Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 09, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 18, Image 18

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.' ?f AW
ym' "iiginfi
-p.riMMflNnFR RPan
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3nsatlantic Flior and Crew
Will Bo Guosts at Franklin
Field Fete Today
Commander Head and the urtiw of tlic
transatlantic flier, tlic N'C-1, will be
fuesls of honor nt the University ot
iPennsylrania this afternoon at u spoils
Sally nt Frnnldin Vinlrl fntnv M .T
J?ickeriDa. crmilliltn mnnnppr nf thn
vfl.thlcttc association, will be in charge
Commander Itead has njfrccd to iienk
on the subject of "Advantages of t'ol
leBfl Athletics and of Joining tho Amer
lean Legion."
On their nrrival at the Vnivcrsity Hie
famous aviator and his crew will be
shown every part of the great American
educational institution under the direc
tion of University lleeonler George A.
Ncitzsche. They will be then escorted
to Franklin Field to take part in the
program to ho rondueeted by tho l'lii
Kappa Beta Junior Society and Major
Pcnn students nill form in the Pur
mltory Triangle nt ". :"0 o'clock and in
a gigantic snake dance will parade to
Franklin Field. Major l'lckering will
welcome jthem. speaking on the ear's
athletic program. There w il lhe brief
responses by Coach "Iiob" Folwell mi
football, Coach Wright on eicw, Coach
Itobertson on tmrK and from represeti
tallves of all the tiftccn minor and major
as possible," ho said. "When labor In
the past was Impotent because of lack
of strong organization, capltnl never
held back iu any ot its acts to wait on
labor. Xow it seems that when labor
presents a formidable degree of economic
power, capital Is constantly crjing
'wait, wait' to labor."
Status (Jilo Urged
A plea that all obstructions now
blocking Increased production and re
duced living tost be swept aside was
made in the resolution proposing a
three months' industrial truce. Prawn
bv A. A. Landou, of UufTalo. repre
senting the public, the resolution pro
elected shop committees or otherwise, as, fecl IS81W Fil'St
well as through trade upions. m t- -f
Classification Sueresteil I 6St I OY 1
Classification Suggested
A resolution elasslflng the parties
Involved in consideration of problems
before the conference was presented by
Paul T Kelss. of the public group. It
provided that the two gencrnl divisions
tJiouIfl be as follows:
Union labor, government cmplojr-.,
public utilities employes, employes' or
ganizations nud general unorganlzrd
labor in one group nnd capitalists man
agers, government representatives,
vided that the status quo be resumed I faimeis nnd the geneinl public in the
immediately between capital and labor : other.
that lockouts ami strikes be ended at .. ,. u,..s(m of v0,v York. len.e-
senlulive of the publli'. offered a icso-
oripe nml that durlnp the truce all ngi
inti.ui nml nreaniratlnn bv labor be
'suspended. Iiitlnn which "-nid thai since a bctter-
' Another ieolutlon b Henry S. nient of existing Industrial conditions
I Pfnnkon. of I'ramliighnm. Mass.. pro- was (losely depenileut on a reduction in
posed that emplojers make cery en- the tost of living, Congress Khouldini
deavor fo reduce the burden placed on I mediately enact anti-profiteering lcgisln
rimiliies bv lone seasons ot noneni- linn similar to that now in force in
piovment. and that employe! t and em- i.rcni i.ritam.
' that wltl H npt strcl industries nn1 ' enco received a copy of the protest, for
t.nut.i tun tinfnrttpnrq If wnii rnnli1nrrr1 I It U'na nnf fnfmnllt untuanlnl in thn I
. j WliniU IIMIIIIIIIIVVl"' " T. f S.VU. '. .. J U VI, 11'ltllUIIJ f l i, a' " i -t v Wx.
JUttOOV that the labor men nnd the delegates body.
appoiillcd by national tinde. transpor-I It Is not, therefore, a pari of the
MORE ZONE-FARE RIOTS lhflm ilih u'6 windows,!
Continued I com I'urp One
On the surface, at least, it was n dicer
ing augury for future deliberations.
hloel Mrlho blalks Hero
till ton and mnuufnctilrlng bodies would
ndciiiiatelj represent tlic grent common
I wcallli.
