c- ufi JSVlN.LN(jr 1JUJ3L1U LRDUEK PHILADELPHIA, AlO-NHAY, UGTOBEli 0, 1919 Id w COMPROMISE ENDS BRITISH RAIL STRIKE Trainmen Return After Love Feast With Premier Sorv- ice Nearly Normal f WIN MINIMUM WAGE FIGHT Hy the Associated Tress I-onilon, Oct. 0. Great Riltnln's railway sjstcm was again in operation today ns the result of the settlement yesterday of the crcat" railway strike, which apparently had brought the coun try nlmost to the brink of n revolution. Virtually every man engaged in rail way work in London returned to his duty before 0 o'clock this morninc. The arlous rail services did not speedily reach the normal state, however, be cause of the displacement of the rnil- SofcWay's material that naci resuiteu irom the suspension ot wont. In the country districts also the re sumption uas general, except In the 'outlying districts, where telegrams an nouncing the settlement and ordering the men back to work could not be de livered last night. The railway companies promised to day that virtually regular service would be in operation on their lines tomorrow. The settlement was the result of n long confeience between a tradc nnlon delegation, including representa tives of the Knilwaymen's Union, nnd l'remicr lAOn oeorge nnu imurew llonar Law in the famous conference room in Downing street.. Prior to this there was a cabinet meeting. The official terms of the settlement, in the nature of a compromise, follow : "First. Work shall be resumed im mediately. "Second. Negotiations will be re sumed on the understanding that they shall be completed before the end of the year. "Third. "Wages will be stabilized at the present level until September 20, 1020, and at any time after August 1 they may bo leviewed in the light of circumstances then existing. Minimum Wage $12.75 n Week "Fourth. No adult railwayman in Great Britain shall receive less than fifty-one shillings a week whHo the cost of living is 110 per cent above the pre-war level. ., "Fifth. The railway unions agree that their men iwlll work harmoniously with the men who returned to work or who remained at work during the strike. Ndr shall there bo any vic timization of strikers, "Sixth. Arrears of wages will be paid on resumption ot work." After the announcement of the set tlement of the strike Prima Minister Iilnvd Qcorgo paid n visit to the king. The conference in Downing street was n very friendly affair. All pres ent seemed to anticipate a settlement, and after Premier Lloyd George had explained the new terms he lett tho delegates to discuss them. When the luncheon hour arrived the premier sug gested that all stay, instead of sep arating. A raid was made on the Downing street commissariat, and, finding It equal to the needs ot the largo party, n jovial meal followed, the premier's secretaries carrying the joint and assisting In carving It, while jokes flew around the table. Labor leaders Satisfied Leaders of the national union of iall wajmen, who directed the strike which was settled yesterday, declare their sat isfaction with the arrangement In mes sages to the Herald, organ of union labor. "Tho men stood four-square, deter mined to secure victory or go down together," declares Secretary Thomas. "Tho settlement brings home great gains." He nppeals to railwaymcn to con soldiate their organization and make their forces stronger than ever so as to "gain for all members a higher standard of life." C. T. Cramp, president of the union, says: "While wc did not obtain the for mula we set forth in the strike resolu ilnn. ui. nhtnlned terms equally good, which will gUc the rallwajmen the same thing in effect. Our men have broken the back of tho first attack made upon the entire worKing ciass. nnd no doubt this splendid stand will save w oi kern from a degraded standard of life." ,T. Bromley, secretary of the Society of Firemen and Engineers, asserts: "The settlement is highly satisfactory. There is greater value in it than ap pears at