r' EVENING'" fcUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MO&DAT, SEPTEMBER 22, 1910 S& jUJUarrATii-rox BAtx " Tf. ywr, bum. - tllAHIJO FACTOR- AND 5 BITE IN THE CITT I', within 2 muiru o: of 14th ani Ifa-. Ila-tit en 8 !!: for sale very cheap and on easy ' UOPA'.'P'J&.ft1' c'rruUr Chest. Mill, 1844 . gvVt1 wt-"faJi " UKItMAWTUVVpi AVB, ,,.. . INDUSTRIAL. SITES With and without trackage: all alies: iomi 2n Delaware and Schuylkill rivers: torn In :,!!HlE.ln e'her polnte PATTON A TOMLINBON. Lincoln Rldg Blfps, RAILROAD Penna. and Readtngi i IIO0O par aerea and up, according to loci Inquire for terms. Dlsterloh. TAT Walnut "A.CTpnT alta, Wxl4 adjoins Pa. freight! llrht 4 slats, 8.MITH. I8 Pt Dress, ava, Rosloess Trepcrtle and Store DESIRABLE BUSINESS PROPERTT In the htart of Oermantown and Lhtgh ava dlitrlet Three-itory brlckt beautifully built LOT 30x104 POSSESSION PRICE US, BOO WILL FINANCE) LEVJCK A WALDOW TOT WALNUT ST. BUSINESS PROPERTT for gale, near 824 and Market ata , tha heart of Watt Phila delphia, bueleat corner- ret. oft at S2d at. I station, walk 1 bfocki rood for real voiior. oarDtr, anoa repairing or any llrht buelnees, 4 llvlnr rooma: newly painted and papered, price 14400, only 11000 caah. Apply KIB8 Ranstead at. PT, ,ina, warehouse altel 10 blocks uftiJP ' Market at . In the heart of Phlla. 30.000 sq ft. of jsround apace on the Phlla and Readlnr R.Iv: close to shlpplnr docks and Penna. and II and O frslrht station. Vj block from atreet car lines, one of the few R R. sites In Phlla with these fea tursa, will erect bldr teklnr mortrare for cost: price on application. P 028 Ledrer Office FOR BALE, CHEAP Factory, brick build . tn. faclnr 8 atreeta. 8S0Q square feet. 8 floora and basement; rood labor location; enrtnt. boiler and elevators first-class con dition: bulldinr can be seen any time MAX BERNSTEIN 80N. 1035 to 1041 N. Front st . Philadelphia FOR" .SALE cheap, factory, brick bulldinr, faclnr 8 streets 8100 sq ft , a floora and basement: food labor location: enrlne boilers and elevators first class condition: bulldinr can be seen anv time Max Bernstein A Bon, 1088 to 41 N, Front st. , - WAREHOUSEB AND FACTORIES Property with and without trackare. from 8000 to 100.000 square feet floor apace, also riverfront: also Chester and other points PATTON k TOMMNBOV Lincoln Bldr CENTRAL, LOCATION Nos 1103-lUl-lll Locust at 8 FRONTS LOT 64x145 Mteeld 6 Met anahan lMh and Tine Ma , S4J9 RIPOE AVE Three floora 5 fronts. toad llrht: suitable for ator and ahow- tiomi Wm. L Craven's Bona. 8010 Columbia ave INDUSTRIAL planta warehouses, vacant land: railroad and water frontare J. L BTKVENBOV A HON 823 Land Title MANUFACTURING- plants for sale. 38,000 to ItO 000 ea, ft C 805. Ledger Office River Front rronertlea ' 183 W, OIRARD AVEV S sty., next to cor ner; rood condition CHA8 L BROWN A CO 31T B Broad, WT PIIIT.AnET.PIHA VACANT Three-story homo on main at.: 8 bedrooms, bath with enameled tub, lava- Ijfdrr toilet: In aood condition, price 18800 JOHN M ENBURO B20T Baltimore ave TWO-FAMILY apartment, hardwood doors, electric Urhts, hot-water heat, larre base ment office; 4 private rarares; rent $143 mo I bargain SCHALCHER B021 Master st. 003 BLOCK WEBSTER Thoroughly mod . perfect cond . larre lot; a bargain Sweet- -wood A Smith. N W. cor, 68th and Chris- tlan Woodland 718B W. BSTH AND PINE Corner, 9 rooms, modern throurhout: price $0000. And "Remember CROSS" stand for all that's QOOD," soth and Larchwood ave. , ' "WE SELL ONLT THE BEST" 4200 block Cheatnut st , strictly modern home. 12 rooms and 2 baths: price IR00O. P A Winter B740 Christian st . Phlla LANSDOWNE AVE , B700 block: A-l con-dltion- sjpace for rarare; barraln If sold at once Phone Belmont 8079. EDW. M MOLL, Lanadowne ave west 83d (DO BI S CECIL 8T Blx rooma and bath. taund : newly papered; 1 blk from Baltimore ave and 80th st. cars. S350O Bweetwood A Bmlth, cor 88th A Christian Wdld. 7138 W fOO MAHLYN ROAD Mahorany and whits Lansdowne ave west of A3i1 at Phnn. Belmont 8870 Tit T 49TH ST. Two-story 8-rm , house. K unusually attractive noma at attractive Ice Bee MetthUa about It tomorrow, d and Arch ats THRJ5E-FAMILY apartment house, rented - sroo ner month Includlnr 4 or rlvate rar- irea in rear, jAMoa u. wipichjsl,! 17th jnd Jane-yi rt. TWo-BTORT APARTMENT. S W. Cor. 48th and Bansom; very desirable location; price reasonable. Immediate possession CHAIN, tit 8 B-d st, TWO-FAMILY apartment: hardwood floora lecirie nanta; nqi watsr heat: larre uase- Lta Kiruii! rent tun ment offleei 4 nrlvata siruii! rent tisa irortniy uaraam f-cnaicner, ouzt -T".-. .r wi - -.r - .r .Tl- r -..j..r--: --- Pchalcher, B03S Master ITBT AVE. Two story, electrlo men naiii siqe yarai ioi lxiio rt : jus. jiuuiun ruiTO, esoo 11283 N, 41ST t-ity. atone A brick apt . 8 suites, ateam ht . alee. It.; rental 1178 50 I" 819,: readily financed: barraln. Schalcher. 038 Master st I (TOO BLOCK Pemberton and Rodman ats.; 2 I story, porch. 0 rooms and bath, steam beat, elee ; possession: 34500; will finance, I TLVICK A WALPOW, 707 Walnut at CE We ruarantee to sell every sal- ahla W. Phlla. nroDertv listed In am,- Afe. I within JO days Take us up on this state Ivnent CASPAR A CO 82lTlUverford ave 5322 Osage m.rd.;?.,p..??..,,.on?r- '" lOREENWELL A PORNAN, B143 Spruce at. now yavainj -eaifo naveriora ave.; porch, rooms oaini newiy panerea ana painted. inuHAo, .aio w. ienirn TOO BLOCK fl. KRAZ1ER ST. Porch-front nomii i roomi "no pain. oricK launaries; ssinif ? -story, 8-rpom house. Phone Belmont 2T7: AOd UPLAND ST.. 7 rooms anrf hath h heat, Urre yard: price 18800 Ed Abrami, Ut 'Real Batata Trust Bldr WaTnut 8340 IAIN 01. mumjs A-i oroer, o rooma and bath: possession tprlce 18000. STUART CLAOHORN. B4th and Olrard l-8fORT, porch front, hot-water heat: 1700 TT ABRAMB. 838 Real Eetate Tniet Bldr IfT-U 8. PAXON BT Hot-water heat, alee." Ilrhta; thor. mod.; possession: price 84000. P V. REDDINO. 62d and Chester av. IT Si OEWKY BT , T RMS ; VACANT; 14200 69 N DEWEY 8T 1. .7 TtrnrR. tei 8800 HARVEY VOIP. 8084 MARKET ST. ra? RJL TERRACE. 6808 bath, modern, davlirht. convenient; 14500; eh f too Owner premleea Or arent. "VI BELL ONLT TITH !!