pTraww5far& mJWj -- m i 'TO-Vi?) ' "7 !?"w rj -y. EVENING rUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 191H 2J! "iti fNNSTiEO BANNER FLOATS " FROMTOP OF WORLD "After Fifty Years of Defeats Cincinnati Sees Light of Victory; Double Tri umph for Moran WEAVER MAIN STAR IJy GKANTIiANI) tUCK Chliufin. Oct. 1(1. fTIHE red banner of baseball's molii Hon flonts lit lnt from thp top of the world. . After the fift.v-ycnr thought the Jlerl? of the new older enrnert it ilouble triumph yestciday nflernoon b finally Mopping the Whllo Kok iitsh in one of the uildc't, weirdest battles that dosed out a championship The Iled.s finally triumphed hr the core of 10 to fi, hut this seme tells no part of the fierce scenes of the strtic glc. It tells nothiiiK of the first wild lied ruh that broke down the White fox defense and pul the same nun bexond ecn the last faint dream of the AVhite Sox fan It tells nothing of Hie last Chicago lallj. hcie, beaten 1(1 to 1 by brilliant pitching and slashing hit ting, the Pox rallied In the eighth with one of the greatest drives of the series, scoiing four inns and coming within a half lirenth of adding two or three more. Fantastic Fin ore Jay Gould Beats London Expert in Court Tennis Match ,tnv riotild, world's fhampion rourt tennis plajer, made a hurried trip to Philadelphia yesterday morning to plav a practice with "Punch" Pairs, the noted London expert. They met In the courts of the Kacn.uct Dub, Mr. Ootild conceded Palis hnlf fifteen and won in two straight ets The play at tlmen was dazzling. The eye could scarcely follow the ball as it whirred around tltc court. Mr, Unulrl seemed in exceptional form and when he defends his title at the Itacquet Cli(l) against Walter Klnsella on December 2, -I and (i it is likely those whose good fo.rtuue it may be to be present will witness some exceptional tennis scooping the hit up from the top of the, gmss ns he fit upon his netk and rolled ' some ten or tlfteeii feet 'Ibis rare catdi held Illler In the box It saved him fioin being drleu fiom the mound with n nine-run lend to work on mid onlj two innings to go. For Kddle Collins followed with an othei clean hit, but Hniih and hU dale devil desperate lle had cracked the backbone of the rain, lie nail iliokeil off the Inst headloug lush the Sox had to offer and had niiiii"mI one of tilt. I gnmest uphill lights on baseball ieoid." Tuftit -sl lllls 1 The last battle of the oci long ci les as 'a wild llurrj of hits, runs and errors. The Iteds lau up sixteen bits1 for n total of twentx one bases the Sin hammerid llller foi ttcn hits, vidil Ing seventeen bases A ball game Hint holds twenty six hits for tlilih eight 'bases, including fifteen tim. ofleis uuite cliougli nttrnitloii for those Mho es , teem the ringing blow nnd the incirj loiup. Up to the fifth inning Ttiesdnj the So bad iul in twnnH fnc Innings I without a iuii. Their onre famed at tack hnd been crushed Then tlir got started nnd In their last twent.x Ihree innings tliej scored fourteen l litis Hut their ralb'hnd nrmrd too late The lleils had obtained too gieat a lend and Olenson hnd no pitching staff left to help enrrj his squad saleij iiirongn Take (license of IMdie Collins luj hi hrt sit enmes he drew bin inn th'elr defense torn asumic, l'he had V0""- in, "" W '" gn,""" T1', only a miracle left to "lose the wide". T1n?hl!'f,hh , ! 