Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 13, 1919, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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f - - A " 7 1 K ' -n i If - I
mC.hichon a la King, Crab
J Meat Dcivcy, a Macaroni I
Rabbit and Other Dishes !
Jo Tempt Your Guests
f Copyright 101!). Iiy Jn, 1 1 II iHuii
4(1 lltnhll lies: ml
rpiIE housewife wjio has no maid
" and wishes to ontettaln infotmal
ly will find that the chafiiiR-dish
sapper has vety many advantages.
The InWe fi" this nupnor mav be
nrranged in the usual manner or it
can be set with the usual luncheon
doilies and a largo centet niece and a
low flat bowl filled with autumn
leaves. These makes nice decorations.
Place email d'shes of salted al
monds, olives and radishes or celery
covered with clacked ice on the table.
Much of the piepaiation may be
mede early in the dav, so that none
but the ess-ential work need b done
In time for the supper.
And now to prepare a menu:
Salted Almond
Radishes or Celety
Olives '
Chicken a la Kins
Baron Sandwich?"
Fancy Cuke Cnffep or Tea
Or a macaroni rabb.t, crab meat
a la Dewey and ejjirs ooached in
cream sauce mav also bo t.crcd mi
place of the ohicken a bi King.
i' ' "I
sandwiches and the chicken a la
King, so that it may be reheated
when needed.
Chicken a la King
Cut th breast of a large, cold,
cooked chicken into neat, pieces.
Now place hi a sai'cjiiin
S'x tubl'spoom of tlonr,
One cup of milk-,
Thra-qvurlcrs cttp a) chicken
Stir to dissolve; then hi ing to a
boil and cook slo ."!y for three min
utes. Now add
This afternoon frock earns the right
to the name "unusual." The ma
terial is American beauty tehet
and a feature is the drapers that
ends in a how at the side
A Dally Fashion Talk by Florence Hose
IT IS only in the wardrobe of the
woman who enjojs something of
leisure the societj woman, if jou will
fthat the afternoon frock has a plnce. i
The woman who is busy with money
getting or with household cares during .
Pa-W'Vnn" ''evilod -irs oi- Kennebec oi one lemon am 10 mix, .mo men i ler(?( brcR(j flnc) cul jnto trianie,, i,PK worth having.
or Ashevil'e sandwiches mav also be "en e when boilinc hot. i Now I am going to ask the opinion
- i 1j t u-. i!t .. ..j.i Ashcville Sandwiches of jour renders ami jon. ( jnthin, on
lltlded to this list. Macon Sandwiches ,,,.," v,,r foolish but interesting Mibiect.
Early in the day prcrare the, m:,,,,, f, ,. f i,n rut one small can of well-drained o,.,.ib lms a debate on for next meet
Mlted nuts radishe, or ele-v the , ' u ounces of baton. pimenlos and rne bottlt of inK, I(.,vinB that a girl shoal.' marry
whu mils, raniEPis o i-ie . inc. nJ tnPn hrown very liehtly. Now ' .... .,..., ,. . ' fnr mnnev ami not l.ne. Therp arc four
h l
f' " the day may blossom forth in as gala i
Bit .attire in the evening as a more "ll-
tSured sister, but she has few oppor- '
(unities for the afternoon frock, and j
i 'irtost nf her social engagements are of
necessity in the evening In wartimes
there was a general falling off of interest
inv afternoon frocks, anyway, for every
one 'was too busy with one sort of war
fork or another to take time for lunch
,9ns or receptions, saws for those that
r could be attended In street clothes, and
V thp.-bic dressmakers really rather bst
$ib'tt .knack for making, this type of
. So now when jou see nn attractive
iu, afternoon frock it is a real jov. It is
T."- sometliing tnnt you nnu miner inrgoucn
about until recently,
j V,,t. There is still the tendency for the ex
" fctremely short sleeve in the afternoon and
j$ the decplletage is sometimes extreme
T jind'sometinies only slight, ns it is in the
J.'iiUfocki sketched today. And a black-and-
" "white sketch Is really quite inadequate
ftEve an I'lea of this frock, for its
enerm lies so much in the color Ameri
tav, beauty strikingly combined with
,, Wck' satu. No novice In designing
i-l a large ribbon bow placed at the
lf&'alde. Then you must iinngine to
ya'rself the effect of the hat, which is of
American beauty colored velvet with
tmtUvr tnnrlea of the same shade on
y.ui. ;.! nf the brim. And the lace
i.w-for o afternoon or evening gown
weuld really dc compieio wiiuuui iutr
ihie .season Is in the form pf drapery
- .1.. .birr nn.l shows n clever little
I row- of jet beads on the lower part of
J'tht'tkto draper-. Hy the way, you will
r lJtk that While deep fringe is less
often ufd now' tbau formerly. Triage
iht.Uikii;ihp form of a narrow trim
ii,like,ithls, in much In evidence on,
''rVWJiWHWSWtrt.! s"T
M I 1.II.W II ,1 !.,..