first sight." Flood Destroyed Most of Town Mexico City. Oct C Advices ic ceived here shv that two -thirds of the town of Tonnla, in the state of Chiapas, was destroved as n result of the Hoods late in September. Sixtv bodies have been recovered, but they are believed to be n very small fraction of the aggregate of dead. Many inhabi tants, driven to the hills, are reported to be dving of starvation or exposure. L DUCA D'AOSTA SI RECA IN FIUW1E II Valoroso Duco Chiedo a D'An nunzio di Attendoro la De cisiono Degli Alleati Tublliht'l unci nitlrlbulrd Under PEHMIT NO. 8l. Aulhorlrnt by tht ct of Oetok.r . 1017 on m t th ros'oMea ot Phllt. dtlnhU. Fa. Ily order of. ihp rrMnt a s num.KsoJ. ToalmnMer O.n.rM Pnrlfl, 0 ottobrc. 11 Duca D'Aosta, secondo notlzlc giunte da llonm, si e' rccato n Fiume per incarico del Governo Itallano, alio scopo dl chledcre a D'An nunzio di non estendcro 1c onernzionl Intorno nlla citta' e dl nttendere la decision degil Alleati rclatlvamento alia sltuazlonc. Itoma, 0 ottobrc. Dai rnpportl rice vuti dal Minlstro dclla Marina risul terebbe chc un solo colpo fu tlrato contro il aporc "Kplro" nci prcssl dl Cattaro, la scorsa scttlmana. II copol sarebbc stato sparato da un marlnalo serbo, 1ttalia ha ottennto I la punlzione del eolpevole, chc era un volontnrlo dl guardla ad uno del forti di un'lsola, o la sostltuzionc del volon I tari con truppc regolarl scrbe. Parlgl, 0 ottobrc. Un dlspaeclo da Homa reca chc oggl sara' firmato II decreto realc che ratifica il trattato di pace con la Germanla Flume. 3 ottobrc (ritaulatol I.e gloni dl tagarre dl Fiume stauuo incl tando I soldati delle armi regolarl its lianc n dlnertare ed unirsi nlle for7e dl D'Annunio, Tali ragazze staionano ad Abbazia cd in altrl punti dclla llnea d'armlstizlo. I.e ragazze usclrono da Fiume con carrl automobili c dovettero segulre un lungo itlncrarin per stugglre alia sortegllanza del cnrabinleri ltallanl, scagllonatl trn lc forze regolarl Itallane a quelle dl D'Annunzlo. In segulto all'opera dl dctte ragazze, Interl bat tagtloni, compreso uno di bersaglleri ed un nltrn di mltraglleri, postarono dalla parte dl D'Annunzlo. Ilonia, (I ottobre. Un dispacclo da Spalnto nll'Idca Narlonale ma die durante I recent! disordini in Trau, gli jugoslavl hauno distrutto lo pro prieta' itallane e maltrattato gli lta llanl che Ivl si trovavano, II dispacclo uggiungc: "Una ragazra Italians fit ucclsa in strada perehe' aeva agitato unn ban dioia Itallana I mariaiii itollanl chc sbnrcarono per i rifornimenti furono "cortatl da quelli americani, nllo scopo di CKsere protctti contro gli Insultt da parte della folia.'- 1,'ldea Xazlonale pubbllca una pro posta per ina soluzione del problems dl Fiume. preparata nel luglto scorso dall'Istoriografo amcrlcano II, Nelson (.ay, del Massachusetts, ora rcsldente a ronia. Mr. Gay durante la gucrra compl ADVERTISEMENT ADVBRT1SEME?T The ultimate test by which a "business stands or 'falls is that of service. If service is prompt nnd efficient, satisfied customers return to buy again. . If a salesman is indifferent or discourteous, they go elsewhere. It is with a great deal of pride that a Chestnut Street merchant will tell you (and back it up with action, too) that one of the chief principles upon which the success of the Chestnut Street Shops has been founded is the prompt and courteous attention given to cus tomers by the salespeople in these stores. A DIMINUTIVE pagoda perched perilously on the side of a mountain in a manner alto gether Japanese forms an interest ing detail in the decoration of a floor lamp which I saw at the store of H. D. Dougherty & Co., 1632 Chestnut Street. An attractive shade on another floor lamp; has a classic decoration of leaves in a border at top and bottom. On another, a bright-hued 'parrot disports itself on a bough of apple-blossoms, happy, no doubt, in finding a spot where it might say exactly what it pleased. A carved candlestick, painted in