V I venig public ledger-philadblphlv, Wednesday,- October i, ioio b i It If. It If B"- v- 4 I & BEAI. ESTATE JOB BALE . TKNNBT1.TAN1A BPIHTItnAT OLKNBniB , , aLENSIDE Unusual opportunity to pur chase beautiful detached hornet P"' rendition! 0 rooms, hot-watar heat: good lot, Mar train and trolley! fflOOO nenninrcrv at Htnningar. uifnwue. BUILDING 81IH beautifully located! larr mansion, partly conairucvsu, .,-. brlclc building- 1 acres! will sell, reasonable tarrna. Ow M Aman, 1218 Chestnut at. , KEBOUSON'B. lota, $53 UP! H -acre plots. mja . ,j .. kln naaltv land! tVh H0O up! priced far below nearby la,od! no ar for Improvements: free Insurance: eKIatl eaay terms, FeraTiaon Front VTorK chars boekH .14 ICDOKLET AVR 10 imp. and bath lot ' pOiIIIOi fruit CLULEY. Bon a m lUPIH-AND rAWl , 10-noOM 1USSIDENCB. atone and atucco' Inclosed porch hot-water heat Baa and electricity lot TSxJ80i megnlfteent lawn. fjill treee: ortce 111 000 GEO. L BARNES 1201 Chestnut at . or Highland rarK JfJSOO Six rooms and bath: VI aqua ra from cara: detached! on lot .WjjWI '-. ,Vm for garsge. "WILLIAM J. OTT, Brookllno, Ta Phono T-lanerch 303 JgMtlNTIWN STONE COLONIAL HOUSE Containing- 12 rooms and 2 baths all modern ...wainMa, t is ip.rai iif land and small taraie: convenient to train and trolley! 111.000. HERKNESS & STETSON I.AND TTTLH BOILPWO iononyK bargain iisve-sticiatk bajiqain Near atatlon! 11 acreai atone house, all conveniences, 3 bathe, hardwood floor! beat of condition! caretaker's dwelling, all con venlenceai atona garage with heat: barn for hones and cewi' chicken houses: fruit! berries In, abundance: magnificent lawn, with beautiful shade: half price If Bold t once! only $0000 cash required ARTHUlt P TOWMSCND I.anghorne. Ta. TEN ACHES! dwelllnir with all modern con veniences, near caretaker's dwelling, table and garages magnificent lawn, beau tiful ahrubberr; first offering: price ?20 000 A P TOiVNSEND. tnghorna. Pa. tMsmmxrsr. COLONIAL DWELUNG Hollow tile: built 1 year ago: plate glass windows birdwood floors ft chambers. 2 baths, sleeping porch: 2-rar heated garage, large corner lot: old ahade, opposite beauti ful B acra country seat: prlca $20,00 ALSO a E. cor. Ianadowne and Greenwood aves , a good buy for 1 5.000. CU.iv fi.Vinmo 803-4-5 TTelghtman B. Lnester Usborne Tj,r,, , .fl,. JX IXVNFIUH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION J'or $5000 below value located on a corner, 13 rooms and tile bath central hallwav, 0Dn fireplaces; lot 150 ft. square, with old shade and ahrubbery. If seeking a high-class hnmn In the heart of TJnnereli It will rav vou to Inspect this property: newly painted ana psnerea, . D. P. RYAN, C908 Market tJTfvOO NEW, stucco semidetached dwelling. rooma, tain aim muiiurj. uyeu nityiuvc cement porch WM. -T. OTT. Bronklln Ta. Phon Islmngrrh 29 MKPiy. MEDIA Three-story brick house. , all con venience.! good stable garage Apply 34J W gd at. Phone BM J. MTxnosn tark . MELROSE PARK HOME A beautiful all-stone f'olonlal home with 12 tnoms. 2 baths on lot 110x100. garage, one of the very finest built homea along tho Tteadlnr K R : strictly modem and up to date: :2.0OO: convenicrt terms. J. T. JACKSON CO. ESSSS5. Oak Lane Ofllcw Opposite Station Colonial Home Best Location For the praon who Is setklmr a real home this property Is worth looking- Into. It has 12 rooms. baths, open flr?places: lot 75x300. fronts on 2 streets and It has a fine earns for 2 cars; can be purchased for $25 000 J. T. JACKSON CO. Chestnut at 13th sts. Oak Lane Office Opposite Station MBBIOV BUILDING SITE Within T minutes' walk of Overbrook sta Hon, B minutes from Merlon atatlon; high ground: commanding outlook, all street Im provements, Including nets- road, walk, curb, sewer, ga and water, lot 78x180 ft.; care fully reatrlcted neighborhood, surrounded by attractlva homea, price 19500. terms can be arranged: ons of the few available building lota In this section. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (Morris Bldg) 1421 Chestnut at. ON HIOH onoUND near station; English, style house, 20 rooma, 3 batha. large ground old ahade. fruit and garden; especially attractlva property; terms can be arranged. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (Morris Bldg) 1421 Chestnut st ItJSBESSIOV November r. ltim,. the best value under 130,000. north aide. For par ticulars and inspection address Owner. A 333. Ledger Office MOYLAN A BARGAIN. $12,500 Ftone dwelling. 0 bedrooms and 2 baths on second noor: 3 open nrepiaces: garage; i-acra lawn, old ahade; possession: with a littler money spent on It tnia property will look Ilka iSO.000. Chester Osborne ,M c"3"1, st iwiicaicr asuunic TjOCUlt (,037, nn3g ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE. 7 chambers. 3 baths, open fireplace: all modern convent ences; garage with apartment and bath, 3 acres of ground; fine -old shade and fruit, plendld outlook over larva estate, Imme- aiai possession TOCCM POWERS CO . 