T"r V- EVENING PUBLIC XEIGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1.5, 1J011) 3 FAMOUS AVIATOR AND WIFE Hifvar" WILL APPEAL P, R T. K : E is-siE !.J :as ngBB :t- II ID tSHKhu i&nzrt ;:a n in w mxw, Vi JAP1 1 LINER 1 MOTHERS TO PLEADN FOR BOY'S RETURN' Every Hainmonton Family to Sign Appeal Asking for the . Giving Up of Billy Dansey 1 EXCHANG 1 B' mam: .V. V "Turner forConcrete" In 17 years Turner lias built- for 59 different in dustries Food and allied products; Oils, drugs and chemicals; Automobiles and accessories; Textiles: Electrical; Metal; Paper; Leather; Rubber; To bacco; Docks and terminals; Musical. a total of 725 contracts for 275 concerns. TURNER Construction. Co 113 ntiom Mrrrt WBEBSOU II! HimUUMUJWiJLXBiL GRUENBERG SEES HOPE FOR SQHOOLS SURVEY "If We Live Long Enough," Adds Municipal Research Bu reau Director Tersely xl "If we live Ions ciioiikIi f mn money appropriated In the Hoard of Education and v. oik stalled on a t liool ! survey."' ! This stutcmeut win made toejn.x liy I Frederick I (Sruonberg. director of thct Hurcauof Municipal Uescnicii. in dis cussing a 'resolution presented before the board yesterday for nn npprnpiin tion of S'jri.OOrf for the carrying out oil t)ie school survey liy a special com mittee with which the pioject lias rested for many months. -''If the hoard acluillx does apiuo prlalr the money ami start the work ltwill be line." Mr. (iliienbei-g said in calling attention to the fict Hint the resolution offeied jcstciernj was- im mediately referred to the finance loin mittee. "We can only hope Hint it will so throush promptly , hut in view of the past lecord of tin- bo.uil for sjieotl wp do not expect it overnight. "The fact thai the leso'utioii was presented shows that the Intel est of citizens in the Mitiej is justified. The Bureau of Municipal Rrsenicb luis been denmmliiiK the iiirvej for two years and the board has been hostile, with the exception of one or two members." The if solution was presented yes terday by .losepli W. Catharine. ARRESTED AS AUTO BANDIT Prisoner Believed to Have Driveni Car In Jewelry Store Hold-Up . A man the police say innj have diiven the automobile used b.v the bandits who held lin and robbed the Icwelrv store nt Fifteenth and Wn'uut sticets on Salur- 'risy is umlcr flrrrst, Tlie man vns taken into custody hist night in n lioiv-e in Olrard avenue near Twelfth street lie Austin, NirhnlR Co., B'kljn, Cos OUterl, rcMfcrt I i Joseph A. Caset, Uwcntj -nine years Old. . The ariest was made bv Detectives J.ecka and Weymuller. of the Figlith nnd JetTcison streets station, nnd De tectives Clrrkc and Mnlone, of Central Station, The detectives say they found n revolver In his nossesslon nnd another weapon in his 100111. 'mobile- nice over the continent, he con- Tliis is the third ariest in the hold-,' tl'"l,,,(''1' , up. Two men were apprehended at! ,l"' distinguished young visitcy is to outcciuii iiuu . in"t 11 11 1 ihth iiiiuir- diately nfter the linUl-up. Acting Cap-1111 tain of Detectives AVood icceived a com- munication fiom Toledo. (-, todnv,!",' which showed Hint one of the prison-!' ers, who gave tne nnnu nt King, hail been indicted theic on u cbnrge- of bur ' plary ind that he served five months in Buffalo. N Y ..for manslaughter. The-i report also stated that he had been ar-1 rested in P.iiffa'o for larceny, lie is ! known there ns Prank Colton. I WOMEN INSPECT CITY HOME Advisory Council Visits Byberry In stitution With Doctor Krusen Director Krusen. of the Department of. Health and Charities, conducted the members of tin- Y omen's Advisor Council of the tlepaitment tluough the city home for the insane and feeble minded nt Uj berry this afternoon. The council members inspected the fnrioiiH xvnrds and buildings with the Idea of making