-v v,r ?-. (J VBNiNGT PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1919 i- ,1-fi 19 jj lr re it ! J- L cWhy Are the Oils Booming" Our new vest pocket booklet not only gives a clear explanation of the whole oil situation the supply, demandj new fields, new uses, opinions of large operators, etc., but' also . Condensed Reports on 22 Going Companies whose securities arc well worth considering to. day. Every investor and trader about to enter the market should get this up-to-the-minute booklet without delay. Ask for No. T.U.-626 JONES & BAKER SECURITIES WinVner n.du IMiiladrfDitU Phones Bell, Walnut 6065 Keystone. Race 2290 Nfw York Detroit rittsburib Cblcaso Olrecl JY(tate Wtrf lloitoj The Bargain Counter Current conditions in the financial markets vmake it possible to purchase securities of companies with long records of stable earn ings and with ac tively expanding busi ness at prices to yield upwards of 7. In some cases the prices are the lowest on record. A study of such securities will . present obvious op portunities. For further partic ulars send for Circular Letter No. E-44. -6HANDLE3& Company WM ? Franklin Bank Bldg. Philadelphia Nair Tun Bottom Labor Tide Turns We have reached the turning point In labor. Babson's Barometer Letter of September 29th carries a message of vital Interest to every employer. BABSON'S reports based on fundamental condi tions forecast Labor's moves with un canny accuracy. They enable you to keep one jump ahead to take advant age of every change. Report on Request A few copies of the Barometer Letter '"Labor Tide Turns" and full details of Babson's Service for executives are available for distribution to interested employers, gratit. Write on your Irttcrhcad for Bulletin 3t-A Babson Statistical Organization Wallealey Hllla. Mass. Largest Organization of Its Charadtr , m tht World nSASCtXL STEVENS OIL AND GAS CO. PITTSBURGH, PA. J. NOTICE TO ALL NOTE-HOLDERS OF RECORD Tn fluarterly Interest coupon on Sterens Oil ft Gas Co. S-year 17, (Convertible Oold Hotes Is due October 1, 1910, and payable t Exchange National Bank. Muskogee, Oklahoma. J. M. SHIELDS, Treaa. V, September 45, 1010. United Drug Company first rrrf erred Ptock Dlrldentl No. 1(T Tha Dlrectora of United Drug- Co. have declared a regular quarterly dividend of Wi't on the first preferred stock of United Drug Co , payable November let, 1019, to fSckholders of record October 15th, 1010. JAMES C. McCORMICK. Treasurer, v Boston, September 23, 1010. Special Meetlnga ItSS" NOT1CK 1(4 IlKniilli- U1VB2 THAT Kt at Special Meeting of the Stock. boldsre of the BANK OF COMMEttCE. btld en the 18th t day of September. 11. at which 2592 ahares ot the 8000 shares out standing were present, eltner In person or by proxy, and voting, a resolution authoris ing and directing the Dlrectora and Ofncera 4h Tl&nk to convert tha Bank aF Pam, meres Into a National Bank, and to make the certificate required therefor by the laws if the United States, was unanimously pistto- JOHN P. KOLB. , Cashier. Ykss- noticb is nrotEBV given that VSf at A Special Meetln of the Stock holder of the Drovers find Merchants Hank, held on the 21st day of August, 1919, at which 3807 shares of the 4000 shares out. Standing ware present, either In person or y proxy, and voting, a resolution authoris ing and dlrectlnc the Dlrectora and Officers of the Bank to convert the Drovera and ",irchsti Bank Into a National Bank, end to make tha certificate required therefor by the law! ot the United States, waa uoaol. " ERNEST IU PATTON. Cashier. Dividends " WEST1NGH0USE ELECTRIC MANCFACTUBINO COMPANY A Quarterly Dividend of ?. (31,0(1 per sdiare) on the TOEFBIIUKD Stock of tbls Company will be raid October IS. 1910, A Dividend ot V- (31.00 per share) on .the COMMON Stock f thla Company for the nuarter ending September SO, .1910, will be paid October 31, 1910, Both .Dividends are. payable to Etockhold eia of .record aa ot October 8. 