sif rv. EVENIKG PUBLIC -L13DC1ER PHllLVDJLPHlA, FBlDM', - SBPXJBAEEfef 2C; 15)10 I s r I-s I IV Bf l I ft? Ife vV If i 77l Second' Bullet '.-.i..i.t mm i.t.hi.ixi xi.nriti A en THIS STAUTS TIIK STOHY X dinner party is being held at the home of Colonel and Mrs. l.edjard Among those present arp their daugli tor, Trlxyj her friend, llebe Cowles. Vecly Rwarthmore, Wendle Ilrnil dock nnd Mrs. Alice Ilnrtshornc Mrs. Ilnrtsliornc's past history is Hotbed in mystery, tn her presence mention is made of the release from prison of the president of the Huer ton Bank after serving four xenis of a twenty-year sentence for conxer sion of the bank's funds Mrs. Harts home suddenly lcaxes under Hie pre tense ot n sexcre hendai he She is accompanied by Swnrthiuore. xxho ex presses his love for her ami obtains her promise ot marriage. She sees a face nt the window which lills her with terror. Hie significance nt which is not riwealed. SwaitJi more has jilted Trixy. xvhn snvs she abhors him. Mrs Hnrtshorne i found dead on Ihe floor in the morn ing by her suspiciously acting I'rciu h maid, Matilde. Detective l'nul liar xey and other officers art no on the scene. Mnlllde is questioned aftci recovering from a fainting spell The officers bcliexe she is loneenlnig in formation from them llatxex bungs nut various fnets In the questioning of servants and other xx itnesses Mis Hartshorne's peeulini il.x in keeping largo sums of mono loose about the hous , her carelessness Willi In r lewel"; Hie fact Hint she reieixei .1 string of prnils a- n gifi Hie night before the murder, lier inlimncv Willi Swarthmore nnd a nrwlx nrien en tmtv betxveen him snd Itiadilmk Ilarvev learns fioin n leweler xxho the purehnscr of Ihe pearls is Aflei questioning menihers of Ihe l.ntlor familx Ilarvex leaxes fm the Imnn of 'Mrs. r.edyaid ni) man; it comim ks rJ"ni: argument he had used al lb' Onvlors. had cxidenll' preceded him with good effe't, for he found no ilith eiiltv in gaining an audience with Mi I.edyntd. Indeed, thai lndj descended (o the drawing loom x.ith n promptitude wlneli hinteil thai his call had mil been unanticipated. "This is a most frighlful thing. Mr Ilnrvev'" she exclaimed ' I do hope you will be able to keep us all mil of It ' Of course I need not assure ton tlmt we know nothing of the shocking affair except what we have lend in the papers, but the fact thai the woman was received here as a guest in mx home will bring the most disgrnceful notoriety about our enis!" "Vot necessarily. Mrs. l.edjanl.' demurred Paul ".Mrs. Ilnitshorne was leeched by pructicallx all the best pen pit in tnxxu. They must tliaie xxith .xou xvbat publicity may conn' ul though 1 understand you xxeic her so cial sponsoi " "Hy no means t" she corrected lutn in liastc. "Dr. l'ernne xxas lespoiiMble for her intinduction to soctetj hcie. She appeared ill church, ninde Inxish contributions lo cliarilx, and londiiclcd herself in every xxn.x as if she xxere quite our sort. Dr. I'eirine jiositixclx uifci-xi mi- 10 tun ,ii,u n,-i . uioi .. wo. my husband: slie had started to operate . .-... 1 ... nnll . I...- ... ... .I..I extensixely 011 the htock market tliiougli turn and had placed a substantial amount of capital in the Trust Coin pany of Knstopolis through oui old (riend. President ISmddmk. When I learned that she had purchased a home here, nnd intended to settle doxxu among us I felt it my Christian dulx to call. If others of our set followed my ex ample that xxas no affair of nunc; 1 did not introduce lier!" " Nevertheless 1 xxas given to under land you xxere Mrs. Ilartshorue's friend." Paul asserted siguiliciiiitlx. "Just because the lnd.x has had the misfortune to be murdered n does uot necessarily folloxx that she is. guilty of any crime on the social calendar " ' It will be n lesson to me. Iioxxever. not to take up any one else of xxliom I kuow nothing!" Mrs. I.edjnid retorted. "The motive was not robbery, and it is sure to prove to have been something disgraceful! 1 cannot think xvlix xxc should all have been so blind' ill murse. Mr. llarxey, 1 should not speak to candidly to an.x one else but xxi .u c at your mercy and I feel thai absolute frankness is our best course I did ! give Mr. Hartshorno the (ache! of nix I approval, 1 xxas among the first to open my home to her and I do not want to make mjself ridiculous by admitting nix 1 mistake noxv to the world. It is a most deplorable situation!" "A most unusual one." he amended "Is it possible that in all your ne- , qnaintance with Mrs. llartshorne she told you nothing of her life, gave xou no inkling whatever of the past!" "Not a sjllnblo." Mi I.ul.vnid ie plied impressive! "H is almost in rrrdiblc, I know, bill she slipped mlo our lives bore with so seemingly little effort that before xxe realized it she im quite one of us. Mv daughter xxas -right; Doctor lViriiie should base looked into the woman's antecedents most cnrcfull.x before he foited lier upon us. "Hut be was so sine that Iheie could be no question about her. Ami Prosi