V i E V s BtBNfiG 'KJBLIC LfiDaER-PHIlSAiDELPHi, UMDZ SEPTEMBER, 22, 1019 jjit jijCh Semaphores of ' , Business Progress BANKERS, brokers, merchants, and manufacturers find The Annalist a reliable signal and guide on the economic and finan cial problems of today. Every week The Annalist pub lishes concise, authoritative ar ticles which interpret the trend of the nation's business. By graphs, charts, and tables it shows devel oprnents regarding money val ues open market quotations business legislation raw material prices stock and bond transac tions, and all other such matters of interest to executives. $4.00! a year by mail 10 cents at news stands The Annalist A Magazine of Finance, Commerce and Economics t Published by The New York Times Company, Times Square, New York , t The Annalist Is on Sale in Philadelphia at the Fol lowing places: John Wanamaker 13th & Market Renlca News Stand N. E. 15th & Sansom Lipman News Stand N. W. 15th & Arch Robin News Stand , S. W. 5th & Market , Green's Hotel 8th & Chestnut Cantale Bros.WitherspoonBldg. Juniper & Walnut Salonic News Stand 15th & Walnut Schnayer News Stand 19th & Chestnut Squires News Stand 17th & Chestnut A. Rudley 1616 Arch Lerner News Stand 105 N. 15th St. Harry Kowit 8th & Walnut Rau News Company 7th & Chestnut Jennings News Stand 10th & Market A. Kemp Delaware & Market Klein News Stand East End City Hall Long News Company! 15th & Chestnut Majestic Hotel Broad & Girard The Annalist, Times Square, New York. Enter my subscription for The Annalist, and send bill for one year. Name Address I.. 0-22-11). NEW ISSUE EXEMPT FROM ALL INCOME TAX '$1,092,000 Essex County, New Jersey 4 Per Cent. Hospital and Road Bonds 1 ' LEGAL INVESTMENT FOR SAVINGS BANKS IN NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY Assessed Valuation. Net Debt (including this issue) . . , $580,560,940.00 10,374,732.25 Ratio of Net Debt to Aueiied Valuation lets than 2 Per Cent. Population (State Centui 1915) 567,270 Legality of this issue approved by John C. Thomson, Esq., New York City Prices to Return 4.40 Per Cent.' MATURITIES HOSPITAL BONDS $14,000 due each year August 1, 1920 to 1935, inclusive $18,000 due August 1, 1936 $21,000 due each year August 1, 1937 to 1948,inclusive $7,000 due August 1, 1949 ROAD BONDS $30,000 due each year August 1, 1920 to 1930, inclusive $45,000 due each year August 1, 1931 to 1935, inclusive $36,000 due August 1, 1936 IjRONBOUND TRUST COMPANY Newark, N. J. BIDDLE & HENRY M. M. FREEMAN & CO. 104 South Fifth Street ' 421 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Philadelphia J Philadelphia Lombard 4581 , Telephone riMaaeiphta Lombard 710 r.f..i;n.. ) rhuaaeipnia Lomoara Telephones jNew Yo"rk John sm New Xork Railways Company To holders 6F"1jp First Real Estate and Refunding Mortgage 4 Per Cent Bonds Due 1942 A large majority of the -above named bonds has been deposited with Guaranty Trust Company of New York, Depositary, under Deposit Agreement .dated March 7, 1919. The interest due July 1, 1919 on this issue has not been paid, and Guaranty Trust Company of New York, as Trustee, has filed a bill to foreclose the mortgage under which the bonds were issued. The Committee desires to afford all those who have not deposited their bonds a further opportunity to do so. Therefore, the time for deposit of bonds with Guaranty Trust Company of New York, Depositary, has been extended to and including October 25, IQIQ. After that date there will be imposed a penalty of $10 for each $1,000 principal amount of Bonds deposited. Certificates of Deposit representing deposited bonds are listed, on the New Xork Stock Exchange. ) HARRY BRONNER, Chairman WILLIAM A. DAY CASPAR W. MORRIS CHARLES A. PEABODY WILLIAM H. REMICK FREDERICK H. SHIPMAN HAROLD STANLEY Committee. .;Geo. L. Burr, Secretary, 140 Broadway, tyew York City, J. P. Cotton,,Counsel. COTTON IS STEADY r AT NET' ADVANCES Philadelphia Markets Effect, if Any, of Steot Striko, Rather Bullish Picklrlg in Progress in Texas 1 GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. 