Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 17, 1919, Night Extra Financial, Page 8, Image 8

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HE, 'vmti
Eft; SEOTEMBEE 3.D19 "
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I .V5
& Amendment to Boston Rule:
(.eaves No Loopholo Eton
for Votoran Bluccoats
By the Associated rres
Boston, Sent. 17. The strikin; po-
Italian General Tolls Insurgent
Troops Their Invasion "Can
not Be Toleratod"
Genera, Sept. 17. (By A IM
Gahrielc d'Annunzio is still manter of
tho situation of l'iump, of which hp
took possession recently at tho head
of insurgent Italian force?, refusing to
obey the Italian governments order to
return ith his troops, according to
advices which have reached berp, do-
' Hccmeti will not be reinstated under i sptc thn cxtrrrac rigr 0f tho censor-
,any conditions. Edwin U. Curtis, po
lice commissioner, reiterated this today
iMhen his attention was directed to the
Answer Threat of New York PublN
catlopi to Quit or Move
"Now Vork, Sept 17 (By A. P.)
Officials of "Bix Six," tho local union
of printers, whose demands for an in
crease of $14 a week in all present wage
Suspension Sopt. 22 Certain 'scales in book and job offices, and the
Unless Gary Yields and
Moots Workors
The British and American contin
gents In the city were jeered and hissed
hv the nnnnlHtinn BR thev marched to
construction placed in some quarters , ,rjr wariih,,,i tbc advices slate, but
on an amendment to the department embarked safely on their vowels. The
rules announced last night. French contingent is (.aid to have re-
It had been pointed out that the I "" '" """". barricaded 1 nits bar-
. , racks.
change, which permits suspension for of the Italilin yniorg wi,0 landed in
delation of regulations, might be con- r,um(( ouIy 100 rnajnrf in the city
Btrucd as leaving a hoophole by which nt lh(1 )ast ad,irPSi thc othp having
some of thc older men of the depart- rpjoined their nhips. the official advices
ment who before the MTrike had served state.
the city long and faithfully might re- I (Jrncral Badoglio. who wai sent by
. ... ... lhe government to 1'iume to handle the
catn tneir positions , ,. ,.. . , --I.,-,..!,,,,
- T .... .. All IIMI IIMI. Him 1IVI111W U 1.. .-.UUu fc lull I ...
L'- ' . ... , re I Mnllrilf
. I .....J 11. .1.ihI ...u. a ...... ...ihn'' ."' .
UriinUDllUE LUr 1UIUULT.T1J ao mm mi , -
abandoned their psts and went
o Flume, creating a state of thing
vhlch cannot be approved or tolerated "
nother report from Fiurao declares
that the D'Aununzio partisans have
made arrangements looking to the de
itructinD of the city in case resistanco
becomes futile
The Juco Slav veaco Helegatlou iu
By tlie Associated Pre
PltLiburgli, Sept. 17. Thc national
committee for organizing iron and bteel
workers wcut into session here shortly
before noon todav to take definite actiou
establishment by October 1 of a forty
four-hour week, bac been mot by a
tnrcat on tlio part of 152 New York
periodical publishers to suspend publi
cation or to move their plants to west
ern cities, announced today their will
ingness to arbitrate the question of
higher pay.
They declared they were determined,
howevtr, to iusibt on their demaud for
bhorter hours, refusal of which would
mean a strike. As evidence of their
determination to press their demands,
strikers pointed out that a 10 per cent
.,r. .no maiirr oi pireipomuK uin slfikp ni-sessmont, amounting to $40,000 a
of iron aud steel workers, called for M,ckf wng be,D(f cMkM from thc men
Commissioner Curtis declared, how
ever, the change had been made to meet
new conditions and had no bearing on
thc present situation.