& t
Two hard-bolted cap.
Otic cup ot cunncd oc f regit ninth-
rooms, parboiled.
7'"'n n frn p-pprrs, chapped tine.
One tablespoon of gritted onion.
Two ii l-bcaten I'lgs,
nt,, i,,1 .I fjfn (inwin if unit I
One teaspoon of paprika. .
Stir to blend thoroughlv, and th"n ,
, , .. , , i i i
add the thicken meat and the jtrco
o l m, . . . il
.,. ,,nvv,
.V III" WW..
One-half cup of mayonnaise di ess
One teorp'wn o) snl1,
One-half trnipoon of mustard.
One-half trafpoon of paprika.
One tobhsporn of prated cyy,
One cup at lincly shredded telery.
The baron.
.Mix thoro"i:hl an! spiead be
tween thin slicei of nicclj buttered
biead. and then cut into tmnglcs
and serve on a platter covered with
a napkin.
Macaroni Rabbit
Cook in boiling; water one-half
package of macaroni for twenty min
utes, and then drain and blanch un
der cold running: water and drain
again. Chopythe macaroni fine nnd
now, when ready to serve, place in a
hsfing dish
One-half pound of grated cheese,
One large onion, grated,
The pinpared macaroni.
One tablespoon of Worcestershire
Three tablevjmans ot catsup,
One teaspoon of salt.
One teaipoon of paprika.
Two loill-beatcit eggs.
Four tablespoons of evaporated
Stir to thoroughly mix and then,
when smoking hot, serve.
Crab Meat a la Dewey
Place in a chafing dish
One and one-half cups of cream
One tablespoon of grated onion.
Three tablespoons of finely miiictd
green pepper,
Juice of one lemon.
finch of nutmeg.
Hi 'Mm m
WSmM JSilil '
One and one-half cups of catetuuy.(inunmti Ut ,,,; f,ndeiful doll's
picked crab meal. ' house I had nejer seen nnd ncer would
Heat to the boiling point, and then "- .
.... .
i,f n oli..oa nf tnnsh a nd (Tarnish
willi nunrika and a slice of hard-
with pupriKa ami a slice oi nam
boiled egg.
r. Pn.l,n in TrMn, Sanrp
hggs 1'oacned in Lream Sauce
Place three cups of cream sauce
The Question Corner
Toil J) 's Inquiries
I Dots n married woman have anj
of her husbnnd's titles engraw'd
on her laids?
'' Suggest a clever invitation for
the wooden or rif til wedding nn-
nlverarj .
I! Describe the newest bathtub toj
for baby.
I. What very new embroidery is
being used on tulle''
.".. When silk stockings are fragile
what will prevent them from
being torn on the upper part?"
0. Mow can n cork be ned for
scouring knives?
Yesterdaj's Answers
1 The federal suffrage amendment
was passed bv the House of Rep
resentatives May 21, 1010, and
by the Seuate June 4, 1010.
