Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 14, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 13, Image 13

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    IPw-ty,, 'irfir'-rV'' V'-il '..
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The Testing of Julia tyrant
Copyright i DIDi IV i'uUfo l,cdocr Co.
was the tlioiight of Madeira cmhroldcrr,
So t snccl to n fnsclnntlne hnn 1 L.......
nnil there were tlio loneliest llttlo Tihltp
What Happens When Dan Carson Attempts to Set a Second
Wedding Dale
Imnnets for tiny babies embroidered Augers cracked so painfully. It
IJIm."11 m"'" n ,I.nl!'.,y ''"'K'"- I lier a lot, nnl I found tlmt It's tli
rT-ic""la 1"ir,lly I)e,lcvo ,,,ey weiwttjr I can keep my bands clean,
onlj ?l.u. (dully in cold weather. If they'r
After a man has definitely broken
with a girl, and has asked her to re
lease! him from their engagement,
what docs she owe to him if he asks
her to take him back? .lulla flrnnt
.faced this question after Dan Carson
had told her he loved another woman.
Julia had gone into a hospital to try
vand forget her hurt in hard work,
and linn in tho meantime had found
that the other woman was only play
ing with him. Julia's first wild grief
1ind torment of mind were oer and
i,ht felt that Dan needed her. She
felt, too, that she still loved him, and
u lio gae him her promise for the
iecond time.
j'T WAS in this frame of mind with
I- Dick Nugent constantly waylaying
her for a possible flirtation, with Grace,
Ifcrritt stealing around the place in
obvious disgrace and as white a9 death,
aud with her own feelings upset and
llmost terrifying in their strangeness,
Mint Julio first met Dan's suggestion
Chat sho plan to give up her work and
let married immediately.
It was at the house one evening and
t"te two wcro sitting In tbo stiff, gloomy
lick parlor. Julia had grown to have
0. certain dread of these evenings with
JDan and because sho did not understand
Iiersilf she felt like a criminal. It was
all right when Lucy nnd one of her
friends dropped in and they all chatted
Together, but tho moment Julia and Dan
Were left alono together Julia began
h be nervous.
Conversation had languished between
iflicra Uils evening when Dan suddenly
"Don't you think we'd better como
to sonic understanding, Julia?"
Julia Btartcd guiltily. "What do
you mean?"
"I mean nbout our relations. We
haVen't discussed anything about our
taarrlago; we haven't made nny plans
and wo haven't talked about jour giving
up your work at the hospital."
.""Giving up my work? I didn't know
there was any question about that."
"But you knew it must come some
.'Julia was silent.
"Didn't jou?"
"I really hadn't thought about it,
Dan was silent a moment, nnd when
ho spoke again there was an aggrieved
tone in his voice.
"Well, jou will when we decide on
the date for tho wedding." Dan had
hesitated about speaking of the date for
the wedding. He knew so well that any
memory of n wedding day would bo
linplcnsant for Julia, and that he would
lip in anjthljig but a favorable light.
"Tact's make it soon." He said inn
pulsivily, "There is no reason why wo
should wait."
Julia was thinking quickly. She did
not want to hurry the marriage. Sho
could not think of marrjtng until her
mind was more at ease about matters
than it was at present. This time
wien xlic set her wedding da, there
nliist be no mistake.
"There is no reason why we should
lutrrj lnnttern," julia said finally.
Dan- looked at her in surprise. Julia
who hud always acceded to him in
everything was actualy setting up her
will against his. Once sho had been
willing to do anything ho wanted her
to do. Well, ho supposed he had him
self to thank for her present attitude,
for the change in her nature, and he
must be patient no matter what it cost
him. He loed Julio, he wanted her
more tjian anything in the world. It
had cost him a great deal to discover
the fact, but he w as sure of it now.
Dan gulped down a desiro to press
her, to try and persuade her to his way
of thinking, but something told him
that It would not bo wise nnd he re
frained. "All' right, dear, it will be just when
yoifsay. I don't want to hurry you,
(Established 25 years) 9
Manufacturing Furrier
A most reliable shop of
correct styles for the women
who demand exclusive and
"Distinctively Different"
Charge Accounts Invited
" J mres uf green k Ki4
J pusture land wuttrrd
I l npurkllnc ftprlno, v
a iirlielens herd of llior-
ouchbrrd co, and 11
I dnli'T unsurpassed In
cleanliness and equipment, your U
I butter might bo ulmott ate too J I
Inclsl on A, K. .V, Ileal Hut. I
I ler, lou'll be disappointed In
''koiuethlnE Jut as tood,"
" I? N. Delaware Ate.