-- o J'i?v 2.Mff.Mljet.,5l,3r moqem. DONALD A WINTER. BT40 Christian HT-rrr below Pine 8 r.. bath, norph Hinin. rreRI haa 8 windows side ysrd, price Inter. lestinri pose jyutnnr. on neai Estate Trust lT8 8. TEWDELL ST Elerant parouetry .JOHN It. NBURO, 6307 Baltimore ava. OUT AND CHESTNUT 6TB Hot-water . A 1Aaa II kl aa.aa.ai va.,M. . . AAJ DONALD V. RBDDINO. B2d and Chester. ft ! , ISLT ' Wt--Tl. nt-LZ.?' "T" .-'-" -!w,'-" on ooiQ.fi. neiow wiii( ave, t nave 4 ped- o s ROW, j. urupp.-ivn g usuphln st nea 7EBSTER ST. Beautiful tmi at once: 8 rm, porch, laundry, electric, i-w h . larre lot J. B Christie. 1845 Arch. It N. CONESTOOA Flva rooms t and bath. "., J MARTfN, 148 N. Blth st I38T S. ORETLOCK ST (4 Oth and Woodland), fflWEo,:!ir.. ' I T BMP :r-IL:Sj.a.rJUTiS.S' . ' TS -Z- pAr U. IfiW W.T"r ' ""'' ioWALD V. REDDINO. 62d and C 13880, Chester. CANT in N, Bth at ., 3-a.nrv, rooms ""rjMiPJKhl Plee I8T00. Y CBBEBBJON at once ip.m bb.pch newly 5SBEBBJON at once -rm., bb. pch newly Wlntef, pap'dt 80JO. ftnith. IRS ft ' j.!;. W.Bruce Barrow i 130 N. 12TH STREET ! i FactorjHSgker i J 1 Established 33 Years ! f PHONES:, j! Bell Spruce 2034 Keystone Race 2094 , e94?j. ''-?a-aF rooaaawcaiion BaionWra ava LAfwia u nuiiocK. niio weiton ave INtmpLY MODERN, J.atory ITOOO home. -well located on a wide, main street JOHTf M ENBURO, B30T Baltlmor. ave HJSAJl 83D AND OIRARD AVE To settle -an estate. 2-story, 8-room house bath, hot-water heaL Phone Belmont 3T73 J. a 3J 9. MARKOE Brlrht. cheerful, roomy. 2-aty. end house; south' n expos : price ouly 8200 Adolph B. Caspar, 80th A Lanadown.. - nvvvzn. rar sale a oeautirui-nnt-K t.AM.. XXA.X. WJTATI FOX SAXK vrmv rniLAp-i,rniA IfiHRKaainv ncr. I A houte In 4400 block Sanaom at. .. (South aide) I bought thla for a home, but have decided to atay In auburbi. There are 9 rooma. 3 bathe. 8 tollela. laun dry tuba atc.i A-l condition, white and mahogany, elerant paperlnr, etc Third floor flnlthed eame aa aecond and rental win pay entire carrying charges If jou ilka the environment, the location etc and are truly Interested In a home of real value, phone Preston 8630 W and ask for llr Parker Beautiful Sherwood Section r, 4 1 0 HADFIELD ST. (MOO BLOCK) . CHEAPEST HOMES IN WBBT PIUUA. Steam heat, electrlo lights, hardwood floora. ate I only 3 aquarca from J3d and Baltimore ave. nampie nous, okv E. & T. DOYLE CO. 8815 Mailer street FOR, SALE 8018 Farkslde- ave . opposite Falrmount Park: convenient to car to all parte of Fhlla.i lot 180x220 running from 4s. t pa a A . aa-h M-.it W amt.AtA & etteta.- l V vwl tII IH o sei -.;, uint- way btg.ut.ful Uwn. cardeni nd j-htd?; IB roomi porch front and tide S bathi Urs rtcaptlon hall, hot.watar heat aiac . caa and tctption hall. hotwatr neai aiac . cat ana iftrdwoort rlnnn imindrv In bnsen.-nt. one narawooa noorn launary you should tec to appreciate t ii tiAiitrRn 21ft tVnn nld nidir . Juniper and Chfitnut WHT NOT DTTT A tWO-KAMILV APARTMKNT lIUlbUliAU In tha Overbrook ectlont , 15ach apartment haa ft rooma and bath, private porch 0 1 and each bulldinr lie private heatlnr and llrht Inr sratem. an Inustment of 11000 permlta He It id to live in l Aparim I rental! nrlca ! I7n bout V4 and could not he dunllrated today for 11 10 oon F1TZPATRICK. 1841 N 00th Uelmont 41144. THERE ARE ONLY 3 LEFT If nil em InnVlnir fnr a home barraln. art at once, 3-story 4.bedroom homes. o.M,i jopuw, nice wiae sireei, ironi iwn. o 11834-33-84 TRINITY ST . WILLIAM L CRAVEN'S SONS . B8th and Cheetar ave 303 TO 62tl, INCLUSIVE. MASTER ST . frleht at AHA mil nirerrf aie.W-14100 each. the best 3-story 7room home obtslnable at the price, steam heat, hardwood floors: pos session Nnx 1; this price, holds rool r.f ' ' week only IIABRT J KOEHLER 1420 Chestnut st. Thones Locust 5708 and Race 21113 I750OB118 WALTON AVE 4 bedrooma. bath, steam heat, front nnd back stairway A 1(1119 Vioait tncallnn tn WHt PhllA 1(1500 Hotwatr het. aWctrle llKht 4 bed. roome nam. noa ana uaiuHio.r 1480a ft rooms and bath Inclosed porchi fveryinin moaern OfaO A HOKCKLB 72S R aLiL- B2a CHRISTIAN ST. 4 bedrooma. bath . flOSI Christian at , 4 bedrooma, sern.deiacnea 0213 Catharine at, oearmi pui, . yiJl l spruce modern apartment C.J. GALLAGHER Old S. 00th st Delmont 205 West 88 8331 RACE 8T . 8 rooms .and bath, conven ient to L and churches TOO block N 44th. twin, 8 rooma and bath, hot-water heat 1400 block N r8d, 0 rooms and bath 1500 block N B4th. 0 rooms and bath. 8127 Master 7r and bath, twin, h - heat. MICHABl. A MAIONEt! 1021 8 WOth at TO HOME BUYERS POSSESSION 5500 block. Anaora ter . 2 stors, porch 84500 6042 Elliott, hot water, electric. . . 4800 22H N Hobart st , 2 story, porch 2300 5019 21 Market st 3 storv. porch, each 0000 8020 31-11-41 Harper. 2 at . bit each 2100 TATJLANE OOP Walnut at. 1748 N. 59th St., Overbrook Swell little Oerbrook home, with eery mod ern conenltnce. newly finished, I62O0, can you find Its equsl for IR500T CROWLEY & SON w S& $6000 518 N. 39th St. Th-ce story atone-front tw In house. $7000 rosaesaton Lambert & McDermott 4",N .V 10 Properties 61st and Market 81800 1st mortRsre, price 18000 net If sold this ueek, can Rite do days settlement W. EARL YONKER xSoV8ftvB 3705 Powelton Avenue Three etory stone front twin house. 17000 Poeseevlon Lambert & McDermott rfFa.TTP 1000 ST RERNARD ST Front 44 ft : front and side porch. 10 rooms, bath, laundry open fireplace, electrlo Hint: Im mediate possession SftOOO MA (TRICK W SLOAN HOP Dreiel Rldr SEE THEM TODAYAUTO SERVICE 1252 S MllllcU st , modern throughout 1715 N Olst at . Overbrook section B40 N. Crelghton at 4 bedrooms, cheap 4241 Ogden st . 4 bedrooms porch LALLT, Fraxler and vllraid av Uelmont B.10 Now Vacant 4810 CHEbTNUT ST Mitchell . built home i 3 storv It rnnm, t baths hot-water heat hardwood floors elec trlo lights Colonial finish. TAB N, MITCHELL 40th and Market ats TWO HOUSEB, 101 07 N Both at . 11 rooms. 