Er7i ,iP ri"'?-- .. r. " " j --" it yrj ' , ''j f ) "n 2? EVENING PUBLIC LEDaEfBr-PBDCCADELPHLV, THUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1910 Iwfcr WANTEB -H OLT CLOTH1NO nouaiiT CAst.nff rlnthlnar wanted t m.n'M nlil suits coats trousers. s!ioa, etc.: ladies' clothing of nil deerrlptlons and evening clothes bought: highest prices paldi we call any where cltv or country, na or night Write, rajt or telephone Filbert S172. .. .. ,., HELIOfOHN CLOTH1NO TO., HIP N. 8th CAnri3T8. furniture, rugs: we are positively the highest price payers: wo buy entire household good, storage recelpta, no matter how lane or inall the quantity Is: our at tention la prompt: we pay cash: before sell In your furniture to any one drop card, plione or call the American Furniture Co., Main Office. 1921 Oermantown ave. Dia mond 123.. . OLD CLOTHING BOUGHT Women's, men'a and boa' suits, trousers, overcoats, ahoes, hat, etc. We positively fay 110 more than others. Send postal, call r phone Dlcttlnaon 0103, Will call city. ""BrtteD&AiTfanoB.. uu south .t. g n want, at once. household furniture: store futures: office furniture: pay spot cash: honest -value; phone tis about It. Locust 4214 Old Churnh, ror. 12th and Cherry ats. SEVERAL high-class oil palntlnga wanted: very low prices: reply Immediately, giving name of artist, aubjert, price and where to be seen: no dealers. 'Q-3" P. O. Don StU. DIAMONDS, wa,tchea. gold, allver, platinum, musical Inst,, enmeras. broken Jewelry bought: hlahest price", 1208 Fiinrt at, PIANOS. Vlctrolaa. plavors bought for cash. Address Turner. 024 N, loth. Poplar 441Q KODAK OR CAMERA WANTED S20 Chestnut at., or will call. ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT ST.. 4545 Furnished third floor. S nna for hakpg, no children: 1 en, L ata. BD HT. N., A22T. Qlney Newly furn. room, 2d floor: nil corns.: private family. , 15TJI ST., S.. 320 Furnished front for gentleman, rnona incuse nooo. JCTH, N. (THE RURIC). 189. 141 Modern. up-to-date furn. rooms; electrlo throughout! dally and weekly rates: convenient tfl eta. t Ions: arood accommod. for traveling people. 1CTK ST., N.. 1401 Two rooms, furn., hsupr.i h up: aingiw rooms. up. 20TH ST.. S.. 225 Rooms for gentlemen board If desired: also parlors for profes- s'onai man: rererence. ar t a ma frinlv furnished second floor front; phone; electricity; ahenver: also ainaie room next in oairu 1711 SPRUCE ST. Houaekeeplnir suites sinale rooms; near mtiennouse snuarn fWKTTl .vtvJ ..a, hav. 5 Tiau. i'll Sty comfortahl6 rms.. furn. or unfurn.: elec.: all moan corns! owner; i-j ."" '""'', '? J'a, ftta. rh. Dla. 7244 J. Loc, 10th k Lehlch, lIANDSOMELY furnished room. In large. . ..iii.t. t,., r.Mrii- llohta- 10 . -""" o'OCK -. nroan. jouu diock vino SI. i2?.rFi: B:A,-SLCn,;,Hn'-41l.ppblorkN, llroad. 2000 block Tloaa st, mlnutea to Cltv Hall. Telephone Raring 41 S ATTRACTIVE furn. aptsft jotne housekeep'g. Sherwood Apt, Agncy. 223 S. Droad st. ROOMS WANTED COUPLM 'desire 2 furnished rooms, wtlh housekeeping prlilege. C 20, Ledger Off. BOARDING COLUMBIA AVE., 822 Flrst-clasa board. frt rr week: home oomforta; phone. WALNUT ST., 4rlB lloard and room for 2. Thorn Raring 127(1. . sunup nAN ElSvINS TARK Deslrablo s'cond-rtoor va cancles! convenient to 1'hllndelohla by train or trolley. Phono Melrose CB3. RADNOR INN, Radnor, Pa. Charmlnsr all jcar home; close station; excpllent train aervlce; flrst-clasa tabic. Phone Waine 17 BOARD WANTED COUPLE, with 12-jear-old boy, new to Philadelphia, ant flrst-claea board ! good section near public school: pmate bath dealrcd: reference given; party advertising has responsible position. Address Charles I.unflberg, mn iteai estate trum mus. BOARD wanted for 2 children, girl pf 4, boy of 0: home with elderly couplo In country preferred reference required and given. M 300, Ledger urnce. YOUNO MAN deslree room and hoard with reflned people: state full particulars In answering. P (ion. Ledger Office. APARTMENTS SWARTHM0RE APARTMENTS N. E COR. 22D AND WALNUT STS. FIREPROOF THROUOHOUT UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS OF TWO ROOMS AND 'RATH. ONE ROOM AND BATH AND ONE ROOM AND SHOWER SUITABLE FQR BACHELORS NEW APARTMENT, exclusively for men. 12 1 H. 13th St.. adjoining Philadelphia rluli; single room: front room with atcoe; nindernly equipped: good light; perfect lentl litloti; built-in baths and showers; wall safe; electricity, steam heat, hot and cold vniter: nlet and tnald services on .premises: on Ideal home for discriminating bachelor. Apply representative, on premises. THK mANKLIX l'Jll W, Lehtph av. i no mrsi uenuiuui uniurnmneu imru uuor apartment In North rhllatjelphla. .It room"? ana nuln: every mouern onvanience; uu per month; 1 yar lcaao; references required. I'tinno wiamona uau w. tut; krankun. iuh av. L.KHIQH avk. 1 I'lm mn-u beautiful unfurnished thlrd-noor apartment In Xorth Philadelphia; 0 rooms and bath: eery modern convenience; $00 per monlhi l sear lease: reiercncea required. Phono niamond 7g. W. , APARTMENT IIUADQUARTKRS Central apartmenta a apeclalty, fiherwood Apt. Asrencv, L25 3. Broad et. Rome very attractive turn apts. some housekeeping. APARTMHNTf.. 4 and 5 rooms and bath. heat and hot water, all conenlenres; only a few left. Yorkahtp Villa pe, Camden, N. J. Bell phone Camden 1R00. t 1700 PINE ST. Deslrnblo suite. 2 rooms and bath, ff't floor: dlntnR room In houso; rensonable board. TAUIANE. nno Walnut. 313 N. S4TH ST Two larce cjieerful rootn; hot-water heat; corner house; newly dec- TWO Iare rooms and bath. 2200 pine at.. Sflrt. Merton (Irelms. Harrison Pg. Ixic.92tt FOtTH rooms, bath, porch, eery mod. conv , $61 per mo. John P. Conlln. B.140 Otn. av. APARTMENTS WANTED TOU AIU3 INVITED to Hat your vacant or to-be vacant apartment with tho Sherwood Apartment Ancy,225 S. Droad at. Phono walnut SIT. It ta quite Imposalble to Mil the requirements of our many applicants without ?nor hearty ro-operatlon. WANTKD Furnished 4Uroom apt. until May 1 or longer. C 2(5, Iedg-er Office. