?tm$ BESpT252y233H "ftTiH ,r Wwwwv i jgpjivfjpp ' " '.i ' Xti HE53S ft f ff r V iw- "arsr FIRE PREVENTION PREACHED TODAY Entiro Country Reached in Cam paign to Teach Public I of Dangers ANNUAL LOSSES APPALLING This !n l'lrp Prevention Day. Thrn ugh nt IVmis.vlvnnlu nml thraiiKlimit tho United Stntes thin Ih tho rnNlcttor tiny on the liri- HftlitorH calendar. In public sclwnln, In storei nnd fnctories. In iIwpIHurh his nnd llttlo. the doctrine uf (lie lirevr-ntluii Is prenchpd todtiy. In Pennsylvania espeehlly tho Bureau of Firp Protection of tho Depart ment of State Police h malting stren uous rfforts''tn crimlmt h.v edticntion the nppalllnc nnd In great measure iin necesnry losses that recur every year from lire. When you htnr a lire eneiuo clnni;lntr down the street, do jmi realize that the fire around the corner is one of the teiior twelve tfiousnnd that have to he fought every year In this state nloneV Or that the loss, large or trilling, will help to swell the file totui of the jrnr in Pennsylvania to something like i $10,000,000? ' Or that in the yenr's lccord of fires in the, state some lfiOO men, women and children arc killed or Injured? And, most .pertinent fact of all. do Mm realize thai of all the fires which 'destroy life and property, 0." per cent could be prevented by a little trouble and forethought? . . , ,, Annual fire loss in the I'nitcd Stntes nt large has grown from something less than $1...Oihi,U0O In 101!! to .fUO, f)S3,417 In lOlS. Bulletin Quotes Wilson In its fire prevention bulletin, the Bureau of Fire Protection quotes Presi dent Vllson as follows : "Preventable fire Is more than a private misfortune. It Is n public dere liction. At a time like this . . .It Is more than ever n matter o" deep nnd pressing consequence that every means should be taken to prevent tins evil." The work of the Ire tivntection tmrcmi s on all the year. lis job s to ln - vestigntc fi'-es of spsph lous origin nnd secure evidence "netinst Incendit'les: to make inspections throughout the state excent In Pliilndelnhin nnd Pittsburgh of buildings where there is an undue fire hazard: and to carry on unceasing ly a campaign of education which will "make Pennsylvania fireproof." This slognn, "Mnke" Pennsylvania Fireproof." is being rnpid'v adopted throughout the stnte. Children arc taught fire prevention In school ; fac tory employes are made fnml'lnr with fire prevention methods and shown the dangers of carelessness. The work of the bureau is steidilv reducing the venrlv fire toll In the stnte. In the city of Heading n'one, tli" nnnnnl fire lo,ss has -been red'i-ed RT,0 000 In one yenr through the activities of the bureau. Heading has a volunteer fire dennrt ment. Two members from each of Heading's fifteen fire companies do vol untary inspection work in their dis tricts. Where they cannot get n fire 1, risk 'removed.' n report Is mnde to Chief Harold II, Tl"tz. of the F'rc Prevention ' lliirrnu. nt Hnrrisburg. Under the law the bureau can order the risk removed, nnd if It is not done within a stinulated time, n fine of S2." n dav is Imposed until the order is complied with. Aim To Kducnte I'uli'I" For five years an organized effort hns been .made throughout the country, by fi'T mnrsha's nnd fire mnrshnls' associa tions, to cut down the loss of life nnd property Bv fire. The effort has taken the form of (duration of the public, nnd the genernl pinctice of having specified "clean up" days or wcejtsnto remove fire dangers. "Fire Prevention Day," kept on the 3nme day everywhere, serves as a geuernl reminder of the fire menace, nnd as an .examination day in schools and factories in the proficiency of pupils nnd workers in fire prevention. October 0 won chosen as the anniversary of the orrent Chlcnco tire, when the "widow O'1-eary's cow" kicked over a stable lantern nnd stnrted the blnze which laid the mid-western city in rulus. t The Fire Prevention Ilurcnu lias sug gested tlint owners of buildings today examine their premises with n view to lcmoving waste nccumulationa