2D S loth at, NARTIERVir IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A. brand new detached un-to-the-mlnut. Th location Is Ideal snd most ranv.nl.nl Be. SAMUEL T ATHERHOLT. builder and owner, iiampaen ave.. --Anthwyn farms r minutes walk east or rvsrberth Station HOUSE Montgomery ave ; beat location tn NcTberth: 7 large rooms and bath, 4 leaping rooms, hot-water heat, electrlo lights, gas and Springfield water, coal and gas range and hot-water heater; glass In closed porch: lot 30x108, large garden: ItOOO. J A CALDWELL Narberth Pa 18500 FINE HOME, D rooma and bath; larg. lot-hot-water heat, electrlo light, etc. Possession In 30 daya. JOHN A CALDWELL. Narberth. ra. Office at Station NKYVTOWN SQUARE REAL BUNGALOW Nine rooma; 4H ttcres; Karaite, old shade and tarubtury; all modrn appointments- a really btautlful nam, arnne- fpf IniperUon, i. F. RYAN. 5908 Market nroi.v.Y VAUK J Ridley Park Estates 1 After -eftlt Tnava refuT this "ad" MS HI want you to try and ioolc Into the S future Just one year. If you knew m , tha great cliangca that ara bound to tali, placo in real estate values In H this section, you would not besttata M on. minute In deciding to buy a E horns site and thereby provide a safe- m guard tor the future. B There Is today, according to re liable statistics the enormous short age of 80.000 homes In and around Philadelphia, which means the Im mediate lncreaae of land values to provide a site for those homes. The one solution of the man who does not own a home alte at the present time. Is to buy before pries go beyond his reach Duy on terms If .necessary and secure your alt. In a gooa location anu wuu gooa trans portation facilities.. as these are two of the most tmnortant points to b. considered. Property In and around Philadel phia will never again be purchased as cheaply or on such easy terms as today, within a year prices will go far higher. Take a part of your sayings and put them where looted banks cannot affect them. Th. one sure and safe Investment today Is land for your home sit n a desirable pecuon. ana jviuuci iaiuv jvd fTATHS possesses the advantage of choice location and transportation with low prices ana easy terms with out Interest or taxes. Lots 40 by 100 or mere on which you can have your detached bom. and yard. Tola Is a restricted property and prices are below market value. We accept your Liberty Bonds at (see value. It will pay you to take a day oft and see this beautiful Property while there. are many choice locations to choose from. To ret to TIIDLET PARK ES TATES take train at Broad Street Station or West Philadelphia to Rid- -... -t. .en a. tit .tt. ...sV IllnckUy avenu. to property) or fake JV3T rslr IllI.e IsailUI HRU, CaUL VII iroil.v irorn -nnautipuia, to jjaior and change to Chteter and Wllmlng- troll.v from Fhllad end rhanae to Chisf ten trolley out Chester pike anil gat oft at property fronting on north side Cheater pike in nidley Park. . Sell PJxme Cheater T, i Crilmora, Mefsran & Miller 4 aC ,tl ML. Ti KEAIi ESTATE FOB. SALE I-ENNSiXVAItTA STjnURn VN s SELECT YOUR HOME FROM THIS LIST Germantown Handsome Brick Colonial Beautifully rltusted on est Upsal st : IS rooms, 3 baths: whits and mahogany finish throughout: large fireplaces, porches, ate: garage and atable com bined, nil! "tl below original cost. In Best Section of West Felham. Semi-detached stona residence, 0 rooma and tiled bath; central heat! apeclal pries ot J9500 until October 1 10 Rooms, 2 Baths $9000 All stone house In good section. Gas, electric and steam heat, near tralna and trolleys: this placo has large cheerful rooma and la an excellent buy. All Large Rooms Substantial brlck-and stone resldenc of 12 rooms, 3 baths, 7 or 8 chambers, as desired: gas, electricity, hot-water heat, etc.: near trnln and trolley, over looks club grounds; J13.000. If one of these does not; answer your requirements phone us. Many exclusive listings for your consideration. "Our Brokerage Service" will please you. SMULLEN Broad and Chestnut Liberty Builcjing d? rgTfTnrsVgTxsisiiiiissTTiTgWsTisTnsTfrnaia.nl rtTis ?500 CASH $28.00 Per Month $5000 DELIGHTFUL LOGAN HOMES WITH PRIVATE GARAGE SMKOLbT STJIKCT. 4000 block NORTH (Lotran) 2 squares northnest of Tax an Station and 26 squares northwest of York Koati trolleys. M Two story. C rooms and bath electric light, hot-water heat, hardwood floors, terraced lawns, porch front, storm door and private garage V Your NKT monthly carrying: churtreB wilt bo J8 Hi a OARAQK, rented, will earn for jou at least IS n month If you don't need it ir your own car, ami will sae that much or more if you keep a car, si that your net carrying charges will really be only 120 a month- U The 123 abovo referred to does not Include the monthly pajment to be made on reducing your mortgage this will be $8 to $10 additional each month, depending nn the amount of cash you pay down I Take train at Iteadtng Terminal to Logan Station or trolleys (Itoutejs 24 l5 05) trotng north on York Road. Get off at Lotsan Station (5100 North), walk west on Fishers Lane two blocks to Smedley Street. SIMPLE HOUSE 4ffl0 SMEDLEY STREUT OPEN DAILY TILL 0 00 T. M. PAUL G. BASEH0RE, Agent 1420 Chestnut Street Race 1588 nVBRRROOK $25,000 New All-Stone Residences Just Being Completed Uuilt on solid rock. Highest point in Overbrook. Tho last word in home construction. All-stone houses', laid with cement mortar. Every modern improvement. Most beautifully situated. Only new houses now being built in Overbrook. Stone garage for two cars. Largo lot 80x200. Central Mating plant. Como out daily or Sunday. Builder and Owner, 58th and Woodbine avenue, Overbrook, or John H. McClatchy, 848 Land Title Building OVERBROOK HOMES $10,000 to $16,000 W are offering a number of altrai-tlva homes In Overbrook Karms and the Over brook section, thoroughly modern nnd up. to date: 2 to 3 baths, some wl'h garages for 1 and 2 cars theae houses are all con veniently located to trolley nnd train and are the best values now beln offered In this rapidly growing section It will be to your Interest to see these desirable offerings before definitely locating CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (MORRIS BLDO ) 1421 CHESTNUT ST !w:irannmuiiira;iaiiOiTK ATTRACTIVE HOME g u-lth alaln roof, containing It rooms. I 3 hatha. 