EMJBSLSI?SS lly" ft. . . 4' x i V- i sV (1 - V u EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 191!) 'K 19 in IS- m jiAL ESTATE FOR SALT! CITY , SALE . S LAST AVAILABLE s CENTRAL BUILDING SITE One Block From Broad St. and Reading Freight Yard IN HEART OF CITY PERMANENT LIGHT ON THREE SIDES VINE STREET WINTER STREET For, Particulars LIEBERMAN & AXILBUND 1237 MARKET STREET ifc BUTLER STREET. N.. 801. N. W COR IH :iiv ninth ST Three-story store and ru Vri,ntnz: j2 rooms: excellent location ror a H"- HHOAD SraEET. N , 2301). extending to 14 ?vD.our-.tor modern con,tructed A.: ample room In rear for garage open I-' our-.toiT. well constructed property: 20 I? c.. .. tnAa in Watts at: three 'fronts- possession, good corner for apart- mentsj t front, at a alight expense could be .altered for business purposes, close to Northl'hlladelphla Station, easy terms. YIFTBENTH STREET. N. 101. t ';, to.; Sydenham Three-story. "ldrBrd,,J,e,,'i- -ience, 14 rooms. gas and electric lights, two-story brick garage In rear: lot 172 feet Seepr excellent location for w'nt"hPl,'i: slclan. dentist, dressmaking establlsn- SnOAD STREET. N.. 2006. extending to Carlisle atreet Three-story modern resi dence 20 rooms, gaa and elec . lot .'00 feet deepT'inple room In rear for a good-sized &R!DW,AVE.':- W IMS-Four-story building 8 complete housekeeping apart ments: solid brown-stone front: excellent ln- 'Testment, eastern exposure: a bargain. SIXTEENTH STREET. N. W. cor of JEFFERSON, extending to Wllllngton. a. very fine three-story modern residence: 14 rooms. 4 baths, excellent construction . each ioom finished In a specially selected oou possession: S fronts: property is located t? --.- .,.,..., h,t Inmtlnns In Phila delphia! the block Is noted for Its line homes JiCtt'.ttSS! 2S52S&av.. 1K28-Three- stoTy residence, 12 rooms. 3 baths. 2 fronts. brown-stone trimming;; poss'sslon. -vBIAMOND ST.. W,. 1723 Three story. 1. rooms, brownstone trimmings, open for Inspection: 2 fronts: amp room for garage MASTBAUM BROS. & FLEISCHER. ll.M S. Penn Square. . . 1ft 'SiritACT about 10.000 sa. ft., near Broad Ijr Iwareho'useVJ'story'and basement, modern, '5e"?ri-v.V.lr l-.?"?.."'e 3 floors. Factory, uui - ikui jsa-. .-- - nJ- n....n . vintt t. dnrfiUInir Xlth'st. 'above Cherry, dwelling:, lot 18 L - . , !,.,. nont"THia pjodio bib.. iru. .. -. S!5iM.. -- - .1 Itirl ITttlrmnunt RVft rrNiuic iiT-t. ". v.iirr;iT,- . Tai stores ana awe.un ,." .-- old dwelllnra on lot BlxOS ft, Corner, i rr nao i in nn i iiiitvii KA-"-!8..JSm,nKf,r i.h .,. XEPTIONALLY BNE RESIDENCE r cftn lr,TH At.LEOHESt AVE. uit.ched. 'granite block, containing par nr. llhrarv. reception hull, dining room. hreakraat room, kitchen, pantry. large m..h.i- Knn. 1.tllt4,1 pnnm den. Ill sleeping rooms and 4 bathrooms, heated by steam and lighted by electricity and gas: oeauuiuuy aecoraieu iwruus .uu., terraced on 4 sides: lot 91x137: sold to "U'CH&. W. MILLER 401.407 rOMMOfTWBAT.TH RT.T)0 NORTHEAST IfC"' Our knowledge of real estate In this section enables us to oner nigniy ei- wnctent service In the handling of your properties; conveyancing, saies nego i Hated, mortgages placed, rent colleo. tlons. JOHN T. DOYLE REALTORS 2712 Kensington ae. i i.tmnvn . . n hatha SB ThZ ll.h IK ..,u.ma,. tFllVin. rent 1720. Bias Wallace, store and dwelling; J2200: ,. S rented J300. ft6Shamokin. 8 rooms; I1G50: rent 1210. a. jnsaowne nve.. ll rooms, porcn. K BtUIman. 2 story. 7 rooms; 2250. BIN. 16th. 11 rooms: possession Oct. 1. 18 rl. 16th. cor., browns'.one. 12 rooms. I-J " easy terms. KONVUth. brownstone. 10 rooms; J423U. pS Falrmount ave., store and dwelling. M-15-17-1U-21 Edgely st , 2 story, 7 rms.; f omy iiwra cash required ore. st. above Stlth (29tb and GIrard ave.). 3 Btorv 7 rnnmi VTldQreen. dnuhle front, (flit vard. IUBBERD B. WORRELX. 4 CO.. 555 N. 17th J:3o bl'k. Meredith 1IK) bl'k, s. FTanklln Sl0 bl'k, N Tennock 2300 bl'k. Parrlsh-et. 800 bl'k, N. 2.1th st 000 bl'k, N. 54th St. 2400 bl'k, Brown st 000 bl'k. N. 15th St. 500 bl'k. E GIrard 000 bl'k. AnsDurry st. r.IH! P! u- Cleme'e jfoiiu dik. b. uauphln JTfOWk. N. Bucknell l80OHak.-N'. Taylor ftHW bl'k. Amber st. I IW DfsVN. 23d st, fSMM'livLeland st. -ev org. n. istb st. IUENCH, RINGGOLD AND PARRISH STREETS POPLAR 781 tty lrnirm tutw-rh possF.Hsrriv U200N, 11th at.; store and dwelling. .1.1500 IJ14 Jackson, comer 4.100 IWTN. Uber st.; 3 story 4400 3al N. "Van Pelt St.: 2 story 3500 K25BN. Sydenham at.; 2 story., 3400 S 14 Snyder ave,. 2 sty., elec : red. to m 1010 Brown st.; 3 story 2000 9 MT hf T.aanKnB. . . ., - aaOAn a III; li ,-wubji Hi. , , a.uijr,, ,. ... .nun li" . S?5 N- lmbert st.: !! story 200 E- K?12!d5n t-: 3 tory -,D K :jJJiJS'' nmbrey st.j 3 story 2200 K TV 0.l . . a. -. 200 '.ASIfSOS. Jllnlnev mt n alnnr 0a. Jfo-rs.nl st.j .1 story.. '. '.'.'. 2000 ISOO ill -auiinu. uuo walnut st. ?wii. Mai5piATa possession. fiiK? 1528 W. Ontario 10 rms.. bath.t420 f.H S-.11'"'' 1' rooms, bath 4000 1? Ef'rmount ave., ! rooms, bath.. 3SO0 9t! S?J?inir ti fooroer house) . ... 2300 W yirth ill,, 2-sty. dwelling.. VT. ttl stio litis' n.STORES ANP. DWELLINGS , at"YV ""', a nils., DiiQ. . ,, .SffOUO . Frankfort! ave.. tore. 10 r. hath nnnX .m & ti&v&Lnj;'?: ? MA ". Montgomery ae . 11 rms..2tluo V i "l,"',nKnM,!,S'''". Franklin and Poplar sts. 12750, .Near 50th and Florence tory. 0 rooms, bath and outkltchen; t porch and walk: lot r7n. ....,.".;.' bom. at gTeat bargain: noss. 30 days' Wal. 1100. 1033 Walnut t ' il, 18TH Thirteen rooms 2 baths; One ,, ; ," "-" "-"in, u I v-mumnii WOVP a roorai: rent $8.50; can be cheap. CLULKY, BOO H. 417 CH TlC rooms. hth mr v.n..... t-f!. PJKi J. W. Logue. Stephen Qlrard Big lit T-af. reUrr HI ten. Ktc. 1.UIOAD Penna. and Readtn. acres and ua. according i . tormi. DUtert. ?S7 Walnut Ita. ftfiTtiS artlntna P 4,r4. -A.