Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 06, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 13, Image 13

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    v T ?'
Tie Testftttf 0
ua Grant
ComHoM, IP tv the TmHIo I.tioer Co.
nliotit mrclliiK
In This Chapter Dan Wins the
Sympathy of Julia's Sister
kkat) this rirt.sr
Dun Parfon i omen'os In .Tulln
Orrtnt three weeks liofnre their innr
riajy that he It In lovn with nnotlirr
vvomnn and .lulia JolcAsoi Mm. ljnn
uni in N'nnov Cromwell to ask lirr
to marry him and discovers thnt slip
ha? only boon IllrtinK. .num. in hip
meantime, has taken up hospital
work to try to forget.
DAN CAItSON"S first feclltiR nftor his
pjtncricucc with Nanpy Cromwell had
lppn onp of intpno atiRpr. He was
angry with himself for having trusted
'anpj, and furious with her hernuRe slip
hnd treated him like the llttlp coquette j With
she was. After his flrt anger riled White,
down he suffered intense humiliation White.
lie wrlthpd whpii hp thought of tlip , Thpodoip
not let Julia believe that this wag thr
truth i for J,ucy would ho sure to tell
her ulster. It would put him In a bet
ter light with every one and the Urnnt
girls would not be likely to ever meet
N'Hncy Cromwell.
"I paid 1M been a fool, I.uey," ho
said, "and 1 meant It. It I'm uriiappt
It's inv own fault. Hut a man often
ruins his whole llfo by doing something
on the spur of the moment that he mn
regret for the end of his days."
Mrs John .. O'lfricn Announces She Will Hetire Fiom Staff of
Governor of Florida in April
l.ury (ells thfi fnmllj
Pan mi the, street.)
Mrs .Tnlin .1 ORi ten l tired of pirml
ing and will retlie as major on the
staff of (he governor of Florida neit
Mrs O'llrlen was fomi'rh Mrs
(ieorge Quintan! Ilprwltz and pioml
TO DC nlADDICn LI IT DC unit as n vice piesldcnt of the Kitipi-
. i
Itigg Iipfnip having Itiissln fni the
t'ulted Stales. He came In tills i it
a liot t I line ago
Mi. Iti'g wns bnin in I'ngland
luis m.ulp New Zealand his Inline
tti.i ii veins. It is thought Hint
iiuipli- will (tii tin it" vnii aftei
Tln iijcmiioiiv will Iip hi Id nl
I'lic nils' Meeting IIiium Coulter
(Jiecnc studs, (icuninntovwt At pies
put Miss White is living with In-
In other at 151 W i si Coultn
ii. i
the I
Sister of Thomas Raeburn
White to Be Bride of New
llii- marrlagp of Ml 1'sIIipi
sister of Thomas Itnehitin
on Wednesdaj nfleruoon. to
Itlgg, of Wellington. New
Bawtrool manner in which Nnnev liail enliuid, ionics tlie climax ot a win-
turned him down, after the lengths lie i time romance which started two ears
had gone to get her. Needless to say ago, when the couple met In the m
his egotism suffered a severe jolt lei lor of Itii'-sin
But it was characteristic of him that At (hat I hue Miss White was in
all during this tlmp he thought of him- Itussia with tin- Friends' unit, helping
self first and never of .lulla. If he did to establish hospltnls for the win wif
give any thought to hei, it was a ic-jfems. Mr ltigg was engaged in tjie
giet that he had not stopped to think1 same woik aud fni ki'VimrI months tluii
before telling her thnt Iip no loivei ' wink wns so identical ns to keep Hum
Wed her ftp wasn't simp, In fait, logttliT most if the tune It Is said
that he didn't love her still, ferliaps ' tmt Miss White beiame engaged In Mr
it was not with that heiuWrong burn
ing love that he hail felt for Nancv ,
ceitninlv it seemed to be different fiom
thnt, but .Tulia was calm, 'o safe,
such a refuge from th disappointments
of life. She would make nii man a
good wife.
Dan whs verv much alone tlice d'iv
He kept nwn.v from all of the old
crowd and did some thinking. As time
went on his humiliation grow ltss and
he found that he could do iiulte well
without Nnucj At one time hp hnd
thought if he didn't confess the tuith
to .lulia so that the wav would be paved
to Nancy, he couldn't exist nnother
One morning Dan met I.ue firnnl in
the street. He hnd gone out for lunch
early and Ian y was evident! hopping.
