Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 01, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 8, Image 8

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    :rv v'
L'Eserclto Italiano Simpatizza
per le Gesta del Grande
W, Poeta-Guerriero
Deatlts of a Day
Publlabarl mid Olftrllmlcd Undur
PEKMIT NO. 341 . .
Alithnrlrfxl hv !h art ot October 6.
1017 on flla t the rottotneo ot rhlla-
seipnia. i'a. . .
as nuhLnso.v
Pontmastsr UMifral
N Roma, 1 ottobre. Trn lc tnippc re
i Rolotri itnliano M nota unn vhn sim
' patia per Gabriele D'Auminsio.
' Dcnaro c vcttovoglic contlntinno nil
' affluirc in Flume.
Paris). 1 ottobre. I.a rntitkariuiic ilel
f 4 tratlatl (11 Versailles c St. Germain
non potra esscro ritarunta iu nana
per lo scioiiHmcnto del Varlnmento
Non e necessnrlo ntlendero la convo
razlone ilella nuova Camera, s.1 dice nel
clrcoll della Conferenza della 1'nce,
nnlrhV Rponnclo l'artiiole ." della rn-
etltuzlone del Iteirno d'ltalin 1 trnttati
potrauno diventre in foria di escourionc
per decrito reale. 11 quale saiebbc po
Rcfa prfseutnto nl mioe parlamento ptr
La motUaxiono per la rirlnesta lUllo
sclogllmento della Camera, presentata
dal I'ruldeute del Conilnllo del Mint
stri a lie Vlttorio l'mnniiele fn clic 11
niandato della Camera del Deputnti era
aplrtto fin dall'ottobre l!lh 11 piiu
cipalc arRomento durante le proimp
elezlonl sara le question! lnternazionali
che la nazionc deve affrontnre. rimne
la sltuazione interna tniixata dalle
tendeme rholuzionaile dei socialist l
IOn. Nitti lecgeia il deoreto di
ficioellmento della Camera entro poeln
Klume, 30 settcmbre i.e lonilinom
normali sono state ristorate in Spalato,
ore conflitti crano nvenuti uelle atrude
ira Italianl e croati. t,
Gabriele D'Annunzio lia tin i forzu di
armatl che tra ufficiali e soldati rat;
clnnge 1 15,000 uomini, secondo ni
formazloni riccvute da fonte autoreuilo
Altri uomini costantcmente si unlscono
a D'Annunzio, raoltissimi de 1 qualt
sono soldati dell'csercito ugolure itali
ano die abbandonano le loro unitu'
lungi la linca di armistino per trguire
il gindc poeta.
Overworked Chief Clerk of Re&J'
tratlon Board III Few Days
Hamilton S. Thomas, chief clerk of
tho board of registration cominlcnlonc",
died last night nt liln home. 3fi48 North
Klshteenth street. Cherwork occasioned
by the exceptlonnlh heavy registration
this fall is thought to have been the
cause of his deatli at the nge of forty
nine. Last Saturday he nttended to his
duties in the City Hall, but the day foU
lowing was seized with an attack of
acute indigestion, which wan followed
by n stroke of npoplex It Is also
thought that an automobile neudent
three weeks ago, in which he suffered
Injuries to the head and minor brult-es
about the bodj. may have contributed
to his illness and death
Mr. Thomas was appointed to the
post he held nt the lime of his death
when the Hoard of Registration Com
mlssioners was first organized, and
dentil lontiniioush until last wsr Tt
was said then that pressure was Wing
exerted b the Vaie oignnisNition to
cause his resignation in order to make
loom for the nppointnirut of one of
their adherents, nnd much indignntlou
at this found -olce nt the time on ne
count of Mr Thomas's long nnd faith
ful seriee Members of the hoaid re
celved mnny protests and declined his
resignation had not bien asked and
would not be Shortli nftir Mr
Thomas resigned to accept on the date
his resignation became effective u more
luernthe appointment as a rial estate
assessor with the Hoard of ItcMsion
of Taxes
Chester A. Buck
Chester Buck prominent in poll
tics nnd busnices in the North -I'eiin
section, died Monday niglit nt his home
Xll Columbia avenue l.ansdale, after
n six mouths' illness He was sixty
one ars old
Mr. Buck was majout Nader pf the
hoiough council, vice preside nt of the
Hoard of Trade, vice president of the
I'nlrinount Tire Pompom, past dictator
of the Moose Lodge, chnirninn of the
soldiers' memorial committee and presi
dent of the Decatur CounU Livestock
Compnn of Philadelphia
A widow and two children, Mr .7
Alexnuder Ireland and Charles Buck,
both of Philadelphia, sunive him
I Chicago Police Say They Have
Confession to Strangling and
Attempted Cremation
Chicago, Oct. i (By A P ) Tliuc
men, tennnts of property owned bv Dr,
A. Kecinnlcl Knrreman, muilling nil
onth to kill, murdered the plij&iclnn,
whose body was found Monday inght
in his burning home, according to an
nouncement b the police late last night,
lames Kliorls, tlurt)-six years old;
Chris Parris and George Pappas were
charged with the murder and subse
quent firing of the doctor's home in
order to coer their crime They were
placed formnlh under arrest nfter
Khoris's jounger brother, Louis, had
made a statement implicating them, the
police said
The Klioris brothels nie pioprietors
of time stores, one of which was owned
b Doctor Knrreman Two inw suits
and tho Ill-feeling that followed re
sulted In the murder, the police say.
