" , w sw "Hifysi Wft ' " ' f?liVi,',rt1 f-h 'Vf j -v.- 'U - Vf S3 'ppAwr i 'f-ftfli7,v .r 13 VEN Lft PVBL1C LElXpR- 1HILADELPH1A , WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, JLOID . K t lr i IC ii' if I-:- Ti SECOND BULLET By fDpjrlchl. 10IK. byHoberl M. McUrldo A l o TTrlsht, 10ll hv ire Public ledger THIS STAKTS TIII5 .SI'OHV A dinner party is brine lidl nt tlir hump of Colnni'l nntl Mr. t.reljniel 11 l nttemlcil 1 (heir ilniiRlitri. Ilcntrle-p; Itrr friend, Ilclie Cow Irs: Cornelius Svvnrtliiiint Wondle Hind dock nnd Mrs. llnrMiorne. Mi Hartshornc's pint history is ilothrd In mystery, Under the pretense of wvcrc henduehe she miiiIiIiuiIv lenes nfter n rlifenssion i elating In Zenn Prnll, the former president of a haul who vvns sent to prison for uiitvrriii of the bank's funds. A fen dins Inter following a danee at Mrs l.celvnul Nhe is found dead in her home llrad doek and Svxnrthmeirr. who hnd been ill loe witli her and weie rivals, nrr exonerated bv the authorities Hen Irifc Ledyaid also denies responMlnl ily for the rrinie. but ndntils Hint the woman was murdered in her mothei's liome nnd tlmt he hnd her senauls remove the IioiU in the middle of the night to tlie womnn's own home Svvnilhmnrr is ai rested by Ihe fedeinl authorities after KintessliiK to linvinR defrauded the j-nvprntnt'iil in Ihe unit nr of war reiiittin t I'.uil Itiirvr-v a detei'tiie takes a loom at Ihe bullae nf Mrs MeN.ib. 1'inll's foimer luin-r-keeper in Itiverlon, Ihe Imvn wheie Trail wreeked his hank lie bei nines siispieious of an llnli.in lurkinc mar (lie house nnd lonlinuis his iiivi'iti Rations llaivev follows Mr. MeJsiili to a lonrl.v houie in Ihe niRht .ifler reuderinc niuonsrious Ihe Italian, who had followed her Thcie lliirvev iltsrovern 1'rall wlio. nftrr adiniltiiiR that it was Mrs llartshorne vvlm eaused his ruin, but denjKic lesponsi lulttv for Ihe nmriler. dies llniey j onfers xvttlt Itinc Adare a inl serretarv, wlio has been assistinj; him in the ense, AND If KICK II' COMIM-H QHn told me of her shoek when he O appeared that niRht. bow frlsht fully he bad changed duuiiR his Impns onmrnl nnd how be-i onineed liere nf his innoccnte in eonneetion with Mrs. llartshorne s death. Kill she teali.ed that ho xxoulil hi accused and Hint nt any moment we might be on bis trail, that was win she dnied not risk keeping him in her own house The poor old creature is heartbroken now. but I think she is n bit relieved, too. thnl it is all over " "And we ve Rnt to begin once nioic!" The chief s smile hnd changed to a flown and lie smote the desk before hi in ' In all the nnnnls of the de pa! tment there has never been a case to enual this in pure eussednessl Who fired that "hot, am way? It's a cincli that it never came from the ballroom, Mrs Cowles was eaesJropping in one orner of the .on-.r-ixntorj , could some one cKe, unknown to her, hae been hiding in nnolhei , or do xou suppose he knows herself nnd i holding nut on jou?" 1'ati! shook his head "What nboiil the Kienrh nnid. Ma lihh?" She'- nut of rmrrse. tint I'm having liei lindnwed il,i.v and night and she knows it If slie tries to skip the town I'll have her inn in. but she doesn't -how nn -ign of stub intention." ' How is "be living, and where?" 'She seems to bae been a thrift v in c'lviilunl b'ls i drawing necouut of over live hundred dollars in one bank nnd n.ailv three thousand in the I'iist Na Iionnl She lias gone to board with a reamstrcss named Kbeis. at number i igbtj Inree, Clevelanil road, and sticks i lose to the ioue " The chief pivoted about in bis chair .is 1'aul rose. "Where nre you off to now?" "Home to get some sleep," Paul re r-ponilrd. "I shall stait for .ew York mi (lie noon train tomorrow. An iiislruetions, sir?" He added the last sljly nnd hi col league grovled : Insinuations' Surest thing vou know' Bring in the man who killed Mrs Hartshorn? ' Bright and eatlv the net morning, wlien Kose Adaie was prep.iung to Mail upon her dnilv lound of calls, the door bell rang and opening it herself -lie beheld Paul Ilarvev tnniling upoi the thresbold "Oh, it s jou'" Her salutation was luicf, but had il not been daik in the passageway the sudden deep Hush which mantled her cheeks would have been plainly visible "you're back, Mr. Ilarvex ', What Iiie'?" "The b'st and the worst," be said lightly as he held nut bis band. "Vou were awfully good to adopt my sug. gestion about