shades of soft dark green and mul berry, would look equally well with cacved French Gothic furniture or with the lacquered Chinese Chippen dale. It has a parchment Shade painted in subdued colors. FEW people know what a vaiiety of fruits are obtainable at this season of the year. I was really amazed at the wide range of choice afforded by the new arrivals at the i store of Henry R. Hallowell & Son, Broad street, below Chestnut. Hot- -houso grapes from Colmar, Belgium, look very tempting. Then there are the Winter Nelis and the Cornice Peas 'two very delicious varieties and the Delicious Apples from Pennsylvania, which, like the Honey Dew Melons, live up to their name in all respects. Hallowell's still have some of those luscious Japanese Plums from California and Alligator Pears from tropical Florida. Assem bled in a gift basket, these fruits make a most acceptable remem brance for any occasion. The bas kets can, of course, like the loose fruits, bo shipped safely by parcel post, special delivery. AVE you visited tho new hosiery department on the first floor of Oppenhcim, Col lins & Co. store? If youthaven't you will bo just as delighted as" I was to discover it, for you will -find there every kind of stocking needful to complete your varied toilettes. There are plain glove silk Btockings for wear with your tailored suit and stockings with .embroidered clocks, nnd there are very effective lace and openwork clocks, too. With tho re turn of short skirt3 even tho most conservative of us are considering embroidered stockings. One pair at Oppenhelm, Collins, embroidered at the instep, has a merlallion of lace inset. For evening wear there, are stocklnrjs of gold and silver and silk Btockings with lisle tops in all shades. ttzfbrymJks frcxA TO SAVE you the trouble and general inconvenience attend ant upon the cleaning' of the sink every time you wash your dishes, the Amico Sink-Protecting Dish Pan has been invented. It is made of copper-bearing tin plate, which means that it is rust resistant, and rubber legs protect the enamel of the sink against scratches. A stopper in the bottom of the pan can bo removed, allowing the water to run out through a strainer drawer, which catches any refuse. One fea ture that especially appealed to me when I inspected the pan at the store of J. Franklin Miller, 1612 Chestnut Street, is that after you have washed your dishes you can leave the stop per out, run hot water over the dishes in the pan, and they will be ready to dry. IF YOUR wedding stationery beais the name of Bailey, Banks & Biddle, you can be sure of' the excellence 'of its quality as well as of careful workmanship in every de tail of engraving. The importance of making certain of the correctness of such small details as the color and texture of the paper, the style of let tering, etc., need hardly be dwelt upon, when one considers the number of eyes which gaze upon a wedding invitation or announcement. It is an indication of your own good taste, as well as a compliment to your friends, to select wedding stationery of the ouality sold by Bailey, Banks and Biddle Co. Envelopes will be mailed upon receipt of tho order, if you so desire, so that they can be stamped and addressed. WITH the advent of chill fall days we arc beginning to ap preciate again the comfort of the fireside. What is more sooth ing and soul-satisfying than to sink into an armchair before a roaring fire, prop your feet on the fender and listen to a song such as "My Ain Folk," an old Scotch folk-song with a wealth of melody in it, interpreted by an artist such as Maggie Teyte? This pleasure can bo yours if you own an Edison. Phonograph, and if you do not you will want to hear this re-creation on tho New Edison at tho store of N. Stetson & Co, 1111 Chestnut Street. In Stetson's win dow I noticed a wonderfully carved oak caso modeled according to the furniture of the Elizabethan period. It will surely appeal to all lovers of fine