Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 25, 1919, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Scandal, Affecting Fedora!
Agent, Causes Further
Hitch at Trial
Another scandal caused a liitili in the
trial of liquor cases In the Tnited
States I)itrirt court today. This time
John A. Foley. '-'Mi: N'oith Tvxcntj
sixth sticet. au agent of tin' Depail
ment of Justice, wax an used by "wen
,,,, . , . nnlltiunl From I'njte One
McGrath, a salunu keeper ul Ihiitv- ,.,.,. i ,.,,,
' , , hum'. Median piijIiM I nwiil.i i niiiiiii"
first and Spring (.arden stiects. or jl L ,, Hulmex, oiKlity . Kuenrl. nine
ferine to ' fix" judge and jury for S'J.'ll. 1 1, .s,,,,.tl, M. Ciiitghuu. slxtv --le
afier McGrath and his bartciulei . Janic S. I. nculei lilit nine. SlienfT. Lumber
Tasnon had been ancle .I.n. .," n y Wn "V j1'1' "" .
ol l . I uiuphcll ciglitv-sx. Ixlllgllt wo
of selling liquor In violation of the i)(j (.(i ( (-,Hlll (-miiiliighnni
war time prohibition ait
ii i... i. ...... ...i i in '
I Ul( T IIUJ Ul Til -lllltilivit"t v "('I' " '
lieWtlu I..t...l ',, llu. at.-. i1""1"- '"."'".V"1 '" ,,,,V,T1lu.,.r,V.".
niiH-ii.in'i - nihil'. n to I he ninnm-i in
noon, when he will tell hi- M.le of ' ' i,i, (, l,,,tx .lie ineiplid for In judge
story , n.' i In lion
MiUiath lestihcil thai In- wn- -n I. HJ le explained Hull the ballots wen
nt his home. lull:'. Ruing sti.el. when iii sealed package, wlii.h wax not
Department of Justiie Annus Tu i. ! handed 1,. the ele.tion judg- until he
SnrnffilP nnd Pnlcv rallied Ills sllloi.ll lllul -Iglie.l " teicipt for the number
on aukuxi ji' iiieiiiiiii;'' "K.n- "
as-Mlli'l nun
was accordiiiRlv dixnii-s.,1 II. '
then called as a witness m Hie .- f
hl baitende, Tnsn..i, l... is In-
brother ... law The e.eoi- I....I i.-i
tied that Tasunu sold then. wh.k
McGrath tated lhai on Hie moi.iuiu
of Auctist 0 the .hn after III- raid.
he wax at his home when K..I. .ailed
T.'nl.v ofle.- .. little tl.lk. toll inc. .
ssid Mctirath. 'that he .mild -eltli-
the ca-e if T would mine i lean with
'230. 1 axked him how tlut could be
done He teplicil that he ...iilil 'eel'
the jiidit and .iave the j.irj 'picked
Just till'. m little gill lioliied Illlll
some one whs tailing and K..I. hastened
HWHT lie did nol leturn
-Mis MtCiratli. who -aid ih.ii -In-had
listened to Ir'olej - i.ilk suppoiicd
her husband s te-timom
It wax tin n that T lleun Wuluin.
assistant I nited State- attoiui- in
charse of the iirosecution of the wln-k.
cases, decidul to re. nil t'ole) lo tin
witness stand l'olev hud ulieiuh le
tified that he hud -een wln-k -old m
.McGrath - pla. c.
AVilliam A ra. iiiimiit lor I In-
defense objected lo the rei ailing of
Foley b the pio-ei ution. bin .ludg.
Dlckin-on oiei ruled lii- ohjYi tnni
"Wc wain all llie ligm pos-ibli- in
this mattei." -aid Judge I i Um-nn
Five mole -aloonke.-peis will be 1. 1
rested today for alleged minium- of ih. '
wartime prohibition in t .
Warrants for then nir.-i wen- -wmnl
opt at the Federal biiililiug lasi night
Of the saloonkeepeis alieaih tried. I
three have been di-.haigtd. lb Int.-i
discharge being paitly due lo Hie lie i
partinent of .lustiie agent-' iimji in '
naming the Imation
if the -nlomi uuilei ,
-- "
47 Per Cent of Seattle Hotels Owned
by Mongolians
i Washington. Sept. J.'i i Hi A. 1"
-The Pacific mast is hemming a .lap
ancse colony. Miller Kie.niun. of Se
sttle, told the House immigration mn
mittee today
Business in Seattle i- being nbml.cil
b ythem with the financial .ippon ol
their government, he asserted I'orlv
n .... .A. ..r .i. i?,.....!..
J. .... .
, . ri ih i ..'ii, in inr .-...iilil- iiiii,", .ill"
lapane-e ovvneis. lie nilileil. as an- . ,
. .
T,AnnAnrAt,l,nmA.A.i... .... .!..... ........ II.. I
ftri . ,11 .11,- ln,-lll' Illlll .11 111. Ill lit. 1 I
.11 - .S v.-.. 1 1 u.. I
nil vii inr urL iii.iii.ii ii.uu .i.-i.i , i- ,
.nl. Th. S..IH. i ,.L., .........
. -i kis.uvt.il, v-iLj iiiuiin 13 linn' i
Japanese ontrol. laundries -.ne hemg
rapidly absorbed, and "movie rln.ui.-s
are being bought. Mr Kieeman .inl
' That is not all." he added lit
it is typical of condition in nil Im.. ,.f
Distinguished Delegation Leaves
This Evening for Washington
liovernor Sproul. Mavor Smith and
a group of prominent men and women
are going to Washington tndav to es
cort Cardinal Mercier to this eitv lo
The special (Oinmitiee will leove
Jlroad street station nt .VI." p in. on
the special car "Federal" and air due
, .;. ., ,. ., , . . .. . . ,
toarrixe al the capital 111 VII o.lock
The committee in.ludes .lohn ana
inaner, namuei .11 vnuiiaiu. vir. 11 nu;
Mrs. Ilayard Henr;. . Mrs. .1 Willis
Martin, Judge Monnghnn and Mou-ig-nor
M J Crne. vicai general oT the
The cardinal and the .oniiiulle. of
escort are scheduled fo have Washing
ton at 0 o'clock tomorrow morning,
arriving at North Philadelphia station
at 12:07 p ra
Returns, Almost Complete, Show'
Democrats Favored Edwards
Mt. Holly, N. .1., Sept. '27, -Hurling ,
ton county returns, almost (omplete
give Ilunjon .1217; nugbec 2!l.Yf , i:d
wards 1075; Nugent hli. roi Itepubli 1
can senatorial nomination former Sen
atpr White wins over Samuel A. Ai ,
kinson by S.TI. For Uepiiblicnn county,
clerk nomination William II Heeves
wins over county clerk Miugin b II. "7 '
Tor freeholders the Republicans nomiu
aid Churles R. Stout. (Jeorge V
Rogers, Kdward T Haines, Fred l.ip
pincott and C.rorge S. Maxwell
uemocratic returns iiiuuiairu inns tar 1
Indicate James Mercer Davis wins over
Richard P. Hughes for state onimltlce
by 41. Kxcept in the lose of White,
the fight was waged against leadership
of public utility commissioner Knight,
noncommittal on Mayoralty Until
He Knowa "Who's Who"
teglster of Wills James Rt Sbee-
la, who was along the political nalto
fday for the first time in several weeks
weCJincd to commit nimseii on ine mnv
liralty question.
