Wmij('k'7$f.i: -Tr-1j 'wiPf,,,,"1v''w5ja? , TflVISXlXU 1'IBLLC L15IK1I31 PmLAHlSLPIIIA, vVE6xESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 'tattT V 'Si t ' f 3J JtevFi fc"S5' !l r II- li . , JTJ ft Ike Second Bullet SwrTiun.'loni"? THIS STARTS THE STORY , ., ... , , ...,, ., ,u .x uiniur imrij is ucmi, niiii . nomo oi uoionci nun .irs. i,rara. Among those pioscilt nic their ilutlgli- trr, Trlx : her friend, Ilcbe Covvlcs; tVtiellusSvvarthuiorc, AVendlc Hind- dock and Mrs. Allium Hartshorne. &,! tnnMerV ''thc'tuh.cn v- dothed in mMerv blic pucuenij iieudachc. She if nefompanicd by Hwartlimore, wlio expresses Ills loe for her nnd obtains her promise ot marriage. She is found ilenil on the (lour in the inoi'iuiic b) her sustii- ..I I.. ..,!.. T' I, .;i.l MMlt V1UII9I, II11II1K 1 LI' Hill JIM 111! IHUHUIV. Atrs. Hnrtshorne was Killed nt liei mother's home nnd that she and her servants removed the bodv in the mid dle of the night to the woman's own home Hebe Cowles confesses to llnr cj that she 01 ei heard n nuaircl be tween Mrs Hnrtshorne nnd Swiuth morc in which she retracted hcrprom jso of marriuge nnd threatened to expose his dishonest business deal ings with the government. Swarth more admits the quarrel and his dis honest.v to Hnrvej, hut denies le uponsibilit.v for the woman's denth The fedeial authorities are notified ot Swartlimore s f lauds llnrvey be lieves both Swnrthmore nnd Tnw in iiocent He examines the conservn tor.v in the Led.vard home, the room where the murder was committed. AM) 1IEKK IT COXTIXUCS. AS SHI', vanished to glvo the order Paul glanced again at the sealed door. If Mrs. Hnrtshorne bad been impelled to whirl nnd face it, the shot which entered her heart might have come from any one of thnt row ot windows before him. Wlien Hickson nppeareu vviin me inu dec Paul mounted it and pat.entl.v ,.,,., , ,. vcanncu eaen men ot wie woou p.iuui..,,. betxveen the wmdows, starting nt the farther end and working toward a spot! .. .. .1.1.1 i...j pposuc me oreiiiu ui". ...... , ... t .: t -.i-.i ,, vvatc mug mm, ive.iiriti; i.cu...i.i .cii- ..oiarily forgot Lor dread, and slipping uown inc narrow mais- ?. ....v.. mi n bench beneath an orange tree, her ., ..:.,,. nnnfn.l inren I eves following his every move. Paul bnd readied the tenth window i fmm the end atM directlv across from il.o orchid bed where he gave a low crj it triumph. Pulling a pen-knife from his pocket be hacked at the woodwork a distance of approximately fifteen feet fiom tho floor. "Oh, what is it?" Miss Ledyard rose What have you found?" 'This!" Hp ran down the ladder i' ml held a small, round object out upon his palm for her inspection. Miss l.cdynrd gave one hoi rifled la uce and then shrank away. A bullet!" she cried. Paul nodded. "The bullet from her pistol," be an nounced. "Her shot xvent wild, you sec, nnd it is imbedded in the wood work , the miracle of it is that it struck it. ineinml r.f ebntterinr? one of the ,. , t, ... .,f nii- tlm result of a murder which tou came upon. Miss I r.edvard, but of a duel ns well!" "Kxcusc me sir. Ami arc wanted on the telephone." Hi.kson's head ap- pcured in the doorway. "The gentle- man won't give bis name, sir, and be 1.. nt ' "Say. what nrc you doing anvway? 'the Chiefs exasperated voice reached Paul's ears over the xvire. "I've tried to get you cvcrjvvheie else in this town! Do jou know Cornelius Swnithmore has .linniiill'' "That's all light" laughed Paul, We don't want him' 'ibe lecn rat .iu- thorities are on ins trail aim lie (an i ret far- thev'U nttend tn his case ' "i'ederal '." The Chief was evi dently having difficulty with his speech. 'Tor defrauding the government,' Paul explained "He had nothing to do with our case, and neither had the tho person wc suspected. The trouble with us, nir, is that we've been plaj ing the favorites, but we've gol to pick a dark horse now. to win " 'I ho Warning T UAV1NG the Ledyard rcsldenie I. ... . , 1 ! .... tiict flIO.,l1 1 JTI...I llnrtnv lnnkeil in Oil ll'lS friend the theatrical booking ngent and fount him literally barricaded in Ins private office, while the outer rooms were jammed to overflowing with n surging mass ot snow i.j uc-...,,.. ....-.-.. "lVcause jou would nwer I are Z8hv ' idfite " .rtSnK . .nnml n.lt lieF.irC ll I 111 . IllSlCnH here. 'Aoung gill for star emotional i parts in feature motion pictures, .vnisi be good ciresscr. j.i,... . u,.m,.... r.-""".'""".'." fr' that kind; ou do n Pavlowa to side step 'em. Did ou get thnt bunch out there? I've been wcedin' 'em out nil morning an' fct'H th'ey come! The one you're after ain t showed up yet, though." .. ' "Give her time, advised Paul. "ou haven't forgotten what I told jou about Iho white fox bcnrf and the paradise iu her hat?" , , "Time?" Mr. Cilaub snorted, Ignor ing the question ns superfluous. "I got to get nine acts f6r the southern circuit Uj 5 o'clock nnd a full chorus of twelve for Miiick's Habydoll Hurlesquers. Oscr, 1 should got timo to bum! You done roe a good turn, Harvey, when jpu fUpd It that I shouldn't get stuck with Ibo 4000 bucks counterfeit tbnf; Heuhl crowd passed on rac, an' I nin't forget tin' It, but I ask you, is It good busi Mea for tbe office of a high class, cx 4helve B. A. to look 'like n refugee fUtlon? A'allory come in from across (ho ball just now to ask roc was I open lug up a matrimonial bureau or holdin' a suffrage rail !" "Vallory?" I'aul repealed quickly. 