Thc cases of 123 policemen oo ma
tlons or .sick leave wheu the strike
began are now under considcraliou
Each man will probabb have an indi i
yidual hearing
Although nine-tenths of the union
affiliated with the B"Ston (enlrai I.Hlwr
i lie i"sion n-u.iu. ..-vi ,. ,- , ,j,.i
Union ha,e already ,nll to support -"- '- " " "-
Mn th 1 mit. lul naiiou ' "w.i- . .'.."
t ..tl rl.SlrAH
UU1UU icaufis iob;uu woj - ,
did not indicate an
iMtv. The Italian baitlcfchip
Bl n.i. n:-t...: J- w-lA r 1ifiT pn
immediate general """ "'"."' .."., u.,.n, ,7
It was generally felt that there would
be no definite change in the situation
until after the meeting of the Central
Labor Union next Sunday at which re
port of the strike votes taken during
the week will be received from the lcwal
I damaged by her crew and has born uu-
able to leave thc port of liume.
SAnlnmliB, "
Before going into the meeting John
Fitrpatrick, Chicago, chairman of the
national committee, said that, unless
there wai a "last minute" telegram
from Filbert If Gary, chairman of the
board of the United States Steel Cor
poration, no poitponemeut of the
strike, as requested by President Wil
pon until lifter the industrial eonfer-
! ft..., nt tl'inhlnfflnn Oplnltflp ft -milrl
be considered.
Fitzpatriek said the men werf full)
organi7eil and prepared to walk out
The meeting of the na
tion.., committee today was called pri
marily to make preparations for the
proposed btrike
Organizers who met at Toungstown,
O , jesterday report plans for a strike
Monday in the Youngtown district, in
cluding Sharon. Farrell and New Cni
tle. Pa.; Nilew.'VVarrcn, Struthers, Low
ellville, Massillon and Canton, Alliance
and Lorain, O Steel mills in Youngs
town proper emploj 30.500 men. with
coarly 11,000 more in smaller factories.
Plebiscite Will Be Held on Form of
Luxembourg, Sept. B.r Correspond
ence of the Associated Fret.) A plfb
The Boston web pressmen's union.
!...... MAv.l.A.a dm emnliterl nn IOe.ll
T,.nners. twilloted today on the ques- ! iseite is to bo held in thc grand duchy
- . . .. . i .:, - . .. .! .-:-.. I
tion of participating in a general sini- of Luxembourg, alter tue raum-auuu ,nmorrow
The news writers union meets toouj . f q t) tr(,aty of ,,oarP( to determine
' A strike ote also was taken today , ,.
by the typographical union I """ "" ot S eminent shall
be changed, and also to determine
New Yorlt, Sept. 17. (By A P.)
E. H Gary, chairpan of tho board of
the United States fatccl Corporation,
declined today to comment on the an
nouncement of John Fitzpatriek that
ouly a last-minute telegram from him
would avert a strike of steel and jrou
workers. It was learned, however,
that Mr. Gary has written a letter to
the heads of the steel corporation's sub
sidiaries in connection with the threat
ened strike, and it was intimated this
might be nindo public lato today or
Chicago, Sept. 37. A general wulk
ut of steel workers in the Chicago dis
trict said to number l.r0,000, ut 6
WAR HERO SHOT IN BRAIN I -whether the duchy shall join France nVlo. k Monday morning, will be called
unii iiwiiw wiiwi ! ..... .iiinlrnq 1. Tf. Pifirv. chairman of t.hi
. .. w ' , h Wh.le Wre.tllnn " Be'K'Um r,'ouom"'a"r- prCCB , Tiled States Steel Corporation, agrees
Fatally Wounded While Wrestling thp ,T3nii ducbj iB ;o,rrned by u coun- , 0(1J (f) mfft th(. committco oE thc
for Possession of Pistol i ,.j of fifteen members and a chamber! nternationsl Iron and Steel Workers,
Mahanov City, Pa., Sept. 17. While j.nli, f fifiT-two. ecording t" Theodoro Vind, interna-
wrestling with his friend Andrew I Th two" political parties, thcltional organizer und president of thc
. it l j : i:.,,iii t ii rrr i q nna inn i.i rinr au.
for a strike fund
John Adams Tinner, secretary of the
New York Publishers' Association, in
a statement announcing the employers'
attitude, said that "two publishers of
publications of national circulation"
were preparing to sell out their real
estate in New Y'ork city.