1910. r , II. F. BAKTZ. Tr.easvrer. New Tnrlf. Benlemher 24. 1019, EAST COAST FISHERIES CO. 9 Wall Street, New York, September tt, 1019 D?YIDBND MO, 7 The Board of Dlrectora ot The Eust Coast " jr)ehrr!ea Company has declared tbe regular ' 'quarterly dividend of 1H onlthe, Preferred .Ifctock, vayabla, October 1st, 1919, to stock- ,$ reoord Beptember th, 19WI,. S4 ','T50',!? w . . ; .. .. 6 , . . a . --l,,vlliw'.-. -.ntiiMffi-iMiriiriiNfnii IIIMl .RREGULARITY MARKS TRADING IN CORN PIT Drop in Hogs, Foreign Exchange and Lack of Outside Interest Market Factors Grain belt wearier forecast Chlrnjo. Sept, 30. Illinois Probably showers north, partly cloudy south tonight and Wedneedav. Missouri, Kansas. North and South Dakota and Nebraska Partly cloudy tonlxht and Wednesday, warmer. Wisconsin. Minnesota and. Iowa Probably showsrs tonltht and Wednesday, warmer. Montana Partly cloudy east, probably show-era west tonight or Wednesday, cooler Wednesday Wjomlng' Increasing- cloudl neaa probably showers neat tonlsht, warmer east and south tonlsht. cooler Wednesday. Chicago, Sept. 30. Dealings in corn were uninteresting today nntl prices moved Irregularly. The market uns under pressure nt i periods from loenl trnders. who were I Influenced by further recessions In bogs i and rntes for forcigu exchnngc as well ' ns continued lack of outside Interest in i tho grain. There were occasional recoveries on covering by shorts and buyiDg due U assertions that the Edge bill, designed to finance European purchases of Amer ican goods, would soon become a law, but hard spots led to freer offerings which caused setbacks. Toward the cloe, distance positions rallied smartly on rumors thnt wartime prohibition had been abolished, while September, which had held well, lagged. Reserves of old maize on farms arc supposed to be liberal, but owners arc not pressing theth for sale. Smaller re ceipts were looked for tdtnorrow. News of the crop wnscxcellent, particularly from the Northwest, where It Is now out of danger from frost. Oats also were erratic. The market turned weaker shortly after the start ou offerings which came principally from bouses with connections nt the seaboard. This stimulated selling by local traders and prices declined easily. Later, the support improved, on asser tions that the seaboard was after the cosU article. In the fiunl dealings, the market sagged, after having been quite strong. Leading future ranced aa follows: Corn (new delivery) Yes'day's ODCn Hlirh T.nw Plnnr, rlnA nee. . May Oa ts- 1.24V1 1.284 I.2SW I.24S M3 1.22 k.JOTn J. -17 l -'-Vi i:i. Dec .. (lDi 70S HUH May 7254 73V4 71T lo rk 60 i 72S mm (JO 74 Oct 84.80 34. 7S 34. SO Ml 50 Jan. .33,65 33.63 33.00 33.25 .... I.ard Oct- .. 26 00 27.83 26.90 27.30 27.10 Jan. ...22.40 22 77 22.40 22 70 26 85 Rlba Oct, ..IS.00 10 00 18 80 IS S5 11100 Jan. ...17.05 18 10 17,00 18.10 . .. Bid. Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, Sept. .10. There was ouly n limited request for spot cotton today with prices firm on the basis of an advance of GO points for middling nt 10.f)4d. The sales were 3000 bales. The receipt were 17.000 bules, including lO.GOO bales American. Futures were steady in the early dealings. Spot prices were: American, middling fair, 22.79d: good middling, 21.14d : fully middling, 20.04(1; middling, 10.0 Id; low middling, lS.OOd; good ordinary, 10.44d; ordi nary, 15.01d. Financial Man ?, Returning officer, now hold ing high executive office in financial department of Amor ican Expeditionary Force, deallnc with highest American and foreign finan cial institutions, will bo at liberty for similar position with commercial house after October 10th. High est references. Not averse to foreign connection. WINFIELD DONAT1 CHELTENHAM, PA. Willys Corporation 8 First Preferred Stock Authorized and to be issued $15,000,000 When, mi and if Issued, and received by us- Price 100 and accrued dividend Montgomery & Co. Philadelphia New York , Chicago MILWA'JKEC CHICAGO W. G. Sojuders So Co. ( k ( - Investment Securities -. Oetlrw to announcothe opening of a - NEW VORK OFFICE inth. BANK OF CpMMERCE BUILDING, 31 NA8BAU STREET. TELEPHONE RECTOR 2738 e- - ' ( "' ' b MONEY.UENDINQ RATE8 NEW YORK Money on call, both mixed collateral and alt industrial col lateral, opened today at 0 per cent for lending and renewing. The money market for fixed dates was dijll today, with demand somewhat larger than of late, but with ery little business except loans for limited amounts up to ninety days. Recent offerings have been about absorbed for the momeut. In prime mercantile paper offerings show a modcrntc increase. The inur ket is 3Vi per cent, with occasional transactions at -5 per cent and G',6 per cent, according to quality ami matur ity. Prime bank acceptances stand at J'i per cent. Up to the early after noon tho only rate quoted on call money was 0 per cent. PHILADELPHIA Call, 5 (SO per cent; time, u'ftvjtu per cent: commer cial miner, three to six months. 5Vi(i? 5-14 per cent, and six mouths, 0 per cent. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official discount rates nt the twelve Federal Reserve banks were ns follows: (The first column gives rates for all periods up to and including a fifteen day maturity, the second for a period of sixteen to ninety c!as. Tbc third and fourth columns give the rates for dis counts of collateral loans secured by government bonds or notes.) Com 1 paper Oo't paper ID lo oil lfi days diiva 4V1 10 to no 15 daa days rtoslon . . . New York . .. 4 1? 4 4 i lr rniiaueipm Richmond 4H Cleveland 4lt Atlanta 4'i 4 4 fhlrncn 4 4 I 4 St. Lout Minneapolis . . Kallsna City . Dallas San Francisco. 4'i 6'3 r 4H OS 5 4'J FOREIGN EXCHANGE V- 1--1. Q.nl Hft Tho fnrplt-n exchange mnrkct opened excited and uncertain, ine various icnaiup inter- H.ll.nnl (.nnlrura t orn nf VJirlnnPP OH quotations. The market reflected in weakness the great strike in drear T!.! .1 ,l.n nllmtnnllnn nf tt fltnil iiniiuu uuu it- iiiui.i..u - - -- many short contrncts incidental to the end of the montli. Quotations were: Demand sterling 4.1SH, cables 4.10 1.1 c 1U ..l,o,Vs R"H? lire irilUC IHWIi-n '.ju, v..v.. .-.