sHSSxES npwi" vyflfip !7?w?ir - i j wnw? 5ipr7l!V w " It I'- Hi I I' Lrt fa HELP WANTED FEMALE CLERKS YOUNO WOMEN GOOD AT FIOURB8 AND PENMANSHIP APPLY BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER' 8 COOK and chambermaid and WAltreas: no washing or irontnr: rood wages. Apply 3T Cooper St.. Camden. Rell Phone 240 W. ' COOK Younir colored girl for cooking and downstairs work. Phono. Cj-nwyd 850 M. P. O. Do 137, Bala, Pa" COOKINO & downstslrs work, white; refe. 89 B. Logan at ,Oermantnvvn. Wvnm. 1072 W. COOKINO ami downstairs work: white. 0038 Greens at. Phono Qermantnwn 7B1 J , ENVELOPE FOLDERH. female: experienced: ateady work: good pay. E. A. Wright Co . Tlroad and Huntingdon ata. . . oirls AND WOMRN MUST Tin 1(1 YEARS OR OVER and furnish proor op age camprell'r roups established 1800 oirls and women FOR KITCHEN WOnK PREPARING VEGETABLES, MEATS, ETC. ALSO GENERAL FACTORY WORK BTEADT EMPLOYMENT IIIOII WAOEB INCREASED AUTOMATICALLY TIME AND HALF-TIME OVER 48 HOURS SPECIAL BONUS $2 PER WEEK JOSEPH CAMPHKLT, COMPANY ID AND MARKET STS., CAMDEN, N. J. 100 OIRLS WANTED OVER 18 YEARS OF AOE IN NEW DEPARTMENT NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY LIGHT. AIRY FACTORY DESIRABLE STEADY WORK R2 WEEKS A YEAR HOT LUNCHES SERVED7 AT LESS THAN C08T aOOD PAY: EXCELLENT TREATMENT LEARNERS PAID $12 WEEKLY LlaOETT A MTERS TOBACCO CO. 8D AND ONTARIO STS. GIRLS WANTED W ny from J8 to 112 par wselc for girls to work In wall paper factory. Apply at once. Becker. Smith & Pace. Water at. and Snyder ave. GIRLS over 10 to label and wrao bottles and small packages- good wages paid while learning: average workers can make $13 per week on piecework within a short time: experts more For light, clean, pleasant work apply third floor Mulford Building, formerly Metropolitan Building R. w. cor. Broad and Wallace ats.. or H. K. Mulford Co . 428 B, 18th at. Ask for employment office. " OIRLS, white, not under 10. to make pens, no experience necessary: all sitting work; steady all the year round: 18 .thiia learning: steady girls can Increase earnings eecona wewi ooq pay wnen experienced. 1211 Spring Garden st OIRLS, over lfl. for bottling, labeling and wrapping medicine: light, clean work: good wages while learning; rapid advancement. Apply 1118 Washington ave. GIRLS wanted for laboratory work; hours vA? J?,.B r.- .El" lunch served In place. Smith. Kline ft French Co.. 85 Poplar at. LAUNDRESS by the day for A days a week must use S2d st. trolley to Bala: wagea $2 a day and carfare. Phone or write E. C Dearden, N. Highland ave.. Merlon. Pa. Phone Overbrook 4188. LAUNDRY EXPERIENCED MANOLE ROOM HELP 8-HOUR DAY APPLY MARKET STREET LAUNDRY 1808 FILBERT STREET MANICURIST EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S MENDERS. EXPERIENCED ON LEVERS LACE IN THE BROWN: 48-HOUR WEEK: STEADY WORK AND GOOD WAGES EARNED ON PIECE WORK. AP PLY NORTH AMERICAN LACE CO.. 8TH Aili AUU.UilCi1I, MENDERS on mtns wear worted. onBtiKummon jmiiih A.iignny ft Hancock NURSEKY OOVERNESS: heat waei: ref. w-. . vttcw,. q. ncr pynng yjivrocn SI. OFFICE Willing girl, over in v...,, wit...: to learn clerical work; near Wayne June- iiinij nfuy jonion. e, ieqger umce . OPERATORS ON POWER MACHINES APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER" S SALESWOMAN EXPERIENCED IN HANDLING SILKS AND VELVETS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER1 S SALESWOMEN WB REQUIRE SALESWOMEN FOR VA RIOUS DEPARTMENTS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU LIT BROTHERS SALESWOMEN OPPORTUNITIES IN SEVERAL DEPART MENTS FOR FULL OR PART TIME APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKKR'S SALESLADIES wanted for Saturday. F. rw . .Tumwurm u,t ia r. nm SCALLOPING OPERATOR, experienced on Durkoft scalloping machine, to go to Balti more for a few days to teach other girls how to operate machine. Simons, 123 W. Saratoga st . Baltimore, Md STENOGRAPHER, residing In Germantown or Chestnut Hill section, for sales de partment of manufacturing plant. Call Chestnut Hill 760 or write M 218, Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER One familiar with book. keeping machine preferred: good oppor.. tunny; niaifl experience ana aaiary desired, P 805. Ledaer Office. STENOGRAPHER wanted, with experience. Apply 608 Race. Hartung Co. TEACHER of touch typewriting for buslnesa school: state age education, exp. and sal- tvrr dealred. P 223 Ledger Office. " TYPIST Younc lidys-wanted with manu facturlmr concern: good oppor tunity; eteadr position; good sal ary; state references. C 189, Ledger Branch, 1 10th and Moore streets. WAITRESS Experienced white woman for Uryn Mawr. near ohuroh and station Ph. Bryn Mawr 82 or write P. O nox 181. WAITRESSES WHITE STEADY EMPLOYMENT APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAilAKER'S WAItPERS; exp. on broad silks: also learn- ere laxen. auoowam. Marshall ana Noble. WOMEN, middle aged, for bottling, labeling and wrapping medicine; light, clean work; good wages while (earning; rapid advance- msnt. Apply 1118 Washington ave. WOMEN American women of good address and pleaalng peraonallty as general as- slstsnts: good future for bright women. Ap- pir ginrrrsu. iww v.nrnnin si. WOMEN and girls wanted In factory; good positions lit new factors: good pay. Miller Bros. Co.. B. W. cor. Broad and Wallace. aeeond floor. WARPERS, experienced on broad allka: also learners laaen. hudqwski. ataranali at Noble TOUNO LADY assistant In fire Insurance offlcei good opportunity for girl with bratnn; state age, salary expected and aual Iflcatlone. P 232. Ledger Offlce. YOUNG LADY for clerical work; quick and accurnto at "gures. Apply Iflttenhouse Bros., 801 N. B8d St.". second floor. YOUNG LADY fcr. clerical work; -steady position; good salary and chance for ad- vancemeni. Apply em lain at. YOUNG LADY to assist In stock; quick and accurate: no experience necessary. Call rear 2012 Walnnt st. YOUNO WOMEN AS CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKKR'S YOUNO WOMEN on light solder work: must be steady, reliable and desirous of advancing. Apply 2825 N. 11th st. fleneral BUSINESS SERVICE CO , 1110 Land Title. bKFRS., CLERKS. 8TBNOO'B placed by ua! HELP WANTED-T-MAXE ADVERTISING UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY IS AF. JS&.PJU-Ai-.fiP.'L-'lJ'l'ADELPinA jmysmsm a mitvLi HET.