p -t Zi-l sv TT-x - ) IV r t ? i t r Jff 22- ' r Investors read iHeWall Street Jnal , Tho following companies offer INSURANCE of ail kinds Beidler & Bookmyer General INSURANCE BROKERS 424 Walnut Street iembard 204T Mala 453 New York Office 93 William Street 1817 1919 rire Association of pmT,ArFt,pm N. W. Cor. 4th & Walnut Mas riven Its policy holders llfl Indemnity (or more than on hundred years and has neve been so strong financially as now. Have von a policy In this old and reMahle rvmnanv? CHARTER l'EKI'ETUAC WILLIAMS C& WALTON General Insurance Agents Nos. 416-420 Walnut St. PHILADELPHIA Commonwealth Casualty Company Oldest Philadelphia Casualty Comnana Assets $700,000.00 Automobile and Teams Accident and Kleknes Insurant Attractive I.lher4 Itatrs Pollelee Prompt Claim Service Ask your Broker for Commonwealth Protection Call, write or phono Drexsl Building United Picture Productions Corporation A co-operative organization of Theatre owners and producers to produce their own films. Active market for the Common Shares on the New York Curb. Circular Upon. Request George C. Winchd Specialist 67 Exchange Place New York I1- ' -M PROVINCIALISM has been an American fault. IT is found as often in the large, as in the small institution, applies to capital as well as labor, and its greatest danger lies in that it sacrifices the good of the whole to the advantage of the smaller unit. 'E, as a people, have been too prone to seek the advantage of the individual or of the class at the expense of the com munity. HP HE United States has known a genera tion's growth in the past five years. Hp HERE is a crying need today that the 1-. nation's affairs should be handled with out the fetter of provincialism. COR the good of the whole", must be the slogan of leadership in the ac tivities of national life. Pressing problems are facing the na f'1 ? 3. lb f n . til f m P 4aTer' stft ' ijmtmr IFiWJSHJe- SV Vat'1' WpW"Wi GUILTONAUSTRIA Borlln Papers Believe Vienna's Revelations Justify Revision of Peace Terms MAY MAKE SUCH DEMAND By (he Associated Press Tterlln, Sept. 21. Ocrman newspa pers todnv are arguing that the Rod Lrtook just issued by the Austrian gov ernment proves Germany tried earnestly to prevent the outbreak of the great war In 1014 and that Count Leopold von Uerchtold, Austrian foreign min ister in 1IU4. bran, the bulk of the responsibility by his "underhand tne ties and deception." The belief that Germany ran de mand a revision of the peace terms on the strength of the Red Hook is ex pressed by the rtoerson pitting, which intimates that the publication of the Red Rook was planned to bring about such n demand The Kreuz Zeitung denounces what it calls the "Inextin guishable guilt of Austrian diplomacy," while several other newspapers praise the courage and honesty that brought about the revelations of the Red Rook. The Tngeblott njs Germany was re quired to kep silent about facts at the I'eare Conference so as not to hinder Austria's chances for a better pence Almost the only newspaper to criti cize the German government is the Tageblatt, which sns the government in 1014 "did not show the slightest Interest in the situntlon aud ucted idiotirall." adding that "Germaus in power at that time plajed the part of thoroughgoing fools." The newspaper I declares the revelations of the Red Rook an "awful disgrace for Germany." "The governmental incapacity of the HohenzoUerus for the last thirty jears was ou- guilt, for which we now must pay,'1 the newspaper concludes. AVilhelmstrasse believes thut the rev elations at Vienna will not minimize the guilt of Russia, while on the other hand they may clear up points relative to the German attitude during the criti cal days, of July, 1014, especiallj her position on Viscount Grey's proposal to submit the Rukso-Austrian dispute to arbitration. It is declared at the Foreign Office that the evidence proves the Germatl government not only transmitted Vis count Grey's suggestion to Vienna, but was "insistent in urging its accept ance." It is held to be proved that j Count Rerehtold. apparently on pur pose, delayed his answer to Rcrlin, sending it by courier, who reached here latter mobilization had been ordered. $50 $100 LIBERTY BONDS norr.HT and old Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH STREET Member Philadelphia Stock exchange GERMANS PUT WAR PROVINCIALISM EVENING PUBLIC .. ' ii ' GOSSIP OF STEEL STRIKE ALL-ABSORBING TOPIC IN BROKERS' OFFICES Financial District Assumes Attitude of Expectant Waiting Pending Today's Developments