V- '? -i tj oV ' v it ,4 . . 507-1 EVENING PUBLIC LPaER-PHltJADELPHXA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1019 4L u ;5Jni" ' V . v law$ p "a : .- 'Je WW" In BL &? I' A y fe .'. f ir. r I - - as '" u v J. $150,000 1ND., ILL. & IOWA 1st Mtge. 4s, 1950 Tax Exempt in Pennsylvania $100,000 COLORADO & SOUTHERN 1st Mtge. 4s, 1929 $125,000 CENT, of GEORGIA RY. Consol 5s, 1945 $100,000 CENT, of GEORGIA RY. Oconnee Division 1st Mtge. 5s, 1945 Price on Application et & Co. 501 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Tel. 160G Walnut Boston New York L. Service and Stability Our Purpose is to get you to bank with us, no matter what size your account may be, but, of course, we don't start or stop there! Our greatest aim is service. We aro especially pleased when we can serve a client, or a prospect, with advice on any subject pertaining to his or our own business. Many business men consult us as they would a partner. There Is No Obligation Integrity Trust Company Fourth and Green Streets I Capital $500,000 Surplus & Profit. .$1,660,000 "Stocks or Bonds?" If you now hold or intend to buy cither, be eure to read Babson'a Ba. rometer Letter of Cct. 6th. It gives a vivid forecast ol the future trend of both markets, so clearly indicated by present Fundamental Conditions. Reports enable you to get a maximum return from your capital without worry, loss of time, or risk involved in ordinary speculation. Report on Request A, request on your letterhead will bring a copy of the bove bulletin, Stocks or Bondt?" n&"200fc Profit A Recital of Facts, " gratis. Write for Bulletin 84-G of the abson Statistical Organization Wellesl.y Hills. Mat. Largest Organisation of Its Character m the World A sounir man with considerable financial and credit experience would like to atllllate himself with a ltanlt or Trust Company. He desires the opportunity of lustulllnjr a credit department to the point of relieving the credit ofllcer of the details of inch work. He would expect in take complete charge of the department anil place It on n hnsls that would serve the officers most eUlclenllj. C 32, Ledger Office AN EXECUTIVE COLLEGE GRADUATE Twenty-nine jears of age, with com prehensive knowledge of the stock and bond business, desires to make connection with live house. Thor uiclily familiar with ull branches with especial, training its office man ager and financial man. 0 31, Ledger Office. Fidelity Trust Company Jfember federal JJejerv System Capital $5,000,000 Surplus $16,000,000 Downtown Office l Droori Street Offleti IMJtSl Chester "t. N. K. Tor. at 48-53 P. Fourth Rt. Itron.1 ft Chestnut ' Hecker & Co. Bankers and Brokers Members ot Philadelphia and New Tork Htock Rxrhangea Jf. K. COR. OTH AN11 CIIKSTNPT STS. $50 $100 LIBERTY BONDS , BOUGHT AND SOLD Biddle & Henry !04 SOUTH FIFTH STREET Wsmbsrs rhlladelchla Stock Exchants LIBERTY BONDS ,. BOUGHT and SOLD ;, .t4w BoBeelswCrMMi U. S. Steamship's Spectacular Rise How much higher is it going? What factors sue causing its tremendous market nctivity? This Week's Investor & Trader contains complete dis cussion and gives leading pacts-of Company. Call, 'phono or write for fret copy No. T.U.