7 -vhnmhfrs. modern lmDrove- menta. central heat: excellent loca lion, large lot. possession in au jays prlc reasonable; mvesiiftaie HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST IJIJJO. IliiBlifflMBJlfflffllillllffllUiii; EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY This stone house and garage In one of the beat locations must be sold at once the house contains 3 baths, A chambers all con veniences central hpat large lot, old shade, possession October flrst. Investigate. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUBT BLDO 111.' WTIVNBWOOD ROAD Tnree-storv all atone house aud garage, central plant heat and other special features: awnings shades and screens for all windows Included, price ttrt OOP Apply on premises RADNOR STONE & PLASTER RESIDENCE Containing 8 chambers and baths, electric light, vapor vacuum neai, narawooa nuurs. garage for 2 cara. mart's room, hot-water heat, old shade: 1U acres; excellent sur roundings, reasonable price for quick sale. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST ENt TRUST HLDO Hollow Tile & Plaster Residence m rnnma A hatha. R r.himben. all modern Improve m en ta. vacuum heat: on high eleva tion Tfiu exiena-ea yjbwb, very ..cm ctevmw trains; over 4 acres; prices reasonable HIRST & McMULLIN WFST END TRUST Tlf DO TAOIT RESIDENCE & GARAGE House contatna 14 rooms 3 baths, 7 cham bers; Harass with room for man. 3 acres. (Ins sarden old shade, fruit trees, etc f everything in excellent condition, low nice for Quick sale HIRST & McMULLIN VVF8T KNP TRUST BI.DO nOSEMONT EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY to purchase this stone-and frame house with S baths. 8 chambers, ni. electricity steam heat, opsn fireplaces, lane porches, garage 'J cars. 2-8 acre old .hade, ahrublury and libit tieea: prlqo reasonable: very near sla, HIRST & McMULLIN WBST KNP TTtUgT TiUIILDINCl noxnottouoH TllllEB STOHY, light brlclc house, atml-d.. mr.tmA SIT 1V l.m.it.mi ave. 11 rooms. bath, 2 inside toilets, hot-water heati lot SSs; 1781 garage; price, iojuu wni;r . v". owner, or any r.41 estate broker, Thotie noaborougu tut w. COWNIA1. MANSION and 10-room houaei garass; .ma. omm. .uuo . .. .--... (JKCANE Old style residence, with 8 acres high ground) B minutes l'a. n. It. station. 3a IBlBUUa iselmr; oeuSd be used Ss sana- Bis. achool Eiuwwer TIEAI. ESTATE FOIt SALE rENNSYlWANIA SUIIfRllAV . t Penna. Main Line HAVKItFOrtD Real Old Colonial Near atatlon, while atucco over atone, IS rooma Including- S chambers and J baths, all In excellent condition: large porches garage and A acres In old ahade, lawn nnd rrnrden. first time of fred and will sell quickly i low prlca J.'J, 1)0(1, Immediate possession. MERION Compare Triis for Value Beautifully located: north aids of Mer lon, hollow tile and atucco. Colonial horns and garage: finely finished In ma hogany and white- thoroughly modern n chambera. .1 baths, lot 100x180 Buy it and move In. Price 22,000. BrtTX MAWR New Detached $13,500 Stost attractive English atylo real denco: best brick and stucco construc tion: 10 rooms, 2 baths, 0 chambers, modern and up to date In detail, lot 140 foot front, a real bargain. OVKB.BROOK On Sherwood Road Beautifully located and of excellent construction, .residence of IB rooms. Including 7 chambers and 3 baths rantral heat, 2-car garag, attractive grounds, real opportunity to secure an unusual Overbrook home. & BARRY Im mediate Possession of Several Houses1 Spruce 2420 o KitnimnK HIIAROV HILT. DEHIRAULK 10 room stone nnd shingle sas and all conveniences, lot TlxlRO. cheap J-I30U WILLIAM S ATCHISOV Shiroii IClll. Va. or Vol Ilalley Illdg . Phi a G7..U. n...r.in . .t T !-s FINE BUILUINQ LOT. Rarker uve near House; steam ueui riecinc Usui sewer, FINE RUILDLNQ LOT. Harker ave ,neAr unester pike, noxini all at. Imps : I1U50 HVVUP is as Htir4 nin viain ac . liarb) MAT.i.iNnronn oni3 ov the most 13kautii"ul lountiit rbats in 1h13 section for sale at sioueiiah: pricb Large stone Colonial house, barn, garage and 2aW ncres, hojse contains 14 rooms and 4 baths, all conveniences, many open fireplaces. Impressive Colonial hall, barnf garage; large chicken Plant, old shade, meadow, running Btream. near train and trolley, HERKNESS & STETSON LAND VITM3 IU-.DO. WA1MS STONE and atucco Colonial house: large llvlns' room with flrrjlat?r. dlnlnir room pantry. Kitchen, laundry. Sr' roornChe?ba1fhU,ndr.-.l.a l",B?Sh.".r n ' .Ul c " n'Tpe nrV,,.-ees T-htlS tubt-wahea1, "i'a. tS?trcbh'een,eiecr , "". ,-,5511,123; "'"ex'cT.Unt'-'s'prln-wood floors! $11 000. eaafr terms lm- . .. ' y outtullillrws. eiceliint sprin. sewinx ana i hard mediate possession. J, M. FRONEFILLU vyne, i'a N. 8 LOUKLLA COURT-A beautiful house at a right nrlce. Immediate oosesslon term. C. P Eggle.ton IDOS Ralley Hide .vhtlv IDKMi-R T, I HAVE S very desirable homes on Nedro ave , In the 1500 block, modern, 0 rooms esrage, JST.'