- OIIITIT KID O " iarB. -. ..n.i. 4o.jn ri, uretif ave, rropHlej and &trt CBKTRA.Ij BITE for amall huln- flrafoio rvino ., SUV wocKj t iiAuut, iat ivi. ana 10th, MNncFORD DUsiNnsa pnoPEnrr-? ul. UK iili r iiifl Ut.-l.4T. . ,. -a-ai. vww iiuusitufu aw.I rf ?&xtfiOi both rented preant time nriceji 'r raOTC(i unw. n uTjtton. oc yranKrora. OJD buainens corner., rtfined aectlon; 3-aty.i &autharn W Phllar erica oltrartlv tn iflck pbfrhqa'r Hen). Han, 416 Drexel Hid if airNi ; a4 Iwfel1tngw LCCK FRANKrORD AYE. Store. 6 ma ana mensj a vunaiiiani vtvoa ioc f wgjKm, ww franntorq avo. E ftree a torn next rTW' wT.fr.'ifea HEAE ESTATE FOB SALE CITY TartorlM FOR SALE cheap, factory hrlck building facing .1 streets; 33.000 sq ft , 0 floors Hid basement, good lalmr location; engine. holler and elevntrrr. ftt-Kt.!ua .nnriilMi building can be seen at any tlmeT Max nfmiMfin a ton. jiM.-qi l-ront at., rhlla. FOR SALE New factory building in Ken sington, slow-burning construction; 8000 sq ft power elevator, near It It stations: suitable for anv business Applv 2122 E Hazzard st Phone Kenstntrton 071 INDUSTRIAL plants, , -.rehouses. acant land, railroad and vv t t frontage J I, MTpvrivsnv i. Q' S22 Land Title. flaraces GARAGE Room for 30 cars; 153.V37 N. Carlisle st . back of Ilroad st. C. Gold man. 731 Walnut st GARAGE, this spctlon. space for 15 cars; A-l condition good investment, price right See Wehel. 3JS.2 Frnnkford ave WEST I'miI)F..l'lll roit SALK Residential part West I'hlladelphia. 13 minutes from City Hall. 10-ronm corner house 0 bedrooms, I of which rent for 23 weekly, possession Neniber, coal In cellar, will sell furniture buy this house snl lit somo one eleso pay for It A 331 Led Off 4039 SPRUCE STREET " Idpal modern homo. 14 rooms 2 biths with nil conveniences, possesion. rpRiiv for Sept 1 In th beit nei-Uon of West l'hlla J. T. JACKSON CO. ;g CORN'KR 02d and thrlnlan, S 13 comer, K rooms and bath finished baaement, irar affe prUlleffe lot larjro enouRh for 2 earn excellpnt location for professional man, easily financed MIVHM.r. A MAUNEY . 1021 s finth st. TO HOME' nUYERS POSSESSION r.r.OO block Angora ter . 2 story porch J4T.00 SHI2 Elliott hot water, electric 4Sn 22S N. Hobart st . 2 htory, porch . . . 2300 5010-21 Market Bt , 3 etory porch, each noon 3029-31-33-41 Harper 2 stv , bk.. each 2100 TAULNB 000 Walnut st 27 TO 3.-i. INCLUSIVR. N Conestoga st 1411 to. 103 N Conestosa st 130 to 142 N. Conestoga st 12-18-J0-24-IB-21-23 25 N Ithan st : 0 rooms, bath, brick laundry porch front, white plumbing; well financed. Dickinson 25G3 W L Shuhln Sc Son. 1030 S 4th st. MOST DESIRARLE PROPERTIES IN CHOICE LOCATIONS 1513 N 33d t .. 1430 S r.8th st 3822. 5821. .',817 Willows ave ; 38o2 ITorenee ae.; being owners of these properties we can possibly arrange terms it' suit i',4LU.iir!.N estates, Harrtcon Rldg " 17230 4230 Chestnut st : 13 rooms, electric lights. 2 baths, hardwood finish wirl. porch: suitable for apts.: don't lose this op portunity of securing a bargain; $2000 less than builder s price. J. 13. u. McCIuro i Co . IS 8. 40th st. " IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 4330 Sansom st : 2-Btory porch, s rooms and bath, laundry., electric llgth. etc. FINEST LOCATION IN WEST I'HILA. Excellent tnndlllon: terms to suit PAUL M MYERS Franklin and Poplar sts RAROAIN IS S. 55th, main street. 43 N 54th, 0 rooms, side yard 134 N Conestoga. corner all conenlenccs. 130 N Peach, 8 rooms 12000 4ri N. Peach st . near 53d, $2400. LEONARD rRIES & SON, 5420 Market St. 1240 N (iOTH neant: ery large lot. 1237 N 00th 11 rooms, possession soon 1230 N Aldcn 0 rooms; near Carroll Park. Geo. W. Crowley & Son 1242 N 00th st Relmont 5842 J. TOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY at 13800, 5821 I and BS31 TRINITY ST : biggest value in YV Phlla . Iota 16x82, porch and lawn fronts, I 4 large rooms and bath second floor: nice I wide street WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S SONS 5lh and Chester ave. oOJ S 44TH ST. 17000. 3-sty. brick side yard residence. 12 rooms; unusual oppor tunity to get small house in exclusive cen tral res section: can be seen only by first applying to George Scott Stewart. Jr. atty.. Walnut 2380. Suite 1000, 1011 Chestnut st. HEAIITIFUL ROL'LEVAnn HOMB 309 S Old. facing Park, 2 storv. tl rms anil bath, prettiest home In West Phlla . eerv mod conv : vacant, Immed posses Itubln &. Stsynson. 111K Chestnut st Walnut 4438 31TII AND FA1RMOUNT AVL' Close to Park: 8 rooms and bath: some have hot water hat: pome Bteam. high and dry; bar gain: J3700: little cash required ORISfOM 2100 Catharine st ST. 1JEHNAHD ST, H., 100ft Lot 44 ft front, porch front and side; 10 rooms, bath ' and laundry, open fireplaces, electric lieht;t Immediate possession: JC000. Maurice V aioan ' urexei iiair 1124 8 PAXON ST Six rooms and bath, electric llchts. hot-water heat, quick possenMon D. V. REDDING HD AIiADv" 1013 S ST RKRNARD (49th and Chester ave ) Attractive 10-room house: excellent condition terraced front, largo lawn, owner leaving citv , Immediate possession J P McCONNF.LL, 4IB S 20th st 41&T AND ASPEN STS ; large cornerp7oD. erty, 0 chambers and bath: modern con veniences; front and side porches, garage. 23x104 ft . Immediate possession. TOCL'M & POWER CO , 20 8 I5th St. WE HAVE 1 of those s.ll-stone detached homes. 1000 Mock. 04th st ; a real vvorth whlle home In the Overbrook section Edvv M Moll Lanedowne- ave. west of 03d Ilel inont S070 Open evenings until ft p m 17000 Up-to-date cor. dwelling Inc porch 13700 Chester ave. W. of 58th, semldet. l.-.-iOO S8th st N of Springfield, all modern. 12700 Seven rooms porch front WJ1 I CRAVEN'S SONS. .18th t Chester COMPARISON will decide: C00O block Web ster st . 4 bedrooms; location unsurpassed: modern throughout; sample house open: 10700 Remember "CROSS" stands for all that's "GOOD " Mth and Larchwood COR. N K USTK AND ANGOHA Two family apartment house; 1 vnrant. 