ifcominenclallons lor the greater convenience nnd health of the Inmates. Philip II. Johnson, the aichi tect xvho designed the buildings, accom panied the visitors. Among those who left City Hall at noon with the director xveie Mrs. John & O.'Groome, the CountcRs Snnta Eulalin, Mrs. Thomas Potter, Jr., Mrs. Thomas Robins, Mrs. Charles S. Starr, Mrs. S. Lcxvts Zieglcr, Miss Kltyinor Baker and Dr. Laura Cornell, POSTMEN'S HATS GO UP 80 Does Dander of Purchasers When S $1 Is Added to Price The high cost of delivering mail xvas felt by the postmen who bought new hats this 3 ear. The same helmets that weie btfflghl last year for $Lf5 cost $2.75 this year. Tostmen felt the blow and registered complaint that if the government wanted to stop profiteering, a good place to 'begin would be on postme-i's hats. "The pejslofficc doesn't -Set the price on hats or for any pait of the uniform the' men wear," said John 1. Lister. Assistant postmaster, today. "Hats, , uet like everything else, have gone up. Last year you paid ?G or $7 for a pair of shoes and this year ,xnu pay $0. All . that the postoffice does Is to ask for bids on hats, appoint a time when the bids will be onened, and then select thp Jojvest bidder." Shipyard Tax 'Protest Heard The appeal of the United States ship win boaid and the Nexv York Shin- building Corporation against the tax J...... a...... iaij 1... r-iA..AACtn -.', I 00 the shipyard in tho upper end of nnamniuruL il. 111 i vj.uuiidli. wi... Gloucester was Heard uv the iNew .ler jej state board of taxation in the Cam den courthouse today. Charles W. Lttgus represented Gloucester City, By mutual agreement evidence presented - in' tho same case beforo the Camden mqunty board xvas used. Decision xvaa reserved. es . . ... ...' .VnilMfi MAN s? ' , Avrwtivj irt.ru it mf lo con with JkrtVr op worn rlltl concern nher xvuiurttay. tducatlon nnd eiDerlfnc cn 4? appUtl q rood a tn an la st. Ktcelltnt SEA FLIER SAYS Sir Arthur Whitton Brown, Here, Tells of Giant Dirigibles Building in England TO Cr.OSS OCEAN IN A DAY Immense timeatlantic air Unci? llnee times as Ions ns (lie blRRCst tc.iniships now nllont, will be voyaging I bctxxcen America nml Europe soon, nr 1 cm ding to Sir Arthur Wliitten llroxxn. ! Ilrvt navigator to croi the Atlantk' 1 oe.enn in nit nonstop airplane llight, , The young ninn. who x)as knlghtrrt for hi great nehicvement. n in this city , loihij bunging with liltn nn nir of rn manic nml n viion of still gi eater "e coinplishme'iit in the conquest of the air. Sir Aithur levenleii tlint there me i now building in Ihiglnnd two dirigible I 100 feet long, ninety-foot beam ami with n gas capacity of a. ".00.000 cubic J feet. , I tn t creator even limn those two nir I sliipo will he giant dirigibles with n I irns online tv of m.iiiHi.iiiiu Clinic icci nml n n approximate length of J'.OOO fnnt nn.iill ,,tn.fu IV lllflt uill lntlft 1M l - srngert. in London on tlie same day they I1 iraxo New York, Kvcn now, he said, shcels are being built to house the projected leviathans of the air. Their operation in regular transatlantic service is only a matter of a few years at mot, he predicted. Crossed Se.i in Klfteen Hours Sir Arthur lirowii. who is heie with Iiis wife, flew across the ocean .lime It with Captain Alcnok. w ha also was, knighted, llroxxn was tinvlgJBur. Aleoek I pilot on the Mstoilc lliglit wlucli enn mi""iJ fifteen hours and liffy -seven min utcs from the const of Newfoundland to the coast of Iiclaud. , Aerinl traffic, the modern knight of the clouds predicted, will knit closer the bonds between the two crent Knz- iisli-speakiug peoples. Within. si to ten generations, he said, Knglish will he the lnnguage of the entire tlvil ized woild. It is imperative. Sir Arthur on- tinned, that America nml tlreat Itritnin retain- control of the nlr lanes over the Atlantic ocenri. (icrmnny, be snid. must be given no chance lo become an aerinl power, but should be rcstiiitcd to navigation within her own borders. Ibigland. the air vojnger lontimied. is now far ahead of all other nations in i the construction of airships and pious It, IIIIIUIUIIU llt'l M'lUl. The fiist icgular in'-enRer (light fioni New A'oik to London, he nssertcd. will be in an nirship of the rigid type, similar' to the Il-.'