tGossip of the Street THE atmosphere in the financial district during the half session on Sat urday was one of expectant waiting. Outside of the one all-absorbing topic, the steel strike, there was little Interest displayed. As to the strike itself, the consensus of opinion was that no one knew Just what Is going to happen this morning, reports from the steel districts being so contradictory. In the face of everything, many were surprised at the continued strength of steel stocks, although they naturally declined a little from the close on Friday. The showing made by Ilethlehem U was considered satisfactory. A broker speaking of this stock said It is estimated to be earning around ?20 a share after federal taxes and depreciation charges. It Is also strong in assets, he said, and as there Is some talk of large corporations being obliged, after the capital and labor conference In Washington on October fl, to distribute them, Rethlehem, like some other well-known corporations, would be in a ery satisfactory position. Xo one in the brokers' offices could be found to venture a prediction for todaj Conservative houses, in fact, it might be said that all houses, are advising caution on their customers until the labor situation clears up, although privately many of these brokers say that when there is a strike is the time to buy and certainly not the time to sell. Present-Day Opinions on Business by Brokers Hclow are the opinions of certain leading bankers and brokers on the present situation : Frazler & Co. It would seem as though nothing but a miracle or a backdown of the steel workmen can prevent the (.trikc today. He has been evident for some time that there must he n showdown between capital and labor In some industry within the very near future. In this connection the attlon of the American Federation of Labor in selecting the steel in diistrv for the showdown would seem to be the gravest of tactical errors. The ordinary principle is that if ou are going to attack a battle line you take the weakest and not the strongest part of it. If the "powers that be" nt Washington deliberately obtained a post ponement of the railroad strike in favor of a steel strike, their strategy is to be commended. It Is our opinion that the steel strike will be of very short duration and will end up in a compromise of such a nature that it will amount almost to a complete victory for capital. To. speculators and investors we offer the following suggestion: JDo not blindly dump overboard stocks on strike news. ' IJutrber, SherrenL.t Hansell We are nil vitallj interested in knowing how long it will take the world to get back on a thoroughly settled basis, "ntil the present unrest subsides we may 'expect no material or permanent reduction in the costs of living. I'very time n strike occurs in any line of work, whether it is barbers, tailors, steel workers or railroad men, the dailj expenses of each one of us are increased by just so much. From present indications, it would seem that conditions mUst get some what worse before thej start to improve permanently. The judgment of the great mass of Americans is fair, when they have the facts. The Boston police strike has brought home to many of us unpleasant facts we had pre vloush been slow to admit. While the nation is in the process of digesting these acts we may expect an uncertain stock market, but not an uninteresting one. Carstalrs & Co. The stock market faces a threatened steel strike with quiet confidence. Finnncial opinion is unanimous that if a strike eventuates it will be of short duration and that the terms of settlement will be dictated by the manufacturers. Meanwhile, a potentially bullish market probably will hold itself in leash waiting only adjustment of the dispute to give vent to its enthusiasm. It is clear that holders of stocks are convinced that cmistructie factors in the situation far outweigh those of different tenor; the man who cannot vision rising Values is much in the minority. The bulk of speculative interest has been finding its way to the oil, motor and tobacco stocks. Railroad stocks are selling at their lowest average levels, while railroad bonds may be bought nt prices to yield most attractive returns. Hughes & Dler In view of the labor situation, which assumed serious proportions last week, the action of the stock market was satisfactory. The steel strike has been called for today; but despite this fact, the situation is not altogether alarming. The wise counsel of veteran labor leaders may have some influence