2. The usual entrance salary for
teachers m the Indian service is
from SHOO to 700 a year with
the $20 a month temporary in
crease granted by the govern
ment. At each boarding school
there is a common "mess" for all
emploves, the cost of which aver
ages $15 to $20 per month per
3. A velvet ribbon bow on a hat that
has been rained on can be reno
vated by running a curling iron
under the loops and bows. Have
the curling Iron hot with a wet
cloth wound around it. When
the steam dries the velvet will be
quite freshened. This is a good
plan for renewing any vehet on
a hat.
4. When coffee with cream in it has
been spilled cover the stain with
borax, then spread it over a bowl
and have some one pour .boiling
water over it.
5. To remove a grease stain with a
powdered absorber such as French
nholk. mnznesin. etc.. cover the
spot with the absorber, let stand'
several nours ami men urusu, ut
place the material onwhite blot
ting paper, rover with powder
and more paper and then apply
a warm Iron. Repeat, using fresh
powder and fresh paper until the
afaln Is removed.
fl, Finely sifted ashes can be used
ivr KV"""'
How to Make Delicious
Bacon Saiulwiches, One
If ith Parisiennc Egg Fill
ing and Some With Olive
in a chafint; dish and when boilinc
hot drop In one fresh orr for each
service and let cook. Lift the egg
on a slice of toast ami then now
over it the cream sauce, tlarnish
with finely chopped parsley.
I'arisicnne Deviled Egp Sandwich
Rub throo h a r d - b o i i e n cksis
lif-ouch a (hie sieve Into a bowl ami
Our letf.poon o! mustard.
One Iraiponn of paprika,
" 'rrspnon of in It.
'ne tablespoon of grated union,
"our tablespoons of finely minced
Four tablespoons of inaynnnnite.
Mix and then spread between the!
Hiinlv sliced wll-buttcred breail and
cut into triangles.
Kennebec Sandwiches ,
Chop suflicient onions fine to me.is-
uro one und one-half cups, and then ,
naiboil mid drain well. Now mince
.1 ,., e i i..n
,.... .... - ,
,ho bacc1) n,, then a(H tho onions i
a!1(, cook ve gowlv unt1 th fat
i,.,.i.-,j r, ', n, t t,
' absorbed. Lool aivl then nlace be-,
.. ., . .. ., , ,..., , ,
". ..-.u.ue, iu.eu onves am.
I i hjj iMtutrun outu-uiuuni,
Tmn a.wJll.lv. r.;-..! -,'...
' Sh hrntirJim nf nnralrn
th-cugh the food choppe,. and then
place in a bowl and then add
One-half cap of mayonnaise. ,
One and one-lialf ttnspon.n of,
One-half teaspoon of mastoid,
I,,, lenrnnnu nt anil
One tcae.poon of salt
M X and then spread between thin
' ' "
dices of buttered bread and cut into
Adventures i
With a Purse
WONDHU. when thej first began
us ng hnmlueri'liiefs anil ii pople
hnn iilwn.vs lot them in "iieh fiiantjtie
n is nn nnforhinnte linbit. how ninny
thousand hnndKci chiefs have been lost i
nnd where they lme all gone. Thnt's ,
neither here nor there, however, though
I er.n't heln ''.. mlprin.'" lVtrr thinl;s
this Kind of wondering is nonsense. I
rear, but I inn lie practical and still
., .....In ' .. .- !.iatn....n .. l.nn T
...i . i i ,. i :r
,lfl ,l,ll lUUill . I ...i.llll'l 11 ,1.11 lillllll
where to bu. real linen liandketchiefs. '
i real 1 linnd emhioidered, with really
ilnlnt licm. At a niice ns low as thir
ty-eight cents " Itecnuse I do!