the little Mullen girl. How is she getting along?" "That's the funny part of it; she'' doing splendidly:" Tlose led him into the little front parlor. "Of course, she's full of grntitifde to me now, be cause he thinks 1 saved her from jail, but she s really taking an interest. I'm having her taught manicuring nnd facial massage The creams and pastes and tonics are a lot mote fun than dut dishes. Ton can't blame Sadie for not liking that orl of work. She s get ting over her screen-struek notions, nnd I'll make a beauty expeit of her jet! She s in the kitchen now, putting up lip salve in jars. Do jou want to mp her'1 After all. il was vou who aved her from pajing for that one mistake anil T -T think .it was fine of von '" It was Paul's turn to llttli . but he turned her praise aside wilh :i laugh "Vou are (he one who is pnving for il ; I won't interrupt bei l.ihnis. but only hope she appreciates all wm are DOROTHY DARNITSinhad Was a Piker lo Pa s . tw&ziuu r. .n 1 jli!KiLUiWt--tI as-uiic w-w5'W.V - iiif'L'.'v ? --;. : r'. :-.i-;. e ilffl nv-KI KH 1 i saw vou:i n PATHEI-J WEARIN Moior medals; -S.')fiW t1 XX . rr-v mJ ,rtl , 1 . ' i i i r- '-ctx t I ( f r i r r r I wlr- l I t w U d V (C ' I ' ' -' Li . 1 111. l 111 n , nun. ." ' - ' I t 'Jr-H. (V'a H I l T r-' i ' . i M M -1 )" m j I if ( made many new ,1 i ' UjI ,. ' ' 1 . tVi.S) , I C 3 I I dS2fJCKy iSS I I I i i ' IS friends for the Adcl g I S 5- . S Cb V -Z 1 ' l I & I W m& , , ' Cg I' ' IB phia.-It isaxeryun- 1 J ' ' i ' " I ' ' r ' - ! SH&-J t?4 I if usunl Dinner-better, S 111 , U IS ' -, , I. jjff TT ii; f-"?? D IK by far, than yon f ouid !tflB I il Wmh - mm '- l?W ' ArxYV"S'i I get at home 'for, the ;il 1, W' 3. WA i '.--a fe. lS Ifel i I same price. Dancing I I k W eittCI W , w' T ?2S? "1 Sl akiV ' B U; and Vaudeville from ii If T v.'- 151, , I 77 OJC Lm-tnA,,ijs illltiliiiii Arju B - Ii. . ii... ii.iii.ii nmii i "'' i .i i n - t IJ i i i rf liMnwSH bbwbsbbmmi I t " . ,4.' " " J - - ' j,'l ' (A'Mtt " " '""' W '" I ".ro...-;Jt,. v L ., ., v .,,, .. ' v' .'.;.-, ,....(. ., '(.;,,?',, -'..,.: liiiiiiiiiii niiiiMinlt-iiirA in iiiflmm'i'rin-'-ftitm JA- ., -,- - -- tii' . , , ,. . .j..JtSfc...xJaj-,-nfA,.t :t qa. t...i ... l .iix,L.j.'.u- , .. .vi..v..i '':'"'" . '-... 'ha.,. .,..,- .. .V' ROBERT ORR CUIPPERFIELD doing for lifi It seems ns if I weie cnntiiiunlh nsl ing favors of you. Miss !.... -. ,,.. , t 1 fin In iiimi tltiin ttn til nnl "MJ!II1 I 1 shall be fnlih swauipid in inv indebted ness to jou : "Does Hint mean tint jou've got nmethlng moie for me?" she cried eag etlj. "The case isn't ended, then'' Vou haven't found the murderer?" In ii I shook bis head. ".Vol vet, I'm nfiald the motive lies fnt bark in the pat somewhere v ii i .. ... ,i...i t, t.r... .. - ..... i i i i.. i'... in. iti' ill nil 1 1' ill nun i in-ill ! I il il . . Ml, "111 IIIIIIIIS ,, llll- lllllll I III tllllllk , . ... .. .... .. .. i vou i ins. jiiss .Miate, iiccnijsc i no wiinl join help once nunc. I wish vou would Ii v verv hard In remember if Mis. Ilni Islim ne evei dropped n liinl as to ntij possible experience shciiiiight have had be'oie coiiiiiig heie: ninthlng vvliuli mlglil give us n starting point prior to last autumn when she dtnppcd fiont the i loiiils, so lo spenk." "I've been doing Hint evei since Hie minder," Hose dei lined "Iii7zlinc nis head, I menu, lo iccnll Ihe le.ist thing about her "Looking hack lion 1 can eo how cautious she wa, bill II stiuik me then ns uierelv well tired ictiience I've lain awnke nights Ihiiiking over even bil of lonveisalion I rim teiiieniber hnv inc with bei. and two or llnec little things have come bni k In me that vm ninv be able lo in ike something of. bin i Ihev're nvvfullv vague J 'Do jou lcmemher a mouth ot so n .. I.n.. . l.n ,. n. .. t.. II r 4 l.n llll IM'11 I III' HIM'S ,l'- jllll III I ,' spimg Moods of the livers in the Middle es ' I spoke of il when I was sorting her mail lit the tune, more to mnk lonversalion than auvthiiig else, nnd he neiiilv had a hi, she said she had hid n flight fill evpermiKc ns u ihlld and iiiillilu'l Ihuik of ii llnnil even now wilhoiil going ml n n panic I innuol i rr all lur end words, hut I under stood Ihev liinl lived on it fatm simp wheie on Hie btnk of a big liver which overflowed nni' mined evcivthing litwav She was swept off dovvnstieiini fnt 1 1 n cl.i ' Cltncitit lo Ihe looT nf ! chicken house before the vvircknge all got stuck in a jam and she was icscucd .tti i l ....... :....,. n.,c .i ...! tlnitnl In nol. mn.sl mite sin, shut nlilil.e ' lll'll I WtlitlJll.' IIIU-I t'Sll l ,11111 1 I' a clam, oui il jou wnnr io unci villi where she was raised jou had bettet look up Ihe big floods mound thirlv ve.irs ago ' "Thirlv'' Paul Interjected. "Mts Hattshorne could onlj Iiavc been a hnbv then, if she existed nl all'." linse smiled . . .. . . o . . "i saw in mo p.ipeis inai even tin- . . . . . 