I'eiuisjUanla Not Ucprchcnled
Hut Judge (liny nnd Mr. Hockc-
for example, iioiwitiistanuing
tegular proceedings. Ills own group
was not aware of his purpose and there
was a noticeable feeling of resentment
among the einploycis with whom I have
talked over his action, lie accomplished
his purpose, nevertheless, nnd the pro-
,ang, (he labor group. It can scared, , sylVaninns. A member of the confer- "." ' ' TO .f.TK7 fi0?1 "1"""
be expected that M. 1 Tlgl.e. pr...;. erne to In; rrmar kc.l I hat J ". group will Indorse his scheme .have
dent of the Amalgamated A.,.' l ,m' t xt . " m ' "' f ', '' " "5 ' the President appoint a commission
of Iron and Steel Workcis. and Judge should lit lens have been honored formuIntp ',,!, ngrlcultural
Klbert II. (lar.v. escrutive head of the ' Willi some clirn-t lepiesentatlon. 0cv
1'nite.l States steel Association, would. An n.ti-i-.- 11 g uc ..01 e.. y . .01 uur - ireiIctons nrc ma(,n ot bitter .-on-
MM.. ..-.1 h,Mll.M !.. 11... n..lt ...it ..f In ni'
iui' sire 1 niiiK'i n iuu Kiim viu ;i'"": - '. ', , t .
.,.,.,,, , 7 , . ! t he r nst i 11 teres s in. Pennsylvania's
the bottle, whose toweling shadow over- ,'r '""' ulro, ,,,, oki. nr nJ,t 1Vlin.
Five Car6 Wrecked at Clltfsldei One
at Union Hill
Union Hill, N. .1., Oct. 1). For the
l.sccond time In ns many days n street car
was wrecked by shipyard workers here
jesterday when rioting, resulting from
the trqlley zone troubles, broke out.
Iliolcrs ripped out seats and hurled conduetorctte thrown oft: lier car,
icei quun rmniormuie iu cvci 11 iuu- ; iiicuumi 1-. " " "--"V" v; trovcrsies in the geneinl committee o
memarj personal eoniaci on ine iioornne peopic b.u. ,",'; ..,'.' ,","'"' "vital (piestions, such 11s the open shop
of the conference hall. Pnitleuhirlj, us nwiiie. not s ng le in 1 Mmial '''Y, C.T ' elght-hour day for all industries
Judge (111 j is constantly attended bj , held an ele s "V .,,p)nl fe. ., l ' pioflt-sjinrliig and collective bargain
two ah e-ho( ed nrhate detectives, men. not nccessnriij politicians, seem j
1, -.r
the molorman to stop to cnafuVor
escape as they approached a polico sta
tion, from which reserves had been
called out.
Fifty men tonight attacked and
wrecked five cars nt Cllffsldc, N. J.,
'nying in wait for tho trolleys in a patch
of woods. A woman passenger was
robbed, nccordlng to the police, ond a
ploves wotk together to stnlilizo con- explaining wny tne group repre
.iii,-,,. .veniing capital nu uoi nave un. pro
I The 'national board o( roncilialiou ' pusals to hubmit. Chairman Wheeler
land arbitration propoted by Mr. Me- said the interests represented were not
nb would consist of four members to : homogeneous, had never met together
ibe appointed by the President, nt least j before and had been unable to get their
'one of them a woman, two to be up- proposals in shape for presentation to
loolnled bv the Senate, two by the da, although delegates worked uutu
llinse: a lornier i-resiucms inn ",-,- ""
i 1 uited Stales and I In- "ccrctai nf
while I'lCMdent Tighe is usiiiill ur
lounded by some of his colleagues.
As a matter of diplomacy, and, per
haps, of persoual Inclination, the heads
of the warring factions do not appear
upon any committees wheie they might
come into direct contact.
