:" k r . .A t ' V . 51 ) 7 ;' t , ,"k "I i it v u:. 1V! Evening public Sleftger PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, .SEPTEMBER 26, 1019 Belgium's Courageous Cardinal Guest of City : Wilsonian Smiles : New Overseas Chiefs if s&b - ,yS3-33v . SF 3B9& SwimiS 3?r tV fllHflp , ? fiBP BtK B iff $ & TnBSHIHBBB hDhFx iir-tMtfJTiffHHBnftfifiBMTTH t o-o LEAGUE OF NATIONS smiles, cheerful vixuges of the Chief Kxecutive and Mrs WiUon as thej ro vociferously acclaimed and welcomed in a Fur West city during the President's peace treaty tpur. (&W M,V MARSHAL IIA1G and his two young daughters watching the arm athletic championship at Aldershot, England. MISS MARIE FERMOIL, 514 Cypress street, Philadelphia ' i'liotoyiuplm for this back-page feature should be submitted through the mail, addressed to the Beauty Corner, Evening Punuc Ledger. . I -( - f r- "ssi s f n ' f m ,. (t1, . r A