m 8 BR t I 4U. S. TREATY DELAY SURPRISES PARIS Clomonceau Soes Allinnce Pro tooting France Even if League Is Defeated JL EVEOTiJTGr PtlBIO MDGER-IHILADEtPmA, THTOSDk1?7 SEP3 m 25, 191? S BARTHOU IS SKEPTICAL ltjr (ho Associated Press Parts, Sept. 25. The possibility of noaratlflcation of the peace treaty nnd the covenant of the league of nations by the United States Senate, the con sequences, in such event, to (he gunr nntces for the future of France ami the question whether the league of nations could exist without the t'nited States as a member, occupied the entire after noon's debate in the Chamber of Deputies. . The vote In the T'nited Slates Senate Tuesday postponing consideration of one ot the amendments is regarded here as significant and caused surprise in the French chamber. Louis Harthou re peatedly asked 'be. government for ex planations Andre Tardieu and 51. Piehon, the foreign minister, replied, but the cham ber was n"t atind. Premier t leinen ceau tbiu $42,500 LOOT IN MILK CAN Officers Dig Up Money Stolen From Chicago Postofflce Chicago, Sept. 2.J. (Uy A. P.) With the recovery of $42,500 found buried on tho Wisconsin farm of Ouuery fJohn) Wojda, father of John S. Wcjda, clerk in the Chicago postofflce, who is said to have, planned the rob bery, the amount recovered from the ?2;il,000 stolen from a registered slilp- nient from the Chicago Federal Kescrvc Itauk to the Standard Oil Company of Indiana nt Whiting, Iud., Thursday, today, was brought to $181, BOO. Tho money was wrapped in old rags nnd buried in n milk can. It was the younger Wcjdn's share ot the loot, ac cording to officers. The missiug money is believed, the police say, to be in the possession of n man who disappeared with the arrest Tuesday night of the younger Wejda and Leo nml Walter Killpkowski. The Kilipkowski brothers, with the missing man, are said to have done the actual robbing. SPITZENBERG TOjJORWAY Political Suzerainty Granted by Su preme Peace Conference Paris, Sept. 2.'. y A. P.I The supreme council of the Peace Confer ence nt this morning's sessiou approved the report of the commission on Spitz -rnberg granting to Norway political suzeraintj oer the Spitzenbcrg archi- LA QUESTIONE PER 1 AGAVA Solo una Completa Annessione all'ltalia Rimuovorebbo D'An- nunzio ed i Suoi Seguaci rubllihM nnd Distributed Undir rERMIT NO. 341. Authored by the net of October fl. 101T. en (lie at the roitotflca of Fhllf delrbla, Pa. Ur order of the Frenldent. A. 8. BURLESON, roitraatter Oeneral. Itoni.i, 25 settembre 11 (inbinctto non nawoudo la enorme gruvlta' delln situuzionc e le serie dlfficoltn', per non dire la impossibllitn', dl trovare una soddisfacentp soluzionc al prohlcnin dl iKmne. II Cioverno non vuolc usare In forza coutro OJnbrlclo IVAnuunzin, per cvllnrc conllltti frn ticidi, c si dice cho tale csitnzione o' forsc parzialmeute dovuta nl fatto che lc truppc che fos scro inviatc contro lc forza del poeta, si rifiuterebbero dl obbedire ngli ordini. La pcrsuusionc sarebbe inutile seuza nssicurare al D'Aununzio l'unnesslone all' Italia del porto ill Kiuuie c dell 'hinterland. Si asscriscc che so il gov erno italiano dovesse accettare una tale condizione avrebbe contro non soltnnto gli nllenti, ma tutti i nemici ill questl. con n capo la Jugoslavia, la quale sarebbe pronta per agirc si' non avesse fast idi interui c la muucunzn di uomlui ....!.... aid that even in the event l".' .. . ... , ,.,,, ,,n of the I it.nl States Senate not voting ,.,..,. n,i ,rtlly nil of ! lespoiisabill ul potere. for the ldigue-of-natiMtts ii.veuaut, tne f))ii vm(,ral lmtious which hail put in league could exist. The treaties con- , ijms t the territory had waived them .stituting a irotectivo alliance between li1(,lnr,, t,(, commission's report was prc France Great Britain and the I nited vcntf,, -nu tirritorv is ihietly valuable States, he added, were not dependent s , , owned by Norwc- Bpon the league. They would come into , ,or lls " ' force, and France would be protected. Pan Wiat if IT. S. Doesn't Itatliy? Kougti territory in northern Mozam- Quring the course of M TnnH"iiR 1 biiiuo. detached from the German speech M. Bnrthou intermitted nml ,cnlnuinl possessions, should be given to demanueu an lmincaiato rcpiv as "'I Portugal. wnut Ml'ianuu r rune' iwhiiu ot- jnm t w FLIGHT TO HONOR PRINCE Only Canadians Eligible In $50,000 Transpacific Contest Victoria. IL C. Sept. 2"). fH.v A P.i Norman A. Yarrow, the Victoria business man who has offered a prize in should the tinted States not latify. lie added that it was through delicacy he had refrained from asking this ques tion before, as he wished anil hoped that tli" Seuate would finally begin the disi tisiin and reach its roiii'lusiou. but now this seemed hopeless, and the ... ...a, in.. .....nl 1... F-n, ,!,.! in. ItlAll! n llll I' .1 C IlliSllOll HM1.-I U" C lllVM lllllll. .11.11' 1 . .1 - American ratification was distant, "if it qceiirrcil at all . . . f m rum f.,r th first i.onstim flight SI Tardieu declared that lie person- ' ., -u , , v.., .,,. ally was satisfied that the Cited "''''- "", ! 1',t"' ,fr,.m, , ) """"!' f States Senate would rutifi the treaty. Maud to Japan, explained last night M. Parthou counternd. saiiug that that his object in offering the prize was he was far from satisfied, and citing the i to commemorate the visit to this citj of vote of forty-three to fortv on Sen- i tur Prince of AVnlcs. ntor Lodge's motion for postponement . ' as a luir warning ot tue ultimate tate of the pact." "M e'e iion's reply that ' legally Bpeaking'' the leagut could csist with out America's participation brought tho retort from M. iiarthou that what France wanted was political guaran tees, not legal guarantees. Ms asserted that the government, must faee the issue immediately. II covcruu italinno fu il primo a riconosceic la impossibilita' di uspet tarsi che gli Alleati riconoscano un fatto compiuto per la occupnziouc dl Fiuuie. La iiossihilita' dclle diiiissioni del Oabiuetto e' statu csamiuata, ma l'idea v' stata abbaudonata, giacche' una erisi ministerial non niuterebbe fortcmento ostucotato dal nazlonallstl e sostenltorl dl Sounlno, II Olornale cl'Italla csprimc In sua oplnlone nclla Impossibllitn' ill un'altra gucrra. nrguendo che la Jugoslavia si troverebbe-In svnntaggio se la gucrra dovesse avvenlre. "I Jugoslav! dice II glornale sono odlatl dai bulgarl e dal runieul, inentre 1 inngiarl c gli nils trlacl si bono rassegiintl nlln penosa amputnzlouc del loro terrltorl, solo per chc' cssi non hnuno Hiifiiccnti furze per fur froutc alia coalizlonc curopea." II Corrlerc della Sera iiddossa la responsiibilitn' della presentc situazlone dl Flume ul BaroucSonnluo, cx-minlstro per gli nffnrl estcrl, c dice che II chlcdere lc dimlKsloni dcU'iutcro (inbinetto, rl tenendo Nlttl c Tlttoul colpevoll nel riguardi dl Finnic, c' una ingiustlzin e illclilnra:' "t"nu tale iittitudiuc c' ingiustiticnblle quando c' presa da uo tuini che ndrrirono al patto di Londra, 11 quale ineludevn una clausola cho assegnnvn Fiiimo ni crouti." II Corriern della Sera e' sosteuitore ilelPOu. Nltti. ma egualmeutc la stampa Indlpendente si ribella contro 1 gloruall dl opposizloue cho non csltauo giuocarc le masse con I'unlco scopo di rovesciure il Gabinctto. seuza riguurdo ni supremi Interessi della nazlone. i quali souo orn serlamentc in pericolo. Hi spern che il Consiglio della Corona rluselra' a port ore tin accordo in tutti i partiti, per una stabile politiea. Parlgl, 25 settembre La crisi che l'ltalin sta uttraver&audo c' imputatn jillc grandi potcuze dal Gcnerale Pep ;iiuo Garibaldi, in una intervista pub blicata dal Petit Parlsieu, di questa mattina. l'gli rimprovern le potenze dl uou liver dato all'ltalia tutto quaiito fu promesso nel trnttato di Londra c ilichia'ru