138.174 bushels. The market firm t the followlna Quotations: Cr loll, In export elevator. oernment standard Inspection, standard prices No. 1 T, Wr. ,2 j N' 1 northern sprlnr. winter, rsrllcky 1237. Vo "i 'red. smutty. t&lYiVo.' i rei rllcky nd smutty. 12.34. united SIMM Oram Corporation', purchase, or wheat are baaed on the following schedule of discount., .No. I! wheat. 3o under No. Is No. 8 wheat, Oc under No. Is No. 4 wheat. 10c under No. 1: No 6 whe.t 14e under No. 1. For all wheat otherwise conform In to the specifications of No. ft, or better, oui Qencieni in teat weight, the discount from the No. ft price will be 8c per bushel for each one pound deficiency In lest welaht Vheat sradlnr below No ft for reason. other than efficiency In test welehts wilt be bought on Ita merits Smutty whe.t will be discounted according to the degree of smut, but In no case less than 2c per bushel under the corresponding regular grade. Gar licky wheat will be discounted lust .. hereto fore. 2c per bushel from the regular grade. Mixed wheat will be discounted Irom 2c to ftc, according to quality and condition of mixture, but unless otherwise Instructed, the trade may count on our taking No 2 mixed wheat at Philadelphia iust a. heretofore. I. e., 2c under the corresponding regular grade. CORN Receipts. none. Demand was light, but price, ruled steady. We quote, to yenow arrive. vellnu' In car Int. for local trade. qua Illy and location, at Jl.'i.vri TO per bushel OATR Receipts. 74.2.14 bushels Trade was dull with no change In prices Quota tions: Car lots a. to location No 1 white, 784 07114c. No 2 while, 774 74 c. No 3 white. 7fl4fi774c; No. 4 white. 744(11 7"iV4c. COTTON DEt.T WEATHER CONDITION.') New York. Sept. 22 The following temperatures were recorded In the cotton belt this morning' Oklahoma City, MM Abilene, flOi Fort Smith, 64; Little Rock. S2.!. Shreveport. Nashville, Atlanta awl JJIlmlngton. OS; Memphis. Chattanooga. Knoxvllle and Augusta. 70; Merldhn. Ma eon, Montgomery. Thoma.vlile and Charleston. 72: Vlrksburg, Savannah and Tampa, 74: San Antonio, New Orleans and Jacksonville, 78: Galveston and Ten .acola. So. and Corpus Chrlstl, 2. There was .01 Inch of precipitation at Atlanta; .02 at Vlck.burg: .10 at Corpus Chrlstl and Macon: 14 Rt Shreveport. .32, Ahl lene: .42. Fort Smith: .04 Nashville: t:lfl, Memphis, and 2.B0 Inches at Little Rock. New York, Sept. 22. The cotton mnrkot had a steady opcnlnc today at 8 to 32 points advance. The buying came chiefly from local houses,' based on heavy rains in sections of Texas, where picking is in progress, and from Liverpool interests. Houses with spot connections were large sellers of December both on the call and afterward. If the steel strike had any effect at all. it was rather bullish, on the idea that fewer men had gone out than the leaders had pre dieted. The cnrlr Irreeulnrlti- -rn fnllnwed hy a sharp advance before the end of the first hour. The failure of the steel strike news to create more aggressive piling pressure evidently served to stimulate covering, and buvers were rendered more aggressive by the rains 1 loose.' asea'ii ln'the Southwest, apprehension that the hm. boiled, boneless. 