'I saw bv the p.ipeis Hint even the cm oner pur nor iiovvn as iicnig iiervveen , - - , tw'entv-the and tl.li I, bill I'd hate to life " n,c guess what a bri. i r g ... be hanging since she was that age'l P"k.cd tlie scrap of paper ' "' Mrs. Hartshorne's manicuiist told mo the coals xv.e.i the locp l. " ... once thai , her Hue of business she opened ,, Mrs. lrt;;l had leumod u lot of little infallible signs I thai was usuallv so ,,u,c I re ho I e .,, II..H give awav the'vems ns well as a up tn mP.nl)M. iiIp '"J ;';,,. b.tl,.,c,ol lould. and 1 learned from she was sj,ug. , " ' "! he, one wnv of telling how old a won. j wnres to the win ng mn ket -n m an is. h.tl jou mn't go wrotiR on. and P "- max ta lml tep b. j which even Ihe statistic cranks haven I choose, but stun nnven got hold of: Ihal is bv the number and whatever with xoii . ., .... ... .1...... , nnimni tlllll XI I S I depth of the little lines across uie mi- n... n. u,n,lt eieneeil Kv;i jo i iii in,., ,ii ' -,.', before twentj -five, bill after that thev seem (o ndd about one n J cur nnd (til in doepei all the time, I'm speaking, of (ouisc. of the wiiinin whose hands nrett'l strnilteil and ill .ixxn with toll Mis, Hartshoine wns nemer forty than tlinlx . if jou ask inc ! "What else ilid ion recall'" asked Paul, amused bv Ihe ingenuili of be. icasouing. ' That is a point well taken. Miss Adure, and I will look into it." "Well, mm be this is just foolishness on nu pait to attach auv importance to it, I mean but in IVliiiinrj a mitst cil comedy thnt Intel been liinning in -,! .. ... nf ., nni p. imp ilnv n hoi 0 V llldlKU isft i't" " J.'..v - -'" to the New Onietj. I Mont the open ing nigjit. Tlie next unj wiicn i wcni to attend to sonio social correspciuelence r.. Aira lTnrtslioitie. she nteiitionod a foi- Jlrs. iiaris.ioiiu-. .!- uii-niiuu,.. ",ng box- party tlto tJniloti had mvitod hoi ,',,., to for that oionitiK to sco Hie show ,.,)'.' ' The Jla.itiine .Maul it ivas caiieii. i lias surprised, boeause she neiir iient to a tlieatie 01 public plai o like ilt.it hut I told her Iioix Rood il n.i' Jitil hovi the ootnedinn hail kopl nie in stitehos of l.uishtet She senilPvl mill er epuet and Ihougbtfiil but I didn't think am thins about it until 1 xvent late that afternoon to Mi CaylorS on o i,i.i-i.v riill to send out some invita tions for a dinner, and she spoke of hnvinj; leceived a last-minute note nl regret for that evening's box: party finm Mr. Haitshorne, and how it hnd upset her arrangements I couldn't help xion iIpi'iiir if something I'd &anl hadn't made Mis. Hartshnrno eliange her mind about going '' "Ho you remember exadlv 11I111I xou did sax"'" I'aill leaned fomnril "I only described 'ihe show in a gen eral na.i and (old bet sunn, of ihe nciv cities n't the musical number"," Uose replied. "I don'l think I spoke of auv of the people in il except (lie fiintiv man SIlio listened hut site wasn't nut ieulailv inli'ieslecl until I biippenecl lo mention bis name, nnd I hen she seemed to come out of the (binds nnd asked me iiiiti slunplv lo tepeat il II wns iir aner inai n.' ric Ihoiisbtfii anil nusciii miuueii 1 .1011 1 think she luatd an.uher word 1 said " 'What mis this coinidiaii's linnie'V" . . . Pauls tone hac quicKem. 1. her bend '(.u see, it lias fiesh ,, mi niind then fi run temling it ill pioginni Ihe night hefoie. Inn I foignl VS r-lLSA CHAriPEEN I 11 VSS;1. jcc Lii: a 1 - A vi ut-'.iiiMO WUk'J. Kivir mac: S nr ..ac r-UAHCtx ki.'. 1 mxthim lrri-lPrtP AIMTflf l!..l UW- I (1riJ V B KmSIi iiiI.iW'iI innj I IiiilhRtrnil SffiCHAMPEEN J A--. GOOD f Sffl HE? six MILLS BY A T G REAT A,G,0UTS mr-nrmr-it btotoKatthe- "TART? 1 I ''"l! I W,W i . ii e-i r r- 1 n i raAt-N T.ir A 1 1 n ' j5SrX C 1 I cam AKir. 1 1 i ki nr rs fffUn "Tua-t- ta if. Yl IKlyjf?Sill1) .. T If, 1 Hi wmui ii-cx J""J"1-' V&.VJ-kcftttrr. -' S -'-"' r.j uu.-.e-i--. .,..v, , g s ( HJJB. ' V HE HAD UK Ii rjpg 1, ,, , rr.r, , ,,JCr '' OVER A R1VE.R A m teCTS? 