upon the situation, and it may De that the strike will be postponed until after the industrial conference to be held with President WiKoti next month. The foreign exchange situation remains practically unchanged, although a firmer tone was evident late in the week. A prac tical solution of the problems confronting the country cannot be long de layed, and there is every reason for optimism notwithstanding present en tanglements. There lies just around the corner a broad highway leading to an abundant prosperity hitherto unknown, and the market for our securities should quickly reflect this prosperous condition. Guaranty Trust Company, New York A striking contrast is afforded by a comparison of the foreign trade figures of this country for the months of June and July, 1010. The gross figures were as follows: July June Exports $570,000,000 $018,000,000 ..Imports 345,000,000 203,000,000 F.xoess of exports $225,000,000 $623,000,000 Just as the June export figures were the highest in our national his tory, so were the July imports the highest on record. The increase in im ports as compared with June were pretty evenly divided between the various classes of commodities and betweeu the various continents from which the goods came, the only importnnt difference being in the imports from Asia, which rose in value from $73,000,000 to $104,000,000. In exports the principal losses were one of $118,000,000 in the value of foodstuffs partly or fully prepared for consumption and one of $125,000,000 in manufactures ready for consumption. There were losses in exports to all the conti nents, the chief losses being one of $230,000,000 in exports to Europe and one of $47,000,000 in those going to Asia. Of the European losses, $150, 000,000 is accounted for by the United Kingdom and France. Chandler Brothers & Co. Either the radical strike leaders are put ting up a great big bluff or else there will be a strike in the steel industry Monday. One of these leaders says Mr. Gompers is out of the question ; that the only man who can stop it is Mr. Gary. If our information is cor rect, Mr. Gary regrets in one way and welcomes in another way the settle ment of the dispute by the strike route, and we believe he and his associates of the United States Steel Corporation will carry the fight to a finish. We do not regard the strike as a bearish argument on the steels. They will finally get the business and the profits whether now on a 50 per cent to 60 per cent capacity or later on a 100 per cent capacity. It is not like the theatre strike, where the loss was an actual one and not recoverable. tion. The solution of these problems neces sitates a point of view free from provincial ism. HP HE necessary means of business must be provided throughout the world, and utter urgency compels prompt action from each and every unit. We are rc.pidly throwing off the bonds of provincialism. VyE have confidence that the pressing modern world problems can, and will, ber answered by the assumption by every individual of his share in the activities and progress which make "for the good of the whole". IMBRIE & GO. BANKERS . NEW YOBK CHICAGO BOSTON PITTSBURGH MILWAUKEE LEDGERS BXGAt)EIypH:ii, -MONDAY, ' " . ii .T !.. i , - 1" . in Ti . ii. I THE STREET Outside Stock Pricto 1 (September M. 1101 The followlne table ihewi the leit re rordM ) price and dates ot tranctlene ef benk, truet company and vsrloue local etocke seldom, and In eome cteet never, delt In on the Philadelphia Stocn Biehne. Quotations complied by JJaraee Lofiandi Dank Date ot Lett Bale American Bank B4U jjk of Commerce.,. 12& "nk of North Amer..205 Broad street e Centennial National... JI5 Central National 415 uX?Z' ii Merchairta. SO .'" National 40 Mar Nor. Sept. Feb. Apr. Nov. Aur. Apr. Dec. July AUC. Oct. 29, "IS 8. 10. :. 22. 14. 18. 1ft. 24. 28. 20. fourth s,. NatlonaI..880 EX2?isJdiM' ..121, ..S02U 81. FeK Juir 28. '! 2, IB Olrard Natlona'l"..'.'.', K'SI'na'on National ?frV-t,L Ntlona Sept. 17. '10 .11 Au. 18. 1? . .?0 ..1STH .. SO .,443 ..S71 ..12 Au. 20. ;; June Auc. July Aur. Mar. Mar Dec Jan. Auc. Auc. Auc. Nov. June June July Sept Julv July Dec Jan. Mar. 4 18, '10 81. '18 18. '10 8, 1 7, 1 20. M7 8,'IS 20. '1 8, 'ID 27. '18 14. 'IT 4. '1 10. '1R 2S. '1 17. "fo National "sVuMt, a jar"1"" North ?... 1 ff,n.'iw'''," Natlon.UOlU .21U p.' ,:::!. .? l-niuaeiphla National. 455 U leva. I- '.". " -"- ! uuai . . ran fSlSXI lly National. 12B 2L..1 tlon "07 2i Sr".k National 202 Tenth v.'" Natlonal.128 Tenth National lao Thirdl,v2vr,w,,,:: l""1 Tnira National.., 24!Ht TfM"nyn.'