!4. hut larger. Tin- R-.'M is (Kit) feet long and has n levcntj foot beam. Her gas capacity is L'.OOO.OOO cubic feet. Must Prepare Iinding Places I In view of the rapid strides being made in Kiiglaml in airship construc tion. Sir Arthur declared, it will be ucce-sar.v for this country to pit-pure nt least eight landing places for the tiaii'iatlautii- liners. The- pioblem of bundling tin- siiiut ships nt anchorage has been solved, be asserted, formerly it required 00(1 men to hold down a big dirigible. Now the task is accomplished by six men. Tlie problem was solved b.v electing umsts with gieal icsistiug powers. The nose of the niieraft is fastened to the mast and, except in luminal" stoinis, tlie air liner rides at ease. When storms of gieat magnitude roll over the landing places, the liner is cut loose and allowed to tide out the tempest. Sir Arthur, who holds a commission as lieutenant in the llritish foices. be lives dying is safe. The number of lives lost in the present transcontinental tliglit, he ndded, Is no criterion. The inline number would be Inst in uu auto- 1 ; ; ---- .-..."...... ...n.. "", Academy of .Music. His lectin ej ' under the auspices of the Aero Club I'e-niis.vivaiiia unci the LuJtlneer "lb. ..-,..,.., imn-r 1.111 FIREMAN HURT AGAIN , . . ... ,. . Just Out of Hospital, Falls From Ladder Through Skylight A fireman, just letuined to duty after several months in the hospital fiom injuries received at n bln.e, was hurt again, today. 'He is George Wei't. n laddermnu of Truck Comnnny Xo. '. lie fell fifteen feet tluough n skylight in the ical of 4"."! Lombard street. Weist's head was badly lacerated and he. may have internal injuries. He is in the Pennsylvania Hospital. The fire today was in the basement of (he icstaurant at the Lombard street adclres. (ronductcd by Philip CJinsburg. Weist, with several companions, climbed n ladder to the second floor nnci entered n 100m. They made their wax to the rear, ami Weist stepped out oil a shed. Ills weight broke n skylight and tlie fireman dropped to the kitchen ou the first floor, falling among other fire fighters xvho xvcre turning a stream into the basement. Germantown for Transit Loop The Germantown Business Men's Association has indorsed the proposal of fhe-P. R. T. to lay tracks on Gorgas lane and Musgrnvc street to permit establishment of a loop into the Pelham barn. This xvould enable the companv to use the green side-door trollevs iii nlace of the antiquated yellow- cars now in use, made necessary because there is now only one entrance into the barn. p0$ Jeweler Silversmiths Stationers Iridescent Vases t Covered Don Bon Dishes . Jo Jars Compotes tvt'tfj Sacrustatfons of Gold 3arcZar& EkceplionaUj' beautiful gifts. ' i i'HBBL ,v ,jBmgmm?mBammmKnL- hlr Artlmr U'hiltcn Itruvvii, who Is shown In the photograph with Lady lirovin, and who was the first navigator to make .1 non-stop trans atlantic flight, arrhed here today from New otk Ilc and Lady ISrown were (be guests of honor at the luncheon of the Rotary Club at the Belle uicStratford. Tomorrow night the avi.ifor will tell the story of bis flight from Newfoundland to Clifden, Ireland, at the Arademy of Music, luulng been Intltcil'licre by the ICnglneers" Club of Philadelphia and the Aero Club of Pennsylvania . lT?rr'VT?T U A & V TO FEATURE FOOD FAIR Begins icxt Tuesday at Armory liulor Direction of Retail Grocers Mrs. Wilson. Evening Public Ledger Culinary Expert, to Demonstrate Infant Food -j-.j MAY be fairly easy to pick out aj pietlv linbv or a fat babv. but what in the world is a "better baby"? There will be ten dniH of contests to decide the big pioblem. Kvery sectiqn of the city bus nt least several better babies." nnd jou never can tell how miiny classes. 