49c. picnic shoulders. mv temperatures north of the be t woul. 11 3 ,:. - ffi,v ' -",- TlcTVcaU. work down to Texas and hullish snot fast Kan na Ja advices. I Hv tlie mliMIn nf tlio mnrnlnv notlro REFINED SUGARS months were "6 to 73 points net higher, with December selling at 13.R0, or 200 points above the low level of the month. Weather-map renders saw no threat of frost in the belt, but dry, warm weather is needed to mature late cot ton nnd facilitate picking. The receipts at the ports for the day are estimated at 15,000 bales, against 0840 bales a week ago and 25,305 bales a year ago. STEEL STRIKE FAILS TO WEAKEN CORN PIT Undertone of Market Is Firm, but Trading Is Tame Trade in Oats Slow OnAIN HRL.T WEATHER FORECAST rhlratrn, Sept. 21 Illinois Fair to-. nlsM an4 Tuesday, slightly cooler eaat to nliiht MlMo-i".. Iowa and Knnenn Fair tonlnht nnd Tuesday; not much change In temperature!. Wisconsin Fair tonight and Tuesday, eluthtly cooler extreme south east tonlaht; probably froft tonight. Mln nenota Fair" tonight and Tuesday. North Dakota Fair tonleht and Tuesday: warmer. South Dakota Fair tonight and Tuesday. Nebraska Fair tonight and Tuesday; warmer Tuesday. Montana and Wyoming -- Fair tonight and Tuesday; warmer. BUSINESS NOTES iMrjrantz&tlon of the nelgUitAmer lean Chamber of Commerce established more than twenty years ago has been completed, after the interruption of. activity caused by the war, the De partment of Commcrco has been advised. The present chamber, with sixty Ameri can and ZOO Belgian members, is a member of the United States Chamber of Commerce. Cables lately received In the trade from Calcutta report August burlap shipments to North America totaling 110,000.000 yards. Instead of (W.OOO, 000 yards as previously reported. This is the largest single month's shipment ever reported. market nnd the undertone was firm, on unsettled weather and strength in hogs, but trading was tame. Pressure was lacking and buying by commission houvey nnd support from bulls forced covering by shorts, There was n little rcallzinc nt the ton. Shln- FLOUFl .Itecelnt. 3.0.7t.F.eft lbs In Sacks uln,. untnu n'ocn innn.ll hn llf.1,1. The market ruled Arm with s fsir rimnnd i ... .1,. ' 1, r,:i .,. !,.,,- for rfffalnhl. .r.J.. Tli. ..iinlnllnna fnl o Otlt tllC Call article WBS tlCtter. Per tDfl lbs., packed In 140-pound Jute sjrk: i Tlic visible Mipply in the t'nitei W .. .- -...- Chicago Sept. 2,,-Th, strike of the ! -- oXs""? steel workers fniled to have the ex- motor vehicle tires that the depression In pected bearish influence on the corn the mechanical rubber branch of the industry has been more than onset. The teAsr&4aetta, acyt f.mfcr, luh weekly review of tt de eottditloni. ( , 'S HI Shoe Cover Coma Qrountj ' uA The honor of providing the first ready- ' made pair of shoes ever worn by Itobrt B. Keenan, of Chartlers Comm&odery M 78, Carnegie, Pa., Is claimed by. thlaji , -Sn city. air. oveenan wears size 10 aBf, -Is seven feet two inches tall and welfhs 350 pounds. Last June be ordered a' special pair of shoes to wear in the' 4 Knights Templar parade here. They ' failed to arrive, but when Keenan came -totbls city he found a Market street. -store with a pair of 16 EB shoes in ii stock. ' unprecedented summer use of autnmo biles and motorcycles and the prospects of an extended fall touring season have sent the tire-making business upward, with the big tire factories all over the country working on a twenty-four-hour, three-shift basis. quality. wlt'Ur strnlsh' western. new. lU'inw uui., n In. -... . 