' '"Are you going to follow the exam-
"lile of Mnrlin and l.anc und indorse
i&oQirt" he was asicd.
"I cannot declare for anybody until
Xftti know who's who," he replied. "1
'Wa't know who has been uouiiiiated
1 5J ja JL cannot declare."
Ml'. Stieehan recent 1 undrrweut an
jsrtii at St. .Mary's Hofxiltal.
What's in the Yellow Bag?
Is Query at Vote Count
A Vnro iittorne this afternoon
brought n shining little vrllnvv bug
intii the primary rrttirn court nt
I'll Hull.
Me deposited It caircfulh nil t lie
tabic reserved for Organisation loun
sel The crowd in the ciiurrouin-staied.
Whnt wax in the bag?
Tlie question lins not jet been nu
swered. Wiseacres uij il will 1"'
when the ( IrgunUation's attorn.')
draw forth 11 sheaf of petitions lo
open ballot -boxes.
Election Contest
by Vares, Report
-., u nt v -font . vVni-on -ixtv-twi
.link-, Audi in led iiucslloned
"1 I'nil'H- uiioiii'ii 111111
Hi" indues lom.sl 111 Un liiiign i.vei 1
tlii' i"8 "' I-1" aiiai.Keiu.-nl. mil ;
Jink- ude....e.l , led on. Hint I..- !" I' " '" "" "" xinii.inrii.i . ai
.. "l ''" '' '"" i,,l."!nl "f '"Ik""" A'"1' ""' ' ",n,'1"
. oi,,u.,-,,.. ,.. ...,ti..n orti.u.l- had I ibIi mi, - i.g.i.t, ... -.e the b.-hop.
l.eei, n.,. e.l n. ,. poll at Hi- leluin . mil I Me wa- 11..1 a bi-h... in the old das
' ai - a dm 01 mm.- fimn their) when I Knew him. lull I ve no do.ibl
Iwoik he", the -am.' Ithiii.-liindei '
'III. Illlll.'. of III.- -I , 111 llm-loll Ol 1 11"
'I'liii lecuth ward was . Iiarned 'illi
ballot- Uv Hi" .ountv . mniiii imieix. up
unto.. s-nne.s. lie
testified thai he had r
'i eiveil olll loll
i'o (ui i:iii iimi onhei-
Tli" Mighln nlli wind will -cti.l in
'-ixleen of il- .1. .Hon hoards to ex i
'plain win the did nol letuin all lln-n .
illlll-ed ballot- 'I'heie Hie but IweliH
eight divisions in llie wind I
I The enilj pimeednm- loihn 111 Hie
io. ml wen- lathei dull ul the
! i ourl Tin' mill diM'isimi fi
leturn i
n ,1,,,
i iii'Miutm.oti- lending mid i he. king of
oti- wn- a brief lilt betnten n .h'lk
uf the .mini and f It-111 I'ailej. icpie-
'-ellllllg llie lteillblli .III 1 1 lollllnltlee.
i The low iiiiiI -opiiriln liu. of the tulh
was iiidi-U broken into b nu alien j
lion whi-h gi i w Imidei nud mm. loud.
until il -toppci Hie .mini, mid .lii.ig..
iuleiii ieil taiih .-ll.-d "Whin- il.e
lllllllel lliel .' '"
sen. I foi Kiel (ion Itoaids
. . l'.'i.le.v explained Hint he wanted
-nine info! minimi fimn one of the le
loin -In.'!- vvhnh the .Ink lel'll-e.l lo
give lino Hie i le. k iepne.1 tnni rai
lev va intei fering with hi- vv.nl,.
'Hive him the infm mutioii." mdeied
.luilge Audeniiid The-e m-e p.iblir
din timentx
Karlier in Hi' pun ediug-. Tat'lej.
I,-BI nniioiiu. ed mi behalf
e r. : ... 1 .
1 - 'iRuuifi,
lion K.iiii-cl. Ihni the Unit Iwo nil 1 -lion-
tor opening ballot boxes vvhiih
llie judge I ejected .-tei da nil lit In-pusi-nt.-l
..in e again.
ltv noon llie jinlge- luul go' thimigh
the 1 mint nt the first -eventeen wards,
exiept for some tiflren divisions wheie
lilt v
rote .email. in dispute or boni.s
v tu nripotil llifn un' -i-!J I
divisions iu the seventeen vviir.N.
r.li.'t.on lioaul- l I he foinlh and
-evenlh ilivUimis of llie Serenli i-nth
ward were hi nl for I.mI.iv In .ouuliiig
Ihe -e, mill divisimi of llu-- -nine waul
II.. ..Itieinl l:lll -liow.,1 1)1:11 Me. him.
1 tu .....Ul lelll l .'Illlll, till I- till ttiiilllp. nt
.....I, .I.,,.. , lo . ..,
, , , , , . , , . .
... ,... nni lii.pn itwllted will htn i ol
- ' ...... .. ,.
l'" main
I li.-
poll, e t.lllv
ii candidal!- f,o
Knishl. oiganii
I, l . luul n li nuenilKil exees ul toil
Reorganization Proposal Put Before
Secretary Baker
Wn-liiualmi. Si pi 'J.1. n , i . i
l.nl im reoigamiilion ol Ihe regular
iiiinv on Ihe basis ol a skeleton aimv
, mp. in
nil uiiliuiy depnitmiiit. with
tin ilepaitmenl imninandei al-o amngi
n (ointmindei of the imp, has been!