--., --- cables 0.00, cheeks 0.02 ; Swls cables 5.00. cheeks 5.02: guilder rabies 37, cheeks 371-; pesetas cables 10.1.". cheeks 10.10; Stockholm cables 24.55. cheeks 24.40: Christiania cables 23.2.1, l.l. Of 1D, fnnnkflirmt n'llilriU Zl.lil. Il"(l 4), il'( 11'' . - - - , cheeks 21.00; Ilelgian cables 8.23, rheeks S..i : marns. uoraumi, i's Austrian kroner, nominal. Ii75. At the noon hour there was a fur ther decline in sterling and French ex change, while lire were nominally a shade better. Quotations were: Do mand sterling 4.17. cables 4.18 V2 ; franc cables S.20. checks 8.22; lire cables 11.58, checks 0.00; marks, nom inal, 4.00; Austrian kroner 1.6.". NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York, Sept. 30. The weakness in the primary mnrkets causetl the local coffee market to open nt declines of 11 to 24 points, with trc.JIng fnirly active. Conditions arc very much unsettled In Brazil and Rio continues to sag, the spot market todav declining 125 reis. In the local market. December sold off to 13.00, or within 20 points of the low record touched on September 10, and 155 points below the best price reached on the rallies since the mid Peptember break. Yea cjooo Open 11 a m. September 14. ;? November 14 2 ..;, December 14.10 M3.0O 13 00 February ........ 14. in .... March,?. 14.10 13 00 M3 April H-08 May 14.C6 M3D2 M3 June los July 14.05 13 00 13 AUFUHt 14.05 S .... Bid. on 1.02 00 BANK CLEARINGS Psnk clearings today compared with cer responding ttevMast -t. ynnt Phlla . .72.808 170 S07.120.107 $67,006,461 NY. .1.020.881 000 776.101 068 787 575,731 Boston. 60.022.521 40.802.662 54.428.701 Chicago. 102.608.317 00 001421 .. . 8t. Louis J6.450.182 23,704 700 DETROIT S ' EARLY TRADE ACTIVE ON COTTON EXCHANGE Buying Chiefly by Overnight Shorts and Commission Houses COTTON BELT WEATHEH CONDITIONS New York. Sept. 30. The follow In tern rerature. era recorded In the co((on twit thla morning! Knoxvltle, CO; Meridian. Montgomery and ChatUnooca. RSi Pen ftaeola. Macon, NaaMllle and Thomaa Mile, R2s Atlanta, H4g Shreeport and Vlckaburc, OBi Abilene, Oklahoma Cll. Fort Smith. Aucuata and Jackronvllle. (IS; Han Antonio, Little nock. Memphla. New Orlrana, Satannah and Wllmlneton. 70i Charleston. 72. and OalvcKon, 7S. There a .01 Inch of precipitation at San An tonio and .02 at Jacksonville, New York, Sept. GO. The cotton market opened active today, nut not so strong ns due on the cables, first prices being only 18 to 34 polfits higher. It was the impression that the strong Liverpool showing was due to purely local conditions incident to the restric tion of shipping because of the railroad strike. In the South favorable weather con ditions were noted, with" prospects of a continuation for several days. The South sold here and the buying was in tbc morning and, after telling about mainly by overnight shorts and commis sion houses. Trading was comparatiely quiet later 35 to 40 points net higher, prices sag ged off several points under realizing. December sold ap from 32.28 to 32.47. or Into new high grounds for the day. The receipts at the ports for the day arc estimated at 22.000 bales. acninM 10.127 bales a week ago nnd 32,3110 baicA a year ago. Yesterday's close Open It a in 32.34 32 4.1 32.S0 1 30 p in. 31. OS 32.30 32 38 32' S7 October December January . March May Julv .... nid. .12 O.I . . . 32.00 . .. 32.1R . . . 32.30 .... 32.40 . 32 23 32 31 32 4B 32 112 32 .12 Silver Hits New High In London Commercial bar silver touched an other new high record in London to day when the metal sold at Old an ounce, an upturn, ns composed with jesterdny's price, of i In New York the quotation was ?1.18, m l'se. I '"I'"" I j ll " Ti 1 'I RAILROAD EARNINGS WABASH (DID tnereate Auruit BTnaa . Deficit after Net operating Elaht monlha' 3,147,.1.VI 12.021.642 taaea 3S4.: l.SSD.MK l.B2H.!M deficit cross. 642.(131 30. 012.0:1 1,4111.