1... n ,fln ,.- mill! i".iu, yt, no, iicurnj, n ,... ,u .... ion- . , ... rtnn . . . s strAlitht. neiv $11W ii.s.i; Konsns snort , n.iiii.mni uusneis him jcar. patent, new. $11 ssWll.TBi sprlns. short, Trade in oats wns slow nnd local, but Ri?M,aVnr.,ciSr.tew.ws.V51 ' "" mnrkrt was tinner In sympathy with iitk ri-otin wn nuiet but steady nt corn nnd on the failure nf the steel $7.fio7 00 per barrel. In sacks, as to i strike to have the rxnciVtl dciircssinc inllucnec. hliorts were compelled to cover. The visible supply In the t'nitcd Stntes is 'JO.aTi.OOO bushels. Hg.iinvt Jl.Oaa.miO hukhcN in the previous week find 2r,0."i!l.n00 bushels last year. The visible supply of wheat in the I'nited States is 77,tlSS,000 bushels, ngninst 0.12.,000 bushels, in the previ PROVISIONS Itenorts from every section of the is l.T.'O.IMMl bushels, against Jewelry trade, manulacturtng and re- irii. leu ine same siory a nrmnnn lor goods In excess of the supply. Al though the jeweler i having greater prosperity than ever before, he is trou bled by the loss of sales which result from the lack of merchandise wanted by his customers. The market ruled steady, but trade was quiet. The quotations ransed as follows Heef, In sets, smoked and alr-drled. Mc. beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drled, Mc. pork, family. 138; hams, S. r. currrl. loose. 32W33C; do, sklnnMl. do, do. smoked, 34trnnc. Although few salesmen hare been sent out with spring lines as yet, those on the road give encouraging reports re garding the prospective demand for shoes. While retailers grumble over Sat Today's 11:00 1:80 rlo-e open a. m. p. m. :i.T8is; 3o.non 30, 2R .... . 3n07Win 30.30 30.411 31.00 . 30 lnf?!'' 30 J.l 20 59 31.01 . 30.20827 30 37 .30.25 31.22 .30 23 30.34 1 October . . Pecember January . March . . . May Julv Did Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, Sept. 21 Spot cotton was quiet today with prices easier on the .basis of a decline of 11 points for mid Idling at lS.47d. The sales were H0OO bnles. The receipts weny."O0O bales. In , eluding MOO bales American. Futures were barely steady in the early deal . ings. Spot prices Verc : American, middling fair. 21.22d; good middling, lll.r.Td: fully middling. 10.07d; niid I tiling, lR.47d: low middling, 10.62d; ! good ordinary, 14.07d, and ordinary, H.44d. MONEY-LENDING RATES NEW YORK Money on call, both mixed collateral nnd all -industrial col lateral, opened today at fiVfi per cent for lending nnd renewing. Time money, for periods up to four mouths, continues to be in liberal sup ply at 0 per cent, but the inquiry is limited at that figure. Borrowers are bidding only 5 per cent on in dustrials. The showing of the bank statement 3n Saturday was largely technical and id not indicate the capacities of the loan market on stocks. The slightly firmer condition of call money, compared with the recent ex treme low level,, has moderately slacken ed the dealings in prime bank accept ances. Hates on choice acceptances arc un changed. Discount rates arc unaltered at 343V$. Call loans on bank acceptances stand at ii per cent. PHILADELPHIA Call. Zn. per cent: time, 0'i(gUlier cent; commer cial naDer. three to six months. 