X I'lilladelplila I
TO f ??
although jou know I want you. dear.
You must know that. You trust me,
don't jou? You belie c me?"
Julia lifted her hcay lashes and
looked at Dau out of beautiful serious
eyes. Sho saw his boyish face stirred
with emotion: there was a look of pain
in his eyes. Sho felt n sudden sense of
pity rush ocr her and with it n desiie
to mother him. With a sudden impulse
sho leaned over and touched her check
to his softly. "Of course, dear," she
He caught her close to him and she
lay quiet, her head against his shoulder.
They did not speak for a time, then he
"About jour work? '
Sho stirred. "Yes?"
"You're not going on with it. Why
I hardly ever see you, nnd when I do
you're all tired out, or you have to get
back early. We never go anywhere.
It's not fair to me."
Something tightened nrouud Julia's
heart and sho lost tho feeling of tender
ness that she had felt for him a moment
ago. This was tho selfish Dan speak
ing, the Dan who thought onlv of him
self. This was the side of Dan that
simply had not existed for her until
ho told liir that he loved another
In the nctt installment Julia make-,
her decision.
How do you eter keep your bauds so
clean" I asked Dorothea in despair,
pftcr I had scrubbed mine and thev still
looked grimy. "Well," answered Doro
thea as she sun eyed her soft white
hands with paidouablo satisfaction,,"!
uvo a kind of cicam that was rci.om
mended to my sister by ft famous pianist
She was taking music lessons of him and
iihad great troublo because the ends of her
it iicipeu
the only
re soft.
tho dirt seems to wash off enslly and not
get into tho pores. It only takes a tiny
bit at night, but T wouldn't be without
it." This cream tomes In various sizes,
from CO cents up.
for names or Shops, tiililre Woman's
Pace Editor, I'hone Wnlnut 3000.
W TO) .
To Order
to Wear
This Week Special
Suits from $9.00
Coats from $65.00
Serge Dresses from $22.50
Tricotine Dresses from , .$28.50
Satin Dresses from $25.00
! furs ttemoaclcd Evening Dresses
? mfi p sv ? mf mp p tJW J. Ji UT 0 1(fi
With a Purse
I WENT to the book department to
buyn book for a little fiicnd of mine
who has a birthday coming. Thcre'H
such a bewildering arraj of books these
days how do people keen un with
them I And how do mothers, busy with
their other duties and their own books
to read, ever find time to read luvenile ,
books and thus make wise selections for
their children? I was in despair for n
few minutes when suddenly I saw n title I
which brought back one of the joys of
my own childhood. I shall necr forget,
how that particular book appealed to
me and here it was. in a beautiful new
dress and most charmingly illustrated.
It's a book that both bos and girls
would like, and the price is ?2 GO.
How is it cer done that exquisite'
embroidery eery ejclet n smooth1
round hole, ecrj stitch in every scallop
just where it belongs! I neur fail to
man el at the dainty perfection of
Madeira work! Today I was searching
for a gift to send to a dear little baby
wav out iu sunnv California. Though
I dutifully looked at rattles and other
tojs, somewhere at the back of my mind
'- i 7 r ,.
I dependability la flrinlj establlahert- ;,Vkmff7on,Vn,n I 9 ll
fl cannot In m estimated Don t eonfu,8 thn 7 0 EL J 11
m ulth any cither heater- It li dirterrnt In cnnatrueSn Viif. I Imt1 M
1 feront In result .end for booklet co"rucion dir- KV TB H
ff 9 LareI Slreet PMindtelphiB, P.,. I fe & I
1 ! WIH Hi WMit Will 'II i I i III ll iim mil IT I i
fMWtw&MMSm, til 1
i "a.
Are you always successful on baking
day? Are your cakes light and spongy
and your biscuits white and flaky?
If not, let us help you with
I tl Amur.
a package
-before the wa
a package
during the war
c a package
Right When You Need It, Comes a Sale of
Women's and Children's Underwear and Hosiery
Savings Range From 1-4 to 1-3
It couldn't have been better timed, this sale of warmer underthings that comes with the first frost.