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS riNKSr IN I'HI.-.AnKnpHIA 1820 PINE STREET t It ri all tho latest conen!encei One Urse Ihfntr room with a beau tifully designed open fireplace to burn loff Jurnlancd by th owner. Ope bedroom with large closet pace. Ono bathroom with built-in tub. ahower and beautiful accessories. On lATKe kitchenette, complete to the laaVdetall. ' neiital: $100 per month. Apply A. B. MILLS WEST END TH1IST TlLPd. m hTTH a hath 181B LOCUST Two lery large rooms, and kitchen, also 3 larat, rnnn,. and kitchen, $1800 to 2100; flneat location in CIVJ"; Ul-tw-nn nv. . "in n -llurCO: UUlet yet vary central. MERTON UltEIMH Har. rlson Hldg. Locust Bl'O. '' "ar 10TH BT N 140t Rooms, prlv batli and kitchenette: alnale room, private hath SPRUCE ST.. 2110 Excellent corner- fuT: nlahcd housekeeping apartment. ' APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRB American Plan CHELTEN AVK. AND MORMS ST, GERMANTOWN ' 20 MINUTES TO BROAD ST ' STATION Furnished and unfurnished suites. HOTEL COLONIAL Aif?., ST. Select apartment family hotel: In the center nf Ilia city; operating, on the American plan; our labia will please the moat exacting. 1' PITMAN BAKER. Jr.. Managar THE GLADSTONE IITlt AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOP' Till! LITTLE HOTEL. -225 H. Broad at"A aonil place to live while ln Philadelphia, JIEAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITY J BOOH 2110 CLEMENTINE ST Seven rms. and bath: laraa lot: aood condition, II. E. SMITH 724 IV. Erl ava. APARTMENT house for sale: best location In city; Id apartmenta. all tenanted; first- clasa Investment, paya big returns. MORRIS UERN8TEIN, 2200 Arch at, $311011 INVESTED now will double Itself In 6 years; 10 small houses earnlnw Slneo per year, expenses $000. WM. O. KlUEDaEN. Pulaski ave- Plica nna mtn !.. $2600102 Ontario at,. 2 s'ory, 6 rooms-i and batn. If. K. RMITII 724 W. Erie ave VOHCU-FltdNT DWELLIN03. 4 bedrooms: will Duu, iidimi niiipiqt IIUUSS, MOHII DRJTOT i, uermaniown. Alien- ,MtfrHT, ,ii ix -. I440O t-; ni REAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITT STORE AND FACTORY HU1LD 1NH ON RACE ST.. IN THE HEART OF" TUB ELECTRICAL AND T1NPLATE DISTRICTi 20xlTO FT, INCLUDING ,REAJl DRIVE WAYl STEAM HEAT TimOUOII- out; rownrt elevator, well CONSTHUCTEDi SHOP.T LEASES; rntcn $33,000 for quicic.bale. APPLT A. SHOTZ. 1830 S. 4T1I ST. NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA Dover above Tork: 2 atory, B rooms; rent S1G: reasonable price. Tsney aboie Somcreet;ery desirable 7-room home; izaso. Stlllman abovo Cambria; 0 rooms, porch! I2S0O. Harold near !3lh; 7 rooms; flrst-clasa eon- dttinnt t?nnn Croakev above Lehlch: 7 roonu: excellent location. i341 Klrth: vacant; 7 rooms, porch. Dutch linn, s.1100. 2S25 Cumberland: Immediate possession; 7 rooms: occupied by owner. Lehigh above 28th: south Bide: 3 story. 10 rooms: suitable for business. Lehigh above 20th; north aids: coed business location. , STORE PROPERTIES 2900 Talor: 0 rooms and store; price rea sonable: excellent location for butcher. Huntingdon near 2Uth :deslrable corner atore. WALTER V. ASHBY 2040 N. 20TH ST. MEMBhTt rini.A. REAL BBTATF. HOARD COO block Aj-ch st. 1100 bl. Wallace st. atiuo wock is. nroan. jouu biock vino st. 000 bl. K. (.'helten av 2000 hlopk l.atona st. S100 block N. t'arllele lhOll block Ontario at 2000 hi N. Cleveland 2100 block Medary at. 100 Mock 8. 11th St. 2100 block Ontario st. r00 bl. W. Montg, av 400 block N. 3?d st. 2200 block N. IBlh St. 1BO0 block N. 17th st. 1000 bl. Falrmount av 2200 block N loth st. 700 block N. 8lh. 2700 block N lth st 200 block S. 8th. 2400 block N IMh St. 700 bl. Falrmount av 2300 block N 21st st. 400 block S. 43d st. 2300 blo-k 1C 16th at 2200 block N. 4lh at. 1800 block Thompson nnn w. v.: nirard ar ,TOS A. RARH CO , 1420 Chestnut, Apr. BB5 Tfl llrvn UtTVRna POflSKRSION 2200 N. 11th at.: storo a,nd duelling jr.ROO 1311 Jackson, corner , 4r,nii 2247 N. Uber at.: 3 story 440D 2331 N. Van Pelt st.: 2 storv ... . .Mr.nii 2if3 N. Sjdenham st.; 2 atory . . . 3400 104 Snvder avel, 2 sty., dec! red. to 11110(1 lOlOHrown at.: 3 story 200(1 2207 N. Lambert st : 2 atory 2600 2228 N. Lambert t. : 2 story . , . . soon 2210 Ogden st. : 2 storv 240(i 840 N. Bambrey st.: 3 story 2200 2B23 N. Sartaln st. : 2 story 2200 2020 S. Juniper at.: 2 story 2000 2500 N. Hownrd-et.; 3 atory 1S0O TAULANE. HOP Wa nut st. AUTOMOBILE BUILDING WEST OF BROAD ST. NEAR PARKWAY " 33.000 S.QUARE TEET W. BRUCE BARROW 130 N. 12TH ST. BUY IN TIOGA $4950 3900 Block N. Smedley 7 rooms, electric. Dutch hall. Hardwood floors. hot-watr heat, rorch and terrace fronts: Immediate posa. 8007 N. Smedles1 at.! open for Inspection. LEWIS COHEN, 1113 Lincoln Hide. Or agent on premises. I HAVK a cllnt who wishes tn purchase, for cash, a modern house, with about 0 bedrooms. H baths, srarafe or stable. 1 to J acrea. betven Aftlm01"" and Vlllanova: let mo Know 1" jou hae nnithlnff to offer A. D. WARN0CK , 112 3. 16T1I ST, MRIUT SQUAUB HOMES nnnn AirdriA at. at Kenslnzton & Hedaley ftes.: brick and atone conMmctlon; all con- veniencea, inciuainff eipcinc uvuis. amount of each required, balance as rent. HeaMr. METZukk, at 37s uienaaie bi or II. r. Smith. 724 w. Erio ave. TWO very larao rooms, bath and kitchen; also 3 Unta rooms, bath and kitchen; $1800 to S61Q0: nntat location in cuv: oppo lte St. Mark's Church; oOlet. et ery cen- tral: 1010 Locust. JIEKTON GllELMS, Har- rlson Hldg. Ixieust O-'Q paoi'EHTy ownehs brlnir your troubles to me; renuebt for resi dential and business properties In all aec tlons: what have you to offer? Samuel A. Seaman. 132 3. 