5UC2 ,ia4 per ceut, and six months, G per cent. n Jl Tntri -n - 1 Trrnri- h .ViiL i P"w. they are buying more shocMhnn '"'V "ml 'O'1-000 b,lsl-'ls lait ever. The emphasis is still on styfrand Miir. Ic..ia ...nt. 111- .n..u..At.. kniH. 1 1 ii ii it iu i tniniui'iuuuu uuuk r2,.fl7cM?comlfl 4QMc: sweet :y. SKnr, ao Tha market waa nulet. but "firm on a ba-sls of 0c for ftno granulated. DAIRY PRODUCTS CHEBSE Sold slowly with amole offer- lnps and prices faored buyers. Quotations. ew vorw, wnoieniik. nats. ranry. ai w nllliUamc, AVlsconsin. whole-milk flat"- fancy, ai'ic, Iq. do. fair to Rood, suuaic. ome fancv (roods Jobblncr at 3l!'i HY33f nUTTEH Fine creamery was He hlsher under imnt recelots and b. fair demana The undr-rsrades were dull. Prints were lr hiirher with Mjrnt offerlnRs, Qucnattons Solid-packed creamery, fancv. hUhcorinor a-ooas. nitgw.ic. extra nc; extra nrsis, .ififij r-Hc: nrsts. creamery, choice and fanrv fair to (rood. ft7rt)c, fancy brands of prints Jobbing at 3!Tfi7c; fair to (rood, .ViS 03c. El and firm, but supplies were mostly of un attractive stock which was dull The nuo tatlons follow. Free cases. nearbv. $10.20 per crate, rurrent receipts, that will erade $15 0, fair to ood. S14.4n&iri. western, extra firsts, SIR, 20 per case; firsts. $15i9ilo.R0, nearhy and western, seconds, $13.2014 10. Inferior lots lower, fancy se lected egffs Jobbing at 0103o per dozen. POULTRY t Tvr tirn. ..i ..ii).. k.u v.. ... ui t ij 1 nir rimn ntcniiuy nriu, nut rup" i plln were largely of more or I., unat- I iraciive iock. wmen was dull and wak. The quotation, follow Fowl., not lw horn., fancy, fat. wtlghlnr Bra7 lb., apl.oe and over, via expreM. 37!T38c; fowl., not Iuhorns. medium .Ixe., via express. RStfB 35j; .mall .lie.. 2SfJ30c; fowl., whit. Leg horn.. Ma express. iSjjaiir; .princ chicken", broiler., not Leghorns, vellow-.klnned. weigh ing 2H03 lbs. apiece. 34a(lci epring chick en., broiler., not leghorns. yeHow.sklnned. wnlshlns 1U2 lbs. apiece. 31 (733c; white Leghorns. ye.Ilow-.klnned. weighing lai W2 lb., apiece, 2SO30c; Vhlte tehorn. yellow, .ktnned. .mall sizes 2,1W27p: roosters. 2H ff 24c: ducks, spring. 28c. do. Pekln. old. 27(S Sc: do. Indian Hunner. old. 25Ht27c: pigeons, old. per pair. 3S3Rc do. young. pee nslr 32(ffRRc DltESSED Heavv fowls were In good de. mand nnd firm, but the re.t of the market was dull and prices favored buyers. Quota tions: Fowls, fresrckllled. dry-picked. In boxes Weighing 4H lbs. and c-ver apiece, 31c: weighing 4 lbs. apiece, 3(lc: weighing 3W 111... 2tlW31q: weighing 3 lbs. SHW.'Sr; smaller size. 23021k- Fowl., fresh-killed. In bbls. dry-ricked Weighing 4H In.. nd ner apiece 3Sc: weighing 4 lbs apiece. 3.V: weighing 3H lb. apiece. 2SffI30c: welghln 3 lbs apiece 2.1B2flc: .matter sixes 22f 24o. Old roosters, clry-plcked. 23e: broilers. Jersey. Ice-packed 40fMfic: do, other near bv. Ice-packed SOffTRSc: broilers, western Ice.parked, weighing m32 lbs nplece. 35iS' 3fic: rhlekens. western. Ice-p.rked. weigh ing 2'4 5r2i lbs. .piece. 30B'31c. western. milk-fed chickens. 12 to box 17 lbs. snd un der to doien. per lb . 434.1c, Ifl to 24 Ibx. to doien. per lb.. 42r43e 2. to 30 lbs. to dozen, per lb. 3."irSSc. 31 to 3d lbs to dorn. per lb. 33c 37 to 42 lbs. to dozen. 3334e; 43 to 47 lb. to dozen per lb 3if 37c; 4S lbs. and over to dozen. 3Sf40c. Spring ducklings, nearhy. as to qualltv. 32ff?33c. Squabs per dozen White, weigh ing 11 to 12 lbs per dozen. $R..VISn ;.": white, welching n to 10 lbs. per dozen. " 30 ftTS.23- white, weighing S lbs. . per doren tifrfl.-7S; do. do 7 lbs per dozen t4.!nn n.2.: do. do, fifl'aH lbs per dozen. J2.."0!ft 3 SO' dark, Jl 3032 23. small and No. 2, 00cS:. FRESH FRUITS Apples steady Peaches film Grapes ard cantaloupes -nsler We quote: Apple.. Pr has'tet Mcffll 73 do pr h'ishel hamper. M (92.30; do. per bbl $3.30 Wfi: rnntaloupes western, per flat crate 00ci?$t2S do. per mtttnAmrn rrate. 