-p WANTED MALE APPRENTICE HOY, Just left school, to learn auto business 7S4 3 Inroad st. UI.ACKSMITII HELPERS on wagon work. Keystone Wagon Works. 2d and Norrls. BOOKKEEPER, capable or taking; charge, with growing manufacturing concern; state experience, reference and salary de slred. P 807. Ledger Offlce. BOY Wanted, by a wholesale jobbing house In the office a bright boy, ewd at figures! to learn the business; salary to start $10 per eek: a permanent position and advance ment assured to the right boy: reply In own handwriting A 382, Ledger Office. BOY wanted for general work In targe office: excellent future lor boy with Initiative and ambition Apply eighth floor, American Btnres Co . 4011 Noble St. BOYS to run errands, etc., with chance of advancement. Apply in person with ref erences to 201 South Juniper at. BOY; high school graduate: Protestant: for wholesale tea and coffee house. P 121. Tjedger Office. BOYS BOYS WANTED TO PASS RIVETS MUST BE OVER 18 YEARS AND FURNISH PROOF OF AGE 38 CENTS PER HOUR. WITH A OOOD CHANCE. TO TRANSFER TO RIVET HEATER AFTER A SHORT TIME AT BO CENTS PER HOUR AND MORE IF ON nncnwoRic APPLY 13ft s. r ST SEE MR. SHATTOCK OR MR. PHILLIPS 1521 ARCH ST SEE MR SWARTZ EMPLOYMENT OFFICE HOG ISLAND. PA. BOYS WANTED We pay our hoys from 118 to $18 per week: easy work: steady position. Apply at once Becker. Smith & Pace, Water and Snider ae. IIOYS WANTED FOR NIGHT WORK. MUST BE OVER in, CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY AFTER 0 P M. LEDOEIl OFFICE. FIFTH FI.OOR. BOYS, over 17, to sell tenant's advisor: 10 per week 1828 Chestnut at., second floor. BRICKLAYERS Men with flro-brlck experi ence preferred: steady work The Atlantic Refining Co.. Employment Department. 8t44 Passviink avo BRICKLAYERS Open shop. Apply 010 Rscs st. CABINETMAKERS and all-around marhlne hands: aready work: good wages: light modern plant; bet conditions: group Insur .ance. Apply, ready for work,Unlt Construe tlon Co . BHth and Grays ave. CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS ' ELECTRICIANS PATTERNMAKERS rnPEFITTERS HIGH RATES; STEADY WORK ASSURED BONUS PAID ' O.V SECOND AND THIRD SHIFTS ) FACTORY EMPLOYMENT OFriCE THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. AKRON OHIO CAUPL'NTi-RS Must be first-class men In all grades of carpenter work. The At lantle Reflnlnir Co . Employment Department. 8144 Passvunk ave ' CHAUFFEUR for Cadillac car, Overbrook aection. state wairea experience: also state married or sin Bis: referenco required. Ledier Branch ORIce. ISth and iloore sts. CLERK The Public Ledier Co. desires the services of a young- man for sn Important position In their account Ipr department: must have a good education. Apply 6th and Chestnut sts. Ask for Mr. WIest. COOK AND HOUSEMAN Wanted. 2 Japa. nese. male, cook and houseman, to a-o Into country: cook must bo experienced: houseman some knowledge of work. Inter view at Tlellevue-atratford Hotel, lloom BI2 October 8 afternoon and evenlna. FARM? HAND, married; rood house, waxes ., yiiMi'sc. osiuuei jamison. Media. near the Land Tavern. ' ""'" FIREMAN Heatlnir plant In loft bujldlni: 7 days; brln reference. Applr 402 Stock Exchange Bldg. FIREMAN wanted for dyehouse. Thos. Velnmann & Bon. 1732 N. Howard st. FURNITURB FINISHERS EXPERIENCED APPLT 'WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE - N. E. COR. S2D A WASHINQTON AVE. IADORERS wanted white and colored, good commissary. KOPPKRIJ CO.. Sivedeland. Apply 1531 Arch st LABORERS LABORERS WANTED AT HOa ISLAND: 'GOOD PAT AND OOOD WORKING CONDITIONS. AP PLY 1S8 S. 3D ST.. SEE MR, SHATTUCK OR MR. PHILLIPS: 1521 ARCH ST., SEE MR. SWARTZ, OR TARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, HOa ISLAND. LABORERS WANTED "OR BUlLtllNa OBSTRUCTION. . 40o PER HOUR. ArPLV PIER- SO, SOUTH WHARVES DEIWARB AND CATHARINE STS. I1 W, MARK CONSTRUCTION CO. IjnORKRvAPp,y Tinman pv. LAUNDRT SHIRT IRONERS HANDWORK CUHTOM SHIRTS APPLT MARKET STREET LAUNDRT 1S08 FILBERT STREET MACHINIST Qood. all-round man, accus- iwaw wwrsir macnincryi ffoa wagesi svr". T IsMi ajwasier usstcs- I'SusIW EVENING PUBLIC HELP WANTED MALE 'l.!!LIoC NOTICE I. hereby given lha the im'i, ff,tytra Commission pf Philadelphia will hold examinations for tho frllowlng ik- l'.lJf;nJf "L. "'1 .CU.S'J H"-" n the dates named For detailed Information apply at r.' "7' of the Commission, Room 873. t-lty Hall. 1U1U .1,Oc!0br-7 Typewriter, and clerk (men and women), $uuo-120O (Inc.). e.H. "J"r 1T Billing machine operators. 9J.10 day. Octc-ber 17 Clerk (registrar's office), J00. diwJkn)'.rnMTr',nacrrblnB cl"k t"","r Prober 17 Chief clerk 11200. J750 IT Clerk (men and women), less ini'kf r. Uc,?.rk tutlstleal and account. October 17 Engineering clerk. J1200. $120iiiafio Stenographer and clerk (men), October 17 Cashier. $1800. October 17 Recording nudltor, $1100 October 14 Roller engineer. Jlou month. October 14 Crane runner (steam), 14 day October u i. .i'. ".ii:i,i","'J.. J1200. ' . t- tn-rn II4.H uciooer n engineer (police and n.i,..t) . 27 Hoseman. J1100 to $1300. October 22 Lleutennnt (promotion) 1400 October 24 Captain (promoilon). $1300 .October 20 Battalion chief (promotion), I15300br !ssteam engineer (promotion), October 14 Steel Inspector, $5 day. October 14 Supervising Inspector of sani tation, $.'300, October 14-Inspcctor (building). $2000 t.riSJr!5,"'.HNurso for eotlal service dept. (PHCD) $100 month n?,?i.h."' J3 lnatructress of nurses. $1200 $14oo (inc). October 13 Female nurse. $510. October 18 Assistant school medical In spector, $000. October 18 City nurse. $000. October 13 Second assistant resident phy sician, cllnlcnl asslatant physician, asalstsnt October la-AsslsUnt dentist." 1750 "" " (",'!?"""" m""cal """' "cSKSrViHSd social serv... w-,l,.e. S140O October 13 Outdeor physician, $340. Octobor 18 Anesthetist. 000. October J 8 District surgeon, fees. OkIaI... 11 A..-.. . ...aa " . , J . i: Aiiuuictaiy, ywu ana ooaru vtiuucr io Assistant meuical inspector (homeopathic). $1400. October 28 Patrolmen, $3 day. ..P,?,iu,'rr 23 Sergeant (promotion), $1400 $1500 (Inc.) October 21 Lieutenant (promotion). $1000. October 20 Captain (promotion). $2200. October 20 City Hall guard. IS'n da October 18 Foreman (bridge dMslon) (4.J II1UI111I. October 13 Foreman. 