.' Natloni 250 Union National Jjlo Weit Philadelphia"." 43 31. 'I 0. 24. 9. 18. Trust Cempanlea Aldlne Truit ico gelmont Trunt ...', 35 nryn Maur Truit....! 55 S'Jtral Tru.t Sav 72'4 Chelten Truet .... 141 Colonial Trust .. ..ItloSW June Jan, Keb. sept. Pent. July July Auc. Auc. Auc. Sept. Apr. July Sept. Pept. 4, 17. 11. 8. 10. IS. 23. 27. 27, 18. 10. 18. 18. IT, 10 IT 10 'lu 10 '10 '10 '10 '10 '10 'ID 10 1U 'in v.u,umDia Ave Trust... VO0H Cornm.n.1.1 T.r 'iz Commonwealth Tmft"233H cvntinnliil.CquU Truet 4W guipire iiue Truet.. 21H Excel.ior Truit .....I (ISVt Fidelity Truit 500 xln Co of Pa 1, nrf. ini 17, V.TL& -?"! im Jp. 17T 151SV4 ,2lTi . TISW .800 Jan. 23. ' 18 ID Franklin Truet . Osrmsntown Truet S"r3 4lveT T. Olrird Truet Ouarantee Truet . . May Oct. July Juiy June Dec. July June May Feb. June Oct. Auc. Mv Sept. March Auc. June July Sept. Auc. Auc. June April June Sept June Auc. Sept. June July Sept. Auc. Teb. Apr. Juno July Feb. June July II. 2. 'IS SO. '10 10. 'IB .I28H 25. 18. 3. 18. 21. 10. IS. 18. 27, 15. ".. A. 11. 0. m. IS. II. 18. 0. 25. 8, IB. a, 10. 25. 80. IT. 7. 3. 8. 18. 23, S. Haaaincton Title & Tr.121 ftanmon Truet lflO Knlmeabur Trust .... M' Inteerlty Truet 22a' jankintnvn Truet Co..iM; Kenelneton Truit .... aoVi "na Title ft Truet.... 800 Liberty Title Truet.. 103 T.ocan Truit 14a Manayunk Truet (144 Market St Title Tr..lM M'1"!!! Mnlnn Tr.. 81 J."?'11.7!11" Trust... Rsh Mutual Truet 4R Northern Truet ROO North Phlla Truet 181H Northwestern Truet ... 802 Pelham Truit jao Penra Co for Inc. etv..10 People'e Truet 1U EM.'.C.0 S?r 2 140U Philadelphia Trust ...o Provident I.lfo A TT...427H Ileal Estate T I T. . .811 Real Estate Truet com. 81 do pref 97 Ttrpubllc Truet 2l6 Tllttenhouee Truet .... 85 Taconv S D T ft T. . . . 240 Tinea Truit lOO1! United Sec I, I ft T... 101 Wavne Junction 75 Weet Knd Tmrt iso Weit Phlla T ft T....14T 10, 14. '10 IJfe Insurance companlea Olrerd Life Ins A Mar. Philadelphia Lire .... 10 Sept. Fin Imnranre Companlea alliance 22 Fire Association 320 Sept Auc. June June Sept. Nov. Auc. Sept. July Sept. IT, 13. 53. 11. 11. 18. 2T. 10. 23. 10, independence Security. 214 Ine Co ot State of Pa. snva .umbermen'a .100 Mechanics' , People'e National..., Reliance Vnlted Firemen's .. Victory , 7S in at 12H 85 Paaeencer Beltway Stocks Camden ft Suburban.. IOH Mar. Cltlicna' (10th llth).22SU June Continental 00 June F"mi Pk ft Haddlncton. 45 Oct. Frankfort ft Southw'k.2S3 Sept. Oermant'n (4th ft 8th). 01 July Heetonvtlle M F 32tt July Hestomrllle M F praf. SI July Green ft Coatee Sta... 05 July Philadelphia City 11T July Philadelphia ft Derby. SOU Dec. Phlla ft Oraya Ferry.. 87J4 May Rldce Ave 200tf Nov. Seond ft Third 8te...208 July Thirteenth ft 15th Sts.lSOtt Aue. Union Paeeencer 150 Dec Weit Philadelphia ...185H April Bttllreade Camden ft Burllnc Co. 28ti July Catawltia lit pref... 42 Apr. Cetivla 2d pref.... 42 U July Chestnut Hill 63 Jan. Delaware 41 W Mar. Del ft Dound Brook., .186 June Cut Mahanoy 1U Auc. iSait Pennsylvania . . . SOsfc Auc. Klmlra ft Williams o. 40 May 2. 18. 25. 80. 8. 30. 8. 80. 23. 18. 18. 14. 10 IS 10 18 10 10 18 in 10 '10 '18 19 18 27. 80. 'Iff ". -IB 28. 29. 81. 29. 28. 12. 8. 20. 30. 20. 28. A. 4. 8, 17. 2T. IT. IT, 25. 12. 20. 11. 2. I 2T, 13. 18. 19. 14. 2. 23. 8. 1ft. 4. in. 12. lTi 20. !mlr& L Wllllama Df. lo'i June -luntlnc B Top com. 8 Feb Huntlnc ft B Top pf.. 10U Sept. Lehlch Valler pref -.120 May T.lttle Schuylkill ..... 42 Auc. I-ykene Valley 14 July Mlnehlll ft Sch Haven. 51 Sept. North Pennsylvania .. TO Auc. Phlla Trenton 19T Apr. Phlla Otn ft Norrlc.llBU Auc. United Co. of N J.... 185 Sept. Western N T Pa ..21 Auc. Mlaeellaneoas Amer Pine ft Con Co. 13 Auc. Berrner ft Encel Brew 6 Auc. Bercner ft Encel B pf. 25U Auc. De Lone Hook ft Eye. 22 Feb. Enterprise Mfc Co ... 50 H May Keyitone Watch Case. 70 April Mer"hat' Warehouse. 82 July Mulfotd H K Co 85 Sept Northern Liberties Qee. 34 U July Penn TraSle SH June Penn Cold Btorace ... 18 March Penna Warebottalnf ..100 Dec. Phlla Bourta ........ 5 Sept. Phlla Bourse pref ... 20U Auc. Phlla Warehouea 112 June Phlli, Whs ft r. B 87 Sept Srallh. Kline ft French. 05 Apri: StetMOn J B , 840 Auc. Steteon J B pref 188 Auc. Westmoreland Coal ... T5 Sept. is. 2. ! t. '19 20. '1 8. "in 11. 