'Xho Jm band leader?" "That's htm. Smart feller, too. JIo'h got all tn hlg bugs goin' with a Co legion of lour notes an' boilcrj factory SSaSl SE ''Vallory's JaZZ Orchestra," and in n'come.o her nt, he J.edjards-.hu, i, , 7ik ,T l'."'.', x'S tl, "Oh. l,al's nil lght," laughed llnrtTuorno and lur'frie.ids. to assist "V r,,u'r "f "'e. K'"SS Iwnc"BB ' W" ,,nco"TOhnbIc '" ' iin.lltiil , 1 1 1 t r 1. b, lA.inllo Vic. addin-. ns Doiolhv's dark hinfin unrn,eling the m58.er, lirad- Max Tllo.r fonrtuctor." nucst J r two from, the lips of , " ,' " ,,, (lon,,ed neMUiow lo f t i t; lock admits it was ho who sent .Mrs. He paused for a moment in thought. 1-alous Kul slioultl lnuc viouglit mih Ii n ,, , .. .. . ,1, ,Unu wait nnd see " Hnrtshorne the xnluablo pearl neck- knocked lightly, and then without "letnmoiphos s. What subtle nlniin " ' ' , " rV ""' "T '"" n " ' ' l0 '" c - '.,,'' , ,,, lore which was found on he, dead anitill(. ,, ,le ,,,,'j ,.,,, ,,au. rrac.h(,d ,,pl ,,, otc of ' '' - know, whnt n think . When Victoria had kissed the twins body, that she had promised to be his nnd cu,rciI lu hu"u warning sound. d in her cms-' Plr", '"" Hrr. Ilnn"( ,nl nlTai,s ,u',p '""1 Pftlnl the puppv nnd rescued the wfe and that an antagonism exists '"'" lU11""- J ...?,""", ,'. J, , ,, stinigbt ns a sti g and she i dn't recm skiit of her new tweed suit from l.i. between him and Swnrth.nore. Trixv . A gawkv, f.eckle faced youth was , A' : tlint afternoon when the pn-sonnl I,, ,L, L I ,ntl ., ten I, ,h t?..t 1 l.edjar.1 is accused b llnivej of the seated behind the desk, n MnnB , Hosing maiket repoits .were in f.om J ' ,,, " I0, B.r ' ! ', .,'' ""' '.Vit .1,,,n,,"s ,rr,,ll,,.,,,,c ''"l"1: murder because of jealousj. She de woman was tapping vigorously nwnf , Wn" st,cet n."'1 llh ""'" -" "f ,h" ''" wen " 0,1 ft, fl ,, 1 ',,'(' 8, 5""r T,,IC',? , , nies the nccusntioii. but admits that (M.ewiiter and f li,i,i ' trnnsnetcd. O.lonel l.edwud was "hul " ,1''" n.n flimg "Gone to a paity. She left n note for "stnv. Hnrve.v. you am c goi. jou. ini nrnmised and tool. I.lc .lenn.i. tt. i.. i.i ,e i ., , , ' .ii . id, i.,' (1.ihero Hat- . , . .,.. in- iiiiiKi... iiiiuscii m. unu siaiio ills nerve or nothing, xvishiu t'"8,.1 'lire, the plaintive, monotonous whistle 'desk resounding.. "Oad, I lemen, talion of Death on me. have yu.- -l ; following him down the hall to the elc- lber now, because Hraddo.K said the old I.I8UD MP""" ."Ce SS have I seen I a T" i"P lm1",,","""11 "" '"1 hlwlclmp had just been liberated on a sns 'Uf fmnl nd I th? onTthat I let vou '"tbe one possible witness of that tragic I cded sentence on the score of ,11 such a fool ad 8t ' l w j u m tl .vatorj had been an health after serving four of a twentv put n.y -name ' ut a$ "," idle one, nnd be hnd not anticipated any ar term. It was Zen.is Piall. P,es, ! ! M,cvor,l,ng of. it?" ' 9tart,ln "".. t he felt an odd dent of the Hiverboro Hank." - itMir'iiiiii;! v . i l i i iii rivVr'cywal eye bat ih-Urt Hj l .ouch viith jou AinMajTl n,. loving ,K, knew the' grin Vinf. to break .to the tlllums!" to- portunt as they were, had lid him no from the fate of nations to of l ' ' .'",'K '," " ?" T" Mm' ' 7' l'"1'1 "!'' "r "! fulness, nnd thatthere wants to b rk nl '. ",u. ' Ilpws. Lcnror , Ulc ,,,. wlulon nnd the brass tn.ks, seemed lo nr L U i". this Chief Hurkc was .eluc ' was MbiiIIi.iiii... In the iironrictarv air "- '- . .. .1. i niiotinil nn fcrAliin,i ,. i,ft hnnl nirntu n t- ...Au .. r. . 1 .1 .. . , 1 t mi . i 1I1P iUIIK Diiun x, ittitij, I'liv I IIIIIll !(M loricu Jir. viiii.iu. .....i.... -- i . , . ., . - ; '..... liml i fin-,.... In ie ((intent Inn I'nii luiid ,.!,,. I . ,:.i ..... ..7, ,,ut oll' rn'r ot 1!&nt ni'PWctl i iion-iiiu liuiu wiiw ii iu .iiiirn uk" Don't it bent nil what the public'll taud '"" "It does. " Pnnl rose "I'm nnl ,,.. ,:,V .. ." " , ".. T. " "' nine up any more oi your vain "hie time. T.et me Know If the movie jsplrnnt I'm after shows up nml Keep her till jou get mc, will you? ' "S " " atWed Mr. 0, fa , once-over ur.elt ns jou ro out." ram darted one swift compieheniie glance nbout nt the sea of eager faces which confronted him and then beat n i.noi. i.. ... n. 1...11 r . ""J. ..1.....1. i mi- Mill. ll II IIOOI 'closml dnnr mnrLr.,1 "-;,-,. oiiposlte ho saw in imnosinir pt Intinru I 10 tier innie. The sw ft lintice li.'iil .- .. .... . ... . .. "ilmiotln. smlly. thin, melodious whistle lepeitting'a bar ''nul Huney was usheied in nni1 suKl't "" inleivlew with bis chief, "?o g?t It, Znidee." Dorothy sug. or two of 11 poptihr rcfrnin over and 1 'Jlcs mv soul, I thought vim had '''"'"K "'"'I' l"" lId of the discovei.v Rested Victoria opened the note care over with 11 slow, drawling svncopation fitiis)i..l with us:" the lotund little mnii ", J"1' vp-oiii1 bullet and all that it lessly. which rend: ,thnt wn nresistihle. ' 'exclaimed good-nntiiredlv. "I'll know ""l'l'ed. "Sony i can't be here, dear. Make Uefore I'aul could voice 11 interv the door opened and 11 slim, prettily dressed figure stood befoie him. The mini nn- .. 