Statements a Garbled Account
of Private Conversation,
Promier Declares
Clemenceau and Allenby Arrange
for French Occupation
Taxis, Sept. 17. (By A. P.) The
agreement reached bj Premier Clemen
ceau and Field Marshal Allenby, of
the British armj, concerning the occu
pation of Syria, proiides for thc evac
uation of all thc area north of the
frontier between Palestine and Syria on
or before November 1 by British troops,
according to morning newspapers.
Tho British will be relieved by French
forcet,, with the eiception of the dis
tricts of ruma&cus. Horns, Ilamah and
Aleppo, which will be left out of the
area of occupation, but will pass under
French influence, it is said.
London, Sept. 17. The Tress Asso
ciation has issued thc following appar
ently authorized statement from Down
ing street, to which Premier Lloyd
George returned last night:
"William C. Bullitt's statements ap
pear to be a garbled account of a pri
vate conversation with Mr. Lloyd George
at a breakfast after Mr. Bullitt's re
turn from Bussia, together with a mtx
ture of conversations with other peopli.
"In the opinion of the premier, some
of thc statements arc no ridiculous,. as
to carry their own refutation on the
face of them ; as, for example, thc sug
gestion of nn intention to send Lord
Lausdowne to Bussia as ambassador.
"But, apart from examples of this
kind, the suggestion is that the nar
rator's memory was hopelessly at fault.
"While it Is not suggested that Jlr.
Bullitt did not talk with the primicr,
it is categorically denied that any state
ment was given for publication, and tho
whole account is authoritatively" de
clared to be absolutely inaccurate in
important particulars nnd grotesque."
Wa-shlngton, Sept. 17. "My testi
mony as It appears in the official record
is correct in every detail," William C.
Bullitt said yesterday, referring to his
recent ,appcarance before tho Senate
foreign relations committee.
J George Allen, inc.
! 1214 Chestnut Street-1214
Smart Autumn Millinery
Dress Hats and Suit Hats of Velvet and Hatter's
Plush, many softly draped and trimmed with the popular
feathers. No two "models alike, and all moderately priced.
are di
hnw far
iwenty two ., - ,..,,,, t,.j ,
tne cnurcu mum-mi- puumw ...... l v.
and also a hue of
Batcavage, of Mawrillo today for the LiWak Congm.atlrcs who ,
Joseph KHuUpd, nscd
j r.mlu lIh.i tVia Tuillnt
yea' w "'"" T.'' ....... . . political affairs
entering ms oru.u. u..-,k.- - ;.f,agn is now mowing up as to
arrested. whether the grand duchy shall lean to-
KilcuUen served overseas t-xo jears KrHnP1f or Belginn, The grand
pnd was cited for braiery in action in . js r(aly ruW bj. tbr prrsidCDt
the battle of Argonnc rorest. )f (he rnuoA vho i3 nalnrd by the
" ' Krand duehees on advice of thc majority
Patter Falls to Cut Weeds; Fined of thp rhamb,,r of Deputies, following
Reading, Pa., Sept. 17 Becauso he , thc UEUa pariiamentarj system
failed to cut thistlek on hit farm In j ,
Maiden Creek township after warning
from his farmer neighbors, the Wv. M
H, Brcnsinger was ordered by a oiul , fg
court jury here jetcrday tn pjy the t j
"stTpSrvisors of thc township $27.15 and j g
,costs for cutting the weeds. Bren g
singer pleaded labor shortage as hi de i
Wilson Signs Legion Act
Honibrook, Calif., Sept. 17 Previ
dent Wilson has signed un act of Con
gress incorporatiug the American Le
gion, an organization of vet rans of
the world war.