5 rooms and bath each, porch; lot 34x0',, good loca tion for 2 stores; small cash. Walnut 1100. 1 033 Walnut St. 1530 SANSOM ST. 3-story residence. a. cant; In excellent condition, hot-water heat, elec. lighting, 2 baths living hall, par quetry floors Eugene L. Townsend, car 40th and Baltimore ave 5700 BLOCK. Pemberton and Rodman sts Two story, porch. 0 rooms and bath, steam heat, elec ; possession, J410O; will finance. Leylck k Waldow. 707 Walnut st. W08 WALNUT ST Eight rooms porch, hot.water heat, electric light; perfect con dition, must be sold account death; price tlO OOP Ootwals 2337 N lflth st. 201 N. 33D ST Eleven rooms. 3 baths, sideyard. Pre-war price. t,st t, . .. j. k, j.vjvj, uirii mag. J3300 VALUE. OUR PRICE $.!600 Key. stone ave. at 00th st elevated station; a un'a ivuui.i I.... tu,. n,,,,n areai Dar. gain J. B JACKSON. S211 Baltimore ave. $8250 Near 48th and Chester ave.; cor . naruwuou iiuurs. xuicu iihii; room ror ga rsge: southern exp McCLURE 18 S 40th 700 BLOCK. MARLYN ROAD Mahogany and white: A-l condition Kdw. M Moll Lansdovrne ave. west of 03d. Belmont 6670' Open evenings vintll 0 pm. JbTFERtSON ST.. 0000 BLOCK Mahogany and white; Inclosed porebs people leaving town: must sell at once: bargain. Kdw, M Molt, Lansdowne ave. west of 03d. Belmont SB7. Open evenings until 1 p m 1200 BLOCK 8. MILLICK ST Seven rooms. Inodern throughout: pries I40OO. Remember "CROSS" stands for all that's "OOOD." 50th and Larchwood ays'. 4033 SPRING OARDEN ST.I In ranm.. .v ern plumbing; Dutch hall: hardwood flocrs; viru. iiKuii ti,'v I "u I..-W. neavi poss. 4n.. a. i,cv.iuy. .w v,t io n, euin. 6038 WKSTMIN8TER AVE. Two story, porch. 7 rooms, laundry tubs; early pos session: $3000. Empire Trust Co., 41th at, and Lancaster ave. UOO BL. 8. CECIL ST. Six rooms and bath. laun.; newly papered: 1 blk. from Baltimore tve. apd 00th st. cars; $3500, Sweetwood A Smith, cor. 58th k Christian. Wdld, 7133 W. S7S3 MARKKT ST. Store and dwelling; lot ;alICi; Urge rooms: exrsllent ccnstrcc- iiuo. l5-c mnmmmntrr JW JUtaTSpa U"TOWn mrsa. .j i.tta sMEssson. xvm. l REAL ESTATE FOB SALE wnsT I'liir.Ani-.i.riitA Must You Buy or Move? These homes were built at pre-war prices, therefore we are able to offer them to you greatly below present prices. Tho monthly expense, plus a small amount paid to reduce second mort gage. Is 1,1188 THAN RENT. . . These houses are characteristic of "Ferguson Build," hlgh-irado material and workmanship, HfAT.I. AMntTNT CASH $4000 $5500 $6000 WE WILL FINANCE A KYAMntTR J7CDP.I QHM cotiiand int'vr rv No. 30 Car on Walnut SraiTSfigsreiraSISlHi I CRAWFORD I A NEW OPERATION g THE STANDARO OF QUALITY AT THE RIGHT TRICB j Eighth and Ninth Streets, Wyoming Avenue and p Northeast Boulevard v I SAJIPLE HOUSE 4714 N. 8TH ST. Exceptional homes, comprising ino most ndnneetl Ideas In building construc tion. Finished throughout In a manner that will Appeal to those who will appre ciate personal attention to detail. INDIVIDUAL Hardwood floors throughout; hot-water heat, electricity, and lighting fixtures arc of tho erv latest designs Take lork road or Cth street cars to Womlng aenue. DANIEL CRAWFORD, JR. RUILDER 3 HOMES SHSE1 jMiSHSHtiMSEleraaE The Last Word THE LARGEST BEAUTIFUL COLUMBIA AVENUE Tv&Wdb 70-Foot Street. 105 Feet Between House Lines Large Garage to Private Driveway 30-Foot Terraced Lawn. 50-Foot Yard in Rear Rooms (4 bedrooms) masshe Inclosed porch. Mercer fireplace, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, electric lights, acuum outlets, tile bath, with shower and bullt-lh tub: pantry, basement laundry, etc. The Interior finish Is In exquisite taste. Turnlshed sample house open dally and Sunday. DANIEL E. HOOAN. UUILDER AND OWNER. ON PREMISES Tako Elevated to 03d bt.. pass to Columbia Ave. Walk east 1 block TAYLOR & SON v J 504 SO. 49TH ST. A modern home In restricted residential section, hot-water hfat. electric lights, hardwood floors Immediate possession. Price $8300. 504 SO. 42D ST. Strictly modern: fourth fl00,r',.billL,l, room; hardwood floors, electricity, hot water heat etc Price i 10,000. NR. 46TH & SPRUCE STS. Corner Dutch hall, electric, hot-water heat, Iwrdwood floors, billiard room in basement. $11,500. 4231 BALTIMORE AVE. Overlooking Clark Park: large lot: front and side, porch; unusually fine con dition and modern in every respect. COR. S. 46TH ST. Nenr Chester ave.: southern exposure; 12 rooms, 2 baths, electric lights. 4406 LOCUST ST. Lot 100 ft deep: 3 story, porch front 12 rooms, 2 baths: electric lights. $SO0O an opportunity at this figure. 4323 SANSOM ST. 1)4800. immediate possession. Three story, 0 rooms, reception hall. V26So.40thSt. r MODERN HOMES fiJd & Christian, S. V cor.. 8 r. 1 b. 6830 Pentridge. 7 r. i b. .1848 Angora terrace. 0 r. s o. 238 S. BOth. 0 r. t b. "21 South 1,8th, 0 r. & b. 12 South 57th, 0 r. & b, 814 South Alden. 0 r. S. b. r,R41 Alter. 0 r. lb. 0120 Webster. 8 r. 4. b. 843 South Cecil. 7 r. & b. 1013 S. 00th. 4 bedrooms; detached house (1100 block Washington ave. 3 story. 11718 Larchwood. r. i ". 1030 South Frailer, 0 r. L b., financed. 5842 Webster. 0 r. t b . financed. n84il Webster, fl r. & b , immed. poss. 3703 Malcolm, 0 r. 4 b. MICHAEL A. MAL0NEY 1021 SOUTH 00TH STREET BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOMES In the Overbrook Section From $3000 to $15,000 EDW. M. MOLL ISPSSW Phone Belmont 8079 OPEN EVENINQS UNTIL 0 P. M. $76003118 Wallon ave : 4 bedrooms, bath, steam heat, front and back stairway: lot 19x112; best location In West Philadelphia. $0300 Hot-water heat, electrlo lights. 4 bed rooms and bath; 53d and Baltimore ave. ,4800 Six rooms and bath, Inclosed porch; everything modern. $3200 Four rooms and bath on second floor: 5540-42-44 Master st : lot 81 feet deep. $3000 5233 Hazel ave.: now vacant: 6 rooms and bath, hot-air heat, gas light. OFO A ROKCKLE. 721 S. B2d St. itHi block South Ithan. 