11 30fl:2 3. nearhes. New LONDON-Money is quoted at 3'J'r.w ner ba-t i2 is do. N-w vort per cent. Discount rates, short bills .,,ihi. asea T5. rio Serkel. per bushel $2 .v W4 'jn grapes I onrora, per pony uaeNr,. 20W23c- do. Delaware per pony haek-t 1?r22c-. do, Nlagsra per pony DasKet. .-u", 23c: plums, New Tork. Damson vr basket ' 4SJlfl0c- lemons, per box. J2.0SW7 10. or anges, California, rer box J2 33C6 33. I.e.-tdlng futures ranged as follows Corn (new dellery Sat'day's pen High Low rio.M rinse Pec. .. 1 22N 1.23i 1.2.". 1.23SM.47 May .. 1.J1 1.23', 1 2S 1 23, 1 22t, Oats Dec . . fit! 70', IIR'4 70 'fit Mav Pork Oct 33 73 f.ard Oct .. . 23.73 Jan . . . 21 10 nibs on . . I 50 Jan . 17 40 Asked. n"j 72H 70, 31 R0 33 73 2", Wt, 34. P0 Ml SO 21.30 21 l2 1R S0 1 17.() 23 70 21.10 1R 47 17.40 24 30 21.H0 1R R0 17.80 23.R3 33 S3 FINANCIAL BRIEFS t 7-lu3 per cent; three-month : bills, 3 'J-Hi3.'-i per cent. Annual meetine of the Philadelphia til KPnclinjr itr held October 13 The New York subtreamiry lost $10, 404,000 to the banks on Saturday, mak ing a rash net loss since Friday of $1S.31.",000. -The average price of twenty active industrial stocks declined O.Hfi per cent on Saturday to 104.00. while twenty railroads declined 0.43 per cent to 7S.0S. The Norfolk Southern Rnilrnnrl Tom. pany reports for year ended December 31. 1018. surplus after taxes and charges, $48,427, against ?330,CS3 in 1017. Due to the transfer of gold from the continent to the vaults of the Hank of Knglnnd the gold reserves of the com bined Federal Heserve banks was in creased as of September 10, bv 845, 000,000 to $2,001.0(10.000 while the amount of gold in transit or in custody in foreign countries decreased $44, 100,000 to $114,138,000. Iiecause of export withdrawals total gold reserves show a net increase of but $23,100,000. Stockholders of the I'ennsvlvnnin Sugar Refining Company, at thatpecial meeting today, approved the 'tTmend rrrents to the charter so as to permit the company to acquire1 sugar lands, import raw Migar nnd to borrow from time to time as the needs of the busi ness may require it, sums of money in excess'of the paid-in capital of the com pany. Sinclair Oil and Ilefining Company stockholders at a special meeting ratified consolidation of the company with the Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corporation on a basis of share for share. There were represented either in person or by proxy and voted in favor of the reso lution. 1.180.347 hares, or 82 per cent of 1,447,001 outstanding shares. finish. given to wearing quality. De&nlte the dullness of the women's coat and suit wholesale market, prices arc being hem hrm by manufacturers. in the belief that a resumptlou of buy ing will begin soon. They say that the weather has not been cool enough to send the womeu to the stores for winter outer apparel and hence the retailers have not yet disposed ol the stocks bought in July and early August. Practical plan for the establishment and maintenance of commercial relations between this county and the newly-born states of .lugo-Slavia, Czecho-Slovakia, Poland and Lithuania will be considered at a special meeting to be held in New York next month in conjunction with the Foreign TrRtle Convention of the American Manufacturers' Export Asso ciation on October 10 and 17. Reduction In demand Is reflected In all of the southern pine producing sections nnd on the Pacific coast in a continued falling behind of orders, as compared For Men Who Are Puzzled and who do not know which securities deserve immediate market consid eration because of unusual conditions America's fore most brokerage institu tion offers A Free Sample Copy of the latest "Investor & Trader." Exclusive news; quotations, year's price ranges; securities which may be active this week, and one complete investors' report on a timely security. D o n't euess KNOW THE FACTS! Call, 'phone or write for No. T.U.