1112.50 mo. when amp. trading concern structural steel & rum-ret October 13 Assistant foreman. $3 30 a , '" draftsmen: supt of construction fabrl- aa.K'. , , rated steel tank bolle.- heavy plate ron- October 18 Foreman (mosquito exterml- flrurtlon nation) $4 day I Huslness department Offlee mar ft October 14 Foreman (automobile repair ?,',I',B charg small office l!l.r handle rosts shop). $112 50 month Rkpr cashier $40 Ukpr ft si, nnir fn ..vfiobcr H General foreman (promotion). I '"'fr hotel $125 Thruj nsst hkprs Moncc- "J..- .. ' j raphers In export, sales t purrhs sine drills. .October 14 Foreman machinist (promo- T-re coprs. good ices Ptenog s-rr-Uirlal "9J-. $0 day. position Stenog export house Cable A .October Assistant foreman rigger, rode clerk. Forelc-i exchango man Asst ' , ,. .. Jemplnvment mar. good lntertiewer tiam- .r0'."." 18 Superintendent of repairs to lnr knowledge sborthRnd Cost acctc lnree CISI'.HJ" t..w,!t 10 uay- .machinery corn. $200 Senior nc-ts public October 11 Paver. $4 2.1 day. "-Hit roncern nooil wages ' "c October 15 Baker. $3 23 day. I Womens d'Pt. Good openings for t-alncd October 15 Pltomcter operator. $3 75iwtmen as secretaries, stenographers rorre- ur-, . ,0 , pomlr-nts Asst emplomrnt mgrs WHfnr, October 18 Blueprlnter. $800-1000. women Good salsrled office nositlons nil -.5, Mr lo CMk an1 ntaJ cook, as per ispacllles prominent concerns Erd women Jir.K0' i o .. . . onl -Vo enrollment charges Information October 18 First, year apprentice. $420 Mnnk booklet "The Road to Suro-ns" Js!2. ,S g,?.atV!r' I8.00-. . x;xli .'I' A'"". A leciricai, jistiu day. uv.vw&i - uuaiu inuepcnuence Haul, e-1 October 14 Guard and auba-uard. 11200 October 14 Storekeeper. U200 October 13 Superintendent of squares October IS Attendant and lavatory aV tendant. as per ordinance. October IS Measeniter. oer JCuO-JOOO (Inc.). October 14 Special officer. 11000. October 13 Jfessenirer, over 1000. October 14 Assistant matron. 1310 and board. ,Octobr 14 Helper (chemical laboratory), loo month. October 1(5 Foreman storekeeper, 11100. October 13 Cleaner (matron), .000. October 14 Matron. J780. inoo0br U Matron otral station). October IB Storekeeper. 11000. October 1.1 Storekeeper, 1.1 day. .iSi,fr lo Assistant photographer. J050- .lntnl tine ) October If Watchman, as per ordinance. da?o,rOabtory)1''w20?,P"' lhnlc" lt) October IB Cleaner (laboratory). fl00. October 13 Social service worker. 1000. October 14 Special officer. SD0O October 11 Assistant dietitian. 000 Octcber 13 Ilathhouse caretaker 11)00. October 10 Caretaker. 1000. October 10 Bathhouse matron, 12 ,10 day. October 1 General superintendent (Loafrue Island Park). 11.100. "'" October 10 Superintendent of markets, October 10 Registrar. 12000. October 1(1 Assistant registrar. 11S00 October 18 Teacher. 11000. October 1R Assistant teacher. 1000 October 1R Principal (promotion). 11200 October 18 Class leader (d) music n night. October 1R Instructor cf children, 1900 October in Purveyor, 11000 October 1(1 Bacteriologist, 11.100. . 11200 Assistant bacterlologlit, October 10 Assistant chemist, 11000. October 16 Chemist. 11800. """" October 10 Assistant engineer rjlana) (nrom 1. I3nnn (city October 10 Third assistant bacteriologist (men and women). 11400. October 1(1 First assistant antltraln lab oratory. U00O October 1(1 Fourth nsslstant bacteriologist (men and women) 11000 M2WM1B0O ArcnU,c,ura draftsman, ..2fi?fr 1. Draftsman (structural). 11200 linoo (inc.) October 10 Assistant chemist. 11400 October lis Assistant Inspector (men and women). 11000-11200 (Inc.). October 11 Inspector (pipe). J1000-112OO (Inc.) ROBERT M GRIFFITH. President. WILLIAM II. KRIDER Secretary. NICHOLAS ALI1RKCHT. Commissioner. Issued October 1. 1018. MAN and wife, experienced for housework: family 3 adults: good wages Phone m.muwii ..i" iiftwrni ,, una p ni. Mt:NA('t"e- .".tranr men to learn automo bile tire miking; permanent Indoor work' good opportunity. Apply, bringing this ad with you, to Ouaker City Rubber Co , foot Comley st . Wisalnomlng. Pa, MECHANICAL ENQINEER, graduate, to nuiij in lumiuuii i,i, inovorirucKs in New York city: atate experience and salary dealred full details necessary. M CIS, Led- ..r, V.,,HP. ilESSENOER BOY. with opportunity to ad vance to assistant shipping clerk. Room 701. (IPS Chestnut St. MOLDE.RS and machine molders wanted lor open shop. SO mllea from New York city: steady work and good pay. Apply 817 Stock Exchange Rldg office nor H right, neat boy. 17 eara or over, for general office work with manu facturing concern: good opportunity, steady position: good salary. A 1.10, ledger Branch, ISth and Moore sts. OFFICE boy: must be neat and clean- goo",! chance for advancement. Arply 074 N OPPORTUNITIES FOR A LARGE NUMBER OF INEXPERIENCED MEN AOES IS TO 43 UVST RE IN OOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION GOOD LIVINO WAGE PAID WHILE LUAHNJNU STEADY WORK ASSURED APPLY IN PERSON OR COMMUNICATE AT ONCE WITH FACTORY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE TUB GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO AKRON. OHIO PORTERS CLEANERS APPLY BUREAU OF KMPLOYMENT v WANAMAKER'S PROOFREATF.'R8 POSITIONS ARE OPEN IN PURLIC LEDGER PROOF READING DEPARTMENT FOR 2 OR 3 FIRST-CLASS. EXPERIENCED PROOFREADERS! PERMANENT SITU ATIONS. WITH HIGHEST WAflFS APPLICATION MAY UK MADE ANY DAY. AFTER fl P, M , AT 00(1 CHEST NUT ST., FIFTH FLOOR. SALESMAN An opportunity Is sfforded hlh-crala salesman to nuke a permanent connection with an Investment banking house of national reputation! the successful applicant must ba the highest type of ""; man, whass character and past record will bear tba fullest Investigation, and hs will h renufrert tn fsks un his eesldsnCS Mr- manentiy in a. town witn a. , population efling iiiuuii. lacmsa w) m i oi aisryuur u Bfiswon "" LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1919 HELP WANTED MA LE experienced' in handling ...... h'lkm and velvets apply bureau of employment wanamaker' 8 SALESMEN We have an opening for fle hlgh-grnde oil stock salesmen; at present we are offering a most exceptional oil stork that Is on a dlldend-pavlng basis; strong references, sexeral national banks, Dun's and Rradstreefs; strictly commission basis: tre want salesmen who can. qualify as branch managers: this position offers an excellent opportunity for