. . .... r. 1 i '
laid before Senetaiy Haker and ficn-
rial March. I.ief of staff
Officer- who evolved the sehenie av
11 would provide a
iiiolnli.ation of -ix
mean- for lapid
nim.v .orp- m of
,",n. 1 ,ns"",r "' ''"' T "nP '"
I ( 111 led In the event of war. icserves
(,ranll fu,n t)lo ,,;,,., Iriljn, kvs
,m OM, i,e called o it t till the units
lighting strength
N'evv Yoili. Sept. 2.". Major t.en
fial John P. O'Hyan. 111 pieenting a
pioject for cmnpulsorv miiunrv train
ing in the scheme of national defen-e
at a meeting last night of the New York
.-,......... ,.l !. I , :... ..r
, ill. i.e. hi un- .,i. i-i 1,-111. .10, lllllllll .... , , I, .
!....; t, .. . .1... ,,..... I 11 -esion for two lull il.i.v
i.iifciiiii'i. .imhim iiiiu.i'i .lie i,u i.e.". ,
urni bill I nouiieeil its demimi
Ceneral (I'Ttian aul the hill was
b.i-ed mi elii.sh motives, wns full of' J. W. Johnson
"jokers ' and was opposed bv "sane ,;,nca-lcr. I'.i.. Sept. 2.1.
n ii,-iiniiii ij,uieis, vvim uuve no1 , , f
1 1 ... .:. .... i.Iohnsnli. for
.ii in 1 1111-111 111 iiiuiti .1. 1 orii.i-eiiou l.ie.e-
The pn.poal snbmiiieil bv (ieueral
I!i f .il' n t lirtvn.iixnnlli nan nil '
of inlensive rlemeninn training foi
Imivs of nineteen divided into three
aelive pe. ....Is lo conform, he said, lo
the 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 r 1 n I needs of the nation.
Figures So Far Show County Gave
Him 1292; Runyon 919
Itrldgrlon, N. .1.. Sept. 2r..--I'iguies
-n fin as leceived show that Cuinbei
land (ouiil.v Republicans gave Rugbee
1202 voles. Itun.vou 01!) and tlii.vmond
;, 170. The r'turns from l.nndis inwn.
ship. Howne township and one precinct
i , '.. . . ... -,-l -,,
of melan.l arc not .vet in These will
j increase the present apparent plurality
of ;17! for Hugbee to ."00 or more, as
' is,Kno."n ,1,at h,V",p iu lJknAl" nml
lineland xv us very large.
deorge . iletchtier. one tune county
clerk, was nominated for cit.v treasurer
here, also probabl count cleik by the
To Take Movies of Lion Hunts
New York, Sept. 2.1. (11 A. P. I--Afiicnn
tribes iu the jungles into which
Theodore Roosevelt pepetrated nu his
big guuie hunts will be filmed with the
still und motion picture cameras by
a party which sailed on the steamship
Cretie yesterday, under the auspices of
the Knights of Columbus. Native html
ing lions, tigers and leopards will be
caught by the "movie mun" and brought
back fur scientific aud educational cjc-
Francis Dessain Arranges De-'in
, num.. 1
Tans or uaramai s visit ana
Meets Old Friend
1'iamix llesxnln. one of I 'nidi mil
Meniers -ecretaries, kliouli as the
"pi inter of Alnllnex" becaus.e he pub-
lisheil the Itelslnn iirlmute'x f union-
,....i...ni 1..11,,, n-,l,o,l ;,, ii,ll.,.l.l,.ll!ni
tnihi lo anaiiKo -nine i.r the details,1 "'" ""'"" ,"p "1 "linph-liilluled,
of the .nnllniil-s ilxll. IlianiM-Ko-liickj .hap-, eauily led into
lie iiinfeiieil villi Ai . hbi-hop I 'l"" l""1,',' Take ('oniinixxI,1(.r H,ry
. , , ., ' Kueuzel. He has been atound the com-
DoiiKherl and icnewed an old a.-,... . ,. fi, ....,
who nx
with Itishop Itliiiieluniler,
1 In iiiati' of liet-aln ul Ox-
J ' It 1. 1111I1 eil 11 pi'iiuii' In 1 oiiie to
i this wiiilil heialded cit of llie gonil
' I'iiiI'mI Sillies." xiiid the pi inter of Ma-1
line, nlm -iiealix exfeilenl ljr'li"li. lie
I i- 11 i' 11 11 1 mini, willi d.iik. "iiil Hf" 1
I lie 01e 11 light -nit I
t ' Il is an honor I un ( u cit
1 where the hixi icnl mi sagc of national
liberu sniiiiileil lo iii-piie hope 111 the
, .. ,.,,., ,, .. ., 1
" ".. " -.. ;
- """'" '" ' "' " ' ""'i',
'" I ', lull IIM'l ' lie Ml-llop u I . 1 .u
in tin I Inn
li lloii-e. Twellih and Wal-
mo -ii.-i-i-
-,.....- ,
I'll, meeting wu- a quiet one. Mr.
lie inn wn- it-beied nilo the bishop'
piivale otliie. For a moment the-two
old tin ml- gazed a I em li other with
-nine -el loiis deliheiatimi Then beam
ing -mill- -pi end over their fin ex. nud
tin v iii-beil towaiil ea. li oilier.
Tlu . h.spe.l both hand- Thcv said
imlhiiig 'I'll- iii-hop put hi- build on
"" P'lui, i - -i.oiiiiiei
' .- wele -ludelll- ir.g.lher ill Ox
fm.l tin lline veais. he i-aul. anil we
mi et imam niter Iwinl.v-two jimih of
-cpaiatinii. W liave had varied i-x-peiien.e-
nnil now wi ale belter l'ricnd
tlimi evei wi- weic We nre -lill loval
lo Hie -nine ideal-."
Thfv -poke for live minute- in the
.pint of the olhee. and then Mr. IV
it i ii leu
A- In- -l.iil.d for llie I'lnm-h Home
I'm- In- .ill on the bishop a nevvspnpei
phoi.igii.pher luul him -tiiml a iniuneui
while two input "-imp-" weic taken
Mi lie :iin lauglnd "I think I
I'll, ul Hie Heilllllll guns wilb II grenl
ileal in, lie m-e Hum I In," Hit- cam,'. a
he -..ml
lie laughed again .1 iiiiiiule lali-i 11
he -aw a ili-plav ol ..ipluied Cerinau
liophies dnil:ived bv the Independence
Mall Hiixiliarv of the Ameii. 1111 lied
Coiispicu.iii- 111 llie exhibit vvas a
spiked (iermuii helim I similur lo thou
sands he had seen worn in the stieets
' of Muliiu-s bv Von Iti-Mug'- -oldier-.