1 . ...., ... . . J IH-HIL-II i Ullllg nt III SI Slgt, )Ut II ClOSei nsnection revenleil nintum i:..0 ..... his dean-out jaw and lips and the mel- nucholy exiiressiou of Ills dark e.ves ill nr corded with tlie careless merrv whistle of 11 moment before. As his glance rested unon Pn1 im smiled pleasantly and came foiwnrd. "You are looking for me?" he asked with a slight, indefinable atceut. "I'm Mnx Vnlloiy " J in Ilnivey. a special investigator' employed on the Huitshorne case," Paul , nnnounced. "1 011 Know, of course. Mi. Vallorj, that Mrs. Hnrtshnrne was n , " A" Vr" Tuln 1 night, at which ou appeared with JOur guest nt the tied ( ross dunce given bv , "-" " :.?11'','JV,0;I,!0,1 I I rend of it in the impels the next (lar." ,,n ,ai(, grnvcIr ..,.,,,, iI!llnos, wasn't it?" As jou must be aw.ue also fiom ' ncosiiiiiicrs. jirs. Marts win e wns me newspapers. .Mrs. iinrtsiiorite was ., I... .. ... . . ..' . '. ' "v " iiuui 111. 111,1 l"l"ll III II II V" lll.n nil.tl. Inn. ion .1.. dance until her bodv wns ilisnmor.,,1 ;., her honie taJM HIS l,irilS A. 1 1 II f.1 TO "1, ,. n .,.,., f - -- ...... .w .-. .. ,,Uii m necessary routine work, thcefore, ; "" " inovcmems iiiirmg the eve- nil,B at the T.cdvaids. You did not know her. but perhaps you mav lecog- m?c n description of her costume nnd general appearance. She was o'f medium height and pretty, with bluish eyes and brown hair, nnd she wore a peneh "olored satin dance frock trimmed with 'liver nnd a string of pearls " Vallory laughed "Uxcuse me. Mi. Harvey, but that's too many for me' There seemed to be a thousand people tbeie. and I'don't hnv any time to rubber mound at the guests where we plaj ! "I believe you " Paul smiled and drew from his pocket a folded sheet of i nnnr "r i,r. ,.. ....i. .i! ,--,..., u.,,c unc n .until uiuKiuiii of the I.edynrds' ballroom. Heie is where your orchestra was station in I this alcove, wns it. not?" The jas-z leader spread the paper out I 111 on his desk "Did you observe any one at all who went in or out of the conseivatory dur- ing the earlier hours?" "No, I can't say that I did," the other responded candidly after a pause. "J'd like to help you out, but honestlj l llliln't ni.Hni. nmhnir !.' t, iv. to keep up the pace we hit!" "Did you War anything from that .direction?" Paul persisted. "Any noise hi,c n cry or nn explosion"'" i Vallory chuckled ngain. "Stni. T iini.til.it t.i.n, ,. i.fi.. o. shell if it went off in front of m,k 'when , we'rp plnjUig!" Then his face grew Brave oare more. "You don't mean that anything happened there ! The lady wasn't shot !" "I don't think it is Iikdj " Paul1 picKcd up bis hnt. "Still, nobodj Knows when she left, and as she wasn't seen alive afterward, I've got to look into every possible contingency." , vcll, I in sorry I can't he leln you . ,. ,, -1T1, ! v ., ,... , an,, A allory said conliallv. "Ion re ..,. i.gd.usc i .our,, proposiuon, ail right. 1 ,e seen more than one nastv scrnp in my time, but this is the nenicst 1 ever came to a minder in sunlt en. clCty! SnV. I Wish Vou'd ninm nml I hear us piny some time. A e're going to give a couple of open-air concerts in1 Hainbridge Park to boost the next gov- i eminent loan. Whj don't jou drop ,,.,, ligation . vored him s far )n his should fail him now. ' In spite of all that be bad accom- ' when be had first laid eyes upon the ium woman. DOROTHY DARNIT-And MISTER KNOOPIS NOT GOIN' TO AFRICA TO 8E. AN ACTOR luiuiiueni mar inc iuck , t'au snt hack n is chaii . --V-- -. - - - ...w ...u...., ,,,,,.,HMU., ,., ,, ,,itiita ,,i, ,.ii iiiirtiw s .( v" x ci i Yx By Robert On Chipperfield iiuiiii 10 k possiuio remaining riuc soiucniiiig, i n'uicuiucr, nixiui it ncing Hose Adnre and the servants of the'ver) nd mill tragic for the banker to nnrisnornc Household linil tcstiticil to . uli nbrimt nml Inniiillrnliii. , ininsc In n... .i "...'.'. ,"....'........ u. ... ... .' .. ... ""- ..c.nciiuur oi uicir misticss dining i back to the previous Tucsdav night, just , n week ago. That this change linil been due to fear there could he no doubt ; ; fenr for her very life, ot the doom which nrntln . over(nkp ,, r.lt. ,.,., 'Hint night, too, she had armed Jiersclf , -"" nurisnoine nnd (iineu at ii" - '"1'or', ' K",le the Ledjnrils to plaj i bridRe, then suddenly plrmlid nn excuse nml t.iili u.,.,.n ..-.'.. 1 ..1 I- " ............w. a ,. ,.!,.. ..v.. on the noiiit of l.-ntlnp his oil.,., wli.n ellou':l1 never to commit a minder 111 "'is town, liv (Jail! tVhnt me vnu nllci ,um- J'1'- Haive.v?' '!...., .. l!,,l l.i!.! 1 .r Ul U IllUr IIIIIIILIIIIIII I 1IIIIM HlillllUI about Mrs. Hinlshorne. Coniiel ,n nr''" I'nul loponded. "Do vnu h I '""nber the Inst time von stivv liei I'rinr to the dnnceV" The colonel nondeied foi 11 moment "lid then nodded vixoiousli. "' lo. h s on Tuesda.v. when she dropped in for 11 bridge rubber or two " "Wlikli she did not remain In plnv supplemented Paul. "No; had n hc.idndie or something Swarthmoie took liei home oivc beard about Suaithinoie, haven't vmi.' The federal niithoiities !" "es, Colonel i.edvinil.' I'.iul stemmed the others tw'of 'wmds 'Z nboTft Tuesdaj evening. Do von mull Ihc subject of the cniivei satiiln nisi b, ,ntil0 ,,,,, foni. frpl ,l(1,ntt tIlc"1(, ,, Meanwhile. leiorin. donning n iuf foic Mis. Haitshoine's iniivnl'' f .i,,. ,.,in9 ,,. ..,,.,, , 