She earned several smnll packages, and
she looked nuitc pu'llv Dnn hail
never given much thought to lauj ; he
had nlvvnvs thought ot her very much
as a child, but this morning he won
dered whether she would speak to him
bowed. It wns a cool little bow. to
be sure, but it was recognition, and thnt
was more than Din lind Hoped lor. .
With that much encouragement he slid
denlv decided to give I.ueiv an oppor
tunity to stop. Dan's egotism was al-'
leady carrjing him past the stage where
his humiliation and thp ie.ili7iition of
what he had done bothered him to any
Lucy wavered and thpn stopped. She
was unceitniu ns to what to say, ana
Dan wns uncertain as to what attitude
o take. Thcic was oue thing in his
favor, it he had but kuown it, and
that was the fact that he looked had.
Uay, in her Imagination, had pictured
Dan a triumphant bridegroom by now.
His treatment of Julia, although it hnd
evoked indignation in her warm llttto
heart, had not lacked n certain tin ill.
Lucy had piptuicil Dan a domineering
tpe of man riding loughshod over thp
women he knew. She had thought ot
him as sweeping this other woman off
her feet in a tempestuous marriage.
How disappointed she would have been
if she had known the humiliating ttuth.
Dan smiled his old engaging smile,
and, coming from his rather haggard
xoung face, it wrung hucy's henitV lit
"lie. Dan had suffered, was suffering-
thinxc l,nH not eone right, perhnps even
now he wns longing for .lulia and wish- j was lujlt in ISM.
Ing he hadn't netccl as he nail. i,uc s;
curiosity was paramount; she wanted,
to learn the truth if she could.
"Dan jou look nwful, what is the
mntter?" she began.
For a moment Dan was natural and
spoke as he felt. "Oh, I.ucy, I've been I
a fool." he groaned, "an utter fool."
Lmcy's eyes widened. "What do you
mean? Aren't sou going to marry the
other eirl?"
Ijiicy was the first peison thnt Dan
had spoken to about the nflan, and
even if he had wanted to biaeu the I
f thing out and to pretend that everything
I wns going well, nt that moment it would
have been impossible. Then, too, he
had the fleeting iden that as n haggard i
tlgure, he might anakeu pity in .lulia's
heart. I nis men wits u. in, mruu, uu- i
pleasant to him
So he shook his head I
"Something happened?" iineiipd
Speech-Reading Club Has Marie
Many Changes for Students
Students in speei h-teailiiig me he
ginning to nuive todav and all the .u
tivities of the Spicch Heading Club of
Hiiliirielplua, 100(1 I-oeiist stuel, will
not. He was quite sm prised whenl'"- ' " '''!
V . t i ,,-nt ntnl then The Tulip Tearoom oppiird this m
pv hesitatul a moment nnu iniii,
1IIK llll uuillliukiiit ni,iw .tilt, ii,-,, i'.i
lushing- The Women's 1'xchnngi
with px(iiisile hand work done bv
deafened women and placed on sale feu i
their benefit, is read v for isitois. The
dormitory rooms are rapidlv being filled '
IMiuntionnl work m nil branches In
gan torinj .
Sundaj school for deaf men, women
and children will be conducted at
the club nt 4 o'clock each Sund.iv
afternoon, beginning October 12.
Miss Cora DJalc Kinie, diieclni of
the ilub, has announced ninn.v new at
tinctions for this season, ineludiiu lec
tuns, plajs, eiitertainineiits and las-ci
for deaf peisous. Tree instruction in
lip-ieading will he provided for adults
who nre uiinble to pny for lessons Mis
Hose Kinzle, one of the offic ei s of the
club, hopes to find employment for all
peisons so afflicted who maj be in in c d
of woik.
To Urge Ridge Avenue Alumni
Amos Chnmberlaln, principal of the
Darbv schools, will ask the stthool bo.inl
at its meeting tonight to sanction a
plan of an old pupils' oignnintinn
among those who formerly attended Hie
old Itidgp Avenue School, as well is
ex pupils of the present Ridge avenue
building. I he tirst Itiilge avenue sclmnl
gency Aid before the duties of the
office of mnvor of Mooie Haven, Flor
ida, and tomato and potato farming
claimed sin h a large part of her time
She Is visiting nt the honie of Mrs
Alchlbtld llnrklie at Wnvne for a few
"1 wns made a major on the (Jovei
nor's staff ns a wai measure,'' said
Mrs, O'ltilen lodrv, "I wns to up
resent all Ihe oiganliitlons inteiesleil
in tnnd stuffs in the slnte. Hut I'm
Hied of pnrnding The finvrriini's
term ends next April nnd 1 go nut of
ofhre with him. I hope I'll never have
to parade again."