men who can qual ify. If you are Interested we ask jou to make a personal Imeatlgatlon. Sales Man ager, 410 Perry Rldg SALESMAN wanted for typewriter supplies: rrnmirr r--jmrrn. ai am. linger unirfi, HIKVEMAKERS, experienced or willing to team; steady work: piece-work rate after learning; good, steady men onl Auilubon wire nmn in A-nuion N J. ! STENOGRAPHER, vnunir man In omc8 of wnoinl0 nou. noll opportunity mr munrnnmi appiv ;h inn n Tiri.ij twJiK, with reference: state ex- Ledger Office. prricnr- niiu salary expeciea. P 30J, TYPIST Young man wanted with manufac turing concern, good opportunity steady position, good salary, state references II 150. Ledger Branch 13th and Mooro sts UPHOLSTERERS GTO.1 pay; pply J. II. Van Sclvcr Co . steady work. LBtnaen N J WATCHMAKER wanted. Only the best need nnli" urlll ntsv trn,-. -. D. KliKItZ A imo CO . nni Market t , Wllmln (j tnn. Pel WATCHMAN wnnted, come reaJy for work" 71l H. Front fft I l",?.".?Z.Z'1" A.m. Prl"! in ipartmentT high chool"gV;duat,,nprefe"rre4- ahlWrAd"J.T,M'-...iy"". ' "'"- j,, . "-r. Mir.mui SI. YOUNO MAN, ambitious, for sales office of AnAAV eA4sa hs KtMM. .J -.. .-.''.;. "-e'ib. uuim opporrun tv, Write stating age, education, etc. r a , Kfi,n" "' Mucation, etc. r 210 ' I.p,lrr nfnnw . i IfllKCr -JI1II.-B General OREENEWALD'S Pnglneer construction tnb henv t-,nK plate high pressure boiler & drum work inrgo corn permanent position good wages Kile. rn. glneer power distribution steam eirrtrlrni lesls Salrs engineer familiar with ,Mir supplies reinforced steel A PimnriV' "L"e ' irnclms Youno men engineers offleo r.n. Iiratls InestlOTte. then Judce for urs-f I i nign cisss employment servlp- ztm s mil EXECUTIVES WANTED Reconstruction of business demands men of executive ability to take charge of the p panslon In American lndustrtea and business corporations HITKIN'ESS AnMTNM.VrrtATinv Training In personal marketing end admin Istrallon efficiency for positions as Ruslness manager. Supervisor of credits and collections Hank executives. Department superintendents Salesmen Sales managers TOU CAN PREPARE during your spare unproductive hours with a training linked up with actual business State conenlent hours for interview, telephone number or call at office. give LA SAI.T.i: EXTENSION UNIVERSITY 008 CHESTNUT ST PHILADELPHIA Telephone Walnut M34 Open evenings until 8 BUSINESS SERVICE CO, 1114 imT-riiiT COST ACC'T Foundry, mirhlne shop. In terchenienhle parts exp . 12000 up DRAFTSMEN Chief concrete cnnstrlioon (W) mechanical and structural, sooo " DESIGN Gis and nil tanks liono un SALVSMrN First class for aWotruck.. SUPT. Tires and auto nmssories S1000 RKRS . Cl.rr.KH, STBNOOI SAT.ESvnv. EARN RIG MOKEV lo la,he wO'k. auto repair mechanical and electrical drUlng or storage battery work we train men on prartlcal lines. Philadelphia Mechanical Kleetrlcnl School rail 014-018 Brown st Phllsd.lphls WE TEACH YOtT TO nnlVK AND REP Ml! AUTOVOniLE's ' 12.1 compt,v:tf roiiRSF 125 hay ju zvii:ii r riwvwsi s MUtlir's loot Spring Garden Open Sunday AGENTS PORTRAIT AGENTS Why work on com mission? 24-hour service on finished work, write for catalogue. E. II, Roberts, Kan sas City SITUATIONS WANTEP-FEMALB COOKING Oood cook, very competent and reliable, wishes position: excellent refer ences. P 300, Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A CAPAT1LE WOOD WORKER. FORMERLY A fARRIAOEMAKER AND UTBR A' OAOFP IN nUILDINO AUTOMOHILES DESIRES A SITUATION. PLEASE AD DHESS A 124, LEDOER OFFICE. CHAUFFEUR, single, white msn. desires position private family; 10 years' exp A-l r-f age 30 steady, rel will A 121. Led Off CHAUFFEUR, white ."jre 27, thoroughly Ka . ..,. ...IIIIk.v k,i I . . ' 1014 Ridge ave. fi' ,.ro. ,. i,i,iic, wuiisiiLg, uooier. CLERK, male. 27. ex-service: desires posl- tlon, 8 years yeara payroll and general clerlca tvplst. E. Q. B . aian Armlngo st exp MAN nlth practical txperlenre, d'slres rep. resentntlva position with firm about to enter the export field. M 132. Ledger Office EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED Cook, chambermaids housework girls Miss Rose Dougherty, 1313 dlrard avenue WANTED at Episcopal Office. 312 S 12th ni cooks, waitresses, chambermaids. kltipnrnnlds nurses MRS HARVEY. 1910 Rlttenhouse squsre Wanted desirable help, every capacity I)?!;?,?n,A,'''P IS,0,rtf JpT.'f "1'."' JSP." u'led Hursey. 123.1 a. loth. Dickinson 3043 FARMHAND and dairy hands and married men white and colored. 418 Race st. BOATS.MOTORBOATS.LAUNCHES I BOAT for sale, 13x47 ft long, equal to 20 i h p. engine: rt a bargain; will tike good car for part payment Call at 0NH Wood- t IHHU uvr, -niiiucn, jl J I : BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIB REAL ESTATE BUSINESS CONNECTION WANTED IN WEST PHILA. REAL ESTATE MAN WANTED ONE HAVING COMPREHENSIVE ICNOWLKDOP. OF CONDITIONS IN WEST PHILA I IIVE CAPITst TO INVEST AND WILL CONSIDER EITHER EMPLOYING OR AN SOCIATINO WITH A LIVE WIRE MUST HE STRICTLY RELIABLE RFKERF''-l-s EXCHANGED P mi'l. LEDGER OFFICE $3000 WILL PURCHASE three-nuarter ln terest In company owning excluaive selling r!rrts in Phila for stnndard article arir tlser Is cal'cd from city by reason of other Interests; this is a rare opportunity to secure n well-established, clean-cut business, which, la now- showing n splendid return on the investment: fullest Investigation Invited. Write A 323, Ledger Offlce. PARTIES owning an unencumbered moun lain resort In Pcnpalvnnla, valued at oil noo, wish to secure n mortgage loan nf I. 10.00O, all of which Will be used In the erection of a large hotel and other Improve menls M 214 Ledger Office WANTED Man. small capital, who under stands manufacturing business from all ends; financial support guarapeed; refer ences renulred. Chamber of CommerLe, memory, rs. u. FOR SALE Good-pas Ing telephone svstem with 1,100 phonea nnd 40 miles of toll line, located n a, prosperous community! about am nno .uiiii.ah r ion ij,ii.nst.. 00TH. 803 N. Store and dwelling, next to i-iir"rr; v.cenil rtnv verms. RICHARD P. POWELL. 