o m t. i J "; t 'i 7 V; ef It I l& itx ) I M I IX ,20 . EVENING PUBLIC LEDaj3K-PHri;ADBLl?HllA, SATURDAY $EFJ?EMBJ3tt 2T; 1D1D ISAGGIO Dl D'ANNUNZIO AL RE Poeta Esorta il Sovrano ha non Abbandonare i Diritti Dolla Nazione Published nnd Distributed fnder I'BRMIT NO. Sll. Authorised by the art of October". 1617. on fll" at the rostofM' of Phila delphia rn ,tyord..rofoPrYHjnt.FS,ON. Postmaster Ueneral. '- ' ' Is ' ncnt. In 1805 sha returned to the Mage of Covcnt Onrtlrn, ntnfnng six operas with much of her old-time success. For years opera nnil concert -Roers In America had become so nccustomed to the nmmal tours of l'ottl in the tnltid . .States, eiich tour heralded us her "fare well" nppearance, "positively her last." etc., etc., that the word "farewell" when linked with her name had become n veritable jest. In 100:s. whei I'nttl was sixty jrmri old, she made n contract to sine in sixty concerts covering the principal cities of this country. Iter terms, as nnnnunced. I were ?.'00O for each concert and 50 per cent of the receipts when they exceeded $7000. In other words, the terms rilled for payment to her of approximate! STill for each minute of her appearance on the staRO, $L'.(!0 per second of time . about $.1.47 for each note and ?2.."(( for every time she breathed! This tour ended before the year nv out In lawsuits, hi.kcrltics and niiRer Her former admirers who (locked to (hear her saw only an aped, though still rather handsome, woman with a voici 1 thnf had lost its "velvet." nml saddened j those of her hearers who recalled (he matchless bcuutly of its prime. I Married Three Times , i Shi un married three time. In Itoma. 27 settembre Gabriclc D'An nuuzlo lm itiviuto un messr.RRlo al He Vlttorlo Kmanuelc informandolo della fcihiazionc in Finnic e preRiindolo n n abbandonare i diritti dclla Nazione so lira la cittn', cio' secondo un dlspaccio glnnto nl giorualc "IKpoca" di 'Iri este. , . . Tre neroplnni italinni sono Riunti it; Fiumc da Tola, nel pomeriRRio dl Riovedi . .1 ennn nniti ullc forze di ITAmiuiiziiJ. V ......... ,(.,..,. . Notlzic allarmanti di tutte le apcrie. im,-s nc was unueu wun .i. i.ouis ile i.iinlnnn nvnnnue. I'na di nueste dice fnhtizac. Mnrqiiis do Cnux. whom i-hr Tii iii t"i i IL1I iTiMBIiiMMiB &!BmiH Monday Is Ordered and also Continued From Put One efforts to .bring out tho .Tones LatiRlilin men in the district is to be mane. "We claim the steel industry over the country Is 75 per cent crippled," Foster said. JUDGE AT CHICAGO ENJOINS PICKETS pvm in tHtiti This it a picture of tho world famous prlmii donna, who died in Wales today, as she appeared In rhlladelphla. In 1KA2, durliiR the period of Iter early triumphs. die Ite Vittorio l.manuele sarcuue i-larterwarii iiivnrcrii. in lMi she was sposto nd nbdieare; un'nltra reca i'lic niairinl to SiRiior Nicolini, in Wnlcs. inin cnrrrn civile ' immlnente trii I who died a few years later, rinnlly, n!niiiilisii e niilitnristi du una partu j is'.l'.l.' slie became the bride of Itaron i e lc forze controllatc dai socialist! dal-Kolf 'cden-trnin. a Swedish nnhlrmau. 1'altra In dette nntizc m dice clip iiSinr" her murrince tlm baron and linzionnlisti sono decii di 'liiiiRersi tino ! !,arones lived at I'rais y N'os Castle, nU'cstremo limito perclie' le piru- IViiwne. Willi-.. ton intere dell nana -iiiihi .'i" " . in .-pn-im-vi . -y. -. . ,...n '" "' i rol,v0oiientiiil , .i: .. ,i; ,..in ...... .. . r .,..i.l,,,,l .InOri .,i I0I1MIIIIIIIHII llbposti. maRari con la rivohiinne nil' her hiilmnd. A houliitR tow1 of Aus impcdiic mi'iillrn Riicrni. itrians ynlhd: If consiglin della Camera del l.nvore , "Ilown with the Frcnclj. and I'iir ha npprovato il seguente online del iin." Riorno: The police intei vened. but insisted on "II proleturiuto vcendern' in istradn. makiiiR a niinulc search for ilnruments. costruira' lmrrieatc e darn' hi sua vita ) 'riio prisoners were tiucstioned and for nr non fdilere neRli nrtiRli dei mili- p bidden to leave their hotel, tnrjsti." I They were kept in the hotel and Si attcude ehe l't)n. Titloni f'lra" un :unrded for sereial weeks, but were" rapporto ulln -edutn dl orri nlla in- joventuallj lelensed on condition that inera, stilln politica