1 ? "iiV J t? 3rri ID The $2 Dinner here- tt I 1 I 1 il i PiLaDr- . L'.-Lv I.... ... ....,- --v lii-Uili-)ii!- . S 3 1 Y T P .' r Ks 1 i r 1 BJ c -.til ... s lta III ',. ipibkh .lie played the pail of a bush league pitcher innsipiei ailing ns it ti ft,r.llul, 1.-.H.I I l. I....1 .lAn,tr,l1lt ,,,1,,,-w, ,,,,,i, null III" IIIIll ,11,11,1,,,',,' funtn legs; seems sillj. doesu I It, for me to luue fancied his inline meant aintlilng Id Mis. llmHmtiie?" "Vol "sillj," " Paul remonstrated i "Ileineniber, I want to know eier thing, no matter how trivial il veins "Well, Iheie is onlj one thing inni e -he announced nfter u pause "It hup pencil In l brum,, too. nbout the lnl( of the nionlh I had jusl linlsbed Mi" llnrtslininc's leltcis wlun .letun bioiighl a caul up to her. Il wns mil It filial., hut I m.iil.l L,,e iilnnili I lie llnrtsliniiu , , . btoiich look which i nine over liei fare I'lieu is some mistake, .leniiT.' she s.ml I don't know the gentlemni ' ' ".leuin went awa, bill she mine hnek in n minute or Iwo wilh anoihei caul, n business one I Ins lime wilh some willing scribbled on il U lieu she lead il Mis, l,u ishoiiie sal as -lill as if she had been carved out f stone for Ihe longest time, with hr r fan turned nwnv from me, while Imut wailed in the doorwai I'iiinllv she said she w until be down in a untune mid fnt ,lenn to show lli getilhmiiii iltlo the i crept Ion room "She sreined lo foigit nil nhiuit me being Iheie. nnd I diiln'l saj ntivllntig lo lemiiid her of nu piesence nflc r I 111 l IIIIIIM II' I 111 lilt JFI11IVM1'1 l ' I ,nMKit n Klimpso of her face She looked ,,0 m t);la, (, s iugh Ii t lighl jK ,omf weie up, and liei eves nisi Hashed She line Ihe f.ird lo picci s and film, ,1 ,,, lit,, i mtlu ,,, I lw, fi .it e tiling it on the nulls in Ihe gi.ite I Aisled liii him up in .1 kind slipped on u let gown mid sailed off clovviisinns I diiln'l heir n wend of Riielnig ami she shul the icieplioii nwuii doni .iflei her "I slooil wlific she h.td lefl nil until I saw on Hie ben lb rug n lul nf 111 it loin card she ii.nl inc.inl l hum ilti out lltitiking, I stopped nnd pnkul H lip In pul il in the hie when some winds on il caught inv eve llnncstlv Mr. llnrvcj. I hndu'l auv mlnilinii of tending them, thev nisi nniiped out at nit' sninehon II vv.is lh huvi'i i ighl hiind cottier which hnd been loin sipi.ne llirougb the middle. n Ihe lop of Ihe nece I heel hnd encinvicl on it Hie lilSl Part1 of tllO Ilinll name i c u- .. 1 ' A 4- 11.. 1 e-1 ' At Ihe bnllom was "i v e" in sniiill letters, then 'Ageticv' with a capital, mid T-n i ' lictvvecn Ihe Ivvo lines of engraving font woids weie sfnbbled in pencil Iwo cm ,i line, '"our intctest' mid light uiiileine.ith it briei ring' I remember il dislnictlv because il struck me ns bung so ipieei I if , nnrce llie rosl of the message lllllsJ -""- - ----- r !.,.., mniln tence. lint T Colllllll I for 1 110 "'iiie iinni ii"" -"" i . 1 1... il,n, un clime lllistatrs SllC looked. i iiii t -,i", - is. ii- ,..tn,l lmn sllo snxi nil", mill Il in in' 'i' l" ' ' , . iiiuiiimrnl ..midli'iiiR i'l'""1 hoD " tc. Iiiiip Kopl mi' iiailniK. Imt ' (tupiil in.in liml l.'M'ti sent lo ! on liiisinre-. innttor ' I Id Ro at Hint, in ni nixn mind, ami thmiRlit no more about it until iil tl"1 olliPr n'cli . when it all ramo bad. to mo Tlmt ''" ABf'", must liavo boon Mctooliio ascnci : at least, I r.in't think of .nix tlinijr f " (onhl hai" Rto"l f,,r " l'niil lo'e anil ln-M out his hnml onco nioro 'Siilcnilld'. I told nfii vvp iiouhi mnkf a toal ilotpetivi- of on vet, Jliss Allan 1 nt off, noiv; lonxins toviti nguin fi a few dai", but Til look xou up as soon as T RPt bark, and I think that tins liirio 1 mil haxo soino nous iiotth horn l,v'" Theie was n note of wist fulness ill lur tones which was lot upon his preoccupation. "I ' hnpe xou xx ill be siieeessiui. .111. iiiuvn IJefote he loft town I'nul inng up ins fnenil. Mi Olmili. "I'lliieipul comedian xiilh the 'M.tv lime Maid'? roller mill finitii legs-'' lli.it Rontleman tepeateil "Sure 1 know bun! He is Trod Sintmis 'King Sum mis, ne used to cull bun. Did ecinloi lion stunts in the IIiR Time ic.ii-s ago dressed as a fioR, but he's made the hit of his life 11011 ill Ibis piodui linn Ych. thei 're in New Ynik. pl.iv tug the Hudson Septare Thcatct. anil booked for an all-summer tun. Snv. what arc jou nfter I'rog forv' i.,f I'mit lmd liunir un Ihe leceirri and Mr. Cllnuh's curio'iti irinntiied 1111 sTlished. (CONTfM Kli TOMdllKliW 1 France Lost Twenty-seven Warships 1'ji'is, Oct 1."i Tvx.nlv seven win vessels iiete Inst bv I'LUiie 1I111 iiir tin period of hostilities, il is shown l, n,, older of the (lav issued hv li'e.iigi. I.e.v gups, the iniiiisloi of 111,11 me In eluded in the lisl aic (Inee hatt ls.Iups. the Dantnii, the (Jaiilois ninl Ike Snf , ,,,,,,, . j ., ' Phlladelphlan Heads Opticians 1 llaiiisburg, Oct l.i 'I lie fcillmviu ,. n.. .