.O Herbert Hope, 5901 York Road ILMN 1KB iHinraiiiH!MiiignM!iimiffi MODERN HOME 9 of Knsllsh deilcn, containing 10 ! rooms 3 batha and 8 chambers, ga- ! rage for 3 cars; excellent locality; high-class surroundings; old shade, near atatlon. college schools, etc.; H attractive price for quick sale. pi Hirst & McMullin 8 WK8T FND TRUST ni.DO RMUBIIII . TWO NEW HOUSES Located In best part Bryn ifawr and ready for Immeillatu occupancy (Send for particulars. MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. N B ror Hroad and Cheatnut slj mot jfiihki sununnAN AT HEJlWri, K J. en new concrete White Horse pike, 8-roont house, fir.t-clasj con dltloni . suuures from V. R Jt station and center of town; good water: large poultry house, barn, garage etc . very desirable lo catloni fruit trees and several acres ground, yearly lease 8. VT nUZtlY Owner Berlin N J BUUURBAN homes ready to move Into See our complete list United Realtors, Ino . N, E Ifront and Market at. , Phlla CAMDKN tOO BLOCK. MARKET BT . CAMDEN, N J, Three etnry. brick. B C ADAMS 1418 Walnut st CHKSTNTJT RinOK CHESTNUT niDOE. N J,, Substantially built moitern house T rooraa and beth: lew minutes' walk from station of Atlantic City Eltrlo Linei Jit minutes from Market st. ferry by BO trains each way a. day! sle ol lot 60x100: price WHO; terms 1800 cash, balance roortgsre ' ALSO . , , Excellently constructed bungalow conUlnltur ft rooms bath and saa kitchen: bathroom mP th. uivt m, In tin OOO hmiill Ul I olla d.lphla: surrounded by attrMtlre homes occupied ny aesir.oi. peopiy, si v rurbs, guttsrn, and craent sldewalst, gultsrn, ver Isnos m ItEAC ESTATE FOBi SALE NB-.r 4r rtsFA tununii n ritAYTOW roR HALK 120-acr farm on atale road. between Camden and Atlantic City: all necessary buildings with conveniences, and in perfect condition! flrat-class soil: 10UO neafh tl-erj Ml fwrtl YtlneWhrrrr. rasoberr and strawberry plants planted, entire farm unoer niKMKMom nirase miiKC nn iii,vr.iiun l.Ollia It l.ttflDON Cltun. N, J 1I,M)I)0NKIKI1) EXCKPTIONAI.UT large lota 7nxlOO feet and ud on the beautiful Uu-dwood Tract 4i0 up: sewer, water, gas, electricity, ce ment walks stone roads, will build for you on monthly paiment: get m-lp and booklet OILUEnT ft OC'AIitAllAN 703 Walnut st Ml'nt HANT IM.I1 irMn Trt-lll IllAAti KSTATH lNVKHrOIta GUIDE, showlna; opportunity to make a fortune when UEI.AWAHB KlVUn IlllIlMlh Is completed, FltBE Address Editor, OIU Preset Bldg Philadelphia ifgv annsnv iwwnorin AnMiCON IDKAIj suburban homo! 8 rooms, hot water gss. ftlectrlcltv. earagc. large grounds, shade B D Wley. ATUSTiV t'lTV ATLANTIC CITT Cor Paclflo and Vermont. vacant lot, BOalOO, and -10 raclflo ae adj.. 11 rooms. lumisnpu . uui nr,,i seat electrlo lights WonllBLL. fiat. N 17th MAnVt.AM FOIl 8AUi 100 acres 00 acres dear finest nualltv soil. 40 acres old Pine woods on tidewater. I mile from cement state road 1 miles from busy town. 8 miles from ocean resort,, by state road tine old home won derful flowers and fruit ,iectrlo light nnd water syatsm cement C2llar hardwood floors mammoth flreolaco In beautiful Wit living room: outbuildings of all hinds. 1000 bushel metal corncrlb TO ton silo nn Ideal home -...i --.. nvlnd -nO n.- nrm. nvvner wilt 111 elude, for oulclc sale. K000 worth moderftj rtrmlng implement! i seimraiur "" "" registered Jeraeya. tlOOO Jersey bull 30 bend thoroughbred Berkshire hogs learn mules horse, wagons and everything nccessao on thoroughly modern, up-to datu farm eiccp tlonally well equipped, mild winters -ool summers, convenient to llaltlmore and Phlln oVIphln Address Owner P O llox iU (.olumbus. U. MM.TlMOnW I ' VTTI.NTrO.V MKDIfAt. l'llOFMStON Vnusual opportunity If a, quick sale for high arnda sanatorium conenlent to Ualtl I more city, equipped tor .!' patients meulcl I nil water, reyenuo producer, patronaira ot Itie South aasured. jn.OOO cash required, balance to suit purchaser Address L, H. Uosley 1127 Calvert UIJn Ualtlmore Vd. FARMS 345-Acre Dairy Farm. $7000; 4 Horses, 23 Cows and n heifers hull, calves poultry wsbuiis har una niBollne enalne binder drills nalKini ' and sulky plrws complete impiemenis mim 'cans, crops Included to qulik buer con enlent railroad. banklnK town 1 i .a-re I strong soil tillage: 7.1-cow wlro-fenced pas . . . ,..1... .l.nt.M nav fnr (9TIH !,. ...nA.1 nnA tlmW nlinllld D8V fOT farm milk checks running; JVM) monthlj inn apple trees otner fruit, good lOroi-m houao big oasemeut stock barn. corn, hog houses aged owner to retire ut onco sells everything $7(100 part cash Details pago 23 Fall Catalog. Just out. farm bargains Maine to Florida and west to Nebraska copy free SfllOUT FARM AGENCY, 14JJ L,. Land Ttitie niqg i-nnaiieipniu 140-Acre Money-Maker, $2800: 4 Extra Good Cows. I Poultrs wagons, walking nnd sulky plow ' mowing machine, full line inaihuiery uuan I tlty wheat, corn. hay. other crops Included for quick sale, stores, thurches creamery near convenient railroad town 70 ncres ..... ....... ..It .Ilia,-. rtaV atlbBOll WlTC I fenced pasture, estimated 100 cords wood - ,.