Bits of charred rope with which
Doctor Karrcman was strangled were
identified ns parts of a coil for sale at
one of the Klioris stores.
In the nllegcd confession, James
Klioris nsscrtcd the physician struck him
first. Doctor Karrcman then was
knocked unconscious by Parris and
Pappas, the purported confession
continues, adding: "We went to
the doctor's home and he and Jim
quarreled. We then fought nnd he was
knocked unconscious. A c dragged him
into another room nud set fire to the
None of the men 'would admit placing
the ropo about Doctor Karreman's neck,
according to the police, each nccusing the
Harris and Pappas also confessed par
ticipation iu the murder, officers stated.
Veterans Oppose
Dojlestown, Ta.,
Legion Building
Oct. 1 Pormcr
son ice men of this borough have voted
down the proposition mndo by citizens
li erect it memorial building to house
the Americnn Legion post Instead,
they hue asked for n permanent monu
ment to be built nnd erected in a park
set aside for that purpose
Flume, 2S settenibie intJidatm
Gabriele D'Annunzio, capo dei olou
tari clic hanno occupato Fiume, ha oggi
ricevuto un corrispondentc dell'Associ
ated Press cd ha n lui couferinntn la
Dr. Emanuel S. Gaiis
Emanuel S. Gnn. sixH three
j cars old well Known in rmiitili iplua
medical circles, died U's'eidnv lit his
home, 711 Noith I'rnnklin stiect I'neu
monia, following a protruded illnes,
was the cause of lus deatli
Doctor Gans was unmarried and lied
with his sister, the wife of Di Mux T
Stern He was graduated from ihe
Jefferson Medical College in 18&0 ''or
innm M irs he was :i lettuier at the
Medico Clnriirgie.nl College nnd was
dermatologist al the Mcdico-Chiiurgiinl
Hospital. PhilaeUlphin Hospital and nt
Mount Slum Hospital He also was a
niembei of the Masonic ordei
Ml 1 - U....1.-.. I 1. t,
w.ltnnJnB.inda .11 .nnntnnAHA li-mm. f.m . . v,-l
..w..uu..uu ... ,"""":"ul i luiui """ i (Jans, surwve linn
a cne non sara nnuessa all'Italin ,
01 siamo neti ui iederj in I M ,
Tlume hn ,loti il nnn ..- ,i:-, , 1 iviajor
che rimnrremo qui' fino a the la c itta uncago,
non sara' anncssa all'ltnlia Sotto J;.,",', '.
nessuna condizionc abbandoneremo la United States arnn. died nt n hospital
Tjciua se non veuremo rnggntnco u ; lu-re .Monclii niglit
Dostro scopo. oi vedete lentusinsmo
dei-voolo di Fiume per esserc annesso.
Questo popolo e' (taliano e siamo fermi
nella determlnazlone fino a the le nostre
asplruzionl non sie.no state raggiunte
II nostro motto rimane oggi come
qunndo principiammo l'lmpresa :
"Fiume o morte".
"Siamo pronti nl sacrilic 10 nello
sforzo di guadagnare quntito crediamo
giusto e di dirltto."
D'Annunzio indossa la eliMsa di
Tenente Colounello. II suo scguito u'
composto di tutti gioani, nessuno dei
quail supera il grado di tenente col
onnello. Dei 10 ufSciali che fanno parte
rtel seguito di D'Annunzio, settc sono
decoratl della mcdaglla d'oro nl alor
mllltare e si noti che soltanto 27, in
rono i decorati von tale meiluglia du
rante la guerra.