2 baths, hoi-water heat, electric light, tn excellent condition, large porch front and side vard. wide street o'd ahade besutlfullv located, near elevated Apply 101 N Both st $ro(0 SIX ROOMB and bath. I2a B St nir- nsrd st . new roof, new hardwood floors and laundry trays, finished mahogany and white, vacant ready for vou to move ln DONALD V. REDDINO lid and Chester ave INVESTORS I have 8 2 story houses near 31th and Diamond that can bo bought cheap and resold singly at rood profit one house Is vacant and I will arrange mort gages to suit Henry J. McLean B17 S f2d st 8 87TH ST . bet. Klngsesslnr and Oreenway aves : 2 story porch front electric light, hot-water heat hardwood floors, magnificent finish for IB500, sample house No 2023, best trsilslt facilities convenient terms nOOABH A KLUTBCII 1201 Chestnut st COIIBS CREEK BOULEVARD t'WHAT THE EYES BEE THE HEART CAN BE LIEVE" Beautiful corner home; price 110, OOO And "Remember CR08S" stands for all that's ' QOOD," Bth and Larchwood avenue B422 LARCHWOOD AVE Immediate pos session, hot-water heat, tiardwood floors, electric lights, modern laundry: large lot; price 16800 "A homo you -will be proud to own " HARRY J KOEHLER A CO . 1420 Chestnut st Ph Locust HTH. and Race 201 a OVERBROOK CORNERS WITH AND WITHOUT OARAOES Lambert & McDermott t?M st $7500 8 atory residence. 11 rooms hot water heat, electrlo ll.ht. llvlnar hall Immediate possession EUOENE U TOWNSEND E corner 40th and Baltlmora ave IMS S. B2D BT-JVery desirable, 8 story, porch front. Dutch hall, electric light, 0 rooma and bath; newly renovated through out, possession; agent on premises E J. MARTIN. 14B N B4th " 1015 S. ST. BERNARD (40th and Chester ave V Beautiful 10room house, excellent condition: terraced front, large lawn; owner leaving city, Immediate possession. J B McCONNELL 41B B 20th at Beautiful boulevard home 8soo s, Old: facing park; 2 atv . 0 rms. and baths prsttlest hopis In W Phlla, ; every mod eon venlence, vacimti Immediate possession Rubin 4 Itsvnson 1118 Chestnut at Walnut 44 BSTH 6T SOUTH OF BALTIMORE AVE, 12-room residence, twin house, fine porch, large attractive rooma deep lot and side yard: aood neighborhood, moderate price A P CHAPMAN 1829 B B8TII BT ISBOO Desirable 2-story. 9-reom, twin dwell. Inr, hot-water heat, electrlo llrht. Inclosed front porch. Instantaneous Rudd hot-water heater, everything In perfect condition, pos se sslotiliajKerBon, oaui Baltimore ave. VERY LITTLE CABHR EQUIRED to buy low a. rraaier, oot;; vveoster. u rooms and bath, thoroughly modern, In rood neigh borhood MICHAEL A. MALONET. 1021 B 60th St. UVERRROOK section, Edge wood at , 1800 block, beautiful 0roam home, newly .pa pered and painted throughout; Immediate pos session: rreat bargain E M Moll, Ijos- down, ave . west ot soq st isimoni both. FOR BALE Three houses 4 rooma and patn, not ana com waver, main atrevti larre part of purchase price may remain nn mortgage Address .21 Berkley at.. Wayne Junction INVESTORS I have 8 2-etary house, near 23th and Diamond that ran be bought cheap and resold singly at rood proflt, one house Is v.esnt and I will arrange mortgages to suit- IIENRi j jucijr-Api on p .iq st 0043 HANSOM 3T,. T rooms and bath. 201 8. B8th st , 8 rooms and bath. B824 Ludlow st d rooms and bath, rarare. B028 Locust st , 2 story, twin, fir A bath. M H mvEi iff H mathijnubk' neai estate Tr. filar VRSTORfl I have 27 houses near fltat Mil flnruc. at. that can bo bought ik,in and resold singly at handsome proflt: will arranra mortrarea to suit; quick action nee. essary. Henry J McLean BI7 B 2d at. 10(10 BLOCK B B4TH: 80-FOOT Mr Up-to-date house, perfect condition. Inclosed porch. rms bath, h -w h . elee , parquetry floera. nne location At iiuw tur, A l' c HAfitiArt 1KB B BSTH ST 28 b, BIST ST. A choice 8-atory dwelllnr. In perfect condition In .very particular: hardwood floora, hot-water heat, electrlo light. Urge rooma. a corner. Sea MATTHIAS about It. S2d and Arch 1131-1128 B. 'BOTH ST. Porch front, 4 rooma and bath) Immediate possession; ' S. f, MARTIN. Hi K. Mth A KBAfr ESTATE TOR SAT.E WEBT rillf-AIlKtrilM vvvvvvvwvwvvvyvv- vm 4 MODERN HOMES 1123 S 60th, 4 bedrooms nia s 80thi 8 rooms and bath. (1848 Ancora terracei ft rme and bath onon block. Latona, 0 rooms A bath 731 S ftsth. A rooms and bath 813 H fttthi rooms and bath 8718 Larrhnood ave , 8 rme A bath 388 8 SOthi 0 rooma and bath B839 Pentrldrei 7 rooma and bsth rt I-!f Webstert 8 rooma and bath B841 Alter, 8 rooma and bath. 814 8 Atlen: 6 rooma and bath 848 S Cecil, 7 rooms and bath f842-46 Webster, r A b financed 10W s Fratler. ft r and b financed 8711 Christian, R rooms and bath 8127 Msster, 7 rooms and bath MICHAEL A. MALONEY tftil o-rtf ot OltUUViUWvU1VHUUUM VkVlV.lTVlMllll'llT'.VH.i; S.W. Cor. 46th & Hazel Av. Tour OPPORTUNITY to buv one of the few corner properties beln of. fered Jn thla aertlon. a modern A atory residence containing, 11 rooma 2 hatha billiard room nun parlor and a llvlni room; equipped with hardwood floora hotwater heat and electric Hjrhta. noaeiiton can be r ranted on ahort notice Quick & Brq., 8 S. 40th St. .,l..V.'H.V-VVilTl'fcl'--.V. FELTON BT , north of Market A rooms and bath and basement leundry, ateam heat and electricity 8noo SUMMER BT Both to 00th rooms bath and laundry, 13250 HKRMA.V I 'ROB finin Market at 2S N lTlfA.N PT bit rooms bsth porch. make offer . FARRELL. TIP B 50th MSnrJFv Blou. '",,l,r R toomn and bath. I800Q baraaln Schalcher. 0028 Mastvr 810 S BOTH .8? Ulde street 4 bedrooms B C ADAMS 141S Walnut st N5A.R. WS Kni alrd ao To aettle an estate 2 story. 8 room house, bath, hot "Mer heal Phone Belmont 2773 J Apartment TTwnsea C0LBURNE APARTMENTS B'OO TO S822 LANSDOWNE AVE These Apartments can be bourht as an INVESTMENT OR SPECULATION f?ri"-.re?onbl amount of cash' Full de tails snt upon request HERBERT HOPE 61101 TORK ROAD APARTMENT HOUSE 0 apt. Mclntty 4tst iBoSn Yln'nli. P"10 ? rental 85000 110 nop cash Taylor 4 Son 20 S 40th JiERMAVrOMV 824 W LOOAN ST n.T?J"-Anm 'k' porJfh - B bedchambers l.Inr J?fm .h,rdood floors hot-watrr days' restricted possession 30 810? WAYNE AVE -iaa! fi'tmnS'l p1rch , bedchambers, close on to 11000 has been expended durlnr futu months propertj hss a eood 4014 PULASKI AVE Two sty , llvlnr room 4 bedchambers basement laundrj hot-water heat elec llrhts. restricted possession In a short time LOT 30x200 Three-sty, twin house porch bed chambers built of solid stone larre spa clous rooms, rood condition rood reason tor selllnr 284 W Cl.APIER ST Two st). 