Airs O'Hrieu refused lenomilialion ,
as mn.vor of Mooie Haven when hir
teim expired June 1. She had sue
cesfullv hioken through southern
piejudiie against women holding pn
llthnl office and was almost iinnnl
moiislj ileclml in HUT. Although she
had been inteiesleil in mine social cm
ganmvtions than it would be cim In
eniiineiiitp. Ml- O'ltrit-n was mil
In.li t.llnl ..fcl f ll til UllftlflPA Ml
upon inching this cniuitnV. ,,,, .. ., .,,. i...!,...,. ,,
tln'cifhic f ninvoi i- chip that can Iip
held -in i p-sfullv bv a woman l
Moiiip Haven -he had the iiidinaiv
ilulii- of a mnvoi in addition to hold
ing coin I and hi ing the ceiimi of the
town's ninrnl-
"llelug mnvor is er iuleic-ting all
except Hie coiiit vvnik," -nvs Mi
O'Hiipii 'I'luit i nine eveiv Mniiilnv
linn ning and 1 didn't like that al all
sin c I, i Hut the municipal woik wns most li
"I'm on vacation, now, Ihe Inst one
I have had in two vears Hut hntli Mi
(IHneii and I are liere on bu-ine ,
too We hardly have tune foi a vn
cation. I have mine to put inv ten
viai old sou, Otville into -c liool
Mi- OHruii is c iiHiiisiaslii about
Hn climate -ml and ciotis of I'loilda
and has a large tomato and pntntn farm
Mooie Haven elecled a man ns mnvor
to succeed Mis O Hilen. During lier
teun Mis. O'HiIpii had onl.v men on
hpr cnumil which wns an elected hndv
She is confident that the wav has bcui
opined for other southern women to
hold political oflii e.
Next Wediipsda.v she will leave with
Mr Harclav Warbiirtou for n shoil
trip to French l,hk.
Experts Will Open North Atlantic
Meeting Here Thursday
Methods of i-nmhntiiiR the while
plague will he discussed by health nnd
sanitation authorities of national ie
novvn llii week iliiiing the sixth annunl '
Vol 111 Alliintle- Piibeiciilosls Confer
eiico lo lip lield in the Hcllevue Strnt
ford Hotel on 'Ihiir-clav anil Frnlav
Aiiimic llnisi who will take tin rt in
the confeienci an )i Donald It. Arm
stiong, whose woik in mutters of health
reform nlteail.v hn- attiacted natln.t
wlele allentlnu. Iloini i Folks, heael of
the Heel Clo-s 'I uheii iilosis Commlii'il
of Hitiope dining Ihe win . Wnltci D
Turin i, secntm.v of the Illinois Tuber
eulosls Associalioii mill Hi Harriet H.
.Iciiies. who cnnieil the work of health
education to the incite inncccsslb'e
mountainous sections of West Virginia
Will Enable Doctors to Instruct
School Teachers in Hygiene
The Womnn's Medical College of thl
iltv announced todav the establish
inent of a special course to lit women
phvsiciiwis ami uiiises foi instiiiitlnii
of school teachers in the tent lung of
llVgll lie to ctlillilVtl.
The ionise, whlcji is open in pie
liniiiiiirv cliis-es to -Indents of all col
leges and niiiscs' tinltilng schools. I--iiuilnr
to tlio-e given nt the Tc nihil -Colli
ge. .New Yolk, and at Simmons
Colli 1.1 , Huston.