0 r. & b .financed. 700 block N. 44th. twin, hot-water heat. 5331 Race. 8 r. at b., twin. 711 North 40th. Or. lb. 1400 block North 53d. 0 r. ft b. 1500 block N. 54th. a r. ft b. 5703 Malcolm. 1 r. ft b. 5711 Christian, 6 r. ft b. MICHAEL A. MAL0NEY 1021 SOUTH OOTH STREET 65TH & REGENT STS. Northwest -orner IMMEDIATE P0SSE3SI0N New 2-story 7 rojms corner, with large garage: incioseu porcn. iiurtiueiry noors. elec, lights: perfect condition: price $0500, YAGLE & BURNS, on Premises WHY NOT BUY A TWO-FAMILY APARTMENT HUI MltNIl In the Overbrook section? Each apartment has 6 rooms and bath, private porches and each building Its private heating and lighting at a . n an I VI 1 1 A mu aft A V t aft Alt . .. t . ""SB yjknvii't i.Ti..iJi.fc " iiwuvi ifwrmxis you to live m 1 apartment at about V uiuat -ntal. TirlP S7ROU. and could rnt ha A.t tratid today for tin 00. r z" FlTZafATitiu-K.. lni , outn. Heimont 4S44 W0RTHINGT0N APARTMENTS 119 8. (37T1I ST. 4-story apartmebt house; 8 suites; .steam heat; lot 20x120. ' CHAS. W. MILLER 401.407 COMMONWEALTH BLDO. AVOID THR urur-Allvo RENT 1'UUriTJSKIlINO OWN YOUR HOME We. havs 3 and a-storyWee Phlla. homm oi ", On r-" 3ieV pojpi'sloi. HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE west Philadelphia MONTHLY UXPENSt! $18.26 Shields St. bel. Elmwood Ave. Lots 10x02; 2 stories, 0 rooms, bath and laun dry; electrlo lights. .. SMALL AMOUNT CASK. MONTHLY EXPHNSB $23.05 66th St. below Elmwood Ave. I.ot 10x107, 2 stories, 0 rooms, bath and laun drj hot-water heat electrlo lights; hardwood floors, Inclosed porches ,.. SMALL AMOUNT CASH MONTHLY LM'i:.NSB 24.65 Elmwood Ave., West of 66th St. These houses are HKe the Oftth street houses, but haxe garages with drheway In rear. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION l.LMWOOD AVE. rriTiMtRr,. St. Passes Operation GARAGES The 'nail coverln; in Home Building 2 - STORT HOUSE IN 0VERBR00K T.!f..THE,IEART 0F WEST K'.U.r,,A.SEUHIA: niJFORR 2!NO,A "OMi: SEE OUR SAMPLE HOUSE. I S Runy st.: attractively DECORATED, COLONIAL. &fc?Tiy.cU ""His, iiar d: HOOD FLOORS. WE GIVE YOU AN S-YEAR OUARAN TEE ON THE ROOF. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION: ' BLOCKS FROM BSD ST, U Price $4100 Fiss & Wood, Inc. 4550TH AND CHANCELLOR STS. BELMONT 5310 WEST 74B Office Open Monday and Thurs. Evgs. Overbrook Homes With Private Garages MARLYN R0ADot,. NORTH OF JEFFERSON ST. 20-ft. Stone Fronts $9800 CAN'NT BE DUPLICATED Z, , TODAY FOR $11,000 J0.'!'.0''1' h"s. with Inclosed twin Shm' in,.r5he.": j"0."9 ""Places, all-tlle fSJS'riba,hi !n.Jact' th0 "am6 features Ifi'i'l ' our lrt 000 homes on 01th street south of Jefferson. Including Central Plant Heat CUp,JhhSe08n67rN1.rfoVtnhta.,t.V- MOSS & TAYLOR 11V.iI.t'.hl-KKEHB We luavo iho largest list In Sniirh...... nv.ii. ..1 .'r.v.S.5:1 ?Udi.T,.i i1.?""' "r-rw"' or. m- PisilTle " """ "' "in. poss. RROA Ttl H--1.-. $700 nr Hoffman 000(1 Hi Walton rno!. J!! A,n"a "ter. r.ooo HI. Latona ar 3000 III Cedar ave 6800 III. Norfolk -miOOIIl Webster Vi?v, 8i"S "alt. av 54th Trlnltv H cor 700 BI. S. B8th 800 Bl. 8. Cecil 1420-24 S 51th St. 6000 111. Trinity pi ,700 8. BOth. cor. C'lOO DeLancey. cor. 5400 Bl. Market 5800 Bl. Alter MKHl 111 riilk..!.. isfSr.UiSUX " cor ' Z1 ergeant i SWEETW00D 6c SMITH 82d & Sergeant cor. nth ft Christian sts Woodland 7130 W in iiiiuninininiiiiniisiniin 222 S. 39TH ST. 3-Story Stone Dwelling Semidetached, 14 rooms and 2 baths; fa excellent location; Immediate pos- b session. g J, C. 0'CAI.LAaHAN v.j unesuiut at. raiiiiiBi niiBDUiBixnuiuniiuiigniB $2800 HOBART ST. (1400 Block) 2 story, 0 rooms, bath and out-kltchen; porch fronts; new roofs: all In first-class condition E. fie T. DOYLE CO. MJUS'B , VACANT in 2000 block S. Alden St.. 0 rooms and bath hi-HALCHER. 0023 Blaster st. LOOK THIS OVER. 3943 Falrmount, 13 rni" corner: h -water heatr old price; poss. with deed. EMERSON CONRAD. 63 N. loth . U2U N. ALLISON ST Six room ..j h.'.t. porch front. WILLIS WINCHESTER, 23 fi. inth t. NKAR GOTH ST. Ten 2 story, porch. 7 rooms, bath; owner muut sell; 12850: will i"""" i .usimri . uiiui rtjyiimr mi 51ST t CHESTNUT STS. Hot-water heat. elec. light, new paper, S-story, 18200. Donald V. Redding. 52d and Chester v. VACANT. 23 N. 68TH ST. Two story. 8 rooms. 4 bedrooms: porch! price S3700 KMP1RV1 TRUST fn ilW X !....j 1317 DIVINITY PLACE- (50th & Woodland ave.): v rms., Immediate possession: prlcu $31100. Oreenvirell & Doraan, 5142 Spiuce et 17000 Entlre'y modern 2-story home: well located on wide main street: vacant. jiiivr. pi. cniiuitu. pyuf auimora ave. 80. HOMES IN CHESTER AVE. Hot-water srr&Kr'fc,?" IW. &!.:. W. EARL juifu.-..., vt hi n nil t. imuiai ss-irp. NOW VACANT 182,1 Haverford ave.: porch o rooms. d in, newly papered and painted. TltnflQ ..sin -w Thl.lT "fc. tfm below Pine o r" bath, porch, steam heat, eleo: price Interesting: noaaessiAn elmont 5689 w. ' N. 8UTII One block rms ; med. J, L. JardaUa. 15SS fchrl.tl, 12 Ian. 117-0111) PINK BT LiMndry. Imber. 3964 t T MAM. Ml. Own Your Home II BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE snT riuiiKi,vniA Where Else Can You Buy A 2-STORY HOUSI1 WITH 0 I.AROB ROOMS, RATH, LAUNDRY AND KLKCTUIC LIGHTS FOR J3.