202 S B2d st I HAVE A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY In the manufacturing line, luve you the factory? A 31.1 ledger Offlce. "' CARPET CLEANING CARPETS CLEANED ON or OFF the FLOOR WALLACE 7 N. JU 185a N, gfl 2.18 Church lane. Oln DOGS. BIRDS. ETC. 40HAWK RABBITRY 4 USED AUTOMOBILES CSJLSJ JJL T.TiT, .............. Do you Want the Advantages of Cadillac Ownership for a modest Investment? We have used Cadillacs thoroughly over hauled and guaranteed, which have tfye same superior features that are inherent in a new car. Other Makes in Our Used Car Stock: 1917 Franklin Touring '1918 Paige Touring 1918 Standard Touring 1917 Buick Roadster 1918 Oldsmobile Touring 1 1 9 1 7 Overland Roadster 1917 Detroit Electric NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY spmce :u 144 North Broad Street ' 3 , TIRES New TIRES New Guaranteed 7000 Miles VK HANDLE NX) ltKTDKAD NOIl MA15K-OVEH TIItES EACH AND CVBKV TIItE A riltST IIEAIIINO A NAMlJ AND SERIAL NVMBER If a tire falls to run 7000 miles, e lll absolutely replnre It at one-half list price marked be'ow Size Non-Skid 30x3 17 00 30x1', S ni 3211, in Wl 31x4 13 70 32x4 14 10 31x4 1.1 4H 31x4 10 00 Tubes . $1 81 . 2.21 . . 2 1 . . 2 70 . . 2 00 . . 3 00 . 3 20 NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED All orders sent subject to your ex amination .ian oruers promptly nueu, Pennsylvania Tire Ex. 1409 Race Street Phone LocuBt 1S40 SPRINGS SPRINGS FOR ANY AUTOMOBILE 10,000 ALWAYS ON HAND NEW ONES FOR ANY MAKE OF CAR OH SECOND-HAND .SPRINGS AT I SATTLER'S LESS THAN HALF PRICE 1001 Spring Gsrden WESTCOTT. 1018, fully enulpped. Westing house shock absorbers, eiirllnt condition renl bargain See Mr MucArthur. Mutx Agency OiiO N Broad st BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for your dla vnonds any lire from Hi to 10 carats pons pay higher: also old gold, platinum nnd st ver nought. Kststes r-ougnt (private), list, iu yrs The Diamond Shop 4,1 N 10th st.. , 10th nb Market , DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO OHIECT Prwn tickets for diamonds bought KELLY i CO 012 CHESTNUT ST Suite 21-22 Over Chllds Restaurnnt Private. SAMUEL SIMPSON NOTARY PUHI.IC IValnut st. Philadelphia LITIGATION, EXPENSES DELAV nvoldedt business nnd other dlfPcultles settled, pro tecting vour rights, doubtful accounts col lected, 23 vears' experience bank ref. Mu-i tual Adjustment (. o . 121.1 Kllliert st GENTS CAST-OFF LOTHING bough, Call or address 12.1 N.h.ab Arc, ELECTRIC treatment and manicuring Of flee, Hutchinson Rldg., fourth floor. Rooms 400-407 12' S lllh st Hours 10-0 4 DYERS' TURS 1 TUSSAH STRETCHETt 1 yarn strength-testing machine msnu- lociureu uy nriiir i,iri, oiviirenano. 1 picker msch'ne. Smith a Furbush. Wooden tubes for Foster's, American Rra spools and various size snnols. ROUERT CORWIN 00 Grand st New York cltv POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dvnamos. motors bolters, steam nnd all enclies pumns air compressors. FRANK TOOMEY INC . r127 N 3d .1 GAS ENGINE 1-14 II P "Otto " nracllrollv n. good as new SKYFERT't. 437 N 8dst. 22-FT. new smokestack. 1(1 m. diameter Iron Jacket kettle 100 gals.- new horizon tal ateam engine. 12 H P , 2-Inch power ploo or bolt cutter cheap B.'O N 4th. ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOI S POWER EQUIPMENT Ul"-H O'limr.N MACHINFRl'fO..llHNan KT 2-nu'xur "uiiA'iKnvii.i.K-- h. rt, t iioii. i ers hutt strapped triple riveted, first class SEYFERT'S 417 N 3d at. ' ' IIALINQ TRESS like new; cheap to miiek huer. Can he seen at 40.1 N. 3d at E1.EC1R1C macn bought sold, exeh snd .onired Dl.s E'ec T'ng Co 140 V 1,1 t-ALTERNATINO nnd direct current motiiriT new and used O E Mink Co .227 JSI ITh" NEW & second-hand marhlnery bought so'd exeh plants dlsmsntled Grow. 1300 N. Sd 18-1NCH double-ply leather bclfflig canvas belting eopper kettle cheap. K2W Nollie st DYNAMOS, motors nnd machinery W buy complete plants Yearslev Co,. 224 N 3d PAOS.PLAYEns.TUNINQ. ETC HOWARD INCENT S10.S3S-S40-42.S44-I4(I N 0T1T st SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK 1 GEO STECK Upright 170 2 WERERF1ELD Uprights .1 LESTER Uprlihts S HARDMAN Uprights .... 3 OHICKERINO Uprlshts ... 4 ESTBY Uprights ... (1 CUNNINGHAM Uprights 4 BI.ASIUS Upright 7 8TB1NWAY (.'plights ... 4 SHOEMACHER Upr.ghts ..... A HEPPE Uprights ... J KNAI1B Uprights ..., 1 ANGELUS XS-Nnte Pliver .. J EMERSON HK-N'ote Players . , 3 KNACR K-Note Plners J CII1CKBRING -tS-Note Player 4 STEINWAY Grands . .. 7.1 un ..$123 np . . $71 up . . 501 un ..$113 us , .$1J1 up . . $01 UI ..$100 up .. 71 up .. $01 up ,,$t41 up ..$200 ..$3.10 up ..$32.1 up ..$31(1 1.(230 un 2 OIK "KKUI.w umnns NEW PHYER-PIANOS $123 up. J2..1U wit NEW t'rniGHT.PUNON.up. .,, ,. 830-R31-M40-R42-S44.SKI N OTH ST KSiaunenrii pti yrnrs ' PIANOS FOUR "SPECIAUS-' OFFERED THIS WEEK AT OUR UPTOWN STORES (141 OhlckoHng risno cost new $530. Maa Halltt A Divls Piano cost new $.119 $2(11 Lester Plsno cost new 14.10 $273 Cunningham airurd Piano, coil uew Call 'or write fcr full description and spe cial rxnjppV., t'PTOWN STORES VICTROIJV nd records. 'Ml almost' new. val $30 Rl-der's Loan Off.. 1200 South st. POINTING- THE CARD SHOP, 920 Chestnut St. Cniji merclal printing and enrfavlnr our spe cialty; 3"10 business rarda, $1 letterhead and envelopes printed quleklv, OPPOS. THE FBDERAL RE8BRVB BANIi; -iK Weed jllnV" lillVlheVtsV "ino iig "nd Cor 22, and South A1,ABTMBNT , (enside P. II room, ami ' wd' rrRWw?!,',ftlW -.w 7 "S CELESTE I. TELLE facial ecatn tr.T . OFFICE FURV1TUP.E bath, large porih open Orenlnees, use rf 7..,., . ,.., . . : .' ,,n "i rt C 10a m to (1 nm' Closed I HunSoVn'TlVh I I'. ..line, desk, 'es? IllT" 'cabinets and ' "'"'"ViK"! W""' 2 ",OCks from sni' mving l"rVnt'ml.,r.'.," ?? I ELECTRICAL-TREAT physic., cu.iurT I S"" wS"" "17 '""" " "'llfSSJnW ft SON Gl.nslde '-"'riS ? ffftKSiff '5' s'SSSft . 302 S llroa.l Hour, if a. m to II p m . r'ATTEN FURNITURE ro' ' -iTlTTENHOUflE ST i77-ToTo.,m "tiled f" '"" ""'' T.slter sts. CtlRNS removed 2 for 00c , all for tl, Ing LOCUST 4070. 1127 ARCH ST RACE 2000. I bath thorouuhl" modern, furnish.-.!. S74 IJ31 H-T. N KTH hT. four rooms bath! 1? ASH rrvMorTcellarralnd. iUSJ. I SUITS -',?' T'tTJ I sCffl''1 "" " MS" '44 ing done. MS m,t,on.oo.I MsrKet 4,2. j f . p . . ,. , ,,I,' -MrmZAm-mH . W. 'BKANxTT Wk ' $ "lAf3HINERY AND TOOM ! J' UtR --" " m gS,fA,sKr',,SWB "nr'W sSm'.";.ry VKe."'."-. 'FoiTloW p, BlS!I5i'i C I (.-,TIf r ...... In.. .. ....,......,.. I, I.IH- ,x'.,.