-, ...K ,lmhn- frillt P. cellent 12-room house, ilono worth more than nliolo price- 20 cow basement burn etc.. I.'SOO eas terms gets all. details page ." fall catalog Just out farm Imr g-ilns Maine to norldi and west to Nebraska, i opy free STHOUT FA1U1 AOC.NCY. H2J I Uind Title Ilulldlng. Philadelphia , PKNNSYLVANIA rRMS GENUINE FARM BARGAIN nj acr ntnfk farm within J.i lllltes oC Philadelphia on Statu higliwa. tienr station stores, market and trolley passes tho farm stona house. 15 rooms, necessary outbuild Ings. 00 acres old timber 23 arren meadow ntream, tenant house barn with tie up for I1 head, best boIIj prlc for immediate -sale iuu per ncre more acreage u uesireu W. FORREST MAGEE SOUTHAMPTON TV lift ACHES Jiu 000 Near Ijocksley station. 15 miles Philadelphia i vmalT fl-ro-im stone farmhouse, cood double decker stone barn. 30 head stork' elrgant pruduLlnff soil grow inic 100 bushels torn per acre other crops in proportion, sprint nouse, . nLren um her unnlpa itnrl nlher fruit hand to couii roads adjoining farms bringing lino to JI0 per acre and onnml b prominent Phlla detphlans $"000 cm remain If wifihed money maker, sea before snow tomes, farms everv where HEALU . sov west unester i-a BEAUTIFUL country estate tn the select Throe Tuns section 2 milea east from Ambler Station. 01 iiLres stone mansion house II rooms and .1 batha hardwoo I floors hot water het. electricity and all tll latest imurovements. Imnroved stoiiu farm house. It rooms and bath, all Improvements 2 tenement houses, garage ror i cara. lait-e barn, poultry houses etc . a beautiful prop erty In an excellent neighborhood owner a change of business location makes ouick sale neccsHHry. prtce S4J..100 H J DAUKR :T N Main el . Ambler Pa A BARGAIN lm 5cre '"J,.?? ,n."c,.."n";" ,1.l1rV. meadow and largo stream: nil aoiith slope. '',r'lle. UM , l2-room l?,nt Cai ?"lal hou1 with deep w ndows ond high ceilings 15-room ... ,JnHt ,.... !..?,. ham i,l,llrp 17 100 acre farm 22 miles City Hall 15 acre framo trnnnt house, larse barn stabling 17 nead all uuiDUiiuinsrs. near ma lorn riu 1 mile depot only 8M)0 J t AKUOU-, MOtTleOT Flnevllle Va 30ft AC Ilfc-S rich. rolllnfT land 1th long frontago an the Drandywlne end frontlnir on concerto tato highway. line old stone house about 20 rooms, bath, hot-water heat on hilltop with beautiful view a from the HrandMne Valley, aurroundrri by century old tre"s and reached by drheway along stream and through old timber, larva barn fwveral tenant house sprint: f'reatn tlm ber orchard J M Krone field Wayne. Pa K ObbtH farm of approximately 7". arrff improved with lane dwelllnjf houe arrnnred for 2 fvimlllea modern conveni ences poultry bulldlnca for J0O0 chickens. 10 ncres of peach, ami apple orchards in Krlme condition ood barn machinery ouae etc . located In thtf llorsham-Willow Otuve section, will aBrrltir for quick sale H J. DAGKIl 2(M V. Main st Ambler., Ta , COUNTUY SKAT 80 A CUT-'B T.eit prductle land beautiful location IT mites from City Hall, 14 room f tmUl Htune mansion house Hide hall and iiKniins tniiv m. ronvp.i.i, Htl- m I' . -.CKNTW acre farm, nn stone road . nfn, " AVihLro i? mile. i"hi7adeinwi AmWer or IUtb.ro U mile. I hlladelphla attpartlvtt Minn huiiiti. nrrane.d for '2 tarn Mien good barn and outbulIdlnrH eceMeut mrHnun en 1 11 sjuiiiv iiiiiuti . uui.t.ts v v "- ducthe will eacrtnc for nulck sale H J DAOKR. 207 N Main Bt Ambler l'a , AC'RbS, "on 2 pikes near st itlon. modenl itons dwelllnsr lornted on elevutlon bath hent beautiful lavn barn garage excellent spring water at the buildings s. wood farm ilwas occupied by owner, only $RT00 j n THOMFaOV Realtor A est Chester la ttO ACRES In 1-rueka county's twst farmlnix (vtn:tlon. close, to station and vlllsge 10 rnmn ntona-snd-frHmii dwelling. with bath open fireplace, food brn and outbuildings fruit in variety, price- 000t) AKltKW M L'UUKKl.l Httthoro l'a 131 ACRKS. AVesttown township Chester county, convenient Wt Chester Phlla trolley and Penna R. R, st i . stone hout.n ') I rooms, larre barn, sprlnthouie out bl da a Ijn ooft J M Fronefleld AVayne. Va ATTRACT IV J country seat B4 acres cun Wllmlwrton Mono house U I 4 kutke tnlniala. Iissei t an emu mini) emeni ot itooq roan a una .rin id i'nii 1 rOUIIIB, a eves VIIB uui-nnn. es uu:i by wonaeriui oia irvm, iirciiHrii. kircum tanie t.wj rt yronenrio iyncra 13 ACRES ColonKil stone dweinni all modern Improvementit stable, etc , fruit U mile tn station, a-harjraln tYARREV M CORNSLb Hatboro Ta 100-ACrlB farm, '2 good houses. Trie nrrhard near nation and stream J 11 Avllliam Areola, l'a. BEAL ESTATE FOB BALE WBST l'HII.UIKI 1'IIIA MOSS &,TAYLOR'S ALL-STONE HOMES WITH Independent Stone Garages in ovEtmnooK 64TH ST.'L.niuIorn.0Aie. Central Plant Heat S Story, Ban! Detached t Beerse, Br.ry vac a Ian rarloi ., H.ll-Itslln ' Uarbl. Shower tV MUert Kuom IUeiolt laundry lass M4t.WMe.i EMM Zi-tt. TtmU KEAL ESTATE FOB SALE . I'BNNHl fiVAWIA, FARMS HIGH-GRADE STOCK FARM 110 acres prndnrtlni Boll III miles from illy Hall rhtiadelphla, miles from Tren-, ton t minutes walk lo trolley lino and rallrond station on New Kork riltlslon of, needing graded sihool (Including high) on the premises near best markets, churches etc i an attractive brownatone dwelling JO, rooms nu conveniences, old snaoe ana spa elntlS lun tnm f.. RA h..ri T nlh nlll buildings In A 1 shapo and worth $5O,iM0 I will sacrince at J3J 000 for prompt sale to I settle estate JlVKOTllUJITMt:H S)Ulhamiton 1'n $300 Down Secures Aged Owner's 75-Acre Farm, near H K trwn 10 acres fields. 