WfBftftf 4 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1919 N iMi'MintfiMownwitiiWiM wmmkw. Minds and Steel Steel capes nnd vnults arc simply mechanical agents. They cannot protect against misguided usugc of funds or hampered business transac tions. , The real safeguards at the Continental - Kcfultnblo Title and Trust Company aro the 30 sound, ripened, experienced minds of the 30 business men on the institu tion's directorate nnd staff cf officials. Continental-Equitable Title . Trust Company 12th Strert Above Chestnut Philadelphia ?iflOO,000 Capital $1,000,000 Surplus iivkii sm.nno.non iikviinitn rA WKBMSMmmmimmwwmmmmnl, Earnings More Than 7 Times We offer at the mar ket, to yield almost 6., the First Mort gage Bond of one of the oldest and best kno w n industrial corporations in the country. Earnings for the last year were over seven times the annual interest re quirements on these bonds, which have sold at considerably higher prices. For further particu , lars send for Circular No. E-45. (3HANDLE3&GOMPANV Franklin Dank Bide;. Philadelphia New Vorlc Uoston "(Stocks or Sonds?" If you now hold or Intend to buv cither, be sure to read Babson'a ila rometer Letter of Oct. 6th. It sles a vivid forecast of the future trend of both markets, so clearly Indicated by present Fundamental Conditions. Reports enable you to get a maximum return from your capital without worry, loss of time, or nalc Involved in ordinary speculation. Report on Request A request on your letterhead will bring a copy of the above bulletin, "Slocki or Hondi'" and "2007a Profit A Recital of Facts," cratis. Write for Bulletin 34-0 0 Die Babson Statistical Organization Wellealay HIIU, Mats. Largest Organuation of Its Charactir in tht World THE STEEL & TUBE CO. OF AMERICA 7 Cum. Pfd. Stock Amply protected by earnings, assets and sinking fund. Pricei 98 and dividend to yield 7J6 Circular on request. Townsend Whelen & Co. S05 Chestnut Street nxAxriAi. CITIES SERVICE COMPANY han'keuh' shares Eighth Monthly Distribution Henry I.. Dolierty i Company -announce that the clxhlh monthly distribution on Cltlei Service Company Itankera' Shares will be 52 7 cents per shitre, payable November 1, on ahares of record October 1.1. ' iivim:Mis MAltKl-.T STRIIKT TITt.K AND IKUST CO.XII'ANX'. rifty-nerond ft .XInrket Ml. PMladelphln, September 24, lull) Tho Hoard of Director hae declared the retular eemlannunl dlldendof 8 iwr rent on the capital which va paid In prior to Mai 1. mill, and an extra dividend of XI per sdare. both pajablo Noieniber I, ltlll), to Btockhotdera of record at the close of liusl nei October in. ltilli, check will he mnilid The Tloard or Directors h ivo called a final Installment or Kff per ahnre on tha atock of lhn company, nxyahlc at tho office of the company between November 1 loin, nnd November 1.1. 1019, both Inclusive between 0 a. m. and 3 p. m. On and arter November 1, 1010, no atock on which thla Installment remains unpaid will bo transreruble, and no instillment paid utter November 1,1. 1010, -will participate In the next following divi dend, Stock certificates must be, presented (or Indorsement at the tlmo payment Is made. Anothtr ium of J2.1.0O0 has been added Jf to the surplus out of the earnings of the compihy, making the surplus fund equal to the fully paid capital, vis . S230.0OO nr.aiNAi.D n. ciiAan, IIMHI. VII , s.-uu.uuu r.aiNAi.D n. riiAfln, Secretary and Treasurer, Annual Meetings ikhs" notic. is iii:hi:iiv oivkn that t& l Special .Meeting ot the Stock holders of tin llnnk of Commerce, held on the lth day of Beptember 1010, at which 2592 shares of the 8U00 shares out atandlntt were present, either In person or by proxy, and xotlnir, n resolution authorht Inar and directing; the Directors and Officers of Ihe nank to convert the Uank of Com. merce Into a National Dank anil to make the certificate required therefor by the taws of tho United atatei, was unanimously passed. UVfliS i- JVUUll, Cashier. frss" MiTicn is iiKituiiv hivcn that Ifeb at a Bpeciui Aieeiinie oi tne utocll holders or tne uroiera I,. M on th 2lst day roiers and Merihunts liana. beld on the 21st day or August, lUlv, at nhlch S3U7 shares of the 4UUU shares out. atandlnir were present, either In person or i.w nrnxv. and votlnftf. a resolution authorla. InE and dlrectlnr the Directors and Omoers ol the Uank to convert the Drovers and Merchants liank Into a National Uank, and to make the certificate required therefor by toe laws of the United States, was unanl. aaouslii passed m EHNE8T It. PATTON. Qi shier. Proposals BKAI.F.I) rROI'OH.IJ MARKKD "I'BO. l.flHAI.H TO I'llUCIIAKl'. IIIIMIS" will be received by Gtorge XV, stull, Ilurcesa nf the Itorouah of nldley Park. I'a., until Tuesday. October 14th, 1010. at six o'clock p. in., for the purchase of Forty Thousand Dollars (4ii,IKHI) of four and one-half per tent (! A certified check for one thousand dollars 14 'A "hi thirty (80) sear bonds. . I i Ii (tluOO) to accompany each bW. S . Oounoll rrvr the rlht to ' v.oil ' W f(.P,r,..t reject any i,opr.ed at h meeting of (Council on enmii,' ii, at o:u p. m. ' Council' on ! BUSINESS NOTES Small dealer In orrap Iron nrp rt. tmriril l In- linlrilnic