esserc intenzione del popolo Italiano di iiiutitenere Fiumo nnclic a costo dl un'altra gucrra. "Dipende dalla Francia c daU'lu ghiltcrra egli ha dettose tutti i popoli siano con l'ltalin ncll'uffare di Fiume. Oualumiuc sin la risposta del Presi- dente Wilson allc propostc dell'Italia, GERMANY WANTS BIG LOAN Erzberger Declares Support of U. 8. Is Essential llerlln, Sept. 25. (Uy A. P.) The only way Germany can hope to recover her economic position is through a large loan nrrauged by an International con ference and supported by tho United States, the Tngeblntt reports Mathias Krzberger, tho minister of finance, ns declaring in the nntiounl assembly dur in ga discussion of taxntiou revision. Tho Independent socialists, It Is add ed, strongly supported tho proposition. PHONE STRIKE THREATENED May Be Nation Wide Unless 25 Per Cent RlGe Comes New York, Sept. 25. A complete tie-up of telephone service in this state and in Jsew Jersey and possibly throughout the nation was threatened Inst night by speakers at n meeting of 500 employes of tho New York Tele phone Company. Tentative plans arc under way. It was said, for a btrike "in the near future" unless the coiniiaulrs grant a stanardlzed ! wage scale, including u 25 per ccut increase. . . .. ., ... . .. , ,1nl J Kiimn m iitvn nlin mice, n dicmim a risotvere il proDiema, non essrnnovi "" """" " " " -i--- r.. uomini di grnude autorita' e piu' energia j e' tra europel e bisognn sin sistemata .iniriin Vittl. Mm cenemlmpnto n' con- dagli europci. Noi sappiamo che il siderato il piu' fortu uonio di stato che I popolo ainericauo, francese cd inglesc ' Central Branch, 1421 Arch St. abbia l'ltnlia. Ciu' nouostnute egli e' I souo con noi in questa fncceuda " 1 Employment This is a complete course in Em ployment Methods to train men and women for Employment nnd Welfare Work and to enable present Employ ment Malingers to review the most modern methods of conducting an Employment Department. The Instructor is Mr. Dale Wolf, Employment Manager for Miller Lock Company. Other experts will speak on special subjects. Class starts Friday, October 3. Call or write for booklet. . A Pamphlet You Should Have Whether You Are Rich or Poor "The First Step In Making Your Will" TT will help you get started on that most important Nduty to your family making your will. We cordially invite you to write, call or telephone for a copy. , . The time to make your . will is NOW while you are in good health COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY City Hall Square, Broad and Fifteenth Streets Member Federal Reserve System The Bank with the Bridge to Broad Street Station "OUCH ! THAT OLD RHEUMATISM!" Just Get Out That Bottle of Sloan's Liniment and "Knock It Galley. West" EREN'T prepared for that leiirrii.i wi.,1. tttebbnt prepared lor tnat 1 ni ed States reject the A ( k switch in temperature, in. two treaties nf nlli- V T ... .? t v ' oiff rai.r-e nnd Creat Urftaiu , crcr a- hi Y ,' Lea;tie and Alliance Separate Premier Cleinencpau said "Should the leacue of nations 1...4 r"-n .i v.nn... n.T n. i-itmi tnt,. n-.,ct sore, full of rheumatic twinp;es7 JCevertlieless, it as precisely because You should have had a bottle of we felt that the league of nations was Sloan's Liniment handy that would an insufficient guarantee for some years i have soon cased up 'the muscles, to come that these treaties were drawn quicted the jumpy, painful, affected up. The league of nations for tbc j.rt penetrated without rubbing, present lias nothing to do with the i ' tif ; j; f Vrnnco - British - American treaties, ; Drinking kr-"iyb inm. which constitute Mitncient guarantees' Helpful in all attacks of lumbago, for France." I sciatica, external soreness, stiffness. Uet a bottle 70c, $1.40. 