r, " u I K. i,'" IU IS - z.i .8 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHIL'DELfflS., TUESDAY, " SEPTEMBER' 30, 1919 a THREE NEW PLA YBILLS AND MOVIES ON WEEK'S THEATRE CALENDAR flWAND FAMILY .; HEAD KEITH'S BILL i "Shopping," Comody Skit, Also r Favored Other Cood Vaudeville Keith's bill this week Is moving along at a oulcVstcn pace that seemed to just f suit last night's audience. Eddio For,. completely surrounded by a nole hock of little Foyg, breezes back at the head of the program. -While Eddie's person allty .dominates, the old -time tovorito remains pretty much In the background and allows the little Foys to demon strato that the talent doesn't all center in the head of tho family. The young sters do some effective singing anddanc- "tine of the features that pokes Its head right through the program into tho favor of the audience Is a comedy skit called "Shopping." In which Howard Langford end dainty Miss Anna Frederick do some bright anil clever entertaining. Another catcny sketch Is given by Florenz Ames and Adelaide Winthrop. The "Two Jesters" put some jingly songs right over the footlights. Another ripSing feature is Walter C. Kelly, back as the "Virginia judge" ith a whole new docket of negro yarns. Wal lace Galvin does some diverting sleight of band. Maxime Brothers, with a par ticularly well-trained dog. furnish the opening round of entertainment fc. and Birdie Conrad have some original songs and Konan ana compauy i-jjj u .,. i hill n-ifh n hnlancinc the evening s stunt. GLOBE "Married via Wireless" is the sparkliog musical comedy well de serving premier place for catchy melo dies elaborate scenic environment and unusual lighting effects. Neil McKin ley, that versatile comedian, brought down the house." Other skits hich were well taken are "Bargain Dav. with Jim and Edna Collins, and Tho Salesman." with Corcoran and Mack. Gray's Mannikens won favor with tbo youngsters The applause that greeted "Me and Mickey," the brand new skit offered by Lane and Moran, attested its popularity. The Review Comitjucs. musicians and artists: McCarton and Maronc, in a dance diversion ; Gruet, Kramer and Gruet, dancers and sing ers, and "The Owl Club," a singing travesty, complete a worth-while bill. Continuing Attractions BROAD "Mis' Nelly cf N'Or leans," by Lawrence Eyre. "Nel ly" Is a complex person. Mrs. Fisko Is at her best In tho part, and has uotablo support. A de lightfully entertaining specimen of high comedy, with glints of farce. OARRICK "Three Faces East," mystery melodrama of the Secret Service, by Anthony Paul Kelly. Violet Hemlug heads tho excellent cast. LYRIC "Bonds of Destiny," based by Channlng Pollock on O. Henry's short story with three endings. An unusual and effective play. Florence Becd, the star, is supported by Malcolm Williams, Emily Callaway and Calviu Thomas. SUUBERT "Sinbad," featuring Al Jolson. Associated with him are Lawrence D'Orsay, Forrest Huff, Fritz! von Busing ivud other principals and a large chorus. A typical Winter Gardeu cxtrau-ganza. FILM STARS APLENTY ON STANLEY SCREEN New Madge Kennedy Play at Arcadia Other Clever Movies BTANLEV "The Klncclom of Drpdnn." rmturlne Anita stewrirt. (Directed by Marshall Nellan. Slew art utaj More star players appear Inf this 'photoplay Ihnn have been seen in most I productions, with the possible exception Inf those cinema giants which boait of a . inob scene. Not unlike the many chefs who pre I pared tho famous fabulous dish which I was spoiled, tho preponderance of lorn linary lights of the theatric world, somewhat resemble those culinary art Ms in the film faic ou view. The plaj If very pretty to watch, but omeliow it docs not seem to get an where. A marriage of convenience, and one might add of connivance, is brought nbout by "THE HON. SAM DAVIS" S'fS"fR i lonqucreil. J he reader of her horoscope OTA DO D DTDMADn m,Bht bae found that her dream wan "O I nf0 D.' DtrciNHKU Dot ' ha b,,, a" a Quilt of soft row p I'ciais, uui mere woum lie some tnorn