43 aires orook watered pssture. woodland fruit J-1 story house few steps agreeable neighbors, twrns drilled well oure spring water lioim gels all: verv eas Isrins Helalls PRge 47 I all Catnlog lust out fsrm bargains Maine to Florida, nnd i.l In v.h,nlia. rrtnv free I Title llhlit I'hlladelnbla J . I TWO Atllf. 7 rillin, alnnA ivAlllnir vfnhle etc close to station in miles from t'lty I Halt a bia bsrKain tt $4ikiO I VVAIIRBV M COUNT!,!, Hatboro 1'n NF.W ll.lihlA l'ABMS One-Acre Farms $5 Down $5 Monthly 0 isn 2001) s II 1) SINOK 1012 t I lj nu WHITE Barlow & Company HOMllArVuI.'ilw ,. Beautiful Sub. Home & Farm Hfer.1 bu"fHlow 1,re rooms, solid oak ir .. ,hrou'""Ut nl flojrs tllo bathroom lMnilBomo Kns llxtun i , n fireplace stained Kliiss wlnUo hoi ir luut set vrash tuhs ejerMhlns m l mrHte, poultrv ,.;,"l f,ur2(,0 ulrris i.bnm i .ores of land IiiM1 vi,h ".'. '' "lul" 'herrv arapes (.Iran berries ..J f, i lf irrigation In Kiir S. old rh";'" . l"iut ful lawn alirubberv Sik-W "' ""nutei to ir llei J nflnutea to scnool beautiful p onrru nrlce J7000 Ei-'j -B"h, ,r.l ""," " nd for our mi"??1",11,, Il.lustrni I firm calalocur i.hYi ,. ,Mni,r ol"" '"'" rerl HldB Philadelphia Ta or Mr Hand V J I4-Acre Fruit Farm. $2400; 1000 Peach Trees. Also penrs iiIuitim h ,r tipples grapes hi inL hAPrtfii av airawnernes rantwrrl celleut tlllni,e onlj mllr. to passenger nnd snipping stations com ment Philadelphia cement blotk house barn itc 24QO gets It part CdSll lletalls I K KALBB Mne land J . or STItilLT 1 AIIU AOBNCY l.aml Title Hide I'hlli lelihla 4(1 ACIU.M or cleared fcrt le land on trolley '!"?., ."!",!. "ate mid leliveen Jlrldgelo l and M JllMllo onlv .ij, miles from Mllmlle convenknt In IteHdlng luilroad 7 room house In best conditio! large barn wagon shed corn crib ami rltukm houio property lus excellent well i. is mul ulephonn service nne avnllable prlco Jlijno tonns I.120O cash balance ttiortgub ..t L MtnilLfl & 10 1 ill I'hestnut si I'hll i Pa ON THi: PIINVA PI 1 ( rilK within com inutlng dlatnnre with xi-rllmt train serv le 10 mhi walk lu stall n .:u acres, nliout li acres In fruit li-.nc, rti 1 0 room siucco liniiso villi (finvrllii-lices up to date inrgn chlckrn house fimii, hitn possession exceptional onpnrlunltx pr only Slu nun I part t-Jsh ' .1 in t all at ome J II IMMI.IIMW H ihV N lliiiilnilown N 1 85 ACRES IN FRUIT vpDles peailKs Lhcrrles cool buildings near IJiveriv AM1LRT 1)RI S1I.R lIurllnKtun N J R-EAI. EbrATE SALE OB BENI HTT III1LI1KI 1111 BS'il IIA7LI. AE price SOOII Oravaave between "ild mil '.-ttti wont J stori jnnh fl rooms bath rent JJ" renevvod little, lash optlun to lm .11IUT, T1JI anlfnrrt live KtuHliqlon U1II 00-, S lIDTH ST Storo am. ilivellliig tlio business hiurk ot s i nth st vacant lfl N 11108 Market st t lirsTMTT II I I.I. Very Desirable Residences for Sale and for Rent 1 I RNlblll 1) JOSEPH M. JENNINGS in.srNi r hill piiii.v Hill lelenlium rhetiliiiit Hill 1117 BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE VAIIL miliF luree liulldliis and lot clear nr mv Mine inortEdSe llt.O for inv stinenl iiruinrtles suhjvit to one ituhUKia; i.'i i r,j i si 1 r -T KEAL ESTATE WAN T3TJ "FIVE MILLION DOLLARS" 3 3 S 3 3 ". IN "ALk.s OV A HltOKtltAlll, C I li,, i,i i.i.i ai'MTU nltti ut , L ourj to i) vii" for iiin thlsi: SAI.LS U.Ml Hl.l'RLSBNr A HOST OK sAT!SK!r I CLIKNTS. MHO NOW nNUM.r- I S TOR AllLllUUlt ULLr WORK ' List Willi Is ror Results ' SMULLEN & BARRY Broad und UietUuut (Liberty Bldg ) We hin numioui clients for nub urban properU ttiK L-n aectioti list with ut -uul insure quick results JOHN T. DOYLE Ki-ALron1 71- K naington ave. MODERN detTt h d or semldotnched houue I h rnonm J bath' fumlhei nr unfurnUhfil ( 111 -.itrn. inionii ' nftiviiui. wit ui uvriu.unii convenient to I nnn hanla trains poises alon before N-i'venihT 1 prefer house nor mally occupied h wner c ttn satisfy the most parth ular that unusually consclentlnut care would be tn n f hia property, rental u-nut $100 P ttit 1 edser Office. PRIA'Afl? IndlvidiMi nlll buy 2 story dwell ing In rtv or j i-n ouisuitt or itv prop rlv muHt tte in lii.1 I loiui-tlcin Hlid tiitt ox cef-dlnir IJ-'Hoi) in Hiiav-ilnc iflvt full par tlmUrs Addr I' -'- i.eoaer unice KM'Xl.T. fnfnM if lultM desire rcsidem o to ID rot ma - i rflh-- .S to $100 ir apartment not v i fUi uty or counlrj . 320 lcdfirnr OHli e COU)UKl 1UJ Ut waltlngr for mo lern homea nuri u - ijiii ukti iiiri Dkn W VNTKH Hlx r house state location -I anl nut A .1-7 I i dser Office- BEAL ESTATE FOB SAXE (.1 K1UNTOWN -Sill IB J ISLBIUmmiMKl WIS i a M 1 Ta n BllltHI.1l B JimillHMJSllMllMIIU I i !! assisii i-Msaiiiiir- ' t- :isW9sssssssssssBssssssE7x'v "'V flRssssHssssssHssssi ' 3B&& 'iSBHH " B asHsiSBl.VT, astsssssHssssssssBwTasli " "p"rm " I'lltfMMMM mm - 8iE Pwrii' I 531 PELHAM ROAD i x JUST IN THE MARKET 1 This beautiful house has just been thoroughly renovated, vith two beautiful back rooms, new electric fixtures of the. S latest design throughout, new hardwood floors, whitfj paint 1 in fact, all those things that make a house of this kind popular, g I Immediate possession. 