I?w m VI h, I II I Pa? I l rv- h 1 : . :u J- HELD ATTENTION Recent Active Favorites Sup planted by New Group of Pool Issues PRICES WERE '. - SPECIAL STOCKS b.; t S w York. Oil. S. -Tin- Now Vnrk Evening Hun's rltKlng linaiirinl review today says : Prices fn tmlny's MiocU market wore Irregularly MjjIipi- urni ili'tillncs were ' distributed u Iilt'l) . S neks pro In sup ply' at Intervals, but demand wn.x MllTI cient, at nil times ready to iiburb of ferings. Alany I'linrciw-i tlie lime in be opportune for torntnir paper iinifits itiln caRh, while iiivt'-tiront buylns and '"v erlng by tlie short. linv lnleret lias frown to larjje irupiirtiiiii'' In must nf the leading spei-ulatlxe favnrltea. pie ?ented anytbin niviirii'j" nf weaknesx. Accordingly a gnnillj number of tho-e issues wliicli liave been pn-bed forward In, the lns-t wiek or hi was iipplniitvd by a new group eninprMng mwli Ktocl.s as l'itlsburgh Coal. Klslier Ibid. A . t'iated Dry timid and People's tin", vhich mail- Rn'ns of ." to Is poiiit or more. Crucible Steel. Ceneral Motors and .Mexican lVtrob urn were, b eompari on, negleited Other strong spot Mnonc the miseell.ineoiis ban were Amerif'an Woolen, Wortliiugton Puinp. Darrett Compatii . l'li-rve-Arrow. Puntu Ale'gre Sugar. I'M. Ti'v. (ienerul i'isair. Studebaker and I'nlted Stales Itubbrr. Ihe copper stocks were conspicuously strong, a movenniil icilcctitic ICllcctlllg tlie sen ing we.irinesh of the slloiti. Vnr a long reon nml imnlhini i Is . IH.ti.1; l.utelier en.1 time the outlook for cop,...,- u.e.al liaV f "'! S ' ! KV l.tf "viS been dubious nl bet. There is little ( nreont I,, itnl n-nt,. n .M-..it .ln.il ,.f improvement, but there is mucii tn sug gest that the point of saturation in the market has been nearly if not itiUe leaehed. and if thi is so It i natural that covering of contracts should beglu. The steels did not display nggressUo ymitom.s on the oiit:'uetlvcVlde until in the early afternoon, when Putted States Steel aihatued to 1(H), two points up on the da . Anxiety conceriiin the l'rc-jdoni has passed. Secretarv l.iin in addressin); the industrial eonferetn at Wasliiugton Btruck a note which sinnild tend to work for harmony annum the Interest- reprc nented and no little I,, i- mu led tlmt substantial protres- m .id.in-iih',- the liifc&aEDUCATIONAL LEARN LANGUAGES BERLITZ J GriOOL I5ii nnjMTM t sini:i:T Kntraiirf on t fit It slrpct Nrw orU, Unohlitffturi. Uo-iuit Dftrnit, C'JiIrtico, ItaJtlmorr. Urttucr, Mn una Itlo fie .luneiro, IIupimi Air, an t'noln. Conlnbn. rHrh, London, lCoine. MiiiJntJ 'lf. FIIEN'CH, GERMAN, Sl'AMSH, ITALIAN, &c, &c. Tl)- the llerllta Method mudepts learn not only to road and writ but especially to understand and to spoaU tho for-Msn lap guano. TCI VT. I.KSSO.N t p.r.i Strayer's Business College Philadelphia's Greatest Bvninest School Call, ttV e - ,t"io, c 'o,- i nut lai'lPl STRAYER'S 807 Chestnut St. Phone, Walnut 334 Our rraduutcs Hra lr votint.nt detnund rv-ood-rsylnc positions. t.!roffs ahorthind. the easy, speedy system. Complete buslnesi Dd sscj-etaeU) courses. rj,iy and N'.xht Classes. Intenslo iralninir. liJnroIl n Mme. call or wrlio for ft.,: linrtionlsrs "id , -oloeii". riiiu. niiHiNRss cnr.ixoK anil ('oilers of Cnmmeree toll ri.o.tpi.t vi.. t'hlhiilelnhhi Short Courses N'O ADVANCE i IN' RATHS Boohkeeplnc. Khorthnnd T-powritlni; I!ntr- I llsh. Penmanship I1', 'up' 'n- omptoniotor. Day ftnd I3venlnc s eione start nor,'. Indh -vldual Instruction. VAUIKK scnnni.. IB -outii mill si Philadelphia Twngemeinde School reopens Soth- ml. flwimmlnj:. Drawmii .. od dron 7 lo 1.1 .e ra f,,- "; now. Booklet "' i ',' sil ,;. iniiasti. s dloii or,, to , hi' per .. ,1 Knroll ,1 i oiumbia A iv THE TAYLOR SCHOOL I0OJ I Market flreo-T (shoottn ml T,.i -i lip, keonlot l-peo-oie, i ,-,, r ell inn llooU- Hii-fc-Nish' TTtKNf'II lNSTBITTlON 11V r(ll.l,i:jl! (iUAIIl'ATK I'onvorsuioiisl au,l dukietlc , leachinc of beffinntnij and oilian, ,1 punils. ' 'Olats and individual insirui lions Varistun accent, roarhlng M Sn7. l.otltor i"lmc" The Meredith Mu,ar Dramatic Art 10 S. 1th St. llnoklet Spruce SOBS Palms Business College !7''17V" i nctnut i Mhorthand, Hookkoepinr. Seereta n.,l Tomli T'TiewrUlna. etc 11a V. i holl hist rue. MAPLEHURST SCHOOL "i A select liomf scliool for i& limited nunibT ef retard wl and lubnornml djlldrcn. N(n. ln ai' xprlncp. Uook1t P. " ArKI.INi: nttKAiriT AHNAIIK. rrlnrltil I ATl.AoNTir "nv ' NEW JERSEY SCHOOL roi: ATYPICAL CHILDREN TENr.VOU I'AKIJWAV AMI SI MNKK AVC. Jlurtate t'urL. Atlantic I'll). N. .1, J, aoler.t ei'hool of udjuatuionl n hoi-o &. Clallwd Individual medical ur.d educational, treatment mi irain.i.u. .oniLined nith the i toivlcoratlntf qualltlea 0' tUntfi City cli tnate. tfmuiit the cri-atest Tjhvleal an A ,iftntal development tn nroni ami back ward children vta'if -enr upon application. Young Uniuon mil l.lrN Training School for Kindergartners 'rormorlr ll Hart'i.l J"tilor. H nlor anil OrAdunl. CourBfH Prlniury luolhoiln. I'rHt lice KlndfigMrtnor1 1ll A. T, ii.iai.w. lllrwlnr. Hot I.. I1I10II W.lni't SI . I'hlla Phila. School of Design for Women unrt 11 ivn 1tu1 eii tb fwri tmt. lleonenn Bent ember 2(th DEVON MANOR ABOARDlXti ncliool or tb lii-theist lypa olIerltiB collect pfrparatoiy una Junior collrirs courdfu. Thomuchly practlcul -alntwr In Micatlonul work, whlcli meets thf t'einrriz ot tlie hour. JionteHtl" H'liTic?. riecretarvshlp, fc-oclul Srrv'ce. A" anU Munla imp a'' c'ioftI ronmi". ratnpm , ..r ioen nir out-ol-iloor xrt oylr(" o. -''''or IL ll' I 1 !" i of to ron-iTlran1 iii'o foo.ii Pfi'lmUlptJa. rof rop'pn. M l'o..,, j lMiOJ i t. 'W IIKT.1N. I'. lr Ip J. relatlnii'i 'between ('npltal and labor wii be made. The report of the House committee oil a bill for creating n budget syiilcin for government appropriations mid evpcudl tures met with favorable response. I The director general's decision l against an inctease in freight rates bo fnrc the end of the jear had a rather dampening effect on railroad shares, as might have been expected, since the leoonl activity in Inal pmrler' has been largel mcilicateil on rumors of an imminent grant. The railroad lit. hoeer. as not weakened npprociablj bemuse uuiiierouH bul ish factors In the long tun were recognized In .Mr. Hlncs's remarks, lie cessions were fractional for the most IRRFRIII AR' Part, although in a few cases there mnLUULHii, U(,(.(, R1,l)i f,. instance. Southern 1 Paellle. Texas and Paclilc and Ni-n York Central. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS ' ( hlriign. Oi I S IIOMS Hti'lp's. 1 ."V (0(i ' l.esil Market lower lleavi. il'.'.iKt l.ViVI: medium, tllTAUHI: Palo li.'u' 1ft. Ilnht llghta. I4 Alio in '.'A. h"iiv packlne ows. smooth 11:1 Ml! 1 I psefcltui sown, vuilitlu l:ni in no. nigs. ,:i i jv 1 1 " c.WTI.K Hp,. liii-. II. i h. ml JUrlt unsettled lie. f steer, medium and heavy. , ehuli' ntul prim- $10 7Ai is', A. medium ami eood. Jit. Mil HI. 7"i: uinnmnii. .'S,7Btl','r,: lUt'it. good and , hei. ... Jim' ts in. common in.l meilliitn. 2.1 11 biit-h-r i-nltle. hclf . n- Jil.AOfl 1 1 An. row i1.i'1 IS.'J.I- un i.ers .,nd i"lt..rf .". L'.'ifi il il." Vr-il .-ah.s, msh in. re, iic Hio-r. t ..fin. T.i, stoi .;rtr .o.r. 11 fill w 1o '-'A. u....'.--.i rnia bfec Mr.Ts stftA i-uws en.l KlOrs. (A S091K SIltlKI' Ileeeliis. ;i4.01in lie.nl. Mur'.ft .itm t.nihs. $1 'Jltl in - ,ull Ptld cine niou $N.7.1!I Irt, ew.-s. m(,tlni. rued nr-1 ihelf. H.AO 7 7A ,ul' i.nri (unininn, 3 ,i il brMln ITtl) I'lltslinrxh, He( S Hi HIM ItHeflnU. 1!OI)0 !'Hrt towfr llfiny. llilff irl.'.'S: hravy irteri. Sill All!) 111. AA llrlit . urkers. $ir..2h 'nIA.ln. piss. I1AW1ASA. SHKIOf AND LA.MIIS H-t-eipfs. HOK(l s,. t.ow cr. Top -,11000 $10; top lambs, 11.1 i' I.VKs tlnelnti, Toil. 5J fin head. .Stead-. Itlinsit til). MO., tin l- IHlUH n. ,'.iu. Iinfiii lio.i.l l.nr Hulk. l 11.7.1 hwn-les. I1V2IKMA 7.1: mediums. 