and ar ranging for the correction of fire haz ards. Employers nro asked,, also to give, short talks to their employes on the sub ject of fire prevention and protection, to be followed by fire drills. For tho schools a program was car ried out which included brief talks on fire prevention, and the observance of ire drills. FLAHERTY WILL SUIT HALTED Million-Dollar Case Waits Naming of Guardians for "Prospective" Heirs Atlantic City. Oct. 0. Settlement of tho $1,000,000 estnte -of James P. Flaherty,' one-time Philndelnhiau, under attack in the Orphans' Court, cucountjl further obstacles today, when c3ksel for contestants and the estate Jgfiind that appointment of euardirrra for prospective minor heirs in Philadelphia Is necessary befonvthu estate can be disposed of legally. Taking of testimony in the suit of Miss Catharine Merry, of Philadelphia, to force the acceptance of the "lost" Flaherty testalneut will be resumed here before .fudge Ingeipoll , Friday. friJsn!sETJ3ss;K-sa' "fS&ri f Metal Doors f FOR EVERY PURPOSE y 9, Rolling-Steel Doors l Cross-Folding Doors M Counterbalanced Doors 1 Elevator Doors All-Metal Fire Doors i Underwriters' Doors V Kalamein Doors Drawn-Metal Doors Alignum Doors 5l-l TniUt Pri;tlnn y Kalamein Windows f: Steel Door Frames Philadelphia ft' Fire Retardant Co., Incl . 1507 Arch Street . ttfirbi ;.; h'S'i.n.. WOMEN SMOKERS INCREASE, CIGARETTE SALESMEN SA Y "You Can Alivays Tell the New 'Wrapped Up," Declares One Vendor TWO young women drew up to the Ardmnre station at 1 o'clock yester day afternoon. .tint as the driver brought her tour ing car to u stop behind the station her companion on the right, dressed In n darl: blue suit and wearing n daintily nttractlve dark blue hat. threw n suspicious-looking object to the ground. It wns white nnd perhaps a little more than an inch long. A witness couldn't believe It, and i, . 11.. t r waited for an opportunity to examine i the discarded object It was true I There it lay, still smok ing the end of a cigarette. Hlght out In the open, on a much used thoroughfare, n Main Mue girl was discovered smoking! She might have been' twenty-five jenrs old, and she might hnv been much less, and mighty good looking. Sales Increase 100 Per Cent "There has been fully 100 per cent Increase in our sales to women cus tomers during the Inst jenr," says a silesmnn in a veil-patronized cigar store in the center, of the city. "Since the wonicn-Oinve been abroad i war work nnd have associated with I the men nnd women in Kiiropn. there I wis iiccii a x i en i urni mm a smoicing and it Is decidedly on the increase ai least liny ni too gins irom one of the department stores neniby Come in here every dny regularly and a great STATE TO TAKE OVER EMPLOYMENT OFFICE! ' " ' Federal Burea-J Will Discontinue I Service All Over Country Tomorrow Iln'ted Stntes employment service offices in this citv nnd tiirnughout the stnte will close tomorrow nnd the work Hint wns part of the war emergency piogrnm will be can led on for civilians b,v '''' "tiile employment service of the Depurtmeiil of Labor and Indus tries. "The federal service," s'i'd Hnrrv i'ni-s. reilcra' di"ector of this state, "supplanted tho stnte service durlntr the wnr brcnusc the govcrnmenr1 could bet- t fiv rn fn fnia tlin ni-nt flnnimwlf, rpi,n ...... i .""; .?'""'""'"""" x": :r: crzri'; the state. This affects four placement offices in Philadelphia. There were many more during the war, but grad ually tlie number wns decreased, and the funds lessened. I have no idea what the plans of the state nre. Jntob l.lghtner will be director of the state sci vice." The Cnitcil States cmi.loynient service thiougiiniit the Vountry is shutting down tomorrow because of lack of funds, nt cording to bulletins sent, out from the office of the assistant to the secretary of yvar. Secretary linker, In thanking the numerous welfare associa tions and civilian volunteers, issued n request that they keep up their work ti.ll the last service man has been re employed. UNWASHED BELT EXPANDS