-802. . JONES & BAKER SECURITIES WMcnor Hldg., Philadelphia ritoncs Bell, Walnut G063 Keystone, Hac 2200 New Tork Detroit IMttaburth Chlctto IHrtct I'rlvaf Wiree lioito Allied Oil Corporation Bought Sold Quoted Send for circular. An oiI-gaspublic utility whose president says: "Net earnings from oil are at the rate of over $4, 000,000 per annum." Dividends; 3 per cent, tjaarttrly G. S. Foster & Co. 25 Broad St. New Yorlc lelrnlioiit. llrouil 7115 Lawrence E. Brown & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1015 HEAL ESTATE TRUST HI.DO. Invrntlcnte nnd ndjunt partneretiln nni! rorporutlon accounts. Also prepars V. a. Income Tu Returns. WANTED Men experienced in taking stock quotations from the ticker. Desirable Positions short hours and good pay. Address B 310, Ledger Office. Mating nice and experience. 'uAwor1'" mwjjivsui'jLn' i 'Mm w The followinK companies offer INSURANCE of all kinds Beidler & Bookmyer General INSURANCE . BROKERS J2I Walnut Street iombnid 2047 Aala 152 New York Office 95 William Street 1817 Fire 1019 Association OF PHILADELPHIA N. W. Cor. 4th & Walnut has given Its policy holders solid Indemnity for more than one hundred years and has never been so strong financially as now Have you a policy in this old anc reliable, Company7, CHARTER PEKPETUAL WILLIAMS & WALTON General Insurance Agents Nos. 416-420 Walnut St. PHILADELPHIA Commonwealth Casualty Company Oldest Philadelphia Casually Company Assets $700,000.00 A'ltoiuoliile and Teams Accident nnd Sickness Insurance Attractive Liberal Bates Policies l'roiupt Claim) Hervlce Jisk Your Broker for SENTIMENT BEARISH IN MARKET FOR CORN Strike Along Water Front of New York Induces Buy ing Near Close Chicago, Oct. t). Humors about tin embargo upon certnln pIiimcs of ship ments to tlio port of Xcw York rnllrltl coin toward llin close today. Tho re covery wns preceded b depression, due to m-nknriM In (he onfli article, parti cularly in the Houthwest where losses of as much as live cents it bushel were terorded. and mote liberal olTerltiRS from the comitrj . The market xtnrted II rm on cocrinK bj shorts and some limine' through commission houses, induced by unset lied weather, In the belt, uliiili offset whatever bcniMi inlluencc jestcrday's Kou'tnmetit repot t on the ctop iiiiulit hne Intel, as well aowuuntcrbulniiciiig further declines in com. ruderlyitiK hentiinent was bearish, lioweter. anil pressure was applied. 'titiliiK prices below the ptevlotis nose. Townnl the cloc there was biijiug on the stilke aloiiR the waterfront at New Yolk. Oats also finished firmer after bavins siRj;i'd The stait was lilglirr on Imj -ttiK bj heal intciests nnd imcritii; lij shorts, but strong -.puts brought out sell itiK by commission houses, nnd t' ket becniue heavy. The demand im pioyed iikhIu in the linitl denlliiRs. Exporters were on the buyliiR side, and prospects of bad weather caused bullish sentiment, as did the smallness of the crop and a lack of an accumula tion of supplies. i.oauinK iuturc" rinsed as follows i urn mew ntllpry On'n lllsh l.ow 1 21". I 2U 7n'4 Clo'" i m;, 121'. 71 7.T. -Inii 1 :-", 1 J0 70' Dee May . 1 S3i 7H, 73', 1 'Jl uuts Dec. ... 70J. Mav . . . 72 I'ork Oct. ., Jan . ...D1.80 i t.ard Nov . ... 