'lincf-' mmo ,..,11 nnnnnp ,, ijnnii -... '...,.. ...v. ... the puzes oneied b.v the "1 ood fair. " . , ' .... . i clilapulateil aiitoniobilA. One of the men , sition nt Slelghtoii I nuns. DailUigtuu. To Start Service Work Toniaht The ,-.ite.sts xvill stait next Tuesday I Hidaj Oct.ibe- "Jl. t.eiiniiiitovvii as ..Udently pleuding with the box-I Pa. ' baniiuet lonicht will onen the e,-r and will be held every afternoon nt the , Day (iii.-lt.dmg Oak Lane. issalnckou. I , ,clliaill hl , ,.,.. " M t,. ti -, , Mhi UWau ,.t.tlil ,,, lm s tl.. ictvb0a" ,' -nivcrsitv SetUemo; First Regiment Armory 0iiit October , Roxboiongh. Mana.xunk and '1 i.jga. did not attach any importance to t,ir ' meily supervising nurse in the Woman's r0Use, rL tv-vi" 1, fd Jmbar, 51. under the direction of the Retail Satuid.i.v. , tober LT.. Central Phi a- actio... but .later, ou seeing a picture i Hospital of Phil.idepu , who s r"Hs Sp e,Lrs inch de wirclen Grocers Association. delphia Day (inclining north of Mai ket of the- missing child. I concluded that served as bead nu.se in the hospitals at McKentv of Tt e Last "n Peiiitentiarv- 'llnee prles are offeied to the babies stre-el nnd sou h of lie avenue). he might be the one 1 saw with the Luziincv and ltieriincouit - ii.,i,V, r ' si ; .,.. ,, ... :.. I ? -y: fiom six months to a year old. three to Monday.. October 7. West Philadcl- men." All of tl'xxomen were dec ornte.l bv J w.l m , . 'i ?f 19Lant1 l,s ru;t those fiom one year to two years and phla Day (north of Market street). Judge W. 1). Poller, of the state th 1' !e n cl. ( ox crnment xxith the I .. . ' ,"",I.I)'' C.ar , Ke ':' additional prizes will be otTeied ,euch Tuesdav. October 'JS. Noithxxest Phil- Supieme Co.ut. has taken a hand it. Medalllcdc Re. onimi ",,.,,. , ,,1 w ere .T!"! '' l"Cn,l"M "f U'C l "' da.x to the best set of txvius in both nilelnhlii D.iv I west of Broad nnd north the investicntion. .Tnilci- Pmter liclievi-s t,,ml. nlti..u ..f ei... ii.ii..' , r xeisu.x iiicunj. ... -.. ..... -I ...I. ui',.,... ... v....... Tl..... ,1... I .' ..rwn...j, .11... (.11, .1 II, f, 111 .1 The judging will start every after- , Wednesday. October '-!!. AVest Plula 110011 nt '2 :?0. nnd Mrs. M. A. Wilson, delphia Dav (south of Market street), food expert of the Kxt.mno Pt'iu.ic1 Thursday. October HO. Camden, Darby LnoiiKti. will give a daily talk on tin- and Lansdowne Dav proper feeding of the baby and will Fridav. October JR. Xoith Philuclel cleninnstrate the picparatiqn of infant 1 pliia Dav (noith of Ihie avenue, includ f""ds. ' 1 nK Olney and Logan) U. S. PORK SALES BEGIN Loins Offered at 28 Cents and Bacon I at 25 Cents, at Bell Stores Aiiny" bacon at twenty-five cents ai pound nnd. poik loins nt twenty -eight cents n pound xxere placed on sale at the Fred P. Hell stores today. Sixty thousand pounds of pork have been provided. The Schuylkill Arsenal Government sioie nas ejpeueii unuer I Captain Robert 'Poland. direction of Everything that xvas listed on the recently pub 1 lished mail-order list fiom the office of Major Chailes V. Jones, district sup I ply officer, is available at the Sehujl kill Arsenal, xxith the possible excep tion of cherries, sajs Captain 'Poland. I lie arsenal store xvill be open ever.v Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10 a. 111. to ,'1:.10 p. m., for