N. Y. Laundry Strike Spreads to Brooklyn and Jersey Shore New York, Oct. II. With New York's, laundry bags rapidly bulging at the end of the third dny of the walk nut in Manhattan steam and hand es tablishments, the strike yesterday spread neios tlie Kf-t Uivpr to lt'ok lyn ami across the Hudson to the Jer sey shore, according to the union leaders, who clulmed that 20,00(1 work ers now were Idle, Thev asserted two large steam laun dries in Brooklyn, one in Ilobokeu and another jn West Ilobokeu closed down. The fireman knows that there is enduring safety and added peace of mind in building with "STEELCRETE" Metal Lath Because Metal Lasts WE CAN SUPPLY YOU THE CONSOLIDATED EXPANDED METAL COMPANIES Larkin Bldf?- 2200 Arcli St. Philadelphia hliruce Knee 8S ipteelcrcts I I WHEN buying flro doors, it is to your advantage to purchase not only for firo resistance, but lasting durability ns well. Evans "ALJIETL" Fire Doors and Shutters are Duilt to last. They will not disintegrate. Rot, rust and accident proof. Ease of operation, economy in maintenance and superior fire-resisting qualities make them the best fire-door investment procurable. Fully approved by tho Underwriters' Laboratories. "Star" Fire Retarding Ventilators (Patented.) They contain a gravity damper, which closes automatically In case of fire, This prevents the passage of air and acta as a fire retarilar.t. The drslgn Is original with us. Aslc for full particulars. MERCHANT 2013-35 ArYWton Avenue EVENING PUBLIC One, She Wants Her Purrchase many come from a smaller store just across the street nnd from the hotels." Hut It is not only the store girls nml the trnvel'ng women who trntroiii-ze the weed. Any number of oung people well known socially In the city no longer send their husbands nnd brothers to mnke their phrchnses. Imt openly buy their own, cigar store prnpr.etnrx say. One woman in (ier mnntown bujs cigars and admits that she smokes them, said one dealer. "There Is n society matron who bin $"" worth of cigarettes nt a time. Of course. I cannot snv how many of them (m- mnrn iii-im-ii. imi MM' romps 1 ,.,.,. Mirnn ,n,if lw m. n" uni,i .. .!.... man. "And there U nnother well known wdmnn who always buy s hers in boxes of f00 at a time. Yon Can Tell tho New Ones "You can always tell a new one who is just starting to smoke. She nlnms wants her purchase wrapnrd. 'I'm buy -Ing them for n friend' she. usually ex plains, while those who are accustomed to smoking just say they will put them hi their .handbags." Theie is n decided preference for Turkish cigarettes. Women have no fondness for the so-called feminine cigarettes, perfumed and fancy. They smoke just ns the men smoke, some like a mild cigarette, some inedliinf and some strong. All ages seem to be forming the habit. Factory and store girls, chorus girls, debutantes nnd society matron, some still In their 'teens, but the ma jority are in the neighborhood of twenty years, nccordlng to the salesman. MAN AND WOMAN CHASED AS SLAYERS Each Alleged to Have Killed Wagon Drivers With Hammers Macon, Ga., Oct. 0. (Ily A. P.) A "inan-hunt" with n woman ns 'one j 0f the fugitives was in progress here todny. Sheriff Ili-ks; of Itibb county, ...: 0Sk of ni,.lt ,nn .,,,,. ,,..',- ! searching the woods near the site of Camp Harris for a man nnd a woman charged with killing , . .?. Ijiklns and probably fatally Injuring Tom Sanders pear here lnte yesterdav. The. victims, both ivpll-tn-dn farm. lers 3- .!-. 1 i 1 1. ?!. end, hi, wn wtmn. wi, wcre uriviug lowuru jiome irom thev overtook a man nnd n wnmnn walking. Klkins gave the man n lift and Sajiders did likewise for the woman. After riding n short distance the man is charged with dealing Klkins a death h'ow with a hummer he had concealed on his person.'nud the woman simultaneously is said to have assailed Sandeis in the same manner. Sanders was lobbed f ?."0, after which the collide took refuge in tlie forest, ac cording to the police. Sanders and Klkins were brothers-in-law. j FIRE METAL DOORS Interior Metal Manufacturing Co. j JAMESTOWN, N. Y. ROBERT R.MACKAY Manager, Philadelphia Office 1414 South Penn Square FIREPROOF Your Home for Your Familu Sheathing & Metal Lath erected at one operation EXPANDED METAL Of All Types Pearce Fireproof Co. 1345 Arch St., Phila. Are You Figuring on using Fire Doors? If so, ask us about our famous Evans "ALMETL" Fire Doors. t'at. Peml.) mb ai wbm tarn ' 9-?