4.. ttntr. Itnnti IflllHO WOCO 1 MS .MlOtl UCn
Adliem list was (omplled. Cannot Suppress Hesolullons
In spite of tlic apparent luck of prep- l Fears are expressed Hint lesolutions
nration for their task, notably nmong,i 0n these subjects-will be "pickled" in
those composing the employers nnd peo- the committee nnd never permitted to
ple'M groups, l' is cviueiu inui mi pre- S0P (i,0 Klt 0f ,;,
AiaiLiblr for All Disputes
1 1 would be BMiilable lor deienuina
I'hnmns T.. Chadbourne. of New Yolk.
n repieseutnlixe of the public, and
diainnntUiof the committee of fifteen,
also pleaded that the groups leprcsent
ing (npitnl and the public be gien time.
After being in session un hou," and
a half, the i ouference adjourned until
this afternoon. Meantime the (onnnit-
onsider iesolution.-
3 Months' Labor
turn of all disputes between c:iiltal and
labor and might net us a board on re-
. i i... i. ......! ah tn tin i nt mutt inl iin .
irovers or on request . miglit appoint tec of fifteen will
one of its members to act as third submitted
irh where eaen uisnuiaui nns iui-
TrtlOP Tf r 'pointed a representntixe.
IIUCV IS Uiyvil ,,,:-,illlt -the right locolleefm
bargaining on the part of cmplojes car- Au.tud
!.. i .. i.i. it Dm inrlit of emtiloers to.
deil direitlv with their workmen," an- 1 Translation of "Red" Literature
'other resolution b Mr. PeunWon pro- Weirlon. W. Va.. Oct. 1). Whether
Continued Trom T&tc One
less or until the failure lo ague in such
ft conference made a strike or lockout
Mr. Oomncrs presented a resolu
Hon embodying eleven fundamental
principles which he emphnsi.cd had the
unanimous approval of the labor gioup.
including the representatives of the four
railroad brotherhoods.
Labor's Eleven Principles
The eleven principles are:
Ttlght of wage-earners to organize
Itight of collective bargaining.
Itight of wage-earners to be tenre
scnted b representatives of theii
own choosing iu negotiations with
Freedom of speech, of the'picss.
and of assemblage.
Right of employers to organize. and
bargain collcctivelj .
Minimum eight-hour d.iv with one
day of rest in each week, and with
a half holiday on Saturday encour
aged, and oertime discouraged.
Payment of n living wage.
Women to receive the same pny us
men for equal work.
Prohibition of labor lor children
under sixteen years of age
"To secure a greater share of ion
, sldcration and co-operution lo the
workers iu nil muttcis affecting thn
Industry in which they aie engaged."
a national conference board was pro
posed to provide for the systematK
review of industrial relations and
conditions, the board to consist of nn
equal number of representative of
employers and workers, having due
' regard to the various sections of in
dnstry nnd classes of workmen.
Formation of these boards would be
encouraged by the Department of
Prohibition ot all immigration for
at least two years after the declara
tion of peace, and lat such times
r" thereafter as there may be an ab
normal condition of unemployment.
At no time would immigration be
permitted to exceed the nation's abil
ity, to Americanize the incoming for
eigners. Opposes Group byslein
Dr. Charles W. Uliot. president
emeritus of Harvard University, vig
orously protested agninst the group sys
tem. Declaring that u conflict alrcudj
was on between capitul and labor, he
Insisted that the group method promoted
"For example," he fcaid. "one of the
propositions just submitted in the uami;
ot the labor group here relates to a
present controversy, nn industrial con
troversy going on. Can we hopefully
go into such u question as that in this
conference? I thoroughly agree that we
need a new method of operation in this
i-onfcrencc namely, the presenting of
.topics for discussion which are really
new, not old."
t. E. Shcppard. a represemalne of
tho railroad brotherhoods, mused ,i
flurry of excitement in the conferene
room when he declared that "strikes
re being held up all over the United
States awaiting the result of this con
ference." "Labor is waiting now as patientl
cautions nae ncrn ncgiecicii im m pun-
i!..: ,.l .tini milling tn lntlliT, the
The element of time, it is hoped, will . ml(.(,-c,.sftil presentation of their views.
iae ifs effect on these idatinns ns the rp0 employers' group have their bureau
work proceeds. .Not that it will alter f nublicit', through which they supply
llrmly-established opinions, hut man the piess with information. They, to
lo num. the antagonistic factions williKPthe? with certain inembeis of the
get to know nnd understand each other people's representatives, have brought
bettci here ami are holding in reserve spe-
..- .i . i. . n .il... da i'-ls and experts in certain industrial
"Smlet Sstem tt taking J, lhltv it w, bc ,0 fllrnisIl
i There 1ms been a lot of nlliteialne techniial advice upon various subjects
I gush about the "soviet system" in the as tliev nrUo.