Viiiioiimimriil nln was niiide that
the -Indent icgistintion at the W "in
mi- Mutual Colli ge l urn sith the
lulu! n u mix I of women -lilili nts in
lueilii ll colleges in the Ciiilnl Slnli"
lluw pulling I'liihulelphia in Ihe li.nl
in pievintive medicine
Sister of Thomas Raeburn White to
Marry Theodore Rigg
Miss Kslhei While sisin of Thomas
Km Inn n White, l.'l West Coultei
stuel, (ieimiiiitowu will he uiaiiied to
'IliPodoie Hlgg, of Wellington N, ,1 ,
Widnesilav afternoon
Mis White sjii nl son ml months
Willi He Fill mis unil In ltu-ia. wheie
she helped establish ho-pital- during
the war The niniriagi will lake place
in the Fi lends M Ming House nt
Coultei ami tJieiue iini'tH dcrmaii
Skin Troubles
With Cuticura
All lnjjrfiit, Sad26, Ointmfnta A M Talcum U
Sitmplt f irh frf nf CaUcif Dtpl St Xite
of Scranton, Pa., oilers exceptional oppoi Utili
ties for steady work and good pay to sober and
I. P. P. and A. U. man only. Lots of overtime.
Night scale, $33.50. Address: Foreman,
Printing Department, International Textbook
Press, Scranton, Pa.
, M " 1 1711 1
Winiiimwini ini'i iiKimjiMiwiU'WHiiiiimrcfl mil ui'nimi mmihii wipctiiiiiii'i'nniiiiiiiii y I q 1 1 I IrllrrS I' lllCil
Charge Accounts Solicited
nil 'iinmiiii Mffinniiwuinr iiimiJimiHiiimtmnimi ninnriwuii nnimmnnntiifffi
Furs and Millinery
That Buy
front Um
nlorH of
I'Mla., VTIl
mlnrton, (nmclen anf
Easy Torms
1112 Cheitnut St., PhiU.
alO Guuranlfo Tr. Illile.. Allanllo Clu
SO .V. Third bt.. Ciundea
ason or Uelvtan
1Z15 Chestnut Street
Liberty Bonds and Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted
Final Clearance!
All "Odd" Furs!
Lowest possible prices emphatically
emphasized: see lists for tomorrow!
In view of the steadily increasing prices on all raw skins of any quality irf the
open markets at wholesale, there is neither rhyme or reason in reduced pnsthe
davs. But as these Furs constitute the "remnants" of our annual Sale, we arc : glari
to'bc able to announce the almost terrifically reduced prices now tagged to them.
All Lots Arc Limited Exactly as Advertised
To Avoid Disappointment, Early Shopping is Advised N
A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase
'Dan. yon didn't change your mind
after it iv as ton late?" l.ucy s tone
was thrilled. Tf this were true, then
this was romance it was Just like a
hook. Lucy did not stop to thlnfc thnt
In 1 hook the characters are not flesh
and blood capable' of suffering nnd thatj
her sister, .Tnlla, was a real woman
and more cnpablc of suffering than the
, Dan's mind worked quickly. TVfiy
1 1 aanj
1 SSbh
fk I mfLJfr ic?
111 m m
Fur Scarfs
Fur Sets
Taupe Wolf ..
Brown Wolf . .
Brown Fox . . .
Taupe Fo . . .
Black Lyn ..
Black Fox . . .
Natural Mink
. . 22.50
. . 21!. 50
. . 25 00
. . 2,"i 00
. . .15.0(1
. . 45 00
. . 15.00
Hudson Seal 45.00
(7) Jap. Cross Fo
67 50
14.50 (2)
11.50 (5)
17.50 I (3)
17.50 1 (4)
24.00 (1)
32.50 (8)
112.50 (G)
.14.50 ' (1)
44.50 I 0)
Natural Raccoon
Gray Wolf
Hudson Seal ....
Black Wolf
Taupe Fox.
Black Fox
Taupe Lynx
. . 15 00
. . f2 50
. . 72 50
. . 75 on
. , 75 00
.. 98.00
. . 100.00
.. 110.00
. . 125.00
Accidents will ejecur,
but infection need not
Yon ncverfawr just when It I gotng
to happen. Generally without warning
a slip Is made a deep cut a broken
and bruised skin is the result. That' s
thetimetobe careful to guard against
infection. There' s safety and security
In a jar of Resinol Ointment.
Anoint the wound and bandig tt heal
twice at fait this way, Realnol Soap and
Ketinol Ointmtuied Jointly are excellent
lor the treatment ot all akin dnerdera on
limbi, body and (act. They work quietly
and well.
muv!m fmrtf Aiti-fT,
Two Million
Women Have
Agreed On A
Face Powder
FINE-GRAINED, permeated
by mostexqulsite fragrance,
it spreads on easily, acting
as a magical and invisible coat
ing, keeping sun, wind and dust
from injuring the delicate skin
Before offering this powder
generally it was submitted to
the most difficult tests in more
than half the beauty shops until
finally the verdict was received
Powder Wins
Be careful always to select the
right shade. If you are blonde,
get Qesh color; blended If you
are ot medium coloring; oru
nette, if you are dark; cream,
if you have an olive complexion.