Here are good, serviceable knit underwear and hosiery of sturdy qualities that will give great satisfac
tion.' Some are first qualities, some second, but on both there are real savings that will make the family
budget go farther. J
Women's Hosiery
4 'v-,a,'
20c a
pail' for women's
black cotton
for women's black cnshnicio
Toe a pair
$1 a pair for black or colored seamless
silk stockings.
1.25 a pair for black, while, coidovan
or gray silk full-fashioned stockings. "Sec
onds." Women's Underwear
2.1c for low -neck and slecclos cstd of
white cotton in regular and extra fai7.es.
25c for women's bodice-top vests of white
cotton, extra sizes. "Seconds."
25c for fancy-top csts of white cotton,
regular sizes. "Seconds."
50c for lisle vests with bodice tops, lcg
ular sizes. Extra sizes are GOc.
50c for lisle vests with narrow shoulder
straps, legular sizes. Extra sizes nie GOc.
Children's Hosiery
25c a pair for white or cordovan ribbed
cotton hose, sizes 5 to O1. "Seconds."
10c a pair for infants' white wool stock
ings, "second."
50c a pair for infants' white silk-and-wool
stocking, "seconds."
30c a pair for medium-weight cotton
hoso in black and cordovan, sizes C'i to 0'.
Children's Underwear
85c for medium-weight white ribbed-cotton
combination suits in sizes 2 to 12 years.
85c for fleeced white cotton combination
suits in a heavier weight; sizes 2 to 12 years,
The Soft Becomingness
of Fox Fur
is its gieat irtuc in the eyes of. well-dressed women. The
flufflness and glossiness of thin charming fur harmonize with
almost nny complexion and are a decided addition to any cos
tume. Every piece of fur in the Down Stnirs Stoio is of first
quality, taken in season when the pelt is full-fun ed and at its
best These have been finished by expert furricis and the soft
silk linings, the fastenings and all the little points aic just as
they should be.
Prices on fox furs range from ?42.50 to ?75.
Chamois Lisle Ofloves
nnn Any Lemigtlh a Wooisuni Clhooses
All the fashionable lengths and colors aio ready in the Down
Stairs Glove Store and there nrc no better gloves in the country at
like prices.
A lightweight 2-clasp gloe in chamois lisle is in white, gray,
pongee, blown and buck at 65c a pair.
Another, with speaipoint stitching, is in white, gray, brown and
cafe au lait at 85c a pair.
Others in 2-clasp length show Paris point stitching or embroideiy
and come an white, beaver, brown, chamois and gray. $1.
Iongfir Gloves
Jj-button length strap-wrist gloves in giay and mode, $1.
G-button length with elastic at the wrists and spearpoint backs
are in white, pongee, gray and brown at $1.25 pair.
S-button length in white is also $1.25.
A heaucr weight in 8-button length has two clasps at the wtist
and is in white, mastic and beaver at $1.35.
12-button length m white or beaver is $1.65.
SsivSinigs of $5 to $7 onn Tfiiese
OemiMDiniefly Qoodl Suits for Mem
All-wool cheviot suits in dark Winter mixtures, running
through grays and browns, principally. The materials are
good, through and through ; the tailoring measures up to the
rigid Wanamaker standard; the styles are the right ones'1
for men and young men for the season of 1919-20.
There are two and three button coats in styles for men
and young men and fittings in all regular sizes from 34 to 42.
PrSces $27o5CD amd $2905
((ullrrj. Market)
Warm Elamket Rolbes
for Menu amid Boys
$4.65 for men's comfoi table blanket bathrobes in good, dark-
colored patterns with cords at the waist and well-cut collars and
pockets. '
?1 for similar lobes in 8 to 18 jear sizes. '
((Jnllerj. Market)
MaraboM Is ttflne Right Sort of
Warmth for Now
Capes and stoles are in various sizes in
black, natural and taupe, often combined with
ostiich. They are all lined with silk and
finished with silk cord or ribbon to fasten
them. Not only are these very attractive to
wear as a shoulder wiap, but many women
use them for the collars of evening capes.
The assoitment of this fluffy beauty is at
its best and prices range fxom $".7o to $28.50.
itrn Lovely ColorSngs
for blouses or flocks. These arc
many striking combinations, such
as taupe printed with a flaming
flower or with dull blue. Many
women are choosing thorn for
afternoon or ecning frocks.