10 ANOTHER OUTLAW CHASE Search for "Hen" Qreen Near Union I vllle Ends In Failure I Another chase was staged In the vi cinity of TJnlonville yesterday afternoon , after "Hen" Green, Welsh Mountain ' outlaw. He Is being sought for seriously j shooting William Green In a fight three weeks ago in Lancaster county over the affections of Laura Parker, and also for stealing harness In Chester county. The chase was led by County De tective William Mullin, Constables Parke Hegester and Cecil McMichael, tvro state troopers and several farmer volunteers, but as on the former occa- tion Oreen departed a free man. I Word was received that Green had I been seen in the vicinity ot Unionville and the posse went there in automobiles, ' surrounding a bouse supposed to be ! occupied by Green and the woman In I the case who has joined him, but they had fled. A search about several town ships and baunta of the outlaw failed to reveal either the man or woman. It has been learned that Green was wounded In a former fight in a corn field near Northbrook, and a Dowalng town physician removed several grains of birdshot from his leg the day follow ing the cornfield fight. STEAMSHIP NOTICE EARN LINE Philadelphia Havana GENERAL CARGO II. S. SklDoIne Board Steel Steamers S.S."LAKE GALERA," Now Loading S.'S. "LAKE FLUVANNA".. Oct. 15 For rates ud f artitlar tffilj to Earn line Steamship Co. 411 Baiatt WIS-- rfcHafeteU III SEPTEMBER " 22, 1919 : ' . '" '" ij-' 'I ?...i..i ACCORDO CIRCA LE SORT I Dl F HE? JT "I Presidents Wilson Sarebbo Irremovibile Nella Sua Atti tudino di Opposlzione Published and Distributed Under . . , PERMIT NO. 841, Authorised by the act of October ,6, 1(117, on file at the Poitofnce ot Phila delphia. Pa, By order of the Treildent. A. S. DURLESON. Poetmatter General. . Parifl, 21 settembre. Un accordo o' stato racslunto trn gll itallanl e 1 Jugo slavl, II quale sembra apra la yia per una immediata sistemnzionc della ones tlone dl Flume, nonostantc che II Tres Idente Wilson Insista nella sua posi ilone nnchc cob l'nccordo tra le due parti in disputa. I Jugoslav!, si apprende, hanno rl- Ynunc lien and Bora The Episcopal Academy Locust and Juniper SU. rousDxv itsj THE school atm. Doth In In. 1 siructlon and bv ialjr In tercourse with the masters. Is to Mlp boys lay the foun dation ot an upright, manly and religious character. Right llvtnir. right thinking and good scholarship ara the fundamentals. A thorough education for boys 6 years to college. Admission to colleges by, certificate or examination. . Special courses for busi ness Larse athletic croundi. cymnaelum. Doxlnc. wreetllnc. body culture under direction of Prof Wm. J. Herrmann. Bar. Philip J. Rtelnmeti. 4r 8. T. I.. Headmaster, will be at the Academy an and after Sept. 8th, Beclsters mailed on applica tion. Schools open, Upper, .Sept. '8th! Middle. 19th Lower. Z?d William Penn Charter School No. 8 South Twelfth Street PHILADELPHIA Founded In 1A80 and chartered hv William Penn on the lame day aa the city of Phila delphia, the Penn Charter School has main tained an uninterrupted corporate cxlitence. Durlnc the past 44 yeara the school has craduated over 1800 pupils, of whom more than 1200 have, continued their atudlee in a core of universities and professional schooli. The unuiual proportion of alumni who haie taKen one or more univcreuv decrees n aue larcely to the character and permanence of the teaching" staff, numberlnc over 30 mem bers. Of theie the elx senior members have Clven to the ecbool an averace term of ervlce of 26 years. For three veara there have been no chancel in the staff, aave ad ditions to meet the requirements of In creased enrollment, which has already taxed to capacity tne new ounainc aaaea 10 equip ment lait ear. Macniflcent playlnc fields of 22 acres afford ample facilities for the exerclie of a school of BOO. The 28tet year beclne September 23d. The Prnipectue for 1919-20 Is ready for dli- trlbutlon. iiuuainca nre open ior i"nr; " and classification of pupils Bentember Oth. BICILVBD MOTT filTMMKRE. Ph. D. nr-l3irir.,fc THK FBANKLIN INSTITUTB SCHOOL OF MECHANIC ARTS Drafting. Mathematics Mechanic. NATAI. AKCIIlTlXTCBSi !! M.-w-t 28T8 15 S. . itanvD tiniri. -TntnelvA Tnterlac TJnlverertv reference. 