del Roverno riRunrdo lail their servants be held as hostaRCs. I'oceupazione di Finnic da parte di'Thc hinRer and her husband had to be B'Annunzio. Due propnste sarnnno 'protected by troops when they left. The presentatc alia Caiiieni, una i he prov-' ,.rmv,i threw stones at their cairiiiRe vede airannessione di Fiumc scuza anij slou(c(i t them. ntteudere hi decisione ilellii ( onfereuza phia. In February of thnt year they 'tirescnieil opera at the dd Chestnut , Street Theatre. The enterprise ended I in failure after two performances nnd 'the eiiRaRemcnl never was finished. Clotildc ISarili. a soprano, child by a former marriiiRc of I'ntti's mother, established himself here as a music teacher followiiiR the collapse of the operatic vent me. Adclinn, then an in- .iiptnii.t ..F tin. r.iimiv . i i. i ,i.-t ii... ii .,.. nl.l,. J..,,l .Ini ,,f ,lnv,,ln,,!nr inln I 'I "s '" "lUHHIJ HUH IUU1. Illl-I made a likeness of Adcllna. His prop-1 Bethlehem SMltC eny was koiu on ins ucaiu nnu uiv picture of the "phenomenon" was bought by a music lover. It was copied years later and 'is still believed to be treasured about the city. Seven years later, when the theatres were crowded upon Pattl's appearance nnd virtually empty the nights she did not nppear," the prima donna made her next visit to Philadelphia. Her first appearance In opera hero was on Ic cember S, 1S.-0, in "Lucia." She was then a small, dark-faced, sllfiht young girl with a voice that was a delight. Iter sister was in the com- ipany, with Colson, who had come from 'cv Orleans; Drignoli, Fcrri nnd .lunca In the lesson scene in "II I!ar biere," which was also on the bill, I'ntti simp ICckert's "Kcho SonR," "Comin' Thro' the Itye" and the "Adcllna Waltz." She appeared here URBin in September nnd October, 18G0. It was in the latter month that the late King Kdwnrd, then Prince of Wales, nnd known here ns Lord Iten frrw, was visitiiiR Philadelphia. The prince was stopping at tho Hotel Con tinental. The performance was at the Academy of Music, then completed about three years. It was n Rain nffnir. nnd the prince was present. He selected the program, which consisted of one act of "Trnviatn" nnd ".Martha." Patti ap peared in the former, Patti did not again appear here until December, 1SS1. Again she Rang here in 1SS3, on .lunuary !, in "Travintu." The next liiglit "Aida" was produced. Then "Lucia." n matinee nt which re ceipts were $11,000. A return on RaRcmcnt u is played the following April. delta Puce, e laltra nirennaiite il dint to. 7) ,mTj w inp UCWX UlPIih" deintalin nel gan.ntire la nazio.ialit.r lM J J 1 M AUK UUW H iltii ltallann in Fiume. II Mc.ssaggero dice chc se la Camera dara' nu voto di fiducin nil ln.Nitti. ' t.ara" poscin discielta c le elezinni generall saranno tenute nel pros-simo I novembre. Washington, l)c. '-'7 settembre. La pos'sibilita' di raggiuugere un aceordo nel conllitto dellc nsiiinizioni ileiritnlin , e della Jugoslavia supra Fiuine, sulle j basi di un coinpromesso che ora inanzi nl Prcsidentc WiNon. e" l'opi nione nci circoll diplomatic! di qui'. II Dipurtimcntn di Stnto non ha duto xlcuna iudienzione sulln natura dellu replica fatta dal Presidentc WiNon alia proposta del compromesso. Si e" oRRi .detto che la replica e' ilivenuta di nessun slgnificnto a chc il difficoltoo problema bisiignn che sin risolto sulla basi delta situazione che ora esistc. 11 Ooverno ltaliauo, a mezzo deH'Ou. Tittoui, ministro per gli Affnri Ksteri ha acccttato i pianl ilel Supremo Cou cilio in Parigi. secondo i quali i rlconosce la richiestn dcll'Italia lier il posscsso delln cittu' di Fiume, piazznndo 11 porto c lc fcrrovie di approccio netle "mani della Lcga dellc N'azioiii. stabl lcndo una commis.sione, come si e' futto per la vallc del Saar. IN 1852 AT AGE OF 5 Sriig i;i City Many Times Aftrnvard and Always Crowded I louses I'atti's iirt ncipinintnncc with Phil- iace ladelphia was at the age of five years. Her earliest successes were realized here, and the city, for some years her home, always claimed her ns its own. In 1S4S the family caipe to Philadcl- au infant prodigy. Her voice was benutifiil and she showed u remarkable memoi') for airs. Her friends would out her