-.t t .1 lni Ii il 1 nut (ti ,1 11 K. tl. im.i. .-...... '","-'."."' "' "" . vp(r,tl, ,, j, n0l Vntk j tionilici Leopold CciliNlem. I'lithidel I pi,ia. Dreamland in The Great Brown Dragon I I'cgny. Htllu. ninl their Uclmol vuilrs ii iimlrr in jungle nlcr Ihey nic luiiinl info uinnlciii !! He poirrr nf I'nllo'i Jicnm Xthk. They help In folic liinptiiff-tiwhl, o'ul monkey, finm Ihe (heal limit n Pingon, hit! me Ihennrlies liaipol in n lull liee.) . Hi. tv e Leap BII.I.V (limbed the highest biniiih of the tree il til il il bent double under his weight He took a caieful look around lo sec if thru- were a wnj lo escape but could find none Thev could icnih other tiees hv going lower i down but loner down lurked the (Jteat lirnvvn Diagon awaiting for them Peggj nnd Smiling: I'l'iuhcr lould .tie diet! Itiovvu Di.igon opened bis iniiiilli sctl.clj keep tin II ev oft Ihe huge snake He leiimnlv ,i Isome in Ins nib brown skin vunli Ins beailv eves ghllered like levvels t He doesn't seem dingpiniis," siml Smiling Tcnchei ' "You'll belter ipnl looking nl him in he will ihaim jou.' unci I'.illv, who had lead nf serpeuls doing that ierj Ihmg. "Climb up hole wilh mo " So PoRgj mid Smiling Tenchei cliinliod up neai him ihe bi.iiuh link nig hack mid forth Willi llirm, "This would be fun vvniildu I il, ifl thai monster weie unl wilting ihiwn there In gnili us." whispiied Smillugj rcaeber, as a puff of wind shook thei lice top, nnd all Hie Illicit on monkejs began to bob up anil down on Hie! slender lnnnchcs in which Ihev woiel e lingniR. I Itollo anil I.onpiu; l.ighl. the gill monkey, weie liusilv nuking love vvhoit Hint puff of wind i .line, bill Ihe mo ment thej fell il Ihev looked up ill illm m THE DAILY NOVELETTE COUNTRY MAGIC llj (.KIITIJUDK t'0NXI5U. "7"OU must lake htm awav front this tieacherous . Iim.ite if .1011 xvislr liiin to live." In the priiale iiffiec nf Iiie Silver Stream Mill", Mingarel (ii mil's lingers Mew mechanicalli' oier the l.vpewritcf keys, iihile lliiougli her mind throbbed the doetoi 's cnmniltul In her enneein itiR lur father. Stiddenli , as though, il hiid sonu I beniiiiR upon III" tionbled stnle of her mind, a line in the teller which he xx as ' ansvieiiiiR caught and held liei iitlen lion. The lellet was lo Itobett l'agen, , nviuer of Ihe Silvet Slteatu Mills, fiom Ins otih sou : "The lounti.v 1 llninle of Aleiuville is in.'igital," he winte. "Hole the weal; beennie sluing, and the stmng Ineonie veritable Samsons." It was Ihis hist teniaik thai had u'wakened Maigatet s inteipst, nnd she lead, fasr in.iled. I ' I have almost linisbeil in last ptc tuie, ' xx nil on the lettet, "and 1 am looking foi a model just now." SoiiTil wilh a sudden wild iinpiiNc, Maigaiet sciibbled the aiRltei-s of the loting attiat in her nicninmndtim book, nnd, rtossing (he room to (he minor, she tegniilril het bo.itiliful face xoiv sciherlv Huliiedl.v linishilig her letler. slic stepped into the innei loom occupipil b.v her rmplojrr. "Well, MnigaiPl. ixhul hae vou dc 1 uled lo do about xour father'.'" (ttes tinned Ml 1'agen, signing letters rap hlh. "I nm going tn take him tn Aron ville," she sniil, slovvlj. "Your son's letdi paiiileil Ihe plnro in such glowing minis (lint 1 thought he might gel bet ler Iheie." .I11I111 Kiigen ihad nevei seen In- fiilhct's seiielat.i. and xihiii Ming.iril appealed 111 answer lo his advMlise 'mem, he was delighted xxilh his niodel. ,1111V nflor ila.v, ns Mnrgaiel sat or steioel hefoie .lolin's easel, she planned fin her fathei future And the aitisl. as he paint. il. felt some of Ihe magic of which he had often spoken creep inlo Ins Iniish, hut when he fell it tug ging nt his hem I he knew that it was caused, not hv section or atmosphere, but bv love for this sweet-faced, serious model And some of this love must luue 1k.ii liausinttted to her own heail fin Maigaiet, when the picture was tuiished, left father in Aionitlle unci irt iiincil lo her 1101k without dis dosing her identity to John Kagen. On Margaret's fiist morning hai k slu at 111 tiei xniisno-s and tiepidation. Adventures nxim. " slot m is coming" chatleicd Kollo "Thnl will be hnd for us. "Hiss s s s!" mine Hie voice of tlie (Jtenl llrown Dragon. "I'm whistling f .. .. i . titu..ft.u.d.s ' mow 10r II UMivt. up n ' t wind' Hetid down the tree tops llrtnfi hese fnl. juiej tnonkejs w II tin teiicli ,f nu colls: lliss-s-s s-s' Illovi. I vvitnl, blow I His-s-s-s s-s s "We've got to get nut or llls1 'j'.'