? L--i'n V , ,- "-x .' ' ,r. ' rt w H l Ef 'A m IffiA i"3;r If Ix. I-'15, ! ? " l" a fi" , c2 STOOUL EXPLAINS 'ir-: FEW STRIKE RIOTS X. IV jl Declares Lack of Disorder in Pennsylvania Duo to Pre V' ' . . . ' pareaness ot umaais s Praises LABOR LEADERS ! (' - t'rennrcdness on the pnrt of county ', and Btato officlfth, together with tlio 'y'fft-opcrnUve nttltudo of tho lender? of w "W steel BtriKC, nas -DCCn mo raraus ui f jprevonting greater striKc disorders. ; "ThU In Hin oninlon of Governor Sproiil. expressed in n telegram to tbc Tsvw York World in answer to mi inquiry- upon that subject by the paper. 'She telegram reads: "Answering your wire. I feel thnt tho good judgment and adequnta prep aration for possiblo disorder shown by tho sheriffs of the counties in Pcnn Hylvanla where largo steel plants nrc located nnd by thif mayors nnd bur glsscs of most communities bavo been cttcctivo In preventing what might have easily becomo o serious situation. "Tho attitude of tho leaders of thn afrlke, too, has been very encouraging in rrnnH nrrtBr. Mnat of them lllfiO tallOU it.. -...l 1 1. -. linitinttinr flint in btouu iruiii " "M""'ij , - - nothing was to bo gained by violence nnJ that mucn mignt oe lost in puuuu, aympathy for their cause. This has Jiad au oxecllcnt Intluonco throughout all of the affected region. "An a Tcry lnrge percontogs of the strikers, however, wero aliens and many of thtm were unfamiliar with our laws and Institutions it wns necessary to make t-ery complete pollco preparations, 14 which tho stnto co-operated with the local officers. Thus disorder was at tended to In its incipiency nnd there has been no prolonged period of rioting tih violence nnywhoro in Pennsylvania, llnforfunatcly some agitators, whose enmity to orgnnized labor Is ns pro nounced as their hatred for the state ana our lorm ot government, got to work in some localities, but these dis turbers wero quickly detected and taken into custody or frightened nwny. Our thanks in Pennsylvania aro duo to a generally good inliucnco upon the part tt the labor leaders and a very decided public sentiment which will not counte nance disorder or defiance of law. "WILLIAM C. SPItOUL, "Governor of Pennsylvania." Alice Paul Here Tonight Miss Alice Paul, of Washington, mil itant suffrage leader, will speak to night at a meeting of tho executive com mittee of the local organization of the National Women's party in the homo ot Miss Mary II. Ingham. 020 South Washington square. Several other out-of-town leaders are expected, including Sirs. Florence Bayard Hillcs, Dela ware chairman, and Mrs. Henry Leech, rff New York. 1 KDPCATIONAT. Both Heiea It Strayer's Business College A' "PMtadelehta'a Greatest Business School Philadelphia' a Greatest Rintinnsm School mniirni teacneri superior equlpmtnt Praeticit.1 courses ProereiBlve management. TT.9 most successful graduates. pay and nlsht classes Charg-es moderate Pqsltlons guaranteed. Besrln your course now. .CalL writ or phonn for full particulars. 8txrer'. 807 Thestnnt St. Phono Wal. 3R4 Onr eraduates are Is constant demand for t.sooti-payinff positions. urecv Shorthand. th asr. epeedr system. Complete business and secretarial courses. Day and Night Classes. Intensive training. Enroll '. fiiiy time. Call or writs for full particulars nnd rntnloru. rnirv. bcsinkss ror.T.trnn V and CoIIere of Cnmmfrre juu nrwipiiv ni, i-niiaariDMSj ,$4 Nigfat School sshs,- I PALMKR PrilOfI..lfl H.lOUi . Yonng Men niWl Bots FVPOPT Thousands needed doable yonr T" salary. United States after- Pnitm Tmr1! wir. business offers wmD.. ..v. wonflerfUj opportunities for' men who are. trained In export inn and rare ten trade. United States exports to tiemth America alone suffer loss of 30 per cjsnt for want of efficient packing:, clearance, ablpplna nd delivery. Tou ran qualify, liarn at home. Our export book free. ,4'Beaulrements Between 21 and 45 years of m. cnerretla and ambitious, willing to study under direction of our exceptionally expsnanoea at on oi experts, write or tele phone for office appointment. American Ccmjnerce Association. Lynns IC Lewis, ,Dlt. BeoTy. 8X5 Land Ttllo Bldr. Tel, Sprue 0262. y ' ATTTUIN RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. .1. tSXcKsfoTil I Virginia, ave ana mo oeacn. uapttcuy I BOO. Oe water batho. Special American I plan. $4 op dally; European plan, $2 up . I dally. Modern curative batba department. ? I DAVID PKTia Owner nn1 Prop. I HOTEL JACKSON VJnrmla Ave., flrat borne from Boardwalk utd Bteel Fler: fireproof; private baths; run mJ&S water In rooma; American and Buropeaa clan: elevator to atreet level; no cabaret, n s. j. imociAN, iJBDOTTOn TSn1nS Ave. eloee to beach and Steel IU K. sou. Am. pun, ptit. uains. rnn'c 'Open all year J. L. I.KKDS, Oiran 1 THE WILTSHIRE ScVlrnU Aye. and Beach. Ocean view, Ca. Sactty 350. Private baths, running water In rtoms; elevator, eto. American plan: special ifMkly rates: booklet. SAMUEL ELLIS. I HOTEL AUSTINE JilPaelflo nd St. Jams. Place. Opi nr Mtmdlng.: oppo.lt. Cathollo and Proteai JHOTlxa- 15.00 dally, special weekly. i J. b. Jnismn. d Deville Kentucky Ar. New.Select ir. Paths throughout. Spcla'fall rates. wws ui, iiijua oi, , Hilijsr, ELLSBORO Kentuoky Ave. nr. BeK Euro, nl.n XI H.v .,. tt-trp wkly. American plan 116 up wkly! tCStnUnstcr . Z1"' nJr Beach. El.v. str. 114 up wkly, 12.60 up dally, c. Buhra. i.lRD and room with, uiclu.lv. prlvat imuy in uneiaeai z minute, rrom Iloard ki facing boulevard- Phone 8470 i t B Provldenca av. TEL B0SC0BELS?n,ucl'' A.- in iuuuuui,uuuu, yeart Il up iltlr; Phone 117, A. E. MARION. I'ELMOV0 sTfnne", AT- . . -, -,va. g.lt1II) cmwrNDT mix, ta. n TO CIIANGB IN PI.ANH. iiimk IVW INN. CHESTNIIT HILL, WILL U OJ'K- TU UUEMTM. Burlington Hotel wnmw'iran ..Tiatpii. 'IttVBlJS GREATEST IgjTELSlXrESS ifci Sfr-4. r 1? a jjj: "4 4 It ' - " 4 . trfteb ji q MRg. A. II. HABRIB. rflOP. , '" yoCONO MOPNTAINS 3 j iMji . J Delaware Water flap. Pa. J2" wtr tiao, p, p- WASHINGTON, P. O. I! (KSBK&ftPF-g ifotatoif CONDEMNS COUNTY PRISONS Speaker at Commissioners' Conven tion Urges (More Work for Inmates Declaring county jails of Pennsyl vania a dlsgraco to tho state, and that but 35 per cent of all prisoners were employed in productlvo labor.j David F. Magco, of "Lancaster county, urged ac tion to amclloratei conditions by Penn sylvania's county commissioners. lie spok convention slat! Bellcvuc houses n nrisonera work nnd make them nrottuc tivo, Instead of lying in jails in idleness and discontent. Industrial and farm buildings could, ho said, bo built by county commissioners, under existing laws. Plan for Community Service Community service in cities and towns of Pennsylvania is planned for in the drive just started to raise $000, 000 from PennsyUania industries. Tlio first meeting of the executive commltteo of Pennsylvania to arrange for the cam paign, held at the Ilellevue-Stratford yesterday, was attended by Dr. John C. Achcson, chairman; Otto T. Mnllcry, Clarence M. Clark. Mrs. Edward AV. rUdrlle, 'William II. Walker, William Dlsston, O. Ilrown Hill, h. II. Wier, rredcrlck A. Slooro nnd C. Vt Lee. MUSIO xr - : ai.to rnrt odartrt choir. Good reader only. $3.00 por Hunday. Apply n B3S. Ledger Office. l-KED K. EdaEUT. 