Cm ii.n-.ly ugh. a- he tinned from
, Che-tuul -In el into Twelfth be was
icmiiuli'.l -Iniipl.v ol hi- native land, not
by a th.g of llelgiil,,.. but bv ,V"""f lW
siicct. i
"Itelmiii. Iilmk-. he 1 miiun'iit
waving a hand towaiil the uiadwa.v.
lie will be 11 dinner gin -t of Di . (J
Oram Itmg. pie-ideul of the l'liilu.lel
pliiu Mi-ill-11I So.-ielv. tonight al ih
' I 111, ,11 I.'IILMI-
Mi Il.s-.llli 1- one ol II lllllllll ol
.,,, k it,, .mil hi- iwo bioilni
. I I llllel s lie Illlll III iwo luiuu'i
have a puniiiig plant nl
'wheie thev do nil the worl
f-ii I In
Cathulii Cbiinh in Pelgiuni
The P.elgian priulei' explained lo.l.iv
how Cardinal Men-ier's pint, mil bliei
of Christina. l'.lH, got pai Un- ii-i
man who Hied lo supple il Two
Itliode- ili..lar. P.. II. llu, mnli nnd
O (' Cnimiehael. nf Alahainii. who
wen- .llt.lilliil lo Ihe Cimilliil.ill t oi-
.. ..,:. ... n.i i.,..L . I... bun.,, m. ..
'""" '" ""- "'""'."' ...
line ii.ii.ici niiu ...,...,. ..-- -
..1 1-1 .. Il.illll.ll 111.1 111 II Ol Ol
r in t ie cnrilllUl - nroilier ill l.oil
, ,,' p.,,... n,,,!.. the lelln wa pub
i,.),,.,! ,, ri(i ilo
Shortlv fS1. Mr. De-.nii wn .11-
' ..
..este.l fm nrinting the hltei
lie wu-
j ja thne ih.-.
r'" ",lm" "
Atlantic City Wins Next Convention
by One Vote Over Chicago
Mlantir Fit. Sept 'J.".. Atlantic
won the next (omentum uf the Master
Car Iluil'lcr-' A-( iation and unaffil
iated mgnni.ation- bv ju-t one -ingle
vote over Chicago. The 1 onvention will
be held from June !i to 1.1.
A .onimittee heie .11 Travmoie Hotel
todnv an
I V.
v rnr- a niemln r 01
.1.1 1
j (he I.an.a-fei bur nnil 'who -erved
! "iiinl v -oli.-itoi und di-liiit nltorii
wa- due lo iinrnlv-'n
. .....vt.i,. . nu ,ii.i i in ui'iii'iiii ii" iiiiii
' A r, ornj7ir nJTOKTrMMnn
rsiLslrlU oiiiiiJii iuiDivxjiivi
(ioiin-M enter I'eiul Stampede Dove of Peace and
Stormy Hearing at iSirclown Police Station
Il ioils r-1 to -all a "lad" a nah
woman. The rice wa- sel to.ln.v by
Magistrate Price during n some
what stnrnn healing at Ihe Twenfj
seennd stieet nnd Hunting Rirk nveniie
police Station.
A near lislfigbl b.v Iwo women in-
inked iii the proceeding nnd preveu -
tion of hostilities b.v uulel. action f
ineir iiaiigu.eis nvn- ..,......., n.,.. -
l in- n mill ii iii ' v-i i imr,
Ilricluet inln and Mr. Ilnsr WtTucr.
of Seventeenth nud Pacific streets. Out
of the ma.e nf charges, tounter-charges
and threats It wns gathered that Mrs.
flavin was charged with using abusive
language b.v Mr. Werner. The plain
tiff declared that Mr, tiuvm was far
Jfrom being peaceful, despite the fart
that she lived on Pacific street. In fact,
she nrserled with much detail thnt Mrs.
(lavin xyus inelin"d to be i evolutionary
and hostile.
Whereupon Mrs. Uavlp exclaimed
Vares Gain Naught
I in Delay Move
oiillniirxl from I'asr One
k to the law offices of Mr. Scott.
mctiincs described as the storm petrel
(of the Varc organlallou and Roilfather
political trouble to Senator vre
I himself.
W. r. Connor s 0ni of Mr. Siott'x
law partnerx. He U nlvo Killeitor nud
legal ndvixer lo the board of county
coinmixslonerx. Whatever atlUeo the
cmnmisxioiierx leeched coneerning thej
new election Invvs tbe leccixed fioni!
,, ,. ,. .. I
'"f-t-onnor. The citv pax Mr. ( onnor I
,.... ...
10 IllftiSO tlio I'nmtiiLL .mine '
No -" In 20 Yeats
U1U """"' coiint mxxioneis. as
jears. and it ix hi- undisputed dr.im
tliaf In nil thee car- he has neer
lunik' 11 mistake hi loniieclion uitli
eleetion miittri-
If the coniiiu iiiiieis -llpjied a 1 ok or
-tripped 11 lew gears this time, anil il
looks as il" thej had. it was on the
iiihite of Mi. Siolt's law piirtnei. V.
T. ('minor, their miIii itor.
"If thele has been all) en or il has
been the fault of Mr. Connor." said
Comini-xiouer Kueii.el with a smile.
1 wax i nii irilip about the geneinl re
tllin -heels ropined under the new elec
tion law ami wlinh me -aid lo he
mwue T.-n Beneial leturn sheets
llie Ivv.i of them xupidie.l to
eiieli 1 I", 1 1, hi boai.l inilst .olitain the
1 inline- .if nil 1 miilidatei of all p-uiic-
with Hie ininiher of vote- asl Im eai h
luiididate line of (he-e ix po-tid on
the dooi ,,l the polling place, the other
ix ilelivend io the niiiity inmiui--sionei
"1)1,1 v,m i-siie Hie geueinl n-tiiin
sin it-. .1- 11-ipiiicil b tlje new law'-"
I 11-kid Conimi inner Kueuzel.
' Ccrtaml.v we did," he replied.