13th at., llooms 400-11. Wal nut BS37. , ItKADr FOIl IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Corner porch property Ith five bedrooms, practically new: hardwood floors, elee'y, tubs, etc., near a car llnea & 3 depots, See Wm. O. Frledaen. Pulaski ave.. Pike and 18th st. UP TO DATE, electrlo lights, ateam heat. It rooms, bath and shed: Frankfort ave. and Venanao at,: $600 caph buy 1 of these beautiful homes: Immediate possession J. W, CLAYTON SHIP Frankforil f HOMEnUYERS. ATTENTION' J2H0H 2.12.1 and 20 Turner, rooms JS480 82(1 and 28 Taylor, 7 rooms. J1050 1K27 and 20 Newsirk. 7 rooms ALBERT D. OAT. 5038 Pine si CENTRALLY located, a good atrona O-elory bulldlne containing oer .10.0110 square feet of floor spaqei two street fronts; lmmodlate Po""!P.n'.'1Xi1Jn.",,"RlJ .- ini, V imituii i-." .. n,,v- ...,.. 1281-83-83 N. BTH 8T. four rooms Dath outside kitchen: purchase price J2000 each. Apply JOHN KRAUSS. 2428 Cedar at. K. alnaton 1744 IV. FOR SALE 400 IV. Norrls at., rent 20: nrtce I220O; H20 Melon at. rent J2lii price $2700. M. HEROER t CO.. N. E. Cor. 7th and Sprlnr oaraen sis ,vi,ccTil!a 1TTP.VTION 2210 Huntlnit Park ave.i 0 apartmenta: mod ern: always rented,, rents $1.10 per month. Tos A Rarr Co. 1420 Chestnut. Spr. KM, 30OO BLOCK N. Broad at. Three story, porch front, in rooms, 2 baths, hot-water a a !. .li.fiAil flni-irrt jilcCORMlC'lC S. MCCORMICK, Lincoln BMg ,,AdU.nTe1rSl,2,thT&VruVffionr.0.0,.,: renta-MSAPPl ma RESTAURANT for sale on good corner, 211 North mih st.. Including 12 rooms fur nished $45n neekly business, call from to 10 p. in. . $"30O-3; Ontario at., n rooms and jbath: -Ponyenlent toar llnj 724 IV, Erie ae. COLORED BUYERS, take notice I 28H Ca'rllsle: easy terms: 7, room! bath- ll conienlences: private alley, -H. E SMITH, 724 W. Erie ae. notice $23C0. . rooms ana DESIRABLE cor. dwelling near Broad and Jackson ats.i spice for parage. j acion.AUt.ANB n()0 wnut ,, i- 2,131 N, ,23d St.: porch. 8 OW Vacant rooms, bath, laundry. TltJF. THOMAS. 23H1 IV. Lehigh nve. BAlSuAlN in B-r. house, soon blk. N. Judson at.; excellent rond.: price $2000; early poa. session IltA Tlll-lJIAa. yoin w. i.eniaii av 3000 1IIXJCK N. Bambrey at. fl mis., hath, Dutch hall, laund., porch terrace front: In "erf, rond. Lewis Kaskey. 2751 N. 28th. jjill CAYUQA ST. Nino rooms, bath. n "c,SEhII?t!L ft CO., 4th and Callowhill, "'11-3213 E, NORRIS (corner property); "good renters: never lacant: prlco $3200, Investigate. YARDLKT. H1:4 IV. Olrard ae. ilDUHE. with stable. See 3343 N, 6th St. ManALLlBTER, 3400 N, fith at, "302 N 17THt Throe story, II rooms and " bath: flrst-elass condition, O ,C. SE1DEL ft CO.. 4th anil Callowhill. 1610-18-20-23 KONTAIN ST. (near 16th and Diamond) Two-story, 7-rocmi houses; all -urn's Olnev Realty (in.. 6311 N. Sth at FIVE-STOTtr bulldlnr. 25x123; City 1WI1 area; possession; 2 street fronts; best bur In central district. B 303, Ledger Office, 1200-11-13 N. 4T11 ST. Dairy, buildings, atables and dwga. ; large lot: two fronts. I.ukans ft Montgomery. 1135 Bhackamaxon. i750 3112-11-31 N, AMERICAN: 6 rooms and bath: on OO-ftwlde asphalt at : look th'm over, II, E. BM1TH. 7M Erie -e. $1700 EACH 8327-20-31 Hartvllle at.: each renti beanttful home or Investn t.t 1M iment properties H uaiuiina w, win ave SiOCTBLOCK OREEN ST. JM-AtJl'lJt vr nuim hi,. IMMKD. posa.. 2747 Howard, reas. price for qUICK SHIP. WUT T 4 lim?i mu . evwm ivnn RI.OCK Mt. Vernon at. lAUIl'aJ4i ifua iigmut Bii W60 NORTH WOODSTOCK 2-atory., brorra atone, nine rooma. Apply 224(1 N. 21st st. 1484 CHRIBTIAN ST. Ten rooma, 8 story, gondenn Lewis Calren 1113 Lincoln llldc, nualnesa Properties nnd Slores UTOnB property, corner, near ltb an"! Alarxat; sun or any '" business; poaseailon. P 811. Ledger Office. REAli ESTATE TOR SALE Factor! ea mwm W. Bruce J3arrow FACTORIES FLOORS WAREHOUSES si 30 N. 12ih Street n in iiiiianinn.Hiiii mmu i FACTORIES AND PACTORT SITE Everywhere n Philadelphia. LOUIS H. OtNBDURO, 1201 Chestnut st. , INDUSTRIAL plants, warehouses acant land, railroad and water frontage. J. L. STEVENSON WN. 22 Land Title. -nnlUlnr Txta. ractory Sites, rto. 11U1LDEUS Have an exceptional plot ct 20 acres suitable for medium-priced homee. 700 feet fronting on Rising Sim ae cloee to station and on trolley line. See BENNER. 002 Wlngohocklng at. HlO.SOO SQUARE FEET, Kens. dlat.. $13,000 4 acres. New ions oivision " "" 75 acres, sklnga. river front; will dllde .T. ALAN M1DDLETON Wldener Hulldlng, Philadelphia tlTKif. RAILROAD Perna. and Reading ItOOO per acres and up. according to loc tnoulr. for terms. Dleterlch. T3T Walnut. WEST PHILADELPHIA Where Else Can You Buy A 2-STOltV HOUSE WITH 0 tAROE ROOMS, RATH. LAUNDRY AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS1 FOR $3300? J4.W r-SH RKQUIRED t 1 Q Q9 MONTHLY $7.7L EXPENSES Plus 17 Per Month Additional, which Reduces Second Mortgage , Mahogany & White Finish Up-toiDate Plumbing 3 Extra-Large Bedrooms Laundry on First Floor An Artistic Colonial Stairway New Lighting Fixtures Heater Range and Roof In good order. You may select rour jwn papering. Reinnart Street (00TH TO 01ST) Between Kingsessmg and 'Greenway Aves. SAMPLE HOUSE. 0000; SEE IT TODAY Open Dane rrom in u i-. ii. ana RinltM'aT trt 8:30 P. M. Take 13 car. Cheater ave , to 00th and Klngsesslrurr walk '4 block soutn Take No. 11 aubway car to Woodland tvnlls lli tlnb nnrth. Take No. 12 car on rino street; walk 1H blocks north. An ideal location for-R. It. men only 1 ao. from oth St. R. O. Station. OWNER ON PREMISES, or Samuel Stern AiMim. alHWIiailiiHIIIIHIIIinfHIIfiHilBMBIIIIiaillMliai 63 Most Modern Homes I WITH PRIVATE GARAGES OSAGE AVE EAST OF fl2P ST m JUST BEING COMPLETED S Electrlo light Hardwood floors, jg to. iioi-waier ileal aiivu huiiuviu, t S Inclosed porch, with y 1 Plastered' aundryJ H l iaaicicu is' a And 22-foot drlvewav ui H Located only 15 mln. from city Hall W Bl Sample House p g 0144 Osage Avenue M Agent on Premises Dallv A Sunday. Phone Belmont 3160, iiiiHiniunHiiiiiaiiiiiniiiaiiiLaiiaia! it! 26 Apartments 63d and Callowhill Streets 2-STORY APAIITMENT8 5 AND 0 ROOMS AND BATH ' $100,000 Bubject to first morlsace. JAMES PCARLF.T. JR. C3D AND ARCH STfl. Phone Belmont 817 MOVE IN NOW 2-STORY CORNER HOUhE (WITH ROUTHKRN EXPOSURE) Cor. G5th and Regent Sts. (Ret. Klnas'sslng anil Chester ave.) New With Lurp;e Garage $1001) CASH REQUIRED This --Attractive Home Awalta You, YAGLE 5c BURNS &VMM EARLY POSSESSION House 4100 block Sansom st, (South aide) Lhlnff rocm, dlnlmx room, pantry, Kitchen Rrat floor; library. 