1714 Chestnut at teacher of alndnr. PABCEL POST Talking Machine Repairing of every description done reasonable at our shop or at your home. REGIIArillTINO ASH OILING A SPECIALTY PEOPLES TALKING MACHINE KEPAIK SHOP 49 NORTH 10TH ST., 1'IIIf.A. SOLDIERS A specially made picture for soldlere only. This picture is 14x'J0 convex oval finished. In a dark sepia background Tour choice of a clrcnsMan walnut or Kilt frame. Bend complete copy of soldier's discharge. Aold all mistakes as this will be Inscribed In beautiful script type on tho front of hla. picture. Don't delay Send picture and ORc today as this offer ru for seven weeks only. it. m. lMPTnnE ruAMi: co. Room 407, R. I. Wood Uulldlnc YrH AND CHBSTNIT HTS., Pill I A. Agents Wanted. Kx-Soldlers Only Roses-Roses-Roses Rosea' "AMERICAN" grown WOHLD'S CHOICEST No Fanr7 Cataloraea Itaurd DeacrlptlTS price list eent an requeal. THE ROSiSiRY DEPT. L. HADDONFIELD, N. J. IN MEMOKIAM ' nEVENNT. In lovlni; memory of JAMES VINCENT DKVENNY lieutenant Com. panr K 128th Infantry, aid Division. A. E. K. Killed In action, Clertes, France, Oct. 0, 1018 IIARBIS In lovlnir remembrance of out mother, BERTHA IIARniH. who died Octo- ber , 1U04, HER CHILDREN. eatlis BAILEY Oct. G. at 1503 Master st , ALHETtT It. hnnhand nf llRnnali C. Halle v and son of Margaret and tho late John Dalley Ilelattves and friends, aleo em ployes of tho Philadelphia Record, Incited to norvlces. Sun. 2 p, m.. at the Oliver II. Hair BulMlnc, 1820 Chostnut st. Tnt nrlvat' HECKEH. Oct. 6, ALUEUTINA. wlfo of lato Robert L. Hocker, Relatives and friends. Mnvlted to funeral. Sat.. 7 a. m , funeral npta.,fW. J. Reynolds. 1821 Sprlnff Oarden st. Mass at St. Francis Church b a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. CARSON. On Oct. 6. 1010. JOSEPH C CARSON, aced fit years. Relatives and friends lnvlttd to funeral services, on Satur day afternoon, at 1.30 o'clock at his late residence, 2U0. Wharton st. Int. private. Northwood Cemetery. Remains may be Viewed Friday eventner COMFORT. Tenth Month 7th. SUSAN T. WISTAR, widow of Howard Comfort. Rela tives and friends invited to funeral. 5339 I Knox st., Germantown, Fifth-day, 0th, 4 p. , m. Int. nrlvate. COMPTON At Cape May. N. J , October 7. 1010. ELIZAUETU COMPTON, wife of B. Frank Compton. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral on Saturday, at 1 30 o'clock, at husband's residence, rat r lew road. Woodlynne, Pa. Services In Upland Baptist Church at 2 o'clock. Int. Chester Rural Cem CONNER. Suddenly. Oct, 8. IUKE AR LINGTON, husband of Annie Clewell Con ner, ared 44. Relatives and friend Blooms burs Lodffo, No. 438 Ii. P. O. 33 , of Darby; Prospect Fire Co. and Orphans' Rest, No. 132. L O. O. P, Invited to funeral, Sat., 2 p. m., 1110 Prospect ave.. Moore, Pa Int. f'rivate, Remains may be viewed Frl., 7 a e p. m CORLETT Oct. 7, THOMAS, husband of Phoebe Corlett (nee Bradshaw), aired 80. Hlattves and friends Invited to funeral rerv- i"es. 3at. 2 t. m.. at residence of son, Int Oak- waiter uorleit, 814 E. Ticjpi st land Cem. Remains mav be viewed l'rl , after 7 p, m. CURRY. Oct. 7. HELENA II. MICKLE. wife of Harry N. Curry, aged 39. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Frl., Up. m.. 810 S. Cecil st Int. North Mr. Morlah Cem Remains may be viewed Thurs.. 7 to 10 p. m. DALLAS. Suddenly. Oct 8. WILLIAM W DALLAS husband of lat. Mary Dallas. Due notice of funeral will bo given from 1MS Dprrancoat. .... . . DEISEN On Oct. 7. 1010. ADDII3 L. Delscn (nee Fesmter). widow of William A Delsen. aged 68, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, on Thursday, at 8 p. m , from' the residence of her son-in-law. Alfred N Beamier 322 W. Mt. Carmel ave Glenslde. Pa Int Wilmington. Del DILL. Oct, 7. SAMUEL P.. husband of Mary B. Dill. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral 6at.. 2 p. m., 27 S. 80th st.. Camden N. J. Int private. Harlelgh Cem. Friends may call Frl.. 7 to 0 p m. DINOEE. Died at Columbiana. O., JACOB DINGEE. Funeral, Tenth month lOUi, at 10 30 a m. DOUGHERTY. Oct 7. UTIIET, MARY. daughter cf Charles A. and Ethei M. Dough erty, aged 4 years and 0 months. Funeral at convenience or lamny, rri.. rrom parenia residence, 315 Washington ter.. Audubon. N. J. Int. private. Please omit flowers. Brldgeton (N. J) papers copy. JXfflD (nee Kiierl. suddenly, ocr. T. MARGARET S.. wife of George A Ford, Relatives and frlenda invited to runerai, Sat. 2 p. m.. 1317 S. 82d St. Int. Mt. Morlsh Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl., 8 to 10 p. m. FOX. On Rth Inst., at York Harbor. Me., Dr. CHARLES W. TOX. of 1822 Rltten- house eg., Phlla.. aged 7t) years, int. oat, Oct. 11. at Nashua. N. II FUllEY. Oct. 7. MARGARET A . ,a?7 'iiZ nf .TnVtn Furev. Tt.latlvp. nnd friends vlted to funeral services, Frl., 2 p. m., J 946 w. Norrls at. Int Mt Jiorian rem. Ke mains may be'viewed Thure . 7 o 9 p m. GERHART. Oct. 8. SARAH OERHART, daughter of Amos and late Mary Caverow, aged 37. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2 p. m.. brother's residence, Morris M. Caverow. 3360 Philip st. Int. Hillside Cem. GRAY. Oct. 8. AMELIA M. GRAY (nee Straub). wife of William II. Gray, aged 23. Relatives and frtends Invited to funeral serv Ices. Sun., 1:30 p. ro., 002L Chestnut st. Int. prlvat.. GUDMUNDSCN. Oct. 8, FRANCIS B.. son of Mandlus and Sadie A. Gudmundsen (nee Peterson), aged 1. Relat,ve ulhl frlenda Invited to funeral- services. Sat., 3 p. m.. parents' residence, 130 Balnbrldge st. Int Montrose Cem. Friends may call Frl., O .O -" V' HALDEMAN. Oct. 8. JACOB A. IIALDE- MAN, aged 58.. n.latlvea and frtends. Washington" Camp, No. 485, No. 483. P. O. S. of A.i '64. L. O.' of M.': Journey, Protective Asso., Invited P'?"8"V w. Kehr Phlla. Loose, xvo. men Bricklayers' to runerai services. Hon. zv, w, cor, 21st ana uiamona sts. Tl S m Tn, Mmvrna Del Hat. lI12LrV--iLlX. UCl. . MISS A1AHX ililil FERTY.'i Relatives and frtends, B. V. M, Sodality. Invited to funeral. Frl.. 830 a. ra.. re.id.nce of Jobn Fessler. 114 Penn st.. Bryn Miwr. Solemn requiem msss Church of Our lOtner 01 uggil wouiuei, u a, lit. mv. du Denis's Cem Auto funeral. , HiEtutuvri i."-uct. it iiiniiai, eusoana a lat. Catherine ,Hrrr20tt .tlv4f ftjnd , inn jsvitea to Hvy c 0 at IQO tniru -luiru nnuuiu oncers oi inn isi uiairici. ii. oinm LnsBi Krancia .. vi-c, oi Ainyian. i'a. jtela- .1 r. i .. i. a No. tJ. I.oaI Patriots of America, Invited to tltes nnd friends. West Phltadelnhla Coun- of ths Pennsylvania Asso- funeral, Hat.. St. m.. 405 locust at.. West c'n k0. 