nrotruue to complicate the Creator of "Abe" Potash Breathes Life Into New Jewish Role leal western hero nctor, interpreting tho roles of the kind of men who live In tho minds of fiction writers. There need be no fear tills stoty will not be fotind wholly clean in Its morals and that it offers the hero full scope, tor his method of acting is quite enough. Tho llttlo touch of having to shoot n horso lias been so injected that It will no doubt reach itie tender spots of many Mix admirers as It did when tho readers found It placed in the novel version. Tho hero attempts to rescue some furs which were stolen from the famous Hudson Bay company nud, in doing so, lie Is forced into a tight. There Is more again of the action mate rial when the girl is rescued nud also when the sled is sent down into the barricade where the Free Traders have entrenched themselves. A big light with a half-breed at tho end of the story is thrilling. The lending woman is Colcen aioorc and her small part was capably han dled. Sid Jordou is the half-breed, who proves to have a streak of Jellow. Frank Clark has the role of the girl s fnther, and it may be recalled by some that tills actor Iinii nn outstanding role in "The Spoilers." nEan.VT "SteppinK out." nim i:nit Den nett Dlrerted bv 1"W NIWo from a story by C. Gardner bullUan I'arm.iount ila It is just possible tlmt this title nlight be applied to the director. Fred Niblo, who is the husband of the star, because he teems to be "stepping out of his place ns 1111 nctor to nssumo one as a director. However, it is to the wife in the tilm story that the title ap plies, for she steps out and bujs some "SCANDALS OF 1919"? WHAT'S IN A NAME? Song-and-Dance Show Zips Its Way Into Popularity With Forrest Audience There were mnnv nttemnts to cnlnr In direct contradiction of the ceneral the films, nnd with pleasing effects at belief that most authors and dramatists l mcs,-. -V" fa,lIt. C0UI1 be found with c-n t hn nnii f inti-ft . n. ' tlle O'recliou nnd with Uio work of the go to the well of inspiration too often, i individual nlni.r. ,n,n,., u i. "The Hon. Sam Davis" made a most 'work which will provide mnnv film fans auspicious opening last night at the . with an opportunity to tee their former Adelphi Theatre. stars and thoc who no doubt will be- .Montague lilass, one of its collabora- come stars. In the cast there appear tors, introduced to tho theatre-going ' Kathryn Williams, Anna Q. Nilsson. public his already famous "Abe" nud Edwin Stevens. Mahlon Hamilton, "Mawruss" after those worthies had , Frank Currier. Thomas Holding, Tully endeared themselves to magazine read-; Marshall, Thomas Santschi, James era. .Mr. uiass, together with Jules i .etll, Herbert Trior. Kobert McKim. branches matter. Tlius i it found that the son nnil Vint lies nfter linvinc deprived her ot the rich fnther is killed and the other I jf of mnnv Uxrics in mi effort to ','.!''. i ?r . bl?mc for,,,iKni"S a rbcckljune her liublij npjiear neat. A fam which the dead sou forged Atlveu-. ily misunderstanding ariwuvantl they turesses and unprincipled men cuter the ' separate but only to be reunited once plot, and it is nil set aright in the verj , m,')rc jn'tiie cud 'with the baby as the ' uti, ..Mill ,iiu triuniuiis mncnet. Miss Bcuuett makes u pleasing np penrnuce. both in the role of n drudge nud when she is fiucly gowned. Niles Welch is the hero. Others urc Julia Fnc nud William Conklin. Eckert Goodman, co-author of the pres ent plav, tried their luck a second time with "Business Before Pleasure" and were successful. And now, although "Abo" Potash has been given the alias of Sam Davis, the indefatigable pnir have again returned to their favorite field, and, what is more to the point, hnve achieved very real success in it The Hon. Sam Davis" is not the Fred Huntley and others. PALACE "The rotten- Stan," v.lh Wat Jace Reld llreted by Janien Cruce from a scenario by llldo. Johnfou Younp. Para mount play It was n delightful idea of the author to have the