40 inches wide, they ine $3.75
a yard.
(SIIU Store. Central)
Uoosyal at 20c each
18x18 inches, these nio of mci
ceuzed cotton damask in n half
dozen pietty patterns; hemmed
and icady for use.
NeEino Corsets
for Average to Ex
tremraely Stout; Figures
There are numeiou models, all
well boned and all with the ab
dominal suppoit that tends to io
duce. The coisels aio made of
fine, heay pink or white eoutil.
One model has bands of elastic
in the back, another has them
about the hips, some corsets are
shoitly boned in fiont, while
otheis h.ne long boning all
around. $5.50 to $7.50.
Fresh, New Curtains
Offer a Savita g to
for they wcie bought months ago,
and, of touise, their letail puces
aie maiked in the Wanamakei
way with only an honest piofit
on the lower wholesale pikes of
that time.
Altogether, theie are six new
sivlps. One is of fine white scrim
with a drani-woik design near ity aie always attractive anil
the hemstitched bolder. $3.50 a I durable good investments for
pair. any room, and when Axminstqrs
Two other styles aie of madras, like these can.be had at old prices
that seemingly fl agile material it is a leal opportunity.
that housewives Know to lie so
durable. One shows a flower de
sign and the other a combination
of bow knots anu wans oi iroy.
$3,75 a pair. '
Fine Scrim Curtains
at $5.75 a Pair
They aro in white and creanj
with hemstitched borders, drawn
work and lace medallions at
tractively combined.
The last style is of tncrconzed
voilo with lace medallions set in
tho hemstitched borders. ?Q a
nan a
Oromip of Womeini's Suits at $37oS0
which is an unusually low price for suits
as well tailored and of such fine materials
as these. The sizes and styles are mostly for
young women, who will find suits of checked
vclour, of silvertip elour, of silvertone and
of various tweeds. Jackets are all handsomely
lined with flowered silk. Women who prefer
suits without fur, that they may wear their
own furs, will find this a splendid oppor
tunity. Strictly Tailored Suits
that arc especially nice for business women
aie made of wool poplin, serge, wool jersey
and burella, trimmed with biaid or bone
buttons. $28.50, $30, $32.50 and $35.
A Warm TomcIi of For
added to soft, warm materials makes tiuly
handsome suits that seem nioic attractive than
those of any previous season! Velour de lainc,
silvertone, tinseltono and tticotine, cry well
tailored, aie trimmed with nutria, beaver,
Australian opossum, Hudson seal (dyed musk
lat) and nearseal. $45, $50 to $125.
mm mmm
Good Skirts at $9.50
In the group theie aie good-looking plaid buiellas in ac
cordion pleated or gatheied models with outstanding hip pockets.
Skiits of plain huntei'o green buiella cloth aie tiimmed with
black In aid.
Two Attractive New Skirts
One is a woolly plaid tiimmed with big, shiny buttons and
(.omes in a soft blue and brown combination. $10.75.
The other is an accordion pleated plaid skirt w ith three
bo pleats in the back. And it is in bioun and navy tones. $15.
Axniimster Rungs
at Old Prices
Aminstor lugs of good qual-
Axmmster Rugs
8.3x10.6 feet, $35 and
9x12 feet, 37;50 and $55.
6x9 feet, $6.75.
9x10.6 feet, $9.25.
9x12 feet, $9.75.
12x12 feet, $14.50.
12x13.6 feet, $16.50.
Tailored Waists
Have Many Friends
Many of these waists h'ae col
lais that may be woin either
high or low; otheis have detach
able toUais, trim of cut and
smait of line. You'll find them
Sheer batiste at $2.50, $3.25
and $5.
Dimity and madias at $3,50
and $3,75.
Snowy poplin at $3.75,
White or black tub silk at $5.
Navy blu6 or black taffeta at
And theie are piles and piles
of women's new ones to fill every
They have V necks or high
necks with collars, all huve long
sleeves and many are nicely
trimmed ; every one Is of soft
waim quality.
Pink or blue striped gowns are
$2 to $T.G0.
Plain xhite gowns are $2.50 to
And a stjle of plain pink is
blue or black satin at
Striped two-piece pajamas are
A dainty one-piece stylo fin
ished with silk stitching is $2.25.
This has a collar that may be
worn high around the neck
' !A
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