1 lnn,l lit II, n ,.,,l..tn,. nn.l l.wlnnn.l I
r. ..:.... ..! i.i .1 .i,l!., ....... :..
llllllll.lll'll. 1 IV IIU ,, ,111111 IKI llll1"
She nrattledl
And as she talked she kept her ga.e. '
fixed lovingly nn the little round wooden i
dining-room table which they needed so I
liadlj She had just bought a dear lit-
the "Ancient Mnrincr.
nn nnd on: she told me nbout her dolls. I paint ami powilpr l.now; now 10 iiannie fol.
her friend's doll, their ioint dollhonsp. , it. so as to inpiove ineir "J'lieunuiii- ft, aU .
how thev tied miikesliift furniture of . insieaa oi nuih. ng ne.ii.s .. in"-. . ...
inrdboanl. which they renlnced as fast I We Mows lime to admit that we . "Dlj ' '
..... .... .. .. i.i ...,!... r. -.!.. ,, i.ii ii ,,,.,1 .lnnif.n.' ' i.rnep .Merrill
lis riieir rortnnes woiurl mow t imn , v nuiii i mini k" "" ....... ....... . .--p, ,
'i .'.. i " ""' i.Vi. ...?i.i . . VL V..";'tlieiuu.enrniice. and as it is.no tin. wli ,
I'll.. .li..ii.-room table wns onh twei.M
((nt and naturnllv, 1 was dlMitrd
. .i.... . '.. t.i-.i . '
tiiiii. .'Mini'. .'iiiii.ru nil- mi ihr n
!.. it ;. il.ni .w.nnli.'v imuiri.in
lions seem to fail them when it conies
(( p nl ,.,,., nM.i.ime,l
N'nncv. "The number of guest IowpN
, I received ! Of course. I don't mean lo
', ,., p, . i ti,i in, . i,
1 had more dish towels.!' T thought of
I Nancv's words when raw some glass
toweN today. Just plain towels nren t
very interesting for gifts, but these are
stnmiK'i with a sunn e (esitn. w h c i
even the one who is not clever withiants ii girl who
For the names of shops wheir ar
ticles mentioned in "Adventure
With a l'urse" can be purchased,
"ddress Kdltor of Woman's I'.ige,
r.vnswo Piibmc IiPiinun, or phone
the Woman's Department, Walnut
Don't Overdo It
Rroorlies, bracelets, callings, ni.k
laces particularly necklacps -hap
great value as "value" givers to the
costume. The string of pearl beads
with a black frock is a notable exam
phi of this. The one touch adds ills
titution, but let the woman who has
a black frock and a string nf pearls
odd a few "echoing" touches saj a
Willie peuri pin, Willie Kin ginps. n
white fenther in the black hat and
white boot tops and where is the dis
tinction of that costume? fione en
tirely ! The "value" of white as n con
trast has been lost by overdomg the
contrast. Anything that produces a
'"spotty" effect in costumes should be
avoided. Focus the contrast in one
strong loucn or two at most. A green
paiasol add a green petticoat will make
a dark blue tailored costume very chic
but not if there are also green silk
stockings, green grapes on the hat and
a string of green beads it the neck.
Caring for Pans
Stretch a piece of picture wire or
cord over the kitchen sink Over this
hang old pieces of papers, t'se them to
wipe the greasp from frying pans and
pots, etc., before putting them into tho
dishwater. This will prevent gresse
from coating the sink and stopping up
tho sink spout.
Also use paper to wipe off the stove,
table, sink and floor where grease and
pther things have been spilled on them.
Flousert vou should be Interested in
er needle could easily make in a slmrt I inestic unties, ami iii ""'. "V,'' .";,:
time. These show a teapot and cup in , paini ""ii pownei. ""-.,"' "";'.." ,
blue outline, and there aie s..,,o, that stuff? It's true a fellow wants n
across the. end. The price of these n Kirl that will make a real '
I good material is forty-fho cents. "ha, s pa hits got to , o with m. , m
sm.iit nfttrlty for the hope rhest
is the metal monogram of the lirlilp-(o-lir.