Edward J. V.attman
Oct 1 The Hev Mnjoi
Vattman, said to have been
tanking thaplain in the
Major Vattiimn was fii t appointed
an armj cliaplaln bv rresiclent llnjes
jiu lb"7
Funeral of A. W. James
Funeral services for Albert Webb
James, sixtj two jears old, will be held
this afternoon nt 2 o'clock from hip
home, 17.10 North Twtut -eighth
Members of FinnUm Lodge, Xo. 134.
F and A M , Columbia Club, cm
jilojes of Uoal Klectrotjpe Compan
ami all other organizations of whith
he was a number, hne been invited to
the funeral sen ices.
J ?! Jg-" u-i ii-Ji ul' s m..mt myuiim fc'uai vljhh u-w 9
I ,1
A jolly gathering of young
folks rugs whisked back from the
polished floor and an EMPIRE
standing in the corner, gaily playing
the latest dance tunes! What more
ideal situation for a dance' And
how perfectly the EMPIRE ministers
to the requirements of the immediate
pleasure. The stirring music of pop
ular bands with tones artfully con
trolled by the flexible EMPIRE tone
modifier the silvery trumpets and
wailing violins of famous orchestras
all are at the command of the im
promptu conductor.
And the EMPIRE is a
perfect medium for reproducing the
music of any dance record pure and
rlpnr in tnmv reeinnnt with n timbre
formerly thought impossible to attain in an instrument of this kind.
If you have not a phonograph in your home,
let us demonstrate your favorite instrumental selections and songs
on the EMPIRE for you.
Empires from $35 to $250
Empire Talking Machine Company
A. R. Mitchell, Williamsport, Pa.
' Dittributor for New York nnd Fenna.
Tie EMPIRE is a perfected
phonograph which given to any
record a wonderful depth, timbre
jnd purity of tone.
Even' EMPIRE, from the lowest
priced model up, embodies improve
ments that puts it In a class by
itself. The tone modifier permits
one to produce any tone from soft
to very loud, and the automatic
stop relieves one of the bother
some necessity of lumping up to
nop the motor when the record
lias been played.
The EMPIRE offers more value
for the price than any other
phonograph at a similar figure.
above the average in tone and
artistic perfection They can be
played on any phonograph using
a steel or fibre needle.
-Mexico Says Order Was to Report,
Nbt,Shoot, Airmen Crossing Border
Mexico City, Oct. 1. It is not true-
that Mexican troops have been oidered
to firo upon Americnn aviators tljiiii?
over Mexican territorj, as had been1
reported, said a statement given the
newspapers last night by Louis Cabrera,
the secretary of the treasury, the rank I
ini; Kuternment official in Mexico Citj ,
at present.
lie asserted otders had simply been
jssuvu mm me uiuvcwiicius oc uu nvia
tors be reported.
Totals at Allentown Show $25,000
More Than Ever Before
Allentown, Pa., Oct 1 Auditing of
accounts show1 that the Allentown Kan
last, week had total receipt of $100
100.04, or $2.".(KH) more than in nuv
previous year, and $0000 more than had
been hoped for. The heaviest receipts
ere ?34,8ti0.r0 on big Thursday .
AVednefcday and Saturday both netted
.inore than $18,000, and Monday, the
opening day, better than $1(5,000.
The fair's share of the beer stand
rental was only $3033, half of uliat tame
from this source in former jenrs. f'p
to this time the landlord of the stand
paid 10 per cent of cash admissions.
On account of prohibition he was let off
this year xith G per cent.
Or. Newell Sill Jenkins
New Haeti, Conn., Oct 1 Wind
was rcceied here ctteidaj of the eluith
in Hatre, France, of Dr Newell m!1
Jenkins, nu American deiitict. the m
ventor of the porcelain method of 1iIIiii'
teeth Doctor Jenkins was born in Cnpe
Cod, Mais , and was socnts eight
years old.
JUH,' r.r
mSmfy SB3
JSffl5t MlpWBifcJ ss7
"""1 r jm:.-i.TTttt,.wx.r
i mLA-l3& jffflr i -r--rii
!:KBb0 IPrTT ffl
msflvSOflLBlll InlVll
A New and Better Heater?
' I k H
5?!f ' - w -i .
;i evety worn or it
I know it Is, because I have tried it!
IY 3oa Bre nuuering us i uiu
"i Wtixu HWer mad. and is so unsirrhtrv
, that you dread to be seen; if you are
-toying1 as I did treatment after
treatment wjthott real help, then you
r.n imagine how I felt when Resfnol
fave me instant relief and soon
Mled the trouble completely. My
., eioetor prescribed it.