118 So 34th Bt. HAnRISBUBO. PA. Harrteburg gcabemp A Capita! School Near a Capital City. A country school founded 1786. Located on the banks of the beautiful Suique- banna River. Ideal for health and ecen ery. Modern bulldlncs.' large campus. Advantages of smell claaies and Individ ual Instruction. Thorouch colleca prep aration. Ratei 1525-1625. Supervised athletics. Separate school for younger boye. We Invlle cloieet Inveitlcatlon a personal visit If ponlbte. Write for Catalocue L and plans of new dormitory. ATtTntnt E. BB.01VN. Il.A.. Headmaster CHESTNUT flllX. PA. Chestnut Hill Academy ST. MARTIN'S. CnESTNTJT nilX. PA. Preparation for college. An Ideally located country day and boardlns school for boys. Especially low rates for five-day boarder Hlch itandards of scholarship. Unexcelled thiatln eoulcment. lncludlnc three playlnx fields, cymnaiium, awimminc pool and cymnaiium, awimminc pool ana l ation building. Reopens September 34. Catalocuea on application. WyNNEWOOD. PA. .MONTGOMERY SCHOOL Th Country Day School" for Boy from Iht b:inntnr of their ducatton to coller-. Fa4sulty from Columbia, Teacbtra' Coller For Information addreiP Rat. Glbnon UH. A .B.. Hep.. HwnTmnntre TVninwood. Pctma. MUSIC JUBfe CONSERMIySrJSlC 83th year. Individual Instruction. Per sonal Supervlilon. All branches, theoret ical and applied. A school of Public Per formance. Teachera' Normal Training oourie. Public School Muito Supervlilon. Complete Military Bend Dept. Decrees conferred. Two complete PuptlC Sym phony Orcheitras Reciprocal Relations with Univ. of Pa. Dormitories for women. Tear Book Free. GUbert Raynolds Combi, Director Offices, Studloi, Dormitories, Broad 4 Reed Ragtime Piano Playing Taught In 20 Lessons Booklet upon Request. Ckriitenien School Popular Music lozo I'lieataut at,. rhUadelphla Phone. Spru 88T ZECKWEIt-IIAIIN Philadelphia Musical Academy 181T 81'BUCE ST. Onen Hntl.mk.. a,h Pupils should rrcliter now. Branch schools wen i-niiaqeipnia ana Tloca. Phila. Musical Academy OERMANTOWN nRANCn SO EAST WALNUT LANE Catalocue. S'd Season. Otn. 8883. JOHEPn W. CLARKE. Dire. Leefion-Hil e f,",,5rTV,,rI r Mui.- i. Liccieuu "Maurtta Leefaon, Prealdent. ALL BRANCHES Or MUHIO PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC SUPERVISION 15Z4.t8 Phf.tnut St., Philadelphia. BOESCn BPnJHNO. Oak Lane, pi. HYPERION school or musio "l 2 OPEN NOW. Vocal. Violin. Piano. Orcan. Franklin B. Creseon. Dlr.. 1TK rstnnt St.. 87 B. Pnn St..Otn F. EDMUND EDMUNDS TEACHER OP SINOrNO 1114 CHESTNUT ST. THE STERNnERO SCHOOL OF ItTTSin JO aa. 18th Street (Fuller Building). NOW OPEN. Complete musical education. Teaob ,ri' classes Cell or write for cataloc. OFFICE NOW OPBN . ELLA SIMPSON TBACnEE Or SINGINO WTJI.LER BI.DO.. 10 SO. lSTTl' BT. Phflae Conservatory "Sg0,. Director I D. H. Eaerman. H. Van den Tteemt I Aina Sobelman J,tl cnEHTNCT bt. Advanced violin Instruction. Cirenlar. rffifiHft& TABJUBiXa' j- JACKSON VOICE OULTURM aiosj iimiaaun . ' COHOSCltltd CWC KUlMei sjf4J9MtOBie9MNI 4hs (sere annesM all'Italla In com pens dl altro concession!. Tale accordo o' stato ragglunto negll ultlml due glornl da! rappresentantl qui' dell'Italla e Serbia e con 11 valldo appogglo dell'Inghllterra e della Francia, L'accordo st crede sla stato ragglnnto prlnclpatrotnte per le pressionl csercltate dalla Francia verso 1 Jugoslav!. Ora 8! attende che 11 President.! Wil son abbandonl la sua opposlzione o ri marra' isolato nelle sue vedute, assu mendo l'intcra responsabiltta per una situations la quale, secondo gll altrl membri del Conctllo del Quattro, 0' dl venuta intollcrabile per l'Europa. Sc 11 Prcsldente Wilson consentlra' ncH'accordo dl cut sopra, D'Annunzlo sara' vendicato ed 1 suol amid dovranno rlconoscere 11 trionfo personals dl lu! che con la spedizione per Flume ha affrcttato la tanto attesa soluzione per la dtsputata cltta'. Parlgl, 22 settembre. Le truppe sotto 11 comando dl Gabriele D'Annun zlo, 11 comandantc degli insortt Itallanl In Flume, hanno cominciato nd estendero la loro zona dl occupations nel territorlo Jugo-Slavo, secondo la delegazlone Jugo-Blava In Parlgl. La EDUCATIONAL Both Feces WANAMAKER INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIES N. W. Corner 28rd and Walnut Streets Begin' Sept. 18, and End April 0 Drawlnc ..v, ,J'SJ I'alntlnc oil. water and china ix.nn Kncusa Lancuace French or Spanish ... Piano or Violin Ktemocrspny beclnners Stenocraphy advanced Typenrltlnc only nookkeeplnc Bookkeeplnc. Stmocraphr nnd Typewrttlnc combined Flllnc nnd Indexlnc Baslnesa Encltib Bnslneaa Anthmetlo u... Penmanihlp Correspondenca Publie School foreigners Public School Illiterates ....... Prlntlne ; Rent Estate and Convrrandnc . 14.00 18.00 25.00 21.00 14.00 14.00 21.00 '27.66 10.00 14.00 11.00 8.00 8.00 18.00 18.00 115.00 15.00 18.00 9.00 is.no 17.00 rublln ppcaainc mot mm. Art Needlework ana a"ui&lsaw n 1.. aaJ nemu4U HelMle . IlrfBrtmaklme or Millinery .; Arrh!tctnral Drawlnt and Specl- flcntlonr. 18.00 15.00 Mechanical Drawing, . . I ...... ... ." mue inn, wwuu, t.i m.v-...-...v-. ".