10 ft porch llMnr room 8 bed chambers hot-nater heat, possesion Dec 15, Inspection by appointment onlv 803 QUEEN LANE Two sty porch 3 bedrooms bath sized lot, vacant price reasonable THOMAS H EOY 4809 Wayne At rood- 1WB Only a Few Left $3600 3 I New Air-Light Homes Blx rooms and tath Hardwood floors large yards MAYLAND STREET BMow Waahlnirton lane at Chew at . jgf 1800 caah and S27 Per month pay all pJ carrytnc charges .ncludinsr lo per month reduction on aecond mortiaj. Take car on Oermantown a.e to Waahlnrton lane walk eaat to Chew at , or car on Chetten ae to Chew st , walk north SAMUEL STERN NORTH AMFRICAV HLDO Or ROBT w RROWN. Arent, on r. i.-. TTV,..,i- TlAf-- r.n 1A w IIIPll'lllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllirilWIIlll'IMWIlllIBBw t'itiiminjiiiriitiiiiitiiuuiiiiiiiiiinimjiiiiiiiiiiuminiiniiriiiininniiMiininiiiiiuiii.iivjcuniy Detached Stone Dwelling and Garage for Two Cars Six chambers dressing room 2 baths, hot-water heat electric and ra lights hardwood floora. open flre places and large porch ready for you to move In. send for description by mall Mauran, Dolman & Co. N E ror. Broad and Chestnut sts , wmraiHiis $6000 for practically new 10-room semidetached up-to-date porch-front residence We In vite comparison with anything In Phila delphia, electric light ateam he.t laun dries' centrally located, SO foot atrevst trolley lines, 2 steam roads; possession November 1 JOHN B. McCAFFERTY B72I OFRMANTOWV AVF STENTON a fsw desirable modern houses ready for Immediate occupancy Open for Insn.-ct i every day. Including Sundays Trains to Btenton Bteiion, or drive out Stenton ave. to 6800 North MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. NJ K cor Broad and Chestnut ata I8B0O W MT PLEASANT AVE , detached atone house lot 33x200, 10 rooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors hot-water heat, electric light ras, possession Immediately, II E ENNIS A CO . Bulletin Rldr $13,000 Modern suburban dwelling T chambers 2 bath. ..,. for Immediate eccupano , full partlculara ny man MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. N B corner Broad A Chestnut sts MODERN HOUSES A few desirable dwellings now .ready for Immediate oceupancy. Full partlculara by mall MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. N E Corner Rro.d and Chestnut sts (moo Simldet dg : finished throughout in white and mahogany. 10 rooms and bath, lot 31x100, modern, acreena and "Swnlngs with house Inclosed porch b.aut. location! act quickly H E Ennls A Co . Pulletln iVldg' QERMANTOWN 2123 Medary at . corner Norwood st Two atory. 0 rooma bath electricity, hot.water heat, porch, room for mmmi noaaesslon at once nrlca l?VAOn JAMEB C. 8IMP3QN 1420 Chestnut at PRICB ONLT MOM for 2 houses, semlde. taehed. 244-248 E Ashmead at , 2 story, ronva , 1 lot Is over 300 ft deep, reg- little farm Wick A yollmer. 4421 Oermantown av 100 W, BHARPNACK ST Three-story dwelling, mldetached. 10 rooms, ill- hath, all tonvs : (4J0O Oso W. Deane, 8014 Oermantown eve Pnona Oermantown IS84. Sir. PELIIAM ROAD, 10 rooms detached 8-story stone house, hardwood floors fir. places nd modern convenlencea A. O, Toole. 1408 I nd Title Rldg ' 4521 MORRIS ST Opposite Fern Hill Parks 2 story, porch 7 rooms i garage: moderni hardwood floors throughout: possession M H MAT8INOBR Real Bstat. Tr. IlMe (JET a building lot In tha right nisei within ft minutes of train or trolley; build a bungalow and end your hou-a troubles, send for circular inn yjarfnamq n aye 6218.20 KNOX ST. Three-story dwelling, in rooma tile bath all conys t large lot: (4B0O. GEO w. toEANE. BbU Oarmantown ave inone tlermantown iso NICK a-aty semldet, rs . 107 w, Seymour t., h -w h , etc ; can be Inspected! owner occupies Wick A Vollmer 4421 Oermantown PRICE (JS0 9 E. Aanmead St. I 2-storv gtmldetsched dwelling, nice condition, HCam vvira rw ct,-iit, S VJermantOWn E. HORTrER BT I.ropm twin dwgs ! coni veniewce.i easy wnni uiuru us vv.inut J2A APS LEV Porch, 1 rm . must be soldi v-i pou. tt ence. Olenn, JBII Columbii, KEAI ESTATE TOR BALE OF.RMANTOW N snirnniiniii! nui'mmitHi wmn w rc $8500 UPWARDS. FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION AND IN EXCELLENT CONDITION Modern semidetached dwelllnrs with, 10 and 12 rooma 1 and 2 baths Se eral of these properties have apace tn rarere. with lots 35 and 40 feet front, The porches are detached, electric Uahts parquetry floors open fire places white paints anl .tractive decorations Within 6 minutes of Sedrwlck Htsllnn. Chestnut Hill V A R or G-ermantown ave , echools Stores or Allen T.ane Ktfttlnn Chest- nut Hill PUR within 10 minutes' fa. walk If ou aro looking for a mod. p ern home In a cnmenlent and rood U residential section examine these g properties without delay I S. C. T0URIS0N 7014 BOYER ST , Otr 689 OERMANTOWN 7 Otn 4St liMMII miiBiiiwinniiiiiHnii.i rnilT-: reduced to 1I50O, 4531 Pulaski ave on west side of Uermantown near Najne Junction stntlon rood stirroundlnrs 3 slor mirk porch-front dwelllnr 10 rooms bath laumi convenlencee baraaln for home seeker Inspeitlon b card onl from Charles f.ha'far ernon Building tlermantown ann ( helten ayes MA.NK JUNCTION- rntcc 11700 -a W Wxomlnr ae near nermftntnun ,- hIma t.