tliolr Mocks for iilglier prlceH i'XiectO(l to Mini' w Itli tln KcttlruiiMit of the steel Ntrll.c Adinnrri (if ." to !." per rent In the price of mnrhiiip Jool lire foi trust liy inniiiifnrtiiicrif. The upunril trend ii Inillenteil by n lii per rent fist- In n lending lliie of upright drills n ml other lucrinsM In .cdnl llni". nltlioiiKlt no general ndvnnee linx lieen effected up to the present time. C'onl limed Tcatclty of jrllnu puis- xlnte of potnKli lias prompted coiiHiiiiierx to ntilt jellow prunxliite of hoiI.i ns n xnlixtlttitc, mid the lvsitltnnt IhijIiik moMMiient In the latter resulted in forcing the prices up In 'Jl'j eentH n pou'tid. The quality offered on aput vnn limited. Mitniifnrttircr.s of lings and Millcases report that ordern have multiplied ho lapldly during the lint h relit that tin- refusal of new ImisIih'ks has been neeesxnry leaitiillest of in It eoulderu- I tions. The mat he) for pig lion continues nrllie on a spot basis. There Is vir tually no business, however, for futuie delltei'j. Manufnctiims are not will ing to order in advance until the out come of tlie strike Is clear, nor are the furnaces willing to guarantee ilellt cries. Aipin ammonia is alinoit unobtainable In the spot market and dealers who have (.old aliott ate endeinorlug to cover their contracts. A large timtrmt order from South America last week stlmu 'ntcil bujing nnd price rose to II cents u pound. Pay Victory Bonds Today Six millions of dollars are expected to be paid into the rederal Kescrve Unnk today for n 20 per cent install ment on the Victory Itonds which falls due. These figures have been estimated ly ollieials at the bank. The last in stallment of one-fifth of the bond is sue sum will be due on November 11. New York Metal Market New York, Oct 7 (opHr Hpot nml tV tolir. HI 'A 5i 'M'i( N'oU'inli.-r. JPn Gt'2o !iTimbpr. Ili-i fi 1! 1 c Jnnu.r, 1M34 'rf JU'iir Kcbrunrj iiiul Mum h JlT fii jj( , .MHrkr' muM. I.fml Hmii, (.vinh r H"t1 N vi'mlinr iJo'ifto jnp, ltiTPinhpr., jitnuHr,. o it xffn :,". .M.ukit toHiv Hpplti-r. UnKt Ht lut SiM)t mill Uclnlicr. 7,(.V lihl, November, 7 10c lilil pfcpmbrr, 7 l.V bid, JHtiimn, 7 liOt bid, Kibrui.r, 7 "c tilrt Mnrkft nnmlnnl The Financial Strength of this institution is an additional reason why thousands of investors and traders select us as their brohers; the prompt deliv ery of cash or securities is another. What a Stockholder Should Know is outlined in our free booklet. Many rights of stock and bond holders are valuable. Not to know them may mean the risk of loss. Call or send for this instructive booklet at once. Ask for No. T.U.-G21) JONES & BAKER SECURITIES Widener BIdg., Philadelphia Phones Pell, Walnut 60G3 Keystone, Pace 2290 Nfw TorK Detroit PltlaburEh Cliicaco Direct Private Wl'cs Iloator. WANTED Men experienced in taking stock quotations from tho ticker. Desirable Positions short hours and good pay. Address H 319, Ledger Office. Htatlns mce nnd experience. $50 $100 LIBERTY BONDS r.OIWIIT AND SOLD Biddle & Henry 1(14 SOUTH FIFTH STRKFT , . ... . .. ... .... ueinnere i-nnnoeipnia mock llTcnanas LIBERTY BONDS BOUC.nT nnd SOLD An Dfnom'nntfnm Samuel K. Phillips & Co. Ml f'lir.STNUT STrtEKT liemh... I'hllndelnliln Rtnrl Kxeh. tiecker & Co. Bankers and Brokers Members of Vhlladelpnla and New York . Stork Kxchantes v k rnn th ami phkbtntt t. i U, S. Liberty Bonds All Issues Bought and Sold .$50 $100 $500 $1000 Graham, Parsons &Co. 435 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia Checkmating Jim, the Penman NEW HIGH RECORDS NUMEROUS ON CURB Dealings on Larger Scale Than Any Time This Year Asphalt Hits Another High U.S.STEAMSHIP LEADS SALES New orli, Oct. 7 - Tlio Itrnml trect ctirli iimiUet today vvni more netlve mul t K,ronKer tl.n.. It I..,h lieen for ,o,e time Unit. New lilsli reeofils were liuineroii" I nnd the deiiluiKs Renernlly were on n far larKev ,ea.e than at any time juir. (tctuM-al Ahplinlt unniuiui'ii inott at- lontlon, iiinkiiiK " furthiT udvniuv tu III.V.lief.nenilil.lay.anevvliiKlMeeoid The lieav est trudlnt! was lu I lilted Stntes Steamslilp. -10.000 sliates of thai rtoek eiianltlUK Immls I'Ml to IP,. .1 i'nlte.l I'lctuies was again netlve and r-tintiK. M'llinu at -.'i to -. i-mi. liie., lu vvhleh the trniliuK amuunted to till) Aekld (aalel Aetnn Uvploatvpa Allied 1'mk .... Alner llrltlah MfK .. Amer Marconi . Am Hafpty llnznr Amer XVrltlnc l'appr Air deduction A T fee .... t'nnadlan Car tn fan far Kdy pref Carbon Steel Cnrwen Tool Chnlmrra Motors . ... Chevrolet Motors ... Cm'ft Cola Cramp Curtl Aeroplane I uirr'n Phonouraph ttep Aap'lalt Hull Mil nil .. Hupp Motets Inter Prnducta . . . . Inter Itubber . . Lake Turp Itoat LihlKh Coil .STlia . t.lbby. McN" & I.lhbs . Lima Ioco I -.if I Inc N V Rhtnbulldlnir . inv. Ill's 1U'4 . 4S r.'J , "J II . US 11 ' . 17 IS . 14t l"'l MV4 r..x . 774 7H !u as no tun .13S 140 .4 7 .. S l-i II .,12.x 100 Sfl'i Ml .. I.xn lsn . l.t in . Itj 7'i 7'. .147 IIS .l '11 .X2 21 l'i SM 27 114 24 ni IP. 2.1 2i IU ll'l 21V, 2 I 117 24 .17 4i 120 .17 IS t 12'a ."ill II J."l Nnr Amer Pup Pulp 4'4 (III. LM.i aloe ltd nils Httcl "t Perrleaa Motor . 