1A :'.', HI: IIbIiIs StnitriA 7A; II -lit llnhts. stAi'iAiri' pnt'Ulm; hqw. fiaii; tans. S 1 I ,i III All ,'A'rTi.i:--lt-'(i"i. is.iiiio .hemi nml noon ,-ll'", Mtrnlr-'. IPM' lif-,'1 stool's. ehillCt ii'id ir'in" Mil liV'l IK.lll Hi",!''!!!! fllid (rood. JI'JSAfllii. isiiniimn. slo.U,iiiia.1.1: llnlit K'rlKlits. imoiI and ehuief sia.'.'CTf iT.ga. eoiii. 'mhos Unlit imd hnr) oiniii. Jl4iirl7.1ii: fouler Moors. s ..lull i;i j.,. rtnoKor ll fonlor Moors. ISAOWiaiiA. rt. $.1 7.1 flu no. S1HUF.)' 1!o,op,H, IS.llllO lien, I V t.ifilis. linulll: eulli nn,' eoiiiinuii. Wei Slfl 1.im venriinw w-otttors. lutein, ou-o.-, s.i.,.. '(i7-A. 'v.-of, lulls and rointnnp. 1.1'ft .1.111; r"odlii.i ovtj. 17P 14- feod"r lmb. Ml t''lB III I s. I.uuis. tie! S. H' IUS IWtllts, llllllt lie-i.1 .M irk-t le.v. 1 mill.. Jllli 1.1 tn. hv, wolctlit. it l.r.niSt- 1A. modluin, SI.',' HI In llsrl.l 114 Ail 1.1 An. Itxiil llitht in7.-.:. 1A I mekllltf -.oa-s. s-nnlll. ?13 t:' 7", l- In -v ' much. '111H.1. p's '1.1 tl ..'I'll. -I Ii 'lAllO lir .,, 'ii..t I h,P : I -ti.r m ,'iui.l .,1,1 l.,.,' , ,,.l .. . 1,1 ,.- Ml '1 17 AH. Ill, die ,n., i s 7.1 , Ml' 17 2." h. , , ,, III , 1 IH eS ,1, , lilies Huh" i-i -t,ir-. ' 111 7', ,i li ll Ll I I I 1S?5$l?$t smy"xftSJ ll.ii h s.Vo, Emilic Krider Norn's School of Expression and Stage Art Kor Readers. Actors and Speaker iMiroKMlon. tii.il i:nlili. l'lihlp' Hpesli-n- Stori Telling liuperoiiHtlon. Vol, e. lirnrnntli l,,ri'i l'r,,nui IhIIoii. Ko el.il Tleportinent ?',," . Trofesslonul jiinl N'on-rrofession.,! ,'iiur.'' Ulplonr, I'mir, ns pr,."iH"l in Hire. ur, M UMli-rsllloH of l .in.l in p. I'prl. m.m ,l.,ee ,l,i I',, n-. snroio ai.l'!. s.dle till. I7M ( li-ln.. si. Private Lessons 'I"!1:,1.''. V"."..",". Mis II.DMAN ll',: St I usi -Ins., ACERWOOD TUTORING SCHOOL Kor boy and frii'K who need individual instrui tioti to inakc iiovmu1 progress. Kindergarten to High School Industrial .rts. Domestic Science. 'Music. Gymnuatics. Gai dening. Ethical Train ing. Home Life. Medical Supervision. Aikquat, Buildings. Large Cuin pus. Outdoor life in iumraer, HI inile.s from Philadelphia. Booklet. Miss Dcvereux, Principal Box A, Devon, Pa. OAKLANE f Country Day School "N Ulo bu 8e'l inaUp this roiin'-f Dv School flvillHblc to al 'l)Udrlphti rhlhlren M vnr mid ovr: carrlwl tl and from n school with opn country tnl renment pure nlr snfetv out of oltr nolnp and din Uu'i t 'station of countrf Ma!- idi at pondi'bin for (tfidv Hpetlil cIbks room tntru'ton. Ilusen from city cntpr Philadelphia O-rman-otTn und JanMntown. rcurft ranee fmm Ivinder rnrtrn through coUeca prpfmrntlim. A fptr v.Tpnnn ntlll Ri-ntMbU It "Tipr forms. Th, Mrlror RftT Onk I.nnr. I'hlla. Ilnx V lotinir Men und Hois . MAIIK1I VRr.P. lnlonsiro Tntorlnr tnheraity refereiiLoa. 11.1 e '1th Si. Ragtime Piano Playing Taught in 20 Lessons Hook I. t upon J',"qu, sf fhritene'i Srrinnl Pnn-ilir Miuw -nnsiensen ocnooi ropjiar music 13..0 Lhetuut bt.. Itoom 40 1 PhlladelphU l'hone Murine 007 DAVID E. CROZIER Orcanli-t of Culmry I'reiliiterlan Churrli Organ and Piano 1520 Chestnut St. i Leefson-Hille coS,!:r;L,.'Ar,l!.,,t,Y or 1 ......... "Jt -,' SInurltr TofHon. I'rokldon. ALU IirtANCHES OI'" JIUHIC PLBLH srilOOI. MI'MIC MOI'imviSION 1.131 tn I'ho.Uiit Sl I'hllndflpliln, ISIIKMCII IIUII.IIINC Ouk l.ano. V Phila. Musical Academy (ii:RMANTiiirN tin AVfii SO l'..ST WALXt'T I.AM: i alul'KU" 33d Hoann ntn 3S3 ' WSKI'll W. CI.Altlii:. Dire. HYPKRION BCIHIIII. Of .Mtsio , WALTER PFEIFFER j VKIMV VIBTWOKO ANI I.NRTIIIJCTOR ' ('nnd Phlllm rill. Society nf Phila. Summers Wtldwnnd. Htudlo 17111 Cho.tnut Si l'hopf ' PhUa. Consenratory.o-'M:' Dlrertnrw D H Hrermn. If Vn rin Hmftm I Louis Sobtjlman ""."SSmT- AdTancod Violin Instruction. Circular. ICl'RT. VOICE STUDIOS 1630 Walnut St., Phila, Csmogla 1 la II. N Y. Wednosdsrs g- JACKSON vok: imr.Tuin! lion riiestniit Ht. I Anne McDonough "'i;, I Innt St, H'NThl) M.TO KOK OUAnTKT C'lltllB, i tlocal reader only 11), no per Rttnday. . Apply II nan. ledger Office, 1 fTikd ic EOOIinT. teacber of alaittur. 7HCtnlaut at. EVENING VVmAV PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN ANO FLOUR utih.. r -itoiooii-. 1 31.11:111 i.usii, i- I I m.,rk, .t in,, hrinrid i.nd tlri'i Ou l , l' n" Cer ll tn oxno't oiovulor e- n,moi,r stupdaru lesprotton, stutuUrd u,,oh .No. I rd ,l,,fi tl an No I liorlhor i sell',. S'.T.ll. Nn I lmr.1 lnir. s'J.an. No I r si wlntr. 3rllekv. M.17. No. I ! d iii''. !'.:! rfu I rod H.irlli-ky mid sinu.i 1- Utiito'l Htut, ili.iln I'uriHirntlon's j'ur I" at li, ji i-.ro Imsod on (ho fol:,,wlnn nrli",. ulo of dlrcnunls: No. '- wlioat. " lllldor No I. No. ;l nli, lit I),- unUor o. 1. No l" III,.- uo,e r ., I. No A ti"Ht. 14, iiiidti Ne 1. I'o- nil wheat olIlTwIio eotlfnrmlna to li,' s:i", llleu lions or N'o. A or le'ttr. out delirium i-i lost welirlii, tho dlsi'oinit irnm Hi- -Nu A pilco will l, lie per bushel 'of-.V'"'',1 on- i.jwnd dotlrlonev In tost wolghl. urmlin liolo-v No. A for ronsons otner llisn iled.J ih-v In tost wetKhm "lll ho bought on Its merit". Mil'jttv whevt will ho discounted KCcnrdlris ," th- doro.i of smut, hut m ' net less t'isii 3c our liu-iiol tinder tlie cor rsp,indltie reiiuUr araro. .lRrliclt yrhoat will ho disi-ounteil Just as heretofore J.t p huhl from lie- renulsr srsdo. Mixed " will bo dlnoiinliit from 'Jr to uj, n eoraitifc tn 'lualltj mid. condition of tnlluie. out Cillers otli rwise liilructod tho trade nia'. count on eui taking No. 2 mixed v.ist. t l'hllndoiplil.i Just ss heretofoie. ' - under the corrsi'oi-.(llni rjcu.nr rfrade. I'liltN ltoeelpts. 13..H 'huiihela. 1" '"" , u..i . . .,..,'...,. t,,ioi luht oitirlnes, in' triple III' ,llll"l Wo quote No. 1 yolliiv. IIP'' ear lots for men- irnu," as to iiuihio loeiillon. to nrrllo. flllAVITO: li.. '"" Inal. 11 7ii 1.7,1 per huiliel ilA-ra ftofolnls. lion? husilole I In- tun1 Wl ii,s nilol hill sltndy, wil-. mini, rut' offoi-luas We nnoti" far lots, na to i,i;h- tlnn--N- I -.-.lllti; SI M He. No l! h'e; , Mitimi,, No wnlto. TUlUn'-J' . No, 4 I whit-. 7777Vj,- ,, ' ni Ft.ul'lt It", olpis. lion hhls an, I S.Sl8.'''n Hi. in sie'is. Trnilo wivs ,iulet. hot pre'" ruled llrm. wuotiitlolis. Her tllll II pio ses. Ill 1 111-11.. lute silks 8ufl winter s i li, Shi. western lu. IIHl 111. Ill: do. In neiirbx. li in ti 10. Iin-'l winter strnluhl. !1.SA' I '." I do. short imlint, 1 Tnniii.tiA; sprtnn iirw, I I'l-ur. I'j.sAiia Jr., do patent, St'J'fl 12 ';.. do. shut pal-1. 1 111' A0f4Mi 7.1. f.ini'- snrilif and etty nlllx pntont. lutiill;. I ran Is. U' ml itVK ri.'ifu ste.-.ii tip inifiv n r..se'; i .SUA por barrel. In su.lo . as to .1hh,' PROVISIONS The market was ulllrt at .Hie l.n . cliii" The filotnllons 'Vire: ltoof. in i.(ts, rmoliod and alr-drled. Ale; Iwef kuiiel.l"" and tondeti smoked and Hlt-,lrle,l. .1.1,. pork, family. Asc. hnins . 1'. eiirod loos.,. HOW .'lie. ,1,1. smoked. loose. SKflHte. do. do, sniolio.l, :)(,-I3i-, lmin hollod. hole-loss,, lse uli 111. shoulilil'". H. I', iiioi-d. loos.'. 21c: do. smoked, "i-i Ivlilea hi 1,1,-kle loos' 'Hie: breiikf.iHl iljneon. 117c. Url ;tu, REFINED SUGARS Nut ills W" uiichnnp,,l on Klnnll .10,1 the niaik.l ,s b.isls ut Hi- tor run. si una- i ! DAIRY PRODUCTS rnilKSi; -Tiirmurlet ruled ttrm uiidor , lUlll offeltllKS llTld n, fllll- rlolllfltld 111'" riuol'ltlons wsro. Now York iihop -lilllK. flats, f.in.