-n lint storm gels here," w hlsnei n Hi J "I lime n plan that I think will wink if eieiv otto is binie." u'nnlll hebinve." ansvvctcd I'cggi . oll gills enn't possiblv liimp I" ..i.... i, . imt l ihiiik Kollo and the '"' "" . i it n " scheme ts for its lo make the 'leap and then when the (iron! liinvvn Dragon liases ns lite lest nf xou mn escape Vn. no' He will gel ijm said Smiling Teaihei ' . l is heller for Illm l g' I one of us Hutu to gel all when the storm shakes s ( of the liee lops." nnsxvorccl llillv 'Milt I don't think lie will cnlch ,, Our nnlv danger Is in falling ti the en i Hi nnd gelling hurl so thai he can soio us before we mn awav The iiiml was mining In ";hnipp puffs all Ihe while. s ISIIIv and Hollo got irn.li In Imp al once while the nlhets thiPii 'wigs and bulk nl Hie D,o so he woiildn I lint he what Wits gone nil. . , ,. t ,t Hiss s s s ' I dun I mind thai, said the Diagon as the Hugs hit him. "Soon Ihe slnrni will send ion tumbling dn.wtt and I lion 1 will roust, feast, "linnel hv ' vvlnspeied Itillv "(iood hv." fhnlleiod Kollo And away bolh Imped with all then might out, miL mill down, down The blight eves of Ihe spi pent saw Ihein flash iiilu Hie nu. Ins long neck dntliel fnt nut Kill lhoiib he slrolchi d and sliel. bed hi bin I te.iib Killv and Kollo. and Ilni bindeil saTelj in Ihe hie lops below "llo. ho ho Kunt lit oil n Dragon, we fooled ion Hull lime' Coine i luise us' S .hi mn't mtili us," (minted Kollo. making fans nl Hie snake. Kill Ihe (iical Kiovvit Dragon itisl diow in his long nock and settled back III the i loli h of the tioo. "Ihs s s s s s ' I know I mu't enleh ion, bill I can latch Ihcsp nlee, sweet gill nieiiikovs up in the liee. When the wind blows thej'rc sine to full Tins wise old set pent will xvait, will unit lliss-s s-s!" The (Jtcat Kinvvn Diagon opencrt bis mouth in n hold, evil grin It seemed its though Killv 's plnu had failed 1 1 niniiiinn mil hi tnlil him Hilly irr? i ii iliimiiil iiiryiiiie jar the liiail iIkiii ii IIiiuiiiii.) awaiting the aitivnl of her employer Seale.v, the head bookkeeper, enteied the loom. "l'(R pinion, Mis (itntil," he said resiieetfiilliJ "bill Mi. Kiiriii (ele phoned he would not be down loday He said to toll .11111 thai his son had (oine home mid 11,1s on his way down heie lo the eillice. Win 11 he miiics, 1011 are lo go niei- Ihe tonlin. Is with him " I He went oul. 1 losing (he door sofllv behind him. :iinl Mmgnicl tiled lo sitll, the lieatiiiR of her ln.nl, and lo think' colierenll.v Willi .lohn IJagcii even now on Ins win lo Ihe oflue lljie was no escape. She tepentod having wilh held her idenlil.v, 1 In the midsl nf k, levenc Ihe .Inni hiliind her opened and dosed again softlj. llei heail heal suffoialiiiglv for 11 moment, sid S. and then 'inn tinned it-j beating in a swifl, neivoiisi rush of thumping blood II mmup.I Ii, be ages thai .she slood ,eio uillt hei lurk lo that wailing ligme, and nisi as she lesnlved to tin 11 mil fine il nil n fanulirr voir? spoke. Iillitcg the lnom with its eheet fulness and Margate t heail v i t II eeiutage : "Well. Matgniel. Aionville is a Kie.it place, bill iiisiness is business, 1 sup posi ' When Ihe tealiVation that he alie.id.v knew het lame to Maignret, the sun' shine became normal again and a liltle spint nf miMhief, hoi 11 of her leliif. bubbled up within her. Willi (lushed (hecks- and a net ,,w lillle smile lugging al her lips she liii nid lovvnid him and as John llgau cauglil sighl of (he dovvnenst eyes he llnow bad, his head and laitRheil a deep, heaiti laugh of pure enjo.inienl "How how did xou know ?" she ftammered. "Wliv I knew (lip first dai I saw I vou," he exTpleincd in great nmu&rment 1 'Tallier xvtote thnt jou were .oiuing , and suggested IiiiiiIiiir jou up ns a pos sible model " I Siiddenl.i he became set ions. 