344, IC, of c.t Poor nichard Club. ,. ri rnmmUoinnpro nt tlio I'MlaaeiPijia. jnt. jionirose tern, i rienaa Bnij employes or Hell Telephone Co., In 0n Ol LOUniy lommiRRioncrs Ufc Wie ,nav cnll Vrl . after 7 r. m. ,.i,..i ,, rtm.nt Rat a.an M rti.... w Stratford yesterday. Work- i JOHNflTON.--At 3129 Diamond at.. Oct. 0r um, 1K20 Chestnut at. 'Solemn re nd farms could be used to clvo 7- w-iwyi,tCOTJ' ?Q : ite, ?.r.lenJj aulem masi Our Iady of Ilosary Church 10 i-""" I jr - ' - "S. SEND Kani, p 11 iwirwi, .4 ru i ' iii-H J1"'- "' EVENING PUBLIC imvnm llinSH. Oct. 7, HENRY, husband of tat; j.niie J. jtirsn, agcu ,u iveiaiives arm inenas inviten to iunerai. i-ti. iu.su a, mt, residence of dauRhter. Mrs. Justin r. All man. 1608 Oxford at. Int. Mt. Slnat Cem. JACKSON. Suddenly, Oct. 0. JOSEPH T , aon of Joseph nnd Catherine Jackson (nee Dukes), aged 11. Helatlves rfnd friends. Holy Namo Society and scholars of Church of Our j.aoy ot .Mi. carmei. mviieii to runerai, rrl . 8 a. in.. -iiarenta' residence. 410 Bur- for at. lleoulem high mass Church of Our i Lady of Mt. Carmel 0:30 a, m, Int. Holy Cross Cent, JAMISON". Oct. 7, at Roranao lake, N. T. WILLIAM H. JAMISON, aon of Bertha K. Jamison. Int. private. JOHNSON Oct. 7. CHARLES A. JOHN-. SON. aged 64, Ilelatlvca and friends, polite friends InvltPd to funeral aervlcea. l'r!., 11 It. m.. Iavld li. uchuvler Ulder,, liroad anu Diamond ala. Int. private. KILlirilN. Late of ll'3n W. Olrard ae . auddenlv "et. 7, ULIZAIIHTH 13.. widow of Cheney Kllburn. Itelatlvea and frlendn, fnembera of Seventh St, St. K. Church. In vited to funeral aervleea. 8at., 11 ft. m. at Dald If Sehuyler Hldg.. liroad and Dia mond als. Int. private, WcU Laurel Hill Cem KILCV Oct. T. ACINES n wlfo ot Michael Kiloy and mother of Rev. Thomas A Klley O. H A., of Vlllanoa ColleR-e Relatives and friends, Altar and Rosirv So cieties and Leaaue of Kacred Heart Sodality of Church ot Most Vrcclous Ulood, lntted tn funeral, Sat.. 8:30 a. m.. 2452 N Hullj wood st Solemn requiem maea Church vt Most Trecloua lllood of Our Lord 10 a. m. Int Holy Sepulchro Cem. New York papers copy KLINE Oct (1. JAMES O,, son of I.ydla A and late William N. Kline Relatives and friends Incited to service, Thurs 8 p. m residence t'f brother-in-law. Harry olb on, 4011 Sprlne Oardcn st., Philadelphia; also service at parlors of Alien II. Kelm, funeral director Downlnatown, I'a., I'.rt . 11 n. m. Int, Northwood Cem.. Downing town, Ia . LARSSON At Uppsala, Sweden. Aur SI L 13. (1ANO. soil of C, O Emll and Kllia Qano Lnrssnn aaeci 21. runerai serv ices will bo held at Hillside Cem , rialnfleld, N J . Sat . 2.30 P. m, , I.AUI1I3UT. Oct 7. CHARLES II. LAI; BERT. Relatives and friends, SSlh Ward Republican Executive Coinmltlee. Invited U funeral, it I. a j m , 237 W. Albert st. Int. private, Mt I'eace Cem. 1'rlends may call Tlfurs., after 7 v. m, ' MAOEE.-a-Suddenly, Oct 7. JAVES E. MAOEI3. Relatives and frlchils. Robert A. Lamberton I.odge, No. 4S7 V. and A M . Oriental R A. C., No. 183; Kadosb Com mandery. No. 20, K. T : Icnlc Council. No. 410. It. A., Delphi Senate. No. B. O. of h, Invited to funeral services. Frl.. 2 p. m , 047 Rcltnont avo. Int. private. MANNINO. Oct. 0. ELIKARETH SUV NINO (neo ltlsley). wife of l'ntrlck W. Man nine. Relatives and friends. Altar Socletj St. Michael's Church, Invited to funeral. I'M., 8:30 a. m.. husband's residence, 1137 N. 2d st. Solemn requiem mass St. Mi chael's Church lo a. m. Int New Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral. I McHRIDE. Oct. 7. LOUISA A., wife of Ji'seph Mcllrlde (neo Metztrer), aRed 33 Rel atives and friends, members of Allesheny Ilaptlst Church, Harry Clay Council. No St1. Sons and Daughters of l.lhertv. Invited I to funeral, Pat., 2 p. m , residene of mother. 11)04 13. Madison ave. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may bo viewed I'rl . 8 p m Auto funerat. jrcIJNUOi;. Oct. 8, ELIZABETH "Mr 13NROE. late of 232 S. 3d at., aired 44. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral, rrl 8 a. m.. ants . Andrew Ehert's Sm. 2.-,S 8. 4th st. Mass of requiem St. Joseph's Church 0 a. m. Int. Ilooslck Kails N T Remains may bo viewed Thurs., 7 to 10 p m. McnETTIOAN. Suddcply. In Bethlehem. Pa Oct 8 12:30 p. m.. Rev. HUOII A Mc OETTIUAN. rector of Church of Holy In fancv ased 58. Kunoral will take place Sat Divine office begins at 10 a m Sol emn high muss 10:30 It. m. Church of Holy Infancy Int. will bo made by auto at New Philadelphia, I'a. Reverend clercy, rela tives and friends Invited to funeral, without further notice. Mrfll'lUK Oct. 8, JAMBS, husband of Annie 11 McQulre (neo Conroy), usred 50, Relatives and friends. A. O. H , No. 41 Invited to funeral. Sat.. 8 30 a. m.. 1523 Ruan st High mass St. Joachim's Church 10 a. m Int. St. Dominic's Cem. Please imlt flowers MESL1N Oct. 7, LOUIS J., husband of Elizabeth J Meslln aged 07. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 2 P m, 5740 Market at. Int. private, Mt. r ,.. r .. , ..... I t-, .tiunaii ieiu. jicimuns may lie Yieweu X li, eve. I .lltTrTT I. rt ...nv T .1-m. ...... .. I .. ..,11. ..' r.'-.tu ."...- .,,.k , . iiiiitt .i.i,ci. ,'c uiuuui iiiiu laiu Uk:iiiAri ' vuiiett. relatives ana inenas invitea to runerai, Sat . 8-30 m.. residence of mother, 1812 E. Huntingdon st. Solemn re quiem mass Church of the Visitation B. V M 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchr Cem Auto funeral MURPHY. Suddenly, Oct 7, ISAAC F.. husband of Mary E. Murphy (nee Cooper) Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Sat.. R''ifl a m 1A at Varntunnrl halattarn county. Pa. High mass St. Phllomena'a unurcn 10 a, m. int. Jioiy cross cem. Auto xuneral. . MUHPHT Oct. n. MAnOARCT MimPHT (nee Caulflcld), widow of Francis Murphy. Uelatlves and friends Invited to funeral, Prl . 3.30 a. m. 1107 8. 22d st. Solemn requiem mass St. Charles's Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto service. MUSTIN. At Strathhaven Inn. Swarth more. Pa . Oct. 7. HENRY S. MUSTIN. Relatives and friends Invited to service, rrl.. Oct. 10, 2 p. m.. at Presbjterlan Church Snarthmore. Int. private. Train leaves nroad St. Station 1 p. m . O'llOUItKII. Suddenlv. Oct. 0V PAT RICK, husband of late Margaret O'Rourko (nee McQee) and son of lato Charles and Kilzabetli O'Rourke. of County Tyrone. Ire land Relatives and friends, Holy Name. Cathollo llenellclal Society, of Natlvltv Church the International Hrotherhood of Iron Workers, Local No. 875 employes of Wm Cramp & Poha S. E, 4 K. M. Co., In vited to funeral. Frl.. 8:3a a. m ,3083 Tulip st Solemn reaulem mass Church of Nativity 10 a. m. Int. Holy SepulchroCem. Auto service, rvTniii.n n. r. TATtKT. nnsn. traugn- ter of William and SaHle O'Toole (nee Dol larton) Relatives and friends, B. V. M. Sodality of St. Michael's Church, employes of Taubel's -Hosiery Mills, invited to fu neral. I'rl.. 7:30 a. m... reetdence of grand mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Dollarton. 