"I mean the one big -licet containing
the iiiinies of nil tlie i andidates of each
pnitv and tin- vote in-l for eai h mie'-"
I iiiniinued
"No wc did not issue them in one lug
hct I Then- vvau'l u piinting (ire-s in
I'hilidelphin thai could piiut one of
that Me." was the nnsvver.
liiii vou -ay jou issued them'-
One fur Kach Tarty
'So wc did. Km li one tontniiied in
-11111 tionx nboiil the ballot-, vvilh blank
-pine- lo repot I Hie uninber of ballots
I. Iiveie.l to e.l. h election divi-uui, the
iiiinilier that weic used fur voting, th
iiuiubei p oiled ami the nuiiibei lehn ned. I
v vv uimi t pi tut them in .me bigllatois llaiik cxntniuers. iiuuer "
-lie. i we iueii one lor each p, , liln.il
pinlv. Itcpuhlieiin, llemoi-ial. So, ialni
... 1 I. .1.1,.!. I ..1
.inn . . ooiu. nun tnni one lor llie noli
pail ian vole. Thcie were two of mil
pnilv ilelivend lo erj boaiil in Hi,
I il v.
"oii i mil, In I mint the hli' sl.. i
...i -a Uimi bn-nme of Ihe -imilljlo he inve-tignted -is that ljuiiuing aniitiie opening oi a iiiree-uny conieieuce.
one-- the gcueial retiini -heels lliul Iikiii -e.retarie- have accepted fees or I The . oiifeience was called for formu
weie ni.ub- mil for eai li partv V" coiiuni ions foi "-winging" funds to ,(,. puUcics to govern the intei-ehiirth
One .-t of them when tilled ill b.v I H1",V.'."'ulAV's'' , ,,,, xVelfnie Commis. ! m',"'""'"t' wlli''1' nim" nt '"-"rdiuat inB
Un- hIc lion board was .,,. hen- f ,h, s, ." ;.tr,.,e,d,,,l,1 "take up the ..uestion '';" "? nn.lmatcr.al o( 'all evan
nuiiity coinmi-ionei' oflii and the , ,. ,, Lii.,.. imr iu l'hilailelpliin in 'gelicnl Piotestnnt bodies of the I nited
otliei set of live were po-ted nt the
polling place-, I suppose," .Mr. Ivuen.l
, unturned. "Two member- of inn- IiomiI,
mself nnil .Mi. Holmes, un- candidate
Im re-election and iiudei the law m
nie not peimitted to . mint our own
....... ..p t
., aK M., , the jU(B,.s ,,,
.i i ...:.!
i -
As to tlie innuilit to tin. I ,i nu,tiig
pie- in Philadelphia large enough to
I j i jut the one big general clntion -heel.
I .'in i.n llm. mi..iit 1. if. tin. Cue
i... ..'...t i. ..:... i. . .,
-iieei is-iieu us a siiusniiin- omiei an-
vieeof Soli, itor Conner. tU ovail liiin,'
is .'id
li v .'!'l I'ractiial irintei
L ,,i. lii. (li. i- 111. !. .1 fi. nri.ut.iii. I., in I
w lieih. r then- arc presses t,
(oinnioilut.- sinii n sue form, m Mime i
.mangeini in or nilj'uslinent thai would I
do the job
kitttl1i'l"a1lLirif Dol't 1
,' ' ' ' V" .
WI..., 1 p,eeuted oimiiimie,-,
Ixuene - tate,nent to Mr. Smv.h 1
,-ni,e, know ingl and sad
, -Hint ,- true. 'I hit . w hai , ,e
.........' .!..!.!..i. .
MJ.iL,, i Ullllllliiniii' i c ...... . il ii uy
nuiieii iiiiii, ...ii... . ,
I --When the .ouut lommi-ionei
! . !J ..1 f.. .. .. I,!..!, I..T l-lrt.
vvneu ine 1 011111.1 imnuiis-ionei
mud. a- they ay. that they could nol
rint 1.1. ge sheet as required b.v law.
I foil
...., ,..c f i, ..nn,ll,ii'. ...i
Ult0s f all parties, with instrtu turn to
' k
t. elect on boan te ling them ,u,!,i'iii'"""""" - V 11 sJi, 1
.... ... i. ,i will, ti, m,..il,.ie,l The structure is now.xirt .ally finished.
left over ballots, why did they not pi ml
-...- - -'v - ---
'on each one of the election return nnd
tl,n, h0et full instructions about the
ballot': The printed thoin onl on the
-et of general election return sheet that
had lo be returned to their office?
"The (Oiut has been compelled, a n
ti..nlr of litis. In hnxe counts made of
all reitirned and mutilated ballot-
Theie ha been grent delay n a n.
-'I' '
" "
Launch Freighter Bensalem
Itri-tol. Pa.. Sent. 2.I. Ilarrinmn'-
seventeenth KfcOO-ton cargo carrier hu- (,erp bv guests at the wedding yester
heen given t.. the Delaware. The giant i, f 'Miss Marion (!. Cowles, daugh-
fieightcr "l'.en-alein
'CI. n unnoi- wits Mrs. Iticha.dsnn
wife of W. V.. Richardson, acting man , AUer the nuptini ceremony nan Dren
nger of the division of industrial iela , performed by the Rev. Father Thomas
lion-. On the launching stand were xinn ;n the Church of Our I.ady of
nfhcials of the Merchant Shipbuilding Merc.v, there was a reception nnd xved
Corporation. ' ding dinner lit the Cowles residence.
i The shoes were (ossed after young Mr.
with no attempt nt moderation H..H,
there was ro flock "of peace dove- Inn
ering above the abode of Mrs. Werner. I
Rl-ins tempers finally made ordinary I
adjectives useless, and the two women
niflied ut each other while Magi-trnlel
1 jirifp rnpped for ordir. Hut before tl., (,i(i Ilmbiit ,. ()f t,,.jr Krunj 0(jK,. officials
,couItl do injury in mortal combat tlicvlo 0,an more than the four cents au
W(,rc vepamiea ny incir .iU..Kn...s
It wu- during this cris thai Mrs.