-ll. " ICk Q1.LMBR 4421 Oerraanlown eve nweiuntr TIOOA KMIClr terrace. front 11 room house cas and electrlclt hot water heat Apply a owner Tiom HB41 J 1'iTII ilwr ST 1CI ant 3 mt a.n.l. deteohed ilwr lot 34x100, can be Insptd am time, c Wick A Vollmer 4421 tit n 1413 ONTARIO ST Three stor porvh. electric llaht, hot-water heat Inquire agent 1424 W Tlora st TItXIA Deturhed A story house, rood loca tlon home proportion owner C 107 L.O MT. AIR CIFRMANTOWN MOUNT Alftr Stenton district owner will sell eemldenched house on lot 40x185 n bedrooms 2 baths Inclosei porches open fireplaces bssment laundry eleitrlc and gas llahtlrr. In flret class condition .1 minutes from either Stenton oc Sedrwlck Station on P A R pcssesslon October 1. Phon Oermantown 7H0 TEN-room stone house detached lot 0x 157, 2-storv stone raraee lorsted on one of the highest pirts In Philadelphia beau tlful surroundings exceptinnolU low price and Immediate possession 11 E upsal st Mt Alrv Phlla OI.NEA IMMEDIATE possession modern rt laree rms and bath 1100 N flth st cor flth and Tabor beautiful location near to stores trains and trOllejs garage privileges price attractive . i.oon FISCHER-BUILT HOMES READV I'On IMMEDIATE OCCVPANCT With garage 1 82110 Ninth st bitwten Rockland and Ruscomb School within 1 eouare Agnt on premises H K Krlts 4005 v Pth st C. HARRY JOHNSON 1 420 ClirqTVI'T ST Bpruce 4400 4dl SIDE-YARD HOMES unusual prices Ross st below Tulpehocken steam heat 4 bed rooms 14000 Lenson below Tulpehocken tAnO tnrm arranged ARERVFTHT 112S Chestnut st WORTFR JI004 Oermantown ave I HANDSOME modern home 8 rooms 4041 N lth Inclosed porch aaraje for 2 cars, J7100 nvlck possession ABERNETHT I 182" ChestPllt, ELEOAVT 2 stor O-room semtdetsch-d porch ' residence 4102 V Carlisle st '"am heat, I electrleltv owner occunles Inspection Invited Wick A voiimer 4421 Oermantown ave B008 S N 10TH hT Semidetached 4 bed rooms hot-water hest 11800 less than cost of buHdlnas tndav ., AIIFK-SMHI H," w""",'. NICE double building lot for sale BOxflfl o. ration M12 1114N . .irnoc'- .1 re0"e I In cation, will sell reasonable MICK A OLL BOxflO lo. OLL- virn 4421 Oermantown ave 1B01 OLNEY AVE Two etory co-ner. mod- ... V---0- rtrlillnre nnsseslon M H MATBINOER Real Fstste Tr O'.K LVNK t HAVE nine of m homey Oak L'ne reai- dences left 0 rooms built-in tubs with shower baths hardwood floors l'- varus Ml strlctlv.ur-todate price 10200 Ijrm- to stilt Take m York road car get on at Haines st one quarter nunre west to nroad st Snmnle nouse nil "i" RUSSELL H FOSTER llullder and Owner. Osk Lane Pa . rr.NNsi t.i ania sunrRRAV Attractive Country Seat Btone Colonial house, gsrage and 2 acres House contains 12 rooms and 4 haths numerous open flreplacea all mod em conveniences lCMcellent order and most attractive Oarage for 4 eara Fine old ahsde tennis court garden; 25 fc mrorPP.',s"oOC0,,y IU" b" HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA CIIESTFR riKE New lust opened t12l),su oerb building sites fronting Chester nlke I Lincoln ave anl Ilarny creeK .: car lines PR R sts on a single fare to all Dela- , ware river Industrial works sewer, water. -r ...... ...hnnis churches etc select your Plot snd pay on the.worid s easiest plsn, niilv SI tltwt I 'vn Pav l per week iinon r quest will msll descriptive plsn offlcs on Sounds oren s.turdays and Hundajs only from 11 to 4 Take rhe. ter nlke trolley, get IrrTt i incnln ave look for Prospect Terrace Sign on grinds PARRY ft HAMMOND. D.-5 LAfaetiw ii.iW . ....- a, fTTv LINE I7AROAIN8 Store and dwelllnr. (lladwjn .' Dwelllnr Oladwyn ..... 210 Elm terrace. Narberth 311 Grayling ave. Narberth a, oravllnj ave. Narberth Sinorsyllne ave. Narberth . .... Mill Creek bungalow, 2 acres .... HVg garage inn cars) Narberth . im ntv I .Ine Oerbro0K . . M30Cltv l,n ,s . E,( A.' JJ !--. Vn.Viavth T. (4 000 3 OOO 4 OOO 5 W0 in sen ! 17 000 20 000 SO 000 Pa Qppoaiie nn""'i .Ka.. STONE COLONIAL HOUSE containing 12 rooms ana - ' u iiwyn eonvenlences 1'4 acreB of land and snail JSroJe convenient to train and trolley (11 ooo HERKNESS & STETSON LA ND TITLE rHIILPlKO ""OENfTrXlAN 8 COUNTRY ESTATE "0 miles from city contains -rt acres and 7 buildings In best condition- 30 v ears' collec tlon of rare plants, trees etc from all part, of the world In the 10 acres of garden parte oc '"".ROME R JARDELLA lliHT inriauan Bl larl HMONT V est Chester nlke acreage to silt purchaler. 1 1 acre S10 acre S3O0 acre or more. (000 best located and low vat price acreage In Philadelphia suburbs; Larchmont has Improved streets and an sle vntlon of 110 ft , 10 miles west from City Hall Chas W Russell S01 Re.l Est Ride m MILES above City Line, near trolley and flermintown pike have beautiful 10 room pointed stone and brick house.hot wator heat elec etc . beautiful lasge shaded lawn rs see chicken house fruit lot 100x200 fa-mJTVjash PETTY. ftO N 13th FOR ALlT Modern 2 storv semldtarhed porch dwelling 8 rooma hath and Isundrv electrleltv and gaa convenient to train and trnllev Immediate pbssesslon lospeet'nn at ani time 1029 Oree st Oermsntown !&... ar.nhelm S0I0 W 1W Mil 1 h above t'ltv line nesr trnllev nnd Oermantown pike, have beautiful 10.room pointed stone and brick house hot.water heat Km? etc beautiful large, shadsd lawn, raraae chicken house fruit lot 10020. KM U " ash I.ETTV RO N nth MODERN stone-and-shlngle house d rooms anbath, 10 minutes" walk from Oak Lane station 2 souarea from nearest neighbors, tlfioo cosh required, rest may remain on mortgVa already on property j 124, Led- lANSDOWNE 2."f N Ijvnsdowne ave , brick Colonial, 0 rooms 2 baths, modern In every way, flrst-class condition, large lot, fruit garden, chicken house. (15 OOO Apply to Heno H Parker 10 B Lanadowne ave 7i ACRKB on West Chester Pike onb it miles out 1- room stone mansion and all farm buildings want offer: ripe for development f IIAB W RHWBM. 801 Real Estate Rldg. LAROE attractive realdence modern Im nrovementsl garage. 17 minute, from rJob ' ' HVDNUT 3.14 Re.l Is- t.te Trust Pldr , noCKLEDaE ADJOINING FOX CHABL 11) room houses conveniences! stshlei shads, h ' P PBTERB A BON OPS CHESTNUT BT SEVEN ROOMS and hath eleo hot-water B heat? excellent location , B34 Elklns ave . I r ov.r .. . '." '. ' ".!, llROOMALL 1RQB 24 MINUTES f.omOlth st terminal, large pfott with old shsde. BOxir.O only (150 on easy tarmf or special Inducement to you If ou want to build at once Come out to day on West Chester cars from th at to Broomall or send for map CHAS. W. RUSSELL 803 REAL ESTATE BLDQ, B.BAT. ESTATE EOK SALE TF-NNBl I.YAVt BUBUnnAN roi.T.rvoi) i,- COLLINODALK Modern stone-and shingle 8 story dwelling o rooma Springfleld water, gas electricity lot lOOxloO. flne lawn and ahade 1 minute to station, earlv ??KtS.".,?(U.?A5(S ,BPRINOFIELD !ANOR DEVELOPMENT CO 801 Otis Ilulldlng Phone Bpruce 387 Mr Cla I on rOI.HNI.DU.K ONE FARE 0th at 1 fare Darbyi oer B acres grounu ripe ror lmprotement per acre ijonu BWOPE& BON, 618 Main st . Darby DARRY VACANT Side-yard brick home, heater, bath lanudry tra Jlxloo, wl I put In pond condition, 18300' S OPli A SON SIB Main Darby DBFAF.L HILL Rulldlng lits TWO desirable lots on Runnemede ave C 11T ledger Office FKRN ROCK TO HUII.DBRR AND SPEC'UIATORS Oreat , ucmunu mr nouses nere anu naroi an ror ! sale, therefore new houses must be hvillt s I blr bulldinr boom Is berlnnlnr, buy lots now hen cheap and obtainable Id ottered all a" j?J?" 