'Make appointment atvonce, g Glyndon. HB07 GERMAW.UWtv) ay. KEAS, ESTATE -WANTED JOSEPH J) IIAYIJS neal Estole Broker nrnhart. In nil Mlt-la ftf rltY fOT COl XrXti"" 11J3 a -",h naM WANTKD - To sublet hous- furnished In ln oirnrd l!n lie for pcrll 'f 0 "" ""' months A 32"i I fdger Dfn"" '- " .t. nvnm REAL ESTATE FOR RENT - "! THi: l'CNNhVJAANiV TOMrANT .Tor Insurances on I.Ives and Granting An nullles. M7 t Urstnut st llolh phones 111 s jo.ir.r livi imlsji Hare 10 r It on JI31"pe. Ilr tun II liusi l'lnit II r It 00 1M4 S JI) ST 7 rooms JJIl t-r munlh or I will aell fur j100 AppU 4ltrel l"t Ituslness rroncrtles nnil Mores 927-929 CHESTNUT ST. lleslrable flrel lloor paLO for general ofrtrn us uith lituits ami fireproof ault ! tlflAK 'I HOX lllf Walnut HANDSOME NEW STORE 8th St. Close lo Chestnut Ready to Occupy J. A. Patterson, I30S. !5thSt. Fact orles M innrae tnrlna llnors FLOOR SPACE TO LEI" TO SUBI.BT 1 I I HOlfj 1 II " V," N' AltbA UK M'lWAlMMI I Y -!"n" stJUAUB Tr.l-T 1 Of Tl I IN Tlvf'''J H1IAAMV t.AKAOl 1.1 H !"''-, T,- mis spaii. im mi it Mill- I on on ni. on sroitAur piupo-.iv .m-pi.y ai ONCK TO SIXTH PI OOlt till V UHOVU Ml KMI.nClfNt'S I II IT l OUI'OBATION c UltOlvVIlS o. .......,!. , .1 ...... !".., 11 AIIDI1UL -I iniimiii iu .-, .... . . ..., and Markst sis J nun s i I i sinri corner - sis i li vt i e m r verv neavj ron'tructliin r-Hp in shipping points I 11 ANDl.ltfcON I lit i hestnul bir 4'S4 s i OR 1JT1I NOSSSOMHI Id floor UOO i ft tlnv outslue Hthl slenm heut lame elevator etc ,.,., (ham i, imouv tto .'17 m nnoAD WILL l.KKtl HU1I.DINO 10 mill lo 30U 00. square feet for responsll lc t, nant on long lease DIBTFR1CH 7 f. Wain it st . rt toiui:m m?"fai ioiu siTts dirter lilt sizes suit 411V liU'.lneHS KKSNr Di Ulitl l.histnul st OAIIAUL Room for 1(1 ur. I i lj 7 V Carlisle si b iik ,r llroa I s' I Ooldmall 7 11 Walnut it , stores nnd DwelllnBs UAbfcMLNi STUM- "ii lorner Allison and ( hrl'tlnn near 51th si npimslte school and piaKround . ., ,,. , MK.HAII. V MM.OSM lll.'l M I Oth st 1II1(I UlslMss KIMIMS l-T( oi i lei. spu i ro i.lt iiom.iiN oBiun fui: ,!,.,riVIJ,lr' ARKI1 1() LK1' AT 14(1 N IIRO AD 1ST FLOORS WILL l'h 'JHIVT ltm IJJNO OR IHlllir Tl RVH TO MK1.T Till 1L- hirls or i in: tiaant as thh i i -, IOMB A Ml Mil I ON AlfOlNl Ol Til . ,..., ., .tr.v, nr' rn nn Hn rORt I il API'LI AT SIXTH l'LOOlt Hn N IIROVD cT II- lOU ARK IVriJtLsIl 1) , I'MLROIlNtl riKV.T i ORPOllVrlON tvO IIRUlvUta 927-929 Chestnut St. Enliie tint Hoot and vaults. An lileil location nnd furnislilngs for i bJlillliitf nr 'nstiraiue llrlu JC Ol ALL Mill V.N 'il tlieatn it st HRST FLOOR OFFICES 1STI isll ihistimt l lentriil locution first floor wiilh vvllllc setlnl. ani worlll vvhllo vour iiivcsllKitioii I lm for duitur or i dentist H'Hl and IlKhtlnK In lud.d T T lAPl'CAM rf LllLMNUl I J. l. jrAV-rJvJn vj. A r inn si- "OFFICE SPACE rllOM'-ON' III DO i;iJ0 su ft 111. .11 I lislnul ll c Hunt llnht MEARS & BROWN jo: t min -t llll) .Uslrable rcnuiH licnl and light ; In .luted n.S Wnlnul si suited for sale r"!NKTilMIIIN- " lheP'jnl-" nM iiuii)iii 11)11 1.1 I hesmut si Two il slliibi iillli 1 "' mrT SOU fq feet Professional Offices LAliah first floor offlve 1 il" r',r,u:1,l:' Alner II Mirsbull 11 I in 1 rule llldg, Ilesl. Room Wanted DUbK ROOSI wanted In ifllv- I ullUltiK use of nrlvale phone M l)l" 1 edsi r "th. CI RM VNTI1WN ifllv luildlin , . ..... s tsjj nlPls""""l1' "IT CAN BE KhNlhU r, liaulome ruinlalied reildeiio of t br-druoins A bath Hvmc rnoui. ! ill Hi n J room imuv nn - . .-.. tlry Bleam heat und all modem lm prnveinents I. try fiurn,, lot - if 17 1 .hulc-t HKllon oC I Pl Pus .Iliiln rfiiilll ltilU v HU iri. . sfsloi anj unie Kent completed furnlshfd 1100 per month See this beautiful home ""'SMULLEN & BARRY t r.i i i tioatnut (I lbertv lUds 1 riTsiirniiiii .' ' CHI MM'T U1 lIMU)lTL POSSESSION I ine Flone manatdn ami atone -.a. ii. Jlon contains large lUlnv hall h w J llbrarj dlnlnn room pantrv orxnl man room (in IIUIIJ """'.",'?" , ....i- and lrvln. riom in biwimnl on n nr pi "' out house S bedroom balhroom-; mj" "lictrlclts niul Hut Htcr hea Eiuunds o mar rnuni miiiith ...-. v. , , 'Hint ii f ri acrts or nanui'uiii'j mn v VV .urden J tnr franu .nt oia Biiaur ...- .,"" r4r for Lnnlener minutes ullr from 1 jll l'a 7.i i&u,H.,i R It smijloiiH, i htmnut Hill i t-arly rent i .V1",:" niiinu . 'wiJ1'i ..... inn m".t .1157 j'lluno miiii .n. BEAL ESTATE POB SALE (il ltMSTtl IHiMHllI WI iBil IB llilBWJ W IBiU Wi SllllBi P u H SAB I! Il'inill HI IIIHLD KNH1 1! H Priestman ! 1115 CAMBRIA ST. S J (100 wi fl "f llo i pii' sultall 1 f for ilgb m muf-i lui Ink i.ood ml ) uul Mgl l loHr plnnl poSbOloll C S Jnillur I lll.ll C 1 LHIMl ' M-S ? ' ( III! UhIi.iii y REAL ESTATE FOB, REN? rrvNSii.vMA suntT.RitAS Suburban Home of Stone 12 rooma. 3 batha, 4 acres, convenltnt to train aud.trolle. HERKNESS & STETSON T.ANI) T1TI.K nUU.DlNQ lurniAiKM STONE C0L0NIAI, HOUSE" containing 14 rooma and 1 batba garage and acres of land for the winter months or by th year Healed bj hot naler lighted by electricity In lerfrrt order Jloo per month. nciMMNCOd oc aitlSUIN I VM) TITI.B HLDU rillt.ADEI.Plll.i CITT 1933 SPRUCE ST. ly funiisheil residence II -uoms hotalerhe.t j Aitractlly furnished residence - uhimf not uaier neu JOHN B. MAGEE I "f-M- KSTATH TltUSTT iuxj SAMUUt V m:is j UKM. hSTATB TIIL'IT HLIlDINa I . Iloonis Jliths I.i 22il St. IS I Hill 8 2.M st II 2 IKVritALlY located, furnished house, 12 rooms ard 2 baths hot waler heat elec WKST lllir.llt t.PIIIA lOlt WAl KUnVISlll.U -,U18 Parkalde mf opposite Kalrmount Park convenient . ,.'"r '" "" Paris of I'hlladelphlH lot ilox .