dent Hrnddock. also, when the discus sion nroso assumed such nn unqualified stand in her favor the significance ot her reticence nbout the past did not appeal to mo as forcibly as it should hxia done. Then, too, I am quile wjlllng to' admit that her charm f mannor wholly disarmed me fioin the mauuei ...iviu firat "Mrs. I.edvard. when did this dis cussion take place?" neaping her slip she hesitated, biting her lips. "I I really couldn't say. Mr. liar vey Some little time .igo." "Can you remember lvhere it nr rurreil?" At the hint cf polite saicasm in his tone she reddened. "Here in my own drawing room. Ii was after a small informal dinner " Mrs. T.cdynrd paused. "Who wos prcrcnt?" "Henlly, 1 I cannot remember!" She drew herself up majestically. "I do not see the pertinence of jour ques tions, Mr. Harvey! A mere, idle con versation in my home, among my family and an immediate friend or two, can havo no bearing on the affair you are Investigating." "Perhaps I may be able to assist your memory," Paul suggested, ignor ing lier. protests. "Your daughter, Doctor Perrlne, President Ilraddock and yourself you have already mentioned as baring taken paxt in this discussion. It Is reasonable to suppose that your ' husband also was present. Who else?" "Mrs. Coxvles." The response came unwillingly, enough, "Mr. Harvey, 1 iraply must decline to, pursue the sub it " "We. will drop it it you insist " lie ussurcd her quietly. "Doctor Pcrriue , ft 'm.1 lr.Mnoi lli.n,l.lnr.L will doubtless 1 bo able to rcrnll Ihe incident 1f sub tor Ihe inwnl" "T rnunol imagine why ton nllnrli , such extraordinary inipnrtnmc to so trixinl a eireumslnnce !" Mrs. I.cdxnrd interrupted indignantly. 'I understood I i yonr object in coming here xxns to aid us in Avoiding notoriety, not to thrust it upon us! Wo none of ns know any -thins whatever of Mrs. Ilnrtshorno; an expression of pergonal opinion concern ing her cannot be construed as evidence against n ! Surolx rnu nre not mail enough (d tlnnU Hint we hail nnvthlng lo do with the woman's death!'' ' o Hut umr colene is a repre "entatiie one. Mr l.ciljnid." lie ox - plained snnxolx. consensus of opinion expressed here will enable me lo gauge the attitude of Hie ies( xxith whom Mis llarlslinrue came in social i otitacl 'I'hnl is ii'iiportant Surely urn lau leuieniber now w hen I his con leisnlinu took plnie' 1 o win fie iicutl bung Ingelliei just these iluee guests in parti. ulnrvfcl n it was quile iiiforinal ' "Mi llnrtshni ne heiscir dropped in Inter with Mi Swarlhinoie for a giniic of hrnlgi . but thej did not stnx. as Mrs Hurl slim nc miipliiiMil of n benilai he. I Mie pmi-c.1 ami added wilh obxu.iis ie ' ' in In in 'It was hist Tuenlaj ee nine " f ' nil who stmlf-d ihe diseiissinn'' I 'a ii I gnxe mi ex idem c of the si gin In nnce liei jollll)soll held fol tlllll I linven I the leai-t olen. I icallv paid I Itle nllenlion ' as It nol xnnr daiighlei'1 If lioeliir 1'eirine and 1'resiilenl I'.i nildock took issue xxitb lirr I Mx daughter a xxlmllx iuiliffrirnl lo Mrs llaitsliome' Prom Hie I she iiiniiitaincd the niei es ne- i pininlnuieship xxilh hri." Mrs Led xnid inlerriiiited in iiiiguniiled linste "She linppeticd to ask lloctor I'erruu xxhal eliun h .Mrs Ilnitshorne attended1 befoie iniiiiiig hcie and xxlien he too fessrd iciiornnce she icniaiked ujion lh fai I of hoxx little xxc renllx knew of this xxiuiian xxliiuii xxe had neccptnl xxithout sin ml oi tiiKiiicinl ciedeiilinW ''llflll Is l nulls all theie xxas lo it Mr llarxex, mid if xou xxjmt Ihe ion sciisiis of opinion, in xx huh I iiiusi adiiiil I shninl. it wns Ihnl Mrs Unit shorne despite her tcticiuci wns :i worlln nnd welcome addition to our conmiunitx ' "She did Voui hsafe the fa. t that the was a widow . ,did slie nol '" Mis l.cilxanl sighed in ninlilile libel al the iliange of topi "os, mul sl,P iiitiiiinted to me that her nun lied life Imil not been an un qualified!) bnppx one T don'l know how I gathered the impression i er lainly not in as ninny words from her but I fancied Hint her husband was inuih older tbnn she, nnd snmexxhnt of a erne I infeiied thai Ihex had tinxel ed a grenl deal piesiiinald) for !ii beallh Thnl is renllx all 1 can t II xou. Mi. llarxex " Did joii see her between Tnesdnx I . exening and xour I'l'liursdnx '" lied I 'loss ,; ,. ,,,i ulnx : "Yes. 1 met I,,.,- tin- dedication of the plnjgiound for the bildreu of St. (ieoigc's Cliurih on Tlmisdaj nfleinoon 1 wns xxilh lloilm- I'ei line, and she meielx stopped to 1 hnl fm :i iiinmeiil " "She was xx earing n uinlei.kiu tape 1 ontee. wflv she unl ''" "Yes ' Mr, .,,hj,( "innci-d ,n in surprise "I remarked up,,,, lt- fl1r (i10 dnv was nnusunllx balnu. but she sSm she had fell a sbglit chill " "Slie giixe 1 xidenie of it won s, came to the dunce 111 the exening with the llnjlms, did she';" "No. She looked I einni k.nblx well Thev came late, mid in the nush ot , oittsnleis to be taken cnie of I did not Hunk of Mr. . Ilintslimuc ngaiii after the first gieeting " "on do not know xxheu