-307 J4.M) CASH RKQUIRF.D t1QQ MONTHLY ip I y.yj EXPENSES Tlus T Ter Month Additional. Which Reduces Second Mortgage t , - Mahogany & White Finish Up-to-Date Plumbing 3 Extra-Large Bedrooms Laundry on First Floor An Artistic Colonial Stairway New Lighting Fixtures Heater Range and Root In good order. You may select our own papering. Uplc and btreet OA-ntr ni-a fl(OT Between Kingsessing ana Greenway Aves. SAMPLI! HOUSC, 0010: SHH IT TODA.T Open Dally from 0 to 0 P. M. and Kcnlngs 7 to 8:30 P. M Take 13 car. Chester ae., to 00th and Kingsessing, walk V4 block south. Take No. 11 subway car to Woodland, walk I1 blocks north. ,, Tako No. 12 subway car on rine street, walk m blocks north. , An ideal location for R. H mrn only 1 sq from 00th St II - O Station. UWiiJU LlJ I'l.r.illlBr.s vjiv Samuel Stern 2111 iNonn American llldg. OWN YOUR HOME $58 A Month INCLUDING GARAGE 14 Minutes to City Hall No Change of Cars One 5 c Fare Brand now soml-detacheil Btono homes, bebt locitton In Phila delphia, high class, convenient. Four bedrooms on second floor. O ev rv two or three min utes, dav and night, $050 cash, $58 monthly carrying chargas, Email payment each month to reduce your mortgage. Builder and owner on premises, dally and Sunday, at GDth St., direct lv opposite the terminal of the Maiket Street Elevated. John H. McClatchy Builder and Owner 848 LAND TITLE ULDO. Beautiful New Homes NOW READY FOR INSPECTION Snnnm- Ql- BetweeR ansom ot. 47th and 48th MOST DESIRABLT LOCATED 2 squares from 4th St. "L" Sta tion, 1 square from West Philadel phia High School. 18 ft. 4 In. fronts. Trlvate garage. SAMPLE HOUSE (4724) OPEN Hot-water heat, electric light, hardwood floors; latest bath fixtures; elaborate paper; most exquisite light ing fixtures. See agent or phone Martin McWilliams PRESTON G3C0 W. .miiiiiiniiiiiiiuB 810 S. OOTH ST. Four bedrooms. S. C ADAMS. 1418 Walnut st. nulldlng Lota. Factory Sites. Etc. 65T1I AND CHESTER AVE. Thirty lots. ripe for building; all street Improvements made; 700 a lot. YOCUM & POWERS CO.. 20 8 inth st 0040 Woodland ave. Stores nnd Dwellings MARKET STREET CORNER One of the oest corners In West Philadelphia: lot 72x00: 3-story brick building, north.vest corner of 87th and Market sts,, this property should ap peal to an Investor and can be pur chased at a very attractive price on easy terms. J. T. JACKSON CO. 1c3heh",.n,u..tat TWO-STORY store and dwelling, suitable frY any business location: 43d and Wyaluslng; reasonable. Imber. .11104 Poplar, 42D AND MANTUA AVE. Three-story stor and dwelling; short lease; reasonable. iarlig.xv. oiru iropiar. OEUMANTOWN STENTON a few desirable modern houses ready for Immediate occupancy. Open for insr,-- ; every day. Including Sundays. ..Trains to Stenton station, or drive out Stenton ave. to 6800 North. MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. N. B. cor. Broad and Chestnut st. 139 EAST WALNUT LANE Nine rooms, modern bath: lot 25x150: ter race front with hedge; good neighborhood: near to the Germantown High School: gas kitchen, tank heater and boiler in cellar, open fireplaces: quick possession: price 17000. Apply to owner at the above address fc 1 3 flfln Jl0tern . suburban dwelling. q 1 3,JJU 7 chambers 2 baths; ready for Immediate occupancy; full particular by mall. MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. N. E. corner Broad & Chestnut sts. JOtOO W. Mt. Pleasant ave.; detached stone house; lot 35x200: 10 rooms, 2 baths hard wood floors, hot-water- heat, electrlo light, gas; possession immediately. H. IS. ENNIS & CO. Bulletin Building MODERN HOUSES A few desirable dwel(lngs now ready for immediate occupancy. Full particulars by ""MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. If. E. Comer Broad and Chestnut .i. LINCOLN DRIVE LOTS Choice building lots .vlth frontages from S(, feet upward at the right spot at the Vight price: handy to Carpenter Station; best Ioc J, T. JACKSON CO. ft'?; provements: lot 00x157 feet: with shade tries and vine lawn. 2-jtory stone garage owner leaving city; will se I at at tract Ivi price and will glvs Immediate possession Call today. 811 E. Upsal St.. 0500 North' Take Oermantown ave. car. wm. .".outnf Pep-s'Sargf,? modernnre.enc..J2rbom.pande8hbathrooni''.; NEW STONE stucco semldetacncd housr garigeV2 sun rooms, 2 baths sleenini porch, llVrooms, open fireplaces: perfect order: choicest Oermantown section; . Uncoln drtve: convenient by auto. trle0f vroupy. --. ""-. w... HERMANTOWN SPECIAL 432 D. Walnut lane, lot 20x180; hardwood flooTs; hot-water; slectrio and gas; launore tubs; 12 rooms; 2 bath; "" jucm A. UACVJl iJ, mu .ngvnuv sv, 5510 BOYBR ST. Oood local on. handy io several car lines, shopping section churches ond schools; 1 rooms and 1,5,1,, Srch-front brick dweljlng 82800. Charles j' Scbaefer. Vsrnon Bid., Germantown ami rl,Hn aves. nml Chelten aves. - 17500 Semldet. dwtr., finished throughout Tn white and mahogany, 10 rooms and bath. A ,SA. am lAtssrt aAtiaan m M "T st44 laf HISjTIUUI IIIJUVIHi BVinsill ssiiri Btnl... with house; Inc. porch: beautiful loo.; ,c! C1UICM. - 7 ii " """"' "'' 'J.n winn ICWMV.ft tinnsiisal .!..- :in rfrr eiDB-JA'LHr,' "SS3;.","S25t J iii?Al".V .ou; 14000: . Lmaao Ulv 1 .v .." fil ii LS ItEAIi ESTATE FOR SALE nKRIANT01VN A HOME YOU WILL BE PROUD OF BUILT TO SUIT YOUR TASTE "Killough-Built" HI AND WITlltlUT OARAI ompleted and Ready for Oc WITH AND WITlltlUT OARAOES Just Completed and Ready for Occupancy On Fern Between Apsloy and Berkley Streets See Furnished Sample House 4547 Open 0 A. M. to 0 P. M. DAILY AND SUNDAT Electrlo light, with vacuum outlets, hot-water heat! .hardwood floors) open fireplaces. In fact, every modern feature. The location Is Ideal and quite convenient. Take train tu Wayne June tlon. 18 minutes from Reading Terminal, 170 trains a day! or car 03 on 13th Street: get off at Wayne Avenue and Uerkley Street, Walk west 2 blocks. MONTHLY CARRYING CHARGES G. PERCY FOX 0 4 $ Some of the Most $ jjj Desirable Houses in '4 ft Beautiful Germantown" Are ty $ Now in the Market $ y 531 PelhamRoad '4 A Detached stono bouse, thoroughly gi K renovated; central steam heat: '- r a! bathrooms and all latest improve- ;! Vj ments. See larger add In this section. . n; wce w.k: i ,, $ J IIl-Cl, IT UOlllIlQlVU HUH!. 1 A Corner property, consisting of a de- Jjj gt tached all-stono dwelling with 11 s k rooms and 2 baths (1 tiled), linen ( ; e ciosex, new neater, eiec, Hgnis, t m St open fireplaces. Ready for occupancy. fc U Make immediate appointment for In- ,', V spectlon. jc O . .. . V 300 West Upsal Street t ; fS This hoUso Is on a 70-foot wide W S street: on a lot 45x243: with at- S . n tractive garden, trees, shrubbery, etc. I 3 f'j Possession October 1. & ' :: 402 High Street ? IJ Corner property; lot 00x124: not- w J water heat: houso In eplendld condl- S O tlon; uaraga for 0 cars, making the ,CJ( n?t carrying, charges for the houso j j C about $20 a month. g y Rubicam Avenue 9 This Is a moat comfortable roomy ijS i ? house on an old-fashioned ntreet; Jp near Wlater Station; contains 10 J R rooms; house and garden tn beautiful & j condition; Immediate possession. ft Ross Street and Magnolia 2 otreet O sVl"c, vviiiciiv .. nii ni su us. -jg ( comenlcnces; only 14000, a few cn gjt fa be obtained for possession within ( ') SJS the next 30 days. j Glyndon Priestman g f;3 8007 OERMANTOWN AVB. p Immediate Possession $4500 C121 Beechwood st. (Chelten and Sten ton aves.). 0 rooms, bath, porch, hot water heat, elec. light. "Agent on prem. $4500 0311 Stenton ave.. 2 sty., porch front, 0 rooms and bath, hot-watcr heat, gas. $4850 0400 Block Norwood st. (Chelten and Stenton aves.). 0 rooms and bath, hot water heat, electricity, $5850 2100 Block C3th ave.. 0 rooms, bath, hot-water heat, electricity. Oak Lane Realty Co., Inc. QTN. BRANCH. 2117 CIIEI.TEN AVE. MAIN OFFICE. G752 YORK ROAD p-:xocKtX4Xxa u& . -. n $ Modern Two-Story Homes & g- At $500 Cash K S? SAMPLE HOUSE 0014 N. 21ST ST. M C-J Open dally 10 a. m to B p. m. and .' cStorsROXOtO5rK0 BIBHIIIMM Detached Stone Dwelling and Garage for Two Cars rjl. rAittmherm. resslni? room. 2 baths. hot-water heat, electrlo and gas B B JlgniB, DHIUWUUU lluui.i uvi, lliv- m places and large porch; ready for you B to move In; send for description by if mall. I Mauran, Dolman & Co. H N. E. cor. Broad and Chestnut sts. BtoaiiBiiiM liaRLHAM TERRA'JE. 417-425: at Queen ijtnn station: attractive 7-room homes. porches; monthly leases: terms arranged. JVIIL.UWC.i., ,", Vlicailim Bt. MTi AIRY CIERMANTOWN FOR SALE 0848 ANDERSON ST.; SEMIDETACHED HOUSE. ON LOT 40x185 FT.: INCLOSED PORCHES. FRONT AND REAR; 0 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS. OPEN FIREPLACES, BASEMENT LAUNDRY, HOT WATER HEAT. ELECTRIC AND OA8 LIQHTINa; IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION: 5 MINUTES FROM EITHER STENTON OR SEDQ WICK STATION. P, AND R 25 MINUTES FROM READINO TER. MINAL: POSSESSION NOVEMBER . 1. APPLY OWNER. ON PREM ISES, OR PHONE OERMANTOWN 760. rRICE 812,000. . KENSINGTON E ST., 2010-2012 (Kensington ave. and Cam bria at.) Six rooms, bath and shed; good 1UVCS..MCIIL; .JU.lVCIMQItb IVIMllli IllUa. BC(, quick: 12500 each. Call at 2877 Kensington av TIOOA 1542 OLENSIDE AVE. Three story; bar gain. 14500. Herbert Hope, 5901 York Road 22D ST. 12 rms. and bath.nteam heat; pos a. VIL.a-iia WHNLHattaiKIt LU , Q Q.1PIH ST. CHESTNUT H1TT., DE3IRAULK modern itone and push cast house, with traroce: lot 84x140: laree porch, living room, dtnlnr room, pan try, J Kucnen ana aunury, a ucurwumo uui, ndin room on, second floor, bedroom and store room on third floor: hardwood floors through ut, hot-water heat, rraa and electricity; Drie $8000: possession within 30 days, JOSEPH M-JKNNIKOS. Chestnut 11111 -JOi.7. FOR SALE Three-story stone, semidetached residence. Chestnut HUI: possession May 1. 1920. Apply E. II. CU8HMAN. 708 Croier BIdg.. 1420 Chestnut St.. Phlla. OLNEV 4013 N. 11TH ST. Porch' front. 7 rooms, tile bath, hot-water heat, electricity, mod ern throughout. VJ. C:. Oi.iui.1.. m mim v.tt,,w,,i,i .,a. 419 OLNEV AVB. (corner Lawrence) Cheer. .., knnna In .veltnnf Inrallnni la... moms hot-water heat: good condition. I.qdAN Immediate -Possession $4500 4511 N. 16THST. 6 room and bath, remodeled through tut. . Oak Lane Realty Cp., Inc. 0752 TORK ROAD Telephone Oak Lane S37. U) l?T. - Dtslrable homej i Just north of Upsal Btrwt; modem M V -atory house, hardwood floors, hot- V M water heat, electric lUhts, open fire- ( ffli 75) car at York road or Wayne ave. V ' to Penn and Chew sts.. walk 2 U squares north to Church lane. 1 U S square east to 21st st. or PHONE S5 K. nermantown 1008 J. 7 p. m. H i Carson Brothers $ 9PI.)ikRod REAL ESTAtCE FOR BALE OKHMANTOWN COMPLETE IN EVERY SENSE Hill Road ONLY $1000 CASH REQUIRED ON PREMISES OR 40TH AND LANCASTER AVE. LOOAN IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $9000 n10.5.",1,?1 N' .iat.h '-j B8 Camac St.. J story, semidetached, porch front 10 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, hot Ki1vfrvl,iat" 'ctrlo lights. Keys it oouj Tork road. Oak Lane Realty Co., Inc. 0782 YORK RD. Phono Oak Lano a37 OAK LANK Immediate Possession $8000 0824-20 N. ISth st., I) rooms and bath, hot'water lieat, electricity. $8500 1428 08th ave.. 8 story, semidetached, porch front. 10 rooms, two baths, hard wood floors, elec. lights, hot-water heat, $8500 0821 N. ISth stsemldetached. 8 rms., bath, hot-water heat, electricity. $14,500 New semidetached 10-room dwellings. Broad st. south of C8th ave. , Others from $4500 to $15,000 OAK LANE REALTY. Phone Oak Lano 337. 0752 YORK ROAD DESIRABLE twin; 0 rooms, 2 baths. J0.500 Three-sty. cor.; 0 r.. 2 b.: large lot. 11,600 Detached modern home; bargain 10,000 817 00th ave.; mod. home, S rms. 2 baths, fireplace: garage privilege. ...11,800 Modern twin. 0 rms., 2 b.: cxc. Ioc... 13,000 Herbert Hope, 5901 York Road A COLONIAL HOME Jo"te,l7o,x0,?'Jl,ne S'S.K"'Sl, S3 S "?.,n:..one ot ,no. most up-to-date and most pu,rrcahCBlsVcdPfro0rDeV.'oS500.thlS SUbUrbi Can b0 J. T. JACKSON CO. SISxiTSf OAK LANE. OFFICE OPPOSITE STATION All Stone Colonial Home A beautiful house, 12 rooms. 