Last Year's j
Velour or Bolivia Coat j
Velvet Suit i
South Chicago Trades and Labor Alt
Can bf raaHf Rood as new at ff
trifllnr oit. Our rrocsa rstorB all m
P lio orifflnl bfaut and lu"ter to tho
H fabric and removes all traces of wear
and wcrf-tber f
Schwarizawelder Co.,ioi7-Z7 Wood s.
Mechanical Drawing
Advanced Mechanical Drawing's
Machine Design
Architectural Drawing
Shop Arithmetic
Engineering Mathematics
Instructor! all practical men.
Clauet begin week of Sept. 22.
Call or write for booklet.
Department of Instruction
Central Branch
Extensive Showing Maids' Aprons
Square Bib Lawn Aprons at 65c
Circular Style Apron, rick rack trimming 85c.
Square Apron, wide shoulder strap, extra quality $1.10.
Princess Style, with deep hem $1.35.
Circular Apron, wide shoulder strap, deep hem $1.50.
English Ivory Toilet Articles
Save a Third of Usual Prices
A special purchase procured before the rise in prices
enables us to pass on these special values, which are
about a third less than the future prices.
Mirrors, Brushes, Cmbs, Puff Boxes, Hair Receivers,
Salve Boxes, Files, Buttonhooks, Shoe Horns, etc., in full
assortment to make a complete set or to finish the set
you have started. All are first quality.
TOicftfoSl: Beautiful Soi.g o it's Kind SiiT.cc"JVIotlxeAlVfacl.3!.N
Yt art a ea4tr M metb
Dar eld melh r f Uit ....
9 tint
. Tou'U bo!J a epflt inro if ta ny Wrl, Till th ftUl t9 htg t
eft if
Tur hju nJiiJ h ra for t
Oft lirmrj tki
fitldf ef lima .
Ter iire'U r m m ,th-if la w, Llka iii
tt-flri'Jtr fitl moth' cr of mlna
on dF fd moUi- ef of rrifa
A..tl All Tfaese Great Kits
"You Know What I Mean" "The Gates of Gladness"
"You're Making a Miser of Me" "Give Me the Soltan's Harem"
"Have a Smile" "Where Is the Girl I Left Behind"
Can t hid whtrcvtr music is soil, Intladlnj tha Wcolworth.
Krtui, Kress, Grant. McCrory, ind Ktall Stores
Get These Songs for Your Talking Machine or Player-Piano
Bar Pins
Dainty bar pins of guld in thc
pierced designs are fashionable,
especially those with stones.
One of 14-kt. green gold,
open-work design, with sap
phire in center $12.
S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st.
k W I
M21 Arch Street
30c Sweater Cotton at 15c a Ball
"Perle" Sweater' Cotton, in the larce size ball (six
S balls will make a sleeveless sweater). Comes in the
wanted shades of Pink and Blue ; al3o limited assortment
a of about one dozen different shades at ': price.
SEfie Most Beautiful Gat 'znlmertca
The measure of value in an automobile is the service and
comfort it provides.
On that basis we offer thc Paige five-passenger Linwood as
the best value for all-around family use that the market
It is a thoroughly "sensible" car from the standpoint of both
fint cost and operating expense.
GUY A. WILLEY, Preident
Jg!?g!rj "bi i ii jv mat
I K' v ,w 1
Hlril' II 1
m mK Hot lor Coofctua H
M K Cwl for Ceok B
Gas Range,
11 BS Tigii
Hi, '
There is one feature of the Gramra BcrnsUin that an
peals to experienced truck men even more than its sturdi
ness, power, appearance, reasonable price or the complete
facilities of the Philadelphia Son-ice Station.