-" running from stnet to street with private garage driveway beautiful lawn tVi ' ,., ""'', ajailo 11 rooms porch front and r tie 2 baths larkc reception hall hot water heat, elutrklty g-a -vml hard vood floors laundr In besement one. vou should ste to anpreci ite J II tlarber 215 lennildltldg Juniper sjiii Chestnut sts P hNNHUYIMl-Sl III RIMN ' l,nn'.MIil,Tns t0,Si Duavld s-tlon frame House 10 rooms I bath steam heat south cm exposure furnlshid p r month $100 gvnllemana country Plato In st Davids Hrll K hOUSn 11 tmlriwm. no.l 1 l.n,... .. fireplates In all bedrooms hot water heat l: Krge furnished, per month l",n ni n'0?1"1,'" ""e ,l "lost desirable . and well furnished house tf II or 7 bed rooms an I J biths nil convenlvm.es steam heat garnxe rmt from OcL 15 for 11 months or sear at 17. ptr month hJ". M.lA,,"nd "" St Davids furnished ' IirJUfiO 10 room nnd 1 niha .(.... i . southern ejjiosure well fumlsheil. garage I OSSCSH on Nov. 1 fn. 1 ... r. . .... ?.., ,. mlk "" " '"""" l !"'. ..v..... Pnr tiartlcntars nf nl,.... n.t.... s.iric, -!l UAVIS XNanCl ra Telephone Wayne I'lflN 1IU COLONIAL STONE HOUSE iSltUaiCu In thn lirnt liu-u H.-.tt 1 ..i mn i Aim tie- ii hth. ii r.....u.- i- : rage ill acres rcasonablo rent by the year HIRST T MrMIIF.I.TN 1KS1 I..l) TRUST HUILDLNQ SEAL ESTATE FOB SALE wirr iiiii.aii:i.ihi ONLY TWO LEFT $4000 Regent St. (G500 UL.OCK) l.rU. -4ely. I, !&:- i sffsssV Itf-M. JEPTTT.IKlssisUlisssTsssosssssssI r. i' nt as, taWa AsKl iwbwsYe -9rsr v y fiteiMETfry M "" '"'" lt-w--Tlassy!asMaMs?IWa1asssssssssl - KJmf8W'8dm&PSt '- Jmai$&P!3S&2t' r -aHalflBiBSatlsssssssssssi -r' ' M-.W MODBHN IIOMHS 7 rooms enclosed porch, ga. and olectrictty. poxqueir tluors liutvh hall, refrigerator roam In fact every feature fuund In 15000 hopeSj smpli: iiousi: 0513 YAGLE & BURNS lake p, U cir on 'Walnut bt vvav. to G3th and WooUland. AValU P YOU I I YOU CAN BUY A L.UT ANJ? HAVE A HOUSE BUILT TO ORDER ON THE "DREXEL" TRACT, t FORTY-SIXTH AND FORTY SEVENTH STREETS PINE, LARCHW00D AND OSAGE AVENUES? .4 FEW HOUSES UNDER CON STRUCTION FOR SALE CLARENCE R. SIEGEL Builder of Artistic Homes Phones Bell, Woodland 4G43 Kejstone, West 235 lllllllllllll "Overbrook Homes"' All-Stone Construction with Independent Stone Ga,rage and CENTRAL-PLANT a pmnjooras, -vtijuan1 mtwf v stall shower, billiaid room, ba,ck stairwuysj vnusuaV lr lylif loom, with colonial staircase; fining roomt vy,h cayrn Y(ia; , dows, and an abundance of air and sunlight in all rooms . - 64th Street Mr. Eugene Thormisop, RepreMHratfv & WORTCrAC.a. . ' 4? r" r MM. FOR SALE XflOO, 0 per relit rent nsart TA'lL- serure nn nronertlss eel eftch lllJg rEMnKRTON KSTA' I 100 To S1000 NTJTB OK MORTOAOa Immediate settlements Unsettled estate iosna Building nssoclatlon funje DBMP8BT t CO., 27 S. 16th I, at. Af A TT&as t aaf 4a aAissl) . I an P-"-' dials settlement, Intft farP ' a lllnlfl twlltttil. fTK dIAaAi' q)iiUUUi CUW.1VI. 1VJUL.L.1 i;7h..2 -it 1LNDS for Investment In irnnd Mrs! AMI ' ' j second inigs In largo or small, amovntfj. ncrAO t damdcdpcd . rri " J' r-TW-fv,JLft "li" !' t-nestnu st1t WANT PKIVVTB fAJlTT or trust to, 4 5i ' vnnce iMhi'uu ai ityt per ceni, iHlvnic, nrs , mortgage, valuable city property, deal dlrecitr i no cnmmlsslnn III lyedger Office ' Iloans - &&,''&!; DEf-ANT. S4 H 'rtroad tvrt Kn4 Kg ' 7o, .r. . L- Tff LOANS OM INTKRttSTa IM RdTllTr.) i JOltN A .BAHRT 307 UND TrgLBBCOa i .... wis "nirni mortirajTfs in, sums .or ' liWO to lltl.oixi preferred: principals pnfy, P .'in, Ledger otrtce f , W. It, WKt.t. ft SON A 3H LAND TITI.Ii BtDO, I'ltlV ATIC Fl Nt)S for tlrst mortBane: MOOO to IIOOO A V Ilussell. lnth andTaaken MONEY TO LOAN YOIT l'A HUItHOW MONET OV DIVMOVDS AND JBWEI.RT. J2!i AND UP, .. 2 PEtl rtCNt 7S A VII VP . 1H PER CKNV J.'OQ AMD LP 1 PEIl .CffiNT niBDUifs ' ' 128 MARKRT ST RIDO.B AVR AND OXrOnD-BT.1 22D AND SOUTH STft-i READY MONEYv DIAMONDS WATCHKS A JETVELFT United States LoannSocie,ly 117 NORTH HROAP 2 Market St. 214R Oerraahtown avej CASH MONCT AT ONCB Tr" on Jewetrv Nmds automobiles gooda of any kind Podol s Loan Office. 1102 N. 2d tv AUCTION SALES Benjamin Wi Grossman, Co AuctiQn Rooms, J Of Providence, Rhode Island, WOL'Lt) LIKi: TO GLT IN TOUCH WTH Manufacturers and Dealers tif, Antique Furniture, BricraJJijac, Works of Art, Etc, son f i I CAN LfcL SMALL Mr"0 ENTIRE OUTt'C -p AND PAT CASK. I rieate answer, with full particulars. IX Tluyer vvlll call " BEAL ESTATE EOB. SALE- ,fe EST rillLAIH-.l.rHiA yi.1iti . ' opi:x daily and sunday UN PI'.KMISUS S direct to houses or No. 11 car If) Sub, nprth two bloqks. KNOW TEAT HEAT insuring proper supply ijtj 141 times and an a,bundan( JiotH water. Charged by meter rVMJr, costs no more than qoal ana kMp. to eliminate the xcryant tyfak- $ (inn KTi (liianl- n(l ne eriaslnsTUi 1.IV-,,. 1W UUL, avvjn y. 1si Lots 36 feet wide: house. 25tm J frontaKo, a story, scmi-dijtaifistjjf r ;: NORTH 01 1 ini i aEBffflSHH j. jftmvr& rjM wmmi3sagmF3mmp.m fl 'I BBI1 Bl Bl Bl t,' r: ' i -, il TAVLC . t4 m V4I Ul il K T. l t' :m & .x :&;i AJ u -. a J .j : ?X i.. . U' m j iwatf ' il. T!4 'l-!lT !'' I t ' ) :t. v UUsVlBBUBBBSBBtalBBm i SBBBBSBBSBSBHnBlBLBaSsBgVr -U IV S L F BBV JT L M i,t.w ;.iW 'V jpBBSBBeBSTan-.- - y-r T,