-y III", Ifl.'U!,-. filr to uond. WH;' 4C .11 Van: Wisconsin whol"-uillk. f,in,-. Ill'n": filr tn Bund, imiiflili-. Inhhlnu lalos of ItlllO tfoods a"'. iiAMllo. IICI'TKU Tip inurlii't for tlo, . nutiisr was firm ntnl prloert sdv.nned ',- under lUiht olferlnss Tlio undorurades , oiitlnui-d plentiful und dull Uuoiatlous. i'iohihoij fn. hisli-scurliiii uoods. tl" villi,-: islrso. ililo. extra firsts. n'.'Uli.s . llrols. r,.i(n .!' SOCOlldS. AlljIAl,-, SlM'Ot ,'leilllPlJ. '-Il'l''' to fancy. llsfflTilo; fnlr In itood. ..Ii'oll?,' o, lilts lohlj'lli; lit 7-tt"l,' ror f.ill,-.i and oH " .1, for fair to Rood I'iJi IS Strictly fine onus m,,i pronipMs ri n't pi lees wore well HUiililille,! 'Ih ,,u,,t 4llon were ns follinis- l'"roe ea-os, narl,j firsts, JIII.2U per crnte uearhy uir. rem olpts. flN.mi: fnlr to uood. $1i.Qe is, 'leNtorn. etta tlrsts, ttn.L'li. llrols Us , i Is nn uiNirhy mid western seconds. IO,tl 'o 17 lo. tntorlor lots lowei : fsn, j aeieetti . -- 1,,i o'iik at 71 -! 711c pir Uoaen j POULTRY J I 1 I. i., ml- r.im stnok met wltli tin sale. 1 llrm hut thero .i i-o.isl,torul,le pre. sue lo sell unallriicme ilualHlos. pnoos .,f hloii faviiivd huyors The followliik i n- t!,o quotations: Fowls, as to uuyl- it '.'so : hiclieno. as l ,lUBtit. S.1W .-in,- ,. ,ter LMfrilllc: ducks, white I'ekin. .li .1, I p, Hi, li ltunuor. 7L'Hc. plBeolis. ,,l,i p i null- oIlGiUAc; do. ounc:. per tialr. , ., '1 s ni.i:sr-i;i' Houiiinil m.is fairly ' ' v " .ii.l pilt.s MM'o well imiintatned The iimu inn- l"rt'li-Ullled. dri-pli'lieil In I , bi i-s welKhlns,- I lhs. -nU over apiece. 8Ho; i..iKhtp- iwii ins . :ii;i:io. i-cishina ;i lbs., i I 07 f.i L'Hc . smaller sl7CS. IWlio: fowls, fresh- 1 klll.d In bbts. dry-picked. welKhlnit I lh. anil mtr apiece .'Isc: weichlnir f.Ve lbs . 1 :um !!-',-: v.eiKlilnit 3 lhs. 'Jiltl-'ic; smaller ' viz . 3l-.",c. old roosters. d-plcUed. I ,c. Iiroll. r. Jersoy. Ice-pacl,eii Itl'J -ISc. do other neaibv. choice ei-p.icke,l. .Ii I ;js. . ouli;,;il to KOO'l. ,'tlK(i:io. brollors. n.sl.'rn. lco-pn,:Ueil. woliclilnw I'M'" lbs. 1 upleec 0.1 11 .'tile . do western, lcc-packcd, Peli-hllM 2' Illi;' lh.1 apiece SlUtlCd!'. i M,-stn. milk-fed chickens. IS to Imw. 1, 1 His. and under to dozen, per lb.. t.lv Inc. is t, si ll.u. to dozen, per lb.. 4,Jiti4do: S , l Ho lhs. to dozen, per lb :t.A(otio; :11 tu 1 r.ll IPs. to dozen, l'tr Ih . :'.8c: 117 to 111 lbs. ' to do.in. per lb. Maic. IS to 17 lhe lo I doaon. per lb. H('U"ri 4s lhs and over to 1 u,v.ei ysS41lc, sprllu.' ducklings, llearbv. us to uualm :nm;i,lc: suuabr. per dozen, white. , H-FialuilB 11 to I'-' lbs per dozen .SS.ollB II IT,, white welshitnt tl to In lbs. per dozen, , ' 7 1iiis.m nhlt'f, volshlnn li lhs ptr di .. . Jiloil 7A; do. do 7 lbs. to dozen. Ss Hi" . J.,, do do. i;ut'2 ins to oozeu :l ' datk. SI. I Mii - small ana ,.o U I- FRESH FRUITS ,i I l- ir rule i,i ilr.ip pi sTi:Ait-iiiii' mt i:s ASNC-LINES MONTHLY FREIGHT SERVICE TO MEDITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA PORTS Marseilles Barcelona S S Susquehanna SAILING ABOUT OCT'. IS From Pier D, I'ort Richmond Alexandria-Constantinople Piraeus Galatz A Steamer SAILING A150UT OCT. 21) From Cherry St. I'ier FOK SI'ACK & UATKS AI1LY AMERICAN STEAMSHIP NAVIGATION COMPANY HEAL ESTATE TRUST I5LD0. Till. WALNUT 30U I'llll-.l. Ideal "Winter ar-ation Ucioit fierxlff to lie relumed In llec. 1910, lir FURNESS BERMUDA LINE T at itvln cerer, palaUnl earners S.-S. "FORT HAMILTON" S iv I'orl, 'I ll 17 . r.nio Jin-pin. nicnl S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" 14.000 Tons IHsi'lrtconioiit "Nn nasoport" reiulred for Hormuaa " Particulars of rates. mUn plain and sulMnjr dates will he announced later. FURNESS BERMUDA LINE i. n -ne House Whitehall St Now York EARN LINE j Philadelphia Havana 1 GENERAL CARGO ' U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer S. S. "LAKE FLUVANNA". Oct. 15 ,S. S. "LAKE GALERA".. Oct. 27 i For rates and particulars apply to Earn Line Steamship Co. 432 llllll!! t Hldi'.. I'hll.iilf lphl i BEHHtn'S TRAVEL B1RDHJ TICKETS A!0 RESEftVfflOfJS EVERYWHERE. TOURS OF DISTINCTION ECYPT-PALESTIHE JA?H-CH1W EUROPE M TIE BAmEfiaOS -506 FirTH AVC-KEW YORK. sisnniiiiniiiiisomsisioiiilsliii,wirsiliiirwr-0MsMTi UM)GKK - I,H1LAJ)BLP1IIA, WlOMfEBDAY, JL r. moo pi,i, i,fr tmsi.M, Ane , ;:,",:'; J,,,r.rW Wtf&riVf8!?? '&' 'Vr'tai iT'5i?ii. l"arr ." ijriwt. i..r hum,-, K .in-,, t socket, nor hu.hol. , l -4 ' iirapes i niimrii, lr I'liui rim-ord. tor pony I hull, I. 'Hi 2 J ,1,, Nlnuara. ter poliv Iris-1 I , he jutulHi hiiskot, ;,',, ha, 1 per Pox. 12 11.11" 7.:t.l. Ii. l2.:lAl7 V, ,x. 12 70t .'In illlurnlo -;,.rl,ln. VEGETABLES ft't.ili-' l-.ld:. I'sbbHS'i' f 1 T in HUitor r. i" mi". unions dull i Willi, potaioos, nearbr, per hank, t . i i-i Inner aradoa. All It 11.1, u'ider ituole: -NO. I Willie potatoes, p, r ir.'l-poutid saeks. No I .I No S2 2.1. do. ronnn. per eiet 5 !. All ii .-0" Suet isitfttoee- -South, rn No ,...- Ki.i s".,.. :i I'.l- tlo No 'J. per l,hl . fc: , I' " 2A .' lo pr basket. S,1eia.1 fnl.baire, I n .t . p, r tiaskoi nun 7ue-,1,, N domes-1 air, !,. i.aiv.n no I ,!,, u i in Imp rsr inn-lb s.i i. - J2Va. BEARS HOLD CONTROL IN THE CORN MARKET! . . s x. i ci....,.lc,,n!Wnnl October Showed Extreme Weak-1, ' noss Under Pressure From Cash Houses i,hi uiii.T vi:atiii:u ,' fi t'llh.ian. net S. Illinois rnaotllod tn nlhl .inl 'riilirsdav. nroluhlj she. mis and watliio' lonUht Missouri, lows North rnkniH ami Kansas l'neitlo! tomsht amr fhin'-d.iy probably .ihowors i ml. r rhurs it, Iseonslll. Mlnncsoln .mil south !Mko' i Inereaslna elollilln, tonlitlil. nrnli-ihb followed by showvi I'hur-rtay. Ni 1,1-ii-l.s Htiowers loiilght oi Thursdu: inn I I'oolor .Iontlllia lllilll o' oiiin. , or, o.hlv tonight m ii.l Thnrs,lii. older Wioiii'na Ini-reasltiB tloudln, l,e r-, In or snow-. f illuti-vd (lilcngo. ct. S. Labor nliiiix. the water froul of Ih Irouliles port o( New Virk. ilcniot-alii'..'itiiiii in I" higher estimates nil the ield mid Hie nf i-rni. ciivti tlin bcttrs tlm ndvnutiiisi' in ci.iti imlitj und tlm ninrUi'l Insl I'tirtlmr niitiil. lint ll rilllii'il Inwiinl lhe i'Ium'. Octiilii':- slimvcd pxlii-nin weiilitn'Ss ami !is niiili'i- iiri-ssiirn I'rnni i'iist liniisns, ItusiiiPMt was ri'sti'ii'liil. niior-iitni-s iiMiidiiit; fri-lt ('(iluiniliiii'iiN pi'iid iiiK llin lmlilioiitlnii nC tlie I'l'ilonil l)o pttriiiu'iil nf Ais'iicnlliiri' iinnlui lii'ii re linrl at tin.' ritisp nf Inisini'ss. Most nf tlm IiiijIiik cniisisloil nl tin I'M'ciilinii nf ri'slini: orders, l.iclit ln reiils were ircilit'tcd. ivilli tin' niillniil; fur lhe -sMfitlier ttiifnvnnililo. I Iniiiestir i nsli prii'iM itnl iisier, nml nfferiiics frnni Hie I'litinliy wvre unite liliernl. with tlie Itniniry slnu. il.ils tils.it iiiiin-nvi'il liinnril the en, I iil'ler Inivini: reiii'licilin sjiniiiillij -.villi mrii. 'I'lie iniirket slm-.veil sleitiliness elll-lj "11 htipiKH't fl'lilll lni'lll lilllls, ltlll llli' llilinr tl'iillllle lit Hie purl nf Now Yni'h liiid ii lioiiilsli I'lfei't. Ufi'erinKs nun tlip I'litinti'' In ni'tlie were ii little ItiruiT. i. 'itlnir futures riina'il us tollo'is I'oru (now lUtlveryi Veal. . Open" lllith low r.'lSU .lose Ii . 1 S-J'i LWHi l.-.'1'Mi 1 saij 1.2Sf Mi I -Jl l.'JI'j I SUV I "OH 1 J1 Hut- ' 1 1 . 7liji 70't 7ll 1 Tills 7nV Mai 7St 7S'. 7-J1a 7'Jij 7'JVz l.i.i il lid. .17.011 .'. nil '-'7.(111 --7 mi -ii.7.1 Jan .IKl.liil LM.Sll a:! Wo till 17 '.'3 17 n t hs- Oct . .is, IS siS.I'.O t17.4.1 tlT.A.l I7.A7 Uld t Asked. LONDON STOCK MARKET Oils Animated but Irregular Gilt-, Edged Section Hard ' LiiiiiIiiii. Oct. . Aetivilj I'liutimii'il 1 ill tin' stnol; i'Xi'liitli!i' tinlaj und the iimrl.cls iiKiiin ilisplnjeil liriiino'-.s rcii- eriillv. llli' nils were nnnimteil Imt lr rcctiliir. V.i , n i ir it.... I CMIt'l! I lllllil'l,, . ,l.,,l . o,in wil.-. I' 11-11.. 