2.1 .10 Jan ...23.01) ItlbB Oct Jan. ..17..H) llld. tA.ked 37 00 3il 21 32 20 3J oil 32.2.1 31. so .'ll 00 :'3.32 2." Ml J3.U0 2.1 70 23 12 is r.n tis 17 3.1 17 ' 17 (1.1 17.3.1 Philadelphia Markets GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipt. 17S.3S1 l,uh"l- Th marKet was nulet but firm with llcht oft inirti. rolloulni? were th'1 muoi ilHin!" Car lots, tn export elevator, covernment standard Irspectlon. etandard prices No. 1 red winter. S2.3tl. No 1 northern sprlni? J.' 311. No. 1 hard winter $2,311 No 1 red. i .ylnler, earlickv 2 37, No. 1 red smuti ' I JJ .HI No 1 red. Earllclo and smultv 12 31 I United State Grain t'orporatlon'a purihase of uh"at vvrre based on the folMuInc sclied I ule of discounts. No. 2 wheat 3c under No l 1 No 3 wheat. Oc under No. 1 No 4 wheat I lilt, undir No. 1, Nu ft wheat, l4i' under No . J For all wheat otherwise conforming to the specifications of No. B or better but Itlenclent In test weight, the discount from I the N .1 price will be 3c per bushel for each one i-und deficiency In test wcleht Wheat (Trading below No. 5 for reasons other than deficiency In test weights will bo bought on Its merits. .Smutty wheat will bo, discounted 1 according to tho degree of smut, but in no case less than 2c per busnel under the cor- responding regular grade. Garlicky wheat I will be discounted Just as heretofore 2c per buihel from the regular grade Mixed wheat win be discounted from 2c to Oc. according I to oualltv and condition of mixtures, but unless oth Twlse Instructed tho trade may count on our taking No 2 mixed wjtat at Philadelphia Just as heretofore, I e., 2o under the corresponding regular urads. i COnv IbcelptB, 131S bushels The lmr ket was quiet but firm under small supplier ' , We quote Xi, 2 jellow In car lots fur lot al I trade, to arrive. SI 70: spot, Jl.7.1 per bushel 1 OAT.S Receipts. 12 fll)0 bushels. The mar . , ket ruled steady under light offerings but trade was quiet. We quote Car lots as to 'location No 1 white. fllWsl i,oi No. 2 'white. MlfiSrmc. No. 3 'white, 7IK" 70HC , 'No 4 white. 77lif77v4c I CLOl'It Receipts. 2.MS.13.1 pounds In sacks Trices were firmly held, but there I 'was not much doing The following were I the quotations. Per mil pounds packed i I In 14l)-lb. Jute sicks iSoft winter s'.ralght I western 110.KKH0 10, do. Jo. nearby. l T5 ' W10 h'iril winter straight. Jll 2.1W11 r,0 ' do. short patent HI 7ftW12 2.1. prlnu arsr clear Jit LMWJI 7.".. do. pntimt, $12012.'; du, hhrrt patent (l.TiO l! 71. fnnry sprtnn and d: rrllta patent, family lrtnJs, Jl-73 U 1 3 2."i HYK I'Loru quiet and ulriidv We quou ut $7 NT, m s 7 jKr barrel, in Hacks, hi to (lUilllM PROVISIONS Supplies re moderate and the mar ket was quiet and unehansul The quo tation rintff d tiH follmvH: Meef In cmnked nnd alr-drled. C4c. beef knuckles and , tenders smoked and nlr-drled. lJc; pork famll. T8c hams S. 1 cured loose. 3 31r do, smoked, loose. -8 31o. do. do, smoked, 3U(t?33c, hams boiled boneless, f plrnlc shoulders. 8. P. cured, loone. 1'lt do smoked 22c; tallies In pickle loose. 30c breakfast bacon. 37c, 1-ard. 30c. REFINED SUGARS I hi market ruled firm under nnr-it uitt rn a basis of Vic fci tin1 t,r muldifd DAIRY PRODUCTS Ht;FHi; The market ruled flrni i offcrlnss lipht anl demand falrb in ni Quotations follow . New York. whol. mil flats fancy. WW 3L'C. fair to Rood. 30V ffj 3Hc Wisconsin whote-mllk, fancy 31Wc fair to food, 3(t31c; JobbliiK sales of fancy tfuodfl A ' - "JHc ISUTTBK Demand was fair for fin ffoods and tho market ruled firm under , Uffht offerlnKS Medium and low trades i continued dull. Quotations: Creamerj fancy, hlph-acorlnij Boode, hKSilVc extras, i Win nxlru nrilR (2dttr,r. flrni .'