Mt Why don't you try Resinoi:"
, Sacr ttutiUt Mllu Itulool Gmtaunt and Rtil
mlttim. Snla irM, wrlu to Dipt, 42-R, KetU
, Ala. Ktmrmnri mi
Illustration Shows
Comslst Ontflt
For simplicity and low cost of operation, this
heating system has no .equal.
Its one large register delivers more heat into
the building with less fuel consumption than any
other known heating method.
The pipeless principle (no heat pipes through
the house) has reached its highest development in
the NOVELTY Pipeless Heater, scientifically built
by the engineers of this old-established firm.
Heavy FLEX-0-TUF iron gives it extraor
dinary strength and lasting qualities.
Unusually large vaporizing pan insures a steady flow of
healthful moist air over the house.
No gas or dust. The improved NOVELTY grate' keeps a
clean live fire, easy to operate.
NOVELTY Pipeless Heaters are sold and installed only by
responsible dealers backed by our 72 years' experience in the
study of heating problems.
We make all types of Heating and Cooking .
apparatus, so can give you unprejudiced advice
as to which method is best to meet your particular
problems. Consult your dealer, or telephone or
write us, or better still come to our attractive
Factory Showroom, where full line is displayed.
American and Dauphin Streets, Philadelphia
tri, WW - Fumtwm and RifcLji MfmMi
Whole Divisions of Russian Bolshe
vlkl Surrender After Defeat
CopenlioRcn, Oct. i. (Hy A. I)
'Ihe brcaklnB of the Bolshevik lines nt
Ilulnta by the troops ot the rinnlsh
General Bnlakovltch is reported by tho
Novo Itosslya, says a dispatch from
Ilelslnirfors received here. 'While ill
usions of the Bolshcvikl arc declared to j
have surrendered.
Omsk, Oct. l.-(Hy A. I'.)-netaln-ing
their initiative against the Bolshe
Ukl the Siberian troops have pushed
their lines to within twenty miles of
GaIdaaI Not new'
dulBUUl but as good as
tlAAlfC neW' baUSe
llUllEVd they've been
carefully used; and much
cheaper than you can buy
them when new. Every
book for every grade and
all graded and assorted for
your choice, so that you can
come in, look around, pick
out just what you need,
just where it ought to be.
You may run across a pen
cilled note in the margin
but that's likely to be a
help, not a drawback. And
think what you'll be able to
do with the money you save
when you buy these per
fectly good books all you
need for the price of one or
two new ones!
SrTinnl nnd ColleCC Text Books
Lears Book Store
Ninth Street Below Market
Opposite Post Office
Seeley's Adjusto Rupture Pad
Increases efficiency of a truss 50
'! :
KjnSTrr Aw1 a,
f -.' "7V -H-0 . 1BIT
"11 1 iffl IPCO nn
The Mlt-adjuatlns featureBa of this r4
maks It eeasr t wear, anil the Thumb
Htrew Besulator allows of alterlns Pffa.
sure at will. Moat rapture stow alawbr
worae because truraea that aeesaed rlsbi
in me Drsinninc were cos. uar improveei
appliances and advancesel methoda tnaava
InproTcment for eterx case and eon
I. B. SEELEY. 1027 Walnut Si.
, " out and lraen for rerereiiee
tho Toliol river, Immediately south ot
the Ishlra railroad.
The Third Army has approached to
within forty miles of Kurgan after a
hard battle, in which four regiments
of red troops are reported to have been
badly beaten and demoralized.
North of tho Ishlm railway the bat
tlefront has assumed a copformatldn
running cast and nest. Here the Si
berians dally are gaining territory.
ll.il AniOS
sti i.ai. cVWomn ro
of HeprescniatfiOct. l.--A
lature in upccyt the Utnl,cgis
ratified tho nincnoeesslon Aterdoy
constitution nrovltlt to tho rtilonnl
frnire. Xor WOmBKsUl
Tartar on Teeth
Shows' You Leave the Film
All Statements Approved by High Denial Authorities
'A 10-Day Tube
of Pepsodent to
show you its ef
fects. See coupon.
See how teeth glisten
when the film is gone.
Jt is film that makc3
teeth look dirty. It is
film that is the source
of most tooth troubles.
Remove the Film
Film, is the basis of tartar. It is the source of dis
colored teeth and decay.