'I'lie mi titnir department Iimi tl (.'unil nnilertiitie. Itepiirts nf the ilnwnfiill nf l.i'iiine oil in Imyiiii; nf ItiisMiin ilo-si'i-iptioiis. There was light prnlit-tal;-ins in Argentine rails. The gilteilse sei'tinn was litiril. BUTTER. EGGS AND CHEESE s IHTTUn llecolo - ; tlim- o HlRli kc, il-ia , . Inside: lirsts. r,Si lit, etaio dalrv. rtoCl 114, . 111.1 IS , uses. M.irl I,r d oxtrn ilillllljc. fr. 1 tlrsts o:Hrl...e: fri-sh-nnthel-od .l-i Hi .t il:l ilt i;.v frosh-Kalhorod -.licouds. r,vl it.- .ilitl-e No I 4H11 (So; No. 2. 1114.".. . li , k-. No 1 llli 12c uiidorarnilr. Il.lfl In,-. t..iv i'.ii i, r,2- seconds, ,.1 If ."Mic ; styt.- ami n. uhv lioto on uhltes Sdtffin',,;; yalll.ir, il unii - r.01' V.V. woslern v-hlles, lioSM,-. 1' li .!-.t. Sl'-i st,..; west -rn im,i soiltlaiu on li-r, ,1 'bttes .",s(io7Sc: ntnto und pelilln b'tniTv l, towns 701173c; railhered brown ui,, iuiv.,1 ililti'ODc; fslr to prime. OrtWilSc; , linroi.iior No. 1 MlOolc No. 2. Ill'S'lStc i HELSi: II.eoel, tH, 4117 boxes. .Market m 'd li' . current make colored. .ivoraKc t'tii In .i .".li1. , . fl.il euvlcni make, wldto. ,v,.i fun. r,0 'ft 30V c. colored siu'clalb. in 1 i'., 'I.l'i- speclah,, sog-euij,. PAItCEL POST ' Furniture Rc-Upholsteicd Call l.oMiknril SOSO HojjrosontntUo will iiubm.l implex arid cost llest noo .'Hnllnvn ,t lrt,,ol rntnn. Im. XK r.J'r ;-S,L St".Vt. .ri mo.llato ntloiitlon and flrtt l!?,fv ens" worlt suiiranteoj. i ' nii'STKnriKi.ii ri'iiou STHnKIl rllllMTlIKK CO. 2-II :iii:.htnut ST. Leg Comfort llon't suffer from rarlrnne voln. iinllen lons.enk Vnees and an kles or other les troubles which i -1 constant, cortaln nuppir (nriI.:SS LACKIl HTOCKIMi vl!! make you hanpy and easy. Throw !rvy torturlnc elastics - troublesome bandages end foriet lee troubles. Corliss j oced PiocKlng" made to m.cis nr without elattlc wear for i.iany mouths. Wasliablo anfl ....aov II vlit end durable. Cost onlv Si-'JI "eh, or two for the s.mio limb R3.TS, im.l .oii'd . ...c. ... n..o , rrmro for the tupport and cm. Call and h Sim orl.. Oct '11 lul, M'irV. ,i. cxir.,- mi, ,.,ii. r.i ii.i:i l.ilUS ll-c. II. it i'i rsli-a.ilhT'i w noasui- rreo. or wruc r o-..- .- --.,-, " ,v iiionsui'otnont blank No. 5. Hours '. I Inn , J '.'.' r.',i,m.Ht 11 t.. a-.:l0. W.(rernnuo,l On ilto lii.,ke nbdoniln.il. bolts (alas- tic and ron-olastlc) to nrur. 'enna.CorllsKl.lmu Specialty Co. gll.ia-IVIIIWrt Ht..rlilla..V. I'ennn.rorllssi.imu 3.rci.ij ..u. I21I.1H-1.T1 linen si.aiiu HOUSE PAINTS $2.50 PER GALLON ri m iNsmn anii ouTsinn i i- ll.tilokMp tlray, Sliy-lllue, (llosi Milte. Ulio,tiro.u, Medium and liurk-Hronn Aluo imny other shades. ltDfir ei nn i'Kr PWVT Pi'W" OALCON nr.ii iir.owN, hi.ac'ic .-.IIKHWIN' WI1.MAMS No. 03 OOVnttN MKNT 8PA1I VAKNI81I. M.JlArj. (III.II Hroiiio and AI.V.M1N tJI Hronio Powder, Jl per lb. l,o,diltely chemloallv pure. DISK AN ''' '. oiKAiui avi:. Lyijrvrtll ,l riinne. Poplar aur.s afjS 11 OH' AHOUT 11- SOMi: JIOM'.V en DIAMONDS AN1 JKU'VLRVT 11AT1CS LOW AS !.. c... tVM.Ti:HS PAWNSHOP. (M VIMS hi IlllVlll'lt TO '"rv LAMBERT &CLESS,9Nphr Sl- quick PRINTING serce ,. SMALL QUANTITIES AT REASONABLE PRICES Ultimate Given. A Trial Mean Satisfaction. Mimeograph Carbon & Typewriter Job Hrtkf. lloxea 4 J"0 Iaf Illndersi Cut Cards, all sizes. Envelopes, alt sizes: Hat Tags. Notion Bands. Cliar Rags. Tooth Picks. Papnr Drink' r Cups. I'aper N'litns, V I'aper Win s ' Papers Paper, rous una siieris, EZRA LEYINSQN," ?! RTTQINPM NHTPQ """ ' A i-iir iron aiiianceii anoui a tniuar a i "1 .vsterday oi. a., e-scoptlnnally Kti.mic demand. A merchant idgiron iniercted minted ll price of SMI) li ton v ., f,l,... ..,, ,.,,,1 ',l .. mil on '.' .V iron. Despite tlie quiet "spell'- that lias ile sceniled on tin- criille rubber trade, nrlces I'ontiiiue stead ill levels which have prevailed for the last several dn.is. Pries fin iihintalion rubbers were imintiil io-ti,i,liii ,,o Hie hauls of llflv -I' .:.'..: . -....,".. ...; i..;;f. ...i.i." coins u inilllil nn in.-i iinex nn -ni,- incut running front spot to .January I. , I mo fin lots hit regarded by tinmen s il;!,,.ncnt maniilacturers as rcsponstiue lor, the present shiek bitslnes in tlie trade. Contltnicil warm weather Is put in lirst place, but the Jktlfim-nl of the slecl strike Is iibo considereil verj tin -portaul. ' An entlfely eiroiieous statement lo the elfi el Hull the conimonwealtli of Australia had ptohiblted the imporln- .,1" of Ainerlcnn drugs and chemicals mill,.,.1i i ,.,.rt,iin newspapers n- ninth. The Australian "niniissioii in the I'nlted Stales announces thai, ac cording to cabled information received from Australia, the statement is en tirely unfounded. A lolal of Sl.lIilli.ODO hiii lb' of furs changed hands at the autumn fur auc tion in .New i nrlt yc'lonlay. 'llils is said to establish a ricord for a single day's sales nml brought the grand total since the auction opened up lo SUJOO, (10(1. Increases over last spring's sales ranged Irnm 1(1 per cent on 11 ing squir rel to (ill per cent on nutria. The only decline was on the price of Australian fox. which dropped JH per cent. 1IXWI t.l, M.NKI.M1 ITMI OI' I Wrilltl ll(i H'ATlIIt I'llH'l'.lt I'll.MI'W The ltiol Caiiii.- TrilL I'oirminv. Truslee. under the morinair,- oi ui, L.vneliburi; Wuler I'oiver ('ninpali), rtilci .lull I. Inyo, tn se cure an tsKUi' of tr.uil.unn rust Mortaace ". nor cent ilot-t Homl- villi looolvo oilers of said bond- up i, .mil in. iu-lintr 1 - o'clock iiinm. Nov-iii her I. Iimi. .it not over par nnd Interest, "iiniil-'tit lo nl,-., Ml, the sum of $7KI4 3il for iiiiouiir ,.f .--'iil.tni; rnnd. duo October 1. lulu. ih,. line",! nfior of bonda to be accept,,! il,li.i,v nil , oinniunlcnttons to th" Iteul llslulp TiiMt l oiuimny or I'hlln ilelpbl-i. Irusleo. LYNCIIllfltil WATKI! I'nWKIt COMPANY, WAl.TllIi w I'l.ltKIN-J. .secretary, "cptonil or '."i 1 !i1 " si.MiiMi ii mi nil! iamiiihui)"tiTac, I1I1N AMI I.K.HT (OlIPANY Th" Hool Hot., i. I r.i-,1 CotiiiMnv, 'I'rU'tee. tinder inoriKiiit' oi tlo I.mh liliuric Trnrllon mid I. lull! ('oiilli.lli.v. Ii,l,l May 1. 11,01, to eeturo an iasuo of 'l.illill nun First MorttniKc . per cent Ool-I Iioli'N. -lilt recclvo offors of said honiN up io nnd lin'liidltiiT l'J o'clock lioini, November 1. llllll, -it not over par and Inlcri ',t. sultl, i, i,t lo abt-orb the ?.um of tl'J.a.17. 12 Hi" lnii.". offer of. linnda to bo accoiito,! AfldrcHs .,11 , ommunlcatlniis to tlio Iteul Ksfule Iru-t Conuniiiy of I'lilln ileltdilii. Trustee. LYNLllliriti! lli,1OS AND LIGHT COMPANY WAl.TLi; v PKitKlNS. Secretary. KeuteiilbH' 2'i. 1B1P AN.SOIM'UJIL.N'I rotlroH from on October 7 1nl!l en i:i.i ii. until llrm i, of this d.ito. I'AINI;. tl kiiiihi: S. COMPANY. Dltldenils Tllf: lillM-.KAL rni.ITV (OVIPANY a opoclat moi-Uii hae on October declared n nuarlorli ,l!vlonl of I-1ie: AT 1st the nroforied nti.I 2"w on lhe cnminou stock of this oompnn;. ii.,.ilil to tho atocltliuld era of re, onl as of i u tobor 10. Checka to bo mail.,! October 2(1, DA ID W. I'AXSO.V. Treasurer 'tjflosi nf lhe 1 nltrd tiaa linpruvement Cn, N. W. Corner Hro.id and Arch Rtreeta Philadelphia. September 1(1. 1MB. The Directors have this day declared a onarterly dividend of two per rent. t,nil prr shnrf). payable Oetobtr IR. IfflU. to loct.holdera of record at tho close of busl. nu iciit. 80. linn Cheeks will be mallei I W. MOflWS. Troaanrer. Annual Meetings !2r,l-' 1 ll lo a.v.i.u, iiii.i.i i.