upon a table tit the hotel where I., f.io.i'v st:iei mid she could sing "Casta Diva" by ear without a mis take . At eight jciiix Adclitia niadp her debut in Musical Fund Hall. Locust street near I'ightli. Tills was her first public appearance. She had been well tnucht by Maurice Strnkosch. composer, musician, impresario and teacher. He had 111:111 iil Amalin Patti. It was he who first made Adclinn famous. The concert was on the evening of September 'Jl. 1S.VJ. Adclinn Patti was announced as being "not vpt eight years old, M't styled 'la petite Jenny Lint!.' " T!ie old program continues: "This ex traordinary phenomenon sings with the most astonishing perfection, purity of style nnd incomprehensible ease the bravura pieces of Mallbrnn, Pasta. .Tennj Lind. Madame Sontag. Madame Alhoni, Catherine Hayes, Anna Itishop anil Theresa Parodi. exactly as they are composed or with such changes as nre used by the above named famous ar tists." The conceit was succesfut. Another was given two days later nnd a third in October. A man named Hood in those dnjs took daguerrotypes on Chestnut street, a few doors below Fifth. He the rage, was bitten on the car by a mouse while she slept, and word got. about she had been completely catcu. People demanded their money back. On the first day of tin spring engagement the criisli was so great n woman died from hear! disease and laid in a third tier box durliiR the performance. Then bptmu the "farewells" in Hus ton, in 1NVI, and Patti bade farewell to this city seeral times. i Chicago. Sept. 27. (lly A. P.) I More mills nt the I'nlted States Steel 'Corporation plant nt (lary, Ind., open. ! with ofBdoIs claimlnR 2."00 men at work ; approximately 4000 men on the lob ut the Illinois Steel Company mills, with some sheets, actually rolled yester day; nn answer awaited to an appeal to Washington by employes of the Inland Steel Company, nnd n federal injunction t.Rainst picketing nt tho plant of the Pollack Steel Company, nt Chicago, sumincd up the. situation in, general in the steel strike in the Chicago .district as tho sixth day of the walkout began. The temporary injunction ngalnflt picketing nt the Pollack plant in South Chicago is returnable before Judge Lciidls next Tuesday. The compnny represented that n federal contract for railroad axles was being held up nnd that SO per cent of the employes desired to return to work. The appeal of the Inland Company workers was addressed to Senator Ken you aud contradicted statements by John Fitzpatrick, chairman of the commit tee for organization of steel workers be fore the Senate Investigating commit tee. "Nearly 00 per cent of the 7000 employes' want to return to work, the tnlncd and would march, to Wclrton 15000 to 8000 strong and that ho could not prevent them from golug. 'I lie authorities here have taken no action as yet to stop the proposed pa rade, but It Is understood they will bo' ready to stop it Slonday if the parade is formed In tills city. Governor Cox today sent this tele gram to Governor Cornwcll, of West Virginia : "Tho sheriff at Hteubenvllle .ex presses to me the belief that the ru mored Invasion is all talk. I will watch the situation carefully." This telegram was in response to ono received yesterday. The telegram re ported to have been sent by Governor Cornwcll today had not reached Gov crnor Cox when the nbovc message wao scut. Governor Cornwell's telegram fol lows : Associated Press dispatch quotes one Frank Wilson, secretary of the Stcubenville steel strike committee, as saylug; "If the Wclrton milt is not down by Monday afternoon, I cannot stop our men from this side of the river from marching to Wclr ton. They are determined to go and there will be trouble when they do." The dispatch further says: "Jef ferson county and Stcubenville offi cials admit they have not as yet made any progress toward inducing the strikers to abandon their inten tion to go to Wcirtou, ns, requested by Governor Cox." While I have no reply to my mes sage of the twenty -fifth, I am ns suiuing that you have ample forces at your command, especially ns tho federal forces arc nt your call, if necessary, to prevent an Invasion of this state by nrmed men. whose leader