old English furniture . I HAD tho privilege a fqw days ago of viewing a collection of greeting cards for the coming holiday season. They surpassed anything I have yet seen in tho courso of my personally conducted shopping tours. As I selected, ono after another, tho cards that particularly appealed to mo, I suspected that some kind spirit must have read my thoughts, so well did design and wording combine, to express the thoughts I had in mind, yet found so difficult to put into words. Those cards will be on display this week at the storo of Frank J. Curry, 812 Chestnut Street, and t , I assure you that they will please tho most critical and exacting taste. You ',wi liava o seo tnem to apprcciato tnem, jpr tno collection is too varied 4n.u,i.ilui In" Jafll f "( "- "V W'Ffww. ? "The -FAIRBANKS Company O. K. our guarantee your protection $fr , Scales Fairbanks Scales are known In all parti of the world. TherelsaFairbank Scale for every uie. Automobile and Service Station Equipment Labor -Savins and profit -making ma chines and tools for garages and service stations. Power Transmission Everything for the mechanical trans mission of power ready for prompt delivery. Engines and Pumps Oatoline, kerosene and heavy oil en gines, and new type Super-Dictels. Also full line of pumps, concrete mixers, awing outfits, hoist and air compressors. THERE is a growing ten dency among all indus tries to purchase mechanical equipment and supplies from The Fairbanks Company. This is because they have learned the value of "The Fairbanks Company O. K." which covers all of our products. "The Fairbanks Company O. K." is the guarantee of The Fairbanks Company, an organization which for many years has served the mechanical needs of the in dustrial markets of the world. This guarantee is your pro tection, because it assures you of quality products prompt delivery service fair prices and dependable after service. All the lines at this Branch House are complete and car ried in ample stocks. Why not get in touch with us today? Mill, Mine and Railway Supplies The Purchasing Agent's department tore everything to meet the needs of all industries. Machine Tools Highgrademachine tools and alt types of accessories. Valves Complete stock 'of the well-known Fairbanks Valves for use in all places where valves are required. Truck and Wheelbarrowi Trucks and wheel barrows for use in every Industry. Also electric tractor and trailer trucks, ele vating trucks and drag scrapers. Telephone to THE FAIRBANKS COMPANY Arch and Seventh Streets Philadelphia, Pa. Bell Market 2210 'Keystone Main 1715 IIISTIUCT OPriCKS WU.MINOTON, DEL. 1 Kurd Building TnnNTo.v. n. J. American Mechanics I)ull4lnr Branches in 22 Principal Eastern Cities The FAIRBANKS Company - W5f aikLLfit .. .. t.Tlt ' U " ". t .1. dtihieil .3 a " .V- "",-' T- ' J tH-v. - t. "V '" NaMRaVBM i r -' ,. -n Z' t un ntttvo lavoro per 1 soccorsl In Italia ed II suo proRctto dl prrscntnlo nlla con icrenxa delta pace, prima dl quello dl Tnrdleu, ma il Presidents Wilson non voile nccettnrlo. II proicetto stablllva cho Kiumo ed 11 locale porto Morefano esscrc assegnatt all'Italla c cbe un porto lnIernazlonale con 1 ferrovlo da Flume ad Agram c da Flume a Saint rctcr dovera csscre nmmlnlitrAto dalln Iga dello Nnr.Ionl. Con tale progeU , sarebbcro stale sccondnte le idee det" 1'resldente 'Wilson, quello cW dl dare uno stocco nl Jugoslav! cd at resident! del vlclni statl. ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. -AaWaJteMtWaWrfaWHJoSat, STORES CO nnuYix; F '"f W -P-Wfr ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. 1 . ... -.