-imiLJ-iiuviBiJwiJLmnmmmmBaanni miLjLu.3 ma 9 mm & EVANS CO. r4 i FhiUuklphia, P LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, RED SITS DAZZLE E State Flame Fighters Perform Brilliant Stunts in Streets , of Lancaster THOUSANDS TAKE Svretnt Olspntch to F.vtnlno Public l.nln'-r Lancaster, Pa,. Oct. 1). Fire laddies from every section of the state, nil dolled up In dazzling red shirts ami with their buttons and belts sinned iikc n feminine fingernail, thl morning went through elaboiate drills under the can opy of flags on North Lime street. There was plenty of pep and com petition but no prizes. Thousands of firemen reached this city this morning, moie than a thousand being in the York county delegation. They went immedi ntelv.to the home of-the Itev. II. II. Apple, president of Franklin nnd Mnr shall College, nnd serennded blm. Doe tor Apple was at one time their chap lain. On no other day within recollection wns such a crowd jammed Into the thor oughfares bete, thousands pouring in f i out the rural sections to view the paiade. Frank 1!. McClaln served ns chief of stnff nnd Daniel W. Hchneffer as chief marshal. Thirty bands and a great amount of apparatus were In line. - The Lancaster department, pntk ed in Penu Squaw, was kept out of the nnnrch so that the visitors lould Inspect the apparatus. Knrlv in the dav It was announced that more than UO.000 pnrnders had registered nnd mnny oilier trnliiloads .,f .l,ntnn rM,,Mnt,ni1 tt nir1l',V I'll- Z .will be nfliclitUr closed .tomorrow night I with a hanmiet at the ItellevticStrnt- ..VAVSittSl.ri.iollof "hat ' they hnve done for tlie tircmen nong , legislative lines will tie presented to I Ciovernor Snroul. Frnuk It. McClnin. former lieutenant governor; former fioernor Martin O. Itrumnnugh. Scu ntor IMwIn II. Vlirc, Senator Clarence j .1. Itnckmiiii, Dovlestown ; Auditor (len- erdl Charles .Snyder. Poftsville; .1. P I Woodward. Tornicr Snenker nt the House; .lohn P. Connellv, Philadelphia ; i M,...-. (). Itorhtel, Ppttsvllle: Charles I H. Ilerger. Pottsvllle; Illchiird 11 K'lHi. Pottsvllle. and Senator A V Daix. Philadelphia. A lesolution reported to the enliven- tlon this morning expressed sympathy j for President Wilon in his Illness, ami . , expressed hone that his recovery will he full and complete. Another brands ns un-American- nil radical and lawless I ,,im.nu l,i tli,. cfi.tn nn.l nloilffDU thu hllli- ' " y ""' ; r-'-n - "'i- port ot tlie nrcnien to sianip oui. uiu- shevism. A committee wns named to select next years meeting place, preferably Heml ine In tlie hist hours of the convention tlie tight against tlie proxy plan of voting I fT' A i EM NDRILL FIRED00RS AND SHUTTERS STANDARD FIREDOORS AND SHUTTERS INSTALLED As per Underwriters' Specification LET US ESTIMATE ON YOUR NEEDS 'WM. MEYER CO., Ltd. 206 to 216 Quarry Street Philadelphia, Pa. Both Phones Market 233 & 234 23 IfV.MIV'XWHMti hat Are on Fire Pre Is your Family PRO TECTED , at home, or when out in your auto mobile, against FIRE? I I ML I . f The FYR-FYTER,a carbon-tetrachlonjde, one quart EXTINGUISHER, will do this for you and DO IT WELL. Easy to operate. .Any child can handle one. OK'D by the Underwriters SAVES 15 Fire Insurance on Automobiles .The Fyr-Fy ter Company . 