-sii ur Tin; uy jf kholder of tho. (leriniiiilonn iriist rumiMtij vim i"i n,-i,i in i no omco oi tho Conipanv. chellon and (lerin.intoivn nvo- nuos. i'lil iddphla, on THL'HSDAY. OC- TOUCH H1TH. lulll. nl .:.tn n'rlncli p. m.. to ro,oio and act upon' tlio report ,.r the Hoard of Directors, to elect four Directors I to eeivo for .t term of th eare and u Treason i to eor- for on" year, and to i transact ouch idlier business as may conic I befon, tho nietlnr.. - 'tlio tranet'-r books will bo , losod liom October I'.lli to Ifith, both inchi-lve. ' JA.MUS A KUI.l. I Asalstatit Socntiirv. ' - .;;,, . ,r7T.T..7.V."".:..rr;r:- i tlfrfW-- NOlIt'l. IS IIKUUKV (1IVKN THAT I . Ii Ht a Special Meeting of the Stock- holders of the Hank of Commerce, held tlio lou. ua oi rtepiemner liiiti, at ' which 2oII2 shares of the 3000 sharea out- I standin; '.or" present, either In person or i ijv )rni. ami v.iinip a resn.tuion autnorlz Iritf mul fllr'-ctlnir tlie Ulrectur' nmi Offlcfirs ir th HnnN to rmuort tlu Hank of Cnm niorco Into a. .Vat.niiai HanU rvnd to make the certllVat'i r-qu'red therufor by tho tnwi of th' United states, wuh ununlmously ratBcJ. JOHN P KOn, Cnnhrr. IriK 'i Till; -.SM l. 3II.I.TIN(i OP TJIK Lll'tA ln, miioM t,f (I),. Peitnslvunlii limtl liitl'in lor th" hrnT nml Oumli will be held nf WNhliuimiTiK Hall, Mt. Airy. Phlladcl phli. on Ulof(lii. Octohrr 3'iil, 10t. ut I n'loik i in fui (hi five tlon of directors ami for th triiii.tctloii of other business and to .ei:tJ"' th . .1nuu.1l report of the director- .mux 1 u:VlS. Secrptar. .'n. South Pourth' ft. IN MII.MOKIA.M 131 ;l il'i iUIi In hivins: momcry of a ninth, r, MM. Ill r nilDFOItD. Uloii Oct. S, 191 1 liAIJ"u.- hi oaii l.iii liivlnc momory of in , I -.1 1- Inulhor. Sor-cunt JOiil-JI'Il V. UAIlll.N., i'olii,HB li. Klrt IMttallnn. I OUtli lur.utry liu niw killod lit tlio lmttlo nl' Ihn Arifui.ii" for, st llclolior S. IU18. n.l. inlod l.. IHlOTHKIt JOHN. HORWAIITI1 - -locroii to tlm momory o our .lo.iiiy l,ol,.o,l sou una l.rnllior, lr. ClIAllLIIS VIJTTIII.KU DOKWAllTH. who pansoil uva Oct . IIHs lll llfn liere. ul tluiuli short, na. .. nul.le otic. HIS I'AHKXTS ANI IIItOTItUll. liollWAlfl'll - l'nill ihorlshhiB tlio m -iinirj nf im lo-l,io,i nepliow. Br. CHAM. V. DOIIW Al'.TIl. u niurtjr to llin nohlo pro tcislon Ocl. b. luih, ubc.i :il yonrx. AL'NT VKKONA. I1I.1.IJII. In loh.fr nmcnibruncc of my Uour lorl. JI.IV UOSI-: i;iriuilt. wlin illo.t Oct h. HUH SbJH uiIkm-iI bs MOTIIISU. iBeatljs r'n'lVboth 'bth .nia eriH Altl'lll.NAl. mt. ; HKXTIY. lmoh.ilhl n I'.oliitlvefi anil friends, and members of Km. ji'-h. ii ii, I nil ooclctlpH 'mix r. Invited to perv- iW7 N 7th Bt. Int. Archill ill h'rlondly S,rft..u llllinuol HeftirlTiioi I'll i of which ho ui a ),, ),. in ntr,l.:ir ., i,n:i i.,ktor .!.. Oct. 0. ai.iii.ht 1!. Iiusb.i. ,1 uf Hannah O. Hulloy ' und , Itall. unu son or .Uarcaivt ,mi utu. John 11. , Malo. iieutm, and filonils. emuloyes of rniuiiciuni.1 r..t,M,i h.,ite,i tu funeral ?!.;..? """ - " hi "nioi ii umr nine.. HJ.01i:u Ci.-T u AI.H15KTINA. -widow of Itolwrt I,, nil,,, Helall und friends lniltod to funiiui, Sal . K m . funeral Hliartinonts w j. llt.uiol,l. mil Spring Oardeti bt Mhos Si Francis's Uliurcli 8 a. "'.v..'1,1',, 1Ioly ' "" m. , ,.uCA!iu- TT l" l- ' PllII.IP. Husband ot Christina Carr ..nd son of lato Henry .1. and I.lla.iUeth Curr (no,. Mink), ased '83. US!Sl,Ve" 'l,n'l,'flenil Mllle I.odsc, No. 1IW0 I. O. OF and Union Lodee, No. 14, K. of I'., lniltod to funeral survtces. Thurs.. . v. in . 01.07 Uerf.,r,i uve. lnt Jlontroso Cem. lleniuina may ba vlewetl IVcu. eve. Pr'fiiW'l'A lilff11. 'V 5ear9' Helatlves and friends In. 'Itoit to funoiul sorvices. on Satur r?yi i2itorn".?.".v ,,J-'M o'clock at his late residence, sans Wharton t. Int. private. Nortliivoiid ivmetory. Remains ny be .......ru rrmur evenint C'HAHJIAN Oct u IIUNKT. husband of harah K. Charman. aued h(). I(eltlv nnd friends linlteil lo funeral. ThurR . 2 P. in.. .Maeno la. N J Int. prUatn. l'rlends may CI!!..1,X,V!" H'1' '' in C'M'AK -. Oct it j,,u i husb.md of husanna ( liak. iiko.i 5S Helatlves and friends Invited to funorui ...ui.. ti,,im . r,iP .!." P"""'"-' "I frank Ureher.' tuor, W. 1 ..-U.iVAi..,. "'i,. Ii"ilon i:ein. (. OMl'OIt T. Tonlh M,.,l. 7.1. unaiv r 1AISIAU. widow of Howard I'omfnrt. Hela tUe and friends United iu funeral. r.U3U Knox st , llermantown. l'lfih-day, Uth, 4 p. in. Int. private. CONNKI.M-.-pct n. JAMBS A.. oi of llart and Jlary Connelly (nee Walsh). Hela t ves an.1 friends Holy Name BocletJ In cited to funeral. Thurs.. :;o a. in., parents' residence. 2Hu N loili t KSlemn reaulem nigii mass at. Edward'a Church d a, n. Int. 'i'amanua. Pottsvillo papers cony. uoitcimAN. -Oct il. j.vMEtf il. son of late John and Julia I orcriran. llcuutves and frlende Irnlted to funeral. WuSiT " . in., rosldeuca of nephew, lir rV Thornton 40r,2 Irvine St. (4Jst and tClfuVe Sts. )'. fielemn high requiem mass ttt. James's C-hurch 10 u in, lnt private, St. Denis's Cem. ri'lUlV tlet T HKI,nNA 'A. SIIfKl.TS. wife of Harry N furry. aKefl xn Ilelatlvea and friends Invited to funemi iervlces. Krf" lr. ' i w'. ' . ' iv u ov -1'- ortn Ait, Morlah Cem. 1'emalns niacefvlewed Thur... T lo V, n . v. ui .mi o vti-u n uit. North Jl OCTOBER 8, 1919 nnvniH I lEISBsf, On Oct 7, , Dolson (moo Kosmler). mm, auhib l. vm..o ..f Willtatn Lteison. n,i r.s ttotaiivos and friends I Invllod to funeral service, n Thtirrilay, at ,": v'.v..'."v." a ..r.-""'.'xi? .ii' -.. ;...i KS ", BBlft 'iTiit. "vilmln.Von. uil tU..-ot. ."Aifd'WiJnyMnTlt?! ?nrf51.'rl.Ti1),i,Il'1.?ll,w,,.n""dJr h a"il hV sf . Camden si .t tnt i.olvats lUrtelah Coin. 1 rlonds tnnv .oil tool 1 In R n iioma.v Oct ii ritAitt.v:s w.. liustand of Annie Dmnaii fnce Iloiinil). Tlelatlvea and rrienns. unneen i-'r enda l.oouc. .o. jn, i, O. (1. r.s .ICTdan Klirampnient. No. (la, I, O. O. r... Invited to aervlee, Thura.. 2 V. m.. L-SIIII CaLtmrinn ot lnl Fornwooil foni. Iie- tnalna may 1o lowod Wed , 7 to in p, m. r iH'.-VA.-Huddetil.v, Oct. n, jajiims ii .-. liunhand of Jltirv bunti (noo allerei, for merly of 1012 Kimball St. Uelntlves nnd friends, einnloyos of MoitIb. Wheoler - Co.. Invited tn funeral. Tliura . n. m tWOK B. 03d ft. Int. Ml Morlah Cent friend may call 'Wed., alter 7 i. in. Aulo aerlco. UWYITTt.- Oct . ANNA MAUY llWVlIlt (nee Scluefer). wife of IMivnrd J 1)w.er. llolativea nnd, friends Imlled lo funeral. Thura.. KiHii a.m.. 1SJH W. Norrla at. lllnh liiHiH Kt. UlliaWeth'a Church in u. in. Int. Holv Senulchro (Vm . . . KAH1.KV. Oct. H. KOWA1IH. liurtianil of lato JIary Ann Karley (nc Kelll Ueln tlves nud frlenda lnlto,1 lo funeral. Tliura . S:.-10 n. m,, )sa v. Mitstor st Solemn re luleni masu HI Jllcliael's fliurcli in u. in. Int. Nov- I'litliodrMl Com. Auto eor1co. llAVnNSON'. Suddenly. Oct. 7. KATH AltlNr, H., wife ur Itolnnil ,M i;utnaiin Relative and friends . Inlte,l to eervleo. rrl. p. ni . 1035 Htiriice at Int. nrlyate. lAVUCNllll. Oct. 0. ANMI., wlf of Thomaa O. raulkner. Itrlatlioa and flletids, H. V. M. Hodalllj and Leayuo of Saered Hoart-lt. Clabrlcl'a l.'liureh, Nornooil, rn.. Invited to funeral. Tliura . s nn a m.. brotli-er-ln.l.iiv'H riisldoiicr. .losenli Mclllnn. Ill 8. r. 1 tli at. lllali reuulem tiiana Ohurcli of Our I.dy of Victory In n. m. Int. Holy Cross Com. Aulo funeral. . . , , KCllUY. Oct. 7 MAlKI!li;T A ldow of .lolui Vurey Ilelatlves and friends In vited to funeral nervlrce:. Krl . '.' p. in . il W. Nnrrla at int. Ml lioilnh Com. Hc Inalna inuv bo loieed Thura , 7 to 0 p in. ,, OAPTO.V Oit. B. iniSSir. fiSAt'M. wlf of Nathan M Oufton. aurert 117. Relatives and friends nlte,l to funeral. Tl.ura.. 2 P. in . l'.'l N. 2,1 tl . Darby. 1'a. lrlends may call Wed., from 7 to 0 P. in. Int. Arlington .fern. . . ... OinllH. Oct (5. .1AMUP 1. OlltllS. llela tleS and friends Invited to tunernl "erv looo. Wed., b ii. in., mill Siuln ilardon at.. J'hlla., im. Int Itoclt Cr.'ilv Com. Wnah InKton. Ii. !'. WafitiliiKton tinners copy. . HANSICld. -Oct. 0. HAIlHIi: H . hus band of Charlotte A. 1). Malleoli. Uolatlves and friend. Wavrly Castle. No. 111. K. ';. 12., may view remain ut renliKn,'.'. '117 N. 4(th at. Wed.. 7 to il n. in Korvlco and Int. private. lIUAtiliV O, l n. AM:j;A.vrti:il 3 hus band of .Maiibn Hoal.