4", Perfection T S. H ...!.... ' Philip Morrta 11 'a Poole r.tnf 3d Pressman Tire .. ,7,, Itetall CvtidJ SI'i Siivnld NX' Mwnld Ohio Si rlppa llooth i" Shell Trani i Ht.mdjrd Motnra . . M SUel Allflla .!. li s 17 12'i .111 8(1 lis mi 5 1 Klil.marlne ... in1" hweeta or Ama. !' I Slft lnt 7 Toll Prods 31 Todd Shipbuilding ... llll Cnlted xtotora M Cnlted Ploturea 2.1 t'nlted front Sharlnu.... 2s It Steamahlp ' XVrtitlit-Miirtln Air 4 STAMI.VKI) DII.S Illinois 17.1 Ohio 37J Prairie Pipe ... ... .2H.i Stand Oil of California... .tnr. Stand Oil of Now Jersey. 71." Stand Oil of New York... 43(1 17S 377 2H0 311) 433 IMIi:i'BMi:XT (III." Allen Oil .. . Huston Vii Oil llrnroa OH . ... Cosden A Co . . Kile Itaaln Inter Petroleum Island Oil 4. T cllnrock Oil . Homo Oil .. . Houston oil Mcrrltt Oil . . Met Petroleum . Midwest Oil . . . Ohio Fuel ". Omar OH & (las Sapulpa lUfinlna Sequoilh ... . Sinclair GuH . . Southwest Oil . t'nlted Oil 71 iivi sin 7's 4f. ? Krr'r.hTTn.S mmed nil from 77 to 7S'-... ""' 'erninny desireil to omatii oats us trlke was. of influence onl.v not as a u ,xi'i; d,,' ahort patent new Ml T.1SMJ .;.". i ,. i V.. I IIw-.ih tended 111 at 111(1 to "" "" !,-v " l'',rense In the vnsllile sup- matter of douhtfiil issue, hut of imif flrat .l.-r new. JH JSWUTS, do, l-l1 n ll. Inn lUmt will n K ' "h '" '" ''!""' )" terminate settlement. When rlolli.K JSJ;,,irlfV,a,iaixdJnrSrn,,.". - IV d Motors was raiU. In . ' ''" -'.pnly in this .ountr, now Hikes place. It Is sax retarded n the 1; V.".. f"nm S.a"$uTK "is a I, Ijnted Jli.tms was irniiui ainoiints to ID.IIl'J.IIIH. Imsliels, uKiiinst , liesinniiiK of the end. hut this should llYB r.lifii ... tn lijlit re.,u-at but '' iMii'STltlXIS ai.JIMMMMI Imsliels in the previous week tint he Insisted upon too dncmntionllv "",'"'!' ", nunte M 7 h..ffs n.. iht bir IMllSTRIAI.s M.OTS.IMMI Imsliels last vear. in the nresent in, ,wt,l,,l ,,tlT,'',i ,. rH '" "l "" to "U"M, . Il" II 'J . yh (i . 31 3.1 "'" ". . 414 4'i I IS Id', .132 13.1 21 "-j 2.1 . 2iS 2.1'4 173 17.1 , m vjs . II l"l 7S ni 'J Ilfitj ; ...' "T MINING STOChM Alaska II C M Ills: Ledge ltutte New York lli'ston Montana C P 8 . Jerome ('on Arizona first National Portuna Cona Ontdfleld Cona Ooldheld Florence . . . (loliineld KewAnna ... Ooldfleld Merger . . . . Orepn Monster . . . . llecla Mlnlns Iloue Sound ... Indppendence l.tiul llni llutler lumbo Kxtenslcn Mnctna Copper Wither l.oile . '"11 s Co nf America N'atlonal Tin MpWsIni; . . Mnv' llprcu'.iH San Toy Tonopnh Hxtenslon . I'nlted "erdo XV'est I!nd Con . While Caps IN si 77 v 30 HI 11(1 IN A .A N 1 . 17 r.11 4 4 nil 4'i 2d 1) 43 75 JN 2S 11 411 7'. UN 11 2' 1 K :" 12 J 1 1.1 2)1 IS l'i 314 in -ii IIONDS Cosdeil Oil Cm 101 I'onden & Co lis 1(11 RuHelan Government .1W R 3d Ilusalan Ooiernment 0Va 37 mi lni in 42 , BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE .New- Vi-rk. Oct. 7 UI'TTlSIl slrnd. Ile- elntii to.Nls tubs lllith-scorlim il.Xic? exlre. (14Hci flrels, nsiflnalsci eeconde. ,"1 . v,,iM,r, state neir. ya ll-tc Frch-eratliered extras. nil(!7f trenli - cnth ereil fir. la. I!3!frlt.i fM.h.ffnlha.nH nv.r i.i.vt .inxeiiieu necelti.M 1 I.T'H rane firsts H3(niei fresh-ir-thered eeennds .1SW I IIJ( dirties N'n I 4lln4Ne. Nn 41lfTlXi ' rl.erka VO 1 illftJOe linrlerr-rndu !1lll!f4ll nr.1" i M(12o, seconds r,.T!.-.'ic: atnte n noarny nennerv whites, S.TWBH. nntl'- eled whiter l!offrR2e: nut. m whiten. IIX 81c; raclflc Coast. R48i8l!c, western and southern Eathered whites. ,1ff7Rc. state snd nearby hennery browns. 7078c irath ired browns and mixed, niufilfic: fair tn n.imc iiiimii.-,i rerrlKeratCT No. I. ..Off.-iii N(;.iiH.-i-t'?r,4!!e . . . ,,o . I'llhRRt. steadv. Tlece pts 4.131 boxes Flat, current make, co'nred. axerime run. nofranlic, flat tiirient make, white, nver- Gold Withdrawn for South America New orl(, Oct. 7, Two hundred nnd fifty thousand dollars coin hus been wlthdrnwn from tho Kiil)trrHHiir.r for yhlpinrnt to Routfi America. INxSUIVVANCE Jar INxSXJIVVANCE THE wily forger la still doing business &s usual. No check you write Is safe while he finds it so easy to change the payee's name, alter the date pr raise the amount. There is only one positive protection it is our CHECK ALTERATION policy. Let us explain it. , Harris JLLatta PENNSYLVANIA BLDO. PHILADELPHIA. ri. s- JtURaiW 3,.M COVERING BY SHORTS RALLIES CORN PRICES Weather, Increased Receipts and Break in Hogs Cause ( Heavy Undertone '1HAIN llULT, fonKl'AST t'hlrnito, Ort 7 IIIhiuIs Mid Mlnurt l'ilr innlirht anil Wr-cltirsdnj'. Minnesota Hmith Dakota XrbrHSkii aril VntnlnG l"iilr Mid warmer tnnlnlit nnd Wednesday Urnnsln lnwi, Knnsns nml Montnlin l'ilr tcniaht nml VMnfilay, . winner N'orlh l)nknin fulr tonlnht nml Wnlnn iliiy. wnrmer. Cliirngo, f)ct. 7. (Irently Improved! JMntlicr conditions .for eurliiK nnd "u"v-I j ;!:;rVW"',.?T..i,rf! n,i .. Kl,nr liroak in liniri cnu.eil freer' offermcx of roni tmlny Ijnd the under-'ties 'rJS' fr- nilioil In4 Innnl luilW nml recent fti'ih-i"?. , tlir lnttor tnkliic prolH'. i1u.wim mi j ipstinjr ordorn nnd covrrinti by liort .broiiKht nhout rallies nt times. T....I, i was limited. . Tiade in onts was nanow and nrire- were sMuhtly lower lu s.vnumthv xxiil. j in it MMmf.i it iiu tint iim1i i ti'rttjn vo In tain. There was tint much pressure in. the nmiUet. but jiKcressive liu.v iiik wii iiii'MiiK. riirennsins lor eiisu'iu iniouin t led tn periods of firmness. OITerliu: from the loitntri were I.niri'r. ! e expnit liiisiness was estini.ttnl iit'uietit is of such senile that tintiiiK lit liilMHH) Imshels.. (Inry does not.iiecessnril.v nienti tlint tlie l.