, u prnpr I nilril ir niiMi
. noman, Thp accusation rperhrra(rd
thrnueh the station iiouse
Mrs. Ouvin's eyes blazed. She vvoj
about to send back a boiling reply vv hen
Judge Price remarked: "Mrs. Werner,
that will cost you $fi and cosls. '
The sudden financial punishment ap
peared to uppeasc thp wrath of Mrs,
(lavin. She smiled triiuuphanll
Although she was held in SIIOO bail
to Keep the peace, Mra. (invin still
xv ore the smile as ahe 'and her loyal
follower left the HWiqii nousc,
Attomoy General Schaffer and
City Realty Men Consider
New Lease
A utiivcisal leuse form, to be ndopted
by leal estate agents throughout Phil
adelphia as one menus of relieving tcn
nnts from rent profiteering, vvns dis
cussed today by Attorney (feucral Wil
liam I. SclinfTer and C. .1. Hepburn,
conn-el for the Philadelphia Ileal K-s-tnte
Hon id. a
Thl' vvenf into lonfeience in the
I'liiou J.eague 11 ( 1 o'clock.
The conference is the first definite
fruit ie-ulting from the trip to llnv
lisburg b lepre-entatives of the Vnilcd
Tenants' I'mtcctive Association, at '
which 1 im. they laid before the nltor- ,
ncy geneial the basis of then gouging
chin ge- a tul 1 hinge- of criminal con
nivance again-t .eituin building ami
loan societies. 1
After the attorney general examined
the evidence nud henid the tenants'
side of (lie ruse, be agreed to act ns
inleim. diai.v in negotiating for them
vvilh leal cslRle biokers. The Phila
delphia Ileal K-tulc Iloaiil vva-vjooked
upon a- the logical lender of brokers
in this ut.v, and Mr. .Schaffer requested
their attorney to confer with him.
To Discuss Case
The piesent lensc embodies two pro
visions that representatives of the Ten
ants' Protective Association regard as
hai inful to the interests of the tennnt.
One of these is the time limit. Most
tenants in Philadelphia now hold their
nouses on monthly lenses. Huch lenses
it ix (ontended, give to tin
landlord 1
me ngnt 10 increa-e tlie rent or order 1
the tenant to vacate at an time
e. The
other objectionable provision is that
which gives to the lnudlord the light
to ejeit a family through an appeal to
in miigi-U'Me. 'Iliese features will be
! ili-cu nl in today's conference, which
prohabl.v will be convened in Mr. liep-liiuin'-
oflii e.
Fi-lier in Probe
I The next step ill tlie -late'-j
campaign again-t profiteers will be
1 nu examination into the alleged
pra.tiee- 01 certuin building anil loan
n-oi iations in leiulinir funds to -necu
i -inner .Inhn S. I'i-her. ale expected here ,
lat anv time to inve-tiguti- (barges of '
iiiiecuou oi muir nuusins; v ooimis
tni .liuiiiilcr iiginusi eleven uuiiuiug
' ru,1 loan associations whose names .
' wen- given to the . nmmisnioner Tiles-
, dux b.v meinher- of the I enants l'ro-
leilive Aoeiiltiou Auotlier ciinige
'- - . ' . . ' .
its meeting uext Tuesday. At that I
time Prank It. McClaiu, executive sec-.
leturv of the commission, will be as
signed lo begin ii publicity campaign
. ..i .. 1 ...... niom. '
profited s,"
in w nun fonscieiiciiiss
rv ill be exposed.
... . . A1j e.
Noted Tenor Will Sing to Aid &t
Vlncent's Home
.lolm MtCormucK. tlie noien niu
reii.ii . will give
a song recital in tlie
-- - ii ,. .,,-u ovpnin
'tlT '' ., vL . ir
'Iltr llie l.eneill in ,i. ...,.. . ;--
temporarily quaileieil at i oiui
Pleu-anl. N. .1.
I'lie singer hu tie. land that he xx ill
nnept no mono for hi effoit-, all the
moeeeding- going to the fund for the
pi oct
Th(, 101,,t , laugemcnt- are m
,h fe - Hey. lather M Nrib-
Cathedral, and his Wloir co , mitt
niembcrs-.Tohi. . ( ombei Jani" I.
i lier.Oll, UUIUMI w..v.m. ..".. ..w..
IU .".....
i,:..i, i,n ...o.
- - ".'... i,B risn.l
cecils 0f ,he conce it ar e to 1 e raised
'- at Drexel H o n j a "act f thirty
ine in-iiiuiuii "- .'"
! three acres. Huililing operations began
I i" l'1'"- but ,,0,la.s ''a.s', of tllc "ar'
-t !...... inl li i iv 1 1 nrinoi. unrn mnnr.
' ,,.i ln.nrl Ih... .11 I... nnlvilll.
vv ueu coinpivn-.i iiii- ,i.i .... "......
modatioii for "00 girls. The home was
at Twentieth and Hare streets until the
Paikwa.v operation neiessitnted ie
Deluge for Rocco Rich and Marlonj
g. Cowles
' All the old shoes in Philadelphia seem I
1 - ..a.... .n.lnw nt (l.n ...lllnilM I
JO lie IU U llOIll .wild., n. inv- i.t-.uvwv.
of Mr nmi jirs, Douglas Cowles, of
v.vrx Silver -treet. They were taken
. ter of Mr. nud Mrs. Cowles, to Rocco
Rich, of 1 112 South Juniper street.
'and Mrs. Rich xvhen they started ainy
l on their houe.vinoou trip lo Atlantic
Conventlon Will Consider Meano for
Obtaining Wage Increase
Clnrairn. Sent. 2.1.- -(Hy A. P.) -A
conxenlion of railway shopmen, called
,)y 1(1 nii,.aK district council of the
l.v.lornfe.l Railroad Shop Crafts, opened
today for the announced purpose of de-
)llng means for obtaining an increase
lu ,.'
sin... triers, secretary of the
ii .i.i ii,,. lnlepnies woulil discus
. i.1(.r,nfcn eranted railway nhopmen
j b President Wilson and
i.n declared -ji movement would be
larted to rrcall the grand lodge of-'
hON IlfUUvei sml friends, also members
of I'o. A. Third Jlut IVnita Volunteer of
HpaiilBli-Aiurlcsii War, anil employes of tlio
Corn Kxcliange National Bank, Invited to
nice. Mon,, a P. in., at h reiidrnca nf
l.la brolh'r. J. Edward Thomroon, JS3I1 i.
iiStli al In! Mount Jlorlati l'm.
.. Mnur nf XV P(.av XVrat Ilelativea ilud
frk.nl Invlttii lo tha aervleea, fat.. It n. m;-.
at II,. Oilier H. Hlr JJullJn. 1620 (.'beet, I
Will Map Out Preliminary Details of
Coming Campaign
Atlantic Clly, Sept. IK. -The Demo
cratic national committee will Mart im
portant executive conferences here
this afternoon nt the Hotel at.
