BUJ gSMCTMET. ?'"? !JFT TJ WWJTSqW r -ro '1-- V ')" i u f ;' , ' JV t 5 O i r '4. Q -; ,. Li h. : to.. ujr- fruentittj "PuhBc le&get , PHILADELPHIA, , WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 19l9 : -M J3 Lincoln in England : Wovld's Series Chieftains ,: Old $anta Fe's Birthday : Passenger Plane U V f ? PATRICK J. MORAN, the modem "miracle ,man of baseballl who, a manager o it ' of ike Cincjnnti Reds, will make his second appearance ia a world's series v . struggle. V l' iUUmm ; (lnrneiiooj AliJvuKAL BENSON, former chief of naval operations, and Major General Barnett, commandant of the marine 'corps, nonorea Wllu meuaia presented vy u uuntmyc m inuian cnieis gathereu h"" w ceieoraie uie pown anniversary ux uio Bciwemuni. ji,. , r sr.!.izi ( -: .-m i i -,, -,t.. .,,. '-- 1 r ; ,- ; f ", or General Barnett. commandant of the MJSS GLADYS GROSKIN, Greenwood ave., Jenkintown, Pa. a ' idfan chiefs gathered at $anta Fe to Photograph, for thia back-page feature should ba subMtted through the mm,- ' t" of theNew Mexjioitt. -v '- oMrmtd to 'fit Btaulv Ctkr. Kvwmo Fuwjc.Lswibk, 'Vj.aj,, , .. k .it'jii . "f ,,; ' . l 4 V .." ft , -2 v .A. f f v Ki MI !t SB.,- f f!iM i.8 l H&pr