-adlnE futures ranited na followa vrnlkuiit in Cliieiiiro. l'lttlnu ch nml ( urn tin deliver) YeM tjnen ltluli 1.22'. 1.21 Cln.e 1 Iomi. He . 1 LMU 1 L'l -Mnv l.JlS 1.22' 1 lilts fee . 7n'n 71 lliiv 72'j 73H Pork- 1.22'i 1 23', 1.21 1 .'J 7m. 72Vs 7(1 7ll Hi 1 2(1 on t37 nn .12 37 '33 3.-. .Tan I aril 12 llll 32 70 32.37 2 I 3D 2d .1" j:l SO 2.1 S.X 14 no in in is oil 18 07 tA'ilud. 2ll 2.1 23.1.1 20 2.1 2K 37i 23 17 23 ij Jan I llllis- I mt I .Inn Hid IS 70 IS 70 !!) ; 17 r.7 17.17 IS. FINANCIAL BRIEFS llaivev 11. Merrill lias become as- xneintcifwl,,, Tnrstnirs & Co. In their bond di'iiartnietit. Mnnev in circulation on October 1 was S.-.MHS.."1.NM1. nstninst S.".7i:i. IWIMMI" Si'iiteniber 1 nnd ?."i. 7110. 1)17, u71 October 1, 11I1S. Per cnpltit cir- ' filiation in the I'nited .slates October 1. ltll'.l. was $.-(.riS, against Ml. 47 October 1. IMS. The nvertiRo price of twenty nctive Industrial stocks ndvBticed 1,7S per cent jesterday In 11.01. This Is xvithin O.ltl per cent of the. high w liter lnurl; of ll'J.2:i, made 011 July 4, vvhirh rep lesents the crest not only for the nfter witr period, but nlso for the war and pre-war times. The twenty railroads ailvnnicd 0.12 per cent to S2.-I8. Holders of S2,l."0,000 of tvvo-.veitr (1 per cent gold note of the Heading Transit nnd Light t'oinpnnj, which matured August 1, have been untitled that the principal and intcicst nt the coupon rates will be paid October 17. fiross earnings of the American Tower nnd Light t'ompnn.v for the eight months ended August .11 totaled $iri,24.",0Sl, nn IncteiiKe of Sli.r.M.NI.'t. lu the siune period net cnrulngs in creased lf"i!l,!)fl.". The Orange Trust Company, of Huntingdon, I'a.. has been admitted a member of tlie FVdeinl Reserve Itank of Thiladelliliiit. It makcx the thirt.v - niuth state huuk member. The thirty-nine state Institutions which have been admitted to member ship in the Kedentl Reserve Hank, of l'hilndi'Iphlit, hnve n combined capital of SL'L'.rilll.lSl. surplus of 4ll.(Kl,7;i!) and iiggicgdte resources of If-tl7,7."i7,"i!l.". One block of lLM'OO sluireM of I'nitcil States Steel was sold nround noon ut ll)7's It is ligureil that in the tin Co xenrs ciiilcil Hcci'iillier .11 lust. Ainerinill Woolen 1ms cm ncl ,h per cent mi the (imiiuiiii stni K. Tnnlii,.. Hie niiirniiiL. mm lie sufch desciiheil us "wilillj bullish." Ohio Cities (!ns. xxhlfli hus been quiet for sonic time, wus reported to be bought henvilt by vonie of the HtroiiKest netrolciiin und finnneinl Interests. The liicli priced nnd the luiown closely held specialties continued to furnish the most exciting pyrotechnicnl ilispluts. The shoe stritii; iniirslii spceiilntor bus no pihili'Ke to piny the present (.'nine, This is mi nitistocrntic marktt und the coiupanj is ultoKetlier too fust for liny 1 .. , . . . . 1 .,. - """' w .listen nun. , Thete Wile II Iioticotlblc Hlncl.eililllt the puce nt inldiiny wlilcli wnn nltnxetlier mi t in ni lu view nf the lienrt-brenkiiiK puce of the llrst two hours. The prin cipal tliiiiK, however, to bear in mind is Hint the trend never chunce. It wns jut-t n ense of trottinir out new fuxoritts. ' N,'t (.'I'vernment expenditures in Sep- i,...,),..!. unro l',l7 ""1 ll"l(l .. ....... in... " """' V 5jlrt. .l.tll n new low iciotd since the armistice. Mm wns Miiee then the net expenses lime run: .lime. SS0!),,'t,S(),!l.-(l j Julj, Sn7tl.'-'73.."7(l : Aueiist. S7J.,7f7.74-i. nnd September, .fli(l7i2ai,030. Anierienn visible grain Mipply : AVliont ineren.sed ,,l,217,l)(l() btiflhels, corn in erensed ll.'l.OOII bimhels, onts deereased tHS.Ofll) uiiHlirlK. Caiiitiliiiii xxlient in -erensed I.!tl8,0n0 bushels, onts ile ereused !000 buahels. The creittest Rain today wus innde in Nntionul Itisi'tilt, n stock tlint bus long been inactive but In which thorn wn heavy btiyiiiK this nioriil.iK Jlmt foiced i.u .. .. . ... . . iiw.iiin in ,,i. No one seems to have eouriiue enoiiRh now to make any effort to light the ud vimcc, but the entire speculative ele ment is instead eager to join in the ImiluR liiovemeiit and help along the up turns xvhleh xvero frequent nil through the day In many issues. LONDON STOCK MARKET Trade Brisk and Undertone Cheer, ful Mines and Industrials Spotty London, Oct. 7. Trading in securi ties iu tho stock exchange xvas brisk again today nnd the undertone of the markets xvas cheerful. A feeling of confidence xvas in evidence throughout the house. The oil group displayed tho most ut" tivity under tho leadership of Shell Transport, xvlileh xvas quoted at tl lil-lfl. Mexican Kngles reacted from tlie,top. Tho mining and Industrials shown! strength in spots. Dearer rntes for money caused tho gilt-edged section to pause, Horn? rail -xvero firm and th share of Arcntlnt ruiidu wen. in Mo. T STOCK TRADING 11 Financial Community