Charles. Preliminary detnllx for the
Democratic campaign will be mapped
out. The sessions will be presided over
bv Homer 8. Cuminiiigs, chairman.
Others who arc expected here ure
(nrter fst., secretary of the treasury;
A. .tltchell Palmer, attorney general;
V. W. Marsh, treasurer of the com
mittee; W. D. Jnmlesoti. director of
finance; Senator A. A. .lones, K. (!.
Huffman, secretary of the committee;
.Inhn W. Coughlin. .T. Itriire Kremcr.
John T. Harnett. A. F. Mullen, Clark
Howell and W. II. llolllster, excoitve
tecrctary, nud Mrs. George IJaxs, chair
man of the women's section.
Board Orders Vessels Belonging
to German Standard Oil
Branch Allocated
New York, .Scut. tlo. Twelve American-owned
steamships, aggregating
70,000 deadweight tons and valued ut
more than .$10,000,000, (he property of
n ueriuun suusullury ol the Htanilnnl
Oil Company of New Jersey, have been
ordered from German ports to the Firth
of Foith for allocation among the allied
uu.i ussoe.aie.. powers leceiiuv ai wur 1
against (iennnii. This information
- , . '. 1
lias lieen leceiveil iiv oHicials or the
bv ofii
Staiulaid Oil Coiupaii heic from its
leprese.naines uuroa.i former service men on the officinl coln-
This order nf nllocafion. it was as- 1 inittee that will welcome Cardinal Met
serted. was made by the piesident of 1 cier to Philadelphia tomorrow. They
the allied naval armistice commission, ! feel that it would he highly appropriate
who. it is alleged, "arbitrarily" over-j for the conlniittce 'welcoming the
1 tiled the action of the allied commis- j "lighting cardinal" to include Amcri
sion al Itrussels la-t March in its rec- can fighting men.
ognition that the ships were American j Mr. Melvin sent Ibis letter to Mayor
piopert and not subject to seizure as Smith :
IJeiman shipping. ,.,,,,! "near sir This present week marks
The action has been protested by the I (1P itMK of a series of large and
Standard Oil Company, through he ,.n,iiuiastie inllies by the American
American State Department and the , L iol (.omlma f thp soldieis.
I nited States Shipping Board. ,?, nni, mriues who ..,.? vi.V,;
The el-sels in question were part of
the assets 01 tne Keuisciie-Amerrcnn-
i-che Petroleiini (.esell-chuft. and prior 1
to the war they new the tiermnu Hug.
-. . . . . e t -.,..
thev weic held in (iennan ports to in
vt 1111 1111- iicgiiiMiiiK ui im- r, 111 -wit.
vent possible seizure by (ircat lliitaiu
and her allies.
Fisher Says
Should Act In Labor Unrest
i'i,..elio.l Sent "."-' fHi v. I i
1 ievri.ii.ii. ,i. . i.v .v. i .
Protpstunt i lunches of America f.i
inimedinfe iie.ess.ty of intei vention iu
Anieiini'- indiistiinl nmest. The gen-
ml (ominillee of the Interchiiirh world
inovenient was told last night bv Kieil
II! l'isher. indu-tiinl investigator, at
.. , ...!... .... e
States nnil (.lunula,
Explosion in Dwelling Follows Re
ceipt of Threatening Letters
Itataxla, X. V.. S.pl. '',. (Hi A.
P. I The explosion of a bomb in the
;,lxxollinB of ('ail 'Pi i.nnr.l.i in this oity
rar today killed three persons and iu-
jureil tour. I lie (lean ale .Mr. aim .Mrs
j .ii.eili Uattagli and their two j ear- old
"" I. ... , ... ..
ji ine Illlllli'll Ml- I rimui . Ill sus
t ix i ncl a bioken hip nud injuries about
I the bend. Triniaiehi is u le-laiiraut
1 keeper. He n-cenllx ic.eive.l three
thie.-ilening letteis
James F Shean( Jr
, ,, ,.,,, ,,,, nool t ,,,,
s.teet. (iernmntown.
Saturday morning. Ue-
.quiem lllgll Ill.ISS will III- Slllll Ul IU
o cioci,
-..i,.i. ... s. vi,..v im,.i, i.
.1 ,11 1,. i x-m, ciwi,,,!
lVJSfS. - ..11-...W.. ... !
torment w ill be iu .New Cathedral ceme-
, nfty-u.
lmn ln (;,,rinlntow'n nm
nttended public - hools there. He was
an employe of a hosiery mill until twen-ty-e,ight
.xearb ngo when he accepted n
position in the I'nited States mint, He
is survived by bis widow: a hi other.
, ... . .... i , . 1
John Joseph Sheuii. and two sisteis, j
Mi"',f N"i" anil Kiln Shean.
J . E Caldwell fy (o.
Refusal to Convoy Invitation of
Soldiers to Cardinal Mercier
Incenses Veterans
Former service men Identified with
the American Legion resent Mn.vor
Smith's refusal to transmit their invi
tntion asking Cardinal Mercier to ap
pear for a few minute at their rally
in the Academy of Music tomorrow
I night.
"Xo. I will not ask the cardinal to
consider the matter," the Maor is
quoted as replying to the invitation,
which was sent through him as head qf
the official welcoming committee.
Frank W. Melvin, chairman of the
committee in charge of the rally, has
taken issue with the Mayor's alleged
curt refusal to pre-ent the invitation.
"A large percentage of the member
ship of the American Legion crossed
the seas and fought to drive the Ger
mans from Helginn soil," declared Mr.
Melvin. "And it is pnrtly due to their
efforts and sacrifices that Cardinal
Mercier was freed from virtunl im
prisonment uiul is uble today to be an ,
honored guest on American soil. Nnt-
iirally. wc feel (lint he himself should
iitl.nf l.ni. ct tirif lia sin it I1111I tlm flti.rt I
". (iruu 1 iivv in iuii huh lit nun
, ,,.,., American veteinns of Hie grenl
ai,.,,,!,... nf Hie Winn nln n..Hel
jtUT0. Smith for his'failure" to includ
possible in the recent great war. These
intiim will culminate In n vrint finni
rally in the Academy of Music on this
imJoi- .rmlnr nt wliS.li ii..,. ..
...... ........ ... ...jw, .iv,i
cuil Waller will pie-nle.
'After having been nroiieilv nntl.n. .
ized 1 preferred through hi honor.