slie left She did not take axe of joii''" "How could she? If joii could 1111 1 ngme the finwd. Mr llmxex' ''ln liouse w a ,,.,,!, ,1 ,., n. .i i i.i I ,.,.., it. i,,,,i -. i on i not exen cinch n glmiii-c of iiiniix of iii.i, -i ,.!,, r r inx- pcrsonm iiieiiii-i xx Horn i Know w ei i here It ,i iluiilx .'iflnir and I hnd mx hands full keeping exeixlhuig running siunnthlx " "Are xou sure .d.ii did not see her in Ihe snppci loom'- Dense think mie fullx Mrs l.ciljnid. it is oi the m most impoitnnee ' "l.luite sine," the l.nlx nsrrted in exident sinceritj nftei n moments Ihottghi "I cnunot i oi nil seeing In r again " And with thl l'nul Ilnrxex- was fnt ced to be content Promising to shield Mrs I.edyard and her funiilx as fur lis was possible from the publicitx nn i dental to the tragi dx. he took his do pnituio and made Ins wax lo Hie nn posing apartment houe wheie Mrs Coxxles bad estiiblished lieiself Il was evident Hint no fmi of no lonely actuated her pioinpt iciepiion of lutn. A hvelx interest sp.irkbd in hot ejes and she held out hei hand xxilh gushing xvarnilli "I've heard of xou. Mi llnrxej . Mrs. ISninbridge told tne all about the marvelouslx clexer joung innii xxho re coxered her tiara from the notorious diamond thief, xxhnt xxns his name? I knoxv jou'xe enine to ask me aboul Mrs. Ilnrlshnrne, but I don't know nnxthiug: I only wish did! I'm Minplx dxing of ..innstlt ! Do s.t doxtn and I. II me if xou xo discoxoied" iaiil smiled "1 sxni..ithuo with you, Mrs. Coxxles " jjoROTHY DARNITSftakes, Himself, Couldn't l-ADIfSAND n F H r TrCHrRS AMlj f !,M ' rV . I I , , , , J 1 1 i ,. .- " 1 i r ".'MaL...w J7,.r:Mljd-. iiiniinhil'tMifli'lii'i ..v. MdlrZ ,. a ', jBkWi,'- J f , imfwiitaiMBri,-,.,. lllakaaMkWBi)ffal.I ,t-i ii ,fi(iiiUiwM! ; i By Robert On Chipperfield 1 'in ciirimts. too. Mrs. Tlnrthshnrne I seems to hnxc been quite n. person of 'mystery." ' "HI. it's n m.vslcr.v to nic how sheljnrd. jet I ho mention of Mis "",l' cter succeeded in pulling the wool over horiic s piosoneo nt tin d.m.o Imil put -,lr'- sc.xos : it jour rigiii , I. ciltnul s oxes : If nnr hand puis n Imp enough iheok in the coilection plate 1 don't think Doctor Pirrlno hnlhris very inucli about what .tour left liand ma) be doing, bill Mr l.eiltnrd usually looks out for Hint. We nltx'tixs follow her lead, jou know . saxes us a lot of trouble to diseriint unto. I suppose she is simpl) wild .. ' . - . . . . now lo think what a fool the lias inline of heisolf'" Hebe gurgled jooiisy 'I rating fancy she won't be peiniittod to fni gel it xor itiioklx I liked Mis llnrtshorno I 'oi sunnily hutj I found ' lier a li ifle lull, and so good.x good? . I t,Mt ought to haxe niiide me snsnct it xxasn I natural llowexei I i)(1, tiioughl II xxas onlv a pose lo iillinit the men lleaxen knows it woiked. if it x'.'is' There xxasn'l mix age limit In hit dmft ft oiii l'leddie (Jiixlot lo old Mr I'.iaildock:" "Itui I iindcrslnnd some one did xoice a suspicion of liei antecedents, I and (lint xetx lecenllx, I'liul lemnikeil. . "Do xou lenieinbei- a conxeisnlion al Hi" l.cdx:irds' last Tuesdnx exeniugV ' ii,,r's exes opened wide "You Tin nn Mini milhiirl of Trix Mis l.eilxard s-' si t iousx ' Oh. nobodi look thnl 'u'li ""'''' xxeii mi. i.eiixani xx . auinn I.edxnid woiildn I adinil the possilolnv of lier linxmg made a poss,p,iiu mi ner naxiiiB maue a mistake in Inking up Mrs Ilnitshorne She xxas hound lo slnnd bj her, and I hi men xxeie all prejudiced 111 hei frxor "And you Mts Cowles?" "It did seem lalhei odd. icn .Miss, l.ulvatd tint il to us so MioikI). Hint 1 xve bniln I exen niiempieu 10 nun 0111 nnjtliing nhoul her. but I noxi-i- (Juxe il jnuollicr tiioughl until Ihe 'cxtins came out about the muidei ", ' I "What muse had Mis. T.nlynril for her suspicion of Mrs. Mai Ishortie''' 1 Pn u I benl shuhtlx toixxnid. 'Can xou ircnll 111 lust what wolds she evptesscd 1 iiel doubts'' "Ob. she said we had all Inki 11 Mis lli.itshoi ne on blind 1 1 list metelj be she hnd n Mndoiiun fin 1 nil in gi ill ml ing mnnnei ami readx cash I'.i be shiiiggnl "Mie didu'l menu mix thing, lenllj 1 dmi'l beliexe Tiixx had mi idea 111 her head thnl theie might iiilualh be soiuetliiug-well, a little queer, abotll Mrs. Hailshoine. You know how il is when n person is , lentous thej just want lo start some thing " I I it lr I11HI (nrrx'ii mi iiiiniiiuir ' dor forgetful, for the nioinrnl. of the identitx of her visitor, but Pauls in- I lb be hnd spoken 111 nnglinnleil 1.111 srrulalile inio neiraje.i no.uing o. ,nc .... . , . ..,. , .1 disclositie hud mused! s'.i prise her nib him. So lienlrue I.eiljard had boon jealous of the dend xxoiniin' There wore milj two nun whose nniuos hud been men tinned lis being other than the initcst ncipinintnuccs of Mrs Ilnitshiune II x.ns inioncennble thnl Miss I.eilxnrd ceuld hnxc lesenlnl the elderlx Mr. Ittnddoik's chixnlious nltciition to tin ncxxconiei lie trinl a shut in the dmk "I'.ul Mr. Sxxmthniore ?" "Oh. N'oelx Swnrthmore is a boast !" Hi be sliuddered "Tiixj was well ml of him. if she onlv knew it : 1 think pride was Inn I more than nnj thing (se to think a quiet, doxe-ejed. do siLMiin" xxidow should 1 01110 along and take him iiwax from hei Mrs Hat I borne walked 111 nl the l.edj mils' nglil lorne walked 111 nl the I.edjmils nglil in Ihe midst of Ihnl lonxorsnt,,,,,. ,,,. ,,oxx and Mr. Swarlhinoie was with i 1 1 c.... 1....1. lln. Itil lii hei teeth .net iii... "" - so to speak, nnd light tlieie and then! ..!.. Al.... I I ... 