'I hp ("n' ,""' 1 Ing gap. Hut c(en this far behind , ",1"mI 1,,v rnlh UM ntr' thej came fast enough and limit enough i Williams Had Nothing iX.rSU"io,T.; ! The factor that beat the Wlnte from a Midden exit ns Ihe.sudden ad teirihc .niein o With heibnld out. Collins rinned off Clande V illiams. '1 he sou 11. paw had his third hit. a smoking line single ' drnwn a gnoil rest and hat woikrtl In HOT OFr THE GRIDIRON A lliht erl prartlrt wftn hMd veMfrdm h thj Jtrnwn foot bait miunrl tn Diepam Hon for the I'ulaute rhjt.? tomorrow Another hun. norkout f tAM on th Arrm (frliltrnii rsiprrlai l In varnitj nnd Mrrubtt wrf sent through half nout scrimmage in pirpaiRllon ror in sra(.tm Kamt In thu firt Imiilp of the Mar hetureri thn Penn mth nnd frrMmian teami iho formn run mer a I'Jh decision veMrrdn on I ranklin Klein Coach Ship If put tin IlaAir CoIIprc nuarl throtinh v flnHl prrhnmasp tir 1b preparnton to thn Ramp with IVnn on Franklin PMd Saturla. KitR uu prompnt ha lipn tnailp in thp triini IpV thfl hvrrt watt!' vt tlii w ppV. i, The (ornptl arltv fnolball team brmiKtit to a rtow ietprt)d Its hnrd trartir ffir thp ppk anil In a iprtmmaKp In which the flrpt BtrlnK bitrk bhp hii UHMttirtr m exhibition of offpnltp powrr Ilphlmt itnhrH aatP? Ilrowti htM h tn hour nession of Itrnat prartlti and 'lptti work tn preparation for HaturHa bhiti with CoInh Tbp etrHnl pre oti th flPld in 9UllP nlthoitwh It 1? prttblfiimth a If pk eral of thrn nrn able in n thU afternoon fc 'tirlU Mfdriin . of New ork ejrtRrda lprtpfl captafn of the 1'iin v 'on football tpam MrOrow left oi(pk p,(il , tn 1017 to enter thp arm. Uimp Iip WnM ,j h" B jnnlor of infmitr reiurnlnft home here i '" ' i" lie pi ii a rlKht tackle i llnrturd'a iHdt s rimman of the wppk wa a touch and fro affair- Hgainit the fresh I men who extended the tenulnr Mtid made Mini tpRMyf ibe nere plHlnR' real foot ball H... l. ... ....! .. .. . ... ,,r . imk Mlltl rn NiruiP I OO I OH 1 1 w HrrioT" hftti luul ninua-h hard work for the ek t odrhes MrehHn llorr and Kalett let up on Uip arlt rurp eterda and did not Spnd tlitm throuah n crlmmaKe a orlnlnnll planned New rk I nlrrrall'a foolbalt team If1 ror t llnton etpida to meet tht II miMton u t i . p . midu-ni i. un The CnlninMn fontbnll vniriit had a Innir workout the innt rrrimuiHpe hefom the tilnont a-Htiif wtrruii iiftiunnn l a meellnc nf the fl nt xtriiu football mn etpdn Ttalph ouna nnn elrrted rantaln of t hi vrpr- pimii t Haeiford fhnn' The rnrnet nuud wa m kUpp n shadow yrtnunaffP xeHtertiH. n p. in attpntmn helnn phIiI to the wort, of ipluudh whn was t i fullback on the nrlt the aieater nart -Lthrtpr,,c,i,rip 1!1" "in,lne " excTllent Hnd h! miik p.? nltn )1pated ToJch Merrrr nl(?p hrprl honor wMh Snxder nnlhfr ttnril worUouf wgn ntftPrt on the Nrnn Rrldtrmi xp, rda I hp HritM and otiiihsi wprp Mnr thrnuvh h half hour a iitmmnffp m pteparntinn fm thf Srnpue YANKS' SHARE PROTESTED Navln Starts Fight Over the Eager Divvy of the Pot Chliagn. (lit 1(1 The ('nil Majs case has bobbed Ur ngaln, this time casting Its shadow over the division of the world series inonej Aicoidlng to the lilies goieining the woild seiies, 10 per cent of the wnild plaiers' pool is dhlded hetueeii the clubs finishing thiul 111 the pennant laces The shale ij the third plnie i luh In the Aineiiniii l.eiigui ince amounts to ia.017, IS. and litlga tion, growing out of Mns's connection ullh IIh llllkees. is expeded to furnish a post simIpx s(rght The i lose of the Alneiicnn l.engui ' rnce found the nukcps lending the Ie tioit Tigcis b the innrgln of n half, game, m nbiuil four peicentnge points President Prank Navln. of the Detroit club, protested the pajing