-v and sun of Catharine and late William lloue. ItolatHos und frtondx. li.liih.im Holv Nairio Society. J. .1. Homo renrlv lleneilcUl Soclet) . Invited to funeral. Thur., .s:3o u in . .'.".Id S. Sartaln at. Sot' inn rnusM of ioiiiloui Knlphauy cnurcli li) a. rn lnt New Catliourni i-orn. lini.KJlltTV f), t 7. .Miss MAIIV 1IEI. rilltTY ltclntiies .in.l friend", II. V. M. Sodallly, linltcd to funeral 1TI . 1::l(l a. 111., residence of .lolin Foior, 111 l'-nii st , Hryn Mawr Snteinu roiiul.-ni mass Churcti of our Mutlier of ilood Coitnsol, ii a ill Int. St. Denis's i 'cm. Auto , fiuiotai. lllltMlt.- Oct 7, llllNllY. hueoauil of late T.llllo A lllrah. iiki-,1 73 ItilulHes and friends InMtod to fiun-nil Trl . luSIU u. m.. rol,ltnco or dauliter. Mia .luslln 1'. All innn, l.'.ns oxford al. Int. ML Hliml Com. JAl'KSON. SuddenLv. Hit i) JOMKliJI T aon of Jouepll and Catherliio .Tacllaon (nee iiuKowi. uif,.,i 7 years in iiiouills. iieiauvee, and frl.-nd.s. Holv Name Society, M-holars of Church nf tint l.ad.1 of Mt. Caiiii"!. Invited to funeral, Krl . s a m. losldenc,! of parents. 4111 jiurfor el 1to,iuloni hlith inasa Church of Our !.nd of MI. Cnrincl ll:3u u. tn. Int. Holy Cross Com. .tOHNSON Oct. 7. l'II.ni.i:S A. JOHN SON, naod .".I llolallvi" and friends, polko ollcoro of tlm oM. T)Nt.,.. lit Sinai l.ndire. No. l.II. Loyal l'atrlota of America. Invllod to funeral Sut , o p, m . 4ill. 1,, ut at . West Phlhiilolnlili. Int. .Mliiitrui. Com. I'rlenda inav call rrl after . p m JOHNSTON At lll'JIi lil'imiirid at.. Oct 7. WAl.TlIU SCOTT JOHNSTON Duo no tlce of fnnoral v.il l,t L-lven. JONDS -Oct 4. JOHN f aon of lato Unwind and Maiv .luties. nuol JO. late or Manon. D! li.. T.i. Helatlves and friends. emplojos of Suiudee Ji.-ilry. Inwtnl to fu neral s.irvii'os. Thur.s , 2 p. in . reMdeneo of hlothor. I'lirlvtoidior June", ssi n. lolly at Went l'lill.iilolphla. Int. liothesda Com, Delainio ,ounti. .10N1 t Oaks IM.. OU l! MIClIAHl,. nueliaiMl ,,i .'itu.i A Jouetf. acsl .1. Rela' Uvea and friend-, Invited to funeral oervlcea, Krl.. 1 ::i'i v in.. HarloiKh Cem. Chapel, Camden. V J. lnl Htirlolcli Com. KDATINC Oct. 1. WILLIAM husband of Jlary J. Keating-. Helatlves and frlouds Invited to funeral, Thtira.. 8 a. m . oiS Tree at. Solemn ldiTh mass of requiem Church or Our Lady of Mt Oarmel !:30 a. in. Int. Holv Crns Celtl. Auto service. 1CILHY Oct 7. AONi:S IT. wira of Michael ami mother of Hev Thomas A. Klley. li. S A. Due notlc of funeral will be Klven. '.'122 N. Hollywood at KI.1NK Oct. II. JA.MKS O , son of T.vdla, A and hue William N. Kline. Helatlves and friends Invited to service. Tlmrs. s p. m . residence. i'f brntlier-ln-law. Harry Olb aon. -10U Sprlne (larden at., riillndelphla; also aervlee at l-nilora of Allen H. Kolm. fiinornl d!r,ctor liownliiKtiiivn, l'a., Krl.. 11 n m. Int. Norlliwood Cem , Downlnc- town. Ta . u- voni rifir om n T.vni.v l.-vnnrnru moo Lssiinacrl. wile of Clurlo.s A. Knob- nc),, ftKe,l ."I. Itelathcs and friends Invited lo funeral, Tlmrs., nan p. in., S312 N. 2d at. Int. Mt. 1'eaco Com I-Jlclidt may call Wed. S to 10 p. m LKAlt. Sud,lenl. on Oct. 0. JULIA HUOCK. diuoiitcr of Louisa P. II. and Henry l.ear, :W1 Scliool lane, Oermantown, aaod .'12. Services Thursday, 2 p. m., In olinil at establishment of Howard Yf. Atkinson. Iloyleatown, IM. Services and intotinont private. I.nCKU-OOD Suddenly. Oct. r,. Hl.IZA- tIKTII DI'NHAH, dauKhlir of Charlotto nnd lale Clmtlen 1.. Loekwood. Funeral servleoa Thur- . 2 I) ill. 7H11 St. Martins lane. St. Maltlns lnt pilvate. .MAHKH Suddenly. Oct. 7. JAMHS H. .viaiilk. ih. iioiinoni uve. jjuo nuttco or fun, nil will bo Uven. MAl.I.HRY Oct. 7, riAXlllTi'K MATi- IJHV Sr runfrnl srvic, 1!U." W. Jllaih ljni.l nvi' t'hfstnut Hill, Thurp , ii ji ni. Int. l-rlvai". l-S'TWtcl.. Pa. Al.XWJ.Mjl.--UCl, 'J. IJAUKUl, WIUOW OI .inimp .Mnlotit-y. affoa ? llolitlves and frlendK invltfvl to furiRrai ncmi-en. won 1 resldtmci1. .lanis )t, Malunpy, 1S42 AVeflt moipliinrl st.. Tliura.. - i. m. Int. private, MANNINUj Oct. fi. i;L1ZAIlUTir MAN NINO fnep Illffley), v;lte of IWtrick TV. Mnn iitnc. Uelntlves And friends. Altar Society St. Michael's Church, invited to funeral. Frl., 8:30 6. in., hupbnmVs residence, JWU X t.d ut. Solemn requiem mots St, Ml chnpl'H church lo n. in. Int New Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral. A!A'Yi:iil. Of tlinhlherin OM rt l.toOriyn I.MZA1.KT1., daiwhicr oT Chnrle-i T. uiul lrcliua Jt. Maxwell, need 8. llurlal roldetwo of inrent, 4T.-1. N. Ttinitd t. Int. "West t.uunt 1IIU iVm. No funeral Mii'MNTOCK Oct. 7. ANDU.JW IT, Mc CfjIN'TOrK. attutnev-ut-Utw -n AVilken Ilori. I'n MUNlti;i.KOHN - Oet 0, ut his homo In New York rltv. MflVIS MKXlUZU-lOflN. father of Mrn. FMwunl Hrylawsltl. of rt2 W. Cliveden ae. Oennantown. Funeral WfdriHfrdny. ut - p in., nt lili tatf restdtince. 241 W. lOHtli St.. New yorl; Ity ' MIU.r.TT Oct. (I. MAUY J., dumihter ot -nnlr Mllle-tt (nttt Grubu) and ut. Michael Millet t. ItfdnUvex und fri-nds Invited to funcrat. Sut.. 8:.'10 a, m.. ro-ildinre of mother, 181'J 1 Ilunllnadoti il K6lemn r tmlem men I'hurch of tho Visitation 13. V. Mi. 10 a. ni. Itit. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral, MUHPHY Suddenly. Oct 7. ISAAC F.. htinli.md of Mary J ;. Muridiv fne Cooper). H-lathes and friend- invited to funeral. Sat.. 8:.'ifl h, in.. 'M at.. Fernwood. Delawaro county. Pn. UUh iiihbs St. rhilomenn'i Church 10 a. m. Int. Jluly Croea Cem. Auto funeral, MUItPHY. OM. 0. MAttGATUn MFHPHY inna eauintiuj. wiuow or i-rai.ria Jiurphy. Kelatlv" und friends lir.lted to funeral, Fii.. :3( a. in.. 1107 S. -J'Jd M. Solemn reaulem maHi St. l'harlH's Church 10 u. in. Int. Holy CroiH Cent Auto srvicf. MUST1N.-At Strathhaven Inn. Swarth more. Ta.. 0?t. 7. HHNRY B. MUSTIN, Ilelatlvea and friends invited to service, Frl., Oct. 10. '2 p. m., ut Presbjterlan Church Swarthnora. Int. private. Train leaves Itroad St. Statlcn I p. in, ODKNATT. Oct. 0, KAllAIl. widow ot Vtlllom II Odena.tt. rtelatlveM and friends invltvd to funorui RTVlreu, Thurn . - p. in.. H534 N. INth st. Int. Wentmlni-tt-r Cem. O'UOUHKK Suddenlv, Ort PAT. JllCK. husband of late Martrnret Ovltourko (ne Mcilee) and son of late Charl anM Kllzabeth O'Hoarke, of County Tyrone. Ire land, llelatjveu and friends. Holy Name. Cat hoi la llftpefirlal Society, of Nativity Church: tho International Brotherhood of Iron Worker. local No. 35 employ i)f Wro. Crnmp &. Sonn S. n & K. Jl Co., In vited to funeral. Frl.. 8:30 ji. m . 3083 Tulip Ht. Solemn reiulm maim Church of Nuthity 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchro Cem. Auto nervier. O'TOOr. Oct. 5, MAUnT. UOSn. daugh ter of William und Snllle O'Toolo (ne lol lnrton) Tlelatlven und friends. H. V. IM. Sodalitl" nf St. Michael's Church, employes of Taubers uosiery iiiih. invueu to ru neral. Ft!., 7:30 a. m.. residence of rand mother. Mrs. Lfltzaueth Dollarton. 210 JefTerton t. Solemn requiem maea Ht, Michael a utiurcn u a. in. precisely, int, New athedrai Cem. Auto nirlc. I'AMlUn. UCI. it, 1-IJWAlllJ Iwl-JIN NBTTI. husband of Hose M. Parria (nee Mo- Iuojiniiui. iteiaiives aim menus, iioiy Name Society of St. Veronica's Church, ln 1trd to funeral, Thurn , 8:30 a m.. 30 Erie avc. Solemn requiem mass Rt Veronica's Church 10 a ni, Int, Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto iiervlce. PircilCE. Oct. 7, AMCH, wlf of 1at Heors N. Plert-e, Relatives and fqlenda Invited to funeral rrl., at 12 noon, from reBiOilrH ui Buji-if-t, . tt. Jtoney, ncivr Hurrfxlll-. N. J. tfe-Vvkes In Crons Keys M. K. Church 1 p. m. Auton will meet trolley a at Almonessuu leavinu KuUhn'a ave. frry at l:4o a. m, PltTTCHAUD. Oet. 0, ADA U, dauiphter of Jennie A, and late l-'iward Prltchard. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral serv ices Thurn . 