hero offer himself in a lot ten nnd then to hnve the winner n worunn who wns in no way a mate for The only thing scandalous nbout "The Scandals of 1010," tho "modern musical revue," as the program 'classi fies it, which Introduces George White, crtswhile "FoIUob" dancer, as a pro ducer to tho audiences nt the Forrest, the home of musical shows, is the name. The name proves how little there is in a name, after all. It would bo just as effecthc and in a j be even funnier, by contrast, under some strait-laced puri tanic title. "The Scandals" Is ouo of those stage offerings in which tho name hns nothing to do with the case. And neither has the plot. In fact, there is no plot ou the list, and it surely isn't missed at all in the cincmnt&grapbic nud phantasmagoric passage of song, dance, specialty and ensemble through the sixteeu scenes of tho two nets. The chief assets of the show are jouth that is saucy, jojful and active, and pep (otherwise zip). There is hardly a principal who is over the draft age, nud this npplies alo to the ladies of the chorus yhlch has not been the case in more than one musical shdW of recent date. The chorus is no strain cither on the eye or the esr. "The Scundnls" is a song-and-dnncc show that will not scandalize anbody. The name may have n tendency to scare off those persons who are a bit timor ous of those musicul things, y'know. They cnu safely check their fears with Tho i their wraps. They will see in KEMAIMNft PHOTOPLAYS Doio- i Scandals" varied nnd clever dancing thy Dalton is at the lapitoi m inn bv George White. Ann Penuington, Al. VL f 'Tl1,0, li xton. La Sjlplic. Lou Holte and ers. They will hear Adcle Ardslcy, vettc TJugel ami other well trained song birds in droll ditties nnd ironic trnvesties. They will enjoy a brief sntirc on the pnrlor, bedroom and bath farces broader than it is long by n burlesque courtroom with his four leading women, lire nti the Coloninl in "The Perfect Lover. J" ti T,nnnl.u utncf. "Tlin filrl from 1VI Bex Beach's story. "The tiirl trom Outside." with Cullen Lnudis. is hold ing forth nt the Imperial, and the Great Northern has Geraldlnc Farrar in "The World and Its Woman." "Bill Apper- son's Bo. ns Impersonated i "Jt"K i followed ,VVA, " "M'aX B'tUt Tl I !---. -me-what after the fashion of ntre screen is revealing Anita Stewart NEW IRISH STAR ON WALNUT STAGE Barry McCormack Introduced in "Logic of Larry," Timely and Effective Play BBOADWAY A real treat is offered in Victor Herbert's popular "The Only Girl," in tabloid form. This tuneful opera has lost nothing in its condensa tion. William Naughton, June Mullen. Tom Burton and a splendid cast lose no chances in making it a success. Sharing a place is -xnc unparauuauiu , snstic Sin. WIIU 1JIUUCUU OMCVl, icumiuif n she ago i Bird nold comedy that either of its predecessors ,he ouo offered. Of course, it is hardly was. and for the cood nnd sufficient necessary to add that the whole affair reason that it is not to be classed as ' ls straightened out before the official comedy at all, but as comedy-drama. ""rship seal comes at the end of the with the accent on the "drama." Verv ,'1"1;. Awa ba(;'k '" .?,ni" il" theatre excellent drama it is. The seonn.l net . PJ'01 c" was rega eel w tn uie uoiugs or is a masterful piece of work and re- V-rJ i. -i" l r'e DQW pIa5'U bj ceived au ovation from the cry enthu- I " V acc lle.'?- . audience. Indeed, not since' "anon jiuwiey nas Decn seen in Humnu Upsirc." Hillic liurke lhcns the Strand screeu with "The Misleading Woman," while nt the Lo cust there is shown Elsie Ferguson in The Witness for the Defense." "Mickey" ruler its third week nt the Ilivoli," with Mabel Normaud as the stnr. Satire at the Minstrels Computations arisiag from the fare zone sWciii in Cainucn nre strikingly Iter many montns to me screen, wnere th .... v f ,.T.o rn.rhnn.,.,-,- ,aiitace that the heroiue role in this porirajeu ut """j "'" - "'""'" won such popularity a few years a i.huadelphla audiencc ttified its ap. one gives to her. Harrison Ford will """ihieials and energetic cops add j Another act of more than usual al so Vigorously. find that his admircrb will be greater ' rrn,,me'J? ' ni ' c U if r:?i i it ntercst on this wceK s program is xiio The nntlinrnf "The TT.,n sn, nn.;0" than ever, after is anncarauce in thu '" lll(; ."