Watching Deliberations of Industrial Conference Carefully " . FIREWORKS IN SPECIALTIES! - .. New Yoili, (let -The New Yolk nveninu Sua's iloiiiR tlnaneliil review "-: Outililc the IM of nunieroui siieelnl- wliieh were tmlny'i utoek ,,krt, '""""V" ""","!,,,,, 'il''f " """. , ...h -,..ii-,i-i m u-uuiiik miui-u till fiirtlirr Kiivr itHluntiniH m hvoaHvn nj. It v.n to hn rmctrd not linn1. Ip m1 ,,,,,, ,, t:lUrll' orr ,1P ' f . frxxnr.l wins In view m Mondny's aK- i iKr ve advanre l,j Inldnc of luollts. . V .li,,.ln ..,.. . ..i.i. a i ' News develniinient.s nvei' nlitlit and duriiiK the day were iiiite as favorahle as lierore. eontlluied itiipiovement III 1 1 1 r l'resldent's eomlltlon havliiK lieen cause. It Is Binriesteil. tlie ttrlki. mm other cetlteiH is nliout tu eimie tn nil end. dlllinuKli its 11 matter nt fnet such seems inetty neitilj to lie (lie cise. It wits hinted nt Wnsliluetnii tlint I'lesldent Wilson mlRht lie well cnoilcli to address the Industiliil confluence in session there liefore it dosed Nothing hns jet lieen done nt the conference vvhleh run lie snid to have h direct benr injt on the labor situation, hut tlie street is vvntcliliiK the deliberations cnrefnllv nnd Ik not without hope tlint soinetliiiiK ciinstructive inn.v conic of it, in the vva.v of nllnyiiiB nn.v bitterness or siisii(iiin then- niu.v be lictvveen labor ami ciiliitul lis n result of past differ ences or the pieseut struggle. Meanwhile the sccuiitics market is K. !..!...- 1 ....1 ft;" "t "fa , , "' iiiiet and imrrovv. Tlie other steels were tirin to strong, but les., aggiessive than other groups, part b the oils, motors, tobaccos nnd sugars. Aiming tlie niiscellnueiuis issues which supplied some drew ot lis were (leneral Motors, Kelly-Spriuglield Tire, Worth ington rump, Atnnrif 1111 Wuoleu, N11 tional Ilisciilt. Sliombiii'g fniburclor, Texas Oil, Kadlcott-.Ioliiison and so on. There was it fair demand for the rnlls, cspeclitll.v some of the loVvcr-priced slocks, like Missouri, Kunsas and Texils ciiiniuoii nml picferred mul Texas mill Pacific. The equipment gmup was nlso nctively bought. MONEY-LENDING RATES NEW YOKlx Money 011 call, both mixed collateral and nil Indtistiinl col lateral, opened tmlny nt 8 per cent for lending nml lenewing. The strength of the call money market has hud tin unsettling effect upon the minuet for fixed (lute funds Today. 11 per cent is strongly bid for time money lor periods of ninety ilnja .. ui. ,....,.,1.1. I.... l.,,ut..A... I.. . n.. v.. --i iii.iiiii-., .1111. uiieiin--.-. n t i-i illlii't Miiltn. tn 11 unnrottv n( nffeelm.w '.,..' 1 . 1 K , stnnity 01 ouerings. Hie high into for cull funds obviously nn- iiiii-iesi 111 p. inn- mum lie- ceptances ltutcs for ncccptnuces ure unaltereil 1'riine mercantile pit per shows slightl.v larger offering, with rates uing iug fioiu ." In riij per cent. I'llllADKU'lltA Call. .V.fiiti per cent; time, .VJJ&ll per cent; cummer- cl, 11 paper, tlirec to six months, . V ( I ;i'4 per cent, nun six luontns, U per cent. LONDON Mow-) is quoted nt J per rent. Discount lutes, short bills, -1 per icut , tluee niontli bills 4 per cent. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Oltiriul discount lutes nt tlie twelve i,',,,!,.,,,! Ucsmvc luniks wen. ns f.illim-s cn. .t column tiivcs rntes for nil 'pel Kills up In and ineliidiiiK a fifteeu- ''."J nnitill i t . Hies nil for 11 period of vixtiin to liinet iln,s. The third um fourth (oliiiniis niw the rales for dis- ciinnls nf colhitenil liiitns seeiired by ku eminent liotnls or notes.) Com I paper tlov't paper HI tn 110 10 to Oil Ifidajs days 15 dus days I tun lull New orlt . I'hllfli.elpli.a Itlchmoml , i'leelmnl . Atlanta , ChicaK . . St. I.OUIH 1 1 nno.i I a AGNN BROADENS 4Vi 44 U 4". H 4l 4U 4. Ri, 4'i 41. 4. i Kansas t'li i Dullna ' !"'n ' r,,nLl!K BANK CLEARINGS . , Haul, i IcarlliKS toda compiled with cor I , r. HiHindlni; d labl tmi i'hih miii mis hut liosiiiii m 4n .'1O.1 071 iaii.:i72.nn.i I'hiin 72.un.i.ii.'i .1.1 :ijh ( .- N V li7. 71- .'ill 077,43(1 I'llli 1K.1 loll 127 72il 111 I'd 1141 lliiltlmore 4,ri-'l.2s'l ll.,17.1.sil(l S,0IKI,27.'I Mt l.ouls 2U 2.IS 237 28,.'3H S72 . . . FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yoth, Oct. 7. The foreign ox clinu;c iimrlti t in the tirst hour toduj showed steadiness. rrnncs were the strnns feature, nintiiiiiilii; the influence of tlie iiitificiitinn of the peace tientv and tlie repoited resiiiuptioii of business with (iciiiiiinj. (Jiiotntions were in con tliet, iiccnrdliiK to xarious liuge foreign excli.inge operntorK. The differeiices In some cases aiiinunteil to several cen times. Quotations were: lleiuanil sti rll'ig 4.-1 l,s. cables l.'-'J'i ; franc cables S.:!(l, checks S.3S; Hie cables D.7S. checks II Ml ; Swiss cables ri.."(l. cheiks ." I guilder cables flS-ft. checks JiS: pesetas ( itblep 10."!', checks l!M."i: Stm kholm cnbles 4.(1.", checks -Mr.O- (Miristliinln cables i'l.S.'i. cheeks Jl.lOi Copi'iiluigen cables Ul, 7.". checks l,;,';,,: I s.