2 baths: Ideally Mtuated on a lot 00x200. with garage: this house Is ono of tho best properties tn Oak Lane Park and can bo purchased for $14 500 J. T. JACKSON CO. CH??irsT.A Oak i.a;io Office Opposite Station High-Class Oak Lane Bldg. Lots We have a largo and complete list, full plans and particulars on file. T lArKSnW m chestnut j. -. j ,.. v AT 13TH ST. Rranch Office. Oak Lane Station. SAMPLE HOUSE at 07.1.1 N Sydenham. opeTl dally. Including Sunday: modern 2i4-story semidetached stone house, with stone porch hot-water heat, laundry, hardwood floors' with garage: at 17600; near trolleys. M j' CANTER 7a Walnut st Phone Wnl R3ls' OAK LANE HALL, must be sold quick' real bargain: 8 rooms, semidetached: practically new: hot-water heat: large lot see anytime: 0718 N. Carlisle, or call Mr' Rodenheck. Spruce 2300. r PENNSYLVANIA SIIRURRAN COUNTRY ESTATE CO ACRES Half mile Doylestown borough, on trolley: near country club: beautiful brownstone dwelling, 12 rooms, open halls, heat, run ning water: largo shaded lawn; I). room stone farmer's house, barn and all out buildings. A real show place and a big bargain. Only $18 000. " E J. CARROLL MOLLOY i'lnevme. la. 300-ACRE COUNTRY ESTATE and produc tlve farm proposition In eastern Pennsyi. vanla: excellent location within 15 miles of Phlla. Citv Hall: mansion house, is rooms and 8 baths: tenant houses for 10 families extenslvo poultry buildings, turns, etc : about 40 acres of meadow and 30 to 40 ?cr,e.s ?' timber: commercial greenhouses built at a cost ot over 100,000; greenhouses and about 2 acres are now rented for 11)00 per ytar. Further details on requvst. Wo Invite your personal investigation and 'ex amination of this property, if. j rAnRr 20T N. Main St.. Ambler. Pn. New BunRalow-TvDe Hr.m Real bungalow .homes. Just finished. In Melrose Park: built by day's work: 8 rooms 2 baths; garage: lot OOxir.O; driveway In rear: moat attractive homes: price 112. 000. Bee plana ai our ornce T. T. TACKSON CO. ?5S3Bs. a" - ' tf UiU Ol, OAK LANE OFFICE OPPOSITE STATION UYVYUUiJ. nrsi slop Deona utn street Terminal. Media line 25 minutes to City ..a,,, wv ... . .k-.w..kw .. ajrtir; imme diate possession; corner lot, 73xln3 feet fine lawn and shrubbery: stone and frame construction: large living room, dining room sun porch, kitchen and butler's nanfy rst floor: 4 bedrooms and, bath, second floor third floor finished with bath: hot-water heat; baaement laundry. E, M. Erleaaen 7000 Sellers ave,. Bywood. Pa. Phoni Lansdowne 881 J. MAIN LINP BARGAINS Store and dwelling, Gladwin $4,000 Dwelling, Gladwyn 3.000 210 Elm terrace. Narberth 4 000 325 Orayllng avo Narberth 8 noo 310 Grayling ave., Narbertr o'ooo 81I Grayling ave., Narberth 10 BOO Mill Creek bungalow, 2 acres 17-ooo Big garage (80 cars). Narberth ....20 00O 0330 City Line. Overbrook 1 1" .30000 Apply HARRIS, Real Estate Opposite Station, Narberth, Pa EXCLUSIVE building site: 2Va acres- high healthy location, beautiful" view" '.hade.' spring and small lake, close to every con! venlence, macadam road, gas, water elec. trlclty; just the site for an Ideal suburtan home: make Inspection today. uu WARREN M CORNELL. Hathoro. f , GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY ESTATE" 20 miles from city; contains no acres and 7 $,r,prr'.nrebeWae,.a0et5c?a"froCrSUa.l 188.1 Christian st ' FOR SALE Splendid building sites along the Perkiomen: good-sized lots; vvster sis. tern from reservoir; electric lfghts- wide. stoned, streets: high location; at a reasonable price for short time. Particulars addrJ..! FRANCISTW. WACK. Schwenksvll.e. P."" HOMES, 4 squares from Norwood Station trolley Pas.j, the property; 2-story twin brick, porch front ., (1 rooms and bath: all conveniences: 23x100 ft.; price for aulck sale J3BO0; possession. or qulcK YOCUM & POWERS. 20 fl. imh ., FARM. 62 acres 18 miles out: corner prop, erty: on 2 state road,: Colonial residence 15 rooms. 2 baths; electricity In house and barn: 800 feet from h ghways; artesian well: gasollns engine; 2 streams water. Arml. ...r Tlell. Hatborn J.s. T r. Apply V..V..C.V ,)11,U i3,I.Ij beslrable- building lot. 28x150 feet, for 1300 other lts, BOxlBO feet, for 1000; send for list: phone Ogonts 070. r RENNINOER & RBNNINOER. Qlen.M. t. 40 ACRES In Newtown township, on ma cadamlsed road; only jooooj 17 acres; 1 squsre from West Chester trolley: only 112.800. ' " CHAS. W, RUSSELL. 80.1 Real Estate mdg STain line residence. 12 rooms". " baths, electrlo light, steam heatf near sts" tsyfagiafi&.ansiirf.1 M- hmw, MfCORMICK, Lincoln Did., and F.lkln, ferk 3 ACRES, line building alts on Eagle CHAB. W. RUSSELL. 3011 Real Estate Rldg. Suburban Lota MOST desirable restricted building sites, in" surlng jrou good neighbors, within 6 nln- utes of train or trolleys; cheap and on easy terms; nd for circular, Tjsso Oernwntovrn MOsrfl . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rKVNsvi,v,NiA sununnAN iinoaiaiiBiiuiiBoniiunHinnm 1 MAIN LINE SECTION Ij OVERnnoOK Attractive stone Co ts loniai nomet center entrance, 7 cnam- bers. a modern baths; central heatl H .c?r garage, corner lot, vbxibv it. B Old shade and shrubbery. 132,500. H OVERBROOK 8ectlon 900 block North 04 th St. A Mots & Taylor all-stone house. Practically new! 0 m chambers. 2 baths, shower; central H heat; hardwood floors: new screens H and awnings. The pries 113,000. K WTNNEFICLB Stono constnictlont a inclosed porch, 0 chsmbers. 2 modern y baths; electricity, hot-water heat. I Hardwood floors: 2car garage. Cor- g ner lotv 120x175 ft. Price 127,500. I YORK ROAD SECTION ' y MELROSE Stono and plaster Eng- g g llsh style home; all modern appoint- gj rrents: central kail. 8 chambers, S ej H dressing rooms, 4 baths; electricity, H a vapor vacuum heatl 2-car garage, h m ELKINS PARK Attractive corner B I property; atone construction, slate gi fa ro.0,t; 4 chambers, bath: unfinished H m attic: electricity; hot-water heati H a hardwood floors. Lot 03x120. Near m H train & trolley. Investigate. 