declares in advance thnt they propose to make trouble, and that you will not permit an attack of that kind to be made. Warrants Issued for Five Vare Men coinpany wants to operate and the 'ELECTRICIANS VOTE have nothing to strike for," the tele- AL BUTHLUHMl grain read. It was reported today that the strik ing employes of the Inland Steel Com pany, nt Indiana Harbor, will meet Monday to consider plilns for returning to work without further delay. The I men. it is said, arc anxious to go back, but fear they will not be afforded ndc- BENT ON INVASION "Feeding Philadelphia" In Lecture . ,,imt0 protection. The company hns William L. Fisher, assistant curntnr served notice thnt unless the men re- of the Philadelphia Museums, will lee- turn within a reasonable time the plant ttire on "Feeding Philadelphia" this will be closed for nn indefinite period. afternoon at .'! o'clock ut the Cnmmer- cial Museum. Thirty-fourth street be- -wrrl CTPHTDC low Spruce. It will be the first of tiw'UIllU OI IlViii3 course of free lectures at the museum on Saturday afternoons during the full, ami winter. j - I Steuhemille, ().. Sept. 27. The steel War Camp Service to Quit 'l1"' j" VT 1"'".1 ,,li!,,r"Ws in.n . . , , ., ,,. . state of quietness today, with the nulls Acting on orders from the A ar and ,1Prc ,, nt MillK ,.osf,(1 nJ inlmsit Niny Departments, tho "War tamp trr(,(I on lho threatened march of Community Service will cense its nctlv-1 stcubenville nnd Mingo strikers to ities iti this city on October .'il. Work i Weirtnn. W. Va.. next Monday after essential tc the welfare of the men inm ( the Wclrton Steel Company's the Philadelphia Navy Yard will bo, innt there is still in operation, transferred to the Community Service Secretnrv Francis Wilson, addressing of Philadelphia and other local welfare j Weirtnn workmen who failed to strike organizations to become n permanent i last Monday, said emphatically such n part of their programs. I parade would be held, that the men on Allentown, Pa., Sept. 27. (Hy A. P.) According to unconfirmed reports current here today, the electrical work ers employed nt tho Itcthlehcm Steel Works will meet here tomorrow to vote on joining the strike of the other em ployes of the company's live plants call ed for Monday morning. Continued From Pi One of Godfrey Henry, n city employee, but that these four men wcro never seen nt the house. When McNlchol challenged ono of these four on residence, be charges that "Peaceful" Henry rushed over to him nnd dcclnrcd he was under arrest for making a threat. McNlchol then was taken to the police station nt Nine teenth nnd Oxford streets. This was about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. After having been In n cell for halt an hour, It Is charged he was taken to City Hall station by a round about way. Inquiries nt the politic station, said Mr. Itoach, brought the response that no one knew where McNlchol wns. It was only by chance, It was explained, that the Moore leaders were able to get him out before 7 o clock in the evening. lleforc being urretitcd, McNlchol warned Henry thnt as a city employee, the latter was violating the law hv political nctivtity. McNlchol swore tliut Henry's reply was: "Pete Smith butters my brend and ' ' ! mi out of any trouble." "Pcto" Smith is the Vare leader of the l-onj -seventh ward. Says Ballots Were Spoiled "McNiehol's nffidavit sots forth that ballots were seen' to contain two marks for 'the mayoralty candidates, one for .Moore nnd one for Patterson, though tho bnlnucc of the ticket was marked for Mooro candidates alone. It is charged that the marks for the mnor alty candidates were made by different pencils. McNlchol charges that the judge ordered these ballots thrown out of the count. McNichol further charged that the polling pince, join Stiles street, was thei rcsmence ot Hughes, the judge of elec tion, nnd thnt he admitted onlv those he desired to have come in. McNlchol charged that after he had caused un arrest of Sperling on a charge of illegal ly assisting voters, Hughes called out to get tho "gang to come over and beat McNlchol up." The gang came, said McMchol, but he was arrested instead. Theatre Strike In Paris WOMAN, AT 