Tills ran he in brass r.ii
per, cold plate or KlUer, ui'l Is
iiinimtpil as shown In (lie sliplth.
As a rule the monogram Is (lie
same as that nsrd on t'tc lirlil-il
linens. The three uhntc llliislrase
st.iles paillrularly ailaptablc to
maliC'tip In metiil
Please Tell Me
What to Do
For Love or Money
car C.uitlila. Well, here ue are
iicaln. "The Live Virc." noil not (lend
..'...... M....,t i. .....hl. .. I nlnii.tliinrl
fnl. Mlllu, Rlr)H , jo!n c,m.,,, ni, Uml
class, lint as no one iphiiomleil to my
eall. I will not ask it again I lsh some
VJrU won.l think about the time u hen
1 II' II' PItlllll Illt'HHlirt" win run HUH
,,.,, wnj tlu.,. u 111 g aftenv.ini, hut I
,,. tll tlll k thp., ,,. f
lime I" think of that.
,. . ti.jni. .i... fl. ..i :.,, wires
,. " "',' in. ' '...?.... V." '..1 ......
llil f 1M 1 1 1 UI ( IM'III, hm nr ni"
. . . . .. . .,,,, n
n - - - " , ,-- , " . . ;..
y( slUC UlHi tWO OU tilt HlllllllUUVf
nj di "whiten ! IL
nn(j j,iu other Interesting people, here's
jour chance to tell n club of jerj nice
J f t,,,nU " K"-'
lioliere that inoiiej will nerr buy
happiness, and whpn marrying a pooi
'"" for ,0Ve. ' will Work llilll.Plf tip
jn th(1 W(ir1(, fm. ,lp ,OV(, llf ,., ,
nmmlnir n rich man. there is no love
x t :,. .. .!.:..- en
. .. ..i.'
and some time dining mniiied life lie is
liable to lose his riches, then whnt has
i u woman to live for if she marries tor
If you marry a poor man. he
worships j on; if miii nuirrj a rich man
for monej , he will worship his riches.
Am I right in this subject, renders? If
not. speak up nnd tell me why I'm not.
What hnve the dolls to say on this
i subject? Surely thej enn tell some
things about this subject, can't joti,
-dolls"? " LIVK wuti:."
"Buck" Writes Again
Hear Cjntliia The "paint nnd pow-
der" niiestion sppms to bp the topic of
interest in jour worthy column, nnd if
j on will excuse my introducing one
inrtro 1 will Vu.nf inv vn.l."
When a girl speaks of using paint
nnd powder 1 don t believe sue means
.l.n Ii t , flilon. .ltd. llliulin. t ! 1 .,, I .., f t I l
!...! .,i, .)..,. n,n null,. ;u ,.
llllllll-i linn" !.' ,iifii. .in .i,.. i. -
tliielt thai it's not een u good bluff at !
n complexion, or the powder so thick it
lool.es nice a si,owstorm. I neneye tne i . n AU on(1 ttll0 understands hos
mean the moderate use of both. Hut ' .. . ' ... ,i.c(nn,i this fnct. A
while the girls speak of using paint and i
llOWllor. most of IIS lllllle. illtelv tlllllh 1
.,f dm "ulnnm" iiwtnml nf ennsldelillL' i
the fact that most ot the users oi i
' ......... .....-.- , -
K"' tlioi; a Uoinelj one. nnu ine preuiei
-h'1 l) the better we like it, and so ir
a little paint and powder improve the r
Trr 1 . , V 1 J
the Holler.' .... '
HuMii-e a gill uses p.unt iloesii t mean
..lip ..itil.ln'l fr nn ccir. or d' hou-ic i
""' A !i r" h "'"' ,1 1 II'
"hliiir'hiit'nleaMiie seekers when the !
f , ,J"tmt j, m,,. f girl's use it. I
'. . ,.
It is onh because we notice the ex .
Heme users thnt we slam nn oi liiiiii.