'achi others gradunlh higher up to 12500 terms onlv 1 10 payable in rash houses pt 12300 (small) Jlvni end Idnon also a 10 room rtroad st dwelllnr st Isoon and a profitable apartment house for 3 families at Innoo all on eaa terms IIOPI Br 1321 Nedro ste '4 square east from lork road Take No nl c-r on llth el r.i.uiN'. prk NLW Colonial dg 10 rooms 3 baths hot water heel 117 000 McCormlck Mc Cormlck Lincoln Hlda , and Klklne Pa r k llltilllMl PARK in ROOM residence stone and stucco in closed porch hot wster heat gaa and elec trlcltyi lot 71x180 magnificent lawn fruit trees, price 114 000 Qeo L names 1201 Chestnut st or Highland Park .M.NKlNrtlUN MODERN ENGLISH STYLE RESIDENCE AND GARAGE Lsrge lot high elevation old shade, best section between train and trolley house contains 11 rooms and 2 baths all modern tonvenlences Including large open fireplace excellent order: garage for 3 cars HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITI E HLDO. PHILADELPHIA LVNdllOltSK A IiBAUTIPl-L 1M, ston ali-.ton'e single I '""""""" house with H seres of ground for 18000 , rACFPTIOVAI I.v large lots 71xl'.n feet center hall perfect condition BB varieties' and up on the beautiful I!trd.ood Trsct It.lfJ. '". aurro ind the house 5 bed , 1410 up .sewer water ras elvctrlclt ce chambers electric lights modern plumbing 'ment walk stone roads will build for sou jroiiej passes the door Just the home for I on monthly pawnent get map and booklet the father who considers th health nnd en- OILDERT A O (, ALTAOHAN orflre ..I.II..K.111 vi in- cnunren nnoto in tne THOMAS H EVOY 4na ! av T.NVOU N F HOL'HK with tro-nln and tiabla tnndarn near eta tlon. uric ii unn ph-n r.nn. downe (173 J 2 I Incoln ae Lanp dnwne MMU:i,UN SAC!lh propertj I fare from Darby and 'inn ann narKei ii! al.i-l5i.ia1 ".I.-a".cAlZ? aw nnr ba PWOPK A OV ON in Main .i n.,K, M.NhRf II IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MODERN HOME pav you to Inspect this propertj liaiiii.il ami !-i,rn D. F. RYAN nno5 MARKETJbT MnmoN MODERN RESIDENCE CoMalnln lfl rooma and 4 batha, all modern convenlencee. excellent ordr and a tractive OaraB for 2 car Beat eectlon. 5 mlnutet nallc from sta tion Oroundn Are rpaclous and prettily planted Price. $27 SO HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE PLIXI. PHILADELPHIA NARIIKUTH 311 W00DSIDE AVE. rWutlful mnrrii home rt bedroomn. hath larre lot. fi020 Trice $12 nnft Imme dlate pos.esslon r.n he s.en hj apnlvlng to P I PAl I APUCD mo BOUTl! m5 lu U J. UALLAvjMLKooi h street Tetmont 201 West S IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 720 stone nnd frern. dwelling lot 37ll23 0 rooms and bath electric light steam heat I Ideal locution 2 blocks from station I J 4. CALDWELL office at station I Narberth Pa NEW tile stucco dwelling 7 rooms and bath, 24 story t Id shade hest location Ad , drees I' O Bo on Nsrherth Pa NKWTOWN SQI'UIK REAL BUNGALOW Nine rooma 4 V ncr- traraae old chade and ahrubbers nil modern appointments reauy Deauiirui nom D. F. RYAN M.0S MRKET RT oi FnnnnnK BRAND-NEW homes beautiful Oerbrook eectlon. excellent surroundlns-a A rooma and hilri Vint u tilar haul tsititr llsikr hardwood floors garsge price (11410 Phone Woodland 3100 J 1 ! RiniFt I'VRR KSill IIIBillllWIIIU IMIII -H IdB IWBIII IBIII IB II W' I Ridley Park Estates B Thla choice Chester pike property Is being sold at prices nnd terms that i make It unqiesttonahlv the finest and aafeat Investment anywhere In M this section g Homesltes ln this beautiful re strlcted property are nelng sold at g price, below actus! market value and on easy terms street Improvements j are being done and homes are being n built Put your spare monev Into a home- H site An this valuable property and In H our opinion you will double our In- M vestment within a vear No Interest or taxes In builng on monthlv pas- H ment plan a Your I.lbertv Bonds are accepted j at full faco value S Such an opportuoltv to save for S a home or for profitable Investment fj will not be available to you for very 5 long aa this prep'rtv Is being sold B rapidly fa Come at our earliest convenience and satisfy ourslf H To get to RIDLEY PARK EP- M TATEB take train ot I road Str-.t S Station or West Phllajrlnhla to Rid- B ley Park walk east on !llnckle ave H nue to propertj or take trollev from Philadelphia to Darb and change i n Chester and Wilmington trolley and g get off at propertv on Chester plks H In Ridley Park Or H BELL PHONE CHESTER 71 H Gilmore, McFeron & Miller i I 705-700 Crozer Rulldlng ! Chester Pa h iiiHinniniBBiini nan biiii aim Binmnaf : 110 RlDLfcY AVI -liji low H rooms and hath -- ir., t"00 S C ADAM3, 1418 Walnut st UOVIUIIilll till COLONIAL MANSION snd lO.room houss, gsrsge stable SMITH IVW Pt Breese SOUTH ARI1MORE MOST desirable building site In South Ard more: site 7oxlj5 southern exposure, great bargain at (1800 act qulcklv it Interested WM 8 DAVIS offlie st ststlon NEW 8-room house hot.wster heat gas snd electric fireplace double floors cement porch! lot B0xl2 best value along great Ardmore trolley at (7200 come out today WM B DAVIS oftlc- at ststlon ht. inills ST DAVIDS PA 410 MIDLAND AVE High ground. 2 blocks south of station 3 story brick and frame house and stable lot 7fii280, price (12,000 net to owners offered below cost to settle an estate possession October 10. first floor drswlng room with open fireplace, llbrnrv lavatory dining room, pantry, maids' dining room kitchen and laundry! aecond tUor A bedrooms 2 bathrooms: third floor -' bedrooms, store room and lavatory white paint flrst and soe ond floors! cellar cemented central steam heat, sewer connection electrlo light and gas. stable. 