the. pub lic, and from 4 to 0 p. m., for .the government employes of the arsenal. Arrangements were made by Cap tam loiaml lor opening auothei branch siurc en i ui ly -uiiii sircei unci i.ancas- ter avenue. Hales will begin ns sqon , as the cai-pcutcrs can put the building I into shnpe. The store at Sixteenth I nnd Arch sticets is selling only corn, ' pras and tomatoes until the stock is ' exhausted and then other items xxill be available. TO CORPORATION MANAGEMENTS J1V LAST JOB WAS WITH THE AMERICAN PEACE COMMISSION. I now want a position In or near Philadelphia. I un locate easily enouvjli elsewhere. I. have been trained In large business and In dealing with blir men and things. My forte Is executive work, though not necessarily at a mahogany desk. I have exceptional references not social ones, either. I am thirty, technically educated, and experienced In the mill, sales and directional ends of manufacturing. I believe you can use me. .1. T., V, O. Box 105. Plilla. ANIG&Binn. 10 mATT&QTQ As nuangrd to (over eveiy section o the cit. the schedule of contests is: I Tuesday. October '21. South Phila . dclnliia llav ( all south of Market). I Wcilnesilnv O. tober '2'2. Krnnkfurd , ,,m Kensing'tou Uav ,... n ....,.' !,.. ,,.,..... . it , Uaglc of Market stieetl HOLD EXPLORER AS SLAYER Or. Cook's Former Photographer Ar- rested Following Wife's Drowning Seattle, Wash,, Oct. Ifi. Walter P. Miller, former deput sheriff nnd official photographer for the- Dr.. Frederick Cook expedition to Mount McKinley ill IllOli. xxas held hen- in connection xvith the death of his xvife. Mrs. Miller xx-as drowned Monday while crossing Lake Washington to a 1 sanatorium to prove or disprove Miller's I accusation that his wife was a dnic uiiiiii 1. .-iir ,.-. .v niiiiin ,,,- wi Mayjnr George Raker, of Portland, Officials ai tested Miller after they found blood stnins 011 the launch iu which the.v weie ciossing the lake. The woman's body has not been recovered. Hospital Fund Drive Ends Tonight The campaign to raise Sl.000.000 for the Fuiversitj Hospital xvill close tonight with a dinner at 7 o'clock in the liellevue-Stratforil. Reports to elate show that the woikers bax'e gituc QJC.t ftCC. lo,lnil 'IMlis- tntflt flnna nAl- iI1(.mP subset iption of .f1(),000 from Edward llok HALLAHAN A Couple of Dollars SAVED on a pair of shoes, (or anything else, for that matter) is just' that' much more money put away in the bank. Here's a Man's Shoe of tiptop xvorkmanship and ex. ccptional value. It's a pattern of correctness, and has rent leather soles and rent leather uppers. We're showing it in twenty distinct models; in black, brown, cordo tan and ma- hoRany. hng' lish, medium and conscr- v a t i v e styles are heroior t h e It's a H ALLAH AN Shoe and it's worth every penny of Ten'Doltars. We're selling it lor 919-21 MARKET STREET , COth and ChcstuufSts. 4028.30 Lancaster Ave. 2716-48 Germantown Ave! 5604-06 Germantown Ave. Branch 5lerc Open Every Evening I hi A It' 1 a ft l I fit' A Jr J 'T A w s As' " d i 'y $J.50 WILL BE PUBLISHED HERE ' I plea for the ictiirn of Hilly Ounsey to end the suffeiing of his heat t-broken inolber will be signed by every inother and father of llamnionlon. X. .1. It i believed that the bay was abducted The nlca will he published in the Philadelphia. New Yoik and Pitts buigli newspnpeis during tlie latter vmt of the week. The bov. who Is only two nnd a liaK vcars old. disappeared fiom his home in Itainmnnton last Wednesday a shoil time after he had been seen play ing in a nearby field. Plans to publish the plea were de , . ..t. , .. !..!. 1.. ........ ..1 ..........;..n..i IIJMI II I HI II I, III II,, If,, "... 