..".fifMin ' seconds filnic; sweet creamery, rhoice to fancy. t(8i'70e: fair to Rood. (i!)&i.7r prints jobbing at 72fii74o for fancy and ob 7ic ror lair to troou. EGGS There whb a quick outlet for ' strictly fine ess, prices of which ruled , ilrm under light offerlnKs. We quote: Free cases, nearby firsts, J1I 20 per crate, near- i uj current receipts, an nu. rair to cnoi, $17'.4()Wlh. Wf stern, extra llrMn. $lli 'u tlrsts, SlS(Ef IK mi, nearbv and western sec- onus, u. 'tfivn hi, lnrenor lots lower i fancy selected egca Jobbing at 71ii?73 per ttuzen. POULTRY LIVH Th market was quiet ard UrRly nomlnul. The uuotatlors Fowls as to uiil uy. .flitfu-ic; cnicaens. as lo quality. " . 30c, roosters 23t2lc: ducks white Pekln, 3(c, do. Indian Runner. 27iP2cj pleon, um, (ici un uuuuut., uu, uuiia, WT Uair DHESSBl) The market ruled firm with I a fair demand and moderate offerings ihf quotations were. Fresh-killed, drv-plrkeii m boxes, welshlnK 4 lbs and over apiece 30 welchlnir 3lis lbs , 313Sc. weUrhinff 3 jbs 27flf-l.'ttc, smaller sixes, 242Gc, fouls, fresh kllled. in bbls. dry-picked, welfhtmr 4 lbs and over apiece, 38c, weighing Ml lbs 3032c: wflKlilng- 8 lbs., 2U$P27c, smaller' sizes, 23 625c. old roosters, dry picked 24c, broilers, Jersey, ice-packed, -tub 4 hi do. other nearby choice ke-packed :mu HHq, ordinary to Rood. 3ntf.3.c. broilers western, lce-packed. welghlntr 14 02 lbs nplece, 333tlc. do. western, ire-packed weivuius .-4'u- iua. upiece, PHf3(i', western, mtlk-fed chickens. 12 to box 17 lbs, and under to dozen, per lb 48W4rie 1H to 24 lbs, to dozen, per lb 42i 43c (o 3U lbs, to dozen, per lb, 3."(Ti)3lc, 31 "to Sti lbs. to flozen. ner lb 3.1 :i7 t., j- ik to dozen, per b , 33034ci 43 to 47 lbs to dozen, per lb,, 3)1870: 48 lbs and oer to dozen. 38040c; spring ducklings, nearby ns to quality. 3l3Nc: squabs, per dozen white, weighing 11 to 12 lbs per dozen SB Aii 0.2.,; white, weighing to 1( lbs mr dozen. t7.&nQft.25 white, welchlnir h lbs per dozen, inuo 75, do, do. 7 lbs to dozen I4.r.uf n.so, no. no. t w bs to dozen B0. dark. H.&UCS25. mill XS. No. 2. tl0cMi: FRESH FRUITS nemaiul w fair, with little change m Pr'K"- ."" nuote: Applrt, per banket. Sue 11.73; do, per bushel hamper, Slj-si do per barrel H.BUMB.S0. Cranberries' perl el, 2,ollin4, do. Meckel, per burhel - jow 4,75 Urupea. Concord, per pony basket 222c, do, Niagara., per pon baiket, "owl 22c; do, lw, per Jumbo bmket. S0oll. Umoni, per box. s:.u,isi7 85 Orancea Cal. Ifornla, pen box. I2.8o&fir..'lo. Grapefruit. Florida, per box. ,2.43(T.S0 ,rp"truu' VEGETABLES Whit potatoes were In amni. ...t., ...a qu . S.T. " ,"""" onion, dull. We SS.0,e wSi,mp 1. "ft. ."'r.. .P ba.k.t- quiet, Uuf&Ata Am.., r. , .. . . "J? ... White polatoea. tier loll. b. aack No 1 3 8U04l No. 2. 2S. White potatoeV. Pa. per cwt.. M50WBHS. Sweet potatoei Southern No. 1. per bb!. S3 ''in-jiii An, a kt S. per bbl.. 2.23! Jer.ey, per aket. S5c x .Cbb'?." N,..J" Wt ba.ket. 4n7nc; Uanl.h, Per Ion. J32P3,1. Onion., per lOtil lb. .acka Yellow, 23, hlte. 14 New York Metal Market vr Vork Vork. (Vt, , Copper Spot and Oe November. 2lM22o toiler 2J1. WJilHri UfC.BlU.r. 21S WZ2U?J Jnnuarr. s: iSL lehruarv 'mid .aiarcn. ziuwziic. Snot, 6,05s Mil; October, il.o.