210 W. i Jefferson st. Solemn requiem mass St. Michael's Church 0 o, m. precisely. Int J New Cathedral Cem. Auto service. PIERCE. Oct. 7. ALICE, wife of late Oeorge N. Pierce. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, rrl.. at 12 noon, f rom i residence of son-in-law. W. II. aioney. near Hurffvllle. N. J. Services. In Cross Keys M. H. Church 1 p. m. Autos will meet trolleys at Almonesson leaving Kalghn s ave. ferry at 11:43 a. in. PRATT. At Westvllls N. J.., Oct. "JO SEPH W. PRATT, Sr., aged 84. Relatives and frlenda. Woodbury Lodge, No. 64, I . O. O. F.. and Union Flro Co., of Westvllle, N. J., Invited to funeral, .Frl.. 2:30 p. m , from Newbold and Westvllle Baptist Church New bold. Int. Green Cem.. Woodbury. N. J. Friends may call hurs., 7:80 to 8.30 p m. Please omit flowers. ..,. QUINTAVALLE. Oct. 7. BALVATORH, husband of lato Maria Qulntavalle. aged 04. Relatives and friends, members Sons ot Italy, Invited to funeral. Frl., 8:30 a, m.. I Church of Immaculate Conception, German- town. 10 in. mi. iioiy oeuuim.c icm. nv.wn rt, n ..AllY T Tl"KEn widow of William J. Reed. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Frl.. 8 a. to.. 1807 S. 10th st. High mass of requiem Church of St. Thomas Aquinas 0:30 a. m. Int. private. New Cathedral Cem. Auto fiervlctf RICItARDSON. Suddenly. Oct.7. HARRY. husband ot lllzaDein noisiein n uwiubuh. aged 04. Relatives and fronds Invited to i ..! aervls. Frl., 2 nm. 867 Mohawk i KVB.i 11 urvuuu, , (. i.fc. ' "zv TV a ROGAN. Oct 7. CATHERINE, widow .of Owen Rogan. Relatives and friends. B . M. Sodality. League of Sacred Heart, Altar i and Bosary Society, Invited to funeral. Sat , 8 a, m.. 8007 Ridge ave.. Falls of Schuyl kill. Solemn requiem mass. Bt Bridget's i r-h.-, nfln n m Int Westminster Cem. i SENIOR. Oct, 7, GEORGE SENIOR, hus band of late Matilda Senior, aged 70. Rela tives and friends. Centennial Lodge. No. 100 Sons of St. George, Invited to funeral serv ices, Frl.. 2 p. ro., 2834 N. Hancock st. Int BSHAw!-2oct. 7. THOMAS SHAW, aged 82. Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral services. Frl , 2:30 p. m.. 1102 Unity st . Frankford. Int. Greenwood (IC. of P.) Cem SLEEPER. At Atlantic City. Oct. 8. GUY F., son of Charles F. Sleeper, aged 82 formerly of palymyra. N. J. Runerai aerv tces. Sat . 1:30 p. m.. at Epworth M K Church, Palmyra, X. J. Int. private, Mor gan's Cem. Train leaves Market et, ferrv for Palmyra 12;40 p. m. . SMITH. Oct. 7 at 2220 Btandywlne st , JENNIE, daughter of lato James and Jane Smith and. cousin of lat. Ann Taggart Rela tives and frlenda Invited to funeral. Frl. 8.30 a. m.. parlors of Mrs. M. McLaughlin A Son. 2320 Green st. Solemn requiem mass u. LanM, X.vler Church in a. tn. Int I Old Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral, , ' SMITH! Oct. 7, MARGARET, widow of Henry Clyde and daughter of late Dennis and Mary MCLaugmin. ueiauves and mends Invited to funeral. 8t 8:30 a m, 2813 Belgrade at. Solemn requiem mass St. Ann's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto "SNYDER. Oct. 'fl. at 8448 York road. MARY LUCILLA, BNYDER. aged OS. An op. portunlty to view remains at her late home, Frl.. 7 to 0 P. m.. will be given. Int. St at onakertown. I'a. BWAN. At Philadelphia. Oct.7,CHAnLns II. SWAN, aeed 69. Relative, and friends Invited to funeral serv'ces, Frl.. 2 p. m., residence of sister, Miss Elizabeth M. Bwan 620 B. State St.. Trenton. N J. TWINKY. Oct. 6.CATHARINE C widow of late Charles H. Tlmney and daughter of late Hugh and. Catharine McDevltt. Rela tives and frlenda Invited to funeral, Frl.. o:au a. in.. "" mutuiunu .v. ooiemn Int. New Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral mas" c, iui a t-uurcji in a, ru. WAKEFIELD. Oct. 7. MARGARET J.. widow of Qeprge W. Wakefield. Relatives and friends Mv'tea to funeral services, Frl.. 2 p. m., 417 X. 2d t.. Camden, N. J. Int. Hlh-rn. . ,...,, WHITE Oct. . THOMAS H.. husband ol Jane White. Relatives and friends, Cale. itnuertakkks ISCBIPP Kmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i nnn nil run ii. .iL'iiiinLiiri. iirininrs Him n in nrivain LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, HEATH"" donta Lodge, No. 72' Ji ; ,. JMJmnl En- TOO. I. O. O. F., 1...... ....... ,.,. A- it-... n-,.1-., - ...-. -Hiuiiii.-m, ;, rhll. Branch Granite Cutters. I A,t cm. ploves of Harrison Chemical works, invited to funeral services. Sat.. !, m., Brunswick ave. nnd llurmont road, Garrettford, Dela ware county, Pa, Friends may call Frl. eve. Int, private. Mt, Mnrlah v ' i "iVluANU ai luiD anom at.. Oct 1. Rev. ' HAltLESH, WIEANp. Relatives and friends Invueii to service, Thura.. 8 p. in.. Oliver If. Ralr Iltdg., 1820 Chestnut at i nlso services nt New Goshenhoppen Re- formed Church Hast Greenville. Montgomery co , P., 111:30 p. m..' Frl. Int. adjoining cr v'eaeo omit (lowers. WISSH. Oct. 8. FRANK J., husband of rthland M. Wlsso and aon of Julia and late LOST AND FOUND DOCl Lost, somewhere between Csnwyd Sta tion and 101 Montgomery ave., Cynwyd. a small Boston brlndle pup, cinnamon color. Roward If returned to 101 Montgomery ave,. Cynwyd, or 200 Lincoln llldg.. Phlla ' DO(l Lost, Airedale dog, name N. D. Thompson on collar. Reward If returned to M Wright. 116 Carpenter st.. Otn, KEYS -Lost, bunch of kejs, with 2 Chinese coins on ring, Tuesday morning. Return 24H De Lancey at. Reward. TIRES I.ost, automobile carrier and 2 Mlvertoun cord tires, on road between Freehold and Atlantic City: liberal reward. Return to and notify Mr. IT. Eaton, Marl- borough-Btenhelm Hotel. HEU WANTED FEMALE nni.t. TELEPHONE OPERAT1NO PERMANENT POSITIONS OFFERED TO YOUNO WOMEN U13TWEEN 18 'AND 25 YEARS. 111.00 PER WEEK FOR FIRST 4 WEEKS: PER WEEK IN 0 MONTHH. WITH RAPID ADANC13MENT THEREAFTER. SHORT HOURS INEXPENSIVE HOT LUNCHES COMFORTABLE REST ROOMS SICKNESS DISABILITY BENEFITS CAREFULLY CHOSEN ASSOCIATES CALL PERSONALLY ANY WEEK-DAY. J1ETWEF.N 0 A. M. AND R P. M.. TO 8I3I3 MISS RTAN. 1831 ARCHTiT., TIRST FLOOR. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PA. BILL CLERKS IN BOOKKI3EPINH DEPARTMENT APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEH'S BILLING DEPARTMENT requires aervleea of a thoroughly experienced person, with Initiative; good opening with largo uptown plant P B02, Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER Young lady thoroughly ex perienced and capable, wanted by a manu facturing plant at Pottstown, Pa . lo take entire charge of books; reply In own hand writing stating full particulars. I". O. Box ISO PottBtown Pa. BOOKKEEPER, young woman operator with experience on Ellloti-Flsher bookkeemng machine: Qe-mantown reslderce preferrel. Apply Mitchell-Fletcher Company, 070S Ger ninnlown nv. John K HornT. manager BOOKKEEPER Young lady, thor cxp ana capable, wanted by a mfg plant at Potts town, I'a,, to take entire chnrge of books; reply in own handwriting, stating full par tlculars. P. O. Box ISO, Pottstown, Pa. BOOKKEEPER. assisfa"nt: largei uptown manufacturer esters excellent opportunity I" "' wraon witn experience, r oui. ir -i' ciii.niirn.il CHAMBERMAID and parlor maid, 2 capable women ior suourDs. Apply by telephone. TtrVIl MSIVP 84. nnv lnn.nln. tulnr. O o m tJT hv tliall In Tr. Clan llinlr.nl V7I 1 1 .. n im ' - "- - . uVw. v.u, im.uui., la. CHAMBERMAID, white Protestant Blrll ref erences! reaulrerl. "711 Tulnehnnkon Germantown; 13th st. trolles. route 53: carfare paid Phone Germantown 1510. CHAMBERMAID ami waitress, ii girls, white, no washing or Ironing, good wages. Applv G27 Cooper St.." Camden. Phone 240 W. CHAjrUKUSlAID wanted, cclorpd, excellent rnlnrcri TriIlnr. u nuai.iauie cooi:. tood wace; more if satisfactory. Phone Qrmantowii 0257. CHAMHERMAII) and girl for general house work Thft Howard. 1732 H. Broad st. CHIL.DNU11SI. experienced, wanted to take care of Infant 1 ear old: good home and flrst-clahs salary for proper person: must have gopd reference. C IP. Ledger Office. CI.LRK Wanted oung girl, 10 years of age. no experience necessary: continuation school pupils, will not be considered. Apply Mies A L. Flte, Edward 11. lludd Mfg, Co., 2.1th and Hunting Park dye CLERKS QIRHS EITHER EXPnniENcror) on iNcxpnrti. 1SNCED, WHO HAVE lUIl TWO YEARS' HIQH SCHOOL (111 ITS I'.OIIIVAI.F.NT! WH HAVE SEVERAL OOOD OPPORTUNITIES RIOllT NOW WITH GOOD SALARY AND IN ADDITION AN OPPORTUNTY TO EARN AS MUCH MORE AS YOUR PRO DUCTION JUSTIFIES. CALL AND SEE MRS. PATTON. WHO WILL HE GLAD TO TALK THIS OVER WITH YOU. CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. ' 7TH AND 'RAN'SOM STS. COOK, white, reference required, for fam ily of 4; 8 MAIDS; no washing. Call Thursday. 2030 Spring Garden St., or phone Poplar 240O. i COOK, chambermaid and waitress; 2 sisters or friends, for Oak Lane: best wagea; a adults, 2 children in fam.; ref. required. Call Oak Lane 8.18. N. II, cor, 7th & Medary sts. COOK and downst-alr's work: salary $12; small family; no washing. 2812 N. Park ave. CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ESTABLISHED 1869 , GIRL"! AND WOMEN MUST HE OVER lfl YEARS OF- AGE TT,-, ,,-, ..i,f.,. ........i, r j... t 4jiiW.O dluni r uiv.iioii rn,;r- uu AUJS FOR KITCHEN WORK rREPARINO VEGETABLES MEATS. ETC. ALSO GENERAL FAC'IORY' WORK STEADY1 EMPLOYMENT MINIMUM STARTING RATES INCLUDING BONUS 14 AND. 16 FOR 48 HOURS TI.ME AND HV " "IMU OVER 48 HOURS INCREASED AUTOMATICALLY TLENTY OF OVERTIME JOSEPH CAMPBELL COMPANY 2D AND MARKET STS. CAMDEN, X. J. GASOLINE ALLEfThen All Know the Road . YM HEKE' WA A $M, KN UGpr 1 CREAMERS Hfe SAYS THE LEFT CWU. YOU msm: zimmrsbL m-mmikk ----v, MVKrA 1 m Biar'aV M, JSSV , . f" --?., .jfMmgm.WUti We' ', jfnln '' ' i 'l, ir.iik.il " 'tiMm&mu? ' E ' . . iMMliMMuiX' .At HELP WANTED rEMALB ion oini.a vtanted OVEIt-10 YKAI13 Of AQB IN Nr.W DrjPAnTMKNT no KXPnitiKNcu Ni:cngsAnr I.lOltT, AIHT KACTOnT DEHlUAm.n. HTKADV WOMC t2 WHKKH A TRAll HOT MINCHKS HEIIVRD AT I.KSS THAN COST 00011 PAY: BXCRI.I.KNT TREATMENT LCAUNCna 1'AID 12 WEEKLY LIOO.ETT MYEUlf TOHACCO CO., 3D AND ONTAHIO SIS. GIRLS WANTED We pay from J8 to $12 per week for girls to work In wall paper factory. Apply at once. Becker. Bmlth fc- Page. Water at. and Snyder ave. OIRLS. over IB. lo wrap chocolate! rood pay: 41 hours per week. Apply It. O. Wilbur : Son. 235 N. Od at. OIRLS, lfl and over, white only, to learn Penmaklngi all sitting work nnd good tojr when experlenctd lo steady girls: we guar antee 18 to learners for the first week! In-, creoso for second week Call after 8 a. m., 1211 Spring Oarden st OIRLS, over HI. for bottling, labeling and wrapping medicine; tight, clean work: good wagea while learning: rapid advancement. Apnlv 1118 Washington ave, QIRLS, 10 and over. In packing department or dried fruit business, jvppiy .su a. iTont. QIRLS, Just 11, t make themselves userui. Apply Acker's Telephono Department 121 W. Hill st UIRLS to label cans. Apply 110 N. Front street. OOVKRNES3 for 6-year-old child; tanti highest references required. Protea. 1 418. i.enger nrnce, , . HAT TRIMMERS on men's soft and stiff hats! 25 cents per hat; can take work home or work at any time In hop. ir,87 Filbert St. LAUNDRY Shirt Ironers. first wanted Eagle Laundry. 224 N. claMB, 12th. NURSERY GOVERNESS wanted, to care for children In private school: experience ana refinement required. C 101, Udger Offlcs , SALESWOMAN EXPERIENCED IN HANDLING SILKS AND VELVETS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEH'S SALESWOMEN OPPORTUNITIES IN SEVERAL DE- PARTM13NTS . AI'PI.Y BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEIVS 'SALESWOMEN WE REQUIRE SALESWOMEN FOR VA S RIOU3 DEPARTMENTS EXPERIENCE NOT NEXJESSARY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU LIT BROTHERS SECRETARY, wanted capable, for school. APPriss uovereii-y, jjevon. i-a. STENOGRAPHER Experienced young won an, capable of taking rapid dictation and transcribing notes accurately, for tm proving p.sltlon in centrally located office: tato lowest salarv to start, nge, experi ence nnd phone number. P. O, Box 7B1, Philadelphia, Pa STENOGRAPHER wanted by manufacturer; must b high sihciol graduate and capable of translating correctly Spanish correspond ence; excellent oiortunlty for a bright young ladi ; state experience, referencea and salary expected to begin P 514, Ledger Off. STENOGRAPHER to work In purchasing de partment, central location; Btead? posl'lon: hours 8 to 530; Saturday 1 p. m.; wages $10; chnnco for advancement. C 100, Ledger Olf, STENOGRAPHER and typewriter, to make herself generally useful In office; good chanco for advancement. Bush & Diamond. Jasper anu Ontario sts TTPIST EXPERIENCED APri.Y BURIJAU OK IIMPLOYMDNT- IVANAMAKER'S WOMEN GOOD PENMEN AS SHEET WRITERS ALSO WOMEN FOR PARCEL WHAPPINO APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEH'S WOMEN V TOR CLEANINO DAT AND NIOHT SHIFTS ArPI.Y BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN Wanted at once, ambitious women, between the ages of ".-. and RO years, to take position with Spirella Corset Co.: outdoor work short hours; good pay; will be given training before beginning. Write for Interview. Hox $).. 1720 Chestnut. WOMEN mlddle-ngeil tor boitllng. labeling nnd wrapping medicine; light, clean work: good wages while learning: rapid advance ment Apply 1118 Washington ave. . ., TOVNO WOMEN AS CASIIP'US N'n 'VupEI-TORS APPLY BCIir,r OP' KMPLOYMENT U ANAMAKER'S STAGE dnming. we teach every kind, vaude vllle. dratnntln nnrl mtialnnl la musicni comeay: i and produced. Moi wets wruien. renearsen anu proc Dance Studio 121.