.working plans of the coufeience; thci Secretaries and personal stenogra
group method that had its birth in dis- pliers nttenil other delegates. Thelabor
organized ltusiu. I5y wlintexci name gioup iippenrs tn be complete in itself.
j it - is called, it must appear to nny ' Ilcnnd the emplo.Miient ot n stenogra
unbiased observer thnt the plan adopted I phcr or two, Us members apparently
bj this conference for the conduct ol require no technical ndlce. Uach one
I business is the best under the niiinu- s im expert in his own field of labor.
; stances that could be devised Jl is The scathing aiiaignment of the gov-
fuir. II assures open discussion upon mii11(.nt. and. indirecth of the iudus
1 eery subject wortli discussing. It giics t.inl nnnfnrenee. In Charles S. ISnr-
. . . . .. enunl lepresentation on all ommlfteis i ,. f Cmvirin. rine nf the farinera'
e of Labor oepends on tne, ...j i,.,..., ,,.(; npwMn' mid im ,..,.. ,.!... ,.,. i.i,nif r,t i.imcnif
sonablc resirictions upon each -cctioii. I ani ,is colleagues, was the fust note of!
The closer the membership of
ddeil that "emp'lojers should nf all organized 'labor and the' st'rcr strikers conference is sirutinlzed the more are I once h:i
! . . i i. ..:1, nf lili. ,mi, - ...mi .: ,i.:- .i-c - fi . I. ic? ' i I t! Til el it tii 1 neon 1 In rlt tes ipvfjileo. I w.ni.,.vnil
nloves independently to crgauuo for the .',, dcpoited from Weirtou Monday ' have already referred to the fail that couched uf terms of xvnrning. It was s
purpose of .olleithe bargaining and ; by the police nnd sheriff's deputies will , among the presidential r,pp,,,ninienl swiftlj and ilceil interjected in 111
jintild alwuvs he read lo mecr. ineir depend upon translations to lie made itiiii-jiiiuiiu i mo. ni-n-.""-" "'""
emplojes either directly or through rep- for the labor leaders of the "Ited" lit- , have beeu intentional. It i- possible
lesentutivcs and that labor should rec- erature sei?ed in the l'inus' headquur- : t
ngnize the right of employers to dealtcis whitli was placed in their nanus
with employs directly through fieelj , late esterday afternoon.
protest and defiance thai the contcr-
has Heard. it whs a nuniy
thtcat of militant Socialism,
It was so
proceeding- that il attracted instant at
tention Kach member of the confer-
There is little dnnecr of such an oc
currence. It Is almost impossible for
such n thing to happen. In the first
place nnv resolution, before presenta
tion to the conference, must hnve the J
support ot the group in which h origi
nates. Once in tho general committee
it is safe from the embalming process
because five members can present a
minority report upon It and thus bring
the subject before the body of the dele
Resolutions on colli ctm' bargaining,
the open-shop njid wothing conditions
will conic fiom the emplojers' group;
Inst nu snciresliotlH for illltllovcd shop
conditions nud eight-hours u day for
nil industry will originnle in the labor i
group. Profit-sharing, the participa- I
tion of lubor in plant management, nnd, '
perhaps, the question nt bonuses, to- (
getlier with nny altruistic schemes, will
sec daylight iu the people's group.
From Pulpit to Window Cleaner
New York. Oct. U. From the pulpit
to window cleaning nml street sweeping
is the "step down" Itaptlst clcigtnen
may be compelled to take if their
salaries are not increased, declared tho
Kcv. Curtis I,ee Laws, editor of the
Ilaptist Weeklv Watchman Examiner,
last night. a
One-Day Outings
Philadelphia & Reading R. R.