-wn. QAtn TkTrt COTTON IRREGULAR AS EXCHANGE OPENS Roalizing Sales on Long Lines Offset Bullish Character ( of Early News New York, Oct. 0. There was con siderable Irregularity ty the early cot ton market today, tho dlsnosltlon in realize profits on long lines offsetting tno imiiisii character ot the early news. First prices were 10 points higher to 7 points lower, Liverpool cables came slightly below expectations, but there were further heavy sKit sales there. There was continued realizing nnd southern hedge selling later and actlvo months were ,"() to fi7 points below Inst "Wit's close, with December selling at -..IU. Prospects that n cold snap would fol low the present rain in the south failed to check the early selling, but was a sustaining factor and piobably en couraged buying on a scalo down. Chelten Trust Co. Increases Dividend The riielten Trust Company has de clared it semiannual dividend of 4 per cent, payable November 1 to stockhold ers of record October I'll. This places the stock on an S per cent per annum basis, previous dividends having been declared at rate of ti per cent fier annum. BAR SILVER Commercial bar silver was limited in New York today at $1.1T,h an ounce, a decline of Jc. In London the price was Cid, down d. Learn AUsteel Safe Are Approved by Fire Underwriters. Maximum Protection Minimum Cost. H rio j Up ca ca J 5 SjS II STATIONERY PRINTING ENGRAVING I ... 'H INDEPENDENT ' IHPeZrVIH AUTOMATIC -SPRINKLERS I I Mr Thp T?ilr nf Tfira i I I I llllnlilllllilnlllllllilllll'iiaf T,le P'lWf'e Plpelcas Furnace H I II ' ' . " III i I PW 5'0U can lnH,a11- " Pipes to become vl 1 1 I i II I !lllllllll!l!lllllillllllll overheated and ignite woodwork a I llllll Hill) I W Heats entire, liouse to 70 decreed in Tffl W llUln I llllll - .. . llllll A lt!!lllllillll!l!l!ll!l!lliaV zero weather Irom one teclster, wlilch JUSw 1 II tf "M B VT jf ". jp TT " U' BB j,"JET U U "W W W U llllll I I I III tl V.m lo GiicrnnnHil I... nl,i i - ... WTTWWHW' 'rill llllll M a Hi nu n HI m Hi w Hi nu Hi n HI Hi Ml R HI llllll t I II 11 1 Hi uu..uu..u.t ... vu .t-iu- ii.tb.iKe, 11 WjiJSaXMl (III Ml llllll Hi HI HI iwlf Ida HI w HI . HI IR tn UM nl ' EW Kl HB M llllll IB maklnc it tmnoaslble for lirutnri u..r. II 'anHBIl I I tm Wl IS H il I Kl u I H I Ll I LU H Hf HI I llllll i it iif!r2s i mirv i nryriirv . i 1 111 T ALWilraSMl " -.-. r 7 They pay for themselves by decreasing 1 THE DRAV0 CONTRACTING COMPANY PITTSBURGH, PA. REQUIRE SERVICES. OF COMPETENT HULL AND ENGINE DRAFTSMEN Write or Apply in Person, Saturday, October 11th Mr. Kobrow Hotel Bingham House Men Do Better Work 'Midst Cheerful Surroundings j For factories and buildings specify this water paint. It is. than other nalnt, yet it insures low cost recommend thnt surfaces be Zementlne.d freoueniiv and thus maintain a cleanliness and cheerfulness that is surp In ralso workroom standards. ure l0 White and color by the bbi. (about 325 lbs.), jQ ,. 8raniIer oullll titits, 8c lb. Special price to, contractors. Sample onreout.t Householders can buy It In t-lb. Carfons LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAIt STOCKS HI1 .07 .-'II Aak .IIS .2K 00 .2.1 .07 IS .07 .20 Ca.1i tlov . . . , Jim nutlrr MarNnmara . .Midway , , .jii Mlipnh K.ten.lon ..,....,., .().". Montana ,,. .12 Northern star ,,, .0.". Ile.cuo Kula .IK Tonopah Hxtenalon yB West i:ml ikj West Tonopah , .to DIVIDE STOCKS Allied DIM 07 Alto Divide i llelcher , .as Hen llur .on Ilrouah Divide , Divide i:trnslon I9. Divide Mjnd (Ill Divide Con IK Dividend I!.