Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 17, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 9, Image 9

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LEsorcrto Doclso a Concludero
Quanto non Fece la Con
feronza di Par?gl
rnblliliKl nnd Distributed Undr
rKJlJOT NO. 841.
AnUiorti'd by the sot of October 6.
11T. on flle at the Poitofflce ot FhlU
d.lphts, Pa.
Br order of th rrnldrot.
A 8 uunLnsoN.
Postmsster QsnersX
Lonitrn, 17 settembrc Notlzls eiunte
dall'ItnHn recano chc II popolo e' tutto
lu-inrmento a clio lo slmpntio per ua-
brley D'Annunztzo Bono immense. Si
illco he l'Escrcito o' tutto con il grando
poctaled c' declso a conclude quello
che nonj,c stato fatto dalla Conferenza
delta Face.
Parigi, 17 scttembre Lo ultlrae no
Uzlo giunto rieunrdo Flume, occupata
dallo forze irrcgolari sotto il comando
dl Gabrlele D'Annunzlo, non recano
nlcnn cnmblamcnto Bulla situazlono. Le
necessarie mlsure si dlco siano sttto
preso per prcvenlre tutto la comunlca
aioni tra la citta' e l'csterno. . .
Secondo ulterior! rapporti, del ma
riuai italianl cho sbarcarono a Flume
eoltanto cento rlmangono nella cttta' c
gll flltri banno fatto ritorno alio loro
ravi. Si dioo che 11 vico-ammiraglio
Camroora, ebarcato lcri In un tcntntlvo
dt ristorare l'ordlnc, sia stato illcgal
inonte trattenuto Bulla spiaggia.
Farlgt, 10 scttembre La Delcgazionc
JTngo-elava alia conlcrcnin dclln Pare
ha emesso II scguente rapporto circa la
Bituazlone in Fiumo:
"Conflitti non arniBtl sono arvcnutl
in Fiumo nella notte dal 12 nl 13 sct
tembre, quando mllle soldatl italianl
arrlvarono dal tcrrltori occupati dt
Istrla o Slaronia. La corazzata Danto
Alighicrl fu lmposslbilitata a salpare
perche' lo sue macchino erano state
opposltamente daunegglate. Lo truppo
sbarcarono dalla nae o si unirono al
yolontarl dl D'Annunzlo.
"Le autorita' militnri italianc c 1
comandantl dclle truppo alleato In
Fiume furono impotent! a ristablllro
l'ordlnc, la prcparazlono per le rlbol
lionl crano state arcuratnraeuto prc
parutc. I ribelll costrinsero H pattu
glia lnglcso al palazzo del govprnatore
a ritirarsl. Avennero dlmostrazlonl
contro l'Amerlca l'lngbiltcrra, la Fran
da e la Jugo-slaWa.
"D'Annunzlo parlo' ni soldati cd nlla
folia a poscia gli italiani spinscro 1 Jugo
slav! ed 1 soldatl fuorl di Fiume c di
"I francesl, gll inglesi e gli americani
hanno laseiato riume n bordo dl vapori.
SI tcmc cho le truppe regolarl italianl,
niandato contro i ribelll, facciano causa
comune con esal."
Lloyd Coorgo Returns From
Franco Speaks In Lon
don Tonight
London. Sent. 17. (By A. P.)
Premier Lloyd Gcorgo's return to Eng
land last night from his vacation at
Deauvllle, France, and & brief visit In
Paris, will be followed tonight by hli
address at the London City Temple and
which, In view of the extreme political
and economic unrest prevailing in the
country Is awaited with keenest curi
osity and Interest.
Among the many topic which tho
public is eager to hear tho Premier dis
cuss aro the llussian tangle, Including
William O. Bullitt's testimony before
tho foreign relations commltteo of the
United States Senate; Ireland; the re
duction of national expenditures; In
dustrial developments j the probable
.dissolution of parliament, and a gen
eral election.
In view of the fact that the speech
will ba addrossod to tho international
brotherhood congress, Mr. Lloyd Ocorgo
probably vi ill connne uunseir maimy io
Inhnrntini? bis recent appeal to tho na
tion to co-operato in the establishment
of n new world order.