Al Drf, 4 PfrfcMt SUr
Fur Stoles
Australian Seal .
Scotch Molpskin .
(1) Russian Kolinsky
, . 67.50
.. 125.00
.. 145.00
.. 185.00
(3) Marmot Coats
Regularly 125.00
Nutria IGO.OO
Australian Seal .... 165.00
Mink 175.00
tl) Scotch Moleskin .... 215.00
1 Natural Squirrel ... 265.00
(1) Hudson Seal 295.00
(3)Hudson Seal
Regularly 210.00
(3) Nutria Coats
Ritnularlv 225.00
" 1 . M
(2) Australian
Seal Coats
Regularly 195.00
(4) Pony Coats
Regularly 135.00
(S) Muskrat Coats
Regularly 175.00
(S) Hudson Seal
Regularly 285.00
(1) Natural Squirrel Coat
Regularly 395.00
Wainiaiiriiiaker9s Down
The Glfaleninff
Beauty of Fox Fur
is displayed to advantage
in the kuiK-haifed scarfs
that look best tossed care
lessly about the shoulders
or caught tight at the
There is interesting
choosing among very at
tractive scarf's in taupe,
brown and black at $42.50
to $G0.
Black Knitted
Unusual at 55c
They Hie jjencrouqly full with
rhntic at the waists and kites.
(( rnlrnll
Pretty Pink
"Nighties," $11.25
Two slip ovei style dainty and
One ! h I'lepe balivtr trimmed
with laeo at the neck and sleeves.
The olhei is 11 plain batiste
hemstitched in blue ami embroiil
eiptl with coloicd flovveis.
Can the Sale in the
Upholstery Store
500 PaSr of Menu's Shoes
ai $6.90
Wlhiclli Is About Today's
Manotfactmifliinig Cost
One style is of black calfskin on an English last and is
the .sort of shoe that business men like.
Another, also of serviceable black calfskin, is a blucher
model on a wide-toe shape. The heavy-weight uppers and
soles insure good service in cold, wet weather.
(Cutlrrr, Mnrkrl) l
Boys' Sweaters, $5
Wnim nbbrd swcateis (of wool and cotton) aie made with roll
collais. The boy lan wear one under his coat in very cold weather as
well s jrivc it good ti' rich' now. Sizes 2K to 111. They nrc in
blown, blue, osfoid and heather ,
(Oullrri Vlnrkrt)
Cui tains at snwmr of 2.V' to
fifl'r on today's prices.
Good values in di.ipeiy and
cm tain mateuuK.
Many ties of matting boxe
and cedai chests
A lot of reduced cictonncs.
Suiely jou vill find something
ninoiiK them to help make vow
home chiciv nnd lomfoi table for
the Wintei !
l( rnlrnll
The Beauty of Bolivia and Its
Light Warmth
make it one of the most desirable of Fall and Winter
coat materials.
Lovely Coats of Bolivia
have huge, io,y collais of the same mateiial (for many women
like to wear their own furn) ni tummed with fur collar?, and
often fui pockets nutria, squirrel, beaver, Hudson seal ("dyed
milikiat), Austialian opossum and taccoon aie used effectively.
Iheie are semi-fitted, loose, flovvini 01 gracefullv belted
models coats to suit an woman fiom the small to the ery large
women. Theie aie ies up to 52. Linings are woith a mention
to themselves thev aie all the soft, lovely silks that aie a
pleasure just to feel.
Colors rip the fashionable ones of the season blown,
beaer, teindeei, Monaco, navy, black, taupp and chinchilla.
All in all, they are coats woith while. Prices range from
$57.50 to 11115.
Tweed Coats Are Good
Practical Three Styles
Looking- and
at $1 9.5
which is an unusually low pi ice foi good, stuidy tweed coats cut
on good lines, well tailored and half lined with silk.
I 1f
1 sia i ,
- J tr, iu i
It li .ftl 1 V I -
-f " .i
$17.5(1 ll S'lil.50
Suits Are So Versatile
airad Clharinniuiig That
Clhoosiinig Is a Pleasure
When so many new materials are used,
suits cannot help but be interesting, par
ticularly when one adds the charm of new
lines !