- .. . . . .. . J. .. Take Advantage of Ouy Producer-to- Consumer Plan and Furnish Your Table Direct, Thus Making Your Dollars Do Their Full Duty! The relation that we occupy as direct receivers of the products of the farm, the dairy, the manufacturer and packer, enables us to do for you what is not possible for the merchant who is dependent upon the middleman. Let us prove to the satisfaction of your pocketbook what direct marketing, as developed by the American Stores Company, is doing. A n'8 RPQnoiuith Dnrl Bie 1 ft, , Grade uuuno mill ruiHCanXa2c Carefully selected, big nutritious beans, cooked, ready to serve. A delightful to- ,. nmw BKuto uaaeo. to give them zest. Lard 32" . .JJIIA. it" sF1 "ovu sw . Farina S&- -O.V.. . .,.-,'-- X. 9C :$& tffP r Asco" ( Maearoni ) ttaat Pure Twenty per cent, reduction from high price levels. Finest quality, none better .mnde. 11 A .. S o- 7 ' cornstarch - J Choice Peas n 14C A dozen $1.60 Sweet and tender. Wonderful value, unusual quality. You will do well to buy .a case or two. r Special Price on Sugar Corn Extra Fancy Very V, rfira3?16' This is our regular 18c corn .fancy, sweet and tender. r N. B. C. Soda Biscuit j7clb Kreh nnd crlip Just out of thf otem Elkhorn Brand Kraft Cheese c tin Known as American Cheddar the very finest made. New Fall Goods Best Pure Apple tfl Butter, lb iC Beat Pure Honey, H n Aunt Jemima A r Pancake Flour, pkg.lTtC Snider's Catsup, -, bot IOC Karo Table Syrup, A "Lyknu" Furniture Polish 21 c bot If tou would hfe jour furniture look like new, me I.j-!.nu "Asco" Rolled Oats 10 c phg Bie packaged nC the best white oats grown. J Our Ej)n TPrton ik ICC Very vK 1C19 1U 'Stl 12c ',,-lb. pke.'; 23c i-U. plig. Exquisite flavor, full, heavy body. The drinking qualities in every respect un usual. The very choicest cup you eer , drank. jT SCir Wb n&A .. OftrV, v;ry oesi umtx D w If you would know what true coffee enjoyment and satisfaction mean try this blend. More people break their fast on "Asco' than any other in Jour btates. Use Eerjday Eiap. Milk.... big can 14c r lt..nt.ltlHllllll-lll1---lf "-""S"" H.-W.-.H.t..M.ll"'ll'"l''f " - Washday & Cleaning Needs Laundry Soap biff cake 5c Gold Dust Washing Powd., pkft. 4'2c-28c "Asco" Ammonia bot. 8c "Asco" Bluinp; bot. 5c Sunbrite Cleanser . . ..can 4'ic Young's Pearl Borax ekap..cake 8c Young's Pearl Borax Pwd., pkjr. 12c Washing Soda lb. 3c Chloride Lime can 10c Lux pkg. lie Extra Good Brooms.. each GOc, 70c Inscctine can or bot. 10c Lje can 12c Enamel Buckets each 35c Best White Beans ,b- 10c Choice String Beans nn 12'2c Calif. Tuna Fish 25c t...ltl.lll-lllltlll'Mlll-tH.t..l W.Bit-"i"l''-a ---- Schimmel's Salad Dressing1 . . .h0, 14c -i..i...Hi.m' .-. e.i-n.a. ... .. ... ..... IfItc.TTfi Florida Oramre Alarm 111 II flf1 blC r 8c - nt) ..) . ! M""-"iHt..m.. Fancy Globe Onions ,h' 5c Quaker Corn Flakes pktr- 9c "Asco" Baking Powder, n 5c, 9c, 17c 1 ..HHa)HH-t----" ' B-----"-'"'""""", Better Bread and More of It for Less Money HiB ykfor The Unmatchable Loaf High-grade flour, pure sugar, pure sweet milk and" the best of every necessary ingredient is the answer for Victor Quality. Victor Raisin Bread ii 1O0 I'rppcrvtl lull ot Luicloua nalilni. Tho Klddlen' D.lliht. Prices in effect in all of our 150 Meat Markets Fine Quality Beef Thick End Rib or Rolled Roast 22' Chuck or Boneless Roast22' LEAN BOILING lh BEEF 1U SO Neck End Pork Loin 20c kJM'tf. Irfe? FRESH HAMBURG STEAK lb SOUP LEAN BEEF lb Larm. Can Crout 13c lb CROUT SPECIALS Half Smoked Sausage Lean Salt Pork 18c i2 lb Best Cut Pork Loin 45c lb 15c i2 lb Rump End Pork Loin clb Large marrow Soup Bone 5c ea. Fresh Beef ""' ,. lb. 10c PURE SAUSAGE lb40 DELICIOUS COUNTRY lb J R SCRAPPLE10 IO FRESH 5ry.v""" ih "-gic SAU5AUU lh30 Everywhere in Philadelphia and Throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware rqr,mfm9i9'mii'9i''i '"f ly"-'B"- . ' r riliifflmiiiii iiiMr iiiiiiiffmimiftiawAfirfiii i niM A' Si z a; S' c- O: A S A' A S c A S4 c o A I o A Si C4 0 Va s c CM A S c o Al S C4 OJ A S 0 o A S fc. io & c 6 A s c o t k A SI oC A- b, t i A' S-C, o rA S" c 1 i"V 1 i fi" yi",f 11 ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. ASCO, A5CCT ASCO.. - --- Jn fc J Tf- i1r "" -"-- ---- -- -- -- - - - j- - - - -- ? -- 'IB--' i-i if i f- n s f) V ,'V!