-lcl,.,, , ,,l,l S.Iiri.'cheeks ,s.i;7 111111 ks 4. l.i; .xtisiriaii Kroner i.iir. In the second hour nf business, the market became weak Declines extend ed to over 11 cent In steillng und French exchange was quoted at from fi to S centimes under the preliminary figures of the morning. Italian exchange held steady, with quotations nt 11.78 for cables and H.Su for checks. Demand sterling was 4.ait and cables 4,'JIH. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Miami I'opper l'ompan. nuartfrty of ,'n crnts ft shur ja.ible Nuxembot 13 tn slo. k ot rcrnril Nut enilicr 1 Cuiliihy Pniklni I'-mnxny, vmlannunl of 3 per rent on nrefrrretl, paysttls Novrlu lier I In stni k nf r-sonl l)c olier lil. rROlne lievelopmint Oorporntton quarterly of 'i prr cent (11) nuy.ille Novembfr 13 to stork of record October 13 XVetx-r It llellbroner. Inc., 30 cents a share paable November 1 to stock of recont Oc tober 13. Kelly HprlnnncM Tire quarterly of Si ort common In cash and 3 per cent In stock, pay able. November 1 to stock of rerunl October 18, anil Initial of 2 per share on 8 per rem preferred, pa) able November l. to stock of record No 1 mber I CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS rhlro. Oct. 7 llUTTjsn Receipts. 70XT tut- Htennv. Extra. 2Wc! firsts, 31 01c. seconas 4Hicnuc. .., I. iN-Hpmi. iiuntiin -"ilasv. Firsts. . - .i .. . 4 4. fi 4 l, 4 I l 4 414 4. 4H 41. 4 I 4'. 1, 4 4 41, I 4 4". 4 l'i 4, 5 r. 4i4 .1 1 1, llj 4,35 4 1', I l'i Philadelphia MarUels GRAIN AND FLOUR Wlir.AT llrrplnta ISa,4.11 bull I rad qlllrt. Iul (irlrra Ann The mmtMttona j Cnr Inti. in pxnnrt pipwitnr mnprninpnt undM-il li-t'oitmn .tRndarrt rrir.-No. t red winter t'i 3a No I nnrthrn pfln- Ji!3H, No. 1 hurd winter 2 3. No 1 red. vtlntrr. enrllrkx B H7 No 1 red amutty I JL' an No 1 red, mirllrky nnd mu!ty J 34 1 ('lilted Htntpi llraln t'ortHirntloli a pufllljl" isf uhkat ti fit 1. i aiiail Ait llija t fit tnwdllT (!nll' tilp of iHncminti- No i! wtnnt, flc under No. i UK umiir .Nd . it tthpiii 14( umiir " 1 Tor nil whmi otherwise cunfnrmlnn to Ihn t.Ai.lllitn I Inn. nf V.. .1 i.l hotter. DUt rii(lrlitit in lest ilht. Hie discount from the No. ,1 rrke will 1 ftv per tmnhel for est h SMroUW'J ,,',V VLtlJXX VnrlPiiry in tru uHRhlB will ho boimht on ill- innrlii Ktnnttt vO.nat Will tif rlldCnUlltfU 1 rt fiit-A1tlr .ii Ihd ,1lar.i. nf sseiliif tlttt ifl tilt rase Ires than ic per lunl tiniier tho cor- rfsnoniiini; recuiiir prune uarn:a wiir... will It dlrrnunted Jml heritofori' '.'u Vr Imshrl fnm Hie rrcnlvr urnil" Mlxril whfat lll lie illaraunted Iroin l!o In .V, ccordlnii tn quality nnd lonilltlun or mtxturra. uul tnleaM otliTtar lnitruitnl the trade mav J;;unt on r.ur tnitinu No jf mixed w.ut J , !(,t ().,onr,i flrn, nt ), , ..j ,K,lnts n(!t rSiKHrftM;..!' - " anil nrl. p rrc nminhll um hunupil quote pt t.i rr litn for loi'iii tr,i'Jf,1-li7 iVo, kpoi. nmninBi M17." por bwh J,', .'.""lui', ffin'uK odprioica vvi- iiiotf.nir lota " ' lr"- N(, , uh ,ii;it s -J white, $ ' ' ' '' ." N' 4 im miii i . ..i.. M(i itPAU .m.l 111 IIUHI1TV Hntl III Mlinil l' Hllivr i-iiAtin n..iiitt. vnA ltit-i-pl mid Tint mil iiiiiiiula In mk Tin rr wua little tnidltltf hut nrlui. were (Irmly held rim nuntiitlona tolliiw lVr litw ins pnikeil In l i i-iii. line s irKa nil r pirinaui. ...n. PROVISIONS The malUet ns nulet mil some kinds were easier ljuntiitlons llef In acts, ainnkcd und nlr-drled .14. . beef knuekles and lenders smoked and nlr-drled ... pork. fnmll. .ISc. hams. S I' cured, loose. .11 Hi lc do. sklnniil. loose. 2stfSlr, do do, son ked. Suit Dili, hams boiled boneless. 4Hi .Pli'llle shoulders .1 1' lUied. loose Jlr, do smoked. 22e, bellies In Mrkle. loose. Jde. breuklnat baron Il7i , lard, llllc REFINED SUGARS There was practleallv notlilnir offered and his restricted business Trkps were uti thaimed on n basis of In for Hue Krantllaleu DIARY PRODUCTS lil'TTIJIt Deinund llnht and iln market for tine rinni't .i 'n ' lo-r under wenkir outside inMies Prints Her unihanited Uuolations CieunT raw hlBh-siorlnir. foods. ililVt i (IsNt .:'xtrn 1154 r. extra firsts irjtllii flla'" " dli siconds. ,11 ifl. 14c. iniimn h tn f.vnc. 117'n (il 11114 1 filr to Komi oS'v o IlilVie. prints Jobblnu at 72Hi74. fir r.imv and S(.(71c, for fair to Buod i:OOH Dimnnil "as Inlrn in live for tie stnik nnd the market ruled sti ad villi llsht ofrerliiBs IJuotitlnn" l'i" chsps nearby llrsta. 110 20 per trate. ni arb ; ur rent terelpn, SIS do fair to Bond Hi lull 1H, western extra llrsta 111) 2U tlrsts Jl in is. CO nearb and v stern si onds llll .(I !lU7 111. Inferior lots loVM r. fimv si le led CKKS Jnbblus' ni 71 " 7.1c pi r doiill CHKI3M. - Jleinand Mis fair and aluea were well sustained Willi supplier under ood control Quotations New X'oik. vhole milk nuts, fanrv. 31 S2c. Talr to kimi.1. HON U alNc, XVlseonsIn whole milk, (am lll'.i ralr to pood. H' Jobblnff sals of rano Boodi, .12'. B:i3i POULTRY l.lK The market ruled Aim will) " Bond outlet for the limited receipts of lino atock The quotations I'owls na to qual ity 2.TII.IHC. cllkkens. as to nu.illls. 2oW am roosters 2:t4f24c. ducks, white l'eklll. 