-801. 5c at hotels and newsstands. $2 by the year in U. tf JONES &BAKF -K M n J J iX' -31 .;i i ;l J &-' A SECURITIES Wldener Bide, Philadel Phonea Bell, Walnut 606, Keystone, Roe 2290 7 New Tork Detroit Pltthi ' Chicago Dlrtct Plivat Wlrtt Baatu a Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official discount lates at the twelve Federal Reserve banks were as follows: (The first column gives rates for all periods up to and including a fifteen day maturity, the second for a period of sixteen to ninety dajs. The third and fourth columns give the rates for dis counts of collateral loans beOured by government bonds or notes. Com'l paper Gov't paper in to oo io to oo 15 days days 15 days daya Boston ; U New Tork 4 K 4 4'4 l'hllidelphla .... 4 4K 4 4U. Richmond 4H 4 4li 4V Cleveland 4Vt 4"i 4 4W Atlanta jli 4J4 4 4U Chicago 4 41 4 4 i St. Louis 4 4 4 4i, Mlnneapoll 4H 4;S5 4 41; Kansas City .... 4J, 5 4U 4U Dallas 4J4 4i5 4 4U Sin Francisco ... 4U 5 411 5,i VEGETABLES The market was generally steady, with n fair demand. We ouote: Whit" notstoes. j-reey. per basket No. J. SOrfttl.lO; lower grades .n'n7.V White potatoes, per 150.1b. sacks. S3ffi3.7.V do Pennsylvania per cu-t 12 ROdf n 70 Sweet potatoes, souther", per hbl. No. 1. IS9.1S5S No. 2. U.IW.t Rweet potatoes Jersey, per basket. fnrUt it tx Cahbaae New Jersev per basket. flMffOOe: do New Tork. domestic, per ton,, HOB,',:., onions ew .lersey. per nusnjt beeper JUS'S: do, per lno-lb. eack, J2.50 3.30. investors read Y Tke Tll Street Jeunial Central Trust & Savings Company September 12, 1919 ' ASSETS I LIABILITIES Cash on hand $ 586,827.31 Cash in Banks 1,084,541.79 ,U. S. Bonds and Cer tificates 869,076.00 Loans 7,928,851.05 Stocks ar.d Bonds... 695,379.87 Mortgages 538,560.78 Real Estate, Furni ture and Fixtures 348,268.82 Other Real Estate . . 8,019.35 Accrued Interest Re ceivable 6,827.17 Miscellaneous Assets 11,407.07 $12,077,759.21 Capital Stock $ 750,000.00 Surplus 600,000.00 Undivided Profits . . 35,220.92 Reserve for Depreci ation 15.000.00 Deposits 10,163,642.77 bZ7.00 24,056.32 39,212.20 Trust Funds separate and apart from Bank Assets Dividends Unpaid Accrued Interest Payable Miscellaneous Lia bilities Bills Payable secured by Government Se curities 450,000.00 $12,077,759.21 $ 3,555,012.45 OFFICERS T. Comly Hunter, President Clement J. Craft, Vice-President George H. McNeely, Vice-President Theodore F. Miller, Vice-President T. Comly Hunter George H. McNeely Theodore F. Miller Francis X. Quinn Isaac M. Simonin Fred'k G. Helmbold, Treasurer Charles K. Lukens, Secretary Anson B. Evans, Title and Trust Officer Geo. J. Hanhauser, Asst. Title and Trust Officer Lewis Van Court, Asst. Treasurer DIRECTORS James F. Hallowell Henry F. Michell George W. Roydhouse F. Leighton Kramer Frank Schoble Henry Bell J. Howard Rhoads C. J. Craft Chas. S. Walton, Jr. F. G. Helmbold i he itanA mi ivirtwiri i.nne . wvniTin. .ir. r . it. iiciutuutu i FOREIGN EXCHANGE . New York, Sept. 22. The foreign exchange market opened weak, declines being shown in nearly all exchanges. Demand sterling was c lower, at 4.1414, and cables were down at 4.15, Francs showed a drop of 5 centimes, at 8.03 for cables and 8.07 for checks. Lire were also down 5 points, at 0.05 for cables and 0.07 for checks and marks were 15 points under Saturday's final figures at 3.07. Quotations were: Swiss cable 5,50, checks 5,58; guil der cables 37V4. checks, 37; pesetas cables 18,05, checks 18.00; Stockholm cables 24.50, checks 24.35 ; Christianla cables, 23.15, checks 23 ; Copenhagen cables. 