--x Kncravtnc 24.00 Watch nnd Clock Maklnc and Re- patriae Jj-JK Telecraphy k 1S.00 CutUnc Men's Clothlnc 18.00 DREXEL EVENING SCHOOL STARTS THIS WEEK Enrlneerlnc. Chemistry. Real Estate. Accounting. Business Law, Saleimanshlp, Stenocraphy. Rectster now, enrollments exceedlnc all records. 32d and Chestnut Streets Strayer's Business College Philadelphia's Grsatest Business School OsXl, tcrlfe or phone tor full particular STRAYER'S 807 Chestnut St. Phone, Walnut 384 -JWonteggori t A SCHOOL FOB LITTLE CHILDREN Boarding & Day Departments SPRUCE STREET AT FORTIETH Reopens for otli Year In October Phone Preston 4432. Auto Service. Scientific Direction for NORMAL Chil dren, S to 12 years. The aim of this schuol Is to give Normal Children an en vironment In which the spontaneous tm fiulses ot child life may have freedom for ndlvldual growth. Direction covers Diet, Exercise. Recreation, Deportment. Con trol of Emotlom, Occupation, etc, dif ferent for each Individual child. ANNA VHNDLE PAI8T. Directress Montessorl Diploma, Rome 1914 La Salle Extension University rtlr.rtlcn and a tralalnr that la linked un ith actual business and without Inttrferlag cltn your present position. ACCOUNTANCY BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION .BUSINESS LKTTEB-WJUTTNO LAW BANKING TRAFFIC write, can or pnono wamut Dig, 80S CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA Our grsduatec are In cenitant demand for, rood-paying positions. Ore re Shorthand, the aaay, speedy systira. Complete business and secretarial course. Day and Night Classes. Intensive training. Enroll any time. Call or write for tall particulars and catalocue. PHILA. BUSINESS COLLEGE and College ef Commerce 1017 Cheatnnt St.. Philadelphia. Short Courses NO ADVANCE IN RATES Typewrttlnc. inc- Bookkeeplnc. Shorthand. Dih, Penmanihlp, Dictaphone, Comptometer. Day and evening sessions. Start now. indi vidual Instruction. PALMER SCHOOL. 18 South 10th St. Philadelphia Tumgemeinde School reopens September 8th. Gymnastics, wlmmlnc. Drawlnc and Needlework to tbll dren 1 to 18 years for $T per year. Enroll mow. HQOKi-i. rirwwq nq .oiurnoia Ave- GERMANTOWN FRIENDS' CSurtTiT Ocxna Brt 22. A faw raean. hruAAwwM cjM jor .yn,,; coUcra prapar atory pupiia. ntaniey n. xarnaii. etrrncipai. ITOTCMnV QFTFTA School for iuwwm - w. Boy and Qlrli To rarKway umttt ana loin oca. Op?aa Ninth Month ltd OAK LANE COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL Available to all Phlla. throuch autobus cerv. Klnderearten throuch to collece preparation. Oak Lane. Phlla.. Box P; Phone Melroea 807. ART AND TEXTILE SCHOOLS of the Pens. eylvsnt Museum and School of Industrial Art, Broad and Pin Streets. Open Septan- ber 22d Clreulara on request. MISJLKNIOnT'B SCHOOL FOR fllRLS AND I.1TTK ituxn, s w. iiapicr ot. vet, in. ABDMOBE. PA. r-The Lyman School "BEECn KNOLL." SS9 Lancaitcr Ave, Ardmore, Penna. Ktnderisrten and Primary for both hoys and strls. Junior and Senior School for airls only. Bus eanrlc from West Phlla. via, Overbrook and Merlon. Opens Sept 2tt. Address - MISS M. II. STKKN. (Principal. ANNVnXB. PA. LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE Co-ed. 20 mllea from Ilarrlsburg. A. B B. B Mus. B. Degrees. Collece. Academy. Mute. Oratorr. Art. Pre-madlcal Couree. Terms mod. ATLANTIC CITY NEW JERSEY SCHOOL FOE ATYPICAL CHILDREN VENTNOB. PARKWAY AND SUMNER AVE. Msrrste Park. Atlantic City, N. i. A select school ot adjustment where spe cialised Individual medical and educational treatment and training, combined with the ( n tl.. -nilHU. tnt lll.nlln fl.v ll. mete, stimulate the createat physical and mental aevoiopmcni in nervous ana dck ward children. Detail seat twos application- T ,JUl,t"H'J ' ' ' 'yi fi rvnnmHt. nnpM w mm mlclla durante lev, gtoniatm aatnito, s occupando la alturo dl .Jllwlak, ch domlna.no 11 clrcoctanto territorlo, La delegailone ha dctto cho 1 Jugo Slavl non Bono venutl a conflltto con 1q (one dl D'Annunzlo, quando esse hanno escgulto 11 mpvimento dl occupazione. Londra, 22 settembre.