30e, do, Indian Itunner. J7(2lle; plueons. old per pair, 304i':i.1i, do juuiik. per pair. "' DrtHHSKI) Demand wua fair and prices were well maintained on all desirable atock. limitations- Fresh-killed dr-pllked III Isnea welKhlmr I lbs and over npn-ie. .Stic weiRhltn: :t4 lbs . :ilfe:t3.. welzhliu .1 ; lbs i. 27Cll 2IU. amnller sites 2l5f.'llc towls. rresh kllleil. in bbla, drv-plckeil neUhlnic 4 Iln and over apiece Use, ftvlshjnir .14 lbs . Hiiii.lJe. uvmhlnit a Iba 2HW27t smaller sires. 23Sf2.1i;. old roostera dry-Picked 24c. broilers, Jersey, lee-packed JOHl JMi do other nearbv chnlto Ice-pucked. HiIJi' sc. ordinary to Bou.l ." yn1", ,dece 3.1 i hue: do western Ice-nacked, 1 .. V.lln.. 1 neihiiuiH ..v.. . "- , ,, . , ft i western, milk-fed thlikfns. I2,t0 liilX. 1 1 UIll, unilor to ,,,,, por 4i i.;e. is, 10 21 lb to dozen, per lb 42ail3e. 2.1 L. ve2' 10s upieie .eiou. , .-. -- , - --n2. . . :13,. :17 , 40 ,b. in ,i.M iii.r in . .tHffraic 43 to 47 lbs to dozen p-r lb. 3lttfl87c 4S lbs and over to dozen, ah V 411c. kprlnu duckllnns nearbj as (n uuallo XIV. 'Ilk siiuftbs, per dozen white weluhlnir 11 to 12 lbs per dozen h . ,.(IW 11 2S, white welithlnit 11 to 10 lbs per iloren. 17 inns 2,1 white vvelvhliiK s lbs pir dozen lilt) 11 "o. do iln 7 lbs to dozen, f I ,1il,1 2.1 do do llJIll1 j lbs to dozen. . .. .. -.. ., , ., I -. ,n,ull iilli. 1 No 3 J .ili'd a ..ii iinrii. i ,1'iu--,.. u.,.a line !-- FRESH FRUITS The ceneral market ruled nrm with fair dem.ind nnd moderate offerljiBs. "e nunte: Apples, per b,iket, .lOiifl iu, Ji..l";j liuKh -hamper. 1 5f --'." . d'. Per bbl.. .l .mff U Cranberries, Jerw-. per bid . "r,l'l',r I'nntaloupes. western per flat trale. ll 15(1. do per standard .crate . -' ;' I'cars. Ilnrtletl. per lmh. 'J 304. do Sukcl. per bush. $2.'.04Tr. Urapes. Ton cord, per pon-busket. USttSlc. du Mailtira per Kiiiy-li.iBket, L'Jc Lemons, per box. ).' il.'iilT :i"i Orninia. I'nllforlil.i per box K .Soil 7 VEGETABLES rl an. s onions nnd cub'iaKe 'i iiulft and piiiis tiiMired buxirs We uuult Whin pntatiii-s i,iurb. imi li.ifki L Nu 1 IHicli 11.13, lower KrudoB. OSfir.c Uhlu pol.i tins. n r l.ill lh K.icks Mm 13. do Pennil. per ml, J 3ili .' lni Sweil potiitoi s .Soulhiril No 1, Pr bbl .ll3J3 No . per bbl. fjtl2.1!3. Jnrst). per basket S.iein 1 abbaHe. N J . per banket 4lll7Se. do N Y domestic, per ton. '.'.Xm3n. do. Dun lull per ton. $SvM Onions N J Pir bushel hamper. lff2. do. per tnu-lb sacks. J'.'.,'.llK3. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York. Oct. 7. The continued strength in Hruzil led to renewed cov ering in the loeni conee mnrm-i iuis( morning and first pi ices were 17 to '."1 points higher. Tlie realizing eiicnunleii d on the opening advance of 17 to -") points wns soon nlisorbed und pmes winked higher, with active months selling ut 1 the lli-cent level, or about llll to ."."i noliits net hiehrr. This innde new high ground for the movement und 1111 advance of about li.'tU to li.'ll points from the low levels of hist mouth There appeared to be a little more coffee for sale at the higher prices and trading wns moderatelj active tovvnul midday. Tlie udviiuces icporlcd in the Ilia ziliitu nuiikets during the Inst 1I115 or two have evidetrtl.x mine impression on sentiment, although business was luiiillv broad enough to indicate 11 levlval of i-'eneinl conimi-sion bouse busimss or mi) niutcrlal improvenieiit in spot demand. 11 00 Yes close Open 11 m September 10 ll.T l."i"5 Ocloir Mt tZ, Xoember IT. 7."i Dei-ember 1." Til 1.1 KT I'iW lunuiir m 711 February 1." "ll March r. h -. Ml mi is tin April 15 11.1 Mns 1.1 ill 1.1 si June . . 1.1 ill Julx ... 15 il.l 1.1 SI Mllil Torn" HONOLULU A Most Attractive Cruise NEW YORK to HONOLULU Via Panama Canal and San Francisco by the S. S. MATSONIA (17,000 tons displacement) the well-known Steamer do Luxe of the MATSON NAVIGATION CO., OF SAN FRANCISCO sailing from New York about Nov. 25. Rooms with private baths, brass bedsteads, electric fans, the best of everything that makes for modern comfort. Fares New York to Honolulu, minimum, $315 Fares New York to San Francisco, minimum, $225 Passengers returning from Honolulu to San Francisco by the same stenmer may retain their accommodations for the entire trip. Write at once for folder and full particulars THOS. COOK & SON 225 SOUTH BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA Oil 'AN V TOUKIBT AND BTUAJIHIT AQKNOV FREE SALES BY SOUTH FEATURE IN COTTON l i Won tho r nnrl UnTaVorat3le VVeiltlier ancl Strong Cables Induce Wall Street Buying ( hthi.v nnir wnATiinn 'nimtioss Nr lorl.. Oct 7 The foMrmlnjr ("tn iiTitntf (f finrtTAii in th rotton bfllt tht mnrnlnc N'nPhUll. ti, Mpmrhln nntl oiiUtionin (lt. 00 Tori iSmlih Lit tip llnrli nntl At. in tu fl4 Shrrvtrnrt. Vlcks i urn nnu utrnn Monitrnmrr). fl Thunrt Mli nnd Wllmlnitlnn. Tn Rm lohlo V2 t'rnnjiroln Hnntmnh nn.1 Jnek -nUll" 74 (lalWRton Niw Orlcnnn unil ( Imrl slnn 70 i'nrinm Chrtntf SO Tho miiow incr prrripuntiiii wns frrrnpil At Knti. na cn-put fhrlMI 'JO (Inlvtuton, 3( nnd Hnn Antnulo, M New York, Oct. ". The eotton mar- While the South was rather 11 free Keller. Wall street bought on the strong ' rubles ami unfavorable weather, con sisting rliiell) of the rains In the south- , wtst where picking Is in progress. The eurl.v advance cntrled the rr.nrket up tu .'12.1s for December, or 12 points 1 net higher and 1SS points above the low