1 fled blue voile, hummed a popular song. "We were discussing bei." iipltnl n i1ili)1tixiin si 1 ill i.iiiin liiiiiiiiiiiiii .,,. ,,,.. VTe iSoaV iinr ivliim nml Mrs. Cowles h.ul dined with us. and the l.,dies Imrl tlieir milee in ihr ,h.iuiL. 1 ,,!,. ,,,,1 n,; n i.. ,i. .1 t" "" ' " l"' "" ..., . . loom, vv lieu wo loincil lliem I hp weie . n- -.1 1, ., TXJ . . .. - . ,Mg ncr vvJitle .Vlrs CowJcs was on the ,,,,, R0 , ..,,lk. , u ,,.., women me ! "Then Tiix lit into us and . nlled our attention to the fact of how little we knew nbout Mrs. Ilartshomi- and her past. Wendle Hiaddock was stand ing up for bei. when she was an nounced witli Mr Swartlimore." "She did not nt first mention her headache?" "Oh no! She was talking in a most animated manner with Doctor Pet i me. liraddock and me, when Tiix came up aml J01110'1 "e conversation, svvitdi- ingit rathei abtuptly to the past and aslilB JIrs' Hnrtshome one 01 two l,0i"ted questions, lrs. Hnrtshorne ie- nlied in nn nvnsive sort of wnv and ni- I : .ii ii . "nost "nmediatelj pleaded a headache. und left. P.ruddotk and Swaithmorc ti,,.( hinieiited. "You've climiu-itcd had a little tilt, as 1 lemember. over,some lnorp deadwood, hut we ('0I1.t uie 'K'oon or escoiung neiMiome, mm , C11 nntlirvmnn 11 nn yii.t ' I Swartlimore won out. "Jmt s tllG J"-' ('f "i ron" ?t" between Mrs Hartshorne Mr- "raddock, Do. tor Pcrnne and oulf ,ll0n, T,m" l,I1S1,,cr J"letl ,0" J A ", , , . , Go?.d I',0'11' "!a"' ' ,,0,n l kno" ' P m-m mi a uii. i-iuiiiii . ns.-,,, , uu et.,., , cause we had been discussing her nt the moment of her umva! and wc ninnii factured smnll talk to till in the gap ' Colonel Ledyard paused "Hut let inc see. "As I recall it Do.toi Pen me vtarU''1, buU V'"i,1K '". ',"' "-"l " some chnritj vvoik connected with his parish, in which Mis. Ilnitslioiiie was interested. 1 didn't pnj much atten tion, but it was something about a banking and loan association. Iltn.l dock took a liaud and the talk dnfted to small investors in genual and lu.vv they were the lust and guatest victims of irregularity and fraudulent (onver sion on the part of bank oflieials Hr.nl .i,.i, i,.i j,.,, ...,j ... .., .. ,...., i.-r. ..nil Jill, uin-i. nn- t.isi: OI 11 11,111 u prcsMent in a smaller dtv who had wr(l.k, tl... institution In speculating ,,, the fim,,s ot , invrMm, ,, , t0 Atlanta for it. when Tnx joined! ... ,, I1...1 I 1 1 lil. .. ! eager look in his eyes. "Who was this hanker? Piom what city?" Colonel T.edyard shoot: his bend "There vou have me. 1 dnn't "Did Mrs. Hurlsborne seem ,,.i,, ested in the conversation?' he nsVnl "She was alwajs inlcustcd in what as it vou weie Deucedly clever, as if vou weio Hi., Inc.! i.mII. i the Natives Throw a Mean Ei 7 i WHV NOT? HE5 QEEN .TUDVIN' THE CONDITIONS OF THAT COUNTRY tolas'" the colonel conceded. ".She said nave lumen ins cnicer. mil nor sMii- niilhies weie lintutallv on the side .if bio ' v ii-iiiii cm- ,-uu.ii i.iwitjs ue depended on to snj thv i ighl thing." I Well. 1 won't detain oii an lone- rr " Pnul obscivcd risiiur "Itnf ulmi Soitm" pinion CoC . .,, f ',. ' ' daughter had stinted? Did j on agree 1 itli her that ,li. llnrfshoine linil i,. nrcepted too leadilv without Lie .lent iaW?" ' l" t1'1' straight tn Ueailquai teis "1 exninincil (hove windows in the 'oiiseivatoi.v verj cniefulh." be ndilei), "None of the panes of glnss liml been . ni1iwi...l ......,1.. 1...1 11 .-1. iviiui.vw ll'liuj, lllll llll" IJMI'll XV ilS 1 omnaintivcl.v slum e. nnd 11 uimlnu pole st(,d in if tuiiici. In spitP ,,f the i'oloner.s oideis thai the windows should lemnin dosed it would have been a simple mntUr for'nirt of the guests to have opened one. if he or s.li telt inclined for nunc nir." "How about the outside''" Reminded u. fhlcf. "t'.iunl tbev have been onened finm then.'" "No. The sash 1011I1I not hnve been 1....1 i.. .,. ,. . . , . -. pliing to jour telephone cilf lweut ! mee 7lm ,o,,.,,i it,ri.i. ' ii .. !.. I ZIT giound. with a In lows oiTen on n iiaiinw ship of gar-, -rt.wmut niuiou.im, airs- XX III - I ::iL,:J-L ?. !!-' .,,)j nrtive peisn might ensilv (,ijlnl) r .1 '. I "Z SnlcK r ' """ "" "Tl,..,.'. ws ',.. i .1. , .1 ...... .... . ... .",l- " "-'J WHS 111 PI'S lit Ilin nn..!.,. .. . . - ...vi. TllOinrll tin Mill n.ln.lli b iT-.l,. ,l,:l. 1 r--- --. ....... ...,,, ,. M,,., , .tllll'II 1 , .... ..: 1 .. .. ,... .. ... "'" "s icn open on 1 ie n g it t!t '"' ,h' "" f " I asceitilined was left mien nn tlm mV'.f -.,..... "lint look hen Chief Iiurhe ex- postulated, "You'ie taking a lot for gi.tnted. What ninkes' vnu" s certain ., ,., .... . . that neither lScntiiie l.idvaid Swaitbmoie did the shooting?" Paul made a gesture of impatience. "I'ecause each of them suspects tho other, though on her part she wouldn't admit it. in s,. m.-inv minis .....l a.n..n, , , . . S ore ouiy in oke down nnd betrajed what he thnndit w Inn. T but l.tm In l. i:,,,., ...nf .., i,,i ;,..,n c .i ui the murdci Then he' skipped Js .n,,i,i i,:,,, ... ilt . .',. .'.'