21.00, checks 21.75; Belgian ca bles 8.85, checks 8.87. The feature of the second hour of business was strength in Cierman marks. These recovered about 15 points from the early low figures to 4.10, or about Saturday's nnai. xne only otner de velopment was a slight advance in ster ling cables to 4.15. BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today, compared with cor responding day last two years: ' 13(0 IMS ioiT Phlll ..$72.05.9SI 4,loO,4S M.67,8;a. Boston.. 4K.nsn.S88 41. 718, ESS 27 078.068 NT V... BOT,lS.5n7 448.8ni.XOt 437,270,381 St. Louis 34,310,110 13.048,024 RAILROAD EARNINGS COLORADO AND SOUTHERN 1010 Increase Second week Sept... SSlA.fl.ia IHS.851 From January 1 .... 17.171.231 J.484,99 CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGG8 Chiracs. Pept. 23. BUTTKR Receipt. 3444 ram-: Firm. Eitrai. 58H 37c; firsts. 40K3e: aecMvls 40034c. MOOS Ileeelpts,, IJ83S case. Jlrt.i. Jlrsta, 4047ci ordinary tints. 39tt&41Mc; mis- BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE New YerV Sent -" Ml'TTHn Fl-mer. Rerelnts B23.1 tubs Hlch-srnrlnc. .VH4, Rnc: extra ."We. Inside, firsts, ..flr5fie; yconds. 404mM'4e: stale dairy, S7WSs.f TOfjft Firm Tlee-'o" 00.1(1 rases. Fresh- leathered extras. ,"i7iriSe: fresh.flathereil l... 57iftr8c fresh-Rathered extra firsts, MWRRj: fresh-aathered fi-ts 48TR'V: fre-h.-stherrd s'-nm's. l '47c; dirties No. 1 aSCTMOr do No 1 iB87e ehecks. 84fl Mr, underrrad; 2.13e- first. 40.1o: seconds. 'M state and nearby hJ"'V whites. 78iffSnc crsthered whites SOffnc; irestern whiles. BJffTT;: I'acine coasi. une. outside: western and southern rstherM whites MT'r state and nearby hennery hrowni. Bff70e sa'hered rj-n and mixed. STfitftne fair to prime, SOernftc: refrlaer tJr?No 1 WWf .Xn, 2 4SW 4.1o CHFESE Irrenilar Receipts, 20flfl boxes. Flat, current make, colored, averare run, onu to-- 't current make, white, averaeri iW "sH tMr colo d specials, 304 5f .11:-, whlte'speelals. 304 flfSlc Dafoe-Eustice Company, Inc. Circular on Request. Cohen & Hess Members New York Stoct Exchange 67 Exchange PI.. New York International Motor Truck Corporation and Wright-Martin Aircraft Corporation Notice to Stockholders The Committee hereby declares operative the Plan of July 11, 1919, more than 80 of the outstanding shares of stock of International Motor Truck Corporation and Wright-Martin Aircraft Corporation having been deposited. In order that all stockholders may have an opportunity of availing themselves of the benefits of the Plan, the Committee has determined to accept deposits up to the close of business, September 30, 1919. There after stockholders who have not deposited their stock on or before the last-mentioned date will not be entitled to participate in the Plan. Copies of the Plan and Agreement may be obtained from the Deposi tary, The Equitable Trust Company of New York, 37 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y., September 16, 1919. CHARLES HAYDEN. Chairman. FREDERICK B. ADAMS. A. J. BROSSEAU. JAMES B. CLEWS, GEORGE H. HOUSTON. AMBROSE MONELL, HENRY K. POMROY. ANDREW V. STOUT. Committee. CHADBOURNE. BABBITT 6c WALLACE, Counsel, II Wall Street, New York, N. Y. H. J. WOLFF, Secretary. . 14 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. Tffl 'JI st g a ii TlH 'Ml 1 r i 'M aiUutvuf, 43 8 ISO. Ni Vt-j a A.. "f ,0 i ,-M WW&m -