'Tather it, delighted iiilh 111,1 eoniitt? back to I Ihe mills," he said, "and when he spoke 1 about our going oier (hesp coiilntelh I j suggested thai jou and 1 drau up a new one that has not the power of ex piling. It met with bis lomplete up Iproial: does it moot with jours.''" lie spoke he drew Margaret tendeilj lo xvni.l him, ,ii,d xvilh Mnrgniel's loiisont the work of niniij dnjs was llius begun I 'I lie next ctinplrle noxeletlc Knqine rinuhle. n Municipal Appointments Made Aliitiic ipal nppoiiitini'iits innile- publit' tnelnx- xvpip: Hiitt-y C'rntiti. 1 117 N.iitli Sixlilli street, tiniisitnian, suf xo.x s. SHino n .vein-; llcnttiiil A. 'O'Ainoin-, l'J"i Snn-oiii sttool. (lininninn, mn -xo.v-. !l.(i(rO, unci T.ouis SiijiIpi. 701 Ve.ttli rnrtv-foutlli iliocL, i-liniitiuiii, tnvi'.vs, stion. t .oDtrteht mt!. bv IhoHrll Sn.lliate in. CllttS. McMttllUS 1 1 1 1 1 ' E WS lli 1 llijl millll II cM nc-ro nnt.cnDT cothtc ? President of Haverford College Is Left $52,000 by Mother's Will The iillfiif .Mrs, Susan Wistnr Coin foil, probated today, bco,iientheil an estate or SiiL'.OOO to her son. Dr. Wil liam Wistnr Control t, piesident of llnictrotd College and to three grand children. Mis. CmiifdH, whose home wns nt "i"."!)) Knox sheet, (icrmniilowu, died October 7 in the (iciiunntoiiii Hospital. The following npprnisnls of estates weie nnounicd (odnj bj the register of wills: Itobett W Hamsdon, S5I,-JJtST-l: Itobeil IVicr, Sl!.-i,7.-n 1P.; Ilnrrj Seltler. S1S,t51.0!), mid lliurlcj A. Coiidif, SI7.710 (11. Men's Hats lour IJ.t.jv- H I fofi! KmHiilHtvl j vi litt Pt 1 ati'I i' irirnniM rnuni ut iicv Jefferson Hat Co., 135 S. lOlh St. Shoe Buckles All Kind refill iobed Like New IRA D. GARMAN n i liii si. It'lnu ( lipstnut sit. e urprtsht lain le Hibort .11 Mclirlde Better health has a money! value that every business man can cash in. ' J May vc mail our booklet?! 00I.L1NR INSTITUTE OF 1'HYSIC'AIi CLLTURK i in i is m i. i i vt r sr a r Kith , in ( oui; Highway Engineer Ihnun i ikI-i "f n iii of londs nrr belnp j hullt ' Manx i nclnoprn rp nnpded , Our tnurin m HiRhuM l.nt;lnperJnir will' r miltle nu lo niiHlif i ( 1ri slnrti I rlflnv n.Rtif Oil 17 all fur full iiirtlMilnrn. (I.MUXI, llll Will Mil Arch M. for Infants and Invalids j, THE ORIGINAL . HALTED (VilLIC Rich milk, malted pain, in powder form. For infants, invlidolgrowing children. Pure nutrition, upbuddingllexvholebody. Invigorntea nuroini mother! tud the aged. More nutritious than tea, coffee, etc. Instantly prepared. Requires nocooking. Substitutes Cost VOU Same Price For Sore Gums USE ROCHELLE'S AHTOS The Antiseptic Mouth Wash TIGIITBNS KOOSi; TKKTII I or Suit- If-iilinc InircNt. Inihidinc llruelhn. TZZ (lipslnut s(, (tinhpl ltri)lli(rs llio l.inuistrr p. Drue lorp, tfHli ititit I.imm lister t Knpnt hen, VMIi it ml lla rrToi il .oiirrr. '.IVtlit Ilitrrfnrd Uliic (fll KiiIp DniB lorp, 1008 I, turn-- lir o. I. (, Uinlrr. atnihjuiil iinsnm l.lisN,-.t.-H Murktl I'. A. DeHrUli. mill, ii iul (Irnnl r, MiitrltU, A'iIIi and W Miltmlng Uollnvt II ( atnprnn, fi.ltj it ml I aim- tlm in Itlai Uu-mkI, 'i'iI nnd (.tr inl ii, I.. Ilelwlu .. l!)tli anil I iiinnount r. I jvanscom s Special 50c Table d'Hote SUPPERS are in a class with the un usual things like, for in stance, Hanseom's fancy chocolates at (50c and Grand Bouquet coffee at 46c lb., etc., etc. !-.!.! Xlurl.fl M .,. ,irkl,t bt II Ulilkrl S. 2i! inri-e villi he 11 urn ll.iinrnin S 5Ws ' IIUA-.TS V OFfIC A ' I1.V1CK X Loose-Leaf Ledgers (.nliir.it lilnillnc Willi i pel ImcKs unci corner.. !" Hhprlh mill in .11) iiielox, niiipl.i, "'.MIT, cQ Sufo ii nTfMr",- f'S'H WjlilMM ri !ll!H .Ml . Blank Books EH IH i WSHhI I r tm npr,B j-,,,, tll I BfflBrfil 1 Pl llraiNi.Mli'wffi 1 B .i complete nun ,,t 111.1K , I A ww imEHjUMBWmtiEia J Unci,,. s,Pr, iinici,,,,, ' 1 1 W I I CzXMl I II IHI I (cililnimir llo.il.it. fir. ! If MV ' f iIkSBSi'III I 'Pi ' P P'l Prompt Delivtry Service 1 1 1 1 1 1 li lllll'il 111 1 III Ev i hhm I ! i ill' Inill III 1 1 1 1 m A Warm Room to Dress In! That'll what the MlnnnpotI Ilent lt'S- Intor aflsures. Wjiu, Ask for pnrltculnr". Sk'J.V.'j, F. Bud..ni. & Co. 1719 Chettnut St. m '! - Send for Circular Describing tlie. NINE REASONS WHY ut .should nun ri:.nt'K top n -ovn (lAs nwr.K T'atpntM nnd Biiarantecd by W. H. PEARCE & CO. ii soi'Tit. si:com) sr Hell rhoup Lombard -111. ' OLD PARLOR SUITS MADE