., I ,iti.d the fideral authotlties and I've ' ,; ,0ut the 'II lound him up for the ,uty ork ,' las be(,n ,oin on ol vrumeiit lontrnctH." " in .... ,. i ...ii in-i- mi ueurvL me nuisii ot (, ,nst, ,imn ..i. . .inrtn.l ' tt,n klJ0W llli)1(. a,mL tbe ,,u ii, 1 mau oi ner pnst- ".lust a moment " I'.iul iuleiriipled quictlj "Do jou lemember the nffnir up' iu Ilivetbnio nbout four jcais ago, when the principal bank there was wrecked bv its pusidout and he was sent to Atlanta?" "Sine." lesponded tliecbiiT luoniptly. "Zcnas Pi all, his name was. The tin t li came out just befoie the war stinted nnd he beat it, but they caught him iu New A'oik trjing lo book passage for some iionc.xtradition port. Hut what has he got to do with it?" "If they bnd an nlaun nut for him his description may be on file in the recoi.N here," Paul lemarked, ignoring the question. "Ask one of the bos to j look it up, will jou, chief?" ins superior complied and when tho clerk had departed upon his errand re' - turned to the nttack. "What are you driving nt, nujvvaj ' vvheie does he come in on the Harts home affair?" "1 don't knmv thnt Jic does," Paul I admitted frankly. "It's just n chance shot, hut I mean to satisfy myself1 nbout it. He hns just been let out , on suspended sentence, jou know, and I've got a hunch that the news wasn't pleasing to Mis. Hartshorne. It I can discover sonic link which connects them in the past it may open up a new line of investigation." The clerk icnppcnied and laid a com- i inunicalioii, telegraphic iu its bievity, befoie the chief. "There jou nrc." The latter glanced over the document and handed it to his suboidinutc. , " 'Age. fifty-four.' " Paul lead. "Height, five, feet ten Weight. ISO. '! IIIIO .M III.. r.w.A l.m HI Al Light blue ccs. sllgi.uy nea.-sigi.te.l, llKn ..Yn ,, ,, . ,,,, , , , , -, no glasses. Smooth face, thick g.a.v , KllPW , ,,,,, t ,0 t, ''"",'; O'lict, c-cmserva ivc diessfr , ,e. s.miiiv!" Which, had Victori'a AU-I1. chiefs I guess that s all I need j (lvod h lss. would have been sutli I in leaving town for a few days, don 1 1 rient kimllio. f,. n c.,in.oin. -.... .. ,.. .... i i i.. t ci,..ii i. n, i,.,i I Iv.l.l.l 1.1111 I U.IK c ii hi. .... ..,,. j . mi. took his depaitiire (CONTINUED. TOMOKKOW) !' "' "" -."- . CopjrlslU ltUU, b Uie Hell fe.ndleatf. Inc till CJflS. McMmtllR DID NT HE HE-'LIKCS EVERYTHING (WHY THEY I ,-, , .r,.,t- r ,, ' , LIKE THE EXCEPT THE OSTRICHES ARE NOT QUITE TRUE BUT LOOKS OF DANGEROUS DID YOU EVER SEE ftysr ..nrruiTHiNGS ,. jl ,. j the si-ze 6f an jp- I DAILY NOVELETTE. PIUNCE AND THE PUPPY lly Christine liases "o- (II I. Auntie Vic! AVo'vc got n r ! nv. t ., ,!" ' i"..'.-.- ... . hv .. jmif.j . i Thii greeting vvns shouted in sing- ' song nnd i cached Virtorin Heed n full ' . tit ., . . ... ' ''"'' ' I"',tlW- , , "lie hat the cutminKest llltlo nose 1" ' A" "'""J" H" Znlilco nhen excited,! the last woid came in a clear and as tonlshlng high "g." "Hut his sKin' too loose," confided jou. its on the Unit table." J"nrseir at home. Olic will give you some lunch. See you soon. M. C.'s In town" Vlnlifin pnip n lltHe tirrfitltlnea l . I ' ,--' -"-..... .va,, in voluntary on ami ncr ince grew nn white ns n health coat of tan would 'rt "; "Whal's the nritter?" chorused the twins. "Nol 11 thing, sugar angels," rz-plied ,'"''r nppallingl untnithfiil aunt, "ex- ' 'pl ''"' n",,mn!:M as n couple of brn'' " ",f "hr "lls v0 ""'' bungry," Zai - ! ,,ro "lnl"1 '" 1,1,m'- v,lcl1 "10 mimed . n111iT mint luid cone to ehnnire liiv,. ',Wi""- "if sI"' w,ls s0 nwf"1 bungrj, Dots, whj didn't she ent nniiUing?" ,iut. ,"nl' 'V T .1 . Vas .ro"- ,. ., , ,, , ZZ, " ,cma,M ,l That didn't seem to go so very well, but il,.i nmiirlit Iinr.itl f lltlfilio1 Liitvn(lii tin Im-1 ot .nonni to sh, ,,d sapped , iiLruptlv 1 seemed she couldn't get1 nuni (..... AI.11K Ciane if she liie.l- 'w. .iv'in . v .. ...... ., ,..,, .... n m. Int si v snmr tiossesscd lie.r. ', ,, , , , ,. , . . UUI nnif- fei-encc to hei She honed, ot com sC. that she wouldn't ireet him, but if she did-well, what of that? She wouldn't I I.......!, it,,, unu K.n... 1 l.tll.l Alfl.L trn.nl nduiit sue was son, mini .v.ni ga e' 1 1, 1 unit !ml. it nil nuniinli i n i III HUH fll' IV.111 ill n i i nx.i ux.'tlfeii - know that be never, never would give in till she showed that she was sorrj. So tlieie it wns a vicious ciiclc. She didn't (inc. an.vwnj. Xot n bit. She ..:.,! n K.Mn tlwii, om1 llinin ii.cl liimnrn lu" " ' i-.. IT "She doe weigh "more than two snuir ids!" Sin ill altercation fiom below ,tei runted the ctinent of her thoughts Victoria huuied down "Don't jou weigh moie tlinii two squirrels, Auntie Vic?" demanded .ii- i iwu.limiili'li. "" 'V. , .-, .. .. . .1 . "Well, leasoncd Doiothy, "we ask. d '"other how much she weiglied and she I said ns much as a liorse nnd two squir- IC1S llUII ll IIIOIIU... Il.l'l ...lit ..... p.-.- nil , .,. !r ,., :., ., lOUISCll (11,11 1. 111.11. l.-l ...