31. Clemencenti added that the league stra ns aches, sprains. ( jf nations Mould not take up the re- . ' .),.,,,;:', ;. sponsibilities and guarantees entered ,f our "rucclst s' ,J c" into bv the treaties unless it was de cided to do so by n two-thirds majority when the league was completely organ ized and operating. . "If J ou are seeking to adjourn the' debate until America ratiliis tho treaty ' he said, "von mm do so. but von sha11 dn so withon- v : 1 Good news for economical Mothers! 1 I TT OTHERS ! Here's a suit that gives your i I J.VX boy the up-standing style you want him H I to have. Yet it gives your pocketbook the relief al " it needs. Our Triple Service Suit. El ? Rough and tumble, wrestle and roll! Let your f. boy go to it I His Triple Service Suit comes up H smiling and wears and wears and wears. H s Thanks to extra sewn pockets, reinforced, wear- M proof seat and knee and interlocking seams. And I I every Triple Service Suit is sold under a binding M guarantee of "Satisfaction or the purchase price jj refunded." H r suit I V M "For sale in Philadelphia at 1 f; I Straivbridge & Clothier's I f ."3 ) ..,. e , . r, BkiK.fJ ':' "" A "' ii i 'itfiMAriiiiniiiiirib'r1 Si fl l n Iffirfiflti Art in- "i" n rr-irnn i n tmm mm i ensive To Buy Motor Trucks y the Ton Look at the Use of a Motor Truck front the Transportation Angle and the Economy of Packard Efficiency is Apparent v i nrRENGTH is not necessarily a matter of weight in motor trucks or anything else. For example there are two ways of making a steel rod strong. One way is by making it bulky the other is by scientific heat treatment a stronger rod from one-half to one-quarter the size and weight. ' Motor truck transportation must move goods at the lowest cost you must be able to figure on the costs beforehand and depend upon their cor rectness afterward or there is no science to it. Motor truck transportation as a science must start with an efficient motor truck. To get to the transportation value of a motor truck, you must dig under the pretty paint which covers it. Just because a truck looks like a brute built up with tons of extra metal is no sign it can go the distance or do the work. Motor trucks built to sell by the ton wear them selves out under, their own weight. They consume nearly as much gasoline and oil without a load as an efficient truck uses when loaded. They are more expensive to maintain as they grow older, because poor workmanship and un even quality in material show up to a greater de gree the longer a truck is in use. Packard trucks are built for transportation efficiency. Where weight is needed for strength, we use weight but where it is not needed, no expense is spared in replacing it with whatever science has to offer. For example,Packard represents the highest heat treating achievement as applied to commercial vehicles. Parts of a Packard truck, heat-treated, show from, 35,000 to 62,000 pounds per square inch more strength than the aVerage of other makes. Packard quality begins to show from the start off. It shows more and more as the mileage in creases. It outlasts the paint by years. There are a. hundred thousand economical miles built into every Packard. Many Packard trucks have run twice that. Packard efficiency counts in the science of transportation. Your business man wants, not only low costs, but dependable costs. Both these, the use of the Packard truck in sure him. To business men who have not yet begun to place trucking on a scientific cost-keeping basis, we offer the services of the Packard Freight Transportation Department. , You need not be a Packard owner to avail yourself of our aidv Packard Service in this re spect is without charge and truck owners, may use it without feeling under obligation "Ask the Man Who Owns Qne"' u Packard Motor Car Company of Philadelphia 319 North Broad Street ,v BRANCHES Bethlehem, Camden, liarrisburg, Lancaster, Reading, Trenton, Villiamsport, Wilmington '"fr -I - '. 4 s. .A..- tew ' .; Q i a xv,. tr i Ot. c 0 u. G O n .-fl &2