."V"'.". '""', .i' " f . - ";"I i. " Cabaret," with Beeves and Ar- n this .cond act rose t n,,Ueieht; of support of Mr. Beid is made known. h; .c,"' .u.u. ?.e .""," "t""" ii ., dramatie skill, and it is to be noted that while others of importance are Marcia ?u.??l,r'V. :, i.rc;,, sninttis at nn time iliil ther nprmlt ! niinr, tn i Manon and inifred Greenwood. Ill- '" l" , i.'i.uJ. rj.. i....!' KEYS If you like sweets 0erreaeh the murk which divid eS d ruma , ! Harris prepared the scenario, B,ri' "l'rcu vt Welch und others somethinz to tickle your fancy ., .i,irnm i !.- i n... ivlieh wns A reetei! hr the nne.t n,n rranklin, i.mmec nuui omiia. & ui.iuiiiiuuui VJH ' V4 I.UIUCUJ HU 1 I ....- - . u v -.. .....u - CROSS there Is In "Sweet Sweeties." and the title is not Inappropriate for this musical tabloid. They can sing, too, as well as dance and charm the eye. The re mainder of the bill is equally entcrtaiu Ing, with such favorites as Lowe and the Baker Sisters, and with such u pretentious act as "A Night at the Opera" standing out as special attrac tions. "Orange Grove." a musicul novelty, is sure of attracting interest always saed the situation. In the last act, despite the endunvors of an un usually fine cust, the play slackened and tho finale was on a somewhat flat note. Howeer clever its authors were, though, thu success of the new play must rest on its brilliant -juactment by a large cast. Barney Bernard proved his undeniable right to stardom. His player in "Zudora,1 the great serial James Cruzc. film story ARCADIA "Strictly Confidential," ltli Madsa Kennedy. Story by Jerome K Jerome una" directed by Clarenco C IJadser Ooldwjn pU. Illegal Service Button Sale Hit A request for go'v eminent investiga tion of the illegal sale of nriny sen ice buttons and a pica to local officials to have former service men exempt from mil senice examinations for unskilled labor were features of a stirring meeting held last nicht at Trauklin Hall, Fiftj - WILLIAM PKNN The "Melody of ' . .: ,1..... 4..i ,i, MAni n.-.rnv.;..n,;r.r. I tif oar nf t h o Amnricau Leciou. This The entire story is so subtle that the post,' but four w ceks in existence, now employer of scrvantsaud the servants j)il3 a membership of 15i, and as there Screen comediennes are a rarity and so are cood. clean comedies iu which nortrnal of Sam Davis nm fur nn.l to present them, but the patrons of the , ,1, . . . .. ' A..l! ..111 !-.. ..-. .i:ffin..1,n tn of oway noovc anyuuug no nas gnen wt ntnuni ui uui: u i) u i - -- ,i nirnnl nvprme bv t nm.n nrnrau np the fnet tmt in this second street ouu tiiraru avenue, oy hhnrin: his honors, thoueh unstarred. Youth" heads the bill and scintillates Mathilde Cottrclly wou personal triumpl wim youtntui cnarm, meiouy ana nu-.ns tnc wito ot tne Jiou. Sam. In th mor. And, o: course, tnerc arc pretty I second act, when she and girls. Your funny spot will be tickled ' shared the stage together in by "Slim." characterized by one of tho i scene, she rrocil conclusively WIlnn brothers. "Slim" is funnv. nnst lnnrels hnve not. fwlrul Among other entertaining offerings are time the play has become "set" she! Mr. Jeromes book and still more the those ct Grindell and Carvl Esther: I will have provided a ihuracteri7ntiou , I'lay made from it, while the musical Mnllnllr. Howell and SIcCarthv. and tJint would in itself make the nlnv not.i. 