-.,11 A'ictoria laughed helplessl nt her plump sistci's subteifuge to Keep the entile neigliboihood fiom Knowing het act weight. "Whcio's the puppj ?" she asked. This diversion pioved moie than sue- essful foi the puppv was, iu fact. missing, "And 'oiil.v jesterday," Kaidco mom ncd. "he chewed up ni.v little live duck " Her aunt stnied aghast. "Well, the credit depaitment. s0 that between an wnv." she qualified. "I pi etended it tbe ciedit maiiagei and the salesmen was nine " the sales manager's life was made per- Aftei n futile senicli it developed that fcctlj iniscinble. Ilus. the gioeei's hov, hnd seen n small Tbe following imideul luought mnt xiillnw do'' So Aiintin A'ic. with n dole- Mpls to a head and caused an own ful iin (linc-inir to ench hand, set nut in the diuction indicated. Thev came upon the pupp.v sitting in fiom of n dij goods store. "looking son.v " ns Doiothx put it. "Oh, look!" .she shucked, delightedly, "he's waving his car at us" lie gave them an iinquestionnbl en- Ihiisiastic i crept inn, and ns Vidnii.i stooped to pat him his iiwkwnid, eager paw caught iu the slender gold chain "bout her nei k The chain biokc and t'' l"1 kel it had suspended spun into the guttei "I'eimil me." it was Maik Cinnc who stood, slilliv com Icons, holding out her Imket to her. A bit of paper cape.l fium it and fluttered to the side- walk. As Mink stooned to lecovcr that I nlso, he Tend on it in Victoria's hand- ! writing, "Piinre of Dreams." In pick ing it up lie shamelessly Hipped it over with Ins nail the photographed face was Ins own ! Their oos met. and Mark giiuiicd :i little bnv gnu. taunting, complacent. I but veiv, veil linppj. It was as if lie I liml ctil , itmnl... ..t !.:... ,1.! I -- -....,- i, iiiiiii.!,-. .,. . nui:i in ni:. , " ...,.,............, pup: The next lomplele iiovelcit Clothes. DREAMLAND AD VENTURE$ByDaddy llollo, the Wandering Monkey,. 1 n - """"" ifachcr ana all I'ftWI'a fchaatmntci Into tnanlcyi. Then tump llnough a elide on the hlackboaiil nnd find thimschei in Monkey-land. Their lliey are fur- 'onnmu iiy teal, wild Inonleyt 'V I... Captured by Wild Mnnlicjs QlIItlKKINn nnd chattering, the wild monkeys swept through the tfrctops and about Smiling Teacher and the children. They weie ns numerous ns n (lock of blackbirds in a field of wild rice and they wer ns scary looking ns scores of large spiders. Indeed so much were they like hpidcis with their long aims and legs nnd tnils, thnt Peggy had to look nt them n second time to innke sure thnt thej were truly monkeys like llollo, nnd not a fi!7zy kind of grnnd-dnddj -long legs "We-cc-ck! We-ec-ek! Here's n strange band of monkevs on our hunting grounds. Drive them into the river!" j shrieked the wild monkeys. I'eggv, Ulllj. llollo. Smiling Tenchcr nnd the school pupils who had been tinned 'nto moukejs by Hollo's Dienm Stick huddled close together among the branches of a lnrgc tree. The wild monkes gathered all around and above nml below until the children weie in the center of a big, living globe of mon keys, without n chance of escape In any diiection. "We-ec-ek! We-eeek' They hnve come into pur hunting grounds -seeking our food! We-ee-ck! We-ec-ek!" chattered the wild monkeys, showing their teeth. At that they begnn to bienk I ,rf stick', fro,n irrrs ""'' to' hurl ltliein nt the children. The childien covered their faces with , n,i.Ir nrma tn nroleet themselves, and j seeing this some of the bolder monkeys 1 I THE BUSINESS DOU I UK By HAROLD WHITEHEAD Author of "The Business Career of Peter Flint" and "Bruno Duke 1 Solver of Business Problems" OSTOMIES AKK OPPOUTDNT- TIL'S. NOT RISKS .... ,., . ... .... ... -..1 'rnti , ciei 1 man 1 uic mm hwu- L - did not get along very well togetbei The cledl manager felt that the sales manager was always acccpt- ;,',,, rlsk business. The sales manager . . ( Ulnt ,p rmllt malingcr l , . , . M n lo1 ot I'rable business Now, ot course, n concern covciing the eountij lis this one did (the con- l corn made toilet at tides) did nn enor 1 nious business with small letailers. 1'icquentl the financial information I available about ntw mstomeiH was vazuc. The salesmen who took the or- der geneially gave glowing accounts of the customeis' standing, nnd the op- pottuuity it offered for futuie business, The sales manager felt his salesmen Ishimld be bucked nn nnd that their re- ----, - , , , .. ... pott should be consideied. 'lhe credit inauagcr pooh-poohed the idea, sajing that the salesmen would be sure to sa.v inr uniumn liu ' i. .. tucuui Dll ..,,,,1, nn imu!,! .n,i,i ii.nt,. ,ninD jiiit.wi. intiiv. uiniiii., ii.,, .ti,i iii.ii pun, 'quota and so much mote commission to them. As the ci edit manager had the final suv on the neieptnuoe of orders, there was qnicklj cicated a sort of aimed neutralit.v between the salesmen and the ciedit depailtiKuit. flic salesmen wiotc pathellcallj or wiuthftilly, ac- coiding to their Icnipciiimcnt, to the snies manager about the "injustice" of bieadi between the two manaireis: K0( ustomei located in , North Jakota liad u.siuili.v dis.ouuted his bills in ten days. Tor sum., u'lison hl nc count hnd icmaincd unpaid for sixty duvs. The salesman sent in the usual older j'1.'1 "UJP " ""nmeiit about the unpaid ii in-., in.' oi.icr i nine lo inc ciedit depaitment, it was piomptly turned down nnd a shaip letter was sent to the customer lequcsting immediate pajiuent of the account. The sales mniiagci was furious at such high-hiuided tientiiieut of n good cusioiucr, wincii tlic ciedit manager now rs-l5'1,IS,sri1 as " risk. The situation was pfKl,'riivated when a letter came from the nan.iger ot the customer's btore m- d0""1!