100, URGES WILSON SPEED PACT Mrs. Hannah A. Eppelshoimcr Believes President Has Had Enough Holiday Sirs. Ilnnua A Eppelshelmer, of 107 West Logan street, Gcrmnntown, Imle nnd hearty nnd full of life, -will cele brate the 100th anniversary of her birth tomorrow. She lives with her daughter. Despite her age, Mrs. Kpplcsheimer is an omnivorous render of the news papers and her comments on the news of the day are of Interest. "I think President Wilson nnd his wife had a jolly good time overseas." she said today, "and now he should bring treaty matters to a close." Mrs. Kppelshelmer, whore husband died nt Capo May, N. J., a quarter of n century ago. wns born at Port Eliza beth, N. J. She came to this city when a child and lias lived here for the greater part of her life. Of her two children, both daughters, one Is dead. She rejoices iu four grandchildren nnd ten great grandchil dren. Mrs. l.ppclshelmer, in spite of her advanced years, is In Health save for attacks of nervous Indigestion. She U welt preserved, lively iu spirits, n good conversationalist, and talks interest -lnRly of world events nnd current affairs. KING PETER AT BELGRADE Belgrade, Sept. 27. King Peter has arrived from Arandjclovalz, Serbia, to assume his residence hero uflcr nn nbsence of five years. Mr leilt) U.t.-. - fill T Much of the dissatisfaction atnongj TIle tf Tas Tlccld"" po' i the company s employes it said to be due j general strike to affect houses bclonglne or conducted hy mein heru of i... to what is declared the "unsatisfactory adjustment of the hick -pay question through the compensation board. EGG HOUND BEAT IT Lost an "egg hound!" That is the latest species of animal ns advertised by a Doylestown news paper in an effort to find "lings," hound Ifelouging to William Kelly, clerk of Quarter Sessions, Uucks county court house, who last week ntc his master's breakfast of nine fried eggs. It is believed that through remorse and shame "Hags" has eluded the au thorities and "dogoned" it. Owners nnd Managers' Union. iiip striKo order is to take effect immediately. It affects seventy of tho i.uiii.--ij. mm music nans ot 1'aris. WAXC1XO trial Il.tlO. Cull. Claetea f'm'er. W.. Sat. cv I. WMOTIRES GUARANTEED flnnnMiLEs iiox't buy Miiroxns WIIHX YOU CAN IIUY 1'IHHTS AT TlIUHi: LOW I'KICUS ouAn. AND EIZC N'ON'-PKID an x A $k.4ii 30 x aw o.oo 32 x 35 II.2B ai x 4 i.;s S2 x 4 81 X 4 1S.40 34 x 4 1". HI' 35 x 4i4 si.no KVK.RV T1KK Nl'.W. nnioiNAr. factory HT.-.alllN'fl TIIK NAMK NUMnxR. noons sent o o. i. ov KXASHNATION. M AIL OKDIIUS ELK TIRE 00. 1316 Arch St., Phila. aSI'Urcr, 4104, TURKS 1.0.1 2.45 2.80 3.1.1 3.30 X.4S 3.A0 4. S3 IN ITU B tt't ..-.. D AN1) S Kill AT, CONSERVATORIES 9 MUSIC and INSTRUCTORS -jjiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiL: OFFER 10 PER CENT RISE ; Cigar Concern Claims Recruits Fromj Ranks of Strikers is Heading. I'a.. Sept. JT. tliy A. V. i , One of the largest cigar concerns in S the Schicjlkill valley which operates ns string of factories -m a number of towns , 2 today offered an increase of ten per I H cent lo us cigarmaucrs. wno are on strike for a fifty per cent iise and better conditions. The firm ncrts that i some of its men have alreadv returned.!" Js'o action has yet been taken on its ' E offer ' .Tohn Mnlhndo. of New York, chair-i ninii of the mint jitlvi-nrv hoxnl ..f tli ' Carl H. Stanger will retume teaching on October 1, 1919 Studio : 2004 N. 13TH STREET Philadelphia Diamond 6513 J Vocal Training Psychology of Singing Coaching Studio 314 1520 Cheitnut Street MRS. PHILLIPS JENKINS Phone 2598 Spruce SINGING Successful Pupils of This School of Singing who hair met vith instant recognition on the opera and concert stage, include. Mtlvrnnr Seeul and Atleln Hassan, Lljht Opera Trinm Donnas. Vol il ml Preibiirc anil Hilda I'rntlnnd, Ifn.llnp tmrtf in h Hubert nnd Dlppfl (o. Ilarlmrn Mrmrrl, Tlnnton Grand Optra Co. and trading Contralto for CoIumWa Kwords. Knthrjn McCilnlpy, Coloratura Nonrmio ultli Symphony Orchestras, oratorio und In reel UN, SOME RECENT ENGAGEMENTS LILLIAN' KKEMER in the opera. "Fair Helen." Shortly to be heard in New York, Eva Cherry and Adeline Jason in vaudeville. national cigarmnkers' nrilce