1 imiinli'lliiil in quesunil xirs n- r ' nhoul whole she hnd lixoil bonne 'lining hire. She icceixed mil) oxnsixc i eplies. of course, until Mi's, llnrlshorne de- Xl'lotlCll II home "Thox had come lo fill iu nl bridge. I hnd (hex not. she and Mi Swarth ! moie''" ' "es It was quite loo lull of Tl'ix) , In sum the exening. Im mole wns m . - i xxnxs n i inme lor xi ileuieni xx lieu Mrs lliiitsliorne pl.ixed sk hnd the oddest slie.ll.s of link I XI ixel seen." "In whnl wnj?" l'nul glum ed up quiiklx She wns not a consistent plux ei . xou mean?" xviis "On ilie J lln plaj steadr enough and in our huh) . i out a point games her winnings xxeie on n,',J', ,! a, ,iu. fuir ,. nxerage with the rest of n. II wftsflliil VNit) potntm-s nnd i mix when wo plated m .isiontill) fori.i.., 01,iii,g stands charge high stakes thnt the .aids seemed lo tun for her. She held the most phe nnmenal hnniis: lri'kx ones. too. but ,- .., i i i ;.,....';.. i,i. Slie OUIIi'll on in- in ,ino M" "' "".' 1 .. ... & ., ... won llei nnossing x,.is ninixoious Win. it slie bad aitunllx known Xxxhnl i curds l,i) in en h of her opponenl's hands she couldn't haxe led mure surolx. Inu'xi hoard, of course, of hot lnil , limit ioitis on the stoi k inmket? She leitniulv had gninblei 's luck, although i il deserted her in Hie end. didn't II?" ii Paul nodded gi.ixel.x . "ou xteie piisent nl the I.ed.tiu ils' i l.cil Cioss danie'' he asked "Ye Mrs llartshorne xxas a roxolntion. simply stunning!" Hebe caught herself up with a sharp intake I of lier breath. A deep flush biought out (he louge upon heryrhecks in dabs of meretricious pink and a look of startled, belated caution crept into lier ingenuous eyes. I Paul xxas as instantly on the alert ins though her mental inocesses xxere , exposed to his searching ga.e. Mrs. I. L Ml M I N D ', ULVOIv'L i i r 1 1 l ? n 'i " ,c- t v . 771 ' Coxxles had been litterlv unconscious of lire significance ot lier admissions against her bosom friend. Heal I--.1- ner instinctivei) on lirr gnnni '"' "" thlnklni? mil of bev frlenil now b HIT 1L herself What liad occurred at tin' I.edjards' that night which for her nx"n sake she must iiincealV "You arrived before Mr. Ilnit shorne?" lie nskod Yics .She (nine with Hio Gnylnrs ' Her Uricccpiy was in ninis. m, ...... ii . - i ...I . . -i .t i i f i ner picximis "' -" Mr. Swnilhinnic lunl ill-" pi tt otlrtl , her'" no "Yes. The (In.xlor pnil.x was ai the last to iiriixe "Did joii luxe an.x conxetsniion with .Mrs. Ilnitshorne'' ' "No. I meielx nodded lo liei . The crush was awful" lb be tineil nn ensilj "WMe xou near her at n.n lime dur ing the ixeiiing. Mis Cowles'''" 'I'heie was a poiooplihlc p.nise befoie she icsponilnl in low. hntri'ii inncs. 1 1 didn't ' "No I don I lliniK so. obsei xe In i . if I xxas. "Do xou knoxv when she left'' "No I mntiot ieall seeing her after the iarlv pail ot inc eve ,,;11K ' liehe's bientli cauchl again, inn onliollablx . iiii wne seated al a miner table ;, ihe sonnet loom with xouug Mr i:.i, od Ihe llaililiglons l'.-iulie Jnilitked with 11 nux note 01 nininessi ,'on must hnxc find a ouipidn nsixe mux of tin loom Whoic was Mis lliiitslnone scaled'" I didn'l sec hoi !" I'.ebe Imil Inken swift aim in. "lloxv did xou know (, ,, ., . , . f,,,, xxhiK I sat. Mr. Iian'x ' .xno xxo.u 1,. il world bns il lo do- I nut Irjing to fix the I10.1t of Mrs. Illnilshoine's ilepnrtuio.', he explninod 1 palunth. "W'lnn was the Inst time xou saw her. Mrs. (.'owlcs'' uh. some little time b.foie suppri : Ihree or four dances, nl Ions J She pnssid me ill the eolisrix.itou " ho was with her'.'" "I don't kuow ; I ioiihlii'1 see. liebr s homily lingeil IiiiihN who twisl mg now in her lap. "Thnl inr.. band xxns plnxing so loud joti IdnT hnxe rccogni.'ed mix one bj their xoices." "Did jou leinuin "in Hie 1 onset xn 1 "No. I wont lull and sat out the next dunce Willi l'toddio i.uxloi on Ihe stairs." . , "Then J on saw .Mi wni 1 niiiorc lenxe?" She nodded 'You' beiu tnlking oililic. , .. linxen t xou. iK '" waj- lo t 1 did si e him uuik be clonkiooin I fan ,.;,.,! Irolll Ills cmi-sjm,,o .,,. - J..,.,... 1.;,, l,t I, Put out ilboilt is 1 .. , ... 1 1...... ,1 is ,1 so, USIKIIIX lioorisn. .011 iii" nf -i pose, xfltb him. lie abhms a crush 111 . . - . . . 