Paris Press Savs America Should
Arrange Long-Term Credits
ParlR, Sept. 17. The continued de
preciation of the. franc in the United
States and Great Britain is commented
upon by nil tho morning newspaper,
together with the declaration by Min
ister of Finance Klotz, In tho Chnmber
of Deputies yesterday, that the only
remedy is for Trance to buy from coun
tries where the rate of exchange is fav
orable to btr.
Some of tho newspapers complain that
the allied and associated powers have
not done all they could to relieve tho
situation. Tho United States, particu
larly, thei declare, could stop the de-
jprcciatlon of the franc by arranging
for long-term credits.
Little Natloni Have Not Aeoepted
Russian 8ovlet Peace Terms
Coponlisjrcn, Sept. IT. (By A. P.)
An Important conference has been in
session at Itlga, considering not only
peaco with tho Soviet government of
Russia, but tho formation of n Baltic
federation, according to advices from
Lettish sources.
It Is understood there has been no
actual acceptance of tho Soviet gov
ernment's terms, but It appears that
the Baltic federation idea has mater
ialized to the extent that an agreement
has been reached for n common cur
rency nnd a customs union of Letvia,
Lsthonla nnd Lithuania. The confer
ence lias removed to Iteval. '
troleum Company, an American concern
operating in tho Mexican oil fields, ac
cording to Information received ywttr
day through official channels.
Washington, Sept. 17. The chief of
police of Tuxpau, Agaplto Tercz, and
Lieutenant Colonel Itodrlgucr, of the
Carrnnza army, are under arrest,
charged with having participated in the
recent robbery of the lVnn Mexican Po-
Ask Any Good Dealer for
Factory Distributors
For Philadelphia .
MacCuIlough Tire Co.
1412 W. Girard Avenue
Phono, Poplar 1608
SEPTEMBER' Jtf, 1910 .
Vienna, Sept. 17. (By A. P.) In
an effirt to copo with food and fuel
conditions tho Austrian governments has
ibsued a decree expelling from the coun
try all persons who do not claim a
I legal residenco here. This decree, which
becomes cffectUo on Heptemhcr 'M, win
affect n large number of Galiclans and
manv lluncurians remaining in Austria
after thev were ordered to leave the
country some time ago. Notwithstand
ing this deerco the minister of finance
has forbidden aliens to remove money
from the hanks.
Trust DAY'S for Values
lThey'11 Trust You to Pay
This is your invitation to come to Day's for your
Fall Clothet. Valuei at Day's are greater than you
will find at many of the so-called cash stores. How
come, say you Here's the' answer in a nutshell.
Day's manufacture their own clothing a mighty big
item these days of retail profiteering. Wo eliminate
the profit of each turnover from manufacturer to
jobber, to doaler and then to you so that when
you buy at Uay s you buy direct from the manu
facturer think what savings Day's guarantee you.
Come up to this new, bright, cheery institution and
select your new
For Men, Women and .Children
In Your Own Terms
DAY'S enable every working man and woman to
dress well, for you can come here, select whatever
you need, whether for yourself or your family, and
we will trust you to pay on your own terms.
REMEMBER, back of everything we sell is our bind
ing guarantee that everything you buy .roust give you
entire satisfaction or we will make it right. You can
depend on Day's to give you honest values.
Open A
i Saturday
till 9
FT k neaMlghted economy to buy cheap Accxwnt
A jL Boolor- records that are used dairy and pre-
atxvedifor many year. Only good paper and
Otroaa bfndktrjs "wSttSbsid the strain or cotaftant
THE Nation:
" of expsrlenosd
bara tiaia tBSmi'ynahTvm.
r .IS iii i.W tiM, . 1 it,...
earned ;
baser caasecaee
Account Books i
rukfor "National
Eagle TY&demark.
is thefcftdioke
These books jho
iby skilled -workers
&lanblBooks b always ,
jr,so that roar wa
ri need in National
t-imdiie delay. Always '
and see that they have tho
m B if Ay Ilki I LPfeil
tf&'.K " l,::' '-; i:..-i , ,,-w '".'' "' 1 ,H ".."' ''is"ta
IjVsWHJ' ''"'. Si"1'"' i "''','. ,' Ms '".'' .' - ur '." - -- J4tttaj :! ,
7:::P',i i '-' '':'i,:'v''r ''t'': '"WS
I Brand New, the rN.
I I 1
T HXINGTON Is privileged to lntroduco the itcui6l i ni fd
i.ar achievement
The one-piece looking hednn, with nJl the advantBRpi
of the built-up type, et hundreds of pounds lighter, 1Ifx
lble more practical and more convenient.
Tor the first time the bodv has been built for the top
reversing tho old method, and
Solvlns the elusive problem which has baffled designers
of how to mako a harmonious unit of top and body.
The Bides of the body are The car Is replete with
unusual h 1 Sh i all four -mmoda
doors aro full width, tho top row 8i,ja KhtB Tlie couch
appears lower, all bK of the
ride windows aro of equal
size, square shaped to
match tho straight 11ns ef
fect of the doers.
Tho gln-H In these win
dows can bo lowered or en
tirely removed
Lix-yeda'n Rives a mark
ed saving In fuel, less
strain on the motor, llghtor
weight on tires and freedom
from top r I g 1 d n e s s that
eliminates strains and
work, furnishings and color
scheme aro no less notab'e
than tho body modeling.
Three colore are optional,
liluo, Maroon and Hrevvnter
Oreen, with Spanlrh leather
and velour to match
It Is built on the emi
nently successful Lexington
Chassis with Biich features
as oil less spring bushings,
non-metallic un Ivor Hal
Joints, tho one finger emor-
?cncy brake, non-rattlo
ramo and the Moore Mul
tiple Ilxhaust System which
saves fuel and Increases
pow er.
$2085.00 F. O. B. Factory
Lexington Motor Company of Penna.
H, A, KCSKIt, Vlre rnsldent-fienersl Msnatrr
Lexington Building
831 North Broad Street
Opposite Metropolitan Opera Stoute
Whesa You Remove" the Film
All Statements Approved by Hi&h Dental Authorities
A Ten-Day Tube of
Pepsodent to show
you its effects. Send
the coupon fqr it.
This is to urge a ten-day teat of a tooth paste which
combats the film.
High authorities have proved it. Five years of tests
have placed it beyond question. Leading dentists every
where are urging its adoption.
Compare the results with your old methods, and let your
own teeth decide.
Film Destroys Teeth
That slimy' film which 'you feel on your teeth causes
most tooth troubles. Every modern dentist knows that.
Dental science, for many years, has sought & way to end It,
That film is what discolors, not the teeth. It is the basis
of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and
forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to
cause decay.
Millionn of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are
the chief cause of pyorrhea. So the major object in clean
ing teeth is to keep them free from film.
Old-time methods fail to do that. Teeth still discolor,
still decay, as millions of people know. The reason is that
brushing does not end the film.
The film is clinging. It gets between the teeth, enters
crevices and stays. Day and night, month after month, it
is a potential source of danger.
Now a Way to End It
Science now has found a way to end it Five years of
tests have proved this. The way is now embodied In a
dentifrice called Pepsodent. And we urge you to see
what it does.
Pepsodent is based on pepsin, the digestant of albumin.
The film is albuminous matter. The object of Pepsodent
is to dissolve it, then to constantly combat it.
Look ih 10 Days
See how clean the teeth look
how they glisten. Then you will
know what film removal means.
But pepsin must be activated, and the usual method is
an acid harmful to the teeth. So pepsin long seemed
barred. But science has now found a harmless activating
method. It is made use of in Pepsodent.
Now millions of teeth are daily cleaned as they never
were before. Try the method ten days on yours.
Send this coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Use like any
tooth paste. Note how clean your teeth feel after using.
Mark the absence of the slimy film. See how the teeth
whiten as the fixed film disappears.
Watch the results for a few days. Read in our book
how they come about. Then decide for yourself what
tooth paste you and yours should use.
Cut out the coupon now.
fe mmamaammmmmmmmmmm pat. OFF.
BCG.U.Ss mmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Tm&NeW'Day Dentifrice
A Scientific IWuct. Sold by DragguU Everywhere.
Ten-Day Tube Free
Dept, BN-SSO. 1101 b, WabMh At.
Chlcsio. ill.
Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepso
dent to
greater appeal
A clever sales
talk about an over
emphasized feature
or just real tire
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perfectly bal--anced
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If you must come
to Brunswicks for
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tion, why not start
NOW with your
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Many motorists who
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plete equipment.
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"There's a Brunswick Tire for every
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