1234 Cherry Street c Philadelphia. collapsed, the Itonnluoll faction holding that the association was a corporation and that proxy voting was legal. Among the arrivals this morning wis William .!. Fordney, of Atlantic City, seventy-llve-jear-old globe trotter, who came to lend tlie veteran olunteer fire men In the parade. FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Catholic Party In Italy Announces Platform for Primaries Koine, Oct. It. The Catholic Popular I p.uty has nddrewed a manifesto to the country preliminary to the general elcc PART tions, saying its program includes the liberty of religions teneiung in schools, reorganization of the finances of the country on a democratic basis, promo tion of ngrleultuie anil commerce, re vision of pence treaties nnd the lesuinp tlon of cordial relations with nil peoples. In view of the nearness of universal ,lKrmniiient. the manifesto says, 'we hope to make the Christian religion n nerennlnl source of clv'lizntion and en lightenment and to elevate the con science of the people for the restoration of pence and for social lcconstruction." HOME BREWS TAKE SUGAR Kenosha Merchants Blame Shortage on "Domestic" Beer-MaKing Kcnosli'. Wis., Oct. h.- Home-made I beer substitutes aie held partly respon sible for the sugar shoitnge bj Kenosha merchants. The vhoitnge here lias made1 sugar purchasable only in small ipinu tlties nnd pru-nects aie that tlie price may rise tti "0 cents. Slew Benefactor, Is Charge New York. Oit. 1). Charged with the murder, for SI!", nf the man who had taken him into his home when he was down nnd out. given him bed and bnnrd and found him work, John I?olag was brought' hcio yesteiday from Wheeling, W. Vn.. and lodged in the Tombs to await trim. Joseph Mc Kooshy, sixty years old, was the vic tim. Rope Fire Escapes pml iron rirr i-nninc Fire Alarm Systems gsr Electrical and Mechanical I'lr M'rtn (loima nnfrntfd I rum nil floors Urrnk-Ctaas Tlr .Miirin HiMtrm All Mfe Fir I'm- tuon r.uuiimirni ro( Sfn( -, ,oas Firo Escapes Painted & Repaired All "Work Approved by Tire Marshal J. P. TIERNEY Fire Escape Builder 269 South 4th St., Phila. l'linn Tiomtmril anlR Main 53 BSKCX-ISifiK' mWM'mP Tic issa. Private Fire Alarm Service Watchman's Supervisory Service Operating the Gamewell Fire Alurm Sys tem, the only direct connection with Phila delphia Fire Department, theieby insuring instant service. Auxiliary Fire Alarm and Telegraph Company 1521 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. vmtQ"&Af You Doing vention Day? The newspapers of the country are contributing free over $100,000 worth of space to persuade YOU to protect your self. Is this to be wasted, or are you going to do something? ? Probably you protect your merchandise. Are the valuable papers in your office SAFE GUARDED against TIRE? Pa, OCTOBER !), 19.11) TWO FRENCH ARMIES ARE BEING BROKEN UP Mangin Relieved of Command and Sent to Russia to Co ordinate Anti-Bolshevists Paris, Oct. !).- Tlie Klghth and Tenth French armies are being broken up n- units, and (lenernls Mangin and He rant, who I'fliiimnnileil them, hnve lieen recalled. (Jeiiernl Mangin is to pro- cccci to iioiun iiussia aim join ucucriii 1t-llllMil. mtwiilllIK 1(1 li 1,1 IIIII. iii- wlll be accompanied by M Mnlakoff. Ilusslan nmbassador in Paris, their mission being to co-ordinate the policy of the nnti-llolshevlst govcrniuents. According to the Temps, (iciicrnl O vvwv'V'vvvv'wv'vaw-V'0 i Sixty-five Yearn, in Bwi- ness. If You arc in Need of Anything in the f 1 FIRE ' ' I PROTECTION ' Line, call on us. Our goods are j in use all over the world. Our J fire door hardware cannot be j! equalled. Springs for opening 5 firo nnd garap;e doors automat- ? icaly, now used by all firo de- j partments, our specialty. Spe- clal and all stock size coup lings, Siamese connection, fuc department bells, axes, and in fact everything for fire pro tection. JOHN H, CLAY 1318-1320 Ridge Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. I AiMtHUtuumumutittui One fire w why W Don't wait until the engines arrive to wonder whether your records and orders, your letters and contracts are safe. ,- . A TKL' .MZfy 'Tj -.,2, MHBBHKil'V:jirri. i cJJssser mms&'ms NOW, in advance of the fire TO-DAY is the time to spend an hour in investigating a filing cabinet that will protect your valuable records from three to thirty times as well as any other steel cabinet. Most steel cabi nets,you know,are