'comedy, "The Itainbow Girl, derived Helena Jackley. The photoplay, i blc. Particular praise is due James "Choosing a Wife," winds up the Spottswood and Lucille English in the worth-while bill. I support. Bernard tnemseives wuo see mis mm win ai once arc Eevernl weeks left bcEorc the drive a long recognize its geuulne appeal to the . members' closes, it is expected Hint her ' "Mb.nt.es of one o t Kv Mm ' I1UUI111-U3 uuu muKUL'u uuu lujuj ; ' i the city. REALM OF BURLESQUE NIXON'S GltAND A sparkling vnrletr of vaudeville is offered, of which the headline feature was "Very Good " Eddie," a merry tabloid version of Typical Entertainment at People's, Overnlgnt, aone into musicai-com-edy form. The "two speed boys," Kennedy and Nelson, favorably known to Philadelphia, scored with rapid-fire i fun. Fun in iarge nriety was con tained in the act of Kelsc nnd Leigh -ton, who offered "Here and There in vaudeville. crosini, accoraion vir Casino, Trocadero and BIJou Dan Coleman, with a sparkling va riety of song hits, is the "heavy" in Harry Hasting's Big Show at the Peo ple's. Pretty girls;" catchy songs and i hen he takes her to his home she finds dance numbers coupled with wit and out that he is of the nobility, and the from it 5.1so, found a ready response at the Forrest Theatre. What then w ill the movie fans find when they discover the original motivation of the story was from the three foregoing sources a show that is thoroughly cujojable.J Madge Kennedy returns to the screen after a short absence with a role that is the best one she has jet enacted. ' Fanuy, so the story goes, is the! daughter of a msn who leaves her in tho care of a theatrical neent. Au artist comes along and marries her, and j humor combined to proclaim the "Big rmn. and for the "film fans." the1 Show" a winner. Fred Dale, with his " '.. . ... .. .... ... . rfTnrini! nt CAI1PG' Mnt.fln nrl Knoll- eleventh eplsoae ot ine inriiung -ureac Gamble," concluded the bill. NIXON The bill Is a pleasing assortment- of varied acts. Musical features predominated. Paul Becker and com pany presented "Ruby Ray"; Fred Ardath appeared in his latest creation, "The Musical Shop." Muriel Morgan and Minnie Klotter received much ap plause for their singing of up-to-date songs. Another appreciated musical skit was offered by the Marlyns. For the children La Toy's pets offered a pleas ing feature. And to round out the even ing's entertainment "Calibre 38" was presented on tne mono screen. 'KNICKERBOCKER Thrills and end ""lessr excitement add to the interest in Bessie Barriseale's acting in the new photodrsma, "Her Price.'' But that is only part of the interesting program. There are some news films and a rib tickling two-reel comedy film. Then there is the vaudeville. Among the clever entertainers are Frank Gorman, "the singing parson" ; the Tasmanian troupe, tumblers; narley and North, dancers; and the Harmons, musical melange. "CHIMES OF NORMANDY" Qatlo Troupe Revives Planquette's Tuneful Operetta The admirable Gallo English Opera uompany opened tne second and last week of its repertory engagement at the Chestnut-Street Opera House last night ' with a capital revival of Robert Plan-j- quettfe's tuneful operetta, "The Chimes 5 of Normandy." The comic opera ro mances of Germaine and Henri and of the madcap Serpolette and her fisher- ' '.' rata swain were melodiously disen- I ttngled. and the mystery of Gaspard's hoarded wealth solved to tne satisfac tion of an, audience which welcomed the 'agreeable tunes of the score as old friends. "The Bells of Cornerille," as it Is , sometimes known, his not been per , formed here for, a number, of years by i. professional company.- Its comedy ,. 'is a bit old-fashioned, but the music ' retains its allurement. It will be re nutted tonight and for the two per- ,' ifomasces tomorrow, "Pinafore" will , W given Thursday and Friday nights, "f ad "Mikado" will be the bill for both Saturday performances 0 i -Madame X" at Orpheurn &. ('Marianas X." that strong drama 7 ' touring mower love, was tne oaering &, orpaeura ana scorea signal sue- &ae iCDUiuuu, iiiojiu luc imii French mother woo made to guard the happiness of her Ma, again endeared fismu to offerings of songs; Hazznrd and Snell man, who really are nifty dancers, and Frank O'N'eil. the John McCormack of burlesque, add