3 bog stalls also room for 2 cars and. man' roomi all In good rendition within walking distance of all church de nominations. Apply to any broker or Wil liam Wblta. attorney Room 1000 1211 Chestnut st Phone W.lnut 20 BECANE THOROUGHLY modern home 10 rooms sun parlor ateam heat elertrleit) Sprngfleld water, aver 4 acree. fruit trees barm 8 miles from City Hall n minutes to trolley BYYbKTWOOD A SMITH N w cor 82d and Christian s's Woodland 7180 W BM'ARTHMOBK WIS BELL ONLY THE BEST" Hv dolrabls propeftles In thla beautiful section! strictly moderni Urre lota. DONALD A, WINTER. T0 Cbrlitltn at. For li00O below value located on a corner , T.0., "n,;.."r!!" !!,"'.n,n,',ln?-?,1" Market 234 or writs 2 . . iuuu,. ,,., ,r unm i-rnirai nauwav , .in ... ... t- ...... open rlreptsces lot nn feet square with old '' TA "l.V.'J. lW Asburv ave Ocean Cltv efcede ami shrubb.rv if seeking a htjh ?'"",?., EO DAfcilEWJ R040 central HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT c ass home ln the heart of t.lan.rrh it win ave Ocean City . REAI. E3TATE gOA SAtE PENNSYLVANIA BUB URBAN VrAI.MNOFORn ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY BEATB IN THIB BECTION FOR SALE AT MODERATE PRICE Larre ston. Colonial house, barn, rarer and 3SH acree; house contains 14 rooms and 4 baths, all convenlencea. many open Dreplacra, Impressive Colonial hall: barm rarags: large chicken plant; old ahade, meadow runnlnr stream; near train and trolley. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDO. PHILADELPHIA MIN LINE feO'iinrirriiif HtrnmiinmiitniimiiiiiHTiiTi m u'mmmniiiffiitiTflraTniiirmnniTOmraininini.PT ' HAVERF0RD M hit Pton Colonial houM and old fmhlonffl (rrdn ofrlofiklni lT5 ntnta? 7 bfdrooms and S hatha 3n -ooo another hnm ncarbv would be excellent for children it near schools and hat? plenty of rrountf $12 000 BRYN MAWR Uitltdlntr flte nurrounded b Urn tatM nouae an h located on a gf wooded hill J7 arrei moitty under culthatlon at ream P A. D. WARN0CK I M 112 B ldTH ST (OTIS HLDO ) B aHirtiiiin!mmminraiimmimimmimnTm'miMrfflinni:Biiiimimumraniiiii.!iraffl TWO NEW HOUSES Located In beat part Ilrn Mawr and i ready for Immediate occupancs Snd for I partli ulars MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. N K ror Itroed snd Chestnut sts VKff JFWBKi ! IIURRAN CMI)IN I 5EI" ojr complete list of Camden houses . slo suburban prices to suit location i UNITED REALTORS IVC N E Front and Market Philadelphia TIIHLE brick dwellings 1 storlo well built i modern comenlences Apply ROBERT Z ' COI.I.IN-QB Front and Arch sis , Camden i I cnLi.iMiiwonn ' . FOR "SALE Modern 10 room house, hot- I water heat, lot 110x175 gsrsre chicken house fruits garden 720 Llnwood ae i , md walnut st LU RKI. MpillNOS BEAtTIFrij suburban resMence rooi lora tnn modern conenlencei, inacloua prounds frtooo R F RANklV agent I Glenna Ja ujrej8prlnr a NFU .MtMK SKARHORE I 713 PLYMOUTH PI-ACn OCEAN CITT ; TweUe room completelv furnlahed niMi ii-HiPa rnuRRf Willi IRTgC 10t IVeU lO . :Htra I iuare from beach opn now for inspection Appiv Emll Ouenther 20th st ang wraa rerrv rosq I'miflOelphlS 1'a (IPFN ( IT ncriv rirv ,-,,.,. . u...u .miimJ T JJ",'!"" on '"' ";?,,b',.':n' Suitable lOr Winter nfn ninpi 11 t 1 fen tral ave D rooms gas throughout long FIORIDA We will build jour home on pro uueuvs rarm lanu near Jackeon vine at in per month Write Jax Height Jacksonville Fla CO i,r.NNHil.VANI FARMS ; CHOICE COUNTRY HOME 41 acres IS miles from City HslI on maca i dam hlghwav ! mile from ststlon near 'school, stores churches etc stone house all conveniences necessarv outbuildings I fruit old shade woodland and stream price iihmmi W. FORREST MAGEE SOUTHAMPTON PA IDEAL COUNTRY HOME is .ere. fertile ,o.i iodine, .o rit, iiaii on main hlghwaj near station on Newtown Dlv attrartlve Btone dwelling 10 rooma bath hot WHter heat high ceilings recep tlon hell necessarv outbuildings all In A 1 ..J'tiann n-i. ' e. '..,' . ted linoo P-ic for prompt T mRRFCr n erape rrult asparagus bed this year net sale sin au'i 1 W. FORREST MAGEE SOUTIIAM PTON PA FARM BARGAINS I arffe and Small rrmii for Sale Countr -entn a recinlts C. F. BEUM0NT Dovlestown Ta 10 ACRK poultrj or truck farm 17 mllea from Clt Hall on mncidnm hla-hway, near atorea, churches school and atatlon on NfAlown division of rieadlns atone duelllnqr fi mom r.er-Prv nuthulMrnir- fruit old . shade price for nulrk, eale $440f) riiitnc.-! MAUbL "omnampion i'a 59 ACRES 35TH WARD I On stone rosd with cltv lights watered bv i l ronuestng creek gooil rnrm nutlillngs OFFKRFD AT RLDUCED PRICE C P PETEI1S A SON COS CHESTNUT ST PF.N'N MAIN LINE 11 ACRES LINCOLN HIGHWAY I Main dwelling 11 rooms (photo) conve , farm- er s nouse anq cnnipi.i. uina. nne view r V PETERS A HON W) CHESTNUT hT EEAL EBTATE TO EXCHANGE new ly I . 1T I rLtlRIDA K WILL TRADE large building snd lot, clear CI I for Investment properties subject to one mortgage uuu, A KUr.l'lvl,ls 721 ,1 (12d REAL ESTATE FOE SALE 4iFItMN1tlHN jr j V jffvf&&x$ii&t yf 9 GlMCWLJvijlirJ Tff,ftalaT5iPa'rTM' l A jTjl'fE 9 -l?irfSj:Otfw'lar .C j TBft iTlTr lifSs 4--TayWPalSs4llBnjtftCt.jBpvi 4AWe ftfc.. ?V In the highest part of Germantown, overlooking the links of the Golf Club, tKis house has a commanding view of the surrounding country. The long sloping roof lines; the tiled terrace (facing the sun) and the latticed tea room have made it the "most talked about" house of the year. It ha an open plan, well proportioned rooms and ample furnishing spacea. These will appeal to the woman of artistic taste desiring to work out a complete scheme for furniture andLdecoration. , ifv y . SEDGWICK FARMS'CO.. 7014 Boyer St., Germantown GERMANTOWN 569 REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITT 2031 WALNUT ST Thirteen rooms. 