Wool jeifey in spoits model; suits of wool
poplin and gabaidine tummed with braid; new tail
leuts of silveitone with npnling jackets; handsome
Mlvertone suits on long lines luxuiiously tiimmed
with fur, and plain suits of lovcl mateiials beau
tifulh tailoted these are some of the newest model-,.
'30.50 to $150 with a laige lange of .sizes
jumart, New Snails That
ChnldlreirTi's Pajamas
of .stuped flannellet aie waim, soft and comfortable.
Theie aie all sies fiom (! yeais to 16 and, nu
thev are in the two-piece style, they will do for
eithei gills in boys. $2 nnd $2.25.
enlriil) j
Buinigallow Apronis
that will do foi house flocks aie as neat and
atti active as one could wish. They aie made of
a good quality of gingham in plain colois: Gray,
Copenhagen, gieen, pink, tan and light blue,
tiimmed with white nciac braid. The biaid about
the necks, sleeves and down the sides gives a
delightful air of cleanliness and fieshness. $2.50-.
Attractive New Skirts
at $9.50
One of liuigh sknting that is nice for school
or business wear is in huntei's gieen. The out
standing hip pockets and the lows of buttons give
it a youthful touch.
Silk poplin skiits m black, navy, giay and icin
deei aie in a variety of pietty models.
Also theie are skiits of eIoui in niious plaids
mid blnik and navy heige hknts.
(Vlnrkrll . ji
for Emlbroideriinig
Theie aie nightgowns, bibs, towels, centerpieces,
boudoir ot legulni pillow cases, couch covers,
scaifs, combinations, babies' di esses, etc., all of
good mateiials. 25c to $1.75.
(( riitrul)
At S.')9.50, the eiy attt active nued jeisey suit
in mahogany tones is finished with bone buttons.
The hides of the new, lather long jacket aie corded
about the bottom, and the jacket is lined- with
lovely flovveied silk.
At $47.50, this stylo is intetpreted in velout
with a roll collar of laccoon and also in Mlvertone
with the collar and pockets of Australian opossum.
At $50, the model that is sketched is of luct
do laine with a laccoon collar and an intcicsting
vest. In the group at this price are also suits of
fine wool vclour with fui collais and pockets of
ringtail and suits of lustiou.s bioadcloth witlr,
nearseal collars nnd bands of nearseal about the
bottom of the jackets.
500 Corsets at $1
Their aie two model", one Is, of pink
coutil topless, with elastic in the fiont and
good boning all mound.
The other Is a higher model, but allows
flee hip space. It has a band of elastic on
each side of the front steels. The long back
is boned quite well.
New Batiste Blouses Are
the Esseinice of Smartmess
in then turn whiteness and they launder very well.
Thice atti active models aie sketched.
Othci stles have roll or fiat collars, much
diunty tucking and lace tumming; and all of them
hae cuffs that button in around the wrists. It
is haul to choose among them, foi each seems more
attractive than the last.
Pi ices aie $4.75 to $0.50.
(HiirkM) , "iSS .j
Imiterestiinig Frocks
for Juiniior Qirfls at $18.50
One is of serge and is quite practical for school
nnd yet would bo nice for afternoon and evening
atfaiis. It has a detachable guimpe of fine white
pique, and both the collar and cufls aie finished
with picot-edged organdie 1 utiles. The taffeta rib
bon girdle is delightful, as It is in deepening shades
ot n color, for instance, Nile, light green, bright
gieen and tin tic green. Sizes 12 to 1C years.
Velveteem 5imip!y Made
Velveteen in green or blue forms a model charm
ing in its simplicity. It is collarlcss and has bell
sleeves- Bone buttons and braid loops are the only
adornment. Sires 12 to 16 years, $25.
Rem Haunts of Cottoim
Dress Goods
all maiked at savings; included are. useful lengths
of gingham pcrcnle, voile, white goods, etc.
1000 Pair of Women's
Shoes at $6M
Kvery pair laces high, as Fashion dictates
for Autumn, nnd every 6olc is of good leather
welted on to givo satisfactory set vice.
Urown kidskln shoes have high heels.
Dark tan leather shoes have medium heels.
Tan calfskin shoes with brown cloth tops
have medium heels. Which style for you I
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