of thej third plnci share to the linker on the ground Ihiil tin gmiies in whlili Mius pitched Cr the Siinkecs wete lllegnl Niniii in hi" piniisi ioiiImiiIs i hi Mnvs was uiidei suspension In l'resl dent .Inhnson. nnilhnt the games won b, him should In tli own nil In tin' national iniumissimi Sinlin pimrduri . if allow imI would lesuli in the Tigers I drawing down the third place. tint '..... fn i .Vsii. j..?t.i tun nnod irames. It he had bepn able to and doe. Fackson lesponded to the Hiving purl pirn moderntclv his mute would chorus bi lnsbing a line double to hnie had a fighting chance. Hut ieler l. ..,, I., .!,!., ,.,l,l nn.l fnntHslic right, "coring both men Kelsch. one nf I dnv he had nothing nothing a nil 1 lie rurore. this nmnzing niedlei of hits nnd the gonls of the seiies. popped mil to speed barely got up to the pint e. ami runs and .TioTs that Hod llller fiualh first Hut C.andil th.n came through when Daubert Oioli. Knii-h and Dun siinhed his second test nnd finished with a long drive to right center, just , can hnd finished with him there ns with his second iictory. It was also in hair way between Housli and enle this tpe of the tempestuous finish thnt Nenle, facing dhe white light of the the Reds not onlj achieved their de sun, stood vfoi k still, ininh iiltemiiting 1....I l.tmniili lull III llllllltlnll tilled tlC t 1. .. I...II I.... 1. .. t N'nlinnnl l.eniille llldfl for tllC iirst time ,,,,,,1 l,n ,;tl 0i.,,l il, .1 ,l I IgUT. ...i......... . . . - . . . --. -- inn ii 1111 iiii-iiic ii i iii n iiii. ,1 I'liim nun . , ,, in fim lilonl. nnd wean icnrs. ,n,i n, r. f,. .. h,... i..,. i.,i ' Tie Iteds undoiiutedli The Ilcds tiiiimphcd hi the margin sn(1InK .m.iiKnn home' Itlsbcig lifto.i triumph. THe.i plned the best bill nnd of liio cnines lo I inc. and in the liniil .. a. ... .. ,, ...... i.m..i i.. n.. ' nuiiliii ed the most effective all iiroiinil .-. .... ,-- - -- -- ..!.. n ii, hi itim", ,iim, iMiiiicii iii in,- i ". ,. ,, i ., i, battle thev went bmk. to old tactics. ,, :,,, ri,i i,,i ,rf i:,i,i machine Hv the old onler thei would nothing left. In this wild and woollj hist inning the Iteds batted clean through (he list, even man getting a uhnrk lit the ball Detorc i.uei iiimiii men in earned then S: shed the nt.a.k '1;';--''. IZ g h, n Vc Mi nf Mows nnd se the stunned box inc Biiuic .;uP1. Lose, lonllileiii e III: sn' down for the lount befoie wns ten minutes old. , o less than UIS'J.OOO fans paid ill s57'J."(,On(l to witness the lied .iubilee and dnwnfnll of the gieat Chicago clan. So thf Ilcds won out befoie the gicatest nt -tendance nnd the greatest linnncml hni -est ever known. They mine bmk jes VL" "Z 'it 'wo, Men. ngain o,,ened lip a jubilee of cheeniu "' V .. . i.i., in ii of nvents Thei for he Head of the nulling o finalk n teV csife7,auVe bi nn coming un Then .nine the . ... r ni.Llniiihi mi Claude W of the hectic nftcrnoon iZV'h t i: no? to b 'denied . r-eibold crashed into Kller' nams inni wus mn. nnf( (rm(, it 0 ,,, t0 i ay 1S fjr f!g f S?t ' JM JM Is sLJw TH. hnie cleaned up the series four games to one, nnd uiidei the new oniei tnei v.on with two games to snare, so in Tlilc ...iIKi.iI nmntlin Mm f.,n . , n ,,t 1, ililiilll' both ! tllCI flit tllC Ill-t mill when Ihei (nine to but in the ninth mlibi from under the Sox, wlm lime Pller hnd lost his earh nir of n inning nothing left except to admit tint the fonlidenie. He appealed doubled and bMter club got the winning end of the drpicssed nnd in hi gieat nuxieti to pulse, get