- Kas. Divide la Itanbrourk Divide .1,1 tilth Divide Ill ttevert Dlvldo 4.1 tteno Divide' (Ill Ilneetta IS Kllver Klnir 1.1 Tonnmih Divide r.H .09 .a ,,'4 k jr. .l.i .is ..10 ,0N .27 .:n .01 Tonopah Haidirouck , ,2H victory Dlv irte 2.1 Verde Divide .10 Zone . . t.n2 OOI.DFIKM) STOCKS Atlnnta . . .02 .0.' ,nn .02 .03 .O.'i .01 .04 .03 .OH .03 .0.1 .07 ,03 .0.1 ..10 .111 .0.1 .03 .It .-, .U7 .03 ,.llll .011 .10 lllue Hull Ilooth , (' O D Combination Krnctloi Crarkerjnck ."",.,,, Dlnmondfleld 11 II , . .' rjHlijr' . Florence . (loldllcld Con J7 Cloldfield MerKer Oa Oreiit llend oa jutnon i;xteneiou on KewamtH i"? f.onn Star f)ro licit HUN Silver I'ltk Hlienlhend .III. .01 MISCi;i.LANKOt;S Ainparo Arlzoiiiv United Kden Mother tide . . NeMulll Hill .. N'evnd.1 Hand . . Prolnontarlo Nevada Wonder Ternpii MlnlnK White Cupi IK .20 in .02 .20 Vi .31 .on .SJH ..It" .04 .12 .18 - I, a i VR 2. All the Facts then Choose Investieate all filine 'equipment, including ,GF Allstecl, and we'll be satisfied. For we know what your choice will be then on construction, rigidity, appearance, durability, economy and safety. You will select Office Furniture Letter Filet Card Indexe Filing Systems Safe Desks GF Allstecl is electrically welded into one piece no bolts or nuts nothing to pet out of order. Each drawer has re markable strength and rigidity. The drawers run smoothly on double-quick roller suspension all the way. Do not stick, swell nor warp. Show no wear after" 100,000 operations, and you et 25 to 35 more filing capacity in each drawer, with practically an equal saving in floor space. It toill profit you to call, phono or write for fact about CF AUsteel &l)SW$$i EVErrtTHlNSrORYOUROFFlCE III Sw J m 1525 Chestnut Street The Perfect Water Paint mSever""lw-!!r. (Trut - claBs resulti. because of its VVU1IU11IILIII LONDON STOCK MARKE.T j uusiness Active Specialties Boom. Home Ralls Steady London, Oct. n.r-CheerfulncKS con tinued to characterise the trading In securities on the stock cxchauRe today, and biiHincgfi was active. Thero was o Uoom lu BiieclaltlpM. Home oils wen buoyant. Shell Transport was quoted at nu-in. There was a vigorous demand for Uiomond descriptions, which moved up. IJo lleers sold at 2r. Home rails were steady, while tho shares of Ar gentine roads were irregular. Indus trials were strong. The gilt edged section was quiet. M0NTR0SS METAL SHINGLES MAKE FIREPROOF ROOFS BEST ROOF UNDER THE SUN Durable, cconomlcnt mid easllv ap plied. Fire, llRhtnlne nnd btorm proof. Write for Illustrated catnlos nnd teatltnonlnls. Montross Metal Roofing Co. 158 Erie St., Camden, N. J. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS all mnkrs Itcrlmritril nnil Insprrt ril by ciprrloiicril mn. Agents for Keystone & Paragon Fire Extinguishers NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTIONTO. 