2:80 p. m.. residence of parcnta, (132 N. 17th st. Int. private, Mt. peace Cem. .Remains may be viewed "Wed., from a , irt n. tn. QUINTAYIM'K- i, ." BAI.VATOnDt husband of lato Slarla Qulntavall, aged , PNDF.RTAKI'.ItS . llLj BROAD asd r, PIAMOND nljATIIr1 frendo7"nlo 'nn&'rV?l ivlted to funeral, ''"'i.J.'Jg .. . f..M-.nifiin. man a. in., .is.. iiarnion OI , l.ri,.,n,..y-.-. ifrto mass nl Church of Our Lads' '.!" A',0'' maps ni i.-nurcii oi '.ur i.o., ... - - nonary 10 a in Hit Holy Sepiilehre rem. w;d. --- Oct. ll, MAUY J.. fWCK,'nt widow of Wlllliin .1. Heed. iyl'J "?a friends Invited tu funeral. Irl.. K ".,"'; 1807 H. 111th' si , Hlh mass of 'reiiillem Church rf Ht. Thomas Aquinas lliSO . Int. private. New Cathedral Ccin. Auto aervlee. , . . ..inttr ItiritAllDKON Muddoll y. Oct.T, HAHIll. IKON Suddenly, Oct.T, HAnUT. l-llMti-th Holsleln. H rt"' Jf0?' Helatlves and friends Inv tfil tn lees. rrl.. 2 n, in.. '',. V.?. uiiihaiin of 1.1 ared 111. llel .... ............. .... ....... i.i.ii.m.nn. funeral service v?...Norvyoo,i. i'. nu .Ml. no, ',.,, of Floreiiro V. lllnlmrdt, aiieii 12. "''"S''" nnd friends Invited to funeral """"L't 'Jhura, M:nO . m.. 155 , W. 10B ". "f;' '"iVow'n'- Wt.V'WIM.TAlf . .. husband of Klla M Hone (nee Suplee) and son m Jaoh 11. and late Marian if. Howe, nircd nn. Itolatlves and friends, cmplnyes of rhllton Co Invllod tn funeral services. Tlmrs.. - ii. in.. 2.1t3 H.. Barium, at. inain ai. nn .V'v.v j' T Friends may call Wed. i Northivood ccin, n.. r ni-nnnn HRNTOrt. bus i band' of In'tn Mntlbla Senior, nited 70. Hela. , tlveannd friends. Centennial Iioce. No. mo. Sons oi si. iieorao, invnou i,i iunci, o. . Icea. Krl.. 2 p. in.. 2t3 N, Hancock at. Int. lielviie Cem. . SIIAttl'. Oct. tl. noT. son of Jessie nn4 Salllo Sbnrp. ntred 20. Itelatlvoa and frlciuis, members, of Oconto m. l-omseii uiuacn. -i"; Hia, Jr. o. A. M., nnd fellovv-vvvrkera of tnaehlno lilo dent.. Henry Dlsston Sons. In vited to funeral service", Thurn., 2 p. m,. parents' residence, 851 li. Wllln.nl sls Int. North Cedar 11111 Ccto. Ilemains may be vlo-e.l Wed., after 7 -ii. .. ..,. , (larber). widow of Abraham 11. Shunlt. anedl lis. Itolatlves nnd frlenda Invited to funeral services. Tlmrs., 2 p. m.. daughter' tireal deiioe. Kmnui J. nowiuan, 1'aoll. Int. Groat Valley 1'reshjtorlan Cem. Ilemnln may bo viewed Wei'.., 7 lo 0 n. in. Omit flowers. SLOVHH.--Oct r. FI.OHENCn K., dallgh tor of Somors nnd nlla Shiver, aited IS. Ueln tlves and frlnds Invited to funeral. Thura.. ll a. m rcEldoiico of parenla. 29WH L. VenntiKo at. Solemn high mass Nativity Church in n. in. .... . SMITH. Oct. 7. nl 2220 llrandywlue st., jnXN'II. dnuRhter of late James nnd Jane Smith and cousin of late Ann Tamrart. IWi tlvos and friends -Invited to. funeral, 1 rl.. s::l(i a. in., parlors of Mrs. M. McLauuhlln tc Son. 232D Oreen st. Solemn requiem mass f4. Framls TNiivlcr Church 10 n in. Int. Old Cathedral Cent. Auto funeral. , SMITH Oct. 7. MAItnAItlVr. widow nf Henry Clyde and dalllibter of late Denn s and Mary McLauuhlln. Helatlves and friend; Invited tn funeral. Sat.. S130 a. m , 2111.1 llellrrade st Solemn requiem muss ht. Ann a church 10 a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto ervlce. SMITH Oct. 3. nir.'tAHK J.. on of nichnrd and Mnrunrot Smith (nee O'Connoll). aired 2(1. JUl.itlves and friends, employes DolntiKer's Dairies. Invited to funeral, 'thurs.. 8 a. m.. parents' residence, 2012 limfly at. Solemn lilnh requiem trss St. Kdinond's Church 10 a, m. Int. Ho."J Cross Cem. Aulo service. SWAN At Philadelphia. Oct.7.CHAP.LTS II. SWAN, need oil. ltelatlvoa and friends Invited to funeral serv'coa, rrl . 2 p. in , residence of ulster. .Miss' Hllzabeni M. Swan. o2fl H. State st. , Trenfon. N J. . TIMNKY Oct. II. CATHAllINH C . widow of late Charles H Tlmnoy and daughter of lato HurIi and Catharlliii McDovItt Ileln. tlvos and friends Invited to funeral. 1- rl., 8:30 a. in. 2H30 lib htnond at. Solemn lequlein mass St. Ann's Church 10 a. Hi. Int. Now l.'ntliedral Cem. Auto funeral. WAKKl'lELD. Oct. 7. MAUOAHBT J., widow of Ueoiae W. Wiikenehl. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral servluoM, rrl., 2 p. in.. 117 N. 2d St. Camden, N. J. Int. lln i-ll,rl loto WALTHIl. Oct 0. ANNA IV.. irldnw of William II. Walter. Helatlves and friends, champion Council, No. 8. D. of L. ; rooa toontas Lodirf. No. 3.1; members of (J. A. H. ramllv. all societies of which ,h wm a member. Invited to funeral services, Thura.. 2 ti m . parlors of David It. Ilowen & Son. IMIth and Cath.iilno tits., ert Philadelphia, lnt nrlvate. WHISIj Oct 11, nnXA 15 wife of Joo II. "Welsl, of Nevv Yolk and dallfflrter of Josephine mid lute David S. Hllborn WKl.LKH. Oc! ll. CHKIST1AN linlt MAN WKLLHlt. Inibaild of Louise Weller (nee Stein) Helntlvea and friends Invited to funeral services Thurs . 1 -3i p. ni., resi dence, of son-in-law. Walttr lirmvn. 1T.22 Hnlnes st . Oak Lulio. Int. private. North wood Com. WHITi: Oct. ll THOMAS II. husband of Jane While. Keativei and frlenda, ("ale. donla LoiIbo. No. "on, I o o. V.i Temnle Mn-i-iompniont, No. 10(1. I ll. o. K. : t'eteran Odd Fellows' Ass,o. Scot Thistle Society, Thlla. ltr.incll Oranite Cutters, I A.: em ploves of Harrliioli Chemical Works. Invited to funeral sorvices, Hat., 2 p. m., Ilrunswlck , avc and llurmout road, llarrettrord, Dela ware county, Pa. Friends may call Frl. eve. Int. private, Mt. Morlah. WH'.ANIi. At 4(11.". Sansom St.. Oct 7. I P.ev CHAHLHS S. WIHAND. Helatlves and , frienda Invited to services. Thurs., 8 p. in., at the Oliver If Hair Building 1820 Chest nut st . also services at Nevv Ooshenhoppetl Keforined Chlirch. Hast lireenvllle, Mont gomery co Pa . 1.2:30 p. m., Friday. Int. in adjotntntr cemoiery. omit llowera. I)ST AND rOUND XX4. Irfint, Alrertalo dog1, nam a N. R, Thompson on collar. Reward if returned tc M V. Wright. 115 Carpenter t., Otn, SUlTfAKi: Lo.it, latHes' hluck hultcaae. inltUts U. Ii. A., fontalniiiff app.ircl und personal hooks and papers; return any part anl rerelvo rew ard; tm nue&tlons auked. Jlonm ttOS, Lincoln .ulldlng. T1HK.S Ioht, nntomohlln varrler and J SlUertown roid tires, on road between rret-hold and Atlantic City: liberal reward. Heturn to nn-1 notify Mr. "U Eaton, Marl-horoueh-Plenhelm Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE ADJt'STKHS WHO HAVK 1IA1 KXl'EP.l i:NCK IX HANIJMNU COHllKHPON pn.S'l'K IIK1IAU1INU COMPLAINTS: THIS IS AN TTNrKi;AI OPPORTUNITY POP. V POSITION WITH OOOl) SAI.AUY AN1 CHANCIJ TO ADVANCE. UOX C 14. I.KOOEU QKKICE. ATTKNDANT lo assts. with oaro of Invalid; also I'hambeiliialtl, is ihlto I'rotfstant clrla; refcicnoo reaulrrd, 2711 Tulnfhor!n I "' O"'-' W1' "';, 'VS"eJ' rou.'r. .8!l. r- faro paid. Phono tlermantovn lolo. HELL TUI.UPHONE OPUI'.ATINU TEIllrANENT POSITION'S OFKKm:ii TO YOU.S'O WOJIBN' UKIWUEN Is AND ".'5 lUAlia. jif-oo pnr. '.vi'ek rou nr.sT 4 vrr.r.KH: - I'KH WIIEK IN l MONTHS. WITH nArm adanoemi:nt TiinnKAFTKu. shout nouns INEXPHNHIVi; HOT LCNCHUS roMl'OHTADI.n ItL'ST uooim SICKN'K.S.S 1UHA1I1I.1TV 11BNIJKITS cahufui.IjV cnoanx assoclti:s CAI.t. PKIlSON'ALI.r ANY WnnK-UAY. liurwnnN ii a. ji. and r. p. at., to i SHU MISS IIYAN. 1U31 AHC11 ST., F1I1BT THE BE1.L, TKLEniONE CO. OF PA. HILL CLERKS IN BOOKKEEPING DEPARTMENT APPLY BUUEAl' OK EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S HILLING DEPARTMENT requires services , v ., lllulou"'ir xi'rrieiiceo. person, wlin Initiative; kokl! utienhiK with luriro uptown plant, I' BOa, I.edtrer Office, 1JOOK KEEPER Yoiinir ln.lf tlin.mu.hi,. v. perlenced and capable, wanted by a manu facturing plant ut Pnttstown. Pa., to take entire chargo of books; reply in own hand, wrltliiar statlntr full particulars. P. O. Box l.'iO. Pnttstown I. BOOKKEEPER, younij woman operator with wU'erlence on Elllotl-Flsher .bookkepln marhln": Oernuntown leslderce preferred. Apply Mllchell-HeUher Company, 5708 (lor. i..n.ms.n si. -j.. uuiiii i, nunier. rnanacr. BOoKKEEPElt. assistant: larse uptown manufacturer offers excellont opportunity to capable peraon with experience, V 501, Ledger Oftlce. CHAMliEltJlAID and parlor maid, ! capable f- nui.ii. ,ui nuuurui. Appiy uy teiepnons. BryruMawr 81. any mornlns before 8 a. m.. cr by mall to Mrs. Geo. Packard. Vlllunovu Fa. CHAMBERMAID a"nd waitress. 