one by, hit Mmphj foi a sfnitei nllsj, Keature 11 it n ins oieaK inc nig iiowii unci . ... e-(u1(i i , u !, ,ni., n,,o.,n,l .... .. b.t,;i..p nf it... Something like .?.i(H1(l to eai h Hed for the head of the hutting older wns nnd it looks a bit like a long, nnul win Then inme the stai plai (rr nS( beiond the grin linrinn. I he , tine work of .lake niiuheil. Mums er s shinei ,. , ,.l(li( IolHl ,,,,,, rln , Kopf O the light , . i .I,- t),l ..In . in file . Inviiv Early Stall of lloush In center, lhe sinasii looked K11((tnc wheicni the henvv hitting nf In his first two defeats Williams had to he n certnm tuple, foe it was stnnk ,' Uon nn, Collins featured the plai held the Reds to four- hits a battle. - jln frmtio foice and wns tiaieling ()f ,,lp Sor Vesterdav thej nailed him tor torn for the open eountrv on bejonil Roush ringing blows 'before the second mini nHl,,i f,- the ball and n. good flic feel other SDorts on Pane 22 had I been ictircd, driving his left-handed nnT (li,rd headlong ns it passed otmr spons rage slants from right to left in a i.""'''' !., nf on b ows before Kid jicii Before hVhcould1nTnnot'he. mat- N.V.M..WVsVK to his rescue the Reds had peeled awa u A r- WilUnms' liule in inni nri - s charge. Four hits were in, three inns were 01 er nnd Duncan wns on second befoie Bill .Innies hnnll.i inme to the battered left-handei's lelief. Daubert and tiroli had both ciacked singleR. Uousli and iniucnn i urn !.. . '""," long douliles before the hook took WW liams to the tooling showeis, the hr-l i pitcher on record to suffer three defeats in a iioild's seiies fmv. The left hnnder, who had ivo.i twen 1v three victoiies in the American ''.eague, hnd failed to achieve a single icton from his three not Id's seues at tempts. When Raiiden singled off .lames, scoring Duncan with the fourth ' inn of the lound, the series wns ove-, for the Red" kept on rapping awaj at .lames for two additional tallies until Wilkinson relieved him in the sixth. I Srlialk's Throw Costly Here came a bad misplnv by Rai Schalk, who had been one of the main i heroes put on thelinal clamp. With I I'ller and Rath on first and second in I this inning, Dnuheit, attempting to' sacrifice, dropped an easy bounder in i front of the plnte. Schalk, with n world of time ahead threw low in fiont of Weaver and. in i place of completing a double plnj, lelt the bases full with no one out. (linh then fanned with what should hai been the thiid'out, but Roush and Duncan came through with solid smashes and three more Red i untie 'xi ill if ted across. I All this time Hod I'ller had heen breeding along at a tidy pace. After j l.eibnld had singled and Collins had I doubled in the first inning, the shine , ball star had tightened up. fanning 1!irt !, otirT Velcfl. mill hnlfUnt? -foe Jackson to an infield pop. He had drifted along without trouble until the third, when .lackson. who led both teams at bat, lifted a high soaiing drive far into the right-field seats for the onli liom run of the entire seiies. It was a mighty wallop, and the big eioiul began to take on hope again, but after this brief slip Eller nud his" shine ball had once more settled down to the big job, One Rally left In the next four innings he allowed but one hit. and when he came to the ''last of the eighth, lending by the scoie of 10 to 1. he fooked to be in for another easy triumph, but the battlinfl Sox had one more rally left. Thev had seen their, pitching staff cut to pieces and 1552 Market St. sSSS 16 What An Opportunity ! Special