(1(18 131,034 sni.sia 2.SJ0.73S l.nsT.sao IlaUnre after taxea Not operating deficit. DEUWAKB. LACKAWANNA WESTERN August gross . . Balance After takes Net operating Income Eight months' gross Balance after taxes Net operating Inmme 1(1.9.1(1.1137 1. 141.318 1 10H.5H5 4n.7fll.204 S.1HS.534 7.S3R.30S n43.24.1 4 470.1128 cnirAoo obeat western August gross . (2,2.14.317 Balance after taxea 531. 4S9 Net operating Income 403.S.12 Eight monlha' gross 13.nm.047 Balance after tnies 1.201.8(1.1 Net operating Income C14.UH2 NEW YORK, ONTABIO AND WESTERN August gross lufance ntter taxes Net operating Income Eight months' gross Balance after taxes. .1.4MM20 IK10.S41 5S7.440 7.43K.4M non.ui 1.(111,8.10 Net operating Income ATLANTIC COAST LINE August gross . ... J4 0.1(1.711 11.303.314 Deficit after taxes. . 43,061 1,608.834 Net nnerattnr deficit S.I. (Ill 1 1. 822. 031 Eight months' gross. 41.S22 311 4.00S.1U6 Balance after taxea. 4.6S.1.,I38 vl3.llBI.28n Net operating tncomo 4.lon,ri22 3 IMTTSBURaif AND WEST VIRGINIA August gross .. . 1120.718 Deficit after taxes . 23.7SS Net operating deficit. 23. so Eight months' gross. S77 1.11 Deficit after taxes . 518.888 Net operating deficit. 401 .1i" CHICAGO. BURLINGTON AND Qt'lNCY August gross . ...IIR.1B3.B27 Balance after taxes . 4.800. n(0 Net oper Income . 4. 124. .1.13 Eight months' grois dfl.717.im8 Balance after tax... 10.893.740 Net oper. Income 1.1, CLEVELAND. CINCINNATI. CHICAGO AND ST LOUIS August groe .. $7,057,218 Balance after taxes. 2.130,130 Net operating Income 2.0BO.O27 Kleht months' gross. 41.A17.37.1 Balance afler taxes S.837.730 Net operating Income 8 210,572 LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE Auaust crnis . 111.312.5711 ! ISI 1-alance atler taxes l,75.ui4 Net operating Income 1,722,327 Eight mouths' gross 58.746.001 Balance after taxes 6.8.13,451 Net operating Income 0,500,201 CANADIAN PACiriC August gross 315,383,051 Net after expenses 3.778,107 Eight months' gross 107.720,232 Balance after exp 18.061. 348 '. (l.'H.l 2 120 : COLORADO AND SOUTHERN Third week Sept M36.470 $S7 : From January 1 17 7117.710 2.M.1.1 CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN August groxx 1I 736.338 Ml.MU.f Balance after taxea. 1.617,(176 '511.: Net eper mcomo l.e'.'.x.STT '436. f Eight months' gross. 67,608. 200 V,u26.l Great Events Cast Their Shadows HE WILLYS CORPO RATION, headed by Mr. John N. Willys, has recently added to its resources the magnificent manufactur ing plants, patents, equipment and manufacturing talent of the Duesenberg Corporation of Elizabeth, N. J. New construction will greatly increase the size and capacity of this large plant. The Willys Corporation needs this immense plant for . the production of a new and remarkable automobile a Six cylinder car which marks a great forward development in the industry. The new Six is fully devel oped, its m'ost important fea tures having had over 200,000 miles of the most painstaking and strenuous road tests, ex tending over a period of more than two years. The car con tains engineering features not embraced in any other six cylinder car. It is a climax of long experience in the man ufacturing and distributing of motor cars ; is standardized and The Willys Corporation 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York V N. B. This is one of a series of advertisements to acquaint the public, automobile trade and buyer of motor cars in general with the present scope and important plans of the Willys Corporation r f Ke ' -' s S, 034. 