2 bedrooms and bath, aecond floor: 4 rooms, linen closet and trunkroom, third floor; 16 8-ft. front- prl vnte rear driveway; ample room for garage, environment, neighborhood and conentencn of location unexcelled: priced for quick pale. Phone Preston 3030 W. SOLVE TOUR HOME PROBLEM Uulld your house on this lot, 70th anil Olb son ave.; 26x100; third from corner: get busy; I have no use for It and hate for the tash. V 458. Ledger Office. WILLOWS AVE.-. 0822 For aale on very easy terms: a nice 8-story porch-front dwelling, with '6 bedchambera. electric light, hardwood floora, newly papered and patnted; near tha iParlr. and Tennis Club, ohurrhe schools, etc PEMBERTON ESTATES, owners. Harrison Bldg 1121 MASTER ST. (cor. Marvlne Dwelling. 8 rooms and bath; price $3000, and 1401 N. Marvlne at., atable with dwelling above, $3000! must be .sold at once to close an ej. tate. D. U CHAMBERS. 710 Commercial iniai miuQina. loin ana iiiarket sts. R-'i'l,,,Ii.LOCtc ".'.'.".".? rf ' 8 Chester ae , $8760 as Is; $4160. Improved; 7 rooms and bathf electric, mineral floors silver fixtures, beautiful paper; possession. EDWARD F (10RMAN, agent, on premises, or 11 S, 62d at. flflmont 720. $1600 Living room. 6 rooma ana bath; hot water heat, electrlo llghta; 1 block from 60th at. ARTHUR J. LEUPOLD. 32d Larchwond DONBALL AVE., east of Drexel ave Fine building lot, 60x100: sidewalk, sewer, wa ter, gas. etc.: bargain at $1000: look for sign. SWOPE A SON. 610 Main. Darby Sifsl RACE Semidetached. 8 r, and b. con . WlJ,kiI"i-i-Prla 6000? MICHAEL A. MALONEY, 1021 H. 0th St. 1810 8. ALLISON 2 atory, porch. 0 rooma and bath newly palnfed, $1800, YARDLEY, 1B34 nirard ave 121 . YEWDELL Six rooms, bath, porch front: good cond ; Juat papered & painted, Immed posa. McNULTY. 808 Halley Hldg 31!.5!jT:7.nil'''M",ch' Kdgewood. nr. Master SCHMIDT & CURRAN. BOB Liberty Hldg 1SO0 I LOCK N. Wanamaker at. MACHOLD, 1208 Chestnut st. 6711 WARRINOTON AVE., 8010 to SOfll All man: mod, homes. Hokolove. Diamond 8720 1300 BLOCK. H. PAXSON ST.; $S0O MinKuutvr kiih .-nestnut at. 6637 MASTER HT. -Rtnr. nrnn vAnA h.lsl. nesa atanni barg. Bokolove. Diamond 8721). 23 PINE ST. Two-atory, porch-front dwg.l poaaesalon. Taulana. 000 Walnut. Apartment Honsea COLBURNE APARTMENTS 6600 TO 6822 I.ANSDOWNE AVE. Thes Apartment can b bought as an INVESTMENT -on . - SPECULATION (or a reasonable amount of cash. Full de tails sent upon request. HERBERT HOPE SeOl TORK ROAD EMil i H I 1 Q liiiniuiBiiii REAL ESTATE FOR SALE nnKMANTOWN . IHWMCCIIffliWimHI 214 E. G0RGAS ST. Remldetaebed dn-e1lln'e. modern. 0 bedrooma and 3 baths. 8 open fire places, electricity, ateam heat, oak floors: located In a restricted resi dential section and within a few mln utes" walk of Sedgwick Btateon or Oeunantown ave. stores, etc.: naa Just been redecorated throughout and painted; immediate possession. 149 E. Durham St.,1 Ava,lltnir. southern CX- nosure: living room, dining room. J kltrhen, laundry, 0 bedrooma and J B hatha ateam heat, electricity. Prnut g floors, first and second floora: within a rew minutes' warn oi ,lJ,".i -" e; Oermantown ae. cars: excellent con- m dltlon throughout. g 129 E. Mt. Pleasant Ave. j Semidetached dwelling: Ideal loca- f tlon: modern, with new parquet floors. B i first and second 'floors; 2 open Are. places, electricity, tile porch, bed- ' rooms and bath: excellent condition, a i with Immediate possession. 3 7143 Boyer St. Semidetached stone dwelling, will; f garage: electrlrlty, parquet floors. J a baths and 8 bedrooms: the rooms are g large; 2 open fireplaces and good lot.a. g ,""" 7209 Boyer St. Semidetached dwelling: modern. S with parquet flooro, electricity 0 bed- -i rooms and 2 halhsi'palnled white and just papered throughout. H Send for list of nropertlea If you H are In the market for a modern heme H well built and In flrst-clasa condition b S. C. T0URIS0N 1 70U ROYER ST.. OTN p Theno Otn. 50B. Thone Qln. 4431 j aiwiiiaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiwiiw : Only a Few Lett 1 1 $3 6 00 I New Air-Light Homes Six rooms and bath gf Hardwood floors large l, vards B MAYLAND STREET 1 Relow Washington lane at Chew st.: 3 00 cash and S87 per month pay all g carrying chnrges. Including So per a month reduction of second mortgage g Take car on Oermantown ave. to H Washington lane, walk east Jo Chew H, at., or car on Chelten ave. e Chiv B st.. walk north . s SAMUEL STERN S NORTH AMERICAN RLDO. U Or ROBT, W BROJVN. Ar-nt. on H iiiiiiffljijiiHiismipw Immediate Possession 54500 0421 Peechwood at. (Chelten an.l Wen Ion aes ). rooms, bath, porch, hot watr heat, electric llht. Agent on premises. . $4300 0511 Stenton ave.. 2-atory. porch-front. (1 rooms and both; hot-water heat, bss. $48o0 MOO Ul Norwood st. Che'ln ".1 Stenton aves.). tl rooms and baths, hot water heat, electric. $58fi0 2100 HI. 6lh ae.. 0 rooms, hot water heat, electric. Oak Lane Realty Co., Inc. MAIN OFFICE. H7B2 TOTIIC P.OAD. OTN nUANCH. 