EQUAL TO NEW Reconstructed Upholstered and Politacd $io vy. rir.t.Umi xxork litinrnntercl Slip Cover! lo Order .tl Each Vie cans a large folnleil Ktoi Is of Cplmlstel flocids PflllliK at lvhnlranli AMERICAN UPHOLSTERY CO. Oldest and tinniest llouan of t Kind 305 Arch St. n'rlt!" or ,,lon ouj nrv.il Ji. Market 1G0.1 EXHIBITION Arts & Crafts Bellevue-Stratford Room 105 Oct 15 and 16 Jewelry Leather Linens Lustre Glass and China Unusual Christinas Gifts and Cards Hcllefontc llaskcts ,, Children's Dresses That Buy Anything from tli Incl1nr iilorpa of l'ltlln.. XT1I. mliurlnn. Cnmclen ar.fl Atlantic CUT EEiyTerim FRAMBES & CLARK 1112 Chestnut St., PhiU. SI U Guarantee) Tr. tlldt.. Atlanda Lltr 111 N. Third Ht.. Camdea iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii"' llCHARLIE POMERANTZ Wants you to take Lunch at ' E his Restaurant ' today. . . . ! 1024 CHESTNUT ST. i-niiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiitiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH Soothe tired nerves for restful sleep. At night apply B AU M E ANALGI2SIQUE BENGUE on the forehead find back of neck. Keep a tube handy Then I eemini & Co , N. Y. sill cjtii iw sT ORDERS lA Skl DONT WORRY fftl htnnf)? Wr will Irnrl It io 90X1 nt n low rnte of Intemt READY CASH AiHancetl on DhimoniU ntrlirs ami equitable'loan society HAULING ' ALL KINDS We deliver smnll t'ae-ltascn. Machinery-' In fact, anjlhlns:. Prompt Wotk Reasonable Cost Gallagher Transfer Co. rei3 cm:niiY st. Hell Phone, Market gJSI. ! I v. Yn ntt srtr Tcror SMALLEST SHOK I nth ASE and UOMfUKl rtiu Ultnf IRISH CORN NO PAIN Take. OH CallotM Takea Them Out by tha Root tic PifASTEl Stlcko t jrour fart llho poti( atam ' Still Hty la Bmt bnliu. Tali M flat " " iiiar-r'ar'intnrrjjijjiraTjiiOaai 'Say it with Flowers The up-tO'dnlc Flower Shops limit c vo Ii lleir FLORAL SHOW ALL THIS WEEK Eat and Grow WeB Thousand- of people tlnoUKliout tliei eountty are liilngliif- nil oits nt ell' tiessiiiK allincnls uprin tlieinselves by In judicious eallntt nn.1 In- lack of n llltlaj common sense in tlie practice of per sonal lis dene. Head The Itinerary of a Breakfast ByJ.H. Kellogg. M.D. in iililch lliii famous lie.tltli expert tlio Jltellcal Dltector of tlie Ualtle Crcelt Sanitarium, tluovvs n Hood of liKlit upon tlie dl'iposil of boclllj naslc and te.nheji lou in lialf an hours rcaelliic liow- u axe xonr-self many liouri of Itcnil.tclies, Depression, Xcrvoiis Kxliaustion, rtlllousness, Heart, Kldncv and L.iier Troubles anel otlier Ills brouslit on by improper feeding You will be surprised ( lo learn bow easy II is to Ket rid of tliein all ' t;mo. Clolh. lllmlratcit l no bv "in! J.T1 All BOOKSTORES, or Funk & Wsgnalls Companjr, 356 Tou'tli Avt. NEW YORK CITY LARGEST OLD BOOK STORE IN AMERICA Not only one or two o t SCHOOL BOOKS those you'll 1 1 n p. (. d . but ,vl every one that will be used ;,-, rr.nv r.lnR this vear. all craded and assorted, ready-! for you 10 pieis. tqi tiiiu carry off to schoql. And think what it means to have to pay only a fraction of their original cost for the price of two or three to get the whole set! That's what you can do if you buy our used, but "good as new" books. School and CoIIcrc Text Booki Leary s Book Store Ninth Street lielow luaruci Opposite I'osl-Ollice Sebley's Adjusto Rupture Pad ikimicac ffTielnttrii tf el trtian SOpm 'I """ ... "v -,- , TCTi $9.00 GREATEST RUPTURE RETAINERh riif t-f-lf-ndjiisllnc frti(urr of litis Pad innKp It enx (n cpr, tmd tl)f Thumb stru llppulator nlUnH f altcrlnB nrrn ur nt Mill, Most itipttirew crow jutowlj Morst lrrnii.e trtitsrH Unit Mniftl rlrhl In tlio beelnnlnK wrre tint Our Improrfd lppliuiKPH ninl ndianrerl nifthorl liiMura tni.roeini?nl for ecry tnsti untl curt nmnj, 1 I. B. SEELEY, 1027 Walnut St. - ' out and kcri- for wfprin , This Gas Range reduced 'HIS AJelphla Cabinet Gaa nanse B so constructed that It menus a sax Ing In uaa conbumptlon and labor ovJry .lay It Is useil Well made uuarantettl for lialcliiB al.d lirolllliB.. 1'nainel Uewr panels and tray. All parta tlnlahed xvlth handsome blade luster (automobile finish,) Huy now and save money Regular price, S.S.Ifl, apecint !OQ,1. Ilellxere.l nml counevted free lit OO I'litla. nn.l niihnrbH. .aWo Canulen. Heddnuarter.i for Hefileerators. 0,i Water Heaters, Gas, OH and Ulectrlo lleatlnfr StoxcH. ;PHIUDELPHL 5ASRANG! ARCH, sfO. STREETS Ih, i-u '"m ill f I I