, and a might small pe.centnge go to, the
extreme There are 'black sheep in
every llo-k. and in every question.
whether i be the nainting question.
Hie dancing question, or any questions.
Theie aie ulwajs a few who spoil it
mi hip iesi
. Most who argue agaiusi ' '
" Ki11'' l""1 ''" ':"".',"-,".,
nn handle the do-
use paint spend most ol tne uu.v iio.uk
housework, and know ns much about
It as am who don't' just like the
fellow who sleeps with a stocking top
on his head and uses vaseline to keep
his hair down, works in a can "".'
1 all dav and then comes out at night
looking like a million bucks he maj
1 i.,i ti,n ,,e if tin wasn't worrying about
,ut..,. !.... ,, .T,...,! time, but he gets
down like the rest of us during the day i
nnd swings a pick or pjishes a pen, or ,
earns his biead and hutter In some waj
dills aren't the only ones wu.. i.-s. ..
to a little camouflage. Itcmernber, gir Is,
.! . fn,i. with n handsome
W IKU .lll srr n ,.-,i" "- , , , . n
silk shirt jou don't see anything but the
cuffs nnd a little arouud the collar that
the vest doesn't hide, maybe there a no
back in it and the buttons are all gone.
"You can't sometimes "'p'
llln ' "' I'
lor the
II Smart Baskets
The Blue Bird Box
221 S. Broad St.
II! . A- Hi '
w : " rM
The Testing
optrtuhl, into, bu Public Ltdaer Co.
Iii Which Julia Wonders Wh One
Sentence Krom the Head Surgeon Has
the I'owrr lo Dlsionccrt Her
Ought a girl to tnke buck a man
who has slighted her? That was the
question that .Tiilln lirnnt had to face
when after telling her that he loved '
another woman. Dnn Carson asked
lm. in ..nmn.ltnnk The were to linvo.
.been married In three weeks and 1
Julia had released Dnn from their
engagement, but when he discovered
Clint the other woman wns only play
ing he found out the amazing faet
Hint after all he wanted Julia. .Ihlia
had taken up hospital training and
' had discovered the glory of being
needed, but Dim Carson told her he
needed her nioie. nnd she believed
him. In the meantime, Julia had met
other people. One of the nurses in the
hospital had been inught breaking
rules and wns about to h suspended
when Julia went to the head surgeon,
Doctor Norville and asked him to in-
ULIA (ould not tcel assured Hint
ce Merrm woum nut uun- ....j
i.i ..1.1 Hni kHAnL't nntf
moro rules. The girl did not seem to have
any pride, W did not seem to care
whether Dick Nugent was playing with
her or not just as mug as lie showed
nn desire to be with her.
Julia was a junior nurse now and
wore a crisp cap with fljiug "InRS on
her reddish blnck head. Mis Tolly, the
unimpressionable, said that It made
lulia look too beautiful for hospital
,.ork-. nod when Miss Tally was moved
to tnv nnuhinir of that kind it was
rather lem;
niknblc, lor sue rarei.v iu
. i. - . ... !
t j
dulged in personalities
Julia was almost childishly pioml of
l"" '" , ""' "' , L , ,,,
I1UI"e 10O1.H I.irwillU ." - ! "
I Imp she enters the hospital IIS SOIlie-
..... - , -
thing sncicd. someuiing 10. oe numra
and if she is deprived Ot it tor nny
,hc feels the disgrace ter-
oulil not imaginr how
could bear having to go
without it nfter it lwd once become so
nuieli a part of her
The first tiinp Julia saw Doctor Nor-
vill' after he. talk with l.i.n about
(irnee wns dining nn operation nt which
lull" wasseionu muse. meir u
1U)t,j,1K of the personal in Doctor r-i
..n. . ..... ,i .,,. .. Tin wns
vert brusque Julia hud never seen him'
stop to laugh and talk with nnv one.