life and laughter tu the bill. CASINO A sparkling new extrava ganza is the attraction, "Here, Theic and Everywhere." presented by "Tbo Best Show in Town" company. At there are twelve scenes in the two nets, the play moves with plenty of change for eye and ear. It is well sprinkled with songs and dances. Manny Knler, Yiddish comedian ; the McCloud Sisters, and Louise Fennel, violinist, add to the list of features. BIJOU A brisk, pretty and light footed chorus is with the "French Fol lies," under the leadership of narry Fields and Lena Dale, stars of the company of amusing entertainers. The.v arc supported d.v otner comeuians anu a number of bright vaudeville specialties are presented during the evening. TROCADERO Two liveiv burlcttas are offered by Sam Howes "Sports Girls," who appeared to advantage in "A Day at the Races" and "A Day ut Niagara Falls " Those who enjoyed Potash and Perlmutter welcomed the ' comedy of Lew Welch, who had the chief f unmaking role. Flora McFad- den, the live-wire soubrctte," and Marge Grenier, prima donna, were leaders in his support. home is also the plucc where tier numer ous relatives are employed uu bclow stair capacities'. The mere idea of being a mistress iu a house Mike this needs no further telling as to its pos sibilities for fuumaking. John Bowers is the leading man, and he makes a good appearance. Robert Bolder acts the theatrical manager with his proverbial cigar, while in Herbert Standing there is as good ou impersona tion of a butler as has been seen on auy ftage or screen. Lydin Yeamans Titus, Eugenie Forde, Gertrude Nor man nnd others complete the cast. The direction and settings are admirable. VICTORIA "The TCildtrnen Troll'." with ' Tom Mix Directed by Edward J Lo Siimt from a story by frame wiuizirb " Play Tom Mix bears the same relation to the scenario-making output of the Wil liam Fox studio that William S. Hart does to the Artcraft plant, that of typ- Mr VjmiEN sou Malted I S that cool, clean " country dairy and tasted the rich, gold en butter, so different from the ordinary, didn't you saj : "My. X -nlsh wo could ct butter llk that In th city?" Well, jou can jour grocer tells or can cet A. K. ". Best Butter Ask him. fc !3SSK well, lou can JCV $Mj sour grocer sells or llll can Eft A. K. Jf. I J I MSSJ Best Butter Ask Mm. K Itr H. R. AIKEN l ' SsSSSSl 138 '. Delaware Av. I 1 , IwSv Philadelphia J ' 1 I I town NAME IN EVERY PAJR Whatever the material leather silk or fabric; whatever the pecasion, you can depend on the fit and style of Fownes GLOVES fOJ MEN. WOMEN & CHIIDREH. Qnose who enjoy Jfti: he game most Wmm pC Sg- smoke H j ii 1 ADMIRALS Wm HI 1 1 uHsUBHIfSSBH all F!im.nlnhrg Afaittr.mitic! HsRH IU 13 centoTwo for 25 cento HSB llj Perfecto size 10 cento straight 'jLLBf I Mm Pi.eiPMf oho pnwrtft.JMr:. Pswl BTABLUHBO ISM WkILtI II I K "" KEEP ON BUY1NO W. S. 9 jBrnWlSi jggSKWmmmmmMmmmmaueauSmtr!mimmi0mwwm the jurisprudential hilarity in the "Cohan Revue," but with individual merriment, thanks to the comedy of George Itickle as the judge and Lester Allen as the attorney for tho defense, and preceded by extravaganzas at the expense of the prohibition law and the profiteering in hotel rooms. Rut all this is onl.V a hint of the vnrforr nf nnlnr. Itainment in the show. Mr. lute s metronomic feet and Miss Pennington's, equally in lime and tuuc, to say nothing of her perfectly curvilinear handsprings, of course win the dancing honors. Mr. Sexton, n lithe and unaffected youth, however. (proves no inefficient disciple of Terpsi- cnore anu lie puts his songs across witii genuine personalitj. Mr. Allen's gro tesqucries are constant and always dif ferent. Lou Holtz's blackface comedy, especially his bantcriug confidences to the audience at the expense of his col leagues, make him a prime favorite. "vetto Iltigel brings both a keen sense of travesty and admirable vocal exe cution to her parodies of a church singer, a caburet artiste and a grand operu prima donna in their respective appropriate