3 eTris. A7.i. nor ?,-"'" ur ironintr; toou -WUfl, Mil W Cooper st.. Camden. Phone CHAMiEIlMA'D wanted, colored, excellent and adaptable cook, colored, exoellent. C.r'n,.,n,o:w''n &T " "'.,,, 'hon. cyX,..Ii-iS;f.,.'!aLtn.?'n5e o.'. ""-; concern: .S"'!'; ; "J",, ' "l,.uo '"miliar witn figures, Add. .17. Led. Ur., Broad and Clearfield sts! ) C'l.ERKa GIRLS EITHER EXPERIENCED OR INEXl'BHI. ENCEI) WHO HAVfr HAD TITO TBAM' Hl.,l!I-8i,.98J.' .." ITS EQUIVALENr: WB HAVE SEVERAL GOOD. OPPORTUNITIES RIUIIT NOW WITH 006li SALARyIaND IN AUUll'lllK AN OPI-ORTUNITY TO KARN AH MUCH MORE AS YOUR PRO DUCTION JUSTIFIES. CALL AND SEE MRS. PATTON. WHO WILL BE GLAD TO TALK THIS OVER WITH TO U. cuRTts puiiLisniNG co. . 7TH AND SANSOM STS. CLEnKS GOOD PENMEN APPLT BJEsRWWS Z.'.r HELP WAUTEDlrElAALE COOK, white, for German town i must M nrat ?l",l rsferencti important. V SI 2, Lodter Office, CUOlv white, also chamoermaldi rood ref ertneo required. Apply 11 till 2, 102.1 r. nruce Bi.t or write. COOK and dovvnslAlr'a .work! anlary 112 small famHy v. no wasninE. -ail is. I'ariC rAMPnni.i.'n sours t I'STADLISHHD 1800 iini,s and tvoxricN MfST BB OVEn HI YBAIIS OF AJ1 tllltLS MUST FUltNISH 1'ROOP OF AOB FOR KITOHKN WOnK rnnpAitiNii veihctaules siftr'i'pa TfTn ALSO OPNEIIAI, 'l.'ACTOItT YKOriK .STEADY UMPLOTMnNT; MINIMUM STAHTINO HA'FiR INCLUDINO IIONUS ' 114 and. i.i lYjii 48 noima TLMR AND II M.v Tl'ilfc . .. "viill IB 11UUIIH . INCItHASKD AtJTOMATlr;AT.l,Y PLENTY OP OVE'lT.TilB joseni cAMPnni.t. company 2D AND MAHKET. STS, CAMDEN. N. X 100 OHILM TVANTCD ovnn io TEAms of aoe IN NEW DEPtTtT.MENT NO EXPKMENCn NECESSAIIY LIOHT. AIHY' FACTOItT DnSlItAHLE. H'flSADY WORK . f,2 WKF!Kr A TI5AH HOT I.UNCllCH SnilVHD AT LESS THAN COST GOOD PAT: KCr-oi,Ll"NT T11EATMBZ1T LHAHNEnS PAID 12 WEEICLT LIGGETT A MYEnH TOHACCO CO.. 3D AND ONTA1HO STS. GinLS. 14 TO 18 TEAHS OLD. FOIt FIN IHHINO DEPAHTMENTl 48-HOUIl WEHK FOIt THOSE OTEH 10 AND ilflH HOHHS UNDGR 10: LUIHT, CLEAN WOltlC AND OI'POHTUNITY FOP. ADVANCEMENT STEADY WORK AND GOOD WOKKINd CONDITIONS. AI'PI.T NOHTH AMERI CAN LACE CO.. 8T1I A ALLEGHENY AVE. OIULfi. over 10, and younc women have an excellent opportunity to secure steady work in a modern up-to-date factory Ideal loca tlon for W. Phlln. Elrlo oh account of close proximity to nubway, narlne, Luncaatcr ave.. Da.rby, Spruce, llaitlmoro avc. and Spring- G-arden brldno surface lines; opera tors wanted In assembling department, where the work Is llaht and clean, also on presses. .tappers and other Hunt machines. For do fins can ar once, raciory oinco. it, T ralste Co.. 3201 Arch at CltHLS', ABOUT 10 TEAItS OLD. TO LEA11N LACE-CUHTAIN MENDING KXPHHIENCED (HHLS MAKE TUG MONF.T ON PIECEWORK; GOOD OPPORTUNITY APPLY NORTH AMERICAN LACB CO.. 8TH AND ALLEGHENY AVE. GIRLS WANTED AYe pay from SB to S12 per week for rrlrltt to -work ill wall paper factory. Apply at once, lleckor. Smith . Pas. Water st. and Snyder ave. Gim,S. over 10, to wrap chocoUte; sood myi 41 hours per week. Apply II, O, Wilbur &. Hon. 233 N. -3d st. OIHIS. 10 nnd over, white only, to learn Denmaklnar: all f-lttln? work nnd enr-rd nxs.- ivhen experienced to steady elrls; we ruar- :iniee in learners lor ine nriti wceK; in crease for aeroid week. Call after 8 a, m. 1111 1 Spring flarden Ht niTiT.a, ovnn in, to pack candy APPL.Y utTm;ALr or kmpudymisnt WANAMAKEH'S GlUtH, over 1. for bottline, labellnc and wrapping meaicin: ngnt. clean work; good wages while- learnlna:: rapid advancement Apply 1118 Waahington ave. OIHI.S wanted for laboratory work; hour-i 8:t5 to 5 p. nv; lunch served In place. Smith. TCHne & French Co., 35 Poplar at GIKL.S, 10 and over, in packing department of dried fruit business. Apply 180 S. Front. GIUI.S. 10 and over. In packing department of dried fruit buslne-gs. Apply 130 3. Front. GOVKRNKSa for fl-sear-old child; Protev tant; hlffhest references required. P 41E. Iedyer Offlce. HOUSKKEliPKU, workln; whlta: smait family; cood cook; wauei J10. 603-s Oroeiio st. Ciermantown 780 J. I.AUNDRT WOMEN TO WUAP PACICVOE3 HHIllT HTAnCHEll coi.laii moNEn . lIAnKEllS AND flOKTErtS APPLY J1AHKET STrtr.ET LAUNDRY 1303 FILUEHT ST. LAUNDHY Shirt Ironers. first class wanted. Eagln I.aunilry. 22 N. lath. MENDERS, F.XPEniENCED ON LEVEIl'S LAOS IN THE tinowN: 48-noyi; TVI5BK: STEADY 1VOHK AND GOOD WAOI'.S EAUNE1) ON PIECEWOItK. AP ply NonTii AMnnuuN lace CO.. bth AND ALLEGHENY AVE. SlENDEnS FOIt riN'ISIIINO TtOOM Oh' KNITT1NO DEPARTMENT; 46-HOUU WEEK AND GOOD PAY. APPLY NOUTll AJtERICAN L.VCB CO.. 8TH AND ALLE HKNY AVE. 3IENDEHS on men's wear, worsteds. E)hacu amaxon Mills. Allegheny and Hancock. OPERATORS ON TOWEIl MACHINES APPLT UUUEAl' OI' EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S SALESWOMAN EXPEIIIENCED IN HANDLING SILKS AND VELVr.TS APPLY 1JUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WJiMlMiVWa SALESWOMEN REQUIRE SALESWOMEN FOR RIOU3 DEPARTMENTS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU LIT BROTHERS SALESWOMEN OPPORTUNITIES IN SEVERAL DEPART MENTS FOR FULL OR PART TIME APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAJIAKER'S SPINNERS nnd cop winders, experienced-, good wag-es and steady work. Apply Grls- wold Worsted Co.. Darhr. Pa. STENOGRAPHER Experienced youn won.nn. capable of taking- rapid dictation and transcrlblnff notes accurately, for lm proving position In centrally locatad office; statu lowest salary to start, ag-e, experi ence nnd phono number. P. O. Box 7S1. Philadelphia. Pa. ' . bTENOGRAI'HER and typewriter, to make herself generally useful In offleo; good chance for advancement. Bush Diamond, Jasper and Ontario sts. TYPIST F-XPERIENCEn APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN GOOD PENMEN AS SHEET WRITERS ALSO WOMEN FOR PARCEL WRAPPING APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT v WANAMAKER'S -- WOMEN FOR CLEANING DAY AND NIGHT. SHIFTS AFPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKE1V3 WOMEN, middle-aged, for bottling, labeling and wrapping medicine: light, clean work: good wages while learning: rapid advance ment. Apply 111B Washington ave. TOUNO GIRL or mtddre-aged woman to as sist with housework: small family: good homei.good wages for right party. Apply 2l Nedro avs. Phone Wyoming E781 J. YOUNU GIRL, educated, wanted, preferablr widow, as companion and aaelst with light household duties: references exchanged, Box P08, Narberth, Pa. YOUNG WOMEN AS CABHIERS AND INSPECTORS . APPLY BUREAU OF EMPIOYMENT WANAMAKER'S General ADIES EARN IS to 10 during your leisure hours; learn to give a scientific face and scalp treatment and the art of preserving your complexion frcm tho Inroads of time: If you are desirous to make money for extras and can devote 3 or 5 houra per day", this profession will pay you Jl TO K PER HOUR: preparations free for 20 per sonal treatments; Individual private lessons, write, for Information. Bell phone. Locust llllOO. Complete course $100. ALTHEON SCHOOL OF MASSAGE fi'J4 Perry Hulldlng.. I'hlla. STAGE dancing! w teach every kind. vaud vine, .aramaiia ann musical romeay: .-. ant .1 writt.n.r rahaarsWI and sroduaad. UnaWw m."VKri pa Uloi,;l.;WjJ't,;, fMtTmnHC-, :"-- 1. '4, m y ,. ..'!' !:rt ji"' .. V! flr. '4 . n ?( .W 1