-' Ilis Personal check for tho over- due account and a note icquesting that their order be canceled. V The sales manager could not under stand this ut nil, and wrote the sufo man who took the older for nn explana tion. Hack came a letter sajing that the owner of the stoic had been hurt in mi jiccident and vvns (oniined to a hospital, but expected to be well again in n week or so. In (he meantime, the manager was looking after things, nut? me proprietor told iiini to leave every thing nppci tnining to payments until liis i etui ii. The ciedit mniiflgei'M attitude of looking nt iiistnmeis as lisks had cost the house u 00(1 eiistoinci. Of course, the salesman should have explained the dicilinstaiiies when he sent in the or der. Hut 'two w longs never make a tight. "MONKEY-LAND" , They wero like spiders ' 1 crept nearer, nnd lashed nt them with long switches. When the children drew in their legs, the wild monkeys laughed with glee. One snucy young thap swung close nnd gave Peggy n sharp cut with his switch. "Ouch!" screnmed Pegg That was too much for Hilly to stand, He gave n leap to a vine nbove the head of the saucy wild monkey and in another second bis long tail was twined tightly nrouud.the neck of the surprised oung chap. Then Hilly swung the monkey back and forth, making believe thnt he was going tn drfish his brains out ngniilst the trunk of a tree. All the time bo squeezed the monkey's neck harder nind harder until lie squeezed all the breath out of him. "We-ec-ek! Wc-cc-ek! lie's 'going to kill Cheeky, the son of Chief Chntter Chec!" screeched the moukejs, and they promptly scrambled back to a safe dis tance, chattering nngrily. "I'll not kill him if ou go nvvny nnd leave us alone," answered Wily, .T ' j The whole question of credit policy was brought before the general man- i "n. n A uotn cieuic and sales iiiiimiguiBj making chaiges ami counicr-cnargcs against each other. , ' The general manager heard both men, then spoke as follows: "You are both to blame, and I am ns well. The sales manager has le sponsibilit for sales, but none on MA.ltin fi'l nM..ll, .nn..nnA : nennn ..Pcp.i' ..uerfsifu in my orit una very ( redits. 'I he credit manager is rcspon-1 an,ius to cet alons I have tho orr-ortunlti-siblc for bnd debts, hut not for sales. I to meet nome of the purrhaslne acents amt ... . ,. .. ., , .. .,., ,, j merchandise men or the larEent concerns In c must divide the responsibility. tho city and ask their advice about the best "How?" both questioned. ' od ot "a" " """ c"""n " "We must readjust the salesmen's ,&,H'iUot5 rttSSS'eKVr. Pnv. They must have less fixed salary I aim larger commissions, inc (ommis- sion will be paid quarterly ns now, but4fiom commissions must be deduct ed n percentage of the losses incurred fiom their trndc. This will mnkc all the salesmen assistants to the credit man ager, "Wait!" he exclaimed as the sales manager was nbout to piolest. "This does not inteifere with j-ottr nulliority. AVhcther a purchasing agent advances The, credit manager lias no more juris- or not depends upon the kind of con diction over the men than at piesent. Ucrn he works for. In some concerns "Now for the credit depaitment. AVe the Purchasing agent is about the blg ..iii ,i,i, f ..(; ,.f r,uD t - gest man in the place. The ndvance- ccptnute and ot losses to both. As the number of accepted ordcis inci eases above the present figure, we will allow a larger percentage for bad debts on the increase. This will enable the credit department to put more faith in human nature. "Hoth jou men shall shaic equally iu a special bonus on iucrcased sales. Hoth of ou men will be penalized from the bonus for any percentage of loss allove our normal figure. "Tlieie is one thing I feel that the ciedit manager is to blame for. He hns been so anxious to prevent loss that he has lost sight of the fact that wc live on the piofits we mnkc and not on the losses wc save. "Remember," he concluded, tinning to the credit manager, "thnt customers When Bill Saw Since the death of Colonel lloosevelt old-timers in Washington have been recalling many incidents illustmtivo of the tremendous vitality ot the man, Ins determination to get things accomplish ed and his unwillingness to let led (ape interfere with the accomplishment of thnt which seemed necessary to be done. One of these incidents was re counted the other day by Colonel AVil liam Hoce Thompson, chairman of the Kooscvclt Memorial Association. It vvns narrated w ilh much appreciation by 11 congressman who didn't nppreeinjc it so much when it occurred It inii as follows : The government was co-operating with the Peniisjlvunin and llaltimorc and Ohio railroads in the project for n new- union station tlic present fine edifice. The site of the I'eunsjlvnnia's old station now the 'mail near the White House had tieen purchased by tho government, and it was purposed to uue tho( buildings. Hut Congress hnd been held late in a spcciul ses sion, and the members weie nuxious to get home, so it vvns decided to "Wc-ec-clsl You've come to our hunting grounds to taKe our food," ' screeched the monkeys. "We-ec-ek! AVo nrc only friends' passing through .jour hunting ground", We intend jou no hnrin. We are peace , ful spfder nionkcxM like joureclvcsV'S answered llollo. I rpi.i. ........... ...,.i i .nii.r. i,.vl 111119 ill,:.,, ,. r, iiiv.i iu ruiidij i.tr monkeys, for their nugry chatter died' away and they grew qurl ns one old I nioiiKey spoke tor llirni, "Wo-eo-ek! If von are