2117 CHELTEN AVE. 4014 rUl-ASKI AVE. Two story, llvln. room. 4 bedrooms, bath basement laun dry, hot-water heat, electric lights; Imme diate possession, perfect condition , .n- llrnlliv IVK Tvn story living room. 8 lario bulrooms. bath. hHrdwood throuahout. hot-water heat, electrlo Hants, laundry; Immedluto possession. MANHEIM ST. Two-story twin house llvlnic room. 4 budrooms. bath, steam heat, electrlu light, hardwood on ono floor. w ,. lxuu. 5149 KEYSER ST Two-story twin house, 3 bedrooms, modern bath, laundry 204 IV. CLAriER ST. Two story 10 ft porch, living room. bath, laundry, hot water heat, 3 bedrooms; Inspection by ap pointment only. 4020 MORRIS ST. Two atory. .1 bedrooms, tiled bath, hot-water heat, electrlo lights, beautiful outlook. THOMAS it. Iil-ll. 1Q ivBjiio nv 0811 N. BHOAD ST corner Haines .t. New 2(4 -storv stone and brink dwelling, 5 bed rooms, 2 baths, hardwood throughout, the most modern houso on our entire list: Im mediate possession; open for Inspection all day Sunday, otherwise by appointment; price, with attractive terms. $10,500. Dallas t Hartley. 4700 N. Broad, Wyoming S71-S72. 5956-58-60 Beechwood Street Seen rooms, porch. Dutch halls, laundry In baament prlco $3500 each WALTER V. ASHBY 2(140 N. 20TH ST. J4200 6S0O block. Clearvlew st. ; 2 squares east of Oermantown : Immediate pos session; sample houso open dallv nnd Sunday; fi rooms and bath.. hot-yater heat, electric, hardwood floora; near station; $800 cash. Robt IV Rrown. Tloaa MI28 W, on prem Is.s. or Dsllas & Hartley. Inc. 4700 N. Proad at. Wyoming R7I. H72. iii'T this House A w-rll built, modern 3-stpry house at 432 E Walnut lane, semidetached, porch front, hot water heat, hardwood floora. electric, laun drj 2 baths: lot 20x130: attractively priced. JOS A. 1IARR CO., 1120 CHE3TNUT ST. S E COR. OREENE AND JOHNSON STS. Stone, 3 baths: 2-csr garage; vory large lot. modern In every way, Sedgwick and Emlen ill.: ISOilSO; corner lot. ripe for Improvement. Jos A Rarr Co , 1420 Chestnut. Spr. CM. SIDE-YARD HOMES: unusual prlcea) Ross at. below Tulpehocken; steam heat, 1 bed looms; $1000, Lenson below Tulpehocken. I.100O. terma arranged. ADERNBTHY. 1328 rheatnut. WORSTER. 3001 Oermantown ae. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION .18112 Wakefield st Iteceptlon-hall home; 4 bedrooms, hot water heat, laundry tubs, etc. Oermantown 2802 J , 6120 Oreene st. 11)07 MEDARY AVE.. 0005 Limekiln pike. 13l Ogonta ae., corner; 0140 O.-onti aie , side ard: all modern: bargains. SOKOLOVE. Diamond 8720. 3018 MORTON ST.. 7 rooma: all cmvenl enies, good neighborhood: $2700, JOHN McNEILL v MCA Building. Oermantown. TWO STORY 8 rooma, porch, laundry," Hied ng. ii.isoo Oreenspan. York nl. fc Louden, ' " " ' Mm "Tin, , win" mm iimnogany paint MT. A1KV MKHMANTOWN KOR HALE 0813 ANDERSON ST. SEMIDETACHED HOUSE ON' LOT 40x181 FT.: INCLOSED PORCHES FRONT AND REAR: BEDROOMS. 3 P.ATHS. OPEN FIREPLACES, IIA8E- MENT LAUNDRY HOT-WATER HEAT. ELECTRIC AND OA8 LIOHT INO: IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION: 3 MINUTES FROM EITHER STENTON OR SEDOEWICK STATION, P. AND R.; 25 MINUTES FROM READINO TERMli NAL: POSSESSION NOVEMBER 1ST. APPLT OWNER. ON PREMISES. OR. PHONE OERMANTOWN 780. PRICE $12,000. VRANKFORD BARGAINS ' 1644 Church street. 1820 Kinsey street 1630 Meadow street 1831 Plum street 1353 Sellers street. 14J5 Sellera atreet. 4818 Tarkawanna street. 1ta Hewson, atreet. 2831 Lawrence .streeL OLNEY REALTY CO. 6511 N. KTII STREET TinnA 1312 C.LENWOOD AVE. Desirable 3-story home; best buy In this section,'. $1300. HERBERT HOPE 5901 York Road TIQalA Two-sty. , i,rms porch-front. h. w. heat, new lighting futures, porcelain nlumblng. atatlonary waah tuh.i lut niti ft,; excellent condition: near P and R. and 1 i, i ti. Biiiuu.. iiiuw oe Been to be to predated. Owner ,211a Rellevue pt. 1225 ERIE AVENUE Twelva rooms and bath, hardwood floora, steam beat; best of cond,: shades, screens. winter's coal; $10.600, Apply on premises. I 1143 WESTMORELAND ST. Store and ' l-3)SfUlnr' w."h 4,.fK?m" ""' bahi Pf'e $2700: terms to suit tha purchaser. Wm, Mooro, liai uuncannon ave,. Logan BEST location, qulat, reflned. near York road and Erie ave., aloctrlc, fine "order; Sftumft.ffi V llfflftliiffTi' 'T. ' hln; ujportn notne. , - ara.iirlv ' I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE oi.M-.v -u $7500 '"fe-story slnglo hruse, hot-waler heat. 0 ,"m nnu oatn, wnn Plenty OI grouna ana garage. Three-story Porch-front house, with steam heat, large lot: 10 rooma and bath. 320 Ashdaln at., fl rooms, bath, liot-waler heat electrlo light and hardwood floors. 45T rishera ae,. 0 rooms and bath; In good condition, all Improvements, ,1023 N 8,1 ,t.. B roTjma. bath, hot-air htat und rss lighting, rorch front ROTH FOI.F.Y. INC. . . 0M0 N. fiTII ST. ! 01ny. PhLudelphla. Waomlng 323H. New Attractive Homes AH f-nnvs.. hot-water beat electrlo light tonsnera ae 95U(iu li ciio.1 et TIMtO 4741 .Mas-her at ....s. 4200 CR18 N. 7th Kt . . n.'iOO 204 Chew at . ... 0000 OLNF.Y REALTY CO. Mil N. Bth at. i . l.onAN 606 Luray St. Six-Room Modern H ousc Private Garage This hou ted J Thfi houde U o. Hted JU1 OTT th" X. K Bo- hiutl puulnnd containing tin-to- (li'ti ronvcnl- o irr Lindley Realty Co. JOS. M. BUSCH C102 N OTII T Phone. ominB 4520 W. Immediate Possession $4500 4511 N. 16th St. fl rooms Hnd bath, remodeled through out, OAK LANE REALTY. INC. 0752 York Head Telephone Oak Lane 53T IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $9000 Mn.1-.11 11 N latitat 1118 C'aimr St. 3 story, semidetached, porch fiont, 10 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, hot water heat, electric llghti, l.cjs st 5U0J York road. Oak Lane Realty Co., Inc. 0752 YORK HI), rhone Ojk Lane 337 ONE OF LOGAN'S CHOICEST HOMES -HdO N 1-TII ST Seeu rooniB, tli?d bathroom with l' tub, l! shower i-xti-H plumtiln? features, modern in ctn detnll. shades, ccrem and awnlnaa intluued, price JhOOO. OHAUA5I K- liltAHAM X. 1Z tor HutchliHon and Hocklantl WonHng Hill 4603 N HROAD ST Desirable home; $10 500. , Herbert Hope, 5901 York Road Oil! HOCKl.Nn HT Thr bedroom. In closed porch, earlv possession, prieo $7000, terms Httractlw Dallas A Jlartlev, Inc . ?0tt y HroHd st Wyon.lnc871-H72 4832 N f'AMAC HTH rooms nnd bath, lint watsr liut hHrdwood floors; penildetnrhtd; n.'