- II quattler generals navftle amcrlcano dl qui', che trovasl In comunlcazlone dlrctta con I portl dell'Adrlatlco, non ha rlceruto alcuna conferma circa 11 rapporto glunto da Roma, la scorsa notte, secondo II quale la fanterla dl marina amerl cana era sbarcata a Buccarl, vlclM Flume, tie autorlta' navall di qui' non prcstano alcun credito alia notlzla, poiche' rltengono che non vl e' elcun motlvo per gll Statl Unltl dl immlschl arsl nella faccenda dl Flume. II fatto che una nave smerlcana at troTl nel porto dl Flume non ha alcun slgnlficato, secondo l'oplnlone degli uf- ficiall navall amcrlcanl. Fall From Dunk Injures Man William Lowler.'fTftT-eight rears old", suffered Injuries to hut head when he rolled from a bunk In a stable on Beulah street near Dickinson today. Hewas taken to Jit. Slnal Hospital. Both Hxwi BUSINESS COLLEGE Parkway Building. Broad and Cherry. Palms Business College 1T11-1T1S CHESTNUT STREET . Day and evenlnc courses In Shorthand, Sec retarial' Bookkeeplnc, Touch Typewriting, Encllah. Etc Attend the best. Individual Instruction. Select nMronace. Enroll now. THE TAYLOR SCHOOL " VIZ' 8!!orih"- Touch Typewrttlnc. BtoI keeplnc A Secretarial Courses. Day-jl-Nlcht. EMyi5?.5IR5? JB2 senqoL of wuW SPeaklnc. Story Telllnc. Potie. 1714 Cheslnut Street. Spruce i 8481. Private Lessons Rnrllsh, Lancuaces. MISS WILDMAN. 182T Rac'.'"'"'- ,. SPRINO GARDEN INSTITUTE Arte. Mechanlee. Electricity, AutomoMla. Ci"'Z! oommence Sept. 22. Enroll now. Seal tor booklet. Broad and Spring Oarden eta Yonnc Women and Clrls 'J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J Designers ' Needed 1 The Philadelphia School of f ivesign tor Women Broad and Master Street H E trains S DESIGNERS TEACHERS E -INTERIOR DECORATORS ILLUSTRATORS E FASHION ILLUSTRATORS E Our Graduates Are in Demand E SEND FOR BOOKLET niiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHir, Phila. School of Design for Women Droad dt Master fits.. Reopens Sept- 2 Full courses In Art and Industrial Art. Teachers' Course. Pkactlcal Deilgnlnc In all Its branches. Zlluitratlon. Fashion Illus tration. Interior Decoration. Faculty Includes H. B. Snell, L. o. Seyffert. O. M. Hardlns. S. Murray and other die Unrulihed artists and designers. P. A. B. WTDENER FELLOWSHIP TO EUROPE FOR DESIGN The Holman School 2204 WALNUT STREET Day School for Girls and Small Boys Opens for Its Twentieth Year on Thuredav. September 25. 1019 ELIZABETH W. BRALEY. A.B, ... -, . ,,Md Mistress Mils Braley or the Secretary now at school dally, nine to four. School coaches Ne route to Bala. Merlon. Overbrook. Open-Air School for Girls The PHERE ANNA Tllnrtji'v ,.,., o.t. . ?i-B7n Saiwr Colleca announces the open i?e "i,- Pr'm'r Department In adiltlon to Its Element'iry and College Preparatory coir.e. vnr.ru. .sia: ,.!."." 'i,T V"4,i': t"r"lon aoa. SCIItinr. nrm mawr Tel. Brn Mawr 208 WALNUT LANE clSa ? tory. Secretarial. ConKrvatory Int. Decora tlon. Short Story Wrltlnc. Sr?nlsS.I,ors?Jal Ury drill. 111m S. IMnn Johneton. A. B. MISS HILLS' SCHOOL- 1808 Sprue street. Reopens Sept. 2th. the prlnelpala. Mils Lilian Chittenden Joaa K'rf.eep.gn.'bei-d'lh: ffl" b ' '" STEVENS SCHOOL S$. Opens Sept. 28d. B2d year. Klnderearten. Collece Prep. Special advantaeee In French Open-air classes. Catslorr. MISS MART BENTLEY. Prtn., 221 W. Chellen Ave., Ctn. Training School for Kindergartners (Formerly Miss Hart's). Junior". Senior and Oraduate Courses. Primary methodi. Prac tice Klndercsrtners. Miss A. T. 1T.OIAN. Director. Box L, 8800 Walnut St.. Phlla. The Agnes Irwin School w 2011 and 2028 De Lancer Place Philadelphia Reditratlon of new pupils, Thurs.. Sept. 28. Beditratlon of old pupils. Friday. Sept. 28 THE FARNUM SCHOOL 1807 Pino Street Reopens Oct. lit Senior, Junior. Primary. Klnderearten Boya under 10 yeara DEVON. PA. DEVON MANOR A BOARDING school ot the highest 'type offering college preparatory and Junior college courses. Thoroughly practical training In vocational work, which meets the demands of the hour. Domestic Science. Secretaryship, Boclal Service, Art and Music. Open-air school rooms, campus of six teen acres, out-or-door sports Including riding. On the Main Una or the Pennsylvania Railroad, sixteen miles from Philadelphia, In th historic Valley Fore region. EDITH SAMSON, Principal Box 110, Devon Manor, Devon, Pa. OVERBROOK. PA. Miss Sayward's School for Girls Overbrook, Phlla., Pa. Collece preparatory and secretarial courses. Junior and MuiUae Depts. Athlittcs. Domeitla Selene. Carrla& ealla tor pupils In Bala, Cynwyd, Marlon and WynniSsld. Miss H. Janet Sarward, Pria. OAK LANE. TA. sssnJSfu lRsTWBk . ifl I I I m I FlchalT)llS'MMilJlaJ iTfi tilljiil HUJsW fl 'J The Cowle School for Girls Prep, for all collecis.. Stronc Oen'l Course. Muile. Primary tbrourh Hlch SehooL T raja, walk from trolley, opp. Reading R. R. Sta, t bidtv. atten. For cjtl. views add. Emma 8. Cowl, jA-.B-, Headot School, Oak Lao. P.jj 't,m ' :-i H ,m " nil i 41 i:i i i i m 1 41 m .vl ' tv. HJ.i -Jl n i 4. "& '4'MA.ti ,f;r is '! it r," ; :mw i4j!iki S ft ij V i .. 4? 'X.