-.. .....eino UD '""" tiuni sim-u" .itirsge rerlDIS. eo millpr F 1I1KKK roo-TIS. Kill ni neltt- and ljuth iinrup . s-rn. i"v - ... -" ir.r Sl.r imcvil ss 111 MINIATURE Babv Ornrds . '..y.,t!i J" how large or small the quantity I," o?,rJ"n- "intra!. 11 months' ease, ilior-.r g JEROME n. JARDELLA. .J511 rMM -S!L tf"' ,Rnodne"Cierafr Mi'-.SS,'18 ""d ! STOlR.SS ?J,t " D'Arn?y,'f?frn Tto V ,&& ,?&i " -' ' - W, J USED AUTOMOBILES '"" "Trfrv PCDIIIIT mr IxCuUlLl VlIYlj A YEAIl TO PAY Rebuilt, jruaranteed and freshly painted Open Hi pres or Inoloied Panl Hody. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. Vlrosd and llunllnrdnn Sis Phils AUTO PARTS SCHOBER. SSSi MARKET ST. IlL'ICK. HUB llsrt.t six tourlne 1 passencer, perfect condition extra cord tire spot light Phone Paul Oalulell Wmonah 19 V CHALMERS HllS model 33 C Waltrn Oa- rnKeyHijroad. lM2ffi '"IT 7 passenrer, excellenr conr I dltlnn)mja2erjrannriletojjJVSW. OVERLAND model 110 tourlnir 111R. nearly! Jay Pf'ce. pnsmints If de-lred 2038 N 2Hth st OVERLAND tourlna mis small 4clindr. low prlte, pasments If desired 830 S CBtll st P1(1E, Ills, touring exulient condition rubber and paint gpnrt rensonalile See "' " t",' "Ki ""' ""i" i,rnnti i ,'Ii?ln,'!..,"17 moM good Condition 1003 Chestnut st STUT7. NEARLY ALT, VODF1.M, THI1R- ot'onrY and rkfin ISHED MANY lHllflllV. SHE Mil M ic ARTHUR hTl'T. AflENCI i.H'i N HHOVD STKOM1IKIKI CAItliritET'il: for Ford car, good ps new price $13 A O. WIDENER Ashland. N J Trnrks AUTOCAR trucks In esi-ellent condition, win express bedy hame b Ing relnred by larger trucks J H. Van Scher Co.. nmden N J A-lo Hnnnlles Repairing rOR HUDSON AND HUPMOBILE REPAIR Won If See the Brnndyulne Auln Repair i-o IVoff H Rav Blmnson S:, V, ik"n..l er-!Vhwartz Co.. now estahllshed at 10J3-J3 llrandvwtne st Poplar 20.11 MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES I S'KW end -.'(l-hand blccles tires nil mikes ANDREW T IIIRCHETT. r,01 S 22d FOR SALE We Make and Sdl National Cash Registers and Credit Files lowest prices: small monthly pay mnts. no Interest charges, written fh.rtIltT! '.d Tslteri repaired rebuilt, bought, sold asd exchsnged JOHN T. WATSON Agent The National Cash rtecrister Co. 730 CHESTNUT STREET Phone Walnut 401 i Main 2072. "typewriters rented I'actory Rebuilt Typewriters American Writing Machine Co. ROJ CHESTVUT ST WALNUT 24.VI MAIN 320 ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! ! I OVERCOATS! Xt lAt-L Iaii. h.lf... ... . . . ..'''.'"- """" wu.ioni nisue llll.UUR'l LOVN OFFICE !- Market Cor Ridge ne and Oxford i BARY carriages, complete 1010 lines over .. HjO "tvles. nil colors see our $10 sneclnl H. Mll'er 001-00 S 2d st. Open evenings. 1IAI1Y COCHns r-ed Pu'lmin -o.h S' new reed stroller JS. sulkies J1 in nen evenings Auerhnrh s 3012 Oliar.l bv I1ILI TARD pool comb'n , 2d band Mught. sold rent ex;h Kenffr 32U W Glrar.l r. RANGE cost P0. s-il tl.1 A-t condl. tlon. Apply A O Wldcrar Ashland. on i St.. 35.. "J1. P,",V' f1r ?ro"" nn.l Ten mi'Ke'. terry. If dslred . R.NDU.l, .t i" l.i y o.i .. RING $1200. diamond ring ulisilulrlv p, r feet weighing nearly 4 ksrite. a bargain Rlnl r Loan nfllre 12S Market SAFr;s fireproof, closing nut On .llshih used some with thin wnlls 7J N Fourth WILL SELL pawnticket for $71 blue n -r feet diamond Tlffanv ring, pom ne1 S"1u i' n-lh $000 ., 20H 1-dg.r Office WANTED nilllnril table 1x10 must ir good condition. Hnslneers Hcletv of Pa 31 8 Front st Hnrrlsburr. Ta Ni:W .t. used Slnier sewln-r mschs tnlkln,UmKeh "?e"r' is' ' Slew" "l Q.'BUNr2,l" WANTf!) Don't Sell Your Diamonds I 0t our eMlmntr W huv frm l! 'ftrice jrWflpr clcpartm t stores n$1 tmUvlflutli ltAbltshfd over ."n pnr D'nmini!, Jv. tlr, brlp-alrnr, old Fold nnd f.'hrr We art n.Tjlne the lnrniarl nrlc for dnm-,nu i UKK ft CO. 713 WALNUT ST. IM-ih 180", I i OLD CLOTHES BOUGHT Cast-off c'nthlng wanted, men's old u Is, I coats trousers ehois, etc li,dles rlvfhlngl of all descriptions and evening clothes i uii-jsni. iiivnrat prices nild. v call anv Wrlle . "rue,, s'h. vrnri- ui ,r munin oav or night call or telephone Filbert 2172. SEI.IOSOHN CLOTHING CO.. 3 In CARPETS furniture rugs w are positively ! the h'-h-.t "rice ners We buy "nitre OAST-OlfF ClyOTHlNO Lndles- rnthr. a sts-clalty; repllemen's. e-IMren's clothing and shoes all kinds bouvht- hiahist pr'ces ,VJtn..r,?'vJ':! r." rn'1 anvi.ere. anv tin,.. PI Mkt 2448 W or call M Stern M7 N 4th ANTKJUE furn'Pire old china old Jewelry, gold s'lve- fals. teelh d'.monds Inn. (l"t Cbest-vit Phon- Walnut 711.0. ANTIQUE fnrnltur china stiver old v-ar and shin plc'ures hl-Tiel prices n.ld for rare nieces antiques llli.1 Pine locust 0004 DIAMONDS watches, gold. Tl'v.r. nlstlnunv musical nst camera. boken Jewelry bought, highest prices. 1203 Filbert at FURNITURF, f"rp.l needed b-idlx highest 1 - - ...-. . r, , ',r ,11... SECOND-HAND e"othIiig. shoes, stc.j ee'nd iw.t.l HNW'DMaN ()'.! Pools est. TALKING machlnra, music mils records bought, sold, exchanged 12flg Filbert st. WB WANtT at ow, t-iusrhnld fnrnltunT store fixtures: office furniture: pay spni rssh, honest lain; phone ua about It, locust 4314 Old Church, for 12th ami Cherry ili! pa 1 fimvtaxy - 1 ,,,-, . i attractive Turn arts some nousKeeplng . ' 1. I'mvKyi SONS 1.1 . e.T, Li . g' FnRNVirND'TOHtnrA,n8 Unc PINE ST-p.sraThVsi.lts--3 room. ' InrH-rROVT I)VEI.L1Nas' 4 1-room. iZr X'Thn1"" ?c..J""Kr.'..Jr i ' TAJILANn. nnn Wa.n-.t .. ' ' , EASTER. 3n4 0.rmantown?mABr5ui , CHAIR KTO AVO : s V .J f k . , " APTt Il-no TO -''! Y"R1.Y , i nrsin-u st ,J , "A"' h3-"IANOI.. S L. eor h Ine Al lvrw ,., nr 4Irv Vo ' Wl N DAR1KN HT . 2 str. (1 roonl.".inoa, W 'PAINT ,,uv rw' the ru-TRTTnTi s3UL'JE"TY "'nlPi;nw,y.,J'i2 -;v.n n wi,er -, 2 sty.. 4Tn?.?:,is!4" rrtllXl v d,nll.. -r n. I PINE. 2200 Two rooms, bat1- open lire- ..-..' . t C,Ji:aSi!!J- ' .. lW 5i". snpAn 1 ",iL."'.l nlnen unfurnlsluil ffld nnd Jill ' "1VKN'S SONS I.14B V. ...