MNs Tull thought him wonderful: andi
iur" iiuiiiiii ni,i,iii ,,i. ,.,,.. - j
eierv one in the hosnitiil stood in nwe1
of him iu spile nf his jnuth. Julia could
no more have imagined Doctor Norville
having an affair nf any kind with one
of the nurses than she could have im
agined herself caring for-Dick Nugent.
Dick was that morning administering
the anaesthetic, anill Julia could not
I' help contrasting thi- two men. Dick,
blond .nnd handsome. Doctor Norville
with his dark eager face absorbed in '
Ids work ,
After the operation while the patient
was being wheeled ou't Julia pijsspd by
The Wise Woman
Protects Her .
OUT door sportsijniay be
ruinous to your com
plexion unless the proper
care is taken by cleansing with
one cream and then applying
a heavier cream before using
the powder.
Thousands of cases of irritated
skins, sun-burned and blistered
surfaces treated daily in more
than 3500 Beauty Shops prove
that complexion comfort may
oc procures, witn
Motor Cream
Bland, cooling, delightfully
ecented. No matter how he
skin, burns, nor how stiff and
dry it feels, this cream Is
Invaluable both before and
after motoring,
f ? :uepriM';.iww
B SKSS's N tr Jl J
of Julia Grant
the head surgeon and quite suddenly he
spoke to her.
"How is ever thing going?"
She looked, at him startled and won
dered why. Was it because it was un
usual for hiin to speak? She met, to
the full his inscrutable blue gray ejpsi
for a brief second, and answered him'
simply. She did not know that he
watched her as she walked down the i
corridor, her long white gown complete
ly enveloping her, the sun Reniching out
little pools of light on her hair. Hut
Julia did know one thing nnd Hint was
that Doctor Norville had the power to
convey more in that one short question
than Dr. Dick Nugent would hae cou
vejed in an hour's light conservation.
Absorbed in lier thoughts, Julia be
came conscious that some one was hur
rying nfter her. Her heait leappd and
the fact shocked her. What was the
matter with her? Why should her heart
beat faster at Hie thought nf Doctor
Norville? And then Dick Nugent came
up beside her.
She suiveyed him with cool lewd ejfs.
"I saj, cau't wp be friends? This
business of being in arms ngninst each
other is foolish, don't jou think?"
They had stopped, and Julia was
standing with her ejes laised to his as.
Doctor Norville and one of the other i
surgeons came down the corridor. Dick
Nugent had a particularly fatuous ex- 1
pression, as though he had said some- I
thing peculiarly peisonal and Julia had
a sudden wild desire to snap something I
out at Dick and hurry on. As it was
she felt as though she had been caught '
in n compromising position with Dick
Nugent. She knew that he boasted of
being able to win the heart of nny one
in the hospital. No doubt Doctor Nor- '
ville would think that she, Julin, wns I
having u flirtation with him, and after '
that tiince llerritt experience, too.
"I wish jou wouldn't stop me in
the hnlls like this," she said severely;
as the doctors passed on. "I'm not'
nf nil Mm 1.I...1 nt n 1 ..,.. !
... .... ,,,, nil, ii ,il u .'UllliUI W IMI WUlUd
interest jou in the least. I don't know
how to flirt, and I have no wish to talk
with jou about nnjthing iu the world."
"Ah. bill flint nnlv ninl.'ou it iimpa ,,
--.., ...,, . ....... , ., ,,,u, v ,,,-
tpr.x.ri.1. " lllnl. .niil nnnnl,. !
Julia was angrier than she had ever
" --..i. ....... VU(t,Vl(.
bppn in her life, and she was angrj
with herself for feeling that wnj
ituation was nunoying. but it was ri
..,,...,, ..,.. i.j irei so surreu up
, ohout it. Why should she dire what
Doetnr Vopvilln tltntiMit il,, oi..... 1,1 l.:..
opinion mean so much to her? Abne all
when he probablj hadn't ghen a
thought to the incident that was both- I
-- ..-. .-....... ............ ...... i.m,i,, in-.
ering ner so nun
(Tomorrow, Dan is impatient for the
wedding nnd tells Julia his wishes.)-
jfc , v v la-jTrT' -w - ' A rs -tifa rirff-----1:?