In brushing teeth you leave a slimy film. You can
feel it with your tongue. It clings to teeth, enters
crevices and stays. Your tooth paste cannot dis
solve it Most tooth troubles are now traced to that
clinging film.
That film is what discolors not the teeth. It holds
food substance which ferments and forms acid. It
holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause
Millions of germs breed in it. Th'ey, with tartar,
'ate the chief cause of pyorrhea. So the one great
object in cleaning teeth should be to end that film.
, Dental science, after years of searching has found
a way to do that. For home, use the way is now
embodied in a dentifrice called Pepsodent.
The results arc known. Convincing, clinical and
' laboratory tests have proved them beyond question
. Leading dentists everywhere now advocate its use.
A 10-Day Test Supplied
We now send a 10-Day Tube to anyone who asks. Thu
we are starting countless people toward cleaner, safer,
Pepsodent is basdd on pepsin, the digestant of albumin.
The film is albuminous matter. The object is to disiolvo
the film, then to day by day combat it.
The way seems simple, but pepsin must bo activated.
The usual method is an acid harmful to the teeth. It is
the invention of a harmless activating method which makes
pepsin possible. That, with other Pepsodent ingredients,
is doing now what was never done before.
Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean
the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the slimy
Aim. See how teeth whiten as the fixed film disappears.
Read the book we send you. Learn the reason for theso
things. Then judge for yourself if you want your teeth
'kept in that way always. Cut out the coupon now.
bmbbbhmmhh pat. off. ft
The New-Day Dentifrice
A pepsin tooth paste, proved by able authorities, and Bow em
ployed by leading dentists everywhere. An efficient film combatant
Ten-Day Tube Free
Unit. H. f. 3. 1104 h. Wuimah Ae.,
Clilraco, 111.
Mail Ten-Day Tube of Pepso
dent to
I aWTyai.rfcLJ JftLP" 7-l H kel 1 1 afl aH 8 I atlaS j mmm--rpt.ftjS'&Jr?&-m
Now Big Car Owners
In it They Find Wanted Large Car Qualities
With Advantages Exclusive to Small Cars
Turn to Essex .
f Xp4&
Consider how many, who formerly bought
only large, high-priced cars, now own an
It proves that sire was not what they
sought. They paid big premiums for quali
ties that small cars did not offer.
These are people with wide motor experi
ence. They prize such light-caradvanlages
as economy and nimblencss.
But heretofore, only large, costly cars met
their other requirements of performance, rid
ing ease and appearance.
Now They Buy
the Essex
And they are chief among Essex enthusi
asts. It meets their demands for a complete
car. Accustomed to fine car qualities, they
appreciate the way, in which Essex matches
the best standards of cars-in higher price
The Essex was designed to embody the
wanted qualities of the finest cars, in a size it
would be possible to build at a moderate
pnqC Such Is the Car
You Want
Everywhere you hear how Essex meets
those exactions. Consider just what all this
comment and praise of Essex means. Surely
no other car ever excited such unrestrained
And note this fact. Except in size and
economy you have probably never heard the
Essex compared to another smalr-car. Men
inevitably seek comparison for Essex quali
ties among high-priced cars. There only,
they find parallels by which to describe it.
They match its acceleration against cer
tain makes noted for that quality. Its speed
they compare to the swiftest. Every com
munity has its story of how'the Essex, "in
high," tops some local "bogey" hill.
And now that it has become so well
known, men are making it the performance
standard. It is not unusual to hear some say
of a high-priced car they admire: "Why it
climbs like, an Essex," or "It gets-away-at
crossings with the Essex cars."
Examine the Essex
Ride in It
Your first glance will note-the distinctive
finish, the materials and workmanship. See
the care even in the smallest details.
Its solid, compact assembly, that has been
proved in every trying test, will satisfy you
of endurance powers:
Then take a ride in the Essex. It will re
veal qualities that charm you as they have
nearly a million others.
You will agree that only big production
permits the sale of such a car at the Essex
price. Though they are being built at the
rate of 20,000 a year, the demand exceeds
supply. ,
You can be sure of an Essex when you
want it only by placing your-order now.
pass, PhaeWflSW
B-p'us. Sedan, $
Zpan. RoadeitaCa 11595
Gomery-Schwartz Motor Car Co.
128-140 No. Broad St
Philadelphia, Pa.
sft f
a - -dimsmr.n r - jj u.." -e j ia. , ,;. , s.jai... -ay &' . .- .
.-.f M, .t ' i ' r-)7mtt. l'"Wi"tT ' 1 j