-, Walnut 'Of rn open evlFS. HELP WANTED MALE IDVERTISINO MAN FOR PROMINENT . PIIILADELPIIIA RETAIL SHOE STORE: .,TW1t?. J1AN" WITH EXPERIENCE PREFERRED, AHLE TO MAKE ATTRAC TIVE, STRONG, ORIGINAL, I.AYOUT8 AND WRITE VIGOROUS SELLING COPY: THIS IB A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY BAKERS ON FRENCH ROLLS .. Jn NIGHT WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S UOOKKLEl'Elt Experienced double-entry preferable, between 30 and 36, married. Protestant, references required. Apply In person Joslah l.lntun & Ch , 22 N. 4th a'. bOY to assist In advertising department of largo manufacturing concern 1(1 vears old : : : : n . . . or under, good opportunity for bright, ln t dustrlqus boy I' BOO, Ledger Office. i BOY for office work, splendid opportunity: good salary, state age and experience. It any. P 432 ledger Office HOT High .School graduate, Protestant, for 1 vyholesale tea and coflee house. P 121, I Ledger Office. I BOYS wanted by a largo banlt: must be neat In appearante: good opportunity for ad- vancement Address p n'.'.. Ledger Office. i BOYS, as ushers, must be over 10; neat ap-PV-rance. Apply Palace Theatre. 1214 Market st , after 10 i. m. v '1-v 'S?gr- - OCTOBER 9,1019 HELP WANTED MALE j . BOTS Bora WANTED TO PASS RIVETS A1UST BD OVER 18 YEARS AND FUnNISII PRpOF or AQB 3d CENTS PER HOUR. WITH A GOOD CHANCE TO TRANSFER TO RIVET HEATER AFTER A SHORT TIMH AT B0 PSIF.ML noun AND M0RB .' " APPLY 1 80 B, D 8T, SEErMR. RHATTOCrC OR MR, PHILLIPS 10X1 AUCH BT BEE MR. SWARTZ EMPLOYMENT OFFICII I HOG ISLAND. TA. ' BOYS WANTED AT ONOF MUST BK 10 YEARS OR OVER AND FURNISH PROOr OF AQB CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ESTABLISHED 1809 GENERAL TACTORY WORK STEADY WORK. OOOD WAOE8 TIME AND HAI.r TIME OVER 48 HOURS PLENTY OVERTIME- WAOES 'AUTOMATICALLY INCREASED SPECIAL BONUS la TER WEEK APPLY 7 A. M, COMPANY JOSEPH CAMPBELL 2D AND. MARKET. STREETS UAMUBa, li. J. BOYS WANTED V pe y our beys from S13 to $18 per week; easy work; steadyposltlon. Apply at once. Water and Snyder ave. CABINETMAKERS and all-around machine hands; steady woik: good wages: light, modern plant; best conditions: group Insur ants, Apply, ready for work. Unit Construo tlon Co.. fiflth ana Prays ave. CARPENTERS SHIP JOINERS SHIP CARPENTERS WANTED FOR WORK AT HOO ISLAND STEADY WORK AND GOOD WORKINO CONDITIONS APPLY 13B S. 3D ST. SEE MR. SHATTUCK OR 33ifPIX3YMENT OFFICE HOG ISLAND, PA. CARPENTERS wanted. Apply Dreham PavMne Oo., N. E. cor. Uh and Rockland sts. CARRIER, living in Gcrmantown, to serve morning newspapers, wanted. 53GI Wlngo- hocklng terrace CLOCKMAKERS High-grade work; per manent position In Philadelphia: high wages. Tor interview see Mr. F. A. Evans, Bingham Hotel, 11th and Market, Thursday and Friday evenings, from 7 to 0 p. m. CUTTER EXPERIENCED SHORT-KNIFE CUTTER ON LADIES' MUSLIN UNDER. WEAR ZEHRER BRADLEY CO. 1427-38 VINE ST. DRAFTSMAN, with experience on boilers and steel plate construction. Address Box 214. Lebanon, Pa. DRAFTSMEN Structural checkers and de- taller,; permanent positions to right men. Write to Chief Engineer, the Porcupine Co.. Bridgeport. Conn. DRAFTSMEN wanted: layout men. expert re4nHCCP o1 nut0T4?n"' body con"tructlon' ENGRAVERS ON SILVER High-grade work; permanent positions In Phlla.: high wages. For Interview see Mr. I'. A. Evans, Bingham Hotel. Ilth and Market sts., Thursday and Friday evenings. 7 to n p. m. HAND COMPOSITORS Good wages, excellent opportunities, with steady work all tho year round In a good, clean shop for men used to producing qual ity work In general Job composing. ItETTEW PRINTING COMPANY 420 l'ranklln street, Reading, Pa. HYDROTHERAPY MAN find masseur tn take charge of this work at the Mercer Sanitarium, Mercer. Pa.; state registration deslrab'a Apnlv at once to Medical Director or atiove institution. LABORERS LABORERS WANTED" AT nOO ISLAND: GOOD PAY AND GOODWORKINO CONDITIONS. Ar PLY 130 S. 3D ST.. SEE MR. SHATTUCK OR MR. "PHILLIPS; 1521 ARCH ST.. SEE MR. SWARTJ5. OR YARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 1I0Q ISLAND. LABORERS wanted. Apply Steward Stevens Iron Works, 1726 X. 0th st. LINOTYPE OPERATORS Two. f ,r night shift: six-machine 5oh and book Mant. operating 2 8-hour shifts: steady worh uar- anteed; open shop: no labcr troubles; ilary made satisfactory to competent operators; also could use capable machinist; give ex perience, stating whether union or nonunion, first letter. Address Drawer 714, Parkera bure. W. Va. MACHINISTS, lathe hands. Apply s. M. Langston Co., tlth and Jefferson ave., Camden. N. J. MAN, competent, as assistant to chief engi neer, one wno nas naa experience in ma chine tool designing; preferably one who lla had experience on 'milling machines or spe cial production types: state full particulars as to experience;- with references, and also state salary expected; good opportunity fur advancement: location Massachusetts. M 303. Ledger Office. HELP WANTED MALE MAN AND WIFK, not over BO years of I age, to set as Janitor and Janltreas: both must be good c!eanerat apartment supplied but not furnished; salary, $00 per month), only those with Al reference considered. Call between 8 and 10 a, m, and 4 and 0 p. I m.. rear, 2012 Walnut st. MEN, active, strong, to learn leather goods manufacturing: good opportunity to be come skilled In some particular Job: no ex perience needed: -permanent Indoor work. Bring thla ad with Jon to the Quaker City Rubber Co.. foot of Comly it,. Wlsslnomlnr. MESSENGER BUY. with opportunity to ad vance to assistant shipping cleric. Room 701. 008 Chestnut St. MONOTYPE OPERATOR Wantid combine tlon monotype operator! thoroughly experi enced man. The Du Bols Press, Rochester, New- York, , MOTOR INSPECTOR: mint, be thoroughly aynerleneed in Insnectlon work during the (process of assembling gasoline motors. The Aiianuo jveiiimiK v-o., i-nipiuyinent uepi., 8144 Paasyunk ave. ; OFFICE HOY. over.10 sears oldi good salary nnd opportunity; apply In own handwriting. T.ehtah Coal and. Navigation Comoanv. 