It is tho wonderful constant mesh transmission. You
chango speeds by shifting tho dog clutches instead of the
gears. Note the size of the clutch teeth as compared with
tho teeth on the gears. That's why G-B transmission gear?
never strip, corner chip or crack.
And this is only one of a dozen other G-B features that
Justify your investigation before you buy any truck.
Gramm Bernstein Motor Truck Co.
of Philadelphia
Salesroom and Service Station
217-219-221 North 22d Street 1-ocii.t 10S Ilac. S0!3
This beautiful and practical range is made right
here in the city of Philadelphia. It is scientificially
correct in every detail and, made of our famous FLEX-O-TUF
iron, it will last a lifetime. Glass doors and
oven thermometer if desired.
On exhibition at any NOVELTY dealer's or any U.
G. I. salesroom. ,
If you have a gas range and no coal range get a
NOVELTY Tank Heater. It gives you plenty of hot
water 24 hours a day for bathroom, kitchen and laundry.
Wo make all types of Heating and Cooking Apparatus, bo can give
you unprejudiced advice as to which method is best for your particular
home or building. Consult your dealer or telephone or write ub, or better
still, come to our attractive Factory Showroom where full line is displayed.
American and Dauphin Streets, Philadelphia
ln..frirrrll f Tt.it,', r;.,i,.. nttKTf Fumacti and Rang Ir PIH-Jrlpl-ia for" 72 yoatij
Paige Distributors
304 North Broad Street, Philadelphia
Receiver's Sale
the Court 0 Common Plea A'o. t for the Conntv o Philadelphia. Commonwealth of rcnnwlvanta
ho. SS9S In Kquitu. "Jsntola h. s(. Janum Hotel Co."
Juns Term, 1919,
St. James Hotel in Philadelphia
Tho St. James Hotel property embodies three buildings the Hotel at tho southeast corner of ISth
and Walnut btreets tho Annex the lower House. The Hotel is a thirteen-story property in the
very heart of the shoDmnr and theater district. It is onp hlnet (mm Wanomoim.'., rJt. ct
nn. MV f-, l, T!ll..,, CtofJ ., 1,11. f xl. Vi. J ,. .. ? "W" U" u""
- u..- u.wvji itum uiu utuc.in-uu.iwiu-v.il; mum jiuih me jtiiz-Vjanwn.
elevators, one service elevator, one hidewalk lift and one storeroom lift
It has two oassentrer
l'ire-proot construction.
5 ?hc St. James Annex, at the corner of Walnut and Camac Streets, is a thirteen-story resident build-
5 J,",' ,l- two 0tls Plu"Ser passenger elevators. The St James Hotel and Annex together have
S 3M sleeping rooms, with 231 private baths, and 3D rooms with running water.
t lHJ'ower 1Iouso 0.r ih(L bildinK is located at the corner of Camac and Chancellor Streets, in a
J building separate and apart, but connected by a tunnel with the two main Hotel properties This
is a five-story and double-basement building, with tho equipment for Khe lighting, heating and
5 cr.annr p0We ?,or thI uf o hc uHotc,ls-, 0n. Ulctsect0"11 floor laundry capable of turning out
5 8000 pieces daily and a largo starchwork department. Two other floors aro used for barracks for
the sleeping quarters for employees
and the fifth floor for the cirpentry
and upholstery departments. Theso
buildings arc all in good condition.
Monday, Nov. 10, 1919
At the Real Estate Salesrooms
1519-21 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
The Kcal Estate and Personal Prop
erty, including tho furnishings,, will
first be offered as an entirety and
then as two separate lots.
Application for confirmation Friday,
November 14, at 1 P. M in Court
of Common Plca3 No. 2, for the
County of Philadelphia.
ISRAEL HECHT, Receiver, St. James Hotel Co.
Further particulars will bo furnished by receiver's counsel, or auctioneers:
Real E.tato Truit Building, Philo., Pa. I Bailey Building, Phita., Pa.
SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO., Auctioneer
1519-21 Cheitnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
s r
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