1... . mid t'jlHI crown oiui 1 pel on edge." "Did Mr. Hrnddock. too . I I 1..,, n 1 1 01s i.oi hnxe soon "Oh. no! lie look Mrs l.idjmd in 1.1 siiiiner nnd stnxeil until the hM." Itl,i. i-esonniled cngeilj ul Hi change of subjoi t I icciill thai 11.11 ticulntl.x because he went Mis llarlshoine exnecteil to tllk II about looking fm I gn I hei ed that he her home, but she must haxe slipped iiwnj enilx "Mis. Cowles." l'nul leaned forwnid rntnestlj and stnicd into Inl shallow exes, "did xou see or bear niijllnug ill the dilute which could possiblx lime bearing upon the enine xxiucii 101- , , Ain ,-, ncl'cl a niotixo " M,;." Ua. tshorue?" thing xxhicli howcxer r I mill) In Hebe's c.xos xxiixeroil anil nil. anil tuc 'Hush icceiled. leiixmg-tier kiiumi.x It ath the masking lunge "No. Mi. Hmxe.x. Wh.ii i oijj,l tliere Inn,, been lo sec or hen .' As far us I kuoxx. Ml llaitsliome n ul not a mi f-neinj it'ONTINl I'.I) TOMOlMioWl EVEN SAUERKRAUT SOARS Delectable Prices Tacked on Old ' Time Favorite at Fqir XII, .nl, mo ln.. Sent -Ii I hen' loud imiiplaint nl t lit- .1 '-'"' " -ospioiilll.x as lo' It lllwax sold lor ten cents u iilato. dab nf mashed potnloes i biding u ,i siii r flen Weill of sjiuer ft) cents imik In the oiu iiaxs u 1 1, sonic of -.i xciilx -fixe cents. , the time ill it sixix eigbl exhibitions, the Alk-iiTnx.ii I'mr is M'lie iinlgiug ' 'l' wine "" -. I.,,, ,., I .. ij oini- nn exeut. tint III' I ..:..., ir.t m i Mm Albti llll.l il UN'" i.,,,, i ,.. . . - town rmr. LL.D FOR CARDINAL New Maxell. Sept. 'Jti i .ndiiinl Merciei xx ill receive the degn .il dm Im of laws al the Yule I'liixeisin n, tobei ' This will be iom. alimt. Iho .second to be held, in it quiini of a eutiii), the other lecipient b ng I, mil Kelt in", sciiutist. fifteen jciii- ng. Ciirdinal Mereier will spnk i,, the students fioin the bnlcoii) o. king the umtciMtt qundiaugle John Barrett to Resign New Orleans. Sept. -C -l"i n I'..n -ictt, director gcuernl or the P,.n mcr icun Union hinro P.MI7. uuiuhiiii ! hcie .xesterdii) In- would resign nun the 'nthce lit the Nut umber iyt-i I i.; of the Uuiuil. Stand II Some Bust! vi'OU NOW, riv. in ad rjLND'i' DitY NOVELETTE 7OtjSJS HUNTING Hy ISIIabctli "Do Hoer tVtuy, bcllo, Jo!" (lilbert . . .r i;, ,. VV cltcmc(1 ,vflrm ,,,,,, (o ,0. Metropolitan of MallUCS, scphltic Wllby. It wns indeed n treat' lnc(.t ,cr on thi bou1cnnl. ' "Ilcrt ! Unconcealed, surprise and pleasure glowed in'. Josephine's dark icjes as she placed a Blender hand in Jills. I "When did joii arrive?"' , "l.nto Inst night (ooslatc lo call you i up. but 1 was goliiglt) do to this jnorn- i ing. Thisf5 a wonderful surmise. Jo . limlliip joil lip liprc. I don't waut to be curious, bill, really, wliat are you doing up bete?" ' "Wlij I'm bouse -hunt ing.' '"Mouse-hunting ! 'S Hint so? Tunny, but I mil too." They both laughed, 'bill it xx us foricd biiichtcr. and xxlien Ihelt e.xes met. the girl's wavered and' Ihe toweting figures of the great strug jienx.x Inshcs dusted n pink Hush that BP crept up her cheek. Then suddenly ,', ,, ,,,, M hf '-backbone Ihex lifled nnd Josephine spoke: I ., ... , Anxxxnx liert ,.,,. ,osi ,o, ( of llelgiuiu' - firm against trnnny in see me before on lenxe. that js, if I vou ie here long enough to spaiC me an exening. "I'm blaxing inderinitcly and will certainly see xou again .soon." She said good li.x xvith u forced smile and .stalling the one., drove down (he boitlexnrd. The smile disappeared and a frown, nol'foiccd. slipped into ils. plnce. She lifted a tan hand and found n tear on her cheek. Then her dark exs Hashed nnd she snid aloud: "Josephine Willi) . aien't you ashamed of xoursclf? AYhy shouldn't he bo house hunting.' Haiti I he a right lo rot married without xou renins ..i ting, oh. I wish I'd never promised "sis- 1 lr "'Jlorous America." he enlls it lor to help find ;i house" and she September !). and has been officially buiVt into tenrs. 1 welcomed in N'exv York. Buffalo, Ualti- , (iilherl Clriiso'u watched the car oul ,nr''- Annapolis and AYnshinglon. of sight. And now as to the cardinal himself. "House hunting! That's just mx 1 Six feet two in height, he js spare and luck! No sooner fall in loxo xxilh a ascelic looking, xxitli n vigor thnl belies gill than some out else gets lier all mj 1'is" sixly-eiglil jenrs. The dominating .plans,, wonderful plans, for nothing!" feature of his face is the nose, large. He thrust his hands into his pockets fine, icsoliite. His lips nre full, con- and, as Ihe iar stopped before him. 01 spicitously full, but very firm. The deicd: ejes nre deop-sel, changeable, xxith , "I'ack to (he P.illmoic,'rril " then oxerlinilgitig blows. His smile is won iclnxcd nnd tncditnled ilerfull .., , ... . ... M i x... 1 m ipr, -1 1 xxiit 1 er xx 10 he c inn ndi! Whnl a fool 1 am. Had no liusl- lies? gelling a liouse before a wife iinjwnj. ,1oxe! How I've wanted rr, oxer since tliai dax in Chicago wanted her to work for. to love: nnd 1 ' now ; I II bo 11 man 1 II see her ncaln am! xve'll be friends ' He lingered over Ihe xxonl "friends " "Hello! Oh, hello. licit ! Yes. do 1 nine up. I'm not doing a tiling renllx." J11 sighed soflly as slie replaced the telephone ml Hie table and teturtied to 1110 iimwillK loom, xxneio ine sealed ., , . .1 . .,' , . . ... . berseir nt the piano mid plnjrd dream il. ilislimlli Nlin un. tic I.,,.,.. I If.. I . ! , .... ..... .... uvu,m ,,- 1 the moludx she plnjcd. A wealth of 'unburn hnir crowned her oval face. Al .the bell of her white georgolt gown .. .. ..!..., e e -1 .. ii iMisici 01 1..1 mi-inc-imih one hnd fallen 011 the bench. Suddonlj the nu, sic nun 1 en ueiorc ner nun, leaning fnrwnnl on the piano, slie murmured: I can't luxe him I inustn t but I do. T do " The dooiboll rang and Mr. Glenson was miuouni ed. "I'm so glad xou nunc. Ilerl." Theie was a quixor in hoi xoice s she xxel- nuiieii 111111. 