012 I Lafayette Building. PACKERS APPLY WANAMAKEH'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE S2D AND WASHINGTON AVE. PLUMBERS, first class; highest wagea, steady work to right men. Apply 304 La- fayetta ave..Colllngdala. I'h.Hharon Hill 041) J .PORTERS AND CLEANERS ArrLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S ruNCII operators on structural steel. Steward is Stevens Iron Works, N nth st. Applv 1720 ROOFERS. Apply Warren Ehret Co.. 30th and Prays I erry ave SALESMAN F.XPERIENCFD IN HANDLING SILKS AND VELVETS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S SALESMAN Hero Is your chance, for young corporation owned by Robert H. Ingersoll (watch fame) hnji nnpnlnv In PhllAitelnhla and Pennsylvania for men who aro ambitious; a 1 1 Derm commission paid, Seo Mr. Levy, 722 n lie tin llldg. SALES5IAN Aspeclal opportunity Is offered a man familiar with bond and ledger paper to sell to the printing trade of Phlla, ; your reply will be held In strict confidence. Mr. Peoples. P 605, Ledger Office. SALESMEN, 2, wanted by large corporation, marketing several good Belters; must own and operate automobile; give full details and phono number In letter. P BID. Ledger Office. STOCK SALESMEN Brokerage house requires 2 .sales men, experienced In soliciting busi ness over the phone: an attractive proposition to men whose qualifica tions, personality and past record fit them for these positions. Ad dress In confidence with full par ticulars, c 10S,-Ledgcr Office. Tim WORTENDYKE MANUFACTUR ING COMPANY. OF RICHMOND, IS DESIROUS OF EMPI.OYINO A YOUNG MAN FOR THE CITY OF PHILADEL PHIA. TO SEIif. THEIR TOILET PA PKRS TO THE RHTAIL GROCERY AND DRUO TRADE ON A LUCRA TIVE COMMISSION BASIS: STATE AGE BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. AD- R!clSoNw.?5NuyKI3 Jira co" TITLE EXAMINERS to do abstracting and oninlon vvotlc In Cleveland, give ago. ex perience and salary expected. Tho Guarantee Title nnd Trust Co . Cleveland1' O. WATCHMAKER Hlgh-rrado worlti per manent position In Philadelphia: high wagea For Interview see Mr F. A, Evans Blnghani Hotel 11th and Market sts.. Thurs day and Friday evenings, from 7 to l p.m. YOUNG MAN fdr office workfranable of con verslng fluently and translating Spanish! must be able to handle correspondence, effi ciently: state exnerlence. references and.sal ary expected. P S13- Ledger Office. General OREENEWALD'S ?..yclT2.Appr'ICA'rl0H rami men AND-WOMEN of proven ability and clean records. We fspeclallzo on office and factory executive positions exclusively; . this Includes office managers cost accountants, public account ants, head bookkeepers, cashiers, nrlvate sec retaries, stenographers, cost time, ledger payroll, material time, studv men also en gineers on erecting construction mechanical work: several attractive openings In the above lines now recorded. Information blanks and booklet, ROADlTO SUCCESS," sent gratis lutely.no enrollment' charges. 260 f. "THE WANTED Men wlshlne positions firemen, brnkemen. colored train porters, $125-1200 month: no experience necessary: Pennsyl vania. Ohio roads Write Inter Railway. D-nt 321. Indlananolla Ind STAGE DANCING We teach every kind: vaudeville, dramatic and musical-comedy nets; written, rehearsed and produced. Modern Dancing Studio. 1215 Walnut at. (open evenings). SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE COOIC and housekeeper desires position with small fa--llv. Write or call 188 Dupont st. Sara Weldy. WOMAN, colored, wishes day's work, Dickinson .30411 M. STENOGRAPHER: best ref. moderate sal. ary." Ph. Spr. 1562. 1711 Chestnut at. TEACHER, Visiting, wishes engagements: T7nr. hriin.liA, Vrsn.l, liters tnrn ht.t.MH U, of P.; foreign study. Miss I.jnch, 318 M. ir,tn. WOMAN, colored, with 1 child, wants posi tion, housework. 2342 N, Sutter st. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE ADVERTISING Compositor, age 22. high school graduate and ex-service man, de sires position In advertising office; salary no object, but position must afford real chance to learn advertising; at present taking course ot study in advertising: unusual opportunity to buy good brains cheap. C 8, Ledger jnice. BOOKKEEPER for more than An v.... with one firm, wlshe. position with good fjonicni. i. -. liax iuitu. CHAUFFEUR, white, desires position: r chanlc: excellent refs C 25. Ledger Off. IREDIT MAN. thoroughly experienced, age 40. it present employed; will consider re sponsible position. M 2111 Ledger Office MAN. SO. of good education and addess. de sires opening with reliable concern: have pad experience as a t-.alesm.tn, have shown selling ability; would work hard In any ca pacity as long 'as there is a future. M 301. Ledger Office. POSITION wunted In doctor's office: have exp.i good refs 11 Q, F.. 21150 H. 7th st, SHEARER and grinder. American or English shears, wants .work; references, c 21, Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN. good education, ex-aerv.; de sires position with contractor or business house, C 80, Ledger Office, ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. KANE. 611 S. 10th st.. wishes sltua- tlona 'or youns cooks, ctiambcrmatds, lauhdresses. vvhlle couples: also wanta sev ertfl J50 and J00 cooks, kitchen maids, chlldnurses. waitresses for Mala Line Prot tstant couples, housework girls,- X1"'nt?IiVi?r;H'..m'3to -3" Pouth .tK'cklnp shipping. furrJture bought and soldi wants butlers second men. rnimi., t.nn, kitchen maids, parlor maids. French ladles' maids, chambermaids, waitresses, nurses, houseworker. Phone Locust 2130. DEPENDABLE cofred help always on hand, Hursey. 1225 H.llllh st. Dickinson-8845. WANTED Comp. help In every capacity; reference re .ulred. 1010 nalnhrldge st, BUSINESS OPPOIITUNIT1EJ J3000 TO $4000 CASH will buy an 18-yea-ettabllahed general inerrhandlBo buslnet,, doing over $25,000 annually; store located In small town of Carroll county, Md.: excellent farming community; extra low overhead ex penses not being 2 per cent; good reimon for selllngr thla Is something seldom offrred: net profits ,1818 about J1S0U, M 308, Ledger Offlcl. . A WELL ESTABLISHED TIN AND ROOl'" 1NO BUaiNESS of 45 e.s' standing: best location and most prominent store of Its kind in town ot 20.000 population; ex cellent opportunity. M 232. Ledger OITIcV-. LAUNDRY , dwellmg attached, brick, over 10J, ft. building: up-to-date equipment: best, suburban towns 125 weekly profits: big bargain if eold before Oct. 15, Address 1720 N, Kth st Philadelphia. "uu" APARTMENT HOUSE for sale; best location In city: 10 apartments; all tenanted; first class Investment:, pavs big returns. MORRIS HERNHTEIV. "jnn Arln . 60TH ST. business prcperty. 282 B. Both. next to Spruce st.s corner; right where cars top, Richard P, Powell. 20a 8. 62d. MACHINERY AND TOOIiS CROMPTON fc KNOWLE8 BROAD LOOMS , . . FOR 8AI.E Unit 20, 105-ln. reed space: box looms; haven't been used a year; brand new: Im mediate delivery! exceptional opportunity to get new 'looms; also can furnish small waterpower mill to set theae loom tn. If de sired. S. K. Watson, Factory Broker, Waron. ft. I. T POWKR-l'LANT HQUIPMUNT' . MWH,-. MkNIMFJI,' , WH4 HW U MfjMafcjMf. iiiwaiwwir - '- eka: tJxft'W' USET AUTOMOBILES TIRES NEW T I R E S-NEW Ench nnd Every Tire Hears Name and Serial Number If a tire falls to run 7000 miles ws will positively replace for one-half of the price marked below. All orders hipped subject to jour examination. NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED ' Guaranteed one vear. Rise SOx.1 . . . . KOxRU..., 32X8K.... SIX4 .... .12x4 11.1x4 .... 