committee. while here announced that approximate ly 1)0,0(10 cigar factory emplojes were out in the I'nited States. At state headquarter of the strikers it was announced that one of the larg-i est cigar manufacturers in Jacksonville I is negotiating to move to Heading. j Adelina Patti, Noted Opera Singer, Dies Continued Yfom I'kkp One one Pntti, nnd three will re. all witli unfailing pleasure tin "l.ui-ii.." the "Linda de Ohumciiiiix" and half a ,-ore of other favorites of an earlier pirioil aud the tumults of applause evoked by Jut inimitable execution of the eren nials, "The I,a.t Hose of Slimmer," "Home, Sweet Home" and the like, which, under the magic of her w in., had a beauty unapproached by an.; other singer. I'atti's professional debut was made in Philadelphia, September U1. IR.VJ. N(ne years later she was offered her first high-salaried engagement as Amina in "Sonnambula" on the Covent (lur ilen Stage in Londou. where she instantly WOU the approval of an ordinarily cold KngUsh audience und her success ns a prima donna was assured. Her voice was an unusually high soprano, of rich, bell-like quality, unit "remarkable evenness of tone. To these iiunlitleti she added purity of stle and high artistic finish. She wns equally Mieccssful in the portrayal of deep passion und the vivacity of light comedy. Earned Fabulous Salaries From 1801 to 1881 X'attI devoted most I of lier time to tours ot the I'nited I St u tea nnd South America, appearing in numerous operatic roles. Her earn ings during this period were estimated ' at more than $liO,000 a year. During ' (lie forty-live years of icr operatii and Concert career Patti is said to have learned close to jM.OOO.OOO. ! From 18.S1 until JNil.i Patti rested from grand operu work, but continued to make concert tours which netted her handsomely. She fang before virtually wry crowned head in Europe and presidents of most of the republics of the South and North American contl HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER. mi f'fiAI. Vftvf nrtnrfpl". i.'unimnt itjniilr t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r- W.LEROYFRAIM Director of the Philadelphia Institute of Music and Allied Arts Announces New Progressive Teaching Principles for the Children's Classes ( unilil'tr (oiirM of Study for rlano, oire. Violin, (Irwin nml Theory Teachers' Normal Training Clauses Certificates and Diplomas Special Preparatory Centers Fuller Bldir., 10 S. 18th St. Went I'lilln. llrnnrh. MIB Webnltr St Philadelphia Conservatory of Music 10 South 18th St. D. H. Ezerman H. van den Beemt Directors Catalogue on Requett David E. Crozier OrcanIM of Cnlvnry I'resbTterlnn Church ORQflH and PSflHO 1520 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Musical Academy (trmantnwn Branch 30 East Walnut Lane Catalogue 33d Season. Gtn. 38S2. JOSEPH W. CLAHKK. Hire. f SX. URANCHES OF MUSIC 'ufcfic School fusic Supervision LEEFSON-HILLE Conservatory of Music, Inc. Maurits Leelson, Pres. 1521-2G Chestnut St., Philadelphia Boesch Buildinc, Oak Lane, Phila. THE STERNBERG SCHOOL OF MUSIC Fuller llulldlnr. 10 South 18th Mrret C. V. Sterhberg, Director Complete Musical Education Teachers' Classes Progressive Series Call or write for catalog Dorothy Johnstone Baseleri HARPIST ' INSTRUCTION VuVrt r JL X. JL 'fik . The Philadelphia School of Musical Art Announcement Extraordinary I Continuation of tho Matter Clais, Conducted by the Spanish Virtuoio, Alberto Jonaa 1714 Chestnut Street Ralph P. Lewar$,A.M.,Directoi complete courso In all branehea of th Art Normal course for Teachers. V Helen Ackroyd-CIare After One Year' Absence With the American Expeditionary Forces MADAME KURTZ Hai Resumed Teaching at 1530 Walnut Street Carnegie Hall, N. Y., Wednesdays Catalog on Request Lewis Alex Wadlow Church Musician Instruction In Organ Playing and the Art of Boy Choir Training. Vocal Instruction for Choir Men and Boys. Organist nnd Cholrmnfiter, St. Murk's Church, Philadelphia. Cholnnnhter. Church of Our Saviour, Jcnklntown, Pa. Rrelilenre-fttmlln. 