.OO McCormlfK At aieCcirinlck.Iilnmln.mdic. r.yoo nijOCK N 12TH "Hl Thie-storv Mil let house; II room, 'J baths; all modern Improvement. fHAMMKIlS, 4P33 N Hrnwd. ilt)QAN Hemes from J4.V.U up, also soma cootl lnetmenl properties downtown m.NNlUl. liflS Wlngohocklng st nrjl N IRTJI HT Thrpe-ity Rudlsj house. wll ron i s. C'lTAMimn, 4033 X Hroa d. 4030 N 13TH HT 3 stv . Id rm , 1 baths; Hit corns CHAMHi:iiH. 4033 N' Krosd ONE of the Mlllett houses on 11th at. W ). DRAKE. .TO.1 Drenel Building OAK LNK IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $8000 0718 N' Carlisle St., semidetached, 8 rooms and bath, hot water heat, electric; exceptionally large lot $8500 142ft Mth ave., 3 story semidetached1, porch front. 10 rooms, L' baths, hardwood floors, electric llnhtK ho I water heat. $9000 IMo flMh Re , - story, semidetached, porch front. 8 roomi and hath, hot-water hat. tlettrlc. hard wood floors; earace. $14,500 Vew H'liiulelaclieil 10-room dwellings, Uload H soillh oT CKlh ne IUIIERS PROM J1.10I) Tl) $15,000 Oak Lane Realty Co., Inc. PHONE OAK LANE 3.17 0752 YORK Rd 6S21 CARLISLE ST, HAIlQApV . $7,800 Desirable twin, 0 rms 2 baths 0,600 4. 3-aty. cor., 9 rms baths, large lot 11,600 817 00th ave. mod home. 8 rms, baths, fireplace, garage privilege. 11,800 Modern twin. 0 rms. cellent location . . 2 baths, ex- 13,000 Herbert Hope, 5901 York Road pr.rsL i i si mimiAX CIIARM1NC1 reslJi'me Colonial, double porch wings, larg" lot uuuBual trees and lino ahrubbers. 2 ball" 2 tolleta on aecond floor: toilet and running wal'. I'ot and cold In attic toilet In 'liar Itiiud heater, top per KtrlPPlng. house bu It 5 icars; garage. cats grnpers, and fruits. 23 minutes from cl C 27 IiiKt Offli' . FOR HALE 21 n r- largo slono houso and fruit: 1 mile from Fox Chase In Montaom.ry county. Immedlite possession, price $11,000; tiarn. nign grcuii'i i'"-'. ,'".."''."". """ ...v fprnia Mnrr s ijrtngsireui ror ufawr easy lerin. - ' . ,. ph... n n and t neiiennaiii '.""' -ul . ri . , ifrn""5ALE Splendid bulldlnc sites along the Perkloinen g"d sized lots, water ss tern from reservoir .',""'"'. '" atoned street. hl?l. Jo.-atlon at a reaaonable FltANCH3ilwAi Z Schw-ink.UII.. PaJ NAUBE11TH Three story jtone. elate roof, hatha double hardwood floors flret and aecond floor; white woodwork, new concrete 5JS.5 front and side atlracthe flower gar den lot nox 100 301 Woodalde ae lele- nh.M Narbcrlll 30'l 1 . MKLROSE-section 11 00i. 2-sty.. 11 rmi bith 2 opi'n fireplaces. Ii -w heat, ... ami elec lot 126x200 frpll. old shade, I $13 1 ill proposition 80 daja iwssesslon " n . llabermiah 130 TIatave.J Oak Lane - v roll Linsdowne and Albemarlo -,, r'lilonlal tile dwelling and 2-caT g?.ge. $18?00O CHESTER OSIIORNB. 1n34 mesnim n TiM.MriuP. IA11K l01 -"-"17ft: cars 1 sq. , JjUklv 2418 N. Opal at hiihnrban l.ols irivivq PARK sci tlon Building lots. 71x ino 1160- Mxl70 $000: 02x2111. 510C0. all -l k-is'S PARK am tlon Restricted, high- cl. bldg ote. $150 on. water, gaa, eleu C ! "" '"'hlillSH. 1308 71st ave.. Oak Lane HKBW VX n"-5ATVAT 11ERWIN on Main Lino P nRl R 8-room dwelling ,l about H acre i.n.n all romenlences. dealrable location: $60(11). "''-jSL"I"J. HmHh- aKnt- iEya?! ' . lMjajargr'aEiaiasiajaisisiBJrMsra I ' 1JLVU1N I Country seat. 2r of ground I 11 C3 llgliti 2-car garage, with man's room (3 and bath. 1 W- GORDON SMITH S AT OVEUUltOOK STATION S Telephone Overbrook 8700 jjarpj'aiaiuMBEiaagHBMaBaMBiaaaigi Several Beautiful Building Site In Uest Part of Devon Water, sewer. F" and electrlo light: con venient terma; bouse wlU be erected It de al red, Hfnwul. Wendell lV!Z& REAL ESTATE Ton SALE rr.NNit i.vam m;niuiiAM tnniiv NICE TLOT aitOUND 21Sx00, V, square from trolle 120 per Hunt ft , ripe for building SWOP11 .SON. Mil Main, Darhy. I'.I.UINS PARK trsiaHaiaEM2iaiaaBjaiMai3iajaiaia'2fSH55 S m . . . . a ELKINS PARK u ? Central Hallway Colonial horn", niih luing room, dining room, g pantry mih einks and running ral Water kHrliim rpfrlrrruMn t-nnm. j six bedrooms, tun hatha and billiard pi m room This liouen la Mltnatprl nil arpl bi lo bl b 1 ",0 and commands one of S the finest iim m Elklns park. It S hsa Juet been offered for the first tlmeiimi is n splendid buy for U?l 117.000 Immediate iiossesslon. 1 A Smaller and New ff! house cm n lot 00xl20 IncludlnB a S maradatn ilrliewai rin be liought E for .llioiiii Lnrge Using room. llx2S, Ej with atone tlrepu.e liming room, raj nantri. kitchen. Inunrlrv In hi. 1 ) fp gj H ment. 4 bvdroums nml aery fine tile This I ant bob aue" l-os- i at once 3 i ?j na I n i r3 aesslmi . .-.-- . . . J 11 , liinuniv-L, VI. t 1UU Ill.KIVH PARK. PA. Jlclrose 13 71. :i'i I if i. I jai ii --. 18, ajsiaiaiBiiHsiis NEW Colonial iIhr in rnoma. a Imtha. hot.' -n-ater heat $17 ono McCormlulc & Mc- CormUk, Ilm-oln Hide and l-'slklnw PRtk. I'l.ns nnrii $3100 Deal ra M twin S roonu. $W(V-HeautlfuJ lmmo 7 room, balli, near cars. $5500 Ownrt laxltiir rit ttIII earrlVr h mod. home. i rtn and bath, rxc condition, i $0500 Klaht room luth. near iatf. lot 4UxS4, Rardtii, (rnrase prlvllcce; bnrcaln. 1:51)00 fod ror rooms nd hath: beautl ! :ted bv anpolntment. ful condition. Inspected $7.100 Detached atone and shingle home: ' mod.; h.-w. heat, ilec : large lot. bargain i Herbert Hope, 5901 York Road f.f.nvsiDi: SEMIDETACHED stone dwilllng all eons.: near train and trollej price $07511 IlCNMNOElt Jt RENNINUER I (llenslile ! I UEAUTIV'l'L iletaihnd ro himin all ron- venlences. linindlMto poiMlnn' $500. HENNINCEU . 