made with plain steel walls, cheaper to make, but more expensive to own. We ourselves make plain-wall cabinets, but for use only where there is no danger from fire. FIRE-WALL STEEL FILING CABINETS have double walls with asbestos inter-lining which . makes them three to thirty times as proof against fire and heat as any other steel cabinet. Here's Iww these better cabinets are built: First there is an outside wall of steel. Then comes a protected air chamber then a layer of asbestos, rTien another air chamber, and finally a strong inner steel wall. This five-fold, Fire-Wall protection goes all eround top, bottom, front, back and sides. "Y and E" Fire-Wall Cabinets are "Built-like-a-Safe", with the protection that only asbestos can give. Cost no More You can buy these better cabinetst the price of the ordinary steel filing cabinets. Since you pay the same price, why not get the proved pro tection of the asbestos construction ? It will pay you to write or 'phono for our new booklets" Steel Cabinets thatPro tecfand" Vertical Filing Down-to-Date, " AWMAN and Jrbe Mfg-(9 1013 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA, PA! Telephones Walnut I ' One Store or Representative In Every- Gty 'Makers pf Y and E" Filing Equipment Fayolle, one of the distinguished French army lenders during the war, n famous artillery expert, will be placed at tho head of the Interallied commission to supervise the disarmament of (Jermany as piovided for In the Vei sallies treaty. (Icneral Degouttc, the victor of Cha teau Thierry, who commanded the army, including American troops, which at tacked from the Ourcu to the Mame in 1 the great countcr-nttack of .Inly, 1018, I will succeed (iciicrnl Payolle in com mand or the Internlllitl troops of occu pation on the Rhine. , It is said the Kighth and Tenth armies will be soon re-formed into a single corps which will he commanded by (icn eial Decoutte. . I (ienornl uourntid, whose brilliant de- I , fense in the legion cast of Khclius buf- I nen ucncrni i.ilileiu orll in his ntteinnl to crush tho French army In the often sivc of July. 1U1S. has been appointed Vi Jf" lj m for FREIGHT ELEVATORS absolutely prevent the SPREAD OF FIRE through the shaftway Absolutely Safe ELECTltlC SAFETY APPLIANCE CO. 1 SOI Til 10111 HTRr.RT riiii.ni:ri'iiiA, r.v. k I n, y. s it d fr ' i y ui ? a?. 3E JMMmimMiJBM p. i,i id AIT ' for a fire? 11 wiHMH 7WH Pil'ms1 b Cird 167; Race 1710 iV bleb commissioner of Franco In Stria &T ; and commander-in-chief of the Frsoch . , nrmy in tlie r,nst. Fire Protection! 7A, " r -r - Trout Steel Filing Case Patented $34.75 Used for Safety by U. S. 825 Chestnut St., Phila. "api! I m Peele Doors you "BUILT LIKE A SAFE" Male In tltetfor your correspond encs bills, legal cap tlie papers, check, documents, card records, etc. Five Exclusive Foatures at no additional cost 1. The layer of asbestos which is-built in at top, bottom, front sides and back of the "Y and E" Fire-Wall Cabinets. . 2. The Automatic Safety Lat ches, which prevent the drawers from opening in a fire emergency or in office re-arrangement. 3. The "Y and E" Frictionless Slides which give the drawers an easy gliding movement. 4. Drawers strike all around like a safe door. Protects against dust, water, flame and heat. 5. The "Yand E" Filing Sys tern which enables you Upkeep your records with greatest con venience and at loweKKJOst. bys- tern service without charge. 4000 "Y AND E" PRODUCTS' System Supplies Hecord Spurns Machine Accounting Tmm ifertlcsl P!lln SuppHM . LKoicney Desks . ; . 'ir Wall Siesl CMUsttV "Y sp4 C WfMKl CilUWl " .BWI bHIH Kecord l-ilinsl Baits lllueprlnt files 3ttcfSliclvp( and System QSuppUes tf-r, Sli ,. n 1 vV f' ..l i i' l X! 1 i p 1 Al '! i 'I "VI 4 3S 4 41 'J . , -V h k iri.1 n' . v ' J T A J..'., "'i S!.nn..w,.'. i- , P.'S.flffwr V e -n -. (W w. LP i i : 34 'i-rt'. "' " ikV mm$T!rmrzTr m?..i&;i Mini ! IMMMII1 111 i II .... -.. n MWtifKBt t ?- - - M . j tWtOiil. nnHMIBIiliiininlVMiniaUBHfiJlUHntuM'QiiliBiiiiiiMHtMliiiiiiinHiH h. mmsiwmM.