334. M. 10TII ST. Congerbatorp JfflttStC anb &rt 3304 North Broad St. All Branches of Musfc Taught Progressive Series Normal Training Course Diplomas and Teachers' Certificates to Graduates For catalog and all informa tion address the director at Main School. Telephone, Tioga Y Accounting Complete Courses for Beeinners. Junior and Senior Accountants A Accounting Principles Accountancy Law Cost Accounting System Building Theory of Accounts Review Factory Organization & Management Accounting Problems Business Finance Auditing C. P. A. Quiz Office Organization and Management Classes Commence Monday, September 29, Registration Hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Call or write for catalog. CENTRAL BRANCH, 1421 Arch Street EDUCATIONAL, Uth Hfxen fe BRANCH STUDIO Presser Building 1711 Chestnut St. Voice Culture Art of Singing oniralto Soloist, Church of the Holy Trlnitv Siudlo. Art Alliance Bide,, 1823 Walnut , Muillti. Art Alllanee, Residence Studio. 13J3 Walnut Cymvyd Frederick Maxon O RG AN HAItMONY Qer one hundred and fifty pupils hae obtained rhun.h positions ritiidlo. first llaptlst Church, lth nboTe tVulnut Residence, 1003 H 47th st ANNA BOYLE Teacher of Singing 1714 Chestnut St. Sinuins Taught From Beginning to Highest Artistic Development niploma. Itorul Conservatory of Music, I.rlpilc FRED B. EGGERT 1514 CHESTNUT STREET Heats .MjiIwi, loo. There U nothlcv 8., -t BUlluns. U :0Mt. Krea Boot. imi aAod. Fred fUMrirw Stove 38 ftlWNuidry Co. So. 2d iSSVU CARL TSCHOPP Park Ave. and Susquehanna Ave. Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar, Zither WALTER PFEIFFER Conductor riillliarmoiilr Horlety of 1'hlln. hummerx, VlldH0o4l, N. .!, VIOLIN VIRTCOSO nnd INSTUCCTOK Studio for Oct. 1st, 1716 Cheitnut (t. Residence. S.16 H. Klsi ht. Phone. C. ARTHUR KENNEDY Piano Organ Voice 1714 Chestnut St. Studio 410 THE ! William Hatton Green ' School of Pianoforte Playing Leschefaszky Principles FIrftt Assistant Carrie Hepburn Matchin Soerljl Normal Court.es for Tenehers ' l'uplls prrnarrd for concert performance Progressive Series 1712-1714 Chestnut Street rilH.ADK.r.l'HIA St Cecilia Musical Academy All Instruments Diploma and Teachers' Certificate Call or Write for I'ro.prctos. JOSEPH D. CANCELMO DIRECTOR 1803 Chestnut St. A. Il " w. l'nlmer HOXIE t LEMAN Voice r- Violin STl'IHOS NOW OPEN locust S38 10 HO. 18TII NT. Uranch Studios, llllj Cedar Ave., w. I'u,a and Wiimlna'ton, Del, LESCHETIZKY HAROLD NASON, Director School of Inno 1'laylnc N'ormal course In Lesclietliky Method; Children's Dept., Vocal Dept. Cataloe. Pupil of IschetlikT 1J1J-U CHESTNUT 6T. CHARLES WESTEL PIANIST Concerts, lectures. Instructions 1714 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Musical llurruu ILouis Sobelman W8JT' Adranccd Vlnlla lnstrueUoo, Circular. MORLEY YOCAI, TRAINING Prom tifOititififf ro public appraraHce 'ilpl's rrst.tn fo po'lloii nita eilaaoriirills STl'niO 401 18.W CIIKST.VUT HT, F. Edmund Edmunds Teacher of Singing Mr Edmunds Has Hesubied Tea. hint Studio, UK Chestnut St., Phila. -NATIONAL SCHOOL of Elocution and Oratory Little Theatre Bldf., 17la & VtUactj Sli. Day and Kvenlnr Coursea. Classes In Publlo Speaklnr. Diplomas and Decrees. D. L. Shoemaker, Principal Pipe Organ and Picture Playing CAMtlKtA. CONPERVATOnT Kenstn'tton Avenue and Cambria (1S1T E. Cambria), Practlclui; prlvlleces. Uoekltt WINNIFRED ATKINSON PIAN1HT Studlni SHin I'uller llulldlnr 10 Houth Klrhteenth Mtrret ' "PWKiHKSMVKJiEKlKH" j . DOMENICO BOVE Violinist (PIIIInr.I.l'HIA OBCnESTRA) ADELE SUTOR School of Music Department at Music for Public Schools BURTON T. SCALES 10 H. KIOIITKKNTII HT.. Htudlo 208-300-310 Phone locust 4614 Grace Welsh Piper Voice 10 South 18th St. I Phone Locust 358 Albert C. Williams Piano and Harmony Studio 404, 1714 Chestnut St. lLtA2VKS, SlCIfOOZ, Training Gives Power 10 of thf niinln nf Ihlfi rmintri- nun nfcr t tho luact. nr ih H'pa'tli. Whether you finally belonc to the U or the 10 ii up to you rlirht now. Thousand) of navlnc nnwltinna n munimr dalh'. And thousands more will rpen. Ar you rotk to propHro tor ne of them? Do VOU want to nrlvnnrA In buslnesH Hfn? If vnn rlnn'i- tvun in lua jusi one 01 ine aiso-rana, tniT our ecnooi. riuay tienoxrvny, BooHkeeplnff, Arrountlnsr. Typewriting, Hecretarlal Work, Sheldon ttalpsmanehlp. Any on of then- courses will enable you to