8 baths, hot-water heat electrlo tight JOHN B. MAGEE REAL ESTATE THUBT BLDO Cnr.STNL'f HILL Very Desirable Residence, for Sale and for Rent FURNISHED JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CHESTNUT HILL, PHIL A Bell Telephone. Chestnut Hill 1387 REAL ESTATE WANTED 8,AoV,h.u'1iJ'fi1,!l3J'.'f.ore"-iJ?ir.X0iiSi! bthl.mrre'nt'lrm.? VnK,&l?n sbout a house to be vacated will be greatly appreciated by adertlser Address i' ti-a I edaer Orflre FAMILY of 8 desires to rent a comfortable. I weii-furnlshed apartment or house for 4 to o months an excellent opportunit ror people spending the winter elsewhere to rent toarespnnsihlc psrt M 120 Ledger urc WAVTEti ean In IMober housw or apart ment fl or 7 roomr 11 good residential eectlon Phone Market 410 or h letter onl I to W ft Swwer HellwMie fitrstfnrd WISH TO RENT house convenient to L ' or train city or suburbs small famllN Immediate possession moderate rent M lit Ledger Office E WANT properties to sell have hundreds of huers wnlting, ijulck results the Arm that rles ou service i I WICK A OLLMKR 4421 Oermantown ale HOME HU1ERS wnlting list vour properties with me will give ou good results H LIERMAN 8103 Kensington ave HAVE UU1LKH West I'hlla properties fair prices B C ADAMS 141H Wslmlt WANT TO nt'T 0 to R room dwellings for Investment Address M 031 Ledger Off. , ULUDS mtrs wills written expert work I mod rhes K F SPLLFR 1201 Chestnut Factory Wanted Muat hae railroad alJlnar 20 OOO to 4 0 OOO sauaro feet Does not hae to be cntratl5 loeated Call Rac 176 or Walnut 2M 10 flrtoPQ FT manufacturlnit purposes ln or near Philadelphia I or 2 floora must ' b on switch renli mail only Teroxlde Spe clalt Co , 10 Willow st WAN'TKD to rent or share trurk farm abcut IS or 2 acres In PnnaIanlR within 20 milea of Philadelphia on railroad A 1 referencp needed C 28 Ledger Office i ! 1U'HRN MAItRIED couple desire furnished house or apartment located either on the Chestnut I Hill division oi tne renna Hsllroad or on , the Cvnwjfl nl or Overbrook line state ' price and terms references given Reply to - iiiu l.eoa.r ,mir. I o r.nnnnniv WILL Ht'Y or rent H to 10 room house with In 10 minutes to Cltv Hall modern Im .- --. u..-. .,ki. . . .. n..e.... uam nv. tn h,,. r..... r.n 10 Quarry st THE PENNSYLVANIA CO.MPAVT For Insurances on Lives and Granting An nultles 517 Chestnut Hoth phones 131 S joth llr JI10 S2J Rare inr II50O 2IH1 Bprure 11 r J10 1 STORES AND DWELLINGS 231 N 2d 18r HO 1201 0 S 2d Br 1 Rnelnesw Properties nnd Btoree 38 So. 8th St. Handsome Double-Bulk Front Including Steam Heat ' J-A. Patterson, 130 S. 15th St. germantown ave -rme urge vomer store for rent suitable for any btialnees. good live location WICK A OLLMER 4421 Germantown ave. bTDRC electric light sfatr heat finest location Appiv Hsllev 247 B Uth st Factories. Manufacturing Floors CENTRAL MODERN FIREPROOF BLDG. 02x147 FT FLOORS ELEVATOR 7l29 FT OR WILL SELL W. BRUCE BARROW 110 'n 12TH ST 101 11011 n(j FT modern mfg bldga P R h siding light on all sldis 1,2 it-sty bldgs , also 30 OOO sq ft mod construct n through out R R DlETERjCH 37 Wnlnut st C0H0CKSINK MILLS STEAM AND ELECRIC POWFR Ijirge and small floora 171J Randolph WILL ERECT HUILDINO 10 OUO to Jllo UO0 sousre feet for respnnelhl tenant on long lease DIETERICH 73T Wolnut st OFFICII. BI'-IVRs'i ROOMB. I.TC. 014 AHC1I BT Uumi ruoms invluJinj heat and 1'ght I) H Phamhrs 7ln romm rctsl Trut nuts anEHI.E RLTia 170S in Chestnut Choice st for artist J R Tardella liv Chr'stlan v ntctN nt no Kit n ruesmiit st T, desirable offlres 1 over 800 square feet REAL ESTATE FOR SALE iF.RMNTHWN UNUSUAL HOUSE AT SEDGWICK REAL ESTATE TOR RXXT OFFICKB. nBIN,B ROOMB, BTC. . , MILLINER or DRESSMAKER Very large second floor front room on most tued auto thoroughfare Ir the clt, 1417 Locust st with 3 larre dlsplsy windows also smsller rooms for work rooms, tmuiedttae possession EDUAR O CROSS 1411 Walnut St. 1417 LOCUST STREET Second floor front lery large roomi 21x10 feet well lighted Immediate pos, session EDOAR O CROqq 1411 Walnut Desk Room Wanted DUSK "OOM wanted In office bulldlna us I " "r1"" "hnn' " " M'"WM' MKT PHILXDEI.rniA FOR REN'T Dwelling 1 rooms and bath! 3448 Spruce st agents on premises Mon de n 30 to 4 Ml PENNSYLVANIA BI'nrRn.N Suburban Home of Stone 12 rooms 3 baths 4 acres convenient o train and trnlle HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE IlLDU NEW JERBEV SRABHORE . ATI 1NTIC TlTl , FlirniaVlnrl Hniien ln CHELSEA A C. I uilllalH-U 1 1UU3L Modern, all conv.n. lences Lease from October 10 to April 10 ' fsriicunri ,a n vveoster st west rnlla FOR. RENT FURNISHED . CITT 2315 SPRUCE STREET Attractive residence containing 0 rooms and I bathroom well furnished nnd In good condition EDOAR O CROSS 1411 Walnut st MORTGAGES Six Per Cent First Mortgagee For i6 in amounta rannlntr fr.m JS500 t ! JOHN H. McCLATCHY 848 LAND TITLE IILDO , ISO NOTE OR MORTOAOK Immediate settlements I To Unsettled estate loans ..... Building sssoclation funds $1000 DEMPtET A CO aj 8 10th st $50 TO Ileal dlate eetste security. Imme settlement Interest In $2000 EDW. M.MOLL 133 a. I2th st MR HOMEni'YEIt I Let us help vou buv vour home Money for 0t and second mortgages reaaonabl !. ' cnari-anromoi sejiiements I.AM 4.'I Mdener Rldg LOANS REAL EBTATE AND ESTATRB. ANT SUM DELANT 34 S Broad tWeet End Rldg I ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick answer MAURICE H MATSINGER R E Tr Bldg. 18T AND 2D MORTGAGES IOANS ON INTERESTS IN ESTATEB JOHN A BARRY 507 LAND TITLE BLDO. W H HALL A BON 48B LAND TITLE RLDG I yONEY for flrt ard. second mortgagee M Fremenhoft mm fl fith Dick 44-2T PRIVATE FUNDI for flrst mortgages ItOOO to I5O0O A F Russell 1Mb A Tasker. 1 WANT lli 000 at 14 per cent ample city real estate security B 827 Ledger Office MONEY TO LOAN WHO LOANS THE MOST MONEY ON DIAMONDS? , f . h , Lowest rates or mieresi cnargett FridenDerC S .Loan UtllCe 87 North llth between Filbert and Arch. N W Cor Oth and Buttonwood Mill LAN BORROW MONEY "5Tr ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 123 AND UP 2 PER CENT S71 AND UP 14 PER CENT J200 AND UP 1 PER CENT RIEDER S 12 MARKET ST RIDC.E AVE AND OXFORD ST 22D AND SOUTH 3TB NEED MONEY We will Joan money on salary or furniture; to reliable jl Vo honest employe r fuied Courteous c-atment to all. r. f nDAIrT WOOD BUILDING J, U UlrlU 400 CHESTNUT ST. READY MONEY DIAMONDS WATCHES A JITWELRT United States Loan Society 117 NORTH RRCAD .ti Jlsrk't st 2518 Oermantown av. CASH MONET AT ONCE n jrwelrv bonds automobiles goods of any kind Podol's Loan Office 1102 N 2d st. fertlflecl TnliHe Areoontatits I.A WHENCE E BROWN A CO ion REAL FSTATE TRUST DLDO I tjvvt.3 ina-ric . adjust PARTNERSHIP. 'CORPORATION A DltPUtTTD ACCOUNT. REAT ESTATE FOR SALE (,KRMNTOWN A , '. Ji Ti o V p. '1 'N T ,e tt U! . M r, ,& J St 4jf ft? 4 i ;