friends, ift free the son of our chief, and go liui pence. I. Clinging Tail, promise that we will see you snfely on your way," . "You sneak well, Clinging Tail," answered llollo, and Hilly, not waiting to hear more, swung young Cheeky up to the safety of a tree branch, and let him go. "We-ec-ek ! My fnther will nar toii for squeezing my neck." chattered Cheeky, but all the other monkeys just grinned in the friendliest sort of a way. Their nngcr turned to Kindness andri-j, stead of urging the children to go avvly) they begged them In stay and visit a while. Hut Clinging Tail, looking nt Smiling Tenchcr, did not join in these urging:. Instead he called Hilly nnd llollo asltlfl and whispered n warning: I "You'd better get nvvny as fast as jou enn before Chief Chntfcr-Chce bears thnt there is a fnir young lady monkey with jou. He is looking for a new" mate, nnd will be sure to choose her. That would be a snd, sad fate." Rcforc they could pass on the warn ing to Smiling Teacher, however. Cheeky set up a loud chattering: "father! Here comes father! Now jou'll get it for squeezing my neck.." (Tomoirow will lie told how Ih monley chieftain iron Smiling Teacher.) nrc not risks to guard against, but opportunities from which to make profit." Headers' Questions Answered Mr. Whitehead will answer in this column questions on maikcting, buying,, telling, advertising, tetter-writing, lusi-i ness education, and on matters pertain- i ina to the choice of a vocation. All ques- .i tions will he answered nt the order of receipt. A'o anoiirmoiM con espondene will be acknowledged. Header's inititth only will he published. It will take from four to fifteen days for a reply to appear. I am employed aa a bujer and officii m&n-ac-er, and although I am onlv twenty yearn old mj- ponltlon is nultn responsible. I nm ecorsi.emoo rajw aconnecuon. prepared Can son suBBest tre name of a. rood school where I can pet resident (each- "' . . 1 is me position or Dujer or purcnaainii aeenr a ffood slip lor luiure aavancemeniii UKuallr. or Is It a position more or least Buiiionm ' i. . ... ii fr,,. . -l 1 lll. I! 1- -'l inc scuooi wnicii you iociiliuu la mi i excellent one. In fact, any of the estab lished resident schools in your town are worth-while. ,ncnt' however, xv ill depend not so much on our ability to be a purchasing agent. but on jour ability to grasp bigger things and to make such suggestions n' jou see to the improvement, of the busi ness. 1 am cmploNed by an exnorl sleel concern. I havo little experience tn this rllne. Xly cnplocrs nre nrranglnp to branch out Into the trenernl export business XVhat books can I etudy My employers tell ms. to study salesmanship XVhere can a ounp man learn expert sclline4 17, V Your firm is wise in telling you to study salesmanship. In addition to the books I sent, I ad vise jou to take n good resident course iu snlcsmund.ip. Of course, the best way to htudy expoit selling is to get in touch with some export house. (CONTINL'KD TOMOIUtOW) "T. R" in Maine postpone the letting of bids for teaT ing down the buildings until Congress reassembled the next fall. This duty uatuinllj devolved on the committee on the District of Columbia, vvhicli has charge of government property in the district. Meantime a major ot en gineers was placed in charge as ens-'I toclian. AVheie the committee held its first meeting 'at the next session of , Con gress the matter o'f letting contractu for the razing of the old station vv oi ought up. fl "Wh, gentlemen," dcclaied an as tonished representative, "there is noth ing to tear down. I walked past there this morning, and there's iiolhing but tin? bare earth where the old station stood." The committee sent post-Iinste for the custodian, and tho chairman asked , him sharply what lind become of tnel uuiiuing ne unci charge of. II "It has been raved and the material sioreu, sir," replied the mitjor. ) "lly whose order?" queried tliclfi chaiiman, icd in tho fime. ll I "Hy older of President ItooscvcItjISl sir." VQ "Where in did he pi-t nnv .- thority to bull into our business?"! exploded the dmlrinnn. I "Well, sir," said tlic major, "it Is not for me to question the authority oi the orders of mv n.mixii.j.,.1.. 'I'.'m' '"" l0 oboy ,h"cm. A4tl l JUvl Aud Congicss decided to consider Ifrj n fact accomplished, and let it gu at' that. Kastou Dally Tree I'vcss, ', Autocrat of tho Air . ' Tl.n ...lll.m l ll. ... . ..... vlllfl, t, Tl,.Al.t I .. .... ...,, v I,,... 0,y wiutiniiii ot a i T ', '"c-"ij"!"iwiuri! one icnrvl found such illllienltv l ii i i.i.. 7... Tl m ..n,L- .i,.,: :'.r -"".""'" ""'"u . ..,,.,,.,,,., ulll, ol Wlu t)ln hp wns continually behind with his vvdrM J'he delay auuoved the fanners, vvhde.( im iu cmi ii inccung to consider the advisability of getting up nnothetwlml. mill, Uninvited, tho miller ajso at tended the meeting, uud in the midst of the discussion rose and said : "Ye want Mi get up nuother windmill, Ju Jc? XV'II ll ll ..II ii.. .. , . . .. '..I .,..,, .1 iu.v.n .... u... wind in inc parish to keep my old mill agoln', ho you'll hme lo llsh elsewhere for jer wind, tluit'B sarliu!" This novel argument gave matters the turn, ujuMo Uiltf-isy-, ...j inn, Vi nun nun u " p"-in"n muv I'"rnu?Isco Argonaut. ri - : ' . 3 u -- ---i --j J X -'. l.