Group of Men's Newest $30 & $35 Quality S Fall Suits Topcoats & Overcoats Offered Tonight & Tomorrow at !S I m ftoniiLVitV i, f tw Wi fcl I wiuij r kAtl f-.IBVIN PCOTTuTH. TOMMY KETfHEt.l. Eddie McAndrewt ti. Leon ttadau Tred 'Jordan vs. Joe Allison Sailor Friedman vi.Stanley Hinkle 1TIMIBV SAILOR Greb vs. Petrosky Saving You $5.50 to $10.50 These Clothes Are Positively the Greatest Values in Philadelphia! Come see these remarkable smart Custom-Finished Clothes. We don't ask jou to buy just come anil look. Try on a fen models. Note the quality, the workmanship, the style, the fit. No other store in Philadelphia offers such astounding money -saving lalues! jgf& Store jHhttM Open PJHi Kienincs Li St i It y.- glmv - W J fm -1 Store Wf Orders ' ',8 Accepted ' FOOTBALL UNIVERSITY OF R&NN. DELAWARE COLLEGE IKANKI.IN" VIBI.n. OCT. 11, 3 1'. II. "fbhmen v.. Ridley Park. l:3n v. M. Ilmervrd fl ft. AdmlHslon SO rents On Sale at Ulmbel' and A. A. Omt Other Brooks Smart Trousers? 3 NATIONAL A. A. 0. ,V M'lllla ilf". Voun) JACKSON .vs. ERNE Ilolibr roIe v. l.Hll near Joe McndrH V". Ilncliey lluiehlnkon llarrv (Kid) llroun l. Allentown llunder llaie Meder va. Johnny Mahoney Keieriationa nt Donaahy'a, 33 H. 11th Ht. (lien entaieil to look after aulom Suits. Topcoats & Overcoats $29-50 $34-50 -39-5? 44-50 5.50 TROUSERS $ Saiinc You $2.50 a I'air $7 'TROUSERS $.25 7 Saving You $2.75 a Pair 4 15 Phila. JACK O'BRIEN'S $ TAM. IIOAIo c-uimor.. - m... Ueiaiia yeuow iiubv .an , ..a'itTM. Enroll lor llollnr Tournament Not, tt CAMBRIA . CI.CIJ Ilurna & Feeney.Mrra. Kenalnaton At, nnd Hotner.rt XI. I UIDAV KVKNINO, OrTOIIKR 10 AM1Y nimS ,ia. KID 15NNI9 I II UK 1I1JICU HlftU uutia ErH 'I nriVINr LESSONS ln by expert , BwAimi teacher. Open erenlnm. ' All uurlla are ta.ilht nrltately. Itiatrurllon I jrlren at your own heme. I Special Epctra! 543 New Fall Suits - ' 81'9 Newest J 4 A Overcoats Jmt Arrived From Our Workrooms! .IVllh a lelerram from Mr. flronka rnmmai.dlnr Ua to offer llieee remarkable e 1 o t It e a for Saturday at. fllliii I A MAMMOTH SALE OF . 1 34,000 REGaATION U. S. ARMY 1 I RAINCOATS $3 ?Sh I Direct From U. S. Quartermaster 1 fit&J. J MO'i hi LyV v f -,. ' ' W V i 7W ' i7 : f V' ,'Ky. MBT? Reclaimed by U. S. Government j tl' nr 'uaran,eecl i' be in good, aerviceable condi- ..u... ncy can De oought only t the nddreisei below. Direct From Camp Merritt These represent the larveal individual niirrtii... nf r.nv. j ernment Raincoats on record. Money Refunded If You Are Not Satisfied .Though sturdily made according lo ririd U. S. f.nv.rn. ' ment specifications, these rnincoati are genteel in appearance. r-' A great opnortunitv for Pnli-mn R!ln.J M. X....1 r t-hauffeurs, Sportsmen just the thing for the motorist. nrry one in IUUK Car. , Can Also Be Used by Women and Boys. Sizes 16 to JL U. S. Army Field Shoes I Solid leather throughout and guaran ' teed waterproof. Specially treated, wear resisting heavy soles. Wide bellows tongue. Re-enforced toe. Brass eyelets. Cannot be duplicated within $3 of our price. $.90 5 PER PAIR CSsX'''. r ''v jT -1 vSfK JOB ,' -A fi. "& (V ". !Sr V r el Pot rrepild n.Twhere ON SALE AT THESE 2 STORES ONLY BE SURE OF ADDRESSES I ARMY SUPPLY CO., 631 Market St., Phila. 