115,000. N H JENKINTOWN Stone Colonial: high ej fa location, extended view, southern ex- M g posure; 5 chambers, 2 baths; elec- H S trlclty, hot-water heat; 2-car garage. S g Lot 78x230. Near train and trolley. S 1 E. A, HAVENS CO. g IAND TITLE BUILDINO H IIVlUlliREBMIIIillHIIIIBininiiniMlilia UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY SEAT dartre modern atone rejitoence, 14 rooms and C baths; English style; 18 acres: caraare, barn, gardener's cottttgs; tho bulldtnes are nearly new; houso located on hilltop, sur rounded by old shade and overlook Inc a lake on the estate; the- property has been developed as a small farm, fruit, r-nsturt-, garden, etc. ; 85 minutes from City Hall by train and trolley: convenient to Rotf ana hunt clubs, (rood schools, railroad and trol ley; parage holds G cars; barn and poultry bouses are commodious and ot attractive; architecture; nil buildings heated by hot water heat. y HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLW'bLDO. Attractive Country Seat Stono Colonial house, garage and 2 acres. House contains 12 rooms and 4 baths, numerous open fireplaces, nil mod ern conveniences Excellent order and nost attractive. Oarage for 4 cars Fine old shade, tennis court, garden: 25 minutes from Philadelphia City Hall by train or motor. Price .18,000. . HERKNESS & STETSON .LAND rm,n nuiiDixa rHILADEIPHIA AMBLER BUILDINO TRACTS of , and 1 acre each In tho highest and most attractive part of Ambler, on or close to trolley and -within walking" dlstince from Ambler sta tion; prices very reasonable. For further details phone Ambler 137 or write H. J, DAQEIl 207 N. Main st.. Ambler, Pa. ONE of the finest country homes In Mont gomery county; 8 tacres; hleh location; old fthadp; beautiful lawn; shrubbery: ft ton dwelling; electric lights, 2 baths, heat. evorythlnff perfect; Immediate possession; sacrifice quick Bale. IinNFtY DIDDLE. Ambler AKDMORH k ARDM0RE. P. R. R. Church road, north or Mill Creek road; gentleman's country place, 31 acres, eton andMucco residence, 10 rooms, 4 bathroom. fltalilV and garage, frreenhouse, etc.; excel lent condition; Immedlata possession. C. F.SIMON, 112 S. 16th Street UALA-CYNYVYD .i.tissssi " f Stone and Plaster Residence. S chambers and 2 baths. Thoroughly modern. Large lot. 120 foot front. Fine shade and shrubbery. Oarage. Quick possession. Price 113.000. BALA White Plaster Residence With red roof. 0 chambers and 3 baths Large living room. Inclosed fiorch. An up-to-the-minute home In he best ot condition. Near station and trolley. Trlca J18.500. Smullen & Barry Broad and Chestnut (Liberty Bldg.) imiiiiiinii s lis niiniiiniiii RROOK1.1NK DETACHED HOME, 7 rooms and bath; lot f0xl25: gas nnd electric, hot-water heati """'"wk'ToTT. Brookllne. Pa. Llanerch 203 diVOft First story stone: 0 rooms, bath ifjyJJ on,j laundry; largo lot. WILLIAM J. OTT. Brookllne, Pa. Phone Uanerch 293 101500 BUNOALOW: Va acre lawn; old shade: good shrubbery. WM. J. OTT. Itrookllne. Ta. Llanerch 293 DKVON sanisBiiiiiiiiiriiiiHiiiiiiiiijniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffliiiiiiiiititiJiiiaffliii'jffliiiiJK Investigate This Stone house, very near station, con tains 14 rooms, 2 baths, S chambers. electrlo light, gas range and water heater; all In excellent condition; stable and garage; man's room; IK acres; vegetable garden; abundance of, fruit; price reasonable. Hirst & McMullin WEST END TRUST BLDO. DEVON. PA- Berlttey and Falrfletd rds.; li acres; stone and plaster sdwg.. 11 rooms. 2 bathrooms. Inclosed porch, eleo trio lighting; garage; attractive residence; first-class condition, . C, F. SIMON, 112 8. 10TH ST. TWO ACRES, with stone and frame house. 12 rooms. 8 baths, several fireplaces, large porch, hardwood floors) hot-water heat, elec tricity; garage, with chauffeur quarters; old shade, fruit: everything fine cond.; 118,000. j. M. FRONEF1ELD. Wayne. Pa. J OVN1VYI1 llllllllllllirailfflffllllllBlllliliinilliMlfflMlliniSSI'ljaiMIIMMMlllll btone & rrame House Desirably located, with garaga for 2 cars: excellent condition: modern, with hardwood floors throughout: lot 145x200 fti: fine old shade; Inv-.tl--gate; low price. HlRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BLDO. BHliMiHIBMilDfflMHlBS nF.LAWARK COUNTY COUNTRY HOME, 12 rooms, all modern improvements; 20 minutes from 60th st. terminal! newly turn.; may be purchased furn. or unfurn.; right reasonable to qulok buyer P 214 Ledger Offlce. KABT LANSDOWNB MODERN DWELLING. gas and electric light: near trolley and train: lot 80x120; 10100; terms. PETTY. 80 N. 18th. FBRN KOCK 13800 Desirable twin., 8 rooms. 13200 Modern porch dwelllnr, 8 rooms) Immediate possession. A 18300 Beautiful home, '7 rooms, bath; near cars. 13300 Owner, leaving cits, will sacrifice his mod, home. 8 rms, and bath; exo. condition. 16500 Eight rooms, hath: near cars: lot. 40x61; garden; garage privilege; oargaln. ISOOO Mod. cor.: T rooms and batht beauti ful condition; Inspected by appointment. !7800r-Dctached stone and shingle horn.! mod.) u.-w. heat, elec; large lot; bargain.' BOOO-02-04-06 York road Mod. stores, with 2 apartments; suitable for any business. fl Herbert Hope, 5901 York Road - TO BUILDERS AND SPECULATORS Great demand, for houses here and hardly any for sale, therefor, new house, must be built; a, big building boom Is beginning: buy lots now when cheap and obtainable: some offered at only SKKo each: others gradually higher, un to 12500: terms, only 1-10, payable In cash) bouses at 12300 (small) and (0000; also a 10-room Broad st. dwelling at $8000 and a profitable apartment house fpriS famlllfa 9$ ; an nw iimns. . nvu-s. Dr., in, 'i, tl 1 ' : k. r j i .t K 1 1 I si JSAl 4Vl l n I i mim Till. to Zi . itont JAi BT.. flort-811 hi as fa. WsJSTrTSSSSrwU IIAT9WUOM 1 BTSSfWS aotsr st. r Tar, sti sate story. . s 16MU OUI k 94tni vr IX l& l-t-'st. MiUXIai shiv ixrcb; vrids (treef; wi - -, . .JG n,wly and laun. I I'uiij TmIVi- ) sr KUs M a B.rgnuu aUMtMl hl'J i,n.i..' Hiiii w ' ' ' VVV, rt.Brvtr KTXIUI I 404 lOtfr J tt( n r-Jai. TtLiisM