Mii.nnoon CAIT, SIAY
I. fair, t lirnlnnl and South St. lVrrlfs 7:30 A. M.
I'nllits (1.(10 I. M.
Wr Tax 10c
Relnrnloc leates Seatho
New York - - - $2.50
Tin; MDrnoroi.is or aaiukica wr Tax ZD
SUNDAYS, Oct. 2G, Nov. 2; 23 arfd 30
speilnl train len Krndinr Termlnnl S:0O A. M., atopplnc at Colombia A .
lluntinKdoii M.. yne Junction, Locan nnd JenMntown,
llfturnlnc lmrs New York. B'tii gM Ht.. 7i50 1'. M.t I.lhtrtr St., 8rt)0 P. M.
Mauch Chunk
to October 29 Inclusive
Vneilal train Icntes Readlnc Terminal 8-00 A, M., i(oipln( nt ColnmbU A
IIi...,IiIi.h M llnln. Jnnnllfln f rnn n .l.nUilliiiin H-I..h.la- I -m' '.
I III, .1.1.,.,',. JI... ..u.'O uu.....u.,, vb. hi.u u v,,n., ,u II u.
Chunk 0:00 1'. .!.
Itetnrnlnc leuvcs Jlauo'h
- $2.50
War TA SOe
spfiliit tmin Ifars Kradtnc Trrmlnal 7:15 A. M.. stopplnc At SpHdc Oardtn
Huntingdon mi, nnd Mnnayunk. Jlfturnint lraTei Uettsburs
St., t olnmbla Me
5:00 I. M.
Find it Difficult to Open
New Iccoimts?
Merchandise displayed in this
great sales building is seen and
purchased by thousands of
You can't expect all the buyers
to "get around" to all the
manufacturers of a certain line.
Put your goods before more
buyers and more buyers will
' buy.
130 West 42nd Street
New York
Rctlevue-Stritfit d
Never before has such delight
been handed out to cigarette smokers!
" m
Camels fascinating flavor and remark
able mellow-mild-body make them
a cigarette revelation !
Camels are an expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic tobac
cos. And, so unusual "in flavor, in
fragrance, in refreshing qualities and
in satisfaction that . they are in a
class by themselves!
You will prefer this remarkable
Camel blend to either kind of tobacco
smoked straight! Your' own per
sonal taste will prove this statement!
Performance and Price
There is only one way to buy a motor
truck on its ability to transport and
the cost of that transportation,
A First Cost that is too high means an
inflated cost per ton mik a First Cost
that is too low stamps a truck as one
built to meet a prices a truck that wiU
spend days in the repair shop a truck
that will fail on its test of ability.
But there is a middle ground a point
where price and performance balance
a place where value is greatest. Beth
lehem Motor Trucks are examples of
that middle ground they are neither
underbuilt to meet a price nor overbuilt
to jusafy a price. Buy your Motor
Truck on Facts.
tWCon Cbt 2$Ton Ciuwai SH-Too Chai
$1965 $2365 $3465
j r.O..AIiENTOWN,rA.
Buy Safely Buy Bethlehem
J 1.1.,.,,.-. .,. E ,-.., ....,.. ..
"S,r r
!t aY
.tt A. . Ju- ,..l
l r -
Camels are distinctive; unlike any
cigarette you ever smoked! Not only
will their smoothness appeal to you,
but Camels i never tire your- taste,
no 'matter how liberally you are in
clined to' keep them in service.
And, again, Camels are free from any
unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or
any unpleasant cigaretty odor. -
In fact, Camels will so completely
meet your favor you'll declare they're
made to meet your taste 0. And,
they are!
Just compare Camels with any ciga
rette in the world at any price for
quality and for the keen delight they
! V
18 cents
a package
Ceinels ns sold every
where in eclentlfictlty
clgmrettea;.or ten pack
Jrfes (300 cigtrottea) in
gltaslne piper-covered
carton. We strongly rec
ommend this carton for
the ihome or offlca sup
ply or when you travel
-Sva-. ,
v . v.
l"1- JD
n ';up
rfi'rti Miir , firrffi
-r Jij 'An iflCB.'i