Judge Mounghan. to you n the official I of tlie campaign of publicity education
bend of the Philadelphia leeeption com- vvhiih is to be conducted from the At
mittee, a lequest that Cardinal Meicier hmtic tothe Pncilic
be info, n.ed of this , ,-tei ny rally, and I ...,-,. ,)P,, lmssil)1(. lllwlil fm. ,.,.,.
I IL llilL II1V UIIIIM.11UI1 niiu Ul? IIIUI13 tll(l
I those of our commitree. that ou re-,
, . . .. (. i,.i rvi.i..
'meeting on 1'riday evening, even
'though hi- -lay could not be pro-
. f ,, ii,,,,, i:,. ,!....,.'
i louiii-n iv. .- -..- Hiiiiui,-.,
I nave .nisi receive.! irom jour
i.-.i ...! u............. ii... :.. :....
that oii would not-a-k the caiditial
ons iler lue matter.
"1 have fully in miud Ihe facts of the
cardinal's advanced jears and the strain
that the (lay s events will naturally de- -Priit-tUal" newspaper men mil are
maml of hi- vita it-.bill . 1 i.evcithcless , ,, ..Iliplv, tl. a,.,Ivp (1ir0etor
deplore, upon behalf of the veterans of I , ,. . , , .... t
tlTe world war iu Philadelphia, that vou "f Ul, "lovement to make militant
have een lit to return thi- abrupt 're- Pre-b.vterianism u prominent feature in
fusal to our courteous request and have ' the public e.xe through display udvertise
declined to consider giving his eminence incuts and paid "leaders."
the oppoituiiity lo make the decision, T,H ...utive ,ommision tnda de
""Inasmuch a-. Ili-t. no official or un- llip'1 ""-v '"'i-ntion to place an ob
official icpresentatlves of the Ameiieiin . stncles in the fiath of the projected
I.egiou have been requested lo serve on j league of churches in America,
the Mayor's leeeption committee: sec- The aim of the executive commission,
ond. a strong feellug exists among the. j, wnK amiimm.P(, i make the I'rc-
seryi -e ineii aim vvu.m-ii oi i... . uj 1.111
had it not been for their sacrifices the
cardinal might still be a prisoner in
Germany und your leeeption .in Impos
sibility: and. third, becalise tlie veterans
I feel that the cardinal himself would
xvish to extend a brief word of encour
agement aud uppruval to tho-e who
fought on hehnlf of Ilelgiuni for these
leasous I xvi-n to lniorni jou tnut tno
service men nnd women of Philadelphia.
rc-ent your short -sighted iiction and
hereby voice this dignified protest
against a decision of xxhieh xxe feel cer
tain the cardiual himself would not ap
Pennsylvanians Tell Experiences at
Harrisburg Convention
Harrisburg. Sept. tio. Tie Spanish
influenza epidemic wus di-cuss-ed at the
sixty-ninth convention of the Pcuusyl-
xania State Medical Society here today.
The experience of ph.vsicians in nil parts
of Pennsylvania is being written into
the retold in order to give the profes
sion opportunity to study it nt leisure.
Major M. J. Shields, of Washington,
field representative of the American lied
Cross, and Dr. Francis I). Patterson,
of Harrisburg, will speak on recon
struction of Ihe war and industrial
Christmas Gifts
Assortments Are Comprehensive, Having
Been Selected Well In .Advance.
Where Convenient .
immediate Purchase Is Suggested
As A Wise Measure Of Economy
Due To Uncertainties Of Production,
M ny Most Desirable Articles cannot
Be Duplicated Prior To The Gift Season.
3v1Mw KEEII fq
Ntitltit'il Anllln" t t'henilcol Co.
(Win. TJ(kr(i Works)
llrookbn. N V
"Turner for Concrete"
In 17 yoars 128 contrncti
from 32 clients in oil, ilrup;
and chemical industry
Vacuum Oil Co.
Pratt & Lambert
Standard Oil Co.
Mentholntum Co.
Lehn & Fink
Colgate & Co.
Daggett & Ramadell
Texas Oil Co.
Valentine cV Co.
Tfirc repent orders.
Construction. Co
1713 Sausnm Street
Assembly Executive
Commission Issues Call
to Pastors
Atlantic Clly, Sept. IKi. ' Cet Into
the newspnpeis adveitise. the church
needs to be adverti-ed in the-e stiiring
This was the message the executive
commission of the Piesbyterian (Jeiicrnl
As-enibly issued to an arm of pastor
in :()0 presbyteries today in approving
enthusiastically (be nation-wide ad
vertising campaign propo-ed by .Inme
It. AVootnn, its director general of pub
The executive .oinmsion uiges
every chureli to estublt-h a jmblirity
fund and spend money fieel in the
holm' town newspapers.
The-c 111 e some of the high light
11 ll I !
"1"',',"- ' '' "lj newspaper
Don t ask the newspapers for fiee
I -pace for an.vthing except live new;
-pace is all the have to -ell. .
i ,. .. . ,, .... , . . ,
I'uiuicii nu- in- cuiinu is simpiv
i.,t, ;.. t ti. i,,,-...,! nr ,. .:.
! il''T' "' "1,i,""1","1 J1"11"-- JuM
'" " "" " iM1" . . u-r oi,,miiiiii
! "I'.0-.P u.'.,y ,'i'',p",,' ''"'pends on public
' opinion.
1.1..i,in cliueeli i. crent religions In.
stitution, spending its money upon sys
tematic busine lilies. Many of the
members of the i-umini inn aie cap
tains of indusfiy
J Fire Follows Blowing Up of Gasoline
Car Near Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh. Sept. 'J.".. (Uy A. P ) -Four
stoiage buildings. 11 pattern shop
and five tnnk cars of gasoline xvere
ile-tiojeil in a fire at the plant of the
Pittsburgh Model I'ngine Company at
Iloinewood. near here, this morning.
The loss is estimated at $200,000.
The fire followed the explosion of n
1 car of gasoline from an undetermined
I cause. Two alarms were turned in
Tonne liini. (ex-army olllcer) experienced
In responsible position rrqulrlnK Initiative
seeks slmllnr loanertlon. College urnilu
n(e. exeeuPie ahlllty nnd Hdvertlsinr
experience! fninlli.ir with iiil..n.ulle nnil
Hilled Industries 1 married, xlrlle. good
address. Kxceptlonal references! traveled
exlcnsiiely. speaks foreign lancunKe,
.v 30. i.i:ir.i:u 01 in;
pm si inu urviB.
'Sff W
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