1 ARMY & NAVY STORE, 225 Market St., Phila. PAPtPFI PftQT PPFPAin When ordering, give chest measurement. If not satis- A nnVJJli A VW 1 A AlJ rkllS ft factory, your money refunded. Shoe sizes for all men. Ii? Unusual Durability NEWARK ihoes pive you all the wear that the beit leathers and the best workmanship CAN give. And there isn't a popular last or model you have seen anywhere that we cannot instantly duplicate in our stock of over 200 styles at $3.95, $4.45, $4.85, $5.85, $6.85 and $7.85 We positively avc you $1 to $4 on your purchase because we sell more than 4 million pairs of NEWARK shoes each year through our own 298 stores in the United States. Why pay exhorbitant prices for your Fall shoes when it isn't necessary ? Pittarn Shnes m mSWWStm'WJmL m w m wr w llHBl - for IVi J3m mL tlililililililiHk.''BtiBjsKSlsVIt sliiiHMHHHii KwisMiCilfl 7asiiiiiiiS&,-. ' SSHHvaaBHssiiSLA tWaa rosLslilLHsntt;. t- ISSslsHtK,vEEx. KvVkilaBHH Yffis9iHBs' 1. i "si Tsmmmm&m v.w m m 8s?!llBiiiBBttltti,i ' v7v1MsiHbl Tstim Jjr k- JF IfiSlaBHHHHsftsiftklllviV ift HiH HsHHHHsr 'HBHIv to MB EN Greaiestfyalues In America Ai l TheirTrices Ak For No. 1725 Mahogany English long drawn outlast. w,M n.... heel. A racy model for young n.. . . S7.85 NEWARK SHOE STORES CO. l.arce.t Chain More M,oe to. In the World IDS Stores In I . S. 1!21 Market, bet ISIls and lStl, I U2 ?'.''"" KL "." WS """ 4,ll, I UIKUniT. ... ., .... . . w . 3'i K. 60th St near Market ... . . ! nrw oj,! l mh St., between Ilace & Vine HiS hen.lnfton Aye., bet, York ani 4 Market Mt., between 4ih and nth, .... -uinberland 43.1 ivaukford Ate., nenr Orthodon ;vl? K'nalnulon At... near Hart l.snel -,t4 Itldie Ae., ner Columbia, !?J ? ? bL.n,ar Cherry SI, I Main HI.. ManajunU. 41J houlli Mt., near nth. I 2MJ drrmantonn Are., hl en Horn .A2i ?. ?? "' v"r Chestnut 1 ret and Csmbrln. W1 flerroantown Are.i iiear Chelten ' f'amdeq. Hllmlntlon. IlrlHol. rhesie ISth and Chestnut Ar SLBH AV KK The House of Famous Clothes for Men and Young Men By Just Such Master Strokes inMerchandising as the Following Astound ing Offer, We Have Doubled Our Business in Less Than a Year BEGINNING TODAY Sale ol 2,200 MenWinter Overcoats Actual Present Value 45 TAKE YOUR PICK AT ONE PRICE All Famous Nationally Advertised Brands Get this fact straight: These Overcoats are costing MORE than $26.50 at WHOLE SALE today, and that no store anywhere can sell you coats of equal quality at anything- like this startlingly low price. These coats were ordered from the two-score makers whom we represent, prior to the recent big advance in cost of woolens ad production. It would be a simple matter to hold them until the season was .in full swing and sell them with ease at $35 each. But we have built up our mammoth busi ness by sriving our customers every advantage of our ability to save them money through our hutre Durchasini? power. And that, in brief, is the reason why we offer this choice collection of Overcoats at this time for only $26.50. Take our advice BUY NOW. Single and Double-Breasted Form-Fitting Coats, Box Overcoats, Raglans and Chesterfields, Double Breasted Ulsters, Town Coats, Plain and Belted Back, Single and Double-Breasted Ulsterettes and the latest belted-all-around Models. Silk, Satin and Venetian trimmed; both full, quarter or skeleton lined. All sizes. None Sent C. O. D. None Returnable. None Sent on Approval. We Will Gladly Store Coats Free of Charge for 30 Days 15th and Chestnut Open Daily Till 6 P. M., Saturday Till 10 P.M. p ii , l rji l'-?j ij&iul iHI niw HTn, r. r,. for. urn innrfin HI... Brooki-lSSMarket St. D1U- Rfi.t th Marked 8t. r &AOV 4lIlaV aibi.iiA- a riuHa . V ,' ''-' i ' r LV" yV 'WJust beloyv l(j iVe York HeadQUrters,;l$W. 340i$i. i4 r. (ia.-. j' v'Jt-' ' tit ...... i' a , . ,. ;r.7,r . icsa- "LA -v r ;: