V . V) K PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OQTOBER '1910' Zif- - ,v 0w the Greensward at the Bryn Mawr Horse Show : Mercier, LL. D. : Transcontinental Flier P KgiVjwHBRt jBMHKvf ' BMIl B&WBiWfe ; ,- JS! WATCHING THE opening events of Bryn Mnwr's equine program at the left is Mrs. William J. Clothier, in the. center is Mrs. Victor Mather, and on the right ' ' . J ' isw.ww. ' CAMDiNAL MERCIER and President Nicholas Murray Butler, of Columbia University. The Belcian ' ''w nvltiofA woa TfAaiTif Art wltVi fVift linnnrhrv ripfrrpft Of flnrfinr nf Inwa liv PnlnmViin TTnlvpi-Qifv nf nn tm. M tauu..'...... - - .... 41.A 1lt.vf.MM .tana n ttiA TAI AY1I.A. -P li. a.n.lnnr l..rl.. owl li.MflAJ 9 Atl VtiO piUUVlib WUUJf 4411V IUI(MJ.U3 Ui. UlOblU .jawive-.cercmony on the library stepH in the pres ence of '.t v f v -, guwhed guaetjj eplnfc. Sp the Kline. 3UTENANT B. W. MAYNARD, the "flyinc narson . and his mechanician,, eding at the rate of approximately two miles a minute, Lieutenant Maynarc first transcontinental flier to reach Chicago from MIncgla, ,L. ! on, the flig: Mlncola, MISS HILDA C. NORTON, Glcnside, Pennsylvania I was Photographs, for thin baik-page feature atouM be wbmitUd through' - nt'to i tLtmqil, ,addretU tvthe Beauty Corner, Evening PjUBLHTLKDaNb - . San Francisco. JV " W .-- Y fr It ' ' , !t M- .' fc .j '" " - "' jk --afc' m w frs- '" ' '" , ' - i -. v -a 7t . , -. v; s a i' f ., i, si ji?.-y ,