levels of Snturdit.v illuming. Tlicie was enough leallzlng In cause reaction of' 10 or 12 points later, but tiade interests 1 were Ini pi h and offerings were well enough nlisorbed In give the market 11 xer.v sternly undertone ilusiness tupoied off on the declines. I iliillc.'iling the absence of mil iiEirres stvel bearish sentiment. The teceipts at Hie pints for Hie da aie estimated nt 2,0111) bales, ugnlnst 2(1, IU I bales a week ago, :tS.!)7:t bales a .vear ago nnd i"i2,-l7"i bales two jears ngo. II no t 3n Ve. dine l men ii in i m October 1'ei ember .lanuxrj Vlarch April Vlnv lul" 31, 77 31 SO 32 11 32 (llHl 3J 1 1 32 2.1 SJ 37 32 31 3J lMn 32 22 32 4(1 32 12 .12 2.1 ITS! HI aj 411 32 IW .12,14 3 J 1.1 32 304(32 3.1 32.4S 32 2.1 3J HI TuRBiHE5-?m?s-lmm-Boim LCANlf Pnvtlann iaman 1 UI UIUIU VlwlIllvSll Philadelphia New York Boston Chas. J. Webb & Co. Wool and Cotton Yarns UG Chestnut St, Philadelphia. Pa. NAGLE STEEL COMPANY STEEL PLATES AND SHEETS Pottstown, Pu. Phila. Oflice, 1411 Morris Building JULIAN S. SIMSOHNI An Organisation o! ' CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Tor Technical Operation of Power riant 1 srr. TJiiflflrsnitnn C-ft I A nalnn ' Combustion S. E. Cor. Broad and Girard Ays. RODDY & GAMBLE Sanitary Engineers Industrial Plant Sanitation Clinical & Analytical Laboratory Water Treatment & Purification Medical Arts Building, Phila. O. W. KETCHAM Maniifartnrer of Architectural Terra Cotta, Bricks Hollow Tile, Etc. THE BALDWI ocomotiveWorks Steam and Gasoline LOCOMOTIVES Philadelphia, Pa. There are openings in nearly all branches for skilled mechanics. Steady work; good wages; excel lent working conditions. A large number of the ways are covered. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION CAMDEN, N. J. Apply at Employment Department at the Yard DRAVO-D0YLE : Classic and Modern Stvler In METAL CEIUNGri TIDEWALLJ PEMN METAL (EMPANJM Manufacturer oJtteet Iron and Steel Building Material .5 Wharton 5treetf.Phito, IMPACO CEMENT AND BRICK COATING FOR STUCCO-CEMENT OR BRICK ALSO CEMENT FLOORS Will Itttisl Water, Oils and GreaMt IMPERIAL PAINT CO. 151 8 Sansom Street, Philadelphia srnAxumr niitickw PassertKcr and Frelcht Services NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL Cnrmnnin Oct 8 Orduna Oct. 25 NOV. 29 Vnsnri Oct Zl NEW YORK TO PLYMOUTH, CHERHOURG nnd SOUTHAMPTON Mnurctania Oct. 28; Nov. 22 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH nnd HAVRE Roynl George Nov. 1; Nov. 29 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH nnd CHERBOURG Caionia Nov. 1 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH, HAVRE nnd LONDON Saxonia Oct. 16; Nov. 15 NEW YORK LONDONDERRY GLASGOW Columbia Nov. 8; Dec. 3 BOSTON to GLASGOW Scindia Oct 14 PHILADELPHIA to LIVERPOOL Crown of Castile Oct. 8 Verbania Pet 22 PHILADELPHIA to LONDON Vennonia Oct 28 PLilarlelnhia-Bristol ( ATE,outh' Copenhagen Oct 2Z V1 Pier 16 South moo x-.xi.mjt ST.. iiiii.AnrxrniA State Bank of Philadelphia Fifth and Bainbridge Sta. STEAMSHIP TICKETS ASNC-LINES MONTHLY FREIGHT SERVICE TO MEDITERRANEAN AND BLACK SEA PORTS Marseilles Barcelona S S Susquehanna SAILING ABOUT OCT. 15 From Pier D, Port Richmond Alexandria-Constantinople Piraeus Galatz A Steamer SAILING ABOUT OCT. 20 From Cherry St. Pier FOR SPACE & RATES APPLY AMERICAN STEAMSHIP NAVIGATION COMPANY REAL ESTATE TRUST BLDG. THI.. WALNUT 300 I'UOA. JAVA-PACIFIC LINE Direct SERy,cB I HAN FRANCISCO TO , NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES i llat.11 Is, homsrnnr. PotrubsU, Mclr Fast Cargo Line I S B. DII.I.ITON. b. 8, SOERAKABTA. SI S. BINTANO. S. 8. TJISAIAI6 J. r. prfck-l & llros. Co.. Ota. Affts. Office. 2 rtnn Bt . Ssn Francisco S T Offtcf IT nnttsry PI, H.E.Dumstt.Aft. I. F. C. LINES IMIH.AIiEI.VIIiA MH'Tll AMERICA llnennii Aires and Itlier l'late Torts S. S I.uells ' Oct. 15 "S s Mooselmuslc" i . Nov. 15 IIUAZII.IAN TORTS S S ParKersxllle" ...Oct. 18 VRKNCII ATLANTIC TORTS ". 8 Bhunnock" . . Oct. 10 s H Halvatlon Lass' .. ..Oct. 20 s S. Casper" . ..Oct. 80 TiiRorr.ii iiii.i.s or latum; issued Tor !pnee anil Rntes Applr to INTERNATIONAL FREIGHTING CORPORATION 170 IlrnnilMiiy New ork I'll. Corllnnilt 7750 I.ufaj-etle. nulldlat I'hlladelphla Lombard 383VS6SI J EARN LINE Philadelphia Havana GENERAL CARGO (J. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers S. S. "LAKE FLUVANNA".. Oct. IS S. S. "LAKE GALERA"....Oct.27 For rates and particulars apply ts Earn Line Steamship Co. 432 llullltt Hide, Philadelphia Merchants & MinsrsTrans. Co Operating Frslflit and Fsumim Bttamsnips in rvauiar aarvHHi between Uoston and Philadelphia noston ana narrow n . uoston ana iiaitimor D.n.lil.H.. n NabII. I'royldenee and Ilaltlmor '"i I'hlladelplila, HaTannnli and JlacktoaTtii ' " jianimoro ana noriotsi 3 lMtlmora and Uoston -. Heaps nor and I'roTldene BaKImor flaTani.nli and atal(eiiIBs ran ItilomiatKa- a ima.fL; $$$. ' 34i6nc: ordinary first likt J p. Kni !,- m weKwiAJXtaflfy.ttiK, pa. ?-T 1 P.1!' cinujeoys, laiBosin . m ,i . rm vi . -;., o ; d .FyJ - v .i - t i: . .-c-k jmoKmkY. .vx .! ."H rtf -i i. & . , 'YKik". 'ACxftaiajw. ., fr.. ... .'i H ..,1 SW 4, ..'. J $u ,i ' ; , , . . r :. xiVC) mis-