1 I ,11 M 1.1111 II. II L icvidetits Heads or ever.v family agieeil to sign it ' It is believed that this may touch the heart of the men who are believed lo have spiiltcd the boy awiij. Mill) clues, which the police believe will expedite the seaich for the missing 1 hilil vveie brought to light. i Ctuo Leads to Itogs Chief of Police John P. V, !lnu and Delci live Xiisbniini made an extensive eimb and discovered footpiints ninch' bv two men and a boy which lid to the cranberry bogs about two and a half miles southeast of the Dan-ey home. The old red deserted house which was scotched (1 few days ngo nnd showed signs of linving been occupied b.v a child i only a quarter mile from the bogs. All trace of the men and bov disnp oeaied nt the bogs. Two other dues icgnriled ns iin poitnut nlso developed. Miss Hose daruner, ilnughtei of the llev. W. II. (Inrdner. snid fIic saw tin re lough -looking men in tin old nu tomnbile with n child who stiougij lesemblcd the missing boy. A leport wns nlso deceived from the police of Railway, N. .1., that n boy j-cvembling Hilly IJnnse.v got off a train in mat place scveial days ngo with a longli-looklng man. The boj . it is said, accompanied the man unwillingly. Chief of I'iJlicc John P Wilson ,f Ilaiiiinoiitcin. will' go to Itahwa.v to night to investigate the repori. f Tlie authorities nttach consideiable iiiiioitance to the clue furnished bv - 1 Miss viardner. as it tits in witli other uisioveiies brought o.ut 111 the nivesti- Ration up to the present time. "About the time the boy di-appear- cil." said Miss Cnidncr. "I saw llnee the boy xx-as liidnappec . i Judge Porter's home is in Pittsburgh, I tingill also rece-ixed the Mi-dniild d'Epi w here he is acciuainted xvith the fam-demie xxith nnlins foe- their unrl- In n -e if tJ. r ,,.... .. ily y oi iicicuies wnnsej. iainer oi tne issing boy. His secietarj . Miss Edna m Dansey, is the chilli's aunt. Judge Porter is at piesent sitting in Phila- ileipma. "The Dansey familv is nu honoied and resptcted o-ii." said Judge Por ter. "I have knoxxn them at least fifteen yeais, ; am sure theie is no foundation for tne theory that domestic troubles may 1 avi. hnd som-thing to do xvith the case. 1 knew tne family be fore tlie.x moved from Pittsburgh, "I cannot b'lieve the child mctely xxanilercd awny. On the contrary, tluoitgh leiented discussions with mem bcis of tl.c fuinil.v. I am inclined to the belief that he xvas carried nxvny." The mother of the missing boy hopes he is in tin hands of kidnappers be eaiisc that ixoulcl mean, she sobbed to dax , he is still alive. , Big Brothers in Reunion Tonight The Big Bi other Association will hold its liist iciinion sun e tlie xxar tonight at 8 o'clock at '.'."i South Van Pelt street. Several short talks by "broth ers" will feature the entertainment. Smokes and refreshments xxill be provided. REEDS " :: t HT-UHE SHOULDER 1 Q I rW Ik' 1 V77-Wff VI 1 RtiADY-TO-PUT-ON CUSTOM SERVICE WITH OUT THE ANNOYANCE OF A TRY-ON IACOB ' 14244426 CIhsfaeftSttireel 'Kfs. J? sTBH IWw t B HKiKik. , pi (cl l'reffs I iimir,, i.( s, , x MRS. K.MlLli; LKXOIR I.KIIMW She has just returned fiom over seas after liiuiug been twice dec orated by the French (loxeriimeiit for woih in the American Woman's Hospital in France GRANDMOTHER NURSE RETURNS WITH MEDALlr.:;;:; Mrs. Emilie Lenoir Lehman and Other Philadelphia Women Received 'Honors in France Mis. Kmilic Lenoir Lehman, of 20S South Forty-third street, who is ired ited witlr having been the first Ameri can grnudmother to become a war nurse in Prance, is hack fiom over seas with two dccoiatiotis fiom the French (lovernfnent. Mrs. Lehman is mio of tlnec Phila delphia women who have just letuined fiom active service m France. The others are : Miss Ada Tohitt. who was financial seeictar.v for tlie Ameinan Woman's I Hospital, sue lias returned lo her 110 I.uzuncx . Mis r.i-linuin I m;uc i . . . . .'