( ciry zz..aj in . oii-.vvaiit , 317 NORTH llTlf 1 11 vgt I.IIIT .?. . STORAGE AND MOVING TERMINAL WAIIEHOUSD AND TRANBPEn CO. Columbia nd RydenhAm at,: local and long (llttanco tnovlnir by courteous exprtmca men clean, dust-proof room for furnlturt: Ut uw rt-tinate, Phon Diamond 4472 VICTORY STORAGE 8211 Market st lraest and beet, rhon Relmnnt 4(170 for an estimate. Ooods parked for shipment rierre-Arrow xans for movlnr. The John Rhoads Co. Storswe. I'scklne-. Moxlnir, Carpet Cleanlna; 4157-59 Lancaster Av W.Phila WATSON'S STORAGE Am tlm. nny place paridrd n careful nnt ftnerlonced mn; oHn for all polntij fMmtf fr HV4n X 17th ft Pop Ml, I.OCAT and Inntt-dlRtnnrp moving Inrce pail'led nuto vnns 1 month ftormrt free ntlmnl(, phen. reaonnM rat't Call Ken ulnctnn 3ri7S or writ- 1R11 N 2d st Crcs rent Ptorice WwryhouKf WALLACE 7 N li lS2ft X !?n all Church lane Otn "Want .mflll load TO New York nnd retnrf load FROM NVw York Ak Oe toiler fith GUARANTEE STORAGE Peeking shlpplnc furniture bought and sold Phone IMplar 21!i4 1311) Hrown st FiDnuTT FtrtK-rrfnnr wAnnnou8E3 isit-19 MArtKEn1 st MOVINO DT M,I)K RAIT I I sree pndded van "pert movers North K!." J"","," Co . n?,:!.,,'h'1, E"'-. f.r.Vi Shll" Park Hreproof building Diamond 78(19 50TH CKNTt-nT Slorase TVsrrhniisi. n k.. lutely flr-rroof: spec, piano palnfir ru rms l'leeee-Arenw llll. used 1"0 nrket st TKR AVn-At'Tn PRRVU'K SmnAOR 1 PACK I NO TsONn-niTANrE MOVING. Ifnnllng 1-nAW KOI1D HTORAOE will brine t load I household coods from Providence. H I . I . atunla tth reasonable. Thone Relmont I 0124 1211 Market st ICRAWroRD STORAOE CO. will brlns: 1 load of household roods from New rork this eek Phone Belmont 0124 3211 Market st ROOMS FOB ItENT CHESTNt'T ST . 2000 , Desirable rioms and also professional offices PINE, 1H12 Clean, benu'lfulb turn rooms also hrd-slttlng room refs reiulred . TIOGA ST. 1714 Two romfortably'furnlsh ed rnimiB, for gentlemen reasonable con- enlent to trains and trolley WM.NUT NEAR 31ST rfont room nnr hath. 2 gentlemen, also slnizle room Tlel- ment f'11 J 1,",TH ST., N 371(1 Se nml-floor rom. ault- i, mr 1 or 2 gentlemen inTH, N (THE HURICi ISO 141 Modern. up-to-date fnrn rooms: electric throughout! lallv and weekly rates eomenlent tf sta tlons good aronmmnd for traveling people 10TH. N, 1401 Four rooms, rent free for light ser ice 11BMTT1FUL furn nnd nnfiirn rooms in , private famines oil see'ions 12 to 1n , vek. iMnrd nntlonal. no rhnroe for ere, 1220 Filbert Offl.e. 11-12 Locust 47S2 I1?:aUTIFULLY furnished single and double rooms. nni-waier neai, spontaneous no..'"v .ipm water mstem prlnte famtlv: gentlemen onl Phone locust 2021 2123 Pine st FURN rrn gent . prlv fam . near N Phil sta conv to trolley P 233. Irfd Off. nLr.NMnn OI.BNSIDE With young couple, nicely fi nished room, southern exposure, for 1 or . "n ""'SI, hreaurnst optional. " "" t-eoaer umce BOARDING 12TH ST S. 2I11R Room nnd Imsrd, con- venlent to Hog laland and navy ard srimitnw RADNOR INN Radnor. Pa Open all year: close stitlnn, a desirable country home, vlthln a few -rdnutes of Cltv Hall: excel lent cuisine Thone Wayne 17. APARTMENTS FINEST IN PHlLMie.LPHIA 1820PINESTREET u I tli nil the IntPf-t tonvenifnee Uiip IrtrjTp lllne room with h hau tltullv dta'gncd open flrcplftt to burn lor furnthi'i1 by thp evner. Onn bedroom with lirc closet npncp Ono hathrnom with built-in tub, Rhowpr anil hcHUtlful ccEorl'. One laruf lk'tchcnelto, cjmplett- t t. Innt lirtnll Hental J100 per montn A. B. MILLS VtTHT 11NI TR"ST I't.lM, SWARTHM0RE APARTMENTS ReVrJS? SUhoftSofcFS S?H. j?!"1-1. A,n.'". "T.-.",vs and iiATH. I ROOM AND RATH AND 1 ROOMi: AND SHOWER. SUITARI.E FOR IIACHE- JIA 1 II. I iaww.ii a.- i' HAiri ... u j til m Ml I.ORS 3200 RACE STREET Third-floor apartment iifuri'lsh.d, ,1 roon., hath nnd kitchenette. J.1.1 mohflnr ipa-tment furnished v Ith s rvlte room h'lth nnd rear nrivnte porch. J30 TAYLOR & SON 4 AND Jll M 4I1TII ST (IP. Plli:1HI,'l APaRTKF " " VTED WE CAN nnt our furnl-ie.l or unfurnished rooms and apsrtlnents. nnv section; rre ,, , v,Mjung. results guiranteed. 1.-J0 I llbert. l -mil IS I. ,m 47H' HOUHBKEFPtVO apirtinent .1 or 11 rooms locmrd W PMIi or central, a.t c-onvenl- em-cs. M 2111 Ledger Office Furulshril WANirJU io suo ec aiirncnveo. elegantly ' . .....-. .... ....... . . I 1,(11,--, art. - i'ni -- w i,n, .,. ji,t ,in until Dec. 17 Cntl Wednesday or Frldiv i between 12 and 1 oVock. apartment I). 1H.HI ivmennou'e square, en- HI-IHHII1N TW,,nnRrdUl.',"o?i:m iV'so" L-'df" o"f?lc. W"h nOUSEKEEriNQ APARTMENTS r- THE T0URAINE SPRUCE. 16TH AND DE LANCEY STREETS PHILADELPHIA'S LARGEST FIRB TR(JOF HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT Tw, "V, lMmt """"" ,ba.lh ani,1 'chen. I )m) ;t large rounu Inlh and kitchen! 1 H Mill to $Jlllil finest locvitlon In clti; op-' po.lta St Marks Church oulet U very yule Hur ''rl .,MKKT,,N i: ?-nfU,t "! MEKTON GREIMS H rinuu iiiqg . ... j :- 1 l"iirn,slird FURN APTS. cent lor . by week If desired Shervvo-d Ant Agepcv. 22". . Bread st 14111 n iarii Twl. jr 3 rooms, bath and kltehenet'e; furnish ,1 room bath w hmt rmiaDK.i.piiiA .118 N SITU 2 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, house Keeping uniurnisneo. nacnea nous, out. APAETMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American pttn CHELTENOEUrfa0nn HOTEL COLONIAL AT'VTIi ST Select apartment family hotel, In th center of the city: operating on the AmerlrAn plan; our table will please tho moat exacting. : PITMAN BAUER. Jr.. Manager n KEAL EHTATP. VQTl 8AL, CITV POSSESSION NOW. ll'!'. Cumberland. 8 rooms. .... .i.lMO ; i-oi ji)oney st , .Ml. Airyi 8 rooms, , porch .. i..,.. !M , 4ftn .V. Kith, Iisn. news 7 rooms., , MM ,. iVl?i ?1cnhami 7 room sMf , I1?" Huntlnadon 8 roomsj bnrasin. WW v- 21(11 .v nih st i 12 rooms 50 , - 2323 N 17th st i 111 rooms: hot-water -,, heat 4, RlIM 2 in.i4 n lsih at.: in rrams.. .!!::: kMS ' M. GETZ & SON. Inc, "S? irr 1 T. F. NEALl.s gins i?th .rr?iT'J ?5niJ!"lhr,.'" ? rooms., convs l40t A l.?'5"r,n"r' ,0 rooms, convs ...... fl!lo9, oi?"rp,"n,tl','.,, '" n"vs ,...,., S20;'i :.vJ,i L'01!: ' roon. conveniences... 21 ii?Jw .An!u,lL D rHm Jiiiii n .i.',"'"1' conveniences.. 1' IUIMJ Pantrell 4 room's, each. 2553 N. I6TH STREET J"1' fooms and bathj n-ood location: Im. .. --....v ."t.n-riuii, price only ifcion. J. T. JACKSON CO. J"- IiOiri.KVAIlD IIRANai OFFICE I 'or Hlln-r Hun a-e. 2108 SPRUCE STREET 1M 22xl1 to street, 13 rooms. 2 tiled bsth ifoms and rt-rvants bathroom. hardr?oi floors open fireplaces, irnod heatln modern rlumblnit excellent condition, car den, C. F.SIMON. I12S. 1 6th Street i . . -. ,-,.j i ALL-HTONR and stucco cottnee 1811 Haines ' at., between Tork road and Oronfii nr. 8 rt ' rooms 2 porches, conveniences, around tor Sf narm-nanil chickens old shad- and frultl 3 ' 0nf,n.1,J1" AnnTr n?imTi.5"Senr, IVT.nffm? j NRI.L 041 P Land Title Ad? 0CON 1322 LOCUST ST. COR JUNIPER: 20xt1D FEET JOHN B. MAGEE REAL ESTTB TRITST ntllLDINO 2128 TO 214(1 K TUCKER ST., 10 2-story brick houses, as an entirety .12,00" 27 E Adams st.,2828 E.Letterly St. 2.200 -i15 V.1;!!!non',. " :; ........ ?.? , - .--I"""" 'i.,"J.'.i.-n0?"r.!n l:r. W I OFO A WnitER. 482 N. 3d St. I 32112 MANTUA AVE. Three-, lory porch 1 front dwelling adjacent to Falrmount Park lot 34.(1 front by sn.O Irregular; good tuiiuiiiun, price ressonanie. BAHHER. HAHTMAN It CO. 1201 Chestnut St. 331 S. 17TH STREET ". Thirteen rooms and 2 hatha, electrlo light: ;wuiliriu rei'siri mi. .uxu.l II. I SAMUEL W. LEVIS Real Estate Trust Bide. lttTH ABOVE WAI.NUT Thoroughly mods rrn rreiuence most suracme interior, all rooms cheerful, electricity, gas, hot-water heat, fireplace, tiled hatha, hardwood paiv ciuetry floors: excellent condition; Hoarai terms A 227. Ledger Office. . ..IWK THESE OVER. EASY TERMS ill. J! -ll" "l': T rooms; all convenlsnesa. 2701 Thompson , R rooms; nice home. J71n Thompson, fl rooms: large yard 1222 Ettlng, corner. 4 rooms. Mill", MA nit. 2712 CABOT , ,i(m j,- i.ixh ST. For sale- Immediate rms. , session, lot .i 3-s'ory 12-Vm dw?lT- ' lnr. 2 baths, hardwood floors, gas and !so iiArtiff.ti. tlAKljtlAN 4e CO. 1201 Chestnut st 2502 N. 17TH ST. Twelve rooms, bath: good condition; posses sion shortly. O C Seldel Co . 4th and Callowhlll sts. 1012 N 12Tir H-r frge 4-stnry dwelling. 1.1 rooms, with deep -, lot end garage, a story, on Fawn st.; H-tti rjA K".".' J.hrn'i,t,, w' I' CRs.VEN") BONBi vtl ir,4 N 7th st and 2Q1B rmumhla nva, -lj TO INVESTORS n0l-3.3.7..u' 8. 'vtMtji n. ...u .mu v.nrisnan. nring a resurn efrvH ;;,Pr wjt, rent 113: assessed IIOOO' prWJT til fill siAh TM.I.In... nrtn s. Ts ' ""wJ3tv I. SHUniN ft SON. 1030 8. 4th t.i.sV-fc ""'""TtlllY brnwnsteo. .laelllnc. S14 Ptai' j st.: 20 rooms; lot 44x103. to Addison aT. & neraro 44x20. steam heat: suitable for-NrJ anartinent. or Institution. Apply Jaraw 3" ' " "- ."rin Am-rican Hldg fcJ 1.1-M DIAMOND ST for sals: ..,11. w. e. .S? doctor's office .-nd residence; 14 rooms., in-s V eluding 2 haih. lot 17.ax100; cml location; & JIAHTJIAN A CO.l irV ' .. -"v v-nesinui si. -iv', A ,TiJ.SSTiti,lY, aTO,?fK 1,rrnM "4 aeVfej tacked office bill., ling, with large tract "a-1--'fl .ground In eooil lneitlnn In nl ...... TL1 ',Vn?oner.?2!;.R'W5e,eae,,r?r),"M'1,n "' 3J I APARTMENT HOUSE Sixteen apartments. S,Vf lnnin .rhi,V,We'1:.Rl ntM: best bbVr'.'lv.'rn'. cltJ : n"l:" investment; tnjt MORRIS RERNSTEIN. "?no A.M. . . -? ,o2ftffiHrj.w . j??-i i story semjdf Inched slde-ierd tSnese. ronm-i arnl h.tth SkSli.f 1A1 T tr sia S- v flow n avp. u. iiui. Gzzs Lana. " A ntn.T2.K.NJ HOUSE for sale, contalnlrir ,? 1 i- ! 02". Incly constructed; all tenanted: 1 best location In the city: frst-clsa Invest!- ''-1 meni nsvs mnr riirwm - JH "- -L! ! ,. 4" t MORRIS HERNSTEIN. 22QQ Arch .' .';::;; .'syr,rVni?.T.,2;ir5?n!s.m,i,.".n-. - 1 ' " - ' ' uin r, 2.112-2M7 N. HOPE ST. I ". "n. dwellings. 2 story. 4 rooms sSVt. .Jij 1535 N. 1 ith St. i?'1 ."jy! n iitiiu sMoiect to sinnn: rentei at 44. ea ...... . "....., --. . miiuv ,"a TsfOH F NAGEL. 1207 Glrard ave, W i MDK-YARD dwelling near nrond ft Difkln- j-Cj .un si.,; i. r, k Diiin; lot .ii.o to DSCIC j.4 st.: room fir gsrae-e; sn'endd location for t?ii f ui. ...... rf nn.Mii. hi. si .jSJ l"342 OI.ENSIDE AVE. Deel'ahle xtatorr srWI home; bee buy In K,s ."ct'-n: 4.1W 4,1 nerpert nope, jyui iorK Roaa;.ma 22" CHR'a-rtAN ST Eleven rami and nsini ii'xtii. ooi cenirni neignnothoodt ' i Irnmedlati Possession: nric right. li. n VVI.F.Y 1001 Pine St. ,, V ri"Bl'V s.ste.v hous 10 sni beant14' 3 Ml setlni of West Phliadelehla. ent-i.1' i '1 I Phlladelehla. copied -nf i-n'n and tro'lej pn.s'-sslon fron 30 ,1-vs' not r. Phone Otn 21$2 T. ,-hh-s v UITH Svmld-tsehed. 4 bedrooms: lit hot-wntor heat: $3S00: less than rost, to' '7 I ereet bulMle-s I I AMi-:iiKTilY laL-a rnestnut v t.i.aTninr li a-.-b u.a,ii.. n . "'-1V'-"vr' v ." ' ""-"''s. nrsi un V - -.. -- .,, '"n . . .":" -Vl TAUI.ANE. D0O Walnut St. J 104.1 N I.AWRENCE ST. Eight rooms and '"f Imth all coma onva , Im prss, tonlv $2Hti0: key vnr 2713 W Lehigh aye! , "!, . i n' ,'onri ov" 3nA- HOUSES FOR SALE; $200 dawn, bil- lllce s.-s" -. "-nt "' on r,-nlie.t rv-':oV 10nt Chestnut . 1 12- W-4H-4M CLEMENTINE ST Two'st'sVy: Ringgold and Psrrlsh Poplar' tW ' HUM N FRANKLIN RT Nine rooms. , Hill N it-htji ST Fve rnomiL wm I, rr vvi-N'S pons 1140 n 7th tf. I SOUTH PHIUnKt.PHFi J ' A number nf small houses. Get mir . .T . c r T,irv,xl . rn .i n .'ft .8. 1 mtOWN L CO.. 1M1 H n.V Z? , l.Vll N AF.IJKN HT I40IKI. 8 roc-ma and " -J Coventry. 727 8. 30th st. Woodland 71aJT? " Wj3 1210 N inTH ST Three story, 10 room. .Jrl hnthi price low. Hl TOR S M.E llv an estaie. 10 houses, eli P. n IV J 240 N Kith st.. P1lfaT$5 ..Tnnnrv "a vrvil-s"vn-e. o"? '-4 iT01", AAD ,i, 1lTJlTf,1! .i "cl1' ?m,pf ', JS' Jll r'ce uiicr n uitnii . ivti nil ren'efl- g IJEIjU. 110S.20thgt.jT? desii-,h'e re-tr-l loeatMnt price rhsfcCTr .11 SAM"EL M J?AYI.ET.JnllP1n?Si'' S'fx three-atory brick lnvestmei.r' mi 4021 mor Iron even ne-'i-v. Cataldy, 1 Krstretco Yemna - j- iu. .,i.,r'-.... r.Vr..'.: "."'" ai. i- t I ft ' r I'tyjsiM I rf H T. t kr m. ..nth. rilAltK lilTtirt. wiVJ! rasaKJaTON t onr .Kim t r'ygUriifi lic r"iwnn Mini i-nrim, 4i,iirt JT 24TH HKW)W 1'OPI.AR TWrlv- sty, i .', '"" .'-,. e,.r.. e-w, we COIXiRKD husrs xniii r Ellw entirely renovated Smith 3uT MODERN housekeeping ararliKn4 SL-Ssm pig, p s'l t f f "IIH'I, 1 sSSFi IT Nr'F. t-ronm enrr ''"is, 24ft W CONRAD. 33 y.' 1 e(h . , corner properivi nvtner. r ia- fe. (J7.1 N. IJTH HT. Xln MkswsT gjawy yMHOyjw'.ny t"- fTj 1 1.11 n. nii-'ni, in. 1 infisi rfMisns. Baas , 1 i 1 .1 1 , ni . i "A i '" . m ntnTi tasn aimin.dt 400 M. sini si- uargf, 10-ronm 'ssMMli L moilernt g ng In rear, ranaeliv m at I lrft J, I' McCONNKI.I.' 41,1 R SlirtrKj: i .1 LARGE list of West PhlladlnhliTiievSvCr ; . irn up. "ISTONVILLR rkaiI fSL 1 .'0 tl M m s- J x -"'I . sl jva 1 1 'A 11 At kls-h uisiirr ml-j y m-rtui'Nt siMOfi aivareeo! OLB'4 -wp' rsrrei' VeTltM. 4ptl( d!sr-ei iiimsih IM.J l ruts. tjij BOS' l is .' -St'i tiiiy til bovuiht f.irisill rwrr, vv L. fvh-vs-v r,in KrV JllWUt viQI w i' twit Cv.VlNvJTUR.. m n BTAXgg AXQ QOTKiy apwiiy. rsswirwrui itj .rtai