version of "Little Gray i Homo in the West." Adcle Ardsle.v ' makes the opeulng song hit iu "The Land of Heart's Desire.'' llickel with his funny trumpet But why catalogue? Kvcry scandal monger in "The Scandals of 1010" is scandalously clever aud amusing. And in the three hours of it, or them, there is only one four-line stauza that would not pass uny fair board of censors Save Coal with a Gas or Oil Heater Coal is high and it may be hard to get this winter. By using a gas or oil heater to take the chill off the room these sharp fall morning3 and evenings you can delay the starting of the furnace. Save every shovelful of coal now that you can. Buy an oil or gas heating stove now. The "Ideal," "Elgin" and "Florence" are all dependable makes, guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. In many different styles and sizes. Prices rang' from $5.55 up. The Humphrey Radiantfire is a wonderful new discovery in gas heating. Its cheerful glow is Jike the warm ra diance of the SUtl. Rndlantflre Inexpensive i n u" ,Iro,r gas consumption, ready at a mo ment's notice. "Lawson" and "Quality" Gas Heating Stoves from $2.75. Many different styles and sizes from which to choose. Headquarters for Gas Ranges, Gas Water , Heaters and Refrigerators. iHlADHPril i3ttNbKMHADCH AND STREETS A new Irish star flashed Into the theatrical sky last night nt tho Walnut on tho hearthstone ot popularity which helped to bring forth W. J. Scan Ian and Chauncey Olcott. Trom the standpoint of real Celtic characteriza tion the new star Barry McCormack Is tho superior of cither of those men tioned. Mr. McCormack is not u white collared, vclvot-knickcrbockcred, skill-nlagh-wielding Irish lad, but a real flesh-and-blood kind of an Irish chap you wViuld actually meet in any Ameri can city with a larger Gaelic population than Cork and there nro several I "The Logic of Larry," the play which gives Mr. McCormack his first stellar opportunity, is up to the minute. It deals with the controversy between capi tal nnd labor, and is so timely, in fact, that one might hnve thought it had been written just this week. John Lnnnigan, a dreamer with a general hatred of capitalists, becomes friendly with one Nicholas Grundevar. a foreign disturber, who attempts to plant Bolshevik ideals in the minds of American workmen, urunuevnr nnany influences Launlgan to such nn extent that he becomes involved in nn at tempt to blow up the home of Reginald Hartley, a wealthy manufacturer. It so happens that Lannlgnn's brother, Laurence, a soldier lately re turned from overseas, is calling on the manufacturer's daughter on the very night of the attempted bombing. I Ouo might say thut this is too coinci dental. On the other band, it is some-I what cousisteut, for the reason that ' Laurence Lannigau gnined entree to the Hartley home by reason of the fact that Hartley's son bcrved overseas with him iu the same regiment. Development unci denouement show how the common sense of real Americanism just naturally overcomes alien ideals, of anarchy. Willard Slack, author of the play, makes it sclntillato with bretay and timely epigrams, all of which fit in with the stroug plot and which confer special value on the play ns it proceeds from climax to climax. Of course, some of tnc plnlosopny might beYllminated to speed matters up, aud the finish of the first act, with the old joke about the fellow who dropped a $120 gold piece in the collection plate, might be omitted with out injury to the production. There is only one Cadillac. In a used Cadillac you get the real Cadillac advantages and exclusive Cadillac features for an amounjt of money which makes the investment unusually attractive. These used Cadillacs have been thor oughly overhauled and are guaran teed. Immediate delivery. Type 57 Landaulct. (Practically new Run less than 1000 miles.) Type 57 Victoria, Brougham Limousine and Phaeton (four passenger). Type 55 Limousine, Victoria and Landaulet. Type 53 Victoria- NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Broad