-: " Helping to stamp out the epidemics of i typhoid in sexeinl cillnges. Prison for Woman Pickpocket Judge Miutiii in (Juavter Sessions Court today seute-uiecl Clara Rose to six months in the county piison after she hnd pleaded guiltv to attempting to pick the pocketbook of .Mrs. Maij Englc Smith, 1,1,11 Chancellor street C OME otherwise clever business men take sd much interest in their ad vertising that they do it themselves. HERBERT M. MORRIS Advertising Agency Every Phaie of Sales Promotion 400 Chestnut Street Philadelphia ' D E YE L O P E D I .V A CCOR 1) WITH THE FASHION- PARK METHOD OF HAND-TAILORING I V IN THE EXECUTION OF THIS IDEA, FIRST CONSIDERATION IF AS GIF EN TO THE DRAPE OF THE BACK AND CHEST. THE GARMENT HAS BEEN SO SKILLFULLY GAUGED AND PR OPOR T I Q N E D THAT IT SUCCESSFULLY TONES DOWN THE FIGURE AND HAS A TENDENCY TO ACCOM PLISH AN ERECT POSTURE. EEEDS Northwest Business Men's As sociation to Take Transfer Complaint to Supreme Court CHALLENGE SERVICE BOARD The Xoithvvp't Ilusiness Men's As$o ininin, whose complaint alleging tin nisi discrimination in the northwest district by the Itapld Tinnit Company in the matter of exchange tickets was dismissed by the Public Service Com mission, will appeal to the Supreme Com I fiom the decision. It wns contended b.v the association that despite lerouting of cais the northwest district had fewer transfer points n'lid more exchange junctions than nnj other section of the city. , In dismissing the complaint the com mission contended while it was true I hole were fever transfers nnd more cehnnges efTective in the northwest distilct in 1111! such was not now the case Chailes I, Pluck, president of the Northwest Itiisitress .Men's Association, said The commission's decision attempts in suv no discrimination exists. Pacts, however, are stubborn things, and the lints icmain that discrimination exists. "Tlie company testified that a sur vci, made in August of this year, showed that In northwest Philadelphia one out of every eight riders. V2 "-10 pei 1 cut. me now compelle.d to liuv ex change tickets, while Tbouins Mitten, piesidenl of the P. R. 'I'., stnted that 011 the entire system only 0 per cent. seventeen rideis. buy "Ihe discrimination has been in ci cased rather than adjusted bv the 101," rci outings'. "The decision cannot, therefore, be accepted ns final. Fnder the circum stances, nn appeal must be taken." Leo Ilelmont, counsel for the asso ciation, said the commission's opinion wns based 011 the wrong premises, tic contended that the northwest district did not benefit, hut. on tlie contrary. sulTeis through lerouting of the car lines. "After the lerouting," said Mr. RpI inoiit, "tlicic weie'seven fewer transfer points in the uciithwest while exchnnge points were increased." He also declared there were eight less dual points where exchanges nnd tiansfers may also be obtained since the rerouting. "While it may be true." he taid. "thut transfer fioints were increased in Philadelphia, then weiftnot increased in the noithwesl district." A perfect dinner demands wsv Salted Nuts, Favors, Bon Bons to Tiarmonize with the table decorations 115 Chestnut St. SONJ , T Look Before You Leap ! Q Solid chunk of wis dom in that. Our an cestors didknow some thing after all. J How can you lay out your money for Fall and Winter Clothes to the Best Ad vantage?. 5 Take a little time to think ; a little more time to investigate. .1 Jl You needn t rush off I in a hurry, to the place I you've been buying, and just take what they've got. $ That's very nice for ' a store, but mayn't be wise for you. I Don't buy even our Clothes until you've made sure that's the " best thing you can do. Perry & Co. "N. B. TV' 16th & Chestnut Sts. n,tf m. yuo:ii m j,firagfr .iirA ra; T V?J, t " c M i!