make your mark in the business world. You are needed, but you must have the knowledge that gives power. You wltl find our Instruction plnaant, easy and Inexpensive. Hut you must begin now. AH buslnefm branch'H tauxht: Any and night pchool. BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE AX "ACCREDITED" COMJIKRCtAT. RCIIOOI, 919 WALNU1 STKfcfcT Strayer's Business CoUege IELOCUTION Skillful tsachereSuperlor equipment ..i..i ..nr... Prorrsseiv. maoasfmsni. The most successful graduates. Day and nlht classes Chareea moderate Positions ruaranteed. Beln your eours. now. Call writ or phons for full partlcjlara. rnraVer'a. 07 Chestnut St. rhone VI. 3M Translation and Lessons In Spanish. Italian. French. German. Dutch. CORTINA ACADEMY IMP rilKHTNPT NT.. THIM. MARY BREVARD ROBERTS School of Ejpresslon and Dramatic Art. Elocution, Sneaklni. Voice. Public Speaklnr. rliyslcal Tralnlnr. nr Production. 1111) CHKHTXIIT HT. Private and Class Lessons PHILADELPHIA STUDIO OP ' DRAMATIC ART 527 S. 42d St. Baring 2077 J The Gordon-Roney School I'or C.lrls, 411S Spruce Street neneral and College Preparatory Courses. nn.r aarSeVi anrt Oym. Mlaa ROONBY. Prln, HENRY LUKENS Teacher of Sbgers riione. Spruce 4001 ..A'f.?' Jh" w"-Jnown professionals who nae been atudHni and are still studylnc with Henry Lultena Include May Yil !"' Ini"",h nosenlwrir. ii.hella Addison, Gernard Poland and Plotr Wlzla. Studio 301.1S20 Chestnut St FRIENDS' SELECT Tao",,,, T'r:e'i,7N,,n7h,?.noantng'JdHU- THE FARNUM SCHOOL ni pirn. Street Reonens Oct. 1st Benlor. Junior. Prlraan-. Kindergarten Boys under 11 years -jg4 (Night School gsJEsa W I Shorthand. Enallsh, Penmanshia simoata IPAUiEn srHnniHM.lotsiWt. Our craduatea art In constant demand lor lood-paying- positions. OrcK Hhoriuano. th aesy speedy system. Complete business and secretarial courses. Jj.y iiONlim Classes. intenslTe tialnlnr. Enroll any time. Call . o,.... .;.. J particulars and cataloaua. Sr -.. "na. -olleea of Cammerea 1017 tnestnut St.. I'hlladelDhta. Sl'IUNO IIAKDKX INSTITUTH Arts. Mechanics. Electricity. AutAmAhH.. Classes commence Sept. 22. Knroll now. tend ror uooKiei. jaroao anrt aprinc Harden sts. Young len and Hoys CHESTNUT 1IIIX. PA Chestnut Hill Academy BT. MAUTIN'S. CHESTNUT U1I.L. PA. Preparation for colleca. An Ideally locate country day and boardlnc school tor bora. Kspectaliy low rates for (lr-aay boarders. High standards of scholarship. Cnexcellec thrsa Dlarlaa swlmmlna nool and rtcr. atlnn bulldlrio:. Iteopens Ueptembr la. Catsn. ultc4tlon. atbletls equipment; Including; fields, armnasiuni. ".fc1 " MISS KNIOHT'S SCIIOOr. FOR OIUT AND J.1TTI.K nuVH. 484JV. Clapler 8t. Oct. 1st Young Women and fllrls WASSILI LEPS PIANO. VOOAI., JICRIC. THEORY. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Studio, 509 Preiser Building Q . ' 'I n n il il ii i il li H .a , I Phila. Conervatory 5&u Dlrectoat D. II. Eierman. It. Van den Raamt 1TRENCII CONCERT HARr. Jnada b Erard) nnia aui iinriiEn ivirnnr oavrj mi haj . . -..'- ;:..- m . - j. . . ; t; A itb BCiVntWrnSZvfa'cSl nVL'rilliilrr(n EDITH WALTON HAMUN Specialist tor rlsns Teachers nnnnlnar,, Sjstem (beslnne,rs), I'roaresslva Series. 1000 Iaser at. I'h., Poplar 13C0 W, ADELAIDE FAAS piano Instruction, 104 .Tiota 8U, Children a specialty. Pbona Tt asaa i. For Health and Efficiency Join the Gym OF THE i GERMANT0WN Y. W. C. A. B820 Cerroantown Are, l'hona 01 u. not Miss Wharton's School , .. . The Episcopal Academy Juniper and Locust Sts. tilth VBAIt WITH separate bulldlnss for " tne youneer nnd older toys the Academy Is equip, peil for the proper care ot boys from elx years of are to college. A dally .chanel survive' for all boys. Experienced and tucceasful masters In all branches. Larere (ryrnnaslum and athletic Aeld. BoxIntT and body building under Wm. J. Tterrmann. Muslo under N. Lindsay Norden, The Academv haa but nn. mmtu. lo develop and train boya to become nteumen uriKiau sentiemen. Iter, rlilllp. t. Hlelnmf. Jr. .T. D.. lleailmasler, rrlll be nt the Academy on and after Kept. sin. Mrsin.w niniicu in npp iian, nriiii vpen, upper, a ht -Mliliue. latin T.OT,r. Pllea- en. ;tpl WHJi " .- ch 4 P-I . :,& V , -' f, , , W0 ft t ,;& V, -a, ; A. ,: