5 n Ui a .v. . 'u l i k . V . EVENING- PUBEIO LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1919 28 -iu rx : ;,- HSIP WANTED FEMAI... Conttnncd from rrrcedlag rage AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY 115.58 PER WEEK AFTER MONTHS its run week ArrER 1 month 111 WSR WEEK TO START CONTINUOUS AND RATID ADVANCEMENT TO POSITION PAYINd ISO lO 13 PER WEEK BEST FNVUIONMHNT AND WORKING CONDITIONS StCKNESS DISABILITY BENEFITS 8PKCIAL PATjrENTS FOR LENGTH OP SERVICE GOOD LUNCIIE3 AT COST TOONO WOMTCN BETWEEN 18 AND K YEARS OP AOB CAN 8KCURE THE ABOVE BY APPLTINQ 'JO mips RYN THE BEI.t. TELEPHONE CO OF PA. FIRST FLOOR. 1631 ARCH ST. SSISTNT DtER WNfED A competent second hand in dve house on , couon and worsted Tarns and fop pri- enced man reau!rr for arg position M 23 Ledger Office BILL CLERK, nusr operator end fait on A M. Mill i .n. duPon Ferry road good comptometer typewriter Appl ' C S1m Gra e I BOOKKEEPER, voung woman operator wltl xnerlenm nn Rlllnttl-lNhr bookkeeping machine Germantown reildence preferred Apply Mitchell rietcher C ompanv r.TUS Ger- maniown ave, John K Horner mimcor EONNAZ OPERATORS onlv those de.lrlnir ateady omptoymmt need arplj a daj Saturday Apply Smtth-Ranne Fmbr. 'den Co 160 Market at aecond floor BOOKKEEPER, double entr-. with etecutUe ability, capable of taklnr charse of de Jjartmeri. one iho underetnrte a counMnc prefarred P 23 LcdrerOf fW CURLERS on men's wear worsted. Shack amaTJn Mils Aiicneny a-t ft Hancock CIIAMRERMAID, white r'ferenc-. small family, g-ood wares Phone for appoint ment, uermaniown oill or call at resld-nce, nlO W Johneon at.. Otn ' Si.J2?II?.nfcJA,iDK ?'";ld; - wl,ltc . f"r STHNOGRAPIIER Toune ladf tor orfue of 55K, o thi,.Jk.t,0'T.!;?h!nJf IIV,1','3, '"' manufacturlnt eatabllshment must ?S.n;?, ,r.J rmKf .F.'AJ.lVi ' b" oulcx and accurate and ahlo to do bllllna Carpenter ni l.mlen sts. Oermanton-n im! WlMl vort In rcpl' f'ate aire exrerl CHAMBERMAIIl and naltri for elrl anr. ai ' salary desired C 84 Inaer Offjce school realilar hours n wholn ,1t fii cn.n..,n.nnr, .-.i i - i-- a.. raj-h w Clll r,. m..ntl, i.k .., .,..,." hoard paid fo- oortlme Hhlrl School Jirrn Mawr Phone linn Mr "(Is CHAMBERMAID wanted colored M WYNN Walnut mi Witnt T1 J. Mrs I Wane CLERK We desire e youna woman w.tit a Rood education who is capable nf beeomlnr an efficient bookkeeper. Apply Public Ledser Co Oth and Chestnut eta Ask for Mr Wlcst CLERK TOfNO HDT, WrTH AT LEAST . 2 TEARS' HIGH SCHOOT TRAININO AS ASSISTANT IN ACCOUNTING DEPART MENT ASK TOR MR WELCKER TUn LIC LEDGFR CO OOfl CHESTXCT SA CLERK, with manufacturing experience ac- Ir.gs. h Ma. kHLutuvu iv im- s?tTira, fjiean aurrouna I aaluraay. good sallin and bonus. ADDir .Sinlth.T)nmM. PmhnMst- Co , 1840 Market st . second floor COOK and downstairs girl, neat and compe- ienw pleasant suouroan nome at station. Phono no .wei Iro.e 1804. COOK itellable white woman for a 1 -a shop I In Pryn Mawr: good par, n sg; f,d off , colored, reference, good wages 11320 Dreel rd , Overbrook. Ph Overbrnok 7131 LOOK and chambermaid. 2 white girls: small famllr HIS Diamond st. Ph Dla Ufln W DIETITIAN for household of II. huatneas llke proposition Mrs Bright, Cedar Hill Farm Heading, Pa D1N1NU ROOM MAID experienced private famll : good references; areablp com panion, near trollej and railroad Mrs W H Btelcerwalt Merlon Stntlon Pa EMBROIDERERS wanted, thoroughly experl fenced on silk work, also bead crocheters. atadv employment. H day Saturda good arflary and borus Applj Smith-Ramsey Em- " Tndery Co WO Marlt st second foor FEEDERS ON POWER DIE PRESSES APPLT BUREAU OF EMPLOTMENT WANAMAKER'S GIRL, over 18 ears of age. with one or two gears' high schooling, as messenger In office of large manufacturing establish ment near 23d and Market salary to start $8 per week, good opportunity for a bright willing girl to train for permanent position applicant should give full possibilities p 131, Ledger Office GIRLS AND WOMEN MUST BE HI YEARS OR 0 LP. AND FURNISH PROOF OF AGE CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ESTABLISHED U69 GIRLS AND WOMEN FOR KITCHEN WORK PREPARING VEGETABLES. MEATS. ETC AJjSO GENERAL FACTORY WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT HIGH WAGES INCREASED AUTOMATICALLY TIME AND HALF-TIME OVER 4R HOURS SPECIAL BONUS 2 PER WEEK JOSEPH CAMPBELL COMPANY 2D AND MARKET STS CAMDEN N J infj GIRLS WANTED OVER 18 YEARS OF AOB IN NEW DEPARTMENT NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY LIOHT. AIRY I-ACTORY DESIRABLE. STEADY WORK B'J WEEKS A YEAP HOT LUNCHES SERVED AT LESS THAN COST OOOD PAY' EXCELLENT TREATMENT LEARNERS PAID J12 WEEKLY LIGOETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO. 3D AND ONTARIO STS OIRLS over 10 and vour.K women have an excellent opportunity to secure steady work In a modern up-to-oato factory. Ideal location for Vt Phlla. girls on account of Hose proximity to subwsy Raring, Lancas ter avs . uarny. nnruce i.inmnr-) ave ana VprlnaT Garden bridge surfaco lines, opera I tora wanted In the aaambltnr dept wherf I the work Is light and clean; also on presses t tappers and other light machtns For de tails call at once factors office. II. T relate Co s?ni Arcn t OIRL8 OVER 18 YEARS OF AOV DESIRABLE LIOHT BTEADT WORK BEST WAOES: RAPID ADVANCESIEN-1 FRIBHMUTII BRO, & CO K. W. COR. I7TH AND LEHIOII AVTa. DIRLS can earn highest pay at the Pilgrim Laundry, advancement as ou become ex perienced; lunchroom were vou can secure.! wnoiesoms tuncn at nominal coal; sleaay I work! no alack season, vacation with pav lh r.9, rter l years servicrv app dry Co. 2811 N BAiad st GIRLS wanted, over 10, soma experience with needle, for hand embroider depart ment; bring samples; good salary and bonus; half day Saturday Apply Smlth-Ramsev Xmbroldery Co . second floor. I84Q Market si. GIRLS, over 18. for bottling. labeling and wrapping medicine gooU wages while learn 111; rapid advancement aa pleco workers. Apply 1118 Washington ave. t VV, assort clean towels: steady work: good 'I1 ...!. with arfvanremant PhlliHtnh1 Towel ' Supply Cn 1014 Callowhlll st tilRI-S wanted to work on umbrella ribs: said while learning; ran make good wages on piecework after learning. Frets, Gross tc IO,, na ann cwikii- ".v1. -IR1.S wanted to pack crackers, experience TIOL naHU j .,4Yl. nnmxm auu liunn seal for piecework. Apply National Illscult Co.. 18th and Olenwood v. QIEILS wanted for work In Icing department; good -pay Apply National Bltcvlt Co., 1801 Qlanwood ave. HOUSEKEEPER to manage in. private aanl- tarlum In suburb; state salary and exparl- . ar P 881. Ledger Of flee. .LAUNDRY ! COLIAR HORTF7RS i4ri.Y. MAHKKT BTRKET LAUNDRY . TV l0a FILBERT $T MsmiMHM'on men's wear Vforstedn. bbacka HELP WANTED FEMALE MILLtNERT APPRENTICES wanted! those accustomed to bent work onlr 1220 Wal nut t. . MILLINERS wanted, thoee accustomed to best work only 1221) Walnut Ht. NURSE Flrst-clssa. experienced nurse In take car. of 2 children, boy 2H. alrt 9 months, in Rlltenhouse Square nelgtibor hood, apply by latter stating experience and references, only refined, capable woman wanted C 20, Ledger Office OPriCE ASSIRTANT A gentlewoman as general office assistant, good future for brlirht woman of pleasing appearance and address; salary IIS. Apply Marceau Studio, 1801) Chestnut at S4.LEH CASHIKRt one competent to operate National caih register. Apply II F D"w 112J Chestnutat SLESWOME "M,ESWOMi: lor AtSl' DErRTICN I fc.perienced onlr .pplv Emplovmnt Office sixth floor Frank t fdcr. 11th and Market streets S atSWOMEf WFJ REQUIRE M.ESWOMKV FOR OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT- IIIOH WAGES ANT) PERMANENT POSITIONS OIVEN TO TIIOST IllVINO EXPERIENCE APPLT EMPLOTMENT BUREAU LIT BROTHERS SALESWOMEN F REQUIRE SALESWOMEN FOll VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS EXPERIENCE NOT VECEKHAKr EMPLOYMENT RUREAU LIT BROTHERS SALESWOMEN I OH MISSES .SUITS' VPrt.T 111 HEAU OF EMPIXJYMEN r W vVAMAKER'S STFNOORPHER Jl 0V MIE I.OOKINO FOR A POSITION with Ft TURK with CONGENIAL wmKio U)UITJU.H ND HAVE HAD SOME I'llMTICAL EXPERIENCE AND A WILLINGNESS TO LEARN AND KEEr PACE WITH CONDITIONS AND IF YOU RE DExIROUS OI" MAKING CONNEC TION W ITII A IF.W OF PERMANENCT WITH A SALARY OF M PER WEEK TO START PDRESS M 984 LEDGER OF FICF . siKNOOR.PIIER inod opportunity for capable V 1)03 LedKer Office o.wninni '". " .".'. .'"'. """V. 1-I UMSA unnrl nnnortimtt for ndance. nirnt between 18 to 23 preferred app Ktatlng nsco experience and salary espect'd. P Slt ledger Office STENOGRAPHER to do Beperal office work 1 an.l clerical unrk steady position and ad ) anccmnt P a2a ledger Office I TKNOGRPHER, experienced enmpeten to keep simple set of books, pood sllary , to suitable person C . Ledger Office I 1 KLEPHONE OPERATOR, experlencad on Bell an1 Ke) stone: state salary. M S07, I Ilger Office. I WOMAN Capable school teacher wishing more !ueratle emplojment. wanted for 12 mwith position where training and pr , perlence can be used salar to start. I1B00 i P S24. Idaer Office WOMEN middle-aged for bottling, labeling aj1 as vamnlna' w-1 Issitn trjA ttasraaas i.T-iMaTi learning, rapid adancement as piece, work- crs Apply 1110 asningion a.e TTPIKs Wanted at once. 2 cnmnet.nl typists Appl) BOfi Franklin Hank Hldg two (.11118 for general housework, Applj 27 W Lancaster me Ardmore Ta. WUTnCSSES STLADT HMPLOVMnNT AND GOOD WOrtKlVU CONDITION'S APPL1 1011 LIN COLN BLUO . BROAD ST AND S PEX.N SQV MIK WAITRESSES. WHITE STEADY EMPLOYMENT PPI.Y BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WAITRESSES for rir.s' stnool, roculir nours. H. wnmo u irw ruon wrK- ,, per month with room and board, paid for rverlimo ,n'"'e Dcnooi. non viawr 1'none Prvn Mawr B6B WAITRESS wanted for restaurant with some combination work, white woman. $0 a week and sleep out Apply Friends' Arch Street Center. 104 Arch WOMB'" AND GIRLS CALL AT 400 LINCOLN BUILDING BROAD AND SOUTH PENN SQUARE 9 TO 12 O'CLOCK '10 APPLT FOR A GOOD POSITION IN HIGHEST GRADE STORE WORK IS IT SELLING OH MANAGING OR ACCOUNT BOOKKEEPING OR CASHIERING " Slv JOIl THE SORT OF WORK rHAT ATTRACTS YOU WOMEN POP. W11APPINO PARCELS EXPERIENCE1 NOT NECESSARY PPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S YOUNG WOMEN afl CASHIERS AND INSPECTOR'. S.PPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S HELP WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER, double entry with executive abllltv capable of taking charge of de partment, one who understands accounting prefrred I' 826 Ledger Ofllee EOT wanted for office work. Oentlle only. See Mrs Orler. Room 300. 800 Chestnut at. HOT wanted financial inaitutlnn. willing to I male nimseii ugeiui u lun i.eti Oft. BOTS corn WANTED TO PASS RrVETS MUbT BE OVER 18 TEARS AND FURNISH PROOF OF AOB CENTS PER HOUR. WITH A GOOD CHANCE TO TRANSFER TO RrVBT HEATER AFTER A PHORT TIME AT M CENTS PER HOUR AND MORE IF ON riECEWORK. APPLT 188 8. 8D ST., SEE MR. 8HATTOCK OR MR PHILLIPS. 1321 ARCH 8T, SEE MR 8WARTZ. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE HOO ISI.AND, PA. BRICKLAYERS WANTF.D. NEW BUILD- 1XU OJJ'-riA l lu.ia uri-ui I r, quiii ai. STATION MARKET ST ELEVATED. AP- iv lt at oi'i'iu urr fliAiiu.v. COTS WANTED AT ONCE: MUST BE 16 YEAI18 OR OVER AND FURNISH PROOF OF AGE. CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ESTABLISHED 1830 GENERAL FACTORY WORKt STEADY WORK; OOOD WAGES; TIME AND HALF TUIB OVER 48 HOURS. PLKNTY OVERTIME; WAGES AUTOMATICALLY INCREASED; SPECIAL BONUS. 12 PER WEEK. APPLY 7 A, M JOSEPH CAMPBELL OOMPANT, 2D AND MARKET 8T9. CMDEN, X, J, HELP WANTED MALE BOTB WANTED We pay eur bora from 118 to 118 ter week, eaey work, ateady position. Apply BECKER. SMITH PAOB WATER AND SNYDER AVE BOYS WANTED FOR N'OHT. WOIUCi MUST nE OVER 18 i CHANCE TOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY, AFTER 0 P M, I. E DOER OFFICE, FIFTH FLOOR BRICK EATERS BRICK LATER3 I FOR GOVERNMENT SnlPTARP WORK I SETTING NEW BRICKS IN FIRE B0XE3 ON SHIPS. BONUS SYSTEM OF PATMENT. ! EARN AS MUCH AS TOU CAN PRO ! DUCE 1 A MINIMUM WAGE IS GUARANTEED TLENTT OF WORK AnEAD. A LONG TUIE JOB. INSIDE ALL WINTER. COME AT ONCE READT FOR WORK. YARD EMPIjOTMENT OrFICK HOO ISLAND T BRICK BURNER Wanted, good common brick burner Somera Brick Co , rNonn- field N J BUTLER Capable jounir man, white, to act as second and willing to go to wasli- "iton Address Box 14a.I norland Ader- llslna Agenc, Atlantic City, N ' l ABINETMAKERS EXPERIENCED APPLT l WAMAKKR'fl FURNITURE WAREHOUSE X- i. COR. 22D AND WASHINGTON A E t-v . t-Taf t -v inMsrinhWI nrftferredl good letterer send specimen of work stating salao and tlmn services available to en gineering department Gulf Refining Co Shreport. La t'r.rrTnrfA!. wlremen and electrical con strurtlon men wanted' permanent positions to good workmen, rato t)2H o per hour. Re port at once to Standard Elec Elev. Co Inc HUE Iratt st , Baltimore. Md FURNITURE FINISHERS EXPERIENCED iPPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOTMENT WANA.MAKEIVS LARORERS lABORERS LABORERS BOTH WHITE AND COLORED PLENTY OF WORK. BIG MONET MADE BOARDING AND HOUSING CONDITIONS EXCELLENT HERE IS A CHANCE TO SECURE A GOOD 8TEADT JOB SPECIAL EXPRESS TnAINB TO ND FROM PHILADELPHIA: YOU CAN BUT A 12-STRIP TICKET TROM US FOR 11.01 TO USE ON SPECIAL TRAINS. APPLT T ONCE. READT TOR WOr.K EMPLOTMENT DEPARTMENT SUN SHIPnUILDING CO. CHESTER. PA. NO LABOR TROUBLE LABORERS I.ADORERS WANTED AT HOG ISLAND; GOOD PAY AND OOOD WORKING CONDITIONS AP PLY 136 S 8D ST. SEE MR. SHATTCCK I OR MR PHILLIPS. 1B21 ARCH ST. SEE Jul SWARTZ, OR T.VRD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE HOG ISLAND I ABORERS WANTED Eas worU good pav . steady positions: plentv nf overtime Applv BE( ICER SMITH t PAGE Water and Snsder ave LABORERS wanted white and colored, good commlssiry KOPPER8 (.0 Swedeland Apply 1 5J1 Arch st. LAUNDRY SHIRT IRONERS. ACCUSTOMED TO STOCK AND CUSTOM WORK PPLY MARKET STREET LAUNDRY 130S FILBERT ST L1NOT1PB OPERATORS (2). for night' shift d-machlne job and book plant op erating i eight-hour shifts steady work giiirnnteel open shop no labor troubles, wages, Jfl2.!IO plus 10 per cent bonus pay able semi-annually: also could use otnable machinist give experience stating whether union or nonunion first letter Address Drawer 714 Parloersbura. W Vi MEN to work as paper handler second floor. 800 Chestnut st Apply viinuiwiBTa TinfT.WRXiAWT..rra ivn rin pffi'W .RAVl'-nOA1!!'' Tr?& I T-r t -n nrvTTT.n QiinpB!vwvnpw TO J R OOULD. SUPKRIS'TENDENT MOTIVB IflWEll Itll'HWIND VA IT M BROWN SHOP HUPEItl.VTns'DENT Hl'NTINOTON W Vv , OR W P HOB son, master mechanic covington, kV I HOLDERS 10 Malleable Bench Moldera. 10 Malleable Iron Floor Moldera. 3 Malleable Machine Molders 3 Gray Iron Floor Molders. 3 Gray Iron fllda Floor Molders, 1 Gray Iron Machine Molders 3 Wood Pattern Makers 3 Metal Pattern Makers Modern houses oan bo had at normal rent, within 10 minutes' ride from plant. Apply or write Employment Department GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. Enrn. pa. MEN EXPERIENCED IN8IDB MEN ON IILANESB AND TRICOT AaiIlNB.l MILAft APPLT HELP WANTED MALE o p r o n t u n i r i e s FOR A LARGE NJTMBER OF INEXPERIENCED MEN AGES 18 TO 45 MUST BE IN GOOD THTSICAL CONDITION GOOD LIVINO WAGE PAID WHILE LEARNING STEADY WORK ASSURED Arnr nf person or communicate AT ONCE WITH FACTORY EMPLOTMENT OFFICE THE GOODYEAR TIRE RUBBER CO. AKRON. OHIO OFFICE I.KUK fmnlllnr ulth cost record and hand. Inc orders, will pa good monev to riirht man experience necessary I'has S, OafTrej Lo 10th and Market st . Cam den N" J OFFSHT rnEMAN and transferrer com bined, excellent opportunity for competent man; salary no object but workmanship must he of highest quality. Harris prsa In nan Communlcat- uith Tribune PrlntlnR (o Charlyton. Iaimwha Co. W Va ronTKns KSV CLKANBIIS appi.t bureau or RMrr.OYMnT WAXAMAKUIt'S niVCTRRS niVKTKRS RIVKTEIia MACIIINF. MEN. WITH OR WITIIOl T OANQB PLCNT OP WORK ON BOTTOM SHELL NOW RKADT. ALBO IN- SIDK WORK AND ON OllOUNU, BICKJEST JIONET MADE LOTS OP PILCK WORK WOP.KINO CONDITIONS CNCELLENT riNEMT IIOARDINO AND ROOMIVO houses i-on oun raipijina SPECIAL EXPRESS TRAIN SEnV ICB TO AND PROM PHILADEI PIIIA 1 01 FOR A 12-STRIP TICKET APPI T AT OVCB. READT TOR WORK IN OANQS OR SEPARATE UMPLOTMTJNT DEPARTMENT SUN frHIPnUILDINO CO CIIERTER PA SALESMEN" - WB HAVE AN OPBNINO , 1X)R SEVERAL HIOH-ORADD SALES MEN WHO CAN QUALIFY TOR THE PO ' SITION or BRANCH MANAOERS AT TUB ' PRESENT TIME WK ARE orFERINU IIIOH-aRADE STOCK THAT IS ON A DIV IDEND-PATINO BASIS' THIS STOCK WILL BEAR THE CLOSEST INVESTIGA TION WITH REFERENCES OF SEVERAL NATIONAL BANKS. DUN'S AND BRAD STREETS APPLICANTS VILI. ONLY. BB CONSIDERED WHO ARE PREPARED TO WORK ON A STRICTLY COMMISSION BAHI3 IK TOU ARK INTERESTED I PI MAKINO CONNECTION WITH A HOUSE ,C -! ItflliriPATIrtV .M A untT PtlV THAT HAS' AN EXCELLENT rf'TI'RB I FOll TUU11HKLF W13 ASK THAT 1UU MAKE A PERSONAL INVEhTlOATION. SALES MANAGER 410 PERRY BLDO SALESMEN EXPERIENCED IN HANDLING COMMimCIAL STATIONERY APPLT BUREAU OF EMPI.OTMCNT WANAMAKER'S SALESMEN, with cars, to do aomo vers remunerative outside educational work: good oppor for ex-service men and teachers H Forster Room flOII. Denckla Bids STENOGRAPHER IP YOU ARE LOOKING TOR A PORTION WITH A FUTURE. WITH CONGENIAL WORKINO CONDITIONS AND HAVE HAD IQVIK I'KAUTICAL, UXl'KKIKCK ANU A WILLINGNESS TO LEARN AND KEF." tiacc wttii r-nvniTina A Mr, tv vnn ARE DESIRIOUSOF MAKlN'O A CONNEC TION WITH A VIEW OF PERMANENCY WITH A SALARY OF 18 PER WEEK TO START. ADDRESS M 931, LEDGER OFFICE STENOGRAPHER and general office work In real estate office, salary 117 state age and experience P H22 Ledger Office STOCK SALESMAN by house specializing in nrnferred securities In operating Indus trial enterprises, must be high-grade man, who haa been earning not less than $3000 per year Sales Manager. 1214 Widener I Building. , TOOLM'AKBR First-class man bn ream ers, i taps dies, hobs, etc . must under- stand machine relieving and modern methods of making and grinding tools Atlantic Re- I fining Co Employment Dept , 3144 Pass. I vunk ave Phlla WATCHMAN wanted in manufacturing plant experienced In looking after hlKh-1 pressure ateam boilers Brown &. Bailey I Co 410 N Franklin st . WRAPPERS FOR SILVERWARE ET( APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S YOUNG MEN wanted for general stock work easy work ateady position plenty of overtime Apply BECKER. SMITH & PAGE WATER AND SNYDER AVE. YOUNG MAN. under 20 vears high chool graduate, to learn engineering and draft ing supplv business Williams. Brown & Earle Inc 018 Chestnut st. TOUNO MAN. 18 or 20. capable of taking dictation and operating typewriter good opportunity, steady position and advance ment P 827 I-cdger Office nenLrVVd-oT trying" pMi'i parltneni store vwnuow iriiiniiiiia i oj-t, ledger Office . General WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND REPAIR AUTOMOBILES $23 COMPLETR COURSE I2T DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES Battler's lflOI Spring Garden Onn Sunday EARN BIG MONEY Do lathe work auto repair, mechanical and electrical driving or storagw battery work, we train men on practical lines Philadelphia Mechanical Electrical School Tall 8I4-81H Brown st Philadelphia INCREASE YOUR SALARY ENROLL NOW Automobile day. afternoon and night classes commence. Sent 22 Spring Garden Institute Broad and Spring Garden sts. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID, white. Prot . mid age. rt una prlv fnm tin C 32 Led Off DRESSMAKER, renov'r col . wishes eng'ta ladles . chll clothes: ref HB8 N Jessup st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE i i ACCOUNTANT of proven ability open forjr pranr-fw n V 1-lggr Office ADVERTISING MAN. 27, desires connection with Philadelphia agency or as assistant In manufacturing concern, experienced In newspaper folder and catalcg work, will start at 143 letters and samples of work mailed and will come to Philadelphia for In tervlew Address Adman. M 101, Ledger Office ATTENTION. HOTEL MANAOERS Ex-service man (28). 7 ears' practical exp In beat hotels aa eec'y to rngr . aajt ateward and room clerk des. poa n 824 Ledger Off. CHAUFFEUR, whlta. age 4(1. wishes posi tion with high-grade cars In private; thoroughly exp . best rei. u a i.eoaer unico EXECUTIVE High-grade man. 27, possessing tact, re sourcefulness and proved abllltv. now with large corporation, dealrea opportunity of broader wop with substantial firm thor oughly trained In modern efficiency methods qualified to aaslst manager or assume charge of department. C 18. Ledger Office MAN. joung, Well educated, speaks and writes Spairlsli and English, would like clerical position with good firm Address W. A.. 223 8 3d PUBLISHER, WITH EXCEPTIONAL EX PERIENCE AND. SUCCESS. WOULD LIKE TO EDIT HOUSE ORGAN FOR LARGE CORPORATION: .CAN FURNISH UNUSUAL RBr-EENCB.AS TO .J'klTT, PREPARED TO 8TART AT ONCE P 620. Ledger Office. RESTAURANT or houl. "PWe. e;p man. ager-stward or assistant. C 10, i.e( off tiNiVKRSITY student (Penn). desires do Ition tn Pr ,;lml ru"l, capable of handling routine clinical or general lalo ratory work; first rate assistant for doctor e. M B20 Mdger Ofnce, YOUNO MAN. 24. lr Schoo graduate, experienced a assistant credit man ana Imokkeepers. desires to connect with rrllahl bualness concern; lt of references, q 17, Ledger Office. EMP10YM-SNT AGENCIES mwmmw USED AUTOMOBILES MARM0N HIGH-GRADE REAL VALUE AT A MM7 Marmott 34 Chummy noadstcr, re built and repainted. 1017 Marmon Touring, rebuilt and re finished, 101 at Marmon Landaulette, rebuilt: owner wantn offer, 101(1 Marmon 4fi, rebuilt, 7 passenger, equal to new: all good rubber. At a sacrifice price. 1017 Peerless-Durham Landaulette, 7 passenger. A No. 1 shape. , 1010 Hupmoblle, Al shape. Rood paint rAMMIMP IV A ATT TIC PAliilDAMV 720-22 N. rttiNiNUNVj minio LumrftiMi MARMON DISTRIBUTORS MorrlR Kredman, llflnntrcr ted Car irniP(J J'lionr j'opinr in t' WE RING-GEARS PINIONS, REAR AXLES. JACK SHAFTS SPRINGS AND TRANSMISSION GEARS WE HAVE THEM ON HAND AND THOUSANDS OF THEM FOR EVERY AUTOMOBILE rcu a -i .IBm aM F5B1 ;viA IBM lit 1601 Spring Big Reduction Ponngyivania VACUUM CUP 6000 Miles Guaranteed To move our large stock of Tires and Accessories we have made a special price for month of September. Regular Our Price Trice Old Sol Spotlight... $9.00 $5.00 Anthony Pump $5.00 $3.25 Champion X Plugs ..? .90 $ .50 A. C. Plugs for all Cars -..$1.00 $ .50 Reducing Mirrors ...$1.25 $ .75 Tool Boxes $3.00 $1.75 Klaxon Electric Horn $9.00 $7.00 Klaxon Push Horns.. $5.00 $4.00 Jacks $4.00 $2.95 Violet-Ray Lenses. ..$4.00 $3.00 For all cars, Bridgeport Pump ...$4.00 $2.75 All other accessories at comparative low prices. Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires guaranteed 6000 miles. Get our special discount price on tires. Call Bell 'phone Spruce 3805. The Auto Tire Co. 208 NORTH BROAD ST. rinmfrirn;niuinimiitiij;iiiG!irnTi:cr;iiini;i:i'?MLUivjnimr!r!niHjUiniiuJUmJUurjtiiii5 Don't Be Misled by Fictitious Mileage 1 Guarantees on, Tires 1 Our tires guaranteed fresh jf stock, not made-overs or dou- m ble-treaded tires. Original 1 3500- to 6000-rnile firsts. B Non Plain Sklda Tubes 30x3 $8.3D J3.00 $2.35 30x3ti 11.00 11.75 2.00 32x3 12.85 18 50 2 90 31x4 17 00 18 25 3 05 33x4 18 00 19 45 3 80 34x4 18.25 19 75 2.95 u tv I 2 3 8 V - e m R All other size Tires in Stock at Low Prices. Orders sent C. 0. D. on approval. Get Our Prices on A11 Size Reliners Tire Sales Go. 1334 Arch, Street, Philadelphia NoNronnectlon With any Other Stores HELL. LOCUST 5854 UNUSUAL UlrLUINOS IN SLIGHTLY USED CAlia Thoroughly Overhauled and Reflntshed Stutz Cars All Models 1918 STUTZ 6 passenger 1918 STUTZ Roadster STUTZ Town Car. 1918 WESTC0TT Sportster 1919 PAIGE Touring Above cara can b bought on monthly payments BED MR. MacARTHUn BTUTZ AOENCT 88(1 NORTH BROAD STREET DODGE. 1017. touring; new leather top May 28 painted June 8. motor overhauled iw '' U R chain tires, rrfV ftstd-In real i.i.i. business, has run 0500 miles, owner having been In U. 8. navy. Phone Over brook 1148 lor demonstration OVERLAND Country Club, 1018. model 00: In perfect condition; five vvtrn wheels; all Offlne. Phone ilVrfdon Heights 073 M. irono 1018. delivery panel body. . Phone Wyoming 6287 W. 348 B. Wyoming ave. Aot Hnppllee Berwlrlnc rOR HUDSON AND HUPMOBILB RBPAW ywlse Attl uzdIT? r Em Mukmo) CVJaO "I I I I Jl Psi fUSnmSXA w I I I 1 1 I uBaal akiSSKl K f f J f f m -eaA t&d25-tW y jairaiiiraiiiii USED AUTOMOBILES USED CA-RS GREAT SAVING 1010 n-RI-. 7 passenger Bulck, good con- til 11 Oil 81 R-cyl Cadillac, good shape, paint and tires good 1018 Kissel Car. Touring, nt a bargain. 1014 0-38 Locomobllo Landaulette. 1018 Chalmers Model 20, B, 8 rassenger; perfect condition, repainted 1014 Pullman 7 passenger Touring: all good .rubber, electric lights A starter. inn itearns-Knigni "v"r"r" . New S-2S 7-passcnBcr Paekard body. BROAD ST. Department. All cars chc-rfully tlcmon- MAKE Garden St. USED CARS THAT ARE RIGHT In Quality, Price, Mechanically Quality The Highest Mechanically Perfect Price The Lowest Our spedal tlroe-paynieiit plan gives everybody an opportunity to own one. Guaranteed savlnis of 1S0 to (200 oa every purchase. A Partial List of Real Bargains M.rrpr Ltte model, S-paaa., In perfect "-l'- .."....". ..-.........,-, A-l shape. Pnirro ISIV. run 2000 miles, a snap) r'"'c act quick. ("".Trillins Idtrat model Touring Car; vduuiuc ptrtret condition; sacrifice. Anoerson Penier Sport model; rtppemon bouaht rtabt-. PkinrJIf.r Chummy Itoadster. like new; Chandler tn,lne,S5OG, .,,,. r-Jiirlann Super-Six; late model TDortnf 1 1UU3UI1 ., . .,-, mnHIl. . snap. Oldsmobile r-onlyltS mllea. A snap. Paifre- Reautlful cars, thoroughly over- 6 hauled: doe condition: $500 np RtlirlfB 1918-17 Touring Cars and Hold- stera: all thoroughly rebuilt and guaranteed. 4- and G-cyllnder models. Dnricrr Touring Cars and Roadsters, all a-uug& late models: thoroughly rebuilt, Oakland Touring Car.. acrlArc ftkl.rr.1.. Toorlng Cars late models; v-ucviuici perfect condition, bargain. Chalmers ar,;fgr,r" r"" b,t,in '" Hupmobile Tonrlng" Oars and Road- lumuu.ii. sters, TerT powerful: at tractive prices And Many Others Sedans and Coupes of All Makes LIBERTY AUTO EXCHANGE 256 N. BROAD ST. The House of Real Value LOCUST 2074 LIVE AOEHTS WANTED OPEN EVENINGS IQvsw them by this plate A REBUILT VIM An opportunity to procure leal value. A year to pay for a rebuilt VIM Truck, backed by the maker's guarantee. Rebuilt and repainted trucks, open express and panel bodies. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. Broad and Huntingdon Sts. See J WM M GREEN. Jr.. Manager Ustd Car Department Diamond mi Park 1530 USED CARS 1917Ford Sedan 1917 Ford Touring. 1917Ford Del. Express Body. 1919 F o r d 1 - ton Panel Body, Simplex Good Towing; Car. Autocar Open Express Body. Commerce Express Body. Packards 4-5-G-tons ($500.00 to $1000). White 7-passenger Landaulet. White 5-ton Rebuilt Guar. Stake or Van Body. The White Company 216 North Broad PACKARD twin six, first-class condition; lust repainted and thoroughly overhauled: full set cord tires; also two spares: price 1800" .reason for aelllng, bought another car. F Baldwin Bristol Pa MAXWELL 1818 touring, extra wheel, tube and tire, excellent appearance, perfect soou, nuns uciiuuut uivi, jwiirvnairauon, isr.o. 0t InOI iSprucoat OVERLAND 83 ROADSTER: new top, slip covers; extras; perfect condition: 1473. 0803 Hpruce st, Belmont 481. 'TWO-TON HUDFORD, perfect condition; open express body; 118 model i, tftea. I KwCR 'W'Mef. tM." " ej p tr v UalLamVcO; 1 8 j I I V" 1 I fTMMaoRTRVGKGW N rUKUFACIUWRS My PHILADELPlilA fpij'W i.aiaaijje, si. t ,v i BUSINESS OPPOBTTJNITXBS GRAPHITE MINING LAND About 400 acres In St Reml d'Amherat. Co Labelle. I'rortnce of Quebec, Canada, with complete plant of 17 buildings, machin ery and mining camp accessories. For further Information please, apply to VINET & DUFRESNE, 00 St Jsmoa st . Montreal Canada A HIGHLY REPl'TAULE and well estab ltshed Pennsylvania cnrnnratlon manu facturing machinery offers exceptional op portunities to those with capital and ability for the purpose of reorganlration and In creasing facilities to meet the ib-mand of a rapidly growing business with orders booked months ahead U 834, Ledger omce. EXCELLENT opportunity to buy machine shop manufacturing sernl specialties with patent right, about $8000 required. Apph Movermarr, 300S Lincoln Building Walnut Ifioa APARTMENT HOUSE 111 apartments, fine ly constructed, all tenanted: best location In the cltj. . first-clans Investment, pns biff returns MORRIS BERNSTEIN. 'J2O0 Arch street 1 , SCALE ninnur-iaurlng buslnh. esiabllshrd 50 joars, for sale to settle estate, must he sold, price attractive. J T. Lawrence, f55l Harel ae Phone Woodland f!992 M , WOMAN, active, refined, mature, can learn of good opportunities Cn11 030 Real Es- tate Building afternoons t )LD-nSTABLISHED storage business, fully equipped, whole or half Interest: bargain. C R. Ledger Office UNUSUAL opportunity to Invest $000 nnd services n manufacturing business B 332, Jediier Office tunir ST business property C32 8 00th; lot Klxfi2 pom p s ton at once; terms to suit purchaser Hlchard I Towell. 202 H 02d. BUSINESS PERSONAXS DIAMONDS" BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for your dls mond. any size from H to 10 caratsi none The Diamond Shop JSM'ft ffu DIAMONDS BOUGHT '. ANT SIZE PRICR NO OIUtlCT I'awn thkets for diamonds bought KRI.LT K. qo . 012 CIIKSTNUT ST Suite -22 Over rhllds llestaurnnt Private SAJIUEL SIMPSON NOTARY PI1HLIC 727 Walnut t Philadelphia GENTS' CAiTFFCLOfHING Imught Call or addirya 1J?5 X 0th. nb Arch BUSINESS and other dlfTlcultlf-s Bottled, pro tertinr your rlffhtn, collection doubtful ac counts, bank rt-ferpnee 2" jear' experlenca Mutunl Adjustment Co 121R Filbert at. ELECTRIC treatment and manicuring. Of flee Hutchinson Rldg . fourth floor. Rooms 4011-407 122 S 13th st Hours 10-fl ELECTRIC service In the home, wo will wire jour home without Injury to walls. Mod- em Novelty Co 81B N Marshall Mkt 3244 ELECTRIC treatment ft manicuring. Room 103 Heed Hldg . 1218 Filbert at. Loe. 888a. ELECTRICAL 302 H Rrnail TREAT . phyalcal culture. Hours 10 a. m. to fl p m CELESTE LA TELLE Facial, Scalp Treat 10 a m in p m mosea Hun BOB B. 11th ASHES remcvml from cellara: all kinds haul. ing onug nip JiUHOnWOOQ. HIKE. 4421. DIAMONDS bought; highest prices paid I. 8 Haas. 1480 N 10th st FOB SALE We Make antl Sell National Cash Registers and Credit Files I-owest prices, small monthly pay ments, no Interest charges, written guarantee; old registers repaired, rebuilt, bought, sold and exchanged. JOHN T. WATSON Agent The National Cash Register Co. 730 CHESTNUT STREET Phone Walnut 403. Main 2072 TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONVISIBLE 3 MONTHS. $5 00 VISIBLE 1 MONTHS, 7 30 UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters American Writing Machine Co. S02 CHESTNUT ST. WALNUT 2430 MAIN 328 LARGE LOT OF LUMBF.R 30 pieces of Hx K, 24 feet long, 30 pieces of 10x10. 24 feet long. 100 pieces of 12x12 10 feet long. 30 pieces 4x12. 20 feet long. 300 pieces 3x H. 14 and 10 feet long. 28 plecea 12x10, 43 feet long 730 pieces 3x12, 14 feet long. 7K OHO irinjf hacil YirlM, 1 Applv Sterling Iron 4 Steel Co 483 N, 10th. I OFriCE FURNITURE i Large line desks safes, files, cablneta and KCi.ctni "unu luiiiiiuic, oiii tr HlurS, we nuv, bpii nna exenanfre. PATTEN FURNITUnn CO. LOCUST 4070. 1127 AIXCI1 ST. RACE 209. BRUNSWICK POOL TABLE 4x8: balls' riinN rack, etc all comnleln. nan h .. any time this week. 1242 W Allegheny ave. ANTIQUE mahouanv furniture, cellos, dou- tile basa, violas, .' , violins, 1843 Rldcp avenue IIAI1Y carriages, complete 1010 line, over 100 stvles. all colors see our 110 special B M'I'T nft4.! S 2d st Onn evenings! MARY COACHES reed Pullman coach. J8: new reed stroller. .8 sulkies. S3 SO: open cvninit" iu-'"-'" .,,., i,irnrn ave. CA11INETH Steel flllna cabinets, sec book- cases, reasonable. National Furniture Co W Walnut st SUITS Men's uncalled-for made-to-order garments $31 and $31 value for S22.B0. perfect goods, mlts mad to order from your own goods for M4 30 Hcssert. 833 Arch st. I1ATHTUBS ' sinks toilets, wash trays vvashstands, rndlatnrs hot-water and steam boilers pipes and fitting cheap. 1420 14. 8th st Phone Dickinson 374 BILLIARD, pool comb'n 2d-hand bought, sold, rented, exch Keafer. 32 W. Olrard. FURNITURE. Including brass and brass bed refrigerator morris chair. 1423 Venango Tioga 8102 W. REFRIGERATORS and fixtures for grocers and meit markets terms if desired. RANDALL ft CO 311 N 2d st SAFES, fireproof closing nut, sixty slightly need so"ne with thin walla 72 N Knur t h NEW & used Singer sewina nvacha srusr't'd, talking mach records Slepak 1028 N 2d CABPET CLEANING CARPETS CLEANED ON OR OFF THE FLOOR WALLACE 7 N 101820 N 20253 Church lane. Otn. STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS. ALBUMS AND SUPPLIES for stamp collectors PHILA. STAMP CO.. 21 8. 17TI1 ST. PIANOS. PL AYEBS. TUNING. ETC. HOWARD VINCENT 818.838-840-842-844-8411 N BTII ST, SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEKk 1 OEO RTECK, Upright .. . , 70 2 WEHERFIELD Uprights . . .. 173 un 8 I.EhTER Uprights 123 up 3 HARDMAN Uprights . . 87 up 5 CUK'KCJUNO Uprights . . 01 up 4 EHTUY Unrlahts . . .1113 up II CUNNINGHAM Uprights J12S up 4 ni.ASIl'H Uprights . m up 7 8TE1NWAY Uprights tllin up 4 SHOKMACHER Uprights . 171 up 3 IIKPPK Uprights . . JOI up '.' KNABi: Uprluhts , ,114.1 up 1 ANOl-LUH R8.Note I'lroer 12011 2 EMERSON 8-Note Plaers .11()iip a KNAIIK 88-N'ote Plavera . ,321up 1 CHICKERING 88-Note PUser .1.110 4 STEINWAY Grands . . 12.10 up 2 CIIICKF.UINU Urands . , (181 up HI MINIATURE Ilabv' Grands. J20.1 up Every one of the above planus Is In atock. In fine condition ready for delivery, Includ ing atool and scarf or 23 rolls nf music and bench and one year's tuning free. NEW PLAYER-PIANOS, J3J1 up. 2 30wk NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS 1143 up. 11 30 Vlk HOWARD VINCENT 838-838-840-842-844-8 IU N (ITII ST. Established 30 jears PIANOS FOUR "SPECIALS" OFFERED THIS VYKtJIv Ai UUIV Ul'tVJVVn HIUKKS tli-K-Ohlclcorlnar Piano coat nw l.tan 1B3 Hallet ft Davis Piano, cost nsw 850. lnnrv-.Tatfir Piano, cost new 8430 $273 Cunningham Glrord Piano, cost new aio'i Call or write for full description and ope clal payments HEri'K'S UITOWN RTORffS COR OTH AND THOMPSON HTS. 85-NOTE playtra made to play 88-note muslo rolls. MR: players Installed In any piano. Vlneland Player Action Cp., Vlneland. N, J, M0T0H0YCLES AND BIOYOLES ,wXyv,riu,,rl,rriJ WkWkkis jmyrmw i C33TT' vv.. . j ,k. 'en:: , Lti '-i-.f- a. nnT rn'iawmm Tmt imjuR3ammwwr wmrvwr' PIHNT1NO THE CARD SHOP, 020 Chestnut st Com mercial printing and engraving bur ape clalty: 800 business cards, 111 letterhead and envelopea printed quickly. OPPOS. THE FEDERAL RKSRRVE HANK STOHAQE AND MOVING TERMINAL WAHEHOUSK AN'D TnAKSrCIt CO. Columbia and Sjdenham at ; local and lonar dItanco movlna by courteous, experienced! men. clean, dust-proof rooms for furnltura: let us estimate l'hong Dlatnond 4472 VICTORY STORAGE ft21S Market. Largest and best. Phcn Tlelmont 4670 for an estimate Goods packed1 for shipment: rierceArrow vna foe motlnr. THE JOHN RH0ADS CO. Lstorago, Packing, Moving, Carpet Cleaning 4DOy Lancaster Av., W.fhila. WATSON'S STORAGE f.nad to nr from K X, Ilfllto and Wash.it paaaeti ians, rarcrui men! open iqr all gtgementg fl4B(149 N mn bx. t'o S4, LOCAIj and lone distance movlnc: larffft padded auto ann; 1 month's storage fret: estimates clvcni reasonable rates Call Ktrv slnaton 8078 or write 1633 N. 2d st. Crsa cent fftorairo Warehouse. , WALLACE 10112(1 N 20233 Church lane. Otnj I-ONO-ntSTANCE MQVINft GUARANTEE STORAGE . Packing, shipping, furnltura bought and sold. Phone Poplar 2154. 1310 Drown st fidelity nnn-pnoop -warehouses 1811-10 MARKET ST. MOVING DAT MADE EAST Large padded'vans, expert movers North Phlla Storage Co . 2033 Lehigh Eat. free. Ehlho Park fireproof building- Diamond 73fi0 20TH CENTURY Storage 'Wnrehouae, abso lutely fireproof, peo, piano, paint's; 4k rug rms. Pierce Arrow car used 3120 Market st. MllNMK'H STOKAOK CO, 8K70 I.ANCAR THU AVII AUTO REIIVICR. PTOnAOK, PACKINt! LONO-DISTANCB MOVING WANTED OLD CLOTHES 110U01IT Cast-off clothing wanted: men's old suits, coats, trousers, shoes, etc.. ladles' clothlnr of all descriptions and evening clothes bought, highest prices paid, wa call any where, city or country day or night. Write SELIOSOHN CLOTHINO CO 340 N. 8th. cull nr leiepnnne r lloen -H, CAST-Orr CLOTHINO Ladles' clothe a specialty, gentlemen's, children's cloth ing and shoes, all kinds bought, highest prices, auto service, we call anywhere, any time. Phone Market 2448 W or cah it. Stern. 837 N 4th. OLD CLOTHES, ladles', men's or boya suits, overcoats shoes natal wo posltlvelv pay 30 per cent more send postal, call or phone Dickinson 0133. Wo call city, country, dav evening Friedman Ilros 1444 South St. WD WANT, at onco, household furniture: store, fixtures, office furniture, pay spot dish, honest value, phone us about It, Locuat 4214 Old Church, cor. 12th and cherry sta. ANTIQUE furniture, old china, old Jewelry. gold, silver, false teeth, diamonds. An. tlques 02H Chestnut st Phone Walnut 7028, BROKEN Jewelry, antiques, pistols, coins; coin n'k with prices l pay mauea ioc. j. B Rofis (People's Store) 220 o Wal 4486 WANTED Wo wish to buy a usod Monroo calculator in good condition Address Penn Onrment Co. vvimamspori. i--a. HIGHEST PRICES PAID forslngle or entlra furniture. Ruback, 429 N. 00th Bel. 784T. BOOMS FOB BENT CHESTNUT ST . 200 Desirable rvoms and nleo professional offices , PINE ST . 133H Plrst floor for physician's ofnce; furnished or unfurnished: all con venienpes TOWELTON AVE . 3410 Exclusive n'ghbor hood ds furn rms . gents pref, Rar.721d. roWELTON AVE .3416 Exclusive neighbor hood des furn rms : gents pref Par 7.18 WALNUT ST , 4838 Very desirable furn- Ished room, all conveniences. Preston 8473 J ,. WALNUT 3804 Two rooms and bath, un-1 fUrniSnon. CieC llgni. 1MB! jammr ngi.ii.r-. 15TH, S., 818 Single room for gentleman: rererencea exenangeu 16TH. N (THE RURICI 139. 141 Modern. up-to-date furn. rooms; electric throughouti dally and weekly rates: convenient tc tta (Inns: gooq nccommoo. vr vinvgium iji'i 18TH ST , N.. 1404 Two rooms, furnished, housekeeping, $8 up, single room, kitchen -tto. lft 4UTH ST. H.. 9013 vvell-furnlshed seconfl floor rooma and bath: no housekeeping: private, well-kept corner home, conveniences, 03D ST. ABOVE LANSDOWNE. ,VE Su- perlor 'accommodations: beautiful home for L. O. pent : vviin or wunoui wiu " ,u., REFINED business woman wishes comfort able room In select home, with breakfast and dinner: no other roomers: stnte full par tlcnlsra and phone. P. 825. Ledger Office. SPRUCE ST. 1711 Housekeeping suite anil single rooms, near miimiiuuBp .i.-"1. SPRUCE ST . 8803 Large well-furnished room, southern exposure: conv. to care. BOABDING 4310 WALNUT ST Board and room lor 2. Raring 1270 22 COLUMBIA AVE. Urat-class board: $8 per week, home comforts; phone. BOARD WANTED BOARD warned Refined gentleman and wife desire accommodations with board In re fined home: all accommodations: either city or suburban, no boarding, house: will pay well for homelike surroundings; give full de scription, locavion anu iriiu m ,vk-. 880 Ledger Office REFINED young woman, employed, deslrei nicely furnished room In flrat-clasa apart. ment house: also dinners, If obtainable: state terms. Address Apt M-B No. 1, Homewood Apts , llaltltuCTe, Ma. vniTMri mam wants room and board with private family near University of Pennsyl vania: In answering give details. Addreia P 832. Ledger Office. APABTMENTS NEW APARTMENT, exclusively for .men. 124 8. 18tli st.. adjoining Philadelphia, Club: single room: front rpom with alcove; mcMernly equipped: good light: perfect ven- ll.tlnn. h,,IIUn hdlh, HTlfl SHOWerS ! Wall sate, electricity; steam heat; hot and colda water: valet and maid services on premises an Ideal home for discriminating bi bachelor. Applv representative, on premises. , TWO ROOMS and tiled bath, hardwood floora, furnlahed. Including light and serv ice, year's lease only. 08 to 173: on Rlt tenhouse at. Merton Grelms, Harrison Bldx.. Locust vnu ATiATlTMRVT VtR A nOtfA RTERS Central nparvments a specialty. Sherwood r Apt. Agency. 2J3 . roaa si. dome very attractlve furn apts : eome housekeeping. . 1620 PINE ST Up-to-date apartment, S rooms, bath, kitchenette: 1100 to 812per mrnth Applv Albert I). .Mills. 2101 West i-jna l rnst hiuk 1700 PINE aT . nslrahla suite. 2 rooms and 1 bathr-flrst floor, suit professional roan. TAULArK. uuii wa inuisi. FURNISHED or unfurnished apartments, all oca .""- --IF, - "7,"f.r." n,o .rty Hldg liru iuiuiic nutut f i. i608 LOCUST ST. A very attractive api ment. 8 rooms It private, furn. or nntv art urn. TWO ROOMS and bath. 2200 Pine, JflO and 83. open flreplac. FTJBNISHED APABTMENTS 18TH ST.. S.. 127 CThe Geneva) Furnished! bachelor apartments, 2 rooms and bath: Im the heart of the buslneu'ssctlon! 2 blooks frim uroaa m duudii. HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENT3 JUST A FEW apartments left in the finest central location nf this city. 2 ""mia. ,.-,! aA IMthintti.. unfurnished S130. Merton Orelmes. Harrison Building. Locust fijrtl . bTHUCK 8T , 2110 Excellent corner fur nlshed housekeeping apartment. Furnished i.iTnw 4PTS.. cent loc.; by week If desired. Sherwood Apt. Agency. 223 S Broad at. APABTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-iyORRIS American Plan CIIELTEN AVE. AND MORniM BT. GERMANTOWN 20 JIINUTES TO BROAD ST STATIOM Furnlnhtd and unfu rnlahaulte. "THEXLADSTONE lim and pmn sts. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF BARTRAM APARTMENTS 88D AND CHESTNUT BTB. Per rtnt a few unuiually attractive Ursft apartments, with bath, furnlihed or unfur nlthed: flrtclat dining-room torvlco. HOTEL COLONIAL attRbt, Select apartment family hotel; In Uhe center, nf thtt rltv! oneratlnr on the American Plant our table will please the most "-.atttsui. ' 9 C. PITMAN BAKSB. Jr.; MaoaW , ! a,Vt-AA atiV lu yfilaAiipliia.. I- ..iwiaivjfiu, AH'h -rt. una uanosc. AY r- ;, . -.' .i y...v -4,-j U - 'h. -Ti - ? ' nJ-J ik- a l " A1