1G17 Snnsom.9t Locust 3543 lassBsawpsssssBstiss 1-IRE INSURANCE rl never pays tor more than part of the total loss,and thesta?' of fire can never be -done away with. But fires can be put out whenever and wherever they start. They can be put out quickly, certainly and automatically. This is what a Sprinkler System does, for it covers every danger spot and is ready for action every hour, year in and year out. A large majority of the successful concerns in the country have put in sprink lers to protect both plant and business. These same safeguards can be given to your own interests. "Automatic" Sprinkler Company ..of America 328 CHESTNUT ST PHILADELPHIA ' FOR I-jIm ?Trii4jkJ a i!xl 9. it A eflrnTlTgyi .your insurance' costs. " M' 111 "" i , , . l 5vv LJ III- " .. - ' ' '2i W INDEPENDENT AETNA SPRINKLER C 2323-2325 N. 11th Street Refined Sugar Aro Unchanged New York, Oct. 1). The refined KiiRnr market Is unchanged, both an fpgardu oomlltloiiH nnd priced. I.ocnl reflucrs rcfrnln from accepting new business nnd prices nre qtinted nt lie. Fire Protection! HOLMES PROT i312CHE5TNUT-ST-'cWALWUTGII.-MAlN-I290. i-irr.inr,,v,ihiuiiiiiinM ON FIRE PREVENTION DAY Look to your one quart fire extinguish ers to -see that they are filled with M CASTLE LIQUID Here are It contains no chloroform, and is 'therefore safer to use. It is non-daVraging, non-corrosive, has full electrical resist ance and the lcrjuircd low freezing point minus 50" Fahrenheit. It prevents co-rosion; 75 of inoperative extinguishers are so because of cenosion. Keep your ext'nguishcr in 'service by Aising CASTLE LIQUID. It is the only liquid that is recommended, for use in ALL one qutlrt extinguishers of the carbon tetrachloride type. It will enable you to refill ANY one quart extinguisher, thus keeping your supply down to a minimum if you have extinguishers of various makes. It is tho only refill liquid for one quart extinguishers that is nationally advei tised arid has national distribution. It is not an experiment, being used and enthusiastically in dorsed by hundreds of leading corporatiens all over the country. $6.00 Per Gallon in Quart Cans" ."55.00 Pc Ga'Ion in Gallon Cans $4.50 Per Gallon in 5-GalIon Containers Liberal trade end quantity discount - OUR GUARANTEE 1'iirclinnp l'rlre refumlril If CAMTI.K 1,1011 1 1) flora nbt fill Hid reqnlreinrntB hlrli are neceKhury for any etlni;ulilier ' tlin rnrlion tetrachloride, liquid ruh type, lteturn unuseil portion to uh anil receUe j our money. I If your hardware, auto accessory or electrical supply dealer can't furnish Castle Liquid, write to or phone us. JAMES M. CASTLE, Inc. 812 Lincoln Bldg. filbert 4312 I f W. REAL SERVICE CALL ON. JPHILADELPHIA less '2 ner cent for cash for mS!'rnn. illatrd. Old crop ravg are unchangcil nt 7.28c. There were no Bales of ,ncw crop stignrs reported .vesterdnr. The I'nited Htatet sugar equalization board made no purchases of raws yesterday. T" A fire, or wntcr from n fire, coming Into contact 'with our wires or firemen attempting to break Into your store, for the purpose of running hose lines or per forming other necessary work, causes an alarm to sound in the Holmes Central Ollicc. , Our men investigate. You are notified and wc safeguard your property until you arrive. Fire protection is one of the functions of Holmes Service. ECTION mi the reasons: Philadelphia -Knee 3301 W ' v1" V. , i llllll V 'r llllll $ . j nl s. Jv jon c.rdmwm. mtWi slat sl u .. , i wuMf .wrKff or f. mvl i..' 'JtWiWCi XJrWJSv ?M ui?r "jVixa ..$:& -' u MHHHH. " tl J rvvyvyvyvwyi "rr 7 Ji.L'J Jl Hcssassia --znzs i-KPMUiM;irXtari 4i - Vommonuealth Protection I.VIMBfcUHtf- lie A 1 1f UaW l'ecemuer.Tia Januay.,! f avtw 'f1t wMAf. ! jwfcaar mmm. 1 WrXtffi!Wi tti WDM :.. Aiimn.Hiip Bdi&ckAAatau.