Street Spruce 213 Electric Lamps for Wedding Gifts Specially Selected Artistically Hand Painted Parchment and Silk Shades ' A remarkably complete and interesting cdllection, any ono of which will prove a most attractive and pleasing gift. .For library, reception and living rooms, we have lamps combining dignity, grace and beauty; and most charming novelties for the boudoir. Our lamp shades have been care fully selected to ensure tho best lighting as well as har mony of colorings. Dougherty's Faultless Bedding Hair Mattresses Box Springs Bedsteads 1632 Chestnut Street A Faulty Boiler Menaces Health And Comfort It wastes an enormous amount of fuel, yet only par tially heats the house. With I the - mc Ideal Oil Ilrater OI LERS in your home, all your heat ing troubles are past. For this scientific combustion boiler squeezes every last unit of heat from every lump of coal, giving you an abun dance of evenly distributed, easily controlled heat at all times. The most economical boiler, for all parts have been elimin ated which do not render a REAL heatins service. Write today for copy of oar new Scientific Combattion Booklet or call and see theea bettors en display. Maxwe-Chalmers Offer of Our Own UsedCars at Distinctly Bargain Prices WZ HAVE a limited number of splendid roadsters and touring cars. We know the pedigree of a Maxwell or a Chalmers be cause having sold them as new cars originally and taken them in exchange; having rebuilt and revarnished them throughout, the man or woman who buys one has the in tegrity of our organization to back the car bought. Prices are extremely reasonable and terms are the easiest anywhere obtainable 507c down, remaining pay-' ments to suit the purchaser. Call or phone us for demon stration. Maxwell Chalmers Sales Corporation 250-254 North Broad Street Philadelphia SPRUCE 4G: OPEN EVENINGS ItACE 2667 4 JxeckBros. Ccu Heating & Plumbing Suppliei V DUpUr Boom 44 to 50 N. 5th "506 Arch St U9-H1 Federal St.. Camden, N. J. NjjoujSj?' Foresight qd)I Broad & Arch Su. 135-37 S. 52d St. 2209-11 N. Front St. Broad & Tatker Su. Just now you should be making arrangements for convenient, .economical cooking next winter. You can easily throw off servant troubles and coal-and-ashes wor ries. You can have an unexcelled Gas Kitchen on term payments. Investigate Gas cooking service now today. You will be shown the latest de vices and your questions cour teously answered at any of the following addresses: 1706 N. Broad St. 4419 Frank ford Ave. 15534 Germantown Ave. l236 Main St., Manayunk The United Gas Improvement Company "OUCH "ANOTHER RHEUMATIC TWINGE Get Busy and Relieve Those Pains With That Handy Bottle of Sloan's Liniment E2TC1 . 4- WHAT Sloan's does, it does thoroughly penetrates with out rubbing to the assailed part and promptly relieves all man ner oi external pains and aches. 'Ycu'll find it clean and non-skin-1 staining. Keep it handy for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, over-exerted i muscles, Stiff joint?, pains, bruises, strains, sprains, bad weather after effects. ' f i For 38 years Sloan's Liniment has helped thousands the world over, You won't be an exception. It is un I equaled in producing results. I All druggisti-35c, 70c, $1.40. EfsO! M? m October Records at Heppe's Tomorrow Tomorrow morning the October List of The Victrola Records goes on sale. We invito all Victor patrons to visit our store and hear them. The list this month has some remarkable Red Seal Records all at the new low prices. Thero are fine records by Galli-Curci, Elraan, Gluck, Alda, Cortot and the Phila delphia Orchestra. Come to Heppe's and hear them. If you do not have a-Victrola, we offer 'certain outfts composed of a Victrola and a'group of records. You may settle by cash or charge account, or by our rental-payment plan. Call or write for full particulars. C. J. HEPPE & SON 1117-1119 Chestnut St, Nl W. Cor. Gth & Thompson Sts. m m ii r. i '"T--.-f X. Be7 3 -l 4 t'"f1 ktr.jUowrs. -) V. 0 n