(4 V.'f?. k ' r;- n-rr-niTT sr'. .,..' ""-i-j-n . i.-j !,' ''!' 'n'",.' ,-j -f riyjWBEiinff lmAi
fi :tji)feg Walnut.- ' $ '
, X : Smart'cipparel'tmjhn , .
V ?' j-j HJoniart.lv ho', Value t f
V : 'p&('(nilciitialUv xf. O
Oi frrk - - ' ( ' t' -;
& Jiff 'i U'VV . Bj
lV .WRtimWMi&iMEsimMt-jt.V&tiiiXk efi l. t . 1
?. mmffimz:mm.m m ,-;:..;-.- -
Combine Them With a Thought for Others and Enjoy the
Reflected Pleasure That They Give
ALITTLK fifty-cent botin.uet of
era. It sounds like a very
small bunch of expensive beauty, doesn't it?
Hut have jou ever stopped to think
how eusy it is to make that little piece
of exqiiislteness worth ten times that
amoHiit to you and to some one else?
Itiiy It. and take it to that little old
lady who lives about three blocks away
from jou, the old lpdy who is nn in
valid and seldom has a chance to sec
any flowers except the ones that bloom
in such n dlscourneed wnv nnnn the
border of her faded wall paper. Place
hat little spot of fragrant color in a
wise near ner where she can sec each
petal. And watch her face. Watch
the suffering in her eyes turn to n smile
of pleasure. The feeling that she is
touched with your thought makes the
tears stnrt In jour own eyes to think
that such a small thing can m'ean so
much and bring so much enjoyment.
You will go awfly from her house with
the thermometer of your happiness reg
islerlng OS. You will have .left just
about the same amount of cheer behind
jou In that drab little room which looks
the same. daj' after day." Tt wasjust
the combination of half a dollar and an
unselhsli thought that lifted two people
out of the evcrjday ot accepting 'small
things into the once iu a while of ap
preciating, them. And when you real
ise that the mercury of that thermome
ter .will 'lose control of itself, and slip
right up to 100.
A HUNCH of flowers is not the only
f means of bringing pleasure to some
Cranberries make
h d
and economical
desserts pie,
tarts, ice, je
and lfer
i Wsy '-v c. Vy 'CT'iihm lJpcsagai
Specially made and furnished
and fitted, for- the particular
woman who is. able to judge .
well as buy fine- motor "
vehicles. ' ,
' $8450
'Locomobile Company of America
23 14; Market Street . . . Philadelphia, Pa.
one else, nnd, by an indirect route, to
yourself. And fifty cents may not be
the cost, A few words, blossoms of n
friendly spirit, take nothing from the
pocketbook of the giver. An exertion nt
will-power Is nil .that is necessary to
overlook a personal dislike. Tho per
forming of an unexpected favor requires
only n temporary putting aside of your
own comfort. These nre all small offer
ings, but give them on the Impulse of a
kindly thought for others, and they be
come too big to weigh or measure. The
wnrmlh of appreciation With which they
nre received will cause a reflected glow
that warms In you that greatest of good
qualities unselfishness.
No one ran have roo much of, that
spirit of unselfishness. It Iffts the mo
notony ot housework, breaks into the
routine of the working day, and draws
the commonplace nearer to the sublime.
Consider that favor, that friendly word,
those fifty-cent flowers, the next time
you arc tempted to pass them by.
Weaving on Net
Very pretty needlework effects are
obtained by went ing on a square mesh
net, The net used for this purpose ii
softer thnn canvas, "but heavier and
stronger than the ordinary net. Al
though the weaving is similar to the
filet lace, the work is not intended for
nn imitation of this lace, but is a dis
tinct craft weaving on net. Color is
very often introduced and some very
lovely results are secured in this way.
The work should be done in a hoop.
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