1 ".is niiiiiit'iiuK now 1 should pass the long exening. n s loo minx In nioior nun un-ic is no tuirij mi tor touigiii She laughed and licit inl(.,l him lo n (hair. , 'He's pvnb.ihlj in ). ranee, Ihoilght "Sometimes one does get tired nf these exerlnsling ihincos, jou knoxv," she added sfilj Hort .studied her in silence, ndnnred tin soft hair, noticed the artistic bunds, In.iuliful. tumbled bj "D'joii know. Jo." lie said impiil suelx. "j 01110 biaiitiful.' "xx'i.i ' f.ert." she laugheil, "1 xxns ius thinking whul a liuudsoine nimi I xou lire." "Ilnnilsonie is ns hiuulsuiiic bes. he quoted. ion leinemucr xoni You're fishing, xou nagnij box . 1 . ,i J .i isoliile x ionise ii make jou n.meiled ri.. on Is on U one wax Jou inuiii tnal.i mo lonceited. ,lo.'" Ho bent nearei and she almost wbisprtcil, "How''" There xxas a pause. Then, with a tinx shiver, slie swung atlSund on the piano and negnu inn., inn What ii cad ram. Heit murmured. !..' .!, I'm sorrx' - wouldn't have .iifliuded jou for the whole tvoiiu. She had ceased playing tini'l wnsJook ' ing up nt him. t 1 "Wlij. licit, it's fm me to npolo- .,,. i ildn't holn asking, 1 was i ! w. laoi. hiping against nope, xx on.iciiuB ..s. ... I .mild haxe been inistiiken nbout the the house hunting." Then, lies- pciiiKl), "Oh. Hort. are'jpu free?" "rice!" Iiis l.ig hands xxere clenched. His bend thrust furxxnid. "Krec!" Of muse I'm lice but jou!" . "Nc. no." a noxv light shone in her exes. "I'm nut fiei I am jours. The next complete notelett bins. elgh No Class i That bollbu.x'a pretty Cheap, forsooth, Who hasn't got n Gulden toolb ! Cartoous Mugaziue. I CAM MOT SPtAK AS CiOOD AS I'M Ix'ICK HLMR V . QUT.LET ML CaT.1. VOUP attention MERCIER, "BACKBONE. OF BELGfUM' HELD NATION FIRM IN MIDST OF WAR Guest of City TodayA Scholar; Churchman and Unyielding Patriot i " Defied Kaiser's Mjght by. Pastoral Letter and Per sonal Arraignment of Teuton Atrocities Desire Merrier, cardinal archbishop of Mallncs. primate ot Belgium, is n guest of 1'hiladelpltia today. Against Hie flninlng background ot four venrs of war lie stands as one of his country's blnckest days, defying the i.irmlcr nnd bv xoice nnd lien iieaiten- ing ids countrymeu against crushing odds. It is in this character mat he now stands before the world, ltclgium re sloied lo ils rulers, nnd oMy the nshci of defeat left for its fncmios. Such is the man Philadelphia accUiims todav as it receives from hint the grate- ! fill thanks of his nntfvc land for Ihel food and clothing sent tlieie from here . .'(Jlorious A.iierira." He Calls II .,,.,,..,,,..,. I taidninl Mereier landed in this coun "ns 1101 11 .soxciniier i. leoi, 111 1 ""nine 1'Alleud, a little town on the held of x aterloo. He wns' ordained to Hie priesthood in 1S75, and from that tilllP ul' ,0 1!10ti' M,lcn ,,c "ns ""1,I, archbishop of Mnliiies. wa piofcssor ot philosophy nt the University ot L011- vn 1 11 One year after his selection ns arch bishop lie xxas created a cardinnl. Colluded Sdiool of Philosophy During his days ns a professor, act ing under the guidance of rope XIII. be founded and established cm a ..., .....J .,.,' ,.m n 1. 1 ..r ..1.11 !...: 101111 niuuiia mi; bijixhii xn iunucuiii in tuP College Leon XIII. .. . ., , ., . ... . Jt u,,s nnKr (ne ucnin 01 i-ius A ami n,c calling of nil the cardinals of the ("nil, ,,11.. Church lo Home for the elec. ! tjnll f n none thai MeVoior liindn his . . 1 : ".. . . . ,rs. ,otc it, the drniun or Ihe xxnr. -',P cunfiict wns a month old. I.iege and Nnmur had fallen, l.oiivnin liad been deslrojed. The Allies were ie Ireating on Paris iVfore Von Kluek and the Geimnn great right xxiug. I Cardinal Mereier had intended lo journey to Itotno by xxay of Germany nnd Austria, but before lie started lie jssllC( a call to Helglan priests to join 1 ,,p nrmT. .Neither Urrinnny nor Aus- ttia xxoulil gixe him a safe-conduct. He finally i cached Home by xxn.t of Ostend, London ,Pnris and the Uitlcrn. Treated I mailers Will! Disdain Hack in Malines, the cardinal ticntcd the invaders xxilh disdain. The Vnixorsity of I.ouxnin. xxhete for )enr.s ho expounded Aristotle, St. DREAMLAND AD VENTURES-ByDaddy "FLYING FEATHERS" fl'riiin nnd TSHly flu north in leather nirbonfs to help the A'niff " tlir II iM tjece ninl thr ltlnr Hiioir scinch fur their lost little ones. The ioiiii;; ijrese me fouuil in 4the prni of Ihe led li tippers, fioin nliicli lhei vnniiol escape hcaiiisc their nniflj die clippctl.) Peggy Kinds