002 8.377,(161 OREAT NORTHEn.N August gross . IS 6&P.021 Balance after taxes. . 1,820.H1 Net oper. Income . 1.7oft,Pfll Right months' groaa flil,137.M Balance after taxea.. 7,A18,(1S2 Net oper Income . 7,301, ftdl Decrease.. Balance after taxes Net pper. Income 1428.307 B 102,000 jg 43 334 H 8,5,10,042 C m 3.067,625 H t - g 514, n,n fa 3,56.1.852 i ii m 1,241.3611 ll; X -, ill S 1.746.165 I ' ' ' 1 1 1 1 S 1141.400 LTl fJI p 6.022 LSI rriJ P '11,837 r 1,687.8i0 III S SifcSS Our booklet: 1 "SafcEuardine Your 5 1156,043 T . Z. II S imi.105 Investments is 20O6I6, ,-if . 9 44.8oo i filled with interest- g 8o:iioo ing facts aVid valu- J ffl the investor. 3 ll ll II Te ic e.n,( I,,ln,1,t III . K adapted for dls- V)0,H2 ll vitiiiuaiMi 'iirvo- mi 2J .Ml'? tors who wish to B 366.876 protect their in- I 477.02.1 c , . j 415.337 ' vestments and g insure permanent S n-186 yet liberal income m -n'-ii return. B G.701..1M) m 3oi:o(i2 . Shall wc mail H you a copy.' '$870 100 in H 1 t!l2,2.13 III b 1.32T.074 IB 1 208.334 S 727,014 g 367 170 I H Ask for Uauklet PPI..2!if 1 H7 ' ll 5.3,10.467 II III i 6 086.049 I If III H m K UffZ Holli"sTerTiite & Co, 1 0.210,078. II .,-owm Ml ? 1.124 270 S North American Building 3 II ,Uf, ITIL'ttlUt, III 128' rJ iiiiuuiua L jjn r77 1 , frl . . . . Lhl B j r" 'josion rrovioence springileld T s3 Ml i 1' JT" l'l ' 1 1.11 1 U r- -iJ' H Before will be produced in large quantities. New principles of construc tion give the car unusual light ness of weight with perfect balance, and exceptional road ability. The car is fully equipped. Heretofore, engin eering and manufacturing re strictions have placed a price upon six cylinder cars which 'has kept them out t hc reach of thousands. For thii reason, the New Six has an enormous field. WILLYS CORPORATION The Willys Corporation is one of the largest manufac turing concerns in the automo bile industry. It owns and operates the Electric Auto Lite business and also the New Process Gear business. The Electric Auto-Lite business is, in itself, a vast industry, having to date man ufactured and sold more than 1,400,000 sets of starting and lighting systems for automo biles. Orders and specifica tions are in hand for 4,000 2.12J.324I ! MSMro'mu.nnaiia THE FOURTH STREET NATIONAL BANK offers unexcelled facilities to corporations, firms and individuals. Import and Export business financed 1 promptly and on favorable terms.' Direct connections in all parts of the world. CONFERENCES INVITED Capital, Surplus and Profits over $10,000,000 131-145 South MMMllllMIM outfits per day, beginning Jan3 uary, 1920. This Corporation also manufactures the well known Willys Light house and farm lighting outfit which has the unique advantage of being operated by the Willys Knight Motor. Orders for 20,000 Willys Light outfits to be de livered in 1920 were received in the month of August alone. The New Process Gear branch of the Willys Corpora tion is one of the largest pro ducers of gears in the country, manufacturing many types of gears used in automobile trans missions and differentials. A third plant owned and operated by the Willys Cor poration is located at Pough keepsie, N. Y., formerly owned All these plants contribute as sources of supplies for the new car. Booklet giving further in formation about the plans and the new car program of the Willys Corporation will b sent on request. r 4 ,i. i1,. , Fourth Street m " -., .-4 -, V- -f ffl.fcYI.1 & 1 J- ? i " : to ' (tl -i-Aii-3SL.,. i I "4. fwflPfc V sHWlilrfrisfeal tt ?v .1