34x4 .... nx4U.... 37x5 .... Please e Is wanted, filled. Non-Skid l!b 17.75 It. 90 ... B.70 ... 10.711 ... .ia.no ... i4.ro ... in.no ... in.no . .. 20.00 ... 23,00 te If clincher or i.'.vo 2. no 2.7S 3.00 n.io 3.20 4,r,o coo s. s. Mall order I Metropolitan Rubber Co. 1333 RACE ST.. PHILA., PA. Phone, Locust 3008 REBUILT V'iS A TBAR TO PAT nbull,,rirni m freshly ' ." . 5S noilr. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO.' liroad and Huntingdon sts.. Phll . ROAME.R TOWN CAH . DAINTY CONVEYANCE FOR J0NH IN NEED Or A SMALL CAR: IN EXCELLENT CONDITION: PRICE 2000. TIAT MOTOR CO 1827 CHESTUT ST. OVERLAND8. all models, all years. Includ ing juia; nrst-ciass conn.; some as iow -1300: get your used Overland and parts ana k.rirl.e frnm ilia .nn.a Hpm Mm, nflVRientSt open eves Overland Harper Co.. 1020 Arch. MAXWELL touring, model 25: Just over hauled: "eTfect condition: price jsio: nar galn. 60 Maplffwood ave.. Germantown. FOR SALE Oldsmoblle. 8-cyf., 1017, cheapi guar, cond.: going west causo oi seinn.. Sleever, nth & summit' ave.. Westvllle, X. J. FOR SALE, model 43 101(1 Oldsmoblle! price) 0BO; condition good, rhono O. L. Hess, Lombard 731. between hours ot 12 and 4. DUMP r.-ton Federal trap trailer. Hudfortl panel bodv; n-ton truck body express. It. Kelly, 304 N. 67th st. , REO car. 7 Beater: little usedl excellent. O 28. Ledger Office. TO HIRE 2-ton truck, covered: by day week or contract. H22B N. 21st. , Ato ffmwllc Ttennliioai FOR HUDSON AND HUPMOBILD REPAH i WORK See the Brandywlne Auto Repair Co, Ecoff 4 Ray Simpson, formerly with Gom. ery.Schwartz Co., now estshllshed at 1983-3 Brandywlne st. Poplar 2066 , PARTS Largest assortment of auto parts. In the city: also run line or iiresi an sixes. GERMANTOWN AUTO PAIITM CO.. 2220 N. Marshall at Dla. 8160 eve. Dla. 1010 W. 1 MOTOKCYCLES AND BICYClES NEW and 2d-hand blcvelea. tires, all makes. ANDREW T, B1RCHETT. 603 B. Md. FOR SALE FURNITURE We must sell our present stock at once to make room for new or ders. Many Mealrable pieces marked below cost: n opportunity to purchase at a real bargain. Come In and got acquainted. Real sacrifice bv a reliable house. A. M, Lawton fc Co., 120 S. 0th. . OFFICE FURNITUR& . Large line desks, sates,- files, cabinet! ana general office furntturo store fixtures. We buv. sell and exenange. PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCUST 4070. 1127 ARCH ST. RACB 2M. SUITS unclaimed, from merchant tailor, some made for S05. will sacrifice. for the price of tailoring:, some as low as J 9. I I INfiFR 07 NORTH 16TH ST. j. unucr. 0p,n 8 p. M. CENTRAL HOUSEWRECKINO CO. S. W. cor. 12th nnd Spring Garden sts. All kinds of office furniture nnd fixtures. Hathroom outfits complete. Dell phone. Poplar 1130. FIPKLESS FURNACE: new for 10-room house: bargain. Phone Diamond 407 or cnll any evening, side entrance, 1010 w. yprK st. RANGES like new. coal and gas: bargains: also heaters. Both phones, of call any evening, side entrance 1(110 W. York st. BABY COACHES, reed Pullman roach, 8: new reed stroller, 18: sulkies. J3.60: open evenings. Auerhacli's, 3962 Olrard ave. VICTOR, larger size, mahogany, with 74 records, cabinet will hold 800; price IT5I open evenings. 1208 Filbert at. TWO hot-water heating boifere, nearly newt bargain. Phone Diamond 407. on call evenings, side entrance 101(1 W. York st. BABY CARRIAGES. 121: strollers; doll car riages and toys. Onen evenings. Dewald. 2620 N tilth below O-rmnntown ave. LARGE old-fashioned mirror with whit frame suitable for dressmaking establish ment. Phone Manhelm 4205. . - BILLIARD. pool cnmb'n.2d-hand. bought, exc. Keafer 32(1 W. Olrard ave. sold rent. 8AFES, flrenront, closing out. 00 slightly used, som with th'n walls. 72 N. Fourth. STANDS, CABINETS, etc.: big bargains. Phlla. Printers' Bupply, 14 8. 6th sL PERFECTION ol house heaters M: electrls house Heaters, iu. cuppieo. jo AisrKei. . , I I FIA N0S. PL AYEKS. TUNING. ETC. PIANO. 150 cash: 105. $1 weekly: good-ton. upright: been used: bargain. M. F. Hall, 2620 Germantown ave. Open Frl. & 8at. eye, PHONOGRAPHS, rolls, records boughtTlold. exVh : will keep vour nhonogranh- In repair 1 jr.. $1. Grand Muslo Silo" 2313 Ridge ave. STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS. PACKETS. DIME SETS Albums and supplies for stamp collector PHILA. STAMP CO.. 21 S. 17th at. Vlnelnnd PMver el Ce Vloelsnd. N. .J, STORAGE AND MO VINO, lilKlVlilNAL AND TRANSFER CO. Columbia and Sydenham et,; local and lona distance moving by courteous, experienced men: clean, dust-proof rooms for furniture) let ut estimate. i-non uiamona ssia. .- VICTORY STORAGE R216 Market st. Largest and best. Phoaa Belmont 4070 for an estimate. Goods packed for shipment. Pierre-Arrow vans for moving. The John Rhoads Co. Storage. Pacl.lng. Moving, Carpet Cleaning 4157-59 Lancaster Av., W.Phila WALLACE 7 j;. 10 lfiSfl K. 2023 Churrti lan. Qtn wants return load FROM New Yorlc Octolitr 1JL- LOCtTj and lone-dlstanco movlngf (arc fiadded auto vanai 1 month' storage free: mates nlven; renonatla rates. Calt Keit lnffton Sfi7R or write 1032 N, 2d st, Cres cent Rtnraep 'Wflrehnitp. GUARANTEE STORAGE Phone Poplar 2164. 1310 Drown at. FIDELITY FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE! 18,11.10 MARKET BT. MOVING DAY MADE EAST Large pndded vans, expert movers. North Phlla, Storage Co., 2038 Lehigh. Lat. free. fjmhe tm Ic flrep-ofnMttMJng. Diamond 730 . OIRARD Storage P18 Glrard ave.: moving, packing, storagv. Ph. Pop. 6204. Park 428. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for your-diamonds, any rlzo from H to 10 carats t tvon pay higher; also old gold, platinum and sllvef bought. Estates bought (private). Est, 10 yr. The Diamond Shop 48 N. 10th atM . 10th ab Market DIAMONDS PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT FROM PRIVATE PEOPLE: TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL: FULL: VALUE! PAID, COLONIAL TRUST HANK BLDG.. 18TH AND MARKET STS.. ROOM 211. HOURS, 11:30 A. M. TO 4.30 P. M. "DIAMONDS BOUGHT" , ANY SIZE-PRICE NO OBJECT. Pawn tickets for diamonds bought. ' KELLY & CO 032 CHESTNUT ST. Suite 21.23 Over Chllds Restaurant. Private ELECTRIC. treatment and manicuring. ON nee. iiutcninson jtiag., rounn noor. Room 408-407, 121 B. 18th at. Hours. 10-9. r CHIROPODY Painless, antl,eptlo. carefuT. DR LEWIS. Transportation Bldg.. ii B. 16lli. ' ELEr-i'HlO treatment ft manicuring. Roont 105 Heed Bldg.. 1216 Filbert at. Xm:. 3982 ELECTRICAL TREAT, physical culture. a,i.t tf. itrowti. itours i'i a. m o o p m. CELESTE I-A TELLE, OLLE, facial aealp treat. I a.i closed Sun. SOS B. tm, .. I ' mil1 ' l..L.uH; iu a. ,.m.. to d p.ro 'mwm omptly u lill-lVIIIMIIUKB r, - QmJILmwI QLjUumI J .-. - jJiTj wCfloil J JigllBjLVrii? -- " S' W-s; T KHTTO