a fray "VTIIAU the xillnge. of the red trappers --' was a grove of fir trees. Here the foal her nirboats settled softly doxvn. coming to rest among, the heavy branches. Peggy and Billy hnd to (limb diuxn Ihe tree trunks to the gioond. but did nol find this at nil hard, As for the King of Hie Wild Geoso and I the Ite.i.itirnl Itlnn llnntn H11.V lnmleil , ...... ---- I in a little pond close to the groxe. "You'd better xx-nit here xxliilc xxe K0 into the xillnge," said Hilly, who fe.ned that if the txxo geese came nloug i their lionking would arouse the red linppeis. Then lie nnd Peggy carefully cicpl among the tepees xxhicli hnd once I more settled iloxx n In rIccii. Kvcn the dogs xxeie snoozing, xxhile the snores of the led trappers showed that the men were in deep, deep slumber. I Hut the joung geese were nxxakc. I Thej xxere no longer raising a clamor j with their lionking, but a little excited murmur shoxxed that they xxere eagerly awaiting the coming ot Hilly and I'eggy. This murmur helped to guide the chil dren to the ptibou .pen. Copxrlclit, 1010, by tho Hll Sjndlcat. Inc. Yto shakespearisbost ( 'T Cardinal Mcrcicr's Life Rich in Climactic Events 1851 Born in limine l'Allend. on Wntcrloo battlefield. November 21. 1875 Ordained to priesthood nnd made pfofessor of philosophy at Uni versity of Iiouvain. 1000 Consecrated archbishop of Mnlines. 11)0" Created cardinal. v 1911 Defies Gcrmanynud Austrln by nttcudine conelnvc that elected Ll'ope Benedict XV. issues pastoral call to an patriotic HHginnsi to leturn. Lauuehcs Christmas paslornl of "patriotism nnd endurance" thnt rendered Ger man tyrnnny impotent. 1015 Held prisoner four days in his palace by Germans. Hefuses to retract Christmas pastoral and con tinues! defiance of kaiser. 1010 German propaganda draws famous Lent .pastoral likening Wll liclnt to King'Saui. ' 1017Vrltes to President Wilson expressing thanks for Amcricn's ningtinnimity. 1018 Interxi'cw with Monsignor Carton dc Winrt, first published in Evenino TjEDOKn, reveals desire of cardinal to xislt America; November 13. Credits Amcrien with saving xxorld, November 23. 1010 At service in Anlxvcrp, praises this country's unselfish par ticipation in xvnr and credits victory lo "glorious America; May 31. Lands in America, September 0. Arrives in Philadelphia, Septem ber 20. Thomas Aquibas nnd the entire range ot philosophy, wns literally- pulverized by the German guns. The library, rich with the literary treasures of five centuries, was 11 thing ot the past. Meiinced constantly by German bay onets, Cardinal Mereier launched his boldest stroke against the invaders. It xxas bis Christmas pastoral of 101-1, the pastoral of "patriotism and I endurance," Hint fauned the flames of Uclgiati lo'vc of Country, nnd made even task. Copies of this pastoral letter, de spite the vigilance of the Germans, xxtrc smuggled into every parish. The cardinal's defiance of German military might, and of the government set up under the notorious General von Hissing reached its climax iu these words: The sole lawful authority in el- clunt is that of our kine. of our gov cniment,. of the elected representa titcs ot the mitloHv. This nutborily nlono lias a right to our affection, our submission.' Thus the invader's acts of public administration have in themselves no authority, but legitimate authority has tacitly ratified such of those arts as nffect the general interest, and this ratification, and this only, gixes tlicnt juriilic value. The woids scared even the Genviaus. And the reaction xvns swift. The people feared for the life of their I nation's chdiupion. Some thought the red robes of Ins cardinal s mnK xxouiu bo stniued a deeper red xxith his life blood. Hut the cardinal smiled. He spurned the suggestion nt (light or con ccnltncut. Printer Sent lo Prison A curt command from Von Hissing r, -J r.nn-M frtf scni x.crmuu .ai.iui3 ""i. - .,0f) ninmnl and friends of the Initl copies of the dynamic pastoral. I- rem tutioll t0 viBit Ithaca on October 11 to Francis Dossnin, ,thc "printer oticnrn fpcm n tour ot the uuivcrsity its Maliues, 15,000 copies were seizeu. They lined up When Peggy and Billy looked through the bars they xxere surprised at the size of the captives. 1 rom the xx-ay the King and Blue Goose had talked they thought the lost little ones xverc tiny goslings. They found them slroug nnd lusty-looking young geese. They hnd grown fast during the months they had been shut up. The joung geese began to gabble joyously the moment Teggy and Billy came up, but quickly shut up at Billy's wnruiug: "Sh-sh-sh-sh!" Hilly fshind the gate- nnd opened it quietly. "Now- follow me," whispered Billy, j and he was surprised to sec the soldier- By Chas. McManm " ,!.' & Spurned Suggestion of I Flight by Renewed Calls r to Loyalty of t Belgian People , 'S Visits "Glorious America" 10 express irraicfui -2 Thanks for Shattering. 5, r- "Barbarian Formula" -s: .1 The printer was sent to prison for thrl days nnd fined 500 marks. The next step wns an order forbid- ' ding tile reading of the pastoral in th parishes. Then, Janunry 3, three German ofJ fleers called on the cardinal nnd inter- -N rogatcd him. The next day he received'') a telegram from Von Hissing "iiivlting".! ... AMMldl mni aoi iu ku iu a si-ivfx.t xxiiitu xxas xu fnl-n nlnnn nt Atlftrfirn vans ,,,.s .. ..u..v.r. . c On January 4 the cardinal wns d- v Itaioed in his rfalacc all day.' In (hot,' I morning one of Von Hissing's aides nr rived in an automobile, accompanied': bysoldicrs. and bringing a letter from the governor general. An immediate? I'nnlv it',, fteinnnilerl. . J Soldiers Stay In Palace jk The cardinal offered to send a reply,-? in the course ot the day to Brussels, but' the aide xx'as obdurate. After tele- ' phoning to Von Hissing he told the car-, -dinnl he and his soldiers xvould stay in ' the palace until the desired reply' wis given. On Janunry G the Germans presented ' the cardinal with the text of a species, of retraction whjch they demanded ho should sign. The cardinal refused. Threats would not biidgc him, and at length the Germans stopped beating., their heads ng&inst the wall of his res-'' olution. Later the 'Germans denied the car dinal had been made n prisoner id his I i.lncc. Kx-en the kniscr sang in the chorus of denial. Wiilielm sent a note to the pope declaring stlsc the reports of the cardinal's an est. Hut the cardinal months later, when' questioned nbout the incident, insisted he had been treated as n prisoner by Von Hissing for four days. Meantime relief ships were bearing i supplies to the Hclg'mns. Philadelphia 'through the Hclgiau relief committceot Ube Emergency Aid, did noble work for o invaded country On May 2. 1017. the Belgian relief committee received a personal letter of thanks from Cardinal Merrier. Th folloxving month another personal letter xx-ns presented to President Wilson,' the cardinal thnuking America for its r4ag- unnimity. Cardinal Anxious for Visit Hen During all khis time the cardinal.was anxious to report in person the meji sages of thanks he had sent to fhe United States. -The first intimation, of his, visit xraa given in the Evknino Pobmo Eudqir" November 13, 1018, in an interview xvith Monsiguor Carton de Wlart, brother of the Hclgiau minister of jus tice, who was in this city on n visit to Mr. aud Mrs. Hayard Henry. - Cornell Sends for Alumni Ithaca. Sept. C. President Jacob I Gould Schurman. of Cornell Univerjl Ml.Vf HH P't'lll IIHHOHUUO .W itlUlV WIOI1 j rpnl needs. like way m wlneli the jpung jeess obe.xod. They lined up one after thn otlier and. lifting ami putting down their feet xcry carefully, they! marched behind him Hirougli the village and out lownrd the pond. "I'm going to run ahead and tell the King and Hlue Goose not to make a noise," said Peggy. And it wns a good thing she did, for when the young geese fluttered into the pond nnd swam t" their parents it xvns all they"'couId do to keep back tbeir loud honks ot joy: Now wc will btart for the sunny! South," snid the King after the flrstl i greeting, Wc must he far away vhcn i the red trappers awaken!- I Hut noxv Jthcir- joy turned to gloom. t for xxlien the youug geese tried (o flyl , inex' uuucrcu, luiuvu on one Hjut'l aml, splashed helplessly back into the xvater. "Alas'. I bad forgotten their wingrl arc clipped. They cannot fly!" houk the King. 3'1 - "We will not let them perish1, bntl jou must keep still," said Billy. Then! he btudied the clipped wings and aav that onlv one xvinc on each bird had been clipped. This upset (he young goose when he tried to fly. Billy tied txvo of the young geese to gether by their clipped wings and leav ing their undipped wings free. Hr thought they might fly this way but the plan didu t xvork. Peggy xvatched this experiment very 'closelyN. "I have un idea!" shecxH claimed. "The red trappers clipped tha wings of these geese when they wcrd little. :otv the feathers have grovre out again, but the birds cannot fly be-! cause one xving is smaller than thn other. If we clip the big wings dor to thr size of the little wings, then tbeji will balance nud maybe the young gccs,d I will be able to fly." j "But how can we trim their xyingsV asset! -iiuiy. f "I have my doll scissors in mj pocket," said Peggy. Sbc br,ough' them out and nt once went to worl trimming the feathers of the youn; gooso nearest to, her. "Now. fly. fly.' she said, shoring .the youngster out Ji the water so he could get a start. Aero the ponu Ho went, Buttering anil splashing, and then inch by inch h4 rose intiTThe air, safely and securely! "I lau fly, lean fly. Ho for th South'!" he honked loudly. "Ho for the South!" honked all thJ geese. "Hush! Hush! Tou'll awaken thJ village and J have all these othcrtvingJ to trim,-" xvhispcred Peggy. But th warning1 seemed too late. Already IhJ dogs were barking among the fences. , shout told them that the red trapptM nau louna tne prison pcu empty. fTomonoir tcilf he. loU Jtouf. tfci red ii auijcrj ciojc I'tesu nd BiUil,') r s-- . i f ' -uti-Mnt i MCI I . nil "