to us as trustees of their invested money, had to be paid a reasonable return out of your 6 cents a month. Volume alone made this possible. Now figure for yourself how Government inter ference in the operations of the packing business is going to reduce your meat bill! Let us send you a Swift "DoUar. It wUl interest you. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, HI. Swift & Company, U. S. A. mmmmmmmmB.96 at I JPraSi Z.04Gmta. Seven Wholesale Distributing Markets Central Office, 9th and Girard Ave. F. M. Hall, District Manager THIS SHOWS WHAT BECOMES 0F THE AVERAGE DOLLAR RECEIVED BY SWIFT & COMPANY FROM THE SUE Of MUX ANDCTPMOUCTS ItCCNTt It PAID rot TM( UVI ANIMAL It.M CtNTS P0II LABOR CXP(Mt AND rttlt HT X.O C(WT HCMAINt WITH USWH4 COMPANY At MONT II jdvr.'n.' ,&&&Wfi$&3&?JF fill AteWf famous mr & ex EI DDOTITirTfl L r ICIIiJUL IU IfeSfSlfeiv' Ju.rita.no enjoyment t5EJ HI that's in a good ttyi I cigar depends as 'l-il-ff. much on the way it's MtMJvM made as on the qual- iil ity of its tobacco. II ' When you smoke El Producto, you'll appreciate how careful workmanship and skilled blending will improve even the finest Havana filler and sclectcil shadc'grown wrapper. The nine snapes ol Ll yk:MPm Producto ate the result ol SMw? ffiMb eaicful study of smokers' J-Vtfwmr tastes. They range in ''MbMF price fioin ten to tvvcnty $. $$MmB fivc ccn-' S?SSrl MMmfl 2 for M &ccOoritct G.H.E Cigar Co? Wtakers, PKila Plwr J x "Mild HaOana Siller Shade SrovOn Js)rapper V r. 7i p