11ESNINOLR llnlde I'll IIKIIII.IMI I'Mtl. TEl-ROO? resltlence stonn nml etuici. In closed purrh h -w heHt gss A elec : lot 75x130, magnlfta-nt Uwn fruit tr"es. J300O cash & ?ai mo Ine $13 s.ixlnr (lin L flames. I2ai Chestnut st . or lllahland Park. i,jmmwi; "$ 15,000 (Possession Nov. f) S. E cor Lnsdnwnc anil ilrrpiwoo, bvs ( a wimderflU locitlon Hnd a good bin CHESTER IISHOHM: 1.1J4 I liealnut St NMinrimi NEW houses all I'onvcnlences $500 up ward. HARRIS REAL ESTATE, opposite station Nnrberth. Pa MIRTH HI.I.NSIDE I HAVE 3 LOTS ON A TURNER TOTAL. 75sllll WELL ADAPTED KUR lll'NOALOW tmproed street, wntor und gas at hand, erv rnmenlent to station, priced right for quick sain Phono Whltemarsh 1S70 IV. or write P 427. Ledger Office. nvKKimnoK nBAUTirn. jroMn iv ui:uniioorc Semtdv?tHChed dwelling, lot ated on Oxford wt. east of 03d pt ; rcntrnt beat hardwood floors. H tMths; sleeping rooms electric UsMInp; lUlnsr hsll Ith opn fireplsi-e, larKe dinlnR room pnntri and kitchen lo 2S feet front, with doutil Karnxe on rear a home for a reflned fmnllv n midst rrflneil surrounding Address Ittrr r. StHtiton Ocean fit v. X. J M'KiNfinr.M CH0ICI- LOTS In tho bst lorstlons, nt prices ranglns from ?l0U to J4000, fionUees 60 ft. to D. B. CHAMBERS ' 710 C'OMMKltCIAI, TRUST ULUO. und JIarket sts. TAIIOK EIOHT ROOM semidetached house on beau tiful, wide atreet, all lmprueinciita Oin Elklns He . Tahor Phlladelnhla. MAIN LINE Ijninjii'iiriiiEiJiiiJi-ttiniraiiium.i.iHiniUiriiiiiiitritiitiLiiiiffiMiiriiiiiiitiiTiiMiiti'j 1 A STONE HOUSE 1 M an le bought for Immediate po5ev 3 ilnn fontnlns H Iwduoins .1 baths; yi g Tu ft frontage 9-O.tiUO It is at s I Merion ! s An OMollent house for a small fam- g Si ill modern and fresh, JtO.GUO. at p 1 Haverford i Sx f3 fe A ston and stuceu hntie nt Ilryn s; Mawr. contaln-t S l-nlrnos. Ii baths, i f J0O per month, unfurnished g 1 A. D. WARN0CK 1 g 112 S 10TII M- & Muli:Vl)''H!U'i,ll1lillllllllllli?l:u!al'l!:;!!:!l:l'::I:L;;'lnnm?l':li:;)l,'flf;),; Ml m T T T X TT-I r3 1 MA1IN LliNL ii w sinsl wodrn ton hfiisf ry ijt utti.4. tUo under Jin OdO S W. GORDON SMITH 1 M Oierbrook Station & Telephone Oerbrook 8700 tn iranyaiaA?aJSI3M5JB!3MSJcM3JSiaJ3r5'P;! "i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE C.ritMXNTOW.V ARTISTIC HOUSE AT SEDGWICK '5 .This house, 'situated on the brow of a hill, has points which "thinks 'carefully when choosing, a home. O They; would be impressed at once with its agreeable outlook, numerous closets, the convenient plan, the amnle furnishing fireplaces, inclosed porches, liCwUl MblUIlO 'XL JUIO t VUiUliiUUWUU MAM,V J.VJL b r J ,Hli3 WAW1 The liouse is splendidly located on a large corner lot overlooking the golf links. KEAJi ESTATE FOR SALE wiDFjvr.n park I HAVE 2 ery desirable homee on Nedro ave , In the 1300 block; modem. 0 rooms; garage; $87.10 Herbert Hope, 5901 York Road HKW JERSEY sitnrniiAN 11EAVTIFPL rOfU.TRV RESIDENCE' Colo. niai style in -ooms ana nnin: private aarage; situated on ilsnrnoes creek. 111 miles ucNii i anmiii nujnrrni n iroiipj- Hnu irnuii 3 acres nf land. Including large shaded Uwn, I'leal for gentleman's countrv home or club. Tor full particulars see II. B. SMITH, 72 W llrle.ase Philadelphia REAL ESTATE INVESTORS' C1UIDK. show Ing opportunity to make r fortune when DELAWARE RIVER RHIllOF. la completed. , FREE Address Lttltor 84(1 L, Drexel I Hldg , Philadelphia ' n.iiTov TWO rif rplrlpnrc-i 1th Urci lorr! rood i location: had. nil ronirnlrnrfn ery de- J ulrnblp, prices reaponable; pleass make In T H TXDDO.V. riflton N .T COMJNWqWOOI HSm. HINOI.K HOUSE. S rooms x.ry od cniidltlon. near cars, possession - "' .."v. - ,wv.,... .. ...vv... i nnvpnlcnrf. txTsBPSflon. $5"uo ynilhuntralow, xrUcnt rnndltlon, all nimi, conva j twautlful location puHSPBdlon. i loTt'o rioiiow tin- muoro, nil inon "mvp. i nearly n ntar tars, lift mln to l'tilla . Wm u iM7Aut rZV 3fl? rnn'Sp.r.P.'j VhnTwl -g 'IS'Ut'iT J2$l.s2Z2. ' 1 no! p q 8 7 H Mon and lirowntni; road. CoUinKHwood ONK OK 1HK riNKST IloMRS iin-to-riato In t particular Hell phono 135, ColjtngiimoM pMM , iiAniiqNrn:M. Tttn AmKS-H-KOOM nui hi; Modern t'dii1 Phl-nrrn, Mabtf old ahmlf. fruit on hUti Kround and riiiiinnndlntr i,uud Iew. pnTFVRHASUN. ttOS rillQSTN 1'T V1' 1'HIU rKXNHYt.vxMA nn!h Fine Farm and Country Scat Onn mlto from Doviestown bornueh. 70 or'- meadow Hnd stream, dellKhtfut ton Iioukp. 1- rooms and modern bath, steam bar.n' carriage house, chicken houses, lawn i IV'",,"" "M '""i.- ,Tn0.f tc'.J'' on,y $12,500. which Is $3000 less than the alue , of the buildings. Owner Insists on lmine- dlate hi tlon . J. CARROLL MALL0Y P1NEVII.LE PA. niESTEH COUNTY KARM l"OR SALE I This farm Is located In West Nottingham . township. Chester county. Pa . 3 miles from R R' station at Hieing Sun. Mil . It con tains lot) acra, all Ueared and In cultlia lion ami Rrezlng except 2.1 acrea woodland lsa gently rolling, good aoll. well watered I bv spring and streams. Improvements. R ronm aloiio ilw riling large bank barn, out- biilMlngs, orchard; buildings old but cry lomfurtable. price $11000. Address 11 1. AKER3. Owner. I 517 4th st N ' 1Vnshlngton. D .. A REAL FARMER'S FARM lid acres on Ststo IftKhnsr In plucks Counts. One-fourth mlU from trolly and Dlawflre nier, 3D miles Cltv IIMl Mesdow and stream Stono and frnm dwelllnff. 10 roomi and flreplacra; lauro frame barn with stabllntr for 33. head, other out-bHlldlntrs- To settle an state tho prlcs Is only $ia.H - nnlrklv. J. CARROLL MALL0Y PIXEV1T.LE PA. R Acrpc. One mil" tn Darren Hill. City jj ,,,, g.r0m duinir. out- huiitnntrs, orchard, mcadon. iimtier. excep tionally aon.l farm. JOHN A. JOHNSON ?:.T Ht EDB ST , NORRISTOWN PA DAIRY FARM INC REOISTERED AND Itlnil-aRADE HOLSTEIN AND GUERNSEY STOCK 130 ACRES Modern dairy bam, complete buildings, man sion end farmhouae; horses, tractor and farm machlnei, 2U miles out Photographs riiTmi .s(). (ins rnw.sTN"T w phii.a SPLENDID KARMINQ proposition near st Chester trollev; 113 acres, , miles to Paoll. i-tate roada, stream orchard, creamerv, larire atone house and barn, price I1S.0U0. C. S. POWELL. 500 Land Title Rid" , llATEIEI.D Ten acreii J30IHI. -. oaah; room brick bouse, barn, outbuildings, apod soil stream: fruit, onlv few minutes' wnik from station and troll. J- tletty, BO N. 13th. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT TWO AND ONE-HALF STOUT, detached. 1 with cirage. Oak Lane Park M 310. I-deer Office REAL ESTATE WANTED WE DESIRE specifications of factories, .sites and warehouses, see us In reference lo our methods of handling Industrial prop erties which we handle exclusively from nn engineering and manufacturing stand point, .1 ALAN MIDDLETON Tactory Snerlallat and Industrie) Engineer, Wldener Building, Thlla PROPERTY OWNERS Bring sour troubles to me, requests for resi dential and business properties in all sec tions. What hae ynu to orter? SAMUEL A. SEAMAN. 133 S 12th st , Rooma 400-11. WWnut 5337 WANTED TO RENT House, all conven iences, with privilege of busing; within 20 miles of Philadelphia; good transportation Important, suburbs preferred, P 131, Ledger Office. WILL BUY EtMALI. HOUSE up to $2500: would prefer one not In a row. but would consider any house not Inflated P 618, Led- cer Office. BUY 7 or h room dwelling with large lot. conveniences: Oermantown or Chestnut Hill; state imrllculara P 414. Ledger Office. HOME timers waiting List our properties with me Lewis I'ohen. 1113 Lincoln Hldg Kn tnrlew. Manufacturing Floor. ONE FIHIR preferred 20011 to 5000 snuara fet. Wt-et Philadelphia onlv HAMLlil. JACKSON'S SONS. 1112 S 13th Bl NirvY JERSEY SEASHORE COTTAUEH In Atlantlo City or Ventnor d. slred Have vou any to offer? I.AF- FERTY, V and Allegheny ae. ATLANTIC CITY I have bujera for modern cottages What havo you? WALTER II KUEHN 6601) Cermantown ao REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OKRMNTtlWN KKgUEIfa sssii tiled bathrooms (there are four SEDGWICK FARMS 7014 Boyer Street 'REAL ESTATE FOR RMtt, CITT RENT 21 HOUSES CENTRAL SEC-TION OF. CITT. I120O nnon yeaTiLY Pome pan be pnnertrnl Into apartmi NEW ERA REAl.tV CO.. Mil Llbarty, Factories, Manufacturing now FLOORSLarRe SmaH tv nnitrn: HArtrtow. is.i N 12TH Urtv- ' Ti Established 1BKII Factories a SPsntfclty. 3V, i 1722 ARCH ST, 2 large, buslensa Tma.j nnor racing Arch St.: ngnt ana neai: n. h. Chambers. Tin commercial 'tTsfsi flaragea PRIVATE (lAllAOE. lll hold 2 large r! in jaaa,,, mooern equipment a to ueinut imc v -ky-l MH7 Oreene st.. Oermantown. t- r,J ii r i n iy. in ll3l' mnni. ri . .. r?rty ui'VT rttvi.. ..i i., , ti'4 -tt,itr, ,... kn,i n-,, i.!if,h.aii 'Aa - stenographer In bids, to takb chr erUli. etc T v N". 1), CoY, 7th and Sprint UarlMi tt. 214 AltCH HT, Uuelneis room, includltut . n n rh-mWr.1 710 remmerel.l Tr.t W. " " j """'"ere nnummurm irusi ihq, 6MAI.T. lla-ht ofn, cpntral offlc bulMlnff, K. H. SCM.nnS, 12Q1 1iMtntitit3, . .v ...... m Oflrfi Mantrd 3 RKA1, K.STATK CO tvants about" 400 . tiC offtVe btdt?. t no objtlnn to aharlne pac with pr'-nont tpratit. t" M2V IdfTiOtflt. Pea k Boom. Wanted . DUSK noOM wanted In ofllc bulldin: f of private phono M 1)10. LisMcvr Ott1f. CAMPKN Why Store Your Furniture? RENT A HOUSE IN Yorkship Village I CAMDEN. X J. Ue p. n. r. to Yorkship Station. 100-trIp ticket $0.27, or P. t K to West Colllngswood Station, 50-trlp $3 55. Houses 5 and 0 rooms. ll conveniences. Also a few apartment! of n and 4 rooms, heat and hot ivaler COME OVER TODAY Yorkship Village Renting Office HELL rilONE. CAMDEN 1590 FOB KENT FURNISHED PARTLY FURNISHED 11-room house. S74A bprlne tlarden at.; can be seen from 10 ,0Tlm,!!1.4 p "' Sunday, owner, M. 1L WADDKLL. 4-Sil Snrlngflld ave. f rillSTXXT HILL IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 14-rooin modem house, a baths, h w, hel:' fcleeplnff porch, lnc first-floor porch; taraxa! ,. Inspection today (' P PETERS tr SON. B08 CHESTNUT ST. PKXxsi i.vANiA sniimnAN . t IjAJi?5- "idern. country house. I mile from trailer station, P. R. U.; aood roads; IB rooms. 1! baths, open fireplaces, ateam heat:, can be rented untlt June 1. furnlahed, very" "asotiable. C. 8. POWELL. 600 Lsiit, title Xylda. i MORTGAGES f $100 TO $5000 TO LOAN J real Mtatc owners; note or mortcac; In-' stallment or lone term. Oblhratlona that are due taken up. Immediate aettlepient If necessary Loans on estates. ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD aor. llall.y Hldg. lgiach.stnnt t. OUR facilities for placlux bulldln kaatMla. tlon morts:a4ea aro unsurpassed ta THir the faet th w r.nM...i a .. .k. .-&.k building associations In the cltv: w deaira appllcatlona for good lat. 2d and epllt mart?. split reorti- gsgea in anv section of the city. or Er.!.e funds for good first in William Jame. Keoah. Land Title or suvarMi, tnortvaaa. mag. 7 , 15 NOTE on MonTufia Immediate settlements' Ta Unsettled estate loam ... Building association funds 100 DEMPSET ft CO.. zt a. I nth at. LOAKS. nEAL JfJAJy'jfAND DSrATW, DELANT. 84 S Rroad (West End Wide; 4 JSONBV 1X)R FIRST AND SECONDMORT- OAUKS. CITY AND COUNTHY. tl. TAT- jj,jit ,um,'i,i,iy.,, uo hvmm-uj oi, WANT private funds fnr good flrat mortt LEWIS COHEN 1113 Lincoln Bid' gagea MONEY TO LOAN YOU CAIV BORROW MONET ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRT M3 AND UP 2 PER CENf ' $7B AND UP .... m PER CBW. $S0O AND UP 1 PER CENT niEDcn's 12( MARKET ST. RIDQE AVE. AND OXrOftD HT.. 55D AND wntrrn (rrV NEED MONEY?. TVe will loan nionev on salary or furnltnri" to reliable peoi No honest emplora ra fused. Courieoue tjttment to all. 11 11 IkuKH "iiuu nuiuumif 4DO PllffsT-JIT SIT.' READY MONEY DIAMONDS. WATCHES t JEWELRT United States Loan Society 1 IT NORTH PROAD 210 Market at.. 2548 Oermantown at.' KKAIi KJ"VTK "OR SALE C.ERMAXTOIV.V would please any one who its large sunny rooms with ' space, the oak floors, open baths) and reflned interior j WlUUUVUt S3 iVUIll UTiliVlt( CO. t, u ii xt . 1 M yz rr; Til & 'H 1 , - IPHi Vt UfW'oTliiwA ty n